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Olbrich and junior forward Will Tattersall who drained back-to-back threes to get UC Riverside going. Olbrich went into halftime with some good makes and finished the game with 11 points and eight rebounds. The aforementioned threes opened the floodgates from deep for the as UCR opened up a sixpoint halftime lead by virtue of a late 8-0 run and a 6-for-11 ratio from deep.
The Highlanders came out of the half hot and continued to torch the opposition with the three ball, turning in 57.1 percent of their efforts from deep in the game, a season high. Kyle Owens put in a massively underrated performance for the Highlanders recording his third straight double double with 15 points and 10 rebounds. Flynn Cameron had 25 points on 50 percent shooting also adding six assists leading the way
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