Coastlines Spring 2014 | Robert Ballard, '65

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UC Santa Barbara Alumni Association | Spring 2014






Robert Ballard ’65


UC SANTA BARBARA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jan Campbell ’74, Santa Barbara President Justin Morgan ’07, Los Angeles Vice-President Travis Wilson ’02, Santa Barbara Secretary-Treasurer Cuca Acosta ’01, Santa Barbara Arcelia Arce ’98, Los Angeles Jorge Cabrera ’02, Chicago Manuel Estaban Ph.D.’ 76, Santa Barbara Mark French ’73, Santa Barbara Ralph Garcia ’83, San Mateo John Keever ’67, Camarillo Debi Kinney ’97, Henderson NV Francesco Mancia ’80, Cool Mary Moslander ’88, San Francisco Niki Sandoval Ph.D. ’07, Lompoc Rich St. Clair ’66, Santa Barbara Wenonah Valentine ’77, Pasadena Sue Wilcox ’70, Ph.D. ’74, Santa Barbara Marie Williams ’89, Ashburn, VA Marisa Yeager ’95, Riverside Ex Officio Jonathan Abboud President, Associated Students Beverly Colgate Executive Director, The UCSB Foundation Gary Haddow Graduate Student Association Hua Lee, M.A. ’78, Ph.D. ’80 Faculty Representative Ed Birch UCSB Foundation Board of Trustees COASTLINES STAFF George Thurlow ’73, Publisher Renee Lowe ’16, Editor Natalie Wong ’79, Art Director ALUMNI STAFF Sheri Fruhwirth, Director, Family Vacation Center Susan Goodale ’86, Program Director, Director of Alumni Travel Program Hazra Abdool Kamal, Chief Financial Officer John Lofthus ’00, Associate Director Mary MacRae ’94, Office Manager Rachael Rutkowski ’13, Philanthropy & Business Development Coordinator Sandy Thor, Business Manager, Family Vacation Center George Thurlow ’73, Executive Director Rocio Torres ’05, Director of Regional Programs/ Constituent Groups Terry Wimmer, Webmaster Natalie Wong ’79, Senior Artist Christina Yan ’12, Membership & Donor Relations Coordinator

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UC Santa Barbara Alumni Association Spring 2014 Vol. 44, No. 3

Up Front — Inside


16 The Secret Mission That Discovered the Titanic


19 The 8th Annual All Gaucho Reunion 19 Welcome 19 Keynote Speaker: Robert Ballard ’65 20 Taste of UCSB 22 Athletics Hall of Fame 23 Gaucho Gallop - Giving Back by Running Forward 24 Event Schedule 33 Sponsors of the All Gaucho Reunion


5 Up Front - Letters to the Editor 9 Around Storke Tower 13 Milestones: ’50s to the Present

Find more COASTLINES Content ONLINE to ➚ Go More Ballard Discoveries Everything about the 2014 All Gaucho Reunion

COVER: Titanic today. Photo: Titanic: The Last Great Images, by Dr. Robert Ballard. Photo used by permission of author. This page: The R.M.S. Titanic on the ocean floor. © Illustration: Ken Marschall/

Coastlines is published three times a year by the UCSB Alumni Association, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-1120. Inclusion of advertising in Coastlines is not meant to imply endorsement by the UCSB Alumni Association of any company, product, or service being advertised. Information about graduates of the University of California, Santa Barbara and its predecessor institutions, Santa Barbara State College and Santa Barbara State Teachers College, may be addressed to Editor, Coastlines, UCSB Alumni Association, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-1120. To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the publisher provides this publication in alternative formats. Persons with special needs and who require an alternative format may contact the UCSB Alumni Association at the address given above for assistance. The telephone number is (805) 893-4077, FAX (805) 893-4918. Offices of the Alumni Association are in the Mosher Alumni House.


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Monday, March 10, 2014 12:31

Up Front

— Letters to the Editor

Isla Vista Responds

“Lodise: I Make No Apologies” I enjoyed reading your zesty and commendably comprehensive “Unofficial History of Isla Vista” in the recent issue of Coastlines. Overall, I found it very informative. While it’s true that I have played a “controversial” role in Isla Vista over the years, the question is “controversial to whom?” The vested interests (the County, the University and absentee landlords) for sure. And that quarrelsome clique of a dozen homeowners from I.V.’s West End that hate everything about UCSB, including its students. However, in town I was always considered a “moderate”. What I found most problematic in your account is it gives me far too much credit for carrying too much of the major issues facing the town. I’m a big boy; I can take it. But it’s embarrassing among my peers because you portray a significant social movement as a personality cult. The perspective in your article seriously understates the contribution of literally hundreds of people that played major roles in Isla Vista’s community-building period following 1970. Many of these people today play leadership roles in government and business, both locally and across America, and credit their hands-on experience in Isla Vista as the foundation for understanding how society could work better. Most of these overlooked builders attended UCSB and many are likely subscribers to Coastlines. In fact one of your readers wrote: “I never knew you that well but his description did not fit you.” And thanks Carmen for sticking up for us all. We DID try to create the kind of culture we wanted to live in and even if we failed, we all grew as a result and

the effects are still with us. Over a hundred of these folks have been attending Isla Vista “reunions” in recent years, something that is certainly unique. How many towns have reunions? It’s puzzling that these reunions have yet to be noticed by Coastlines, since the event last July had its banquet in the Mosher Alumni Center. I make no apologizes that “Isla Vista: A Citizen’s History” is an account from the trenches. Prof. Bob Potter said it was written in the tradition of Howard Zinn and I’m good with that. However, you stated that the perspective of the book is “purely Lodesian”, when actually it packages the writings of several people. In fact, the examples you offer are the writings of others, not mine: 1. The chapter featuring “a photograph of the former Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Captain Joel Honey wearing a medieval sword and mace on his uniform during the Isla Vista riots,” was written by UCSB grad Malcolm Gault-Williams.

activism in Isla Vista. For example, I was elected to the IVCC in 1972 along with Bill Wallace and Dr. Dave Bearman. There was an advisory measure on the same ballot on the subject of local government options for Isla Vista. Over 80% of the 4,000plus voters supported an independent City of Isla Vista, so I worked towards that. Eight more such elections over 15 years also supported it; I advocated on behalf of those results. I didn’t invent Isla Vista Cityhood, which is what your “unofficial history” implied. I appreciate your comment that: “Almost 45 years later [the 1970 Trow Report’s] recommendations seem as current today as then.” Readers of your article may be surprised to find that this is also the stated conclusion of the 20-plus pages in my book dedicated to the Report’s text and analysis. You perhaps aren’t aware that the IVCC asked the UC Regents to review the findings of the Trow Report in 1984. However, Chancellor Robert Huttenback vehemently

But it’s embarrassing among my peers, because you portray a significant social movement as a personality cult. 2. You state that “Lodise argues that . . . under pressure from locals, the Regents backed off [a plan] to incorporate Isla Vista into the main campus and build its student housing there . . . and allowed Isla Vista to develop with little urban infrastructure, planning or oversight.” In fact, the chapter in the book on the shenanigans of the University and County in the creation of Isla Vista has only minor changes from essays written by two other UCSB grads, IVCC rep. JoAnne Yokota and Associated Students president Abby Haight, not I. Their documentation of that era is compelling enough that even you wrote it up nearly as they told it. In fact, well over half the book is composed of writings, speeches, and interviews of other major players in the town’s rich history. Because I have conveyed the message, it’s often disregarded that I was reflecting the opinions of a lot of people during my 30 years of

dismissed the request as a “red herring” and prevented even a vote on undertaking such an evaluation. Your article quotes Ed Birch saying recently that the lack of government structure is “the” problem in Isla Vista, an observation I find particularly galling. As Huttenback’s hatchet man in the community, vp Birch was in charge of the Administration’s campaign opposing I.V. cityhood in the 1980s. First they claimed it wasn’t financial feasible, then several months later hired a consultant to “document” that assertion. This was quickly followed by Birch’s ending of University funding to the IVCC in retribution for its continued pursuit of cityhood after their declared disapproval. However, the County’s EIR, which was completed under state guidelines by two UCSB professors, concluded that the proposed city was financially feasible if each resident would be willing to pay $18-per-year to have policy control over police,


Up Front

— Letters to the Editor

planning, transportation, etc. When these study results were announced, a front page story in the Daily Nexus quoted Administration officials saying that students couldn’t afford what it would cost to run such a city. At literally the same time, the Administration was promoting a referendum in which students were being asked to assess themselves $54-per-quarter to pay for an addition to the Ucen. While it was IVCC rep. Mike Boyd, not I, who popularized the moniker of “Fast Eddie” for Birch, it was definitely well deserved. I was properly impressed with UCSB

the last time I looked vs. the 83% you reported. Your data appears to be that of the “Isla Vista CDP,” a 1.86 sq.-mile area that includes many owner-occupied residential units along Storke Road. 3. The decision whether the RDAowned Clinic building is to be sold hasn’t been made yet – it’s due any day now from the state Dept. of Finance. Your article didn’t mention that the community is also seeking the vacant RDA-owned building next to it as a meeting hall. Together, these buildings would become the community center that the RDA proposed to build …your summary statement that my activism was out on Estero Road, which also is not “often to no avail” was a bit over-the-top. mentioned in your list of approved RDA planner Chuck Haines vision of a more projects scuttled by the state’s financial physically integrated campus and town crisis. This community center outcome presented in your interview with him. is being supported by Supervisor Doreen But as to Birch’s recommendation that Farr, Assemblymember Das Williams and “the University should partner with State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson. So, local investors to upgrade the housing it’s a substantial issue pertaining to the stock . . .”, good luck. The partnership community, one in which I’m involved. between the County and local investors It’s interesting to note that Chancellor through the RDA resulted in several new Yang signed a “treaty” to end the 1994 multi-storied apartment buildings. The hunger strike by minority students Icon structure, which you properly called that committed the U to do everything “ostentatious,” has 105 beds but only 17 possible to help establish a community parking places. This is hardly progress. center in Isla Vista. Yet, the U hasn’t Finally, I found your summary been heard from in this five-month old statement that my activism was “often campaign to save the two RDA-owned to no avail” was a bit over-the-top. buildings. In case you’re interested, I’ve Today, there are a lot of parks in a town been told a copy of that signed document that had only one when I arrived and I is available in Special Collections. This was on the park board when the first failure to act doesn’t bode well for the million-dollar-package was purchased. In “Promises to Pay” commitments you addition, I was in the leadership of saving outline as UCSB expands enrollment to Perfect Park from a County-approved 25,000 over the next 20 years. development and the later campaign All in all, however, I believe your to establish a monument there to the article fairly affirms the community’s worldwide anti-war movement of the shortcomings, although not its assets, 1970s. Also, the issues of my weekly and the foundation of the challenges it newspaper, the Isla Vista Free Press still faces – after all these years. (1987-89), were considered important Sincerely, enough to have been digitalized Carmen Lodise and made available at UCSB Special Collections ( PS You write that “Carmen Lodise was special-collections/research/ivweb/ivFP). the irascible pot stirrer . . . .” I had to look And then, there’s that book . . . that up: I only found a few points I would i·ras·ci·ble adjective: having or question for accuracy in your account: showing a tendency to be easily angered 1. “The University . . . did support Isla (irritable, quick-tempered, shortVista being annexed to Goleta when that tempered, hot tempered, testy, touchy, city incorporated.” I believe that the U tetchy, edgy, crabby, petulant, waspish, failed to state an opinion. dyspeptic, snappish) 2. I don’t believe the census While I admit to being quick-tempered information you provided is about the in some instances, I don’t believe I’m half-square mile everyone knows as Isla petulant. But I admit to admiring your Vista, which is still 95%-plus renters 6

Coastlines | Spring 2014

vocabulary skills.

I.V. As Wasteland In your in-depth article on I.V. in the current issue of Coastlines. I lived in Isla Vista during the era of the Red Lantern, the Unicorn Bookstore, and the riots. You were thorough and thoughtful--thank you. A few comments: You omit from your history the tragic death of UCSB Student Kevin Moran on the Bank of America steps during that tumultuous period. He should never be forgotten, nor should the cost of the riots or their causes be ignored. And yes, the views of the sea are “spectacular” from certain places in I.V. But Isla Vista is still a slum. Just last Friday the second of two brutal gang rapes occurred there. Things may appear better than they used to--the slick new apartments and some bike and pedestrian tunnels--but things are worse for the students forced to live crammed into ticky tacky apartments. I.V. is a cultural wasteland and offers students no within-walking distance bookstore, pharmacy, or supermarket. My son, a UCSB student, is a resident of IV and it is still a noisy, dirty, ugly, cramped environment. UCSB should be ashamed to have let the slum that is IV develop in the first place. 45 years after the riots, what is their excuse? Money of course. Is it surprising that developers and property owners don’t want to change the great deal they have? They demand high rents on crappy apartments to thousands of students who have no where else to live. The University has failed to stop them or to show genuine concern for the dismal quality of life for students who live there, sometimes for many years because Santa Barbara rents are so high. Shame on the current UCSB administration and those in the past. They have allowed Isla Vista to be the slum it has become without advocating for the students or without protecting their health ors safety. Of course IV tarnishes the reputation of UCSB--it should. Check the sheriff’s website and you’ll find this: “The population of Isla Vista is about 7% of the county’s population, but close to 25% of all serious crime in Santa Barbara County occurs in Isla Vista. That figure includes burglary, robbery, grand

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theft, sexual assault, and other violent crimes.” Yet the same administration is spending 16 million on renovating the Faculty Club. When will undergraduates become more than a revenue stream and become a genuine priority?

The population of Isla Vista is about 7% of the county’s population, but close to 25% of all serious crime in Santa Barbara County occurs in Isla Vista. Before overhauling the campus, or creating long term plans for growth as the recently departed EVC did, UCSB should devote its considerable resources to making sure student have a clean, welllighted and safe place to live. Name on File

Grand Vision Can Succeed I appreciated your piece on IV with its focus on the political and economic issues of city planning. There has been considerable press and hand-wringing about IV over the years, but rarely have I heard this perspective


Coastlines | Spring 2014

discussed in the open. It is a breath of rational, fresh air. We need more of this dialogue. When I arrived in 1964, the dorms were full. Housing was a real issue for graduates and undergraduates, alike. Francisco Torres had just been announced (by Prudential Insurance, I believe). I moved into Cactus Jack Curtice’s new facility (I think it was called Dos Pueblos) at 785 Camino del Sur. There were already a half dozen (or so) women-only buildings facing El Colegio; ours was the first non-fraternity, menonly facility. We were just beginning the transition to a general campus (from UCSBC), and demolition of the cream-colored Marine buildings seemed to be underway at every turn. It seemed that no part of campus life was spared from overcrowding and -utilization. I lived in San Miguel for my sophomore year before moving to “traditional” IV housing. So it wasn’t really until 1966 or so that I became aware of IV politics – not so much inside the community, but in its relationship to Goleta and the County. I remember the acrimonious campaigns around the supply of water (Tecolote Tunnel and the GV Water District), the alignment of various economic and political interests on each side, and the apparent absence of land-use and infrastructure planning.

I have experienced situations at Cornell and Penn where the schools are moving incrementally to encroach upon/blend with the community. To my knowledge, though, every similar attempt at a UC campus has failed. The grand vision you describe, however, seems to be a realistic approach. Your piece has done much to put these issues in perspective for me. Perhaps you could spur us (Alums) to action to take a position on the plan? Best regards, Michael Bloom ’69

More letters online at www.ucsbalum. com/Coastlines. And if you missed the original article “So Close To UCSB, So Far From Good,” please go to www.ucsbalum. com/Coastlines2014/Winter/index_ w2014.html. .

OMISSION In the Winter 2014 issue of Coastlines Magazine, we failed to include Ernie ‘71 and Rebecca Bumatay to the list of Alumni Founders Circle donors for the fiscal year of 2012-13. We appreciate their support, along with the rest of the donors to this critical fund for the Alumni Association.

Around Storke Tower — Campus Community Newsbits

Editorial contributions from the staff of the Office of Public Affairs.

Education Dean Appointed CSULB President Jane Close Conoley, who has served as Dean of the Givirtz Graduate School of Education since 2006, has been named the seventh president of California State University, Long Beach. She is the first woman to hold the post and only the fourth woman who now heads one of the 23 CSU campuses. Before her appointment Conoley had been on leave as Dean to serve as interim Chancellor at UC Riverside. She was also a finalist for the provost position at the University of Oregon. The author or co-author of 20 books, 33 book chapters, and 30 professional journal articles, Conoley’s research interests focus on school-based mental health programs, increasing school safety, and family/school partnerships. She has written widely on how to intervene effectively with disabled and seriously emotionally disturbed and aggressive children.

Professor Honored by Mexico Academy Sara Poot-Herrera, professor of Spanish and Portuguese and director of UC-Mexicanistas at UC Santa Barbara, has been elected a corresponding member of the Mexican Academy of Language, a cultural organization that aims to maintain the purity of the Spanish language. She was cited for her scholarly and cultural accomplishments. One of only a few females — and the first female from California — to be elected to the academy, Poot-Herrera ranks among the most distinguished scholars in Mexico. “Being elected to the Mexican Academy of Language is one of the highest honors to which any writer or scholar can aspire in the Hispanic world,” said Jorge Checa, professor and chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.

Green Manufacturing Promoted with Gift A new cluster of faculty chairs has been established at UC Santa Barbara as a joint endeavor by deans Rod Alferness, Steve Gaines and Pierre Wiltzius. The new cluster of Mellichamp Chairs in Sustainable Materials and Product Design is made possible by longtime supporters Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp. “Sustainability in manufacturing is an important concern for society on many levels,” commented Alferness, dean of UCSB’s College of Engineering. “This newest Mellichamp cluster recognizes that UCSB is the ideal environment for researchers in chemistry, materials, environmental science and other disciplines to approach the sustainability of the chemical industry from scientific, pragmatic and conscientious perspectives.”

New Bioengineering Building Ready to Go With the last piece of funding secured for its planned bioengineering building, UC Santa Barbara has moved one step closer to seeing the state-of-the-art research facility become a reality, anticipated to break ground this summer. The UC Regents originally approved the project in July 2010; however, due to the downturn in the economy, the state was not able to provide its portion of the project funding. As the state’s financial picture improved in this past year, UCSB Chancellor Henry Yang reinvigorated efforts to seek state support for the project and was instrumental in securing a $26.5 million funding commitment. “I am very pleased that the UC Office of the President gave this project the highest priority for funding this year,” Yang said. “Our existing and fast-growing strengths in bioengineering, together with the collaboration with colleagues from various disciplines on our campus and in our community, have helped us make a compelling case for this building proposal. The new facility will be a hotbed of biomedical and bioengineering research, housing both the campus’s Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies and its Center for BioEngineering. Current plans include 15 faculty offices and several conference rooms as well as an auditorium and classroom and laboratory space for up to 110 postdocs and graduate student researchers.


Around Storke Tower Zack Warburg

Winter Storm Devastates Area A winter storm that came at the peak of high tide caused major damage to piers and structures in and around the UC Santa Barbara campus. There was no major damage reported to the University. At the Beachside Café adjacent to the campus, a rogue wave smashed through glass windows and swept the restaurant manager out to sea. He managed to cling to the Goleta Pier until a second wave swept him back into shore. The Café’s outdoor dining area received major damage from the waves. The Goleta Pier was temporarily shut down due to damage, as was the Gaviota Pier, which lost 50-feet of deck and pilings. On Stearn’s Wharf a wave crashed into the windows of Moby Dick restaurant, breaking glass and forcing customers to flee. While the storm brought almost four inches of rain to the campus, it did little to relieve drought conditions on the South Coast where both voluntary and mandatory water rationing is occurring.

Born to Be Shy, Or Bold Bold and outgoing or shy and retiring — while many people can shift from one to the other as circumstances warrant, in general they lean toward one disposition or the other. And that inclination changes little over the course of their lives. Why this is the case and why it matters in a more traditional context are questions being addressed by anthropologists at UC Santa Barbara. Using fertility and child survivorship as their main measures of reproductive fitness, the researchers studied over 600 adult members of the Tsimane, an isolated indigenous population in central Bolivia, and discovered that more open, outgoing — and less anxious — personalities were associated with having more children — but only among men. Their findings appear online in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior. “The idea that we’re funneled into a relatively fixed way of interacting with the world is something we take for granted,” said Michael Gurven, UCSB professor of anthropology and the paper’s lead author. Gurven is also co-director of the University of New Mexico-based Tsimane Health and Life History Project. “Some people are outgoing and open, others are more quiet and introverted. But from an evolutionary standpoint, it doesn’t really make sense that our dispositions differ so much and are not more flexible. “Wouldn’t it be great to be more extroverted at an

Meningitis Vaccinations Begin at UCSB Immunization of UC Santa Barbara students for meningitis bacteria began Monday Feb. 24, and by the end of the campaign more than 9,000 students had received inoculation. The immunization came after four students were diagnosed with meningitis late last year, including a student who eventually had his feet amputated. More than 20,000 students were eligible for the voluntary vaccine, which had to receive special Food and Drug Administration approval because it was not cleared for use in the U.S. A second vaccination will occur during spring quarter. The UC Santa Barbara campus is picking up the entire cost of the vaccine.

important party, more conscientious when you’re on the clock at work, less anxious when talking to a potential date?” Gurven continued. “Differences in personality and their relative stability are not unique to humans and have now been studied in many species, from ants to primates. How could dispositional consistency be favored by selection?” Given the variability in personality, a A Tsimane mother and her question then is how that variability is children share a meal. maintained over time. “If personality traits, like extroversion, help you interact easily with Photo: Emily Miner bosses, find potential mates and make lots of friends, then why, over time, aren’t we extroverted?” Gurven asked. Successful behavioral strategies with genetic underpinnings — and behavioral genetics has demonstrated relatively high heritability for personality variation — often increase in frequency over time and, therefore, reduce variation over many generations. One reason might be that selection pressures vary — whatever is adaptive today might not be so tomorrow, and what is adaptive in one place might not be so in another. Selection pressures can vary between sexes as well. The most advantageous personality traits for men may not always be so for women. A second reason could be the idea that too much of a good thing is bad. “Being more extroverted might also make you more prone to taking unnecessary risks, which can be dangerous,” Gurven said. To learn more about Gurven and his team’s study please go to



Coastlines | Spring 2014


— Connecting thru the Alumni Association

1950s Thomas Martin, ’55, is retired in Sonoma, CA. He was from the first graduating class in Goleta and spent the last years on the Riviera Campus. He was also a teacher for 23 years at Santa Barbara High School. Hal Milton (Fink), ’58, 80 years youg, is an ordained unity minister, author, seminar leader, nutritional consultant and certified advanced Rolfer and Movement teacher. He has authored two books: Going Public: A Practical Guide to Developing Personal Charisma, and Wising up: Life Without Regrets.

1960s Samuel F. Mcphetres, ’61, is now retired but is attempting to create a scanned documentary and personal record of 40 years overseas service.

1970s Bob Zorich, ’71, a Houston-based investor who owns a home in Santa Barbara has helped Alma Rosa Winery emerge from bankruptcy. John Eisenhut, ’73, MA ’77, was appointed in August, by Governor Brown to serve as a member of the California Air Resources Board. Executive Vice Chancellor, Gene Lucas , ’73, retired December 31, 2013, after 36 years of service to UCSB. He and his wife, Susan, ‘73, look forward to travelling, spending time with their 3 grandsons, and remaining active alums. Cinda MacKinnon, ’76, published a novel, A Place in the World, ,which is a multicultural-literary novel set in Colombia where Cinda grew up. It is the story of a young biologist who ends up running a coffee farm in a remote part of Colombia - in spite of calamities too numerous to name. See: website/blog:http://cindamackinnon.

Beth Goodnight This year’s widely viewed Oscar awards in Hollywood sparkled as a result of the work of alumna Beth Goodnight, owner of one of the largest Los Angeles set-building firms. Goodnight, who was a math major at UC Santa Barbara, employs as many as 100 artists, sculptors, and designers to create and build sets for the Oscars, Film Independent Spirit Awards, Grammy’s, and Photo: Goodnight & Co. Facebook other TV and film awards shows. A native of Los Angeles, Goodnight got into the set building business after first working as a bookkeeper at a visual effects company. She worked as a production designer before joining with her brother to form Company Inc. Sets in 2000. The company is now known as Goodnight & Co. At this year’s Oscar’s, Goodnight’s firm designed the red carpet sets and a 40-foot floral wall that contained more than 1,000 hand crafted steel flowers. Her firm also designs sets for TV commercials for Ford Motor Co. as well as Wendy’s. John La Puma, ’78, has written “REFUEL: A 24 Day Eating Plan to Boost Testosterone, Lose the Gut and Pump Up Strength and Stamina, Naturally” (Crown, 2014); http:// A New York Times best-selling author twice and cofounder of ChefMD, Dr. La Puma practices medicine in Santa Barbara, and believes that men don’t diet, men refuel. His simple, scientifically-sound program presented at Stanford’s Medicine X and SXSW was piloted in Santa Barbara and shows remarkable results in fat loss and strength, stamina, and muscle mass gains. The secret: making it super easy for men to eat for health, too. All calories are not the same: highly processed, starchy, sugary foods make overweight men hungrier. Nearly all overweight men can reverse those conditions without taking drugs or hormones and turn into healthy, modern men. Dr. La Puma’s new popular book shows them how.

1980s Tom Garrison, ’80, wrote a book called Challenge Authority: Memoir of a Baby Boomer. The book examines the personal and political development

of a shy country boy into an assertive and very active socialist who evolves into a libertarian in his mid-40s. Joseph White, MA ’80, launched a global web social movement, 2020 A Year Without War. White also serves as Executive Director of 2020 A Year Without War and has over 5,000 followers from over 90 countries. He will be giving a talk at US Naval Postgraduate School in April 2014. Check out A Year Without War at Bettie Weiss, ’81, was appointed Acting Community Development Director where she will supervise planning and development services, building and safety, and housing and human services. She served as the City Planner since 2001 and was promoted to various positions in the Planning Division since her hire in 1983. Connie Weinsoff, ’81, was named Director of Education and Programs at Return to Freedom Mustang sanctuary in Lompoc, CA. Her duties include


Milestones Barbara K. Bodine, ’70 The School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University announced the appointment of Ambassador (ret.) Barbara K. Bodine, ’70, as Director of the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy and Distinguished Professor in the Practice of Diplomacy, effective July 1, 2014. Ambassador Bodine’s 33-year Foreign Service career was spent primarily in the Middle East, with a focus on security and counterterrorism. She served as U.S. Ambassador to Yemen from 1997 through much of 2001, and also in Kuwait and Iraq. In 1991, she received the Secretary of State’s Award for Valor for her work in occupied Kuwait. She received the UC Santa Barbara Distinguished Alumni Award in 1991. After leaving the Foreign Service, Ambassador Bodine has been a Fellow at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Visiting Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Since 2007, she has been a Lecturer in Public and International Affairs and Director of the Scholars in the Nation’s Service Initiative at the Woodrow Wilson School of Princeton University, and she is also a member of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Diplomacy. developing and leading public tours and clinics to educate the public about mustangs at the sanctuary as well as facing wild horses on public lands. For the last 20 years Weinsoff has been the program director and certified therapeutic riding instructor for Hearts Therapeutic in Santa Barbara, CA. Rod Kendrick, ’82, is working in Google’s ‘moonshot’ lab. In his three-year tenure there he has been fortunate to have worked


Coastlines | Spring 2014

on advanced technology projects including self-driving cars, Project Loon, and currently Google Glass (as well as projects not yet revealed). Dr. Ronald Navarro, ’84, was inducted into American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons. Navarro, M.D. is the Regional Coordinating Chief of Orthopedic Surgery for Southern California Permanente Medical Group. Navarro has worked at Kaiser Permanente’s South Bay Medical Center since 1997. Only 15

individuals were elected to associate membership. Membership in ASES is highly selective and includes very few physicians across Los Angeles’ South Bay and only two other orthopedic surgeons from Kaiser Permanente’s Southern California Region. Mark Lorenzen, ’86, was appointed by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors to be the Fire Chief of the Ventura County Fire Protection District. Kevin Davis, ’06, and Tomas Arce were promoted in 2013 to Battalion Chief of the Ventura County Fire Protection District. The Ventura County Fire Protection District serves approximately 500,000 people with an annual operating budget of 130 million and is home to 32 Fire Stations.

1990s Joel Naatus, ’94, has been named the Teacher of the Year in the Jersey City School District in New Jersey. A graduate in anthropology Naatus teaches seventh grade. He served from 2000-2002 in El Salvador in the Peace Corps. His STEM teams have won numerous state and national awards. Michael Franzen, ’95, was elected to join the board of PathPoint, a Santa Barbara based nonprofit that provides services, programs and opportunities for people with disabilities and disadvantages. Franzen has been a

CPA for 15 years and is a partner at accounting firm Franzen & Franzen. He graduated from UC Santa Barbara with a degree in business economics and was honored as a Pacific Coast Business Times 40 Under 40 awardwinner in 2007. Nathan Rogers, ’95, opens law practice in Santa Barbara. He was admitted to the California bar in 1999 and has practiced in Santa Barbara his entire career. His practice emphasizes commercial transaction and business litigation. Rogers was formerly a partner at Griffith & Thornburgh LLP. He serves as a volunteer settlement master at the Santa Barbara Superior Court and has taught advanced legal writing at the Santa Barbara College of Law. Amir Abo-Shaeer ‘96, M.A. ’98, ’01, is an Allen Distinguished Educator. The program focuses on reinventing the classroom for the 21st century. The foundation supports pioneering approaches to engineering and entrepreneurship education. AboShaeer also received a Distinguished Alumni Award for 2013. Amir teaches at Dos Pueblos High School. His “Art of Engineering” program enrolls 100 students per grade level every year.

2000s Jason Nazar, ’00, is CEO and cofounder of Docstoc, a company that was recently acquired by Intuit. Docstoc strives to be the operating system behind small business success. Their goal is to be the ultimate destination and resource site for small businesses. Brian Moreno, ’00, was admitted to College of Community Association Lawyers. Moreno is a Senior Associate of Richardson Harman Ober PC. The College of Community Association Lawyers consists of attorney members who have distinguished themselves through contributions to the evolution or practice of community association law. Moreno is an active member of Community Associations Institute in several Southern California chapters. Rob Friend, ’03, joined the LA Galaxy. He had opted to play in Europe even after being selected by the Chicago Fire in the 2004 MLS SuperDraft. Collin Pavelchik, ’05, married Olivia Baker, ’05, in June of 2012. Michael Young, ’08, is retiring after a

13-year major league career, nearly all of it with the Texas Rangers. Young is a seven-time Al-Star with a .300 career average and the 2008 AL Gold Glove at shortstop. David Wiener, ’09, received J.D. from UC Davis King Hall, 2013, and was awarded the UC Davis Law School Medal for the highest Academic Achievement in the graduating class.

2010s James Nunnally, ’13, was signed to the Atlanta Hawks to a 10-day contract. Nunnally, from UC Santa Barbara averaged 18.2 points and 4.4 rebounds in 19 starts with Bakersfield of the NBA Development Leauge. He was named this week to the NBA D-League All-Showcase first team by NBA scouts and personnel officials. Midfielder Fifi Baiden ’13 was taken by Columbus in the Major League Soccer’s SuperDraft. Gaucho’s center back Peter Schmetz ’14 was grabbed by sporting Kansas City in the Major League Soccer’s SuperDraft.

State Senator Kevin DeLeon, who attended UC Santa Barbara two years before transferring to Pitzer College, has been named the Senate Pro Temp of California. The position is the titular head of the Senate and is considered one of the most powerful jobs in state politics. DeLeon was elected to the state Assembly in 2006 and then to the state Senate in 2010. He will assume his new post this summer.

In Memoriam William (Bill) McLaughlin, ’50, died on Nov. 29, at the age of 84. Bill was born and grew up in Upland in Southern California. He was a sailor from early on. He did well in the Pacific Coast Regatta and other races. While attending Santa Barbara high school, he ran track as a high hurdler. He then went on to earn his undergraduate degree at UC Santa Barbara where he met his wife Margaret. He was then shipped out as an activated USN reserve. He taught social studies at Newport Harbor High School before moving back to Santa Barbara. He eventually became Assistant

Superintendent of the Santa Barbara school system. One of his proudest achievements at Santa Barbara was the building of Dos Pueblos High School in Goleta. Bill is survived by his two sons Timothy and Michael McLaughlin. Margaret Ann Shafer ’65 died Nov. 26, 2013 from complications of Parkinson’s Disease. Born in San Diego, she graduated from Hoover High School. After graduating from UCSB, she taught elementary school in the San Diego School District between 1966 and 2001, with a break to raise her two sons. She earned a Master’s Degree from San Diego State University and was a mentor teacher, helping to train future generations of teachers. She is survived by her husband of 45 years Roger Shafer, her two sons Bradley Shafer and Jeffrey Shafer, her brother John Shoven, and two grandchildren. Milton Olin, ’72, was killed on Dec. 8 in a cycling accident. Olin was biking on Mulholland Highway in Calabasas when he was struck by a sheriff’s patrol car. Olin practiced Entertainment, Internet & Intellectual Property, and Business Law. He was COO of the original Napster and Senior Counsel to the national law firm of Manatt Phelps & Phillips. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from UCLA and a Bachelors of Arts degree with High Honors in Sociology and Psychology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. He is survived by sons Christopher and Geoffrey. Ted Townsend, who is slated to receive a posthumous degree from UC Santa Barbara, died Feb. 1, 2014 at the age of 46 in Santa Barbara. Clayton “Cork” Millner, MA ’79, died Aug. 13, 2013. He spent 30 years teaching writing and editing at Santa Barbara City College and the Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference. He was a Navy pilot who made more than 850 carrier landings and held the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Jacqueline Burris died Dec. 5, 2013 in Berkeley California. She was 75. She attended UC Santa Barbara but later graduated from UC Berkeley, where she worked for many years.



Secret Mission That Discovered

The Titanic By George Thurlow ’73

It was 1985 and the U.S. had arrested so many Soviet spies that news magazines were referring to it as the “Year of the Spy.” Mikhail Gorbachev was assuming the leadership of the Soviet Communist Party and Ronald Reagan had just been sworn in for his second term. The world was feeling the last frigid blasts of the Cold War and in the midst of it, undersea explorer and U.S. Navy officer Robert Ballard needed funding for his quixotic search to find the wreckage of the Titanic. What he received instead was a top secret mission for the U.S. Navy that used as its cover the search for the Titanic. The image that proved it was Titanic, was a ship’s boiler captured by Argo. A similar boiler (above) in the Titanic debris field was photographed during Ballard’s 2004 expedition. All photos from Titanic: The Last Great Images, by Dr. Robert Ballard. Credit: IFE/ IAO - Institute for Exploration/Institute for Archaeological Oceanograhpy University of Rhode Island. Used by permission of the author. 16

Coastlines | Spring 2014

In 1963, the U.S.S. Thresher, at the time the fastest, deepest diving, quietest submarine ever built, mysteriously sank off the coast of Massachusetts taking 129 souls to the depths below. It was the worst submarine disaster in history and shook the U.S. Navy to its boots. The Thresher was powered by a nuclear reactor. Then, in 1968, the U.S.S. Scorpion, also a nuclear class submarine, mysteriously sank off the Azores coastline with 99 crewmen aboard. Subsequent investigations have pointed to a faulty steam pipe that failed at such a deep depth that the Thresher was unable to survive. To this day there is controversy about why the Scorpion sank, ranging from a possible onboard explosion to a malfunctioning torpedo. In 1985 the U.S. Navy wanted to take photographs and map the wreckage of both ships and determine if their nuclear reactors were leaking or in the case of the Scorpion, whether its nuclear tipped torpedoes were intact. At the same time, the U.S. was trying to figure out what to do with its aging nuclear submarines that needed to be retired under the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT). Maybe dumping them in the ocean would work, but first, they needed to figure out what damage the two nuclear subs might have caused on the ocean floor. This impetuous explorer and reserve naval officer named Bob Ballard might just be the person to find the answers. But he needed a cover because the Navy did not want the Soviets snooping with their ever present spy satellites. In news articles and press releases, Ballard told the world he had been “loaned” a Navy ship, the Knorr, and was setting out to find the Titanic. Instead he extensively observed and photographed the two wreckage sites determining in both cases that both subs imploded as they sank below 2000 feet and left debris scattered across the ocean floor. Upon completing the mission, the Navy gave Ballard 12 days to find the Titanic or turn in his “loaner” ship. In an interview with Coastlines from his Rhode Island office, Ballard explained that the secret to finding the Titanic was what he discovered while searching for the two submarines. In the case of both submarines the Navy knew where the submarines had gone down but was not sure of their exact resting place. While searching for the debris, Ballard stumbled on a methodology that led him to the Titanic. Numerous expeditions to find the Titanic had tried to pinpoint its place on the ocean floor based on its last known location. (As it turned out, the Titanic wreckage was more than 13 miles away from where it last reported its location.) Searchers had started at the last known location and worked

outward, in a tight circle. Ballard learned from his Navy mission that a sinking ship will drop its heaviest pieces directly to the bottom of the ocean, but the rest of the ship and its contents will “blow” with ocean currents over a long stretch of the ocean floor. The key to finding the Titanic was to go as far out as the location of the last rescued lifeboat (to calculate the prevailing current drift that night) and then criss cross the ocean floor in grid patterns looking for signs of debris. “The debris field is shaped like a comet’s tail,” Ballard explained. “You look for the debris trail and then work back to the ship.” The search was worse than looking for a needle in a haystack because the region was littered with the remains of U.S. freighters sunk by the Germans. On Sept. 1, 1985 the undersea robot on the Knorr spotted debris, “junk” as

…the Navy gave Ballard 12 days to find the Titanic or turn in his “loaner” ship. described by Ballard. But as the robot worked its way up the debris field something large came into sight. It was a boiler. On the wall of the control room in the Knorr’s ship was a picture of the Titanic’s boilers. They matched. The Titanic had been found.

A UC Santa Barbara Legacy It is the ocean that has made Ballard famous and it is the ocean that brought him to UC Santa Barbara as a first year student in 1960. As a high school student who was fascinated with Jules Verne’s Captain Nemo and his Nautilus and who wanted to be an ocean explorer, Ballard boldly wrote to the nearby Scripps Institute in San Diego and asked for a scholarship to do ocean research. He won the scholarship and it brought him in to the area off of Santa Barbara where he met UC Santa Barbara marine biologist Robert Norris. It was Norris who convinced Ballard he should come study marine biology at UCSB.


Top left: Titanic’s portside anchor is covered in weeping rust. Middle: Titanic’s superstructure just forward of the expansion joint shows some signs of severe bending, perhaps caused when the ship hit bottom. Right: The ROV Hercules closes in on the small crane on Titanic’s bow.

For Ballard, the campus was like a huge buffet of intellectual, social and personal delights. When he was done four and a half years later, “there was nothing left to taste,” Ballard admitted. In a special program for undergraduates Ballard double majored in chemistry and geology, and double minored in physics and math. He joined the SAE fraternity where he has friends to this day. He played frosh football and was elected junior class president. Oh, and he was a member of the ROTC that later led him to an Army intelligence unit and then to the Navy as an oceanographic officer and second lieutenant. “Santa Barbara poured the mold of what is Bob Ballard,” he said recently. The education he received “made me a generalist. I have an interest in just about everything because of my education at UCSB.”

The Ballard Tombstone Ballard is a little wistful when he talks about his legacy. The day he returned to land from his discovery of the Titanic his mother called him. She said she felt sorry for him. Why, he asked. “It’s too bad you found that ship. Your father and I are very proud of our two boys. But now they will only remember you for finding the Titanic.” He admitted that the day after he dies, the headline will read, “The Man Who Found the Titanic Died.” Maybe. But based on his journey so far, there may just be one more greater discovery for Ballard’s tombstone. Of course, as an explorer, he wouldn’t know what that is. That is what discovery is all about. For more amazing discoveries by Ballard, please go to www. ➚

A Modern Captain Nemo It is no accident that the name of Dr. Bob Ballard’s research vessel is Nautilus. When Ballard was 10 years old his favorite hero was Capt. Nemo of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Today Ballard is the modern day Capt. Nemo as comfortable below the ocean as above. On the Nautilus is some of the most advanced ocean research equipment in the world. But what makes it unique is that it is wired for instant exploration and discovery that can be shared in real time with some of the world’s greatest scientists. What Ballard has


Coastlines | Spring 2014

built is a virtual laboratory with two undersea vehicles that can explore the deepest, most unknown parts of the world, then beam images and data back to a 24-hour command center at the University of Rhode Island’s Inner Space Center. Ballard likens what happens next to the work in a hospital emergency room. While there are doctors on staff to assess what crisis an ambulance brings to the hospital, there are specialists on call that can be summoned on short notice. Ballard has built a similar network. He has a chief scientist on board the Nautilus. When a unique find is displayed on his video screens he or she can call on scientists from multiple fields like archaeology and geology, who then are instantaneously hooked up online to the cameras recording discoveries in the ocean. Within minutes of one

of his submersibles spotting a unique ocean feature, a specialist can be sitting in their home on a laptop, determining whether this find is worth deeper investigation. A network of these quick response scientists is being built across the U.S. and in the near future Ballard hopes to add UC Santa Barbara scientists to his team. During his April visit he plans to meet with campus faculty and administrators to see if such a laboratory here is feasible. Ballard is often asked what he plans to explore next. He has a stock answer: “I don’t know. When you go to where we have never been before [on the ocean floor] you don’t know what you are going to find.”

That makes it hard for his research efforts to get traditional funding. “They tell me that when I know what I’m looking for to come back.” But that is what a true explorer is, Ballard asserted. They don’t know what they will find, but they have to be ready to learn whether it is a meaningful discovery or not. As he told the Los Angeles Times, “I’ve spent most of my life on pieces of the Earth where I was the first human being to be there, and I want to share that.”

[8th Annual All Gaucho Reunion] Register at • Like us on Facebook • Follow us on Twitter



2014 All Gaucho Reunion Committee

Fellow Gaucho,

Reunion Co-Chairs: Julie Capritto’ 81 Gary Rhodes ’83

Think you know UCSB? Think again! Whether you graduated last year or the last century, chances are that the 2014 version of campus has both hidden gems and bold visions waiting to be discovered. When we cast our thoughts back to our college days, we don’t get a full picture without savoring the memory of the friends we made here at one of the most beautiful schools on the planet. This year’s All Gaucho Reunion provides the perfect opportunity to rediscover friends and again relish the campus-by-the-sea.

Gaucho Gallop Co-Chairs: Jim Sloan ’81 Mike Swan ’ 93 Golden Gaucho Reunion Chair: Norm Wood ’64

UC Santa Barbara has come into its own in recent years. Numerous awards and the establishment of countless new programs and research units have helped transform this institution into a world class university. Our faculty is working on cutting edge research projects - everything from more efficient lighting to finding a cure for Alzheimer’s…..and all the while, our students remain among the happiest on any college campus!

Marketing & PR Co-Chairs: Mike McElhaney ’02 Jacob Tell ’ 02 Riviera Reunion Co-Chairs: Sally Katich ’48 Elise Whitaker ’47

We look forward to welcoming you back to UCSB this April with the hope that there are personal discoveries to be made by each and everyone of you. We extend an invitation to you and to your family (future gauchos) to participate in all fun (and educational!) events that are scheduled.

SB Locals Co-Chairs: David Monico ’04 Jenny Lofthus ’01 GreekFest Co-Chairs: Leslie Klonoff ’80 Marc Brody ’84

Go Gauchos!

Philanthropy Co-Chairs: Grace Liu ’05 Julia Djeke ’05


Diversity Committee Co-Chairs: Cuca Acosta ’02 Wenonah Valentine ’77

Jan Campbell ‘74 UC Santa Barbara Alumni Association Board President

All Gaucho Reunion Keynote Speaker, Robert Ballard ’65 With one stroke of a pen in 1983 President Ronald Reagan doubled the area of the Earth controlled by the United States. That year

Ballard’s Next Frontier: An America Never Seen

the U.S. expanded its exclusive economic zone 200 nautical miles out to sea from all U.S. coasts, including Alaska, Hawaii and Pacific Islands that the U.S. holds in trust. At the time Reagan said the addition of the U.S.-controlled ocean area was for the “purpose of

exploring, exploiting, conserving and managing natural resources.” Yet this vast new part of America has largely been unexplored. Bob Ballard recently wrote in National Geographic that we have better maps of Venus and Mars, as well as the back side of the Moon, then of the ocean floor just off our coasts.


In 2012 Ballard set out like a modern day Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to discover this New America. With two research vessels, his own Nautilus and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s Okeanos Explorer, both equipped with the latest in undersea sonor equipment, Ballard began mapping both the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico offshore features. In 2015 he plans to begin mapping the sea floor off the coast of California and Oregon, then head to Hawaii to map the ocean around the Hawaiian Islands. Ballard expects this new exploration to take 10 years and reveal major new discoveries of sea life, underwater features and sunken ships. While doing research in the Gulf of Mexico he discovered three sunken wrecks, including one armed in such a way it may have been a pirate ship. As he told National Geographic, “People say, ‘What’s your next discovery?’ I say, I don’t think you understand the process. I don’t know what I’m going to find, but I’m going to go look.”

Robert Ballard will give a talk about “Exploring the New America” at Campbell Hall on Sunday, April 27 at 3 p.m., during the All Gaucho Reunion.




SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 2014 The crown jewel of the All Gaucho Reunion


presented by montecito Bank & Trust

Over three-dozen alumni vintners, brewers, caterers, and restaurateurs will flock to UCSB’s Science Green to showcase their exquisite cuisine and beverages. Along with live music and a photo booth, the Taste of UCSB will also seek to encourage attendees to discover what’s new on campus. Participants will be rewarded for interacting with various campus departments by receiving stamps on their passport, located on the back of the event program. Those that complete the passport will be rewarded with the chance to receive a special UCSB promotional item. UCSB departments in attendance will include the new Outreach Center for Teaching Ocean Science (OCTOS); an outdoor student art gallery hosted by the Art Department; and a Religion, Experience & Mind Lab hosted by the Religious Studies Department. All proceeds from the Taste of UCSB Silent Auction will benefit the Alumni Association Scholarship Fund. Last year $8,000 was raised through Silent Auction donations. 20

Coastlines | Spring 2014

This year the Silent Auction features many high value items including: a one-night stay at the luxurious Bacara Resort, 4 SEA LIFE Hopper Tickets to Legoland theme park in San Diego, Family Four pack tickets to SeaWorld, a beach cruiser bike, and Sunday Brunch for four at the Four Seasons Resort Santa Barbara. Don’t miss out on the chance to spend a blissful afternoon wining and dining with some fantastic family and friends, alumni, students, faculty and staff, and the rest of local Santa Barbara community. Tickets are on sale at Must be 21+ to attend. Cost: Alumni Association Members: $30 Non-members: $35 (Additional $10 at the door while tickets last).





Hall of Fame Event Will Feature Gaucho Athletic Stars The biannual Hall of Fame induction ceremony will feature star basketball, volleyball, track and field and soccer players at an event in Santa Barbara April 26. An added highlight will be the induction of Phil Patton, the original radio “Voice of the Gauchos” in the 1950s and 1960s. The UC Santa Barbara Hall of Fame will add women’s basketball player Lindsay Taylor, the all time leading scorer and shot blocker for the women Gauchos. In her final three seasons she was named the Big West Tournament Most Valuable Player. Two teams will be inducted into the Hall: The 1972-74 women’s volleyball team, which advanced to three consecutive championship Final Fours, and the 2004 men’s soccer team which lost the national championship game to Indiana on penalty kicks. Men’s track and field All-American Andy Shaeffer will also be honored by joining the Hall.

Lindsay Taylor

He was an All American shot putter and competed in the national championships. Patton joins only three other non-athletes in the Hall of Fame. They include legendary sports information officer Donn Bernstein, trainer Harry Callihan and Mr. Gaucho, Phil Womble. The Hall of Fame ceremony will be held at the Art Foundry in the Funk Zone at the beach in Santa Barbara at 6:00pm.

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Coastlines | Spring 2014

GEICO presents the


Giving Back by Running Forward Saturday, April 26, 2014

Race Info The Gaucho Gallop, presented by GEICO, is held during the All Gaucho Reunion celebration at UCSB. The Gallop features a 5K Run/ Walk, Gaucho Challenge, and the Kid’s Dash. All races will start and finish at Harder Stadium on the UC Santa Barbara campus. Complimentary parking will be available nearby. Start Times 7:30am: Registration/Check-In begins 8:30am: Start of the Elite Rehab 5K Run/Walk 9:30am: Start of the Gaucho Challenge, presented by Santa Barbara Airbus 9:35am: Kids Dash Registration Registration is available online at, or in person at the UCSB Mosher Alumni House (through April 23rd), or by mail. Gaucho Challenge presented by Santa Barbara Airbus The 3rd Annual Gaucho Challenge will test teams of 4 in an adventure style race. You’ll choose your own route, using clues, to reach the 5 challenge stations. The first team to make it back across the finish line in Harder Stadium wins! Alumni Association Scholarship Fund The UCSB Alumni Association Scholarship Fund empowers the next generation of

leaders by investing in their current education. 100% of the race registration fee will benefit student scholarships at UCSB. Finish Line Festival Be sure to stick around for what promises to be the best part of the Gaucho Gallop. Listen to live music while enjoying complimentary breakfast burritos.

a PROUD sponsor of the GAUCHO GALLOP! UCSB Alumni



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[All Gaucho Reunion Schedule of Events]


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 3rd Annual Chemistry Graduate Student Symposium 2:30- 4:30p.m. Engineering Sciences Bulding (ESB), Room 1001 -RSVP Requested Experienced graduate students will present their work in a series of 10-minute general audience talks designed to appeal to chem students and professionals from any discipline and at any experience level.

Thursday, April 24, 2014 Senior Breakfast 8:00-11:00a.m. Mosher Alumni House The Senior Breakfast is hosted by UCSB First which includes a free meal 100% donated by local restaurants. The breakfast is held to celebrate the graduating class, and to educate about the 2014 Senior Class Gift.

UCSB Campus Tours 10:30 a.m., 12p.m., 1p.m., and 2p.m. UCSB Visitor Center Walk with a current student or alumni guide on a 70-90 minute tour of the beautiful SB campus. Reservations: http://admissions.

Past/Present/Future: Dept. of Geography Colloquium 3:30-5:00 p.m. Buchanan 1930 Professor Frank Davis will give a presentation about the UCSB Department of Geography’s meteoric rise from an academic program faced with extinction to an internationally respected Department.

TMP New Ventures Competition Fair 4:30-6:30p.m. Cabrillo Arts Pavilion, 1118 E Cabrillo Blvd., Santa Barbara Now in its 15th year, the UCSB New Venture Competition is an opportunity for any UCSB student to learn how to start a business. Student teams present their businesses to visitors from the business community in a trade show-style format.

Department of Geography Open House 5:00-6:00 p.m. Ellison Hall Following the colloquium presentation on the past, present, and future of UCSB Geography, there will be an open house event during which will showcase some achievements and facilities and serve light refreshments.

All Gaucho Reunion Kick Off Bash presented by Montecito Bank & Trust 5:30-7:30 p.m. El Paseo Restaurant, 813 Anacapa St., Santa Barbara -RSVP Requested This event, focused on celebrating the local Gaucho alumni, staff, and supporter community kicks off the All Gaucho Reunion Weekend line up. Whether you’re a UCSB alum or just a fan, join friends for cocktails, conversation and camaraderie. The evening includes a raffle and updates on UC Santa Barbara accomplishments. No-host bar. $10 donation suggested.

Natural High Series: Step into Liquid by Dana Brown 7:00-10:00p.m. Campbell Hall Q&A with surfers Dana Brown and Keith Malloy as they talk about their film Step into Liquid after the screening.

Friday, April 25, 2014 Gaucho GeoHunt 10:00-12:15 p.m. Ellison Hall The first ever Gaucho GeoHunt, hosted by the Department of Geography! The Gaucho GeoHunt combines elements from scavenger hunts and geocaching, and provides a great excuse to explore the beautiful campus. For more information contact

UCSB Campus Tours 10:30 a.m., 12p.m., 1p.m., and 2p.m. UCSB Visitor Center Walk with a current student or alumni guide on a 70-90 minute tour of the beautiful SB campus. Reservations:

Gaucho Friday Celebration 12:00-1:00 p.m. Arbor Walk Students, faculty, staff and alumni are encouraged to wear UCSB apparel for a chance to be entered in a drawing to win prizes. Mascot Olé will be walking around campus handing out raffle tickets and gift cards when he spots someone wearing UCSB gear.

Department of Geography 40th Anniversary Picnic 1:00-5:00 p.m. Rancho La Patera & Stow House, 304 N Los Carneros Rd, Goleta -RSVP Requested Top off your Geography reunion with an afternoon at historic Stow House. Apart from a catered picnic, games for kids, live music, and the gorgeous gardens and historic buildings of Rancho La Patera, enjoy the adjacent South Coast Railroad Museum and nearby Lake Los Carneros.

Larry Adams Scholars in Political Science Reception 2:00-4:00 p.m. Mosher Alumni House The Adams Award was created to recognize and honor former 24

Coastlines | Spring 2014

s] UCSB Professor Larry Adams. His strong commitment to public service and political involvement inspired a generation of UCSB students. Please join us to celebrate his legacy and all the students and alumni who benefitted so greatly from Professor Adams and the Adams Scholarship Award. Everyone is welcome!

Brain Imaging Center Tour —SOLD OUT— 2:00-2:45 p.m. Psychological & Brain Sciences Building -RSVP Requested Have you ever wanted to control a computer with your brain? At this demonstration a volunteer will be scanned in an MRI. Over the course of 5 minutes we will find their motor cortex and plot its output.

Earth Science Department Graduate Student Research Review 3:00-5:00 p.m. Webb Hall Inviting all current and former Geology, Geological Sciences and Earth Science majors to attend the departmental Graduate Student Research review. Gather on the roof of Webb Hall for a couple hours of discussion, argument and insight accompanied by beverages and barbecue. Learn about new discoveries in the fields and socialize with others in your major!

UCSB Men’s Baseball vs. UC Riverside 3:00 p.m. Caesar Uyesaka Stadium Come watch the UCSB Men’s Baseball team play UC Riverside on a beautiful Friday afternoon! Tickets are free with a Gaucho pass.

Brain Imaging Center Tour —SOLD OUT— 3:00-3:45 p.m. Psychological & Brain Sciences Building

ICA Open House 5:00-7:00 p.m. Intercollegiate Athletics Building All intercollegiate athletics alumni are invited to enjoy complimentary hors d’oeuvres and drinks, and mingle with fellow alums during this casual reception. Free to attend. For more information, please contact Christina Baglas at christina.baglas@ or call (805) 893-5372.

Associated Students Reunion 5:00-8:00 p.m. Corwin Pavilion The UCSB Associated Students Office of the President invites all current students and ALL alumni of ASUCSB to come together for an AS reunion!

Briner Bowl 6:00-8:00 p.m. Zodo’s Bowling & Beyond, 5925 Calle Real, Goleta This Baker Bowl style tournament is held to remember and celebrate the life of former UCSB student, Chad Briner. Teams consist of five bowlers. Info:

Hillel Happy Hour & Shabbat 6:30-8:00 p.m. Santa Barbara Hillel, 781 Embarcadero del Mar, Isla Vista -RSVP Requested Santa Barbara Hillel is thrilled to welcome back alumni for a wonderful Shabbat celebration. Join us in our building for Studentled services at 6:30pm, followed by a delicious Kosher Shabbat dinner at 7:15pm. Come see what Jewish life is all about these days! RSVP: Jillian Juni 805-968-1290 x15; development@

-RSVP Requested See description on Friday, 2:00-2:45pm

Student Talent Show 8:00-10:00 p.m. Campbell Hall

Allosphere Spotlight Tour

Come see UCSB’s finest perform at this year’s Student Talent Show hosted by Associated Students.


Elings Hall Participants will have a one-of-a-kind experience at the AlloSphere: a three-story cube that is one of the largest echo-free chambers in the world, completely designed to absorb reflections of sound or electromagnetic waves. -RSVP Requested

Golden Gaucho Reunion TGIF 5:00-7:00 p.m. El Paseo Restaurant, 813 Anacapa St., Santa Barbara -RSVP Requested Join other “Golden Gauchos” from graduating classes 1955-65 for a special TGIF held at El Paseo Resturant, located in downtown Santa Barbara. Kick off the beginning of an unforgettable weekend! No-host bar.

Saturday, April 26, 2014 Gaucho Gallop presented by GEICO 8:30 a.m. race start Harder Stadium Race alongside the pounding surf of the Pacific Ocean and past many UCSB landmarks. Celebrate your race with free breakfast burritos and live music. Race options include the Elite Rehab 5K Run/Walk, Gaucho Challenge and Kids Dash. Registration & information:

32nd Annual Alumni Softball Tournament 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m. Storke Field Sign up for the 32nd Alumni One-Pitch Softball Tournament! Each year students and alumni compete in this fun and exciting tournament. Grab your friends and register a team to compete for the gold. For more information visit


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Go Gauchos!

Coastlines | Spring 2014 70 S.26Kellogg Ave. • Goleta, CA 93117 •

All Gaucho Reunion Schedule of Events (con’t) UCSB Campus Tours 10:30 a.m., 12p.m., 1p.m., and 2p.m. UCSB Visitor Center Walk with a current student or alumni guide on a 70-90 minute tour of the beautiful SB campus. Stops include lecture halls, Davidson library, residential areas, and the University Center. Reservations:

Riviera Reunion 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Riviera Campus Quad, 2020 Alameda Padre Serra, Santa Barbara Honoring the 1954 graduates and friends of Santa Barbara State College and UC Santa Barbara College at the Riviera Quad. Re-visit your alma mater with friends and family while enjoying a delicious barbeque, live music and a beautiful view. Cost: $35.

Golden Gaucho Luncheon 11:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Mosher Alumni House Return to UCSB and reminisce with old friends like not a day has gone by. Join alumni, faculty, and staff from 1955-1965 and let the nostalgia set in as we come together and remember the good old days! This year we will be honoring the 50th year graduation anniversary of the Class of 1964. Cost: $35 Alumni Association members/$40 nonmembers.

The Outreach Center for Teaching Ocean Science (OCTOS) “Hard Hat” Tour 11:00a.m.-12:00p.m. Ocean Science Education Building -RSVP Requested “Hard hat” tours of UCSB’s state-of-the-art Marine Science technology and research facilities will be offered over AGR weekend. Plans for this innovative classroom environment include an immersive theater and a two-story, 20,000 gallon kelp forest tank inside the building.

UCSB Women’s Soccer vs. UC San Diego 11:00a.m.-12:30p.m.

Harder Stadium Alumni and friends are invited to come to Harder Stadium, the home of “Soccer Heaven” as the Women’s Soccer team takes on the Tritons of UCSD in their spring game.

GreekFest Chapter House Open Houses 12:00- 3:00 p.m. UCSB’s Student Resource Building and Chapter Houses in Isla Vista Re-visit your old chapter house for a tour or just to say hello to your brothers and sisters. Is your chapter without a home? Join us at the Student Resouce Building for a reception.

UCSB Women’s Softball vs. Hawaii 12:00 p.m. UCSB Softball Field Come watch the UCSB Women’s Softball team play University of Hawaii. Tickets are free with a Gaucho pass.


Visit the University Center

during the All-Gaucho Reunion! April 25th & 26th At the UCSB Bookstore — Friday, April 25th and Saturday, April 26th — get 20% off UCSB clothing, supplies, gifts, and general books. Some exceptions apply, see store for details. Have a tasty meal in the UCen at Root 217, Panda Express, Wahoo’s Fish Taco, Romaine’s, Subway or Domino’s Pizza. Take a coffee break at Nicoletti’s or grab a smoothie at Jamba Juice. Find convenience items at the Corner Store. Visit the Arbor across campus for anything from pastries to pizza or stop by the Subway for a sandwich. Bookstore All-Gaucho Reunion hours are Th-F, 8-6 and Saturday 9-5. Please visit the UCen website for operation hours of specific dining units.

Welcome Back, Gauchos • 28

Coastlines | Spring 2014

All Gaucho Reunion Schedule of Events (con’t) Department of Communication Career Day 12:30- 4:00p.m. Corwin Pavilion

the development and impact of the course on combat veterans from the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Learn about the wide range of career opportunities available to Communication majors, attend alumni panels, and network with professionals in the field. Info:

UCSB Men’s Baseball vs. UC Riverside 2:00 p.m. Caesar Uyesaka Stadium

The Outreach Center for Teaching Ocean Science (OCTOS) “Hard Hat” Tour 1:00-2:00p.m. Ocean Science Education Building -RSVP Requested See description on Saturday, 11:00am-12:00pm.

UCSB Men’s Soccer Alumni vs. Westmont Men’s Alumni (over 30)

Come watch the UCSB Men’s Baseball team play UC Riverside on a beautiful Saturday afternoon! Tickets are free with a Gaucho pass.

UCSB Women’s Softball vs. Hawaii 2:00 p.m. UCSB Softball Field Come watch the UCSB Women’s Softball team play University of Hawaii. Tickets are free with a Gaucho pass.

UCSB Men’s Soccer vs. UCSB Men’s Alumni (under 30)



Harder Stadium

Harder Stadium

The UCSB Men’s Soccer team will renew their quest for alumni supremacy in what has become an annual contest against crosstown rivals Westmont alumni.

Be sure to make it out to Harder Stadium for the final soccer match of the day, this one pitting the current men’s team vs. their recent alumni.

The Vietnam Class and Beyond: A Report on War 1:30-2:30p.m. (tentative)

Location TBA In 1978 Walter Capps introduced Religious Studies 155, known simply as “the Vietnam Class.” Now, 36 years later, more than 22,000 students have taken the course. Wilson Hubbell and Jim Nolan will join Professor Richard Hecht and alumni in discussing

Taste of UCSB presented by Montecito Bank & Trust 3:00-6:00 p.m. Science Green The 4th Annual Taste of UCSB features alumni vintners, brewers, chefs, caterers, restaurateurs, live music, performers, and a silent auction. The event will also showcase various UCSB departments. Must be age 21 to attend. Cost: Alumni Association Members: $30 Non-members: $35 (Additional $10 at the door while spaces last).


All Gaucho Reunion Schedule of Events (con’t) Diverse Faces in the Marketplace 6:00-8:00 p.m. Mosher Alumni House -RSVP Requested Join fellow alumni, students and staff for the 2nd annual Diversity Reception. The reception will provide alumni and students an opportunity to discuss topics that cross ethnic and career lines. There will be an opportunity for students and alumni to network before and after the session.

Intercollegiate Athletics Hall of Fame Induction 7:00-9:30 p.m. Santa Barbara Art Foundry, 120 Santa Barbara St, Santa Barbara

UCSB Women’s Softball vs. Hawaii 12:00 p.m. UCSB Softball Field Come watch the UCSB Women’s Softball team play University of Hawaii on a beautiful Sunday afternoon! Tickets are free with a Gaucho pass. UCSB Men’s Baseball vs. UC Riverside 1:00p.m.

Caesar Uyesaka Stadium

-RSVP Requested Women’s basketball player Lindsay Taylor, men’s track and field runner Andy Shaeffer, 1972-74 Gaucho women’s volleyball, the 2004 men’s soccer team and long-time radio play-by-play voice Phil Patton will be added to the UCSB Hall of Fame.

Come watch the UCSB Men’s Baseball team battle UC Riverside in the final game of their weekend series. Tickets are free with your Gaucho Pass.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Robert Ballard, class of ’65, has led more than 100 expeditions into the deep ocean, warranting many historic discoveriesincluding the R.M.S. Titanic. Cost: $25/$15 for UCSB Students. For tickets and info call 805-893-3535.

Greek & Friends Brunch 9:30-11:00 a.m. Mosher Alumni House This is the perfect chance for a last visit with friends before


finishing your weekend at the All Gaucho Reunion. Enjoy delicious food, tour Mosher, snap those last pictures, and share last hugs and laughs with your special lifelong friends. Cost: $20.

Coastlines | Spring 2014

Deep Sea Explorer: Robert Ballard 3:00- 5:00 p.m. Campbell Hall






April 24, 2014

3:30 Past, Present, pm & Future

April 25, 2014 10:00 Gaucho GeoHunt am UCSB Campus GIS scavenger hunt; prizes for the winning teams!

Dept. of Geography 40th Anniversary Colloquium

5:00 Open House pm

Dept. of Geography showing and tour


Coastlines | Spring 2014

1:00 pm

Come celebrate with us!

Everyone is invited...

Anniversary BBQ Picnic

Hosted at the Stow House (Los Carneros Park) — Please Register Includes hot catered lunch, drinks, and gift bag.

[All Gaucho Reunion Sponsors] Presenting Premier Platinum Gold


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A Higher Degree of You 34

Coastlines | Spring 2014




Soccer Week at Family Vacation Center We are kicking up some fun during week one.

This year, the Family Vacation Center will be adding a little something extra to Session One (June 21-June 28,2104): Family Camp with special guest, UCSB Alumnus and former MLS soccer star Andy Iro. We will be offering a tour of Harder Stadium, several soccer clinics, and a meet and greet autograph session with Andy Iro. If your family is crazy about soccer, this week-long all inclusive vacation is one you can’t miss!

Soccer Week 805-893-3123



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How two UC Santa Barbara alumni met their retirement goals while simultaneously giving back to their alma mater: ➢ We wanted to fund our retirement while at the same time diversifying our investment portfolio. ➢ We wanted to ensure that we had sufficient income for the remainder of our lives. ➢ We wanted a plan with significant tax benefits to allow us to utilize greatly appreciated stock. ➢ We wanted a plan that ultimately benefited UC Santa Barbara and our other charitable interests.

Kent Vining BA ’70 and Julie Ann Mock MA ’75 met these goals by creating a specific plan that: • Took advantage of available tax benefits while diversifying their investment portfolio in retirement. • Provided a platform for a long-term retirement income stream. • Made a generous provision for planned gifts that will ultimately benefit the campus, as well as other charitable interests. How was all this accomplished? Kent and Julie, over the years, had amassed a number of highly appreciated shares of stock from Kent’s employer. Kent and Julie each decided to fund individual charitable remainder unitrusts with that stock to provide income for their lifetimes. As trustees of their trusts, Kent and Julie were free to diversify their portfolios in order to ensure their retirement nest egg. Additionally, they set up life insurance policies to replace the value of their unitrusts for their heirs. Upon each of their deaths, their trusts will provide a generous gift to those charitable interests closest to them, including the Alumni Association, the Mosher Alumni House, and Intercollegiate Athletics. “Julie and I were able share our success with the University and our other charitable interests during our lifetime, insure that our retirement years were well-funded, and allow for our estate to be kept whole for our heirs. Why wouldn’t anyone want to do that?” If you have similar ideas and are interested in a gift plan to meet your financial planning and charitable giving objectives, please call: Chris Pizzinat, Deputy Director, Office of Development at (805) 893-5126, toll-free (800) 641-1204 or email For more gift ideas and examples, please visit


AN NUAL REPORT 2012-2013 Fiscal Situation The Alumni Association’s current fiscal situation continues to be stable and healthy. In the fiscal year ending in 2013 the Association ended with a balanced budget. Strong revenue came from membership dues, the Family Vacation Center, the All Gaucho Reunion and campus support.

Statement of Financial Position

Mosher Alumni House The Mosher Alumni House continues to be the center for campus life, with increased usage by alumni, students, faculty and staff. Pepperdine University continued to hold its MBA classes in the MAH and provided much needed revenue to meet operating expenses. The MAH is an independently financed facility and must rely on rental income to cover utilities, maintenance and janitorial services. Scholarship Initiatives The Alumni Association Scholarship Fund continued to grow during the fiscal year. At the end of the fiscal year the Fund contained $589,000, in only its fourth year of operation. The Senior Class Gift campaign for 2013 ended with the highest participation rate by seniors in the history of the senior class gift. The gift campaign is a joint effort of the Alumni Association and the campus Development Office and is spearheaded by the student UCSB First Committee in the Association. Reunion The 2013 All Gaucho Reunion was the largest ever. It was headlined by world renowned chef and food visionary Alice Waters. The Association presented Waters, who attended UCSB for two years, an honorary alumni award. Technology The Association continued to upgrade and expand its efforts in the area of technology and communication. Plans were set in motion to revamp the imodules online community for alumni. There was dramatic growth in the number of alumni and students on the Association LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter sites. Programs The Association worked more closely with Development and Athletics to expand the number of regional programs and events. The Zero Year Reunion, held for graduating seniors the night before commencement, continued to grow in participation and enthusiasm.

Assets Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Accounts Receivables Prepaid expenses

109,730 2,391,405 89,217 4,245

Total Current Assets


Investments and Other Assets Long-term investments Furniture & equipment, net Total Investments and Other Assets

2,430,726 0 2,430,726

Total Assets


Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Due to related party Deferred revenue

112,559 1,222,274 9,327

Total Current Liabilities


Total Liabilities


Net assets Unrestricted Undesignated Board designated Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted

657,106 3,004,500 19,557 0

Total Net Assets


Total Liabilities & Net Assets


Statement of Activities Support and Revenue: Program Support and Revenue Membership dues Program events Affinity Programs Advertising Travel programs

218,896 42,345 96,941 117,170 48,860



Will be held at Mosher Alumni House June 7, 2014 beginning at 12:30 p.m. Meeting Agenda:

Other Support and Revenue Unrealized gain on investments Investment income Other revenue Total Revenue

Approval of Minutes from June 8, 2013 annual meeting President’s report Executive Director’s Report Election of directors Old business/New business/Adjournment The Board of Directors has nominated the following slate of candidates to serve as directors of the Association: Michelle Schneider ’91 Carl Clapp ’81 Teresa Carranza, ’09 Shanna Bright ’93 Kristen Nesbit ’05 Ron Chiarello ’83 The Board of Directors has nominated the following current directors to serve an additional term: Jan Campbell ’74 Marie Williams ’89 Fran Mancia ’80 Travis Wilson ’02 Niki Sandoval Phd ’07

Total Program Support and Revenue

231,616 72,785 15,837 320,238

Net assests released from restrictions Expiration of program restrictions


Total Program Support and Revenue


Expenses: Program services Administrative expenses

760,613 182,988

Total Expenses


Change in Net Assets


Net Assets at Beginning of Year


Net Assets at End of Year


All members of the UC Santa Barbara Alumni Association are welcome to attend. This is the only notice of the 2014 annual meeting that will be published Travis Wilson ’02 Secretary-Treasurer UC Santa Barbara Alumni Association





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