2 minute read
Fun in the Sun? Maybe not…
(March 21 - April 19): Queen of Pentacles
You should expect to experience financial burden and a lot of pressure to support someone else. This isn’t a time to throw caution to the wind as you will be acting in a parental role to someone in the coming weeks. Think in the long-term about how you can support this person, but you’ll need to figure out limitations now or they will inadvertently take advantage of you.
(April 20 - May 20): Queen of Wands

(November 22 - December 21): Two of Cups

Summer is going to be a social time for you. This is going to be a hot girl summer, Taurus. Allow yourself to experience things, good and bad. This Summer will mean an important relationship for you, not because it will last, but because it will make you a more compassionate and empathetic person even if it just teaches you how not to treat people.
(May 21 - June 20): Page of Pentacles
This Summer is going to be about manifestation for you, Gemini. That means putting yourself out there and being your own advocate. Manifestation isn’t just about thoughts, it’s about putting those thoughts toward a tangible goal through action.
(June 21 - July 22): Four of Cups
Reevaluation will define this period of your life, Cancer. There are goals and relationships in your life that are being considered by others and that need to be considered by you too. There is someone or something in your life that you need to walk away from.
(July 23 - August 22): King of Wands

Leo, this Summer is about vision and the future. This summer won’t be about transient fun for you, but about preparation for what comes next. This will be about far more than just resume building or skill building. Look out for important nuggets of advice as an important mentor in your life will soon appear.
(August 23 - September 22): Two of Pentacles
You’re going to be torn apart, Virgo. There’s a storm coming your way and you’re going to be in the thick of it. People who are important to you are on the edge of a fight that might be the end of lifelong bonds. As you go home for the Summer, look out for your friends and family. Pay attention to what’s changed since you were around last.
Leo Virgo Libra
(September 23 - October 22): Queen of Cups
You are going to be going with the flow this season. This Summer really is going to be about the journey, not the destination. Find joy in the experiences or be miserable, it’s up to you.

(October 23 - November 21): Temperance

All things in moderation, Scorpio. This summer will be largely uneventful for you and mostly predictable. Don’t expect big changes or revelations. VectorStock
(December 22 - January 19): King of Pen-
The coming months will require discipline from you. You will need to be focused and not make decisions based only on gut feelings. Know that there is a difference between being honest and being thoughtless.
(January 20 - February 18): Knight of Cups
You’ve got a romantic Summer ahead of you. This isn’t to say a relationship, but you will experience the thrill of affection and being desired. Enjoy the ego boost, but don’t get too invested.
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You’re going to see a lot of signs in the next couple of months, Pisces. The Hiero phant speaks of spiritual wisdom so take the time to pay attention to your surroundings beyond the obvious. Read into things.
