2014 ElectionS Guide Election Referendums Associated Students (ASUCR) Fee Referendum BALLOT LANGUAGE: Do you support a quarterly fee increase of $4.50 beginning Fall 2014 that meets the growing student demands and rising costs of ASUCR sponsored events and services? Approval of this referendum will go towards providing the following student events and services: • New student jobs and other paid student positions • Improvement and expansion of current events and services (such as Senior BBQ, Food Truck Festival, 24-hour Libraries, and Legal Education Clinic) • New events and services for students (such as this year’s Election Day Celebration, Food for Thought, and Student Travel Grants) • Funding for the new Diversity Council • Basic membership in the United States Student Association • Leadership training and student conference participation • Rising operational and support costs
Green Campus Action Plan (GCAP) Referendum BALLOT LANGUAGE: Do you support a $2.50 per quarter fee for continued funding of internship opportunities and job positions at the Office of Sustainability and Green Grants to enable students and their Organizations help reduce the campus’s environmental impact? In turn, this will also fund Green Initiatives for large-scale projects that would assist in achieving UCR’s carbon neutral goal. • The Fee would continue Summer Quarter of 2014 • In accordance with campus policy, 25% of the fee ($0.625 cents) would be returned to UC Riverside students in the form of financial aid • After the return to aid, the remaining $1.875 would be used for the Green Campus Action Plan (GCAP)
Highlander Empowerment Student Services Referendum BALLOT LANGUAGE: Do you support a quarterly fee of $14.00 for the seven student services departments to meet growing student needs by providing student events and services, programming, collaborative projects, student leadership and employment opportunities, and operational support for students? • Fee will be effective Fall 2014 • Fee will be assessed in Fall, Winter, Spring, & Summer quarters • 25% of the fee ($3.50) will be returned to financial aid to help offset costs for students who are eligible for financial aid • $10.50 will be split evenly amongst the seven departments, with $1.50 per quarter transferred directly to each department’s budget. • The seven departments include: African Student Programs, Asian Pacific Student Programs, Chicano Student Programs, LGBT • Resource Center, Middle Eastern Student Center, Native American Student Programs, and Women’s Resource Center.
The approval of this referendum would provide for • Increased co-programming with student organizations and student-led initiatives, including funding and advising • Staffing to assist students in finding support and resources • Support for conference hosting and conference travel • Support for Common Ground Collective projects & collaborative initiatives with the ASUCR Diversity Council • Peer mentoring and peer education programs support • More resources in each student program office and center, such as student computer support and educational materials
EXECUTIVE CABINET CANDIDATES President ABC: A BETTER CHOICE My name is Sean Fahmian, I am a 4th year Chemical Engineer. This is my 2nd year representing BCoE as a Senator and I am running to be [Your] Student Body President. As the leader of the [ABC] Party, I believe WE can expand ASUCR to become an organization that actively seeks out student issues prevalent on this campus. I believe SEAN Fahmian the student Voice should no longer be silenced through the lack of representative involvement from their student government. I have a Vision, that UCR should have a prominent role in the Riverside community. It is imperative, and a necessity, to have student input on issues that affect them directly. I will use my experience to ensure that every student feels a sense of belonging to this University and community. You, as a student, should feel that UCR is your home. [A] [B]etter [C]hoice for A Better Future.
[YOUR]SIDE [PROGRESS] means any step, big or little, allows for further improvement making our future a brighter one. It’s my life’s purpose to make a positive impact at each level of engagement, leaving society in a better place. As [YOUR] past ASUCR Local Affairs Director I reduced high crimes on campus. As President of my fraternity, I [EMPOWER] over 70+ men to conNafi Karim tribute over 6,000 hours of community service from painting the “C”, serving the City of Riverside, and advocating Proposition 30 to stop another tuition hike. As [YOUR] ASUCR senator, I am delivering results including the Finals Survival Kit, Diversity Council, Student Org Housing and efforts to reduce our tuition. I am the only Presidential candidate with Executive Presidential Experience at the university level. Make the best choice & Vote [YOUR] SIDE for campus PRIDE, actual PROGRESS and real EMPOWERMENT through a streamlined student government that is on [YOUR]SIDE!
Vox Populi My name is Armando Saldana; third year, Political Science/Administrative Studies Major. I have served respectfully as your student body ‘Executive Vice President’ for two consecutive years. This year I come to the student body as a nominee as ‘Student Body President’ under the ‘Vox Populi Party - Latin for the voice of the people.’ Armando Saldana As Student Body President I will make it my duty to strive for opportunity, change, and overall promise for our campus and our student body. It is my goal to empower/unite the student body. TOGETHER we will, and TOGETHER we MUST revitalize our campus culture, unite our student programs, and expand the promise/future of UCR - Vote ‘The Voice of the People’ - Vox Populi - TOGETHER we represent the voices of UC Riverside! My team and I are ready to serve the voice of our campus! Be ready to have your voice heard!
Executive Vice President [YOUR]SIDE Hello UCR! My name is Michael Ervin and I’m running for Executive Vice President. Over the last three years at UCR, my time here has been defined by activism. While I never imagined myself in student government in my first year, my work with CALPIRG and Student Lobby Corp enabled me to find my voice and developed my Michael Ervin passion for service. With my experience as a current ASUCR senator, I have worked to give a voice to the underrepresented communities on campus and increase our government’s transparency. I am honored to have the support of the [YOUR]SIDE party as we advance our goals of [Pride], [Progress], and [Empowerment] and tirelessly strive to improve [YOUR] university. Our mission is to provide you, and every student, with a voice on this campus because this party is on [YOUR]SIDE!
Vox Populi Hello, my name is Nayeli Figueroa. I am a second year psychology major and a current ASUCR CHASS senator. This year of experience has opened my eyes to the concerns students have here at UCR. If elected, I am looking forward to uniting our students so that we can work as a cohesive team and move towards addressing these concerns. Nayeli Figueroa In order to do this I am looking forward to outreaching to students of different groups, cultures, and organizations on campus to find out what it is that they need from us. As Executive Vice President I want to encourage, unite, and guide the senators so they have the resources they need to be as productive as they can be and produce the results that we the students want to see. I am ready to serve you. Vote “The Voice of the People”- Vox Populi
Vice President of Internal Affairs Vox Populi Hello UCR! My name is Mark Brown, I am currently a first-year Mechanical Engineering Major, and work under the Executive Vice President’s Office. As your Vice President of Campus Internal Affairs next year, I will strive to bring professionalism and the fundamental core values of integrity, service, and ingenuity to all facets Mark Brown of the job. I will endeavor to not only unite our student voice, but to take that voice and create productive and goal-oriented dialogue with administration. Allowing stagnation is detrimental, and so I promise you, progress will be my battle and student empowerment, my weapon. I cannot begin to express my excitement to run, and I hope to win the opportunity to work for you all as VOX POPULI, the voice of the people.
[YOUR]SIDE Hello my name is Fernando Echeverria, I am a current CHASS Senator running for Internal-Vice President. UCR has become my home, and my journey here is all about student rights and student issues. Since we all from a top tier university in the nation, isn’t it time we feel that way? My goal is Fernando Echeverria to instill pride back into our university by promoting not only our name, but also our student athletes and organizations across the board. As one of the most diverse campuses in the nation, we should empower underrepresented communities and give ALL students a voice. Together we are powerful, as internal vice-president I will make sure to work towards cutting our student fees, providing more avenues for students to interact, improving commuter welfare, and changing the way we interact with our community for the better. I am ready to listen to {YOUR} voice because I’m on {YOUR}SIDE.
ABC: A BETTER CHOICE I am David Santillan, a third year Public Policy Major running to be your Executive Vice-President.As an [ABC] candidate, I believe student power and creativity, lead to positive change in our community. Together, upon our vision, value, and voice, we will create a UCR community that not only empowers students to represent each other David Santillan but also advocate on issues that affect ALL students. YOU deserve an Executive Vice-President who will ensure that student voices are heard. YOU deserve an Executive Vice-President whose vision is for a campus where student input is in every step of the decision making process. YOU deserve an Executive Vice-President who will ensure that the quality of education we are entitled to is accessible AND affordable. When elected, YOU and I will unify our values, our vision and our voices so that TOGETHER we can stand strong and improve the lives of students across campus.
ABC: A BETTER CHOICE Hi! My name is Andrea Parra. I am a Second year Public Policy major running to be your Vice President of Campus Internal Affairs with the [ABC] party! As a student, I know ASUCR effectively advocates, educates, and represents our diverse community, but, as an [ABC] candidate, I believe I can do that and much more. Through my position, Andrea Parra I intend to work with students on committees and in organizations to create a livelier campus culture through the implementation of interactive programs and services for students. I am deeply invested in creating a more comfortable and inclusive atmosphere where students can proudly call UCR home. Through continuing current initiatives such as the Point-2-Point Shuttle system and the Food Truck Festival, I hope to enhance our vision, our voice, and our values. When electing me, you are electing [A] [B] etter [C]hoice who will fight for the advancement of your home, UCR.
CANDIDATES, CONT’D Vice President of External Affiars [YOUR]SIDE
My name is Abraham Galván and I am a sophomore Political Science/ Law and Society major. I am currently serving as a C.H.A.S.S. Senator and I am a candidate for VicePresident of External Affairs. I have a proven reAbraham Galvan cord of accomplishment that includes assisting voter registration efforts critical to Proposition 30’s passage, lobbying to state legislators on financial aid reform, helping establish U.C.S.A.’s I.G.N.I.T.E. campaign, advocating against discriminatory city ordinances, and proposing the establishment of a necessary Diversity Council. As Vice-President of External Affairs, I will work towards further establishing U.C.R.’s student body as a powerhouse in local, state, and national efforts to secure the accessibility, affordability, and quality of our education. Specifically, I will pursue the expansion of free offcampus parking, the establishment of a mentorship program between community leaders and students, and the preservation of I.G.N.I.T.E. as a U.C.S.A. campaign. For [PRIDE], [PROGRESS], and [EMPOWERMENT], I’m on [YOUR]SIDE.
ABC: A BETTER CHOICE I am Breana Ross and I am a third year Political Science/ Administrative Studies major running for External Vice President!As an [ABC] candidate it goes without saying that I pride myself upon vision, valBREANA ROSS ue and voice, but most importantly ensuring that students are exercising their power, being advocated for and truly have a say in the issues that directly affect them. As students we are POWERFUL, we have the ability to mobilize and most importantly make CHANGE and forever impact our campus for the years to come.I am here for YOU! I am running for YOU! To represent YOU! Most importantly ensure that you are receiving an education that is affordable, accessible of the quality that you are entitled to. When I am in office I can guarantee you that together WE will make history on our campus. Together and unifying our vision, our voice and our values.
DIRECTOR CANDIDATES Outreach Director Vox Populi My name is Annamae Lagdaan, and I am interested in becoming your 2014-2015 Outreach Director. I am an active board member of a nonprofit service organization on campus, known as Circle K InternationAnnamae Lagdaan al. As part of ASUCR, I plan to strengthen the bonds between the student organizations and increase unity within the UCR community. I represent the party, Vox Populi, which is Latin for “voice of the people”. Even though we all come from different backgrounds, we have common goals to make our experience at UCR even better. I am passionate about our campus where everyone’s voice should always matter. The importance of unity motivates me to strive to build more interaction between the students. I believe that WE can make a difference on campus if we work together to achieve that goal. We are empowered when united we stand, so together, we can.
[YOUR]SIDE Hello Highlanders!! My name is Jessica Urquidez. I am a third year Political Science major in CHASS. As a outreach director I hope to invest times into really getting to know the issues students feel are Jessica Urquidez important to address. Being heavily involved in clubs and organizations, helped shape me into the person that I am today. I participate in many programs hosted by different offices and see how much of an impact these events have on students. As a student involved on campus I feel a great need into investing more into the gender and ethnic programs. Aside from issues I feel are important, I will allow students the opportunity to have their concerns heard and address the matter at hand. Being elected into ASUCR, I will put effort towards enhancing [pride], [empowering] our students, and paving the way for [progress] at UCR.
ABC: A BETTER CHOICE I’m Jamaul Weaver a third year Public Policy and Global Studies double major. Through my experiences in leadership and outreach, I was able to join ASUCR’s Outreach Committee Fall Jamaul Weaver quarter 2013. Being apart of this committee and going to Outreach Hearings has shown me the positive things we are doing with the high schools within our local community, but has also shown me that we must improve on our outreach to middle schools and community colleges. My goal, along with the entire [ABC] party, is to maintain a highly diverse campus and to empower the people who cultivate progression. I believe that outreach propagates future leaders. Therefore, as the Director of Outreach I seek to expand the knowledge of ASUCR on campus as well as educate more diverse groups within the Inland Empire about getting into UCR.
Personnel Director Vox Populi My name is Megan Amaris and I am running with Vox Populi for personnel director. Vox Populi is latin for “Voice of the People” and that is what a personnel director should do. Megan Amaris Committees and open positions should be publicized to all students so that every voice can be heard. I am motivated to increase awareness so that everyone who has an interest can become involved. I want to make my voice your voice!
ABC: A BETTER CHOICE My name is Bryan Burgoon and I am very passionate about OUR University! You may recognize me as a Residential Adviser, Orientation Leader, member of Sigma Phi Epsilon, a University Bryan Burgoon Honors student, or maybe we’ve even bumped into each other on campus. I want to make sure that students like YOU are aware of and gain access to positions in the numerous committees ASUCR has to offer. I want to ensure that every student has the opportunity for their VOICE to be heard, and I will make every effort to mobilize the student body so that we might be able to foster the full potential that this university has to offer. My hope is that the needs of every student will be met, and that together, we might be able to bring to life our VISION of what this campus should be, and how it should represent our student population.
[YOUR]SIDE Hi Highlanders! My name is Ashley Harano, I am a second year PreBusiness major, and I am running for Personnel Director for the 2014-2015 academic year. When I first arrived at UCR my freshAshley Harano man year I was blown away by the diversity and connectivity of the students on campus. Through my position on the UCR Cheerleading Team and my involvement in Acts 2 Fellowship I have the opportunity to immerse myself in relationships that enable me to explore a greater environment of diversity. I seek to encourage school spirit from the first day of freshman year through graduation. I look forward to the day when UCR’s student body is united by [YOUR] SIDE’s goals of implementing [PRIDE], [PROGRESS], AND [EMPOWERMENT] on our campus. As fellow students at R’side, we promise to put our three pillars into action so that we can best represent [YOUR]SIDE .
Marketing and Promotions Director Vox Populi As Marketing and Promotions Director I will make sure that the opportunities for change that we as, Vox Populi, see are known to the entire student body. I want to make sure we have more student inDayo Adeleke volvement and more general knowledge of what goes on our campus. As a united campus we will stand strong, be empowered, and have the ability to make the changes that we see fit. It is only together that we will be able to continue to improve the image of our school and what we offer to every student who attends our university here.
[YOUR]SIDE Hey UCR! My name is Ravin Rathod, I’m currently a second year student from BCoE running for Marketing Director. Through my time at the University, I’ve enjoyed being involved on campus and serving my Ravin Rathod peers. My involvement as a first year ASUCR Freshmen Fellow initially sparked my motivation to serve in ASUCR and be part of the undergraduate voice. As the current Marketing Director, spreading the work and services of ASUCR to create a more engaging campus atmosphere and maintaing goals of accessibility, communication, and style through marketing were paramount to me. With [YOUR] support, I wish to bring [Pride], [Progress], and [Empowerment] to the students on campus where we can all feel engaged and can all have a voice. I’d like to be on [YOUR]SIDE as we acknowledge and spread the resources already existing and introduce more positive change at [YOUR] university.
ABC: A BETTER CHOICE My name is Bryan Tsiliacos and I am a third year finance major running for Marketing & Promotions Director with the [ABC] party. I want to serve students and to represent their voices. As a Marketing Bryan Tsiliacos & Promotions director I would make sure that student issues are heard and that students would have a blast learning about the UCR community. I am committed to be the voice of UCR and take actions on issues that really matter. With my position, I will build awareness for student’s concerns and try to solve them. During my time at UCR, I have been able to run a small business on campus, a student electronic buyback service and create marketing strategies for large companies. With this, I have the experience, commitment and willingness to serve you. Vote Bryan Tsiliacos and [ABC] A Better Choice this spring and create the change that UCR deserves.
SENATOR CANDIDATES CHASS Vox Populi Hi UCR community! My name is Valeria Allende and I am currently a freshman majoring in political science/ international affairs. As a senator I would serve and represent UCR. I feel the passion to contribute hard work and new ideas Valeria Allende in consistent with reality and modern changes that every day are varying in our community. I want to be here to work and fight along ASUCR and bring the best benefits to the students, it is an arduous task nothing is impossible. I once learned that every institution to be great and successful has to be represented by people who love their duties with passion and commitment and that serving your community becomes a passion rather than a job and that is what Vox Populi entitles, voice of the people. We are here to be represent because ‘Empowered We Are. United We Stand. Together We Can.’
Vox Populi Hello, my name is Neftali Galarza from Oasis, CA an unincorporated community of the Riverside County. I am a second-year political science major whose long term and short term goals are to serve my community whether Neftali Galarza my city or school. I am running in the party Vox Populi which is Latin phrase for “Voice of the people”, we chose that name because we feel that our diverse party represents all the voices of our extremely diverse campus. Because of that our party platform is “Empowered We Are. United We Stand. Together We Can.” Overall, I believe that united the entire student body can make a difference and that is what we will continue to do. Thank you!
[YOUR]SIDE My name is Colette King and I am a third year English major. This year I am running for Senator of the CHASS college and I feel privileged to stand with the [YOUR] SIDE party! Throughout my time here at UC Riverside I have been Colette King involved in the Armenian Student Association, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Housing, providing me with the [EMPOWERMENT] to know that I can make a difference. I am running to restore pride on [YOUR] campus. I want to facilitate ways to encourage campus involvement and growth through means such as organization and Greek housing. It is important that we integrate [YOUR] university with the city of riverside and protect our students by promoting safety. I want to make progress on these goals because I am on [YOUR]SIDE!
[YOUR]SIDE Hello my fellow Highlanders! My name is Christian Arredondo and I will be running for ASUCR senator. I am currently a third year business major (SOBA) with a concentration in marketing. I have grown to love UCR Christian Arredondo throughout my years as a student and hope to soon be able to make this university an even more outstanding place. Walking onto this campus as a freshman, I never thought I would be running for ASUCR so passionately but it is time for change and advancement. [PROGRESS, PRIDE, AND EMPOWERMENT] is what I represent with [YOUR]SIDE and we truly hope to make an impact at UCR and be change you all want to see. Please make sure [YOUR] voice is heard because I am on [YOUR]SIDE!
Vox Populi I am a first-year Political Science major who believes that students and workers should be hold more clout in UCR than private interests. As a progressive, I promise to lend my voice to further the interests of students and I will also advocate Arturo Gomez for the rights of campus workers. I hope to use my short tenure to great effect. Thank you
ABC: A BETTER CHOICE I’m Delaynie Koenig, a third-year creative writing major seeking your vote to become a CHASS Senator. Alongside ABC, A Better Choice, I will implement a transparent and effective senatorial system in which every student stands as an Delaynie Koenig equal force of change. From involvement in my sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma, to my experience as a Highlander Orientation leader, to my contributions in the Life @ UCR blog, I can relate to you in every facet of the Highlander experience. I envision our community improving in so many ways this upcoming year: through outreach, establishing positive relations within Riverside and on a broader scale; through continued expansion of student-led programs; through concerted efforts to work towards a campus YOU are proud to call a home. What do you want out of your experience? What I want is as easy as ABC, and I know that you can share in my vision.
“Hello Highlanders! My name is Reem Blaik and I am a third-year Sociology/Law and Society student running for the position of CHASS Senator. Throughout my time at UCR, I have been actively involved in a wide range of campus organiReem Blaik zations, departments, and programs – all of which have enabled me to connect with diverse groups of people and support a vast array of beliefs, goals, values, and initiatives. As [YOUR] CHASS Senator, I will contribute my greatest efforts to continue communicating with students, faculty, staff members, and affiliates of UCR in order to understand and articulate the wants, needs, and goals of our campus community. By further promoting campus [PRIDE], supporting community [PROGRESS], and endorsing student [EMPOWERMENT], I plan to represent, impact, and move UCR and its students forward. Let [YOUR]SIDE represent R’Side, and elect me as one of your CHASS Senators!”
A Better Choice. A Better Future. My name is Trelynd Bradley Bowles and I am a third year major in Business Economics running for YOUR ASUCR Senate. As a first generation college student from the Inland Empire, I believe that I am truly Trelynd Bowles fortunate to have a campus that has given SO much back to me and my community. As a candidate for [ABC] I strive for student empowerment. Rest assured that as a senator representing YOU, I will commit my time and effort to ensure that YOU are represented to the absolute fullest at this university. Value. Voice. Vision. Integrity. Accountability. Reliability. Join me in the choice for a better future for the campus that we all have come to know and love. Together, looking forward, we as students will bring real change to UC Riverside.
I am Akeem Brown (29), a community college transfer from Oakland CA. I currently study Public policy and Religion in the “CHASS.” I have worked as a Corporate Paralegal for the past seven years in addition to serving as youth minister Akeem Brown at the Antioch Baptist church. My quest to complete college began almost a decade ago. As I reflect, I can see that, the California institutions that I have formerly attended, failed to provide an infrastructure to support me during moments of extreme adversity. There is a demographic at UCR that is unjustly underserved. We are commuter’s, transfer’s, re-entry’s and student parents. As an [ABC] candidate and non- traditional student I believe that, effective student representation in the college shared governance process is essential to civic engagement and community building. Vote for Vision, Voice and Value. I am not a politician; I am an agent of transformation.
Hi, I’m Deirdre Hackleman. As a fellow student I care about the quality of your college experience here at UCR. Before transferring here I attended other universities and understand how important an active student government can Deirdre Hackleman be to the student body as well as the individual. As a senator it will be my number one priority to strive for student input and accessibility in ASUCR to ensure an active student government that truly works FOR the students. I am majoring in Political Science. At my previous university I was a columnist for the school’s paper as well as a member of its editorial board. As the communications officer for UCR’s Young Americans for Liberty I helped to write a campus free speech resolution that passed through the ASCUR senate in fall 2013. I am also a member of the Secular Student Alliance and the Highlander Financial Group.
Hello fellow muggles :) My name is Kelli Hatch and I am a third year Political Science, Law and Society major with a minor in French. As an [ABC] candidate, I stand with all CHASS majors in creating a university where decisions are Kelli Hatch made for the students. A common sentiment that my party members and I share is that often we are overcharged and underrepresented. I, along with the [ABC] party, stand for Value, Voice, and Vision. My leaderships skills acquired through College Panhellenic Association, Alpha Chi Omega, and the Student Recreation Center have enhanced my passion for and my commitment to the students at UCR. I hope that you make A Better Choice in voting for me and the [ABC] party. Namaste.
Vox Populi My name is Calvin Ma and I’m currently a thirdyear Pre-Business major, declaring accounting in the spring. I am running for next year’s position of CHASS senator, and I would greatly appreciate it if I could have your support. I believe Calvin Ma I’m suited for being a CHASS senator because of my dedication to the community. Instead of being known for extremely high IQ, people recognize my high levels of EQ. EQ, also known as emotional intelligence, is key to this position because I would have to be empathetic and able to analyze situations from not just my POV, but from everybody else’s POV. I want to be able to make decisions for the students. I don’t believe in getting my own before others - I do it for the people. A vote for me is a vote for us. Vote VOX POPULI, the voice of the people.
[YOUR]SIDE My fellow students, let us make this school and community an even better place to coexist. This is your time to be the change you want to see. [Empower] your peers, so we may join together towards [Progress], and build a university know Alexander Mastache for its [Pride]! Currently, I am working towards a BA in Public Policy and plan to add a minor in Business Administration. On campus I am affiliated with IFC as a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and various pre-health organizations. I plan to work with HPAC to emphasize the importance that CHASS students are qualified for health professions. I am an advocate for the health and safety for all of us students at UCR. I vow, if electrd as your CHASS senator, to give you a peace of mind with the university so you may focus on what truly matters, because this is [YOUR]side.
[YOUR]SIDE Hello fellow highlanders, my name is Momo Hussein and I want to be your CHASS representative in our ASUCR Senate. I am currently a 2nd year with (3rd year standing) Political Science major and will be running with the invaluable support of Mohamed Hussein the [YOUR]SIDE party. We will be focusing on reigniting school [PRIDE], allowing for [PROGRESS] through increased student involvement and the [EMPOWERMENT] of the everyday student. Coming from a family of 14, I feel blessed to be a part of, and blessed that I’m able to contribute to this family of over 20,000. Change is coming quickly. I’m running to fight [YOUR]FIGHT, because I’m on [YOUR]SIDE so I humbly ask you for [YOUR] VOTE.
Vox Populi Hello Highlanders! My name is Tina Matar and I am running for CHASS Senator. The past couple years ASUCR has not made a lasting impact on this campus and community and I plan to change that. I plan to help the students make the change TINA MATAR we need at UCR and be the Vox Populi (voice of the people). As a 3rd year business student, I also plan to help those in SoBA since we are a new college and our representation is small. Empowered We Are as students. United We Stand as a campus. Finally, Together We Can make a difference.
Vox Populi Hello fellow highlanders my name is Alex Dale, and I am currently a second-year Political Science major. I have been a member as well as help founded the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity on this campus. As your CHASS Senator I hope to instill ALEX DALE long lasting positive change to this campus and leave a legacy that can benefit the entire UCR community. My ultimate goal in office will be to unify the Greek System so we may benefit the entire campus, because in my opinion there is more power in numbers. This is the exact reason why I chose the political party Vox Populi, our party represents the needs of the UCR community rather than the needs of a segregated few. Promoting the empowerment of the student body is what brings me passion, because quite frankly we are the voice. I am more than thrilled to run for this office so that I may bring positive change to this campus for good.
[YOUR]SIDE Hey UCR! My name is Ali Iles and I am running to be an ASUCR senator for CHASS this upcoming school year. I am currently a third year Political Science major, and in my time here at UCR I have held multiple leadership positions within Alison Iles Delta Gamma fraternity, and while I never thought I would run for student government, I have realized through my time here and experience in this student organization that there are various aspects of life here at UCR which can be improved to provide the students here a better overall collegian experience. I am running to make sure [YOUR] voice is heard. Myself and the other candidates within the [YOUR] SIDE party, will strive to bring [PRIDE], [PROGRESS], and [EMPOWERMENT] to [YOU], the UCR community. I am here to represent [YOU], because I am on [YOUR SIDE].
[YOUR]SIDE ASUCR should be in a constant state of change. One thing is certain: there is always room for our student body government to improve. Using my experience and knowledge, I will accurately represent the students of UC Riverside Ranjit Nair by voicing their concerns straight to administration and assuring that our educational system at UCR does not falter due to administrative neglect and a lack of student representation. Through the [PRIDE] we will instill within the Riverside community, we promise to advance the hope of [PROGRESS] and [EMPOWER] the student body like no other representatives before. The future rests within [YOUR] hands and we will empower the student body to grasp all opportunities. This is the time for [YOUR] voices to be heard! We are and always will be on [YOUR]SIDE!
Hello my name is John Dell, and I am running to be a CHASS senator as a candidate of the [ABC] party. I am currently a second year pursuing an English major. I believe that student representatives should address and reJohn Dell solve student problems. I have the proper social skills to fix our student’s needs in a friendly, yet professional matter. When you have a problem as a CHASS student, I will work for and with you to ensure your success. I believe student potential is unlimited and I want to help you achieve yours. I have been involved with multiple organizations and through my experiences have come to understand and appreciate the unique and diverse atmosphere at UCR. When you elect me, you are electing an individual who will not only be your friend, but fight for you and work with you to make your home, UCR, [A] [B]etter [C] ommunity.
Hello UCR! My name is Fabian Escobedo and I am currently a third year Political Science major. This upcoming school year I hope to represent you all as [YOUR] CHASS Senator. These past two years as Pentland Hills RHA President, I’ve Fabian Escobedo had the opportunity to lead and work with first year students by planning social and educational programs for all residents. I’ve been encouraged through my years here at UC Riverside and giving back is something I strive for. I always motivate my members to take on leadership roles both on and off campus so that they enjoy their future years here at UCR while also giving back to their community. I am running with the [YOUR] Side party because we all have the united vision of helping the student body through [PROGRESS], [PRIDE], and [EMPOWERMENT]. It’s not just my side, it’s also [YOUR] Side!
Hello fellow Highlanders! My name is Jackie Jacoby and I’m a 3rd year Theater major running to be one of your new CHASS Senators through the [ABC] Party. As a candidate for CHASS Senator, I have many goals for our Jackie Jacoby campus. I want to give a voice to students who often feel voiceless, a vision of solidarity and peace, and assurance that you’re getting the most value out of your student fees. As students, you deserve an experienced candidate. I’ve spent three years devoting myself to the betterment of our campus through my involvement in Delta Gamma Fraternity, Hillel, Diversity Initiatives, the Highlander Union, and two years in ASUCR. Our party is dedicated to giving our students a voice, a vision, and value. It’s going to take experience and commitment to make this position an affective one, and I know I have the qualifications for the job!
I am Madiha Jamal, a third year Political Science major, running as a candidate under [ABC] party. I believe in voice, value, and vision. Voice so every student has equal ability to be the leader they wish to be. Vision so every student can easMadiha Jamal ily be aware of campus resources. Value so every student is satisfied that their tuition is being put forth for their academic benefit. I can bring voice, value, and vision on campus as a CHASS senator because I have participated on campus to improve the environment so we can reach our goal of being a leader. I am educational chair for Pakistani Students Association, vice president for Young Americans for Liberty, and Student Life Mentor. I know what my capabilities are and what needs to be done to ensure all students achieve the success they desire. I will ensure that YOU are given opportunities to achieve your full potential.
Vox Populi I am a third-year Art History Administrative Studies major aspiring to become a future CHASS senator. My goal is to provide the school and ASUCR with a more holistic view of what the students need and desire from our campus. I want Jessica Nguyen to emphasize campus collaboration with all student organizations to create a more unified environment and increase school spirit. It is important for the students to feel empowered and as if they can make a change within our school and my goal is to make this come true.
[YOUR]SIDE Hey Highlanders, my name is Devin Plazo! I am a second year English major and a member of Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women and English Majors Association. Through my involvement on campus I have helped students grow personally and inDevin Plazo tellectually. As [YOUR] Senator, I will strive to promote campus [PRIDE], [PROGRESS] through community integration, and student [EMPOWERMENT]. My goal is to continue protecting our student autonomy by voicing our student concerns to administration. It is imperative for [YOUR] voice to be heard and I will strive to advocate our rights as students on this campus. As a female minority, I want to make resources for minorities and women more accessible to make UCR truly feel like home. Through our three pillars, [YOUR]Side will be the voice the student body both wants and needs to make [YOUR] experience here nothing but the best.
► CHASS SENATORS, CONT’D ABC: A BETTER CHOICE I am Morrise Richardson and I am a sophomore Public Policy and Ethnic Studies major running for CHASS Senator. As an [ABC] candidate I made decision to run because I share a vision with the underrepreMORRISE RICHARDSON sented UCR community and it is the people in the UCR community that I value so much. When you do not receive the most accessible and affordable education, the right resources, accessible advisors, available enjoyable and interesting upper-division classes, and equal representation in ASUCR government it does not only affect YOU, but it also highly affects ME. In my culture if one has fallen in the community then we all have fallen. My vision is to allow students to not only be heard, but actually be apart of the progressive change in OUR community. I am here for YOU because YOU are my neighbor and OUR vision must not stop at being heard, but it must be IMPLEMENTED.
[YOUR]SIDE Hey there Highlanders! My name is Summer Shafer and I’m running for CHASS Senator. Although I’m a first year, my passion to create positive change has already began to evolve here at UCR. Being able SUMMER SHAFER to voice the concerns of my community and advocate on their behalf has always been of great importance to me. I already have had the opportunity to be a Freshman Fellow for the Vice-President of External Affairs, a Senator for RHA, the President of a gender equality club called Lean In, and have extended myself to committees such as Lobby Core and Highlander Action. I would love the opportunity to increase my involvement in being a voice for my fellow colleagues. Along side the party [YOUR] SIDE, we are working to increase [PRIDE] on campus, be a source of [PROGRESS] and expand [EMPOWERMENT]. We look forward to turning your thoughts into actions as we represent [YOUR]SIDE.
Hello! My name is Sunyana Shoor, and as a first year Pre- Business major I would like to represent our CHASS College. I believe in service above self, hence, I am excited to dedicate my time voicing the opinions of my SUNYANA SHOOR peers and improving the campus as a whole one step at a time. I work under the Office of the President as a student fellow helping the school overall , but now I would like to specifically work on improving our CHASS College. We, students, make this campus beautiful with our diverse backgrounds and ideas. Empowered We Are, United We Stand, and Together We Can. Believe in the Voice of the People, Vox Populi.
Alejandra aspires to become CHASS Senator to enhance student life for UCR Highlanders. As a born and raised resident in the notorious South Los Angeles, she encountered personal and academic challenges ALEJANDRa TENORIO that later reflected in her academic performance freshman year in college. In high school, she sought a venue to voice the needs of students, but never found it. ASUCR offers a window of opportunity to voice her ideas and implement change. She wants to be the voice for those who cannot be heard and she wants to be a vessel for those that want to ignite change but cannot. She knows that with empathy, compassion, and teamwork, we can mobilize for change. Therefore alongside Vox Populi, “Empowered we are, United we stand, and Together we can!”
ABC: A BETTER CHOICE I am a 3rd year Political Science/ Law and Society major. As part of [ABC], I believe that CHASS students are overcharged and underrepresented. As a senator, I will draw from my experience as a CongressioCONSTANCE TOWERS nal intern in Washington D.C. to advocate for my peers and their needs. I will strive to build a campus community in which every student has a voice and I will work to create the change that we deserve. Vote Constance Towers because she’s got the powers!
BCOE [YOUR]SIDE “Hello Students of UC Riverside! My name is Carlton Nguyen and I will be running for the ASUCR Senator position. I am a fourth year Environmental Engineering major and will be representing on behalf of CARLTON NGUYEN [YOUR]Side. I want to let the student population know that [YOUR]Side is more than just an affiliation name. My running mates and I, will strive to bring [EMPOWERMENT] to the students and give them a voice. We plan to instill the [PRIDE]such that every single Highlander should feel that they go to the world renowned university of which we are, and most importantly push the [PROGRESS] necessary to let this University shine. It will not be an easy task, but we feel that it is time for a group to step up and deliver on their promises. Show [YOUR] support for UC Riverside and let us help, because we are on [YOUR]Side.”
Hello, I’m Johny Nguyen, a second year Chemical Engineering major and I am running with the party “Vox Populi” which means “Voice of the People” in Latin. If you choose me as your student senator, I would JOHNY NGUYEN like to be your VOICE and to advocate for equal representation of all students from all colleges that encompass UCR. As a senator for ASUCR, I hope to continue to protect our University’s autonomy by providing students with more opportunities for student involvement and academic empowerment. I hope to become the bridge between the administration and students, to provide our students with the proper tools to enhance our experiences and goals at UCR! With confidence, I want to establish a strong professional relationship among students, faculties, administrators, and alumni in which there is a supportive system between individuals and their respective college. ‘Empowered We Are. United We Stand. Together We Can.’
Hi UC Riverside! My name is Jason Ramirez, I’m currently a 4th year Chemical Engineer running to be an ASUCR Senator. Since my first year I’ve been involved and led different campus orgs, both in and out of JASON RAMIREZ BCoE. Since then, I always felt there was something lacking that the students of UCR needed. With [YOUR] support, my party and I will do our best to bring you the three pillars that YOUR[SIDE] was formed upon. I will strive to bring [PROGRESS] so that [YOUR] voice is heard, bring more [PRIDE] to our school and make you feel like you’re going to the world class institution that UCR is, and try my best to bring [EMPOWERMENT] to you, the students, so that one person can make a real difference. You can count on me to always be on [YOUR] SIDE!
I’m a 4th year Environmental Engineering major running to be your BCoE Senator! As an [ABC] candidate, I believe that ASUCR can provide a huge value to the students. ASUCR can empower and represent BENJIMAN RODEN everyone in our campus community, even with our great cultural and intellectual diversity. I believe that we as a student body can organize to fight and win policy battles to improve the quality of student life at UCR. It’s going to take people with the right experience to make that happen. It’s going to take commitment to ASUCR’s mission, and a willingness to go out and actively represent the students. I intend to use my experience as a student leader to be more effective as your Senator. I understand the kind of commitment it takes to organize students to action, and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure that I represent you.
I am Katherina Zecca, a first year Environmental Engineering major running for Senator of BCoE. As a senator I will commit to working with the leaders of our professional engineering organizations in order to identify the issues within KATHERINA ZECCA the various majors in BCoE as well as actively promote and progress our college. I believe that we as engineers deserve fair and equal representation on this campus and I will consistently work to ensure that we are heard. My main goal for UCR is to eliminate campus-wide issues to make it easier for students to be successful and reach their full potentials. I plan to make extensive use of what resources we have to initiate political, social, and financial changes that will better your college experience, while receiving the best quality education for your tuitions worth. We will have voice, our vision will become reality, and student life will be improved.
CNAS ABC: A BETTER CHOICE Hello! My name is Silvia Abdulnour and I am a second-year Biology major. As an [ABC] candidate, I believe the students of CNAS college, and UCR as a whole are underrepresented and do not have adequate time SILVIA ABDULNOUR with their advisors for aid with class scheduling, career plans, and such. I envision UCR a top university with the credibility it deserves, but I need YOUR help and support to make that transpire. Needless to say, we all value our education, so it is important we come together as one and advocate for our entitlements as students. I intend to put my experience with student issues to use if elected as your senator and do whatever it takes to make CNAS College a better learning environment for aspiring students.
VOX POPULI Hello, Highlanders! My name is Christine Cao, and I am currently a second-year, biology major hoping to represent you as a senator of ASUCR. Vox Populi, Latin for “Voice of the People,” is one of the driving mechaCHRISTINE CAO nisms to a dynamic, wellrepresented campus, and it is also the party that I’m running with. The responsibility of ASUCR should be to promote a cohesive environment and community by bridging together the diverse voices of our campus. As senator, I want to enhance your individual college experience by advocating your needs and interests and ensuring that resources contributing to a better educational, social, and cultural development will be easily accessible to you. We are empowered, we are united, and together, we are the voices of our campus and the greater Riverside community.
Hello everyone! My My name is Richard Le name is Sonia Garcia. I and it would be an honor am a CNAS student who to serve my fellow stuis majoring in Neuroscidents as an [ABC] CNAS ence. ASUCR is here to Senator candidate. I am advocate and empower currently a second year students to make sure Biology major with high their UCR experience is hopes of attending medias memorable and unique cal school. I believe that SONIA GARCIA RICHARD LE as possible. As a student, every student should you have the power to voice their opinion to admake changes on this campus. Together, students dress their concerns. I can represent that voice with and ASUCR will make a difference here at UCR. compassion and conviction. Through ASUCR, I will make it my primary objective to give students the value of education they deserve. With my interpersonal skills and social abilities, I hope to share my vision with you. If elected, my appreciation for this diverse campus will drive me to work in favor of the students. I promise that your voice will be heard and that it will be carried out by a compassionate individual. Make the right choice, [A] [B] etter [C]hoice.
VOX POPULI As a senator, I plan to revive UCR pride. I intend to clear our campus of unwanted frustrations that limit our potential in academic, social, and leadership endeavors. As much as I push myself to better represent my RANIER RIVERA respective college, I recognize that we, as a university, will not be able to make necessary changes without the support, unity, and voice of students. This is our opportunity to be empowered, to make improvements, and to continually grow as a stand out university. Vox Populi.
VOX POPULI Hello, UCR! My name is Vivian Chan. Being one of the voices entrusted to initiate a positive change for the student body is an absolute privilege. I am passionate about bringing forth the heritage, perspective, and knowlVIVIAN CHAN edge of each and every individual in order to advance platforms of student interest. It is incredible how much passion, talent, and drive the students at UCR have. The ideas that we have as a collective, the diversity and legacy that the students of UCR hold, is what inspires me to push for the best interest of the student body. Let your voice be heard, let the Vox Populi “voice of the people” be heard. Empowered We Are. United We Stand. Together We Can.
INDEPENDENT Hi, my name is Nevin Perera. I’m a first year CNAS student, and I am running for the position of CNAS Senator. In high school, I was a part of the Associated Student Body and served as Grade Representative, NEVIN PERERA Sports Commissioner, and ASB President. One of the prime distinctions between me and past ASB students is that I genuinely cared about what happened to the school, and for this reason I’m running to for Senator. I want to get involved early in order to be there for my peers as long as I am here. This will create a sense of continuity and greater possibilities to ensure successful projects. I believe in the voice of the people and I want to make that voice heard. I have come to know UCR as a home and I want to help support my home and my new family.
ABC: A BETTER CHOICE My name is Herman Sangha, and I am running to be your CNAS Senator! I am currently a third year, pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a minor in Economics. I firmly believe that a senator’s job Herman Sangha is to listen to the needs and wants of the students he represents. As an [ABC] candidate, I believe that ASUCR should empower the students. I will be passionate in advocating the students’ values. As an SI Leader who is involved in various clubs on campus, I will be sure to reach out and listen to every student, giving them a voice in the issues that directly affect them. I understand the dedication and commitment required to become an effective student leader. I am certain that together, we can achieve the quality of life as envisioned by the students here at UCR.
[YOUR]SIDE Hi! My name is Elizabeth Gamboa and I’m running for CNAS senator. I believe that my ambitions will drive me to make a great impact on our school. UCR is engraved in every one of us; it’s the place where we all ELIZABETH GAMBOA embark on our journeys. That is why I believe in electrifying campus pride. Awakening this [Pride] will allow me to reinitiate and integrate a sense of community pride by providing the feel of a better sense of a college town and resulting in an unforgettable college experience. With our school being diverse I feel as though this aspect can empower us to make things happen. This year, I want UCR to be all about change, and that is why I am honored to be part of [YOUR]SIDE because united we will use [Pride], [Empowerment], and [Progress] in order to make an impact on our community, school, and peers.
[YOUR]SIDE Hi Highlanders! My name is Pricilla Perey and I am running for CNAS Senator. I have travelled to many places but at the end of the day I am proud to call UCR my home. This institution continuously provides me with Pricilla Perey opportunities of growth and consequently, I am what I stand for today. As a Senator, my utmost goal is for students to seek and strive for their full potential as well. Students should not feel left behind because they are not fully aware of the available resources on campus. Some issues I hope to address include improving student-advisor efficacy, increasing support for the Academic Resource Center, as well as embracing the diverse cultural roots UCR proudly holds. Positive changes are on their way, and I hope to gain [YOUR] support in seeing them happen. I am ready to listen to [YOUR] voice because I am on [YOUR]SIDE!
► CNAS SENATORS, CONT’D ABC: A BETTER CHOICE My name is Oren Shimshi and I am a second year neuroscience major representing CNAS. As part of the [ABC] party, I believe that many aspects of student life could be improved. I envision a campus community Oren Shimshi where all students can speak their minds and be a part of the solution. As a senator, I would strive to increase accessibility to advisors, promote a system of online academic resources, and increase textbook affordability. I will take action as a CNAS senator to resolve issues within the colleges to make your home, UCR, [A] [B]etter [C]ommunity.
[YOUR]SIDE Greetings UCR! My name is Sam Uweh and I am running for the ASUCR position of CNAS Senator with the generous support of the [YOUR]SIDE party. I am currently a 4th year Biology major and over Sam Uweh the course of my time here I have been active in various student organizations and along the way I have learned a great magnitude about student life and the worries and concerns of my fellow students. Given [YOUR] support my party and I will act upon our goals of furthering our school [Pride], increasing the [Progress] of student involvement, and strengthening the [Empowerment] of the student voice to further improve [YOUR] university which we all love. You can count on our party because we will always and forever be on [YOUR]SIDE!
polling locations
Lot 30 Underpass (Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. - 10 a.m.) Bell Tower (Monday through Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.)
[YOUR]SIDE Hello Highlanders! Ana Villanueva is my name and [Progress] is my aim. I am running for the ASUCR senator position because my intentions lie on [YOUR] Side. UCR is much more than a university; it is a comANA VILLANUEVA munity that unites and encourages the student body by promoting [Pride] and the life skills that lead to [Empowerment]. As a senator, my main goal would be to create a stronger connection between the students and the university because what would UCR be without its students? I will strive to make [YOUR] voices heard and ensure that [YOU] are receiving the resources that [YOU] need to succeed. [YOU] are the heart and soul to [YOUR] own tartan soul.
INDEPENDENT As a physics tutor and a former orientation leader for UCR, I appreciate this campus for giving me opportunities when I had nothing but the intention to make a difference. I want to ensure the same is being offered to Ken Wang all UCR undergraduates with hearts and dreams. I want to expand our free tutoring program so help will always be there when needed; raise the on campus employment hour cap so students can work more to afford tuition; host more on campus entertainment events and make a profit from non-student visitors, so we won’t ever have to raise tuition to keep the school running. As an international student it wasn’t easy for me to get involved, yet through everything I do I want to inspire y’all that no matter who you are you can make a difference if you have the heart for it!
Learn more about each candidate by checking out the ASUCR debates or viewing one-on-one interviews with the Highlander.
Aberdeen & Inverness Residence Halls (Monday through Thursday, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.) Lothian Residence Halls (Monday through Thursday, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.) HUB 302 (Wednesday, 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.) Latitude 55 (Thursday, 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.) Watkins Lawn (Friday, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.) VOTE ONLINE www.elections.ucr.edu voting Incentives at the Bell Tower
Monday: First 500 voters get Carl's Jr. Tuesday: First 300 voters get T-shirts Wednesday: First 300 voters enter in a raffle Election day celebration events (open to all voters) Club Tartan with DJ Rene, Wednesday 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. - Hub 302 Karaoke with the Candidates, Thursday 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. - latitude 55 Bounce House Bonanza, Friday 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Watkins lawn