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Full coverage in Thursday’s issue.





UCSD visual arts professor Benjamin Bratton criticized TED Talks for being shallow and ineffective at a TEDxSanDiego conference last month. Now, his TED talk has gone viral. FeATURES, PAGE 6

CURRENT CURRENCY bitcoin blows up online opinion, Page 4



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HITTING A HIGH NOTE: Two UCSD a cappella groups placed in the top three teams at the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella West Quarterfinals last weekend at the Mandeville Auditorium. First place went to co-ed group The Beat (pictured). PHOTO BY ALWIN SZETO /GUARDIAN


Winter Break Cut to Two Weeks

In response to complaints of conflicts with Jewish holidays, the UC system approved calendar changes, resulting in a later starting date and a shorter winter vacation for Fall Quarter 2014. BY Andrew Huang

staff writer


niversity of California Registrars have approved changes to the 2014–15 academic calendar in response to conflicts with the Jewish High Holy Days. All UCs operating on a quarter system will officially begin their fall quarter on Sept. 29 and start instruction on Thursday of Week 0, Oct. 2 — a week later than when Fall Quarter 2013 began. Additionally, this year’s winter vacation will be shortened to two weeks to compensate

for the loss of classroom time, beginning on Dec. 20 and ending on Jan. 4. According to a Jan. 14 Los Angeles Times article, the calendar change was enacted in accordance with the UC system’s “Policy for Addressing Religious Holiday Conflicts with Residence Hall ‘Move-In’ Days.” Implemented by former UC President Robert Dynes in 2007, it provides guidelines for addressing conflicts between campus move-in dates and major religious holidays, with particular focus on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. “Representatives of the Jewish community

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Most of my childhood chores involved turning cleaning tasks into a glorified game of Stratego.” - Kelvin Noronha THINKING CAPS


INSIDE Lights and Sirens ............ 3 Quick Takes .................... 4 Electric Bikes .................. 8 Crossword .................... 11 Sports........................... 12

See CALENDAR, page 3



and members of the California Legislature have expressed a desire for the university to avoid the conflicts that have arisen between fall residence hall move-in days and the Jewish High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur,” Dynes said in a letter to the UC Chancellors. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are the Jewish New Year and Day of Atonement, respectively. Traditionally, it is a time of prayer, reflection and repentance. Based on a

Researchers Find Correlation UCSD Establishes New Between Stocks and Health Center for Veterinary Sciences The UCSD study investigated stock prices and how they impact investor psychology. BY Justine Liang

staff writer

There is a strong inverse correlation between daily stock returns and hospital admissions for psychological conditions — including anxiety, panic disorders or major depression — according to a recent publication presented by UCSD finance professors during the annual meeting of the American Economic Association. UCSD Rady School of Management professors Joseph Engelberg and Christopher Parsons explored how stock prices impact investor psychology in their paper, “Worrying about the stock market: Evidence from hospital admissions.” “A lot of behavioral finance is about how your mind affects markets, and very little talks about the other way around,” Engelberg said during an interview with Bloomberg News.

“We have evidence of causality coming from markets coming back to investor psychology, and that’s been a missing component in terms of empirical findings in a lot of prior research.” A way to examine real-time psychological well-being experienced by investors is to look at the rate at which patients from a large population are admitted to hospitals due to mental health conditions. “First, we obtain admission records for every California hospital for each day from 1983 until 2011,” Engelberg and Parsons said. According to data provided by California’s Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, more than 11,000 residents are hospitalized each day on average. By taking portfolios of stock returns and performing time-series regressions, the researchers investigated how the stock market impacts investor psychology. Their data spans a bulk of three decades, in which they concluded that hospitalization rose when stock shares fell, and more people are hospitalized due to mental conditions. See STOCKS, page 3

The center will study transmittable animal diseases. BY Justine Liang

staff writer

The UCSD School of Medicine established a new Center for Veterinary Sciences and Comparative Medicine in Sorrento Valley last week, where scientists, physicians and veterinarians study animal diseases that are transmittable to humans. By examining diseases transmitted from animals to humans, otherwise known as zoonotic diseases, scientists can understand better the same diseases in humans. Animal care can be translated easily to human care. Associate professor of medicine at UCSD’s School of Medicine Joseph Vinetz is one of the inaugural faculty members at CVSCM. “I study animal models of different diseases such as leptospirosis in Peru, which is a disease endemic in the Amazon and affects over one million people a year with its 5 to 20 percent fatality rate,” Vinetz said. Leptospirosis is spread from bac-

teria in animal urine to humans. It is commonly due to contaminated water and leads to flu-like symptoms, eventually ending with liver damage and renal failure, according to the U.S. Center of Disease Control. CVSCM includes a faculty of 25 scientists, doctors and veterinarians from UCSD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Scripps Research Institute, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, the San Diego Zoo and Sea World. “The importance of our research is the impact in public health, the interesting science and the advance experimental studies that can be gained,” Vinetz said. “By studying animals and animal models, we can gain insights to understand pathogenesis, diagnosis, vaccines and therapeutics. The founding director of CVSCM is Peter Ernst, Ph.D., professor of pathology at UCSD School of Medicine. The UC system has an See VETERINARY, page 3



T H E U C S D G U A R D I A N | T U E S D A Y, J A N U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 4 | W W W . U C S D G U A R D I A N . O R G

BIRDLAND By Rebekah Dyer Laira Martin Editor in Chief Zev Hurwitz Managing Editor Allie Kiekhofer Deputy Managing Editor Gabriella Fleischman Aleksandra Konstantinovic Associate News Editors Mekala Neelakantan Lauren Koa Opinion Editor Kelvin Noronha Associate Opinion Editor Rachel Uda Sports Editor Stacey Chien Features Editor Sydney Reck Associate Features Editor

GARAMOND By Jeffrey Lau

Vincent Pham Lifestyle Editor Jacqueline Kim A&E Editor Brian Monroe Photo Editor Taylor Sanderson Associate Photo Editor Amber Shroyer Design Editor Zoë McCracken Associate Design Editor Jenny Park Art Editor Jeffrey Lau Associate Art Editor Rachel Huang Claire Yee Associate Copy Editors Philip Jia Web Editor Madeline Mann Training & Development Dorothy Van Social Media Coordinator Page Layout Dorothy Van, Flavia Salvadori, Tao Tao, Natalia Herret, Dorothy Lee, Joselynn Ordaz


Copy Readers Clara Chao, Rosina Garcia, Andrew Huang, Susan Shamoon

by Mekala Neelakantan, Aleksandra Konstantinovic and Gabriella Fleischman Associate News Editors

▶ UCSD Ranked 14th Best Value University: Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine ranked UCSD as the nation’s 14th best value public university this year. UCSD was especially commended for its availability of Pell grants to low income students and its four-year graduation rates. Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla praised the university’s continued commitment to social mobility. “We are pleased UC San Diego continues to be recognized for providing a world-class education that is accessible and affordable to students of all backgrounds,” Khosla said in a statement. “At UC San Diego, we demonstrate how education can be one of the biggest enablers for upward social mobility.” ▶ City Volunteers Begin TreePlanting Initiative: Volunteers planted 2,000 trees along the San Diego River trail in Santee on Monday. The initiative was sponsored by Takeda California, a bio-tech company, in conjunction with the San Diego

River Park Foundation and the City of Santee. Takeda Company officials said they hoped to plant 20 times more trees than the company will use in paper goods next year. The elderberry, lemonade berry and oak trees were planted at the newly designated Walker Preserve. The preserve is set to open a trail for hikers, joggers and mountain bikers in the future. ▶ Water Main Breaks in National City: Residents in the South Bay and National City evacuated their homes following a water main break that flooded main roadways on Sunday morning. The break caused one-foot flooding along 45th Street and 43rd Street, entering neighboring homes and apartment complexes. Damages caused by the cast iron pipe stopped water service to residents along 45th street and Mayberry Street for several hours, although crew members were able to restore service the same evening.

▶ UCSD Women’s Health: Becker’s Hospital Review listed UC San Diego Health System as among the top 100 hospitals for women’s health last week. There are many exemplary services and programs aimed towards women, including experts in gestational diabetes and high-risk pregnancies. The in-hospital Birth Center is the only one on the West Coast that offers nurse-midwives and volunteer doula. The resources for breastfeeding mothers were recognized by Baby-Friendly USA, the neonatal intensive care unit in the same facility as labor and delivery services, and the fetal surgery program is nationally recognized. Services for women not involved in pregnancy and birth include blood pressure and cholesterol screening, pelvic exams and pap smears, breast exams and bone density scans. Programs include the Maternal Weight and Wellness Program, The Menopause Health Program and the Women’s Pelvic Medicine Center. ▶ CIRM Awards Disease Grant: The

Editorial Assistants Rita Eritsland, Shelby Newallis, Morgan Jong, Soumya Kurnool

California Institute of Regenerative Medicine awarded professor of medicine and Deputy Director of Research Operations at UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center Thomas J. Kipps a $4.18 million grant. This is one of six “Disease Team” awards, totaling $61 million, approved by the Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee. These were funded to move therapies from lab to clinical trials. The goal of Kipps’s research is to find therapies that target proteins found only on the surface of cancer stem cells. ▶ Hundreds Attend Winter GameFest: UCSD’s ninth annual Winter GameFest took place last weekend in the Price Center East and West ballrooms, drawing hundreds of attendees. The video game festival — organized by the Sixth College Tech Committee — was one of the largest of its kind in Southern California, offering over $5,000 in prizes for various video game tournaments set up on 200 computers.

Business Manager Emily Ku Advertising Director Noelle Batema Advertising Design Alfredo H. Vilano, Jr. A.S. Graphic Studio The UCSD Guardian is published Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year by UCSD students and for the UCSD community. Reproduction of this newspaper in any form, whether in whole or in part, without permission is strictly prohibited. © 2014, all rights reserved. The UCSD Guardian is not responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of the UCSD Guardian, the University of California or Associated Students. The UCSD Guardian is funded by advertising. The sex room remodel.

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LIGHTS & SIRENS Friday, Jan. 10 10:25 p.m. to 10:35 p.m.: Battery The subject struck a nurse in the forearm near Campus Point Drive. Report taken. 11:53 p.m.: Vandalism Police found graffiti on the west stairwell of Mandeville Center with an estimated damage cost of $200. Report taken. Saturday, Jan. 11 2:05 a.m.: Citizen Contact The subject activated a fire extinguisher in Harlan Hall. Report taken. Sunday, Jan. 12 3:40 p.m.: Injury The subject slipped in Frankfurter Hall, possibly breaking a leg. Transported to hospital by medics. Monday, Jan. 13 2:12 a.m.: Citizen Contact The subjects reported possible stalking by a roommate in the Village West Building 1. Report taken. 11:57 p.m.: Suspicious Person Police found a transient by Sunshine Market. Information only. Tuesday, Jan. 14 12:23 a.m.: Citizen Contact A resident was found in a dumpster in Parking Lot 203. Checks OK. 8:37 p.m.: Fire Subjects reported a trash can on fire at the Center for Magnetic Recording. Checks OK — subjects put out fire.

Lights and Sirens is compiled from the Police Crime Log at police.ucsd.edu. 9:26 p.m.: Welfare Check The subject was screaming at the intersection on Voigt Drive and Campus Point Drive. Unable to locate. Wednesday, Jan. 15 2:37 p.m.: Animal Call Medium-sized dogs were tied up at the Cardiovascular Center. Cancelled before dispatch. 4:48 p.m.: Violent Psych Subject The subject was yelling and waving a stick in the Village East 2. Report taken. Thursday, Jan. 16 2:26 a.m.: Information A subject was reported to be playing with a laser in Tioga Hall. Unable to locate. 11:00 p.m.: Gang or Terrorist Threat The subject received threatening text messages near the Central Mesa Apartments. Report taken. 1:56 p.m.: Welfare Check The subject was crying and screaming near Eucalyptus Grove Lane. Gone on arrival. 3:51 p.m.: Welfare Check The subject’s electric wheelchair lost power, requiring police assistance. Referred to other agency — ADA. 11:44 p.m.: Citizen Contact The subject was yelling at a custodial staff member at the Rady School of Management. Report taken. — GABRIELLA FLEISCHMAN Associate News Editor

New Academic Schedule Met With Mixed Student Reactions â–ś CALENDAR, from page 1

lunar cycle, they begin on Sept. 24 this year, which would otherwise coincide with the beginning of Week 0. Sam Hauss, president of the Union of Jewish Students at UCSD, explained that the High Holidays are a significant part of the Jewish calendar and that he, and other Jewish students, often struggle with balancing the holidays with the start of the school year. “You reevaluate how you live — what can and can’t be done — and moving in and classes conflict with those guidelines,� Hauss said. “The university acknowledging the problem is something we’re happy about.� The schedule change has been met with mixed reactions from the student body. “[The conflict] gets difficult, espe-


closer to Christmas.� Revelle College freshman Karen Medgyesy concurs. “The problem with a shorter break for me is that I don’t get to see my family as much,� Medgyesy said. “A lot of students are in-state and can go home every weekend, but that’s not the case for me since I’m from Colorado. It’s already a hassle to travel and fly home, as well as a lot of money, so it’s a bummer I can’t see my family for as long.� This is the first time that changes to the calendar have been made since the UC policy’s inception in 2007, and academic schedules should return to normal after 2014, given that they do not interfere with any other religious holidays.

readers can contact andrew huang


Research Shows Stock-Related Stress May Cause Heart Attacks â–ś STOCKS from page 1

“It’s a very straightforward result,� Engelberg said during the American Economic Association meeting. While his research definitely provides correlations between hospital admittance and stock levels, any causal effects are left unresolved. “The effect is particularly strong

for conditions related to mental health such as anxiety, suggesting that concern over shocks to future, in addition to current, consumption influences an investor’s instantaneous perception of well-being,� Engelberg and Parsons said in the publication. While people admitted to the hospital during a stock market plunge may not necessarily own stock, the stress

may be an overall effect caused by the economic plunge at large. Engelberg and Parsons’ paper provides a correlational interpretation of data, which may provide insight for stressed people to watch out for their own health due to the economy.

readers can contact Justine liang


CVSCM Scientists Investigate Illnesses Like Mad Cow Disease â–ś VETERINARY from page 1


cially during Week 1,� Vice President of UCSD’s United Jewish Observance Jonah Saidian said. “We can’t go to school, we can’t take notes. I thought [the change] was a great relief.� Warren College junior Max Shen also agrees with the shift overall. “I personally would be able to take better advantage of one more week of summer than one more week of winter break because I would be able to work harder, play harder and overall use the time better,� Shen said. However, other students, like Warren College graduate student Jeffrey Yuan, are less happy with the calendar change. “I guess that it’s a little inconvenient to have school start even later than it already does in September,� Yuan said. “Also, travel plans for winter break will definitely be tighter and more expensive because they’ll be

established veterinary medical center at UCSD, which is a collaboration between UCSD Health Sciences and the school of veterinary medicine at UC Davis. His vision is to advance the care of animal and human research to understand the biology of disease. Scientists such as Vinetz

contribute to the center’s cause by the unique translational aspect of zoonotic research from animals to humans. CVSCM scientists investigate other animal diseases: mucosal infection and immune responses, gastrointestinal ailments, parasitic transmission and neurodegenerative diseases such as mad cow disease,

DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 3, 2014 Application: http://students.ucsd.edu/

(On TritonLink in toolbox section, under finance tools – select Financial Aid to access the online application)

Undergraduate Summer 2014 Research Scholarship 6 ,.# 0& + .#/# .!& /!&,) ./&'-/ ,$ will be awarded for Summer 2014 6 1#/0',+/ #- 1!/" #"1 6

Undergraduate Continuing/Current Student !&,) ./&'- --)'! 0',+ $,. 6 ,.# 0& + /!&,) ./&'-/ ,$ 0, 2')) # 2 ."#" $,. ! "#*'! 4# . 6 1#/0',+/ /!&,) ./&'-/ 1!/" #"1 6

caused by prions, or misfolded proteins. “We’re going to save the world,� Vinetz said. The scientists of CVSCM provide cutting- edge research that intends to make zoonotic diseases understandable across species.

readers can contact Justine liang



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LAUREN KOA opinion@ucsdguardian.org

Effort Does Not Always Have to Be A Burden Thinking Caps Kelvin Noronha






Decentralized Currency Effectively Facilitates International Trade

Growing Support Legitimizes Bitcoin As a Valid Form of Capital

Inadequate Security and Complexity Prevent Bitcoin’s Long-Term Viability

Bitcoin’s potential for international trade is nearly limitless, as it is so easy to transfer worldwide. Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency and cannot be manipulated by national governments; this allows the public to store their wealth without any regulation other than how much people want to pay for it. This approach gives users around the world the much-needed freedom to use a common currency and trade it freely. According to National Geographic, one of the biggest potentials for bitcoin internationally is in money transfers and remittances, which migrant workers use to send money to their families overseas. While companies who charge service fees such as Western Union and MoneyGram, currently handle wire transfers, bitcoin performs the same service for a negligible fee. Using bitcoin instead of traditional wire transfer could benefit migrant workers who use remittances extensively to support their families in poorer countries, as it could save them up to 15 percent on fees. The public is also taking advantage of bitcoin’s independence from typical governmentcontrolled money supplies to secure their savings. Europe’s economic crisis led Spanish citizens in March 2013 to experiment with Bitcoin as a way to divest their investments in foreign banks. Overseas accounts in danger of being nationalized led much of the Spanish public to transfer their assets out to bitcoin. Bitcoin proliferation will take time, as some question the value of owning something so novel, but it is increasingly viable as financial institutions, countries and individuals catch on to this new trend and harness its potential as a global currency.

Bitcoin is only the first of the emerging online currencies that are here to stay. Although it may seem strange that cryptocurrency founders have made a profit just by inventing a new form of money, Bitcoin works because a large amount of people have assigned it value and accepted it as a viable currency. Bitcoins have just as much intrinsic value as U.S. dollars, which is to say, none. The value is derived from how people treat bits of paper or lines of code. Whether a U.S. dollar or a bitcoin, people perceive each unit as more valuable than the resources used to create it, simply because they know other people will accept it in exchange for goods out of convenience. Any arbitrary unit could potentially serve as a form of currency if people assign value to it, and more people treat bitcoins as money every day. The economic news site CoinDesk reported that the number of businesses accepting bitcoins increased 81 percent this past November. As more people willingly take bitcoins in exchange for goods, services or other currencies, bitcoins become legitimate and gain a wider sphere of use as an alternative form of money. The Columbian already reports that over 20,000 online businesses currently deal in bitcoins, including Overstock.com, PayPal, OkCupid and WordPress. Richard Branson, chairman of Virgin Group, which consists of over 400 companies, also voiced his support and investment in Bitcoin. At this rate, Bitcoin is secure on its way to becoming the first independent currency of the digital age to reach mainstream acceptance.

To the average citizen, Bitcoin is a blind “justtrust-us” system. Bitcoin’s complicated security infrastructure is not only complex, but is also ineffective in providing a safe network for financial investment. Bitcoin’s security solution acts to prevent the manipulation of Bitcoin code but still proves unsuccessful in providing the safety the cryptocurrency needs. In the 1990s, many digital currency systems were created but eventually failed because they lacked secure and reliable infrastructures for digitally transferring money. Their biggest problem was preventing double-spending — when a user manipulates code so they can spend the same coin over and over. Two decades down the line, and these online currencies still have strides to go in terms of security. Bitcoin’s mining solution, to implement puzzles to prevent double spending, is still inadequate and makes the system vulnerable both to manipulation and hackers. Supposedly, when a person uses the hardware of a computer to solve puzzles, the bitcoin code is working in the background to prevent double-spending and increase security. However, persisting reports of successful doublespending attempts prove otherwise. Additionally, Dogecoin, a derivative of Bitcoin that uses Bitcoin’s mining system, was hacked on Dec. 25, 2013, resulting in the theft of 21 million dogecoins. Ultimately, users should think twice before entrusting their savings to the rather-mysterious Bitcoin world. Cryptocurrencies’ general security flaws mixed with Bitcoin’s lack of clarity make Bitcoin an unappealing alternative to the reliability of conventional banks.

— HUGO WONG Contributing Writer

— THOMAS FINN Staff Writer

— AYAT AMIN Contributing Writer



rips to RIMAC never fail to be brutal. Due to my butterfly-like upper body strength and feeble motivation, I end up halfheartedly wheezing through routines. I swear to myself that I will not be so stupid in the future — that the best way to avoid “the burn” and all the sweaty t-shirts is to just skip out on gym days altogether. But then two days pass, and I find myself back in the same spot, wondering why I’m putting myself through it yet again. Of course, a little bit of this strange compulsion has to do with desire for endorphins, the painquenching, happiness-causing chemicals that our brains release when we exercise. But more broadly, workouts fall into that interesting category of things that I do in spite of despising them. There are a lot of similar phenomena for me. Although my room resembles a hurricane impact zone, I will find myself shockingly willing to clean it up at regular intervals. It’s not that I’m particularly fond of actually folding my clothes and vacuuming the rug. Rather, some very prescient part of me knows that the work is well worth it for the satisfaction I’ll get at the job’s end. Although some parts of our brains are continually seeking instant reward for our efforts, wiser neurons in our decision-making frontal cortices are the ones doing the rainy-day planning. When our emotions try to get the best of us and steer us toward the dessert section, it’s the frontal cortex that slaps us on the wrist and forces us to pledge nutritional responsibility. The same goes for many tasks that we perform on a frequent basis: biking up steep hills or eating salads. Although we might do each against our “better judgment” and loathe every second of it, it ultimately helps us, and we come to repeat the process. To a point, even studying for organic chemistry or physics for days on end can become manageable — we just need to feel a sufficient sense of accomplishment after we close the books for the day. However, there are easier ways to end up successful. When confronted with a jaw-droppingly dislikeable task, we don’t necessarily need our frontal cortex to strong-arm us into getting it done. Despite the inherent terribleness of, say, mopping the floor, it’s still possible to turn it into a game, appealing to the impulse-driven parts of our brain. Most of my childhood chore hours involved turning cleaning tasks into glorified games of Stratego. Granted, it’s not exactly PlayStation, but most games are not objectively different from work. There’s a goal and a lot of determined effort to get there. Though either one may lead us to rage quit, those with a competitive streak can end up finding certain work to be even borderline enjoyable. So when it comes down to the more difficult aspects of life — consuming healthy food, making the bed or going to Tuesday/Thursday classes — have faith in your brain’s ability to do the right thing; it’s got your back.



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Responsibility Accompanies New Blogger Privileges

SOLVE FOR X By Philip Jia




Consciousness of the world around us is an invaluable skill for whatever career field students pursue. The goals of TEDI are to develop students' critical consciousness of social justice and equity minded leadership, and to build a network of inclusive, equity minded student leaders on campus. The program consists of a retreat, with four follow-up programs, workshops, or events selected by the participant to supplement learning. TEDI is co-presented by UCSD Associated Students.

Saturday, Jan 25 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM @ Huerta/Vera-Cruz Room Register online at http://ccl.ucsd.edu/registration/

BY lauren koa

opinion editor

n a recent Jan. 17, 2014, ruling, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals held that protections for bloggers are actually equal to those of journalists, creating new guidelines for online writers. The recent ruling followed an appeal for a 2011 case between blogger Crystal Cox and Oregon financial company Obsidian Finance Group. In San Francisco, co-founder Kevin Padrick sued Cox for numerous defamatory comments and false blog posts accusing Padrick’s company of fraud. On Jan. 17, UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh took Cox’s case to the appeals court in San Francisco, where the court ruled for a retrial in the blogger’s favor. Federal Appeals Court Judge Andrew Hurwitz’s new ruling rightfully gives individuals the freedom of speech alongside the responsibility for fact checking and doing research before creating posts that could be construed as defamatory or accusatory. While its evident that freelance writers are entitled to their own views, they can now also be sued if a court finds negligence, libel or absolute malice in the posts or writing they produce and publish online. Though many consider the case as a major win for bloggers and freedom of speech advocates, the court ruling establishes clear-cut rules for bloggers, in terms of both their rights and limitations. Contrary to popular belief, the ruling does not completely favor the blogging community. The rule does not allow the public to have complete freedom to post absolute fraudulent or defamatory claims, but rather justifiably holds bloggers responsible for the same standards as journalists.

This ruling is a huge divergence from what had long been blurred lines and assumptions drawn from court precedents. Bloggers have typically assumed the same aforementioned rights and protections that the Supreme Court established to protect journalists’ freedom speech in the press in the 1974 Gertz v. Robert Welch Inc. case. But before last week, no federal judge or court had ever specifically ruled that bloggers or personal freelance writers were protected by the same rules. Now that virtually anyone has the opportunity to upload and publish content on the Internet, it’s about time that the courts established appropriate guidelines. According to a 2013 Pew Research Center study, 50 percent of Americans now use both Internet publications and blogs as their main news sources, instead of print newspapers or television programs. Additionally, the report noted that American use of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook as news outlets doubled from 2010 to 2012. These new standards make any online user liable for their careless comments, posts and articles found on any of these media. As society shifts toward becoming more reliant on online media to stay both informed and express their opinions, it only seems reasonable to prevent bloggers from abusing their First Amendment rights. The ruling will set a strong precedent that enables a broader practice of the freedom of speech and gives bloggers long-overdue responsibilities.

readers can contact lauren koa



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STACEY CHIEN features@ucsdguardian.org




UCSD professor Benjamin Bratton criticizes TED talks and explains why he believes they’re ineffective. BY ALEXIS MARCA CONTRIBUTING WRITER

hen a TEDx organizer offered Benjamin H. Bratton, associate professor of visual arts at UCSD, the opportunity to speak at the TEDxSanDiego event, he responded, “The only TED talk I would do is one about why I don’t like TED Talks.” Bratton’s talk, titled “What’s Wrong with TED Talks?” addressed what he sees as TED’s oversimplification of ideas and shallow, quick-fix solutions to complex problems. He believes that while TED is devised to inform the public of innovative technology and design, it has turned into conferences filled with emptiness, where no meaning or information is truly gathered. “Instead of [a speaker’s] interest and desire being channeled into something that may shift terms of the conversation, [TED] has turned into this empty experience,” Bratton said in an interview with the UCSD Guardian. Bratton explained that since TED is a very popular part of technological media, it has become a kind of template for technology in which people must talk about brilliant ideas in a “TED Talks” way. “TED has become such a dominant format that it has taken up way too much of [people’s] conversations,” Bratton said. “Saying something bad about TED is like saying something bad about kittens or ice cream — I mean, who doesn’t like it?” Bratton said TED doesn’t stand up to its name. “TED, of course, stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and I’ll talk a bit about all three,” he said during his TED talk. “But I think TED actually stands for ‘middle-brow mega-church infotainment.’” Bratton explained that his talk intended to expose the increasingly trivial context that he believes TED has come to support and to challenge the general conception that all of its talks are meaningful and inspiring. “[I wanted] to basically, in a way, pop the bubble of TED,” Bratton said. “[From] watching over a period of time, the way in which [speakers] would talk about and communicate these issues of technology and design [has] gotten dumber and dumber and shallower and shallower. It [has] just diverted into this placebo.” Bratton’s talk has earned him praise and attention — he’s been interviewed and featured in several popular news outlets. An article about his talk published in Britain’s the Guardian rose to the most read piece on the site after it was released on Dec. 30, 2013. The video of his talk received over 100,000 views, and his talk received 20 “like” votes to every dislike, according to Bratton. “The reaction to it was much bigger and stronger than I anticipated,” Bratton said. “[I received] hundreds of emails saying, ‘Thanks for doing this,’ ‘I’m glad somebody finally said this’ [or] ‘I appreciated that you had the courage to stand up and say this.’ I really touched a nerve that was kind of waiting there to be touched.” Although the support he’s gotten demonstrates that his points of criticism resonate with many, Bratton still hopes that those who disagree with him will recognize the condescending way in which he believes TED conveys ideas and technology. Despite his outspoken opposition to the current trend of TED Talks, Bratton expressed indifference regarding the future of TED. “To be honest, I don’t care what happens to TED Talks — it wouldn’t bother me in the least,” Bratton said. “[But], if TED turned into something that is serious and useful and treated people like they’re in the conversation, that would be better.” Readers can contact Alexis Marca at amarca@ucsd.edu.



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The Power of Purchasing

Recent UCSD and UCLA graduates have launched Enrou, an online marketplace that supports socially conscious brands. BY soumya kurnool It all started with UCSD professor Prashant Bharadwaj’s ECON 116 class on economics in developing countries. UCSD alumna Kayla Trautwein, who graduated in 2013 with a major in Economics and a minor in Sociology, found her calling in that class: microfinance — a practice that allows low-scale entrepreneurs in developing countries to acquire loans to start their own businesses. Since graduating, Trautwein has put her passion for microfinance to work in an online fashion and lifestyle marketplace called Enrou. Described as a canvas for socially conscious brands, Enrou connects buyers with brands that support developing communities. Trautwein currently serves as the company’s CFO. Founded in May 2013 by UCLA alumnae Ann Wang and Jessica Willison, both of whom attended high school with Trautwein, Enrou started as a simple Facebook page. At that point, Trautwein hadn’t talked to Wang or Willison since high school; but when she came across their Facebook page last July, she decided to join forces with them. Instead of donating business proceeds to developing communities, Enrou aims to help these communities by providing markets for local artisans to trade their goods. Trautwein believes this practice is a more organic solution that will strengthen communities economically. She explained that trade gives power to local businesses and allows them to build a more stable economy, while aid only increases the community’s dependence on external donors. So far, Enrou has partnered with seven brands that meet two basic criteria: they try to foster economic development, and the products they sell are aesthetically pleasing. One of the more well-known brands Enrou has teamed up with is Pura Vida Bracelets, which supports artisans in Costa Rica. Some of the clothing items Enrou carries were displayed by models from America’s Next Top Model Cycle 20 at the Techweek LA Fashion

editorial assistant Show last November. “We want people to feel like they are making an impact through each purchase,” Trautwein said. Enrou aims to bridge the gap between artisans and consumers through their blog, blog.enrou.co, which they’ve used to share the stories of artisans through interviews. This way, consumers can learn exactly where the product is coming from and what it’s doing for developing communities. Trautwein plans to stand by Enrou for the long-run and hopes to see the creation of a microloan arm of the company in the future, which would allow Enrou to make loans to support local artisans in developing communities. Currently, Enrou is planning a socially conscious street-style campaign that they hope to launch in mid-February, in which people can post their outfits (from socially conscious brands, of course) to social media websites with the hashtag #enroutoempower. Through this campaign, the Enrou team hopes to reach out to the community. Trautwein also hopes to eventually reach out to UCSD in particular and spread awareness about Enrou’s work. At the end of the day, Trautwein is still struck by a sense of wonder about the role she’s played at Enrou. But what strikes Trautwein more is that her journey with Enrou might’ve never happened. “When you graduate, there’s this idea that you have to have a job right out of college, and if you move home right after, that’s weird,” Trautwein said. “I think just going with what’s happening and being yourself and not being embarrassed is important. If I had just taken the job offer I had been given at the end of school just to have a job, I wouldn’t be with Enrou now. It’s really humbling and very cool to step back and see how that played out.” soumya kurnool


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Go Green with Go Bikes USA Eco-friendly electric motorized bikes are now being sold at the UCSD Bookstore. BY sydney reck

associate features editor


is all about.” Wei contends that if a student were to use a bike to get to and from classes, the bike would only need to be charged once a week. The school will not permit students to store the bikes in the common areas of dorm rooms, but students can keep them in their individual rooms, or store them alongside the bike racks. Each bike has its own security system that, when locked, causes any movement of the bike to trigger an alarm and automatically lock the back wheel. Go Bikes USA is committed to assisting students and making everything as easy as possible; according to Wei this is the first priority for Go Bikes USA. Wei explained how they personalize every sale and make sure that each student is happy and comfortable with his or her purchase. “I will be [at the UCSD Bookstore] once a week to help everybody, and we can come by and actually fix the bikes for you,” Wei said. “You don’t have to bring it to us; we’ll come to you. What we do is when UCSD students buy one of these from us, we actually bring the bike to them. We deliver it, and we fit it to you exactly and show you everything about it before we let you go.”


Go Bikes USA is urging students to join the fight to go green and save time and money by riding electric motorized bikes. The UCSD Bookstore is now selling these bikes at a lowered student price of $899. Each bike is equipped with an electric motor that requires regular charging from an outlet. The drum brakes on the bike offer better stopping ability than those on a regular bicycle, and there are three speeds to switch between depending on the rider’s need. The bike also comes with a front basket and a dual-purpose rear platform, which can support up to 350 pounds. The platform can either be used to stow items like backpacks and books or can be folded out to form a backseat. According to Go Bikes USA, representative Henry Wei, the electric bikes can travel three to four times faster than regular bicycles. “Time is money,” he said. “For you, walking across [campus for] 25 minutes [means] you’re going to have to wake up 30 minutes earlier to go to that same class. You could save yourself a lot of time and a lot of headaches by riding a bicycle or having any type of transportation like this.”

Not only do the bikes save time, according to Wei, they also save a lot of money; students don’t need to pay for parking permits for the bikes, and the cost of such transportation works out to be about a penny a mile, roughly $60 to $70 per year. Wei said that legally, the electric bikes conform to federal and California state law. “This is classified with federal law and California state law as a bicycle,” he said. “So, all the bicycle rules of California [apply]. With our bikes — since they go 20 miles per hour by federal and state law — you don’t need a license, registration or insurance.” The company also seeks to contribute to the global initiative to become more eco-friendly. Go Bikes USA has sold to students at UC Irvine and Chapman University and has partnered with fast food restaurants in Chicago with delivery services and RV owners who frequent campgrounds that have strict noise pollution policies. “There’s no carbon,” Wei said. “[We’re] going green by using electricity like the Priuses and anything else. With electric, also, there’s no type of issues with gas, oil gaskets and stuff like that, so you don’t need to ‘fix’ these. And plus, there’s no noise. That’s what the green initiative

readers can contact sydney reck







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Frazier Looks Forward to 2014 Season


Basketball Disappointed on the Road Tritons lost to Sonoma State and San Francisco State, falling to 3–7 in the CCAA. BY DANIEL SUNG


The UCSD men’s basketball team was unsuccessful in its Northern California road trip, losing two games back to back. The Tritons lost 79–64 to Sonoma State and 82–68 to San Francisco State. UCSD returns to La Jolla with a 3–7 record in California Collegiate Athletic Association play. Friday night’s troubling loss to Sonoma was due in part to UCSD’s poor shooting performance. The Tritons shot a dismal 34 percent from the field and an ice-cold 12.5 percent from the three-point line, only hitting three of their 24 attempts from behind the arc. Conversely, Sonoma State was on fire from long range, draining 62 percent of its three pointers. As the top-ranked rebounding team in the conference, the Tritons performed uncharacteristically on the glass, where they were out rebounded 31–18. The Seawolves took advantage of the rebounds by scoring 17 second-chance points, a stark contrast to the Tritons’ meager four second-chance points. “We obviously didn’t play our best basketball tonight,� UCSD head

coach Eric Olen said to the UCSD Athletics Department. “Sonoma State deserves a lot of credit for the way they played, but we didn’t do the little things in order to be successful tonight.� UCSD’s offense struggled all night — only one player, senior point guard James McCann scored in double digits and also led the Tritons in points, rebounds and assists. McCann went 7-for-15 for the night, finishing with a game high 17 points. The Carlsbad native also grabbed six boards and dished out two assists in the losing effort. Freshman guard Adam Klie was the second highest scorer for UCSD, finishing with eight points. Sonoma State had an offensively balanced game; junior Mike Harris scored 15 points, Justin Herold scored 13 points and James Davis scored 12 points. With the win over UCSD, Sonoma State was finally able to nab its first conference win of the season, improving to 1–8, good for last place in the CCAA standings. The following night, the Tritons lost 82–68 to San Francisco State. The Tritons shot better than they did on Friday, shooting 40 percent from the

field and netting 12 from downtown. Offensively, McCann had more help, as UCSD had five players that scored in double digits. Sophomore forward Drew Dyer led the way with a teamhigh 15 points, adding five rebounds and three assists. McCann added 14 points, six rebounds and eight assists Although the Tritons shot the ball well, they could not stop CCAA leading scorer Nefi Perdomo. The 6-foot1-inch senior guard — averaging 22 points on the season — scored 29 points on 9-of-15 shooting from the field and also made five threepointers to lift the Gators. Down by as many as 16 points, the Tritons were able to cut the lead to three with a McCann three-pointer with seven minutes left in the game. However, frivolous turnovers and fouls on defense led to easy buckets for the Gators, while the Triton’s came up empty on offense. UCSD looks to end its two-game losing streak with the help of a home court crowd on Friday, Jan. 24, as they face Cal State Dominguez Hills (2–8).

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D2SUNG@ucsd.edu Â

â–ś FRAZIER, from page 12

College with a degree in human biology and a minor in business. “This is kind of the last stretch of baseball being one of my main focuses,� Frazier said. “I am hoping to get a job at a biotech company, to go to work trying to do something with a positive impact on the world, something that can make a difference.� Making a difference and being involved in the community seems to have always been an important part of Frazier’s focus in school. The second-baseman regularly volunteers with the baseball team and is also part of the Triton Athletes Council, a student-athlete organization whose focus is putting on community service projects. “Our team served food at the San Diego rescue mission two years ago,� Frazier said. “It was a very humbling experience and put things into perspective. No matter how bad of a day I have at baseball, I’m very fortunate for the opportunities I’ve had. It was also good to help them and to give back to the community and people in need.� The first chance for Frazier to step up was last Friday night’s exhibition game in UCSD’s 4–0 win against San Diego Christian. Frazier went 1-for-2 against the Hawks, notching a triple in the seventh. The veteran leadership is not

all that will go into the team’s success this season, as a talented bunch of rookies is said to be moving up through the ranks along with some familiar faces. “We have a handful of new guys who we are expecting big things from. Erik Lewis is a transfer from Fullerton and he played at Long Beach State a couple of years, and he will be an impact infielder right off the bat,� Frazier said. “Tyler Howsley is going to get time at shortstop and is an extremely talented freshman infielder so we are expecting big things from him, as well as many other freshmen.� UCSD has two more exhibition games before opening its preseason on Sunday, Feb. 2, against Holy Names. The Tritons begin conference play on Feb. 8 with a doubleheader against Cal State Los Angeles. “Until the season gets going and we start to see how these other teams are doing we have no idea,� Frazier said. “It is kind of a mystery as of now which makes it more exciting. We have no idea about the new players from a lot of the teams, so we won’t know until we start playing.�

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KWILLMON@ucsd.edu Â

Basketball to Face Cal State Dominguez Hills this Friday, Jan. 24 at UCSD’s Annual Spirit Night ▜ W. BASKETBALL, from page 12

“For our team to be successful, we need to really focus on getting back into defensive transition and not giving up easy baskets,� VanDerveer said. “The way that you do that is eliminating transition baskets, which we were able to do, and

really giving the people just one shot.� In the attack, Perry and junior forward McKennan Bertsch both led UCSD in scoring with 15 points. Perry also dominated the board swith career-high 13 rebounds in her double-double effort. Dautremont finished with 12

points along with 12 rebounds, while Seto sank 13 points. Junior guard Stephanie Yano also dished out a team-high seven assists. “We’re like a symphony orchestra; we play very well together,� VanDerveer said. “Some nights we’ll have some people step out and be soloists, but it’s different people

every game. I think that’s the difference with our team.� After an effective weekend against conference opponents, the Tritons — now 10–4 overall and 7–3 in the CCAA — find themselves tied for second in the CCAA with Cal State Stanislaus. The Tritons will return to home turf looking to

continue their climb in the standings as they take on against Cal State Dominguez Hills on Friday, Jan. 24, and Cal State Los Angeles on Saturday, Jan. 25. Both games will tip-off at 5:30 p.m. at RIMAC Arena.

readers  can  contact BRANDON YU

B2YU@ucsd.edu Â


7KH 'LVFRYHU WKH /DZ SURJUDP KDV MXVW ODXQFKHG IRU Comprised of 40 workshops throughout Winter Quarter, the Discover the Law program offers all currently-registered UC San Diego students the chance to explore different areas of law and the legal profession IRU IUHH. You may drop in to as many workshops as you like, but students who register online and attend at least four workshops will earn a resume-worthy Certificate of Achievement. &KHFN RXW 6WXGHQW /HJDO 6HUYLFHV¡ ZHEVLWH http://sls.ucsd.edu, for more info and to sign up.


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1ST ANNUAL MAKE YOUR CASE CHALLENGE, HOSTED BY TRITON CONSULTING – RADY SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, OTTERSON HALL 1S114 Do you have what it takes to MAKE YOUR CASE? UCSD students will have the opportunity to prepare a case study on an issue of their choice within the finance, healthcare, or technology industry. Teams will compete for the best strategic plans and recommendations to our esteemed panel of judges and have the chance to win prizes. All majors are welcomed!? Want to learn more and need to find team members? Come out to the INFO SESSION! UCSD Triton Consulting Group will cover how to register, the rules and regulations, what to expect at the preliminary and final round, etc.? Case competitions are a great resume booster. This is an opportunity you do not want to miss! Contact: ucsdtcg@gmail.com

10am THE FITNESS ZONE: CARDIO HIT – THE ZONE, PRICE CENTER PLAZA Join FitLife instructor Cassey Marsh for a free, extremely efficient cardio-conditioning and calorie-burning session. The program is organized in intervals of high intensity, moderate intensity and low intensity and uses body weight and simple weights to increase the body's ability to use its fat stores for energy. The session will wrap-up the workout with a fully-body stretch to balance out the mind and body before taking on the rest of the day.

11am HEALTHY BACK – THE ZONE, PRICE CENTER PLAZA This is the first FREE interactive workshop to achieve and maintain a healthy back. This workshop will teach proper body mechanics and back strengthening exercises.

2pm TASTY TUESDAY – THE ZONE, PRICE CENTER PLAZA Come join us for another lovely cooking demo with Elizabeth Shaw and Vaughn Vargas (Housing and Dining's Registered Dietician and Executive Chef). This weeks featured dish is vegetarian Thai coconut soup! Tasty Tuesdays are free; all supplies and materials provided. Space is limited and is first come, first served.



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FITSTOP HEALTH ASSESSMENT – THE ZONE, PRICE CENTER PLAZA The FREE FITstop assessment measures your level of fitness compared to others in your age group. The four specific categories measured are: cardiovascular health, muscular strength and endurance, body weight and composition and flexibility. We use equipment and exercises to measure your blood pressure, heart rate, percent of body fat, flexibility, cardiovascular health, endurance, abdominal strength and upper body strength.

2:30pm DESTRESS WITH BIOFEEDBACK – THE ZONE, PRICE CENTER PLAZA What is Biofeedback? Biofeedback measures psychological stressors and provides the participant with more insight about what makes he or she most stressed and how it affects one's wellbeing. By coming to this program, you will be able to test our Biofeedback services and let CAPS Peer educators teach how to breathe easy!

8pm FASHION QUARTERLY LAUNCH PARTY – THE LOFT, PRICE CENTER Fashion Quarterly Magazine would like to start off the new year and the launch of their Fall/Winter '14 issue with all of our friends and peers. Come by the Loft to raise a glass, enjoy a bite to eat, listen to music from UCSD's DVC, and take a peek at the latest issue of our magazine. Browse selections from local boutiques such as Lolo Boutique and also get a chance to rummage for gems at our a thrifting table set up by FQ, both available exclusively for this event. This event is FREE for all students, and throughout the night we will be raffling prizes, including gift cards from The Cottage and other local businesses. Contact: ucenmarketin@ucsd.edu





THE FITNESS ZONE: SUPERCORE – THE ZONE Not your average ab class! In a FREE 45minutes, you will fatigue your core muscles, ultimately allowing the muscles to get stronger, faster. Utilizing gliding disks, this class will fly by in the blink of an eye! All levels welcome. Lead by FitLife instructor Hector Fletes.

12pm FLU VACCINE CLINIC – THE ZONE FREE flu vaccine for SHIP students; all other students pay $15 for injection, $25 for intranasal.

THU1.23 10am

MEDITATION AT THE ZONE – THE ZONE Every Thursday from 10:00am - 10:30am. Join us for a guided meditation where you can: Gain greater mental clarity, Achieve a peaceful state of being, Learn techniques to de-stress, Achieve harmony amid cognitive dissonance. Meditation led by Recreation FitLife instructor, Voula Athens.

1:30pm THERAPY FLUFFIES – THE ZONE, PRICE CENTER PLAZA Come relax and de-stress with our fun-loving certified therapy dogs. Join us at The Zone every week and relax with these playful pups!

3pm FEMINISTS IN FANDOMS: SCI-FI AND SOCIAL JUSTICE – WOMEN’S CENTER Not so long ago in a galaxy pretty close to here! Do you geek out for sci-fi? Love watching but wish you saw more diversity in space? Join us for a discussion on Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek and more! We'll talk about what we hope 'lives long and prospers in sci-fi' and also want we want to 'exterminate'. Food provided! Contact: women@uscd.edu

8pm MILES K AND JESSE ELIAS – THE LOFT, PRICE CENTER Come hang out with this dynamic comedic duo! Miles K: Over the last year he has performed at SF Sketchfest, The Laughing Skull Comedy Festival, the San Francisco Comedy and numerous colleges. His written work has been featured on Reddit, College Humor, Yahoo, and MSN. He is a regular performer at The San Francisco Punch Line, Cobb's Comedy Club, The La Jolla Comedy Store and many more. Jesse Elias: Jesse Elias is a fresh San Francisco-grown comic ready to be enjoyed. In 2012,he performed in festivals like Sketchfest, Bridgetown, 32nd Annual Comedy Day, and Outside Lands. Prior to that, Jesse Elias competed and won in an SF comedy talent show where he reproduced another comedian's vocal patterns on electric violin. FREE for UCSD students with valid ID/General $5. Contact: avpconcerts@ucsd.edu

MOONLIGHT HIKE COWLES MOUNTAIN – MEET AT OUTBACK RENTAL SHOP IN PEPPER CANYON You will be amazed at just how much the moon lights up the mountain on this great local adventure. Cowles Mountain is just 20 minutes from campus in Mission Trails Park. Hiking three miles in the moonlight and taking in the panoramic views of the skyline are a great way to spend a few hours away from campus. Signup online under Hiking, in person at the Rental Shop (behind Pepper Canyon), at the Surf Shop (in Price Center), or over the phone at 858-534-0684. Early Bird Pricing (before January 20): Current UCSD students $18/ Others $25. After January 20: Current UCSD students $21/Others $28. Contact: steal@ucsd.edu. Website: https://recreation.ucsd.edu/Outback-Adventures/trips-and-classes.html

8am MEDICAL EDUCATION FOR DIVERSE STUDENTS – TELEMEDICINE BLDG Medical Education for Diverse Students (MEDS) is an all-day conference for underrepresented, minority and/or low-income pre-med or pre-pharm students, held Saturday, January 25th 8:00-9:00am at UCSD School of Medicine and Skaggs School of Pharmacy- Telemedicine Buiding. There will be workshops on all components of the application process. On top of that, the UCSD Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy have invited conference attendees to participate in hands-on workshops in the brand-new patient simulation labs, just like first-year medical and pharmacy students. Regardless of students's level of preparation for applying, MEDS hopes to equip students with foundational and essential information needed to successfully apply to medical or pharmacy schools. Registration required, at: meds.ucsd.edu Check in/breakfast begin at 8:00am. Questions? Contact Rachel Bruckman, MEDS Coordinator. Contact: rbruckma@ucsd.edu

9am SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER: 4TH ANNUAL CROSS-CULTURAL LEADERSHIP – CROSS-CULTURAL CENTER This year's theme of 'Speak Truth to Power' emerges from the historical trajectories of resistance and self-expression. It is about sharing our communities' histories through the intersections of our own personal stories. The conference will be about the issues that face our communities and how do we experience and navigate them through our own experiences of self, friends, family, and community. In collaborating with different departments on campus, the conference will also provide a critical space to reflect on the multiple dimensions of being a student activist from well-being to transitioning into post-college life. Breakfast and lunch provided. Workshop submissions and RSVPs are due by Friday 1/17/14 at 4:00 PM. Questions? Contact Irving Ling. Contact: icling@ucsd.edu Website: http://ucsdc3lc.wordpress.com/



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DOWN 1 “Best in Show” org. 2 Ballot figure 3 Rage 4 Aquarium frolicker 5 More puzzling 6 Portrayer of an Oz feline 7 Pulitzer winner Burrows 8 Microscopic crime scene clue, briefly 9 Retiree’s abundance 10 Knightly news? 11 Latin for “where it originally was” 12 Crane, at times 13 Bentsen who said to Quayle, “Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy” 18 Subject 22 Fed. research agency 23 Some PCs 24 Scotch order 25 Epic tale 26 Scarcities 27 Chess move you can only make once 29 Pure 33 Cashed in 36 Hold spellbound 37 Big Apple neighborhood near the Bowery 38 Drainpipe section 39 Not on schedule 41 More likely to explode 42 “Dog the Bounty Hunter” airer 44 1950 classic sci-fi short story book 45 To twice the degree 46 Cousin from an “altogether ooky” family 47 Events with some very short rides 48 Publicity 51 Malty mugfuls 54 “In My Bed” R&B group __ Hill 55 Archaeologist’s project 56 Carnival resort 57 Some are HD 58 Snicker sound



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ACROSS 1 Really silly 6 Server’s tool 11 Queasy, perhaps 14 Where the 4077th MASH served 15 Mammy’s boy 16 Zero 17 Dispel hostile feelings 19 Bay Area airport letters 20 Mildew evidence 21 Sound quality? 23 Shoe part 26 RFK Stadium soccer team 28 “Mame” Tony winner (1966) 30 Ancient spell caster 31 Drink that can follow a shot 32 Oldest of the Fab Four 34 Creative pursuit 35 Streisand cross-dressing role 40 Calif. site of the Latino Walk of Fame 43 Screenwriter Ephron 44 “Please tell me you’re not serious” 48 Mentored ones 49 Words of resignation 50 It may be wireless 51 It’s written on an env. 52 Back away 53 “The Lord of the Rings” region, and a hint to the shared feature of 17-, 28and 44-Across and 26-Down 59 Nuevo __: Peru’s currency 60 Causing chills 61 Item on a cocktail toothpick 62 Trough site 63 Raid targets 64 Play in the tub





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Former redshirt Spencer Frazier will return for fifth year. BY kirsten willmon STAFF WRITER PHOTO BY NHAN NGUYEN


oming off of an exhibition win against San Diego Christian this past Friday, this year’s UCSD baseball team is gearing up for the start of its season with a roster heavy with veteran talent. Among the crop of seasoned upperclassmen is senior secondbaseman, Spencer Frazier. Frazier — a human biology major pursuing a career in the biotech industry — came in as part of the 2010 recruiting class. While redshirting that year, Frazier supported the team during a season in which the Tritons ultimately won the NCAA West Region title and went on to become the NCAA national runner-up. As a redshirt, Frazier did not see time on the field until his junior year at UCSD in 2012, where he had a breakout year receiving All-California Collegiate Athletic Association honorable mention and starting at second base for the Tritons in 42 of 57 games. That year he wrapped up the season with a strong .274 batting average in his 124 plate appearances. Frazier also led the team with 10 sacrifice hits. “There are a lot of different things that went into me playing that year,” Frazier said. “The prior two years, UCSD had a very experienced team with a lot of juniors and seniors who had then graduated going into my junior year. I think, personally, I just grew up, after those first two years. I was more mature and more prepared to play.”

But an exceptional breakout year, followed by a string of injuries — including a stress fracture in his left shin and two separate injuries necessitating stitches on both his left and right eyelids — slowed Frazier’s advance. This all on the heels of the departure of 14-season tenured head coach Dan O’Brien. But, if anything, this seems to have only motivated him to return to the diamond for his last season at UCSD. “I came back because I wanted to play one more year and wanted to be a part of the team again. The way that school worked out, it was really easy. I knew I would only have to take two quarters of classes,” Frazier said. This year, as one of the oldest players on the team, Frazier looks to lend his very varied experience to step up as a leader for UCSD. “I have been a starter, been an all-conference player, but I have also lost my spot, sat on the bench, I have redshirted, I had to walk on to make the team. I have experienced a lot of different things and can relate to a lot of different players, which I think helps me as a leader,” Frazier said. While Frazier prepares for the season, he is also getting ready to graduate from Sixth See FRAZIER, page 9



Volleyball Still Searching for First MPSF Conference Win

Tritons Improve to 7–3, Ranked Second in Conference

The Tritons fell to BYU at home and will face Hawaii this week.

Women’s basketball took two more wins on a weekend road trip.


BY gurkirat singh


For its home opener at RIMAC Arena, the UCSD men’s volleyball team faced off against Brigham Young University in front of a loud crowd of 826 this past Saturday. Despite the support, the Tritons couldn’t deliver as they lost to conference powerhouse No. 7 BYU in straight sets — 25–12, 25–19 and 25–17. Last year’s national runner-up, BYU, improved to 4–2 overall, while the Tritons have yet to find its first conference win (0–4). BYU and UCSD have faced off 35 times and BYU has claimed wins in all of these meetings. BYU played effectively and hit an efficient 0.354 (40-11-82) with 15 aces, nine of which came courtesy of reigning MPSF Player of the Year Taylor Sander. For the Tritons, senior opposite Johl Awerkamp had eight kills, while senior setter Mike Brunsting had 17 assists paired with nine digs. Freshman outside hitter Calvin

Manchenko also had a notable appearance as he came in for the third set, making his first collegiate kill for UCSD. UCSD held its only lead at 3–2 during the third set with the roar of the electrifying crowd behind them, but the Tritons couldn’t hold the lead and eventually dropped behind, unable to gap the deficit. When asked, UCSD head coach Kevin Ring said there were a couple improvements the Tritons can make. “There are two things: certainly passing and, from a skill standpoint, just playing a little better on each touch,” Ring said. “Also just playing a little bit with more heart.” The Tritons will look to pick up their first win as they head off to Honolulu, Hawaii on Thursday, Jan. 23, to face off against University of Hawaii for a two-match set on Friday, Jan. 24, and Sunday, Jan. 26.

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BY brandon yu


The UCSD women’s basketball team took a pair of wins on Friday, Jan. 17, against Sonoma State and on Saturday, Jan. 18, against San Francisco State. The Tritons improve to 10–4 overall and are now tied for second in the conference with a 7–3 record in California Collegiate Athletic Association play. After poor shooting in the first half, in which UCSD shot only 23.5 percent (8–34) from the field, the Tritons came out firing in the final two quarters, scoring a total of 49 points in the second half. “In the second half we were able to get in a much better offensive rhythm and really play some solid defense,” UCSD head coach Heidi VanDerveer said. “I think our defense really got us some easy looks, got us in a rhythm

and really helped us turn the corner in the game.” Senior guard Megan Perry led with 18 points, which came from six three-pointers. Coupled with junior guard Miranda Seto and senior forward Erin Dautremont’s 16 points each, the Tritons found a way to power through the Seawolves, who, with the loss, fell to 2–11 overall and 1–8 in the CCAA. Coming off of the big win, the Tritons took down San Francisco State 62–54. San Francisco State, now 9–7 overall and 5–5 in the CCAA, found themselves shut down on the attack, as the Tritons held the Gators to a mere 27.9 percent (19–68) shooting from the field. VanDerveer said that the team’s defense has been the key element for the Tritons’ recent success. See W. BASKETBALL, page 9

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