UC Santa Barbara
Unfolding Possibilities Daily more than 15,000 cyclists traverse seven miles of bikeways on or adjacent to UCSB to attend classes and campus events. Only 6 percent of UCSB students have a car on campus.
As one of only 62 institutions elected to the Association of American Universities, UCSB stands among the top 1.5 percent of all universities in the U.S. and Canada.
Sally Holbrook, a professor of ecology and Marine Science Institute faculty member, engaged in a coral restoration experiment in the lagoon at Moorea.
Among UCSB faculty there are five Nobel Laureates, Emmy and Academy Award winners, and a Millennium Technology Prize recipient. The campus is home to 100-plus research units, including 11 national centers funded by federal agencies and departments such as the National Science Foundation. UCSB ranked among the nation’s top 10 public universities in U.S. News & World Report’s “America’s Best Colleges” guidebook for 2013.
aradise. The word is nearly synonymous with the University of
graduates: energy, diversity, curiosity, and the drive to succeed now — and
California, Santa Barbara, a picturesque campus atop a gorgeous
thrive forever. Devoted to expanding our knowledge and finding new solu-
stretch of coastline. Such is the breathtaking backdrop for the
tions, we are committed to making a difference and improving the quality of
intellectual vitality that makes UC Santa Barbara an academic
life for the people of California, our nation, and the world.
wonderland as well. As an institution, we pride ourselves on the traits we share with our under-
At left, more than half of all UCSB undergraduates are engaged in original research with graduate students and faculty members. UCSB is consistently ranked among the nation’s top research universities.
A campus of the University of California, the country’s premier public university, Santa Barbara is internationally distinguished for its outstanding teaching, 3
the number of undergraduate applicants growing larger each year, competition for admission is as keen as ever. A globally renowned large university with a small-town feel, UCSB’s serene setting, residential character, and unbeatable balance of work and wellness together foster a rich environment where living and learning are intertwined. Here, more than 18,000 undergraduates and 1,000 professors interact closely. Here, eminent artists, scientists, engineers, and other scholars not only share their experiences and discoveries with undergraduates every day — they invite their students to share in them. At UC Santa Barbara, we educate and challenge bright students to ask questions, explore possibilities, push boundaries and achieve dreams. Join us on this intellectual adventure!
Alec Diao
Erenis Lemus
Environmental Studies
International student Hong kong, china
McNair Scholar MESA
Rugby team
Los Ingenieros
Surf club
Society of Physics Students
UCSB as a school is fantastic,
Since my first quarter here I’ve been
both aesthetically and academi-
doing research in biophysics with
cally, but it’s the people that really
one of my professors, and I’ve en-
make it come to life. I challenge
joyed it a lot. It’s quite an experience.
you to find someone who won’t
I really like lab work, and I’ve gained
talk to you after a simple hello.
many skills — such as using machin-
I am currently part of the UCSB
ery and analysis techniques — that
rugby team as well as the surf
are going to be extremely valuable
club. Both of these organizations
to me in the next step in my career.
have allowed me to meet people
Through school, I’m part of the MESA
that share my interests, while
Program, Los Ingenieros, and the
also providing an outlet for me to escape from coursework, and to just go out and have fun. As an international student, I do sometimes feel as if I’m one of few. However, there are plenty of organizations and programs here that make it easy to get involved and meet people.
Society of Physics Students. Off cam-
Across the disciplines, the campus attracts distinguished international researchers. The renowned faculty includes five winners of Nobel Prizes and scores of elected members of national and international academies and societies.
pus I’m a mentor for a program that helps at-risk youth. The atmosphere at UCSB is great and balanced. You can study for hours on end and have
groundbreaking research, and meaningful public service. Our reputation for
the greatest social life ever. It’s the
innovation is well-known, highly regarded, and growing. With unparalleled
best of both worlds.
access to our esteemed faculty, and interdisciplinary engagement the norm, opportunities for undergraduates abound at UCSB. More than 200 majors, degrees, and credentials are offered in a wide range of disciplines through UCSB’s three colleges and two professional schools. With
Anna Everett, a professor in the Department of Film and Media Studies, meets with an undergraduate. At the Carsey-Wolf Center for Film, Television, and New Media, humanists and social scientists teach and conduct research on film, television, and mass media from a variety of perspectives. 5
A Climate of Inquiry
UCSB is home to 11 national research centers and institutes, including eight that are sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The Materials Research Laboratory, top, offers specialized research opportunities for study at the undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral levels.
The UCSB undergraduate studentfaculty ratio is 17 to 1. Lowerdivision classes average 52 students, though 69 percent of undergraduate classes enroll fewer than 30 students. More than half of all UCSB undergraduates are engaged in original research with graduate students and faculty members. UCSB undergraduates study abroad at more than 120 top-ranked institutions in 39 countries worldwide. The UCSB Washington Center Program offers students a front-row seat to see policymaking in action with internship, study, and research opportunities in our nation’s capital.
Science, engineering, and new media intersect at the AlloSphere, above, a large-scale, immersive laboratory that can simulate virtually real sensorial perception.
C Santa Barbara is a place of exceptional promise and boundless
Teaching and research go hand in hand at UCSB, where easy access to faculty
potential. Drawn here from across the country and the globe, our
— and myriad opportunities for research — are points of great pride. Our pro-
scholars and scientists are forming new research alliances and cre-
fessors believe that engaging students in the hunt for new knowledge is key
ating new fields of study that will shape our future understanding
to their academic development. In fact, our philosophy of education holds that
of ourselves, our world, and the universe around us. Students are an essential
research, scholarship, and apprenticeship are all central to learning and vital to
factor in this equation.
creating a climate of inquiry that benefits professors and students alike.
At left, undergraduates and researchers at UCSB tackle realworld problems. Here, students sample fish and invertebrates at the Carpinteria Salt Marsh, part of the UC Natural Reserve System, for a study of marine population dynamics.
To that end, undergraduates are encouraged to seek campus research grants to work closely with scholars and artists of international stature on subjects as diverse as quantitative biology, evolutionary psychology, international terrorism, and 18th century literature. More than half of all UCSB undergraduates today are engaged in original research with graduate students and faculty members. Such hands-on scholarship, conducted with professors who are eminent in their fields, fosters critical thinking skills and helps prepare our students for advanced study and future careers. At UC Santa Barbara, we urge you to forge your own academic path by pursuing your passions.
Undergraduate Jacob Poletti traveled to the Nepalese Himalayas for a project led by earth science professor and department chair Douglas Burbank.
Our professors will be there every step of the way, involving you in their quest for discovery, meeting you mind-to-mind to teach from experience — with an eye toward the future. C. Patrick Yue (right), a professor of electrical and computer engineering, engages students in his research on high-speed wireless and wireline circuit design.
As a student at UC Santa Barbara, you’ll be part of a thriving community of scholars, for whom the pursuit of knowledge and the experience of growth — both personal and intellectual — are the hallmarks of daily life.
TaiSonya Tidwell Senior Anthropology Black Studies (minor) Co-Chair, Black Student Union Guardian Scholars
UCSB is a really good community.
Davidson Library boasts 3 million printed volumes, about 1 million digitized items, and many thousands of electronic journals and e-books, plus an excellent collection of maps, sound recordings, satellite imagery, and multicultural archives.
You’ll find so many support groups, there is no way you won’t fit in. I’m co-chair of the Black Student Union, and I’ve been involved with that since my first year. I’m part of Guardian Scholars, a support group for kids in foster care, which I used to be. UCSB is a research university, which provides great opportunities that you may not get at other schools. And I feel like I have access to faculty as well. They’re all friendly and accessible, and they really reach out to students.
Undergraduates traveled with faculty to the Galapagos Islands on a pioneering research expedition to explore hydrothermal systems along the global MidOcean Ridge. The National Science Foundation and NOAA’s Ocean Exploration Program funded the project.
Education Abroad Program participants outside the Royal Pavilion in Sussex, U.K. UCSB undergraduates study abroad at more than 120 top-ranked institutions in 39 countries worldwide. 9
A Community of Scholars UCSB encourages students to develop novel ways of thinking, learning, and conducting research. At top, the physical sciences building.
In addition to five Nobel Prize winners, UCSB’s faculty includes three MacArthur Fellows and many elected members or fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Several UCSB physics faculty and students were among an international team of scientists credited in 2012 with observing the Higgs Boson, the discovery of which is considered the ‘Holy Grail’ of particle physics. UCSB is the editorial headquarters for The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau, a National Endowment for the Humanities project that is publishing definitive scholarly editions of the complete works of naturalist and literary artist Henry David Thoreau.
UCSB Chancellor Henry T. Yang, an aerospace engineer, believes that undergraduates help to generate some of the university’s best ideas. A faculty member and a member of the National Academy of Engineering, he regularly teaches structural analysis courses to undergraduates.
uriosity. Courage. Drive. Such characteristics are crucial to long-term
renowned faculty serves students as a vibrant backdrop for opportunity and
success. They’re also among the core attributes of UC Santa Bar-
accomplishment. Their distinction also facilitates your ability to make key,
bara’s many distinguished professors, whose inspiring achievements
career-enhancing contacts with decision-makers in graduate and professional
provide our undergraduates an invaluable foundation on which to
schools, as well as in the world at large.
At left, the Department of Theater and Dance provides a thriving forum for students to develop and nurture their capacity for self-expression and critical thinking, as well as for the study of dance, theater, and other types of performance.
build their own aspirations. Example is a powerful teacher. Nobel Prizes in chemistry, economics, and physics, won by five distinguished Imparting essential lessons through wisdom of experience, UC Santa Barbara’s
UC Santa Barbara professors for their groundbreaking interdisciplinary re11
search, have brought the campus international recognition. A professor of engineering won the world’s most-prestigious technology award — the Millennium Technology Prize — for his invention of revolutionary new energy-saving light sources. Our faculty ranks include an Academy Award winner, an Emmy winner, a recipient of the Fields Medal in Mathematics, and scores of elected members of top national and international academies and societies. Across the disciplines, and among them, UC Santa Barbara scholars are contributing to the sum of human knowledge, and enriching lives in turn. You’ll come face to face with these world-class professors as early as your freshman year. Available to meet with you in classrooms, laboratories, studios, offices, and informal settings across campus, they are infectiously passionate, and eager to share their insights.
Grant Draper
The Colleges UC Santa Barbara offers a comprehensive array of undergraduate majors and graduate programs through three colleges: Letters and Science, Engineering, and Creative Studies. The College of Letters and Science is UCSB’s largest college, offering some 90 majors and nearly 40 minors, including interdisciplinary programs. An honors program provides enrichment opportunities for high-achieving students. The Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities provides support and funding for undergraduates who wish to undertake research. In addition to its 17,000 undergraduates, the college enrolls 1,750 graduate students in M.A.- and Ph.D.-level programs. Web site: www.ltsc.ucsb.edu The College of Engineering offers undergraduate degrees in chemical, computer, electrical, and mechanical engineering, and in computer science. For students aspiring to graduate school, there are several five-year combined bachelor’s/master’s degree programs, including one that culminates with an M.S. in materials science. In addition to its 1,400 undergraduate students, the college enrolls 750 graduate students in M.S.- and Ph.D.-level programs. Web site: www.engineering.ucsb.edu The College of Creative Studies is singular in the UC system. Talented undergraduates committed to advanced and independent work are provided access to both instruction in the college in small groups, and to the intellectual, instructional, and physical resources of UCSB. Many make original contributions to their fields before graduating. Offering eight majors, enrollment totals 350. Web site: www.ccs.ucsb.edu
Sophomore Mechanical Engineering Guide, Gaucho Tour Association Internal Vice President, American Society of Mechanical Engineering
Being in the American Society of
Senior Geography Orientation staff Undergraduate research Tutor, CLAS (Campus Learning Assistance Services)
UCSB was my top choice so I was
U C S B P r o f e ss i o n a l S c h o o l s
Mechanical Engineering has been great. I get to meet people I wouldn’t
excited when I got in. It’s been the best experience and has totally sur-
Preparing the next generation of scholars is one of the primary purposes of a research university. UC Santa Barbara offers an array of graduate programs and is home to two professional schools.
meet otherwise, and get to know upperclassmen. Our faculty advisors show up to our meetings, and they’re all very nice too. I work as a campus
The Gevirtz Graduate School of Education offers advanced degrees in education and in counseling, clinical, and school psychology. Credential programs in teacher education, school psychology, special education, and school administration are also available. A minor in education and applied psychology is available to undergraduates. A number of centers and outreach programs partner with local schools and provide experiences for graduate students as well as undergraduates interested in education careers. Web site: www.education.ucsb.edu
tour guide because I want kids to know it’s a really good school. Because I love it so much, I want other kids to love it too. When I first visited here I didn’t know much about it, but I really liked the atmosphere. When I did the research and found out this is also a super good engineering school, my mind was made up. I thought I’d be happy here and get a great education, and I was right.
Each year, UCSB offers some 100 freshman seminars — small group courses taught by distinguished faculty. Above, Inés Talamantez, an associate professor of religious studies, conducts a seminar exploring religious diversity in the United States. 12
Neema Rashidee
The Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management provides an unusual blend of graduate training designed to equip environmental scientists and managers with the skills needed to tackle complex and interdependent environmental problems. Web site: www.bren.ucsb.edu
passed my expectations. It’s nice to go to a research university. You feel like you’re learning things that other people don’t know, and you’re always on the cutting edge of what’s happening. I’m a research assistant for the Climate Hazards Group within the Geography Department, which works to promote the application of physical sciences to human problems such as food shortages. It’s been a great experience. I’ve gotten to meet people affiliated with the U.S. Geological Society and the U.S. Aid Program.
Living-Learning Communities in UCSB’s residence halls and apartments offer students customized, interest-based programs to enhance their campus experience and academic success.
UCSB’s beachside setting inspires a laid-back, familial atmosphere in which to relax between classes and study sessions.
The campus has repeatedly ranked among the most bikefriendly in the U.S. by organizations including the League of American Bicyclists and Better Colleges Online. A national leader in sustainability, UCSB in 2012 was honored for its resource efficiency by the U.S. Green Building Council, and lauded with a Best Practice Award in Sustainable Innovation at the California Higher Education Sustainability Conference.
The Spirit of Place
T 14
The student-run Community Affairs Board at UCSB engages thousands of undergraduates in volunteer service both on and off campus.
he climate at UC Santa Barbara, both literally and figuratively, nour-
campus life. A robust artist-
ishes the mind, body, and soul. The natural beauty of our location —
in-residence program offers
and the balanced nature of our campus culture — make this an ideal
master classes taught by visit-
place to live and learn.
ing luminaries.
The UCSB Intercollegiate Athletics program has 20 teams that compete at the NCAA Division I level. Women’s basketball won the Big West Conference Championship in 2012. Men’s soccer is a past NCAA national champion.
World-class art exhibitions, exceptional performances, and special lectures
UCSB’s Student Resource Building, home to a host of educational services
featuring leading artists, writers, and scientists inspire creativity and enrich
that promote both physical and emotional well-being, encourages interaction
The University Center offers ample space for studying. It also houses multiple cafes, restaurants, and meeting rooms, as well as the UCSB Bookstore. At left, few things exemplify UCSB’s culture better than a bicycle. We are a close-knit residential community, active and environmentally aware.
Undergraduates gather in the Student Resource Building, the heart of student life. It provides expanded services to support academic success as well as space for student activities.
and engagement among student groups. Davidson Library provides top-tier
All admitted students are guaranteed university housing. Freshmen with similar interests have an opportunity to live together on theme-oriented floors in one of eight residence halls on campus.
scholarly collections, research assistance, and other essential services for stu-
UCSB’s sterling reputation for sustainability practices includes its status as one
dents. The MultiCultural Center presents some 100 events each year meant to
of the nation’s most bike-friendly campuses. More than seven miles of bike-
promote cultural awareness and understanding. With exceptional facilities and
ways snake across and around the
a full slate of exercise classes, the Recreation Center sees students in pursuit of
UCSB campus, providing students
healthy living.
easy access to their classrooms, lec-
Film and Media Studies
ture halls, and laboratories, as well
Intern, Visitor Center
as to an array of cultural, academic,
Honors Program
athletic, and social events. The vast majority of UC Santa Barbara students live within walking
The majority of UCSB students live on campus or in the adjacent college community of Isla Vista.
distance of their classes. Many reside
Excursion Club
Being from a very urbanized place, Chicago, it was a little bit of a culture shock when I first came here. But I’ve been enormously pleased — especially in terms of the academic quality and instruction. I’ve engaged in hon-
adjacent to campus. It is a place
pushed to develop myself more as a
county committees.
French (minor)
ors work with professors. I’ve been
students serve on local boards and
Internationally acclaimed cellist Yo-Yo Ma conducts UCSB’s Young Artists String Quartet. Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble completed a campus residency consisting of performances, master classes, and open rehearsals.
in Isla Vista, a close-knit community for social and civic growth, where
The Santa Barbara community offers diverse natural and cultural resources, including the Santa Barbara Symphony, Botanic Garden, Museum of Art, and Museum of Natural History. The courthouse is characteristic of the city’s distinctive architecture.
Chris Witschy
writer, a critical reader, and as a researcher. I did an internship through the Carsey-Wolf Center, and worked for a local production company and local film crews. The access to nature at UCSB I’ve found enlightening.
The nearby city of Santa Barbara
There is an intrinsic appreciation of
offers students another amazing
the environment, and this great bal-
resource for exploration and en-
ance of class life and work with the spectacular beauty all around you.
gagement. Internationally renowned 17
The UCSB women’s volleyball program has advanced to the NCAA Tournament dozens of times. Its athletes have repeatedly earned Big West Player of the Year and AllAmerican honors.
UCSB’s Intercollegiate Athletics program includes 20 teams that compete at the NCAA Division 1 level, including men’s basketball, which draws a large crowd in the Thunderdome (above). The graduation rate for student athletes is the highest in the Big West Conference.
UCSB’s men’s soccer team claimed the 2006 NCAA National Championship and is considered one of the top programs in the country.
Talia Citron Freshman
for its setting and architecture, Santa Barbara is a vibrant mid-sized city with a
Social Sciences
global footprint. Bustling with arts, culture, and technology, it boasts a rich and
Hillel Environmental Affairs Board
storied history and a strong environmental ethos.
Excursion Club
I participated in the Freshman Sum-
UC Santa Barbara students are driven to become global citizens by connecting
mer Start Program. That was such a
with these surrounding communities. Many of our undergraduates serve in the
perfect choice for me because I made amazing friends and got a head start on school. I joined the Excursion Club and got really into surfing. I also really like the health and wellness program. I go to meditation classes twice
Students have an opportunity to learn from leading artists and writers, such as former U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins (right), who has come to the campus numerous times to read his work and visit classes.
larger Santa Barbara region as volunteers and interns at hundreds of nonprofit
The Recreation Center helps keep students strong and fit with two swimming pools, weight rooms, squash and racquetball courts, a climbing wall, and more.
per week, and I try to swim every morning before class. I’m always active here. UCSB for me is the perfect balance of school and everything else I wanted. Academically it’s an amaz-
and public agencies, including local hospitals, homeless shelters, corporations,
ing place to be. But at same time, it’s
and environmental and governmental organizations. More than 6,000 UCSB
such a laid back and fun place to be.
students are engaged in public service.
And it’s the perfect size. It’s not so big that I feel like I don’t matter, but I also wanted to be at big school with
On and off campus, the UC Santa Barbara experience presents unlimited UCSB students have a reputation for giving back through public service. Alumnus David Lee, above right, oversees MUSIC Club, a campus-founded, undergraduate-run organization that offers free tutoring and music lessons to underprivileged children.
a lot of spirit, and you see that here.
opportunities for students to learn, contribute, and grow in a setting of unmatched beauty, a supportive social atmosphere, and a collaborative intellectual climate. 19
Your Pathway to Success
At W or k i n t h e W or l d
Casey Boome UCSB’s Career Services offers counseling, workshops, classes, internship and career fairs, and other programming aimed at assisting students in their post-graduate planning. A survey of alumni found that 93 percent were satisfied with their academic experience at UCSB and would recommend UCSB to others. Approximately one-third of UCSB students go on to pursue graduate work or professional degrees. Professor Mark Juergensmeyer, director of the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies, teaches an undergraduate course on global conflict. UCSB’s global studies program was one of the first interdisciplinary undergraduate majors in international studies in the country to focus on globalization.
UCSB’s law school admission rate consistently tops the national average.
C Santa Barbara will prepare you for success. Our students pursue
At UCSB, athletics, the arts,
four years of intense study in an integrated program that allows
public service, independent
them to develop expansive knowledge in the sciences, humanities,
research, and internships serve as vehicles to cultivate leaders in entrepreneur-
fine arts, and social sciences. They also gain significant expertise
ship, business, science, and government. We encourage students to step for-
in their chosen field. Many participate in academic research projects and in
ward in leading their peers and the community in best practices and winning
government and private-sector internships.
Assistant District Attorney, Office of the Bronx (NY) District Attorney J.D., ’12, Emory University School of Law B.A., Global Studies ‘05, UCSB
I learned how to be a lawyer in law school, but I feel like I learned how to be a good person and a citizen of global society at UCSB. The dynamic at UCSB, the opportunities, I don’t think I would have gotten that at a larger school. I was getting in there with professors and learning directly from them. The understanding I gained about the history of our country and its policies, along with a global perspective, prepared me to approach my job as a prosecutor with knowledge of the mistakes made in the past, and how I can help try to shape the system now to be more fair to people in the long run. UCSB can be such a great window to the world. Take advantage.
At W or k i n t h e W or l d
Our students are achievers. Upon
At W or k i n t h e W or l d
graduating, many are recruited by Fortune 500 companies, leading high-tech, accounting, and communications firms, and arts and public service organizations. Approximately one-third of today’s graduates pursue advanced study in graduate or professional school. Career counselors work closely with our undergraduates to help identify career goals, explore academic ma-
At UCSB, commencement means pomp and circumstance, robes and regalia, honors and honorable mention. The ceremony serves to mark an end that is also a beginning.
jors, secure internships, connect with employers, and, later, to assist with the graduate application process. UC Santa Barbara has an excellent reputation for preparing students for pro-
Brandon Bouldin Associate, PricewaterhouseCoopers
fessional and graduate schools in the health sciences. These include medical,
Nathaly Arriola
dental, veterinary, pharmacy and physical therapy schools, as well as graduate
B.A., Business Economics, ‘12, UCSB
programs in public health, biochemistry, bioengineering, molecular biology,
When I first got to the firm it was
and other biological sciences.
Hispanic Communications and Media Coordinator, Presidential Inauguration Committee B.S., Political Science ‘10, UCSB Technology Management Program
challenging, but at the same time it wasn’t too unfamiliar because of the professors at UCSB. They taught us well and gave us some insight for what to prepare for. They really laid it out to us as far as what the accounting world is like. They gave us the theory and at the same time they
Pre-law and health professions advisors in the College of Letters and Science assist with academic planning, arrange for research and volunteer opportunities, and guide students through the highly competitive application and interview process. The rate of UCSB alumni who are admitted to one or more accredited law schools consistently bests the national average, reaching as
gave us the real life application. The
high as 76
whole environment at UCSB prepared
me for this. Networking, internships, leadership conferences, learning
UCSB offers
to balance different tasks — UCSB enabled me to do all of that. It really
a variety of
enhanced my organizational skills, my communication skills, and my abil-
courses and re-
ity to work effectively. It gave me a
sources to help
wonderful set of skills. It also opened
students gain
doors. I landed this job more than half a year in advance of graduation.
That’s big.
and experi-
The UCSB Washington Center Program supports undergraduate students who pursue internships, research, and creative activities in the nation’s capital. 22
As far as opportunities, there were plenty at UCSB and I took advantage
Undergraduates have a front row seat to see discovery in action in UCSB’s many cutting-edge research facilities, such as the world-renowned Molecular Beam Epitaxy Lab, where scientists are developing specialty materials that will revolutionize lighting, computing, and energy.
of a lot of them. The UC Washington Center Program exposed me to government at different levels and put me on a great path. The Technology
Pre-professional student organizations also provide professional exposure and networking opportunities. Many pre-medical students participate in internship programs at local hospitals and in medical clinics.
Management Program gave me awesome skills. It gave me a good network and a broader view of this business in terms of building relationships. There’s a lot of entrepreneurial
The College of Creative Studies (CCS), unique in the University of California
spirit at UCSB and I was definitely encouraged to look beyond the
system, has been described as a “graduate school for undergraduates.” Tal-
path that’s already been explored. I
ented students in eight majors perform advanced and independent work, and
learned that academics are important,
begin making original contributions to their fields. Approximately 80 percent of CCS science graduates pursue advanced degrees. Carol Greider, a 1983 CCS alum in biology, won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
ence in both
Students who are passionate about technology and interested in business
the legal and
receive advanced training in both from the Technology Management Program
medical fields.
(TMP). Based at the College of Engineering but open to all students, TMP
but so is your resume, your presentation, the way you carry yourself — and that was definitely part of the culture at UCSB. The campus builds character, and those social, conversation, and interpersonal skills are so valuable to me in what I do.
At W or k i n t h e W or l d
The Technology Management Program provides professional business training to entrepreneurial undergraduates. Its New Venture Competition has spawned multiple start-ups, including 2012 contest-winning company Brightblu.
fosters the business acumen and skills required of entrepreneurs and company leaders. It has served as a launch pad for many successful businesses. Your experience at UC Santa Barbara will help you develop the confidence and flexibility to enrich your life and career in the challenging, rapidly changing
Marisol Luna-Pizano
environment of the 21st century.
partner physician, Southern california Permanente Medical group kaiser-permanente, panorama city medical center M.D.-M.P.H. ’06, Tufts University School of Medicine B.S. Cell and Developmental Biology ’02, UCSB
Being in pre-med was challenging, but my campus experiences made all the difference. My professors did everything they could to help me succeed, and even made sure I found a microbiology lab for undergraduate research. People in Student Life were amazing. The Admissions staff was like family; their doors were always open. I did community service in a medical clinic and with various campus groups such as Lambda Sigma Gamma multicultural sorority. My achievements at UCSB, including my minor in Latin American and Iberian Studies, have played a vital role in my organizational skills and the commitment I have to my patients.
Some Notable UCSB Alumni Steve Aoki ’00 DJ, Musician, Producer, Grammy Nominee
Jeff Henley ’66 Chairman, Oracle Corporation
Amir Abo-Shaeer ’96, M.S. ’98, M.Ed ’01 Teacher MacArthur Foundation “Genius” Award
Jack Johnson ’97 Singer, Songwriter, Filmmaker
Robert Ballard ’65 Deep-Sea Explorer, Discoverer of the Titanic
Ken Khachigian ’66 Political Analyst, Presidential Advisor
Angela Belcher ’91, Ph.D. ’97 Professor, MIT MacArthur Foundation “Genius” Award
Jason Lezak ’99 2004 & 2008 Olympic Gold Medal, Swimming
Paula Kaatz ’67 Emmy-Winning Costume Designer
Lois Capps ’90 M.A. U.S. Congresswoman
Dionicio Morales ’43 Founder, Mexican American Opportunity Foundation, Author
Leroy Chiao M.S. ’85, Ph.D. ’87 Space Shuttle Astronaut
Giandomenico Picco ’72 M.A. Diplomat, Author, U.N. Official
Larry Dierker ’68 M.L.B. Player, Manager
Chris Pontius ’09 M.L.S. Player, DC United
Michael Douglas ’68 Academy Award-Winning Actor and Producer
Jim Rome ’86 ESPN Sports Commentator
Josh Elliot ’93 Anchor, Good Morning America
Eric Roth ‘66 Academy Award-Winning Screenwriter
Carol Greider ’83 Professor, Johns Hopkins University Nobel Prize 2009
Patricia L. Scarlet ’70, M.A. ’73 Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior
Raymond Fisher ’61 Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit Eric Fonoimoana ’93 2000 Olympic Gold Medal, Volleyball Scott Frank ’82 Director, Screenwriter, Academy Award Nominee Elizabeth Gabler ’77 President of Fox 2000 Pictures
Richard Serra ’61 Sculptor Brian Shaw ’88 N.B.A. Player, Coach Bob Sipchen ’76 Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Don Wood ’67 Children’s Book Illustrator
Excerpted from the UCSB Alumni Association Directory www.ucsbalum.com
Produced by the Office of Public Affairs and Communications Editor: Shelly Leachman Art Director: Adine Maron
For further information about the University of California, Santa Barbara: • Visit the campus Web site: www.ucsb.edu • Visit our admissions Web site: www.admissions.ucsb.edu • Contact the Office of Admissions Visitor Center (805) 893-2487 regarding campus tours and special events. • View the UCSB General Catalog: www.catalog.ucsb.edu • Write to us or call us: admissions@sa.ucsb.edu Office of Admissions University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2016 (805) 893-2881 For further information about the Santa Barbara community: • Visit its Web site: www.santabarbara.com If you require this information in another format because of a disability, please contact the Office of Admissions at (805) 893-4798.
Photography Cuca Acosta: page 17 top; David Bazemore: pages 10, 16 bottom, 19 bottom; Nell Campbell: student portraits pages 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 17, 19, 22, 24, 15 right ; Jeff Clark: back cover; Anne Hammersky: page 18 bottom left; Rachel Haymon: page 8 bottom; Kimberly Kavish: pages 5, 9. top, 11 bottom; Graham Lederer: page 9 top; Tony Mastres: inside front cover, middle cover, pages 12 bottom, 16 left, 17 bottom, 18 top left, 18 top, 19 top, 20; Kevin McKiernan: pages 11 top right, 9 bottom left; Chuck Place: page 7; courtesy Plug and Play Tech Center: page 24; Rod Rolle: inside back cover, page 19 bottom; Tom Schabarum: pages 3 top; Melissa Schmitt: page 3 bottom left; page 23 bottom courtesy UCDC; page 9 bottom courtesy University of Sussex; Russ Widstrand: page 4; Tom WIlliams/RollCall: page 23 right; Elena Zhukova: cover, pages 2, 6, 7 bottom right,14, 23 left The University of California, in accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, medical condition (cancer-related), ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or status as a Vietnamera veteran or special disabled veteran. The University also prohibits sexual harassment. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, access, and treatment in University programs and activities. Inquiries regarding the University’s student-related nondiscrimination policies may be directed to: Office of Equal Opportunity, (805) 893-4504. 2/13