Volume 61 Issue 11

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Highlander University

Established 1954


C a l i f o r n i a , R ive r s i d e

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Commu n i t y we l c o m e s g r a n d o p e ning of R’ Gar den S a n dy V a n SENIOR STAFF WRITER

An empty plot of land behind Lot 30 has blossomed into the beginning of a community garden known as R’Garden, thanks to the efforts made by the UCR student organizations Sustainable UCR and Cultivate R’Space. Located near the corner of Canyon Crest Drive and Martin Luther King Boulevard, the grand opening of the R’Garden ceremoniously opened on Dec.1. Campus and community organizations will now be able to utilize the plots of land to grow fruits and vegetables, hold student fields trips and create an educational learning space. Initiated by 2011 UCR alumnus and garden organizer Fortino Morales, the presentation consisted of contributing environmental groups, public officials and student organizers. The presentation signified the collaborative efforts between campus and local organizations to promote outreach efforts through the community garden. “I just want to begin by recognizing the incredible effort, the commitment, the tirelessness that has been shown by a group of young students that we are standing here today that we are celebrating,” stated UCR Political Science professor Farah Godrej, during opening remarks of the event. “This is a result of months if not years of work by these young people.” Previous attempts at developing campus community gardens around Pentland Hills and Watkins Drive, located near the residence halls, lacked popularity and were effectively shut down over the last few years. In 2008, Sustainable UCR and the Salvation

Regents confirm appointment of UCR interim chancellor S a n dy V a n SENIOR STAFF WRITER

The UC Board of Regents confirmed Jane Close Conoley, dean of UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, as the acting chancellor of UC Riverside during a special meeting on Nov. 27. Effective Dec. 31, her appointment was preceded by the approval of Nicolas B. Dirks, Columbia University’s executive vice president, as the new chancellor of UC Berkeley, who will begin in June 2013. The following months will lead to the establishment of a search advisory committee that will be delegated with the duty of finding a permanent chancellor for UCR by next summer. “Jane Close Conoley has long been a nationally recognized education expert, and she is a treasured member of the UC community,” UC President Mark Yudof said. “With her serving in this interim role, I am confident that the Riverside campus will keep moving forward on several fronts, especially student success.” CHANCELLOR CONT’D ON PAGE 6

Attendees of the R’Garden opening ceremony line up to plant the first seeds in the garden.

Army sought to fund a separate garden, but due to the economic crisis, the latter program was forced to withdraw support. In the same year, UCR Chancellor Timothy White made a oneyear funding agreement of $145,723, which was used to offset start-up costs, hire student interns and support development plans. “The power of our students is...really the organic piece of our university, along with the

V i n c e n t T a /HIGHLANDER

power of our faculty,” stated White as he punctured the earth with an honorary metal shovel during the ceremonial speeches. In congratulatory support, White extended his funding commitment to three years “to make sure we keep this thing going and that with the success from fundraising...foundations and the community, this thing will eventually be self-sufficient...” R’GARDEN CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

UC campuses tagged as “most dangerous” in the nation S a n dy V a n SENIOR STAFF WRITER

UC Riverside was recently ranked the 24th most dangerous college in America, according to website Business Insider’s list of the “25 Most Dangerous Colleges in America,” on Nov. 20. The list, which uses the FBI’s 2008-2011 Uniform Crime Report, has since come under fire from UCR and number one ranked UCLA for inaccurately portraying the data. Following backlash from the titled UC campuses, the list unearthed discussion about campus safety and whether or not it can be accurately measured through statistical reporting. The website offered a secondary list, based on data retrieved from the U.S. Department of

Education by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or Clery Act, just one week later to further support the legitimacy of their first list. “Your headline, and the way you have used the statistics to brand certain college campuses ‘the most dangerous’ is in fact a step in the wrong direction for crime prevention. An intentionally inflammatory headline is now being widely disseminated,” stated UCR Director of Media Relations Kris Lovekin, in response to the list. According to the online publication, three years of FBI crime data were averaged and divided by the student population, in order to rank all US schools. With number one designated as the “most danger-

ous,” UCLA and UCR officials asserted that the list was “erroneous” or “mistaken.” Complaints arose over the fact that American public schools were taken into account, but not private schools. Public schools with under 10,000 enrolled students were also not included. Based on the Council for American Private Education, 33,366 private schools were reported in 20092010, which consists of 25 percent of all schools in the United States. Colleges and universities were chosen based on FBI crime data submitted by campus police departments, yet few private schools have their own law enforcement. UC officials contend that the data does not DANGEROUS CONT’D ON PAGE 2


Volume 61

Issue 11





Issue 10 Correction: The Arab Spring is a na-

tional movement in the Middle East that began on December 18, 2010. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has resulted in five major wars and minor conflicts. DANGEROUS FROM PAGE 1

holistically represent all US schools, due to the inclusion of off-campus crimes that is often recorded in the FBI statistics. “To conclude that UCLA somehow is dangerous is a reckless mis-characterization of data,” stated UCLA Director of Media Relations Phil Hampton. He noted that UCLA Police Department included crime reports from the western Los Angeles region, that was beyond the boundaries of campus, as well as university health clinics owned by UCLA In reaction to the complaints by UC officials, a second list was released by the Business Insider website through the federal Clery Act, which mandates the disclosure of on-campus crime. This is monitored by the United States Department of Education and is publicly available. Through the Clery list, Howard University was placed first, while UCLA fell to rank 20 and UCR following after—a distinction that both UC officials and the authors of Business Insider have been quick to point out. “The labeling of these schools serve only as a problem, where it is just another thing parents and students have to think about in deciding their college of choice. The way in which the surveys are conducted only leaves one with the conclusion that these schools are

truly the top 25 most dangerous,” stated fourth-year student Sam Odufalu, who expressed frustration about the listing. “The limitationsthat have more than 10,000 students [should be considered] leaves out a drastic number of other schools in the country,” he said. Another critique by UC officials and students alike was certain schools appeared highly-ranked on the second list did not show up on the first list. There are 16 new schools that only appear on the second list. The authors argue that both lists still included UCLA and UCR in its list of dangerous campuses, despite the severe drop in ranking for UCLA. “We believe both are valid,” Business Insider said about the FBI and Clery Act lists. “We are glad to provide a second opinion, but we also reaffirm our confidence in the original list of America’s most dangerous colleges.” In 2011, the UC Riverside Police reported one forcible rape, four robberies and two assaults. An average of 11 violent crime incidents and 360 property crime incidents took place in Riverside between 2008-2011. A total of five California colleges and universities were included in the list. “We don’t think overly sensational headlines are helpful to students and parents who are applying to colleges right now. And we remain committed to the safety of our students, and the preH vention of crime,” stated Lovekin. ■

C o u rt e s y

o f at v n . o rg a n d n e t e c o n . e e . u c l a . e d u

TOP: The Bell Tower is located at the heart of UCR. BOTTOM: UCLA’s Royce Hall is a performing and ceremonial venue.



2 Women’s Basketball vs. Northern Arizona 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. SRC Arena

9 12 Days of Wellness 12 – 12 a.m. Human Resources Building (Personnel)








Weekday Carillon Recitals 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. Bell Tower

Peace Corps Information Session 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. HUB 260

NAMES, a film by David Campos 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Arts Building Studio Theatre, ARTS 113



12 Chancellor’s Campus Farewell Reception 2 - 4 p.m. HUB 302

Executive Council Meeting 1 - 3 p.m. University Office Building 220







UCR Sings! by UCR Undergraduate Students 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Arts Building Music Rehearsal Hall, ARTS 157

Bookmaking: Trio of Gift Books 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. UC Riverside Extension Center




LGBTQ Grad Student Hours 2 - 3 p.m. Costo Hall 245

Letters to Santa 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 21350 Rider St., Perris, CA 92750

Bioinformatics Workshop: Introduction to R 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Genomics Auditorium, RM 1102A




Men’s Basketball: Whittier 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. SRC Arena




APOCALYPSE All Day The Whole World

Men’s Basketball: Air Force 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. SRC Arena


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Riverside resident caught in terrorism plot Dean Mayorga SENIOR STAFF WRITER


A Riverside resident was one of four men charged with conspiracy to provide material support to Al-Qai’da and the Taliban in order to target American troops in Afghanistan on Nov. 26. Arifeen David Gojali, a 21-year-old US citizen of Riverside and two other men were arrested in Chino by FBI agents just a few days before boarding a plane that would take them to Afghanistan. The three men were planning to meet with ringleader, Sohiel Omar Kabir, 34, in Afghanistan to carry out the plot. Deemed a flight risk by Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym, Gojali was denied bail at a brief bond hearing in U.S. District Court. The other two suspects, Ralph Deleon of Ontario and Miguel Santana of Upland, were also held without bond in their respective court appearances. They are all currently being held in the federal wing of the Central Detention Center of San Bernardino. “We were on them for quite a while,” FBI Special Agent David Bowdich said in a press release. The authorities were first aware of the group after border officials notified them of Santana crossing into the U.S. from Mexico

carrying extremist-Islamic propaganda. Eventually an undercover FBI agent infiltrated the group, relaying information that was vital in the the agency’s effort in arresting the suspects. The four men had trained for months in preparation for the planned attacks. A few of the suspects had gone to shooting ranges and paintball facilities, located in Riverside County, in order to become familiar with the weaponry that would be used in the assaults. According to the 77-page criminal complaint by the FBI, Kabir first contacted Santa and Deleon, converting them to Islam and “introducing them to radical and violent Islamic doctrine.” Kabir later met with Gojali who had shown interest in going with the suspects to Afghanistan. In their meeting, Kabir asked Gojali, “Do you have it in you, fighting for fisabilillah, killing?” Gojali responded, “Yeah, of course.” UCR Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Muhamad Ali shared his expertise on extremist Islamic beliefs in a press release. “They’re very easily indoctrinated. Early conversion is fragile and prone to manipulation,” he said. UCR students responded to the news with relief after learning that the suspects were residents of the Inland Empire. “I guess it’s comforting that

J i n y o u n g K o /HIGHLANDER The U.S. District Courthouse in Downtown Riverside where 21-year-old David Gojali appeared on trial.

this is the first time I’m ever hearing about a local person being a terrorist,” said UCR undergraduate Alex Hill. “That means that it’s pretty rare. There hasn’t been a successful attack since 9/11. So that’s a good sign. That means that things like the Patriot Act are kind of validated by that. These kinds of instances where

they catch terrorist validates those controversial policies.” Assistant Director of the FBI in the Los Angeles Field Office Bill Lewis stated, “anytime that you have individuals here in the United States that are conspiring to go overseas to commit violent acts against members of the United States military...we think

that is extremely serious.” Agent Bowdich also commented on the existing dangers that lurk within local communities. “Our message to them is that there is no threat locallybased around this case that we are aware of,” said Bowdich. “This was an out-of-the-continental US threat.” ■H

ASUCR update: outdoor classroom in community garden approved Dean Mayorga SENIOR STAFF WRITER

On Nov. 26, members of the ASUCR Senate listened to Fortino Morales, staff coordinator of the UCR community garden, as he gave a quick presentation about three new projects that were approved by the Green Action Campus Plan (GCAP). Later on in the senate meeting, funding for each project was approved by ASUCR. The projects are: a student restroom made out of compost material, a structure that surrounds the toilet and a classroom. Engineers Without Borders is focusing on the compost toilet, Society for Hispanic Engineers is building the structure around it, and Cultivate R’Space is in charge of building the classroom. “These three different projects have been kind of, in the works, since the inauguration of [the community garden],” stated Morales during the public forum segment. “So it’s been something that we’ve been playing around with. I’ve been talking…to different campus folks about the idea of building some type of earthen, sustainable structure. So that’s what these three projects would be.” Engineers Without Borders and Society for Hispanic Engineers both asked for $3,000 for their respective projects while GCAP asked for $3,000 to build the classroom. Each measure was approved in the Senate after Vice

President of Internal Affairs Kevin Jo gave the report. Vice President of External Affairs Lazaro Cardenas gave his report about several University of California Student Association (UCSA) campaigns. One of them includes the creation of “uniform UC wide literature...in regards to who are the regents and why they are at where they are at,” as Cardenas stated. “I know it’s important of having students aware of the people who basically make the major decisions of the University.” Also discussed during the meeting was the Nov. 28 Q & A session regarding the proposed Middle Eastern Student Center. Senator Ian Cavasos and Academic Affairs Director Shadi Matar both mentioned the event during the roundtable and announcement segment, with an anticipatory establishment of a Middle Eastern Student Center on campus. Senate Meeting Highlights: President Liam Dow reported on his visit to the regents meeting the week prior to the ASUCR meeting. According to Dow, some of the topics discussed for the 2012-2013 budget proposal were potential tuition increases for the next year, alleviated funding, increased enrollment of out-ofstate students, multi-year funding agreement with the state and professional fees. Academic Affairs Director Shadi Matar is currently working with the Academic Probation

W e s l e y N g /HIGHLANDER Vice President of Internal Affairs Kevin Jo delivers his Green Campus Action Plan (GCAP) report to the Senate.

Office to reform the process of academic probation. Academic Affairs is suggesting that students who are put on probation should be required to attend a minimum of three academic workshops and at least one meeting with a counselor. President Liam Dow gave his report about Student Advocates to the Regents (StAR), a program that the University of California Students (UCSA) offers. StARs meet with and build relationships with Regents and speak about student priorities. They are provided direct access to the Regents, without the constraints of the line separating approved guests from the public audience. StARs meet Regents during informal parts of the agenda, which includes breaks and meals.

Personal Chair Director Marianne Melleka and Senator Ian Cavasos are planning to meet with UCR organizations, such as UCPD or the HUB, to create a risk management committee. Personal Chair Director Marianne Melleka spoke about her meeting with the Title IX Resource Service Consultant and outlined her plans about creating a sexual harassment committee. ASUCR along with GCAP will be hosting informational documentary as part of “Recycle Mania,” a competition between Aberdeen and Inverness and Lothian residence halls to see which one can recycle the most. An event called “What Can You Do with a Life Science Major” is being spearheaded by Senator Johnny Ta. It’s projected date

is Tuesday, Feb. 12, at HUB 355. Supplemental instruction sessions (SI) are often perceived as being overcrowded, which led Senator Johnny Ta to propose a live stream of the session using Adobe Connect. Academic Affairs sent out a survey requesting information about library hours for finals week. The results showed that students were in favor of the change, in which the Orbach Library will be open for 24 hours and the Rivera Library until two a.m.. These hours would go into effect the friday prior to finals week until the following Wednesday. Senator Ben Pengson is currently working to improve the CHASS Connect program by including second-year undergraduates. ■H

The new Highlander debuts winter 2013.

Join our cast and share the spotlight once we’re ready for showtime. Come to our weekly meetings on Mondays at 5:15 to learn how you can get involved with the big changes coming to your student newspaper next quarter.



this thing will eventually be selfsufficient...” Another speaker was Pavan Rami, a team member of Cultivate R’Space, which is a UCR research organization that holds a student-led seminar titled “Urban Garden.” The seminar is a two-unit UCR course that is taught in the spring quarter, and will soon be expanded into the winter quarter of next year. Rami anticipates the development of a regenerative community seminar as a future course, which aims to bring urban renewal projects into local communities. During the grand opening, visitors were greeted with locallygrown tangerines and informative workshops by various environmental organizations such as the Riverside County Master Gardener, Gates Cactus & Succulent Society, and Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District. “I’m really excited about...letting people know that [the garden] is here and starting to get people involved. We just got three GCAP grants. One to build the outdoor classroom. One to build the compost toilet and [one] to purchase the compost project and so we’re starting to build the infrastructure slowly and get students involved.” From 1991 to 1996, an older community garden existed on the other side of Chicago Avenue, but was eventually closed down and used as storage by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).

“There’s a lot more interest in it. You know there’s about four community gardens springing up in Riverside. There’s a really nice one at Emerson School,” stated Tony Inaba when asked about the distinction between this garden and its predecessors. Inaba is a teacher of Emerson Elementary, which is less than a mile from the R’garden. A portion of the land will be used as a youth garden for student field trips and there is also a nearby citrus grove. The students from the Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) displayed their 18-foot mobile trailer that stores energy through rechargeable DC batteries and is collected by large solar panels. Funded by the Green Campus Action Plan (GCAP), ASUCR senators dedicated $34,000 to the development of the solar panel system. The portable trailer was also used to power the microphone system and the speakers during the ceremony, but will be purposed with pumping water into the garden. The Child Leader Project (CLP), the Botany and Entomology Student Association (BEUSA) and Sustainable UCR were some of the few student organizations that partook in the festivities. Advocating safe space, healthy food and strong community, members of CLP taught visitors how to make seed bombs, which involved placing seeds in compressed balls of soil and throwing them into urban, fertile fields. Among the network of community and campus organizations, many residents of the Riverside community turned out to support

NEWS and promote the grand opening. Third-year student Gustavo Hurtado spoke of his involvement with the Child Leader Project, which is a student organization that advocates local projects in the surrounding community, such as the “Growing Arlanza” initiative, which was aimed at providing fresh fruits and vegetables in the neighboring community of Riverside. Alex Villegas, the California organizer of the Real Food Challenge, a national organization that empowers youths for an equal and just food system, also spoke at the grand opening. “This garden is the culmination of really hard work and organizing and cooperation between students, staff, faculty and community members. It’s really important for students to learn inside the classroom and also apply skills outside the classroom. So we should really celebrate the fact that this space is going to be available,” Villegas said. The presentation ended with the first planting, where visitors lined up in a large dirt row and were given hairy vetch seeds to sow into the ground. Hairy vetch is a nitrogenlegume plant that is naturally absorbent. Morales expressed the desire the growth of permaculture, in which the garden becomes self-sustaining, through the upcoming design process. “It’s going to change the way [the garden] looks...from the traditional row,” stated Morales. “So we want to bring that design process and bring all those people together to plan that out in the spring.” ■H


The special meeting was held to accommodate UCR Chancellor Timothy White, who will step down and head the CSU system, where he will replace Charles Reed as chancellor on Jan.1. Conoley, 65, is expected to hold the reigns of UCR’s transitioning leadership until a permanent chancellor is found. Dirks will succeed UC Berkeley chancellor of eight years, Robert J. Birgenau, who will step down in May 2013, but retain his faculty position as a physics professor. At age 61, Dirks was previously dean of the faculty for arts sciences, Franz Boas professor of anthropology and history, and the executive vice president of Columbia University, where he authored three books. “I am deeply honored to have the opportunity to serve in a leadership capacity at a truly great institution of higher learning that is both a beacon of excellence and a powerful engine of opportunity,” Dirks said. Approved by the UC regents, Dirks will receive compensation benefits and a base salary of $486,800, which is an 11.4 percent increase of Birgeneau’s salary, yet is still reduced compared to his current earnings at Columbia University. Conoley will receive an annual salary of $245,600, a yearly auto allowance of $8,916 and an on-campus house, as funded by the university. Her salary is applicable

for the duration of her appointment, including this month to accommodate for transitioning activities. “I am thrilled and honored to be part of the UCR community. UCR has evidenced a strong commitment to the future and to excellence. Its commitment to qualify for [Association of American Universities] membership while simultaneously remaining committed to student success is a rare and wonderful example of what great universities can do for their regions, states and nation,” stated Conoley in an interview with the Highlander. “I’d further share that I’ve experienced a warm welcome and very effective education from UCR leadership,” she said. “I appreciate that very much,” Chaired by President Yudof, the UCR chancellor’s search advisory committee will be announced in mid-December. Both GSA and ASUCR has nominated one student to the committee, yet their identity remain undisclosed for the time being. On Jan.10, the advisory team will hold their first meeting, where roughly fifteen student representatives from the campus will be given the opportunity to meet with the committee. According to UCR Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs James Sandoval, a website is also underway, which will allow members of the UCR community to provide inH put about the overall process. ■





contributing writer

UCR NEUROSCIENCE FOUNDING PROFESSOR PASSES AWAY Dr. Paul Dudley Wilson, an integral founder of the UCR Neuroscience Department, passed away at his home Oct. 9 at the age of 83. After serving in the Army from 1953 to 1955, Wilson attended the University of Chicago. He received his PH.D in 1964, and was then hired at UCR as a temporary lecturer in 1966, when UCR was a new school. At the time, the neuroscience department was still being

developed. Wilson had an active role in guiding and growing the department. He was the acting chair of the Neuroscience department, and a professor of psychology and neuroscience until 1990. After retiring in 1993, he continued to teach as emeritus professor until 1996. In addition, he was an active part of LIFE society at UCR and the Riverside County Youth Accountability Board. Much of Dr. Wilson’s re-

search focused on the eye; the retina and the optical nerve. Yet, he is remembered mainly for his gentility and kindness. He is recalled as wise and insightful amongst colleagues, friends and students. Services for Dr. Wilson were held on Oct. 29, at First Congressional Church in Riverside. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, Barbara, his children: Elizabeth, Peggy and Tom and his sister, Mary. ■H

GENERAL CATALOG NOW AVAILABLE AS AN APPLE IBOOK APP UC Riverside’s 2012-2013 general catalog is now available in the Apple iBook format and can be purchased through iTunes for $4.99. It is also available as an ebook for the Amazon Kindle as well. The catalog is available on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. It can only be read using iBooks 1.3.1 or later and iOS 4.3.3 or later. The ebook catalog has everything the printing catalog has and more. The ebook includes features like advanced searching, bookmarking, and

links to departments, programs and services. There are also several PDF versions that can also be downloaded from catalog.ucr.edu. By making digital catalogues available, UCR aims to improve the university’s environmental footprint and students can have access to the catalog through a number of databases. And they have the convenience is that students always have it with them. The UCR Department of Environmental Health and Safety has the goals of main-

taining a sustainable campus with zero injury and illness at work and home, zero property loss, and zero environmental damage. They hope to fulfill this mission through the use of the Integrated Safety and Environmental Management (ISEM) System. UCR’s green efforts were recognized in October with two awards from the Keep Riverside Clean and Beautiful and the Southern California Corporate Growth Partners and the Minority Business Development Agency Business Center. ■H


& LAUREN GREEN, contributing writer

UCR ECONOMICS PROFESSOR POSSIBLE DEAN FOR SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY Professor Anil Deolalikar, a Harvard, Cam bridge and Stanford University graduate is a finalist for the position of Founding Dean of UC Riverside’s School of Public Policy. Deola likar received his Ph.D. in economics from Stan ford University and is a UC Riverside economics professor. He will be speaking at a vision seminar on Monday, Dec. 10 from 12-1 p.m. at the Genomics Auditorium. All UCR faculty, staff and students are cordially invited to attend. Deolalikar, an economi cs professor at UC Riverside since 2003, has been closely involved with the prog ress and approval for the UCR School of Public Policy. He also served as the Associate Dean in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Co-Director of the UC Global Health and held

many other non-academic and honorary positions. In addition, his areas of expertise and research interest include economic development with special focus on human capital accumulation, economic demography and social protection policies. He has had experi ence in countries such as India, Vietnam, China, Philippines and many more. Examples of his work include being a consultant for an Asian Development Bank in the Philippines. He also presented a seminar and four lectures titled “Local Government Finance in China: Lessons from Other Countries” in China. Professor Deolalikar ’s work at UCR has included being the Asso ciate Dean for CHASS, Chair of the UCR Senate Committee on Research, Interim Dean of Anderson Graduate School of Management. ■H

GOVERNOR BROWN COMMISSIONS UCR TOXICOLOGIST TO CANCER COMMITTEE UCR Professor of Toxicology David Eastmond was appointed to the Carcinogen Identification Committee of the California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment by California Governor Jerry Brown. The committee that he is involved in identifies which chemicals are known to cause cancer and adds this to the list of the already-known carcinogenic chemicals. They also determine whether the chemical actually does cause cancer through scientific testing.

The chemicals that are proposed to be added to the list and what chemicals are clearly shown to cause cancer are tasks Eastmond takes on as a part of this committee. In addition, Eastmond has been chair of Cell Biology and Neuroscience since 1999 and is also a professor of Cell Biology. Earning a PhD in Environmental Sciences from UC Berkeley, he engages in research that focuses on the mechanisms involved in the toxicity and carcinogenesis of environmental and agricultural chemicals. He has won many awards and has published sev-

eral papers along with serving as president for the Environmental Mutagen society from 2003-2004. He was also chosen to be included in the 1995 edition of “Who’s Who in the West” and the 1995 edition of American Men and Women in Science”. He was also elected in 2004 to be one of five Jefferson Science Fellow at the U.S. Department of State. The program gathers U.S. scientists, policymakers and diplomats to work on issues of international importance. Lastly, he was elected a Fellow of the Collegium Ramazzini. ■H






On June 6th, the Supreme Court refused to strike down a California law that offers state residents reduced tuition rates at California colleges. The law’s opponents argue that the bill, which does not distinguish between lawful residents and illegal immigrants, violates a federal law that prohibits states from giving college benefits to illegal aliens on the basis of residence within a state. Unfortunately for the law’s detractors, the Supreme Court wouldn’t even hear their challenge. Lawyers for a conservative immigration-law group that backed the appeal claim that the law is patently unfair to the thousands of full-bred American high school graduates who apply to California colleges from other states each year. These students will have to pay as much as $20,00 more for college tuition than the illegal immigrants (and many other California residents) that the bill aids. Others have argued that the bill gives preferential treatment to illegal immigrants - it is just one more derivative of affirmative action, bent on taking positions away from the hard working, middleclass Caucasians who really deserve http://ulife.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/rick-santorum-660x320.jpg


C o u rt e s y

If the world ended today, would you be happy with what you’ve done?


Wikimedia Commons

SEEKING A PURPOSE FOR THE END OF THE WORLD Now that December has announced its arrival with dark, cloudy skies, chilling rain and waning sunlight, Winter Break is only a few final exams away. This means that this issue of the Highlander will be the last published in the year 2012. And since the world will undoubtedly end in a terrific blaze of glory on Dec. 21, 2012, this issue of the Highlander will be the last ever published. It will no doubt become a highly-prized collector’s item among the only organisms to survive the impending cataclysm—cockroaches. Rest assured, the Highlander staff has taken steps to insure the legacy of our campus newspaper will live on in the earthly realm before we transcend the mortal coils that bind us to this world alongside the rest of the human race. But the Highlander has not just spent the last few weeks of its existence only to secure its own legacy. We have decided to go out with a bang. Rather than quake with terror or curl up into the fetal position at the prospect of imminent doom, we each have made the decision to spend the last of our time on this green

Earth enjoying the last of our time on Earth. Some of us will travel to foreign countries or other states. Others will learn a new language or eat our favorite foods until we get sick. And we will spend our time with the people we care about most, our friends and families. In short, we are determined to do what we’ve always wanted to do, but never made time for. Striving for your goals and acting on your dreams is a good thing. It’s just a shame that it will take the end of the world to make it happen. Perhaps as a people we are only motivated by deadlines—there is no deadline more final than the end of the world. Or maybe we spend too much time focusing on trivial desires that result only in fleeting pleasure. Either way, there have been those times where we postponed a family gathering or a night out with friends for a day because of some television show’s season finale. The delay always starts as a day. But soon it becomes a week, and later transforms into a month, until the event is shoved aside indefinitely, forgotten and abandoned like a dilapidated piece of furniture carelessly left behind by the


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or volunteer to help others eat by spending time at a soup kitchen. You could take up the craft of origami, teach yourself to play the guitar, learn sign language, master archery, or study the art of pre-modern warfare. What you decide to do is limited only by your imagination and your individual desires. Why wait until the end of the world to do what you love? If the human race were to suddenly go extinct today, would you be happy with the life you’ve lived and the things you’ve done? Our time on this planet is short; every hour is precious. Spend your time with people you value, doing activities you enjoy. There’s no problem with taking a few days off, relaxing, and catching up on sleep. Everybody needs to break for a bit sometime. But don’t wait until the Earth spontaneously combusts to go bungee jumping if that’s what you’ve always wanted to do. Go bungee jumping now. After all, you’ve only got until Dec. 21 to do it. Of course, there’s always the off chance that the world does not come to a screeching halt on Dec. 21. But in that case, you’ll only have a greater amount of time

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roadside in the dirt. What does this say about us—the way we so casually dismiss life’s meaningful activities in favor of actions that give us at best only momentary pleasure? Instead of taking the time to write a letter to a friend living across the globe, we stare out the window at the pedestrians walking along the sidewalk. Instead of volunteering at an animal shelter, we sit at our computer and dredge the depths of the Internet for a webcomic or search for popular memes. Is this the kind of existence we want for ourselves? After finals week is done, we’ll have a Winter Break full of free time. What will you choose to do? You could decide to lay on the couch in your apartment and watch reruns of House for days on end, only emerging from your hermitage to use the restroom and secure something to eat. Or you could camp out in the Mojave Desert and view the stars in the clear night sky. Maybe you’d prefer to drive to Six Flags and take on every single roller coaster in the amusement park. You and your friends might decide to go eat at a restaurant you’ve never been to before,

Kelly Mahoney

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to do everything on your list and more. You’ll come back to UCR in January a much more interesting, experienced and richer person for it. At the beginning of the school year, we encouraged students to take the plunge into the pool of opportunities that is UCR and reach outside their comfort zone. But this shouldn’t just be limited to what you do at UCR. It’s a theme you can strive to live by in everything you do, even after your UCR days are only memories residing in the dusty pages of your history. Over Winter Break, travel to that place you’ve always wanted to go to. Learn to play the instrument you’ve always wanted to play. Pick up the book that’s been gathering dust on your shelf that you’ve always wanted to read. There is no time like the present. And when you do decide to dive in, whether the world ends or not, your experience will amply reward you. ■H

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Go Greek or go home: the consequences of Greek organizations Courtney Parker CONTRIBUTING WRITER

At the University of California, Riverside, there are 40 sororities and fraternities among hundreds of other student organizations. Though there are many different types of Greek organizations to choose from, should they even exist at UCR? College is a time of growth, learning, and adaptation to brand-new, abrupt changes in one’s life. These new changes may include a foreign location, as close as Los Angeles, or as far as a nation outside of the United States. It can even mean lack of financial or emotional support from family due to disappointment in regards to their wishes for their child. No matter what the reason is, various college and university students often become involved in a variety of clubs and organizations throughout student life in order to connect with others who share similar feelings and interests. UCR is no exception to this. An uninformed student may ask how one joins a Greek organization. Is it through a simple sign-up? Maybe through attending an open, inclusive meeting and becoming deeply involved? Nope. Joining a sorority or fraternity is not nearly as easy as joining other nationally recognized organizations, such as Circle K International or the College Democrats or Republicans. The lack of inclusion within Greek organizations may bother or even intimidate students around campus due to their high status. Students may feel inadequate standing next to a member of one of these societies, or even threatened. Greek organizations pose many negative connotations despite their various positive recognitions. However, the negatives ultimately outweigh the positives. According to U.S. News and World Report, UCR is one of the most ethnically diverse universities in the country.

The university’s positive reputation is reflected through different organizations and resource centers for students from essentially every walk of life. Though this diversity shows through most of the clubs and organizations on campus, it is Greek organizations that do not exhibit this sense of inclusion. Like any other sorority or fraternity, each potential Greek society member, is required to experience the process of rush, only to be faced with the likelihood of rejection. How can this be possible on a campus that has such a great reputation for diversity? These organizations exhibit signs of exclusion, especially when displaying their massive Greek letters near the Bell Tower. Even when rush ends, several Greek societies continue to advertise their organization without an invitation to join. The problem with this resides in the fact that many other student organizations create displays every Wednesday during Nooners in order to highlight what makes them unique to the university. Why do Greek organizations have to go beyond this if they do not make an effort to recruit new members? I understand the prestige and honor of being a member of a sorority or fraternity. Sororities, such as Alpha Chi Omega, and fraternities, such as Pi Alpha Kappa, continue to be recognized on the national level. However, it seems that the greater the reputation of the organization, the more exclusive it is. U.S. News and World Report states that “1.9 percent of the [UCR] student body is involved in a sorority, while 2.1 percent is involved in a fraternity.” With low percentages of students involved in such a notable area of the college student lifestyle, this definitely makes one question why so much exclusion exists—not just at UCR, but at other colleges and universities. Why is a mere 4 percent

W e s l e y N g /HIGHLANDER Greek societies rest on the principle of exclusion, something that is opposed to UCR’s commitment to diversity.

of the UCR student body involved with a Greek organization? Those associated with these societies may feel a sense of unity and inclusion within their own “family.” Connecting with a community of individuals who share the same interests and desires is often the top reason many join any kind of coalition like a sorority or a fraternity. This is completely understandable since the distinction of UCR is its sense of unity and pride. However, outside members may only feel segregation. While this may not be the intention of these fellowships, it is the result. Once pledges are chosen to join, the accepted feel united, and the rejected feel disassociated. This feeling may worsen after rush because the “rushee” may have already begun to feel a close connection with the current members. Is this what UCR stands for? Does joining a fraternity or sorority become a statement of exclusion to others?

There are hundreds of other organizations that do not have negative reputations of peer pressure and hazing that students can feel accepted and united in, such as the American Red Cross and the Associated Students Program Board. These feelings of acceptance can even push members to say or do things that are not considered a “smart choice.” These are the choices that increase the risks of sexual assault, sexually transmitted infections, and even death. A recent example stems from the passing of a student from California State University, Chico. On the night of the student’s 21st birthday, he consumed 21 shots of liquor, resulting in death from alcohol poisoning. The student was pledging to Sigma Pi at CSU Chico, and all Greek organizations are currently suspended after this tragedy. Incidents such as these derive from a place of pressure from other members of the organization. This is not the type of community

and connection the students at UCR should endorse. I am not in support of suspending every fraternity and sorority at UCR, but I am also not in support of the selection process of Greek organizations, regardless of the university. Perhaps the selection process should be altered and based on other factors; most Greek societies are based on community service, just as Circle K International is. The process of recruiting more members seems rather superficial since rush does not last very long. A current sorority or fraternity member cannot get to know a potential member on a personal level after such a short timeframe. Therefore, Greek societies should be just as open as other organizations and eliminate any forms of superficial bias. At a university that has an incredible reputation of diversity and inclusion, such an exclusive selection of its members is not an accurate reflection of what UCR stands for. ■H

Rumor versus reality: has crime really ravaged UC Riverside? J o s h ua W a g o n b l a s t STAFF WRITER

Have you ever wondered where crime is the worst? Well, if you are unfamiliar with the college community of Isla Vista (a popular residence for UCSB and Santa Barbara City College students) then you will be surprised to know that said neighborhood has 394 crimes per square mile; the national median is 39.3. I mention this because of Business Insider’s new rankings for the most dangerous college campuses. If you are thinking that Riverside has to be on the list, it is, but the readers of this article should be happy to know that the University of California, Riverside was lower than some would have you believe. Our lovely little tertiary educational

institution was placed at number 24 out of 25. UCLA topped the list with a solid numero uno position. Are these ratings accurate? Is Riverside actually a “dangerous school?” I have to believe that delinquency is the least of our worries, and with these rankings people will actually be more inclined to send their applications to the highly accredited University of California, Riverside. The student population at UCR exceeds 20,000 students. The number of students affects the rankings by influencing the ratio of how many crimes are committed in relation to how many people there are. For instance, the 11 violent incidents per year and 360 property offenses are relatively small in comparison to Riverside’s resident population. Florida State University, Talla-

hassee was 25th on the list with 26 violent crimes per year, but this is with a student population of well above forty thousand. More people equal more crime, but the ratio is much smaller. The conclusion that can be made here is that Riverside’s crime is massively overrated; just ask the 11 who were convicted of the violent transgressions per 20,000 UCR students. Which schools are more violent, then? Perhaps the University of the Pacific in Stockton? Well no, but only because private universities were not accounted for in this compilation of wrongdoing. Dartmouth, Princeton and even Yale rank among some of the worst private college campus in terms of security. These constantly boasted about and vastly-praised universities could be even more dangerous

than my quaint home of Riverside. I would like to a see a list compiling a fair evaluation of all college campuses. I mean, come on, we all know USC would be a pack leader in crime statistics. One aspect to take into account when going over Business Insider’s rankings is the police enforcement of the area. The data was compiled from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s “Uniform Crime Report,” which is composed of crime data per capita from the years 2008 to 2011. The data only came from universities with a student body of more than ten thousand and was averaged to show a combination of violent and property crimes. Take note that violent crimes were weighed “four times higher” and that “not all schools participate[d] in CRIME CONTINUED ON PAGE 10





The dual face of nonprofits: providing charity or playing politics? T i m R. A g u i l a r STAFF WRITER

‘Tis the season to reach down into our pockets past the lint balls and with a little luck find some spare change for the less fortunate. Threeyear-old Matthew Chen of Riverside jumped with excitement at the opportunity of slipping his mother’s nice crisp dollar bills into the Salvation Army donation bucket, all the time refusing to relinquish a shiny silver quarter, in his other hand. I feel confident that young Matt isn’t aware that organizations like the Salvation Army and the Red Cross are two of our nation’s premier nonprofit humanitarian organizations. His mother Victoria, on the other hand, knew exactly what she was doing. She was visibly pleased that little Matt experienced such unabashed delight in giving. Besides, how can one argue with the sign hanging above the little red bucket that read, “Salvation Army: Doing the Most Good?” The Red Cross has delivered relief to casualties of war and victims of disasters since 1881. Together with the Salvation Army and 400 National Guard troops they provided more than 160,000 liters of water and nearly 860,000 meals to approximately 200,000 residents of New York City and the State of New Jersey in nine days following Hurricane Sandy. With each war and disaster, the Red Cross and the Salvation Army dispatch millions in funds and supplies along with personnel to help those in need. Their ongoing efforts help the homeless, the hungry and the sick and they never enter the realm of politics. Like other religious and charitable organizations, they are classified as a not-for-profit organization in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and are prohibited from engaging in political activities. Their classification affords these organizations a tax-exempt status. There are many noteworthy nonprofits, local and national, that accept donations and put it to work for the greater good of society. Some are focused on research seeking cures for disease and others focus their energies on feeding,

clothing and providing shelter to the homeless. For their dedication and hard work, our government affords them tax considerations. The other popularized not-forprofit organizations are corporations operating exclusively for the purpose of promoting social welfare, a term codified in the Internal Revenue Code. The face of these non-profits include the likes of Grover Norquist, founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform—so long as the tax reform favors the wealthy. There is much liberty taken with the words, “social welfare.” When used by the far right, as written in the IRC, the words mean deregulation, segregation and privatization of education and tax cuts for the wealthy. These nonprofits participate in political campaigns and legislative processes that favor their sociopolitical and economic agendas. They are better known to many as Super PACs. And unlike the Red Cross and Salvation Army, they have no disclosure requirements. Nor are they limited in the amount they can spend on political activity. They too are afforded a tax-exempt status pursuant to section 501(c)(4) of the IRC. There are non-profits that benefit society and respect people’s rights to practice the faith of their choosing and exercise their civil rights. These organizations place their volunteers in harm’s way to provide comfort and hope to the victims of tragedy in the form of blood and blankets, food and water. And when I think of little Matthew’s innocence I can’t help but feel that the well-intended laws and tax-exempt status of the nonprofit agency has been corrupted and violated for the purpose of promoting special interests, at taxpayer’s expense. The political activities of Super PACs are not required to speak the truth and they get to this with tax-exempt dollars. Why does this sound so wrong, so corrupt? Neoconservative political advocacy groups, like Americans for Prosperity, founded by the Koch brothers, seek laws that promote the increase of wealth for the wealthy, yet they receive the benefit of a taxexempt status afforded to humanitarian organizations like the Red Cross. Unlike the Red Cross or the


the survey.” When one puts these discrepancies aside it comes down to not just the statistics, but how these numbers are compiled. More specifically, how does the police force play a role? Students are probably familiar with the campus police that roam the walkways day and night. The UCR police department is not constrained to just the campus, however. In fact, the UC system is well-known for their campus cops because their jurisdiction extends farther than the student residences, despite common beliefs. The authority of this department actually extends into neighboring communities and the state. This results in the reporting of more crime because of nonstudent incidents that also occur. So UCR is not necessarily a “dangerous” community. The conclusion here is that the rankings may define a school as “dangerous” in terms of these statistical analyses, but it does not mean that these colleges are deadly traps. People are still going to apply and attend these universities, especially ones that are sought after a great deal, such as the top three on this list—Duke, UC Berkeley and UCLA. This means that people who are eager to be accepted to Riverside, or any UC, should not be deterred from applying just

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Wikimedia Commons

The two faces of nonprofits: the Salvation Army (left); Grover Norquist, head of Americans for Tax Reform (right).

Salvation Army, they do not seek to relieve pain or suffering, feed the hungry or house the homeless. They seek power and wealth and avoid taxes for the privilege of promoting their interests, as they lobby and influence politicians on Capitol Hill and at home in local and state elections. And yet, as corrupt as this reality may appear, these political action groups are not at the shameful end of this non-profit disaster. That position has been claimed by individuals who exploit our nation’s support of its military men and women. Disabled Veterans National Foundation, a non-profit organization, raised $56 million over the past three years and is indebted to Quadriga Art for $60 million; not a dime went to support disabled veterans, according to CNN. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals International’s program Baghdad Pups, which was supposed to match military dogs left behind in Iraq with military personnel, raised nearly $27 million and has outstanding debts of $8.4 million to Quadriga Art. The reportedly abandoned Baghdad Pups never existed. The group both these foundations are indebted to, Quadriga Art International, is a global direct marketing company that offers services to nonprofit organizations and whose tax-exempt status is being investigated by the Senate Finance Committee following a CNN Special Investigation Report in May

because of this list. The collection is based on student population, successful arrests and police jurisdiction. Just because an academe is deemed as “dangerous” does not make it a bad institution in any right. Looking at private schools also provides a much wider view and room for comparison. UCR and UCLA have both rebuked the rankings and complained about their place on the list. I say that we should accept the rankings and prove to the nation that the schools under scrutiny will still rise to any occasion in academics, sports or otherwise. Despite this “dangerous” affiliation, the Riverside students know that walking about or stumbling around drunk at night is not a guaranteed kick-me sign. The university e-mails students immediately when a crime has taken place, and there are even text messages sent just in case. Not only this, but there are also campus escorts, campus police and huge blue crime prevention signals scattered around the campus. To prevent an assault or any other attack one just has to push a button. So, is UCR “dangerous?” I am giving a strong no as my answer. In the meantime, I’ll be pointing and laughing at the students of the Business Insider’s number one ranked school, UCLA. ■H

2012. In addition, a Harvard-trained lawyer by the reported name of Bobby Thompson has bilked donors out of $100 million with a non-existent Navy Veteran’s Charity. This shameful, unacceptable condition is a reflection of well-intended tax laws gone terribly wrong. How have we allowed this situation to become what it is today? Last month the non-profit religious organization, Alaska Family Council, also became a nonprofit political action group, Alaska Family Action. With the support of the Koch Brothers and without changing one board member, its location or agenda, the Alaska Family Council will now have tax-free political speech. Jim Minnery, president for both organizations expressed his appreciation for the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling, which allows political and religious groups to be one and the same. He said, “We literally have to switch the light switch off and on when we have a board meeting, because we have to be a separate nonprofit corporation according to IRS regulations.” His comments were met with laughter from the crowd assembled for a fundraiser. How do you explain to the little Matts of the world and all the innocent, unsuspecting individuals wanting only to contribute to the greater good of a nation, untainted by religion and politics, that the face of nonprofits has changed and not all embody the “Doing the Most

Good” mentality? It appears true tax reform is needed, tax reform that requires the same level of transparency for political action groups as it demands of charitable organizations. Why should political action groups be afforded a tax-exempt status at all? But if they are, they should be stripped of this status whenever they engage in spurious political speech. Nor should religion be allowed to become a nonprofit political action group, which is merely an attempt to impose a single faith on people of many faiths. I do not wish to rain on the world of “Doing the Most Good,” but it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish the good guys from the bad. Whenever in doubt check the IRS website for credential information and revenue distribution. There are also organizations that rate nonprofits, but under no circumstance should you ever pay for this information. The people of this country are the most charitable individuals in the world and when disaster strikes we open our homes, our hearts and our wallets, like young Matthew and his mom, Victoria. We reach out to our neighbors with the help of organizations like the Salvation Army and the Red Cross. And it is important that we never lose sight of our compassion, because our compassion is by far our best quality. Happy Holidays! ■H

L i n C h a i /HIGHLANDER The UCPD has jurisdiction over the entire state, inflating the crime statistics at UCR.





Dead and still buried in college debt: let’s forgive student loans Sean Frede STAFF WRITER

A bailout is a term for giving a loan to a company that faces serious financial difficulty or bankruptcy. Who has not heard of a private bank or company receiving a bailout in these past few years? So far the government has disbursed $604.5 billion in bailout money; getting only $346.2 billion back, according to ProPublica. These bailouts saved our country from going through a total economic and banking collapse. Who knows what would have happened if these banks weren’t given a chance? Or given a hand up from the dark times that they faced? The government stepped in and prevented the collapse from happening. These companies were facing extreme hardships and the possibility of failing and shutting their doors, but an entity stepped in and helped them out. Why do I bring this up? Because in this recession that seemingly will never end, big companies aren’t the only people that need a little help. The people like you and me, the ones without millions in their pockets need help too. People like Ella Edwards and Francisco Reynoso deserve a second chance just like all the multi-billion-dollar companies were given. Edwards’ son, Jermaine, was 24 years old when he died from natural causes. A mother had to bury her own son. You would think that would be the worst of it, that there’s nothing else bad that could happen to this woman’s life. But it turns out Jermaine decided to do this thing called “going to college.” He decided to better his life through higher education and needed loans to get him through it; loans his mother, like any of our mothers, gratefully co-signed. Once he died she began to receive calls from private loan companies demanding money be paid for her deceased son’s loans. Edwards was 61 years old at the time she began getting calls from debt collectors, forcing her out of retirement and into depres-

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Do the financial costs of attending college outweigh the benefits of attending, especially when debt cannot be forgiven?

sion due to the struggle of paying these loans. The federal government that gave Edwards’ son loans graciously erased the debt a month after her son passed. The private companies still insist on getting their money to this day. America runs on returning things. If we buy something that breaks down the road we take our receipt and we get our money back. We believe that if we pay for something and we don’t get what we paid for then we get our money back. That is our belief. So here is a man that received a college education and tragically passed away, not getting a chance to reap the benefits of said education. Shouldn’t Edwards have a right then to get another type of return? She should not be forced to pay back these loans that went to nothing. If failing companies receive bailouts and help when they reach tough times why can’t you and I as individuals receive a little help? Francisco Reynoso was beyond proud when his son, Freddy, got accepted to the prestigious Berklee College of Music. Once again a proud father did what any father would do—cosign his son’s student loans to give him the chance to achieve the American Dream. Freddy

graduated in May of 2008 and immediately began looking for work, looking for a chance to repay his debt. When he was driving home from a job interview he got in a car accident and was tragically killed. For a year and a half Reynoso received multiple calls a day from debt collectors. Reynoso wasn’t even sure how much money his son owed because his son’s loans had been sold over and over again, ending with the banking conglomerate UBS, and Xerox, which owns the loan servicer handling the bulk of his loans. Once again the federal agency erased the debt and called it quits. The corporate companies were the ones that kept hounding for the money. It turns out that back when AIG received a backdoor bailout, UBS also benefited from AIG, resulting in government cash infusions totaling $182.5 billion. As other banks failed around them, they benefitted from the misfortune. UBS allows other banks to suffer while they reap the benefits from their suffering. At the same time, they are a business and they should be allowed to prosper when others are failing. There’s nothing wrong with that. But shouldn’t there be a line? It’s one thing to handle business well and

prosper. It’s another to ruthlessly go after someone like Reynoso, who only makes $21,000 annually as a gardener. Even our own government found the fault in forcing these parents to pay their deceased children’s student loans; the same government that bailed 926 companies out. If our government can forgive, why can’t the corporations? I hear many fellow students talk of their loans, talk of when they graduate it’s time to find a job in a market where jobs are at a minimum so they can start paying off their loans. Is this the new American Dream? Go to school just so that we can take out loans to pay off later? While I think higher education is essential, it does not sound very inviting at $15,000 a year or even more. Especially not when stories like Edwards and Reynoso get leaked out, leaving us to wonder what is the point of getting a higher education. What’s the purpose when you may just die and leave behind a pile of debt for your parents to pay after they already did their part of raising you to get to the collegiate level without becoming a complete degenerate, leaving them to have to pay off a college education that received zero benefits, and never the chance

to see their child prosper from a college education. Corporations are receiving bailouts because they weren’t able to do their job. It’s not that each CEO had a tragic death resulting in a loss of funds. They were supposed to do their job and they didn’t; their businesses began to fail so they sought after a bailout to keep things afloat. But what about Edwards? What about Reynoso? How did they not do their job? They raised children on a low-income budget and led them to become respectable American citizens. These families did everything right, unlike the private companies that failed and then received help. Reynoso and Edwards did things the right way and are simply not getting any of the help that they deserve. You, as a reader, can go to www.change.org and look up Ella Edwards’ petition to sign and personally make a change in this one woman’s life. They raised their children to reach the ultimate goal of obtaining higher education and yet these private companies refuse to allow them a bailout. It’s time we start giving bailouts to the common man. It’s time to erase the debt from these two families. ■H

Drug testing students in California: is it the hero or the heroin? Courtney Parker CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Heroin is a powerfully addictive and illegal substance that has swept Santa Clarita, a city in Los Angeles County, California. This drug has unfortunately struck teenagers and young adults ages 18 to 27, according to CBS News. However, the drug has also managed to creep into the hands of younger people under the age of 18. Due to the approximately 18 deaths in the past year, the William S. Hart Union High School District in Santa Clarita has instituted parental-authorized drug tests to ensure the students are not under the influence of heroin as well as other illicit substances. Though the newlydesigned program raises concerns regarding the privacy of the district’s students, it is absolutely necessary in order to prevent the many tragedies

that would otherwise occur. The recent program began as an option for parents who suspected their child might be using illegal drugs. Parents enroll their child in the program, and because most of the students involved are minors, they do not have legal authority to refuse participation in the program. Some believe this is a violation of the child’s rights and those against the testing argue that the program should be voluntary. But it is not likely that students will voluntarily subject themselves to drug testing, regardless of whether they use illegal substances or not. Therefore, permitting the parents to take responsibility to ensure the safety of their child is highly important. The parental concern for the child is the primary reason for enrollment in the testing program. The mentality of many teenagers and young adults is to think individu-

alistically without the help of older adult figures. The right to privacy, however, should not be included in this situation due to the fact that heroin is not only illegal, but deadly. The safety and welfare of the youth of America should and must come first, while the civil right to privacy must take a backseat. The encouragement of privacy in conjunction with the risk of overdose and death will only increase the number of incidents not only in Santa Clarita, but throughout Los Angeles County, the state of California, the United States, and the rest of the world. Looking at this situation through the viewpoint of a different age group, such as individuals that are at least 18 years of age, is just as controversial. The victims of heroin abuse that are 18 years old are seen as adults in the eyes of the law. However, even these people should be screened for

drug abuse given the reason of legality. Possession, distribution and consumption of any illicit substances can result in incarceration, loss of employment and even death. In order to lower the amount of drug-related crimes and incidents, the root of the cause must first be stopped. This is similar to security guards having the right to search any passenger that may be displaying suspicious activity at an airport. Airport security checkpoints even have signs directly stating this warning of random searching. People may argue that searches at the airport are discriminatory and invasive. However, because suspicious activity can result in a tragedy similar to the events on Sept. 11, 2001, airport security has every right to search whomever they believe is acting suspicious. Unfortunately, there were nine herDRUG TESTING CONTINUED ON PAGE 12




oin-related deaths in 2011, and double the amount of deaths in this past year in Santa Clarita Valley. The answer to stopping the various incidents surrounding substance abuse may not be successful, but it is a way of showing heroin users and addicts where the path of drug consumption may lead. The number of deaths may even increase in the next few months to years, but the parents and school officials are taking appropriate action to discourage this activity. The purpose of drug testing minors is not to take away the civil rights they have, but to make certain that these students realize the repercussions for ingesting any dangerous substance—including heroin. These consequences can range from expulsion from school to conviction of drug possession or distribution. Santa Clarita City

Councilman Frank Ferry warned the citizens of Santa Clarita that if these minors continue to engage in acts as dangerous as the consumption of heroin, “they’re either going to be addicted or dead.” Unfortunately, neither parents nor city officials can stop these teenagers and young adults from illegal drug usage, but the program that is taking place can decrease the number of deaths and overdoses among the city of Santa Clarita. Once a part of a person’s lifestyle involves lethal activity and substances, it is no longer a matter of privacy and freedom, but an issue of life and death. The William S. Hart Union High School District has the right to order mandatory drug tests to its junior high and high school students because of their concern for not only the students’ safety, but also the safety of others. It is not an issue of privacy, rather an issue of health and safety. ■H


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Although some say that the drug testing program violates students’ privacy, it is needed to combat increasing drug usage.

The dilemma of online courses: does cost trump all? Daniela Rodriguez CONTRIBUTING WRITER

College students have been severely impacted by budget cuts and the increasing size of classrooms. Traditional four-year colleges have tried to find a variety of solutions to get students to graduate within the four years they are supposed to. Some are in the process of implementing online courses that count as traditional college credit, with the goal of having students graduate on time and decreasing the size of classrooms. Although online courses can accelerate a college degree, having them can also have a negative impact on students because it eliminates the need to participate fully in a traditional college environment. Things like networking are only available on a physical campus and are a way for students to broaden their horizons and be prepared for the future. An online course prevents students from receiving the traditional college experience. The New York Times states that online courses are “a pilot project to determine whether some free online course[s] are similar enough to traditional college courses that they should be eligible for credit.” If this project continues, it would decrease the amount of freshmen applying to four-year universities because they would find that attending community colleges is less expensive. Since online courses would be offered in place of “introductory and remedial courses,” it would be cheaper, and cheaper prices attract struggling students. The competition to get into fouryear colleges would decrease and less-qualified applicants would be admitted, with the end result being a decrease in the college’s credibility. Going to a traditional four-year college means spending a lot of time away from home and experiencing things a student wouldn’t normally encounter by staying

at home with their parents. Colleges offer a variety of ways to be active on campus with a diverse pool of students. There are clubs, volunteering opportunities, workstudy programs, internships and even programs that allow students to study abroad that each lead to a student’s success in college and beyond. These opportunities can only be offered if a student attends a four-year university. If online courses start substituting the college credit of those courses offered at a traditional college, it deprives students of opportunities that can benefit their future. Traditional colleges, like UCR, offer discussions where students can gain a better understanding of the material with a smaller number of students. The teaching assistant reviews and answers any misunderstandings during the lectures. A relationship between the TA and student can sometimes even make the difference between a B+ and an A-, among other things. The TA and professor both hold office hours where the students can ask questions about the course; these opportunities may not necessarily be available for students who are enrolled in online courses. Professors at traditional colleges have successful careers and can help guide students in the right direction, and the TAs in the courses are graduate students that can assist students as well. They also can be used as resources. Through this, students learn the fundamentals of communicating in a formal fashion, a skill required later in life. In the long run, a relationship between the student and professor is necessary when the student is applying to graduate schools, as most graduate schools require letters of recommendation explaining why the student should be eligible for that specific school. Online courses may not give students the opportunity to obtain recommendation letters. Although some students are

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of extension.ucr.edu and pcconlinecourses.com

Expanding the roster of online courses would result in a decrease in person-to-person interaction.

not considering graduate school, those who are must stand out from the rest. Graduate schools want students to prove themselves as an asset to the institution and they do this by requiring recommendation letters. Online courses cheat students out of a bachelor’s degree and maybe even a master’s degree if they decide to pursue it in the future. Yes, online courses are cheaper and accelerate a student’s degree, but students miss out on the opportunities and networking that can only be obtained physi-

cally on a college campus. These unique opportunities are there for students to take advantage of, and benefit from, after they graduate. The clubs and organizations on campus can also be the determining factor of a secure job in the future. When applying for jobs, companies look for leadership experience, which can only be obtained when a student takes advantage of leadership roles on campus. Students must also learn how to create relationships with others, including their professors and TAs, because this is a tool

that they will use in the future. The purpose of the relationship or networking built within a traditional college is only beneficial to the student. The college campus creates an environment similar to that the “real world” and students should take advantage of every opportunity. Overall, college on a campus is a learning experience that should be taken advantage of. The students who want to excel take advantage of the opportunities and do not take the easy way out, like enrolling in online ■H courses.

The opinions expressed in the Opinions section belong solely to their authors and do not represent the Highlander Editorial Board or the University of California, Riverside.




Brad Pitt

s ta r s i n

“K i ll i n g T h e m S o f t ly ”

C o u rt e s y


T h e W e i n s t e i n C o m pa n y




Top 10 “Family” Holiday Movies The Thing

By Grace Kang, Senior Staff Writer 1982

There is nothing more heartwarming than a movie with a dog (e.g. “Cujo,” “The Hound of the Baskervilles”), and the Alaskan Malamute in “The Thing” is one of the sweetest silver screen pooches you’ll ever come across. Sure it’s actually a deadly shape-shifting alien in disguise, but that only adds to its canine charm. Nothing brings a family closer together than watching a research team stranded in the middle of a wintry wilderness deteriorate under the pressure of paranoia and the threat of death by deformed space parasite.

Dead Snow 2009 The Norwegians in this story last quite a bit longer than they do in the John Carpenter’s delightful envisioning of the extraterrestrials in the Antarctic. Friends should stick together in the face of ravenous, undead Nazis, instead of mistrusting one another (although they sometimes accidentally murder each other), which is only one of many moral lessons this movie has to offer. Break out the popcorn and gather the whole family for this merry, red-speckled romp through the snowy tundra of Øksfjord.



Who doesn’t enjoy a good rendition of the classic tale about a boy and his dog? Or, in this case, his high maintenance mutant Furby. This film is recommended for beleaguered parents of young children who have started the inevitable, incessant begging for a household pet. Just let the little tykes spend some quality time with Gizmo’s foul, inbred-looking copies. When it’s all over just repeat Grandfather’s wise words, “Perhaps someday, you will be ready. Until then, [whichever species has been requested] waits.”

Jack Frost


Not to be confused with the 1998 box office flop starring Michael Keaton, “Jack Frost” teaches audiences of all ages that anyone can get a second chance and follow their dreams, even serial killers on death row. And if your dream is to transform into a snowman via genetic material bath and commit sex crimes… well, then you should probably ask the loving family member sitting beside you to get you a room at the nearest sanitarium for Christmas.

Let the Right One In 2008 This Swedish masterpiece is all about young love. You’ve got your typical “boy meets girlnext-door, girl lives alone with middle-aged man, middle-aged man murders locals to feed girl’s thirst for blood” romance, bundled up in a touching coming-of-age tale. Even the adults will be able to sit back and reminisce about the good old days when they, too, cut their hands open to perform blood rituals with their significant other.



The holidays are all about spending time with the family. The problem is, between late nights at the office, scrambling for last-minute gift shopping and the grade-schoolers wrapping up final exams, the family is tired. Here’s a simple solution: family movie night. Parents can slump back on the couch and relax for a couple of hours, while the kids jump at the chance to do anything but work on Spectrum and SAT-prep workbooks. These merry little Christmastime selections are sure to put the whole family in the holiday spirit. ■ H

P2 2007

Or perhaps you’d prefer a slightly more mature love story. This modernday office romance is every bit as lighthearted as the preceding film (there’s even a dog), and the plot unfolds into a playful game of hide-and-go-seek (involving the dog) as a young career woman makes a thrilling connection with a dashing security guard (and his dog). And as for the little ones who may find a grownup relationship to be boring, did we mention that there’s a dog?

Black Christmas


Urban legend meets cult classic in an accommodating sequence of events that allows for lectures on the safety risks of being a member of a sorority (especially around the holidays), and a fun, family activity in the vein of Clue. Unfortunately, there is no dog in this Greek-lettered epic, but there is a cat and his name is Claude. Tell me that doesn’t excite you.

Silent Night, Deadly Night 1984

You know it’s not Christmas until jolly, old Saint Nick (or troubled, 18-year-old Billy Chapman) shows up to an office party at a toyshop and slaughters everyone in attendance. Movie night may be silent indeed, but in hushed reverence and awe, as our youth learn the story of how one brave young man fought to save us all from the punishing force that looms over the world in the form of jelly-bellied Santa Claus.

The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas 1957 No Winter Wonderland is complete without a Yeti. The title character is ever elusive in this black-and-white beauty, but this trans-Himalayan quest for the majestic creature will make you think and fill your heart with a childlike yearning for simpler times. When the credits roll you may find yourself asking profound questions such as, “Why aren’t we all Yetis?”

The Nightmare Before Christmas 1993

Finally, I present to you Tim Burton’s magnum opus and the year after which he forgot to heed the old adage, “Quit while you’re ahead, Timmy.” Children will find themselves gazing upon their fictional reflections in the Lock, Shock and Barrel (a.k.a. the kids who make life miserable for everyone), and older viewers may come to realize an odd attraction to claymation characters. A word of caution: This movie contains some graphic and disturbing content, and parents may wish to consider the suitability of this picture for young children.












BY: JOSHUA WAGONBLAST, STAFF WRITER Courtesy of The Weinstein Company

I had very high expectations for director/screenwriter Andrew Dominik’s new film “Killing Them Softly” (based on the 1974 novel “Cogan’s Trade” by George V. Higgins). Brad Pitt, Ray Liotta, James Gandolfini and Richard Jenkins are but some of the few stars that shot my hopes for the picture to a skyscraping level. But in spite of Dominik’s résumé (“The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford”), “Killing Them Softly” merely managed to let me down during its most vital sequences. The opening credits are but one of many fatal flaws that make the audience cringe with its abrupt cuts and high-pitched white nose frequencies, clearly utilized as an attention-grabbing tactic. Dominik may be experimenting, but these distractions are unnecessary. Russell (Ben Mendelsohn) and Frankie (Scoot McNairy), a pair of drug addicts, are presented as the protagonists of the film during the first minutes. Mendelsohn exaggerates his role as the idiotic crime puppet, while McNairy plays it cool and earns the respect of his viewers.

Frankie is initially loveable even though he is obviously a gangster wannabe sitting on the edge of poor decisions. He is first seen conversing with a mid-level boss, named Johnny Amato (Vincent Curatola), who delves into an intricate, compelling story about gangster man Markie Trattman (Liotta), who runs illegal card games even after he decided to rob his own business. Needless to say, you should never double-cross your business partners. Trattman’s story spawns the brilliant decision of sticking up the same card game in a foreseeable scapegoat formula. Frankie and Russell are thrown into the comical scenario of holding up the game with bright yellow rubber gloves and a much-too-sawedoff shotgun. What ensued was reminiscent of a well-executed “Sopranos” episode with a suspenseful situation that could have taken any turn. The robbery results in Frankie and Russell becoming successful in their endeavor…until the higher-ups receive word. The blunt and organized Jackie (Brad Pitt) becomes the main

source of information on the recent burglary. Richard Jenkins plays Driver, a timid but stern man who allows himself to be pushed about. Jackie is a contracted hitman and Driver is the liaison in what appears to be a CEO-Mob relationship. There is extremely brutal violence ahead. Jackie knows how to play the game, but his associate Mickey (Gandolfini) is not so professional; he is a vulgar, alcoholic sex-crazed spectacle who takes nothing from nobody. Jackie is not a fan, which is why the audience only gets a couple of extended scenes with Gandolfini, who owns the entirety of the role. Dominik’s labors with this would-be masterpiece are present within the soundtrack and commentary. The scene where Brad Pitt enters the picture in his muscle car, leather jacket and orange-tinted sunglasses is probably one of the better moments, accompanied by beautiful, poetic music. The cinematography, however, enjoys stylistic pitfalls, and one murder scene can only be described as overdone. The usage of slow motion, fish-eyed perspective and constant fade in/

fade outs are only expedient in emphasizing Russell and Frankie’s lucid drug experiences. As the movie progresses into a climactic battlefield, one becomes satisfied with the creative and surprising murder sequences. The only issue I took with Brad Pitt’s character was the ceaseless political references, delivered even in the midst of a beat down, that served as massive nudges toward feelings of disgust at the state of the nation. There were no subtle opinions, only in-your-face

political rants. “Killing Them Softly” showed so much promise, and could have been as momentous as the badass “Drive,” but Dominik leads his movie astray and cannot seem to organize his thoughts into a comprehensive statement about New Orleans and the financially unstable economy in relation to violence. The movie could have been worse, and it certainly was a seat shaker, but it lacked depth even in Brad Pitt’s spellbinding performance. ■H

Courtesy of clydecourthotel.com

Thelma Annan

Fashion Instinct Fashion Etiquette – Holiday Parties Holiday parties overtaking your winter calendar? Don’t sweat it. Here are some tips on how to both appropriately and fashionably dress for differently holiday occasions. Ugly Sweater Party The best, most memorable Christmas parties are the infamous Ugly Sweater Parties; the dress code is quite simple: wear an ugly sweater. In fact, going posh for this occasion is considered a Scrooge move. Pair your fashion-challenged sweater with some dark-colored skinny jeans and boots to help somewhat salvage your hideous ensemble. Burned all your ugly, old sweaters? Rightfully so. Borrow a friend’s, call up your grandmother or make a trip to your local thrift store—I am sure you’ll find that ugly sweaters are as abundant as the names on the naughty list this year. Work Party Have an awkward workplace party to attend? There are plenty of options for situations such as these. For a more relaxed look, pull on an eye-catching

metallic top over a pair of black, slimfit trousers. You can also try a cocktail dress—always a classic. To make this outfit more holiday friendly, rock a pair of stylish heels and throw in some statement jewelry or bold red lip color. Family Function Family parties promise three things: crying children, that one drunk aunt or uncle who talks at top volume and the dreaded “What are your plans after college?” questions. You should at least suffer in style when enduring these painful Kodak moments. Put your favorite skirt or summer dress back to work by matching it with sheer or printed tights and a warm cardigan. Presents will be exchanged, wine will be spilled (most likely on you) and cameras will be flashing, so come prepared to look your absolute best. Quick Tip: When selecting your outfit of choice, aim for reds, greens, whites, greys and blacks; anything that screams a cheesy good Christmas ■H time. ‘Tis the season after all.






Potential. It’s what a lot of your favorite indie bands show glimpses of, but never quite realize. This is the gist of The Winter Sound’s third album “Runner.” It never quite puts you over the top, but it definitely gets you excited for what this band can do in the future. Their musical style might best be described as a keen blend of Arcade Fire and The Killers. Showcasing a combination of new-wave danceability and rootsy folk, The Winter Sounds exhibits a new strain of music that only makes them all the more fascinating. The album opens with arguably its strongest track, “The Sun Also Rises,” which also takes its name from the Ernest Hemingway novel. Lead singer Patrick Keenan croons, “I wanna look you in the eyes, say everything’s okay / and if I can’t what good am I, what am I gonna say,” over steady, catchy synths that build

to a swell as his voice makes an earnest endeavor to cry out about how small one feels in comparison to the world. Soaring violins add musicality that is present throughout and unique to the album. The next track “Devils” is sure to be a crowd favorite with its catchy “whoa-oh”s, and carries along the album’s strong start. The upbeat tone in “Run from the Wicked” belies its rumination on self-pity—“a lifetime in a fog / with yourself to blame,” while accompanied by powerful backup vocals from the other band members. The album closer, “Carousel,” is a sentimental number that thematically takes love and lassitude into perspective; it’s the sign of a road weary, welltraveled band. There is an unfortunate tendency for repetition and similarity amongst some tracks that make them blur together at times; however, the overall vibe of gravity

and love of craft can be felt throughout “Runner.” The Winter Sounds claims to have played 500 shows over the last five years, and it can certainly be inferred that music is their

passion. Hopeful glimpses of greatness help roll over the sometimes redundant harmonies the album presents. You can expect big things from this band in the future. ■H

17 21





Left to right: Cellar Door Books owner Linda Nurick recommends a book to a young customer. Storefront sign. A selection of works by local authors.


Cellar Door Books By Rebecca Paredes, Senior Staff Writer Photos by Jillian Rausa Cellar Door Books is nestled in a quaint corner of Canyon Crest Towne Center. Its dense outer foliage and wooden walls evoke a Middle Earth vibe and aptly so; the store gets its name from J.R.R. Tolkien, author of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy. Tolkien once identified “cellar door” as one of the most beautiful phrases in the English language in terms of euphony—the quality of beauty in sound. After chatting with bookstore owner Linda Nurick, I believe he was right. The independent bookstore is as lovely as its namesake, and the local community has welcomed it with grateful arms. The store is packed with rustic charm and cozy seating, and its shelves hold novels ranging from historical fiction to essays by local authors. Several contemporary bestsellers caught my eye—“House of Leaves,” “Gone Girl” and “A Dance with Dragons”—as well as familiar names like Aldous Huxley and Stephen King. As Nurick and I sat at a heavy wooden table in a windowed corner, she shared one of her motivations for opening up a bookstore in Riverside, and it had to do with her career as a writing professor in the Inland Empire. She revealed that, “Kids aren’t reading and, honestly, I can do everything in my power to teach you to write, but if you don’t read, it’s close to impossible.”

Fortunately, the residents of Riverside were more than willing to give Cellar Door Books their undivided attention. Since the store opened this year on Oct. 27, the local public’s response has been overwhelmingly positive. “We opened with a lot of empty shelves, but it was because people kept saying, ‘oh, just open,’” Nurick told me with a laugh. “And people came in almost as if they were going to find a book they wanted to buy simply to support us. Having this bookstore has made me really appreciate our community in a huge way.” That appreciation goes both ways. Cellar Door serves as the long-awaited water cooler for Riverside’s diverse literary crowd. Nurick notes that her customer base is intellectual, intriguing and interested in everything from classics to foreign language novels. “We started with the books that we thought were important, but I have been listening to people come in and say, ‘what about this book?’ And what ends up happening is that when people come in, we order whatever they want, but we order some more for the store. Now we’re getting this really rich diversity in our books and it’s coming from our community, because we have incredible customers and they have really interesting tastes.” Bringing literature to a community is

one thing, but succeeding as an independent bookseller is an entirely different game. Nurick recognizes the competition between local retailers and big-box names like Barnes & Noble and Amazon. “I actually don’t suggest to people that they do all of their book buying from me. Do some of it on Kindle, do some of it on Amazon, do some of it at B&N, do some of it with me. And if they do that, then local money goes back into local jobs.” Nurick has plans to keep her customers coming back to Cellar Door through author events, book clubs, writing groups and workshops, but we agreed that one of the biggest elements of the store’s appeal is its sense of companionship and shared experience. “A bookstore kind of feeds something in people. It’s soul food, somehow, and people say, ‘I’m so glad you’re here’ with such sincerity when they walk in the store…I feel like I got to do something that I really loved, that’s really important to me, and the community really seems to have needed it and wanted it at the same time. How lucky am I?” For information on upcoming events, follow Cellar Door Books on Facebook at http:// facebook.com/cellardoorriv. The store’s hours are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, and until 6 p.m. Sunday and Monday. ■H




Staff Picks: Last Meals

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What do you do with the apocalypse looming on the horizon? You could go spend your last hours on earth your family, check another goal off that bucket list, go tell that special someone that you love them oh so much and see you on the other side. Or you could get something to eat. After all, even death row prisoners have the privilege of choosing their last meals. Here is what’s on the editorial staff’s end-of-the-world menu. ■H Toni Louie, Features Editor a plate of fresh fruit from Thailand, hot cup of green tea with honey, and salted caramel chews.

Kevin Keckeisen, Managing Editor Two month-old bowl of cottage cheese and maple syrup.

Grace Kang, A&E Editor Blood-rare chateaubriand steak personally slaughtered and cooked up by Ron Swanson, Thai iced tea.

Wesley Ng, Photo Editor Steamed Chinese soup dumplings (xiao long bao).

Colin Markovich, Opnions Editor A bowl of white rice.

Chris LoCascio, Editorin-Chief A salad with grilled chicken and ranch dressing, a Fuji apple and a protein shake

Kendall Peterson, Sports Editor I would want as many bowls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal I can eat, and they have to be with vitamin D milk.

Sireena Sy, Production Manager Fried tofu, soy sauce, and a bowl of white rice.

Sandy Van, News Editor Pan-seared salmon with a side of grapefruit and lychee on a bed of lettuce.






Sculptures of Plastic and Light

by Unnati Gandhi, Contributing Writer Photos by Leena Butt

CLOCKWISE FROM BOTTOM: Minet uses a variety of recyclable materials and LED lights in this exhibit. A camel made of several pieces of plastic storage containers. Plastic containers were used to create life-like oxen in dynamic poses.

From Nov. 23 to Dec. 29, the Barbara and Art Culver Center of the Arts in Downtown Riverside is hosting Cynthia Minet’s new exhibit titled “Unsustainable Creatures.” Walking through the doors, the first things one encounters are some figures that resemble giant oxen, when, in fact, those pieces are the main attraction. “Unsustainable Creatures” is an exhibit of life-size animals made out of recyclable materials such as plastic storage containers, water bottles, dustpans and even old baby toys. The animals are created by cutting up different recyclable items and bolting them together. The materials were found in dumpsters and thrift stores, then transformed into works of art. In their interior bodies, the animals are also lit up with colorful LED lights. Appropriate to the season, they resembled ornamented plastic Christmas trees without all the fern. The two animals on display were multiple oxen and one camel. The oxen were set up in such a way that they seemed to be pulling a train of more illuminated recyclable material. The camel appeared so alive that it looked like it was ready to be ridden. To the viewer, the stances and postures of the animals also resemble a sensation of pain and escape at the same time. “To be honest, I find it remarkable that she [Minet] was able to incorporate milk cartons into art,” said Hannah Park, 20, from Cypress, CA. The artist, Cynthia Minet, received her masters of fine arts in sculpture at the San Francisco State University, earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara and also studied at the Tyler School of Art/Temple University Abroad in Rome, Italy. “Unsustainable Creatures” is one of many of Minet’s projects that have been showcased at art museums. Minet has had her work on display the Moorpark College Art Gallery, Whittier College Greenleaf Gallery and the Los Angeles Natural History Museum and her upcoming work will be presented at the LAX Tom Bradley International Terminal. This is the first time that Minet has had her art featured at the Culver Center of the Arts. Minet’s use of recyclable material demonstrates the need of resource sustainability and the importance of re-using household products to portray different aspects of the world. The Barbara and Culver Center of the Arts is relatively new, opened in Oct. 2010. The center was named after the former Press-Enterprise co-owners and community leaders. It was renovated and built to contain an exhibition and performance space, an atrium as well as a video screening room and hosts art openings, dance shows, film screenings, musical performances and poetry readings. Multiple films are screened every weekend; film genres include foreign, experimental, alternative, and independent. Ultimately, the mission of the center is to introduce the Riverside community to international artists as well as local artists. The Culver Center is designed to engage the audience in symbolic and thought-provoking events and exhibitions. Similar to Minet’s art work concerning sustainability, the University of California, Riverside takes pride in its sustainability programs. UCR has initiated a food waste program in the residence dining halls, installed solar panels to provide energy to students, and UCR students in general have created clubs of campus that promote a greener school and community. UCR has also received awards from two local organizations that acknowledged the campus as being and environmentally friendly, sustainable campus. Cynthia Minet’s “Unsustainable Creatures” displays a sense of inspiration for UCR students as well as the Riverside community. Awareness is developed among the people to be more sustainable and resourceful. The art illustrated the use of recyclable materials as a source of beauty. Overall, the display was a wake-up call for those who are not so resourcefully aware of the world ■H around them.



EMOTIONAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS OF RETAIL THERAPY by Chelsea Santos, Staff Writer After taking a last bite of Thanksgiving dinner, scores of people rushed over to major retail stores to line up for Black Friday sales, entranced by the possibility of securing doorbuster deals. At some stores, including Target, order and security were at their prime as shoppers stood in neat, but growing lines and employees watched closely, preventing stealthy customers from cutting. Inside, Target employees could be found near the entrance, instructing shoppers not to run and directing others around the store. High end retail stores were equally characterized by order. After working at the Janie and Jack outlet store on Thanksgiving evening, fourth year biology major Laura Aguilar recalls, “We were on the lookout for shoplifters who thrive from the Black Friday mayhem, but that was the most we dealt with. Most of our customers were actually really polite and sympathetic that we had to work on Thanksgiving.” For most others, such as Walmart and Best Buy, incidences of brawls, theft and stampedes over items painted the news. The horrific scenes of angry zombie Americans play over again year after year, but the motivation underlying such consumerist demands remain. On Nov 13, Ye Li, an assistant professor of management at UC Riverside’s School of Business Administration, co-authored and published the paper, “The Financial Costs of Sadness.” The paper conveys that sadness spurs the desire for immediate retail therapy over long-term financial benefits, a trend that Li and other researchers found in their three experiments. Otherwise known as the myopic misery effect, Li’s findings help to explain the emotional workings of American consumerist culture. The Happy Planet Index (HPI), a measure of reported life satisfaction, life expectancy,



and ecological footprint has been implemented by the New Economics Foundation each year to survey countries from all over the globe. This past year, the United States placed 105th despite its high gross domestic product, in contrast to countries in the Caribbean Basin that have placed high in rankings regardless of economic strife. Such comparisons alone shed light on the illusion that affluence equates to happiness and satisfaction with life. Rather, it appears that such mentality has ensnared American consumers into an obsession with material wealth. Nevertheless, Americans continue to report high levels of dissatisfaction and anxiety. When asked about the contradiction in American culture, third year biology major Sapphire Ear explains, “Our culture is more consumer-run than many others. Most people lack the time to enjoy real quality time, doing more meaningful activities, so they depend on the things they buy for simple gratification. Marketing companies know this as well, so they convince people to spend more than they intended.” Nonetheless, college students have admitted to partaking in the cycle. Laura Aguilar says, “I went through a weird phase over the summer where I started to stress about buying a pair of colorful pants. At the time, I was stressed about the Dental Admission Test and somehow, buying into a trend made me feel like I was doing something right at least in keeping a good image. I related with a promise that things were going to be better if I could feel better about how I looked.” Among her friends, Aguilar describes a similar trend: “Sometimes when they are worried about school, some of my friends go to Target and buy something to make themselves feel better.” She also takes another factor into account, noting that “for college students, the issue of stress is another motivating factor in turning to retail

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therapy.” On the other hand, Sapphire Ear believes that the tendency to seek retail therapy over other emotion-based coping outlets is “subjective, as people react differently from others.” She continues, “Introspection or retail therapy would work in helping to console me whenever something bad happens, but whether I choose one or the other depends on the circumstances of the situation.” However, Ear mentions that if it’s something more serious, like the death of a loved one, then she is more likely to seek introspection. But if it’s something of less weight, like a bad test score, then she’ll choose to spend. While the impact of sadness on the pursuit of retail therapy has been conveyed, the effect of other emotions, such as anger, fear and stress has yet to be studied, calling for further research. However, Li notes, “I think the myopic misery effect isn’t unique to sadness,” suggesting that similar trends may be found in studying other emotions. Ultimately, Li’s paper proves significant in helping Americans redefine happiness on their own terms, signaling the importance of introspection. For those with an addiction to building material wealth, reflection may be the first step towards finding a balance that will lead to happiness in the long term. But ultimately, it is this first small step H that could make the largest difference. ■


Holly Jolly Hero

by Alexander Suffolk, Senior Staff Writer

Well, it’s finally coming, folks. The infamous date of doomsday is just around the corner. The end of the Mayan calendar falls on Dec. 21, 2012, and theories of the end times are running rampant. What is going to happen? Will a meteor smash into the Earth? Will a solar flare knock everything out? Will the zombie apocalypse I’ve been endlessly watching “ The Walking Dead” to train for finally happen? These questions are boggling the minds of many, but there is one key fact that nobody seems to be taking into account: Dec. 21 is right before Christmas. If the world were to end on that day, it would be a very terrible Christmas indeed. Nobody would feast on holiday ham, men wouldn’t be dragged by their girlfriends to see “Les Miserables,” and obnox-

ious ninth graders the world over would be denied “Halo 4” and “Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.” And there is one man who won’t stand for that. There is one man who won’t stop at anything to protect yuletide cheer. One man has the power to save the world this holiday season.

This guy

Santa Claus. The Crimson Crusader. The Bearded Badass. We all know him; we all love him. The man toils each and every year to spread joy across the entire world in only a single night. He’s been in this business for centuries and this “2012” thing has been around for how long? What, three years? Like Santa would let a trendy armageddon get in the way of his work. He has been able to live longer than any other person ever purely off of cookies and milk. He delivers toys across the globe in only one night, confirming that he has been able to master fasterthan-light travel. He has trained reindeer to fly and has convinced all the elves in the world to work for him and him alone. Legolas and Elrond? Yeah, they ’re with Santa. Ladies and gentlemen, we are in ca-

pable, candy-cane scented hands. I know readers may be skeptical of a few ideas. One person being able to prevent a massive solar flare does seem a little unbelievable. But I have to remind that Santa has got some serious connections. He knows Heatmiser and Snowmiser! The sun is totally under Heatmiser’s domain and something like a flare can be totally prevented. Santa may have to agree to have it be sunny in the North Pole again, but I’m sure he’d be willing to do that for us. And if there is some residual global warming, Snowmiser can just whip up some clouds and cool everything back down. The only price for his service would be suffering through his incredibly catchy selfproclaiming song. HOLLY JOLLY HERO CONT’D ON PAGE 25





Goodwin’s Supermarket

hosts seminar and tasting of organic foods

By Lauren Green, Contributing Writer Photos by Jinyoung Ko Ingredients like kale, chia seeds, agave and strawberry radishes were main attractions at Goodwin’s market. Before Wednesday night I’d hardly known what each of these ingredients were, let alone felt confident enough to purchase them as a college student. Yet, a night at Goodwin’s Organic Market, which is not only the first but the only all-organic facility in the entire state of California according to Health World Net, changed my mind. I attended an organic cooking class there where I tried and tasted vegan macaroni and cheese casserole, kale pomegranate slaw, and chia pineapple parfait. Don’t knock it until you try it! The class covered what we as a society consume, where it comes from, as well as some benefits of eating healthy and organic food. Not to mention, dinner was pretty good. Hosted by the Necessary Nutrition Academy and Goodwin’s Organic Supermarket, the “All About Organics Tasting Tour”showed participants the importance of knowing what one consumes and how to create healthy meals without compromising taste. A group of 15 women, one man and I learned the difference between natural and organic foods, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), and the “Dirty Dozen” fruits and vegetables that are grown with the most pesticides such as apples, celery, strawberries, peaches, spinach, nectarines, grapes, sweet bell peppers, potatoes, blueberries, lettuce, and tied are kale and collard greens. Participants also learned how to tell what foods are actually certified organic, and which farmer’s markets they would be available for purchase in. The first dish that May, the instructor, created was a vegan macaroni and cheese casserole. May created a cheese substitute by combining almond milk, tofu and nutritional yeast along with other ingredients. It was an interesting combination that tasted more like a tofu and broccoli casserole. However, the kale pomegranate slaw received higher marks. It was a tangy and tasty assemblage of cabbage, kale, onions and pomegranate complete with an organic honey mustard dressing. Finally, the Chia pineapple parfait, with its sorbet-like texture, was smooth and creamy. It was a sweet way to end the night, which was wrapped up with a tour

around the market. The class opened the audience’s eyes to the dangers that lurk in our food. In the U.S. roughly 90 percent of all the corn, soy, wheat, cotton are products of genetically modified organisms. This term means that scientists tamper with and actually alter the DNA structure of the food by inserting genes of different species into another organism so that a more flavorful, resistant, or stronger product grows. For example, scientists inject tomatoes with fish genes to create traits that are more resistant to cold and age. However, we do not yet know the consequences that modifying our food can produce, which means there may be unprecedented harmful effects, or none at all. While the city of Riverside is making strides to be sustainable, UCR in particular has been taking initiatives in creating a “green” campus. New programs include the UCR Green Campus Action Plan (GCAP), which is a three part initiative by the undergraduate students of UC Riverside to help reduce the campus’ environmental impact and increase student empowerment, according to ASUCR. Additionally, the new UCR community garden opened Saturday, Dec. 1, which will promote sustainability efforts throughout campus. It is comforting to know that places like Goodwin’s enhance the sustainability and healthy push that UCR initiates. By hosting events like organic cooking classes, Goodwin’s helps to ensure the Riverside community’s efforts to create a green and healthy environment are viable. Apparently others felt the same. Two Inland Empire locals, Sherri Moore and Nickie Bittle agreed,“what we learned tonight will definitely influence me when I go to the store. You gotta read the labels...” Nickie said, “I’d never tried this [ingredient] before, but now I know what these [ingredients] taste like, so I’m more willing to use it.” Overall, the event hosted by Goodwin’s, which is merely walking distance from UCR’s campus, was reassuring even to a starving college student. The close proximity of organic food made the audience rethink the things that they choose to consume. The event inspired partici- CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: May Wang giving a tour of the supermarket. Wang expants to be more adventurous with what plains how celery is one of the dirtiest vegetables. Wang makes a dressing for a salad. H they eat, especially with organic food. ■



Quidditch lands at UCR ★


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By Grant Boughter. contributing writer Photos by Wesley Ng UCR finally has that one sport it’s always needed. Football? Nope. Dodgeball? Think again. It’s Quidditch! That’s right, the fantasy sporting sensation from the Harry Potter series has exploded in real-life popularity across the globe, and has recently come to UCR as an unofficial, community team. Begun just this year, Captains Alyssa Burton, Ty Rush and Kevin Chan have created Remus’s Riverside Runners. Membership is currently open to everyone in the Riverside community. Filled by a flexible roster of around 15 players, mostly UCR students, Remus’s Riverside Runners are a fully fledged member of the International Quidditch Association (IQA) which boasts thousands of teams on every continent, worldwide. You might ask, how does one play Quidditch in a world devoid of whimsical wizardry? Well despite it’s connotations, Quidditch is a serious game. Our very own Remus’s Riverside Runners are currently six wins and three losses into their first season, and the IQA ranks them 143rd in the world. Not yet convinced? Let me break it down for you. According to the latest official IQA rulebook, Quidditch is a fast-paced, fully co-ed contact sport with seven athletes on each team playing four different positions. There is no time limit; the game ends when the snitch is caught.

In keeping true to the sport’s literary beginnings, there are five balls in play. One volleyball serves as the quaffle, through which points are scored. Three dodgeballs represent the bludgers which are heaved at players on the pitch to momentarily knock them out of play. A tennis ball held inside a sock poses as the snitch. The snitch is velcroed onto the back of a neutral player’s shorts, leaving it partially exposed. This neutral player is the snitch runner, who is constantly harassed by both team’s seekers. A captured snitch ends the game, and is worth 30 points. The field is 48 yards long and 33 yards wide. There are three upright, self-supporting hoops on either goal line, standing three, six and four and a half feet tall, respectively. The positions are filled by three chasers, two beaters, one keeper and one seeker; all of whom sprint back and forth across the pitch holding broom sticks between their legs. The chasers do most of the scoring; they move the quaffle down the pitch in hopes of throwing or kicking it into the opposing team’s goals, scoring 10 points each time. The beaters chuck the bludgers at anyone, temporarily disabling that player from the game. The keeper plays defense, sacrificing life and limb to keep the opposing team from scoring by any means necessary. These

positions are by no means fixed; players often substitute in-and-out multiple times per game, switching positions, exchanging highfives and broomsticks, all the while rejuvenating the palpable excitement and energy that drives each Quidditch match. On the pitch, the chaos of these many rules begins to make more sense. After watching Remus’s Riverside Runners compete in a five hour tournament Sunday, Dec. 2 (playing five matches total, three of which they won), it became clear to me that Quidditch is actually a fusion of Harry Potter fiction and many other physical activities. There are elements of dodgeball, football and soccer which influence this up-and-coming sport. Still not convinced as to the sporting validity of Quidditch? Well, I substituted in as a beater last Friday night, Nov. 31, during the Remus’s Riverside Runners practice scrimmage at the Riverside Sports Complex. We were playing full contact, on a dimly lit pitch, in the rain. Honestly, I’m no sportsman. But, having been tackled head-on into a puddle of mud in between taking a few wet, slimy dodgeballs to the face, I can personally testify that these quidditch aficionados take their sport quite seriously. And, rightfully so. After the scrimmage, Rush explained to me how, “there’s a lot of athleticism to [Quidditch]. It’s evolved to where it’s be-

come a difficult sport.” In the words of Jerome Gage, a founding member of Remus’s Riverside Runners, “There have been dog piles so intense, that the only way to separate it out is when the beaters get in there and start knocking people out to release possession of the ball.” Hearing this, Burton explained to me how, “there have been concussions, broken ankles, broken wrists, [and] a lot of [other] injuries,” that the more enthusiastic players have suffered during the game. If all this doesn’t challenge your preconceived notions of Quidditch as a serious sport, nothing will. Gage put it best when I interviewed the team after the Friday scrimmage. “Nerds can finally compete in something serious,”

he said. “If you like tackling people, come on out!” Gage’s comments sparked a rebuttal in Burton. “It’s okay if you’re not a Harry Potter fan; it doesn’t matter. This is an exciting new organization that anyone can get involved with... A lot of people who play don’t read or [have] even seen the Harry Potter series,” she said. “Everyone should come out and play!” Having walked a proverbial mile in Remus’s Riverside Runners’ shoes, I have to agree. Quidditch is very athletic. Quidditch is a serious sport. It’s definitely fun. If you’re interested in joining Remus’s Riverside Runners, send Burton an email at rrrquidditch@gmail.com. You can also check out their facebook page, just search ■H UCR Quidditch.

TOP: Nicholas Gage tackles a player from the Hollywood Harpies. BOTTOM: Remus’s Riverside Runners get pumped up in a huddle.







by Jessica Martinez, Contributing Writer & Toni Louie, Senior Staff Writer Like most college students, we love going out and exploring new places, even those close to where we live. There is always something new to do in Southern California; after all, the Inland Empire is right next to both Los Angeles and Orange County. Winter break is quickly approaching, and with it comes the ever popular question: what are you doing over break? Usually, people would respond with the obvious and the mundane, like spending time with friends and family and just relaxing. However, after deeper contemplation, is that really the best we can do? Take advantage of your break and check out some of these places with loved ones, because we hear the world could be coming to an end, and this ■H could be your last vacation ever alive on Earth. Cheers!

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1. PUBLIC STAR PARTY WHERE: Griffith Observatory WHEN: Dec. 22, 2-9:45 p.m. What better way to look at the universe than through a variety of telescopes. The best part is that it’s free! 2. EXHIBITION TOUR: FLORENCE AT THE DAWN OF THE RENAISSANCE: PAINTING AND ILLUMINATION, 1300-1350 WHERE: The Getty WHEN: Daily through Feb. 9 Experience a bit of Florence without leaving the country! These early Renaissance masterpieces include seven of Giotto’s paintings which is the largest number ever assembled here in North America. 3. “A NATION EMERGES:THE MEXICAN REVOLUTION REVEALED” WHERE: Central Library (Downtown LA) WHEN: Ongoing until Feb. 23 View the Mexican Revolution through photographs taken by Mexican and foreign photographers. 4. MOSCOW BALLET’S GREAT RUSSIAN NUTCRACKER WHERE: The Wiltern WHEN: Dec. 14, 4:00 and 7:30 p.m For one night only, the critically acclaimed Moscow Ballet will perform its Great Russian Nutcracker, a holiday favorite. PRICE: $40-$250 5. DOWNTOWN ON ICE WHERE: Outdoor Ice Skating Rink at Pershing Square WHEN: Through Jan. 21 Enjoy ice skating in the middle of the city along with other holiday festivities. PRICE: $6 for one hour session, $2 for skate rentals 6. HOLIDAYS AT UNIVERSAL

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CITYWALK WHERE: Universal Studios City Walk WHEN: Through Dec. 25 Enjoy a Christmas tree, shopping, dining, and free entertainment. 7. “BELIEVE …IN HOLIDAY MAGIC” FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR WHERE: Disneyland WHEN: Through Jan. 6 Enjoy the festivities at Disneyland along with a spectacular fireworks show that is sure to make this holiday magical. Fireworks can also be viewed from outside the park if you wish to just enjoy a night out at Downtown Disney. 8. CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE WHERE: Newport Beach WHEN: Dec. 19-23 A beautiful display of festively decorated boats will dazzle Newport Beach and is sure to be a hit as it celebrates its 104th anniversary! 9. WINTER WONDERLAND AT THE ZOO WHERE: Santa Ana WHEN: Dec. 1-31 Explore the Santa Ana zoo with a touch of holiday décor. PRICE: $10 Adults 10. FIRST NIGHT IN FULLERTON WHERE: Downtown Fullerton WHEN: Dec. 31 What better way to bring in the new year then in a celebration in downtown Fullerton that includes live entertainment, an ice skating rink , plenty of food, and a fireworks show at midnight. 11. KNOTT’S MERRY FARM WHERE: Knott’s Berry Farm WHEN: Through Jan. 6 A holiday parade, carolers, and lights are all at Knott’s this holiday season! PRICE: $35.99

12. HOLIDAZE DANCE REVIEW WHERE: La Sierra Park WHEN: Dec. 7 Visit Santa, have breakfast, create holiday crafts, dance, enjoy a Jingle Bell Rock Show and participate in a Feliz Navidad Social! 13. A CHRISTMAS CAROL BY CHARLES DICKENS WHERE: Riverside Community Players Theater WHEN: Dec. 8 at 7:30 p.m. A traditional holiday play for all times and ages. PRICE: $15 per ticket 14. ON POINTE DANCE STUDIO’S THE NUTCRACKER WHERE: Knott’s Berry Farm WHEN: Through Jan. 6 A traditional and popular ballet by the members of a Riverside dance studio. PRICE: $25 per ticket 15. GINGERBREAD HOUSE WORKSHOP WHERE: Orange Terrace Community Park WHEN: Dec. 13 Join Mrs. Claus and busy elves and create your own edible masterpiece, all materials included. PRICE: $15 16. CHRISTMAS CAROL: ON THE AIR WHERE: RCC: Performance Riverside WHEN: Dec. 22 at 8 p.m. A beloved holiday classic retold in a fresh, modern, and humorous angle. PRICE: Varies 17. FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS IN DOWNTOWN Where: Main Street WHEN: Through Dec. 24 Lights illuminate Downtown Riverside as food trucks and an ice skating rink entertain.



But what about a meteor strike, people may wonder. Well, Santa would most likely have a few aces up his sleeve for that conundrum. I f he and his elves can create a warp speed sleigh and a bag that can carr y an infinite amount of gif ts, I’m sure their ingenuit y could make an incredibly power ful missile. Santa could even guide it, Rudolph’s nose lighting the way through the vast dark ness of space as well as ac ting as a laser sight for precision aiming. And don’t be worried about Santa’s safet y, if anything were to happen to him, Tim Allen would just take his place and pick up where he lef t off. Plus, if all else fails, Santa has been seen in Narnia, so we can assume that he has access the magical realm. I’m sure it would be a difficult decision for him, but in the end, without any

other option, Santa would open a por tal and take the disaster there. Besides, ever yone will be obsessing about “ The Hobbit ” anyway. Don’t even get me

Sorry, Whiskers star ted on Santa dealing with zombies. We have already established that his sack contains an infinite amount of items. Simply attach computer- guided chainguns to all of his reindeer and feed those guns with endless bando liers from his magic sack , and Santa will rain down lead on the undead hordes from his glorious, flying

death- chariot. I n addition, Santa has close ties with Coca- Cola, and would most likely have access to their army of ravenous, caffeine -addic ted polar bears. There is also this prevalent misconception that Santa is old and out of shape, but that couldn’t be fur ther from the truth. The harsh winds of never- ending winter and constant wrestling of abominable snowmen have sculpted Father Christmas into a prime fighting condition. Zombies just wouldn’t even be

You better watch out, but I won’t blame you if you cry

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2012 able to stand a chance. Now what hap pens af ter Santa saves the world? That ’s an awfully big task , even for Santa, and he might be exhausted come Christmas Eve. Luck ily enough, over the last few decades, Christmas has been saved time and time again by so many. Through teamwork , all of these helpers can return to make this the most magical Christmas ever. Jack Skellington would be more than happy to organize the ordeal and split the deliver y of presents bet ween the Grinch, Spongebob Squarepants, He -Man, the Teenage Mutant N inja Turtles, Billy and Mandy, Barney, the Olsen t wins, I nspec tor G adget, Elmo, the Fairly Odd Parents, Buddy the elf, Brian and Stewie Griffin, Alf, the Muppets, and even KISS. So don’t fret ever yone. Make sure to give your offerings of milk and cook-

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Be mindful of your mistletoe, though ies, but other wise, relax and enjoy the holiday season this year. For even if you are on the naught y list this year, Santa Claus is here to make sure that there will always be more Christmases to come. ■H

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UC Riverside plays tough defense and defeats Northern Colorado 69-63 Matthew Guerrero CONTRIBUTING WRITER

December 1, 2012 Highlanders 69 – Bears 63

Coming off three tough losses against Northeastern, Alaska Anchorage, and Texas State, UC Riverside pulled out a win by beating Northern Colorado 69-63 with tough defense. They were one and five before heading into Saturday’s Dec. 1 game against Northern Colorado and desperate for a win. Struggling with inconsistency and a lack of both a powerhouse offense and good defense, UC Riverside battled for their victory. The Highlanders struggled offensively coming into the game. Turning over the ball, and missing their first two jumpers, Northern Colorado jumped out to a five to nothing run that looked like a bad start for Riverside. A quick layup by UCR’s Chris Harriel combined with Riverside’s impressive defense led to an eight to three run that tied the game up at eight points each. Davin Guinn symbolized the Highlanders stingy defense with an early steal in the first half, causing another Northern Colorado turnover. Highlander Harriel continued Riverside’s strong defense with two steals of his own early in the game. Although their offense struggled momentarily, a block and a steal gave UC Riverside another lead, at 12-11. This was done by a Chris Patton dunk. River-

side then went on another seven to two run thanks to their great defense and some spotty shooting. A nine to three run signaled a defensive half that saw Northern Colorado shoot under 20 percent. Riverside held five players to zero field goals made in the first period, as Northern Colorado faced an uphill battle heading into the second half. Patton led the first half with eight points. The second half began with a couple made free throws that strengthened UC Riverside’s lead, and captured the beginning of an explosive half by Robert Smith. A five to one run opened the second half and quickly led to a 10 to zero run a few minutes later, in what looked like a blowout for Riverside as Colorado missed more shots caused by tough defense. Robert Smith and Chris Harriel stifled Northern Colorado and the Highlanders at one point led 43 to 16. Colorado then went on a large run of their own, scoring 23 points to Riverside’s nine, bringing the score to 52 to 39. Colorado turned their defense into offense by taking Riverside’s blueprint with tough defense. Colorado eventually brought the score to 66 to 59, fueled by Tate Unruh’s 14 second half points, and the stingy defense by Derrick Barden. Robert Smith, however, proved to be too much a s it was just too late for Colorado to come back. Robert Smith scored four points in the final minute to seal the deal. Robert Smith finished the game with 21 points and Chris Harriel fin■H ished with 17.

C a m e r o n Y o n g /HIGHLANDER Junior Chris Harriel looks for a teammate to pass to on a fastbreak





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Tre’Shonti Nottingham


RIO-SIDE Did Beckham really change soccer in the U.S.?


Given the fact that this will be her final year suiting up for the UCR women’s basketball team, star point guard Tre’Shonti Nottingham decided that she wants her final season at Riverside to be a memorable one. As she put it, she wants to “amaze.” With her recent scoring spree, it’s safe to say that Nottingham has been doing just that. At 23.6 points per game, Nottingham is currently one of the scoring leaders in the entire NCAA. “It’s my last year and it’s like every time I step on the floor, I want to be able to play hard,” said Nottingham in an interview with the Highlander. “I don’t want to have any regrets... So every time I step on floor, I have that mentality like I need to be aggressive, I need to be a scorer and I need to get my team involved.” Even by her standards, November has been quite an amazing month for Nottingham. From Nov. 12 through Nov. 18, she had three straight 29-point games in three consecutive victories. Nottingham then followed that up with a career-high 31 points in a close loss against Princeton. At one point in the season, she was even leading the NCAA in scoring, averaging as many as 27.6 points per game. “It’s because of them I am the number one scorer in the nation,” said Nottingham when she held the top scoring spot. “If I get a three, it’s because somebody threw me the ball. Or if I get a layup, it’s because someone ditched me the ball. And I am honored to be number one in the nation, but I am honored because my team is up there and my team is getting recognized.”

A r c h i v e /HIGHLANDER #14 Tre’Shonti Nottingham dribbles around Utah State’s zone defense to set up her teammates to score.

In light of her scoring burst, her team has earned a 5-2 record to start this season. With that record, the team currently sits in second place in the Big West standings. According to Nottingham, a great deal of credit should be given to her teammates for their solid beginning and for her own recent success. Nottingham went on to say that her teammates aren’t the only reason she has had such a great start to the season. According to her, Head Coach John Margaritis has also been an instrumental figure in her recent accomplishments. But as she told the Highlander, her relationship with her head coach has had its share of highs and lows. “At times I felt like he wanted to change certain aspects of me,” she said. “And I was like, ‘Well you recruited me for this, why are you changing me for that?’ And then my junior year, that kind of like fell apart. We weren’t really close. My sopho-

more year, we were really, really close. I told him everything that’s been bothering me. He was like another dad.” Nottingham continued, “Then my junior year, we just crashed heads all the time. The day that I got suspended, I think that we both let our emotions get the best of us. We both were angry… and we just let our anger get the most of us. And then we didn’t talk to each other.” By the start of her senior year, however, Nottingham said her relationship with her coach had completely turned around. “We talked,” she said. “We talked it out. As a player, it’s like frustrating when you’re losing and on top of that, you’re having your coach yelling at you.” But according to Nottingham, at a certain point, she talked to her coach in his office and told him, “You know what? I’m going to respect you. If you tell me what to do, I just have to learn to say okay and run with it. Even

though I may not like it, I’m going to have to trust you.” As Nottingham put it, their relationship is now as healthy as it has ever been in her four years at Riverside. “I call him Dad,” she concluded. With off-the-court distractions now seemingly gone, Nottingham says she wants nothing more than to focus on her team this year. “My expectation is for us to just amaze people,” she said. “Last year we didn’t go to the tournament. I feel like we can go to the tournament, and I know Coach Marg doesn’t want me to say this, but we can probably win. I think it’s going to be a promising year for us.” Nottingham currently leads her team in points, free throws, threepointers, assists and steals. For her outstanding feats in the month of November, Tre’Shonti Nottingham has earned the Highlander’s Athlete of the Month honor. ■H


#14 Nottingham, Tre’Shonti Games played










Steals/game: FG Pct



3FG Pct

FT Pct:



Just like he did with Real Madrid and Manchester United, Beckham will retire from the LA Galaxy as a champion. It seems as though he leaves a lasting impression on just about every team he plays for. But honestly, how much of an impression did he really leave while playing soccer in the United States? Well, let’s look at his track record. Since joining the MLS, soccer viewership in America has been up. In his first game as a member of the LA Galaxy, MLS ratings skyrocketed to nearly a million viewers, a number rarely seen in the United States for American soccer. After that, Beckham’s inauguration started a positive trend for the league. The MLS has enjoyed an increase in ratings just about every year. Just this past season, total viewership went up 12 percent compared to a season ago on cable television, with ESPN broadcasting those games. Those numbers made this year the most watched MLS season ever. But America’s growing interest in soccer didn’t just end with the MLS. If fans recall, just two years ago, the United States followed our own Team USA in the 2010 FIFA World Cup with so much anticipation. In a game against Algeria, the LA Galaxy’s own Landon Donovan scored the game-winning goal that went on to give Team USA its victory in its group since the 1930s. It was that game that made Beckham’s teammate Donovan a household name. Whether it was a direct or indirect influence over the game by Beckham, it’s hard to deny that soccer is now a major sport in America. I think it’s safe to say that he was a game changer. The MLS is more profitable now and the country has a new sports pastime. I guess the Beckham Experiment did work out after all. His stardom really did change the way the U.S. looks at soccer for the better. ■H





From Riverside to Rome: women’s volleyball player Amanda Vialpando is on the rise Darren Bueno STAFF WRITER

In middle school, she wanted to simply bump a volleyball over the net. After graduating high school, she was determined to get a full-ride college athletic scholarship. Now senior Amanda Vialpando sets her sights on a professional volleyball career overseas. Amid the excitement of basketball season starting came the silence that another season was ending. Women’s volleyball ended their 2012 campaign, and with that senior outside hitter Amanda Vialpando said goodbye to UCR athletics. Ranked sixth in Highlander career kills per game and having been named to the Big West Conference First Team, Vialpando certainly built a formidable collegiate career that any UC athlete would be satisfied with. The Moreno Valley native, however, continues to strive for more. Drawing on an inner drive to fulfill her life passions, she looks to tackle another goal just as she has done her whole sports career. “If I have one love for something, I just give it my all,” Vialpando said. And she has been giving her all since high school, where she not only led her volleyball team to a CIF Championship, but was also a league MVP-winning basketball player. Originally intending to play only for the love of the game, the Notre Dame High School standout started to garner accolades and local recognition during her junior and senior year.

“It’s funny because I never thought of playing sports in college,” she said.” I just wanted to focus on school, then senior year we won CIF and I got ‘Player of the Year.’ So I thought, ‘I guess I’ll keep going. I’m pretty good at it.’” Because she didn’t play club or travel volleyball, Vialpando had to start her collegiate career at Riverside Community College; however, the move only intensified her motivation as she led the Tigers to the first round of the playoffs while picking up another league MVP award along the way. Her relentless persistence on and off the court was rewarded as several colleges started to take interest in Vialpando before she accepted a full ride scholarship to UC Riverside. “I’ve always had that determination with volleyball,” she stated. “It’s just something that I love playing. When you love something, you want to be surrounded by it all the time. I was determined to get a [scholarship] and that’s what I got. Hard work pays off.” For the next three years the outside hitter continued to do what she loved: play volleyball, but not without a steady stream of bean and cheese burritos at halftime. Her parents, who went to nearly every game, would search around cities for their daughter’s adored gametime snack. “Every game at halftime, I would look for my dad in the stands and he would give me a bag of [burritos],” she joked. “I need food during the game. I just get hungry.”



J i n y o u n g K o /HIGHLANDER Amanda Vialpando gets ready to leap in the air for a spike

While her hunger grew during intermission, her game blossomed on court. In 2011 the Highlander star was named to the Big West Conference First Team, which is awarded to the best players of the league each season, and she also led UC Riverside in total kills, digs and points. In 2012 she anchored a team plagued by injuries and was named to the Big West Conference Honorable Mention team. After playing her final college match against Hawai’i in front of 7,000 fans, Vialpando ended her UCR career. But don’t expect her to hang up the knee-pads just yet. A global studies major, the senior plans to play professionally in either Spain or Italy after her grad-

uation. Exploring new cultures and languages are not the only things she looks forward to in Europe. Vialpando also hopes to find new fashion trends and ideas with dreams of owning her own fashion line with her mother. “Europe is great for fashion,” she added.” So while I’m playing volleyball, I can grab ideas to bring back... when I start my fashion line [in the U.S.].” From Riverside to Rome, Vialpando will use the same determination and drive she developed while playing sports in the United States to continue her lifelong ambition on the other side of the world. “I’m just an athlete that loves to play sports,” she said. ■H

Women’s basketball continues hot streak with two impressive wins C o dy N g u y e n STAFF WRITER

November 28, 2012 Highlanders 71 – Cougars 65

In what very well may be the best all-around performance by the UC Riverside women’s basketball team this season, four Riverside players reached double figures in scoring to help lead the Highlanders to victory against the Washington State Cougars. It was a cat-and-mouse game throughout, with five ties and nine lead changes that provided an entertaining show for the 314 fans occupying the SRC Arena. The Cougars took a 10-3 lead in the first half by taking advantage of the Highlanders’ sloppy early play, including two Tre’Shonti Nottingham turnovers. Eventually, the Highlanders found the pep in their step and hung with the Cougars until the buzzer sounded the end of the first half with both teams knotted up, 34-34. Both squads continued to jab at each other in the second half, with no team taking a lead larger than six points. Midway through the second half, a huge momentum swing in which an 8-0 run led by Kiara Harewood and Brittany Crain gave the Highlanders a 63-57 lead that sent the SRC Arena

crowd roaring. The all-so rare “DEFENSE!” chants and ground stomps became a rallying cry for the Highlanders as they were able to finish off the Cougars, thanks to four late free throws by Nottingham. Nottingham has been the team’s best player as well as the nation’s highest scorer, who picked up 11 of her 14 points in the second half. December 2, 2012 Highlanders 71 – Lumberjacks 43

The UC Riverside women’s basketball team is giving Highlander fans something to be proud of, continuing their winning ways after a 71-43 thrashing of the visiting Northern Arizona Lumberjacks. An outstanding all-around effort by the Highlanders lifted them to victory, with five players scoring in double figures, including a 13-point effort by star guard Tre’Shonti Nottingham, who was outperformed by junior center Natasha Hadley’s team-leading 15 points and nine rebounds. Northern Arizona’s Raven Anderson led her team with a doubledouble: 18 points complemented by 14 rebounds. The Highlander defense held Northern Arizona to a pitiful (1662, 25.8 percent) shooting performance, with many of those misses

V i n c e n t T a /HIGHLANDER Tre’Shonti Nottingham drives through the court.

coming from behind the arc (1-15, 6.7 percent). By comparison, UC Riverside converted 41.9 percent (26-62) of their shots, shooting 31.6 percent (6-19) from 3-point range. Northern Arizona never held a lead at any point in the match. A 10 to nine margin favoring UCR early in the first half was the closest they got, but the Highlanders caught fire, embarking on a 13-0 run led by forward Janelle Kearney. Utter domination on the defensive front conceded a mere 16 points to the Lumberjacks by the end of the first half. UC Riverside kept their foot

on the gas pedal after the break, improving their 18-point halftime lead to as much as 30 as Kiara Harewood drained a 3-pointer with 10:47 to go. The rout continued until the zeroes flashed across the scoreboard, with the Highlanders sending their fans home happy. A strong message was also sent to the Big West media, whose poll projected an eighth place finish in the conference for the Highlanders this season. The Highlanders cap off their home stand with a chance to improve their record to 6-2 against the Idaho Vandals this Friday, Dec. 7. ■H

Golf season for UC Riverside doesn’t start until Feb. 4 for the women’s team and Jan. 28 for the men’s team. Both have a lot going for them with Coach Eric Riehle guiding the way, however, the athletes must produce. Riehle has set up his men’s and women’s teams for success for this season and beyond with his core of young and successful athletes. Sophomore Rayan Smith was MVP all four years at Colton High School. Sophomore Jason Semthiti was MVP from 20092011 at Pacifica Christian High School. Sophomore David Gazzolo is a three-time Big VIII league champion at Riverside Poly High and was MVP in 2012. Freshman Bradley Fox was team MVP all four years and league MVP as a junior at Ontario Christian High School. The experience of these four young athletes can lead the team to many first place finishes. Next year the men’s team will have three freshmen, Andre Vu, Sam Gillis and Léven Simon-Seay to join their already young core. The three of them can bring a lot to the table with their past winning experiences. Vu is ranked 14th in the state. His best finish was at the 54th Annual Lee Hammil Memorial when he finished second. Sam Gillis is ranked 21st in the state and his top finish was at the 2012 Toyota Tour Cup at Oak Valley when he finished second. Simon-Seay is ranked 52 in the state and has his best finish at the 2011 Toyota Tour Cup at Oak Valley when he finished second. Women’s team next year will have freshmen Isabelle Shee and Tina Nagai can help bring youth to a team which includes four seniors. Nagai is ranked 45th in the state and with two of her best finishes at the 2011 Costa Mesa City Championship and the 2012 JAGS Tour I.E. Junior Championship, where she finished second. Shee is ranked 32nd in the state and finished third at the 2012 Toyota Cup at Primm Valley. The athletics department and Athletic Director Brian Wickstrom here at UC Riverside have done an excellent job. They have turned UC Riverside into a college that students have as their priority because of Riverside’s great athletic department. ■H

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