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Seize the day with $20K

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Where is Buddy?? ?

Where is Buddy?? ?

One graduating senior will be awarded $20,000 to help launch the next phase of their life. One swipe of a UCO Debit Card is all it takes to win, and every swipe is another entry.*

For more details, visit midfirst.com/uco20k.

On The Cover

Table Of Contents

04 issue

Old North Staff

UCO President

Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar

Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs

Adrienne Nobles (MPA ’19)


Sarah Neese (BA ’15)

Art Director

Craig Beuchaw (BA ’92)

Photographic Services

Daniel Smith (BA ’77, MEd ’93)

Alumni Records

Wendy Lackmeyer

Una Pasi N Por El Cine

One Central staffer shares his love of film and culture with the community.

06 10




The School of Design looks to the future of serving students.

A Stand In Solidarity

Members of the Central community organized a march for diversity.

Side Effects

A look at how UCO and its community met the changing landscape of COVID-19


A mother-daughter teacher duo is bridging the gap between languages in Oklahoma City classrooms.

The Voice Of A Generation

Student leader Christian Coleman works to give a voice to those who feel their voices aren’t heard.

Old North (USPS 098-220) is published twice a year by the University of Central Oklahoma, through the office University Communications, 100 North University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034-5209.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Old North, University Communications of the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034-5209. In compliance with Title VI and Title VII of The Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of The Education Amendments of 1972, Sections 503 and 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, The Civil Rights Act of 1991, and other Federal Laws and Regulations, University of Central Oklahoma does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, handicap, disability, status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures; this includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services.

This publication, printed by Southwestern Stationery & Bank Supply, Inc., Oklahoma City, OK, is issued by the University of Central Oklahoma as authorized by Title 70 OS 1981, Section 3903. 5,329 copies have been prepared or distributed at a cost of $6,088. 6/2020

...a magazine published by the University of Central Oklahoma for its alumni and friends.

Stairs Of Our Peers

A glimpse into students’ lives along the Liberal Arts South study stairs.



Welcome to the new Old North magazine.

Central is built on the foundation of its first building, Old North, and this magazine is built on its legacy. After many years, we decided that a bit of fresh paint was in order.

While the importance of stories hasn’t changed, the way that you read them has. With wide-open spaces and photography-driven design, we want to let the stories speak for themselves.

Because without stories, there is no Central.

The story of Richard Thatcher, a Civil War veteran dedicated to bringing higher education to the prairie and founding the Territorial Normal School.

The story of Wei Chen, Ph.D., the dean of Central’s College of Mathematics and Science, who is dedicated to honing laser immunotherapy to help cure cancer.

The story of Celise Curry, a nontraditional student that overcame homelessness and became a teacher.

We know everyone has a story to tell, and our goal is to connect others with those stories. We may have changed a few things around here, but we haven’t changed our commitment and passion for storytelling. Like a solar eclipse, Central has many faces. We hope you like what we’ve done with the place.

Thanks for reading our stories. We’d love to hear yours.

Sarah Neese Publications Editor


When you step foot on the UCO campus, the sense of something exceptional about it is palpable. It feels like the balance of peace and the swell of excitement, the honor of tradition and the pursuit of innovation, all of which is energized with the pulsing anticipation of possibility. This sense is guided by the beliefs and values we share as a community.

Never has the challenge been so great and this community so strong as it is today amidst the crisis of the global pandemic of COVID-19. It is said that you truly know a person’s character by how they respond to hardships. This semester has been filled with innumerable and profound challenges for every single person in the world. The members of our community have been tested with where and how they work and learn. The balance between their family lives and work responsibilities has been upended and the safety of their health has been endangered. But unwavering among them has been the commitment to our mission and each other.

From the moment this crisis was raised to our collective consciousness, people forfeited their vacations, weekends and time with family to thoughtfully address the health and safety of our community and the continuity of the learning environment. Long days, sleepless nights, thousands of communications among them and they showed up every day ready to do it all again for all of us. What appears effortless to our students and partners is the result of countless hours of preparation, design and intention dedicated by our faculty and staff. The people of UCO are what make this place special.

Each person that has embraced this community for a time has forever changed the shape of who we are. We have absorbed the influence of their contributions just as our purpose and passion have been impressed upon them. I invite you to read their stories and learn how they’ve touched the history and impact of the university in powerful ways.

Best wishes to you. Stay safe and be well.

Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar President

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