02.16.12 | UCSD Guardian

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dog day afternoon, Page 6






SHIP Will Cover Birth Control

Students to Vote on Future of CLICS

By Natalie Covate Staff Writer

Students covered by the UC healthcare provider will no longer pay a co-pay for contraceptives by Fall 2012.

By Michael Chang Staff Writer


irth control pill prescriptions will be covered by the UC system’s Student Health Insurance Plan at no additional cost by August 2012. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services stated Jan. 20 that most insurance plans must now cover contraceptive services for clients. “UC SHIP wants to be in compliance with the Affordable Care Act,” Director of Student Health Regina Fleming said. “The Affordable Care Act requires that contraceptives are available without a co-pay for patients.” While the ruling does not directly affect UC SHIP, the universities will adopt the policy. This would allow the plan to provide benefits similar to those found under a parent’s or private insurance’s policy.

“The goal for UC SHIP from the inception has been to keep it in compliance with the regulations of the mandates of the Affordable Care Act,” Fleming said. “We’re trying to phase in each of those requirements as the time frame comes up that it’s supposed to be in effect. It’s very, very unlikely that the executive committee would select not to provide a benefit that is mandated by the Affordable Care Act.” Female students at UC campuses will gain access to Federal Drug Administration-approved preventative and contraceptive measures. While SHIP currently covers prescriptions for birth control pills, it requires a co-pay of $15 per month for undergraduate students and $5 per month for graduate students to get generic brand pills from Student Health Services. Brand-name pills are more costly at $30 per

JEFFREY lau /GU ardian

month for undergraduate students and $25 per month for graduate students. For students that have waived the school’s insurance plan, the price could vary between $20 a month to $85 a month depending on the brand. A proposal of the benefits and premium rates for the 2012-13 academic year as well as the changes to SHIP must still be approved by the UC SHIP Executive Committee. The student health advisory committee of each UC school provides campus-specific input regarding the plan. This information is shared on the systemwide UC SHIP Advisory Committee through See SHIP, page 3


Professor Receives $700K Grant By Nicole Chan Associate News Editor UCSD professor Sandra Daley received a grant of $742,222 this January from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Daley, former Assistant Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer, said that the grant will fund diversity programs held at the UCSD School S andra D aley of Medicine and other local organizations. “UC San Diego is committed to providing students of all backgrounds with the tools and resources they need to be successful in their educational endeavors,” Daley, professor of pediatrics and director of the

Comprehensive Research Center in Health Disparities, said in an email. “This grant supports our mission by funding programs conducted at UC San Diego, San Diego State University and the San Diego Border Area Health Education Center. These programs will help disadvantaged students in San Diego pursue their dreams of becoming doctors in the health sciences, nurses and other health professionals, and thereby ensure a strong and diverse healthcare workforce for our nation’s future.” Daley currently runs the Health Careers Opportunity Program/ San Diego Regional Consortium, a program designed to help students from disadvantaged backgrounds prepare for graduate and health professional schools. According to Daley, the HCOP/SDRC begins working with students while they are



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This month’s Special Election ballot will offer students the chance to have a say in the future of CLICS. One survey question, written by a group of students, will ask for the respondents input on how the former library should operate. The CLICS-specific question was created in response to the current renovation plan to put a 400-seat lecture hall in the middle of CLICS; this plan would limit study space around the building’s perimeter. Students will be able to tell A.S. Council how they want the space to be used. CLICS, previously a UCSD-operated library and study space, closed at the end of the 2010-11 academic year due to budget cuts. Students broke into the building Fall Quarter. Since then, it has been a studentoperated study space. “I would say [the resistance to the closure of the library] started when the announcement was made that CLICS was going to be shut down,” A.S. Vice President of External Affairs Samer Naji said. Initial construction plans for CLICS were released to students during a Town Hall meeting on Feb. 6. According to A.S. President Alyssa Wing, who is also Representative to the Building Advisory Committee for Galbraith Hall, the plan to build a large lecture hall in Galbraith Hall See CLICS, page 3

Biting the dust

in middle school to ensure their access to higher educational programs. According to a Jan. 31 campus press release, the UCSD School of Medicine program provides students in the San Diego Unified and Sweetwater School Districts and community college students from San Diego and Imperial Counties with access to mentoring programs, lab activities, workshops and hands-on research training. HCOP/SDRC is one of 14 programs in the nation to be awarded the grant. The grant, which was funded by the Health Resources Services Administration, will enable the continuation of these diversity programs that have so far helped over 1,500 local students. Readers can contact Nicole Chan at n3chan@ucsd.edu.






N olan thomas /GU ardian

The UCSD softball team lost to No. 15 Chico State in the conference opener, dropping 3-1 in the four-game series.


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INSIDE That Moment in Life...............2 New Business.........................3 How-to Guru...........................4 Letters to the Editor................4 Dodging the Horizon..............6 Sudoku...................................9 Sports...................................12


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

That Moment in Life By Irene Chiang Angela Chen

Editor in Chief

Arielle Sallai Margaret Yau

Managing Editors

Nicole Chan Zev Hurwitz Laira Martin Madeline Mann Hilary Lee Rachel Uda Nicholas Howe

Visual Diary By Khanh Nguyen

Associate News Editors

Opinion Editor Associate Opinion Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor

Mina Nilchian

Focus Editor

Arielle Sallai

Leisure Editor

Ren Ebel Andrew Whitworth

Hiatus Editor Associate Hiatus Editor

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Copy Editors

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Page Layout Nathan Toung, Leo Bui, Rebecca Horwitz, Arielle Sallai, Angela Chen


Scripps, Google Team Up to Update Ocean Application BY Javier Armstrong Staff Writer Researchers from UCSD, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, along with other ocean mapping groups from around the world, worked with Google Earth to update its Google Ocean application in early February. “The original version of Google Ocean was a newly developed prototype map that had high resolution but also contained thousands of blunders,” Scripps geophysicist David Sandwell said in a Feb. 7 campus press release. Five UCSD undergraduate students from the physics department spent the past three years identifying and correcting the blunders, according to Sandwell. Google researchers used updated bathymetry gathered by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Bathymetry is the underwater equivalent to topography, a process that Scripps has been using to generate global bathymetric maps since 1994. “You can measure bathymetry in a variety of ways,” Sandwell said. “One way would be to use a multibeam echo sounders.” Multibeam echo sounders are a type of sonar S nighdha P aul /G uardian system. Sound waves

are bounced off of the sea floor, at which point data returns to the surface, which helps researchers map out the shape of the sea floor. The update includes more accurate imaging and mapping of certain ocean areas using multibeam data. Some of the data was collected during the last three decades using Scripps research vessels such as the Washington, Melville and Revelle. “Those are just three ships out of the global fleet,” Sandwell said. “Globally there might be 40 ships that have contributed data — Scripps has provided a large contribution.” According to a YouTube video released by Google on Feb. 1, Google used satellite data for the update from both U.S. and European spacecrafts. Google also used shipboard sounding data from surveys carried out by over 40 different countries.According to the press release, UCSD undergraduate physics student Alexis Shakas processed all the U.S. multibeam data and then worked with Google researchers in order to update the bathymetric maps. Sandwell said that the update matches the sea floor map to the map that is used in the research community, giving researchers a more useful tool for planning expeditions to uncharted areas. A grid-like pattern on Google Ocean that appeared off of the north coast of Africa was mistakenly believed to be Atlantis. The updated

program has since corrected this error. NOAA now confirms that the grid-like feature was caused by Google using numerous data sets that can cause an overlap of information. The updated Google Ocean has erased this feature from the ocean floor. According to the Feb. 7 UCSD press release, the next update will come later this year with the introduction of a new gravity model that has twice the accuracy of previous models. Readers can contact Javier Armstrong at jtarmstr@ucsd. edu

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CorrectionS The Feb. 13 the article “University Centers Fee May Increase $39 Annually” incorrectly stated that students will be voting this month on a UCEN referendum. The referendum has not yet passed through council.

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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Council Discusses Election Bylaws, Sun God for a Cause


our members of the public addressed A.S. Council the public regarding the Division-I referendum at We d n e s d a y ’s meeting. These students spoke both in favor of and against the referendum. Natalie Covate AVP of ncovate@ucsd.edu College Affairs Leonard Bobbitt was excited to announce that every week a new college council will be visiting, starting with Muir College this week. “Please be nice to them and show them that we can be nice people when we like to be,” he said. AVP of Academic Affairs Mac Zilber announced that there is a new policy stating that if a student is accused of academic misconduct, the student can now drop the class before the professor takes actions against you. However, this blessing in disguise will not prevent administrative actions from being taken against the accused student. Engineering Senator Parminder Sandhu reminded council that his Engineering-on-a-stick event is scheduled for Thursday of Week 10. As if anyone has had an opportunity to forget. Councilmember of the Week is AVP of Student Organizations Pauline Nuth. She was unaware that a celebratory strut is expected, but VP of Student Life Meredith Madnick was able to catch her and send her down the runway. President Alyssa Wing announced her Diversity Dinner event. However, at $17 per plate and expected attendance around 40



students, council debated whether or not to fund the event. “I understand that the event should be more formal [than other events], but we’ve had c o nv e r s at i o n s about saving money and allowing more projects to reach more students,” Sandhu said. The event’s funding was ultimately passed with the condition that Wing and her office will look into less expensive catering options. A.S. Judicial Board members criticized new election bylaws implemented this year in a special presentation showing the unconstitutionality of Section 5.5. “It worries me that this is coming out on the eve of an election,” Bobbitt said. “It puts A.S. in an uncomfortable situation and it puts [the Judicial] Board in an uncomfortable situation.” However, since the candidatefiling period has officially begun, no changes can be made to bylaws. “I want to ask us to table [these changes] until after the election since nothing can be done right now, and also to tone down the hostility, particularly on the side of A.S. Council,” VP of External Affairs Samer Naji said. Madnick and VP of Finance and Resources Kevin Hoang announced the creation of Sun God for a Cause. When students pick up their Sun God wristbands, they can opt to donate a dollar to VH1’s Save the Music foundation. Local educational music programs will thrive on UCSD’s intoxicated festivities.

Student Health Fees May be Adjusted Due to New Coverage ▶ SHIP, from page 1 both the student and SHS staff representatives, providing further input for the UC SHIP Executive Committee, which makes final decisions about the plan. If the measure passes, students will not have to pay a co-pay. The brands covered by the formulary are still being decided, according to Fleming. The cost increase to enroll in SHIP for students is expected to be less than 1 percent. UC Regents have made health insurance a mandatory

non-academic requirement to be enrolled in the UC system since September 2001, due to increasing health care costs and a rising number of students without health coverage. Currently, the enrollment cost for UCSD’s SHIP is $310 per quarter for undergraduates and $549 per quarter for graduates and professionals. The fee is automatically charged upon enrolling in classes. Students are allowed to waive the fee if they are already have comparable coverage by another

plan and do not wish to pay for SHIP. UCSD has not yet determined whether the change in coverage plan will have an impact on the cost of SHIP. All students are able to use the on-campus SHS whether they are enrolled in the plan or not. According to Fleming, 20 to 25 percent of prescriptions currently filled at SHS are for birth control pills. Readers can contact Michael Chang at mechang@ucsd.edu.

Cost of Renovating CLICS Would Be More Than $6.7 Million

▶ CLICS, from page 1

began due to the growing need for more lecture halls. “[The committee] researched where we could feasibly put a lecture hall, and renovating a building that is already there makes more sense than to try to build one somewhere else,” Wing said. Approximately 30 students, three tenured professors and a union representative attended the Town Hall meeting in defense of the building as a study space. “It was astounding how many students were outraged at the plan,” Eleanor Roosevelt College senior and author of the ballot question Sophia Lawson said. “A lot of the rage came from the lecture hall that was going to be [built] there.” According to Lawson, one of the students in attendance said that the lecture hall construction plan should be scrapped altogether. Wing recommended creating a ballot question that could be added to the special election ballot in order to get a clear idea of what students want to see happen to the space. “[Wing told me that] someone needs to pen a question and bring

it to [her] at the A.S. meeting and try to get it passed,” Lawson said. The question originally read, “In 2011, UCSD closed CLICS library to save $450,000 annually. There are plans to renovate the space to include a 420-seat lecture hall and limit study space to three side rooms, which will cost more than $6,700,000. Do you agree that this is the best use of these funds to help you achieve your educational goals?” During the Feb. 8 meeting, A.S. Council decided that the question needed to be reworded to make it sound more neutral and to clarify that students are voting on what they want A.S. Council to advocate. The question now reads: “What would you like to see A.S. [Council] advocate for with regards to the CLICS space (Galbraith Hall)?” This question will have four options for students to select from, including an “other” option where students can describe their position. No one, including Lawson, challenged the rewording of the ballot question. “I think [changing the question] was a fair process,” Lawson said. “Obviously, I have very strong

feelings for CLICS, [but] the whole point was to get a response that reflects what the student body wants.” Results of the student survey may impact the actions council will take in the renovation of CLICS. “Let’s say the majority [of students] say they want A.S. [Council] to advocate the lectur de hall with limited study space, then A.S. [Council] will continue what it’s doing,” Naji said. “However, if the majority say they want a student-run building, then A.S. [Council] will have to seriously reevaluate their plans.” According to Wing, the Building Advisory Committee for Galbraith Hall is already responding to students. On Feb. 29, there will be a presentation at the A.S. Council meeting regarding the need for lecture halls. “[The Committee] wants to provide information to students that wasn’t available at the Town Hall,” Wing said. “[They] want to answer questions like why CLICS is closed and why they want to put in a lecture hall.” Readers can contact Natalie Covate at ncovate@ucsd.edu


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Mann CONTACT THE EDITOR Madeline opinion@ucsdguardian.org

OPINION In Case of Emergency, Jump Start Your Weekend



et’s say that it’s Friday night, and you’re about to go out with your friends. Everyone is dressed to the nines and you’re psyched to feed your budding alcoholism. But when you all go out to the car, it’s click-click-click-click dead. Shit. You know you need to jump start your car, but you don’t really remember how. Don’t stress: How-to Guru is here to save your weekend.

How-to Guru opinion@ucsdguardian.org

Take Two

illustration by snighdha paul /G uardian

UCSD will mandate a new “two pass” enrollment system starting next fall, a beneficial plan that will give students more chances to claim spots in required classes. Editorial Board Angela Chen Editor In Chief

Arielle Sallai Margaret Yau Managing Editors

Madeline Mann Opinion Editor

Hilary Lee Associate Opinion Editor The UCSD Guardian is published twice a week at the University of California at San Diego. Contents © 2011. Views expressed herein represent the majority vote of the editorial board and are not necessarily those of the UC Board of Regents, the ASUCSD or the members of the Guardian staff.


t seems that the only thing that will make signing up for classes more stressful is to have students do it twice for one quarter — but UCSD’s new enrollment plan coming Fall Quarter actually looks like it could benefit a lot of students. Dubbed a “two pass” system, the new registration process mandates two enrollment times — the first pass allows students to sign up to a maximum of 11.5 units, and the second up to 19.5 units. The idea is that all students will be able to claim spots in competitive GE and major classes on their first pass before they fill up. The reoccurring issue in years past occurs when students with priority registration take the spots in the popular classes, leaving those with later registration times in a crunch. While the two-pass system may take some adjustment for UCSD students, universities such as UC Berkeley, UCLA and UC Davis already use this system —allowing us to project just how useful this system may prove at UCSD. When you look at this new two-pass policy, it seems to short-change students with the best enrollment times. However, most seniors have already completed their necessary big lectures and GE courses, and can instead opt for classes that are less popular. Thus, the class selection process will level the playing field by limiting the number of classes each student can snag, making it more likely that all students will get a couple important core classes.

This system will make its biggest impact for majors that require students to take a few specific classes in a sequence. For instance, political science majors have a wide breadth of classes to choose from in a single quarter, with seven subcategories in the major each with approximately four classes available every quarter. Therefore a political science major would not notice the benefits from the two-pass system as much as, say, a bioengineering major. A bioengineering major has twelve courses in a series that they must complete every year, making it crucial that every student gets a chance to reserve a spot in those core classes so as to not fall behind. For majors with such stringent curriculum, this new system is very advantageous. At UC Berkeley they call this system the “two-phase system.” The system functions in nearly the same manner, except Cal students can waitlist classes during phase one, an option that UCSD students won’t have. This is a smart alteration on UCSD’s part because when Berkeley students waitlist a class in the first phase, they use up half their allotted credits on a class that they are not guaranteed entry into. Yet, if Cal students wait until the second phase to enter into a waitlisted class, then the list has the See pass, page 5


Increased Athletics Will Go Against the UCSD Spirit Dear Editor, The claims of boosting “school spirit” and “positive social effects” are ones that I strongly disagree with. One thing about UCSD that I really like, and that makes me really proud to be a student here, is precisely that we are focused on our studies and our individual social organizations, rather than being a single monolithic mob of manics yelling, “UCSD! UCSD!” Increased sports would act directly against this kind of spirit, and I don’t want to see that. As for “positive social effects” — I like the way that a common topic at UCSD parties is the classes we’re taking and the research topics we’re working on; I like the fact that most of my fellow students either aren’t involved in any sports, or are involved in unusual, quirky sports that they do because they love them, not because the rest

of the school gives them payment, either in love or money. This kind of “social effect” is just fine here, thank you, and increased sports would undermine it. That’s why I’m opposed to the Division-I referendum, now or later. The money is another reason why it’s a terribly stupid idea, but that’s not why I oppose it. — Jesse Weinstein Senior, Sixth College

Athletics Should Not Be Motivated By Financial Gain Dear Editor, I want to applaud Jonathan Sapan for his excellent insights regarding the dangers of moving into Division-I athletics in his letter to the editor that ran in the Feb. 9 Guardian. I agree that our campus will be on a slippery slope if the students vote to make this costly move. And for what? To play a bunch of colleges that give UCSD no

greater status than the ones we currently play in Division II? Athletics are not, and SHOULD NOT, be motivated by finances. What we have right now are great student athletes that compete for the love of the game. If this referendum passes, UCSD will permanently alter the basis for athletic success from teamwork and dedication to financial gain and a free ride. Already, students from UC Santa Barbara and UC Davis are dissatisfied with the costliness of their moves to Division I, having gained no benefit from it and are looking into how to reverse the decision. Do we, the students or our parents, really want to kick in another $165 per quarter, or $2,600 extra during our college careers, during a time that is already financially volatile? With the UC Regents playing the puppet strings of our pocket books, this is the wrong time, and more importantly the wrong REASON, to move to Division I. When I was recruited to play here I was under the impression that UCSD fought to represent our school, to win for each other and to play the See Letters, page 5

Invest in a pair of jumper cables. Hopefully, it’s painfully apparent that without them, your car — and weekend — is dead. Unless you enlist the help of kindly neighbors, if those exist. A set of jumper cables should only set you back $10 to $15, and you’ll always be prepared to help out a friend in need — or you know, yourself. Don’t be the cheap schmuck who inadvertently sabotages his first date because he never got around to buying jumper cables. So your car battery is dead and you have jumper cables in hand — now what? First, make sure the car that is helping you is bigger than yours. For instance, a mini cooper can’t help restart a Ford F-150, but it would easily work the other way around. Pop open the hood of each car (make sure they are parked close enough) and follow these steps. But remember, even though these steps seem simple, they must be followed to the T. Improvising will likely result in sparks flying and a possible explosion — and not the good kind. First turn off both cars, obviously. Find both car batteries — again, pretty obvious — and locate the positive and negative terminals. Usually, manufacturers make it pretty easy with red-positive, blacknegative labels. Clamp the cables in the following order: the red positive cable on the stalled car’s red positive terminal, the other red positive cable on the helping car’s red positive terminal, the black negative cable on the helping car’s black negative terminal and — this is the important part — the other black negative cable on a unpainted metal surface in the stalled car, like the engine block. Failure to do the last step by attaching the black cable to the stalled car’s negative terminal will result in some pretty impressive pyrotechnics. Once the cables are sufficiently attached, start the car with the good battery and let it run for two to three minutes. Then crank the engine of the stalled car until the car starts, and remove the cables in reverse order. Yes, the engine is running, but suck it up and just do it. Your sweaty palms and heart palpitations don’t reflect well on the awesome deed you just pulled off. Now that both cars are up and running, drive both cars around for a bit — and be sure to not turn off your engine for at least 30 minutes to give your battery time to recharge. What you do after that is up to you, but the How-to Guru suggests celebratory drinks and some smug basking in the knowledge that you pulled a fast one on the finicky god of car misery.


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

In other news By Rebekah Hwang

▶ Letters, from page 4 sports that shaped and defined our character — not for a free ride and a chance to play the Anteaters. Students, read the referendum. If you can’t find one, scour the A.S. Council website. Get out and vote between Feb. 27 and March 9 by going to tritonlink.ucsd.edu. I’m going to vote a resounding “no” because the results from our student athletes won’t dramatically change, but the repercussions on our student body will. — Nathan Murphy Junior, Roosevelt College

A.S. Council Stands Neutral on D-I

Two-Pass System Offers Equality in Class Sign-Ups

▶ PASS, from page 4

potential to be exponentially longer, narrowing their chances even more to get a seat. That is why UCSD’s no waitlisting rule on first pass is a solid one. It allows classes to fill up and then gives seniors dibs on single-digit waitlists before all the lower classmen fill up a lecture after reading a glowing Rate My Professor profile. A common complaint against the two-pass system at Berkeley is the stress of having the other half of your schedule up in the air. It is essential to know which classes are essential to take in a quarter and prioritize those in the first phase. Students will have to consistently check up on which classes are still available and have multiple back-ups in case their classes fill up. Berkeley’s two-phase system separates the two sign-up times with up to two months in between — excessively drawing out the process. UCSD has not specified the amount of time between the two passes, but it has increased the appointment times per day, ranging

from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Friday, with appointments now on Saturdays as well. This is an important move to get the first pass done more quickly so as to not drag out the process longer than it already is. Yet, the root of this high stress when signing up for classes is due to the increasing numbers of students as the number of classes decrease. There has been a trend in the UC system of over a 20-percent increase in average class size since 2008, coupled with a reduction of the number of courses offered. This in effect makes it harder for students to get the classes they need to graduate and creates a heavier workload for professors and TAs whose numbers often stay stagnant as classes grow. However, the new two-pass system looks promising as a way to bring equality when signing up for classes and suppresses the symptoms of crowded classes. Students just need to focus on prioritizing the right classes and making each pass count.

Dear Editor, In the last few weeks, articles were published regarding the publicity of the Division-I referendum and upcoming special election. As the A.S. Advocate General, I am responsible for the neutral, educational campaign to promote the special election. It was just over a week ago that the referendum was officially approved by the administration, meaning that our neutral campaign could begin. The Election Committee and I are currently working to get the language of the referendum out to the student body through social media and through the A.S. Council website, where it has been made public. We are currently working with the A.S. Graphic Studio to produce promotional materials in order to advertise the special election to all students, and these materials will be distributed starting this week. Additionally, we will have an official, unbiased polling location established on Library Walk during Weeks 8 and 9 where students will be able to vote. Last week, the Guardian referred to the letter that has been circulated

on Facebook as “[alleging] collaborative efforts between A.S. Council and the Athletics Department towards securing the Division I referendum vote.” I want to assure you that there is no collaboration between A.S. Council and the athletics department or any other group who wishes to take a stance with regards to the special election. A.S. Council has taken a neutral stance on the referendum, and any public opinions of Council members do not reflect the stance of Council as a whole or the Election Committee. A.S. Council has been instructed to act under this definition of neutrality: “the state or position of being impartial or not allied with or committed to either party or viewpoint in a conflict.” This is the standard that A.S. Council will be upholding throughout the course of the special election, and I intend to hold Council to that standard. The involvement of A.S. Council and of the Election Committee in the Special Election is to ensure a fair process and to promote informed voting across the entire student body. With that, I hope that students choose to make an informed choice with regards to the Division-I referendum, and I will ensure that their choices are not influenced by the actions of A.S. Council. Shock the vote, UCSD! — Courtney Hill Sophomore, Marshall College ▶ The Guardian welcomes letters from its readers. All letters must be addressed, and written, to the editor of the Guardian. Letters are limited to 500 words, and all letters must include the writer’s name, college and year (undergraduates), department (graduate students or professors) or city of residence (local residents). A maximum of three signatories per letter is permitted. The Guardian Editorial Board reserves the right to edit for length, accuracy, clarity and civility. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject letters for publication. Due to the volume of mail we receive, we do not confirm receipt or publication of a letter.


THE UCSD GUARDIAN |THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

EBEL CONTACT THE EDITOR REN hiatus@ucsdguardian.org




A l l D o gs Go to H eLL Whitney’s Gone, But the ’90s Are Still Alive


he ‘90s were a good time for the music industry — a time of excess and record-breaking releases, when artists could sell millions of records the week they were released, when Tower

Dodging the

Horizon arielle sallai asallai@ucsd.edu

Records still existed and CDs didn’t just collect dust. The best selling album of the decade — the soundtrack to “The Bodyguard” — sold 11 million copies the year it was released (a number unheard of these days), largely attributed to the inclusion of Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You,” among other tracks by the singer. In essence, it was Whitney’s time. Now, one might think her passing last Saturday marks the final nail in the coffin of this golden, pre-millennial era. But curiously enough, despite the fact that we’ve been mourning Houston’s career and the industry itself for the past decade, the legacy of the ’90s is alive and well on the pop charts today. Just look at Adele. The British singer touts the kind of traditional mainstream pop ballads that made singers like Houston, Mariah Carey and Celine Dion such wildly popular recording artists, and the public has responded in kind; her mega-hit 21 has spent the most weeks on the top albums chart since the ‘90s (when the “Titanic” soundtrack spent 16 weeks on top). See horizon, page 8

Everything is terrible finds artistic sol ace in the vhs bargain bin. By Taylor Hogshead • Staff Writer


that hunts them down and punishes them.” f you ever wondered what happened to all the old VHS Along with their expansive collection of remixed nostapes collecting dust in your garage, it’s quite likely that talgia on their blog, Everything is Terrible has taken it upon they’ve already been sifted through and psyched out by themselves to reach their goal of “not so much the largest the cult Internet prodigies Everything is Terrible. Since starting their website in 2008, Everything is Terrible collection of ‘Jerry Maguire’ VHS tapes in the world, but rather obtaining every single ‘Jerry Maguire’ tape still in exishas been responsible for an insurmountable number of tence,” according to Maier. bizarre viral videos ranging from instructional cat massages The venture has brought them deeper to pedophile-hunting dinosaurs. The into the trend of interactive web culture, with clips are scrounged from the seven-man everything is terrible! donations of the “Jerry”s by hardcore fans group’s private VHS vaults — some presents: “Doggiewoggiez! becoming a staple of their live shows. The meticulously re-edited to frightening poochiewoochiez!” group now features a leader board on their effect, some left completely untouched website (called “Maguire-Watch!”) to track in all their bizarre glory. When: Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m. those with the most donations. Maier brags Their newest full-length feature Where: Che Café that they just broke 1,000 copies on one of “DoggieWoggiez! PoochieWoochiez!” their recent tour stops, confidently speculating will find its way to the screen at UCSD’s Tickets: $6 they’ll reach around a million by the end of Che Café on Feb. 21. Video artist and Online: thechecafe.blogspot.com the tour. comedian Nic Maier, one of the found“I can’t believe people do it,” Maier said. ing members of EIT, found the time on “Someone bought 300 copies with their own money and their nationwide tour to cozy himself up under his thick fur their parents helped them drive all of them over to the coat in the back of their van to give us the low down on their show…I feel like it’s something for everyone. It’s like a scavwebsite and latest film. enger hunt to feel united in this terrible culture that we’re all According to Maier, the group’s hobby of manipulating trapped in.” found footage first transitioned from casual shenanigans to “DoggieWoggiez! PoochieWoochiez!” attempts to full-fledged web invasion while attending Ohio University. push EIT’s warped creativity to another level in remaking “Our original intention was to find tapes to laugh at after Alejandro Jodorowsky’s demented 1973 surrealist classic a night of college drinking,” Maier said. “Eventually we got “The Holy Mountain” exclusively with found footage of dogs. tired of just drinking and laughing at videos, so we got more “The image of a dog on a skateboard, wearing shades, into working on things to share with each other.” eating pizza is pretty much the funniest, coolest idea ever to Before they knew it, their antics had caught the attention us,” Maier said. “It’s something we joked about for awhile: of Internet meme-sters across the globe. Videos of obscure remaking [“The Holy Mountain”]. Because it’s just such a difreligious children’s programming, long-forgotten D-movies ficult movie to watch, understand, and feel like you’re totally and psycho-hypnotic PSAs resurfaced en masse via YouTube, grasping. The idea of remaking it just sounded so beautiful. often drawing thousands of views. I don’t think anyone could possibly remake it effectively by Today, jumping straight into the abyss of the Everything traditional means, and I think that made it so much more is Terrible catalogue can be a daunting task for anyone looktempting for us to remake it.” ing for a quick laugh. Although searching through countless Clearly, they’re on to something. And if you’re lookcampy mash-up videos for hidden gems may be a rewarding ing for some mind-twisting live entertainment Tuesday, experience for some, Maier offered up some good places to “DoggieWoggiez! PoochieWoochiez!” will no doubt deliver start, including his own personal favorite. the unexpected. “My favorite is ‘PARTYING WITH RUX!’ — a one“It’s a pretty different experience,” Maier said. “[Imagine] minute long extremely psychedelic video starring Teddy Ruxtin who mistakenly eats some roots in the forest and goes one of our two-minute online videos blown up into two hours with full-size psychedelic Muppets dancing around on on a pseudo-drug journey,” Maier said. “It is definitely not stage… it’s intense and exhausting but I don’t think people for everyone. ‘Yellow Dinosaur Pedophile Hunter’ seems to really have the chance to experience anything like it anybe the one that everyone enjoys. Everyone agrees that pedowhere else.” philes are bad and there should be a giant yellow dinosaur


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org


exit strategy

Sex and Scope


Seattle songwriter adds ambition to intimate sound.

7 10 Perfume Genius Pur Your Back N 2 It Matador


he composition of a second album always promised to pose difficulties for Perfume Genius, aka Mike Hadreas, a Seattle-born singer-songwriter whose debut record Learning offered an intensely private, relentlessly intimate message seldom possible outside of a debut record. For his second effort, Hadreas attempts to abandon such a personal

approach to explore more universal issues. Thankfully, this wider scope hardly results in mundane subject matter. The title track, for example, is about gay sex, while “AWOL Marine” tackles addiction and is inspired, in Hadreas’ own words, by “some unedited homemade basement porn I watched.” The music retains its dark undertones, though the first album’s heavily distorted vocals and total reliance on a lone piano are replaced by more varied instrumentation, witnessed in “No Tears,” the first Perfume Genius track to include a drum kit and “All Waters,” which features a soaring guitar that leads the track to an emotive climax. The result is a more fully fleshed-out sound, although tracks like the somber “Sister Song” demonstrate that Hadreas’ ability to craft a powerful

song with minimal backing remains potent. But the record’s broader thematic approach can often prove restrictive. Learning’s power derived from the artist’s ability to punctuate personal songs with specific details, and his more distant lyrical stance on this record occasionally makes the music feel slightly hollow. Some sentiments, such as the repeated “Do your weeping now” on “Dirge,” lack context and verge on the melodrama. Still, a transition from sparseness to a fuller-sounding effort was inevitable for Perfume Genius, and this record succeeds in mostly delivering songs replete with emotional power and intrigue. — Piers Barber

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Staff Writer


University Art Gallery / feb. 16, 5:30 P.M. / free

Doom Wop

Science and art collide tonight at the University Art Gallery with the opening of Anomalia — a contemporary art collection with a focus on scientific models of research and representation. “Anomalia” is the Latin root for “anomaly,” referencing the collection’s concerns with the methodological clash between the arts and sciences. The collection will feature work from celebrated conceptual artists including Charles Gaines, Erick Meyenberg, Jorge Satorre and more. (RE)

Indie rock chameleons Islands glow in the dark.

7 10 Islands A Sleep & A Forgetting Anti-Records


fter his former band The Unicorns went extinct in 2004, Nicholas Thronburn started indie-rock group Islands, releasing the first album Return to the Sea in 2005. On that album, the band reveled in exactly the kind of breezy melodies and

bright lyrics implied by the “islands” of its name. Through albums two and three, Arm’s Way and Vapours, Islands experienced many shifts in band lineups, allowing for an exploration of new sounds and styles such as heavier T. Rex-inspired guitars and drummachine programming that veered from its Calypso-influenced debut. On A Sleep & A Forgetting, the exploration continues. Trying out slow, mournful rock structures and doo-wop harmonies, record number four indulges in a genre referred to by Thronburn as “Doom Wop.” “No Crying” is a good example of this contrast, beginning with Jimmy Buffet-style guitars and light percus-

sion that give the track a traditional Islands flavor. However, the seductive crooning of Thronburn’s voice adds a morose flavor, complete with the aching associated with teenage heartbreak. Though dreamy and loaded with sadness, the album often manages to sound surprisingly upbeat (see the bouncy piano work on “Never Go Solo” and New-Wave keytar on “Can’t Feel My Face”). But just as the title suggests, A Sleep & A Forgetting manages to get slower and softer with each track, fading off into a whisper by the album’s close.

surfer blood

porter’s pub / feb. 21, 7 P.M. / $12 Florida’s Surfer Blood has been steadily garnering critical acclaim since the release of its solid debut Astro Coast — a feel-good collection of breezy beach-rock jams and teenage lyricism akin to ’90s garage gold bands like Weezer and Pavement. Now at the heels of thewell-receivedTarotClassics EP, Surfer Blood will bring summer to a cold, rainy week this Tuesday at Porter’s. (RE)

— Amanda Martinek Senior Staff Writer

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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Reveling in the Past Ignores Music’s Future


Playing by Heart

▶ horizon from page 6

Animated Jazz flick weaves globe-trotting love story. Rusteen Honardoost • Staff Writer


f you’ve ever wanted to take a trip to Cuba but can’t afford the airfare, you can be transported back to the golden age of Latin jazz in the surprisingly human drama “Chico & Rita,” Chico & Rita nominated for a Starring: Eman Xor Ona Best Animated & Limara Meneses Feature Oscar. 94 min. Not Rated With no compeA tition from reigning champion Pixar, the category is up for grabs this year and “Chico & Rita” is a more than deserving nomination for the award. It’s a love story that crosses oceans and time periods, but it’s also about the power of music during our most difficult times. Centered on a young piano player extraordinaire Chico and his reluctant muse Rita, the two work with and against each other to pursue stardom in the world of Latin jazz. It’s a complicated relationship that doesn’t get off to the best start when a night of passion is interrupted. Rita vows to never see Chico again, but the laws of storytelling require such promises to be broken, so Chico sets off on a quest to find her. From Havana to Los Angeles to Paris, the two meet and separate, and sometimes Chico is successful and the two set off on their quests together. Other times a powerful force drives a wedge between the two, often in the form of a threatening music agent and even simply the distance from New York to Las Vegas. All this has gone without mention of the

film’s animation, which is a testament to the film’s humanist approach to its characters. It’d be easy to turn these simple drawings into equally simple archetypes — especially the beautiful Rita, who could have become the damsel-in-distress but is instead a proud, talented woman intent on realizing her potential for stardom. Because the animation is relatively simple, it allows the film to render art out of all its historical landmarks. Whether it’s a dingy Havana coffee shop, the New York skyline or the Hollywood sprawl, there is a romance that permeates the screen and the lives of our main characters. That’s not to say the animation is without flaws. In a few brief moments it can’t seem to keep up with the emotions of its characters, rendering a crying Rita that looks as straight-faced as ever, though such a minor issue is easily overlooked among all the other breathtaking sights and sounds. Almost like a Latin jazz version of

“Midnight in Paris” (minus the time travel), “Chico & Rita” follows the duo as they rub elbows with some of Latin jazz’s biggest stars. Chano Pozo, Tito Puente and Thelonious Monk all appear throughout the film and provide a historical legitimacy to our heroes. But for the readers not fluent in the history of Latin jazz, such knowledge is in no way essential to unlock the magic of the film. Throughout the film we get glimpses of segregation and revolution, although romance and music are always at the forefront. This keeps the story intimate, even when it spans the globe. These political moments flesh out the time period but could easily overpower the narrative if they were any more emphasized. Instead, we stay with our complex love story of these two talented musicians with terrible timing. Whether they will find success together or apart is the question at hand, and also what keeps this remarkable film engaging and beautiful.

Though the pop charts are mostly full of a lack of subtlety (Rihanna, LMFAO), Adele recalls a distant time when artists dressed all fancy and sang songs that made people want to cry, rather than have really raunchy sex. When it comes down to it, a song like “Someone Like You” isn’t so different from “I Will Always Love You” — it’s sob-worthy vocal histrionics that every mom in America can love. But Adele isn’t the only throwback artist on the radio these days. Kanye West and Jay-Z’s Watch the Throne rivals the excess of Diddy, Biggie and, well, Jay-Z himself in the ’90s. To be fair, hip-hop hasn’t exactly lost its penchant for champagne and bling — it seems popular rappers will always spend a reasonable amount of time bragging. But in recent years, a significant change has also occurred: hip-hop is turning inward, a trend made evident by Kanye’s own past work. While many rappers are still reveling in and overwhelmed by their wealth in the same way The Notorious B.I.G. was in “Mo Money Mo Problems” (take Drake on last year’s Take Care), this conflict is finally being reflected in the sound itself. Hip-hop in the ’90s was all maximalist braggadocio — horns a plenty, samples on top of samples on top of samples, crooning female vocalists — but today it’s all minimalist melancholy. Records like Kanye’s own 808’s and Heartbreak, the aforementioned Drake and Shabazz Palaces’ brilliant Black Up aim for an aesthetic imbued with distant electronics that recall silence instead of lush musicality (à la dubstep producers like James Blake). But Watch the Throne was different, which is why it feels so dated and out of place already. Tracks like “H.A.M” and “Niggas In Paris” ignore the more interesting turns that hip-hop has made since the ‘90s, giving the work an air of nostalgia for a time that was ultimately so ridiculous we’d like to forget it. Still, it’s no surprise that the Grammys piled the awards on Adele last Sunday. The award show is yet another institution longing for the money-soaked times of the 1990s. The problem is, such throwbacks ignore the music that actually defines here and now. They should take a hint: Most of the ’90s heroes are dead — Tupac, Biggie, now Whitney — and times aren’t nearly as affluent. It’s about time we recognized what’s current, instead of putting on an out-of-touch show for soccer moms who don’t know any better.


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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Tritons Overpowered by Mesa Offense ▶ BASEBALL, from page 12 two outs, Garrett Tuck doubled down the left field line to bring in sophomore Nick La Face and sophomore Justin Rahn. The inning ended with a fly out from senior Gregg Ringold. Mesa responded with a five run rally in the sixth and an additional run in the seventh to take the game. The Tritons ended the game recording four runs on nine hits.

UCSD 2, Colorado Mesa 3 feb 12 Both teams came out hot on the mound in the third game of the series at Canyon View Park. Triton starter Greg Selarz went four innings, giving up two runs on three hits and two errors. Senior right-hander Tony York relieved for three innings and recorded two strike-outs, one hit and no runs. Senior Elias Tuma pitched for a fraction of an inning before being pulled for giving up the tie-breaking run off of two hits and one error. The Tritons were just edged in the attack. UCSD was led

offensively by outfielders Susdorf, Rahn and sophomore Scott Liske who all attributed hits to account for UCSD’s two runs.

UCSD 11, Colorado Mesa 7 feb 12 In the series finale, the Tritons came out hungry. After a stalemate in the first inning, the Tritons responded in the second when Michaels singled to right to bring in Tuck to score the Tritons’ first run. In the third and fourth innings, UCSD rallied again to bring home a collective ten runs off of nine hits and three errors. Starter Justin Burns was pulled and replaced by Rieser in the fourth after giving up three runs off of six hits and three errors. Rieser pitched a solid inning, giving up only one hit. Following Rieser, Dan Kolodin had a less-than-reputable performance, giving up two runs. Closer Elias Tuma gave up two runs off of three hits and no errors to close out the game with a clutch three up, three down to close the series. Readers can contact Nash Howe at nhowe@ucsd.edu

UCSD Softball Fall From No. 1 Rank ▶SOFTBALL, from page 12 The two teams remained tied until the fifth inning. With two players on base, Chico’s Jackie Munoz batted in Cassidy Olson. The Wildcats extended the lead, scoring on an error made by Triton shortstop Mya Romero. Chico went up 3–0 at the top of the sixth inning, with a solo homerun from Sam Quadt. The Tritons’ only run came in the bottom of the seventh, but it wasn’t enough to push extra innings. “We needed to play our game, and not really play down or to anyone else’s level,” said sophomore catcher Caitlin Brown. “I think the bats will come around [Gerckens]; just kind of thought that we needed to make some adjustments earlier.”

game 3 - feb 12 Chico’s Sam Baker kept the Tritons without a run in the third game of the series. UCSD recorded only three hits in the campaign to the Wildcats’ nine. Chico collected its first run in the third inning off of a double by Bianca Lopez. And in the

seventh inning, Chico doubled the lead after loading the bases, with Chico’s Britt Wright recording one RBI.

game 4 - feb 12 The last game of the series was another low-scoring pitchers’ duel. Both teams recorded six hits, but the Tritons’ one error in the first inning may have been the decider. Weekend Analysis The Tritons seem to still be looking to find their form, as they dropped their opening conference series against the only other nationally ranked team in the CCAA. UCSD had a difficult time generating offense in their last three matches, although the Triton losses were all close. “We’re going to try and take the same angle again and just focus on us and try and not worry about who we’re playing and just play our game,” Brown said. Readers can contact Rachel Uda at ruda@ucsd.edu

Tritons Place 13th ▶ water polo, from page 11 UCSD senior Jessica Tran matched Lizotte, scoring three goals of her own. The game was tight throughout, as the two teams went into the final quarter tied 8–8. UCSD took an early goal to go up 9–8, but Bakersfield’s Sam Shead tied the score just minutes later. Shead would notch another goal to secure the 12–11 win. On the second day of the tournament, falling into the loser’s bracket, the Tritons faced Santa Clara University, beating the Broncos 9–7. The game remained scoreless in the first quarter. Santa Clara finally opened up the scoring in the second period, going up 1–0. The Tritons quickly took one back, as Tran found senior utility Natalie Peng for a short goal. Both teams tacked on two more, but with the game tied 2–2, Triton goalkeeper Allie Taylor was ejected. UCSD was forced to field its players deep in its own half to protect the goal, but the Tritons were still able to maintain a 4–3 advantage to end the half. UCSD kept the one-point margin as both teams recorded two goals in the third quarter. The Tritons widened the gap in the fourth quarter, scoring three goals to take the match 9–7. “I would be lying if I said it was a great weekend. It wasn’t,” Head Coach Brad Kreutzkamp said to the UCSD athletics department. “We had better hopes to try and stay with a [UC] Santa Barbara team which we fell a little short of, then we came back flat against [Cal State] Bakersfield. But I have to stay satisfied that we got two wins, we have our attitudes back on track and now we get people happy and who want to play.” In their last match of the tournament, the Tritons faced Marist College for the third time this season. The Tritons defeated the Red Foxes 15–10 on Sunday, Jan. 29 and won again on Feb. 10, 9–4. Last Sunday, the Tritons took another comfortable win from Marist, beating the Red Foxes 8–4. Lizotte scored a game-high five goals, leading the Tritons in a game that was never really close. UCSD ended the tournament in No. 13 place out of a field of 16 teams, ahead of Marist, Sonoma State and Santa Clara. Arizona State (12–0) defeated UC Irvine to win the tournament. UCSD’s next game is slated for Friday, Feb. 18 at Long Beach State. Readers can contact Rachel Uda at ruda@ucsd.edu


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

UCSD Ultimate Frisbee to Host 25th Annual Tournament By Rachel Uda Sports Editor

UCSD Split in Triton Invitational Tritons Place 13th in Weekend Tournament By Rachel Uda Sports Editor No. 18 UCSD Women’s Water Polo went 2–2 at the annual Triton Invitational last weekend, Feb. 11 to Feb. 12. On Saturday, the Tritons took on UC Santa Barbara in their opening match, falling to the Gauchos 9–5. UCSD ended the first quarter up 2–1 after a goal from sophomore Sarah Lizotte. Lizotte — last week’s WWPA national player of the week — went up early, scoring after four minutes

of play. The Gauchos tied the game just one minute later, but freshman utility Rachel Brooks put the Tritons on top before the end of the first quarter. Lizotte would have tacked on two more, but the Gauchos ran away with the lead in the second period, finishing three goals to cement the lead. In their second match of the day, the Tritons faced another Division-I opponent in CSU Bakersfield. UCSD lost in a close high-scoring bout, 12–11. Again, Lizotte led the way with another hat trick. See women’s water polo, page 10

This weekend, Feb. 18 to Feb. 20, the UCSD club frisbee teams will be hosting a 40-team collegiate tournament. Taking place on the RIMAC, Warren and Muir fields, the tournament features teams from all over the country, including Colorado State and UC Berkeley — two teams ranked in the top ten nationally. This weekend marks the 25th time UCSD has hosted its annual tournament. The UCSD men’s frisbee team — the “Squids” — has struggled so far in the young season, losing to top-ranked Cal and UC Santa Barbara as well as dropping a close game to UC Davis. But Captain Christopher Schmidt said the Squids will be looking to post strong performances at home this weekend. “We’re a young team,” Schmidt said. “Last year we lost a bunch of older guys, and we’re just starting to work things out with the younger guys now. We’re kind of underperforming so far, but we’re looking to have a good showing this weekend.” The UCSD women’s frisbee team has seen a good start to the season. The “Psychos” finished No. 7 out of 16 teams in the Santa Barbara tournament last month. The men are scheduled to play 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 18. The times of their subsequent matches will depend on Saturday’s results. Readers can contact Rachel Uda at ruda@ucsd. edu

B rian yip /GU ardian file


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org



SPORTS sports@ucsdguardian.org

Harvard Grad Jeremy Lin: He’s ‘AmAsian’

Tritons Go 1-3 at Colorado Mesa Tritons Fall to 2-6 in 2012


eremy Lin: Over-hyped or the real thing? First, an admission of guilt is warranted. After flopping at Golden State, getting cut from Houston and landing in New York, I didn’t know what to think after Lin’s 25 points against New Jersey. Well, I did — I scoffed. What he was doing wasn’t Lebron vaulting a forward to throw down; it was 25 points, something Lebron could have done in his sleep. I felt annoyed by

Queen of


RACHEL UDA ruda@ucsd.edu

people who barely knew basketball, but threw Lin in my face, like a coupon for Rubio’s stuffed into my hand on library walk. Lin seemed to me reminiscent of Kevin Martin, a wiry shooter, who in his second and third seasons in Sacramento, suddenly shot up to sit amongst the top five-point scorers in the league. But you’ve never heard of him. And neither did his opponents, which was the only reason why teams allowed the shooting guard breathing room to hit his mark. But it was his repeat performance against the Jazz, after making SportsCenter, that I started to think that Lin may be more than a fluke. It was then that I begrudgingly started listening to my friend from Palo Alto and it was then that he started to seem less like what’s-his-name from Sacramento and more like Steve Nash. Obviously, pundits’ early Nash comparisons are probably a little ambitious, having to do more with their unimpressive builds and Mike D’Antoni than anything else. Lin is a different kind of guard. Unlike Nash, he doesn’t have much of a perimeter game — which has me questioning his longterm potential — he’s more of a slasher. He’s a guard whose numbers don’t add up to his court presence, which makes it even more remarkable when you see the 25 points next to his name in the box score. But Lin plays with efficiency, preying on the holes in lazy defenses, or snatching rebounds over the top of overpaid bigs that fail to box out. Still, it’s only been five games. But what a five games, during which Lin blew up, recording 38 points against the Lakers followed by a “miracle” three-pointer to beat the Raptors. I’m not an Asian-American male. Although I understand the pathos, the “Linsanity” — for lack of a better word — fails miserably in high school basketball against women 7” or 8” taller and 30 to 40 lbs. heavier. A friend of mine argues that “Linsanity” has less to do with him being Asian and more to do with his middle-class, Ivy League background. He’s wrong. The crux of Linsanity, the driving force behind the fervor, is not just that Lin is Asian — it’s that he’s Asian-American and not astoundingly athletic and has (probably) passed the AP Calculus test. It’s that he’s someone who wouldn’t seem out of place sitting next to you in Chem 6A, and that he’s a completely plausible athlete. He’s not 5’4” Lionel Messi slinking his way past swarms of defenders. There’s no real magic to what he’s doing: it’s solid basketball, being unselfish with the ball and getting to the hole anyway he can. His effectiveness may be opening an avenue for Asian-Americans in the NBA in particular and for professional athletics in general.

nolan thomas /GU ardian file

By nash howe Contributing Writer

UCSD 4, Colorado Mesa 14 Feb 11 Senior pitcher Jeff Rauh opened well for the Tritons, giving up just two runs in the first four innings of play. But things fell apart in the bottom of the fifth; two errors in the field and a tired arm from Rauh gave room for Mesa to hit in eight runs. After a frustrating inning, the Tritons came out swinging in the sixth. The Tritons were finally on the scoreboard when sophomore shortstop Garrett Tuck hit a single to right. Next up freshman Jack Lombardi walked and junior Sam Michaels was hit by a pitch to load the bases. UCSD

kept the rally going as Lombardi, freshman Brett Levy and junior Danny Susdorf all brought in runs. Unfortunately, Colorado Mesa had another four-run inning in the bottom of the eighth to seal the win.

UCSD 4, Colorado Mesa 6 feb 11 Triton starter Ryan Goodbrand pitched a mediocre five innings, giving up four runs on seven hits. Conversely, the Tritons had a tough time hitting Mesa pitcher Jared Christensen, who didn’t concede a run in his five innings. In the sixth inning, the Tritons finally came alive with Susdorf and Levy both singling to get on base. Both were eventually brought home off balks from Christensen. With See baseball, page 9

Softball Goes 1-3 Against No. 15 Chico Defending Champions Fall in Four-Game Series By rachel uda Sports Editor After being voted the No. 1 team in DivisionII softball last week, the Tritons were knocked from their perch in their weekend series against No. 15 Chico State. The Wildcats took the four game series, going 3–1 against the defending NCAA Division II National Champions.

game 1 - feb 11 The Tritons cruised to take the first game of the series 7–1. Senior pitcher Camille Gaito allowed just one run in her six innings pitched, while also recording six strikeouts in the campaign. UCSD struck early, with power hitter and sophomore catcher Charly Swanberg recording a double to left center, batting in junior Jennifer Manuel. Up 1–0, the Tritons extended their lead in the bottom of the second by capitalizing on two Chico errors to go up 3–0. Chico’s one run of the game came in the sixth inning, but the Tritons cemented the win in their next at-bat, as senior outfielder Kris Lesovsky found her way onto third base and was batted home by designated hitter Manuel.

nolan thomas /GU ardian file

game 2- feb 11 The Tritons struggled in the second game, as Manuel split time with freshman pitchers Kayla Hensel and Michelle Escamilla on the mound.

Manuel kept the Wildcats scoreless through the first three innings, although Chico’s Jessica McDermott had a considerably better game than the Wildcats’ first pitcher. McDermott went the distance, allowing just one run on three hits for seven innings. See softball, page 9

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