2015 ELECTIONS GUIDE ELECTION REFERENDUMS HIGHLANDER EMPOWERMENT REFERENDUM Ballot Language: Do you support a quarterly fee of $14.00 for the seven student services departments to meet growing student needs by providing student events and services, programming, collaborative projects, student leadership and employment opportunities, and operational support for students? • Fee will be effective Fall 2015 • Fee will be assessed in Fall, Winter, Spring, & Summer quarters • 25% of the fee ($3.50) will be returned to financial aid to help offset costs for students who are eligible for financial aid • $10.50 will be split evenly amongst the seven departments, with $1.50 per quarter transferred directly to each department’s budget. • The seven departments include: African Student Programs, Asian Pacific Student Programs, Chicano Student Programs, LGBT Resource Center, Middle Eastern Student Center, Native American Student Programs, and Women’s Resource Center. The approval of this referendum would provide for • Increased co-programming with student organizations and student-led initiatives, including funding and advising • Staffing to assist students in finding support and resources • Support for conference hosting and conference travel • Support for Common Ground Collective projects & collaborative initiatives with the ASUCR Diversity Council • Peer mentoring and peer education programs support • More resources in each student program office and center, such as student computer support and educational materials
CALPIRG INITIATIVE Ballot Language: CALPIRG (California Student Public Interest Research Group) is a statewide, student directed, non-profit, non-partisan organization, which conducts research and takes action through education, service, and advocacy on energy, environment, consumer, public health and hunger relief issues. CALPIRG chapters across the state pool funding and hire a staff of professionals to work with students on issues that concern us as citizens at the local, state and national level. CALPIRG was started at UC Riverside in 2005, when students first voted to form and fund a chapter. CALPIRG is controlled by an all-student Board of Directors. CALPIRG is currently funded through the voluntary pledge system, but the organization would be strengthened if funded through the ASUCR referendum process, allowing for more campaign work to protect the environment, consumers, and democracy. The UC Office of the President did not approve a referendum to raise student fees to fund CALPIRG. This initiative is an advisory statement to the UC Office of the President in support of funding CALPIRG through the ASUCR referendum process. Do you support assessing a $2.50 fee per undergraduate per quarter for Fall, Winter, and Spring quarter for the continuation of the CALPIRG chapter at UC Riverside, as per ASUCR Election policies. A yes vote is an advisory statement in support funding CALPIRG through the ASUCR referendum process. A no vote is a statement against funding CALPIRG through the ASUCR referendum process. The results of this referendum do not directly impact CALPIRG’s funding on campus. CALPIRG will continue to be funded through the voluntary pledge system.
CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 1 Highlander Ballot Summary: Constitutional Amendment No. 1 alters the ASUCR Constitution in a number of ways, which The Highlander has summarized below: -The amendment changes the way the Elections Director and Vice President of Finance are selected. Currently, the Vice President of Finance is appointed by the president, and the Elections Director is elected by students in a general or special election. The amendment would revise this so that both are nominated by the ASUCR Judicial Branch and confirmed by the ASUCR Senate. -The amendment changes the way vacancies are filled. Currently, vacancies are filled by the highest vote-getting alternates regardless of college, provided that each college maintains at least two senators. The amendment would revise this so vacancies would be filled by the highest vote-getting alternates from the same college. -The amendment changes the organizations of the Elections Director, Marketing and Promotions Director, Outreach Director and Personnel Director. Currently, the directors are not part of the Executive Cabinet. The amendment would revise this so the directors become part of the Executive Cabinet. -The amendment changes the way elected officials are removed from office. Currently, members of ASUCR may be removed from office if another elected member from the same branch brings charges against an individual and, in a hearing led by the Chief Justice of the Judicial Branch, the Senate votes in favor of removal. The amendment would revise this so members of ASUCR may be removed from office if another elected member from the same branch brings charges against an individual and, if the Judicial Branch votes in favor of the case receiving an open hearing, a two-thirds vote by the executive branch (in the case of the indictment of a legislative official) or the legislative branch (in the case of the indictment of an executive official). -The amendment changes the requirement to overturn an Executive Cabinet veto. Currently, a two-thirds vote by the Senate may override an Executive Cabinet veto. The amendment would revise this so a unanimous vote by the Senate may override an Executive Cabinet veto. -The amendment makes minor grammatical and spelling corrections.
CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 2 Ballot Language: ASUCR Constitution Amendment, Article IV: Do you support the addition of the Transfer and Nontraditional Student Director to the ASUCR Executive Branch? ARTICLE IV: Executive Branch SECTION A. Definitions 1. Executive Cabinet 2. The Executive Cabinet shall consist of the following five (5) Executive Officer positions (in line of succession) and five (5) non-voting Director positions (in alphabetical order, not relevant to any line of succession): 1. President 2. Executive Vice President 3. Vice President of Internal Affairs 4. Vice President of External Affairs 5. Vice President of Finance 6. Elections Director 7. Marketing and Promotions Director 8. Outreach Director 9. Personnel Director 10. Transfer and Nontraditional Student Director
HIGHLANDER // highlandernews.org
PAC: Pride, Action Change
Hello Highlanders! I’m Ashley Harano and I am running for your 2015-2016 President elect. My experience working in ASUCR has been a constant reminder of the purpose I’ve had since coming to UCR as a freshman. That is, to be a student who actively initiates campus involvement and campus [PRIDE], whether it is through placing students on committees as the Personnel Director, or beASHLEY HARANO ing a UCR Cheerleader. This sort of [PROGRESS] over my college career came from surrounding myself with hard working individuals who encouraged me to have a voice here at UCR. I strive to [EMPOWER] the student body because I desire to see students take up their voices and leave a mark on our esteemed UC. As UCR’s President, your voice will be my voice, and [OUR]Voice together will enact change for a better UCR.
Hello, Highlanders! My name is Devin Plazo, I’m a third year studying English. I currently serve as ASUCR’s President Pro Tempore and I am running to serve as your next Student Body President. As your next President, I will increase ASUCR’s accessibility and create a space for dialogue between you and your representatives. Working with [PAC], I will lead our campus to progress and expand communiDEVIN PLAZO cation between communities to ensure all voices are heard. Through [P]ride, [A]ction, and [C]hange, [PAC] will empower underrepresented students, represent our communities, and promote collaboration through campus-inclusive events. My goal is to create a unified student body, so together we can take action and create change within all of our communities. We’re the [PAC], and we’re hungry for change!
My name is Armando Saldana, fourth year running for the Office of the Executive Vice President. I have been involved with campus departments as well as student organizations. It is my goal to expand UCR’s promise, the promise by which diversity and change are embraced to create affordability, quality and success.
[YOU]CR Hey Highlanders! My name is Nilan Gune and I am running to create positive change here at [YOU]CR. I have served with the United States Student Association for two years and am involved with many organizations on campus. During my time here at UCR I have seen the power of students to change their communiNILAN ties for the better and I want GUNEWARDENA to make sure that your student government fights for [YOU]. I joined [YOU]CR because they want what is best for students. Advocacy, Accountability and Action are all key components of their platform and mine. I will work to ensure that all students have their voices and issues represented on our Senate and that the Senators are always fighting for the students. [YOU] matter and [YOU] deserve a party that will fight for you. [YOU]CR is that party and together we can do anything!
VICE PRESIDENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS [OUR]Voice Hello UCR! My name is Michael Ervin and I’m running for Vice President of Campus Internal Affairs. My time here at UCR has been defined by activism. My passion for service is driven by the idea of a student government of RELEVANCE. one that improves the daily experience of your time as students at our university. With my experience MICHAEL ERVIN as a senator and current Executive Vice President of ASUCR, I have the experience to bring about the change that UCR needs. I am honored to have the support of the [OUR]VOICE party as we advance our goals of [Pride], [Progress], and [Empowerment] and tirelessly strive to improve [OUR] university. Our mission is to provide you, and every student, with a voice on this campus because this party represents [OUR]VOICE!
PAC: Pride, Action, Change Hello fellow Highlanders, my name is Valeria Allende and I am a sophomore majoring in Political Science/ International Affairs running for Vice President of Campus Internal Affairs. I want to work hard and fight along with ASUCR to bring the best benefits to the student body. UCR prides itself on diversity and I’m to be a part of a camVALERIA ALLENDE proud pus that represents minorities. Together we can mold UCR to become the great institution we all aspire it to be. I will stride to contribute hard work and new ideas in consistent with reality and modern changes that everyday are varying in our community. I once learned that every institution to be great and successful has to be represented by people who love their duties with passion and commitment and that serving your community becomes a passion rather than a job. We are the [PAC] and we are hungry for change!
PAC: Pride, Action, Change Hey Highlanders, I am Taylor Valmores and a third year transfer Public ServicePolitical Science Major. I have served on Glen Mor RHA and the Task Force for Transfer and Nontraditional Students in ASUCR. This year we worked hard to push forward a constitutional amendment to create a director position in to better represent TAYLOR VALMORES ASUCR the transfer and nontraditional community. As your Executive Vice President, I will strive to promote campus pride. It is important for all of our voices to be heard and I will strive to advocate our rights as students on this campus. As a minority and a transfer student, I understand what it is like to feel underrepresented on campus. I want to make resources for minorities, transfers, and all students more accessible to make UCR truly feel like a community that is there for them. We’re the [PAC], and we’re hungry for change.
HIGHLANDER // highlandernews.org
[YOU]CR Hello Highlanders! My name is Summer Shafer. I am a second year Political Science: Law and Society major, a current CHASS Senator, a representative on UC Task SUMMER SHAFER the Force on Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence and a grassroots organizer with the United States Student Association. I am also the Founder and President of Lean In, a gender equality club. I led Carry That Weight as part of a nationwide effort to stand in solidarity of sexual assault survivors. I have participated in sit-ins and demonstrations to lower tuition. I have advocated for students to the Regents and lobbied on a statewide and federal level. I am ready to stand alongside [YOU] and make change as your Vice President of External Affairs. I know that persistence, dedication and student power is the way we all can make change. Now is the time to Speak. Now is the time to Act.
PAC: Pride, Action, Change
[YOU]CR Hello Highlanders! My name is Amy Chen, I am currently a first year PreBusiness student at CHASS. I am running for Marketing and Promotions Director with the [YOU] CR party. I want to serve all of AMY CHEN [YOU] by [ADVOCATING] for what you want to see happen at UCR. I also want to establish [ACCOUNTABLITY] and trust between students and the student government. Lastly, I want to take [ACTION] and make events inclusive of all people rather than just a small demographic. Being in the ASUCR Marketing Committee this year has allowed me to gain experience on how we engage with all of you to bring a strong sense of belonging, pride, and involvement to UCR .With your support, let me continue serving [YOU] through different mediums of communication and design. Thank you!
PAC: Pride, Action, Change Hello Highlanders, my name is Neftali Galarza and it would be my privilege to represent UCR as the VP of External Affairs. Currently I work under the Office of ExNEFTALI GALARZA ternal Affairs where I have had the chance to learn about the responsibilities and learn about the needs of the community. I have also interned for elected officials and local organizations such as, Assembly member Jose Medina who is the Chair of the Higher Education committee and Mi Familia Vota. If elected for VPEA, through our pillars I will help establish [P]ride by representing UCR in a statewide level, [A]ction by fighting for student’s rights and [C]hange by showing progress in our community. As a progressive student, I will support any social justice legislation or campaigns by opening up spaces for students to express their concerns. We are the [PAC] and we are hungry for change!
[OUR]Voice Hello fellow highlanders, my name is Momo Hussein and I want to be your Vice President of External Affairs in ASUCR. I am currently a 3rd year Political Science major and will be MOMO HUSSEIN running with the invaluable support of the [OUR]VOICE party. We will be focusing on reigniting school [PRIDE], allowing for [PROGRESS] through increased student involvement and the [EMPOWERMENT] of the everyday student. Coming from a family of 14, I feel blessed to be a part of, and blessed that I’m able to contribute to this family of over 20,000. Change is coming quickly. I’m running to fight [OUR]FIGHT, because I’m on [OUR] SIDE so I humbly ask you for [YOUR] VOTE.
Hello Fellow Highlanders, my name is Hector A. Huerta I am a fourth year transfer student majoring in Business Administration Information Systems concentration. I’ve been with Nu HECTOR HUERTA involved Alpha Kappa, Latino Business Student Association, Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting, and Rbeat. In the two years that I have been at UCR, I have notice the need for improvement in marketing and promotion within ASUCR. It is a need that we are informed of what will affect us and have pride that the actions we take will create the positive change that we need. If elected I will create additional awareness of ASUCR resolutions, events, and the things that will affect us all. All students deserve to be included in the conversations so we can create pride in the actions and establish change. I am part of PAC and we are hungry for change.
[OUR]Voice Hey UCR! My name is Katherine Cheng, and I am currently a second year Media and Cultural Studies Major. I am running for Marketing Director for the 20152016 academic year. Through my here at UCR, KATHERINE CHENG time I have enjoyed being involved on campus. My involvement in Associated Student Program Board and Acts2Fellowship gave me the opportunity to immerse myself in relationships with peers and staff. It gave me the opportunity to build connections and triggered motivation to serve our school for greater purposes. As Marketing Director, I will be able to serve and spread the works of ASUCR by exploring a greater atmosphere and new ideas. I plan to maintain and create new goals of style and communication through marketing in our campus. So now, I am ready to have [OUR]
OUTREACH DIRECTOR PAC: Pride, Action, Change Hello Highlanders! I’m Beatriz Bermudez, a third year transfer student majoring in Political Science International Affairs, currently running to represent you as Outreach Director. BEATRIZ BERMUDEZ Being involved in student organizations in high school, community college, and now proudly at UCR, outreach and community involvement has always been a part of my educational career. Being in M.E.Ch.A I have had the opportunity to experience the time and dedication it takes to host educational day camps for local students. I recognize the importance of promoting higher education and campus involvement through outreach events. As Outreach Director I hope to provide support for students who wish to share their Pride in a cause, to grant opportunities to turn those interests into Action, and to see the Change we as students can make at UCR and in our communities. We are the PAC, and we’re hungry for change.
[OUR]Voice Hello Highlanders! My name is Kevin Chau and I am currently a junior studying Sociology. Coming to UCR, I’ve been blessed with opportunities that this institution offers. One opportunity is the chance to run for KEVIN CHAU ASUCR’s Outreach Director. Not only did my involvement within organizations created many opportunities that advocated personal development, but also my passion to spread influential ideologies of positive growth. As a current outreach director within the Vietnamese Student Association, my goal is still the same, but bigger. My goal is to give other students the chance to take on opportunities and shape them into future leaders, while reaching for higher education. Being part of the UC system, UCR is underrepresented and I plan to spread the knowledge of what UCR can offer. As Outreach Director, I will open up opportunities for students to take and represent UCR to the younger community because [OUR]VOICE will be heard.
[YOU]CR Hello! My name is Sunyana Shoor, and I am currently a second year PreBusiness major. I have been passionate about helping students in ASUCR since my freshmen year. The small made SUNYANA SHOOR differences on campus have been most valuable to my college experience. I hope to progress our school in every aspect, and work with resources in our community to give the most beneficial resources to my peers. Starting off as a freshmen fellow, and currently being a part of Academic Affairs committee I have gained experience in how to deal with student issues. I highly prioritize the opinions of my fellow colleagues, and how we use our funds to benefit students. I believe that if we can carry more pride and become a united community, YOU will have an unforgettable experience at UCR. As Outreach Director I am excited to create the future that [YOU] CR needs to see.
Hello fellow Highlanders, my name is Chris Castorena and I am honored to be running for the position of Personnel Director with [YOU]CR. I am currently a third year double majoring in Political Science/International Affairs and Ethnic Studies. Throughout my time here at UCR I have entrenched myself in a myriad of the activities and organizations offered. Currently, I am the President of the Delta Chi Fraternity where I help lead an esteemed group of 50+ individuals. Through this endeavor alone, I have been able to partake in paramount community outreach and interaction via successful philanthropies and service events. I have a strong passion for helping others and the Personnel Director position is the perfect opportunity for doing so. I want to assist [YOU] in your pursuit to garner a sound education, while ensuring that Advocacy, Accountability, and Action occurs to build a better community here at [YOU]CR!
[OUR]Voice Hello fellow Highlanders! My name is Emily Yang, and I am running for ASUCR as your Personnel Director this upcoming school year. I am currently a third-year Business Administration major with a concentration in Management. Since my first-year here, I made it my goal to get involved on campus and to take on any opportunity that was going to be presented to me. Ultimately, it led me to obtain various leadership positions on and off campus, but more importantly, I learned more about myself. The combination of my passion for our campus along with my motivation to help make positive changes empower me to represent YOU and to let your voice be heard. I want our campus to be a safe and comfortable learning environment, and together, we will make the changes that you feel are necessary.
CHASS SENATORS [OUR]Voice Hello Highlanders! My name is Alan Alcantara and I would like to run for CHASS Senator running with the [OUR] Voice party. I have been involved in clubs such as SHARP and Feel good. I have also helped start a ALAN ALCANTARA new club named There is Nothing Minor in ME, helping underprivileged kids achieving their dreams in attending college. I would like to run for CHASS senator in order to help out my fellow colleagues since we are all here achieving the same goal. I would love to be part of the voice of the students in order for them to get what they want and also to tell them what they need to hear in order for their experience here at UCR to be the best possible.
[OUR]Voice Hello Highlanders! My name is Corey Willis and I am running for CHASS Senator. Beginning with my time in the Highlander Lobby Corp my freshman year and going strong into my current position as Chair of the COREY WILLIS GCAP Committee, much of my time at UCR has been spent trying to do my part to improve conditions for all students. A problem I have seen with ASUCR is it’s esoteric nature; many students do not see or do not feel that AS does anything for them. This has to change. As a senator, I will put all my effort to not only expanding the services available to students, but ensuring more students are aware of and receive them. All students should feel that their student government is serving their interests but, more importantly, the student government should serve the interest of every student. The student government should represent collectively, [OUR]Voice.
PAC: Pride, Action, Change Hi Highlanders! My name is Hari Yim and I am a 2nd year Psychology major running to be one of your new CHASS Senators alongside [[PAC]]. From my involvement in The Well and in Golden HARI YIM Arches I have become a proud advocate for raising awareness about a variety of social health, wellness, and leadership issues. My goal and my vision is to bring diverse campus communities together so that every student and every organization feels comfortable openly communicating and openly voicing their opinions so that we may not only pursue in our endeavors as one unified student body, but also grow together as one student body. As your senator I will strive to promote campus pride, strive to take action, and strive to actuate change. We are the PAC and we are hungry for change.
PAC: Pride, Action, Change Hey Highlanders! My name is Andy Tang and I am running for your CHASS senator. I am a third year Sociology major and a member of the Vietnamese Student Association, Katipunan, and Kindling InANDREW TANG tellectual Development. Through my involvement on campus, I have come to understand that the majority of students enter this university with no excitement and a lack of pride; however, many come to realize that the friendships they gain through the various programs held on campus becomes the main reason for why they fall in love with UCR. My goal is to help students find their passions on this campus, so that they can also find pride in being a highlander. Through [P]ride, [A]ction, and [C]hange, UCR will become nothing but the best. We are the PAC, and we are hungry for change.
[OUR]Voice My name is Dalshawn Boson. Having a purposedriven life nurtures greater passion behind my convictions, lending me a sense of commitment and removing any propensity to give up on the goals I DALSHAWN BOSON establish because they no longer affect just me. I come from a city which was labeled as “The Nation’s Most Miserable City” in 2012 – a bankrupt city which held the nation’s eleventh highest per capita murder rate; I come from a family in which my older brother served five years in the penitentiary and my father served eight; I attend an “underdog” university that was willing to give an underdog like me an opportunity to improve my life. My purpose is to foster PROGRESS for, take PRIDE in, and aid the EMPOWERMENT of the aforementioned beings and entities, enhancing the quality of their lives and igniting a flame in me that won’t burn-out.
PAC: Pride, Action, Change Hello my fellow students, my name is Hernan Martinez and I am a 3rd year Political Science Major currently a candidate to be a CHASS Senator. I am involved with UCR Men’s HERNAN MARTINEZ Club Soccer and a member of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity International. My ideas if elected as Senator would be to promote stability and more progress for ASUCR. I want to promote the ideals of Passion, Strength, Tradition, and Honor to UCR as a community. As a member of the party, PAC which stands for Progress, Action, and Change, I want to give more power and accessibility for the students to be heard as progress then take action in order for change to occur. If elected I will want to have the obligation to be there for the students of CHASS so that they feel that this university is for the students by the students.
PAC: Pride, Action, Change Hello my name is Arjan Sindhu, and I am running for CHASS Senator. As a Highlander, my involvement as Resident Advisor in Housing, Social Chair of Indian Student Association, and member of Pi ARJAN SINDHU Kappa Alpha fraternity has diversified my experience here at UC Riverside. My goal is to use my association with several organizations to bring together the voice of ALL students at UCR. As CHASS senator, I know I will have the ability to increase campus pride, encourage student involvement, and create more internships for students in Riverside. In my two years of UC Riverside, I have made a pact to encourage pride, ensure action, and put forward change. This is why I am running with PAC; I’m hungry for a change.
PAC: Pride, Action, Change My name is Arlene Angulo and I am a third year Political Science International Affairs major. I am running for CHASS senator and hope to be able to represent the student body. I have been involved with ARLENE ANGULO our campus since freshman year joining RHA and serving as the Executive President’s assistant, and have since then always looked for opportunities to help my fellow peers grow in whatever interests they may have here at UCR. Currently I hold the position of Director of Social events for my sorority Delta Gamma. My goal as Senator is to create an atmosphere at UCR that pushes students to expand themselves out of classrooms and become more involved in campus programs and events. I am very passionate about the growth of our campus and the personal growth of each student here and hope to even make the slightest impact on our student body’s future.
[YOU]CR Hello fellow Highlanders! I’m Daniel Kelley; second-year, Political Science major. I’d be an indispensable asset to our university because of what UC Riverside means to me. UCR has given me greater confiDANIEL KELLEY dence in myself as a student and a citizen of my world. I represent those who strive for progress both as individuals and members of our community. As a student in the University Honors program, I dedicate myself to improving lives both locally and internationally. You might have seen me out by the Belltower tabling for Model United Nations, or advocating policy change for CALPIRG. I work through the Office of Development as a University Advancement Ambassador, and for the Highlander Newspaper as a Contributing Writer. As a UCR senator, I promise to advocate for meaningful advancement of our university, take action that sparks positive change throughout our UC community, and be accountable to the students that I represent.
[YOU]CR My Name is John Dell, and I am running to be your representative as CHASS Senator. I have worked with various organizations on this campus before and have always strived to make this campus a better environment JOHN DELL for everyone. I currently represent fraternities on campus as the External Vice President of IFC. I will also be a CHASS senator during spring quarter! I am running for you because I think that your opinions matter. I know CHASS students are sometimes overlooked and left behind and I want to change that. I am working for [YOU]CR because they will help students do the things that matter to them. We stand for Advocacy, Accountability and Action. I will incorporate those ideals into my position on senate and make sure that this campus is represented in the best way possible! I promise we will make [YOU]CR a better place for everyone!
[OUR]Voice Hello! My Name is Dez’Gillai Jackson I am a second year Political Science major with an emphasis in International Affairs. I was a Senator last year for my residential hall and this year I am a part DEZ’GILLAI JACKSON of NASA(Native American Student Association). Throughout high school I was a part of BPA (Business Professional of America) and the Young Ladies of Excellence club and on the board for both as a secretary. I am running for ASUCR to become a CHASS Senator with the Political party {OUR} Voice. We represent PRIDE, PROGRESS and EMPOWERMENT. My reasoning for wanting to become a CHASS senator is because I have always had a passion for politics and fighting for the betterment of society and I believe that is exactly what {OUR} Voice represents.
PAC: Pride, Action, Change My name is Johnson Pham and I am a secondyear Linguistics student under CHASS. I want to be Senator in order to further engage and empower underrepresented commuon-campus JOHNSON PHAM nities and across the Inland Empire. I am currently involved and hold positions in the following student advocacy organizations, including the United Students Against Sweatshops (Regional Organizer), the Diversity Council (Chair), Queer and Trans* People of Color (Publicity Chair) and the Highlander Action Committee (Campus Organizing Director). I identify as a queer person of color from a working class background and through the senatorial position, I want to represent the student body and its marginalized communities.
GUIDE 2015
HIGHLANDER // highlandernews.org
PAC: Pride, Action, Change My name is Arman Azedi and I am running for CHASS Senator. I want to challenge the prevailing notion that elected representatives in ASUCR can breeze through their terms to acquire an extra reARMAN AZEDI sume-builder, especially at a time when students at UCR a facing a compounding list of issues. If elected, I will work restlessly to address some of these issues, including backbreaking tuition, costly textbooks, and limited parking. Furthermore, I believe UCR students urgently deserve a transparent student government that is receptive to any concern, and want to build as much communication as possible between students and ASUCR. As a member of many activist organizations for several years, I’ll apply any relevant experience fighting for justice to my responsibilities as a Senator and to the betterment of UCR’s student body.
[YOU]CR My name is Eddie Franco, a secondyear political science major, and I am running to be your CHASS Senator with [YOU] in mind. As a founding member of both AR@UCR and OTI, as well as an active member of EDDIE FRANCO various other service and outreach organizations on campus, I recognize the desire students have to make a meaningful impact on the world around them; this impact starts with a vibrant and active campus community. I strive to [ADVOCATE] for students’ concerns and desires, be held [ACCOUNTABLE] to seeing those issues resolved, and promise effective [ACTION] in working toward student goals, as well as connecting with students on an efficient basis. I believe as Senator, it is my responsibility to represent, not dictate. ASUCR should serve [YOU], and ensure [YOUR] concerns are met effectively, efficiently, and responsibly. [YOU] make UCR great!
[OUR]Voice Hello Highlanders, my name is Joshua Lopez, and I am running for the position of ASUCR Senator, representing the [OUR] VOICE Party. We stand for Pride, Progress, and Empowerment. These three asJOSHUA LOPEZ pects of our party resonate with me because through them we can shape a campus atmosphere that fosters academic improvement, cultural diversity, and student involvement. There are several features that I aim to implement on this campus to further facilitate our model: Pride, Progress, and Empowerment. These include complete transparency between the student body and governing officers, a greater emphasis on student feedback and opinion, and a more interactive cabinet that works WITH the student to make a positive revolution on our campus. ASUCR’s mission should be to voice and empower the thoughts of the students, and I believe that myself, along with my party, will efficiently and successfully complete that mission.
PAC: Pride, Action, Change I’m Arturo Gomez, and I’m a second-year Political Science major running for CHASS Senator with the [PAC], Pride, Action, and Change. I’m involved in student organizations as United ARTURO GOMEZ such States Student Association, where I pushed for exposure of issues such as campusdriven gentrification and the War on Drugs; United Students Against Sweatshops, Local 19, where I helped organize solidarity actions with our campus workers; and in Hermanos Unidos de UC Riverside, where I’m helping to push for the retention and acceptance rates of my fellow Chicano/Latino male students. Also, I have internship experience under the office of Congressman Tony Cardenas. These experiences helped me realize the importance of constituent services, of promoting progressive causes, and of maintaining the public trust. Overall, in order to enhance Pride, we need to take Action to create real Change. I’m running for Senate to use my skill-set to advocate for students because I’m in the [PAC] and we’re hungry for change.
[YOU]CR Hello my name is Erica Eden, and I am studying Political Science/Law and Society, and I am running for CHASS Senator with the [YOU] CR party.Having attended UCR for three years now, I have seen a huge, positive growth ERICA EDEN on this campus, and I plan to continue that. My goal is to take action by providing safety on campus, advocate school pride, ensure equal and fair opportunities for all, and to create more accountable resources on campus that will ease students into the college life, as well as preparing for after graduation. And with that said, I want to make sure the student body’s voice is heard; it’s [YOU],the students, that make this college what it is today, and who will make what it will become tomorrow. I look forward to making UCR an even better University than it already is.
[YOU]CR Hello Highlanders! My name is Bani Ghai, and I am a second year Creative Writing Major running for senator with [YOU]CR. My top priority as your elected senator will be to create and maintain an environment in BANI GHAI which all students have the opportunity to vocalize their wants and needs--this will make UCR a more unified, transparent campus community. I will bring to the table my passion, strong work-ethic, and enthusiasm, all of which will aid in my advocacy and actions toward positive changes for both current and future Highlanders. We as a party are dedicated to accountability, to ensure elected students follow through on promises and actions in the best interest of students, which I promise to do. I firmly believe I have the skills to provide positive change on our campus and move forth with empowering all students. I want to make sure that [YOU] have the opportunity to have your voice heard on this campus. Let me, Bani Ghai, represent [YOU].
Hello, my name is Casey Thielhart, I’m currently a first year History major who is running for a CHASS Senate position. Coming into UCR as a first year it was an intimidating experience, an enCASEY THIELHART tirely new campus with people I’ve never met before, but what I found was quite the opposite. Everybody I have met here has been extremely inviting, trying to involve people in everything from social clubs to community service. My goal is to continue promoting the great atmosphere we have at UCR, to make sure everybody on campus has an enjoyable time and feels that their voice is heard. I will accomplish this by promoting our three pillars of [PRIDE], [PROGRESS], and [EMPOWERMENT]. Together I feel that we can continue to promote the current inviting atmosphere we have on campus, and work to further it. I am ready to be your voice in the [OUR] Voice Party.
[OUR]Voice My name is Giselle Ozuna and I am an Undeclared CHASS Major. This year I am running for student body as a nominee for [OUR]Voice I believe in the importance of PRIDE, PROGRESS and EMPOWERGISELLE OZUNA MENT. Having been involved in student government since high school, I know what it takes to lead and create lasting change. As a senator, I want students to get their money’s worth for attending one of the best schools in the country. Let’s make a positive difference on our campus together. Make the right choice and have [OUR]VOICE heard loud and proud on the best and only side that will promote [EMPOWERMENT], through a well qualified and experienced team to ensure [OUR]VOICE speaks as one.
Hello my fellow UCR students, my name is Grant Nakaoka and I am running to be your next CHASS senator! I am a 2nd Year Anthropology major and I am honored to be a part of [YOU] CR. I have advoGRANT NAKAOKA cated for student rights before in front of the chancellor and vice chancellor, and If elected I will continue to do the best I can to represent the CHASS community and our needs as CHASS Students. My friends in [YOU]CR and myself hold accountability very high on our list of values. Should there be any actions made not in the best interests of our student body then I will personally hold myself and everyone in the senate accountable for not doing our job. I will devote myself not just to being a good senator but to listen to the student’s needs and take action to make positive changes on our campus.
[YOU]CR Hello Highlanders! My name is Katherine Lee and I am a second year Philosophy major. I am excited to be part of the wonderful party [YOU]CR where we truly want to reflect [YOU] by listening to all the great ideas and KATHERINE LEE opinions [YOU] have. As a party, all the members of [YOU]CR and myself strive to stand by our core values which are: [Advocacy], [Accountability] and [Action]. The professional pre-law fraternity, Phi Alpha Delta, is mainly how I got involved at UCR. In addition, I have been a part of a variety of organizations ever since my freshman year. Therefore it felt natural for me to join [YOU]CR in order to be able to get to listen to [YOU]. I am grateful to have a chance to be able to advocate on behalf of all students at UCR and make sure [YOU] get what [YOU] deserve!
[YOU]CR Hello, Highlanders! My name is Ruby Torres and I am proud to run as a CHASS Senator for UCR to represent [YOU]. I have tried my best at representing our student body by holding strong leadership skills as a Community RUBY TORRES Relations Director for the Office of the President within ASUCR. As a second year, I have grown to love UCR and would like to help make it into an even better campus. As a CHASS senator, I want to help make our students’ voices heard and resolve any issues we face. Something I’d like to achieve as a senator at UCR is to empower and embrace our diversity. I will make sure that all students of different color, gender, socio-economic backgrounds, and etc. are equally represented. And I will take ACTION to make sure all students’ voices are heard.
PAC: Pride, Action, Change
[YOU]CR Hello UCR students and faculty! My name is Tesleem Azeez and I am running for the ASUCR position of CHASS Senator with the [YOU]CR party. I am a fourth year double major in the CHASS departments of TESLEEM AZEEZ Political Science and Sociology and during my time here in Riverside I have developed an extensive resume brimming with campus and city involvement. I have also been an active general member in a plethora of the campuses clubs and organizations as well upholding executive cabinet positions. These attributes have helped me gain a secure understanding of student life along with the trails and tribulations an average student is faced with. I hope to utilize this understanding coupled with my adept interpersonal skills to work towards solving the diverse issues that arise on campus. All-in-all, I truly aspire to create a lasting impression on the students and faculty of our esteemed campus.
[OUR]Voice My name is Kristina David, and I am currently a second-year student majoring in Media and Cultural Studies aspiring to doublemajor in Political Science. I am running for Senator of CHASS bemy experiKRISTINA DAVID cause ence, from just these two years beginning with my involvement in University Honors to taking on the responsibility of a Resident Advisor, has empowered me to want to affect change in our campus. I started out as a naïve first-year student contemplating how I would want to leave my mark on UCR. However, I later realized that it was UCR leaving an impact on me. I feel it is my duty to implement progress in our university, and I am capable and motivated for the right reasons to do so. I have goals regarding campus safety, sustainability, and pride. I am open to the progress you want to see, and I want to be your voice!
HIGHLANDER // highlandernews.org
Hello my name is Tia Ray, I am a current third year transfer student running for CHASS Senator. My journey here at UCR is all about making a difference, impacting others, and finding my TIA RAY path. In hopes of achieving these goals I have found student rights and issues are very important. My vision is to give ALL students a voice, including underrepresented communities like transfer non-traditional students. Also, campus climate is very important to me, so motivating students to take pride in the UCR community is key for students to continue making positive changes on campus. Being a transfer student I believe I am a perfect fit to fulfill these aspirations. As a CHASS Senator I plan to literally be that voice of the entire community, and encourage more involvement while creating more positive interaction with our community. We’re the [PAC] and we’re hungry for change.
PAC: Pride, Action, Change What’s good Highlanders: My name is Matthew Morris, and I am running for senate for the C.H.A.S.S. even though I have only been at UCR for one year, I already feel that I have made it my MATTHEW MORRIS home; and now I feel its time to improve upon it. Like the newly designed rec center, I feel that its time to redesign the inner workings of the school, and rearrange the political aspects of the campus, making it a lot more enjoyable for everyone. As a transfer student, I have already attended three colleges before I ever stepped foot at UCR. In addition to that, I attended three different high schools before that. To say that I know what people want, or what makes for an amazing school year is an understatement. That’s why I’m running for senate of ASUCR. I personally have the ability to take UCR to the next level.
[OUR]Voice Hello Highlanders! My name is Verna Chan, and I am running with the [OUR]VOICE party to be your next CHASS Senator! [PROGRESS] means consistent and positive change to an institution. This institution has givVERNA CHAN en me so much in my two years here that is time for me to give some back. As the current president of Sigma Kappa, I have the leadership experience and vision, as well as ideas, which will only aid to the [PROGRESS] and [PRIDE] that has already been brought to this campus. If elected, I will be a vessel for the students’ voice and ensure that no one’s voice goes silenced. I am ready to work for you and continue to bring [PRIDE], [PROGRESS], and [EMPOWERMENT] to this campus with [OUR]Voice
[OUR]Voice Hello, my name is Nick Carrillo and I am running for CHASS Senator. I am very passionate about the arts, but I find that the “A” in “CHASS”, which stands for “Arts”, is sometimes invisible. As part of the legislative body NICK CARILLO of the Associated Students, I want to make sure that passionate art students have a voice. We can allocate more funds to the department so students have more resources to craft and showcase their talents. Let’s promote ensembles. Let’s have bigger stage productions. Let’s create a UCR mural. I am running for students that draw masterpieces on the margins of their notebooks; students whose only listeners are people that read poetry written in bathroom stall walls; students that sing in dorm showers; students who desperately look for a stage. Everyone has a voice. Everyone deserves to be seen and heard. This is our school, and I will represent [OUR]Voice.
BCOE SENATORS PAC: Pride, Action, Change Hey Highlanders, my name is Erin Sunga! I am a third year Bioengineering major and a member of Biomedical Engineering Society, Society of Professional Engineers, and Kappa Kappa Gamma. ERIN SUNGA As [YOUR] Senator, I will make myself accessible in order to address all your student concerns. I strive to enhance your time here in school to ensure that you make the most out of your time at UCR and are proud to be a Highlander. Your concerns, like the engineering labs and other resources, are my concerns. I will make them my priority in which my voice will be your voice. Through [P]ride, [A]ction, and [C]hange, I will create an open space for BCOE students to access ASUCR on an administrative level where your concerns will be heard. We are the PAC, and we are hungry for
[OUR]Voice Hi my name is Ryan Torrento. I am a 3rd year mechanical engineering student running to be a BCOE senator. I am grateful for what UCR has given me, constantly providing me with opporto better RYAN TORRENTO tunities myself. I want to reciprocate these good vibes back to my school and to its students by providing my fellow Highlanders with even more support than previously before. The students at this university are some of brightest in all of California and they deserve the best a top tier university has to offer. By empowering my peers and motivating them to have their voices heard we can create a community where we are proud to be UCR Highlanders. As a senator I want to represent you because I am on [OUR]VOICE and together [OUR] voice will be heard.
[OUR]Voice Hello fellow Highlanders! My name is Ryan Ulep, and I am currently running for BCOE Senator. I chose UCR due to its worldclass status and high rankings in well-renowned publications; UC ranks as the best RYAN ULEP public university in the world. I want to help the college preserve its distinction as the number one engineering college in America and continue to produce the best engineers through challenging and engaging projects and organizations. Possessing previous experience in Student Government enables me to understand and meet the diverse needs of a growing student population at the country’s most diverse university. My goal is for every student to have an active voice and to feel empowered with resources by lowering fees to promote increased levels of engagement in and out of classrooms. Together we can accomplish anything, and I am ready to represent OUR students because I’m on [OUR]Voice.
Independent Hello fellow highlanders my name is Zareh Hairapetian and I am currently a first year Materials science and engineering student in the Bourns College of Engineering! I am a member of the Armenian StuAssociation ZAREH HAIRAPETIAN dent and a brother of Phi Kappa Sigma. I want to make a change on this campus and through my versatility and determination I am confident I will achieve any goal set forth.
HIGHLANDER // highlandernews.org
CNAS SENATORS [OUR]Voice Hey Highlanders, my name is Kat Tatley and I’m running to be your next year’s CNAS Senator. I’m representing the party [OUR] VOICE whose focal points rest on [PRIDE], [PROGRESS], [EMPOWKATHERINE TATLEY and ERMENT]. I understand that CNAS students are one of the most proud, and I’d like to further this pride by generating more CNAS spirit. As a regular CNAS student like yourselves, I understand CNAS struggles such as obtaining basic classes in order to stay on track towards graduation. As a senator, I will help resolve problems similar to these as well as inspire other CNAS students to take the initiative to see how much they can impact their surrounding community. I’m currently a member of the American Red Cross, a senator of the RHA in Aberdeen-Inverness (a smaller scale of ASUCR senate), and I have plenty of past leadership experience that makes me perfect for this position.
[YOU]CR Hello Highlanders! My name is Robert Kotonya and I am running to be your CNAS Senator with [YOU]CR party. I am a transfer student (junior standing) pursuing an undergraduate degree in microhere at ROBERT KOTONYA biology UCR. My aim as a CNAS Senator will be to present and facilitate the hearing of student concerns by the administration. My goal will be to work with the CNAS department here at UCR in creating a program with professional mentorship, research and guided apprenticeship as a way of preparing each undergraduate student for a for a smooth, uninterrupted transition between undergraduate to graduate level , professional level or into the workforce. I believe in being strong to serve, as I have demonstrated by my involvement with the various student organizations that I have been part of. I hope that together we will find a way. But if not, we will make one, like a wise soldier once said.
PAC: Pride, Action, Change Hello! My name is Melissa Vargas, I am a third year Biology Major hoping to represent you as CNAS Senator. On campus I am currently involved with Rotaract at UCR and the National Sociof Collegiate MELISSA VARGAS ety Scholars. I’ll apply the knowledge I have gained to make sure that the voice of the undergraduate population is heard. As a member of ASUCR I want to advocate for your student needs. There is an urgent need for close communication between students and their ASUCR representatives. I strongly believe that in order to operate as a functional college community, students must feel comfortable approaching their senators. I will take initiative to create that communication by reaching out to the community, as this is vital for the development of our campus. I have pride in UCR, I take action, and I believe in change: We are the [PAC] and we’re hungry for change.
Independent My name is Roshan Akula and I am running to be your CNAS Senator. I come from the community college and back at the community college, I worked with and in many different committees to make the school a ROSHAN AKULA better place. Currently, I am part of Resident Halls Association, Student Disability Union and Highlander Lobby Corps Committee. I am running independently and you should not consider me based on my party but with the fact that I will serve you the best as your CNAS Senator. At UCR, I feel that it is necessary that we work together as a CNAS college so that we can all receive the best output in the end for all of us CNAS students. When it comes time to vote for your CNAS Senator, please vote Roshan Akula.
[YOU]CR Hi, Highlanders! My name is Nevin Perera and I am running for the position of CNAS Senator with [YOU]CR because the science community needs to be better represented. In high school, I was a part of the AsNEVIN PERERA sociated Student Body and served as ASB President. I will Advocate for the voices of the students I represent, I will be Accountable to them for the decisions I make and for reaching out to get their opinions, and will be taking whatever necessary Action in order to create a better environment for all. I will be attending as many CNAS events as possible, in order to be there for my peers and develop strategies to better help the college. The students of CNAS need a representative who will be there for them to handle the issues that are important to them. I am that person and I will always fight for [YOU]!
[OUR]Voice Hi Highlanders! My name is Wen-Yu Chou and I am a first year Biochemistry major running for CNAS Senator. Currently, I am working with ASUCR, specifically under the Office of the President. As a [OUR] WEN-YU CHOU VOICE candidate I strongly advocate for [PRIDE], [PROGRESS], and [EMPOWERMENT]. My goal is represent students and voice your concerns and issues. UCR is one of the most diverse universities in the nation. Therefore, I want to instill Highlander [PRIDE] and make the campus an even more welcoming environment by connecting all the different student organizations and communities. As a senator, I hope to [EMPOWER] students in allowing you all seek your full potential throughout your college experience and be a part of your [PROGRESS] as you all strive to succeed. Above all, I promise to represent [OUR]VOICE!
HIGHLANDER // highlandernews.org