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Spring has arrived with verdant abundance in Edmond, Oklahoma, which reminds us of the immense potential for nature to repair itself following its unexpected injury from the ravages of ice storms. As I reflect on that ice covering lush branches heavy with leaves and objects left outside, frozen in time, waiting for the thaw, I am filled with a sense of rebirth and emerging hope. Although the winter was especially harsh, new growth is bursting from its slumber with wonderful vibrance. This is what the University of Central Oklahoma represents for our community.

The university has navigated the precarious waters of disruption this year, with the skill and confidence that comes from a cohesive and focused dedication to our mission and each other. This year has been an exercise in flexibility and responsiveness as we made a bold investment in our classroom technology ahead of the fall semester. At a time when some universities chose to hunker down, UCO leaned in and transformed our campus with virtual full access in a matter of weeks. This has expanded the possibilities for how we teach and reach students going forward. Our LX Studio is helping us lead the state in the advancement of micro-credentials for workforce development, and our iterative design process enables us to increase and adapt our offerings continuously. Thoughtful innovation in addressing educational, economic and social issues will be our hallmark. We are a place designed for impact, and we are committed to the work necessary for transformation within and around us.

The stories shared in this edition of Old North may remind you of the abundance in your life awaiting its own thaw. From the anticipation of life returned-to-closeness post-COVID-19 to the movement that frees the prisoners of tyranny to the fulfillment of a life-changing dream – hope for abundance is inspiring. UCO proudly stands on the horizon of our metropolitan area as a beacon of that hope that lights the journey for others. Let us all be lightkeepers.

Best wishes to you,

Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar President

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