UCSB First Newsletter Winter 2019

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January: -Winter Quarter Instruction Began February: - Trustee Board Meeting - Philanthropy Awards Dinner March: - End of Committee Meetings and Quarter

Trustee Meeting 2019

UCSB First's favorite weekend of the

Attending the Board Meetings is

quarter, the Trustee Board meeting! We

something that all of our members are so

are so thankful to the Office of

appreciative of because it gives us the

Development and the Board of Trustees

opportunity to share our past and

for including our team in the quarterly

upcoming events with close Trustee

meetings to learn about the ins and outs of

members. At the Winter meeting, we

this University. It is remarkable to see the

talked about our Philanthropy Awards

progress going on at UCSB and what the

Dinner and how incredible the applicants

future holds for Gauchos. With that said,

were this year!

this past Winter meeting, UCSB First had the privilege to listen to and meet with molecular biologist and Nobel laureate, Carol Greider! She wowed the audience with her presentation on the development of new therapeutic strategies for cancer and age-related diseases.

Philanthropy Awards Dinner

This year, UCSB First was thrilled to host

each other's philanthropic work as well

the 8th annual Philanthropy Awards

as about UCSB First and what our role

Dinner! During this event, we give out

is on campus. Throughout the evening,

financial grants to philanthropic student

attendees heard from our co-chairs,

organizations. We found it so rewarding

Alperan Koliva and Deepika

to give back to other students

Chandrashekar, about who UCSB First

organizations and see them feel

is, as well as from guest speakers

appreciated for the hard work they do in

Beverly Colgate, Alex Moon, and

our community. Last year UCSB First

Kristi Newton who spoke about their

gave out $7,000, and this year we awarded

relationships with philanthropy.

$8,000 to seven well-deserving

Throughout the evening, attendees

organizations! Members of UCSB First

traded their own ideas about

had the opportunity to get to know more

philanthropy with each other, and some

about the work that these seven

even discovered new organizations to

organizations do both on and off campus,

join. Overall, the evening was a

as well as about the many other wonderful

success, and we can't wait to host the

organizations who had members in

Philanthropy Awards Dinner again

attendance at the dinner. Attendees were

next year!

able to learn about


Winners! With a generous $8,000 to hand out, our

to pave the path for the next generation of

committee team came together and

science and health. The relatively new

carefully looked through all seventy

organization, IV Trading Post, has the

applications and chose seven

unique initiative of tackling clothing

organizations that we felt had the most

insecurity and promoting textile

impact. UCSB First allocated $625 to the

sustainability. Their work has included

four organizations: UCSB Ideas, Greeks

holding fashion shows to de-stigmatize the

Go Green, Latino Business Association,

idea of second-hand clothes, as well as

and Rho Psi Eta. All of these groups have

clothing drives. Lastly, our first place

shown extraordinary efforts in our

winner was IV Surfrider, receiving a

community. The next two organizations,

$2,500 grant! IV Surfrider has worked

Health Professional Association and IV

diligently in the Isla Vista community to

Trading Post both received $1,500. The

preserve this beautiful area we all call

Health professional Association works

home. They are constantly collaborating

tirelessly to maintain a strong

with various organizations and a diverse

philanthropic presence on campus and

group of students to foster care and

actively assists in the education of local

consideration for our environment, as well

youth at Isla Vista Elementary. They are

as educate students on sustainable means

teaching our next generation of doctors,

of consumption!

nurses, and health care providers

Meet the UCSB First Team Committee Leadership

Alperan Koliva

Deepika Chandrashekar



Class of 2020

Class of 2020


Adriana Mora

Miya Herzstein

Anthony Pimentel

Event Planning


Engagement & Outreach

Class of 2020

Class of 2020

Class of 2019

Alex Gorman

Taylor Henderson

Creative Design

Public Relations

Class of 2020

Class of 2020

CONTACT US: UCSBFirst@ia.ucsb.edu

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