UCSD Guardian 2/12/2018

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UCSD Students Demand Recognition of Armenian Genocide They held a silent demonstration in front of Geisel Library to protest the U.S. government’s failure to acknowledge the genocide. BY Lauren Holt


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News Editor

vending machine’s] placement in the first place was because we wanted to support [A.S. Council’s] efforts to offer students convenient access to standard academic supplies at an economical price,” Friedman wrote. Siegel-Singh, however, hoped that offering the pills in the Geisel machines would make them easier to obtain. “Many first and second years have limited access to contraceptive products because it can be hard to find transportation off campus,” Siegel-Singh told the UCSD Guardian. See PLAN B, page 3



New Basic Needs Resource Center Holds Grand Opening By Rebeca Camacho Staff Writer


his Tuesday marked the grand opening of The Hub, a new facility providing UC San Diego students with basic needs resources that target issues such as food security and housing for low-income students. A mixed crowd of UCSD staff, students, and a coalition of non-profit organization representatives welcomed the inauguration. Several UCSD staff and event organizers spoke on the growing challenges college students face and The Hub’s potential for human development. The third of its kind in the UC system, UCSD officialized its implementation of The Hub — a space that can “provide resource referrals for registered UC San Diego students from a collective of on campus program collaborations and off campus program partnerships in the greater San Diego area.” Located at the Original Student Center, the front courtyard was filled with UCSD students, a handful of staff, and community organizers including the San Diego Food Bank, CalFresh, and Hunger Coalition — all awaiting the speeches that would precede the anticipated ribbon-cutting. Patty Mahaffey, assistant vice chancellor of Student Life, opened with critical statistics. According to a comprehensive report that collected data from all 10 UC campuses, up until 2017 at least 23 percent of students suffer or have suffered from problems relating to food and housing insecurity. Mahaffey welcomed

a panel of speakers, who each contributed unique insights on the progress that The Hub represents. Among the list of guest speakers was: Elizabeth Simmons, executive vice chancellor, formerly from Michigan State University where she helped found the first food pantry on a college campus; Lesly Figueroa, president of A.S. Council and one of the first volunteers at the Triton Food Pantry since its inception three years ago; Hayley Waddell, Ph.D. student researcher, co-chair of the Basic Needs Committee, and founder of the Food Pantry Initiative; and Alicia Magallanes, Basic Needs Coordinator and leader of The Hub initiative. Most notably, Magallanes, who has a background in social work, spoke passionately about the spectrum of dilemmas The Hub addresses. “The Hub serves as a centralized access point for student concerns,” she told The Guardian. “They can seek out resources that address challenges such as food security, housing stability, and financial wellness.” The Hub’s carefully designed layout received noticeable recognition from all who walked in for a piece of cake and some hot beverages. With a faint musky, wooden smell, and decor resembling that of a cozy living room, The Hub’s atmosphere is intended to invite even the most vulnerable of students to seek guidance on everyday struggles. Providing a variety of healthy amenities

See THE HUB, page 3

“All we hear is the jostling

PULL A QUOTE of rickety tablesFROM creaking A COLUMN HERE! FOR back. Five minutes left EXAMPLE, ‘I DON’T of lecture, this rebel UNDERSTAND WHY ALLIE CAN’T ASCRIBE orchestra lovesWORDS to makeTO THEIR PROPER USAGES.’ music with its woodwind -KELVIN NORONHA”

Students gathered outside Geisel Library on Thursday to hold a silent demonstration against the United States’ failure to recognize the Armenian genocide — the systematic execution of over 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire and subsequent Turkish state from 1915 to 1922. Due to the fact that Turkey, an American ally, has since denied that the killings constitute a genocide and instead argue that the Armenians were enemy combatants, the U.S.government has never officially declared the government’s actions a genocide. The group of almost 10 people, some with duct tape covering their mouths, stood in front of the Silent Tree, bearing red signs with slogans like “Stain of Denial” and “TOMORROW’S INTELLECTUALS AGAINST GENOCIDE” and carrying the Armenian flag. One poster depicted a drawing of Adolf Hitler next to one of the “Three Pashas” who perpetrated the Armenian genocide and asked “WHERE IS OUR RECOGNITION?” — clearly questioning the government’s acknowledgement of the Holocaust compared to its silence on the Armenian genocide. Meg Zargarian, a member of UC San Diego’s Armenian Students Association, explained the origins of the genocide to the UCSD Guardian. “Since they were a Christian minority during [World War I], nations started leaving the [Ottoman Empire],” Zargarian said. “[The Ottomans] decided they wanted to keep the land … their goal was to leave one Armenian and leave him in a museum. They didn’t succeed, but over 1.5 million Armenians were massacred.” While their demonstration was only small group, Zargarian noted that they were acting in conjunction with Armenian students across the country. “Every year, from [the] east to west coast, Armenians in different schools on this day at the same time protest for the Armenian genocide,” she stated. “We’re trying to get the hashtag ‘Stain of Denial’ trending on social media. It’s for the Armenian genocide and to get recognition on the day of April 24 [the day the Armenian genocide began].” Sixth College student Albert Danielyan believes that because the genocide was one of the first modern ethnic cleansings, it is important that the event be remembered accurately. “Despite the fact that other historical cases of ethnic cleansing such as the

On their way to Spirit Night, students decked out in Triton gear march down Ridgewalk. Photo by Jerry Zhou // UCSD Guardian


Plan B Pills Relocated to Vending Machine in Price Center East A.S. Council’s original request to place the emergency contraceptive in Geisel Library was rejected.


- Columnist name here



INSIDE INSIDE CRIME LOG...................2 TEXT ...................................X INSURANCE..................4 OPINION SOMETHING.X MODERN LOVE.............8 WEEKEND/FEATURE .....X WOODSMAN...............12 CROSSWORD/SUDOKU X W.SOCCER BASKETBALL.........16 A BALL! WOW X

BY Lauren Holt

News Editor A.S. Council is modifying its original plan of selling generic Plan B pills in the A.S. Essentials in Geisel Library machines after the Associate University Librarian of Academic Services Catherine Friedman denied the proposal on Jan. 24. Based on an agreement with the University Centers Advisory Board, a “Wellness Vending Machine” will now be placed in Price Center that contains other items to help promote student health such as condoms and pregnancy tests in addition to the emergency

contraceptive. In her email to Sixth College A.S. Senator Caroline Siegel-Singh and A.S. Associate Vice President of Services and Enterprises Ryan Moosighi rejecting their proposal, Friedman stated that “while we did consider your proposal to add Plan B, we feel that items available in this machine should continue to adhere to the original intent for having the machine in Geisel.” According to Friedman, the purpose of the vending machine was primarily to offer affordable school supplies. “The reason we considered [the



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I WALK A LOT By Michi Sora Sam Velazquez

Editor in Chief

Marcus Thuillier

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Lauren Holt

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Alex Wu Susanti Sarkar Timothy Deng Alicia Lepler Annika Olives Brittney Lu Francesca Hummler Aleya Zenieris Lorena Espinoza Hojune Kwak Lorena Espinoza Miguel Sheker

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Lights and Sirens is compiled from the Police Crime Log at police.ucsd.edu

Lisa Chik

Sunday, January 17 11:00 a.m. Grand Theft Unknown suspect(s) entered an unlocked laboratory and removed medical equipment, loss $10,000.00. Report Taken. 12:03 p.m. Animal Call Dog inside vehicle barking. Checks OK. 5:51 p.m. Information Reporting party followed by black truck and believes driver had a gun. Referred to other Agency - San Diego Police.

Aleya Zenieris, Tina Chen

Alicia Ho

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Friday, January 15 6:13 a.m. Disturbance Discharged patient making verbal threats toward security. Field Interview. Saturday, January 16 9:32 a.m. Information Caller possibly witnessed hit & run collision, unknown if suspect vehicle left note for other vehicle. Information Only. 10:12 a.m. Injury Adult male fell to ground and struck temple. Transported to Hospital. 10:15 a.m. Injury Victim reports being repeatedly contacted via email and social media by former friend, despite asking subject to stop. Report taken. 10:51 a.m. Information Reporting party was in a verbal dispute with another motorist over parking space. Information Only. 3:46 p.m. Information Reporting party states social group “hates” on him daily in class because of his disability and religion, by purposely sitting next to him and making loud noises, being annoying, and distracting him from taking notes, RP requesting documentation only. Information Only.

Monday, January 18 9:16 p.m. Psych Subject Suicidal male subject inside bedroom, after officer responded to a request for welfare check. Transported to hospital. Tuesday, January 19 10:00 a.m. Battery Patient struck member in the face with closed fist, victim declined to press charges. Hospital Security Report Taken. 11:38 p.m. Welfare Check Reporting party believes her sister is currently being harassed, subject made statement she “couldn’t take it anymore.” Checks OK.

Copy Reader Rachael Alberts, Alex Rickard, Asiyah Syed, Darren Lam, Rani Snankar Editorial Assistants Chloe Esser, Maya Kleiman, Revekka Gershovich, Emily Collins Business Manager Jennifer Mancano Advertising Director Caroline Lee Marketing Directors Melissa Palafox Yeji Shin Training and Development Manager Jordan Packer Advertising Design Alfredo H. Vilano, Jr. A.S. Graphic Studio The UCSD Guardian is published Mondays during the academic year by UCSD students and for the UCSD community. Reproduction of this newspaper in any form, whether in whole or in part, without permission is strictly prohibited. © 2017, all rights reserved. The UCSD Guardian is not responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of the UCSD Guardian, the University of California or Associated Students. The UCSD Guardian is funded by advertising. Are you a Tina? We’re looking to hire more.

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Happy Valentine's Day Tritons!

The University of California Has Yet to Divest from the Republic of Turkey ▶ ARMENIAN GENOCIDE, from page 1

Holocaust have been acknowledged by the U.S., the Armenian genocide is still being denied,” Danielyan told the Guardian. “It was one of the first signs of systematic cleansing, and I feel that it should be recognized so we can have our voices heard.” At past years’ demonstrations, students have also highlighted the University of California’s financial ties to the Republic of Turkey, particularly its over $70 million in investments,

and called for divestment. “It’s still in the works, but we’re going to present a divestment from the Republic of Turkey,” Earl Warren College graduate Seda Byurat said in 2016. “This resolution passed across many UC campuses — UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, UC Riverside, just to name a few. Finally, it’s coming here to UCSD. This is our segue into bringing up divestment. Even Hitler quoted, ‘Who, after all, remembers the Armenians?’ when he was trying to get away with his Holocaust. If

we keep these huge historical things under wraps, and we keep supporting governments as students, that’s not the progress we want to see in society and the world.” A.S. Council unanimously passed the resolution in March 2017, making UCSD the seventh campus to do so, but the UC Board of Regents have yet to take action on the issue.



Woods: The Hub Will Improve UCSD’s Sense of Community for Transfers ▶ THE HUB, from page 1

such as brown rice, lentils, chai tea, and pumpkin soup, the facility aims to offers a comprehensive network where students can find refuge. Figueroa raised attention to how The Hub sets an institutional framework to handle many of the unconventional circumstances students encounter. “There is no cookie-cutter problem, and every student faces unique challenges that require a multifaceted approach,” she told the

Guardian. “The Hub functions as a one-stop shop where they can come to find answers.” Several students from the diverse backgrounds attended the opening, actively engaging in discussion on the promise of the new space. “I’m really glad that UCSD is opening this center where all of the students’ basic needs can be met in a centrally located place.” Daron Woods, firstyear transfer from Roger Revelle College, international relations and political science major, and A.S. transfer senator told the Guardian.

“This is definitely a boost for the student community, especially transfer students like myself.” The Hub offers drop-in counseling sessions with specialized advisers throughout the week and will be hosting several informative workshops on various educational opportunities and social programs for student wellbeing in the near future.

Rebeca Camacho


UCSD Is the Third UC Campus to Sell Plan B Pills in Vending Machines ▶ PLAN B, from page 1

“Emergency contraceptive loses effectiveness the longer you wait so I’m hoping this can be utilized by students who would otherwise be unable to access products for their reproductive health.” Friedman went on to propose Price Center East as an alternative location for A.S. Council to sell the Plan B pills, which is where UCAB has agreed for

the vending machine to be installed. The machine will be in operation 24 hours per day, even when Price Center itself is closed, and will likely be put in sometime this quarter. As originally planned, the Plan B pills will be sold at a reduced price of around $20, made more affordable by the fact that the pills are the generic version and can only be bought with Triton Cash. According to CBS8, the cost of the vending machine itself is

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being financed by both the student activity fee and funding from the office of Assistant Vice Chancellor of Student Wellness Karen Calfas. The installation of the Wellness Vending Machine will make UC San Diego the third UC campus to offer Plan B through a vending machine after UC Davis and UC Santa Barbara. LAUREN HOLT lcholt@ucsd.edu



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OPINION Breaking Things Better By: Gavin D’Elia

Desk-usting Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. The students who pack up five minutes before class ends. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for retractable desks. With five minutes left to finish, they don’t simply fold their tables back. No, these nonconformists slam them back. Five minutes left of lecture and suddenly the monotony is silenced. The foolish professor tries to go on, uttering: “watch out for,” “common mistake,” “definitely on the exam,” but these phrases fall on deafened ears. Instead, all we hear is the jostling of rickety tables creaking back. Five minutes left of lecture, this rebel orchestra loves to make music with its woodwind instruments. Now, you can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. The backpack shoved in your face makes sure of that. With five minutes left to finish, one might think a fire has broken out with their fury in packing up. But no, this is simply the nature of the beast. Before you know it, you’re no longer looking at the keys on your laptop, typing away at final lecture notes. Instead, Corinthian leather straps and a steel “Nerd? I prefer the term intellectual badass” button grinds across your cheek. Backpacks swing out of nowhere and flash into view. What was before an erect state of concentration has now collapsed due to these premature ejectors and their strap ons. These students simply can’t last another five minutes. They change things. They push the class forward. By five minutes to be exact. Sure, some may argue that we keep falling behind in material; that we aren’t learning what we need to know; that we are missing today what may help us cure diseases, save lives, and create our tomorrows; that we are wasting our in-state scholarships and this writer’s outof-state, $60,000-a-year tuition. But hey, at least we finish class five minutes early. Isn’t that what college is all about? While some may see them as crazy ones, I see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. So, here’s to standing up against the times. Here’s to seeing things the way they do. Here’s to the students who pack up five minutes before class ends. Here’s to abrupt endings and


CHRISTOPHER ROBERTSON opinion@ucsdguardian.org

Victim hood Is Not Black & White By Revekka Gershovich // Editorial Assistant Going into the library, I saw a girl gathering signatures to ban the Woody Allen film class at UC San Diego because his daughter Dylan Farrow accussed him of pedophylia. I disagreed with the petition so I have decided to explain her why I will not sign it. I said, “First, the evidence is inconclusive. Secondly, most Woody Allen movies have nothing to do with his alleged pedophilia.” Well, in response, I got screamed at: “Why do you need so much evidence to believe the survivor? When will we stop failing the survivors?” She assumed that I could not sympathize with the victim or that I could not take the victim at her word. But the issue is much more complicated than she — and others — made it out to be. The girl promoting the petition asked me why I was so interested in Woody Allen’s case. I had many reasons but I named only one: From the age of 14 until the age of 18, I have been abused by several men, one of them was my history teacher, who had been assaulting his students for over 16 years. His case went viral and now similar cases take their toll on me. How ironic it was that the girl who assumes the universal role of the survivors’ defender, at this very moment,

was screaming at one, fully aware of my situation but unwilling to even entertain my arguments. It’s not only ironic, but also very common. “Inaction is an action, silence is indifference, justice requires action and a voice” — this is what judge Rosemarie Aquilina said after sentencing Larry Nassar to 175 years in prison for numerous sexual assaults. Seemingly this sentence is designed to help victims, to push them to break their silence, which would — according to some — help them heal. However, not all victims are the same, and not all of them would benefit from going through an excruciating persecution process. In fact, under certain circumstances, it might damage them such that they will never recover. When adapting a rhetoric where all victims are treated the same way, feminists neglectfully sentence part of them to a miserable existence. There are plenty of reasons why victims do not report their abusers and to understand that we must tackle a myth that most assaults fit the stereotype of the night-time attack with a mask and a knife. According to the National Violence Against Women Survey and Bureau of Justice Statistics the vast

majority of rapes and sexual assaults are conducted not by strangers but by friends, teachers, live-in partners, and relatives in the victim’s apartment, school, and other supposedly safe places. A victim who knows his or her abuser is much less likely to report the case than the ones that do not. Why? It is extremely hard to vilify a person you know. The notion that one can so unilaterally assign blame to the abuser does not always register in a victim’s mind, especially when these sentiments stand opposite to past experiences with the abuser. You might have known the person from your childhood, he might have simultaneously helped and hurt you, he might have sincerely apologized one hundred times. The behavior of an abuser and the behavior of someone who is sincerely sorry overlaps much more so than people realize. Therefore, for victims it is not nearly as black-and-white for us as for onlookers, or for a judge bound by law rather than human emotions. Persecuting someone when you are not sure whether you are right or wrong is the worst thing that can happen to you: Blame keeps you up at night and anxiety See ABUSE, page 5

Costs and Coverage: Breaking Down the Student Health Insurance Program By Suzanne Golshanara // Contributing Writer

Exorbitant prices, inadequate coverage, and tedious waivers are all common descriptions employed by university students when discussing their school health insurance. The UC San Diego Student Health Insurance Program undoubtedly has aspects that need improving. However, contrary to popular belief, SHIP manages to provide comprehensive benefits at a reasonable price, equaling or surpassing similar programs at other national universities. In order to get an accurate image of where SHIP stands compared to the typical university insurance program, a comparison was made between the insurance programs of the top 10 schools with the highest ranking and highest enrollment, according to the U.S. News & World Report. At UCSD, SHIP costs $1,953 per year, a fairly competitive price when compared to the other selected universities. The mean and median student insurance costs were $3,367 and $3,174, respectively, for schools with the highest ranking and $2,490 and $2,318, respectively, for the schools with the highest enrollment. Evidently, when it comes to pricing, SHIP manages to beat the majority of private and public schools that it was compared to. As far as enrollment for school insurance goes, UCSD uses an opt-out program, which is by far the most favored option among all the universities looked at. Opt-out programs automatically enroll students in the school insurance program and require students to

deliberately fill a waiver if they have an outside provider. Similar forms of automatic enrollment have been used to increase enrollment rates in various spheres and have been used to encourage the usage of 401(k) pension plans, free public school lunches, and the Affordable Care Act’s insurance policies. According to legal scholar Cass Sunstein and behavioral economist Richard Thaler, people

“By gaining a greater understanding of the subject, students will be able to make a better decision regarding their health insurance options and also push UCSD to regularly improve the coverage it provides.” are often “influenced by default rules, framing effects and starting points.” Thus, making small changes such as automatically enrolling students in the school health insurance will increase the number of students who receive sufficient insurance coverage while still providing an option for those who wish to optout. There is certainly more that UCSD and other schools could do to make insurance more

accessible to the student body. A common trend observed was that student health centers, including Student Health Services, did not accept any forms of insurance other than the one provided by the school. Currently, as reported by the Student Health Insurance Office, SHS is unable to bill other insurance companies “due to special arrangements [it] has with Anthem Blue Cross,” meaning that for a student who waived UC SHIP “any services received will be [their] responsibility … to pay.” The school does offer a program called the Reduced Access Fee for Tritons for $60 a quarter, yet it only allows students to make appointments “at SHS for care of illness or injury,” not for checkups or other general health reasons. Though RAFT provides some form on-campus healthcare for students not using SHIP, much more can be done. After all, students should be able to use the insurance they have to receive on-campus health care. Health insurance is an especially complicated issue that will take considerable time and energy to be fixed or even comprehensively assessed. Yet by gaining a greater understanding of the subject, students will be able to make a better decision regarding their health insurance options and also push UCSD to regularly improve the coverage it provides.

Suzanne Golshanara sgolsha@ucsd.edu



T H E U C S D G U A R D I A N | M O N D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 2 , 2 0 1 | W W W . U C S D G U A R D I A N . O R G


By David Juarez

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▶ ABUSE, from page 4

wears you down. In these cases, you need to heal before you prosecute and silence will help you to survive. Besides, even if it is not your friend who abused you and everything seems rather obvious from the side, one of the most common complications that victims might develop is a psychological phenomenon called Stockholm syndrome. Stockholm syndrome is a protective mechanism that causes victims to attach to their abusers, sometimes even fell in love with them. It does not matter whether the victim knew the abuser before the abuse, what matters is that the victim spent an extensive amount of time subjugated to his or her abuser. Apart from that, the prosecution involves continuous exposure to trauma: Everything has to be retold, repeated, and challenged. It is hard even without all these other aggravating circumstances to follow through the process, but with them, the prosecution might damage the victim forever. Apart from victim blaming, in the quest of punishing more sex offenders, feminists also fail to tell you at

what personal cost this prosecution will come to you. They tell you that they will support you, that you will get all help in the world when you are going through with a prosecution and that you will be able to recover quickly. On campus, the Sexual Assault Resource Center and A.S. Women’s Commision try to plant this idea. However, support is just a word until someone actually needs it. From my personal experience, I can say that it is not true. I knew that I needed psychological support right away: Even before the case started I went to CARE, to CAPS, to the Women’s Center, and ultimately I did not get help. When my case went viral, my life that was previously kept together by a thin string fell apart, and I still did not get help. If I knew that this would be the support I would get, I would probably restrain from promoting the case. But UCSD is successful in creating illusions. While it might seem that it helps survivors to heal by pushing them to “break the silence,” in fact it frequently leaves those survivors in ruins. Revekka Gershovich rgershov@ucsd.edu




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TIM DENG & SUSANTI SARKAR features@ucsdguardian.org


Is Division 1 Worth the Cost? B The issue of UCSD’s move to Division I still faces polarized views from the students. With the time and money that it will take, are we making the right decision?

by Madeline Park // Features Editorial Assistant

oth students and faculty have embraced the announcement of UC San Diego’s move into Division-I sports and the Big West Conference with open arms. Shortly after the update was announced, the news quickly made its way through the student body — even appearing on the Facebook meme page — and UCSD sports has experienced a sudden buzz of interest. Beginning with a student-initiated petition — with around 8,828 students signing it — UCSD began its journey to Division I in 2016. This petition represented a 70-percent approval rate for the move and only gained momentum from there. After the petition, a referendum was held in which faculty members were given the chance to vote on the move. This once again passed with flying colors. On top of this, the Big West Conference had been expressing an interest in taking UCSD “under its wing” for the past few years (despite some slight complications with initially rejecting us). Everything seemed to work out perfectly. However, despite the promise that Division I brings, UCSD still remains a Division-II school until its new status takes effect in 2020. For UCSD sports, the Division-II status has held its fair share of disappointments, often conjuring up a lackluster sense of apathy. Being Division II means that UCSD’s rivals are often smaller schools (averaging around 4,000 to 6,000 students) with a different emphasis on academic standards and share little in common with our student population. At the same time, UCSD’s muted focus on sports has fed into the school’s reputation as being “UC Socially Dead.” “I don’t care enough about this school. I don’t care enough about our sports league,” an anonymous Roger Revelle sophomore commented. “I don’t even know that much about our sports league. I think a big factor that plays into it is that we don’t have any rivals to really pit ourselves against and we’re kind of just there. We’re not the best, we’re not the worst, and there’s nothing that we really strive for.” So, would the move into Division I really make all that big of a difference? Earl Edwards, the director of athletics, seems to think so. He claims that with UCSD’s entrance into the Big West Conference, there will be a revival in community between UCSD’s divided campus. This is because UCSD will be able to compete against schools such as UC Irvine, UC Davis, California State University Fullerton, and California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo — schools that are much closer to home than UCSD’s current Division-II opponents. The new status will also bring about more national recognition and greater media attention to UCSD as a whole. “The main way [becoming Division I] will affect our campus is through the school pride and unification [it will bring],” Edwards said. “For athletics, there will be more national exposure for UC San Diego, which will help people gain better jobs. UCSD will also get more exposure and media attention. That is better for the students,

if we get more recognition as a whole. When you travel to east of the Mississippi, a lot of people don’t really know about UCSD. But we are basically a public ivy league, and this [move into Division I] can be our way of communicating that story across the nation.” This very sense of excitement is one that Friday’s Spirit Night tried to facilitate. With vibrant blues and golds having consumed the usually still RIMAC gym, and the crowds having roared with cheer, Spirit Night claimed to be the one night where Tritons were able to “let loose” their school pride. It is exactly this that Earl Edwards and several other faculty members and students are looking forward to. With the move into Division I will hopefully come the approach of more nights such as these. On the other end of the spectrum, however, UCSD’s move into Division-I status doesn’t come entirely without consequences. In fact, part of the reason why Division I won’t come into effect until 2020 is the payment plan that UCSD must adhere to. According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, the Intercollegiate Athletic fee that students had previously paid quarterly was $129.38 per quarter. With the move into Division I, this number has changed to $239.38 per quarter, thus raising costs by around $480 per academic year (excluding summer session). This rise in the cost of attendance can’t help but beg the question: Is the “up” in school spirit worth it? Many seem to think not. “Moving into Division I wouldn’t really change much. If anything, it would increase our tuition because of the necessary spending needed to move into Division I, and the transportation, and the scouting and all that,” an anonymous student stated. “I also think [the games] would be really slow at the beginning and the payoff wouldn’t really happen until maybe two to five years down the line [when we get better]. As of now, I don’t really go to the games. So what’s going to cause me to go to a game against Stanford? Just because it’s Stanford? No, it’s not going to make that much of a difference who we play against. Sports just aren’t that big at UCSD. Let’s be honest.” Not all students feel this way, however. Current members of various UCSD sports teams are also frustrated by the fact that Division I would not affect our current sports. As Aaron Kim, a sophomore on the men’s baseball team, stated, “As a team we have a little frustration toward the 2021 status … but all we can do is shape the program more and prepare it for the future players of the program.” Yet despite these views, it is important to note that the move to Division I is a choice made by the student body. It is the promise that the future brings that gets at the heart of what a Division-I status can do. Although current students may not be able to reap all of the benefits of a new status, the move will at least open UCSD up to newer, and hopefully better, opportunities.

“I don’t care enough about our sports league, I think a big factor that plays into it is that we don’t have any rivals to really pit ourselves against and we’re kind of just there. We’re not the best, we’re not the worst, and there’s nothing that we really strive for.”

Madeline Park map048@ucsd.edu



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Lifestyle Living Room: Love in Translation By Annika Olives and Brittney Lu // Lifestyle Editor and Associate Editor

BL: Any favorite love story you’ve heard or experienced yourself you’d like BL: What were the formative pieces of media or books that shaped your to share?

AO: I think my favorite love story that I’ve heard is my grandparents’. We

perspective of love? And do you feel like what you experienced personally aligned with the things you saw or read?

were on the plane to Barcelona, and I think it was maybe the third or fourth hour of the flight. My grandma and I were the only ones awake, and we somehow got on the topic of how she met my grandpa. It turns out he was the best friend of my grandma’s older brother, but growing up, they weren’t interested in dating each other. My grandma used to say that he was like a brother to her, and he was even the one that chaperoned her dates with other guys. My grandma went to school in Barcelona for a couple years, and my grandpa was her most constant letter writer. Over the years, they developed feelings for each other, and they got married in her last year of college.

AO: When I was 12 or so, I was obsessed with “Full House” — had all the


BL: I appreciate the sentiment you bring up that almost reclaims what it

What “love lesson,” for lack of a better phrase, do you think you’ve gained from watching your grandparents interact?

AO: I think it has to be the concept of your significant other being your

best friend. For me, at least, I can’t separate the two, and I would feel like my partner would need to know me completely in order for the relationship to work. My grandparents know every possible detail about the other, and you can even see that, as well as the amount of love they have for each other, today. What I’ve seen in less successful relationships is that sometimes you rush into love right away, and you don’t give each other time to build a friendship, so you don’t have that foundation to fall back on when the time comes. How about you, in terms of what you’ve seen or even experienced yourself?

BL: I think something I learned from watching people in my life is how

to love someone sacrificially, romantic or otherwise. A lot of relationships I watched growing up were built upon action-oriented love. I have an aunt who would never respond to my uncle when he said “I love you,” but she would always know what kinds of food he liked, when he was out of water or tea, and is overall very observant in showing this more silent kind of love. Granted, this might be a cultural response to my White-American uncle, Asian-American aunt dynamic. But I feel like that cultural understanding of love through service and in sacrificing bits of self, coupled with my faith, plays a big role in how I hope to love people sacrificially too.

AO: I can resonate a lot with what you said about culture shaping the way

you approach love, but I feel like I never got to fully experience that since my parents weren’t together for a lot of my life, and I didn’t really get to see firsthand what love was. My definition of love was very much created from the things I read or watched on TV because I never saw romantic love directly.

seasons on DVD, would rejoice when the reruns were on Nick at Nite — but I didn’t truly realize why until high school. In the Philippines, sometimes divorce is associated with the concept of a broken family, but “Full House” was the first show I saw that didn’t feature a complete family but also wasn’t broken. Obviously, it’s not really the same thing because, in the show, the mom passed away, but I really connected with the concept of living with a single parent. Getting to see a “modern” family, if you will, represented on TV was pivotal in my understanding of what love meant. means to have a holistic family or love; that in normative ways, something might look broken, but in reality, it is still very much whole in how the situation or experience is actualized.

AO: Do you feel like the culture of showing love within your family made it a challenge to understand what love was, at least early on?

BL: I think what I was able to observe wasn’t necessarily a challenge to how I

understood love because it was ingrained and internalized so much as to what love was. But I do think it is a challenge now as I am learning more about how to love other people well. So for instance, with my family using service as the primary form of love, it is challenging to step out of my comfort zone to give, for instance, verbal affirmation or physical displays of affection. Like for the longest time, hugging was so unnatural for me! Long story short, I’ve grown to appreciate a good hug and find a pat on the shoulder as something very comforting. Anyways, tying it back to how I see love as a sacrificial gift we can offer, it’s as if sacrificing my comfort in silence and service and offering something, like words or a hug, is my way to try and meet someone in how they comprehend and see love.


We bring two really different perspectives of how we came to understand love, which is very eye-opening. We have this assumption that love is universal, but in many ways it’s not. I think remembering that people will not come from the same background of showing or feeling love as you do is important when you start out any sort of relationship.


It’s as if communicating about how we love is just as important as communicating the love itself.





The One That Got Away By Natalie Duprey // Contributing Writer Most love stories in today’s media are either cliche romance novel plots or oversexualized views of millennial hook-up culture. I personally never related to either of these simplified depictions of love and lust because I never really experienced them. The kind of love I experienced was the confusing, innocent kind. Few people tell the story of their childhood crush, but this Valentine’s Day you’re in for a treat. So hop into my DeLorean and grab some Silly Bandz; I’m taking us back to 2009 to remind you of childhood love. Picture this: a nine-year-old girl with French braids waking up to a new dawn. She’s scared but excited to start over at a new school. A new school means new friends and a chance to reinvent herself. This girl eagerly puts on her dark blue uniform and steps on the bus hoping for a fresh start. As she walks into her fourth-grade classroom, she is suddenly overwhelmed with a wave of anxiety and is having second thoughts. She takes her seat and turns around, only to be confronted by some new classmates. As she nervously starts to introduce herself, she grows accustomed to her status as the “new girl.” And just when she thought she had seen it all, she catches a glimpse of him: the boy whose name would forever haunt her heart. For the sake of anonymity and what’s left of my dignity we are going to refer to this guy as “Mike Wazowski,” a weird inside joke we shared. Anyway, I met Mike outside on the playground after the buzz of being the new girl wore off. He came right up to me, smiled, and like most nine-year-old boys, made a fart sound with his armpit. As you might expect, I shrieked and ran away from him, but my fearless suitor insisted on courting me with his wonderful musical talents. It turned out that Mike and I made quite the pair, and I always thought of him as a close friend. Then puberty happened, complicating things because Mike started acting weird. As we grew older, Mike started to hang out with his other friends, but on the rare occasions when he did talk to me, it would always be brief and awkward, like he was trying to be two different people at once. One side of him would act like a stereotypical “bro” but the other would be the dorky

sweetheart who taught me how to cross my eyes. I never understood why he acted this way until one day when I missed the bus he told me, “I missed you, yesterday. Who else am I supposed to make laugh on the way home?” Maybe it was the hormones kicking in that gave my stomach butterflies. Maybe it was the dim lighting and Axe body spray seeping out the boys’ bathroom that was making my head spin. But as he walked away, it finally occurred to me: Mike Wazowski had a crush on me, and I liked him too. At first, I panicked because this was a crisis that required a whole squad. But the problem was I didn’t have a squad yet; I only had Mike and another girl. But I knew if I told this other girl she would tell the whole class. Luckily, I had a backup plan: the internet. Now if you ever looked up dating advice on the internet, you probably left more confused than when you started. So we spent the rest of middle school sharing awkward but loving glances, while simultaneously growing further apart because of the walls we built up to create a friend zone. Now I am fully aware of how awkward this childhood crush is, but every once in a while, I can’t help but think to myself if Mike was the one that got away. Although we went to different schools, I would occasionally see him at the mall, and during one very painfully awkward Costco trip (there is nothing worse than watching your mom bond with your crush’s mom over a deal on rotisserie). Although I used to scroll through his Facebook in high school, I soon realized that I was simply infatuated with the idea of him. It happens to all young loving hearts, but at one point one must learn to let go of what never happened. So eventually I did move on to better and taller guys just as he found love elsewhere. But you never really forget that first love. I tell you this embarrassing, bittersweet memory to remind you of the beautiful, innocent love that we all deserve to experience at one point in life. And to Mike Wazowski, if by some embarrassing and serendipitous grace of God you are reading this: Thank you for being my first love and opening my heart up to a world of new emotions that I am still learning to navigate.

Modern Love in 13 Words By Colleen Conradi // Contributing Writer

“We went out for four months. I loved this girl. Distance didn’t work.” - Daniel, College of Marin, CA

“He hit on me all night until I finally told him I’m gay.” - Tanis, CSU Humboldt, CA

“Modern love is abstract. It has no borders. It disregards gender and monogamy.” - Diego, Pomona College, CA

“She drank way too much last night. It was hot. Till she puked.” - Isaiah, Golden West College, CA

“He buys me Chick-fil-A nuggets; I don’t think I’ve met someone so perfect.” - Kim, UC San Diego, CA

“Down on one knee, he said, ‘Be mine.’ I said, ‘Always.’ Newly engaged.” - Citi, UC San Diego, CA

“Your kiss charges me like lightning, sending an explosion of energy.” - Vicki, UC Merced, CA

“Solemn gaze, longing, hoping … distraught. The one feeling we all know: tasty pizza.” - Matt, Berkeley, CA

“Halfway into hooking up, he says he doesn’t have a condom. I’m heated.” - Fiona, UC San Diego, CA

“He drove 30 minutes so we could make out on a park bench.” - Declan, Maryland Institute College of Art, MD

“First love: thousands of miles apart. Then heartbreak. So, he screwed my friend.” - Celeste, UC San Diego, CA

“He was incredibly annoying. But I mean I still loved him, I guess.” - Ellie, CSU Monterey Bay, CA

As Valentine’s Day creeps closer and closer, red hearts and decor seem to flood any store and ads for flowers and chocolates bombard from all angles. Ideally, Valentine’s Day is to be one for perfection; spend the most wonderful, romantic day with your wonderful, romantic soulmate. However, how many of us are actually living this dream? Inspired by the New York Times article, “Your 13-Word Love Stories,” I decided to take it to the streets, or rather, campuses, to hear how our fellow college students are faring in the love department. I asked students to tell share their own personal love stories in just 13 words. Here’s what they had to say:

“Met at church, reconnected over a 420 snap, did shrooms, fell in love.” - Anonymous, UC San Diego, CA

“He told me he was going to marry me on the first date.” - Hannah, UC San Diego, CA

“Ten months of staring at a Pokémon T-shirt is way too effing long.” Anonymous, Villanova University, PA

“He was there, but I didn’t say jack [s--] … think I made progress.” - Liz, UC San Diego, CA “Something made you look at me; something made you want to be together.” - Natalie, UC Merced, CA

“He said it was the wrong time but at least I had tried.” Viv, UC San Diego, CA “The boy who lives upstairs, too scared to tell him how I care.” - Miranda, UC San Diego, CA

“A few weeks of eye contact and soft smiles, so it’s getting serious.” - Chloe, Portland State, OR


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101: valentines Horoscopes Welcome back to a lovey-dovey, cupid-struck horoscope, Astro-lovers. New and exciting things are in store for all of the signs this week, so make sure to check your horoscope — and maybe your crush’s, too! Aries: This Valentine’s Day could lead to the desire for a relationship, causing some negative feelings, but don’t let the season drag you down. The strong, independent attitude of an Aries has to be appreciated by a special type of person. Do not settle for anything less. Taurus: Taurus — so cool, calm, and collected — this Valentine’s Day frenzy is going right past you; however, it’s always fun to celebrate. Get some friends together, eat some candy, write corny cards, and make chocolate covered strawberries. Mmm, yum! Gemini: Gemini, nothing gets you more interested than an intricate mind. Go to the history museum, observatory, or science center, and spark a fiery conversation with someone. Hopefully their intellect matches your own and leads to something wonderful. Cancer: A day and night in really satisfies your needs, Cancer. Spend time with your significant other or some good friends and cook a grand meal: appetizer, main dish, sides, desserts, and all. Indulge and treat each other to a calm, delightful time. Leo: Get flashy this Valentine’s Day, Leo. Yes, absolutely wear that red dress, with those red shoes, and that red lipstick. Get festive and make bold moves. Also, remember to pick up on the vibes your crush is definitely sending and even send some back! Virgo: Virgo, you are always so caught up in the details, but this Valentine’s Day, ditch the plan! Technicalities are not as important as they seem. Let things flow naturally, and see what the universe has in store. Get brunch and then do whatever comes to mind.

By Natasha Vandamme // Contributing Writer

Libra: With the moon in Libra, your inner, more secretive personality traits will become more obvious. Everyone will know about how loving, kind, and cheesy you are, and they’ll love it, too. Be open to anything this Valentine’s season, but make time for self-love! Scorpio: As the most sensual of the signs, Scorpio, you will be very in-tune with your desires; however, do not get swept away. Keep goals in mind and have friends help. Good friends can be more powerful than any motivational speech. Sagittarius: Sagittarius, you may feel as if this Valentine’s Day season is an attack on your single self, but do not take it personally. It is merely an idea with no true value. No one can love you the way you can. Use Valentine’s Day as a day to simply live and love. Capricorn: Usually so focused on work, you are often closed off to love, Capricorn. Open your heart up to meeting a special someone or some new friends! Being alone does not equate to being efficient. Allow others to help, and be surprised at what can be accomplished. Aquarius: As it is Aquarius season, you are at your strongest. Take advantage of this. With confidence, anything is possible, even catching the eye of that cutie in chemistry. Put yourself out there, and if it doesn’t work out, know that there is always something new waiting around the corner. Pisces: As a sign that needs emotional intimacy, use this Valentine’s Day to grow closer with your partner. Sit under the stars at Gliderport and talk about the entirety of the universe. And if single, spend the day showing yourself some love. Enjoy a nice bath with a new book in hand. Hopefully, this article gave everyone some fun ideas for Valentine’s Day. Until next time, Astro-lovers!

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a sitdown with

Amanda Cataroja G uardian: Amanda, why did you



decide to study media at UC San Diego? Amanda Cataroja: I decided to study media here because I really like that the program is diverse. Not only is it film and media, you also get to do fine art as well, which I really like because I also do illustration and painting along with animation and film. G: Your short films cover a very wide field, ranging from the surreal to an almost documentarian feel — which method is your preferred filming style? AC: That’s a tough one. I guess I can say that I do prefer the more satirical, lighthearted works, even though my fourth film was very kind of dark humor, it still had a sense of humor in there. I always incorporate some sort of humorous aspect, be it visual or script-writing wise. G: Why do you feel the need to include humor? AC: I feel that humor is one of the most accessible ways to convey some sort of message, or to convey some sort of critique. Especially even if it was with a harsh subject. For example, my fourth film was called “My Ass is Bleeding 2,” and at the end of it there was a message about the issues with healthcare in the United States, which is a really hard topic to discuss … I always thought that conveying some sort of message in regards to social issues, to political issues, to things that affect people’s lives — the best way to have that transferred out is through humor. People pay attention to that … when there’s a sense of humor involved, they remember it. G: Do you want to elaborate on any overarching themes or messages in your works? AC: My work is usually satirical … I tend to do a lot of works that involve not necessarily fullblown political issues but things that just affect people socially. So that one was on healthcare, my other one was a small one on people gossiping and being mean and deriving pleasure from people’s misfortune. … Then my cartoons, that has a lot of gay themes, and it approaches queer issues through a lighthearted cartoon way. G: What does the directing and filming process look like for you? AC: It’s very structured, actually. I’m a very structured artist; I usually start off by writing a bunch of notes. … Then, if I have another film that’s inspiring me in mind, I will sit down and watch that film and analyze how it’s shot, how it’s written, how its script functions within the film, and incorporate that into my later works. After that I write the script, which depending on how much I don’t have writer’s block, I’ll either knock it out fast or knock it out in a long time. Afterward, I’ll start talking about it with my friends — my friends are usually the people who are featured in my works — and I start a plan, and then we start shooting. On set all the shots are planned, I always set up the audio and the lights. It’s just very structured. I work on strict deadlines and schedules. G: You mentioned your friends, so how collaborative is your work? Is it more of an independent process or is it actively involving a lot of different actors and friends from your community? AC: It is very collaborative, actually. It’s surprising because I always joke that I’m a control freak with my work, but in fact, no, I actually very much welcome collaboration. I guess my idea is the main one, so that’s usually spearheaded, but if a friend or somebody who I’m working with suggests a wonderful idea that I just cannot ignore, I will always incorporate it. I love when people come up with wonderful ideas because they get really into it. It’s just a wonderful process. I love this collective of great ideas just coming into fruition in one art piece. G: Can you describe the student community within the media department? AC: I will admit I can’t really discuss a lot because I’m so new here … but I will say that everyone is so motivated with the media major … everyone is so passionate about their work. Everyone is just so open to sharing ideas and the one thing I do like is that when is

comes to technical stuff since the media major is definitely much more conceptual, a lot of students are willing to share their techniques in regard to filming things technically, and I find that very wonderful. And we have a lot of wonderful and interesting perspectives and ideas coming along; I’ll see pieces that are feminist works, I see pieces that deal with the experience of being an international student, and then I’ve seen some really funny ones … I just see a lot of interesting work, and I really like that everyone is just so passionate about what they do. You can just feel it. G: Based off of your experiences so far as a transfer student, how do you feel like the visual arts and media center is different at UC San Diego versus the university as a whole? We are largely STEM and research based, so where do you feel that the niche is with media and visual arts? AC: Well the one thing I will say is that the media majors — it’s so small, I’m starting to realize this already — we know each other like vampires. We’re just this small collective of artists, and I find that really interesting. I will admit because I’m usually in Mandeville or the Media and Communications building, I haven’t really run into a lot of STEM majors, it’s almost like a microcosm … Everyone’s so motivated; we kind of all know each other. I think that’s interesting that UCSD is primarily known for STEM, when in reality we have such a rich art history department … I do feel that this art department is fantastic … I do wish that more people knew about it. I feel like it’s kind of like a secret gem that we have out here. … The one thing that’s really nice about our art program here, and why I was very interested in them, is that it’s interdisciplinary. All of the art departments talk to each other, it’s not just singled out like with some universities ... which I find wonderful because, as an interdisciplinary artist, that really is beneficial to my growth and my education. G: I couldn’t help but notice there are a couple of your paintings in the backgrounds of some of the clips you sent me — how much do you combine your visual arts with your more filmmaking style? AC: They almost go hand in hand. The one thing I did forgot to mention … when it comes to prepping for film work — I do a lot of storyboards. In fact, I make animatics of my films before I actually start shooting if time permits me. … The thing that’s interesting is with the visual arts and fine art in my paintings and illustrations, it’s just stationary, it’s still. Whereas when I see film, it’s kind of like a movement version of that; people acting out your drawings. … Sometimes, because I tend to paint colorful works, and I have colorful videos, I incorporate some of my paintings in there if they match the color scheme. … I think there’s a strong connection between drawing and painting and film and cartoon — they’re all a visual medium. G: What do you consider your style of painting to be? Or does it vary from topic to topic? AC: Probably satirical pop art. The one thing that is consistent throughout all my work is there’s always a sense of humor. There’s always satirical work. … I do a lot of satirical pop art; I painted Pepe before he became racist, which is a shame because that was such a good meme. It’s just kind of reflections of things that are popular, and then with just a slight little humorous touch. G: Do you base your commentary off of what you feel is most relevant or do you have any main sources of inspiration? AC: I would say that’s a combination of both. Relevancy is probably a big one for me, when I was working on “My Ass is Bleeding 2” there was a healthcare commentary, and I was doing that during the time there was a lot of discourse was going on the Affordable Care Act and a lot of the backlash that it was getting. It just so happens that at the time that started coming up, and when I released it into film festivals, that was a main commentary so it did well with the film festivals because it was just so

A&E The UCSD Guardian sat down with Thurgood Marshall College transfer student Amanda Cataroja to discuss her experiences and aspirations as a media major and student filmmaker. prevalent. When I was working on paintings, like when I did that Pepe painting … Pepe was the biggest meme. And I thought, “Oh, let’s do a little homage to this,” I thought it’d be funny because everyone sees Pepe, so I was thinking, “What if I made him fine art?” Like museum fine art, like perfectly blended, proportions are right but still looks like Pepe, so I did that one. … Now another thing, just outside, inspirationwise, I’d be inspired by a lot of movies and cartoons. When I was doing “Spilling Tea” … I was inspired by “Clueless,” “Mean Girls,” and Frank Zappa’s “Valley Girl” … I get inspiration from everywhere. My joke is that I steal from everyone and everything as an artist. G: You mentioned film festivals, can you elaborate more on that? What are you doing to make yourself known? AC: I have a Facebook page, “House 27,” that’s my movie company at [this] time. Hopefully it’ll become real in the future, and what I do is: I have a FilmFreeway account, I upload my videos onto FilmFreeway, and I distribute my film to the festivals I feel would fit my movie. I’ve submitted to this place called Bad Film Fest I’ve submitted to Whoops Film Festival, I’ve submitted to a bunch of the alternative, underground film festivals. And it’s just all viral, you share it, and then you have to wait for a long time to find out whether your work is accepted or not accepted. I was accepted to several film festivals, and through that they used a lot of my work for promotional stuff, so I would kind of just share it online. … Everything’s online now. G: Do you feel that it’s kind of difficult being so young and trying to become known, or do you feel like that your classes and just being tuned into the internet has allowed you to share your work? AC: I will admit the internet has made things a lot easier for not only just me, but artists in general. I would not know how to submit my work to film festivals had there not been some sort of online source, or say if this were the ‘90s, I would not know where to start … With FilmFreeway and other platforms like it, they’ve made it a lot more accessible, and I really feel that it’s helped a lot. The one thing I guess is hard promotion-wise is — you know I have outside obligations, trying to pursue my education and get my degree. That’s not a bad hindrance, it’s just priorities of course. So I would just say I support the internet all the way through. It does have its problems, I will admit that film festivals online tend to be scams. … I think another thing that I personally struggle with is to properly promote yourself on the internet; you have to be on the internet all the time. … I would have never been able to have the opportunities I’ve had, I never would have been able to send my work out to all of these festivals, across the nation — I never would have done that, I would have been strictly California. G: Do you have any final comments, suggestions, or information for fellow media students or people interested in the arts department at UC San Diego at all? For the arts department, the most cliche one is — don’t ever be discouraged. Don’t ever be discouraged, don’t ever feel like you have to pursue something else for income, for pleasing your parents, and what-not. Cause there are a lot of opportunities for art. … Another thing I would say is don’t let fear dictate your path in regard to art-making. Art-making is always going to be a frustrating process. … There’s never an easy way to get from your sketch to a final piece. Just keep on going, and practice makes perfect. In the future, Amanda hopes to make feature length films and have an animated series. For those interested in learning more about her work, please visit her Facebook page, “House 27.” This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

— daisy scott

Senior Staff Writer



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the good place (season 2) Created by Michael Schur Starring Kristen Bell, Ted Danson, William Jackson Harper, Jameela Jamil, Manny Jacinto, D’arcy Carden

Runs Sept. 20, 2017 – Feb. 1, 2018 (Full season available on NBC.com)



After a shocking twist ending, “The Good Place” returns with a second season that’s even more forking unpredictable than the first. The first season of “The Good Place” ends on a major spoiler. If you have not completed it, please read no further! Welcome! Everything is fine. Such are the words that not only greet each new resident of the Good Place, but also everyone who’s about to watch a TV comedy that pulls off more surprises than you can count. After a critically acclaimed premiere season, “The Good Place” brings back all the elements that made it a success in the first place: lovable characters, clever humor, and a loophole that replaces swearing with innocent words like “fork” and “shirt.” But as it proved in the first season, nothing is quite as it seems in “The Good Place.” With so many plot twists and misdirections, season two firmly establishes “The Good Place” as one of the smartest and most creative comedies on television. Created by Michael Schur (“Parks and Recreation”), “The Good Place” follows Eleanor Shellstrop (Kristen Bell) after she wakes up in the Good Place, a utopian neighborhood

designed by an immortal being named Michael (Ted Danson). There, Eleanor finds herself in the company of her soulmate Chidi Anagonye (William Jackson Harper), British socialite Tahani Al-Jamil (Jameela Jamil), silent Buddhist monk Jianyu (Manny Jacinto), and informational assistant Janet (D’arcy Carden). Everything is seemingly perfect — until we find out that Eleanor has been mistaken for someone else and isn’t supposed to be in the Good Place. Things quickly begin to unravel, and at the end of the first season, Eleanor makes the shocking discovery that — spoiler alert — they’re actually in the Bad Place and Michael had been torturing them the entire time. Season two starts immediately where season one first left off: after Eleanor deduces that she and the other humans are actually being tortured in the Bad Place, Michael wipes their memories and starts the experiment over again with a few adjustments. However, while most viewers probably thought this season would play out similarly to the first by focusing on the

four humans trying to navigate the rebooted neighborhood, the show goes in an entirely different direction that exponentially increases the risks for each character. It’s a bold move for the show to repeatedly stray from their own premise and introduce so many curveballs, but the payoff is worth it. Not only does the “The Good Place” expand the possibilities for future episodes, but it also pulls off another huge twist ending in the final episode of season two that once again leaves viewers in the dark as to where the show will go from here. Besides the constant plot twists, “The Good Place” also surprises by proving to be one of the most thought-provoking, intellectual comedies on television. At its core, the show attempts to answer the age-old question: Are humans good, and if not, can they improve themselves? “The Good Place” often directly addresses ethical conundrums, such as the trolley problem in episode six, and doesn’t shy away from exploring dilemmas where ethics are constantly challenged. “The Good Place” could have easily

strayed into absurdity territory with all the ridiculous situations that the characters find themselves in, but instead manages to insert moral lessons throughout every episode in a hilarious and thoughtful way. There’s no doubt that “The Good Place” is a show unlike any other. It constantly blows up its own premise and confronts questions of morality while the brilliance of its ensemble cast and cleverness of its storytelling allow “The Good Place” to keep on surprising its audience and set stakes higher than ever for future seasons. The one obvious downfall is that there are only 13 short episodes in each season, but when a TV show’s biggest flaw is that there isn’t enough of it, that’s something to be proud of. With so many plot twists, the only predictable thing about “The Good Place” is that it’s a forking triumph.

— ashley chen

Staff Writer


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man of the woods by Justin Timberlake Release Date Feb. 2, 2018

CJustin Timberlake’s turn to nature is less than inspiring.


ustin Timberlake’s “Man of the Woods” is less a return to form and more a half-baked excuse to go on tour. Over an hour long, his most recent album is a meandering, overstuffed affair. Twelve songs break four minutes, but rarely justify their own length. Timberlake purloins country, blues, and rock-and-roll to season his typical pop-electronic fusion, but his stylistic experimentation doesn’t lead to sonic distinction. Instead, Timberlake’s voice seems buried by the lush, overproduced instrumentation. The lyrics are equally distancing. Timberlake dives into a rural, homespun narrative with enthusiasm, singing stinkers like “Ain’t got no phone, don’t need it though,” and “I knew once I saw that fancy record company man/ And in her face, she knew I was a stan.” Timberlake’s “Flannel” is the most egregious offender, a mushy ode to love and sartorial choices that ends with a new-age mumble set by wife Jessica Biel about how “it’s in the earth.” Timberlake doesn’t deign to explain, and much of the album follows in the same fashion. There are some highlights — “Midnight Summer Jam” sounds suspiciously like a “The 20/20 Experience” reject, as does “Breeze off the Pond.” But they don’t save the album, instead content to merely remind us of Timberlake’s more limber, better-received releases. Why listen to this piecemeal offering when you can revisit the classics? Why settle for “Breeze off the Pond” and its “sparkly waves”?

The stylistic mismatch is particularly grating on tracks like “Livin’ Off the Land,” which begins with a pan-flute paean to the wild and soon segues into “backed up bills on the credit card.” Timberlake’s woodsman affectation fits him poorly, in large part because he refuses to commit fully to the schtick. As such, “Man of the Woods” is often off-balance, meandering between spiritual platitudes and traditional rhythm and blues topics. With interludes voiced by Biel and a song (“Young Man”) devoted to his young son, Timberlake bears little resemblance to the disaffected bachelor of “Cry Me a River.” But this apparent sincerity clashes with the inherent sappiness of lines like “Beautiful boy, got it from your momma/ Damn, she look good, you might get a sister.” Despite well-placed intentions, “Young Man” ends the album in a worse place than it began. “Man of the Woods” is a smorgasbord of ideas, most of which don’t pass muster. It’s unwieldy and confused; the coherence of “FutureSex/ LoveSounds” seems a property of the past.

— Alicia Lepler

A&E Editor




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FEB 12 - FEB 18






Join us for the conversation about our conversations about our experiences as gay men, and connect with other gay men on campus. This group addresses relationships, sexual health, community building and more. Contact: gkoch@ucsd.edu

Want to find ways to belong, be you, and be well at UC San Diego? Dr. Morgan Anderson and a Wellness Peer Educator provide informative and interactive exercises to help you flourish! Topics will include: managing stress, building social confidence, mindfulness, and self-compassion with Dr. Morgan Anderson. Contact: caps.ucsd.edu

Join University Centers on Valentine's Day for FREE GIVEAWAYS to celebrate love of all types! Stop by the University Centers booth from 11PM 3PM in the Price Center Plaza for free roses and swag to brighten your day.


DAILY DROP-IN MOVE - YOUR BODY, TONE YOUR MOOD STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES Interested in a moving meditation? Join us in learning postures to help reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your mood. This practice will lead you to a sense of peace and general well-being. Dr. Dianna Quach is clinical psychologist and a certified yoga instructor, RYT. All levels are welcomed! Yoga mats are provided! Contact: caps.ucsd.edu


GIVE LOVE: DIY VALENTINE LUMINARIES & CARDS - THE STAGE ROOM Get ready for Valentines Day! Show your loved ones appreciation by giving them a homemade gift. Shine bright & craft a luminary mason jar or keep it sweet & simple & make them a cute card! SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED AND IT IS A FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS. Free for UCSD Students w/ ID. Contact: ucenmarketing@ucsd.edu

THU2.15 3pm

WISE MIND - GALBRAITH HALL 190 Emotional + Mind + Logical Mind = WISE Mind. WISE mind is when both parts of the mind work together in harmony. Learn how to effectively tolerate everyday stressors, communicate effectively while maintaining self-respect and relationships, and improve your relationship with your emotions while living a life in accordance to your values. Contact: caps.ucsd.edu

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UTSIDE THE BOX FORUM TRANQUILITY ROOM, CROSS CULTURAL CENTER This informal group is a safe space for students, faculty, and staff of mixed/multiracial/multi ethnic and other non-dominant identities to share their experiences and discuss issues in an open and supportive, community atmosphere. This forum is co-sponsored by the Cross Cultural Center. Please contact Dr. Thompson if you plan to attend. Contact: cathompson@ucsd.edu


DISRUPTOR SERIES: FEMVC - THE BASEMENT, MANDEVILLE CENTER Join us for a panel discussion on Venture Capital moderated by Greg Horowitt '80. Panelists will delve into a conversation on approaches, share their individual perspectives, and engage in a Q & A session on Venture Capital. Contact: thebasement@ucsd.edu


INSIDE INNOVATION: GENE YEOSANFORD CONSORTIUM, ROTH AUDITORIUM Unlock the straight-A student within you! At this workshop, we'll reveal study strategies -uncovered by learning scientists -- that help you learn MORE information in LESS time. These strategies work for all types of classes. Contact: scp008@ucsd.edu


SHARE LOVE: CRAZY STUPID LOVE- PRICE CENTER THEATER Take some time to love yourself! Come alone or with your S/O to and laugh through this Romantic Comedy! Take time for yourself and de-stress from midterms! FREE POPCORN will be provided and the first 50 people will receive FREE blankets! Pajamas welcomed. Free for UCSD Students w/ ID. Contact: ucenmarketing@ucsd.edu



ASIAN WOMENS FORUM - MUIR HALF DOME LOUNGE Join us for informal conversations about our experiences as Asian women. Members determine the topics which can include: Academic stress, Family and gender roles and challenges, Cultural identity, Relationships, Career directions, Social justice concerns, and mental health and well-being. Contact: ltappero@ucsd.edu


PEACE OF MIND- DAILY DROP-IN GALBRAITH HALL 190 Emotions make our lives rich and colorful, but you wish to learn how to navigate them better? In the Peace of Mind workshops, you will learn how to live in the moment, manage your emotions, increase interpersonal skillfulness, and identify what is really important to your life. Contact: caps.ucsd.edu


BLACK CANYON KAYAK AND HOT SPRINGS - BLACK CANYON Take a break from all the hard work and reward yourself. As we move up the river, the valley turns to canyon with walls towering vertically out of the river. We might see an occasional Bighorn Sheep, and what is left of the silver and gold mines of the area. Camping on the river next to the Arizona Hot Springs we will be able to soak away the cold of the winter. We will also have the opportunity for a day trip to the sauna cave, exploration opportunities in Gold-strike Canyon with a heated waterfall, and an up close and personal with the mighty Hoover Dam. UCSD Students - $295 / 325. Contact: outback@ucsd.edu

IPPS MAIL SERVICES OPEN HOUSE CAMPUS SERVICES COMPLEX, BUILDING A. ENTER THROUGH THE PASSPORT OFFICE Guests will have the opportunity to explore the over 8,000 square foot complex that houses 5+ Passport Offices, Campus Mail, Student mail, Outbound Shipping, Messenger Service, and a NEW full-service Mailing Center! Mailing Center customers save an average of 50% on UPS and FedEx shipping rates compared to carrier direct. Mailing Center will be open during the event. Feel free to bring items to ship. —- Event Highlights —Treats: No-host candy bar. Giveaways: Free, limited edition postage stamp (while supplies last), and more… Raffle: Enter for a chance to win iconic 92093 merchandise. Self-guided tours: Explore the warehouse and discover what. Mail Services is all about. Meet and Greet: Mingle with Mail Services Staff and other IPPSters. Mail Matrix demo: See the Mail Matrix in action!. Visitors are welcome to drop by anytime between 11:30 and 1 p.m. Guests on site at 12 p.m. will be treated to a demonstration of the Mail Matrix followed by a Q&A session and raffle.


TRAIN YOUR BRAIN: DE-STRESS WITH BIOFEEDBACK - THE ZONE Learn how to incorporate state of the art technology for stress management. Come to the Zone for a free one-on-one Biofeedback demonstration with one of the CAPS Wellness Peer Educators! Learn about biofeedback, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation techniques that all help to reduce stress. Check out The Zone calendar for info on this and other free wellness programs! Contact: caps.ucsd.edu


SOIREE FOR MUSIC LOVERS CONRAD PREBYS CONCERT HALL This free event began in 1987, when renowned virtuoso violinist Jnos Ngyesy established a series of Chamber Music concerts called the "Soiree for Music Lovers". These programs were intended to be a musical counterpoint to the experimental music that characterized the music department at the University of California, where Professor Ngyesy was a long-time faculty member. Contact: boxoffice@music.ucsd.edu

SAT2.17 7:30pm

A RAISIN IN THE SUN - MANDELL WEISS THEATRE A classic of the American stage, A Raisin in the Sun follows Walter Younger and his family in Chicago, each feeling confined by their physical home space and the social roles they’ve been assigned. When an insurance payout after the death of the family’s patriarch offers an opportunity to improve their lives, individual priorities and how they affect others come into question. Contact: tdpromo@ucsd.edu



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UCSD Has Solid Start Tritons Challenged On the Road Tritons started out its season with a 2-1 record. BY Daniel Hernandez

Senior Staff writeR The UC San Diego baseball team got its season underway this week with a 2–1 record through Saturday and played a doubleheader against Colorado Mesa on Sunday to finish the weekend off. UCSD starts off its campaign as the number seventhranked team in the nation and will look to maintain its success throughout the course of the season. vs. Concordia Irvine After two early runs in the first inning, Concordia held a 2–0 lead, but that didn’t last as UCSD would go on to level the game at 2–2 in the third. With a runner on base, junior first baseman Tyler Durna stepped to plate and hit a two-run home run. From that point on the Tritons took control of the contest and lead the rest of the way as they put in one run each in the fifth and sixth inning to capture the lead at 4–2. In the fifth, redshirt junior outfielder Zander Clarke gave the Tritons their first lead of the day when he hit a RBI double down left field. In the sixth, redshirt sophomore utility Steven Schuknecht hit a RBI single with two runners on base. In the eighth inning, Durna extended the lead to 5–2 as he singled to right field to give him a three-RBI day. Concordia would also get on the board in the eighth, however, with only a single run to make it 5–3. UCSD closed it out with no problem to earn its first win of the season. Durna went three for five on the day, while redshirt freshman catcher Aaron Kim began his collegiate career with a outstanding four for four. On the mound, right-handed pitcher Mitch Hickey earned the win as he went five innings, giving up two runs. vs. Colorado Mesa The Tritons hosted No. 4 Colorado Mesa, a team that very well looked like one of the top in Division-II baseball as it displayed its superiority on the day by defeating the Tritons 11–1. UCSD

did not imagine having the home opener ending with that scoreline; however, the team likely knew it would be difficult to pull out a win against the national semifinalist from a year ago. UCSD could not manage to get anything going offensively to match the hitting prowess of Colorado Mesa that earned 16 hits to UCSD’s four. Going into the last two innings, the game was at 5–0. At the top of the eighth, Colorado Mesa hit in three more runs, followed by another three in ninth to put any thought of a comeback to rest. UCSD scored its only run in the eighth. vs. Concordia Irvine Despite a disappointing Friday, the Tritons redeemed themselves with a dominant 10-3 win over Concordia Irvine on Saturday. Interestingly enough, UCSD’s win came after being down early once again. In the second inning, Concordia hit a home run to earn a 1-0 lead. In the third, the Tritons scored two runs to take a 2-1 lead. Third baseman, Alex Eliopulos hit a RBI single and then scored off an error. From that point on, UCSD would erase the lead and not go behind for the remainder of the game. The following inning, UCSD scored another three runs to take a commanding 5–1 lead. Concordia fought to get back in it in the fifth with two runs of its own to make it 5-3. But UCSD had other plans as Durna hit a two-RBI single and Eliopulos hit a tworun home run to make it four runs in the sixth inning. With a 9–3 scoreline going into the last few innings, the Tritons were in control of the game. The last run of the game came from a second home run from Eliopulos to make it 10–3 for the final score. Next up, Tritons will host a fourgame series against San Francisco State University from Friday through Sunday. First pitch on Friday is set for evening time at 6 p.m.

Daniel Hernandez

UCSD went 0-2 over the weekend, increasing their losing streak to three. BY Madeline Lewis

Staff writeR vs. BYU On Thursday, Feb. 8, the UC San Diego men’s volleyball team dropped a four-set match to seventh-ranked Brigham Young University. After a promising 25–18 win in the first set, the Tritons watched the next three slip away resulting in a Cougar win. An additional tally in the loss column pushes UCSD’s record to an overall 7–4. The sets were scored at 25–18, 19–25, 22–25, and 16–25 — another chapter in the 43 times the two teams have competed. Senior setter Tanner Syftestad shared a match high of 15 kills with BYU’s identically positioned senior Brenden Sander. Syfetestad also recorded five digs, one assist, and three block assists for a total of 16.5 points at the end of the night. The Tritons remained well in control of the first set once they took the lead early on. As a unit, UCSD





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tallied its best attack percentage of the match at .357 with only two errors in 28 attempts. Despite the Triton advantage, BYU struck back hard. In a back and forth second set, with UCSD pushing for the 2–0 edge, BYU pulled away once reaching point 20. The Tritons carelessly committed eight errors of their own, reinforcing the Cougar win. Redshirt senior middle blocker Bryan Zhu was the second highest scorer for the Tritons with eight kills, five digs, six block assists, and one solo block. Just one contributing point behind Zhu, senior outside hitter Luke La Mont collected five kills and a remarkable four service aces as well as four block assists. The third set consisted of 10 tie scores and five lead changes, eventually residing in favor of BYU. After the Tritons dropped two tough sets in a row, BYU cruised through the fourth in the driver’s seat. at Concordia In its first of a four game away


stretch, UCSD fell to Concordia University Irvine in a heartbreaking five set match. After jumping ahead 2–0, the Tritons struggled to secure a third and leave the gym victorious. The two teams had met just three weeks ago at the end of January which resulted in a 3–1 comeback win for the Tritons. Friday night’s sets were scored as follows 25–23, 26–24, 22–25, 23–25, and 13–15. Syftestad performed another incredible offensive night with 27 kills, two service aces, and three blocks for 31 points total. An additional 11 digs gave Syftestad a double-double alongside senior setter Milosh Stojcic who had 51 assists and 13 digs. Although the Tritons did not put up the best scores in both the first and second sets, a UCSD win looked likely. However, Concordia took advantage of a combined 21 errors from the Tritons in the last three sets. La Mont and Zhu followed behind Syftestad with nine and eight kills, respectively. Zhu’s seven block assists and La Mont’s eight digs kept UCSD within a few points of the Eagles. Each of the last three sets were finalized with scores within three points. A team best attack percentage of .387 in the third sent the Eagles on roll for the remainder of the match. The UCSD squad left CU Arena disappointed Friday night as Concordia handed the team its third straight loss and an upsetting 7–5 record. The Tritons look to bounce back on Friday, Feb. 16 against McKendree University and Saturday, Feb. 17 against Lindenwood University, two high quality Division-II programs.

Madeline Lewis



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woMen's basketball

UC San Diego Wins Thriller

The women’s basketball team defeated Cal Poly Pomona by two points in a loud RIMAC Arena on Spirit Night. BY Marcus Thuillier

Managing Editor Standing atop the rankings at 19–3 overall and 15–1 in the California Collegiate Athletic Association, the UC San Diego Tritons were facing the second best teams in the CCAA for Spirit Night. At 15–7 overall and 12–5 in the rankings, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona proved a valiant foe to UCSD, but the Tritons eventually prevailed. 1st Quarter UCSD took the first lead of the game on senior forward Dalayna Sampton’s layup. Although the teams traded baskets throughout the quarter, the beginning of this game proved to be a physical affair where defense shined. Cal Poly Pomona shot just 31 percent from the field, and UCSD didn’t fare much better, shooting only 23 percent from the field. With two minutes left in the quarter, Cal Poly Pomona jumped to an early four-point lead when senior forward Alyssa Benton sank a shot from downtown. Down 12–8, UCSD continued to be aggressive with the ball and earned back-to-back trips to the line on fouls by junior guard Jordyn Shane. Junior guard Joleen Yang and

then junior guard Kayla Sato sank their free throws, pulling the Tritons level with the Broncos at the end of the first quarter. 2nd Quarter After a tight first quarter, it was Cal Poly Pomona who took the first significant lead of the game, when a three-pointer by sophomore guard Casey McWilliam was followed by an easy finish by senior forward Chelsea Waddy-Blow inside. With UCSD having issues stopping the high-low action and the postu-up presence of the Broncos, the lead grew to eight. That’s the moment when Yang chose to take over. Yang got a bucket from downtown, had a nice layup on a cut to the basket, and after a good defensive possession, nailed another three to bring the Tritons even. Yang was even able to finish the quarter with a driving floater, giving UCSD a 28–27 lead going into halftime. Except for Yang, who had 18 points on 6–8 shooting in the half, UCSD’s starters had difficulties getting going, with redshirt sophomore forward Mikayla Williams, Sato, and Sampton combining to shoot three for 13 from the floor. 3rd Quarter In the early minutes of the third

quarter, UCSD opened up a five-point lead. Junior guard Jackie Ricketson got to double digits, scoring with two quick baskets, and continued to put pressure on the Tritons. UCSD continued to be aggressive on defense and pushed the ball on offense, contrasting the slow and steady rhythm of the Broncos. On a nice entry pass from Sato, Williams started to get going with a nice layup, but McWilliam answered right back on a 15-footer. Toward the middle of the quarter, Yang appeared to have twisted her ankle, but she was back on the floor in no time. “I like to think that it didn’t [impact my game],” Yang said after the game. “I was hurting a little bit, but it was great to have my teammates step up. The great thing about our team is that if one person isn’t rolling, somebody else is gonna step up, and the whole team carried us to that win. With the score all tied up at 42-all, a basket by Williams on a nice hussle play and a layup from Sato put the Tritons up 46–43. However, the Broncos responded and, with a long three at the end of the quarter by Ricketson, took the lead 48–46. 4th Quarter Williams sank an 18-footer to tie the game in the first minute of the

fourth quarter. It was all Cal Poly Pomona from this point on though, as senior forward Priscilla Brooks got back-to-back buckets after an offensive rebound and a steal. The Broncos were controlling the pace of the game at that point, and after another turnover followed by a Brooks basket, UCSD was forced to take a timeout. Things did not get better after the timeout, as UCSD committed yet another turnover on a moving screen by Williams who was trying to free up Yang for a three. When Ricketson took a trip to the line, the Broncos lead grew to eight with five minutes remaining in the quarter. “Our coaches do a great job of preparing us for anything. I feel like we just had to stay composed, and we ended up with the win,” Yang said. Finally, the Tritons answered, setting up a full court press to disrupt Cal Poly Pomona. UCSD scored eight straight points to tie the game, on a layup from a forced turnover, a 15-footer from Sampton, a huge hussle play from Sato, who forced a turnover and assisted Williams for an easy layup, and finally two free throws by Sato. Shane stopped the bleeding with a basket inside, but Sampton and Williams took over. Sampton had a layup following an offensive rebound, and then put the Tritons on top with another put back, followed by Williams getting fouled and sinking both free-throws. This set up what was arguably the play of the game. UCSD on defense, protecting a four-point lead, switched a screen with Williams taking on Ricketson. Ricketson used her speed advantage to

VS Point Loma VS San Francisco State VS California Baptist VS San Francisco State VS San Francisco State

get around for the layup, but Williams recovered at the last second, blocked the shot, and grabbed the rebound. Cal Poly Pomona then started playing the foul game and took advantage of some missed free throws to make it a two-point game with five seconds left off a McWilliam clutch three. After exchanging more free throws, the score was 68–66 for the Tritons, but Cal Poly Pomona had the ball. On the last possession of the game, senior guard Taylor Tanita had the tough defensive assignment of stopping McWilliam, but Tanita played some admirable defense to force the miss from three and snag the win for the Tritons. When asked if there was any doubt in her mind about the Tritons hanging on to get the win, Yang simply answered with an emphatic “never.” UCSD was outshot by Cal Poly Pomona over the game, but after being dominating in the paint in the first half, steadied the ship in the second and eventually outrebounded its opponents. Ricketson, McWilliam, and Waddy-Blow all scored in double figures, with Ricketson adding five rebounds and five assists to her 22 points, a game-high, but the Tritons saw their aggressive playing style pay off in the end, shooting a whooping 22 free throws and making 19 of them. Yang, Sampton, Sato, and Williams all scored in double-digits, and Williams also had a double-double with 10 rebounds. Tanita only scored three points, but she caused problems for the Broncos all night, pushing the pace and finishing with six assists. The Tritons’ bench scored zero points on the night, with the starters accounting for all 68 points that got them the win. “Spirit night is always so much fun”, Yang told the Guardian. UC San Diego at CSU San Bernardino Back in action on Saturday, UCSD travelled to California State University, San Bernardino to take on the Coyotes. With the 60–51 win, UCSD clinched a third consecutive CCAA regular season title. It was a tight game all through the fourth quarter. Up 54–51, UCSD rode a strong defensive effort to victory, shutting out Cal State San Bernardino for the last five minutes of the game. Sampton had 16 points and 13 rebounds, Williams had her second double-double in two days with 15 points and 12 rebounds.Sato also produced well, with 15 points and eight rebounds. Next week, the Tritons will be on the road for the last time this regular season, when they take a two game trip to California State University, Chico on Feb. 15 and Humboldt State University on Feb. 17. Marcus Thuillier mthuilli@ucsd.edu

Tritons Run Out of Spirit, but Rebound Against Coyotes Despite erasing a double-digit deficit, the men’s basketball team could not keep their momentum going against Cal Poly Pomona. BY Richard Lu

Associate sports editor The UC San Diego men’s basketball team fell to California Polytechnic State University, Pomona, 69–80, for Spirit Night at RIMAC Arena. The following day, Feb. 10, UCSD defeated California State University, San Bernardino, 67–58. Splitting this pair of games, the Tritons improve to 13–5 and retain their second-place standing in California Collegiate Athletic Association conference play. With only four games remaining, UCSD will look to close out the season strong in anticipation of the CCAA tournament. vs. Cal Poly Pomona What was supposed to be a festive night meant to celebrate school spirit turned sour quickly for the Tritons. Neither team started off the game strong — the score was only 5–9 at the 15:04 mark. Within five minutes, however, the Broncos went on a scoring run and grew their advantage to an 8–19 lead. Unable to match the Broncos’ scoring, the Tritons watched as the 8–19 lead grew to 17–36 with 3:27 left. UCSD cut the 19-point lead down to 12 heading into the half,

thanks to aggressive rebounding by junior guard/forward Christian Oshita. The Tritons started off the second half much better than the first, courtesy of the three-point shot. Two three-pointers by Oshita and one three-pointer apiece for sophomore guard Scott Everman and senior guard George Buaku cut the score down to 38–41. Ignited by the scoring run, Oshita made a huge block on the defensive end and sent the Tritons on the break. Everman sent a pass to senior forward Kenny Fraser, who was fouled on his attempt. Fraser converted his free throw to tie the game, 41–41. After tying up the game, the Tritons lost control. The Broncos went on a massive scoring run and gained an 18-point lead with 5:43 left to go. UCSD was unable to cut the lead down to anything lower than eight and fell to Cal Poly Pomona, 69–80. Oshita on learning from this loss: “We just have to play harder. Take every possession personal. We can’t play like there’s a next game. We’ve got to play every game like it’s our last.” at Cal State San Bernardino Taking Oshita’s words to heart, UCSD went into the game against Cal

State San Bernardino ready for a fight. The Tritons prevailed, never trailing en route to a 67–58 victory over the Coyotes. Everman, as forward, led the team with 20 points. Senior forward Michael Shoemaker contributed with 19 points, a new career-high for him. Shoemaker was particularly active on the defensive end as well, notching a game-high four steals. This game was a reminder for UCSD to never take its foot off the pedal. While the Tritons led for the entire game, their lead was never secure — the Coyotes were always making runs, trying to close the gap. A late three-pointer from the Coyotes cut the lead down to four points with 1:03 left in the game; however, the Tritons remained composed and finished strong, defeating Cal State San Bernardino by nine, 67–58. UCSD will face California State University, Chico next. The Tritons will play the Wildcats on Saturday, Feb. 15 in Chico. Tipoff is scheduled for 7:30 p.m.

richard lu ril014@ucsd.edu


Men's Basketball

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