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MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014




Gilman Gains New Bike Lanes VAWA

Sparks UC-Wide Changes The UC system will update its sexual harassment policies to improve campus safety. BY Karen To


A UCSD student has joined with Microsoft to create Bystanders to Upstanders, a mobile app that uses gaming techniques to promote volunteer work. FeATURES, PAGE 7


PROPOSED PRISON ReFOrm bills opinion, Page 4

SOFTBALL SWEEPS UCSD perfect vs. stanislaus sports, Page 12


MONDAY H 65 L 54


Senior Staff Writer

New green street markings painted on campus’ Gilman Drive indicate that automobile drivers and bicyclists may share the right lane. Above, a bicyclist and an MTS bus cross Myers on March 30. BY MERYL PRESS Contributing


New bike improvements around UCSD, consisting of “sharrows” and “loop detectors,” are underway and will be implemented on Gilman Drive between Villa La Jolla Drive and Osler Lane/Scholars Drive South. Construction began on March 17 and is expected to finish by the end of Week 1 of Spring Quarter 2014. Sharrows are green shared lane markers that are located on both sides of the street. They alert drivers to the presence of bikers and acknowledge that bikers, along with vehicles, have the right to utilize the lane. Loop detectors are sensors in the pavements on the right side of the street that allow bicyclists to trigger green lights and are currently being installed by the San Diego Association of Governments. Various sources such as campus donations, the TransNet local sales tax and SANDAG funded these transportation projects.

photo by taylor sanderson

ASUCSD President Andy Buselt said that the project developed in response to the UCSD Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan, which developed in the spring of 2012. A.S. Council designed the project to create mobility infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians around the UCSD campus. However, the plan had room for improvement and led to the creation of the Undergraduate Bike Report. A committee of undergraduate students, whose goal is to offer advice and critiques to the current Master Plan in order to improve the bicycle infrastructure on campus, submitted the report. The undergraduate committee emphasized safety and sustainability in their plans when they drafted their report last summer. The committee also created See BIKES, page 3

Parking Display Makes Its Debut


H 63 L 53


Our office is new, we’re working on a third consecutive profitable year, the staff is talented and the ‘No Parents’ graffiti on our golf cart has nearly washed off entirely.”

- Zev Hurwitz


INSIDE Lights and Sirens............. 3 Quick Takes..................... 4 Sneha Jayaprakash......... 7 Crossword..................... 11 Sports............................ 12

TPS inaugurated new parking availability displays in Gilman Parking Structure and will consider implementing the Employers statewide may be required to raise wage levels if the new bill is passed. technology in other campus structures in the future, Above, a board shows the number of open spots in the lot. BY andrew huang

senior staff Writer

UCSD Transportation and Parking Services will soon finish evaluating the effectiveness of Gilman Parking Structure’s electronic parking displays in preparation for possible expansion to other parking areas across campus. The current system, which involves placing sensors on each parking spot and relaying their availability to signs outside the building, is one of several pilot programs designed to make transportation more efficient and environmentally friendly at UCSD. According to ASUCSD MOVES Executive Director Kyle Heiskala, the displays were implemented earlier last quarter through a partnership with an outside company specializing in parking space monitoring, provided at no cost to the university. “It’s an attempt to make our parking system more technologically innovative,” Heiskala said. “The hope is that it will reduce frustration and greenhouse gas emissions from people circling the parking structure looking for parking if you can see that there is no parking before you even go inside.” Heiskala will coordinate with Director of Auxiliary Business Services Robert Holden and

photo by taylor sanderson

student engineers to establish and promote this new technology across UCSD. For now, TPS is working to complete its collection and analysis of data from the tentative Gilman prototypes in order to evaluate their exact value to the school. If approved, these display signs will likely be installed in other university parking structures in the future. TPS also plans to integrate the information into websites and smartphone apps so people can locate available spots before even arriving on campus. “After testing, Transportation and Parking Services will look for opportunities to request funding for further deployment based on climate emission impacts and enhanced customer parking services,” Director of Marketing and Communications for University Communications and Public Affairs Laura Margoni said. The parking displays, along with other long-term environmental projects, should near completion throughout Spring and Fall Quarters 2014.

readers can contact andrew huang


The University of California system has updated its Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence policy in response to the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act passed by President Barack Obama in 2013. Under the VAWA, educational facilities are required to adhere to specific regulations, including reporting incidents of dating violence, domestic violence and stalking, notifying victims of their rights and training of faculty and staff in rape prevention measures The new UC policy was put into effect on Feb. 25, requiring campuses to report alleged assault crimes that may involve discrimination based on gender expression or sexual orientation. In addition, victims need to be informed of the sanctions that could be applied to the accused, giving a more comprehensible definition of consent to sexual interaction under the new policy. Faculty, staff and students are also required to receive training for sexual harassment and rape prevention. UC President Janet Napolitano assured the UC community that the new sexual harassment policy will be enforced effectively by students and staff at all UC campuses. “We have no tolerance for sexual violence or harassment of any kind,” Napolitano announced in a March 7 UCnet article. “The university must, and will, hold itself to the highest standards, and I expect all of our locations to do everything possible to make everyone aware of these standards.” A.S. Council Vice President of External Affairs Vanessa Garcia believes that updating the policy is insufficient and urged for an increase in security improvements to provide a safer environment for students on campus. “As a student who has lived on campus, I can say that I have felt unsafe walking around campus late at night,” Garcia explained. “There are not enough lights in several parts of [our] campus and pathways are poorly illuminated. Administration and [the Student Academic Resource Center] need to be held accountable for the disgraceful lighting around campus.” Several cases of sexual assault, including a Jan. 18 gang rape and two late February rape cases at UC Santa Barbara preceded the sexual harassment policy update. In addition, federal complaints filed by over 31 students of UC Berkeley have compelled the U.S. See HARASSMENT, page 2



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BIRDLAND By Rebekah Dyer Zev Hurwitz Editor in Chief Rachel Huang Managing Editors Lauren Koa Gabriella Fleischman News Editor Yan Gao Associate News Editor Kelvin Noronha Opinion Editor Morgan Jong Associate Opinion Editor Brandon Yu Sports Editor John Story Associate Sports Editors Daniel Sung Sydney Reck Features Editor Soumya Kurnool Associate Features Editor

AVERAGE CAT By Christina Carlson

Vincent Pham Lifestyle Editor Jacqueline Kim A&E Editor Taylor Sanderson Photo Editor Alwin Szeto Associate Photo Editor Dorothy Van Design Editor Zoë McCracken Associate Design Editor Elyse Yang Art Editor Annie Liu Associate Art Editor Andrew Huang Copy Editor Susan Shamoon Associate Copy Editor Madeline Mann Training & Development Dorothy Van Social Media Coordinator Aleksandra Konstantinovic Multimedia Editor

UC Students and Staff Will Participate in New Sexual Assault Education Programs ▶ HARASSMENT, from page 1

Department of Education to initiate an investigation on the matter. The complaints filed against UC Berkeley accuse officials of dissuading students from reporting assaults, neglecting to inform them of their rights and carrying out bias review processes that favor the rights of the accused.

Other public universities — such as UCLA, Chico State University and San Diego State University — have undergone similar allegations from their students and are currently being investigated as well. Sofie Karasek, a junior at UC Berkeley who filed a complaint, expressed her doubt about the changes being implemented. “In terms of impacting the culture

on campus and changing the way cases are adjudicated, I don’t think it’s going to do much of anything,” Karasek said in a March 7 Los Angeles Times article. Currently, UCSD will begin implementing the new policy by providing orientation programs to train and inform students and staff of their new responsibilities to ensure the safety of students.

Life Theatre — an interactive training service — and the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination will administer preventative programs on April 16 on campus and in Hillcrest. The programs will detail UCSD’s VAWA responsibilities.

readers can contact karen to


Page Layout Lauren Koa Copy Readers Clara Chao, Waverly Tseng Editorial Assistants Emily Bender, Rosina Garcia, Shelby Newallis, Jonah Yonker Business Manager Emily Ku Advertising Director Noelle Batema Advertising Design Alfredo H. Vilano, Jr. A.S. Graphic Studio The UCSD Guardian is published Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year by UCSD students and for the UCSD community. Reproduction of this newspaper in any form, whether in whole or in part, without permission is strictly prohibited. © 2014, all rights reserved. The UCSD Guardian is not responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of the UCSD Guardian, the University of California or Associated Students. The UCSD Guardian is funded by advertising. Zev has a bald spot under his yarmulke.

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LIGHTS & SIRENS Thursday, March 20 3:41 p.m.: Vandalism The subject was actively spray painting a sidewalk near Goody’s. Report taken. 6:25 p.m.: Information An alarm went off in a fume hood in Endurance Hall. Checks OK. 6:38 p.m.: Medical Aid Two subjects fell off their skateboards at Voigt Dip. Transported to hospital. Friday, March 21 12:22 a.m.: Reckless Driving A vehicle near the Pangea Parking Structure was driving at a high speed with subjects hanging out of the vehicle. Unable to locate. 1:03 p.m.: Bicyclist Stop A group was trick biking on the Revelle Plaza fountain and stairs. Cancelled after dispatch — subjects left area. 7:14 p.m.: Fire Alarm An individual had tampered with the fire alarm in the Village West Building 1. Report taken. Saturday, March 22 10:29 a.m.: Injury A juvenile soccer player suffered a leg injury at Warren Field. Transported to hospital. 11:16 p.m.: Quiet Hours Contact Six citations were issued at Earth Hall South for underage consumption of alcohol and use of false IDs. Closed by adult citations. 11:16 p.m.: Noise Disturbance Yelling was reported at a basketball court near the North Mesa Apartments. Written warning issued. Sunday, March 23 12:23 p.m.: Attempt to Contact Parents were unable to reach their son at Earth Hall South. Referred to Resident Advisor.


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Lights and Sirens is compiled from the Police Crime Log at police.ucsd.edu. 9:18 p.m.: Citizen Contact Three subjects flashed a green laser pointer at a Residential Security Officer that drove by. Will cooperate. Monday, March 24 12:06 p.m.: Disturbance A subject was yelling at passerby near the Music Building. Unable to locate. 12:25 p.m.: Medical Aid A subject felt lightheaded and about to pass out at the Torrey Pines Center South. Transported to hospital. 11:36 p.m.: Noise Disturbance Loud singing and guitar playing was reported at the North Mesa Apartments. Will cooperate. Tuesday, March 25 8:40 a.m.: Non-injury Accident A large tree branch fell on a school bus near Gilman Drive. Report taken. 5:39 a.m.: Information A dog was locked in a vehicle at Lot 309 but did not appear to be in distress. Information only. 12:15 p.m.: Petty Theft A student left the Pines restaurant without paying for a beverage. Student conduct referral given. 1:31 p.m.: Found Property An Assistant Resident Dean found a pocket knife with a blade longer than 2.5 inches at Argo Hall. Student conduct referral given. Wednesday, March 26 4:04 p.m.: Hit and Run - No Injuries The subject believed a taxi hit his vehicle in the Shiley Eye Center parking lot. Information only. 8:15 p.m.: Suspicious Person A subject walked around 1 Miramar Building 4 selling candy. Unable to locate.


Senior Staff Writer


UC Financial Head Leave for Private Firm Former CFO Peter Taylor announced plans to take a new job in Los Angeles. BY Gabriella Fleischman

news editor UC Chief Financial Officer Peter Taylor will be leaving the UC system on April 25. Taylor plans to join a Los Angeles private foundation that seeks to improve education in underserved communities. In the meantime, UC Executive Vice President for Business Operations Nathan Brostrom will oversee the finance division. UC Interim Chief of Staff to the CFO

Cathy O’Sullivan will lead a review of business operations and the Office of the Chief Financial Officer. The UC Office of the President intends to include three campus representatives in this process and hopes to complete the review by June 30. UC President Janet Napolitano sent a press release on March 25 explaining the situation. “I accept Peter’s resignation with regret,” Napolitano said in the email. “Under his diligent and creative direction, he produced

new and ongoing operational and investment practices that so far have generated hundreds of millions in net savings for the University — and California taxpayers.” Taylor received his undergraduate degree from UCLA and worked for UCOP as CFO for five years. According to Napolitano’s email, Taylor “will always be available to assist the University of California.”

readers can contact Gabriella Fleischman


UCSD MOVES Director Hopes Bicycle Usage Will Increase ▶ BIKES, from page 1

the UCSD MOVES commission, which analyzes how UCSD students transport themselves to and from campus. Their goal is for students to work in institutionalized roles in order to advocate for the best options for active and mass methods of transportation. MOVES Executive Director Kyle Heiskala explained how MOVES is involved in all the current bicycle constructions on campus and what students can expect to see in the future. “I have been developing presentations, working with the University and with committees to get three main projects implemented,” Heiskala said. “There is the University Centers Improvement: improving Hopkins Lane in between the Hopkins Parking Structure and Geisel Library. The second is down by Gilman Drive — extending bike lanes there. And the third is the construction of a bridge that will

extend over Gilman Drive and Interstate 5 and will create a new east and west connection.” These projects are ongoing and are said to be completed in the next couple of years. The Gilman Bridge is set to begin construction Fall Quarter 2015 and reach completion by 2016. Director of Auxiliary Business Services Robert Holden explained how UCSD’s Transportation and Parking Services has been involved with the new bike lanes. “Transportation and Parking Services knows and understands that there is a need for better bicycle access and that it is a component of the transportation systems linking campus,” Holden said. “Transportation and Parking Services staff have provided input and helped to review any changes in the project. The department is interested in all modes of transportation to campus and will use the information to shape its plans for the future, including

planning for the light rail and making sure that bicycles are included in those plans as well.” In addition, three bike repair stations will be placed in front of RIMAC, Geisel and the Student Services Center, possibly along with an extended bike-sharing program. Heiskala hopes the bicycle projects will continue to grow in the next few years. “The percentage of commuting right now is 2.25 percent,” Heiskala said. “My goal for the campus is to double our commuting to 5 percent by 2017. Buselt believes bikers’ experiences will be enhanced due to the ongoing transportation projects. “Once implemented, this new bike path will be the best, single improvement for bikes and cyclists this campus has seen,” Buselt said. “It will clear up a major congestion site in the center of campus.”

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KELVIN NORONHA opinion@ucsdguardian.org

Recovering Lost Arts

Students have lost sight of the value in arts and humanities education, despite the foundational knowledge and versatile skills that these fields provide.

Guardian is Here to Stay, Let’s Make It Great Editor's Soapbox zev hurwitz zhurwitz@ucsd.edu



Five hundred years ago, scholars strove toward the ideal of the fabled “Renaissance man,” best exemplified by figures such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo, Copernicus and Ibn Sina, well-rounded individuals educated in a variety of disciplines. Five centuries later, society seems to have forgotten that these men, the founding fathers of modern science, represented the fruits of an education in all disciplines, with equal attention given to arts, humanities, math and the natural sciences. It is easy to discount the current value of an education in the arts and in traditional humanities such as philosophy. However, it is important, now more than ever, to appreciate the integral role played by these oftenoverlooked fields in our society and culture.

Aside from the obvious reasoning that the arts make up the core of our cultural activities outside the workplace, more liberal fields of study are actually extremely valuable in the workplace, especially for those who want to move into positions of leadership. In a 2007 study, researchers from the Federal Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projection found that employers search for general traits like good communication skills, critical thinking abilities and creativity in their potential hires. Humanities provide these foundational skills. Qualities like a strong analytical mindset or eloquent verbal and written skills are essential for most careers and are not going to become obsolete any time soon. It is fairly easy to disprove the stereotype that liberal arts majors are all going to be unemployed

See HUMANITIES, page 6



Rehabilitation Programs Combat Crime More Than Imprisonment

Strict Consequences Prevent Repeated Incarceration in the Long-Term

The U.S. prison system is currently in dire need of reformation. Of the staggering 2.4 million American men and women currently behind bars, over half are serving time for nonviolent, drugrelated crimes. Each year, billions of taxpayer dollars are funneled into supporting woefully overcrowded U.S. prisons. With drug arrests on the rise, lengthy imprisonment for drug users has proved to be an ineffective solution to our country’s drug dilemma. The Smarter Sentencing Act and the Recidivism Reduction and Public Safety Act offer some relief for this problem by modifying outdated policies. If implemented, the SSA would be a step in the right direction as it halves many minimum sentences for various nonviolent, drug-related crimes. Mandatory minimums for these crimes are often extreme, with five years considered to be a relatively light sentence. Statistics posted by the National Institute of Drug Abuse claim that in 2012, 23.9 million Americans above the age of 11 had used or abused an illegal drug or medication within thirty days of being surveyed. The increasing normality of drug consumption ultimately proves the social impracticality and inefficiency of employing imprisonment in preventing drug abuse. Working in tandem with the SSA, the RRPSA would allow prisoners to participate in beneficial educational, instructional and rehabilitative programs. Together, these two bills will pave the way for former drug users’ smooth and quick reintegration into society. Years in prison for a single drug offense is an unnecessarily harsh punishment, and with such an overwhelming proportion of the nation’s prisoners being convicted for nonviolent drug crimes, it is apparent that something needs to change. The SSA and RRPSA have the potential to bring about the positive modifications our prison system so desperately needs.

The “land of the free” has the highest recorded incarceration rate in the world, possibly second only to North Korea’s unknown rate. If America cares to keep its liberty-loving moniker, reforms need to emulate the success of nations on the lower end of the incarceration spectrum, especially Scandinavian countries, where comprehensive rehabilitation programs prevent repeat offenses. According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 716 of every 100,000 American adults are incarcerated, which is more than ten times Sweden’s score of 67, Denmark’s 68 or Norway’s 71. 67.5 percent of released American prisoners are rearrested within three years, whereas Norway’s figure floats around 20 percent. Clearly, Scandinavia has the right policies, and failing to recognize them as more successful will continue costing American lives. Bills like the Smarter Sentencing Act and the Recidivism Reduction and Public Safety Act may alleviate the problem, but only by reforming our fundamental criminal justice philosophy can we cure the underlying ills of mass incarceration. While America uses prisons to punish in the spirit of retributive morality, Scandinavia uses prisons to rehabilitate its inhabitants using humanistic psychology. According to Norway’s Directorate of Correctional Service, “you need a reason to deny a sentenced offender his rights, not to grant them.” The offender’s life should resemble life outside prison as much as possible, in the interests of eventual release. Giving more rights to prisoners might rub us the wrong way, but our culture needs to drop the irrational “eye-for-an-eye” mentality and implement systems that work. Yes, this means prisons with more amenities, education, drug programs and mental health care, but it will free millions of people from the revolving door of American criminal justice, saving money and lives in the long run.

In a nation where over 70 percent of released criminals are eventually reincarcerated, reducing criminal sentences seems like more of an attempt to avoid prison costs than a genuine effort to cut down on crime. Shocking crime figures demonstrate a need to intensify punishment, not to eradicate it. Without harsh incentives to stay out of jail, criminals will simply return to their bad habits right after they’re let off easy. The so-called “Smarter Sentencing Act” intends to halve the minimum jail sentence for drug crimes, ultimately reducing the consequences for charges such as cocaine trafficking to a mere slap on the wrist. The debilitating effect that these offenders have on society is not adequately reflected in a prison term of just a few years; in order to effectively convey the fact that felonies cannot and will not be tolerated, the government needs to crack down on criminals and establish a stronger deterrent. There is substantial evidence for the decrease in recidivism brought about by longer prison sentences. A study conducted by British scholars at Birmingham University using statistics from 1994 to 2008 showed that a minor increase of one month in nonviolent offenders’ jail stays resulted in fewer offenses upon release. Clearly, extra jail time motivates criminals to change their behavior, thus diminishing the number of repeat offenders, reducing prison costs and minimizing crime in society. Justice needs to be less of a buzzword and more of a way to bring peace of mind to those whose lives have been torn apart by the realities of crime in America. The misguided lenience manifested in these reforms must be reevaluated if the government truly wishes to mend our crime-ridden society.

— MIKAYLA MURRY Staff Writer

— THOMAS FINN Staff Writer

—KELVIN NORONHA Opinion Editor

Prison Reforms Would Create Reasonable Sentences for Drug Crime

uring my April 2011 tour of the UCSD campus, our group stopped in the Old Student Center, and the tour guide told us about the opportunities for aspiring writers at the UCSD Guardian. From day one on campus, I sought to find and seize those opportunities. Now as I sit down for my first day of work as editor-in-chief, I marvel at how far the paper has come since my high-school-senior self first mused through an issue. Our office is new, we’re working on a third consecutive profitable year, the staff is talented and the “No Parents” graffiti on our golf cart has nearly washed off entirely. The paper is in a strong position to expand our coverage and multimedia offering this year. The same, unfortunately, cannot be said for all print newspapers on college campuses. Earlier this month, Elizabeth Orpina, my colleague at the Daily Aggie at UC Davis, announced that her paper would halt its print production schedule due to funding issues. The Daily Aztec at SDSU cut its printing schedule down to twice a week. It has become an unfortunate reality that student journalists have been forced to operate based on financial concerns as opposed to covering real campus stories. At UC Davis, the student body voted overwhelmingly to help support the Aggie with a modest fee increase. This move would have allowed the Aggie to stay in print, but the fee’s passage was overruled and voided when administrators discovered a technical issue with the voting procedure. Despite strong student support for the cash infusion to the paper, the Aggie has been put on hiatus indefinitely. However, through strong leadership from my predecessors, the Guardian has remained in production and looks to stay on newsstands for the foreseeable future. Our exclusive coverage of A.S. Council, as well as our stories on San Diego and potential issues for the UC system as a whole, will only continue to expand and inform our campus community. That said, if you like our coverage on something, send a letter. Think we’re doing something wrong? Let us know. Reader feedback is the best way for us to find out how we can best tweak our coverage to suit your interests and improve your news. Have a story tip? Let us know. You, as our reader, have the power to be vocal about anything and everything we’re doing, right or wrong. And now, time for the feels. Angela and Arielle: You’ve left me with a really great operation. Your legacies live on through awards on the wall and open Spotify accounts, and I cannot thank you enough for your leadership. Nikki, Rebecca and Allie: You’ve been incredible partners for me in News and Managing. I would not be here without your support. All my current and former colleagues, thank you for your dedication and drive to make the Guardian what it is today. Laira Martin. A year ago, we started this journey together, and now I’m picking up where you left off. Thank you for everything. Best of luck with your next step. And finally, Mom. I know you’re reading this. Tell everyone I say hi.


SOLVE FOR X By Phillip Jia

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boost your career

Earn a master’s degree in as little as 9 months from a top ranked business school. Start this fall - there’s still time to apply!

Humanities Education Is a Valuable Complement to Studies in STEM Fields ▶ HUMANITIES, from page 4 or left without career options. In fact, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges, “medical schools accepted 43 percent of the biological sciences majors, 47 percent of physical sciences majors, 51 percent of humanities majors, and 45 percent of social sciences majors who applied in 2010.” The numbers speak for themselves: Clearly, humanities majors are equally respected when applying to elite institutions, even for studies in the natural sciences. The testimonials of medical school admissions committee members back up this reasoning as well, stating that the “essential skills of acquiring, synthesizing, applying and communicating information” can be achieved through “a wide variety of academic disciplines,” humanities included. Trendy majors such as computer science and biotechnology may make the most money at the moment, but given 30 years, the economy and the world in general may completely change the definition of what is or isn’t a practical degree or educational background. For example, in an article for the Wall Street Journal, college administrator Philip Dean mentions the example of studying during the 1980s. During the Cold War, many students believed that studying anything Russia-related would be practical. Yet, once the war was over, these students were forced to find work in other fields. 20 years later, Russia is again at the forefront of political news and the these people’s skillsets are desired once more. Despite the lack of a clear market for their expertise, these people stayed wellemployed in the meantime, which speaks volumes about the versatility of the skills that they acquired in their education. Clearly, the value of a liberal arts education does not dissipate over time.

International students seem to have a better understanding of the cognitive benefits of a humanities education and all of the different ways in which it can be applied. The sheer popularity of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields in the U.S. is not echoed as loudly by the rest of the world. While there is no lack of students majoring in those disciplines, the majority of international students who come to the U.S. to pursue an education do not major in STEM fields, according to the National Science Foundation. The rest of the world still seems to see the importance of education for education’s sake, as opposed to only pursuing things that will make the most money. But, this is an issue that can be easily fixed with time. While it is unreasonable to expect that every student will major in something arts and humanities related, it is time we started bringing back some of the lost respect for these fields. They provide important foundational knowledge, valuable skills and a wider world view. Georgetown computer science professor Cal Newport argues that for those interested in the humanities, a major in those fields will not steer them in the wrong direction, but could be a useful complement to a current practicality of a STEM minor. And, for those who are legitimately interested in STEM fields, a humanities minor can provide all of the aforementioned liberal arts skills without limiting major choices. Going forward, it is imperative that we do not forget just how crucial the humanities are to society and our culture. These fields represent knowledge that runs deep and relates to just about everything, and it is time to give the humanities and arts the credence that they deserve.

readers can contact Charu mehra




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o Sneha Jayaprakash, social media and game design are not typical aspect that [people] really enjoy in traditional video games.” avenues for encouraging volunteer work. However, through her An active volunteer since the eighth grade, Jayaprakash knew she new application, Bystanders to Upstanders, the Muir College wanted to spend her life giving back to others. sophomore aims to inspire high school and college students to get “As for what I wanted to do as an actual career, it’s really hard to involved in their communities. The free app will be available in a limited make a living off of doing good things, which says something about release for beta testing at the end of April in app stores for Android, iOS our society,” Jayaprakash said. and Windows 8. Jayaprakash predicts that the app will be available to She initially came to UCSD as a bioinformatics major, hoping to everyone starting in late May. give back to her community through medical research. However, after With a $2,500 prize from Microsoft’s Challenge for Change in spring taking a computer science course in her first quarter as a requirement 2013 already under her belt, Jayaprakash for bioinformatics, Jayaprakash fell in love officially received $10,000 from another and immediately switched to computer Microsoft program, Imagine Fund, this science as her major. past January to combine gaming and As for combining her interest in social social change — binging her funds to a change and her love for computer science, running total of $12,500. Jayaprakash became inspired by the book I feel like our public Jayaprakash, a computer science “Reality is Broken” by Jane McGonigal, conversation about cancer major who is working on the actual code which discusses the significance of for the app, currently has a team of 11 gaming and the impact it has on the has become anemic — has UCSD students to continue development world. Jayaprakash explains the greater become too technical...There on Bystanders to Upstanders, which implications of a simple game designed to utilizes gaming strategies such as get users to do chores. are many questions that are competition and a point system in order “There’s a game [in the book] that to encourage users to improve their combines chores and game design to make not being answered. Where communities in small, simple ways. chores fun, so [it incentivizes] cleaning are we going?” “You have this picture of a true the toilet,” she said. “If you can make volunteer as someone who is willing to people do something like clean the toilet, SIDDHARTHA MUKHERJEE go out there and maybe travel to another social work is a lot more rewarding.” country and volunteer,” Jayaprakash Since acquiring funding from said. “No one thinks, ‘Hey, there’s really Microsoft, Jayaprakash has been easy ways to make change in your own contacted for many opportunities, from community and in your own house.’” encouragement to apply to a peace prize competition which would Users can complete a challenge related to a particular issue and gain award $25,000 to its winner, to the possibility of being featured in points by providing photo evidence. Tentatively, there are six categories Glamour magazine’s Top 10 College Women. to choose from: random acts of kindness, environmentalism, outreach, Currently, Jayaprakash’s goals for her project include expansion fundraising, social awareness and community service. As an example, and involvement of the UCSD community through participation in Jayaprakash explains how users can influence their own senior citizen experiments supervised by the team. In addition to the 11 students community. working on a variety of areas, from technology to business and “Depression in senior citizens is a huge problem that you don’t really marketing, Jayaprakash hopes to bring in five more people, two to aid hear a lot about, so we have a couple challenges that give ideas on how to in humanitarian outreach and three to help organize the experiments reach out to the senior citizen community nearby,” she said. “It’s really easy, into events on campus. things like [...] starting a pen pal relationship — small things like that where The aim of these experiments, Jayaprakash says, would be to it’s really easy to get proof.” gather data about the project’s target population in order to pinpoint Competition, Jayaprakash says, is a key component in gaming that exactly what the team can do to help encourage students to actually she believes will translate to her app and engage users in the way a take action and help their communities. Of the over 120 interviews video game would. her team conducted so far, Jayaprakash notes that there are many “I thought, ‘What are people really interested in? What do they spend passionate students who have done little or lacked resources to a lot of time on?’ And the people on my floor last year would spend all actually further their causes. night playing video games,” she said. “So if you have people [who are] so “Even people who are really interested in [projects] don’t get interested in gaming that they’re willing to sacrifice everything else, there involved unless it’s facilitated for them,” she said. “We want to test out has to be a way to take that addiction and put it into something good. So I to what level facilitation makes a difference [and] what we need to do thought if we incentivize it and put points to it, that gives it that competitive to get people to come out and do things on their own.”



UCSD sophomore Sneha Jayaprakash, sponsored by Microsoft, is working to help promote social change through gaming techniques in a mobile application called Bystanders to Upstanders.


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MEDICATION EDUCATION The director of Partners in Medication Therapy talks about the recent launch of meducship.org and the program’s goal to educate students about taking medications responsibly.



rescription drug abuse is overlooked but dangerous, constituting the second most abused drug group in adolescents. In 2008, prescription drug abuse killed more people than heroin and cocaine abuse, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. At UCSD, drug abuse is on the rise. In 2012, there were 25 reported drug law arrests and 588 reported accounts of drug law discipline, a significant increase from the 16 reports of arrests and 94 reports of discipline in 2010. “People don’t realize [prescription drug abuse] is even an issue,” Partners in Medication Therapy Director of Medication Therapy Management Services Sarah Lorentz said. “As it turns out, [society is] using more and more prescription drugs, and that includes opiates and other kinds of drugs. People don’t realize the drugs interact with one another.” Lorentz heads a new group from the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, called Partners in Medication Therapy. PMT partnered with the UC Student Health Insurance Plan to create the MTMS program. According to the American College of Preventive Medications, only around 51 percent of Americans read drug facts labels before taking their medications. PMT seeks to help people to understand how to responsibly use prescribed medications and understand the consequences of mixing these medications together. As a part of this program, PMT launched a website called http://mededucship.org in January to provide important and certified information about prescription drug abuse and its dangerous consequences. The project started with UCSD as a pilot program and plans to branch out to other campuses that also use UCSHIP, namely the Hastings College of the Law, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Merced, UCSF and UCSC. In addition to statistics on prescription drug abuse, the website also

features information on the interactions between various drugs and foods and how to understand drug facts labels. It links visitors to apps that can help them with managing pill consumption on a regular schedule. In order to get more traffic on the website and gain a larger audience, PMT has opened up weekly contests since February to quiz visitors on information posted on the site. Each weekly contest winner receives a $25 Amazon gift card. As of now, the website targets college students, a group that has become increasingly susceptible to prescription drug abuse, as indicated by a skyrocketing in abuse statistics — a 343 percent increase in abuse of opioids like Vicodin and OxyContin and a 93 percent increase in abuse of stimulants like Adderall between 1993 and 2005, according to the Clinton Health Matters Initiative. “[Drug abuse can] start in college and could get worse in a very short time, ending in death and serious types of conditions,” Lorentz said. “We just want to make sure we’re getting the info out to students and thinking about the best ways to reach out to the student population.” PMT hopes to prevent such problems from building up by emphasizing awareness about the issue of prescription drug abuse and its consequences, namely the risks of addiction and the interactions between different drugs. “Just because a medication is a prescription drug doesn’t mean it’s safe for anyone to take,” Lorentz said. “That’s why [PMT is trying] to teach people responsible use of medicine through their college years and their whole lifetime.” Students who want more information about substance abuse can also consult the UCSD Student Health Center. The Counseling and Psychological Services also provides counseling for students with drugdependency problems and can be reached at 858-534-3755.


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Pimento Earned NCAA Provisional Qualifier in Women’s 800 SDSU Rematch Slated for Next Weekend


▶ TRACK & FIELD, from page 12

In the women’s hammer throw invitational final, freshman jumps/ throws Savanna Forry finished 13th overall while sophomore throws Valerie Francis fouled out. Sophomore throws Giovanni Rico and freshman throws Nick Gastaldo earned seventh and eighth overall, respectively, for the men’s hammerthrow invitational final. In the men’s open high jump, Triton sophomore jumps Sean Cook took second place with a top height of 6-4. On the track side, UCSD performed well in the long distance events, as sophomore distance Paige Hughes earned the top spot (4 minutes, 46.10 seconds) in the women’s open 1,500-meter and sophomore distance Tareq Alwafai finished second (4:01.94) in the men’s open 1,500. In the men’s open 800, junior distance Carlos Bojorquez was third with a time of 1:53.35. “The [long distance runners] had a good meet,” men’s head coach

Tony Salerno said. “Paige Hughes had a win, and [Bojorquez] ran well in his first 800 in a while.” In the second day of competition, junior Triton and All-American sprints Sabrina Pimentel earned an NCAA provisional qualifier with her third-place time of 2:13.16 in the women’s invitational 800. “She’s looking very strong and getting her race sense back,” Ahner said. “She’s getting her confidence back, and I think this meet really helped her do that.” Senior pole vault Clint Rosser also earned an NCAA provisional qualifier in the men’s invitational pole vault with his second place finish (15-9.75). In the men’s javelin, junior Triton and All-American throws Nash Howe finished in sixth (2285). Howe went up against an elite array of competitors, including his brother senior throws Nick Howe (fifth, 231-7) and 2012 Olympians Sean Furey (first, 262-6) and Craig Kinsley (second, 251-2). Freshman sprints Erica Anunwah, sophomore sprints Amy Heins,

sophomore jumps Kristin Sato and junior sprints Janay Pierce together placed third (47.76) in the women’s 4x100 relay. In the men’s 4x100, the Tritons put in a sixth-place effort with a final time of 42.55. Linda Rainwater, a former UCSD national champion, briefly vacated her assistant coach position to compete in the invitational high jump, ultimately sharing first place (5-10.5) with Oregon’s Chancey Summers. With its first multi-day competition of the season behind them, UCSD now prepares to host the Cal-Nevada Collegiate Championships on April 4 to 5. “We’re going to enter everyone in the best places we can,” Salerno said. “It’s a selective meet. It’s dominated by Division I programs. If the team finishes in the top 10, that’ll be a great success.” Events will commence at noon on Friday at the Triton Track & Field Stadium.

readers can contact brandon yu



▶ W. CREW, from page 12

Athletics. In the Varsity 8 duel, UCSD started off strong, taking an early lead. However, SDSU mounted a comeback to finish at 6:33.4, while UCSD rowed in seven seconds later at 6:40.8. The Aztecs were also victorious in the JV 8, Varsity 4 and Open 4+ races. Their largest margin of victory came in the open four race in which SDSU was able to finish 41 seconds ahead of the Tritons. Although UCSD fell short of the results they had hoped for, Truex was optimistic about his crew and their performances. “It was a solid day for us against a greatly improved San Diego State team,” Truex said. “Each boat fought

incredibly hard and rowed very well. We were definitely the underdog, but we were scrappy enough to press all the way down the course. I am proud of the way the team attacked, scraped and clawed for every meter.” At the very least, Friday’s competition was crucial for the Tritons in gaining experience and preparing for next week’s meet. “It was a perfect way to tune up for the next two huge races that we have coming up,” Truex said. The Tritons will look to get even with SDSU when they face the Aztecs again next Saturday at the annual San Diego Crew Classic in Mission Bay.

readers can contact daniel suing




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FURNITURE Garmin GPS- $50 - 1. 90% new. 2. Original amazon price: 99.5$. 3. Come with the GPS shelf. 4. Moving sale, so the price is a good one. Listing ID: 29654649 at ucsdguardian. org/classifieds for more information


Study Table- $60 - Hi ~ I’m selling a desk. Except the drawers are tan colored. I’ve used this for only two quarters so it’s still in a pretty good condition. Let me know if you’re interested and I can send you photos of the actual desk. Listing ID: 29018100 at ucsdguardian. org/classifieds for more information Desk- $40. Bought this desk from Ikea but it’s white with brown drawers. It’s still in pretty good condition since I’ve only used it for 2 quarters. I can send photos as well. Let me know if you’re interested. Available ASAP. Listing ID: 29018103 at ucsdguardian.org/ classifieds for more information White Bed Frame- $175. I’m selling this bed frame that I bought from Ikea in March 2013: Only used for 9 Months, still in great condition! Available ASAP. Listing ID: 29018105 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information

HOUSING PB Condo w/rooftop deck- $700 - My name is Erika. I am the only roommate currently living in the condo. I am a 23 year old, female, UCSD engineering student. I own a cat. I am very busy with my studies so I am not home very often. I enjoy the outdoors (sailing, hiking, SUP, snowboarding). I am looking for a chill roommate who isn’t looking for a party house. I don’t smoke and rarely drink and I am looking for someone similar. Contact me if you would like to check the place out. I am on spring break so I am available to show the place for the majority of the week(except thursday during the day) email me @ : epoyntercl@gmail.com. Listing ID: 29719254 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information Spring Quarter Beautiful single room for rent next to UCSD - $700 - Whom WE are: Three extremely down to earth, easy-going, and super chill undergraduate students at UCSD. We have been living together for months and we are basically looking for the last member to join our crew as one house mate moved out early after completing his research work at UCSD. Whom are we LOOKING for: Someone who can keep things to themselves, quiet, and CLEAN, friendly, and blah blah. If this ad matches what you are looking for, please text me at 626-716-1613:) and we will chat more about details! Thanks. Listing ID: 29703287 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information Sublet in a double for Spring Quarter UCSD$350. Available immediately for Spring Quarter! Double with another UCSD Student rent is 350/month and utilities no higher than 20/month. Apartment is at Whispering Pines apt complex only 1.5 minute walk to shuttle stop! Great deal, prefer UCSD student! Listing ID: 29703329 at ucsdguardian.org/ classifieds for more information

TEXTBOOKS Student’s Solutions Manual to accompany Principles of General Chemistry - $20 - For Sale: Student’s Solutions Manual to accompany Principles of General Chemistry By: Martin Silberberg Publisher: McGrawHill Science/Engineering/Math. Listing ID: 29576615 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information. Student’s Solutions Manual to accompany Principles of General Chemistry - $20. For Sale: Student’s Solutions Manual to accompany Principles of General Chemistry By: Martin Silberberg Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math. Listing ID: 29576615 at ucsdguardian.org/ classifieds for more information

ACROSS 1 Precious stones 5 Burn a bit 9 Roe source 13 Most eligible for the draft 14 Like a snowy landscape 15 “Royal” nuisance 16 Put in pigeonholes 17 Duncan __: cake mix brand 18 Reformer for whom a Bible book is named 19 What little girls are made of, so it’s said 22 “That makes sense” 23 The Blue Jays, on scoreboards 24 Place for a napkin 27 Prof’s degree 28 Spat 31 C.S. Lewis’s “The Chronicles of __” 33 Out of harm’s way 35 Border 38 Prior to, poetically 39 Courtroom figs. 40 Light lunch 45 “Queen of Soul” Franklin 46 Supermarket checkout unit 47 Rainbow shape 50 Hesitant sounds 51 Mexican Mrs. 53 “Beats me” 55 Pleasantly concise 59 Fuzzy fruit 61 “Shucks!” 62 Castaway’s spot 63 Post-workout woe 64 Spud 65 Use a swizzle stick 66 Modernists 67 Previously, old-style 68 Coop residents

DOWN 1 Grapevine news 2 Sufficient 3 Combined two companies into one 4 Occupied, as a desk 5 Goatee’s location 6 __ legs: rear extremities 7 ‘50s nuclear experiment 8 Answer 9 Designer’s detail, briefly 10 Coffee flavoring 11 What we breathe 12 Genetic initials 14 “Just suppose ...” 20 Beatles meter maid 21 Some savings plans, for short 25 “__ That a Shame”: Domino hit 26 Writing tablets 29 Supply meals for 30 Iran’s official language 32 Thoroughfare 33 Labor Day mo. 34 Tidy 35 Jacob’s twin 36 College housing 37 Phone caller’s “Bet you don’t recognize my voice!” 41 Facetious “Of course” 42 Tell a story 43 Mortgage bank, e.g. 44 Andy’s old radio partner 47 “__ Fideles”: Christmas carol 48 Land, as a fish 49 Supplies food for, as an affair 52 Engaged in battle 54 Start of a request to a genie 56 Goes in haste 57 FBI employees 58 Depilatory product 59 Wichita’s state: Abbr. 60 Hockey surface

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3.31 - 4.06









Suzanne Bourgeois is the author of 'Genesis of the Salk Institute.' A personal account of the origins and early years of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, it discusses the people who founded the Institute and built a home for renowned research leading scientists of the time as well as non-scientists of stature in finance, politics, philanthropy, publishing, and the humanities. The events that brought people together, the historic backdrop in which they worked, their personalities, their courage and their visions, their clash of egos and their personal vanities are woven together in a rich, engaging narrative. Bourgeois is Professor Emerita and Founding Director of the Regulatory Biology Laboratory at the Salk Institute.



MEDITATION AT THE ZONE- THE ZONE, PC PLAZA Join us for a guided meditation where you can: gain a greater mental clarity, achieve a peaceful state of being, learn techniques to de-stress, achieve harmony amid cognitive dissonance. Meditation led by Recreation FitLIfe instructor, Voula Athens.





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TUE4.01 Join us EVERY TUESDAY for a free interactive workshop to achieve and maintain a healthy back. This workshop will teach proper body mechanics and back strengthening exercises.


SAT4.05 • 8am-4pm

36TH ANNUAL CULTURAL CELEBRATION- THURGOOD MARSHALL COLLEGE Thurgood Marshall College, in conjunction with UC San Diego and Triton Day, is hosting its 36th Annual Cultural Celebration - "Now Boarding, Destination: Everywhere!" on Saturday, April 5th from 10am-4pm. Spend a beautiful day in San Diego tasting delicious international cuisines and touring artisan crafts from local vendors. Enjoy free live entertainment featuring a diverse range of performers, and have fun playing games from around the world. Experience one of the largest and longest standing traditions at UCSD! Parking and entrance to the event are free. Open to everyone and fun for all ages!

Screening of Arab Labor and talk by the show's creator, Sayed Kashua, with Q&A. LIMITED SEATING: RESERVE FREE ADVANCE TICKETS. Widely viewed as one of the most important contemporary writers in the Hebrew language, Sayed Kashua who has been called 'The Palestinian Seinfeld', draws on his Arab heritage and perspective to bring a fresh view to the Israeli cultural scene. Kashua's critically acclaimed 'Arab Labor' is an irreverent Hebrew-language comedy series piercing taboos of acceptable language and humor surrounding the prickly, long-standing status quo in which Palestinians and Israelis live side-by-side. The series won the Award for Best Television Series at the Jerusalem Film Festival. Kashua's sharp humor and satire made him a popular Israeli speaker on university campuses.

10pm PARTY WITH A HEART ON- PORTER’S PUB Sigma Phi Epsilon presents 2014's Party With A Heart On! All proceeds will be going to their philanthropy Sun Cup in helping LHON research (Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy). The theme is 70s! So, Peace, Love, and Party With A Heart On! Ages 18+ Pre Sale: $7.00; General Admission: $10.00. Purchase tickets: http://www.showclix.com/event/sigep0402. Contact: gerardo.soto@porterspub.com



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UCSD wins all four games of their series against Cal State Stanislaus, while allowing only 3 runs in total.

The current batting average of senior catcher Nick La Face, good for second overall in the CCAA




FACTS Figures

Tritons Sweep Stanislaus


he No. 19 nationally ranked UCSD women’s softball team swept conference foe Cal State Stanislaus in a four-game series this past Friday and Saturday at the Triton Softball Field. The Tritons dominated the Warriors, managing to not only win all their games, but also allowing only one run or none in each of the four matchups. “We went up against Stanislaus, who is always a tough team to beat,” senior first baseman Caitlin Brown said. “We told ourselves to be aggressive this game and to score early and often.” On Friday, senior shortstop Mya Romero racked up four runs batted in game one, while Brown managed to do the same in game two. The opener finished in five innings with the Tritons winning 10–1, and the second game ended after six innings with the Tritons victorious 8–0. On Saturday, the Tritons continued their control of the series, winning game three with a score of 9–1. In game four, senior right-handed pitcher Jennifer Manuel tossed a gem inside the circle to help UCSD complete the sweep with a 5–1 victory.

VS Cal State Los Angeles VS Cal-Nevada Championships VS UC Irvine VS San Diego Crew Classic AT San Diego Crew Classic

The Tritons won the day on Friday, recording 20 total hits as a team. Four hits came from sophomore outfielder Callie Grant, while sophomore utility player Amani Proctor, senior third-base Emily McQuaid and Brown all contributed three hits apiece. The Tritons also had an exceptional performance from the pitching staff, led by starting pitchers sophomore Alexis Edwards and Manuel. Altogether, UCSD finished both contests with only six hits allowed in 11 total innings. The Tritons followed their amazing performance on Friday with more stellar play in the second half of the series on Saturday. Grant led the day again with six hits, five runs and a stolen base. Sophomore catcher Katie Saunders contributed four hits and two runs batted in, and Brown produced three RBIs. The pitching staff recorded another phenomenal performance — behind Edwards and Manuel again — as they only allowed two earned runs. Proctor also managed to steal her 12th base of the


year, keeping her perfect record of 12–12 in stolen bases attempts. After winning this four-game series, the Tritons improve to scores of 22–6 overall and 17–3 in the California Collegiate Athletic Association. Following this empowering win at home, UCSD will now participate at the Tournament of Champions in Turlock on April 4 to 6. “Overall our team is feeling good about this past weekend and is looking forward to carrying that momentum into this coming weekend at the Tournament of Champions in Turlock,” Brown told the UCSD Guardian. UCSD will play against Chaminade, Dominican and California Baptist on Friday and will move on to face Hawaii Pacific and Notre Dame de Namur on Saturday. The results of these contests will determine the schedule for Sunday.

readers can contact gurkirat singh



Mixed Results at Aztec Invite Tritons Struggle at Mission Bay Tritons appear rusty in competition against myriad UCSD secures only one victory out of five contests of challengers at SDSU’s 36th annual invitational. against San Diego State University this past Friday.


ERA of sophomore pitcher Alexis Edwards, which ranks second overall in the CCAA

1:54.45 Time in which senior All-American Nicholas Korth broke a Division II national and school record in his 200-yard breaststroke national title-winner at the NCAA. Championships on Saturday, March 15

4:49.51 Senior All-American Anji Shakya’s captured the national title in the 500-yard freestyle at the NCAAs with her stellar time

229’3’’ Junior All-American Nash Howe achieved a top distance of 229’3” in the javelin on March 15, making him the current leader among all collegians, including Division I challengers


Number of wins, in the No. 11 men’s tennis team’s perfect victory over Sonoma State on Sunday, March 16



BY Brandon Yu

SPORTS Editor The UCSD men’s and women’s track and field teams took on a slew of competitors — including athletes from 27 colleges and 53 track clubs, along with various Olympians and alumni challengers — at the 36th Annual Aztec Invitational this past Friday and Saturday. The Tritons struggled in the hammer throw competitions, which were held at the UCSD Throwing Field, but found some success in the remaining

events that were held at the SDSU Sports Deck. “We were a little sluggish, which tends to happen after finals and spring break, especially with the youngsters,” UCSD women’s associate head coach Darcy Ahner said. “We do have a young team, but we had some athletes that did pretty well.” On Friday morning, the Tritons were outshined on their home turf in the hammer throw competitions. See TRACK & FIELD, page 9


BY Daniel Sung

Associate SPORTS Editor This past Friday, the UCSD women’s crew team could only secure one victory at Mission Bay out of five races against cross-town rival San Diego State. The meet marked the rowing squad’s third event of the year, having posted solid performances at the Sacramento State Invitational and the Opening Day Regatta in

Long Beach earlier this month. UCSD’s only victory of the morning came from the Novice 8 event in which the women finished the 1,930-meter course in 6:59.7. SDSU crossed the line at 7:04.5, nearly five seconds after UCSD. “The novices carried the day, and the future looks very bright for the athletes in this boat,” Triton head coach Colin Truex told UCSD See W. CREW, page 9

Season high in kills by senior opposite Johl Awerkamp in men’s volleyball win against Cal Baptist on Thursday, March 13


Number of wins, in the No. 11 men’s tennis team’s perfect victory over Sonoma State on Sunday, March 16

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