Volume 61 Issue 13

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Highlander University

Volume 61



C a l i f o r n i a , R ive r s i d e

Issue 13

Serving the UCR community since 1954

UCR Highlander Newspaper



Proposed state budget increases UC funding Gov. Brown’s initial budget provides a modest consideration of higher education, but future tuition increases still loom. S a n dy V a n SENIOR STAFF WRITER

Governor Jerry Brown released his proposed state budget for 2013-2014 on Jan. 10., which includes an increase of $256.5 million in state general funds to the UC. Included funds from Proposition 30 will provide a promised amount of $125 million, preventing any further tuition increases, but only for the current academic year. An additional $10 million is specifically earmarked for creating a “virtual campus,” which involves the expansion of UC online courses. As part of a stable multi-year funding plan, Governor Brown proposed a five percent increase in state contributions to the UC for the next two consecutive years, followed by a four percent increase. The plan will assist the state in cementing a consistent stream of funding after years of state divestment from the UC. The UC Board of Regents, who meet this week in San Francisco, have not yet indicated how the budget may affect a previously discussed tuition increase for the 2013-2014 academic year. “The leadership of the University of California is grateful that Gov. Brown is proposing re-investment in higher education,” stated Patrick Lenz, the UC Vice President for Budget and Capital Resources in a UCOP press release. “After absorb-

C o u rte s y

ing nearly a billion dollars in state funding cuts during the past five years, we see his budget proposal as a very positive step forward in a process that will unfold over the next several months.” Other funds that are also dedicated to the UC include investment in the advancing of technology for online courses. The $10 million is intended to increase statewide student accessibility, create a centralized and systemwide course site, and expand overall faculty instruction. The budget’s commitment to additional funding for the UC marks a significant shift

for the state, whose shrinking allocation of funds to the university has resulted in steep tuition hikes in recent years. UC tuition and fees have seen an increase of $5,556 over the last five years, bringing the cost to $12,192 for the 2013-2014 academic year. California’s steep recession and the state’s divestment in higher education have led to decreasing accessibility and affordability, specifically for middle-income families, who are often not eligible for financial aid reserved for less privileged ones. According to the state budget report, “California students in public and nonprofit

Campus officially welcomes Chancellor Conoley Sandy Van


The sounds of Scottish bagpipes issued a warm Highlander welcome to UCR’s newest chancellor, Jane Close Conoley, as she took the stage at her welcome reception on Jan. 11. Held in the University Theater, the welcome event invited an interactive discussion about UCR’s ambitions for admission to the Association of American Universities (AAU), the UCR 2020 strategic plan, the role of the chancellor at UCR and the promise of higher education. In her first public address to the UCR community, Chancellor Conoley made clear her aims to help UCR meet the requirements for the AAU, primarily through the hiring of additional faculty. The AAU is an association of North America’s leading research universities, consisting of 62 U.S. and Canadian colleges. All member universities have an increased international presence through areas of research and education. Addressing the elephant in the

o f at v n . o r g

A s p a r t o f G o v e r n o r B ro w n ’s s t a t e b u d g e t , t h e U C i s s e t t o re c e i v e a b o u t $ 2 5 0 m i l l i o n i n a d d i t i o n a l f u n d i n g .

room, and a topic of much concern to the UCR community, Chancellor Conoley said, “I do know that I am walking behind very mighty footsteps made by Chancellor Tim White, so I will do my best.” “You should know that when President Yudof asked me to take this assignment, he said to me ‘Your first priority is reaching the goals...set through their UCR 2020 plan,’” stated Conoley, who followed up with her desires to maintain a positive trajectory for the university, while upholding the morale of faculty and the experience of students. After recapping the passing of Proposition 30, a tax measure which temporarily staved off UC tuition increases for the 2012-2013 academic year, Chancellor Conoley relayed the student enrollment rate for the UCR School of Medicine (SOM), which has received nearly 2,000 applications. Additionally, over 40,000 students applied as freshmen or transfer students to the university for the 2012-2013 academic year. CHANCELLOR CONT’D ON PAGE 3

colleges rank 46th in student debt levels— half of California undergraduates have student debt, averaging $18,000, compared to two-thirds of graduates nationally, averaging $26,600.” “The state’s recent disinvestment in higher education has forced significant tuition increases, but it’s important to remember that tuition revenue covered only about 38 percent of the budget gap resulting from the cuts in state funding; the rest of the shortfall was met through spending cutbacks, efficiencies and alternative rev■H enue sources,” stated Lenz.

INSIDE: Highlander Editorial: The Editorial Board writes an open letter to Riverside’s new mayor.



ASUCR Senator Chris Salvador offers his eight steps for student success at UCR. FEATURES


The bloodsoaked Gangster Squad doesn’t live up to the talent of its all-star cast. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT


Player Spotlight: Men’s soccer player Otis Earle describes his journey from London to UCR.



T s u n g S u /HIGHLANDER Chancellor Conoley delivers her first public address at UCR during her welcome reception on Jan. 11.










Barbara and Art Culver Center of the Arts receives $900,000 pledge Carrie Meng STAFF WRITER

A pledge of $900,000 from Henry Coil was made to the UC Riverside Barbara and Art Culver Center of the Arts in Downtown Riverside. Coil, a Riverside native, has been a longtime philanthropist and arts benefactor in the Inland Empire community. “I understand that funding has always been difficult. You need large sums of money in order to do get things done. It also takes a lot of time and effort finding sources of money, whether they be grants or donations from the community,” said Coil. “It was a natural thing for me to do.” The atrium at the Culver Center has been named the Coil Brothers Atrium, reflecting Coil’s contribution to the arts. It also stands as a tribute to John Coil of Santa Ana, and the lives of the late Horace and James Coil. “Henry has a long association with the arts and the galleries and the museums here that is a part of the University of California,” said Jonathan Green, the executive director of UCR ARTSblock, a facility composed of the Culver Center, the Sweeney Art Gallery and the California Museum of Photography (UCR/CMP). “We are delighted that he was able to make this major donation to the ARTSblock and Culver Center. He has been very generous.” Coil was born and raised in Riverside before he left to attend college in Berkeley, Calif. After earning an engineering degree

L ee n a B u tt /HIGHLANDER Pledging one of the largest contributions ever made to the Barbara and Art Culver Center of the Arts, Henry Coil seeks to support UCR’s extensive art programs.

from UC Berkeley and a law degree from Western State University in Fullerton, he joined the construction firm Marshall Tilden in 1971. His interest in the arts comes from his belief that the arts are an important part of the overall community. “I’m interested in the arts as an observer, but I enjoy good art and I even have a collection of art at home,” said Coil. Fanny Ouyang, a fourth-year art history major, believes that any funding for the arts will help continue the preservation

of acquired exhibition and displayed art. Ouyang also notes that rarely is the arts program funded so well, especially for smaller museums. “Funding usually goes towards larger museums,” she explains. “Donations such as [the one from Henry W. Coil Jr.] are beneficial in helping people maintain the art and the museum to make sure that those who do enjoy and are interested in art will be able to experience it.” Aside from his contribution to the arts, Coil has had a significant impact in the city of Riverside—he has been a member


Photo of the Week


Tuesday Talks - Fluidity 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. Costo Hall 245

Mochi Mic Night 8 p.m. – 11 p.m. Lothian Residence Hall, Lothian Galley


Winter Bike Registration 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Arts Building

Johanna Shapiro, Ph.D. 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. INTS 1113


Morning Zumba Fitness Class 9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. SRC MPR A

Men’s Basketball vs. Long Beach State 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. SRC Arena

Wesley Ng While at work on the very newspaper you’re holding in your hand, a blanket of purple doused the campus for a matter of minutes. Captured during what is commonly referred to as the “golden hour,” this colorful sunset over UCR had vanished just a few moments after it was taken.



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of the UCR Foundation Board of Trustees since 1982, serving as board chair from 1999 to 2001. He also served on the Riverside City Council between 1963 and 1967. Coil has also served on the boards of a number of community organizations, including the Riverside Arts Foundation, the American Red Cross, the Community Foundation, the Mission Inn Foundation, the Boy Scouts, the Carolyn E. Wylie Center for Children, Youth and Families, and the National Council for Resource Development. ■H



18 Friday



Zotero: A free resource to organize your research and cite your sources 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Rivera Library 140

19th Annual Noche Cultural 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. University Theatre


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Men’s Basketball vs. UC Irvine 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. SRC Arena

Martin Luther King Holiday 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. Physics Building, room 2104

at highlandernews.org


“What was it about UCR that made you passionate and interested in coming?” asked Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost William Kidder. In response, Chancellor Conoley reflected on her initial interest in UCR’s 2020 strategic plan while working at UCSB. “I was looking around for some inspiration, so I read this very carefully. If you would look at the strategic plan at my former school [UCSB], you’d be surprised how similar it is to yours,” joked Chancellor Conoley. Chancellor Conoley directed special attention to the relationship between UCR and the greater Riverside community. “The key to me seems to be matching our talent with community talent with a purpose...You can always go out and talk to a school, but the real key to partnership [is], ‘are we better after that, are we better because we’re together on something?’” stated Conoley. Following her speech, Chancellor Conoley held an open Q & A session with the audience. Several audience members inquired about an increase in faculty to help meet AAU goals as well as lighten the increasing loads faculty have taken in recent years. ”For faculty lines and the number of students that Sacramento is funding in the university, we have 2500 students for whom we do not have faculty lines and that alone makes a big difference,” stated Rabenstein. With prior employment as the UCSB Dean of the Gevirtz Gradu-

NEWS ate School of Education, Chancellor Conoley was asked about UCR’s growth trajectory in comparison to UCSB. Chancellor Conoley deferred to Kidder for his expertise, who explained that long periods of stasis and fluctuating student enrollment at UCR contrasted with UCSB’s steady rise, resulting in an unequal facultyto-student ratio between the campuses. “So if you look at the enrollment that we have, our number of unfunded students is really substantial... and Santa Barbara does not have any unfunded students,” Kidder said. Chancellor Conoley expanded on the university’s position in terms of making a worldwide economic impact through the areas of research and strategic development. “Because all over the world, there is a need for [educators] to make great education accessible to its young people, it’s children...but it’s shocking how few, percentage-wise, young people get access to education,” stated Conoley. One of the few students who attended the welcome event, thirdyear business economics major Paul Hwangbo, expressed his concerns about maintaining direct facetime with students through an on-campus presence—an air of familiarity that former Chancellor White was often known for through his Friday Letters and town hall meetings. “Walking into this, you know, I was a little skeptical because I had really bonded with Chancellor White. I was like ‘okay this is going to be 30 minutes,’ but then it turned into an hour, an hour which passed by fast,” stated Hwangbo. “She’s very charismatic, she knows how



T s u n g S u /HIGHLANDER Located in the University theater, Chancellor Conoley’s welcome event drew a wide variety of faculty, staff and students from the campus.

to speak...She seems to know what she’s doing and she’s already getting comfortable with the school and faculty, so I am very optimistic.” Also in attendance was Kris Kuganathan, a fourth-year political science/administrative studies major. “She seems like somebody that can really get on your level, have a conversation with you...as long as the communication channels are open, the student body can continue the dialogue, which will hopefully push us through,” said Kuganathan. First-year UCR medical student, Vincent Luu, was also reflective of Chancellor Conoley’s background and mindset of the university. “The chancellor appears very perceptive

to the campus and I am really glad about the fact that the chancellor is willing to learn about our campus because we do have a really diverse student population,” he said. During her first academic week as chancellor, Chancellor Conoley has already shown the willingness to make moves. On Jan. 9, she suspended the initial search for the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business Operations (FBO), which will now be split into two new positions— Vice Chancellor for Administration and Vice Chancellor for Planning and Budget—to create greater “checks and balances.” The Office of Resource Planning and Budget was also removed from FBO. ■H





Former UCR chancellor involved in fracking scandal S a n dy V a n


Raymond L. Orbach, director of the Energy Institute at the University of Texas at Austin and former UCR chancellor, and geosciences professor Charles “Chip” Groat, have both resigned in the wake of a controversial “fracking” study. The Public Accountability Initiative, a watchdog group, revealed that Groat, the head researcher and author of the study, held a spot on the board of directors of a natural gas and drilling company, Plains Exploration and Production. For the duration of the study, Groat received nearly $1.5 million within the last five years as a member of the board. Groat did not disclose his affiliations to a drilling board as a conflict of interest, which violated the university’s research procedures. Amidst the controversy, Orbach took responsibility and resigned from his position on Nov. 30—the same day the findings were released—in a statement by UT Austin. “I maintained that my role [on the board of Plains Exploration and Production] would not influence results and that I did not do so,” stated Groat to National Public Radio (NPR). According to the National Public Radio (NPR), Orbach stated that he found no evidence that Groat displayed an unprofessional bias in the overall findings of the study. Overseen by a three-person independent panel, the university’s review revealed that there was no “intentional misrepresentation” by Groat, but whom they state demonstrated “very poor judgement.” Due to his affiliation with the drilling company’s board of directors, Groat’s lack

of disclosure placed both his credibility as a researcher and the results of the study at risk. The findings of the review identified Groat as having a clear conflict of interest. On Dec. 6, the UT Austin withdrew the environmental study due to the scandal and implemented recommendations provided by the review committee. Those recommendations included a systemwide audit of research management procedures, which involve reviewing the university’s conflict of interest policies and procedures. Dr. Orbach remains at the university as a tenured faculty member, but is no longer employed at the Energy Institute. A search is underway to recruit new leadership at the Institute. “Fracking,” or hydraulic fracturing, is the extraction of oil and gas from underground resources and is heatedly debated for potentially causing adverse impacts to the environment through groundwater contamination. Entitled “The Fact-Based Regulation for Environmental Protection in the Shale Gas Development,” the study originally revealed that there was no association between fracking and water contamination. According to Reuters, natural gas is known for being the fastest growing fossil fuel in the world. Current reserve levels are anticipated to grow at a rate of 2.1 percent by 2030, which is partly attributed to the process of fracking. The story garnered significant national attention as a top link on the popular social site Reddit, self-described as the “front page of the Internet.” A post regarding the fracking controversy received over 1,400 comments from the site’s users.

B rya n T u ttle /HIGHLANDER Pictured above is the UCR science library, which was named after Raymond L. Orbach in 2009.

The UCR science library, also known as the Raymond L. Orbach library, was dedicated to its namesake in 2009, due to his major contributions to the campus. During Orbach’s term at UCR, the student population doubled from 8,500 to 15,000—shifting UCR from a small to medium-sized campus. An additional one million square feet of research and teaching space, with the approximate cost of $250 million, resulted from Orbach’s leadership. Steve Mitchell, the Raymond L. Orbach Science Reference Librarian, reflected on

his past encounters with former Chancellor Orbach. “Under his watch at least, they developed a whole campus down here [at the University Village]. So he really grew UCR and made a special effort to reach out to socalled ‘minority groups’ at the time and promote cultural diversity,” he said. After Orbach’s departure from UCR in 2002, he became the director of the Office of Science at the Department of Energy and the founding director of the Energy Institute at the University of Texas in 2009. ■H

A S U C R senate : h ig h l ig hte d proj e cts of f a l l 2012 Lauren Green CONTRIBUTING WRITER

During their first meeting for winter quarter of 2013, ASUCR senators recapped accomplishments made in the fall quarter of last year and delivered updates on their current projects. Highlighted events included revisions of ASUCR bylaws, a further push for the student-led food truck initiative and the reinstatement of the trolley system. Other notable projects included the snack pack project, Cubbies for Commuters and various academic programs. The overview of senatorial re-

ports focused on past events that were deemed successful, such as the snack pack project and “Meet the Senate” event, which were a collaborative efforts among various senators. “It was really great to see how enthusiastic and pleased students were with getting these snacks we provided for them, and it’s a reminder that a little bit goes a long way. It’s funny how a bottle of water and some fruit snacks can be like, the best thing ever when you’re studying for finals,” stated Senator Aaron Johnson. Similar sentiments were echoed among many who were involved in the project.

Recent aspirations of Senator Brian Leung involved the return of the trolley system, which has been out-of-commission due to the lack of sufficient funding from the university. “I’ve been assessing the costs of reimplementing the trolley system so we can really develop an effective transportation system as UCR,” stated Senator Leung. In collaborations with Senator Chris Salvador, Senator Leung is also continuing negotiations with the Office of Student Affairs and Dining Services for a food truck venue, which may possibly be located near Lot 30.

Spearheaded by Senator Niela Darmani, Cubbies for Commuters was another widely-discussed project. “We are moving forward with our project to install lockers in the HUB to provide commuters on campus with storage. We have lined up the timetable for what we need to do and are looking forward to hopefully having those by next quarter,” stated Senator Darmani. Another report was delivered by Senator Pro Tempore Sai Patadia, head of the Legislative Review Committee, on the progress of the ASUCR constitution and bylaws. “I am glad to say that

the constitution and bylaws are finally printed, finally updated, ready to go... now you can see all legislation for ASUCR.” Senator Patadia also explained his senatorial goal to create more Supplemental Instruction sections and online learning tools in the Academic Resource Center. Among other events discussed includes the creation of a panel series for CNAS and an academic program aimed at assisting second-years with studying. The next weekly ASUCR senate meeting will take place on Jan. 16 at 6:45 p.m. in the Senate Chambers. ■H

James Holmes case moves to trial, UCR students react Michael Rios SENIOR STAFF WRITER

A r o o b a C h a u d h ry CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Six months after the July 20 shooting that killed 12 and injured 58 in Aurora, Colo., the preliminary hearing of UC Riverside alumnus James Holmes commenced on Jan. 7. Holmes, who is tied to the shooting at a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises, faces 166 charges, including weapons offenses and murder. Many turned up for the long-awaited hearing, which determined whether or not the defendant would stand trial. At the hearing, police officers testified against Holmes and recalled apprehending him while helping the injured victims. One policeman remembered finding a six-yearold girl without a pulse and struggling to keep a wounded man inside a moving police car as he tried to go back to the theatre for his seven-year-old daughter. Two pathologists also testified, saying

that 12 dead victims were shot anywhere from one to nine times. Holmes remained emotionless throughout the many testimonies. Some disturbing photos retrieved from Holmes’ phone also emerged during the hearing. One image showed Holmes smiling at the camera whilst holding a handgun just hours before the shooting began. Another image showed Holmes wearing a black cap, sticking his tongue out. Holmes’ defense attorneys may pursue an insanity plea to avoid a death penalty. “You’re aware that people can be found not guilty on the grounds of insanity?” one of Holmes’ lawyers asked at the hearing. However, police investigators have said that this situation may be premeditated, which would make the insanity plea difficult to defend. The defense team, led by Daniel King, provided limited evidence and witnesses about Holmes’s mental state. King did not offer a closing argument. On Jan. 10, a day after the three-day hearing ended, Judge William Sylvester ruled

that the prosecution had established the probable cause necessary to proceed with a trial. The judge allowed the arraignment to be postponed until March 12, giving the defense more time to prepare for the case. An insanity plea and defense is expected. UCR students reacted to the hearing, voicing their opinions about what the final verdict should be. “I’m not a believer in the death penalty,” said Aaron Johnson, a political science major. “I know in situations like this, it’s human nature to want revenge... but I don’t think he deserves the death penalty. I think he deserves life in prison.” Some students had a very different reaction. “No guy who throws smoke grenades into a crowded theatre, walking with an AR-15 and multiple handguns, just shooting wildly deserves to live,” claimed David Hall, a psychology major. “He should be drawn and quartered,” said Alex Hill, a third-year english major. “But of course, only after he is given due process.”

Hill also commented on Holmes’ affiliation to UCR and what it means for the campus. “The actions of Holmes should not reflect poorly on UCR,” she expressed. “There is no evidence to suggest that his behavior is in any way indicative of any issues UCR itself perpetuates.” Freshman Eliza Alcaraz, a computer science major, also responded by saying, “When I heard about the shooting during the summer, I was astounded. Adding the most recent massacre at Sandy Hook elementary to that, it’s clear that we as Americans need to petition stricter gun rules. The larger public doesn’t agree to this, but it’s becoming very necessary.” The trial will commence on March 12. The death penalty for Holmes has been discussed, but prosecutors may choose not to pursue it and could instead pursue a life sentence out of the possibility that the defendant may win the case by taking an insanity plea. Families of victims are hoping Holmes will at least plead guilty to the murders instead of pursuing an insanity defense. ■H






AN OPEN LETTER TO MAYOR RUSTY BAILEY Dear Mayor Bailey, Congratulations are in order for your mayoral victory last year! We hope you are finding your new office comfortable, and wish you the best of luck in undertaking your new duties. As you know, the end of an era has come to the city of Riverside. During last year’s elections, Mayor Ronald O. Loveridge decided not to pursue a sixth term as mayor, leaving the mayor’s desk vacant for the first time in nearly 20 years. Now that you sit in the mayor’s chair, you have the authority, the power and the responsibility to chart Riverside’s future course through the tempest of an 11.3% projected unemployment rate and a state that continues to make cuts to ensure its own solvency. If this economic pattern continues, Riverside will surely founder and lie at the bottom of the sea, serving to be only an example of what might have been. Yes, the worst of the storm has past. But economic recovery is fragile, and any small mistake could very well sink the ship of the fair S.S. Riverside. So what is to be done to maintain Riverside’s economic growth? The answer is simple: engage a demographic that composes a significant portion of Riverside’s population. A group of people that are eager to go out and spend money at the places that appeal to them. A group of people central to Riverside’s identity as a college town: students. Riverside is home to four major institutions of higher education, and people ages 24 and younger compose 42.3 percent of the city of Riverside’s total population. But there is very little in Downtown Riverside to encourage us to travel there. The Mission Inn is beautiful and historic, but you can only visit it so many times before it becomes repetitive. Where does a starving college student go to eat—Mario’s Place? La Trattoria? Phood on Main? None of these places are very sensitive to a college student’s budget. And an after-dinner entertainment jaunt by watching “Nunset Boulevard” at the Fox Performing Arts Center is out of the question. Riverside students live in a state of limbo, where they are neither rejected nor welcomed by the city at large. We would readily take the trip downtown if only there was something to attract us there. Mayor Bailey, your

plan to build street cars to shuttle people to and from universities and business centers is a great start, and we eagerly anticipate its implementation. But it will not have the desired impact if there is no reason for students to leave the university in the first place. To that end, you should pair the construction of this new streetcar system with a revitalization of the downtown area, one designed with students in mind. The goal should be to create a center for shopping, entertainment, eating and relaxation in much the same spirit as Victoria Gardens, where students come downtown to relax and have lunch with friends before shopping at the great variety of stores Riverside has brought downtown. Riverside has the perfect climate and atmosphere for an outdoor shopping mall—it even has the business space in the Main Street mall—why not bring a Victoria Gardens to Riverside? We should also improve the desolate wasteland situated between Downtown Riverside and UCR, otherwise known as University Avenue. The lack of anything interesting for students to do essentially builds an invisible wall between UCR and the rest of Riverside, with students rarely venturing beyond Iowa Avenue. Bringing a large retailer like Target to that open area would begin dismantling that wall. And instituting the streetcar system would tear another hole through it. The first thing to do is to attract students downtown. And nothing is as strong a magnet for hungry students as delicious and inexpensive food. Riverside should fill its empty buildings with eateries and bars that serve well-priced fare in a casual atmosphere. Downtown restaurants are frequently stifling and expensive. And most restaurants near UCR resemble a place to order take-out more than a place to relax and catch up with friends. This leaves an opening for a third option that meets both halfway and provides students the ability to sit down in a comfortable eatery but doesn’t make them afraid to pick up the check. What’s more, these new restaurants should provide a variety of food—hamburgers and chicken strips sometimes just don’t cut it. An eatery that is able to distinguish itself by serving unique creations at a low price will


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Jake Rich L ee n a B u tt /HIGHLANDER Riverside’s downtown should shift its focus to encourage students to venture outside of UCR.


attract dedicated patronage from crowds of starving students. Having new and varied eateries will lure students downtown. But to entice students to stay, Riverside needs to provide entertainment after dinner is done. The Fox Performing Arts Center is a good start, but too often its shows are geared toward an older audience. Riverside should seek newer artists for the Fox Performing Arts Center or another venue with a general admission floor layout. Doing so would also attract people from out of town to experience all that Riverside has to offer. And there’s more to entertainment than just music. A comedy club would be a new and unique feature of Riverside that the city could tout—as of now, the nearest comedy club is all the way in Ontario. It would also provide an opportunity for aspiring comics from UCR and elsewhere to gain name recognition and hone their technique. Riverside already has a flourishing creative arts community, and the addition of comedy into the fold will strengthen it even more. These efforts would only build on what former Mayor Loveridge achieved during his two decade-long tenure. In 2012, Riverside was named by the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) as the Most Intelligent City in the World for its technological prowess. The Green Action Plan was

Brandy Coats, Travis Hong, Iqra Iqbal, Sireena Sy

released in 2007, the end result being an expansion in the use of solar power and more green energy. All this has led to more people flocking to Riverside, with the Riverside-San Bernardino metropolitan area experiencing the fifth-highest population growth out of any metropolitan region in the country. Clearly, much has been accomplished. But much has still yet to be done. For the first time in 20 years, Ron Loveridge is no longer mayor—you are. It is your turn, Mayor Bailey, to leave a positive, lasting impact on our city. Riverside should aspire to be a jewel in the midst of a parched desert. And you as mayor have the unique opportunity to ensure that the cutting and polishing of that jewel result in a shining example of what a city can and should be. Mayor Bailey, you can tear down that invisible wall between UCR and downtown. Congratulations, once again, on your victory. We look forward to seeing what you accomplish as Riverside’s mayor. Sincerely, The Highlander Editorial Board ■H Highlander editorials reflect the majority view of the Highlander Editorial Board. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Associated Students of UCR or the University of California system.

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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Highlander accepts letters from the campus community. They should be 600-800 words in length and include the author’s name and contact information. Contact opinions editor Colin Markovich at opinions@highlandernews.org for more information.

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Microbreweries: a step in the right direction for taste buds everywhere Sean Frede SENIOR STAFF WRITER

When it comes to food in today’s age, everyone seems to be talking about buying local and organic and cutting out large corporations that can harm produce with pesticides or taint meat with ammonia. People are looking for fresher tastes, like something that your own mother would make. But why should this stop with food? What about all the other things we devour on a daily basis? Perhaps beer? Now that I have almost every college student’s attention, it’s time to wonder why beer isn’t included in this discussion. Why has bettertasting microbrewery beer retained its perception of a cult obsession among the public? Why are many of us choosing to just stick with drinking what’s cheap? Why not think about paying a bit more to get fresher ingredients and greater flavor, not to mention a higher alcohol content? It’s time to branch out, try something new. When you down a cheap pint of Bud Light, do you know where the ingredients came from or how the beer was made? It’s time for college students to start delving into the world of microbreweries, if they already haven’t. In the past few years microbreweries have made serious strides into the mainstream market and it seems like they are not going to slow down. Microbreweries offer tasting rooms of beer that you don’t normally get from large corporations. They even provide growlers which allow you to take their delicious beer home to enjoy. Beers such as India Pale Ale (IPA), a hoppy beer high in alcohol; Stouts that are darker with a creamy texture on the tongue; and Irish Reds, a slightly hoppy beer with toasted characteristics are just some of the many type of beers microbreweries

W e s le y N g /HIGHLANDER Local microbreweries, like Packinghouse Brewery, provide a singular experience, much different than corporate-brewed beer.

offer. You can witness the beers mixing and steaming in vats as the brewer himself tells you about each beer’s individual qualities like its Alcohol by Volume (ABV) level, where the hops came from, what spices might have been added to it—much different than just picking up a 30-pack at Stater Brothers and heading back to the apartment. I sat down with Matt Becker, the head brewer at the Packinghouse Brewery, located across the street from Riverside Airport. Beer sloshed in stainless steel containers 10 feet high as I sipped on Packinghouse’s own Heritage Citrus Pale Ale. I wondered if Becker thinks that microbreweries

W e s le y N g /HIGHLANDER Stickers adorn the front windows of Packinghouse Brewery.

“Those cheap 30-packs really don’t offer any taste—except for an extremely watered-down one.” are still an underground movement. Becker feels that microbreweries are no longer just some hobby, “College students are smart, that’s one of the groups that will realize that quality does matter.” Students are starting to realize that just because some beer is cheap and plentiful doesn’t mean that it should be bought. “That’s really the thing now, wanting to get more quality for your money. That’s why students are a big group for us,” Becker said. There are still large groups of students out there though that feel like they can’t afford the craft-brewed beers; that cheap beer is the only way to go to get the most alcohol for your buck. If you break down the cost and amount of alcohol in different beers, the answers may surprise you. The price of a 30-pack Bud Light in some places can be $22.99. The alcohol content in one of those cans is 4.2% ABV. Sierra Nevada, a company that started out back in the 80’s like many of the microbreweries today, sells an extra IPA (an Indian Pale Ale that is loaded with hops) called Torpedo with an alcohol content of 7.2% ABV. Currently at BevMo, a 12pack of Torpedo costs $16.99. The price difference between these two beers is not that far off when you compare their alcohol content, not to mention the vast flavors you get comparing a Sierra Nevada to Bud Light. This idea of taste is something

I’ve often wondered about. Those cheap 30-packs really don’t offer any taste—except for an extremely watered-down one. But if the growing trend nowadays among food is larger-than-life flavors, why shouldn’t beer carry this same idea? As the scent of yeast and hops filled the brewing room, Becker agreed that people are beginning to step away from the watered-down Bud Light that has run the American beer game for so long: “Now people are getting sick of crappy light American Lager, they’re really starting to explore places like us.” People are beginning to acquire a taste. It isn’t snooty like the wine snobs up in Napa, but people are realizing that taste does matter. Fans began to hum in the garage and steam rose out of a vat slowly mixing ingredients together to create another beautiful beer creation that Packinghouse is so proud of. Becker takes serious pride in what he does, saying, “supporting local business and being more conscious about where the things you consume come from is a big thing now.” Whether it is food, retail or local business there is a great deal of talk about keeping things local and cutting out large corporations from having a monopoly over beer. Why hasn’t localization of beer become as large of a topic as food? According to a Time magazine article, Anheuser-Busch owns 47.7% of the American beer market. Furthermore, Anheuser-Busch is no longer an American beer company. In 2008, InBev, a Belgian company, bought out Anheuser-Busch and has been gobbling up other beer companies along the way. Brands such as Corona, Hoegaarden, Shock-top and Beck have all been bought out by InBev. Soon InBev plans on purchasing Grupo Modelo, which practically controls the Mexican beer market. When this transaction is completed, InBev will control about a quarter of the world beer market with over 200

brands. What does this mean to us college students? If we keep buying up Bud Light and Budweiser because it is cheap now, then InBev will grow more and more until they control the beer market and are free to raise prices on consumers. Competition between beer companies is dying and when competition falters, prices rise as corporations get larger and larger.

“College students are smart... [they’ll] realize that quality does matter.” Becker took another sip from Packinghouse’s Sunburst Blonde Ale and adjusted his beanie before continuing, “That large corporation ideal got so ingrained in our culture that people got tired of it… And then breweries like Fat Tire and Sierra Nevada are able to break that BMC [Beers, Miller and Coors] barrier and start getting into local liquor stores.” It’s time for more of us to break through the barrier that “BMC” has held and realize what great tastes are out there in the beer world. Head over to one of the many local microbreweries that are popping up all over the Inland Empire. You’ll most likely get to have a conversation with the person that brewed the beer you are holding. You will be able to see the product that started as a bag of grain or hops and became transformed into a delicious beer the large companies seem to avoid making. You’ll at least get a chance to put the ping pong balls down and give the drinking games a rest as you sip H on some seriously tasty brews. ■





Society’s indisputable need for the new driverless vehicles J o s h ua W a g o n b l a s t STAFF WRITER

I can recall when my family used to bicker about no longer being able to talk on their cell phones while driving—until they bought bluetooth devices. These and other hands-free apparatuses changed the technological world. Nowadays, there are even contrivances that allow someone’s car to dial a phone number for them. Do you remember when phones used to be purposely installed in cars? Me neither. Drivers can now talk to anyone they want, anytime they want, all while they are driving. However, it is now 2013 and this technology is now outdated. Americans are looking toward the future where manual tasks are a thing of the past. Scientists cannot wait to stun the world with their impressive innovations, and people cannot wait to buy the products that make their lives just a little easier. Well, prepare to be amazed, because Governor Jerry Brown has officially approved legislation that makes it legal for driverless cars to drive on California roads. That’s right: cars without the need for drivers. Next time you’re on the freeway and don’t see anyone controlling the vehicle next to you, just stay calm. It’s legal. The law has raised many questions. Drivers, police officers and public officials have all asked, “Who gets a ticket in a self-driving car?” Surely the car should. The reduction in tickets for drivers would be a great benefit in this futuristic reality. People will no longer have to pay off those annoying parking tickets since our automobiles will be the ones who incur the fines. The cars will have to spend their time talking to cops and waiting in line at court. Eventually, they will lash out and man-versus-machine feuds will be breaking out all over the country. It will be worth it, however, since driverless cars are able to provide a luxury that drivers have always wanted—an excuse to be distracted while driving. People will now be freed from focusing on how the car in front of them is driving so they can turn to more important things. Risking one’s own safety because of our faith in our automobiles is completely worth the convenience of finishing day-to-day errands and seeing what new movies are out on Netflix. We already have the privilege of owning devices that make our coffee for us, cook our food in less than two minutes, and even type words as we speak to them. A driverless car is even better, and a greater opportunity for people to rely on their man-made devices. It’s no surprise Google has been leading the march in developing automated vehicles, right ahead of Audi and Lexus. Governor Brown was even filmed by CBS as he took a ride in one of Google’s cars be-

C o u rte s y


W i k i m edia C o m m o n s

Google’s development of a driverless car paves the way forward for new technology.

fore signing the bill that approved them. That’s some great product placement. People have argued that there are unforeseen consequences to the driverless car, but I’m here to assure readers that the outlook is solely positive. A car that requires no driving skill whatsoever could

“Before we know it, toddlers will be able to drive without parental guidance.” not be more beneficial to humanity. Cars do most of the work already; in fact, the Los Angeles Times notes, “Many vehicles already automatically buffer against human errors, steering themselves back into the lanes when drivers fall asleep, braking before parallel parking turns into a love tap.” With Google, Audi and Lexus’ automated cars running the show, these aforementioned positives are nothing compared to what is to come. Drivers will no longer have to be immersed in the road. Self-driving automobiles will have the ability to predict the outcome of an imminent accident, leaving the driver not to worry about their vehicle’s capabilities and being able to fall asleep behind the wheel. This is perfect because maximum safety is the goal and we all know that machines never fail. Humanity has

progressively been conditioned to expect the invention of something better—just look at the iPhone 5— and the driverless car is just the next thing. Though the cars can only be driven “as long as there is a licensed and insured driver behind the wheel,” this requirement will not last long. Driverless cars are the way of the future, and will inevitably become popular due to the convenience they will provide, which will lead to radical changes in daily life and in state legislation. For instance, licenses could be granted at earlier ages, perhaps elementary school years, and licenses may not even be necessary in the future. Before we know it, toddlers will be able to drive without parental guidance. Parents will be enamored with the opportunity to have their contraption take full responsibility of their kin, knowing that nothing could possibly go wrong. Once this nation is able to become completely dependent on their cars to do all the work for them, who needs people to assess their skills? The vehicles will already be programmed to have the perfect level of driving capabilities. Furthermore, cell phone laws sure are a pain, and even with all the advances in the so-called handless sciences, police still seem to be handing out tickets. Once cars begin to drive themselves, many of California’s laws will need another look-over. Californians will most likely see a repeal of their cell phone and texting prohibitions. This will allow people to talk on the phone and text all they want on the road, and being distracted while driving will be a topic of the past.

Knowing what party your friend is at will take precedence over a situation where the car inadvertently takes you to the wrong place or breaks down in the middle of the freeway. The whole family will be able to take their minds off the road and be totally immersed in whatever new Apple product is out now. A change in the laws would be nice, and with this opulence will come a real benefit for college students. I believe that any college student that is of drinking age is familiar with the designated driver debacle. Finding a designated driver for the night can be an unfortunate inconvenience. Luckily, the term will be extinct soon enough and all friends will be able

“Americans will be saved from the trouble of having to think about anything.” to get drunk together without any worries. The driverless car will allow students around the state, and eventually the nation, to sit back and take some shots on their way to the bars. One could even take a leisurely drive and let the car keep them company as they enjoy a drive through a billboard-filled route while sipping on a chilled beer. Plus, when driverless cars take over the country, DUIs will be a thing of the past and our country

will finally be able to have the pleasure of being populated with confident drunks everywhere. On top of that, if you and your buddies are drunk and the car malfunctions and this leads to an accident, the car will take the blame. Maybe we’ll be lucky enough to one day have a robotic instrument that can serve jail time for us. CBS declares that these vehicles “are expected to be ready for consumer purchase by as early as 2015.” It may sound outrageous to some of the readers out there, but I cannot wait for this car to hit the markets because the driverless car is a future marvel and a sign of things to come. Soon enough, humanity will have all of their trinkets and gadgets harmoniously automated. The kitchen will do all of the cooking for us, mothers won’t have to worry about loads of laundry, and there won’t even be a point to having homework. Americans will be saved from the trouble of having to think about anything. There will be no worries, just a chance to leave all the work to our own personal devices and allowing us to be mindless people with purely hedonistic pursuits. As technology marches onward, driverless vehicles soon to come will look prehistoric to the generations after us. At that point, people will probably be swiftly transported around in little pods programmed to know just which destination to take us while simultaneously serving us our coffee. The driverless car is a stepping stone toward the exciting future where people will no longer fret over simple tasks and humanity will only have to worry about imH portant things—like television. ■

The opinions expressed in the Opinions section belong solely to their authors and do not represent the Highlander Editorial Board or the University of California, Riverside.




UCR’s Voices:



Chris Salvador’s step plan for

success at

by Grant Boughter, Staff Writer Not only is Chris Salvador a man of big ideas, he’s a man on a mission. So watch out Highlanders young and old, Chris Salvador, a UCR senior majoring in Business Administration and minoring in Philosophy, aims to enrich your student life. Let’s begin with a little background information: Salvador boasts an impressive number of undergraduate accomplishments, including being an ASUCR Senator, a DJ for KUCR (88.3 MHz), a co-founder and President of Skate Club, and the founding father as well as Vice President of UCR’s newest fraternity, Kappa Sigma... just to name a few. First off, Salvador made it expressively clear that he seeks no recognition for his accomplishments. Rather, his goal is to help struggling undergraduate students have a more enjoyable and satisfying college experience at UCR. Only a few minutes into our interview, and I was struck by his earnest intent. Pulling up a word document on his computer screen, he told me how he wants to





Have pride in our our school, and make an effort to hang out on our beautiful campus more. Weather it’s chatting with friends or making new ones at the HUB, playing darts or pool at Latitude 55, or even seeing a poetry slam at the Barn, the more time you spend at school doing new things the more friends you’ll make.

Get involved, go to Student Life and join an organization! This couldn’t be simpler, yet so many students fail to do so. The more involved you get with student organizations, the more fun you’ll have! No matter what you’re into, there’s a niche organization for you. Be it skating with friends, volunteering at KUCR, or going on the occasional snowboarding run to Big Bear, the opportunities and friendly people are out there, just waiting for your participation.


express to other students his struggles and experiences, throughout his own college career, in the hope of bettering other ’s experiences. Opening up on a more personal level, Salvador expressed how he suffered from depression in his early years at UCR. He was stricken with a sense of meaninglessness, devoid of purpose for months on end. As he told me of these most serious struggles, I watched him crack a faint smile. I shot back, in kind, with a quick glance of confusion. Salvador ’s smile grew as he explained that what freed him from this dark period in his life was not drugs nor other means of conventional medicine. Rather, he was lifted into lasting good spirits by devoting himself to vthe service of the community. As he phrased it, “in losing yourself in the service of others, you can find true meaning in your own life.” In Salvador ’s own words, he told me about his eight simple steps to improve one’s student life while at UCR.



Take a stroll around Downtown Riverside and involve yourself with the events and activities taking place in our proverbial back yard. There’s tons of history in Downtown Riverside at places like The Mission Inn and others. There’s the Arts Walk, the Saturday farmers market, and local bands often play at the Back to the Grind coffee shop.



Volunteer at the UCR Extension Center and help out a foreign exchange student with their English. Working with these students will expose you to new cultures, languages, religions, and enrich your educational experience. Volunteering at the Extension Center will expand your horizons and holistically enlighten your worldview.

V i n ce n t T a /HIGHLANDER Chris Salvador is an ASUCR senator who aims to unify UCR students through a carefully crafted eight-step plan.





Enroll in classes that you’re interested in, even if they’re not in your discipline. A fulfilled and rich college experience demands taking risks, and depends less on your major and more on your interests. Diversify your general education by learning an instrument, acting in a play, etc. Who knows, you might just discover some hidden talent or passion, which would be otherwise unexplored.

Tune in to KUCR 88.3 FM, catch a Wednesday Nooner at the Bell Tower and attend a show at the Barn! Discovering new music is key to developing personal taste and can even be therapeutic. Get plugged into new and local tunes that are distributed by UCR’s various student organizations, you won’t regret it.





Surround yourself with good company and nurture relationships with your roommates. It’s a matter of perspective. Some undergraduates meet their spouses or, at the very least, make lifelong friends in college. There are future doctors, lawyers, businessmen, engineers, chemists, politicians, etc. here right now. This poses a unique opportunity for us to develop a broad range of connections and relationships with a diverse range of individuals.

Know that you are not alone! Your struggles are shared by a multitude of your fellow students, and following these steps will help you personally develop in a positive way. There are professionals at the Health Center ready to lend a listening ear to those in need, and a plethora of student organizations hungry for new members.

In closing, Salvador shared some additional insight stating that “students are powerful and have many resources to enhance the value of their education.” Adding, in metaphor, that, “If you go to Six Flags but you don’t go on any rides, did you really go to Six Flags at all?” This logic can be extended to the dollar value of one’s education at UCR. Get involved and start having a great time!




THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! A consistent thrashing of the trends, tropes, and traditions of the silly little world we live in.

SOMEONE NEEDS TO STOP PATRICE WILSON by Alexander Suffolk, Senior Staff Writer This week, I originally thought I was going to write about the injustices and idiocies of the Oscar nominations. However, a matter much more dire has been brought to my attention that holds far more importance and needs to be discussed. A matter that is poised to ruin the very fabric of America, and maybe even the world. So all I will say about the Oscars is that “Les Miserables” will inevitably win everything because apparently Wolverine and Catwoman sobbing in Paris for three hours is the epitome of art. Now then, let me introduce you to Patrice Wilson:

AKA Fat Usher. No really, he calls himself that.

You may recognize this monster as “that guy from ‘Friday,’ the bad Rebecca Black one, not the funny Ice Cube one” Wilson is a music producer who garners much of his fame from his YouTube channel—both facts alone are more than enough justification to entirely loathe someone. It’s one thing to make bad music and put it on the Internet for profit (I mean that’s pretty much the creed of the entire pop genre), but what Wilson does is just plain criminal. He takes small children and traps them in an alternate dimension. The evidence is all there if you look hard enough at all of his videos. Almost every single one of them involves a young girl who sings with a nasal voice that has been mangled by computers to the point where it can hardly be considered human music anymore. Then more than half of those girls wear revealing clothing and dance in an attempt to seduce the same seven-year-old shrimpy blond kid. Worst of all, in Wilson’s Doom Dimension (the Doomension, if you will) he is the only adult in all the land, and has the ability to appear at any moment to disperse joy

amongst his subjects whenever he wills it so.

legs or driving cars at the age of twelve. And not only can he warp their minds, but he can bend the laws of logic in his Doomension as well, making the entirety of Southern California and even a BMW British by summoning British flags everywhere a British singer goes.

He’s got a present for all-- you know what, actually, I’m just not going to go there. Need further convincing? I’ll give you some more examples. With whatever kind of cosmic voodoo this wizard has at his disposal, he is able to charm these girls to the point where they find the mundane fascinating. They will sing to the heavens about how Saturday comes after Friday, how Christmas is in December, and how you walk home from school at 3:30! Then, in further fits of magical madness, the girls are prone to singing into turkey

Witchcraft. Now some of you at this point still might not be utterly convinced that we need to oil up some torches and sharpen our pitchforks. You may even think that this is a good thing, which I can’t entirely STOP PATRICE WILSON CONT’D ON PAGE 10

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blame you for thinking. Maybe this sorcerer is actually a benign being, trapping the souls of awful children who will literally do anything to become famous. Maybe Wilson is a troubled magician who is just practicing on his own after being denied entrance to Hogwarts. Maybe the world is actually a place that isn’t all that bad to live in. I had all these thoughts too, my friends. But then I saw the video Wilson made with Tweenchronic, and I instantly knew that my hopes were crushed, that he was nothing but evil, and that he would do nothing but produce evil for the rest of his days. Yes, “Tweenchronic”: “tween” as in the term for the insufferable age group from ten to twelve and “chronic” as in the term for marijuana, weed, reefer, and the ganja. In an ideal world, these two entities would have nothing to do with each other, or at least in the rare instances that they did, they are the type of grimy jerk you stop

talking to around fifteen. But no, as previously stated, in Wilson’s Doomension, his will is law, and he saw it fit to smash the two entities together and market it to the world.

Here are the faces of your lost faith in humanity. “Tweenchronic” is a pre-teen hip-hop duo that released their first single “Skip Rope” on Jan. 1, 2013, which basically means that the Mayans were correct but just a few weeks early. The video is only about four minutes long, but thanks to Wilson’s vile

HIGHLANDER magic, it is more comparable to an eon of sulfurous damnation. The video picks up with a very sub-standard hip hop beat and Alison and Stacey of “Tweenchronic” instruct us to follow their pelvic thrust dance. Then this disastrous duo “rap” with Wilson about standing out of the crowd, doing whatever they want, and being generally better than everyone else. But there is a sinister sideplot intermixed in the video. Yes, in-between scenes of little girls gyrating entirely inappropriate for their age, we get a story arc about a young boy who is clearly training to be a Super Mario Bro given his absurd mustache and mind altering substances innocently disguised as candy. As the hellfire of a song continues, more and more children purchase from him, addicted to the new smack he’s slinging on the streets to the point of bathing their faces in it. A grand metaphor for how Wilson hopes to forever enslave the youth of our planet.

You should really question yourself if you don’t immediately see something wrong with this picture. So there it is folks. I’ve shown you the beast, and I can only hope that someone out there can bring him to justice. It won’t be easy; his power and malice rank him somewhere between Ganondorf and Sauron. Still, I have hope that good can still prevail in this world we live in. Someone, anyone, please, for the love of everything good, stop Patrice Wilson. ■H




Events this week Tuesday | 1/15

Mochi Mic Night at Lothian Galley, 8 p.m. A Night with Nicholas Sparks’ Thursday | 1/17 “Safe Haven” panel at AMC Tyler Galleria, 8 p.m. Friday | 1/18

Saturday | 1/19

Emma Stone

s tar s i n

“G a n g s ter S q u ad .”

@ hi g hla n derradar

“The Loneliest Planet” film screening at Culver Center, 7 p.m. “Free Enterprise” Exhibit Reception & Panel Discussion at ARTSBlock, 3 p.m.

V illa g e R o ad s h o w P ict u re s







When I sat down to read “Tenth of December,” I knew nothing about author George Saunders beyond his lauded description as “the writer of our time” with an “original writing style.” I’ll see for myself what this tremor in the literary community is all about, I thought. I didn’t begin to expect that his latest short story collection would linger in my mind long after I had read its final page. Although “Tenth of December” is not literary perfection, it’s pretty close. Its darkly comic take on humanity and the morality of living is worth the read. The book’s 272 pages are divided into ten short stories set in an America like ours, but slightly more menacing. Its opening story, “Victory Lap,” is about the attempted abduction of a suburban teenaged girl and the internal battle of a sheltered witness. The story’s perspective shifts from the girl—whose voice is so self-absorbed and characteristically youthful that I forgot her narrative was written by a 54-yearold man—to the witness as he watches the kidnapping occur, but the most unsettling moments of this story take place in the kidnapper ’s mind. “Calm your heart,

BY: REBECCA PAREDES, SENIOR STAFF WRITER darling,” he says as part of his rehearsed you’ve-beensuccessfully-kidnapped spiel, “I know you’re scared because you don’t know me yet and didn’t expect this today, but give me a chance and you will see that we will fly high. See I am putting the knife right over there and I don’t expect I’ll have to use it, right?”

“Although ‘Tenth of December’ is not literary perfection, it’s pretty close.” Right, the reader must agree, fully aware that we are the suburban teenaged girl. Saunders is the kidnapper, catching us fully off guard by starting with a story with such emotional resonance that we are forced to put ourselves in his hands and trust him as a writer who knows what he is doing. And he does. Saunders proves his talent in one of my favorite stories of the collection, “Escape from Spiderhead,” which first introduces a dystopian sci-fi element into the collection’s universe. In

“Spiderhead,” criminals are test subjects who are used to report back on the effects of emotion- and personalityenhancing drugs. The reader follows the perspective of one of the criminals, Jeff, whose simple, passive narration readily defines him as a standalone character who helps us slowly realize the horror of the experiment’s agenda: to artificially create real emotions. Love is just a blend of chemicals injected into Jeff ’s back via a surgically implanted MobiPak, and the desire to commit suicide can come as easily as an infusion of the intense depressant Darkenfloxx. Despite the bleak situations each character confronts, one of the remarkable things about “Tenth of December” is its satirical blend of tongue-in-cheek and dark humor. “Spiderhead” may be terrifying, but the casual voice of Abnesti, the experimental program’s facilitator with a camp counselor vibe (“When a certain individual got athlete’s foot on his groin on a Sunday, did a certain other individual drive over to Rexall and pick up the cream, paying for it with his own personal money?”) and Jeff ’s patient narration

Courtesy of Random House

(“That was a nice thing he’d done, but it seemed kind of unprofessional to bring it up now.”) provide a welcome reprieve from the horrors these characters must face. Saunders’s command of language is impressive to say the least. Almost every story maintains a clearly defined character narration distinct from the other stories, but related in terms of theme, humor and the overarching collection’s universe. His prose truly shines when he delves into experimental writing styles. “The Semplica Girl Diaries” is written in the fragmented, unfiltered style of the narrator ’s personal journal. We learn that the narrator is a middle-class father living in an affluent neighborhood who is pressured to keep up with the Joneses for the sake of his family’s happiness. He writes, “There is so much I want to do and experience and give to kids. Time going by so quickly, kids growing up so fast.

If not now, when? When will we give them largesse and sense of generosity?” In this story, “sense of generosity” culminates itself in the acquisition of a string of Semplica Girls, lowwage female workers who are strung up on thread as lawn decoration, which is considered way cooler and more affluent than owning lawn gnomes or something substantially less horrifying. This is my only complaint: a couple of the stories (e.g. “Sticks” and “Al Roosten”) were beautiful, but felt too superficial and forgettable to hold their own in the collection. Nevertheless, “Tenth of December” starts strong and finishes with an intense rush of relief and a deep rumination on life, death and relationships with others. Is Saunders “the writer of our time?” I’m not sure, but I do know that he is unquestionably brilliant, and I look forward to revisiting “Tenth of December” many more times. ■H










In the aftermath of the tragic shooting at a theater in Aurora, Colorado, Warner Bros. Pictures pulled “Gangster Squad” from a preOscar release in September and shelved it; the thencontroversial scene involving a theater shootout was cut and replaced in preparation for a low-profile release in January. Director Ruben Fleischer, after the breakout success of “Zombieland” in 2009, missed the mark with “30 Minutes or Less” (2011). He aspires to tackle the pulpy grit of a crime drama in this screenplay written by Will Beall, but he may find himself out of his depth in film noir waters. It’s a stretch of galactic proportions to say that “Gangster Squad” is based on a true story, especially in light of the fact that Mickey Cohen was arrested and incarcerated twice by the IRS for tax evasion. But that’s not the story the masses want to see on the big screen, and so our story begins in postWWII Los Angeles (1949), an


era of vice and venality. True blue war veteran Sgt. John O’Mara (Josh Brolin) is far from pleased with the status quo, which is fortunate for LAPD Chief Bill Parker (Nick Nolte), who suspects that his best and brightest are making the beast with greenbacks in Cohen’s back pocket. Parker saddles O’Mara with the task of recruiting a discreet, offthe-books posse with the backbone and competence to demolish Cohen’s operation while leaving the man himself intact for seizure. O’Mara, thanks to his wife Connie’s shrewd discernment, enlists the seemingly insouciant Sgt. Jerry Wooters (Ryan Gosling) and a ragbag of detectives (Anthony Mackie, Robert Patrick, Michael Peña and Giovanni Ribisi) in a gleefully violent romp through a mob-infested Los Angeles. You may be wondering why I failed to mention Emma Stone’s character; that would be due to an utter lack of character when it comes

to Cohen’s “etiquette tutor” Grace Faraday. Stone steps into this pseudo-noir landscape like a humanly-proportioned and anatomically correct Jessica Rabbit, but despite her best attempts to fill out the role Beall scraped together from erstwhile damsels-in-distress, the romantic subplot involving Faraday is hardly worth mentioning. The 24-year-old actress plays a presumably just as young would-be actress turned gangster moll, who catches the eye of—who else?— Gosling’s character Jerry Wooters, but she falls short of embodying a world-weary tart with a heart. Skeptical casting choices aside, Stone-Gosling shippers will enjoy this silver screen reunion in the B story. Contrariwise, if you ship Brolin and Gosling in any way, shape or form, prepare yourself for discontentment. While each actor delivers as solid a performance as can be expected from the script, they suffer an empathic deficit, and any opportunities presented for establishing deeper solidarity between the pair are quickly swept away in sporadic bursts of gunfire and mob film vernacular. There is only a notch more of chemistry between Brolin and Penn, both of whom previously collaborated with tremendous affinity in the Academy Awardwinning biopic “Milk” (2008), furthering the conclusion that the string of below par relationships featured in this film are the fault of the script and direction. In fact, the supporting leads in this movie are also denied any sort of substance to work with, which is a crying shame with such a first-rate ensemble. It makes you question as to why any of these big-ticket Hollywood names would sign on for a screenplay of unmistakable

Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

mediocrity. The stakes are presented too highly and glimpses of good, old-fashioned “American” sentiment too deeply-rooted for “Gangster Squad” to be a genre parody, at least that much is certain. However, the comic blunders and earnest cracks at wit and lightheartedness put any effort at taking this story seriously into a chokehold. In short, it’s no “L.A. Confidential.” It’s clear that this movie is all about the flashy, modishlychoreographed brutality, and although that one-track fixation is its foremost flaw, it’s also the main reason general audiences will be able to sit through the 113 minutes without getting twitchy. If you’re capable of switching off the rational slice of your brain for that long, you’ll be able to slouch into a trance of whimsical bloodshed and pass the time with a few chuckles. This picture doesn’t leave me with high hopes for Beall’s upcoming screenplay for the live-action “Justice League,” but I’m still holding out hope that Fleischer will prove not to be a one-hit wonder director. Audiences may find that this movie is a lot like a vintage postcard on display in a gift shop—pretty to look at, but easily discounted in favor of shinier wares. “Gangster Squad” is a spectacle, filtered through endless layers of hazy glamour and set to rollicking swing and jump blues numbers. In spite of its shortcomings this movie is more than likely to entice the profusion of moviegoers who seek just that: a spectacle, especially if the dozens of people lined up at the box office—who were kind enough to let me cut ahead in order to write this article in time—on opening night were ■H any indication.

13 21







We are back to the ‘90s when it comes to just about everything in today’s pop culture: fashion, makeup and now, music. Never Shout Never’s 4th album “Indigo” seems to bring an abrupt end to the band’s indie days in exchange for a classic pop-rock sound reminiscent of Sonic Youth. The retroactive resonance accentuates the entire band this time around rather than merely the lead vocalist and his ukulele. The first number, “Magic,” opens with a fusion of clever verses and rhythmic transitions that flow in and out of a chorus; it really jumpstarts the album as it follows songs about adventures of love, lust and relationships. The succeeding track, “All Mine,” promises needy, overdramatic teenagers a singalong for their life story, particularly when lead singer Christofer Drew Ingle whines, “I won’t stop till I have you / I won’t be just fine / Till you’re mine.” The following compositions bring out a lackadaisical sensation from amidst the upbeat thrumming and echoing back-up vocals, which alter the stanzas of teen drama into something slightly more than bearable. “Between Two Worlds” and “Lust” demonstrate the band’s love-themed lyrics that have been a convention running from previous EPs, but the experimentation

with the individual musicality of the vocals, drums, guitar and bass harmonize to create a unique production of sound. The layering of various drumbeats from verse to chorus add dimension to lyrics that initially come off as shallow and repetitive. The band’s development from a man and his uke to an actual ensemble of musicians that utilizes each of its three members is a sign of growth. Never Shout Never couldn’t have released a more well-executed change of pace for the beginning stages of their blossoming career. The band’s monotonous, romancethemed refrains are sure to charm the old fan base they have amassed over the past few years, and their new pop-rock melodies are sure to lure in an eager audience that is tired of synthetic, electronicallydubbed numbers. Unfortunately, the tediously recycled lyrics about love stories that succeeded in reeling in fans are the same lyrics that can break Never Shout Never. The lovesick subject matter is overrepresented to the point where individual tracks are only distinguishable by their titles, which are then repeated in each chorus. “Indigo” in its entirety is a step

Courtesy of Sire Records

forward for Never Shout Never as they test new sounds. The band’s songwriting still shows youth and naiveté, but

they are drifting far enough in the right direction to earn a chance with a broader, open-minded audience. ■H

Highlander Graphic D e s i g n e r Know your way around Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator? The Highlander is looking for graphic designers. Meetings at 5:15 PM in HUB 101






Prior to listening to their 3rd and latest album, “Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones,” Black Veil Brides seemed to me like a band whose gimmick heavily relied on an overabundance of guyliner, hairspray and hazardously spiked clothing. They had failed to seize my attention with “Knives and Pens” from their debut EP “Sex & Hollywood,” released in 2009, and I proceeded onward to the next angry rock band with grisly, snarling vocals. Nonetheless, I decided to give them another shot. The album begins with a rather ominous 25-secondlong instrumental monologue, which combines an almost inaudible yet chilling background noise that features the recording of a man speaking harshly. In fact, a few similar interludes, revolving around a journey of conquering fear, are dispersed throughout the album, which detracted from my enjoyment of the overall record, as I would have preferred fuller-developed songs that relate to the concept. However, these transition seamlessly into the subsequent tracks, the majority of which present the encompassing theme well enough to deem the brief interludes as minor interruptions. At the outset of “I Am Bulletproof,” the album’s first full-length number, it became apparent that frontman Andy Biersack’s vocals were strongly reminiscent of Avenged Sevenfold; his range seems to have widened,

BY: JOSEPHINE LIEN, CONTRIBUTING WRITER Courtesy of Lava Records though whether this is due to his maturation to adulthood or his self-proclaimed ardor for cigarettes is debatable. “Done For You” is a slowpaced song with a touch of melancholy that strays far from the aggressive quality of “Wretched and Divide,” and it led me to postulate that Biersack’s vocals possess a relaxed huskiness that would make a perfect fit for the acoustic genre. His exceptional sonance is further showcased in “Lost It All,” an absolute standout that makes an impact with metaphorical lyrics such as: “I stood above / Another war / Another jewel upon the crown / I was the fear of man / But I was blind.” A symphony of cello and violins further exhibits Black Veil Bride’s musical progression in the beautiful instrumental number “Overture.” I appreciated the classical hint that has emerged in the band’s predominantly electric guitar-based repertoire. Although “Wretched and Divine” offers a string of somewhat repetitive and underwhelming tracks, a significant portion boasts an amalgam of stimulating lyrics, melodies and strings that draw attention to the band’s innovative ability. And while it’s true that their music appeals to the more esoteric, metal-head/punk rock community, Black Veil Brides proves their place in the music industry. Don’t dismiss this band on the mere basis of its highly stylized, menacing image. ■H CORRECTION: Citizens of Middle Earth, In the previous issue’s review of “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,” the article stated that Radagast the Brown was not in the film adaptation. This was an editorial error made after the writer’s submission. Radagast did indeed appear in the film.





Campus Beat Senior Staff Writer Grace Kang went out to take the musical temperature of the campus last week. What tastes do you share with your fellow Highlanders? S t u de n t

ph o t o s b y

L ee n a B u tt


1. What are you listening to right now? 2. Five favorite bands/musicians at the moment? 3. What’s the last concert you’ve been to? 4. What song are you sick of hearing (on the radio, in stores, etc.)? 5. What’s your all-nighter anthem?


1. Mana “Vuelve” 2. Mana, Kendrick Lamar, Lil Wayne, Eminem, Prince Royce 3. HEAT 2012 at UCR 4. Nicole Westbrook “It’s Thanksgiving” 5. Kid Cudi “Pursuit of Happiness”


1. Shinee “Sherlock” 2. Big Bang, DBSK, Shinee, Rain, Kings of Leon 3. Big Bang at the Honda Center 4. Rihanna “Diamonds” 5. “Legend of Zelda” soundtrack


1. Kopecky Family Band “Wandering Eyes” 2. Phoenix, Kopecky Family Band, Freelance Whales, Reptar, Edward Sharpe 3. Passion Pit at UCLA 4. Gotye (feat. Kimbra) “Somebody That I Used To Know” 5. Reptar “Houseboat Babies”


1. Lil Wayne “Tha Mobb” 2. Lil Wayne, Jay Z, Kanye West, The Game, Lupe Fiasco 3. Lil Wayne at the Staples Center 4. Everything on the radio (Carly Rae Jepsen “Call Me Maybe”) 5. Pandora shuffle





A Column

Fashion Instinct Ways to Wear


Thelma Annan, Contributing Writer

Leather skirts. Leather pants. Leather jackets. No, I am not talking about the wardrobe designs for the upcoming “50 Shades of Grey” film adaptation. I’m strictly talking fashion, I promise. Now that winter is in full effect, leather is the perfect transitional piece for those cold winter days and even colder nights.

THE LEATHER JACKET James Dean knew a thing or two about how to rock a leather jacket. The perfect outerwear choice to toughen up any outfit, it is THE closet essential everyone should own. Now, when it comes to picking out your leather jacket, don’t be afraid to splurge. This baby can last you for years if you treat it right. My suggestion: go for black. It’s versatile enough to go with anything in your closet. Before making your purchase, try on different styles and sizes to make sure you get the fit you want. Some like their jackets a little bigger for easier layering, while others like theirs more fitted to their bodies. Urban Outfitters has a great selection. See which works best for you.


c o u rte s y o f

N a s t y G al


THE LEATHER PANT Leather pants/leggings are another staple piece for the new year. Top them off with a graphic tee and anorak or chunky knit cardigan for a chic layer of warmth. Finally, pair your outfit with flats or oxfords for a casual daytime look, and amp them up with colorful platforms or booties for a girls’ night out on the town.

Photo courtesy of Universal Television

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c o u rte s y o f

U rba n O u t f itter s

THE LEATHER SKIRT A continued trend from last season, the flared leather skirt is a definite must have for your closet. Now that chilly weather is upon us, nothing matches this piece more appropriately than an oversized sweater and sheer or opaque tights. You can also try a silk or printed blouse with a knee-length jacket (such as a trench coat) for a more sophisticated look, and add a skinny belt for subtle detail. ASOS is a great online store for finding a variety of options to meet diverse standards.


c o u rte s y o f


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Australian native Chris Patton reflects on his new life as a Highlander Michael Rios SENIOR STAFF WRITER


KENDALL’S FASTBALL NFL PLAYOFFS The 2012-13 NFL season was amazing. Adrian Peterson from the Minnesota Vikings was eight yards shy (2,097) of breaking Eric Dickerson’s record (2,105) for most rushing yards in a single season. This season saw three amazing rookie quarterbacks, Seattle Seahawks Russell Wilson, Washington Redskins Robert Griffin III, and Indianapolis Colts Andrew Luck, lead their teams to the playoffs. Finally, when the NFL season ended, seven coaches and six General Manager’s were fired because the lack of production from their teams. This year the NFL playoffs have been just as amazing. Peyton Manning, in his first year with the Denver Broncos changed the team into Super Bowl contenders. Personally, I thought the Broncos would have gone to the Super Bowl, however, Manning and the Broncos fell short to the Baltimore Ravens. Then, what should have been a competitive match between the Houston Texans and New England Patriots, ended up being a walk in the park for the Patriots. New England crushed the Texans and will go on to face the Ravens in a must watch for the AFC Championship. The San Francisco 49ers have advanced on to the NFC championship against the Atlanta Falcons. I thought that the 49ers were going to have a difficult time advancing in the playoffs, however, they proved me wrong. Colin Kaepernick was flawless passing 17for-31 for 263 yards with two touchdowns. He also rushed 16 times for 181 yards and scored two rushing touchdowns. He was the complete package helping his team beat the Packers. The 49ers in my opinion can make it to the Super Bowl and possibly win it all. They have great defense, their offense is coming around and it helps when Kaepernick is playing his best football. Super Bowl XLVII is approaching fast. No matter who winds up in the Super Bowl this year, fans are H guaranteed a great game. ■

Born and raised in Australia, the 6-foot-10 Chris Patton never truly envisioned himself playing basketball at such a high level. For a while, Patton actually thought he would pursue a career in carpentry. At 16 years of age, he dropped out of high school to pursue that career instead of moving forward with basketball. “I was going to be a builder,” said Patton in an interview with the Highlander. “At that stage I was pretty good at basketball but I didn’t think I was good enough to do anything with it.” It wasn’t until receiving a golden opportunity from one of his coaches that Patton realized his potential in the sport. “Then one of my coaches told me that he would be able to get me a scholarship over here,” he said, referring to playing basketball at the collegiate level in the United States. “As soon as he said that, I was literally, the next day or so, back in school.” From that point forward, Patton’s journey into the sport led him to numerous accomplishments and honors. Patton went on to win an NJCAA national title, he earned multiple MVPs and was named to various allfirst team selections. Now Patton finds himself suiting up for a Division I program in the United States. Although he has only been with the Highlanders for one year, Patton has already become a key contributor to the UCR men’s basketball team. Just a week ago Patton had a performance to remember in a road game against Big West rival Cal State Northridge. In another tight game for the Highlanders, UCR was in desperate need of some miraculous play to earn them the victory. Down by four points in the closing seconds of the game, Patton provided his team with the exact performance they needed down the stretch. He scored the final five points of the game including a gamewinner to give his team the hard-earned win. “I had a really average first half,” he recalled. “I just kind of felt out of the game for some reason and my teammates kept telling me they need me... Then I scored with 11 seconds to go which ends up being the game-winning basket.” With performances like that one, it’s safe to say that Patton has adjusted well to his new life in UC Riverside. “I’ve liked it,” commented Patton about the campus and the city. “The school is great. It’s a really nice campus and people are really friendly. I’m enjoying my classes. There are a lot more

things to do here. There’s a lot more distractions... This is my third year in the states now so I do feel pretty comfortable here. It’s kind of like my first home now. ”

“I was pretty good at basketball but I didn’t think I was good enough to do anything with it.” After 12 games, Patton has become one of the Highlanders’ leading scorers, rebounders and free-throw shooters. As Patton later put it, he plans to focus on his team throughout the remainder of the second half of the regular season. With conference games upon the Highlanders, Patton has publicly stated that he has huge expectations for the team as the year comes to a close. “This is definitely going to be a really good team for the rest of the season and a very good team in the future,” he concluded. ■H

A rchi v e /HIGHLANDER Junior forward Chris Patton gets his shot contested by two Fresno defenders.





Highlander men’s basketball loses a nail biter against Cal State Fullerton Jayvee Valencia CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Jan. 12, 2013 Titans 71 - Highlanders 69

The UC Riverside men’s basketball team lost a heartbreaker 71-69 at Fullerton. Fullerton’s Kwame Vaughn with about 16 seconds left drained the game winning shot. The theme of the game was tempo. The Titans average 84.8 points per game, which is second in the nation and first in the Big West. The Highlanders average 57.9 points per game which is 331st nationally and last in the Big West. The Highlanders came into the game looking to use their post play to control the tempo. Fullerton at one point played more guards than forwards to take advantage of their speed to drive

in the paint and utilize their three point shooting. Fullerton was able to get transition layups and threes. They used spread pick and rolls and drive and kicks to get easy looks for their shooters. UC Riverside utilized post up plays and straight line drives to the rim for buckets. Fullerton led 20-10 after a drive to the basket by D.J. Seely. Sammy Yeager scored 14 points in the first half and shot 4-6 from three point range. Chris Patton scored eight points to lead the Highlanders and scored on a floater to end the half. Although the Highlanders turned the ball over 16 times, they were able to rally from a 14-point deficit cutting the lead to six trailing 34-28 in the second half. Riverside led in statistics with 17 rebounds and

shooting 63 percent from the field. Chris Harriel started the second half with five consecutive points by being aggressive. Harriel drove in the paint often and with about 19 minutes left, drilled a three that cut the lead to 34-33. The Highlanders led for the first time in the game when they forced a turnover. Patton dribbled down the court and made a jump hook for a 49-48 lead. Taylor Johns’ activity on the offensive rebounds and scoring on layups increased the lead 57-51 with 10 minutes to go. Cal State Fullerton fought back regaining the lead 6160 with drives by Seely and Vaughn with six minutes left. Down 69-67 with 20 seconds to go, Patton fumbles a pass but scored with a jump hook after he regained possession of the ball. The shot tied the

game at 69 a piece with 16 seconds remaining. Vaughn for Cal State Fullerton responded with a game winning fadeaway jump shot that swished through the net as the clock expired. Although the Highlanders controlled most of the second half with rebounding and high percentage shooting, turnovers in the closing minutes was demoralizing. Riverside’s 23 turnovers and 53 percent shooting from the free throw line were major setbacks, however, UC Riverside showed heart by playing with effort, grabbing rebounds and attacking. The Highlanders are now 1-3 in the Big West and 4-12 overall. The next two games will be at home against Long Beach State Thursday, Jan. 17 and UC Irvine Saturday, Jan. 19. ■H


RIO-SIDE Why Bonds, Clemens and McGwire deserve HOF For the first time since 1996, not a single player was voted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. Considering that the class of 2013 featured one of the most starstudded ballots of all-time, you would have at least expected one superstar to make the cut. But that wasn’t the case. The all-time leader in home runs? Denied. The seven-time CY Young winner? Denied. And the first man to hit 70 home runs in a single season? Also denied. I get it. Each one of these players was accused of using performance-enhancing drugs. It’s an awful way to earn recognition, but even with all the steroid scandals that surrounded some of these guys, there is no denying how talented and meaningful these players truly were to the sport of baseball. Seriously. Bonds had more career homers than Babe Ruth. Clemens had more strikeouts than Cy Young himself. And McGwire had a more impressive season than Ted Williams’ miracle year of batting .406. Something’s gotta give. It might be time to change some of the rules in voting for Hall of Famers. As it currently stands, a player needs 75 percent of the votes to get in. This year, Craig Biggio, though not associated with steroids, was the closest with only 68.2 percent. Clemens came in eighth with just over 37 percent of the votes. Bonds came in ninth and McGwire was 15th. Seriously? Either lower the percentage or change some of the criteria to get in. Personally, I think if a player hits over 600 career homers, he should be an automatic pick. As far as pitching, winning multiple Cy Young awards should cut it. If that still doesn’t do it, then how about striking out over 4,000 batters? Clemens did all of that with no problem. If it’s a question of controversy, then why did the Hall of Fame induct other controversial players such as Cap Anson and Ty Cobb? Why rule out stars like Bonds, McGwire and Clemens? It’s time for a change. Despite their controversy, these three men should make it to Cooperstown. ■H





Women’s basketball falls short against Big West opponent Cal State Fullerton Darren Bueno STAFF WRITER

Jan. 12, 2013 Titans 54 - Highlanders 49

In need of an elusive conference win, the UC Riverside women’s basketball team (7-7, 0-3) squared off against Cal State Fullerton (6-9, 2-1) hoping to take advantage of a team that is winless on the road. The search continues as the Highlanders committed a season high 25 turnovers, including a costly error with three seconds remaining to surrender a 54-49 loss to the Titans. The whistles of the officials were flowing early; UC Riverside was called for five fouls within the opening two minutes of the game. The Titans, who haven’t won in the SRC Arena since 2008, benefited as Fullerton scored the first five points of the match before Tre’Shonti Nottingham flung up a three point prayer that connected. The Highlanders settled in and raced to a 15-7 lead following a Natasha Hadley jumper. Over the next few minutes the Titans recovered, scoring 10 consecutive points to lead 17-15 as Riverside lost it’s rhythm offensively while continuing to make sloppy mistakes. Four trips to the charity stripe pushed UCR back into a 19-17 advantage, which grew to 25-20 at the half. Both teams struggled as 28 fouls were called in the first half alone. The Highlanders shot an abysmal 19 percent (4 for 21) from the field, but were gold from the free throw line making 16 out of 17 attempts. UC Riverside looked to seal the deal early, as Nottingham opened the second half with a three pointer followed by a

C a m er o n Y o n g /HIGHLANDER

Sophomore Kiara Harewood breaks though Cal State Fullerton’s defense in an attempt to shoot a two-pointer.

Brittany Crain mid-range jumper that ballooned the lead to 30-20 with just a minute gone in the half. Despite turnovers by the Highlanders, the home team stretched the lead to 12 at 34-22 with 13:24 remaining in the game. The Titans, however, showcased the epitome of resilience as they started to chip away at the UCR lead. Cal State Fullerton went on an impressive 23-8 run over the next nine minutes to pull ahead 45-42, which was capped off by a Mya Olivier three pointer with 3:53 remaining. With the momentum clearly shifted,

the Highlanders were struggling but rallied back to bring the score within one at 50-49 behind a Hadley jumper; however, the achilles heel of the team, the turnovers, began to reemerge as an illegal screen was called on Hadley resulting in the Highlanders 24th mistake and an empty possession. Two successfully converted free throws brought the Titans to a 52-49 lead before a careless mistake on an inbound play saw the Highlanders turn the ball over for the 25th and final time. Fullerton made another jumper that sealed the game.

Nottingham led all players with 16 points but shot only 20 percent from the field while committing six turnovers. Crain added 11 points and Janelle Kearney grabbed a career high 10 rebounds. Alex Thomas paced the Titans with 13 points. UC Riverside averages 22.5 turnovers per game, which leads the Big West Conference. In the last three games (all losses), they have committed over 70 turnovers (23.3 avg). The Highlanders look to clean up their play before the next game at Long Beach State on Thursday, Jan. 17. ■H


Otis Earle C o dy N g u y e n STAFF WRITER

“Hungry” is the word sophomore forward Otis Earle used to describe the UC Riverside men’s soccer team moving forward. After a heartbreaking 1-2 loss against Cal State Fullerton in the season finale, the Highlanders finished with a 10-8-0 record and without a postseason berth. The record, though a mark of improvement over previous years, was seen as a disappointment to the UC Riverside squad. They won all of their nonconference games (7-0) and was ranked 19 nationally before plummeting to a 3-8-0 Big West record. A London, England native, Earle was born with the passion for the game of soccer, crediting his father, a professional player, as his inspiration and drive to follow in his footsteps. One would not be mistaken to view Earle’s mission as a success, as his impressive résumé includes playing at Epsom College before travelling across the pond for his current stint as a UC Riverside Highlander. Making the transition from


playing in England to the United States did not put up as much of a challenge to Otis Earle as an opposing defenseman standing between him and the goal would. “I came

O’Connor against the Jacksonville Dolphins. However, Earle’s extended time spent on the bench would pave the way for his solid sophomore campaign in which he scored

“Overall, all the guys above me have really helped me by telling me what I need to improve on to become a better player.” here a lot on vacation. Playing here was a bit of a challenge at first, especially playing in the heat, but I got used to it quick[ly],” said Earle. After graduating from UC Riverside, Earle hopes to fulfill the childhood dream of millions of people around the world by playing as a professional, but he is set to enter the sports marketing field with his economics and administrative studies major if his pro career doesn’t pan out. In 2011, his freshman year at UC Riverside, Earle saw limited action in six games with one start, scoring his only point on an assist to Joseph

10 points on two goals and six assists. Earle would also see action in all 18 games of the 2012 season, receiving a starting nod in 10 of them. Reflecting on the 2012 season, Earle holds fellow Highlander Aaron Long, the team’s leading scorer, in high regard, crediting Long for playing a large part in his development as a player. “Me and [Long] started a great relationship ever since I’ve been here, he’s kind of mentored me as I’ve come through and helped me develop as a player. Overall, all the guys above me have really helped me by telling me what I need to improve on

C o u rte s y


T he P re s s -E n terpri s e /T erry P ier s o n

Otis Earle looks to pass the ball during a game against UC Irvine.

to become a better player,” he said. Earle also reminisces on a number of his most memorable moments this season, citing his game-winning goal against Cal Poly and the 4-1 home win against UC Irvine as “huge wins that kept [the team] on track for the post-

season.” As Otis Earle prepares for his third year as a Highlander, he hopes to see fan attendance rise. “Come out to our games, we’ll definitely give you your money’s worth, we’re a good team with a bright future and ■H a promising program.”

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