03.15.12 | UCSD Guardian

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fresh digs means a fresh start for this newspaper. Page 4







Mock Trial Qualifies for Nationals for First Time

A six-foot male attempted to kidnap a female victim at 8:12 p.m. on March 14. According to the UCSD Police Department, the attempted kidnapping occurred near Building 2 at One Miramar Street UC San Diego Apartment Complex. The suspect grabbed the victim from behind and tried to pull her into the canyon, but was unsuccessful, the police bulletin reported. The suspect then fled south toward La Jolla Village Drive. According to the report, the suspect has shoulder-length, light-colored hair and was wearing a dark baseball cap and dark sweatshirt.

Team places second at regional championship, behind reigning national champion UCLA. By Angela Chen Editor in Chief


Berkeley Chancellor Will Step Down Robert Birgeneau became chancellor in 2004 after moving from the University of Toronto.

J oseph H o /G uardian


By Zev Hurwitz Associate News Editor UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert Birgeneau announced Tuesday that he will step down from his post at the end of 2012. Birgeneau, who has served as chancellor since 2004, wrote an email to Cal faculty, staff and students on March 13 saying that he was grateful for his seven-year tenure, and proud of the accomplishments and honors he presided over. “I am deeply grateful to have ROBERT been entrusted BIRGENEAU with the proBerkeley Chancellor found responsibility of leading this great institution and its outstanding faculty, staff and students through one of the most challenging periods in its 144-year history,” Birgeneau wrote. Birgeneau noted that since he became chancellor, UC Berkeley has seen higher graduation rates and has enrolled more international and out-

Che Cafe Collective raises enough money through benefit concert, direct donations to keep music venue open. By JAVIER ARMSTRONG • Staff Writer


he Ché Café will keep its doors open after successfully raising $12,000 to pay for its 2012 insurance costs. According to Assistant Vice Chancellor of Student Life Gary Ratcliff, the venue was in danger of being shut down if its members could not pay the annual insurance premium, which was due this spring. In response to these financial problems, the Ché Café Collective, which consists of volunteers and core members responsible for booking shows, organized two benefit blogs to fundraise for the insurance costs. The members also organized the “Ché Café Benefit Concert — I Promise” festival, which took place Jan. 6 to Jan. 8 and hosted 24 bands over the three days. Core collective member Rene Vera said that the organization has always struggled to pay insurance costs, but the $12,000 should be enough to cover insurance for another year. “The big show that pulled us through was the benefit show in early January,” Vera said. “Up until that point, we were only halfway through our goal.” Vera said that half the money came from benefit shows, and the other half from direct donations obtained through the blog. According to the Ché Café benefit blog co-founder Jesse Kranzler, the See CHE, page 3

See CHANCELLOR, page 3



When you do your best and you give and you give and you give and you fall short it’s gonna hurt like crazy.”


charity elliott



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UCSD Mock Trial has qualified for national competition for the first time in school history. After placing in the top 8 in the San Diego regional competition held in February, the UCSD teams were two of 24 to advance to the Irvine open regional championship, or ORC. To qualify for nationals, teams must be ranked in the top six of the 24 competing at the Irvine ORC, which is the only one on the West Coast. “The Irvine ORC is considered to be one of the toughest, if not the toughest, in the country,” mock trial co-president Ayelet Bitton said. “UCLA — the reigning national champion — is there, USC, a top 15 team, is there, UC Irvine, a top 15 team, is there. The gods have to be going in your favor to get out of the Irvine ORC.” The teams have competed in Irvine for the past two years, but left without a qualifying bid each time. This year, they came in second to UCLA and are headed to Minnesota in April. “The students spend hundreds of hours practicing and pay thousands of dollars out of their own pockets every year to compete in tournaments across the country, all without receiving any school credit,” volunteer coach David Lichtenstein wrote in an email. “I could not be more proud.” The team is currently fundraising the $3500 necessary for the team to compete at nationals, which will be held April 13 to 15 at Hamline University in Saint Paul. A.S. Council voted at its March 14 meeting to loan $4050 to the group, interest-free. The team has until June 30 to pay off the loan. “We put in hundreds of hours practicing each week— I feel like I’m a full-time mock trial competitor, and do school and work on the side, so we really need the support,” Bitton said. “That said, this victory is welldeserved. We’ll go to nationals and we’ll do well.” Find more information about the team at mocktrial.ucsd.edu. Readers can contact Angela Chen at shchen@ucsd.edu.


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INSIDE As Per Usual...........................2 New Business.........................3 How-to Guru...........................4 Letters to the Editor................5 Dodging the Horizon..............6 Sudoku...................................9 Sports...................................12


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

As Per Usual By Dami Lee Angela Chen

Editor in Chief

Arielle Sallai Margaret Yau

Managing Editors

Angela Chen

News Editor

Nicole Chan Zev Hurwitz

Associate News Editors

Madeline Mann Hilary Lee Rachel Uda

Visual Diary By Khanh Nguyen

Nicholas Howe

Associate Sports Editor Focus Editor Leisure Editor Hiatus Editor Associate Hiatus Editor

Monica Haider Emily Pham

Copy Editors

Andrew Oh

Photo Editor

Nolan Thomas

Associate Photo Editor

Nathan Toung

Design Editor

Jeffrey Lau

Art Editor

Rebekah Hwang

Associate Art Editor

Hayley Bisceglia-Martin

Development Editor

Page Layout Leo Bui, Rebecca Horwitz, Arielle Sallai, Nathan Toung, Margaret Yau

Scripps to Operate New Navy-Funded Ship

Scripps is celebrating — again. A year and a half ago, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography won a national competition to operate a new research ship. The ship, funded by the Office of Naval Research, is called the AGOR 28. And last Tuesday, Feb. 28, the Navy announced that it has selected the shipyard at which AGOR 28 would be built: Dakota Creek in Washington, D.C. Operational in 2015, the ship will be the fifth research vessel in the Scripps’ fleet, which is the largest of its kind in the country. Because the Scripps ships are used by scientists from

Sports Editor

Arielle Sallai

Andrew Whitworth

By AYAN KUSARI Staff Writer

Associate Opinion Editor

Mina Nilchian

Ren Ebel


Opinion Editor

many different specialties, each vessel is highly customizable. Before expeditions, the ships are frequently modified to fit the purpose of the mission. Few shipyards have the means to build vessels as complex as the AGOR, and orders can be backlogged for years at a time. Between three and five years of planning, designing and engineering go into the construction of a research vessel, SIO Associate Director Dr. Bruce Applegate said. "It's much more complex than a grain ship or a RORO," he said, referring to the massive cargo ships used to transport cars, trucks and trains. Research vessels are also expensive. The Navy is fully funding the construction of AGOR; they have provided $88 million up front, and will make additional payments as needed as construction progresses. AGOR 24, better known at Scripps as the R/V Roger Revelle, cost $60 million when it was constructed in 1993. Applegate estimates it would have cost well over $250 million to build today. Dakota Creek Industries is designing the AGOR 28, along with the research equipment in it, largely from scratch. AGOR’s original design is a main factor contributing to the expense. The high cost of original design is the status quo

for ships like AGOR; for example, GPS was used in research vessels for decades before it became cheap enough for civilians to use. In unfamiliar waters, it was a necessity. "All you've got out there is blue all around you," Applegate said. "There are no signposts in the sea." AGOR 28 will be fitted with advanced computer networks and data distribution systems, so that virtually any data collection hardware can be fitted to the ship's mainframe. This means that researchers from a variety of disciplines can modify AGOR to suit their purposes. "Whatever it is, you just plug it in, and you're up and running," Applegate said. "What sets us apart from other institutions is that we don't aim for one kind of science. We do it all: geological, biological, chemical, climate change — you name it, and our ships are capable of handling it." UCSD students interested in conducting research with the Scripps fleet can write research proposals through the UC Shipfunds program. Because the fleet is large and adaptable, Applegate said, UCSD students can conduct specialized research offshore.

Business Manager Emily Ku Marketing & Advertising Director Brandon Katzer Webmaster Bryan Smith Marketing & Advertising Christine Alabastro, Christina Doo, Nick Paladino, Shilpa Sharma Advertising Design & Layout Alfredo H. Vilano Jr. A.S. Graphic Studio The UCSD Guardian is published Mondays and Thursdays during the regular academic year, with the exception of summer session, university holidays and final examinations by UCSD students and for the UCSD community. Reproduction of this newspaper in any form, whether in whole or in part, without permission is strictly prohibited. © 2012, all rights reserved. The UCSD Guardian is not responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of the UCSD Guardian, the University of California or Associated Students. The UCSD Guardian is funded by advertising. Small mouth, large throat.

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See SHIP, page 3

illustration by J effrey lau /G uardian

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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Council Gets Pie, Finalizes Pancake Breakfast Menu


n honor of “Pi Day,” council was gifted with pie from the public and from the Office of Finance. What a clever way to celebrate March 14. “It tastes good, I made it,” AVP College Affairs Natalie Covate Leonard Bobbitt ncovate@ucsd.edu said about one of the pies presented to council by a member of the public. Council was then addressed by Volunteer Connection, an organization that oversees five programs with the goal of providing innovative volunteer opportunities for UCSD students. The organization has grown from 75 to 937 weekly contacts at UCSD from last year. UCSD Mock Trial addressed council to ask for financing to fly to Minnesota for nationals. This is the first time UCSD has ever made it to mock trial’s national competition. They were granted $4050 in funding as an underwrite, or interest-free loan that needs to be repaid by June 30. The Office of Finance addressed council to discuss some of its current projects. “I help [VP Finance and Resources] Kevin [Hoang] with whatever he needs, whether it’s sending an email or getting him coffee or being his friend,” Office of Finance Chief of Staff Bryan Cassella said. After this presentation, council took a three-minute recess to serve and eat the aforementioned pie. Council came back into session to hear another special presentation



from the Office of External Affairs, who discussed the Fund the UC campaign, a three-step program including tax initiatives, a middle-class scholarship bill and a reform of Prop. 13. Prop 13 allows government spending to pass with only half of legislators’ votes, but requires two-thirds to increase tax revenues. The suggested reform would lower the two-thirds threshold for increasing tax revenues to one-half. With a vote of 22-0-7, council confirmed the appointment of Brad Segal as campuswide senator. Engineering Senator Parminder Sandhu presented a resolution honoring AVP of Academic Affairs Mac Zilber — who is graduating at the end of this quarter — as a lifelong member of ASUCSD. Zilber, who has been part of council for the past three years, was also given a signed copy of Oh! The Places You’ll Go by, who else, Dr. Seuss. VP Student Life Meredith Madnick announced that sausage and fresh fruit will both be new food options at the A.S. Pancake Breakfast next Monday. AVP of Student Services Leigh Mason strutted her stuff as last week’s Councilmember of the Week. I was given the prestigious honor for this week, and I high-fived and fistbumped councilmembers wearing my new pink foam crown, as I will not be returning to write “New Business” next quarter. I’ll miss you too, council.

Che to Hold Next Music Festival March 25 Students Can Apply who was a member of the collective Through Shipfunds ▶ for over three years, told the Union group raised approximately $9,000 in Tribune that the venue opened in 1966 to Work With Ships as a coffee hut and received its curdonations through the blog. “There were so many people reach- rent name, Ché Café, in 1980 when it in Scripps’ Fleet ing out to us from across the country became a student-run organization. CHE, from page 1

and other countries: people who had been to a show in the past and wanted to see it stay open,” Vera said. “I think it really showed that people do care about the Ché.” Collective member Greg Prout said that the Café’s financial problems started with a brief insurance lapse a couple of years ago. “The person who was supposed to pick up the mail just stopped picking it up, so we stopped getting the bills,” Prout said in an Sept. 19 article in the San Diego Union Tribune. The group’s financial problems increased when a 2010 burglary set the Café back $5,000 after stolen equipment had to be replaced. The Ché is one of five UCSD coops. Sarah Latoski, a recent graduate

“It was a vegetarian cafe,” Latoski said. “It also was a safe space for radical politics to be practiced.” Notable acts that have played the venue over the years include Bright Eyes, Billy Corgan, Animal Collective, Jimmy Eat World and Green Day. The Che is continuing to book musical acts, and will host five bands on March 25. Groups scheduled to perform include local act “Griever,” “Gagakirise” from Japan and “Bitches” from the U.K. Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Life Gary Ratcliff could not be reached for comment as of press time.

▶ SHIP, from page 2

Readers can contact Javier Armstrong at jarmstrong@ucsd.edu.

Readers can contact Ayan Kusari at akusari@ucsd.edu.

Though a trip on the Roger Revelle can cost more than $40,000, the Shipfunds program covers full costs for students. Applegate said that he is excited by AGOR 28’s potential to expand Shipfunds. "We're trying to cultivate the next generation of stewards of the sea,” he said. “These are the ones who will save the environment." Students can apply to Shipfunds by emailing a 15-page research proposal to tba@ucsd.edu. More information can be found on the Scripps website.

Berkeley, UCSD Both Looking for New Chancellor in 2012 ▶ blah, from page 1

of-state students. “Our undergraduate student body continues to be among the very best in California and each year we have attracted more applicants,” he wrote. “Our graduation rates have risen to over 90 percent.” Birgeneau was the chancellor of the University of Toronto from 2000 until he moved to Berkeley in 2004. He said that he intends to return to teaching at Cal after he steps down. “I am planning to return to the departments of physics and materials science and engineering as a regular faculty member and hope that I have at least one more truly significant physics/materials science experiment still to come in my academic career,” he

wrote. UC President Mark G. Yudof commended the chancellor for his work in a statement released by the UC Office of the President on March 13. “In his more than seven years as Chancellor at the University of California, Berkeley, Robert Birgeneau has proven to be a passionate, dedicated and effective steward of the world’s greatest public university,” Yudof stated. Birgeneau presided over a tumultuous time for UC Berkeley. Tuition at UC schools rose 32 percent in 2009, another 8 percent in 2010 and again by 11 percent in 2011. In 2011, U.S. News and World Report ranked Cal second for room and board costs and 10th for out-of-state cost of attendance. Birgeneau again came under fire

in November 2011 when police used batons and bean bag guns to subdue Occupy Cal protesters in Sproul Plaza. Students said that Birgeneau was not supportive of activists, and publicly condemned his actions. With Birgeneau’s announcement, UC Berkeley joins UCSD in a search for a new chancellor. UCSD Chancellor Marye Anne Fox announced last summer that she intends to step down at the end of the 2011-12 academic year. Fox has also been chancellor at UCSD since 2004. The La Jolla Light reported on March 8 that UCSD will begin interviewing candidates for Chancellor Fox’s position this month. Readers can contact Zev Hurwitz at zhurwitz@ucsd.edu.


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Mann CONTACT THE EDITOR Madeline opinion@ucsdguardian.org


Moving Forward The Guardian is leaving our old office next quarter, a move that allows us to make a fresh start while reevaluating where our newspaper stands both financially and structurally.


ather ’round readers, we have some news to share: After over a decade in our current digs, the Guardian is moving. Our perch above Groundwork Books in the Old Student Center is being taken over by the growing Craft Center, relegating this newspaper to the Old Media Lounge a few doors down. What’s worse, that same office notoriously belonged to our BFFs the Koala before they were exiled to Price Center early this year (so thank Sun God we’re getting new carpet). Working in the same place could be seen as a slap in the face of our integrity, but the move provides a fresh start we’re eager to make the most of (and the new furniture and repairs don’t hurt). See, the past few years haven’t been easy for the Guardian. We began a huge initiative in 2010 to restructure the newspaper internally, so that — amongst paying increased student fees and covering protest after protest — we could begin digging ourselves out of pretty sizable hole of our own (read: debt). The Guardian hasn’t been immune to the decline of print advertising and readership that’s affected most university and professional newspapers. Advertising is down, Twitter is king, more publications are moving online and, in many ways, it’s a luxury to continue producing a print product even twice a week. For us, it’s

illustration by J effrey lau /G uardian

a luxury that comes at a high cost, given our less-than-stellar financial circumstances. In other words, yes, the Guardian has been in debt for years, and no, we’re not ashamed, especially given the enormous strides made in the past two years toward alleviating said debt. In Fall Quarter 2011, we cut all non-editor pay — including writers, designers, artists and photographers — to reduce

Editorial Board Angela Chen Editor In Chief

Arielle Sallai Margaret Yau Managing Editors

Madeline Mann Opinion Editor

Hilary Lee Associate Opinion Editor

The UCSD Guardian is published twice a week at the University of California at San Diego. Contents © 2011. Views expressed herein represent the majority vote of the editorial board and are not necessarily those of the UC Board of Regents, the ASUCSD or the members of the Guardian staff.

costs to the tune of nearly $30,000 per year. Nearly all the remaining editors have taken a pay cut, and we decreased our average paper size from 16 pages to 12 to reduce print costs. We’ve restructured our staff, overhauled our

production process and gone from marathon 6 a.m. uploads (and $75-per-hour late fees after our midnight deadline) to consistently leaving the office before midnight. And with a five-year plan in place and profit going up, the debt continues to shrink. For those who are interested in logistics: The Guardian is supported by paid advertising solicited via a student advertising team. We receive no money from the Graduate Student Association or A.S. Council — the “Just in Case” ads that somewhat deceptively fill our pages are fill ads, part of our paid contract with A.S. Graphic Studios. We pay graphic designers to design advertisements and set up the pages; in return, they’ll put in some “fill” ads of their choice when we have extra space Despite these financial missteps, the Guardian has always abided by a staff-drafted constitution and mission statement. As we hold our statement of ideals up against our past performance, we are able measure ourselves against our statement of ideals and see where we have fallen short. We have always tried to uphold core journalistic values such as the basic practices of fair and accurate gathering, reporting and interpretation of information. We exercise our right to free speech according to the confines of the First Amendment, but still try to consciously operate with respect to the campus See guardian, page 5

Stay Classy San Diego, and Have a Dinner Party


f you are sick of sloppy keggers and unsanitary beer pong tournaments, it’s time to class up your act and throw a party that won’t end with some girl puking on the door of your bathroom. You need to throw a dinner party. First step is the guest list: Choose a group that will be cohesive and can actually converse without sending the party into the awkward zone before the two-buck chuck kicks in. An

How-to Guru opinion@ucsdguardian.org

even ratio of guys to gals is ideal, and it is best if they all have something overarching in common (all are on A.S. Council, all are in the Greek system, etc.). Five to eight guests are manageable and affordable. Next challenge: the food. For beginning cooks, stick to easy, premade Trader Joe’s classics. Pre-cut salad, fancy frozen appetizers and some pasta doused in your favorite off-the-shelf sauce is your best bet if you’re the type of chef who can’t even flip an egg. For the budding Julia Child, your greatest challenge will be the main dish. Thankfully, many chicken dishes are both easy and fancy, as long as you stick to one tried-andtrue ingredient: butter. Whether you choose something like chicken cordon bleu or chicken florentine, these pop-in-the-oven classics will up the cholesterol one night for the sake of an absolutely scrumptious dinner. If you don’t know much about wine, choose a few bottles that have the most distinctive labels you can find — they will make great conversation starters. Or casually scrape off the signature Charles Shaw label. It is important to get the timing right for cooking so that you just finish up as your guests arrive. This will allow you to greet your guests with the wafting smells of your buttery dinner — and don’t forget to greet them in an apron, preferably one that isn’t bloodstained with the chopping mistakes of hours past. To establish the right mood, crank up a classy playlist: think classics like Sam Cooke, Patsy Cline and Elvis Presley. As your guests settle down, make sure to serve everyone else first — the host always eats last. When people finish up their dinner, immediately clear the plates and put them in the dishwasher or start hand washing them. You are going to love yourself in the morning when you aren’t greeted by a stack of dirty dishes in the morning. Let your friends help — if they want — after all, you just did everything else. Dessert is easy — just pick up some sorbet or cute baked goods from Trader Joe’s and let your guests go at it. Conclude the night with a board game — never underestimate the crowd-pleasing appeal of buzzedJenga. With the right atmosphere, food and booze, your party will be a rousing success. And if it was truly memorable, everyone will want to do it again next week. Just make sure it isn’t at your house again.


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

In Other News By Rebekah Hwang


Error in Previous Division-I Letter Dear Editor, My last letter about Division-I athletics contains an inaccurate statement. About 50 percent of recruited athletes are in the bottom third of their class. This is quite different from stating, as my letter did, that 50 percent of the bottom third are recruited athletes. Furthermore, these statistics are for schools with large Division-IA and Division-IAA sports programs. I apologize for the error. —Jonathan J. Sapan Graduate Student, Center for Magnetic Recording Research

The Afghan War Must Come to an End

the great controversy and the many of our citizens that took both sides of this controversy! I never served in the U.S. Armed Forces, but I remember, very vividly, how many, many young men — or should I say teenagers — were trying every way, even moving to Canada, in order to stay out of the Vietnam War! “War is hell” — even the U.S. Secretary of Defense said these very words before television and newspaper reporters only a few days ago. If “war is hell,” then why in the name of sanity does humanity engage in it so much? Perhaps only God knows! In closing, I would like to say, “The U.S. troops that continue to fight are doing the American citizens a greater service than we can ever repay!” My question to the war-mongers in Washington, D.C. is, “How can you ever wash the blood of the fallen and injured troops off your hands from two wars that have been going on entirely too long?”

Dear Editor, The Afghan War has been going on entirely too long. —Timothy Monroe Bledsoe For more than 10 years now, the Resident, North Augusta, SC combination of the Iraq War and the Afghan War is taking more and ▶ The Guardian welcomes letters from its readers. more of a greatly negative effect on All letters must be addressed, and written, to the editor of the Guardian. Letters are limited the U.S. troops, the U.S. debt and, to 500 words, and all letters must include the I truly believe, the U.S. population writer’s name, college and year (undergraduates), as a whole! The resent massacre of department (graduate students or professors) or Afghan citizens reminded me of the city of residence (local residents). A maximum of three signatories per letter is permitted. The My Lai Massacre that happened in Guardian Editorial Board reserves the right to edit for length, accuracy, clarity and civility. The Vietnam in 1968. Board reserves the right to reject letters I had to look-up the information Editorial for publication. Due to the volume of mail we about this Vietnam Massacre, but I receive, we do not confirm receipt or publication clearly remember, as a 10-year-old, of a letter.

We Hope to Develop a More Constructive Dialogue

▶ Guardian, from page 4 community. Our coverage has received a bevy of California College Media Association awards — most notably for our coverage of the Compton Cookout in 2009-10. We’ve also made missteps. In the past, bereft of enough institutional memory and solid advertising and editorial policies, we’ve published articles that have divided the campus and even contradicted our own pre-existing advertising and editorial policies. We have welcomed (and will always welcome) constructive criticisms through emails or letters to the editor that we run twice weekly. Ask our art department: Once, we intended to correct the spelling of an artist’s name in our corrections box, but misspelled the artist’s name again. Mistakes happen, and if you let us know, we will

fix it. Publicly. We look forward to creating more of a constructive dialogue between us and the constituents we serve — something we have lacked in the past. So as much as we’ll miss the stench of beer, Hi Thai and desperation that emanates from every inch of our cherished old office, it’s about time we started over. There will be many Sun Gods ahead of us to collect discarded feathers and dubious smells, years to cultivate various eating utensils from the dining halls and (probably) days before the same air of desperation follows us to our new place. We’ll be the first to admit that the Guardian has a number of problems, financial and otherwise, but in the true spirit of college journalism, the students are given the power to make or break our product, and that is certainly something to celebrate.


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read between the lines.




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P I C K U P A C O P Y O N N E W S S TA N D S E V E R Y M O N D AY & T H U R S D AY !


THE UCSD GUARDIAN |THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

EBEL CONTACT THE EDITOR REN hiatus@ucsdguardian.org



Wild Thing Rock

The loft hosts indie pathfinders Lost in the trees and Poor Moon This Tuesday Lost in the trees & Poor Moon

Downloading Music Is Progress, Not Theft


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When: March 20, 8 p.m. Where: The Loft Tickets: $10 Online: www.artpwr.com

Dodging the

Horizon arielle sallai asallai@ucsd.edu

Lost in the Trees

Poor Moon

Whether you’re a fan of Fleet Foxes’ wistful bucolic harmonies that have become the staple of any respectable coffee shop soundtrack, it’s impossible to dispute that the band takes its music damn seriously. Enter Poor Moon, the bouncing, pop-minded side-project of Fleet Foxes bassist Christian Wargo and keyboardist Casey Wescott. Pieced together from a series of demos sent back and forth from Wargo and Wescott to brothers Ian and Peter Murray (the Christmas Cards) during Fleet Foxes’ 2008 tour, Poor Moon’s debut EP Illusion is a delightful collection of pop-rock grooves that land somewhere between the Zombies’ bittersweet witticism and the summertime jangle of the Tornados. It’s quite a departure from the duo’s mothership sound, but from the band’s deceptively fun name (it’s taken from the title of Wargo’s favorite Canned Heat song) to its bizarrely photoshopped, yearbook-style press photos, such is to be expected. Having already gained some critical attention, Poor Moon offers a goldmine of clever and efficient indie rock songwriting, and one promising surprise cut from the flannel-print cloth of one of modern folk’s rare mainstream success stories.

“I feel like if God had some sort of way of speaking, it would be through music.” That’s Ari Picker in the official press video for A Church That Fits Our Needs — the latest album from Picker’s indie-orchestra collective Lost in the Trees. If all the religious imagery makes the music sound a little grandiose, that’s because it is. In fact, it’s difficult to even classify Lost in the Trees as a touring rock band in any traditional sense. Picker himself is a classically-trained composer who studied film scoring at Boston’s Berklee School of Music, and with a living room full of cellos, violins, French horns and tubas, his cinematic approach drowns out any semblance of the DIY folk that his beautiful arrangements build upon. Halfway into a song like album pinnacle “Garden” — with driving strings and trembling choir swells à la Arcade Fire’s Funeral and Picker’s Thom Yorke-esque croon — it’s easy to forget you’re listening to a cut from an independent home-recorded release and not the soundtrack to some tender coming-of-age epic directed by Lasse Halström. The album’s relentless sentimentalism can be attributed to its heartbreaking backstory. In 2009, Picker lost his mother, who took her own life after years of suffering from depression and mental illness. In this sense, A Church That Fits Our Needs is not only a dedication to Picker’s late mother — “a space for my mother’s soul to go,” he says in the same video — but also a form a therapy for Picker. Lyrically, the album explores both the beauty and ugliness of Picker’s upbringing, allowing him a platform to grieve and find solace in the fragmented memories of his mother. To be sure, the album shines on its own merit. With the help of his friends, musical colleagues and legendary Elliott Smith producer/collaborator Rob Schnapf, Picker has created an astoundingly personal meditation on nostalgia and loss — a church that fits his own needs, be they creative or therapeutic. By Ren Ebel / Hiatus Editor

— as if you were actually, physically stealing the albums you download — but in reality, it’s easy to get past “thievery” when there’s zero chance of ever getting caught. I’ll be the first to admit that I may just be making excuses for my inconsistent morality. But I also believe art should be accessible to everyone — not just the few who can afford to have a satisfying and diverse record collection. Ironically, unlike music downloading, I tend to feel a deeper sense of regret when it comes to actually purchasing music — mostly because I’ve wasted money on total crap. There were so many factors that went into what albums I eventually purchased — namely, what the store was actually carrying (especially if it was a used record store), what was on sale or what I could remember I even wanted as soon as I started wandering the aisles. Picture this frequent spectacle: me, 13 years old, discovering punk rock for the first time, wandering through the used section of Tower Records while collecting a giant stack of CDs to sort through later, overwhelmed, having just sold back my old pre-teen pop CDs from childhood so I could buy new, less embarrassing albums, eventually settling on whichever record struck the right balance of affordability and desirability. The result: some terrible decisions (The Offspring) and some life-changing ones (The Strokes). All my friends bought CDs in the same hit-or-miss way, and they’d burn them for me or (later on) let me upload them to my own iTunes, allowing me to slowly formulate a sizable but random music collection. But, as we all know, downloading music for free has become a lot easier in See horizon page 9

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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org


Homeward Bound A deadbeat tale with a heart of gold.

Rusteen Honardoost • Staff Writer


olding up a voice recorder, and gets off the toilet. Jeff (Jason Siegel) gazes out It’s a winning combination of seninto the horitimentality and absurd zon and chronicles his humor — and precisely Jeff, who lives at inner philosophy. what makes “Jeff, Who home “You ever feel like Lives at Home” such a Starring: Jason Siegel you were waiting forever & Ed Helms delight. 83 min. to figure out what your A 30-year-old stoner Rated R destiny is?” he says. who lives in the basement B Once he finishes his of his childhood home, monologue, he clicks Jeff devoutly lives his life off the old-fashioned tape recorder — based on the ideology of M. Night

Shyamalan’s “Signs,” believing there are no coincidences and that everything happens for a reason. No one seems to have shown Jeff “The Last Airbender.” Jeff ’s family is in a rut. His brother, Pat (Ed Helms) is kind of a dick. Okay, not “kind of.” He is a dick. Jeff can hardly stand him, and vice versa. But maybe it’s destiny that brings them together after Pat goes down a spiral of family issues with his wife

Linda (Judy Greer). Pat’s insecurities with Linda lead the brothers to spy on her. During a horribly yet hilariously awry attempt at surveillance, Jeff and Pat meet a variety of obstacles, all directly influenced by the current destinies of the characters. Jeff, notable for his fashion sense — a hoodie and basketball shorts, a classic lazy stoner ensemble — struggles to get a table by the window at a fancy bistro. Then again, the arduous task of infiltrating a fancy bistro is a more difficult challenge than simply getting a specific table. Likewise, Jeff ’s mother, Sharon (Susan Sarandon), is physically and emotionally worn out. She’s angry and frustrated at her son and morose from years of loneliness. It doesn’t help that neither son wished her happy birthday early in the day. At the foundation of these acute degrees of separation is Jeff, lost and insecure, and still living with his mom. The tension and frustration between him and not only his mom but also Pat, pushes all three characters to their tipping point when interacting with each other. As the overly emotional heart of the family, Jeff at first feels like a weak and ineffectual character. He’s barely

able to get off the toilet and into the kitchen. At most, he can half-open a packet of pop tarts for breakfast before putting it in his mouth. But Jeff believes that destiny has more in store for him. As he becomes more and more determined to realize his supposed destiny, the more compelling he becomes. And to the film’s credit, his devotion isn’t a constant joke. True, there are moments of humor as Jeff becomes obsessed with the name Kevin, whether it’s on a jersey or on the side of a truck, but Jeff isn’t always wrong about his assertions. Like any other movie directed by brothers Jay and Mark Duplass, the film follows the same path down the mumblecore genre, just like their other films (“Cyrus,” “Baghead”). As the pioneers of the humorous, yet horribly titled micro-genre, these handheld and low-budget comedies are marked by their intense closeness to their subjects. Every character blemish is thrown on screen without trepidation. This is what adds color to Jeff, Pat and Susan, as well as the surrounding characters. Although unreal at times, the honest presentation of these quirks makes the film light hearted but still emotionally resonant.

SOPA and PIPA are Cracking Down on our Country’s Digital Freedom ▶ horizon from page 6 recent years, making it possible for music collections to grow without the stress of spending money. Now, thanks to the Internet, being a musical connoisseur is no longer a luxury. It’s equally easy to cultivate a taste for the highbrow and a taste for the lowbrow, since downloading music from Thelonious Monk is no different from downloading Rihanna. It’s also easier to take risks on artists, because there’s no cost apart from the time it takes you to download an album, listen to it and then promptly discard it to your

desktop trash bin. Unfortunately, it looks like times will be changing yet again. Since file-sharing website Megaupload was taken down on piracy allegations (obviously, all true), finding links to albums on similar sites like Mediafire is growing increasingly difficult. Coupled with the recent threat of SOPA and PIPA in Congress, it’s hardly unreasonable to anticipate a future in which people are forced to pay for music again. Let us put aside the important fact that this is a severe knock to Internet freedom and instead focus on what

this could mean for us as simple appreciators of music. There’s a certain honorable nostalgia in the old way of consuming music. Plus, I’m now older, wiser and less impressed by men with mohawks, so going to a record store might be a less haphazard experience than it was when I was a kid. I could, foreseeably, give my vinyl collection a fighting shot and take to buying records again. But ripping albums from my USB record player to my computer is a tedious process, and I enjoy the new musical landscape in which my collection can fit in my pocket and follow

me everywhere. This same logic also eliminates the possibility of fully relying on programs like Spotify as well, though I could upgrade to a Spotify Premium account or turn to the iTunes store if I was serious about keeping my iPod up to date. But such costly solutions ignore the root of the problem: Musiclistening is really better when it’s free. We may not have as communal of music experiences anymore, no longer holding burning sessions with friends or sitting around the record player together. Instead, we have far more

personal music experiences, given that we can alter our collections as we please — not as the record store’s stock or your finances please. The sheer act of downloading music already limits access for many people in the world — for one, you need a computer with Internet access before you can even consider downloading anything. So without the incredible resource of file-sharing at all, many more would have their capacity for experiencing great art severely limited, and that’s certainly something to fight for.


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

exit strategy THIS WEEK ON CAMPUS

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Mandeville auditorium march 15, 8 p.m. free

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Dancer in the Dark Grizzly Bear’s Daniel Rossen breaks out with acoustic charm.

8 10

rady center march 20, 7:30 A.m. $29

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visual arts facility/ march 15, 7 P.M. / free Richard T Walker is a British video artist, photographer, musician and author whose HIATUS PICKS installation work explores the role of language and the individual in video projections of expansive, beautifully photographed natural environments. He’s been included in group and solo exhibitions all over the world and has worked with other prominent artists such as Will Oldham. (RE)

Daniel Rossen Silent Hour / Golden Mile Warp


he most immediately noticeable aspect of Silent Hour / Golden Mile EP, the first full solo release by Grizzly Bear’s Daniel Rossen, is that it sounds a lot like Grizzly Bear. Almost exactly like Grizzly Bear. From the chiming, multi-tracked guitars to the softly booming timpani and muted wood-

the casbah / march 17, 8:30 P.M. / $12 Toronto’s Memoryhouse straddle the border between the blissed-out synth pop anthems of bands like Washed Out and the nostalgia-faded rainy-day pop of Beach Fossils or Wild Nothings. Following the recent release of their debut album The Slideshow Effect, Memoryhouse are touring with a full live band for the first time. (AW)

greater sense of artistic liberty in this setting. Case in point: the sprawling, album-highlight piano ballad “Saint Nothing.” Over the course of a plaintive five minutes, Rossen navigates an achingly beautiful, delicately recorded accompaniment of piano and woodwind. Particularly remarkable is Rossen’s willingness to allow silence to take hold of the track: it never seems to rise above a whisper, rendering Rossen’s lilting melody all the more heartbreaking. At a brisk twenty-four minutes, Silent Hour / Golden Mile leaves the listener with a fulfilling, cohesive document that never outstays its welcome. — Andrew Whitworth

Waning Spirit San Diego noisemakers tone down sound, energy.

5 10 Delta Spirit Delta Spirit Rounder


winds, many of the elements here are far from new additions to the Grizzly Bear oeuvre. However, with his dexterous songwriting ability and soaring, otherworldly voice, Rossen manages to breathe new life into the Veckatimest formula, delivering a set of subtly gorgeous folk songs that, along with his recent work with Department of Eagles, should establish Rossen’s standing as one of our era’s finest songwriters. Opening track “Up On High” begins with a warm, Faheyesque series of acoustic guitar chords before blossoming into a rambling stringassisted folk-rock track, with Rossen declaring that “in this big empty room / you finally feel free.” Indeed, one gets the feeling that Rossen feels a


fter their Howard Zinninspired sophomore album History From Below in 2010, San Diego natives Delta Spirit are releasing their third, self-titled LP, and it falls far from the heights they’ve reached over their folk-filled past. Self-titled Delta Spirit has

attempted to distance the band from its retro-folk stigma and modernize its sound, featuring noticeably louder, atmosphere-laden tunes. Although Delta Spirit has tried to abandon their 1960s influence, that doesn’t mean they’re fully caught up to the 21st century. “Tear It Up” sounds influenced by early ’80s progressive rock, akin to Genesis or Yes, with ambient guitar, clackety drums and a repetitive chorus, while “Tellin’ The Mud” jumbles post-punk yelling with a backdrop of noisy garage guitar simultaneously reminiscent of Sonic Youth and My Morning Jacket. While the sound has been updated, the lyrics still deal with timeless issues such as love and loss, especially

since one member recently married and another ended a relationship. “California” is a disheartening breakup song, with Beach Boys-inspired harmonies and a surf-rock intro befitting the song’s title. But part of what made Delta Spirit’s past two records so memorable was the raspy twang of Matt Vasquez’s vocals, the raw and almost religious tone of the lyrics, the band’s eclectic use of instruments (such as trash can lids) and its sheer passion in performing — all of which are absent on this album. — Amanda Martinek Senior Staff Writer

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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org


MARCH 9, 2012 UCSD 3, CSUDM 4

MARCH 10, 2012 UCSD 5, CSUDM 2

MARCH 10, 2012 UCSD 7, CSUDM 5

MARCH 13, 2012 UCSD 11, HSU 0

MARCH 14, 2012 UCSD 5, HSU 2

MARCH 14, 2012 UCSD 8, HSU 0

MARCH 14, 2012 UCSD 9, HSU 1


MARCH 10, 2012 UCSD 4, CSUMB 3

MARCH 10, 2012 UCSD 0, CSUDM 9

MARCH 11, 2012 UCSD 5, CSUDM 3

Path to Knockout Round Paved With Thorns in World Cup’s Group D ▶ NCAA, from page 12

of bounds. Denying the inbounder, UCSD forced a 5-second violation — a make-up call on Ulmer’s part — that gave the Tritons another chance with the ball on their own side of the court. With six seconds left, and all 606 in attendance still on their feet, the Tritons found Feder, who had no choice but to force a tough shot from 25 feet out. Feder, leading all scorers with 22 points on the night, missed her mark as Alaska Anchorage took the West Region crown. “There were some things that we executed to perfection, we just didn’t get some of the breaks,” UCSD head coach Charity Elliott said. A few conversions on a few near misses may have stemmed the bleeding, and cut Anchorage’s momentum early on. Dautremont was 2 of 7 within her first 11 minutes on the court, missing her jumpers from the elbow and a couple shots down on the block. Feder went 4 of 11 by the end of the first half, forcing Carlisle to pick up the slack. Conversely, Anchorage ended the first period with a 10-point lead on 55.6 percent from behind the arc, all largely without the help of Johansson whose three early fouls kept her on the bench. “In the first half, we wanted to really walk the ball up the court.

We thought it would frustrate them a little bit to control tempo,” Alaska Anchorage head coach Tim Moser said. “I thought the two teams that played them earlier did a poor job of trying to run with them, especially at their home court.” Ranked No. 1 in the nation between Jan. 20 and its conference semifinal loss to CSU Los Angeles on March 2, UCSD caused Division-II coaches to agonize over how to beat UCSD’s fast-paced transition game. But with bigger, stronger inside posts matched with a very competent point guard in King, Moser seems to have found the key. “I thought we had the advantage in the half court, and I thought if we got that game in the half court, we would win it,” Moser said. UCSD managed to mount a comeback midway through the second half when Feder caught fire, cutting the lead down to just one point at the 9:30 minute mark and again in the last minute of regulation. But it was too little, too late as the Tritons still couldn’t figure out a way to match up against Johansson, who overwhelmed UCSD on the post. “[Alaska Anchorage] has such size inside. They outweigh us in so many different categories and we really had a tough time,” Elliott said. “We tried everything. We tried some zone, we tried doubling down. But when [Johansson] caught inside it

was almost two points automatically.” With the defeat in the single elimination NCAA Division II tournament, UCSD ends its historic season with a 30–3 overall record. The 2011-12 squad set a school record for its 26 consecutive wins. The loss marks the last game for Triton seniors Feder, Carlisle and center Lauren Freidenberg. The “Big Three” combined for 40 points in the West Regional final, with Carlisle and Feder both named to the West Region All-Tournament team. “[Our seniors] played their hearts out and that even makes it more difficult to end it that way,” Elliot said. “This class was the first class that I signed when I got here, and I just couldn’t be more proud of their efforts.” Second seed Alaska Anchorage will advance to the Elite Eight in San Antonio, Texas next week, where they will face the second seed from the Midwest Region, Ashland University. “It’s been the most amazing ride I’ve ever been on in my life and it’s been a whole lot of fun, and it’s going to be hard waking up in the morning realizing that we don’t get to practice,” Elliott said. “Alaska’s a great team, and it’s unfortunate that both of us couldn’t be going on to the elite eight.” Readers can contact Rachel Uda at ruda@ucsd.edu.

SPOTLIGHT ON THE BIG THREE Triton seniors Chelsea Carlisle, Daisy Feder and Lauren Freidenberg graduate having amassed the longest winning streak in school history in their fourth season at UCSD. The first class to be recruited by UCSD head coach Charity Elliott started in all 33 games for the Tritons. The trio led the team in scoring—Carlisle averaging 16.4 points, Feder with 15 points and Freidenberg with 12.1 points. Carlisle finishes as a two-time All-American, having been named to the All-CCAA team all of her four years. Feder along with Freidenberg were both named to the All-CCAA first team in the 2011-2012 season. Of the graduating class, UCSD head coach Charity Elliott said that she couldn’t be more proud of what the trio has done in their four years here. “I’d go to battle with these three today and I’m just overwhelmed with the pride that I have for them,” Elliott said. “They’ve represented UCSD so well. And I don’t know how I get up tomorrow realizing that they’re gone.”



T H U R S D AY, M A R C H 1 5 , 2 0 1 2



UCSD suffers a heartbreaking loss to Alaska Anchorage in the West Regional Final.

END ROAD of the



extending the Seawolf lead to 63–66. With the ball, but without a time-out and 22 seconds left on the clock, senior guard Chelsea Carlisle raced down into Anchorage’s half. Marked tightly by All-West Region selection junior Sasha King, Carlisle worked the ball round the perimeter to find UCSD shooter Daisy Feder. With the hot hands on the night, Feder threw up a rushed three-pointer that ricocheted off the side of the Triton backboard and out

own 63–64 with 51 seconds left in the West Regional Final, sophomore forward Erin Dautremont got tied up with Anchorage’s 6’2” Hanna

Johansson. In what should have been ruled a jump ball with the possession going the other way in favor of the Tritons, center referee Lisa Ulmer issued Dautremont her fourth foul of the night, sending Johansson to the line. The West Regional MVP sunk both attempts,

See NCAA, page 11



UCSD 84 Chico State 66


UCSD 63 Alaska Anchorage 68

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