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GOLD VI – Co-creating the pathways to equality




GOLD VI – Co-creating the pathways to equality

In an increasingly urbanized world, facing unequal and unsustainable patterns of development, cities and territories are essential to reshape a renewed governance that responds to the global and local challenges on several principles of democracy, solidarity and human rights protection. The VI GOLD Report will explore the ’Pathways to urban and territorial equality’, working to reframe the notion of equality and recognizing the drivers that perpetuate inequality, as well as how local and regional governments, together with partners of the civil society and Academia, can act to reduce inequalities and provide better standards of living for their population

Following the decision of the Executive Bureau in May 2020, and building on the renewed agenda on addressing inequalities and caring for communities, UCLG Research has initiated the process of preparation of the GOLD VI report, which will revolve around the ’Pathways to urban and territorial equality’. A partnership agreement was developed with the Bartlett Development Planning Unit of the University College of London and the Know program, involving academia and main networks of civil society organizations (Asian Centre for Human Rights, Co-Habitat, Global Platform for the Right to the City, Habitat International Coalition, Public Service International, Slum Dwellers International, WIEGO).

The four stages of GOLD VI Report

a. Stage 1 (definition of contents, authors of the chapters and expected contributions) concluded at the end of January 2021 with a collective workshop that gathered all contributors involved in the drafting process of the GOLD VI report.

b. Stage 2 includes the drafting of the different Issue-Based and

Case-Based Contributions (IBCs and CBCs) by a number of actors with different backgrounds: the work areas of UCLG, as well as committees and working groups, local and regional governments, members of academia, civil society networks.

c. Stage 3, from July 2021 to January 2022 focuses on the development of the chapters. The expected result is twofold:

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