Honors Outlook Volume 1 Issue 9

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2011 2012

HONORS Outlook

Volume 1, Issue 9

Table of Contents: Xavier the Owl .......................1 Ignition Seminars ....................1 Senior Prom ............................2 Miss Representation ................2 Valentines Stories ...................3 TV Show Survey ......................4 Couples Profiles ......................5 Foodies: Koreana ....................6 CTS Q&A .................................6

University Honors 2316 Olmsted Hall Riverside, CA 92521 Tel: (951)827-5323 Fax: (951)827-5320

SENIOR PROM HONORS STUDENTS DANCE WITH SUNRISE RESIDENTS BY: ANISSA MONTEON On Friday, Feb. 10, Honors students assisted in hos ng a senior prom for the residents of the Sunrise Senior Living Center. Students and residents alike were able to enjoy an evening of dancing and merriment during University Honors’ second annual involvement with the event. Honors students were occupied throughout the evening either persuading some of the residents to dance or engaging in light-hearted conversa ons with the a endees. A variety of music was played which catered to nearly everyone in a endance. Honors student Xinyin Bi was among the volunteers who a ended the event. According to Bi, she was inspired to help out with the dance in order to “bring some happiness to the residents.” Even Honors staff decided to come out and enjoy the fun as they took to the dance floor and showed their impressive dance moves. Residents’ faces could be seen ligh ng up when they saw how much fun the employees of Sunrise were having and how goofy they were ac ng. Those unable to stand up and dance would smile and clap to the

beat of the music. There was also an area where a backdrop and chair were decorated with a Valen ne’s Day theme where residents could take pictures— the ul mate way for residents to commemorate the memorable night. The senior prom was a great opportunity for the living center’s residents, Honors students and staff to step out of their comfort zones for a night of dancing. J a c k ie B p a r t n e a ld a r r a m a a nd her r step in t u n e to th dance e beat .

off his ba llr oo m Jas on Eld er sh ow s da nc ing ski lls !

X in y in B w a t c h i c h a t s w it h the fe S u n r is s t iv it e e r e s id s. e

nts as they


On Wednesday, Feb. 1, UC Riverside students and members of the Honors community convened to learn about one of society’s most pressing (and o en under-appreciated) issues: the prevalence of sexism and the nega-

ve impact that mainstream media portrayal has on women. The screening of the film, “Miss Representa on,” was led by Honors faculty Dr. Vorris Nunley and featured a ques on and answer session with the film’s director, Jennifer Siebel Newsom. “The media’s idealistic representation of women is both demeaning and impossible for the average woman. One of the most important things that I took away from this film is that everyone has a responsibility to take a stand against the media’s limiting portrayals of our gender,” stated Honors student Navil Lopez. “It has challenged me to be a mentor to younger girls and show that we can do great things even when greater corporations try to oppress us. Women have come a long way, but we still have

far to go.” The film features interviews with prominent female leaders such as Condoleezza Rice and even pop culture icons such as Katie Couric and Margaret Cho. Though the featured interviewees ranged from a diverse background, their shared experiences as women led to their collective conclusion: the need for change in gender role portrayals is imminent. The Honors community is wellknown for its active role in alleviating societal issues through community service and volunteer work. As the Miss Representation film has shown, we can also strive to address significant societal issues through our everyday interactions with others.



In our first issue of the quarter, Honors Outlook asked students what they did during Winter break. This Ɵme, the quesƟon was: What did Honors students do for ValenƟne’s Day? Responses ranged from romanƟc dates while others spent their evening studying for midterms.

“I pracƟced for my bogu test in Kendo.” Nickolas Moreno

“For Valen nes Day, some of my closest girlfriends and I got dressed up and went to eat Pazookis at B.J.s!” Kristen Siewertsen

“I just celebrated my first ValenƟne's Day this year! My boyfriend of 8 months went over the top and gave me a dozen roses, a cute teddy bear, Twix (my favorite chocolate), and a giŌ card for a French manicure! In return, I took him out to Chili's for a (somewhat romanƟc) dinner.” Leah Rosario

“My boyfriend and I went out to the LA Zoo, dinner and went to go see ‘The Vow’ for Valen ne’s Day!” Paulina GuƟerrez

“I was sick (but not lovesick); I ate half a pizza (decreased entropy, increased cancer risk). I ended the day challenging someone on Facebook about their (loose) interpretaƟon of ValenƟne’s Day, leading to a discussion about its true meaning. (Apparently, I now have a new friend request.)” Dat Nguyen

“I had a date with my anatomy lab book. Studying the circulatory system seemed like the perfect way to spend Valen ne's Day." Paige Stevens



“For Valen ne's Day I took Tiffany Lien out on a date. I bought her flowers and a bag of goodies and chocolates. We made each other Valen ne's Day cards and she also gave me Reese's heart chocolates. We had dinner at BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse and then saw "The Vow" at Harkin's Theater.” Andrew Bahn

“On ValenƟnes Day my hallmates helped my boyfriend sneak into my dorm to surprise me. I found a dozen roses siƫng on my chair and when I turned I saw him standing there. He drove from San Diego wearing his sailor uniform just to spend a few hours with me.” Rebekah Klein

So I have never in my life had a Valen ne, it is quite sad. I had hoped to go out to eat dinner but was stuck wri ng an essay that needed to be turned in the following day. To make it all worse my roommate’s Valen ne came knocking on my dorm door and had a nice li le surprise planned for her. He set it all up on her desk and waited for her. The rest speaks for itself. Stephanie Ochoa

“I got to my apartment around 5:45 PM aŌer aƩending Neil Smelser’s, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, lecture on the future of public educaƟon. I was much too depressed for company, so I wrote my arƟcle for the Highlander, finished a paper for a creaƟve wriƟng class and found the pillow with a Philip Roth book, “The American Pastoral.” The next day was much beƩer!” Tim Aguilar

One Show for the Rest of My Life? Honors Outlook also asked our readers what TV show they would watch if they could only watch one show for the rest of their lives. Picking amongst thousands of possible contenders, Honors students sent in their choices; 3 shows were the most popular, with some interesƟng choices in tow.

Friends Modern Family That 70’s Show

Other shows included: • 30 Rock • American Horror Story • Arthur • Clannad • Community • Cougar Town • Ghost Whisperer • Glee • Grey’s Anatomy

• Hot in Cleveland • How I Met Your Mother • Ini al D • Mad Men • NBA • NCIS • News • One Tree Hill • Prison Break

• Rachel Maddow • Seinfeld • Sherlock • The Walking Dead



Stacey Lumabao & Andrew Bernardo BY: TOWNSEND GALLINGER‐SCHOLZ

IIt’s ’ no secret that h V Valentine’s l i ’ Day, D and romantic relationships in general, mean work—and many Honors students have enough of that as it is. But that doesn’t mean that Honors stu-

dents can’t have successful relationships. We need look no further than Honors’ very own power couple, Stacey Lumabao and Andrew Bernardo (collectively known as “Standrew”), for proof. Andrew and Stacey have been together for almost a year now, and though they must often struggle to fit each other into their busy schedules, they usually manage to work things out and spend plenty of time together. Andrew remarks, “We try to at least see each other every day, whether that be seeing each other in school or Skyping each other. Yes, we’re busy with school, but we do make the effort to see each other.” In their free time, Andrew and Stacey like to go out for food, play sports or videogames and watch movies.

Though the time they spend together is dearly bought, the couple has never been anything but thrilled with the results. “He always encourages me to do my best, work my hardest, and always, always tells me how much he believes in me. As cliché as it sounds, he’s basically my rock when I get a bit lost in my own day-to-day responsibilities,” says Stacey. Honors students may well have to work harder to maintain healthy romantic relationships, but that just means that the fruits of their amorous endeavors are that much more meaningful. The Honors Outlook hopes that the entire Honors community, including couples such as Andrew and Stacey, enjoyed their Valentine’s Day.

Joe Bulone & Amy Kwiecien BY: SCOTT MANIFOLD Being full- me students can somemes make it hard for couples to spend me together especially when midterms are so conveniently located during the Valen ne’s season. Joe Bulone is a second-year bioengineering major, who, in addi on to his engineering course load, helps volunteer with Campus Escort Services and par cipates in Improv Anonymous. Amy Kwiecien is a second-year plant biology major who plays in the UC Riverside Concert Band and volunteers at the Botanical Gardens. Even with such busy schedules, Amy and Joe have found ways to keep up with their schoolwork and s ll enjoy each other’s company. Amy and Joe met through the HNPG 09 class during their freshmen year and officially began their rela on-

ship on Valen ne’s Day 2011. During the school week they spend me together between classes and usually try to spend their meals together, working to make their free me coincide. However, weekends and breaks are when they really get to be together—not only for studying, but for the fun projects and hobbies they like working on together such as hiking to the C, building water balloon trebuchets and geocaching. Amy and Joe truly enjoy the me they spend with each other and it isn’t uncommon for Joe to take the bus to visit Amy just to give her one of his famous duct tape gi s—including a duct tape flower and heart that he gave her for Valen ne’s Day. This versa le couple is well known in Honors and have shown their peers how a

successful uccessful rela onship can blossom in the midst of academic undertakings.


Foodies:Koreana BY: AARON TOOP Foodies recently witnessed their largest turnout during their trip to the distant land of downtown Riverside to gorge on Korean barbeque at Koreana. For those who have never experienced Korean barbeque, one need only imagine a buffet—but with nearly all of the food being served uncooked (but only temporarily). Huge portions of raw meats are brought to your table where you are in charge of cooking the meat on a grill placed in the middle of the table. Many of the meats, ranging from chicken to beef (seafood is also available), are marinated in different sauces that further add to the flavor of the food. The

meat itself was very good, though I would suggest knowing or bringing someone who knows how to cook. I kept to the red meat which featured brisket, ribs and tenderloins. With Arthur Chandra as head

chef, we dug into the meat by the pounds. Arthur revealed this talent by barbequing the meat to the perfect temperature. The brisket was probably my favorite of the meats; it was tender and had

a great beefy flavor since it was not marinated. Though the brisket is generally used as filler while waiting for the thicker meats, it was one of the main dishes that kept us occupied. The ribs were juicy and had just the right amount of toughness to them. These ribs were marinated in a delectable sauce that really added some great flavors. The tenderloins were a little on the chewy side and I did not care for the marinade too much. Overall the food was great and I would recommend Koreana to anyone who wants a unique cooking and dining experience.

CTS QUESTION & ANSWER This issue, we ask readers to provide a capƟon for this picture!

Submit your suggestion s to the “CTS” box in the Honors lounge through Week 9 & 10!

Last issue, we asked readers to provide a capƟon for this picture!


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