Highlander University
Established 1954
UCR School of Medicine receives accreditation
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Colin Markovich
C a l i f o r n i a , R ive r s i d e
Chancellor Timothy White to leave UCR, named head of CSU system
After months of anticipation, the UCR School of Medicine has been approved to open its doors and will begin student enrollment in the summer of 2013. The Liaison Committee for Medical Education (LCME), the organization in charge of authorizing medical schools across the United States and Canada, granted preliminary accreditation to the school on Tuesday, Oct. 2. UCR has been looking into the possibility of constructing a medical school for over 10 years. In 2002, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors and UCR began the process of establishing a medical school, according to the Press-Enterprise. A formal proposal was submitted in 2006 and two years later, the school received the blessing of the UC Regents, which was followed by the appointment of Timothy White as chancellor. Dr. G. Richard Olds was brought on in 2010 as the first dean of the School of Medicine in order to help shepherd it through the accreditation process. Hopes were high that the school would open, as scheduled, during the 2012-2013 academic year. But that optimism was dashed when the LCME refused to accredit the school, due to uncertain long-term funding. “We wish the LCME would have let us know that we didn’t have enough money… That’s what they typically do,” remarked Dean Olds in an interview with the Highlander. The rejection was a devastating blow to the fledgling school in which the Los Angeles Times reported that no American medical school in the past three decades received accreditation after being denied. UCR’s medical school broke that precedent. “One and a half years ago, you couldn’t find five people who thought we could have done it,” remarked Dean Olds, his jubilant face briefly turning serious. “But as the chancellor says, we refused to take a knee.” Now, UCR is home to the first new medical school on any UC campus since the last one opened in 1967 at UC Irvine. “Finally!” exclaimed third-year bioengineering major and pre-med student Kanksha Peddi. She alluded to the benefit of the medical school for UCR’s standing in the UC system. “The eye of the media won’t just be on big name med-schools [like] UCLA,” she remarked. “More people will want to attend UCR.”
The California State University Board of Trustees has announced the appointment of current UC Riverside Chancellor Timothy White as the system’s new chancellor. In an email to UCR students and faculty sent the morning of Thursday, Oct. 4, White informed the campus of his departure. “Not many opportunities could lure me away from this wonderful campus, a campus I have grown to love and in which I take enormous pride. But the opportunity to head up the Cal State system at such a transformative yet precarious moment for both higher education and the state of California is one I cannot pass up. It is a chance to give back to this state and to public higher education at a grand scale, a state and system that has been transformative for me and my family,” wrote Chancellor White in the email. White will finish his four years at UCR following the conclusion of the fall academic term in December. White will succeed Charles B. Reed, who led the CSU for 14 years. He is expected to receive the same compensation package as his predecessor Reed: $421,500 plus a $30,000 supplement from the California State University Foundation. A product of California’s three institutions of public higher education, Chancellor White attended Diablo Valley Community College, Cal State Fresno, Cal State East Bay and UC Berkeley. Chancellor White came to UCR in July of 2008 from the University of Idaho, where he served as president since 2004. As the chancellor of the California State Uni-
B rya n T u tt l e /HIGHLANDER Chancellor White in his office the morning following the announcement of his departure from UCR.
versity, White will lead the nation’s largest university system, which currently enrolls 427,000 students across its 23 campuses. A chancellor known for his close interaction with students, White’s new position will remove him from a university campus setting for the first time in his professional career. His office will be located in an off-campus building in Long Beach. “It comes with great regret that I am acknowledging the loss of such an amazing presence on campus,” said Student United Way President and fourth-year business student Sarina El. “Chancellor White was and will always be a significant figure at UCR. Not only will we miss his warm cookies and little puppy during finals, we will miss his friday letters and attentiveness to the needs of our student body. While we are sad to see [him] go, we are excited for [his] future endeavors with the CSU system.” Other students were disappointed to learn of Chancellor White’s new position. “I think
he’s selling out for a bigger job that makes more money,” said fourth-year African American studies major Philip Carroll-Johnson. “I can see how that benefits him, but from the basic concern that he attempted to show to the student body at UCR, it seems two-faced to go and take another job. I can kind of understand. I was here when the chancellor before him was here and I felt like [Chancellor White] at least made an effort by being out, walking around, speaking to students. So I felt like he was more friendly than the first one we had, but I was kind of surprised to see him leave so fast.” UC President Mark Yudof is expected to name an interim chancellor in the coming weeks. A national search will be conducted to appoint the ninth ■H chancellor of UCR. See page 4 for an in-depth interview with Chancellor White. See page 20 for quotes from the campus community about Chancellor White.
UCR community grieves passing of Rosemary Bourns Dean Mayorga CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Rosemary Bourns, for whom UC Riverside’s Bourns College of Engineering is the namesake, passed away on Sept. 26, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles due to complications from congestive heart failure. Her family service and interment took place on Saturday, Sept. 29. She, along with her husband Marlan, started Bourns, Inc., a company specializing in electronic components. At the time of its founding, when it was still Bourns Laboratories, the couple worked out of a single car garage in their Pasadena home. A personal friend of the family and assistant dean of development of the Bourns College of Engineering, Linda G. Parker, recalled the dynamic of the couple. “Rosemary was the business side. She kept everything on track and she was a true partner in the whole business,” Parker stated. Before partnering with Marlan, Rosemary graduated from the University of Michigan. She majored in education and minored in anthropology, graduating second in her class according to
the Bourns company Intranet. The relationship between the Bourns and UCR was established in 1994, when the Bourns family contributed $6 million in revenue to the college of engineering. They would later go on to contribute a million more. “I think that’s what was really smart—is to invest in the brainpower that can really move your company forward. They knew what existed at this university and they were willing to invest in it,” stated Parker. Dean of Bourns College of Engineering, Reza Abbaschian, also shared what he felt the contribution meant to UCR. “The legacy that the family has, is of course, being so generous,” Abbaschian said. “What they did [for] this college—it’s a fantastic thing that they did…I think their contribution to this college is really what set this college at a kind of, dynamic growth mode. Even though [Bourns College of Engineering] is only 22-years-old we are highly ranked for a young college. We have great recognition because of the kind of gifts that they gave. It encouraged the college to do things differently. We had the
resources to help the students in their education.” After the initial donation, the family remained involved at UCR. Today, Marlan and Rosemary Bourns’ son, Gordon Bourns, is a member of the Council of Advisors for the engineering college. He is also the CEO and Chairman of Bourns, Inc. The company, which started out modestly, has branched out to other countries such as Mexico, Costa Rica and China. Rosemary was described by people who knew her and the family as someone was easy to talk to and always in a good mood. According to the company Intranet, she had three passions: “traveling, telling stories and arranging flowers.” “She was a very engaged person, and of course, she was a quite accomplished person,” stated Abbaschian. “She was always so upbeat,” stated Parker. Parker also explained how the family, collectively is known as “g.l.a.d.” (an acronym for each of their children: Gordon, Linda, Anita and Denise). “They’re always like that; they’re always glad and ■H happy.”
Volume 61
Issue 03
Think Pink Display Wall 6 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. HUB Display Wall
Work Study Orientation 11 a.m. - noon INTN 120 UCR Med School Celebration 5:30 p.m. Rivera Plaza
ASUCR Meeting 6:30 p.m. Senate Chambers
Women’s Soccer vs. UC Santa Barbara 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. UC Riverside Soccer Stadium
Midterm Stress Break Nap Session 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. HUB 265
9 Pink Tuesdays 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Well Seniors: Your Career Game Plan 11 a.m. - noon HUB 268
Meditation and Relaxation Class 12:15 p.m. - 1 p.m. Student Rec Center
Breast Cancer Survivor Panel noon - 1 p.m. HUB 268
Speed Friending 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. HUB 260
ASUCR Meeting 5:00 p.m. Senate Chambers
Do’s and Don’ts of Career Fairs 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. HUB 355 Meet the Candidates 7 p.m. HUB 302
Vote Early 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Student Services Building The Metal Children 2:30 p.m. - 4 p.m. Arts Building Studio Theatre, Arts 113
Medieval Mellon Event Professor Yuri Zaretskiy 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. HMNSS 1303
Women’s Basketball vs. Princeton 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. SRC Arena
Networking Your Way to a Job 11 a.m. - noon HUB 268
Kaki King 7:30 p.m. The Barn
ASUCR Meeting 5:00 p.m. Senate Chambers
12 Midnight Madness 9 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. Student Rec Center Fall Bike Registration 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Bell Tower
Women’s Soccer vs. Cal Poly 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. UC Riverside Soccer Stadium
Ghost Walk 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Downtown Riverside
13 Chancellor’s Dinner 6 p.m. - 9p.m. HUB Third Floor Ballroom Volleyball vs. UC Irvine 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. SRC Arena
Men’s Soccer vs. Cal State Fullerton 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. UC Riverside Soccer Stadium
Ghost Walk 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Downtown Riverside
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ASUCR Senate Meeting 5:00 p.m. Senate Chambers
Midnight Madness 9:00 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. Student Rec Center
Meet the Candidates 7:00 p.m. HUB 302
Join ASUCR for its second meeting of the year on Thursday, October 11 at 5:00 p.m. in the Senate Chambers, located on the second floor of the HUB. Learn more about your campus leadership and how you can get involved and make a difference.
Kick off the basketball season with the annual Midnight Madness and After Madness dance party. Featuring an introduction of UCR’s 2012-2013 basketball teams, performances by Scotty, UCR spirit squads, Highlander Hype, contests, prizes and giveaways.
The “Before the Ballot Political Speaker Series” offers students the opportunity to meet the candidates on the upcoming November ballot. State Assembly Candidate Jose Medina, State Senate Candidate Richard Roth, Riverside County Supervisor Candidate Kevin Jeffries, Congressional Candidate Mark Takano, and Mayor Candidates Rusty Bailey and Ed Adkison will all be on hand. Seating is limited.
New ASUCR, new ideas in the making S a n dy V a n
Ushering in the 2012-2013 academic year, a newly-appointed ASUCR board convened for their first Senate meeting on Oct. 1. Areas of focus included voter registration, ASPB’s Block Party, committee development and initiative reports major actions taken over the summer. The most prominent change to the internal structure of ASUCR included the scheduling of senate meetings, which will now occur on a weeklybasis, on a Monday and Thursday rotation. “Block Party, we believe, was a success. We had approximately 14,000 to 16,000 folks who turned out,” stated ASPB Chair Timothy Grove. He also mentioned other student-oriented events of that week such as “Scotty Spiritfest,” which encourages greater attendance in athletic events. Another announcement was made by Highlander Editor-in-Chief Chris LoCascio, who promoted an online campuswide elections poll, which hopes to capture the political voting preferences of UCR students. The results will be released in the last week of October. Reports were given by the executive cabinet, directors and two additional inquiries during Monday’s senate meeting. President Liam Dow motioned to approve formal senate positions and funding initiatives, which varied from USSA Congress to reserving funds for the senior gift. Among other topics discussed, President Dow remarked that the closing was a result of Exchange store having become financially unsustainable, due to extreme net losses from the previous year. “Other campuses were faced with similar closings, UCI closed their [studentrun] exchange store, but we plan on keeping the space and look forward to new and exciting changes,” he said. Senators later confirmed that the Exchange store was being converted into a voter registration office. Vice President of Internal Affairs Kevin Jo reported recent GCAP efforts in creating environmentally-sound practices and the restructuring of internal committees. “The joint collaboration between CE-CERT, the Office of Sustainability and ASUCR [involves] a mobile solar power station,” stated Jo. He explained that half of the solar power station’s funding has already been approved and the station may be used during the HEAT concert in winter quarter. Other projects in the works include installing solar terraces for the HUB and solarpowered charging stations in Lot 30. At the forefront of discussion was a report on the UCSA Board Retreat, USSA Congress and the recent meeting by the Board of Re-
gents. Presented by Vice President of External Affairs Lazaro Cardenas, he stated that a positive turnout of fifty-seven UCR students attended the UCSA Congress on Aug. 17-20. Initiatives during the event included “UCOP Don’t Touch Me,” which seeks to combat an additional tax on student-funded expenditures on UC campuses. During the USSA Congress, topics of student loan debt, the federal DREAM Act and shared governance with UC students faced further deliberation. With student loan debt exceeding $1 trillion in April, ASUCR lobbied last spring to prevent an increase in the Stafford loan rate, which hovers at 3.4 percent, according to the US News and World Report. Senator Cardenas relayed that the recent UC Regents’ Board meeting was arranged as a collective forum to discuss alternative costsaving strategies such as raising the UC nonresident enrollment cap from 10 percent to 15 or 20 percent. “The risk of that is that diversity decreases when you increase out-of-state students [and] right now we have around 30 percent who count as minorities on UC campuses,” he said. Additionally, he emphasized that the failure of John Perez’s Middle Class Act to pass in the Senate exhibited diminished prioritization for California’s educational system. “The legislative route didn’t really work out for us because we went to the Senate they obviously did not want to fund higher education...however the student voice can be heard through propositions and these initiatives,” stated Senator Cardenas, who later presented a voting video, which consisted of compiled statements from student leaders throughout the UC system. As a three-year funding commitment between ASUCR and the Student Technology Fee Advisory Committee, students can now print 200 pages per quarter at Watkins hall. The printing quota was initially capped at 40 pages per quarter. Other topics included an online finance video, which is a step-by-step guide that teaches student organizations how to obtain funding from ASUCR. Final senatorial reports included the establishment of a fall outreach committee, which seeks to promote informative conferences and workshops about higher education. Lastly, ASUCR requested the re-registration of campus election parties, which included Students United, [YOU]CR and R’Voice for the preservation of party names. Student senators can be reached during office hours, in which a schedule has been posted outside of HUB 202. The next ASUCR meeting will take place on H Oct. 11 at 5:00 p.m in the Senate Chambers. ■
B rya n T u tt l e /HIGHLANDER Senator Cardenas recaps the summer USSA conference and Board of Regents meeting.
INTERVIEW: UCR CHANCELLOR TIMOTHY WHITE The morning following the announcement that he will be leaving the University of California, Riverside to head the California State University system, Chancellor Timothy White sat down with Highlander Editor-in-Chief Chris LoCascio and News Editor Sandy Van to discuss his decision and what it will mean for the future of UCR. C o u rt e s y
Highlander: How have the last 48 hours been for you? Chancellor White: It’s been a confluence both at the emotional level and at the reality level. You know, one of my big concerns when these folks [the CSU] talked to me seriously for the first time was that there is an amazing need in the state of California. They got my attention, but before I could think more about that—what does that mean to Riverside? To our students, to our community, to our employees? And of course the big elephant was, where’s the medical school accreditation process going? That was an absolute factor for me—if that was either going to be delayed again or negative, I’m not leaving here until we’re through that eye of the needle. It’s one of the big reasons that I came [to UCR]. And the second thing I thought about swa, I know that when there’s a turnover in a position like this, the question is, do we have enough momentum, aspiration, direction, people, spirit, dreams, you know, all of that? There’s going to be a little ripple, I get that piece, but if I thought it was going to derail the campus I would have said I’m not interested in thinking about anything else. When I thought about the achievements of our students, the increase in student applicants, the success of our faculty, the accreditation of the School of Medicine, the launching of the School of Public Policy, the 18,000 graduates that I’ve had the privilege of shaking hands with in four years, the leadership team, the fundraising campaign, new leadership in athletics, several new deans—I said you know, this place is just going to continue to blossom because we’ve got a plan, the strategic plan. We have people, top to bottom left to right. We have ambition and aspiration. We’re having success and we have momentum. I don’t want to diminish the fact that this office is sort of the face of the institution, but we’re going to be fine here. When I got through that piece in my own thinking, I said to myself, “Okay, so what is this opportunity really about?” On Wednesday [Oct. 3], I met with a round table of eight to 10 people, sort of like the banquet tables where you have group dinners, and I had three 45 minute discussions with three different sets of people. The people were trustees of the Cal State system, analogous to our regents, including students, some faculty members, a couple members of the staff and presidents of two of the campuses. Unlike a
normal interview where there’s a set of questions and then you ask one, and you ask one, and you ask one to a candidate for a job—it was much more of a discussion about what’s in front of public higher education, how do I do things. They knew my record, they knew our record, actually. Then I went back to my room and they said we’ll get back to you in about an hour, which became a couple of hours, and then they said we’ll get back to you in another hour. Then they said come on back down and now chat with those three tables, which had now been combined into one big room. I spent another 30 minutes with them answering questions about communications, relationships… nothing about spreadsheets or degrees. It was really about the much larger picture of public education. Then I was sent back to my room and somewhere around 3:30 or 3:45, they called me on my phone and said they’d like to come up to my room…which they did, and they made the offer. I had already gone through my, “How’s riverside going to be?” question and I accepted. We got into the mechanics of press releases and engaging our press people and their press people and organizing things for what happened yesterday morning [Oct. 4], which was a more formal announcement sequence and in between all that yesterday was a bunch of phone calls with different individuals. I spent 15-20 minutes with the governor and some of the elected leadership, talked to some staff members, some students who were in the building. Their building is over in Long Beach so it’s kind of like the UC building where all its got all the business functions. It’s an interesting question for me actually, to go back and think about these last 48 hours. Last night, of course, was the Long Night downtown and I was on a panel. There were a lot of community members there and they were very kind to me. I don’t think anyone really knows what to say or do because it’s new information for people and they’re trying to process it, generally. I feel like it was a bit of turbulence and confluence, if you will, and a lot of different emotions and things pulling and pushing all at once, but I feel this morning enormously proud about what we’re doing here and I really haven’t thought about the details about what’s going to start happening the next calendar year for me. I wore this for a purpose [points to UCR tartan tie], because tartan goes with everything, and I just needed to remind myself of
that today. HL: You touched briefly on the selection process. Could you tell us a little more about how you were contacted by the search committee and what that process was like? CW: Sure. First you just need to know that when you sit in an office like this and your campus is having success, a metaphoric phone rings once or twice a week, “Are you interesting in looking at place x?” There’s a lot of turnover in presidents and chancellors of campuses in America today, and it’s usually an email contact that comes in. Maybe it’s somebody I know either as a member of the faculty at the university of x or an executive search firm that a university employs to call people who are suc-
“I wore this for a purpose [points to UCR tartan tie], because tartan goes with everything, and I just needed to remind myself of that today.” cessful and take their temperature to see if they’re interested in talking. There’s a lot of euphemisms and usually the first contact will be, “We’d like to talk to you about any ideas you have for people who would fit this position,” and if I had an idea and then talked to them and they would say, “what about you?” So there’s this courting that goes on... When this call came, sometime in the early summer, I actually said to the person who called me, “You must have called the wrong number,” somewhat tongue and cheek. It was a member of the executive search firm and I had been nominated by someone. I don’t know who the nominators are, because as it turns out, over the course of the summer, lots of voices were coming into this search process saying, “Hey, you ought to look at Riverside.” I immediately told them more about my commitment and concerns here and where we were with the School of Medicine and that was to be the driving factor whether I could even have an honest conversation [about the po-
sition]. Fast forward to summer, sometime, I want to say July-ish, but I’d have to actually look at my calendar. I was up in the Bay Area for UC business and at the end of that day, I zipped by one of the trustees who lives up in Northern California, and I just had a very casual conversation in his office. We actually didn’t talk about the position at all. We talked about the state and the economy, the role of education, about the students, K-12 and sports. It was just a wide ranging [conversation] and then they said, “Well thanks and we’ll give you a call sometime.” So July goes and August goes and I was actually on holiday in August when I got a call from the executive search firm and they said, “We decided to at least discuss you in front of a larger group and would you write a two-page letter, summarizing who you are?” So I did that and perhaps the easiest thing for me was I gave them my UCR webpage, where they can see anything and everything about me. I told them, “If you want to know style and substance, go here. You can see town halls, you can see unrest, you can see communications about the LGBT community and our students,” and so on and so forth. So August came and went and then early in September I got a call saying they’d like to visit with me in person, with just a small subset of the trustees up in San Francisco. As good fortune would have it, it was the same day I was going to San Francisco for a regents meeting, so I went up a half-day earlier and went to an airport in Burlingames and sat down with maybe eight people for an hour and 15 minutes and we just had a conversation. Towards the end of September, I got a call that said, “We’d like to bring you in as a finalist.” I reiterated that if the School of Medicine news wasn’t going to be forthcoming, I’m interested in having a conversation but if that goes south or gets delayed, I just won’t do it. They understood that and as life happens sometimes, I knew that the timing of the meeting on Wednesday was two days after the LCME started their deliberations. To be honest, I just knew that we were going to get accredited because of what we’ve done, so I didn’t really think there was a risk there. But I did not want to be in a position to publicly pronounce in advance of the LCME’s decision. When that happened earlier in the week, then I knew that, with a very clean conscience, I could go and have a final
UCR N e w s r o o m
conversation. I did not know who else was there. I think there were three people because there were these three different groups and they were very organized to keep people away from each other. There were hall monitors and walkie talkies and security and you’re in the bowels of a large hotel under pseudonyms. They really know how to keep the press away. It’s interesting that when I think back to when I was entrylevel coming into the University of Michigan and all the hiring we do here for assistant professors, you know there’s a job description, then you write this amount of stuff and you put your CV on there and then you get winnowed down and then you go to campus and then you spend two or three days with everybody under the sun and you give seminars, presentations and a whole host of stuff and then the selection gets made. Here it is on a different level of the responsibility on a campus, and it was just a series of conversations and a two-pager [chuckles]. There’s an inverse relationship between the magnitude and scale, not that the importance was any different, but the magnitude and scale of the task versus the process of going through getting selected. HL: Can you explain the process to select the new chancellor of UCR? CW: Well first of all, that’s going to be the decision of President Yudof. There’s going to be two things that’ll happen: immediately the process of determining an interim person to come in by the end of this calendar year, who will likely sit in this office through next summer, roughly would be the typical way…at the same time launching a national search for a chancellor as a more time-dependent process. My instinct would be that that would have people being selected sometime in the spring to start sometime in the summer. The starting time is always depending on what it takes to wrap a ribbon around what they’re doing currently. So there’s two phases. I’ve spoken to the president about it and it’s going to go quickly. They’ll be announcing stuff very soon. The decision about the leadership in this office, while they’ll seek a lot of input from students, faculty, staff and community the decision lies with the president of the system, and the advice of the regents, so we’ll have INTERVIEW CONT’D ON PAGE 5
our input but it will be up to President Yudof to decide. HL: Last week, you announced your decision to open the School of Public Policy. What made you decide to pursue that course at such a critical time? CW: Several reasons. I think the most important one was that faculty and the deans and the community were saying, “Look, we know that resources are tight, but this is so important and we’d like you to do this and we recognize the risks, especially in November, where it will be another tight time.” I actually wanted to do it two years ago, and last year, and then you get another wrinkle out of Sacramento or the state economy. This office is an interesting office because at the end of the day, I’m a teacher, an academic, a faculty member, a believer in students, a believer in this place, so there’s that lean forward piece of me. But then there’s a responsibility to not be reckless with our money, and it was really a yin and a yang. So unsolicited in the spring I got a lot of people saying “C’mon Tim, we know the risks but we’re with you if you make this decision.” And secondly, by way of process, is when you get approval for a new school, it’s a big deal. There’s a lot of work that goes up to that process that ultimately—the faculty agree and the regents have to agree. We did that almost four years ago, then you have I think it’s seven years to actually have your first student come into the program and if you don’t do that, then the deal’s off. So we’re at that place now where if we delay it much longer, we wouldn’t be able to get students in place before that six or seven year window expires and that would mean that all of the effort of all of the faculty and the people who went through this process would be for not, which would be horribly inefficient and maddening to everybody, including me. There was the reality of the clock ticking, but more importantly there was the need. The third piece is the need. A graduate school that focuses on public policy in this region of California is so desperately needed, and we have so many of the pieces already on this campus, that all this is really going to do is give us some organization to the strength that we already have. Today we’re every which way but focused on public policy, so this will be the focusing mechanism for that. You combine the interests of people that say even though it’s tough economically let’s take the risk, combine that with the need for the program and the fact that the clock was ticking, it was time to go. I was going to do it actually in July, but a lot of the people most interested in this are either not on campus or off doing research somewhere else so I didn’t want to make an announcement and have it lost in the magnitude of the stuff in peoples’ email inboxes when they came back for the fall quarter, so I just delayed it. I actually wrote the letter in the summer time. HL: I have a follow-up question to the school of public pol-
icy. When will construction on the school begin? CW: The first thing to identify is the founding dean, and there’s a process just underway with that, which Provost Rabenstein is running. Through that process we’ll get nominees, we’ll get a small group of faculty and students to sort of evaluate the people that are interested, pick one, and then that person then starts building, just the way we did with the School of Medicine. Dick Olds was the first employee in the School of Medicine from an administrative point of view and then that person then brings in others to make it grow. We’re not going to build a new building. We’re going to use existing space, and it could be somewhere in the CHASS buildings or interdisciplinary area, and these are all going to be worked out. There’s a commitment by Dean Cullenberg to allow space to the existing facilities. Then the curriculum gets established and they start recruiting students. I don’t know whether it’s going to be possible to recruit students for the fall of ‘13, I hope so, but if not then certainly the fall of ‘14. Then as the school grows and goes from an embryonic school and it starts getting shape and so forth and starts to mature, then I suspect that there will be facility needs. One of the things that we’re doing is the UC Path, the centralized human resource center and when that happens, we’ll have a new building and it’ll actually allow us to move some administrative functions there from some of these buildings around here into that new building and that will free up some space that is currently occupied right here at the center of campus. So the good news is that we don’t have to find $100 million to build a new building, we can do a bit of an investment. The final thing on it is, I had the financial people do a financial analysis and, while I have to invest some money for people here at the front end, if you take this thing out just a couple of years, it’s a money maker for the campus because these are graduate students. Many will be national or international students. This thing will actually more than pay for itself really coming out of the box. And I guess the final point on the school of public policy is the strategic plan that calls for us to raise the portion of graduate and professional students to undergraduates. We’re currently something like 14 percent or 13 and a half percent. Our goal over the next several years is to make that closer to 20 percent. So we’ll grow the undergraduate student body like this [gestures incline with hands] but we need to grow the graduate and professional students like this [steeper incline] so the school of public policy and medicine will be the two that drive this up. I guess that’s going back to your question, that’s maybe the fourth or fifth piece is that it’s entirely consistent with the strategic plan that everybody agreed to. HL: How will your role at CSU differ from that of UCR? CW: There are no students in the building. That is going to be such a profound difference for
me. You know I’ve been on a college campus with students since 1966—my entire life. So now to be in a building that doesn’t have students in a campus—it’s a business building. The good news is, and I told the folks there this yesterday, is that I’m going to be out on all 22 campuses. Now there’s a reality to doing that, but I don’t want to show up and spend 30 minutes with the campus leadership. I want to spend a couple days in the campus community as I have been able to do here. I’m sure they willl be formalized to have a meeting with group x or y to talk about stuff, but I also going to say [to them] “I’ll see ya!” and I’ll walk in wherever the hub is on Chico or Humboldt or San Diego and just sit down and talk to students, or walk into a building, interrupt somebody in their office, a faculty member and say “Hey, I’m Tim, what are you doing?” I think I learned in many places, but certainly found it to be so true on our wonderful campus, that I’m a tactile learner. I can read stuff, I can look at spreadsheets, I can get all that stuff down pretty quickly. Where I really learn is by touching, feeling, smelling, seeing the humanity and the struggles and the achievements. So if I’m going to be pushing levers in the system office, then I want to have better feel of what the campus is about—the student body and so forth. It’ll take a while. It’ll take a year probably, if I do two a month, and meaningful visits. But that’s what I’m going to miss the most, is not being directly with the students and directly with faculty. There were wonderful people that I met yesterday in that office who were very focused and very dedicated, but it’s going to be a different feeling than on campus and a sea change for my life.
“There are no students in the building. That is going to be such a profound difference for me. You know I’ve been on a college campus with students since 1966—my entire life.” HL: UCR’s strategic action plan—UCR 2020—has come to define the long term vision and path for growth for the university. As you make your transition to the CSU, do you have a similar vision in mind for the CSU system. CW: Now they too have a plan and it’s called “Access to Excellence.” I actually don’t know the process it went through to be developed, whether it was developed top-down or whether there was a lot of involvement, but it is guiding the system right now. You can go on their website and see it, it has eight or nine points.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2012 One of the things that they asked me about was what I thought about it. And that’s always a risky question because the people who asked me were probably the ones who wrote it and have committed to it. It’s got all the right stuff in it, but what it didn’t have, and I told them this, it didn’t have any comment about the quality of the learning experience. It was about the metrics of how many in and how many out, how many are this and how many are that, how do we keep faculty at the front of their game... a lot of important stuff. But I was struck by the fact it didn’t specifically address our students getting a quality learning experience while they’re on one of these campuses and when they leave, has that experience benefitted them going forward. Most strategic plans are really plans of strategic intent. The day to day piece of those things has to change based on the environment. I look forward to implementing that. It’s two years into its existence. We’ll undoubtedly make some tweaks, but what I don’t know is actually how many people feel like they own that plan, and one of the things that I’ve learned in leadership is that if you don’t engage people to say, “I agree with this” or “I don’t agree with everything but this is such a good idea that I’m onboard.” Because things actually don’t get done in this office, they get done on the campus, by the faculty and by the students and by the staff. If they don’t feel like it’s a worthy plan, no matter how articulate and thoughtful it is, it won’t have an impact. So I have a lot to learn about the next place but if I think that we need to make a significant revision, we’ll go through that process but I suspect it will be a different scale of process. It’s one thing to get things done on a place of this size and something else to get something done on the scale of a system. HL: You mentioned in your announcement to the students and the campus that the CSU is in a particularly unique situation right now. As you enter do you have a particular vision for what you might want to accomplish there, given the circumstances? CW: I think one of the things that has to become stronger is to be student-centered and studentfocused, and it undoubtedly exists on several of the campuses. I have to learn this so I may be off-base on this, but I want to make sure that no matter how challenging the moment is, that if you never forget your core of the creative side or intellectual side of things, then it makes it easier to weather really tough times. Sometimes it seems everywhere there’s been dust-ups, arguments around things that are secondary to the core mission. So I think that’ll be one thing: how do we stay focused on why we exist while we work through the very difficult things that exist? I have so much to learn about that system and I want to be smart about not pronouncing things broken or fixed until I really know how they function, what’s it really like out on campuses. And I view this cen-
tral office to be supportive of the campus because the teaching, the learning and the research doesn’t happen in the Long Beach chancellor’s office. It happens on the 22 campuses and the university centers as well. I think that’s the advantage of coming in being a campus guy, because I know what it means. I know what it means when there’s a tuition increase. I know what it means when there’s a budget cut. I know what it means when there’s people investing in a new program. I know the ups and the downs and how the face of all that stuff means. Sometimes when you sit with big old spreadsheets with a lot of numbers on them, they’re big old spreadsheets with a lot of numbers on them, but those are students, faculty and staff that we’re talking about. HL: How do you intend to spend your final quarter here at UCR? [Momentarily lays down outstretched on couch, arms behind head, chuckling] CW: Until my last day, I’m going to be a very assertive chancellor for UCR. Nothing will change, with one exception, and that is to try to figure out the transition of stuff. I mean anytime there’s a transition, there’s some things you can say [will happen] and other things that you say still won’t. We’ve got all that stuff sort of in the head in various stages of done. I think it’s only fair to the campus that the next person gets some sort of a coherent package when they come in, and say, “These are the five things that are open and these are the reasons why you need to execute them,” and then let that person put their fingerprint on them of course, but I think the only added thing is to make sure it’s orderly and to help the new person learn. But you know I’m not going to stop being a chancellor, standing up for students and the faculty, going to student events, fundraising events and so forth. So, no I’m not going to lay down.
“Until my last day, I’m going to be a very assertive chancellor for UCR.” HL: Thank you very much for taking the time to meet with us at this very hectic time. CW: Well, you know last night they called me [about the interview] and I said absolutely. I owe it, not in the sense of a sort of a begrudging owe it, but I owe it because that’s my center, is you guys, the 21,000 others of you, for good or for bad. To me it’s a sort of grounding principle, and ■H one that’s served well.
Congressional candidates debate at UCR Extension Center S a n dy V a n SENIOR STAFF WRITER
With the November elections less than a month away, congressional candidates debated in the latest “Windows on the World” forum on Oct. 3 at the UCR Extension Center. As longtime residents of Riverside County, Democrat Mark Takano and Republican John Tavaglione are competing to represent the 41st Congressional District in the upcoming election. Voters in November will decide which candidate will earn a seat in the House of Representatives. Hosted by the Osher Lifelong Institute, the event also included a presidential debate viewing party just prior to the live congressional debate. Moderated by former editor and publisher of the Press-Enterprise Marsha McQuern, the debate consisted of two minute opening statements, pre-collected audience questions with a 30 second rebuttal period and final closing statements. For over 22 years, Democratic candidate Mark Takano has served as a Board Trustee for the Riverside Community College District and Rialto high school teacher. Republican candidate John Tavaglione is a supervisor of Riverside’s second district and a former commercial real estate broker. Each candidate has pledged to work across party lines in order to address the difficult task of closing the bridge within a divided congress. MED SCHOOL FROM PAGE 1
When asked if she would consider enrolling in the School of Medicine, she responded, “Definitely. I think everyone here would apply to UCR’s medical school.” Last year, the state failed to provide consistent and substantial funds, which had been promised to the medical school and therefore prevented it from receiving accreditation. Even after the rejection, state funding was still difficult to come by. “The irony is,” Dean Olds said, “when the state didn’t give us money, and we didn’t get accredited [due to the lack of funding], the state said, ‘well the school didn’t get accredited, so they don’t need money.’” As a result, the School of Medicine scaled down its goals and turned to the local community for funds. Of the $100 million that was pledged to support the school over a period of 10 years, only $20 million came from the UC Office of the President. Nearly $80 million came from Riverside County. “A lot of people worked very hard for decades to get to this place… This really isn’t about me; it’s about all the people who worked for decades,” Dean Olds stated, thanking the Riverside community, the staff of the Medical School, UCR students and Chancellor Timothy White for their support. “Our focus is different, our strategy is different, our organizational structure is different,” Dean Olds emphasized. “Most current medical schools focus on disease… We need to introduce more wellness, more prevention.” For one thing, instead of having its own hospital in-house, the UCR School of Medicine is partnering with a wide array of local hospitals and clinics, helping to reduce costs while simultaneously strengthening bonds within the Inland Empire community.
When first asked how he would approach the high unemployment rate, Tavaglione referred to experience in developing a department for foreign trade in 20 different countries, while birthing the 91 freeway expansion that extends from Corona to Pierce and creating 16,000 jobs. “It really hasn’t amount to much [over these last few years] because we still have a 12% unemployment rate in the Inland Empire, which is the highest in California and above the nation’s average,” rebutted Takano. Topics of debate included the national debt, government regulation, and the continuation of tax cuts were also addressed by the candidates. Tavaglione supported a greater need for deregulation, through looser restrictions on free market enterprises, while reducing fraud and abuse within some of the nationally-funded programs. On the other hand, Takano advocated greater micro-entrepreneurship, restoring authority to local governments and supports closing tax loopholes often used by corporations. Shared viewpoints included furthering a comprehensive bill for returning veterans, prioritizing the passage of a transportation bill, guaranteeing protection for Medicare and placing added protections for women’s rights. In a county known for being dominated by Republicans, the 41st congressional election will In addition, the School of Medicine is intended to help alleviate the health care problems that plague the Inland Empire, while encouraging a friendly partnership within the surrounding medical community. Olds noted that the rate of primarycare physicians to patients in the Inland Empire is one to 3,000, a figure that is shockingly close to what is considered a shortage in third-world countries: a ratio of 1 to 3,500. “We are designed to train physicians to stay in Southern California. We need them to go into the areas we actually need, not the ones that pay the most… This is where the need is.” The School of Medicine has still only received preliminary accreditation; full accreditation can take four or more years to achieve. But now that the school is established, the hope is that the state will be more willing to contribute to its success. “It’s getting harder and harder for them to ignore us,” Dean Olds said with a smile, specifically encouraging the passage of Prop 30 and indicating that it would be easier for the school to receive state funding if it became law. The school that was rejected only a year ago is already preparing to accept applications for the inaugural class in October. The funds pledged to the School of Medicine guarantees that the school will keep its doors open for at least a decade. Using the experience of the medical school as a springboard, Dean Olds encouraged students to follow their dreams. “Never give up. If you believe in what you’re doing, you can do it.” Dean Olds acknowledged that filling the need for physicians would be difficult, especially since the School of Medicine’s charter class will consist of only 50 students. But he added, “I’m a light-a-candle kind of guy… It’s a huge problem, we can’t solve it, but let’s light a candle in the ■H darkness. You have to start.”
R ich a r d L i n /HIGHLANDER For the first time in history, a Riverside local will be elected into the House of Representatives.
be one of the most competitive in California. An analysis by the New York Times states that over half of the Inland Empire’s voting population consists of Latinos, who tend to lean Democratically, based on demographic voting statistics in past elections. At this time, Republicans control the most seats with a 242 majority and Democrat control 193 seats in the House of Representative, stated the Economist. Voters will decide who will replace Republican Jerry Lewis,
who will be stepping down after 10 years in office. In 2008, voters passed Proposition 11 and 20, which established the Citizen’s Redistricting Commission and placed them in charge of redrawing Senate district lines. As of 2010, the 41st Congressional District consists of Riverside, Jurupa Valley, Moreno Valley, Perris and other cities in the Inland Empire. Second-year bioengineering Major Michael Dea stated that candidates focused little attention
on issues relevant to him such as energy investment and the military, but rather on a smear campaign. “[We] also have a college campus here and I think it matters a lot to the people that they should talk about college education more or public education for that matter,” commented Deo. Despite an older demographic turnout, Deo felt that voter apathy was only a mental barrier or rather a “one drop in the bucket” kind of mentality. ■H
UC will pay nearly $1 million to pepper-sprayed protesters in settlement Michael Rios SENIOR STAFF WRITER
In the aftermath of last November’s pepper-spraying incident at UC Davis, the University of California has agreed to pay nearly $1 million to settle a lawsuit filed by the afflicted protesters. On Nov. 18, 2011, students involved in the Occupy Movement at UC Davis were pepper-sprayed by campus officers after refusing to disband even after several warning from officials. The event was captured on video and posted online. In a matter of days, the video went viral and sparked outrage from all over the country. Two of the officers involved were placed on administrative leave by UC Davis a few days after the incident. Chancellor Linda Katehi of UC Davis later issued an apology, stating, “I want to unequivocally apologize to the entire community for the appalling use of pepper spray. I will do everything in my power to make sure nothing like that ever happens again.” Nearly a year later, the matter has finally been settled as it was announced this past week that the University of California will pay $30,000 to each of the 21 students and alums affected by the highly-publicized event last November. The UC system will also pay an additional $250,000 to the attorneys of the protesters. Furthermore, the University of California will set aside an extra $100,000 for any additional students that were involved in the incident who wish to later submit claims in the lawsuit. After the announcement of the settlement, some of the protesters
C o u rt e s y o f T h e S a c r a m e n t o B e e UC Davis Pepper-spray case is closed with one year of incident.
said they will use the money they obtained from the suit to pay for future tuition expenses. “I know that’s what a lot of my friends are doing,” stated one of the pepper-sprayed students, Ian Lee, in a press release. “Some others are donating it, and some others are using the money to get a good start postcollege in this difficult economic time.” Lee went on to voice the frustration he felt in the aftermath of the incident. “I felt like the university silenced me,” he stated. In the midst of all the news, UC Riverside Police Chief Mike Lane gave his thoughts on the recent matter at hand. “When you look at the incident, I think we still have some work to do,” said Lane in an interview with the Highlander. “The office and the president has recognized that. I think we moved forward in transparency and what direction we need to go.” Lane went on to talk about the 49 new recommendations issued by
the University of California for any future protests that take place on UC campuses. “You got a lot of people that are unhappy on many sides of that situation,” Lane continued. “It was a stressful occurrence for everyone, but I think the 49 recommendations going forward is a good starting point. “In there, it talks about establishing different roles the stakeholders should play. [There are] strategies going forward to try to reach a peaceful solution if possible. And it really talks about accountability across the board.” Last April, a report by the UC’s task force found that the officers involved mishandled the situation and should not have used pepper spray on the protesters. It was also announced this week that the recent settlement also calls for UC Davis Chancellor Katehi to write a formal apology to each of the students and protesters affected by ■H the incident.
COMPILED BY MICHAEL TURCIOS, contributing writer
CLIMATE CHANGE TRIGGERS ANIMAL DIVERSITY Recent discoveries made by UCR geochemists and a team of international scientists present a direct connection between climate changes and rises in oxygen level, prompting early animal evolution. Led by researchers from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the results of these findings was published in the Sept. 27 issue of the journal, Nature. Previously, there were many claims of rising atmospheric levels in relations to early animal diversity, yet were highly speculative. In South China, fossil records show that an increase in animals and algae in the ocean points to a rise in oxygen levels. Discovered 365 million years ago, the ancient rocks in Southern China can be compared to modern-day ocean rocks, due to similar organic carbon found in the ocean sediments. “This work provides the first real evidence for a long speculated change in oxygen levels in the aftermath of the most severe climatic event in Earth’s history—one of the so-called “Snowball Earth” glaciations,” stated UCR biogeochemistry professor Timothy Lyon.
ART PROFESSOR AWARDED PRESTIGIOUS GRANT A UCR faculty member has received a $500,000 fellowship from the MacArthur Foundation. Award recipient and professor of art emeritus Uta Barth specializes in visual perception, depth of field and framing in photographs. Applicants who receive the fellowship demonstrate innovative creative work in their field, with the potential to carry on new endeavors in the future. Barth says the grant will allow her to dedicate more time on her designs, but she remains determined to continue teaching as a parttime faculty member. In addition, she stated that “the fellowship will also allow me to digitally archive negatives from all previous work. This way I can make stable prints of images originally created…and thereby preserve works that are on the verge of fading.” Barth is an internationally acclaimed artist who has received many other fellowships, including the Guggenheim and USA Broad Foundation fellowships. Some of Barth’s notable works include drawing with light by manipulating curtains in her home and creating curves through the use of a silver and wide ribbon on a large scale sequence. A selection of her works is exhibited at the Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of Modern Art, the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.
Make your voice heard. Participate in the Highlander’s Elections Poll. Visit www.highlandernews.org from October 2-27, 2012 to vote.
2012 Elections Poll
Brice W. Harris was recently named chancellor of the California Community College system, the nation’s largest community college system. With over 112 different campuses, Harris will be taking over the leading position of Interim Chancellor Erik Skinner. Severe budget cuts from the state have proven injurious to higher education, due to the inability to support academic programs and administrative services. Consequently, these factors led to a decreasing rate in enrollment and therefore making college a less viable option for thousands of applicants. Despite these dire circumstances, Harris indicates that the “best days are still ahead of us.” Sacramento City College student Shaine Johnson described the newly-appointed Chancellor as a “listener” who expresses interest and sincerity towards the concerns of others. Harris’s goals include improving and expediting student transfer rates to four-year universities, while informing lawmakers that budget cuts will diminish class sizes, faculty and student services in California’s community colleges. Prior to being named the newly-appointed chancellor, Harris was the head of the Rios Community College District in Sacramento. Harris is expected assume his position as chancellor on Nov. 6 with an annual salary of $189,500.
Bearack Obama
Mitt Romnavel
On June 6th, the Supreme Court refused to strike down a California law that offers state residents reduced tuition rates at California colleges. The law’s opponents argue that the bill, which does not distinguish between lawful residents and illegal immigrants, violates a federal law that prohibits states from giving college benefits to illegal aliens on the basis of residence within a state. Unfortunately for the law’s detractors, the Supreme Court wouldn’t even hear their challenge. Lawyers for a conservative immigration-law group that backed the appeal claim that the law is patently unfair to the thousands of full-bred American high school graduates who apply to California colleges from other states each year. These students will have to pay as much as $20,00 more for college tuition than the illegal immigrants (and many other California residents) that the bill aids. Others have argued that the bill gives preferential treatment to illegal immigrants - it is just one more derivative of affirmative action, bent on taking positions away from the hard working, middleclass Caucasians who really deserve http://ulife.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/rick-santorum-660x320.jpg
C h r i s L o C a s ci o /HIGHLANDER
CHANCELLOR WHITE: A LOSS FOR UCR, BUT GREATER GAIN FOR CALIFORNIA Come December, Chancellor Timothy White will leave our university to assume his new role as chancellor of the California State University system. His impending departure has come as a shock to students, faculty and staff. The news is certainly bittersweet— Chancellor White has created a legacy on campus and in the experience of students as a voice of caring and guidance, and he will be sorely missed. But his departure should not be mistaken for abandonment. Given the state of the CSU system and higher education in California, Chancellor White will have the opportunity to make a significant impact on the greater good of California. There is no doubt that since Chancellor White arrived on our campus in 2008 he has had a monumental impact on our university—despite the turbulent time in which he assumed his role. Always an advocate for transparency and communication, the Chancellor’s Town Hall Meetings informed the campus of the UC’s dire straits and how the administration coped. And while budget cuts and tuition hikes have been devastating the past couple of years, Chancellor White has done his best to not only aid students through the crisis, but also drastically improve our university despite its fiscal adversity. Arguably one of his greatest accomplishments, Chancellor White helped take the dream of the UCR School of Medicine and turn it into a reality, with its preliminary accreditation awarded just last week. In another recent development, he pushed forward with the UCR School of Public Policy, which aims to accept graduate students in its master’s program within the next year or so. A staunch supporter of UCR’s budding athletics program, White worked closely with Athletics Director Brian Wickstrom in renovating the track and supporting our university’s athletics programs. Also, with White as chancellor, UCR was ranked ninth in the nation for contributing to the public good and first in the nation in
student service participation by Washington Monthly in 2012, eighth in the nation for diversity and 25th on the “Great Values, Great Prices” list by U.S. News & World Report in 2011-2012. Clearly, UCR has flourished in the time that Chancellor White has been here, and all the fruits of his labor have yet to ripen, but there is no doubt his hard work will continue to unfold on campus for the foreseeable future. But more than the numbers and statistics, it is the personal touch that he brought to his work that made him an exceptional Chancellor. The level of sincerity with which Chancellor White approached his work and in turn, the students of UCR, was unprecedented and greatly appreciated. His sincerity was present in all facets of his work, to name a few—his thoughtful Friday Letters that established a connection between the often distant top-floor of Hinderaker Hall and his thousands of students, his tempered response to protesting students on campus last January, how he went so far as to walk out to meet with the students, listen to them and address their concerns, and even pass out bottles of water to thirsty protesters. Many have even been approached by the chancellor during finals week. He was famous on campus for handing out cookies during finals week when students were stressed and tired, just to wish them luck and tell them to continue working hard. And who can forget our chancellor assuming the alter-ego “Pete” on CBS reality show “Undercover Boss,” representing our campus on national television, really putting UCR in the public’s eye. These small gestures were what made Chancellor White more than just a chancellor. To many, he was more of a representation of UCR than Scotty the Bear or Norm the Navel ever were. Thanks to his experience helming a UC campus through rough times, Chancellor White is equipped to handle the demanding needs of the CSU system. But he will undoubtedly have a lot of work to do. In September, Cal State trustees approved a 5 percent tuition increase
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for next year if voters reject Governor Jerry Brown’s tax initiative in November. If Proposition 30 fails, $250 million will be cut from funding, in addition to $750 million in reductions made during the 2011-2012 fiscal year. The CSU is also freezing spring 2013 enrollment at most of its campuses and fall 2013 applicants could potentially be put on a waiting list pending the outcome of the governor’s ballot measure. What is a great loss for UCR is a greater gain for the CSU and California as a whole. With the stakes as high as they are for public higher education in this state, it is comforting to know such an adept leader as Chancellor White will be heading the country’s largest university system at a time when its funding, and its future, are uncertain. Nevertheless, the UCR community is likely to be filled with concern and questions regarding the university’s leadership. First and foremost, who will replace the chancellor? Will the replacement be as genuinely invested in the student body, academics, athletics and betterment of UCR as Chancellor White was? What changes will come to UCR due to the change in leadership? These are just a few of the thoughts floating around campus at this time, and the unease felt is understandable, but these are questions that will be answered in time. We can only hope that the replacement for Chancellor White will be as attentive to the campus’ needs as Chancellor White was. UCR’s new chancellor will have big shoes to fill, but as long as President Yudof and the Board of Regents select a person who can embody the same values that students, faculty and staff have come to ■H love, we’ll be in good hands. Highlander editorials reflect the majority view of the Highlander Editorial Board. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Associated Students of UCR or the University of California system.
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HIGHLANDER WRITE-OFF: PRESEDENTIAL DEBATE Mitt Romney’s Debate: A Surprising Win for the Elephants J o s h ua W a g o n b l a s t CONTRIBUTING WRITER
The presidential debate drinking game: ever heard of it? I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the college students have, and while I am not saying I participated, I can only say it was entertaining to watch my roommates take part in the activity. The first 2012 presidential debates were held in Denver, Colorado, a swing state that has declared Mitt Romney the winner. No matter what side the readers may be on, it’s still important to focus on the issues of both candidates. For example, the alleged $5 trillion dollar tax cut that Obama continuously used as a crutch while accusing the other direction. Let’s just say my roommates had to drink a lot for that one. Both candidates studied at Harvard Law, although Romney has an MBA to top it all off, and 25 years of business experience under his belt. Obama has been running the economically unstable country for four years. A president cannot just be around for that amount of time without gaining some knowledge of the country’s economic situation, or at least I hope. Everyone knows that the economy is not what it used to be. The deficit is increasing and people are having difficulty finding jobs. What did our debaters have to say about it? Well, Obama could not help but mention that there is still “a lot of work to do,” and he’s right, there is. But I did not know that his promise would extend to two terms. The problem is that the economy is still in the tank. Student Chris Sampson of the University of California, Riverside, has said, when asked to comment on the current crisis, that “there are more people than ever not even looking for work for the first time.” When it comes to the issue the facts are simple. Obama favors big government, Romney cheers for the little man. The debt has increased, and Romney is not purposing the aforementioned tax cut, but “lower deductions and exemptions for small businesses,” thus increasing revenue which provides more work and more pay, eventually leading to larger amounts of money being pumped back into the economy. His plan sounds solid, and when Obama was asked to retort he merely mentioned more training, education (which is highly important), and that he cut taxes by $3,600 for the middle class. When he responded to Romney’s plan he specifically argued that both are in favor of small business, but said to his competitor that “the fact is that if you are lowering the rates the way you described, Governor, then, it is not possible to come up with enough deductions and loopholes that only affect high income individuals who avoid either raise in the deficit or burdening the middle class.” Obama is certain that his tax plan has already lowered taxes for “98 percent of families,” which seems like an embellished claim. The Huffington Post commented on Obama’s allegations and said that the “’tax cuts that Obama mentioned weren’t really tax cuts at all. Rather, as The New York Times recently reported, they were incentives. In other words, small businesses had to spend money—on health insurance, a new employee, or new equipment—in order to see any savings.” Romney then claimed that the president was right, because “97 percent of businesses” are not taxed at the 35 percent rate, but a lower rate. The reason this is significant though is because the rest of the businesses that do not pay this rate contain half of small business owners.The problem is that big government funding more programs has actually led to more spending. Again, Obama said, “We’re working on it.” The big question here is whether or not Obama is actually handling it. Romney does not believe so, saying that the “National Federation of Independent Businesses [has] said that [Obama’s plan] will cost 700,000jobs,”andalsomentionedthatgaspriceshave doubled, along with prices on food and utilities. Plus, wages are down. Is this true?Well, according to CNN, it is, and they can even be referenced saying that wages have decreased by a staggering $2,500.What about oil? This is another dilemma forced on the American people. They already have a hard time affording basic needs, what about their precious gas? Mitt Romney intends to begin building a pipeline through Alaska
and start drilling on government owned land. No, Obama has not been doing this. In fact, when it comes to the president, “all the oil drilling under Obama [is done] on private property,” Romney stated. I would rather invest money in green energy anyway, which both presidents say they will do, but Obama has given $90 billion dollars in tax breaks towards green energy and will not drill in the U.S.—even though he funds drilling in Brazil. An odd move indeed, but Obama simply blames the Bush administration. “Math, common sense and people” are what Obama listed when he shot back at Romney. There were 77 government programs when he started, he said, and insisted that he has cut $1 trillion from the deficit as a result of trimming the fat on these said problem programs, and another $4 trillion will occur when he is re-elected. I remember him saying in 2009 that he would cut the deficit in half “honestly and candidly.” Even the $4 trillion seems like a small assurance now. Plus, from the president, who believes that there are tax breaks for moving jobs overseas, I’m not sure this pledge is possible. Companies still have to pay taxes despite outsourcing; there are no deductions. But there are tax write offs for taxes having to incur the fees of the country where the company is located. Obama is said to have misrepresented the facts, and he may have, seeing as how The Wall Street Journal reported that “The president’s budget contains a proposal to take away the deduction when a company ships a plant overseas... A legislative version of Mr. Obama’s budget proposal would raise only about $168 million over the next 10 years. The corporate tax is expected to raise $237 billion in 2012 alone.” Even if the issue was doubted by the public, and Romney, who said, “Look, I’ve been in business for 25 years. I have no idea what you’re talking about,” there is still a tax plan in place. On that note, Romney has been called a liar for denying his tax cuts. As he said, there will be “deductions and exemptions,” but when Obama brought it up time after time, and the doubters expressed their opinions as well, viewers should keep in mind the candidate’s use of phrases like “at that scale” and “tax relief.” On a positive note, at least Obama knows Bill Clinton, even referencing him by stating that “Bill ClintonusedthesameapproachIamtalkingabout;we created 23 million new jobs, went from deficit to surplus, and businesses did very well.” The mistake here is thinking of that as Obama’s plan—he takes credit for Clinton’s work. Romney, on the other hand, is the only one who has offered to take advice from Clinton’s staff, ensuring lower benefits for higher income health insurance clients. The president, of course, said that companies are smart enough to pick their clients (I assume based on need). Yet, this doesn’t account for the Blue Cross having to cut employee benefits because Obamacare is too expensive. Obama can even be quoted saying, “In Medicare, what we did was we say, ‘we are going to have to bring down the costs if we are going to bring down our long term deficits. But to do that, let’s look at where some of the money’s going: $716 billion dollars we were able to save by no longer overpaying insurance companies, by making sure we weren’t overpaying providers’…” The key word here is “overpaying,” because this is a subtle term for cutting benefits. But, at least young adults can stay on their parent’s health insurance until they’re twenty-six. Senator Rob Portman, a figure from Ohio, another indecisive state, showed his support for Romney afterward. This may be because Obama was said to be “weak” and “flat,” as quoted from CNN and David Plousffe, a political strategist who managed Obama’s successful 2008 campaign. In the end, it was no surprise that Romney earned 67 percent of the poll votes, according to a CNN Post-Debate Poll, despite opposed views from Senator Mark Rubio and Obama’s deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter. Obama was expected to win, and it may have been the shyness, his lack of evidence or Romney’s criticism of the unfavorable Dodd-Frank plan, a bill Obama signed in 2010 that expanded federal financial regulation, but the clear winner was the Republican nominee of the ■H 2012 elections.
Venture Capitalist versus Community Organizer T i m R. A g u i l a r STAFF WRITER
On the evening of the presidential debate, Governor Mitt Romney stood at one podium, a venture capitalist that made his living buying and dismantling American business and lining his pockets with the misery of unemployed American workers. Kansas City’s GST Steel was one such company that had been making steel rods for 103 years when Romney and his Bain partners took control in 1993. They cut corners and extracted profit at every opportunity sending GST Steel deep into debt and forcing the company into bankruptcy; 750 workers lost their job and denied their full pension and health insurance. The federal government was forced to step in and bail out the pension fund. At the other podium stood President Barrack Obama, a Harvard Law School graduate and professor, who made his way in politics by working in communities to improve the quality of life for the less fortunate. In 1985, he moved to Chicago to work with local churches organizing job training and other programs for poor and working-class residents of Altgeld Gardens, a public housing project where people were attempting to survive amid shuttered steel mills, a nearby landfill, and a putrid sewage treatment plant. On the night of the debate Obama attempted to address issues in an honest and forthright manner and never attacked Romney’s 47 percent comment, Bain Capital experience, tax returns or his record as Governor. But Romney wasn’t interested in issues or honesty. Instead, he attacked an economy created by tax cuts to the wealthy, deregulation, an unfunded prescription plan and two deficit wars during the Bush Administration. Romney came into your living room a venture capitalist looking to close the deal and praying you wouldn’t read the small print or notice what he didn’t say, avoided or misrepresented. Romney dominated the debate and went on the attack, making statements that caught Obama completely off guard. But there was more to this debate than the accuracy of statements, which occurred when Obama rounded up job creation numbers to 5 million and again when he pointed to Romney’s $5 trillion tax cut—a projection based on 10 years. And certainly Romney’s accusations regarding the use of federal land in the production of gas and oil did not take into account that the gas and oil industry are sitting on 7,000 approved permits to “Drill Baby Drill,” or that oil production on federal lands is higher now than in either Bush Administrations or 2011. However, all statistics aside, no one can deny that President Obama was lacking the fire, charisma and energy that secured his rise to the highest office in the land. And when he stood toe to toe with Romney, his lack of attack allowed the assiduous and trained salesman in Romney to shine. Yet, his overwhelming and compelling performance made it necessary to examine the substance behind his claims. Romney promised to reduce the debt, create jobs, lower taxes by 20 percent, reduce regulation and reduce the size of government. These are the same promises he made in Massachusetts with the same plan he is proposing for this country, and that record doesn’t lie. Massachusetts, under Romney, fell to 47th in the nation out of 50 states in job creation. He directed the outsourcing of state jobs to other countries and lost 40,000 manufacturing jobs, twice the national average, during his term in office. His promise to reduce government resulted in an increase of government jobs at six times the rate of private sector jobs. How can this happen to a venture capitalist? Maybe it’s because venture capitalists exploit opportunity; they don’t create it. They create wealth for themselves and their clients, which is exactly
what he will do as president. Nobel Prize winning economist, Joseph Stiglitz said, “…trickledown economics is empirically wrong and belied by the facts.” It is synonymous with the new Republican economic proposal of supply-side economics, which supports deregulation of business and lower taxes for the wealthy. Governor Romney cut taxes for himself and 278 of the wealthiest individuals in Massachusetts. He then raised taxes and fees on the middle class by $750 million a year. If this sounds familiar, it should, because it is the same tax plan he has for America. He said he would cut taxes to everyone by 20 percent and would have to reduce tax credits and exemptions to remain revenue neutral. But he made it perfectly clear that the wealthy would not be affected by these reductions, which places the reductions on the backs of the middle class. He never mentioned that he would eliminate the inheritance tax for the wealthy, in addition to their 20 percent tax cut. Consider that 20 percent of $2 billion is $400 million and 20 percent of $20,000 is $4,000 then reduce the $4,000 by the elimination of tax credits and exemptions. The net effect is a tax cut to the wealthy and a tax increase to the middle class. When Romney was pressed for specifics he said it was too detailed to discuss. In stark contrast, Obama posted his economic plan for all of America to see, because he has nothing to hide. Romney claimed his plan would reduce the debt because more people would be working and paying taxes. He made the same claim in Massachusetts, and then added $2.6 billion to the debt and borrowed $600 million to pay for general maintenance of state highways and other basic services. Yet, during the debate he swore he would never borrow money to maintain public programs, which is exactly what he did as governor and exactly what his Republican colleague, President George W. Bush did. Romney left a $1 billion debt in Massachusetts and President George W. Bush left a $10.7 trillion debt for Americans. Romney said he will cut government programs that do not pass his litmus test and send other programs to the state. Surely, this is exactly what a venture capitalist does best. They shut down business, sell off what’s left and outsource the rest. And when you were listening to what he wasn’t saying, in his passionate wild eye speech on charter schools, he didn’t elaborate on public education, but went on to note that the private sector does a better job than government in every respect. He did not say he would privatize public education, but that is exactly his intention. He will reduce funding to public education, making it fiscally anorexic then watch it fail, while voucher children make their way to private schools. He will then sell off public education to the private sector and claim victory. It is what venture capitalists do. He does not know that public office is about service not profit or that the average college bound student can’t simply borrow money from their parents. Mitt Romney misrepresented his statements 27 times in 38 minutes, as 67 million people watched, according to truth-out.org. On the day following the debate, Romney’s campaign team said he didn’t mean to say that Obama supported 50 percent of the energy companies and he didn’t mean to say that his health plan had a provision for pre-existing health conditions. At the end of the day you don’t know what Romney means, because he doesn’t mean what he says and misrepresents the rest. He has been trained and honed to say anything that will close the deal. He knows well that there is no buyer’s remorse clause on the ballot. So you must ask yourself, “Do I want this hyped up win-at-all-cost salesman in the White House with his finger on the button?” ■H
The opinions expressed in the Opinions section belong solely to their authors and do not represent the Highlander Editorial Board or the University of California, Riverside.
B rya n T u tt l e /HIGHLANDER
Above: Artist Gregory Adamson paints an 18-foot mural in the Riverside Art Museum. He broadcasted himself painting live to the internet. Right: Patrons view an exhibit in the California Museum of Photography.
Clockwise from right: California Baptist University’s NAO humanoid robots on display. They are able to walk, talk, and interact with their environment; A group of street performers play and sing for passerby; A group of women resting next to sculpture in front of the California Museum of Photography.
Left: Attendees were able to sample many different types of dates. Above: A visitor to the Culver Center interacts with a sculpture.
In place of its monthly Arts Walk, the city of Riverside hosted the “Long Night of Arts and Innovation” Oct. 4. As a fan of both artistic and innovative things, I soon hopped onto one of the free trolleys conveniently provided by UCR. After a ride downtown, I was dropped off by Culver Center and quickly stepped into an excited hubbub of crowds, commotion and plenty of fascinating demonstrations. Although the sheer amount of stuff to see at the event felt a little overwhelming at first, the area was wellplanned and easy to navigate. After a quick stop at an information table for a map, I stopped by one of the booths with the largest crowd, “Insects and You.” With bugs both in hand and on display, faculty and graduate students of UCR’s entomology department were more than willing to explain the origins and behavior of their insects. They kept things interesting by inviting members of the audience to handle some of the bugs, but one of the specimens stole the stage: a Chilean rose tarantula, who was described as “friendly” by its handler. Curious onlookers were able to pet the giant arachnid, but I was happy to appreciate its beauty from a distance. UCR’s Agricultural Operations also made an appearance with their display, “Tasting of Date Fruits from Around the World.” Grown in Thermal, California over 15 acres of land, attendees were able to sample different varieties of dates. Members of the department were happy to chat with their audience about the fruits and the date palm which, as the display’s staff explained, is said to thrive with its “feet in water and head in the sun” be-
cause it needs plenty of ground water to drink, but high heat and arid weather to produce fruit. They also armed members of the audience with a complimentary bag of free Medjool dates, which tasted sweet, fresh and a little bit like fudge. As I chowed down on free dates, I made my way over to Phood on Main. The restaurant hosted “Phun with Phood,” a modern cooking demonstration led by Chef Marla, a 2012 Inland Empire Best Chef. Of all the events, Chef Marla’s demonstration was definitely the most memorable; she spoke loudly, but with great excitement, and she used plenty of metaphors to explain some of the more scientific concepts of modern cooking in layman’s terms. With an emphasis on molecular gastronomy, Chef Marla led her audience through spherification, the process of chemically shaping liquid into spheres using sodium alginate, calcium chloride or calcium carbonate. I kept my focus on the space between the Mission Inn and the ArtsBlock, but the event stretched throughout Downtown Riverside and populated plenty of iconic venues like the Mission Inn and the Riverside Art Museum. Despite the growing late hour, crowds continued to mill around downtown as professors, artists, and other accomplished speakers led panels, demonstrations, and displays on topics ranging from spider silk to video game art. Overall, the Long Night of Arts and Innovation felt like an informative and entertaining success. For students who missed out on the excitement, downtown Riverside hosts an Arts Walk the first Thursday of each month from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. ■H
I arrived in downtown Riverside later in the evening expecting to see a multitude of people excited for The Long Night of Arts & Innovation. The crowds seemed to be dwindling by 9:30 p.m., but there were still plenty of booths open and running. I made my way to The Mission Inn Music Room to see a performance of “Into The Woods” by Performance Riverside, but was incredibly disappointed as the volunteer told me the performance was moved to a different location earlier on in the evening. I hadn’t received any notice of the change and could only sympathize with a few other people near me also looking forward to it. Unfortunately, this seemed to be a recurring theme throughout the night for the arts aspect of the event. I then reviewed the schedule I printed from the event’s website and planned to see Juan Felipe, UCR’s poet laureate, read some of his poetry at The Culver Center Atrium at 10:30. To kill time, I grabbed a coffee from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, which was thankfully open late for the event, and walked around to see what else was open. A large line wrapped around the block on Main for a haunted house put on by the Riverside Arts Council, and screams rose above the house’s black curtain walls. Another crowd formed around magician Eric Muelebach, from Riverside City College, as he performed and revealed some mind-bending magic tricks. At 10:25, I headed to The Culver Center Atrium and sat down to wait
for Juan Felipe’s reading. However, a volunteer approached me and said that he would not be performing tonight as he hadn’t shown up to any of his other time slots earlier on in the night. Disappointed once again, I left the Culver Center and continued to wander, looking for anything else that might be open. At the Fox Theater, I stumbled upon a lecture by Dr. Matthew Rickard of California Baptist University called, “Hidden Worlds: High Speed Imaging of Exciting Physical Phenomena In Engineering.” Though I had planned to focus on the arts centered events, I was fascinated by the moments Dr. Rickard was able to capture on film such as an exploding light bulb, a popping water balloon and air displaced by water. At the end of his lecture, he held out a slinky and dropped it. At first, it looked as if it merely fell to the ground, nothing special, but in seeing it played back through the high speed camera, I saw that the bottom of the slinky remained suspended in air for a few moments waiting for the top to fall first. Dr. Rickard finished his presentation with questions and a request for other movements to capture on camera. In reviewing the evening, I have to say I was disappointed in not being able to see everything I had planned on seeing. My advice to people planning to attend future Long Nights of Art & Innovation? Don’t plan on seeing any one event. Plan on wandering and stumbling on fascinating booths and lectures. ■H
Counter clockwise from left: Musicians perform with traditional instruments; A group of over twenty guitars perform in The Mission Inn’s music room; A chef creates food samples for visitors to Phood on Main’s Molecular Gastronomy booth.
BY: LAUREN PENNA, SENIOR STAFF WRITER Courtesy of Hammock Music Hammock’s fifth full length album, “Departure Songs,” is their first double album and their most progressive piece to date. Hammock offers elegant soundscapes with majestic swells and crescendos. “Departure Songs” meets all of the expectations of a Hammock listener with the duo’s mesmerizing guitar work of beautifully layered guitar tracks drenched in effects pedals galore, but it doesn’t stop there. “Departure Songs” surpasses all the previously established bounds of Hammock. The mix of programming and drums, huge string swells and floating vocals featuring intricate and genuine lyrics shows the evolution of Hammock. And yes, you heard right—lyrics, a rarity with Hammock. Though this is not a concept album, the underlying theme of weather runs throughout the entire double album, beginning with “Cold Front” and ending with “Tornado Warning.” Understanding that it is difficult to hide my musical bias, I am thoroughly honored to report that “Departure Songs” has been perfected to say the least. Gratefully enough, the most difficult aspect of reviewing this record is selecting the most powerful tracks out of a sea of brilliance, but I have managed to focus on two particularly moving songs. The first is “Ten Thousand Years Won’t Save Your Life.” This moving song that begins with very soothing textural soundscapes that welcome strings and vocals further back in the mix until the drums enter and the song builds. The song offers an honest preview of the album, showcasing their breathtaking compositions that offer the listener an earful of growing guitar textures and melodies, airy vocals from both Marc Byrd and his wife, enchanting scores of strings and an overall cinematic musical experience. The lyrics
in this song only contain one haunting and succinct line, “It takes so long for you to realize / ten thousand years won’t save your life...” The last track on disc one is “Frailty (for the Dearly Departed).” The piano based track that showcases the range of compositions on “Departure Songs” is like being swept away by the beauty of life. The extravagant layers of texture that leave nothing empty or dry lay underneath the beautiful piano melody, then towards the end of the song when the strings overlap the guitar ebow, other swelling guitar tracks and keys, you know that this is a masterpiece. It is a masterpiece that has been in the works for years. The piano melody that Marc Byrd has toyed with didn’t come into complete fruition until the other half of Hammock, Andrew Thompson, forced him to sit and flesh it out. Even though both of these tracks were on the first disc, don’t be fooled. The entire 19 track, 1 hour and 49 minute double album is worth all $12 on their bandcamp. For true music aficionados, Hammock has released a deluxe edition of the album that offers the album, a poster, a photographic print and a separate signed commentary on the tracks that isolates specific tracks to show their writing process and attention to detail (definitely worth the $60 price tag). Even amongst many fantastic albums to be released this year (Mumford & Sons, Sigur Rós, and Right Away, Great Captain! to name a few), this double album is the best. All the emotions that Hammock conveys through textural ambient music that evolves into august crescendos is on this record, but all the bonuses make this into a 2012 masterpiece. Appreciation for Hammock is appreciation for authentic artistry. ■H
Following the success of their debut album in 2010, English indie rockers The Vaccines released their sophomore album “Come of Age” on Oct. 2. With their latest set of 11 songs, the band has adopted a slightly heavier, Ramones-inspired sound that deviates from their previous poppy anthems. Frontman Justin Young’s somewhat weaker vocals, undoubtedly stemming from his three throat operations last year, do not harshly compromise the quality of the songs. It seems to have caused him to develop a new vocal technique in which he sings in a strange shaky vibrato during a few lines throughout the album. The opening track, “No Hope,” immediately establishes a stimulating mood for the entire album, featuring an upbeat tempo that encourages head bobbing and air drumming. The chorus resounds, “Cause when you’re young and bored and 24 / And you don’t know who you are no more / There’s no hope / And it’s hard to come of age,” which are words that may very well relate to non-24-year-olds. The album contains a brief mellow moment toward the middle with my personal favorites, “Aftershave Ocean” and “Weirdo.” The former begins with an amazing guitar riff and soon transitions into surprisingly softer vocals and a hummable melody. Without a
doubt, this song induces swaying action and will be blasting constantly from my speakers for the next few weeks. “Weirdo” immediately brought Radiohead’s “Creep” to mind, with self-awareness as a major theme. Unfortunately, not all the songs
captivated my eardrums. “Bad Mood” lacks memorability, and quite frankly, that is all I remember about it. Meanwhile, the band’s theatrical approach to “Ghost Town” floundered and would be much better suited on a Halloween party mix CD in a discount bin.
Young’s raw voice reaches its full potential in “All in Vain.” Full of bitter lyrics directed toward a past companion, this song might attract those who want to express their anger toward an ex without flipping a middle finger. The Vaccines possess the ability
to liven up nearly any environment with their energetic tunes. If their consistently stimulating guitar riffs and catchy choruses on “Come of Age” act as sign, the band will certainly continue to rise in the rock industry and have the potential to outlast countless albums of their peers. ■H
RATING: ★☆☆☆☆
Stepping up to the box office four years after “Taken,” “Taken 2” had the potential to improve upon the foundation laid down by its predecessor. At least it did until Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen co-authored what, as film critic Kenneth Turan notes, appears as more of a remake of the 2008 blockbuster than its sequel. Whereas “Taken” reduced the under publicized issue of human trafficking to an excuse for our 60-year-old action hero, Liam Neeson, to tromp, grim-faced, through Paris on a highlychoreographed rampage, the premise for “Taken 2” dismisses the issue altogether. This time around, getting kidnapped is a fun family activity. In the aftermath of “Taken,” it’s all sunshine and typical dad problems for retired CIA operative Bryan Mills (Neeson), as his teenage daughter Kim (Maggie Grace) reluctantly practices for a third shot at obtaining her driver’s license and—surprise!—gets herself a boyfriend. Famke Janssen reprises her role as Bryan’s ex-wife Lenore, whose second husband is conveniently pushed out of the picture in this sequel due to unspecified marriage disputes. Bryan flies out to Istanbul for a three-day job doing security detail, at the end of which he receives a second, more welcome surprise when both Kim and Lenore show up at the hotel for a surprise family vacation. Take a moment to remember that only a year ago, Kim was abducted by
sex traffickers, drugged out of her senses and auctioned off to a sheikh before being rescued by her father. And let’s not forget the tragic loss of her friend (Katie Cassidy) she was taken with, who, as far as I could tell, no one shed a tear over. That must have been some stellar posttraumatic therapy. It almost comes as a relief when Besson and Kamen dredge up the embarrassingly clichéd Albanian gangsters in the form of one Murad Hoxha (Rade Šerbedžija), father of one of the traffickers killed in “Taken,” and his army of underlings who are keen on making Bryan pay for the deaths of their fallen kin. Bryan and his “very particular set of skills” have apparently gone rusty, because he and Lenore are captured by Hoxha’s thugs. Luckily for Bryan, his abductors have an especially limited skill set, as they neglect to discover the tiny cell phone concealed in his jeans, which he uses to contact Kim with instructions. Another thing these new thugs aren’t very good at is understanding orders, because they take the words “Remember… alive,” and “I want all three of them,” and translate them into, “Shoot at random and keep shooting until everything is dead.” They fail at this, too, which they only seem to realize once they’ve been shot, stabbed, snapped or strangled by the man they’re trying to kill. The script is hard-set on following the formula from the first “Taken” movie,
right down to the hackneyed quips made by Neeson’s character and the inability to portray women as anything other than would-be victims. Besson and Kamen do give Kim a larger role in the sequel, which mostly involves her waiting around for direction and being generally frantic and teary-eyed. To her credit, Grace does her best to fill out a character that takes no initiative of her own, and Janssen—who has proven herself to be capable of action in the “X-Men” franchise—is given even less to work with, as she is unconscious or trussed up for most of the film. However, the actors’ performances are rendered wooden by
their lack of chemistry and obvious indifference for the sequel. To top it all off is director Olivier Megaton’s contribution to the franchise, which includes taking a metaphoric axe to the action sequences in a series of choppy edits that offers the audiences nice close-ups of faces scowling, things breaking and not much else. What “Taken 2” lacks is the urgency that drove the first movie to popularity. Hoxha vows to spill Bryan Mills’ blood on the grave of his son, but all that’s being bled in theaters are the wallets of moviegoers willing to shell it out for 91 ■H minutes of “Taken” all over again.
Prior to the release of the CG anime film “Resident Evil: Damnation,” producer Hiroyuki Sasaki finished producing the new “Resident Evil 6” video game, developed and published by the iconic video game company “Capcom.” The gameplay takes a different turn from the previous “Resident Evil” games and offers three scenarios in which the players can engage in three different protagonists’ storylines. The first storyline deals with a familiar protagonist, Leon S. Kennedy. Leon is a government agent from the 1998 “Resident Evil 2” and 2005 “Resident Evil 4” video games. In this slick new series, Leon is brought back to this atrocious scenery of the apocalypse after his Raccoon City Days. Leon is partnered up with a United States Service agent, Helena Harper, who is assigned to protect the president of the United States, but is too late once they find him turned into a zombie in his office. Leon and Helena must find a way to stop this new biohazard from taking over the world. The second storyline also deals with a familiar face for “Resident Evil” fans and gamers. The main protagonist in this storyline is no other than the original 1996 “Resident Evil” hero Chris Redfield. Chris, an original S.T.A.R. member, doesn’t start off the game as the proclaimed hero we love and know from the previous games. He starts off on a drunken binge and is not himself. He is found
Courtesy of Capcom drinking his life away at a bar until he is approached by Piers Nivans, a member of Bio-terrorism Security Assessment Alliance (B.S.A.A). Piers convinces Chris to join the group and to help put a stop to this new outbreak in Europe. Lastly, the third storyline consists of a new face. Jake Mueller is the new and mysterious protagonist brought along into this zombie mayhem. He is allegedly the son of the notorious villain Albert Wesker (the main antagonist from previous “Resident Evil” games). Little is known of Jake’s history, but it is stated that his blood could be the cure to put away this barbaric outbreak. He teams up with a young lady, Sherry Birkin, from “Resident Evil 2,” the daughter of the game’s antagonist William Birkin. Sherry now works for the same government agency as Leon, and is assigned to protect Jake Mueller at all costs! Each storyline has several plots and turns as each of the protagonists encounter one another. All of them share the same goal of ending the outbreak, but have different views of approaching it. Leon wants to find the truth and the reason for the outbreak whereas Chris is trying to redeem himself and escape his demons, but Jake is in it for the fun and thrill. Not only are their views different, but also the game play and backgrounds are different. Leon’s gameplay goes back to the old “Resident Evil” game style. His storyline
focuses on an eerie background similar to those of the first two games. His gameplay is actually like the video game genre seen previously: survival horror and strategic tactics. Chris Redfield and Jake Mueller, on the other hand, share a different gameplay that fans and players may not be used to seeing in the series. Chris’s gameplay resembles “Call of Duty” and “Metal Gear Solid.” It doesn’t have the zombie lurking around the corner as seen in Leon’s storyline, but instead consists of flying jets, blowing up buildings and dealing with zombies with assault rifles. Jake’s game play is unique, but quite simple. It gives the players the ability to fight
zombies off with Jake’s brawler skills. So basically, when you run out of ammo, you don’t have to rely on the survival knife, but actually get to kick ass! The game in general has its pros and cons like any other game, but it does offer a fun co-op shooter game play in which gamers will enjoy blasting off zombie heads and taking names. Fans might see some flaws, but they might push it aside and actually enjoy the game. “Resident Evil 6” tries to stay original to its roots, but also appeal to a new audience that is stuck on war and alien games. It is rated M for Mature and is for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. ■H
The fall Barn concert series got off to a rousing start last Thursday, Oct. 4, with two sets from UCR’s own Pococurante and the Los Angeles-based band The Mowgli’s. While there were glaring differences in the bands’ respective genres, both managed to pull off memorable and exciting shows that helped breathe some life into the new school year. As Pococurante took the stage, fans immediately came to fill the empty space, many sitting cross-legged about 10 feet from the stage. Lead singer Stephen Fong immediately encouraged the crowd to get closer, and with that nearly everyone stood up and the party was a go. Starting off with a funky instrumental song, Pococurante continued to amp it up throughout their set, mixing funk and rock to keep everyone not only rocking out, but dancing. An enthusiasm for their own craft was shown all through their songs as they bopped their heads and jumped around through extended Chili Pepper-esque jams. Though some of the aforementioned jams could run for a few minutes at time, the flow never seemed interrupted or too long, and ended with the crowd cheering enthusiastically for them. They seemingly contradictorily chanted, “calm your head, calm your way,” throughout one of their songs as the entire crowd bounced around. After playing a new song called “Dreamscape,” they announced that a recorded version of the song would be put up on their Facebook page next week. As they ended their set with an extra member with a saxophone, the crowd seemed disappointed they ever had to leave. What they could not predict was The Mowgli’s even wilder set up next. The Mowgli’s brought a wild folk-rock and hippie-like atmosphere to their set. Their opening song, “Hi Hey There Hello,” transcended from a light and airy duet between members Colin Louis Dieden and Katie Jayne Earl, to a boot stomping, howling fun time. About half of the eight person group was barefoot, further showing how little they cared, and just how free they wanted to be. From that
opening number, the show really took off. The group behaved like their namesake (the wild child from “The Jungle Book”) by constantly jumping all over the stage, seemingly in coordinated madness as eight people shared the tiny space. As it happened though, the stage could not contain them. Singer and guitarist Dieden at one point climbed and hung off the rafters above the drum set, while Michael Vincze (who plays the same instruments) climbed the speakers and also, in Mowgli-like fashion, hung like a monkey from the rafters. Dieden could also be found on the floor with the crowd for much of the show, dancing around. interacting and having fun with the fans. Beyond their physical energy, however, The Mowgli’s proved to have just as much talent jumping around as they did musically. Though most of their song structure was simple, their catchy melodies and airy, soothing, and at times crazy and uplifting harmonies brought them to the next level. The music message was one of happiness—as if they didn’t have much to prove but to see if they could bring your spirits up. There were moments of solemnity, as Vincze lit incense from the mic stand and proceeded to bless some of the crowds feet, to moments of pure joy as they erupted into a cover of “I Wanna Be Like You,” from “The Jungle Book,” and dedicated it to the kid inside. The overall feeling of the performance that The Mowgli’s seemed to want the audience to grasp is that songs with all positive lyrics and vibes can be a nice break from the troubles of life, and to give worrying a break and just let loose. After the entertaining and humorous show, Dieden let the audience know that for those who couldn’t afford their album, they could sign up for their mailing list and receive a free digital copy. The free and positive spirit of the group truly lifted the students on hand to a hopeful start to the new school year. In a sign of solidarity and camaraderie, Dieden ended the show by saying, “We are The Mowgli’s and so are you. Good night!” ■H
Clockwise from top to bottom: Colin Louis Dieden of The Mowgli’s; Katie Jayne Earl of The Mowgli’s; Stephen Fong of Pococurante; Colin Louis Dieden and Michael Vincze of The Mowgli’s singing together.
Professor Susan Straight reads from her new novel
WRITTEN BY JACQUELINE BALDERRAMA, STAFF WRITER Students, faculty and library staff gathered on Oct. 3 to hear Professor Susan Straight speak of her new novel, “Between Heaven and Here.” The event was held in the Special Collections and Archives room of Rivera Library with refreshments and a book signing to follow. After a welcome and introduction by Head of Special Collections Melissa Conway, Straight took the stage. Born in Riverside, Straight received her B.A. at the University of Southern California and her M.F.A. in fiction at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Since then, Straight has published eight books and has received both the Lannan Foundation Award (1999) and Guggenheim Fellowship (1997). Straight teaches fiction in the creative writing department at UCR, though she is on sabbatical for the fall quarter. “Between Heaven and Here” marks the completion of a trilogy and is set in the fictitious city of Rio Seco, which, like much of Straight’s work, is based on the familiar landscape of Riverside. The first book in the trilogy is “A Million Nightingales,” which was published in 2007. The second book is “ Take One Candle Light A Room,” which was published in 2010. Straight explained the origin of her trilogy. About 15 years ago, Straight was moved by an unexplored murder in Riverside, which motivated her to begin writing. The tragic news story revolved around a dead and pregnant teenage girl whose body was found discarded in a shopping cart in an alley. Straight recalled the mother of the dead girl saying that no one would care about a dead and pregnant African American teenager. It was then that Straight was moved to write her story. Rather than use writing to drive out her initial empathy for the deceased girl and her mother, she argued that the arts do the reverse. “When you write fiction, poetry, painting, sing, dance, you keep it more closely within you,” said Straight. Straight went on to share with the audience the first passage she had written, toward the end of “Between Heaven and Here.” She models the death of her character, Glorette Picard, after the news-story in Riverside; her body is similarly found in a shopping cart in an alley. Furthermore, Glorette is a prostitute and drug addict. But she is also a mother to an intelligent teenager, Victor, who is also a main character in her novel. Glorette’s death leaves Victor ill prepared for his future. In the scene Straight shares, Victor recalls his mother and his life before she died. Through brief memories and details, we come to know him. The language is beautifully descriptive, transforming the commonplace and unrefined into poetic attachments. For example, Victor recalls the bark he’d painted with bug juice as a child. It became a treasure to his mother, and she proudly hung it on the
LEFT: PHOTO BY LIN CHAI / RIGHT: COURTESY OF MCSWEENEY’S wall of their apartment even after burglars had broken it in half. He remembers that she knew the right orange juice to buy—Tropicana—and the delicious shrimp burritos she would bring him every Tuesday. The details about his harsh lifestyle bring us fully into his world of a damaged family, cops, gunshots and his practice vocabulary for the upcoming SAT. A good score on this test is the key to a better future. Victor repeats over and over that their life worked, “because we had the system down.” But because of his mother’s death, he misses the exam. A once optimistic 17-year-old loses all hopes for college. Yet despite these multiple tragedies, these tender memories show us that Victor misses his mother. We know that he still loves her. Suspense, colorful detail and hopeful characters all made this passage a pleasure to listen to. Straight’s explanations about her writing process were both entertaining as well as helpful for aspiring writers to be aware of the details in their own life. In the next passage she read, she connected the images of her own life to those in “Between Heaven and Here.” She noted the sounds of animals walking on the grass as well as the moon behind a palm tree giving the impression of a sparkler. It is the same sparkler tree that Victor remembers his mom talking about. She would tell him, “you can have it every month. You’ve always got a moon, remember.” With this small advice, the future does not seem so hopeless for Victor. In the Q&A session that followed, Straight, when asked how she took care of herself with such a demanding schedule, said, “I am nothing. I am no one. It is a joy. I am grateful to write fiction.” She explained that, like other writers, she thinks about her character all day and then writes. “I am curious what they are going to do,” she said. The best advice she has for writing in general is to listen and for fiction writers not to forget secondary characters. Perhaps the most intriguing question was why she chose a fictitious Riverside rather than employ its true name. In response, Straight said that she knew people in Riverside, and using the actual titles of the city and streets would violate their privacy. “I’m not going to write the truth about that,” she said. “My intent is to make you feel something.” Straight added further that a made-up setting allows writers the freedom to play around with geography. Following the reading and questions, copies of “Between Heaven and Here” were sold and signed. A quote before the text reveals the source for the title, “It’s a thin line between heaven and here,” says character Bubbles form the HBO television series, The Wire, by David Simon. Straight cited that the discrepancy between paradise and her struggling characters is also a theme within her own work. ■H
It is a joy. I am grateful to write fiction. -Susan Straight
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THE DIGITAL WORLD WITH RYAN SIMON HACKERS INFILTRATE COLLEGE SERVERS, WHO’S NEXT? In recent years, public hacking attacks have grown exponentially. Due to an increase in security breaches, improving online security is becoming increasingly important for businesses, and now colleges have a lot more to worry about too. Last week, hacker group GhostShell posted a long list of links to server dumps from universities across the world. The leaked information included sensitive employee information, such as birth dates and payroll; it is unknown whether student information was leaked. While UCR was not on the list of schools, other wellknown universities such as Harvard and Stanford were listed by GhostShell. The hackers described the attack as a way to focus the public’s attention on the current state of higher education. In doing so, these hackers have also revealed that even some of the “best” universities are unable to properly protect their students and staff from hackers. If anything, this
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should be a wake-up call to the security analysts working at all these universities. They aren’t doing a very good job at securing their systems. Besides calling for better security measures for university information systems, this recent attack is a reminder to everyone that securing one’s information is very important. GhostShell’s future intent is unclear. Just like other hacking groups, they could strike at any time on any kind of server. This is why it’s crucial that people use different usernames and passwords across all their important online accounts. GhostShell has hit banks, government agencies, and several other firms in the past, so it’s anyone’s guess who they will be targeting next. Unfortunately, even with users trying their best to protect their information, it’s up to the firms themselves to invest in better security systems. It’s a constant battle between security experts and hackers with no clear winner in sight. ■H
L e f t : C o u rt e s y
of examiner.com,
R ight : C o u rt e s y
of donaldearlcollins.com
“ “
UCR reacts to Chancellor White’s announced departure The UC Riverside family, including students, faculty, staff and the greater community have been incredibly fortunate to have experienced the leadership of Tim White. His ability to connect with this community was not a secret we could keep ours for long and CSU will now enjoy this type of relationship building. The campus is in good shape with strong leaders that will continue on with the aspirations set by Tim.
LARS WALTON ASSISTANT VICE CHANCELLOR, GOVERNMENT RELATIONS When Chancellor White called me to tell me he was leaving, I was surprised because I know how much he and his family love being a part of the UC Riverside family but I was very happy for him. It is a great opportunity for he and his family but it also says a lot about what people outside think about what is happening at UC Riverside. A lot of good things happening brought a lot of positive exposure to our campus and Chancellor White’s leadership. My favorite memory of Chancellor White was sitting beside him for the USC men’s basketball game last year and hearing him getting on the referees for some really bad calls. Nice to hear his passion for athletics success.
Chancellor White has been a true advocate for the inclusion of the campus lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. He is one of the reasons UCR is a Top 25 LGBT-Friendly Campus and a Top 10 Transgender-Friendly Campus. From his first meeting with the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the Status of LGBTs, Chancellor White responded quickly to requests for policy changes and resource development. He was the first UCR Chancellor to attend an Allies Program training and join a campus network of students, staff and faculty supporting the LGBT community. He invited LGBT students to speak to his Cabinet, and in turn he stopped by to visit with students within the LGBT Resource Center. The entire UC system has lost a voice for inclusion of all campus members, and someone who went beyond words to action.
Chancellor White is genuinely compassionate and unwavering in his commitment to students. These are two core values held by the Division of Student Affairs and we will miss him greatly. He has had an exceptionally positive impact on the student experience during his UCR tenure and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to him.
JAMES SANDOVAL VICE CHANCELLOR OF STUDENT AFFAIRS I am ambivalent about Chancellor White leaving UC Riverside. He was my boss. We worked together on issues around diversity, climate, compliance and respect. As a leader he has a vision and a plan to make UC Riverside a University of inclusive excellence in every way. He got us! I am really going to miss that relationship. On the other hand, The California State University needs a strong and compassionate leader, who cares about students, public higher education, and the state of California. They got the right person for that job as well. No one that I know of could do it better. I wish him and his family the best as he moves to his new position.
I would first like to congratulate Chancellor White with regards to his new opportunity to lead the CSUs, in addition to expressing my deep gratitude for his commitment to students in his tenure here at UC Riverside. My academic career began in 2008 and I will be finishing my graduate coursework this year, and it hasn’t hit me until now how lucky my timing was to have attended UCR under the leadership of Chancellor White. I think Chris LoCascio put it best when he told me “we have all been spoiled by Chancellor White.” The culture of accessibility and diversity implemented here at UCR has created countless opportunities for individuals, including myself, and has me fully convinced that he is hands-down the best candidate to lead California’s higher-education system to where it should be.
Chancellor White has provided tremendous service to the University of California and its Riverside campus for the past four years, and he is an excellent choice to lead the California State University system. While he will be missed, it is no small consolation knowing that, with Chancellor White at the helm of the CSU, the University of California will continue to have a well-placed partner and ally in the fight to preserve public higher education in California. In consultation with appropriate UC leaders, I will appoint in the near future an interim chancellor for the Riverside campus and also initiate a search to find a permanent successor. I wish Tim and Karen only the best as they move on.
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Women’s tennis competes in Cal State Fullerton Tournament K e n da ll P e t e r s o n SENIOR STAFF WRITER
The UC Riverside women’s tennis team got their 2012-13 season underway last Friday with matches at the Cal State Fullerton Tournament. The Highlanders had two single match ups and a double match on the first day of play. Both of the single matches for Riverside went well as both of the Riverside players went on to the second round. However, the doubles for the Highlanders saw their first lost of the season. In the singles Flight B group, Highlander Natalie McKay faced off against Ulrike Hahn for Concordia University Irvine. McKay would go on to win her first round match 6-0, 6-0 and move on to the second round where she had more of a challenge but held on to win both sets easily 6-2 and 7-5 over Portland State player Megan Govi. The singles for Flight C group saw Highlander Courtney Pattugalan against UC Santa Barbara’s Alexandra Porath and would go on to win by default. The second round for Highlander Pattugalan went well as
A r chi v e /HIGHLANDER
she beat Cal State L.A. Athletics’ Sydney Postal in two sets 6-2 and 6-0. The Highlanders’ duo McKay and Pattugalan teamed up to go against Portland State’s duo of Kelsey Frey and newcomer Daria Burobina. The double match for Flight A group was not as successful, as UC Riverside went on to lose a close one 8-6. The UC Riverside women’s tennis team continued the Cal State Fullerton tournament early Saturday morning at 8:00 am. Saturday saw single matches
from Highlander McKay and Pattugalan and a double match with McKay and Pattugalan, however, the second day for the Highlanders would not be as fun as Pattugalan was the only UCR player that made it to the semi-finals. Highlander Pattugalan won her third round singles match 6-4, 4-6, 6-1 against UC Irvine’s Alison Klein. Pattugalan continued play in the Flight C group with a matchup in the semifinals against Irvine Sarah Stadfelt, however, Pattugalan would go on to lose the
match 2-6 and 1-6 for her final match of the tournament. The other UC Riverside player Saturday was Natalie McKay and she dropped her third-round matchup 4-6 and 2-6 against Long Beach State Karolina Rozenberg. After the two losses in the Flight B and Flight C groups the doubles was the only action left for the Highlanders. The duo McKay and Pattugalan fared well in the tournament as they made it to the consolation round against Southern Utah’s
Olya Tatarchenko and Alex Ivanova, however, the Highlanders would lose 8-9. McKay and Pattugalan only played in two tournaments with each other last year, going 1-1. They started off the year on a strong note and can learn from this tournament as they look to have a good year for Riverside. Last year, McKay was the only player with 10 wins, 10-18. The women’s tennis team last year went 3-15, ending their season on a five game losing ■H streak.
Men’s tennis struggles in Pre-Regional Tournament K e n da ll P e t e r s o n SENIOR STAFF WRITER
The UC Riverside men’s tennis team began their 2012-13 season last Friday with doubles and singles matches at the Pre-Regional Tournament in Irvine. The Highlanders that participated in the singles matches are Jimmy Roberts, Luis Gastao, Kevin Griffin, Kelly Dickson, Calvin Ngo, Marcus Vizcarro, Julian Ruffin and David Stanko. Ryan Cheung and Shuhei Shibahara for the UC Irvine Anteaters faced Riversides duo of Roberts and Gastao. Roberts and Gastao would lose 8-9. Jonathan Poon and Reo Asami for the Anteaters faced Riverside’s Ruffin and Nago and would defeat them 8-6. Tyler Pham and Jonathan Hammel for the Anteaters defeated Griffin and Vizcarra 8-0. The pair of Peters and Dickson for UC Riverside lost to UC Irvine’s Justin Agbayani and Caryl Hernandez 4-8. The first round of singles was not that much better, as one UC Riverside player won. Julian Ruffin won his first round against UCI’s Cheung, 6-3 and 6-4, and then defeated Wofford’s Galloway in the second round. Roberts for Riverside lost 2-6 and 3-6 to Irvine’s Pham but would later redeem himself as he came up victorious against Wofford’s Drew Superstein 7-6 (4) and 6-3. The only other Highlander player to win was Vizcarra in the second round against Wofford’s Harrison Smith 2-6, 6-4, 7-5. The UC Riverside Men’s Tennis Team continued play Saturday at the Pre-Regional Tournament with wins
in both singles and doubles. Wofford’s duo of Jackson Keith and Rob Gallowa defeated Riverside’s duo Roberts and Griffin 8-5. The only win for the Highlanders in the doubles came from Griffin and Ngo when they defeated Concordia’s Wickenhaus and Hovis 9-8. In singles, the Highlanders were victorious in three of their matches. Jimmy Roberts defeated Klisinic from Concordia 6-2, 6-0, while Simon Peters won 6-2, 6-1 over Hovis of Concordia, and David Stanko won 6-2, 6-0 over Casad from Concordia. The men’s tennis team will look to revive themselves this year as they ended their season last year on a seven game losing streak. The
men’s tennis team’s overall record last year was 6-18, but they had the help from Austin Andres and Feliz Macherez who are have graduated. The Highlanders will look to get more contribution from Kevin Griffin and Kelly Dickson this year. Those two paired up last year as a duo and went 0-4. UC Riverside concluded play on Sunday at the Pre-Regional with wins in five of their seven singles matches. Jimmy Roberts was the only Highlander that had four sets as he needed a tiebreaker to win his match 6-4, 4-6, 10-3, defeating LMU’s Kordschacia. Riverside’s Julian Ruffin defeated LMU’s Daniel Simko 6-4 and 6-1. Kelly Dickson easily defeated
A r chi v e /HIGHLANDER
Concordia’s Jordan Hovis 6-2, 6-1, while Marcus Vizcarra defeated Concordia’s Casad 6-3 and 6-2, and Highlander Simon Peterson defeated Concordia’s Patrick Szermeta 7-5 and 6-3. Last year’s experience from
Griffin, Dickson, Simon Peters and Jimmy Roberts will be needed to help guide the squad which is filled with five freshmen. The next tournament for the Highlanders is at the ITA West-South Regional Champi■H onship Oct. 19-22.
Women’s volleyball loses fifth straight match K e n da ll P e t e r s o n SENIOR STAFF WRITER
The UC Riverside volleyball team (5-13, 0-5) went against tough opponent Cal State Fullerton Saturday, Oct. 6 at the SRC Arena, in what was a showdown that saw 14 tied scores and five lead changes. The Highlanders were tied 1-1 after two sets, however, but would lose two straight sets and the match 1-3 (25-18, 22-25, 25-19, 25-22). The Highlanders had three players that recorded double-digit kills. Ashley Cox led the team with 23, Amanda Vialpando with 15 and Jasmin White with 13. Cox and Vialpando were the only two Highlanders with double-doubles as they recorded Riverside had a lower attack percentage with .242 compared to the Titans .306. The Titans (8-10, 2-3) were led by Kayla Neto who had 21 kills and 14 digs. The first set of the match was a tight one with five tied scores, the last one coming at 9-9 before the Titans rallied for four straight points that opened up a 13-9 lead. The Highlanders came within two points twice, the last at 14-12, but Fullerton scored four more points to lead 18-12 and eventually winning the set. In the second set, UC Riverside was down 1-3 before tying it 3-3 and eventually taking a 6-4 advantage with two straight kills by
R ich a r d L i n /HIGHLANDER Outside hitter, Senior Jasmin White spikes the ball.
White. The Highlanders were able to get ahead of the Titans 14-8 and midway through they still led 1711 before Cal State Fullerton slowly fought their way back into the set. The Titans closed themselves within two points three occasion: 22-20, 23-21 and at set-point 24-22 before Titan Bre Moreland committed an attack error that gave Riverside the 25-22 victory and tied the match at 1-1. Riverside started off the third set down 1-3 before they rallied back to tie it at 3-3 and then took a 4-3 lead by a Cox kill and two White kills. The Highlanders allowed the Titans to go on their own
VOLLEYBALL STANDINGS BIG WEST GAMES Team Hawaii Long Beach Pacific UC Davis CSU Northridge UC Irvine UC Santa Barbara Cal State Fullerton UC Riverside Cal Poly
7 4 3 3 4 3 2 2 0 0
0 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5
1.000 .667 .600 .600 .571 .500 .400 .400 .000 .000
VOLLEYBALL STANDINGS ALL GAMES Team Hawaii Long Beach Pacific UC Davis CSU Northridge UC Irvine UC Santa Barbara Cal State Fullerton UC Riverside Cal Poly
14 9 15 9 13 8 9 8 5 1
2 8 3 9 6 11 11 10 13 16
.875 .529 .833 .500 .684 .421 .450 .419 .278 .059
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run as they scored four consecutive points to take a 7-4 lead and then stretched their score to a 13-7 advantage. Riverside fought their way back with three kills from Vialpando, Annishia McKoy and Cox to close the gap within two 11-13, however, Cal State Fullerton tiled up four straight points to open their lead to 17-11 and eventually won the third set 25-19 for a 2-1 lead. Riverside started the fourth set up 1-0 but quickly found themselves down once again 1-3 before tying it at 4-4. Fullerton turned the 4-4 tie into a 7-4 lead before Riverside fought their way back within one 8-7 after kills by Vialpando
Sophmore Megan Reza serves.
and Cox. Cal State Fullerton then went on a rupture grew their one point lead into a 13-9 advantage and eventually led by six 12-14 before the Highlanders tried to make a comeback. The Highlanders came within one point, 19-20, thanks in part to Cox who had three kills. The two teams traded points before the Titans scored three consecutive points to lead 24-20 at set-point. Riverside tallied two points but a costly error by White gave the Titans their final point and the match. Next up for the Highlanders is a 7:00 p.m. match against Long Beach State on Thursday, Oct.11 at the SRC Arena in Riverside. â– H
Women’s continues slump, loses to Hawai’i and Cal State Northridge K e n da ll P e t e r s o n SENIOR STAFF WRITER
October 5, 2012 Hawai’i 2 – Highlanders 0 The UC Riverside women’s soccer team was matched up against Big West opponent Hawai’i Rainbow Wahine’s last Friday, in hopes of their first Big West conference win of the season. However, the Highlanders were shut out 0-2 for the fifth time this season. The first period resulted in zero goals for the two teams even though UCR had more chances with three corner kicks compared to Hawaii’s zero. In the first period, the Highlanders were outshot 4-5 by Hawai’i. Riverside’s goalkeeper Nicole Ragano was in goal for the Highlanders (5-7-2, 0-3-0) making the first start of her collegiate career. The second half of the match saw Hawai’i put in work with seven shots fired and two corner kicks to Riverside’s zero shots and one corner kick. The first goal of the second period was in the 59th minute when Hawai’i Tiana Fujimoto passed to teammate McKenzie McGoldrick inside the 18 yard box and McGoldrick made the shot in the lower left of the net. In the 71st minute Hawai’i thought they had their second goal of the game but an offside was called and the goal was pulled off the board. Three minutes later a
Finally over
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foul was committed by Highlander Mariah Rojas which resulted in a penalty kick for Hawai’i Chelsea Miyake at the 73 minute mark. Highlander Regano guessed left but Hawai’i Miyake shot right which gave Rainbow Wahine a 2-0 lead with 17 minutes left in the match. October 7, 2012 Matadors 3 – Highlanders 1 The UC Riverside women’s soccer team continued their weekend play against Cal State Northridge in what turned out to be a horrible match for the Highlanders when they found themselves down 0-3 at the half. The
Highlanders were only able to score one goal in the second period for a 1-3 loss. The Matadors scored early in the first period when CSUN Stephanie Galarze found Melissa Fernandez for the first goal of the game and Fernandez’s third goal of the season. The second goal of the game came at the 25 minute mark when Fernandez and Amanda Smith found Kendall Moskal for her first goal of the season, which put the Matadors up 2-0. The Matadors would score their final goal at the 35 minute mark when Cori Deason found Chloe McDaniel for her first goal of the season. Highlander Nicole Ragano was at goalie for UC River-
side for her second start of the season and it would be her toughest game so far this year as the Matadors compiled 21 shots to Riverside’s 11 and Cal State Northridge’s four corner kicks to Riverside’s one. Riverside finally scored their one and only goal in the second period at the 80 minute mark. Jessica Cortez found teammate Crystal Lopez for her fourth goal of the year. The Highlanders have not yet won a Big West game and are 0-4 in conference play. They play their next opponent Oct. 14 at Cal State Fullerton before returning back home Oct. 19 against ■H Cal Poly.
Men’s soccer stumbles with UC Davis, Sacramento State after terrific start Mike Rios CONTRIBUTING WRITER
October 5, 2012 Aggies 1 – Highlanders 0 The UC Riverside men’s soccer team has played great away from the UC Riverside Soccer Stadium this season (5-0). The Highlanders, before traveling to UC Davis in hopes of stealing a win from the Aggies at the Aggie Soccer Stadium, earned a hard fought victory in overtime against Cal Poly 3-2. The UC Riverside men’s soccer team looked to win its second straight game against the UC Davis Aggies this past Friday, however the Highlanders ultimately came up short as they gave up the only score of the game in the 61st minute to lose by a score of 0-1. UC Davis proved to have more offensive rhythm in this game as the Aggies outshot UCR 16 to 10 in the game. Four of the Aggies’ shots came on goal, while the Highlanders were only able to muster up a total of two. UC Davis forward Kevin Schulte scored the game’s only goal to give Davis the victory. This loss ended up being
the Highlanders third defeat in four games. UCR has yet to win a game at UC Davis in eight attempts. October 7, 2012 Hornets 1 – Highlanders 0 UC Riverside continued its weekend road trip as they took on the Sacramento State Hornets on Sunday. But much like the Highlanders’ previous match, UCR was unable to score a single goal and ultimately gave up the only score of the game to its opponent. The Highlanders lost their second straight game by a score of 0-1. The Hornets’ Max Alvarez was the game’s top performer as he had six of the Hornets’ 14 shots and four of the Hornets’ five shots on goal. In the end, he scored the game’s only goal to give Sacramento State the 1-0 victory. The Highlanders’ offense struggled to score despite the fact they had more shots (16) and shots on goal (7). UCR failed to score for the second straight time and has lost by the same score as its previous match. After starting the season
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with an impressive 7-0 record, UC Riverside has now hit a bit of a slump. This turned out to be the Highlanders’ fourth loss in five games. It is a drastic change from the performances this team mustered up early in the year. At one point, the Highlanders were ranked as high as 19th in the nation after their terrific undefeated start. Ever since
starting conference play, UCR has had difficulty scoring the ball as the Highlanders have been shut out three times in the last five games. The Highlanders will play one final game on the road next week in hopes of turning things around. UCR will take on Cal State Northridge on Oct. 13 before returning to Riverside for ■H a three-game home stand.
These past two weeks I covered a couple of our UC Riverside athletic teams, but this time I want to congratulate the NFL and the NFL Referees Association because they finally reached a tentative agreement that has ended a three-month lockout. Yes, the importance of player safety was discussed during the three weeks the replacement referees were officiating, but what about the enjoyment of watching the NFL? During those weeks the NFL was not the same. The replacement refs were hired while the NFLRA sought improved salaries and retirement benefits in their negotiations with the NFL during the lockout. A “Monday Night Football” game against the Seattle Seahawks and Green Bay Packers was the tip of the iceberg. Anyone who witnessed the final seconds of that game knows what really happened. The refs missed a call. The controversial call in question was whether the Green Bay Packers defensive back M. D. Jennings intercepted the ball or Seahawks Golden Tate had position for the touchdown. However, after further review, Golden Tate was awarded a 24yard touchdown reception, which resulted in the game winning catch. The deal must be ratified by 51 percent of the union’s 121 members. One of the agreements is that retirement benefits will be provided for new hires and for all officials beginning in 2017. According to ESPN, the new collective bargaining agreement between the two sides would be for eight years. This means eight years of peacefully watching NFL games and not worrying about bogus calls made by division 2 refs, which could shift the moment of the game or decide the outcome. I am just glad it is over and we can watch some football. ■H