UC Santa Barbara Foundation Annual Report 2020

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Endowed Chairs

Endowed chairs honor exceptional faculty members for their contributions to academia and are crucial in sustaining UC Santa Barbara’s excellence. The following benefactors, by establishing endowed chairs in various areas, have made a permanent investment in the future of UC Santa Barbara.


College of Engineering

Jack and Laura Dangermond Chair in Conservation Jack and Laura Dangermond, Donors

Eugene Aas Chair in Computer Science Department of Computer Science Mark ’66 and Susan ’67 Bertelsen, Donors Yu-Xiang Wang, Aas Professor of Computer Science

Edward A. Dickson Emeriti Professorship University of California Presidential Chair Edward A. Dickson, Donor Oliver Chadwick, Dickson Emeriti Professor Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp Academic Initiative Professorships, Cluster I Campuswide (Mind and Machine Intelligence Initiative) Professor Duncan H’09 and Suzanne MA’70 Mellichamp, Donors Miguel Eckstein, Mellichamp Professor of Mind and Machine Intelligence William Wang, Mellichamp Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Designs Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp Academic Initiative Professorships, Cluster II Campuswide (Globalization Initiative) Professor Duncan H’09 and Suzanne MA’70 Mellichamp, Donors Janet Afary, Mellichamp Professor of Global Religion and Modernisms Michael Curtin, Mellichamp Professor of Global and Media Representations Jan Nederveen Pieterse, Mellichamp Professor of Transnational Civil Society Networks Alison Brysk, Mellichamp Professor of Global and International Studies Program Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp Academic Initiative Professorships, Cluster III Campuswide (Sustainability Initiative) Professor Duncan H’09 and Suzanne MA’70 Mellichamp, Donors Mahdi Abu-Omar, Mellichamp Professor of Green Chemistry Eric Masanet, Mellichamp Professor of Sustainability Science for Emerging Technologies Susannah Scott, Mellichamp Professor of Sustainable Catalytic Processing Phillip Christopher, Mellichamp Professor of Sustainable Manufacturing University of California Presidential Chair I

ALCOA Chair in Materials Department of Materials The Aluminum Company of America, Donor Tresa Pollock, ALCOA Professor of High Tech Materials Richard A. Auhll Professorship and Dean’s Chair in Engineering College of Engineering Richard A. Auhll, Donor Rod Alferness, Dean and Auhll Professor for the College of Engineering Cree Endowed Chair in Solid State Lighting and Displays Department of Materials Cree Inc., F. Neal Hunter, Professor Umesh K. and Susan Mishra, and Professor Steven P. DenBaars, Donors Shuji Nakamura, Cree Professor of Solid State Lighting and Displays 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics Glen and Susanne Culler Chair in Computer Science Department of Computer Science Zhu Family Foundation, Anonymous, Donors Prabhanjan Ananth, Culler Professor of Computer Science Doluca Family Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Tunç ’81 and Lale Doluca, Donors Mark Rodwell, Doluca Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Duval Family Presidential Chair in Energy Efficiency College of Engineering, Institute for Energy Efficiency Glenn ’80 and Bettina Duval, Donors Rich Wolski, Duval Family Professor of Energy Efficiency

University of California Presidential Chair II University of California Presidential Chair III Endowments & Recipients Annual Report of Private Giving

The Tony Evans Chair in Structural Materials Department of Materials Dr. Robert and Victoria Mehrabian, Various Donors Robert McMeeking, Evans Professor of Structural Materials Christian A. Felipe Chair in Technology Management Technology Management Program Christian A. Felipe, Donor Stephen Barley, Felipe Professor of Technology Management Founder’s Chair in Chemical Engineering in Honor of Dr. John E. Myers Department of Chemical Engineering Professor Duncan H’09 and Suzanne MA’70 Mellichamp, Various Donors M. Scott Shell, Myers Professor of Chemical Engineering Founder’s Chair in Chemical Engineering in Honor of Dr. Robert G. Rinker Department of Chemical Engineering Professor Duncan H’09 and Suzanne MA’70 Mellichamp, Various Donors Michael Gordon, Rinker Professor of Chemical Engineering John and Eileen Gerngross Chair in Computer Science Department of Computer Science John ’82 and Cheryl Gerngross, Anonymous, Donors Misha Sra, Gerngross Professor of Computer Science Investment Group of Santa Barbara Founding Director of the Master’s of Technology Management Program and Duca Family Professor of Technology Management Technology Management Program Maurice J. Duca ’66, Donor Paul Leonardi, Duca Family Professor of Technology Management Fred Kavli Chair in Nanotechnology Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Fred Kavli* H’05, Donor John Bowers, Kavli Professor of Nanotechnology

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