04.09.12 | UCSD Guardian

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Study: uc education UCSD Economist Halbert L. White Dies is TOO leftist Group publishes report claiming that moving toward social science curriculum leads to unbalanced education. By NATALIE COVATE • Staff Writer


he University of California provides unbalanced education to its students, according to a report released by the California Association of Scholars on April 1. The study cited faculty statistics — such as the concentration of 81 liberal faculty members to two conservative faculty members within the political science departments of the UC campuses — to claim that the University of California is leftist. The study claims to examine the causes and consequences of the growth of leftism in the University of California system by looking at factors such as the number of leftist faculty members and the curriculum

of classes. The report claims that courses offered throughout the UC system — such as five UC Santa Cruz classes dedicated to Karl Marx — promote radical activism. According to the report, UCSD’s political science faculty member ratio stands at 27 Democrats to zero Republicans. It also states that UCSD’s history department shows 26:1 Democrat-to-Republican ratio. Public Education Coalition member and March 1 protest leader Kevin Quirolo said that he does not find these numbers shocking. Quirolo, who was involved in organizing “Radical Rush Week,” said that although faculty may be leftist,

the UCSD student body is not leftist enough. “One thing I would note is that the more education you have above undergraduate, the more left-wing you tend to be,” he said. “If the curriculum and professors are very leftist, it doesn’t seem to be picking up among the students because it is challenging to get students involved in activism.” According to the study, UC graduates are unprepared for the workplace, study an average of less than 12 hours a week and have poor civic knowledge and basic skills. For See POLITICS, page 3

BY Winnie Luong Contributing Writer

Renowned professor Halbert L. White, who was shortlisted for the 2011 Nobel Prize in Economics, passed away March 31 after a fouryear battle against cancer. White — who was Chancellor’s Associate Distinguished Professor of Economics in the Division of Social Sciences — was best known for developing the White standards error test in 1980. To this day, the White test is used to check built-in assumptions and procedures of economic models and is often used in software programs that perform regression analysis. “Hal’s 30-plus years of service to this campus helped propel our economics department to the topranked powerhouse it is today,” Chancellor Marye Anne Fox wrote in a press release. White was born in Kansas City, Mo. on November 19, 1950. He graduated

top of his class from Princeton University in 1972 with a degree in economics, then went on to earn his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1976. After serving as a faculty member at the University of Rochester for three years, White came to UCSD in 1979. In 1999, White co-founded Bates and White Economic Consulting, a firm that works with works with advanced financial, economic and econometric analysis and now employs more than 150 people in Washington D.C. and San Diego. White is survived by his wife Teresa B. White, children Rich Heath West and Rachel Heath and sisters Celeste White, Catherine White and Lynda Lanker. Funeral services will be private, but there are plans for public memorial tributes at UCSD and in Washington, D.C. Readers can contact Winnie Luong at wiluong@ucsd.edu.



Judge Upholds Affirm. Action Ban Panel dismisses lawsuit filed by 46 students against the American Civil Rights Institute.

BY Zev Hurwitz Associate News Editor

B rian M onroe /G uardian

DJ Stu competed in the DJ Battle of the Bands, held at Porters Pub on Friday, April 7 . Lucid Stereo . Scooter and Oliver, The City Walls, Kera and the Lesbians and Arvosoul moved on to the final round in the Battle of the Bands. The winner will open the Main Stage at Sun God Festival.



We’ll get back to practice on Monday and give it our best shot on Saturday.

Monday H 74 L 49

Tuesday H 67 L 51

California public universities will not re-institute affirmative action, a three-judge panel of the 9th court of appeals ruled Tuesday, April 3. Judges have dismissed Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action vs. American Civil Rights Institute, a




Kevin Ring

UCSD Men’s Volleyball Head Coach

Wednesday H 60 L 49

Thursday H 61 L 49

Wednesday Thursday

lawsuit filed by 46 minority students and the CDAA. The lawsuit sought to overturn Proposition 209, California’s 1996 ballot initiative that prohibits race being used as a factor for consideration in university admissions. The affirmative action ban has been upheld several times since appeals began in 1997. The judge panel heard arguments on Feb. 13, during which California Gov. Jerry Brown testified on behalf of the plaintiffs, saying that Prop. 209 was an obstacle for minority students. The American Civil Rights Institute, which was founded by former

UC Regent Ward Connerly, applauded the decision to uphold the ban. “[This is] good news for everyone who values fairness and equal opportunity,” ACRI lawyer Ralph Kasarda said in the San Francisco Chronicle. In recent years, the percentage of Caucasian students at UC campuses has dropped nearly 5 percent while enrollment numbers for Hispanic and African American students have increased. UC admissions data is not yet available for 2012. Readers can contact Zev Hurwitz at zhurwitz@ucsd.edu.


SURF REPORT monday Height: 3 ft. Wind: 2-6 mph Water Temp: 57 F

Tuesday Height: 5 ft. Wind: 4-5 mph Water Temp: 57 F

Wednesday Height: 5 ft. Wind: 5-7 mph Water Temp: 57 F

Thursday Height: 5 ft. Wind: 1-8 mph Water Temp: 57 F



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INSIDE Birdland..................................2 Lights and Sirens....................3 A.S. Endorsements.................4 A.S. Candidate Profiles..........6 Calendar.................................8 Sudoku...................................9 Sports...................................12


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

birdland By Rebekah Dyer Angela Chen

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Angela Chen

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COMPILED BY Zev Hurwitz | associate news editor

Marketing & Advertising Director Brandon Katzer Webmaster Bryan Smith


UCSD ▶ The UC Haiti Initiative will host a free film screening of the documentary “Haiti: Where Did the Money Go?” tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Bear Room at Price Center West. A question-and-answer session with film director Michele Mitchell will follow the screening. ▶ Chemistry and biochemistry graduate student Benjamin Madej will receive a $25,000 scholarship through the NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship Program to use toward his research in molecular dynamics graphics processing unit computing. ▶ UCSD psychologist Karen Pierce was named a candidate for TIME Magazine’s 2012 Top 100. Pierce was recognized for her work in early autism detection that could help children avoid developing severe behavioral and cognitive problems associated with the disorder.

▶ An 18-year-old from Escondido died of a gunshot wound April 7. Investigators are trying to identify the circumstances under which she had been shot. ▶ Approximately 200 people attended a vigil held at the Santana High School in Santee April 7 to pay respects for teenage car crash victims. Two teenagers were killed and three were injured in a freeway racing incident on April 4. ▶ A man described as white, 30 to 40 years old, wearing a blond wig and carrying a skateboard, attempted to rob a Wells Fargo bank in La Jolla around 1:30 p.m. on April 7. According to police officer Frank Cali, the man handed a teller a demand note but later left with no money.

▶ Traffic was backed up three miles on the southbound Interstate 5 from La Jolla Village Drive due to the university’s Triton Day held on April 7.

Advertising & Marketing Assistants Christine Alabastro Christine Doo Shilpa Sharma


Advertising Design & Layout Alfredo H. Vilano Jr. A.S. Graphic Studio

▶ Los Angeles police are searching for a suspect who punched two women in Little Tokyo while robbing a store on April 6. The suspect, described as a 5-foot-10 Latino man, punched two employees in the face before emptying the cash register. ▶ Frederick Martin, 28, of Inglewood was fatally shot April 3 after using his body to shield his 8-year-old son.

CorrectionS An April 5 Guardian article incorrectly attributed the Page 2 illustration as being drawn by Jeffrey Lau. The illustration was drawn by Snighdha Paul.

The UCSD Guardian is published Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year by UCSD students and for the UCSD community. Reproduction of this newspaper in any form, whether in whole or in part, without permission is strictly prohibited. © 2011, all rights reserved. The UCSD Guardian is not responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of the UCSD Guardian, the University of California or Associated Students. The UCSD Guardian is funded by advertising. Mujeres.

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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Study: UCSD Freshmen Unhappy With Too-Radical Professors

LIGHTS & SIRENS Sunday, March 25 11:09 a.m.: Burglary ▶ The subject thought there might have been a burglary at Marshall Apartments West, but the “screen blew off.” Checks OK. 9:58 p.m. to 10:34 p.m.: Citizen contact ▶ A non-UC affiliate was using the laundry facility at Blake Hall. Stayaway order issued. Monday, March 26 12:11 a.m.: Fire alarm ▶ A fire alarm went off at Tioga Hall. False alarm. 4:22 a.m.: Suspicious person ▶ A person was loitering on Muir Field. Gone on arrival. 12:30 p.m.: Suicide attempt ▶ The subject attempted to commit suicide at Galbraith Hall. Transported to hospital for evaluation. Tuesday, March 27 2:41 a.m.: Suspicious person ▶ A transient was at Ritter Hall. Stay-away order issued. 2:34 p.m.: Disturbance ▶ A dog was barking at Cuzco Hall. Referred to other agency: Res life. 3:12 p.m.: Injury ▶ A hang glider hit a vehicle at Glider Port. Parties exchanged information. Thursday, March 29 10:37 a.m.: Information ▶ Chairs from Price Center were found on a Sixth College Apartments balcony. Information only. 1:05 p.m.: Non-injury accident report ▶ A shuttle was involved in a noninjury accident off campus. Report taken. 8:45 p.m.: Suspicious person ▶ A person was sleeping on a bench at the bus stop near Parking Lot

207. Field interview administered. Friday, March 30 9:13 a.m.: Medical aid ▶ A female jogger fell and could not get up at 3899 Miramar Street. Refused transport by medics — transported by husband. 9:38 p.m.: Illegal parking ▶ Multiple vehicles were parked in a lane in Parking Lot 113. Information only. 11:16 p.m.: Illegal parking ▶ A vehicle was blocking a lane by Tamarack Apartments. Information only. Saturday, March 31 1:36 a.m.: Assist other agency ▶ A domestic violence investigation at VA Hospital led to the arrest of a male transient. Closed by adult arrest. Sunday, April 1 1:42 a.m.: Suspicious person ▶ An unknown male was sitting outside of Rita Atkinson Residences for 15 minutes. Unable to locate. 2:11 a.m.: Traffic stop ▶ A male student was stopped at Parking Lot 304 for driving while intoxicated and without a license. Closed by adult arrest. 7:47 p.m.: Suspicious person ▶ The subject was “dumpster diving” at Parking Lot 102. Field interview administered. Monday, April 2 4:18 p.m.: Prisoner ▶ A male stole over $100 worth of products from the Bookstore. Closed, cited and released. 11:19 p.m.: Disturbance, party ▶ Approximately 40 subjects were having a loud party at Kathmandu. Field interview administered. — COMPILED BY SARAH KANG Staff Writer

members, although it does not show a specific time frame for comparison. example, in a survey conducted by Additionally, it states that the more the American Council of Trustees a field relies on politics, the higher and Alumni, 81 percent of seniors the concentration of liberal faculty received a grade of ‘D’ or ‘F’ on basic members are likely to work in that field. American history questions. “In some areas, [leftism] is so The study claims that politicization is directly responsible for the decline in extreme that it amounts to virtual the quality of graduates. The rationale exclusion of any but left-of-center is that students increasingly take faculty,” the report states. The report also claims that the type social science (i.e. political science, sociology) courses instead of classics of leftism seen in faculty members has and humanities classes. Since students become more extreme since the late in these departments are assigned 1960s, possibly as an effect of younger more journal-style articles to read, as faculty members being more solidly opposed to classical political theory left-oriented. These findings suggest works, they are not challenged by that as younger faculty members texts that develop important critical replace retirees, the imbalance will continue to grow. thinking skills. In addition, According to CAS concludes that education-focused faculty members are website Minding the becoming more likely Campus, the report stated to admit that political that UCSD students activism is one of their had complained about Our education is goals of teaching. the freshmen writing suffering, but it’s not “I don’t think that sequence and professors the classes leaning who spoke disparagingly suffering because of to the left are really about “contemporary a leftist bias in the that far to the left, American imperialism” UC, but because [the and even if they were, and “Western fascism.” they aren’t having Public Education UC Regents] aren’t that much influence Coalition member Sean on students,” Quirolo Estelle said that the thinking about where quality of education may their funding is going. said. “I don’t know how you would be declining throughout on [this the UC system, but Sean Estelle enact problem] other than increased politicization is Member, by encourage more not to blame. Public Education conservative-leaning “Our education is Coalition people to get involved suffering, but it’s not in high-caliber suffering because of academics like the a leftist bias in the UC but because [the UC Regents] aren’t university system.” UC spokesperson Steve Montiel thinking about where their funding is going,” he said. “[When] the Regents said that the UC Office of the President and administrators are getting their disagrees with the findings of the bonuses and the schools are closing report. “We don’t agree that the University libraries, the quality of education is [of California] is the monoculture going to suffer.” The study claims there are a portrayed in the report,” Montiel said. growing percentage of liberal faculty “Aside from that, the report is from ▶ POLITICS, from page 1

the idea that the exchange of diverse opinions is necessary for education.” The UC Academic Senate, a body representing faculty in the shared governance of the University of California, will be conducting a review of the study, Montiel said. The study has been sent to three different committees to analyze the veracity of the report’s findings. “The most thorough review will be by the academic senate and that [review] will take some time,” Montiel said. “We have confidence that the academic senate will give a fair assessment of [the study].” While there is no specific timeline for the release of the academic senate’s study, it will likely be finished in two weeks, Montiel said. According to Montiel, UCOP also considers other similar studies conducted periodically by professional organizations. “We do well with those [other studies] and our schools and programs are among the highest rated in the country,” Montiel said. “I think we have pretty good quality here.” CAS is a part of the National Association of Scholars, which is a network of scholars that analyzes and publishes a quarterly journal and reports, such as this one, evaluating higher education policy and academic trends. The organization’s mission statement claims that it aims to stimulate academic improvement. While the NAS study specifically refers to the University of California, it also stated that these trends are occurring at institutions of higher education across the country, including technical institutions and community colleges. The full report can be found online at http://www.nas.org/ articles/a_crisis_of_competence_ the_corrupting_effect_of_political_ activism_in_the_u. Readers can contact Natalie Covate at ncovate@ucsd.edu.

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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Mann CONTACT THE EDITOR Madeline opinion@ucsdguardian.org


Don’t Forget to Vote. A.S. council is responsible for roughly $3 million in student fees. Vote on tritonlink before 4 p.m. on friday, April 13.

2012-13 A.S. Council

Endorsements president

Elizabeth Garcia Student VOICE


P hoto I llustrations by JEFFREY LAU/G uardian

strong candidate as well: Her platform’s focus on ach year, when the Editorial Board begins transportation and parking issue are admirable, debating presidential endorsements, we and her slate strikes a good mix between strong run into the same problem. It’s no secret ideology and strong experience. But her focus on that the fee-fighting, sustainabilityfocused, SAAC-affiliated Student Voice slate usually integrating with college councils is better utilized in TIDE’s many excellent campuswide senatorial mirrors this board’s political ideology — but every candidates, and largely negligible for the transfer April we find ourselves interviewing candidates and off-campus communities. with lots of heart, but not And while Athar’s lots of experience, and many entrepreneurial ideas (biofuels, passionate ideas, but little Responsibilities bike-sharing and research) know-how. • Acts as the student body’s official are a breath of fresh air that This year, things are representative and chief executive could have great benefits for different. We have endorsed officer of the A.S. Council. UCSD, his highly specialized Elizabeth Garcia for 2012-13 Salary & Benefits politics make him a better fit A.S. President because she •$10,000 per year for the AVP of Enterprises is the sole candidate with • A-spot parking upgrade position, while his lack of prior the progressive values we’re Why we endorse her experience in council would looking for, a two-year track She has progressive priorities with create a steep learning curve that record of A.S. knowledge the know-how to get things done. would hinder the effectiveness and direct insight into the of his term. position she is running for. Current campuswide senator Predictably, Garcia is a member of the SAAC and progressive communities. Karen Liang will undoubtedly, and rightly, garner a large proportion of votes as the face of the student She’s involved with Chicano/a group MEChA (and life and spirit-focused “bold.” slate. Her history endured grief over it after being attacked as a racist as Roosevelt Senator and Senate Chair and years on her Facebook event pages), attended quarterly on council give her the experience necessary to Campus Climate Meetings and worked with issues carry through her visibility- and spirit-focused involving the privatization of the UC system. initiatives with the same effectiveness that current Her platform is politically focused — she A.S. President Alyssa Wing has shown. But while hopes to collaborate with the Student Organized this board was impressed with her experience Voter Access Committee to bring a presidential — and endorsed several candidates who shared her candidate to campus, create an initially unfunded views and will work for increased visibility, Greek Associate Vice President of Sustainability to focus initiatives and better athletic relations — we believe on issues of environment and social justice, lobby it is more important for the university’s figurehead for more student representation on transportation to be dedicated to political activism. committees and revise election bylaws to increase After a failed campuswide senatorial bid in the 20-percent voter turnout necessary to pass a 2010, Garcia became the Chief of Staff and rightstudent fee referendum. hand woman for 2010-11 A.S. President Wafa Ben In short, Garcia politics mirror that of Hassine during a now infamously contentious year. the typical Student Voice candidate, but her This has heavily influenced her conduct this year, background and experience in council set her and emphasis on building rapport and eschewing apart. As the sitting Muir Senator, Garcia has the slate politics. Garcia’s been through the worst, so name recognition and direct council experience with a strong, multi-slate council behind her, she’s that candidates such as TIDE candidate and ready to try to lead us to a more politically active, sitting Marshall College Council chair Meggie more effective year. Le and Innovate candidate Ali Athar lack. Le is a

vice president of student life

Cody Marshall Independent Responsibilities • Serves as interim A.S. president in event of office vacancy • Appoints and dismisses council-members on A.S. committees Salary & Benefits • $5,250 per year • A-spot parking upgrade Why we endorse him This Sixth College senator has distinct, feasible ideas for his office.


t’s immediately noticeable that Cody Marshall is running for Vice President of Student Life as an independent. According to Marshall, his decision to go slate-less lies in the nature of the position — as VP of Student Life he must bridge the slate divides and run a unified council — logic which makes him an appealing candidate, though it also might give him less power when it comes to campaigning. Regardless, Marshall has the clearest vision and most concrete goals when it comes to running the three distinct segments of his office — athletics, diversity and concerts and events. His stance on diversity is refreshing, with the

Sixth College senator advocating for more education and a critical look at the meaning of diversity instead of programs that are simply “watered down multiculturalism” (i.e. foreign film nights and special dining hall menus). He’s largely focused on athletics as well; though an initial supporter of the D-I referendum, Marshall was prominent in running informative campaigns for both the pro and con sides. In the wake of the referendum’s failure, Marshall has a clear focus on supporting our current teams by pursuing televising sporting events through a collaboration with Triton Television. Marshall won’t mess with any of our current concert traditions, but rather build new traditions that focus on more specific communities across campus, such as transfer students and the student-run spaces of the Old Student Center. While the other candidates — Bold’s Clinton Rodriguez and TIDE’s Jeremy Akiyama — have great ideas of their own (Rodriguez has a focus on Greek housing and Akiyama envisions a student life office which intersects with the external office), their lack of specificity when it comes to their goals makes them less feasible. But Marshall, as an extremely visible member of council this year (numerous candidates pointed to his D-I mixer event as a high point), will be able ignore slate politics and build a council we can rally behind.


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

vice president of External Affairs

vice president of finance and resources

Olamide Noah Pauline Nuth Bold TIDE

Responsibilities • Advises president and council on all fiscal issues • Oversees activity-fee distribution Salary & Benefits • $5,250 per year • A-spot parking upgrade Why we endorse her This AVP of Student Organizations has practical experience and new ideas.


Responsibilities • Educates student body on issues affecting UCSD at city, state and national levels • Lobbies officials and legislators on behalf of student body • Serves at UC Student Association rep for UCSD Salary & Benefits • $5,250 per year • A-spot parking upgrade Why we endorse her Noah is the most likely to bridge divided campus communities.


fter a year marked by intense political activism and social movements, Olamide Noah is the best candidate to continue the momentum that previous VP External Samer Naji has created. While Noah’s background, as current Vice Chair of the Black Student Union and the Students for Affirmative Action Committee, seems very in tune with the ideals of Student Voice, Noah stated that she chose TIDE to step outside of her comfort zone and act as a bridge for different communities. This stated commitment in connecting groups from the Greek community to SAAC and the athletes will be effective in institutionalizing political engagement as important for every student. Further, Noah recognizes that social activism can take many different roles and is interested in offering various avenues of activism for those who may not be comfortable with walkouts and protests. Her plans to work closely with the new VP of Student Life to increase awareness through student events like Bear Gardens and Sun God provide a fresh idea — Noah is fully ready to work with her fellow VPs to create a climate comfortable for people who are just beginning to be involved in activism. Noah’s two main goals as VP External are to spread awareness about the Fund the UC Campaign, especially in regard to promoting the middle class scholarship. She also hopes to bring greater visibility to the VP External office, rebrand the AVP of Local Affairs position and increase UCSD’s presence in the greater San Diego community. Further, Noah’s background as a member of the Campus Climate Committee shows that she clearly knows how to create bargaining power with administration. She plans to increase accountability by building coalitions, meeting frequently with admin and emphasizing the importance of institutional memory for orgs. Noah’s multi-faceted background, willingness to communicate with her divided constituents and solid plans makes her the best candidate to tackle the job of VP External on next year’s A.S. Council.

EDITORIAL BOARD Angela Chen Editor In Chief

Arielle Sallai Margaret Yau Managing Editors

Madeline Mann Opinion Editor The UCSD Guardian is published twice a week at the University of California at San Diego. Contents © 2011. Views expressed herein represent the majority vote of the editorial board and are not necessarily those of the UC Board of Regents, the ASUCSD or the members of the Guardian staff.

ith three years of council experience, current Associate Vice President of Student Organizations Pauline Nuth has the background to know the weaknesses in the A.S. budget, the fiscal conservatism to ensure that council doesn’t overallocate and the know-how to increase efficiency and transparency. The AVP of Student Orgs position — a key force in working with funding —is a logical stepping stone to the VP of Finance position. Over the past year, Nuth has worked to publicize the funding sources

available to student orgs and manage all financial requests from student orgs on behalf of council. In essence, she has been the main liaison between A.S. Council and student organizations throughout campus. As VP of Finance, Nuth intends to reorganize the A.S. funding guidelines to clearly articulate the financial process to orgs, and create a streamlined online process for funding appeals. Aside from this specialized knowledge, Nuth’s previous work as ERC senator ensures that she understands legislation and the rules of council as well. When we handed Nuth a copy of last year’s budget and asked her to critique it, she immediately whipped out a pen and started bracketing line items and offices that she felt were due for reevaluation. Her main assessment: more frugality with college programming and more money to the external office and SOVAC in particular. With both the specialized and general knowledge to accomplish her goals, and the institutional knowledge to avoid repeating the mistakes of her predecessors, Nuth is the best choice for VP of Finance.

CAMPUSWIDE SENATORS Come April 13, eight candidates will be elected to A.S. Council to work on senator projects, vote on legislation and generally sacrifice their Wednesday nights for the public good. This year, the Guardian

Responsibilities • Complete at least two projects each year, one of which must benefit the entire campus. • Serve on at least two campuswide committees • Vote on the council floor

Editorial Board interviewed 16 candidates and listened to ideas about computer apps, sand angels and Hogwarts. From these, we chose the eight who would bring the most to the 2012-13 A.S. Council.

Currently keeping a seat warm in the A.S. Senate, Bold candidate Brad Segal hopes to continue his position as Campuswide Senator. As a former fraternity president and campus director of the UC Haiti Initiative, Segal has a passion for funding more nontraditional philanthropic events. He sees an opportunity for Greek housing on campus with the new chancellor, a move that many have been interested in and could be a focal goal for Housing, Dining and Hospitality. Segal has leadership credentials coming out of his ears, leading us to suspect that he will be a driving force in the Senate next year.

Daniel Miyagi from the Bold slate is keen to put his extensive financial experience toward philanthropy. After working with the Student Fee Advisory Committee, Miyagi understands how money works and is interested in taking A.S. “visibility” campaigns further than Library Walk by communicating directly with student orgs in meetings. As the VP of Finance for IFC, Miyagi has the connections to improve the volunteer fair and get the Greek community involved. His optimism in “giving back” comes with a plan to create a food box where students leave extra food to feed less fortunate students on campus.

TIDE candidate Savini Ganehwa has a proven history of political engagement. She sits on Sixth College Council, is a core member of the voter registration SOVAC group and involved with MEChA and SAAC, but also focused on sharing her politically active goals with the campus at large. Ganehwa wants to start an inter-college communication program to focus on the intersection between different orgs and reduce the alienation between student groups. She’s invested in the hot-button issues, but more interested in running informative campaigns than blindly championing one side to her constituents. With her political background and focus on outreach, Ganehwa can be truly effective on a campuswide level.

Arcelia Gutierrez may lack prior council experience, but her involvement in the activist community would bring a welcome outside perspective to next year’s council. The Student Voice candidate has worked with a number of campaigns, including Reclaim UCSD and March 1, to bring quality education to UCSD students. She has actively tried to lobby administrators to hold them accountable to student demands and knows what works and what doesn’t. In addition to continuing the student protest movement, Gutierrez hopes to push for smaller class sizes and more class offerings, two goals that are paramount as budget cuts continue to lower the quality of education for undergraduates at UCSD.

Current ERC Senator and TIDE candidate Jackie Clavin believes, and rightly so, that council can’t govern efficiently until it fixes itself. She hopes to focus on internal reforms by charging a committee to rework the convoluted and outdated A.S. bylaws so councilmembers truly understand their own governing guidelines. Clavin’s focus on sticking to “precedent” and understanding the niceties of the bylaws will lead to a more informed, productive council. Clavin’s also interested in educating students on the routes to obtain funding — a worthy goal that will help the student orgs navigate the world of student fees, money and A.S. Council.

A.S. campuswide senators are usually eager to hear the issues on the table, and eager to avoid picking an area of focus for senator projects. TIDE candidate Matthew Mayeda has a platform refreshingly focused on wellness and student health, along with concrete project ideas in a student life sector often overlooked. He wants to work with the Wellness Resource Center and the Zone, lobby for a public health minor and publicize SHIP initiatives for students who aren’t well-versed in the campus bureaucracy of health insurance. Mayeda’s specific goals, combined with experience as a Well-Being Cluster advisory member , ensure that he has a cause from the moment he steps behind the table, and increase his chances for success.

Repping for the skittish freshmen everywhere, Irene Chang from TIDE slate is all about outreach. In addition to her work as community director of voter registration org SOVAC, Chang is a member of SERC and believes that A.S. Council should have a constant presence at college events. Chang nods to our underexposed humanities majors by looking to increase job fairs for social sciences and wants to unite the campus under Web communities like UCLA’s Bruinwalk, which offers discussion of topics like professors, dorms and book selling. Chang’s objectives are small but feasible, and show her potential as a future leader in council.

Bold’s John Weng wants to make sure students know about what council can do for them. Students may support the idea of A.S. Safe Rides, he says, but often fail to sign up. To solve this, Weng is interested in creating a digitalized kiosk in PC so that students can easily swipe their IDs to sign up. He hopes to continue his oversight of the A.S. newsletter “A.S. of Now,” accompanied with a new online student forum where students can voice their opinions. Weng has worked closely with current President Alyssa Wing as the Chief of Staff — a position that has required him to live blog all the meetings and given him insight about the inner workings of council.









daniel miyagi



matthew mayeda




THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org


FOCUS focus@ucsdguardian.org






by Margaret Yau • Managing Editor

by Mina Nilchian • Focus Editor

B rian M onroe /G uardian



his year’s protests, reclamations, and referendums have set a highly politicized tone for the A.S. elections. From business models to lobbying conferences, the four contenders running for A.S. President present their solutions to an everincreasing list of issues.

li Athar may be the odd man out — literally — in this year’s A.S. presidential race, but the ideas this chemical engineering major brings to the table is fresh and, to quote his party’s slate, innovative. With no previous A.S. experience under his belt, the Sixth College senior is this year’s obligatory “maverick”; while he’s tried to apply for A.S. positions multiple times before, he’s never been able to win the bid. Athar is an entrepreneur at heart, with start-up companies that back up his campaign promises of “honing leadership on campus and innovating successful studentoperated businesses.” “My campaign is based on entrepreneurship and leadership, and I have a lot

N olan T homas /G uardian


lizabeth Garcia takes pride in her position on the frontlines of student activism since, quite literally, day one. “My very first day at UC San Diego I was out in front of Center Hall protesting against fee hikes,” Garcia said. “I remember because there was a senator at the time who said that he was a part of Associated Students. I said ‘I don’t know what that is but if he is out here, that sounds like a pretty cool job to have.’” Since her freshman year, the communications and political science double major has created quite the résumé. She’s been a member of Chicano/a student group MEChA, worked as a tour guide, orientation leader and resident advisor and currently serves as Muir College senator.

See ATHAR, page 10

See Garcia, page 10





by Arielle Sallai • Managing Editor

by Angela Chen • Editor in Chief

A ndrew O h /G uardian


A ndrew O h /G uardian


n her hometown of Cerritos, California, A.S. presidential candidate Meggie Le lives a whopping 10 minutes from Disneyland. This means that, apart from growing up a self-proclaimed Disney lover (the newer “Tangled” is her favorite), Le has owned an annual pass to the park since she was a kid. But here’s some good PR for Thurgood Marshall College’s Dimensions of Culture program: Thanks to her time at UCSD, the TMC third year isn’t all princess singalongs anymore. “It was really eye-opening to see how sheltered I was, especially going through DOC at the time [of the Compton Cookout],” Le said. “Marshall has definitely had a huge influence on me, realizing how

aren Liang has no interest in law school. The Eleanor Roosevelt College junior has served on student government for three years, quickly rising through the ranks to become a frontrunner in this year’s election — but despite being surrounded by a council of would-be lawyers and budding politicians, she’d rather become editor of Vogue than editor of the Harvard Law Review. Her idols are Coco Chanel and Marie Antoinette, the former for inventing the modern woman, the latter “for the clothes, not the politics.” The daughter of a foreign ambassador, her biggest fight has been learning to avoid discouraging remarks about her chosen field of fashion marketing. Liang is the presidential hopeful

See Le, page 10

See Liang, page 10


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Mental illness often emerges in the late teens or early 20s.

Read up to recognize the signs. Every day people recover from mental illness such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and others. Learn to recognize the signs and don’t be afraid talk about them. Getting help is the ďŹ rst step to a healthy future.



T H E U C S D G UA R D I A N | M O N DAY, A P ri l 9, 2012 | w w w.U csdguardian.org

CAMPUS 4.9-4.15










Up 'til Dawn is a volunteer program in which participants will send letters to family and friends asking for donations for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Participants only need to bring themselves and a list of addresses of people to send letters to. Letters, envelopes, and stamps will be provided.There will also be fun games, prizes and free food for all people who come out and participate.Go to the webpage at www.stjude.org/utd and search for UC San Diego (page 2) and make the pledge to come and help fundraise to fight childhood cancer. To participate, you must sign up on the stjude.org/utd website.Sponsored by Super Sixers and Sixth College Residence Life.

Sex + Money is a documentary about domestic minor sex trafficking with an insight into the social and emotional factors behind it, as survivors and former pimps are interviewed. This screening is being hosted by Just Change, a registered UCSD student organization, partnering with Unlikely Heroes, (http://unlikelyheroes.com/) a nonprofit that just opened a rehabilitation home in the Philippines this past November. This screening is the launch of their campaign to raise $20,000 to free 10 girls. Come be a part of this step in ending sexual slavery!




Don't miss an unforgettable show at The Loft on April 10th. Rusted Root is a band from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania known for their unique fusion of acoustic, rock, world and other styles of music, with a strong percussion section that draws from African, Latin American, Native American, and Indian influences. Rusted Root has sold more than three million albums worldwide. Loft Member: $10 Advance; Free at the Door UCSD Student: $15 Regular: $30 Reserved; $22 General Admission. Tickets available online or at the UCSD Box Office, 858-534-TIXS (8497)

Presenter: Dr. Dirk van Laak, Justus-Liebig-Universitat Gieben. Recent research suggests a continuity of German colonialism from 1884 to 1945 and from Windhuk to Auschwitz. Dr. Van Laak's paper puts into question linear continuities like these. Instead, it outlines different traditions of German expansionism, which since the 19th century rivaled against each other. Apart from their different patronage, they also represented different approaches to - and different methods of - imperialism. The talk will discuss existing imperial alternatives and weigh them against each other. Part of the Thyssen Lecture Series: The History of German Colonialism and Imperialism. Presented by the Institute for International, Comparative, and Area Studies at UC San Diego.

8pm AS CONCERTS & EVENTS PRESENTS: GEOGRAPHER - THE LOFT AT UC SAN DIEGO In the summer of 2005, after a series of deaths in the family, Michael Deni left his hometown in New Jersey for San Francisco. He spent the next several months with his guitar and a synthesizer, turning that tragedy into the songs that would soon become the foundation for Geographer. With the overwhelming response to the release of 'Kites' and 'Animal Shapes', punctuated by a dynamic and engaging live set, the band has already begun to make an indelible mark on the ears of music fans worldwide. $5 UCSD Undergraduate Students / $10 General Public. Tickets can be purchased at the UCSD Box Office or online at https://ucsdboxoffice.com/

8pm SPEAK ALOUD! - PLAZA CAFE, REVELLE COLLEGE 'Speak ALOUD!' is an exciting FREE event featuring famous guest speaker, D'Lo, followed by speakers from the UC San Diego LGBT Speakers Bureau, and taking place on Monday, April 9, 2012 from 8pm-10pm in Revelle College's Plaza Cafe. Free beverages will be provided! Presented by Revelle College Student Activities Office.

Get your teeth cleaned during the quarter! Don't waste your vacation time with appointments!



Serving UCSD community for over 20 years

David Sabourin, D.D.S. Scripps Hospital/Ximed Center

9850 Genesee Avenue, Suite 760, La Jolla, California 92037

Phone: (858)452-2333 • Email: smilemaker1@san.rr.com


THU4.12 6pm PROFESSOR UNSCRIPTED - FIGHT LIFE: MMA DOCUMENTARY - PC THEATER Join us for a thrilling and in depth look at the world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). After three years of producing what is already creating buzz as one of the most important documentary films about MMA to date, filmaker James Z. Feng (UCSD alumni) and Professor Eva Barnes (Theater department) are excited to share the movie with UCSD students FOR FREE.

7pm SOUL KITCHEN: FOOVIES [FOOD + MOVIE] THE LOFT Acclaimed director Fatih Akin's latest film is a deliciously overstuffed comedy that follows Zinos, the owner of a no-frills pub in Hamburg called Soul Kitchen. Zinos juggles a working class clientele alienated by his new gourmet chef, a larcenous brother, tax inspectors, health officers, and real-estate sharks. His biggest concern, aside from pleasing palates, is mending the broken heart he was left with when his girlfriend moved to Shanghai. [Fatih Akin, 2009, Germany, 99 min. MENU: Greek Salad, Mixed Greens, Tomato, Cucumber, Kalamata Olive, Feta, Balsamic Vinaigrette; German Sausage; Red Jacket Potatoes; Beer Braised Cabbage; Baklava. Drinks not included. UCSD Student: $24 (food + movie) / $4 (movie) Regular: $30 (food + movie) / $8 (movie)







Drop into The Zone every Wednesday from 2:00-2:45pm for Work-It-Out Wednesday, a fun and FREE exercise class offered by FitLife. From Zumba to Yoga to Pilates and more, every week features a different work-out.

6:30pm MARCO BERTOZZI: CONTEMPORARY DOCUMENTARY AS CREATIVE ARCHIVE - VIS ARTS FACILITY: PERFORMANCE SPACE Marco Bertozzi is a writer and film maker who contributes to the renaissance of Italian documentary by providing a strong theoretical framework, active cultural promotion, and a/v archives. His works focus on urban imaginary and cultural identities.

7:30pm L.O.L HOSTED BY FERAZ OZEL - THE LOFT L.O.L is Loft Out Loud: a monthly series at The Loft featuring San Diego's top comics and stand-up comics from Comedy Central, Showtime, Last Comic Standing, and dozens of smash-hit TV shows. They're all coming to San Diego for one wild night of comedy. To add to the fun, there will be live bands, food, and drink specials! UCSD students, Loft Members: Free; General $5.

Multicultural Coexistence and Engineers for a Sustainable World are looking for enthusiastic and passionate people to help coordinate efforts and actualize our middle school and high school outreach day. The half-day program, scheduled for April 13th at UCSD, is based on social and environmental sustainability and will aim to educate students on how they can become agents for change. We need your help - whether you can be involved during the planning process or volunteer on the day of - to make this program a success! Please email us if you have any questions. You can sign up to volunteer here: http://tinyurl.com/ssod-signup. Shifts are portioned by hour! Any time you have to give would be greatly appreciated!

12pm FREE WEEKLY TAI CHI CLASSES - PRICE CENTER LAWN Come out to the Price Center Lawn (just above the fountain in Price Center Plaza) every Friday from 12 noon until 1:00 pm for a refreshing outdoor Tai-Chi experience! Tai-Chi is an ancient martial art that gently harmonizes the flow of energy through the body, creating balance and focus for your day. This class is free and perfect for practitioners of all levels.


T H E U C S D G UA R D I A N | M O N DAY, A P R I L 9, 2012 | w w w.U csdguardian.org

Guardian Classifieds are placed online and are FREE for UCSD. Low cost classified placements for our print edition are also available to the UCSD campus and the public at ucsdguardian.campusave.com

HOUSING $550: Shared bedroom- January 20112012 - Seeking friendlyroommate for spring semester at PLNU. Rent: $550. H2O,gardening, and pick up of trash are all included in rent. Big refrigerator and oven included as well. Two spacious rooms and 1 bathroom with 2 sinks and tub shower. Reply online to listing ID: 24093800


Guardian Classifieds are placed online and are FREE for UCSD. Low cost classified placements forthis ourmonth print $480-Female roommate for edition are also available to the UCSD campus and the public at ucsdguardian.campusave.com Hey everyone, We are in need of a female

roommate to move in for this semester. We have a 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. There is a great pool side view, elevator access, and built-in closets and desks. We also have shared parking in an underground garage. Our place is only 1.5 miles from AICA-SD and just a few blocks from the beach! It is in the best location! Monthly rent is $480 and there’s a $480 security deposit. If interested, contact Beatriz. Reply online to listing ID: 24091155

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1 Cotton swabs originally called Baby Gays 6 Actor Guinness 10 More than stumbled 14 Basic belief 15 Capital surrounding Vatican City 16 Falco of “The Sopranos” 17 Shabby 18 $3 million, 30-sec. Super Bowl feature 19 Poet __ St. Vincent Millay 20 Feeling of uneasiness 23 Jungle swinger 25 Fla. hours 26 Cummerbund fold 27 Hand-held two-way communications device 32 Cheering noisily 33 Mashed luau staple 34 “M*A*S*H” staff 37 Reprimander’s “reading” 40 Leave for a bit 43 Mind reader’s skill, briefly 44 “How beautiful!” 46 Oil refinery input 47 Up-tempo jazz piano style 51 Ami’s good-bye 54 Tiny bit 55 His-and-__ towels 56 Symbolic nosegays 61 Isaac’s eldest 62 Knucklehead 63 Close, as a parka 66 Hollywood success 67 Hollywood favorite 68 College town near Bangor 69 Nanny’s charge 70 Bills with Hamilton on them 71 Rehab step



1 Super Bowl div. 2 Green or black brew 3 Fully informed 4 Sampras of tennis 5 Eyelid problem 6 Manet or Monet 7 Affectionate bop 8 Key with four sharps: Abbr. 9 Give up formally 10 Weak 11 Murphy of “48 HRS.” 12 Top of a form, perhaps 13 “It’s the __ I can do” 21 Honey maker 22 Prefix with center or cycle 23 Informed (of) 24 Capital on the Seine 28 See 31-Down 29 Lyricist Gershwin 30 __ Angeles 31 With 28-Down, layered chocolate bar 34 Glitch in need of smoothing out 35 Film with nakedness 36 Cattle drive critter 38 Pigeon’s sound 39 Dress (up) 41 Green prefix 42 Athlete who isn’t green? 45 Stumble across, as an idea 47 Have no doubt 48 “Yes, mon ami” 49 Props for Monet and Manet 50 Part of wpm: Abbr. 51 “This is only __” 52 Like the trail on a cattle drive 53 Singer Chris 57 Change text 58 Pie à la __ 59 Former Lacoste partner 60 Dublin’s isle 64 Half of dos 65 Chicken __

made t


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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

ATHAR of background in starting up my own companies, as well as leading groups and incubators,” Athar said. “I feel like that background can be specifically useful at UCSD.” Athar first sharpened his business instincts in high school — he helped start a private business venture with the non-profit organization Junior Achievement. The company grew from its lemonade-stand roots with pen sales to slowly become a successful advertising company under Athar’s leadership. Eventually, the company, which sold discounted tickets to neighborhood haunts, amassed $15,000 to $20,000 a year. Athar’s early passion for business and marketing only followed him to UCSD. One of his most successful current ventures is a property management business, in which he helps place students in housing. In addition to his full course load and business management, Athar working with his slate, Innovate, to nail down goals such as creating a bikesharing program. Athar clearly does not dawdle around with vague campaign promises — his idea of offering microloans of $500 to $1,000 to students with personal business plans is backed by funding initiatives that could only come from someone with years of experience. “Obviously not every single business I’ve started was successful, but I do have a lot of background in starting up companies, so that’s where I want to bring my leadership and entrepreneurship skills to UCSD and to help UCSD students become inspired to start their own entrepreneurial ventures,” Athar said. Athar’s business plan with a heart of gold comes from emulating one of his role models, Magic Johnson. Johnson is what you would call a “social entrepreneur,” the rare sort of individual who could turn a profit while making the streets of South L.A. a better place. “Magic Johnson has done it all,” Athar said. “He’s an incredible investor, and he’s making movements both socially and business-wise.” Athar is nothing if not a student at heart. Each of his business ventures requires him to pick up a new skill — for example, his property management business sent him on the path to getting his real estate license. And despite his already strenuous course load as an engineering major, Athar makes time to take classes outside of his discipline,

such as French, visual arts and nonfiction writing. “I have a problem where I try to learn more than I need to, but it is really fun and I really enjoy it,” Athar said. “And you know, it keeps me sane because engineering is so brutal.”

GARCIA During her freshman year she ran to be an campuswide senator on what was then Students First, and is now the Student Voice slate. While she wasn’t able to win the bid, she was appointed chief of staff for 2010-11 President Wafa Ben Hassine, where she learned the know-how of the office of the president. Now in her third year, Garcia believes that this preparation makes her qualified to run for president on behalf of the Student Voice slate. With her experience, she would hit the ground running, Garcia said. “I’ve sat in on various committee meetings and administrative meetings as a proxy for the A.S. president,” she said. “I know what it’s like to be in a room full of administrators and be the only student representative representing the student voice. That’s something I’d bring to the table.” Garcia’s platform as a member of the Student Voice slate aligns with the “reclaim” rhetoric that, in Garcia’s words, seeks to create a positive student experience, especially through fighting fee increases and putting pressure on legislation to prioritize UC education. She hopes to organize more conferences, like the Student Lobby Conference that took place late Winter Quarter, to directly approach legislators. As a current council member, Garcia continually sees other ways she’d like to influence the way A.S. Council runs right at home, including an effort to change current legislation that dictates that in order for a fee increase referendum to pass, 20 percent of the student population must vote “yes.” “I don’t think that 20 percent of the students is very representative, especially when it comes to increasing fees in a time when people are struggling to pay for education,” Garcia said. “I want to change that number from 20 to 50 [percent].” Garcia mixes her ideological values regarding higher education with pragmatic approaches to running coun-

cil (on her candidate statement, she promised to facilitate UCSD’s transition to Division I if it had passed, despite her own oppositions) but not everyone has been a fan. Garcia’s campaign has been under attack by an opposing student from California State University Long Beach. Jason Aula, who has repeatedly posted on Garcia’s campaign event on Facebook, accuses the candidate of being racist, citing her involvement with MEChA as evidence. “He started posting on my event page alleging that I was a racist and that I was going to reclaim the southwest and that I was an illegal immigrant,” Garcia said. “MEChA at UCSD and MEChA as a chapter does not advocate the things that he said.” Garcia doesn’t seem too concerned with the allegations, confident that most people know they’re baseless. “It’s not like I would get into office and suddenly say, ‘Illegal immigration, yes!’” Garcia said. “He’s kind of like a robot. He would keep posting [no matter what], and every time someone would post something positive he would write ‘No se puede.’” Distractions aside, Garcia emphasizes what she thinks is one of the most important values an A.S. member should uphold, something she currently finds lacking: accountability. “A lot of people throughout the year, they’ll go on about their business and then when it comes towards election time, they’ll start doing all these things they don’t normally do,” Garcia said. “They start being more active, they start being more outspoken on council. But the thing I want people to know is that I do this all the time, regardless of whether I’m running for anything.”

LE the world actually is. I know now there is definitely systematic oppression.” Unlike many of the other candidates for A.S. office, Le was never involved in student government in high school and her rise in Marshall College Council was a surprising development. “The decision to run for A.S. President was actually really difficult,” Le said. “There are some people who come in freshmen year with the goal: ‘By the time I’m a senior I’m going to be A.S. President,’ but for me, getting involved in student government was very difficult…the reason I got involved was because I saw a poster.” Le then applied for a position on

Marshall College Council, where the chair at the time ultimately created positions for all the applicants, making Le the student health insurance advisory committee rep. She later took jobs as an orientation leader, campus tour guide and executive assistant to the president of the Graduate Student Association. Currently, she serves as chair of TMC student council. As part of the more moderately progressive slate of this year’s election, TIDE, Le’s focus is on increasing transparency and visibility, while fighting for crucial resources for students such as transportation. “I think sometimes we do forget that we’re students,” Le said. “Because we do have a lot of contact with administrators we feel that we’re a slight step above students… and what we do really does matter, but after a year we’re gone. So how we treat the students and how we have this sense of hierarchy doesn’t make sense at all. At the end of the day, when an administrator looks at us, we’re just another student with a title. We’re nothing more than that.” Le’s top three priorities, should she be elected A.S. President, include working with the other UC schools and moving past the D-I referendum by recognizing our current athletes and improving school spirit. But most importantly, Le wants Chancellor Marye Anne Fox’s successor to know who really has the power. “Another priority especially is establishing a very strong relationship between A.S. and the students and the new chancellor coming in next year,” Le said. “Because when he or she comes in that first council is going to be the one that sets the tone for however long the chancellor is staying here. So making sure that we have a very distinct and strong relationship, showing them that this is what we want and this is the amount of power students have.” Fighting words, for a girl who loves Space Mountain.

LIANG without the long-term political aspirations — and, for her, this has made all the difference. “People think the entire realm of fashion is a joke,” she said. “But there’s so much beauty in it and it’s a way to bring people together. We all need to wear clothes, so why can’t we integrate that with science and math and creativity as a starting point to help the world too?”

Take Coco Chanel. Chanel, Liang said, created the image of the powerful modern woman, “and she didn’t need to go through politics to do that. She channeled her creativity to inspire a generation of women who came after her.” Liang has demonstrated this same capacity for outreach and unlikely avenues of influence in every area of her life, from her stints living in Taiwan, Georgia and northern California, to her communications major, to her three years of spirit-focused service in student government. Her history of extracurricular involvement and focus on campus life stretches as far back as an elementary school position as a noon sports announcer. “I realized very early on that student government was something I was comfortable with, that I love to outreach and connect,” she said. “I grew up near politics and I don’t like it, and so I have no plans for law school or a political career, but I just like to talk to people, and I want to help them.” Here, Liang began as a member of ERC student council then moved up to ERC Senator and, this year, serves as campuswide senator, Senate Chair and sits on the TritonLink Committee. Though her career has followed a predictable trajectory on the path to the presidential position, Liang said that she never intended to vie for the top spot. Bold is, in many ways, the successor of current President Alyssa Wing’s Board the Wing slate, which Liang ran on last year. Bold’s focus on Greek and athletic life, spirit and finding points of similarity among the students mirrors Liang’s emphasis on individual outreach, A.S. visibility and personal interaction with constituents. “We have legs, so why can’t we go down to the students?” she said. “Why do we need to wait for them to come to us?” She wants to preside over a council that will go to the students themselves. Attend sports games. Find common ground and avoid the divisive issues. Most importantly, she wants to follow up with constituents in real time, instead of responding with the dreaded “I’ll forward this to someone who can help you” email. “My one drive to do all of this is to know that I’m doing what one student, or two, or 500 has always wanted to see here,” she said. “I want to create that kind of excitement. That’s what really makes me happy in A.S. — it’s the excitement or happiness you can bring to one person.”

Get your teeth cleaned during the quarter! Don't waste your vacation time with appointments!



Serving UCSD community for over 20 years

David Sabourin, D.D.S. Scripps Hospital/Ximed Center

9850 Genesee Avenue, Suite 760, La Jolla, California 92037

Phone: (858)452-2333 • Email: smilemaker1@san.rr.com Walking distance from UCSD campus. Located across Voigt from the baseball field next to Scripps Memorial Hospital


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

UCSD Women’s Water Polo Prepare for Santa Clara Invitational ▶ WATER POLO, from page 12 “The third quarter has been our worst quarter all season long — maybe I’m not giving very good halftime speeches, I don’t know,” head coach Brad Kreutzkamp said to the athletics department. “We came out in the third and didn’t press them. We needed to win that quarter and we didn’t.” Despite a slow start, the Tritons

were able to pull back three, as Lizotte sunk a penalty and Biehle capitalized on breakaway with the third quarter coming to a close. Looking to cut a two-goal lead, the Tritons suffered another slow start, allowing the Lancers an early goal to go up 7–10. Lizotte responded just five seconds after with her fourth goal of the game. The two teams battled down

the stretch, but the Triton offense couldn’t galvanize to cut the Lancer defense, falling 8–11. “Losing is always disappointing and even more so when we only go 1 for 9 on our power plays,” head coach Brad Kreutzkamp said in an email interview. “We’ve had great practices and our power play has been becoming a strength of ours, so to perform like that was tough on us all.”

However, our team has shown resilience all year long and I know we will perform better when our conference tournament takes place in a few weeks right here at UCSD. We will be ready.” This weekend, the Tritons will travel up North to Santa Clara University where they will compete in the Bronco Invitational, a tournament pitting nine Western Water Polo Association teams—

San Jose State, Santa Clara, UCSD, CSU Bakersfield, CSU Monterey Bay, Colorado State, CSU San Bernardino, Sonoma State and CSU East Bay— against each other. UCSD’s first game is slated for Saturday, April 14, when the Tritons will face off against CSU Monterey Bay at 9:15 a.m. Readers can contact Rachel Uda at ruda@ucsd.edu

Tritons in Bid for Playoff Berth Men’s Tennis Sits on Seven-Game Losing Streak ▶ VOLLEYBALL, from page 12 Junior outside hitter Carl Eberts led the Tritons in the attack with 12 kills, while sophomore outside hitter Vaun Lennon — last week’s AVCA National Player of the Week — chipped in eight kills. The sets were much tighter in Malibu. The Tritons lost a close 23–25 opening set, falling down the stretch despite outhitting the Waves 10 kills to eight. Down 1–0, the Tritons seemed to lose some momentum, falling 19–25, in a set that was never really close. The Tritons went point-for-point with Pepperdine in the last set, until, with the score 18–16, the Waves’ Kyle Gerrans caught fire, logging three straight points to go up 21–16. The Tritons pulled back to within three points, but two costly UCSD service errors made the difference sunk the Tritons 21–25. “In the course of the match versus Pepperdine we drastically improved our offensive production each game, but so did Pepperdine,” Ring said. “We didn’t serve tough enough, either missing too many serves or serving their best passer, so we struggled to slow down Pepperdine.”

With the pair of losses, the Tritons fall to 8–18 overall and 6–15 in the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation. The Tritons will look to claim a spot in the eight-team MPSF tournament. UCSD is still statistically in the hunt, but the Tritons will need to win their last match and hope that UC Santa Barbara wins their last two and that CSU Northridge drops their last two. BYU, Stanford, UC Irvine, UCLA and USC have all secured spots in the conference tournament. “We have one more conference match remaining and we are still in the hunt for a playoff position,” Ring said. “We’ll get back to practice on Monday and give it our best shot next Saturday.” UCSD will host their last two regular season matches. On Thursday, April 12, the Tritons will host a non-conference match against Cal Baptist and on Saturday, April 14, UCSD rounds out its regular season with a bout against UC Irvine. Readers can contact Rachel Uda at ruda@ucsd.edu

▶ TENNIS, from page 12 Triton aces Austin West and Devon Sousa suffered an 8–6 loss in the No. 1 doubles contest, to go along with a UCSD 8–4 defeat in the No. 2 doubles match. UCSD didn’t fare much better in the singles component, as Jiganti was the only Triton to walk away with a win, besting the Argos’ Elio Latela in three sets at No. 4 singles. In the second day of the Invitational, the No. 15 St. Edwards Hilltoppers just narrowly edged the Tritons in a disappointing 5–4 loss. In a peculiar repeat of the first day of competition, the Tritons dropped the No. 1 and No. 2 doubles matches by the same 8–6, 8-4 scores respectively. While Jiganti and Ling defeated St. Edwards’ Adrian Garza and Jonathan Stockdale 8-4 in the No. 3 doubles match. Down 2–1, the Tritons did well to take three singles matches from the higher-ranked Hilltoppers, but it wasn’t enough to overcome the early deficit. A longtime UCSD mainstay, senior Chapman Chan took the No. 1 singles contest 6–1, 6–4, while junior Junya Yoshida and West solidified wins for the Tritons in the No. 2 and

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No. 3 matches. But UCSD couldn’t hold up as Jiganti, Ling and Luu all lost their individual battles. On Saturday, the Tritons ended competition by dropping to perennial powerhouses No. 3 Barry University. Last year’s National Tournament Runners up downed the Tritons 5–1 in the last day of competition. The No. 3 duo of Jiganti and Ling remained perfect throughout the invitational, as they took UCSD’s only win throughout the weekend, beating out Barry’s Romain Costamagna and Ollie Lemaitre 8–4. No. 1 doubles West and Sousa lost in another disappointing 8-6.

The Buccaneers took control of the singles matches, taking wins in the No. 1, No. 3 and No. 6 singles — all in straight sets — to secure the win. The Tritons return to Southern California to round out their regular season. On Thursday, April 12, the Tritons face off against Point Loma Nazarene. On Sunday, April 15, UCSD closes out play with a match against Abilene Christian in Malibu, after which No. 19 UCSD will prepare for the NCAA Division II National Championships. Readers can contact Rachel Uda at ruda@ucsd.edu

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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2012 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

UDA CONTACT THE EDITOR RACHEL sports@ucsdguardian.org






VS CSU Stanislaus AT Point Loma VS Cal Baptist VS UC Irvine AT Santa Clara Invitational

SINK OR SWIM Tritons Fall at Home to Cal Baptist 8-11

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Athlete Spotlight: Alumnus Tim Shibuya By Rachel Uda Sports Editor

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The No. 18 Women’s Water Polo team took an 8-11 loss against No. 19 Cal Baptist last Friday, April 6. The Tritons now prepare for the Santa Clara Invitational, to be played next weekend, April 14-15.

By Rachel Uda Sports Editor


he No. 18 UCSD Women’s Water Polo team snapped its four-game winning streak with an 8–11 loss at home to No. 19 Cal Baptist last Friday, April 6.

The Lancers shot out to an early lead that proved too much for the Tritons to overcome. Down 3–0 with two minutes left to play in the first period, senior driver Katherine Biehle took one back to cut the deficit to 3–1 going into the second quarter.

The Tritons caught up to within one point in the second period, as Biehle and the Tritons’ leading goal scorer, sophomore Sarah Lizotte, combined for three goals to sneak to within one point by the end of the first half. Having nearly closed the gap, the

Tritons dropped tempo at the start of the second half, as the Lancers came back with three straight goals. With four minutes left to play in the quarter, Cal Baptist took the largest lead of the game, going up 8–4. See water polo, page 11

BASEBALL —UCSD graduate Tim Shibuya continues to impress on the mound. The two-time All-American and 2011 West Region Pitcher of the Year was picked by the Minnesota Twins in the 23rd round of the FirstYear Player Draft upon graduation in 2011. Last season, the 6’1” righthander was named the Appalachian League Pitcher of the Year. Shibuya started 13 games, logging eight wins and 70 strikeouts while allowing just 11 walks. In 2012, Shibuya will begin the season with the Twins’ Low A affiliate, the Beloit Snappers. Shibuya started the final game of the Snappers’ season opening three-game series against the Peoria Chiefs. The UCSD graduate logged a tough start, pitching 3.2 innings while allowing five runs on seven hits. Readers can contact Rachel Uda at ruda@ucsd.edu

UCSD Falls on the Road to No. Men’s Tennis Hits 1 USC and No. 6 Pepperdine Roadblock in Florida

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After putting together a five-game winning streak, the UCSD Men’s Volleyball team fell to No. 1 USC and No. 6 Pepperdine on the road.

By Rachel Uda Sports Editor MEN’S VOLLEYBALL —Coming off an unprecedented five-game winning streak, the No. 11 UCSD Men’s Volleyball team was derailed this weekend on the road against No. 1 USC and No. 6 Pepperdine. The Tritons were shut out in both games. On Thursday, April 5 against the Trojans, UCSD logged a dismal six kills on eight attempts, for a -0.08

attack percentage, falling 16–25 in the first set. UCSD failed to rebound in the second set, as the Tritons recorded another sloppy offensive performance, with 10 kills on nine errors. While on the other side of the net, USC remained on point, slating just 11 errors to the Tritons’ 26. “We had a lot of confidence heading into our match with No. 1 ranked USC as we were

riding a five match winning streak with victories over [UC Santa Barbara], [CSU Long Beach], [CSU Northridge], UCLA and UCSB again,” head coach Kevin Ring said in an email interview. “USC was on a great streak of their own as they had won 13 in a row heading into the match with us. I felt like we played well at times, but we let USC control the match from the service line.” See volleyball, page 11

The UCSD Men’s Tennis team dropped their seventh straight match with three losses at the White Sands Invitational in Pensacola, Florida last Thursday-Saturday, April 5-7.

By Rachel Uda Sports Editor MEN’S TENNIS —Despite a strong start to the season, the UCSD Men’s Tennis team finds itself in a slump, as it logs its seventh straight loss at the White Sands Invitational in Pensacola, Florida. The Tritons faced the best in Division II Men’s Tennis at the Invitational hosted by No. 2 nationally ranked West Florida.

On Thursday, April 5, the No. 19 Tritons went up against hosts West Florida, falling 7–2 to the Argos. UCSD sophomore Max Jiganti came away with two wins in the bout, taking the Tritons’ only victory in the doubles component alongside partner senior Sam Ling. The pair topped the West Florida duo of Michael Lue and Domenico Sano in a hard-fought 9–7 victory. See M. tennis, page 11

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