2 minute read
This week means unexpected challenges for everyone
YSABEL NAKASONE Assistant Opinions Editor
(March 21 - April 19): Four of Cups
This is a period of reevaluation, Aries. You’ve just taken up a path that might be worth a second look. Check out any major life decisions you just made because one of them is wrong.
(July 23 - August 22): Page of Cups
(April 20 - May 20): Death
Something has finished. A relationship, a project, a time period. This will be a time of transformation for you, and you must embrace how it will change you. See through the immediate challenges and find what lesson is most important from this shift.

(May 21 - June 20): Five of Wands
You are in the midst of a competition, Gemini. This is a battle of wits, and it remains very unclear if you will emerge victorious. Try to remain unaffected and continue on as you normally would. These results should not phase you.
(June 21 - July 22): Strength

Right now, your words have an enormous influence over someone in your life. Lead them with compassion and think in terms of emotional maturity. Encourage them to make the hard choice.

(November 22 - December 21): Empress

It’s time to nurture others, Sagittarius. Your friends need your support right now. You might disagree with what they’re doing or feeling, but you must put that aside and let them lean on you.
Messages are coming to you in unexpected ways from unexpected people. Talk to some of the most creative people you know. They’re trying to tell you something, even though it will seem unclear for a while.
(December 22 - January 19): Ten of Pentacles

You should focus on family, Capricorn. Take the time to consider where the people you care about are and how they are doing. Someone in your family is in need of your companionship.
(August 23 - September 22): Judgement
This week you must answer your inner call, Virgo. You are feeling pushed towards a certain goal; now is the time to start making headway. Take small steps and make concrete progress even if it doesn’t seem huge.
(January 20 - February 18): Nine of Pentacles
This week will be about basking in a current period of luxury. Something really enjoyable has taken up residence in your life, and you should enjoy it while you can. Make time for this abundance.

(September 23 - October 22): Page of Wands
Libra, allow yourself to act freely and without inhibition. Think in terms of immediate satisfaction and live in the moment. Do not allow long-term goals to drag you down by muting the importance of making memories this week.
(February 19 - March 20): Ace of Pentacles
You have successfully manifested a new opportunity, Pisces. Keep your head down and focus on the work without getting distracted by the novelty of it. Think in terms of what you have to offer and execution.

(October 23 - November 21): Four of Swords
This week is about recuperation. Scorpio, you need to rest and relax. You’ve been working hard and now need to take a breath. This is a sign that you are on the precipice of burn out.