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Wristband Signups Will Occur Online Both Slates Charged for Campaign Violations BY gabriella fleischman



Our most musically inclined Tritons will be performing at the Battle of the Bands, taking place April 15 at The Loft. Read our guide on this year’s lineup. weekend, PAGE 6 PHOTO BY DANIEL YUAN/GUARDIAN FILE


council must inform voters opinion, Page 4

TRITONS START STRONG water polo sweeps sports, Page 12





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H 67 L 54

A SILVER LINING UCSD is implementing an online registeration system for the Sun God Festival 2014 to shorten the long wait for wristbands. Above, lines for wristbands extended from Thurgood Marhsall College to Earl Warren College prior to the festival in 2011.


- Hilary Lee


INSIDE New Business.................. 3 Editorials......................... 4 Taco Showdown.............. 8 Sudoku.......................... 11 Sports............................ 12

senior staff writer

ith the 2014 Sun God Festival only six weeks away, A.S. Concerts and Events announced via Facebook on April 8 that the festival will use a new online wristband distribution and registration system. Students will be able to begin registering for wristbands online on May 8 and must pick them up at Marshall Field on Thursday, May 15 — the day before the festival. ASCE Festivals coordinator Sean Kennedy said that the group aims to improve the event by streamlining ticketing, as well as increasing student safety and accountability, through the new ticketing registration. The new wristbands for Sun God Festival 2014 will feature a printed barcode that can be scanned to access information provided by the student during the online registration. Under the new distribution system, eligible undergraduates will be able to reserve a wristband online after registering with their name, phone number, local address and emergency contact information. In the case of an emergency, authorities will be able to access this information by scanning the wristband’s barcode. Additionally, ASCE is preparing


The moment you set your eyes on someone, your brain works like Wolfram Alpha to computer that person’s level of approachability.”

BY lauren koa

a brief health and safety video highlighting Sun God changes and explanations to recap students as a component of the registration process. Assistant Vice Chancellor of Student Life Gary Ratcliff said he supports the new wristband system and is confident in this year’s festival’s overall quality. “The new system will be an added convenience to the student,” said Ratcliff. “Students can feel assured that they will have a ticket.” ASCE also believes the new registration process will benefit undergraduates picking up their tickets. Instead of skipping class or work to line up on Marshall Field like previous years, students will be able to pick up their reserved wristbands between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. on Thursday, May 15. “Previous years have followed a ‘first come, first serve’ kind of process,” Kennedy said. “This will hopefully cut down the lines to pick up tickets, while the technology tied to the wristband will prevent scalping.” Kennedy also said some students fear that moving the ticketing process online may cause servers to crash when a multitude of students attempt to register

See FESTIVAL, page 3


Referendum to Appear on Special Ballot After several revisions, students will vote during Week 8 on a final transportation referendum, which, if passed, would raise fees by around $50 per quarter. BY gabriella fleischman

NEWS EDITOR The transportation referendum will officially appear in a special election ballot during Week 8 of Spring Quarter 2014 after the final language was approved by the Graduate Student Association on Monday, April 7. It was originally scheduled to appear in a special election during Winter Quarter 2014, but the Vice Chancellor and Chancellor’s offices were not satisfied with the content of the referendum, calling it too ambiguous. The referendum was then rewrit-

ten with the exact benefits detailed and the price lowered and was scheduled to appear on the general election ballot Week 2 of Spring Quarter 2014. But due to what was largely reported as revisions from the UC Office of the President, the referendum was once again pushed to a later date. However, GSA President Rahul Kapadia explained at the meeting that the referendum was pushed back due to omitted sentences that were required by the GSA and the A.S. Council constitutions. When a referendum is being written within the UC, UCOP reviews potential referenda and gives advice

on the language. However, none of its recommendations are necessarily mandated if the author of the referendum can clarify a discrepancy. “In general, UCOP looks at referendums as a courtesy,” UC spokesperson Brooke Converse told the UCSD Guardian. “This courtesy is to ensure that there are no mistakes in language that could invalidate a referendum.” ASUCSD MOVES Director Kyle Heiskala explained that changes advised by UCOP led to the omission of phrases necessary in all referenda by GSA and A.S. conSee TRANSPORTATION, page 3

Multiple grievances were filed against the Let’s Act! slate, and one against Tritons Forward, for breaking campaigning rules on Tuesday, April 8 and Wednesday, April 9. Let’s Act! was found guilty of one of the accusations, two of the grievances were dropped and the rest have yet to be reviewed. The first two grievances were filed by Triton’s Forward presidential candidate Robby Boparai. One accused the Let’s Act! slate of collaborating with Muir College Council slate GLAD due to GLAD’s endorsement of Let’s Act! However, according to Let’s Act! presidential candidate Kyle Heiskala, Let’s Act! never asked for this endorsement. “The GLAD slate was in accordance with their college council bylaws, and they had the necessary approval,” Heiskala said. “We were following all the rules to our knowledge.” However, members of the Let’s Act! slate advocated for GLAD from their personal Facebook pages, which Heiskala defined as a “gray area.” Let’s Act! was found guilty; the sanction says: “The election committee defines complicit alignment as intentional sharing of any candidate or slate campaign material including via social media or in person.” Heiskala will issued a public apology via his Facebook page to reach the same population that the original GLAD endorsement had. “I apologize for sharing a photo of GLAD via facebook when I should not have,” Heiskala posted around 9 p.m. last night. Boparai filed this grievance because in previous years, super slates between A.S. Council slates and college council slates were very successful, and they were banned for this year’s election. “At least a portion of [their success] has to be because of the overwhelming support,” Boparai said. “It captivates the people in colleges who might not make it out to Library Walk. I want to make sure the election goes fairly.” The second grievance that Boparai filed concerned a mass email that Let’s Act! sent out. According to the election code, slates cannot use a student organization’s lists to send campaign material. However, Heiskala contended that the email addresses were found on public websites, and Let’s Act! was found not guilty. Triton’s Forward candidate for Vice President Finances and Resources Igor Geyn filed the third grievance. It accused Let’s Act! of using glossy paper for campaign posters, which, according to Boparai, is illegal. Let’s Act! was found not guilty. The final grievance has not yet been reviewed and has a hearing pending. Stephanie Sayegh, who is not associated with Triton’s Forward, filed the grievance. A Facebook post from the Tritons Forward Facebook page about their new pins received a comment from Let’s Act! candidate for Campus-wide Senator Seraphin Raya. See GRIEVANCES, page 3



T H E U C S D G U A R D I A N | T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L 1 0 , 2 0 1 4 | W W W . U C S D G U A R D I A N . O R G

A COUPLE OF DERPS By Elyse Yang Zev Hurwitz Editor in Chief Rachel Huang Managing Editors Lauren Koa Gabriella Fleischman News Editor Yan Gao Associate News Editor Kelvin Noronha Opinion Editor Morgan Jong Associate Opinion Editor Brandon Yu Sports Editor John Story Associate Sports Editors Daniel Sung Sydney Reck Features Editor Soumya Kurnool Associate Features Editor


Vincent Pham Lifestyle Editor Jacqueline Kim A&E Editor Taylor Sanderson Photo Editor Alwin Szeto Associate Photo Editor Dorothy Van Design Editor Zoë McCracken Associate Design Editor Elyse Yang Art Editor Annie Liu Associate Art Editor Andrew Huang Copy Editor Susan Shamoon Associate Copy Editor Madeline Mann Training & Development Dorothy Van Social Media Coordinator Aleksandra Konstantinovic Multimedia Editor Page Layout Lauren Koa, Joselynn Ordaz


Copy Readers Clara Chao, Waverly Tseng

Immune Responses Stimulate Cancer Growth

Editorial Assistants Emily Bender, Rosina Garcia, Shelby Newallis, Jonah Yonker Business Manager Emily Ku

A study with mice shows low levels of antibiotics may result in cancer progression. BY yan gao

associate news editor UCSD researchers discovered compelling evidence for the role that the body’s immune response plays in proliferating and destroying cancer cells through the use of “immunosurveillance” — the process of monitoring how the immune system detects or kills cancer cells. UCSD researchers’ findings revealed that the level of antibodies used against N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) can either stimulate cancer progression or kill cancer cells. According to an April 7 UCSD press release, “the difference between an immune response that kills cancer cells and one that conversely stimulates tumor growth” has a narrow range. UCSD Professor of Medicine and Cellular and Molecular Medicine Dr. Ajit Varki, along with his team of researchers, conducted a series of experiments to prove the hypothesis.

Researchers injected antibiotics into a laboratory mouse that already had the Neu5Gc acid and a cancer tumor present, then observed the activities of cancer cells. Experiments showed that low levels of antibiotics induced the mouse’s inflammatory response to fight against the antibiotics, resulting in tumor growth. However, high doses of antibiotics inhibited cancer cells from metastasizing. The experiment was repeated with two other mouse tumor models, which gave rise to similar results. Dr. Varki generated an immune response curve or “inverse hormesis,” indicating the correlation between the levels of antibiotics in the mouse’s body and the number of cancer cells. “[The graph shows a] linear and remarkably narrow range,” Varki told UCSD News. The curve could shift based on the quality of the immune response, illustrating Varki’s idea that “the immune

system is a double-edged sword.” These results surprised researchers because they show that the immune system can impact the formation of cancers, alter the progress of detected tumors and affect anti-cancer therapies that use antibodies as a main form of treatment. Varki suggested that the findings could significantly impact cancer research and potentially have implications for future cancer prevention and treatment therapies. Varki’s findings were presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in San Diego from April 5 to 9. A report of the research was also published in the April 7 issue of the San Diego School of Medicine’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Advertising Director Noelle Batema Advertising Design Alfredo H. Vilano, Jr. A.S. Graphic Studio


The UCSD Guardian is published Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year by UCSD students and for the UCSD community. Reproduction of this newspaper in any form, whether in whole or in part, without permission is strictly prohibited. © 2014, all rights reserved. The UCSD Guardian is not responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of the UCSD Guardian, the University of California or Associated Students. The UCSD Guardian is funded by advertising. Lauren thought EmKu was married with children.

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Hearings for Grievances Against Slates Are Pending Review Council Discusses Sun God Wristbands, Graduation Debt ▶ GRIEVANCES, from page 1

As I stumbled in late to the expire, raising concerns from VP council meeting, Interim Vice External Affairs Vanessa Garcia Chancellor for Student Affairs on how to take action to allow Alan Houson was discussing the the mental services to stay fully “no-host” policy that Sun God operational. Festival has taken up this year, “What I’m really trying to along with closing off Eleanor coordinate is a statewide day of Roosevelt College. action,” Garcia said. The “no-host” policy mandates The remainder of the meeting that only UCSD focused on how undergraduates the council will new business are allowed to have to “dip into” meryl press participate in UCSD’s Mandate mpress@ucsd.edu Sun God. Reserves to Houston fund the 2014 answered questions from Transfer commencement ceremony, as Senator Ricky Martorana on how well as other organizations and the policy would be enforced and programs on campus. what will happen to students who Social Sciences Senator Colin lose their IDs. King was one of the first to begin Along with new policies on the discussion. Sun God, students will be asked “I know how important it is for to register for the festival online first-generation college students by filling in their information to have graduation services,” King and student PID, saving them the said. “To deny people of that stress of waiting in line to receive experience is more irresponsible of a limited amount of tickets. The us then taking money out of our day of the festival, students will mandated reserves.” pick up a wristband with a barcode Garcia responded to the the idea on it that is linked to their PIDs. of taking money out of the mandate Therefore, if student loses their reserves, and its supporters, with IDs, they will have the wristband frustration. for backup. “This starts a slippery slope,” After all the adult questions, VP Garcia said. “I am not comfortable Finance and Resources Sean O’Neal with dipping into mandate reserves.” asked Houston on his music taste. Revelle Senator Marco Vasquez “There’s been a lot of question agreed with Garcia. about Sun God,” O’Neal said. “If “I do sympathize with graduating you could choose the headliner for seniors, I am a graduating senior,” Sun God, who would you choose?” Vasquez said. “Just realistically, “If it was me, personally, these funds are not going to be Radiohead. If not Radiohead, The brought back in, and I think it’s Clash,” Houston said. “Can we irresponsible to see mandated bring them back?” reserves be brought down by 40 Brownie points for Houston on percent.” his band choices! Well, I guess we’ll see what A.S. A grant given to UCSD that has decides in the upcoming weeks. allowed the campus to maintain Until then, have a good week, its mental health services is due to fellow Tritons!

“YAY! Congrats on the buttons, they look great!” Raya said in the Facebook comment. “Now you can stop asking people to take off Let’s Act! buttons.” Raya said that this statement was not written maliciously, and thus he does not think the accusation is valid.

Sayeigh said she filed the grievance because “this is not the type of attitude or behavior I want my representatives and voice on this campus to have.” Additionally, Eleanor Roosevelt College election manager Ellen Spicer filed a grievance against Let’s Act!, citing that “candidates, slate affiliates or those acting on their behalf may

not campaign in any classroom or lab.” Lastly, Heiskala filed a grievance against Tritons Forward for the usage of duct tape for their posters. The hearing for the final grievances will be held Thursday, April 10.

readers can contact gabriella fleischman


Referendum Authors Omitted Necessary Sentences in Earlier Draft ▶ TRANSPORTATION, from page 1

stitutions. These sentences were conditions of the referendum and, according to Heiskala, mostly were concerned with financial aid. According to Kapadia, the absence of these necessary sentences was noticed by GSA Vice President of Internal Affairs Ted Stinson the day after GSA passed the referendum language. In order to comply with A.S. and GSA constitutional policies, the referendum language was revised and therefore had to be passed by A.S. Council, the GSA and the Vice

Chancellor’s office for a third time, causing the delay. “Balancing the extensive and, at times, contradictory requirements of these various agencies is a difficult task that could not have been accomplished without the cooperative efforts of numerous student government members and university administrative officials,” Stinson said. “All the people who participated in this process are equally responsible for the excellent referendum that will be presented to students for a vote this spring.” Heiskala agreed that working with so many agencies led to unforeseen

difficulties and time constraints. The abnormally large number of groups that the referendum was written or had to be approved by included A.S. Council, GSA, the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs’s Office, the Vice Chancellor of Resource Management and Planning’s Office, the Chancellor’s Office, UCOP, MTS and Transportation and Parking Services. Students will vote on the referendum in a special election on TritonLink during Week 8.

readers can contact gabriella fleischman


ASCE will Release Major Sun God Festival Performers April 18 ▶ FESTIVAL, from page 1

and reserve passes at the same time. ASCE has anticipated this concern and will not be using UCSD servers to support the festival’s online box office. “We’re currently working with programmers and computer scientists to prepare servers that will not crash when ticket registration opens,” Kennedy said. ASCE has had its plate full this past year with working through budget deficits from the removal of guest passes while searching for health and safety solutions to preserve this year’s Sun God Festival. Despite concerns that a new wristband

system would take a toll on the festival’s budget, ASCE notes that this is not actually the case. “Last year, there had been a printed number on each wristband; instead, [this year] we’ll be printing a barcode, so costs for that won’t go up,” said Kennedy. “As for the infrastructure of the system, we’re working with people on campus so the costs aren’t as high.” Meanwhile, many students are anxiously waiting for the release of this year’s lineup to see what this year’s festival has in store. Rumors have circulated that Los Angeles-based DJ, Diplo, may be performing at this year’s festival, due to an online advertisement of the artist’s upcoming tour dates that

included a show at UCSD on May 16, the day of the Sun God Festival. Though ASCE has refused to comment on whether Diplo will be performing at the festival, ASCE plans to release a majority of this year’s festival lineup on April 18. “The Chancellor and Assistant Vice Chancellor Gary Ratcliff want this year’s Sun God to be at the same level and caliber of last year’s festival,” Kennedy said. “Personally, I think this will be one of the best Sun God Festivals. We have a great lineup and cool surprises in store.”

readers can contact lauren koa



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Stank Face or Not, She Might Be Friendly Rhyme or reason

hilary lee hhl009@ucsd.edu


Associated Students should ensure that voters have the opportunity to educate themselves on A.S. Election issues ahead of time.


ime green is this year’s color of choice for the campaign to get UCSD students to the “polls” to vote for our next round of student representatives on A.S. Council. But like with many premature fruits, the lime green may have meant “too soon” for the speed with which this year’s election was put together by Council’s impartial support staff. First off, it took far too long for any students to understand what was going to actually appear on the ballot. The UCSD Guardian originally reported that the long-awaited transportation referendum (which, if passed, would raise student fees by about $50 per quarter to pay for the cost of a regional transit pass) would be front and center on this week’s ballot. After the language ping-ponged between A.S. Council, the Graduate Student Association, the University of California Office of the President and others, the proposition’s text was not final-

ILLUSTRATION BY ELYSE YANG ized in time for this election. As a result, it will be delayed a few weeks and appear on the ballot of a Week 8 special election. Adding to the problem of the referendum’s absence from the ballot was that the transportation referendum’s omission was poorly communicated to the general campus community. On the A.S. Elections webpage, no mention of the transportation referendum or any item that wasn’t a candidate could be found. This is particularly unfair to voters on Monday who opened Tritonlink to find that there were two additional ballot items: the referenda on constitutional changes and a graffiti space. The lack of communication may have negatively impacted the student voter’s role in the election process and resulted in confused, uninformed decisions. There was no web mention of the main referendum that does appear in this week’s ballot

— the constitutional amendments that would introduce new positions for international student senators and trim Council in other areas. Essentially, to know what was appearing on the ballot before Monday morning, a student voter would have needed to been either on A.S. Council or in the Guardian office on Sunday during our annual endorsements issue planning. While the Guardian editorial board does in fact endorse a “yes” vote on the constitutional changes, we think that having students unable to do their own background research on the proposed changes is a poor decision by A.S. Council election administrators. This oversight only dredges up bad memories of previous suspicious election manipulations by our student government. In 2012, when A.S. Council prepared to release a ballot initiative that would raise student fees to fund a potential move to

See ELECTIONS, page 5

Student Votes Are Key to Effective A.S. Council


s students, we are quick to complain about all the things that our campus is lacking, yet there always seems to be a lot of apathy when it comes to casting our votes in the elections. As students, it is not only our privilege, but also our responsibility to voice our opinions to the student government and make the campus a better place. In choosing not to do so, we are only doing a disservice to ourselves and the school as a whole. The election process at any level of government requires voter interest and participation. Unfortunately, UCSD has had a ridiculously low voter turnout of 22 percent for the past few years, which floats just above the required minimum of 20 percent. Many students express their discontent when policy changes roll around but only have themselves to blame for choosing not to vote. Moreover, with such minimal student involvement, the few who actually do vote are not likely to accurately represent the student body. This makes it difficult for the student council to embody students’ diverse opinions and beliefs. One of the underlying issues is that most students don’t actually take the time to think about how much of their money is going straight to A.S. coffers. The A.S. budget is composed entirely of student fees, with approximately 3 million dollars coming out of our pockets each year. Included in that figure is the salary of the A.S. president, who makes $10,000 per year and gets a privileged parking spot, but whose name is unfamiliar to the overwhelming majority of students. The fact that members of A.S. Council choose how to disseminate these funds should create an incentive to vote, since participating in




Lauren Koa



the elections effectively allows us to choose the people whom we entrust with our student fees. With their funding, resources and leadership, A.S. Council has a lot of potential to benefit students and improve the school. Our votes let the student government know what we want, whether it is cheaper buses or a better Sun God Festival, and in turn allow it to act on our behalf. We are the ones that are going to be affected by policy changes, so we should step forward and take advantage of the opportunity to have a say in them. Ultimately, A.S. Council has the students’ best interests in mind, but they can only address our needs if we provide them with input. If UCSD students continue to avoid elections, A.S. Council’s decisions will continue to reflect an extremely narrow demographic and set of beliefs. So go out and vote; it only takes five minutes on TritonLink.


Morgan Jong


Gabriella Fleischman NEWS EDITOR

Yan Gao


Aleksandra Konstantinovic MULTIMEDIA EDITOR

The UCSD Guardian is published twice a week at the University of California at San Diego. Contents © 2014. Views expressed herein represent the majority vote of the editorial board and are not necessarily those of the UC Board of Regents, the ASUCSD or the members of the Guardian staff.

hen my professor instructed everyone to pair up with a nearby classmate, my heart sank as I looked up to see a girl in a familiar, orange hoodie lock eyes with me. I had shared every other class with this girl over the past four years but had never exchanged so much as a ‘hello’ with her. She always has on what my Oakland-native roommate calls “stank face,” an unfortunate Popeye-like facial expression that makes her appear as if she’s permanently in the proximity of a baby in an unchanged diaper. Not only did this render her a prime candidate for premature wrinkles, this also caused her to exude an unpleasant attitude that made me, even at that moment, automatically interpret her efforts at friendly eye contact as straight-up mad dogging. Initial judgments play a very powerful role in how we treat others and how we ourselves are treated. We’ve always been taught not to judge a book by its cover, but the human brain is hardwired to make snap decisions. The moment you set your eyes on someone, your brain works like Wolfram Alpha to compute that person’s levels of approachability, competence and especially trustworthiness. Research has suggested that it takes people a mere tenth of a second to form a comprehensive impression of a stranger based on his or her face. Closing out potential friends without even giving them a chance, however, is severely limiting. Friendship certainly isn’t marriage; it doesn’t take a huge commitment to simply return a friendly smile and open yourself up to people who could potentially become your next best friend. One of my closest friends currently has two full sleeves of tattoos that he has been building up since freshman year. If I had run into him for the first time today, I would have labeled him a nogood hoodrat and scampered far, far away, never discovering how well our senses of humor gelled together. There are people at UCSD with whom you cross paths with every single day and have likely always wondered about. UCSD has its own version of Humans of New York called Portraits of UCSD, which was started by a biochemistry student last year and currently has over 1,500 likes on Facebook. Perusing through this page, I was surprised at the number of fellow students I recognized — people I had merely brushed past at Porter’s Pub concerts or stood behind in line at Sunshine Market — and how their captions revealed aspects of their personality that I would have never guessed about them. The Snapchats that my friend discreetly sends me of weirdoes in her class — including most recently a guy whose hair rivals Powerline’s from “A Goofy Movie” — will always be hilarious, but I now have a heightened awareness that the crafted personas we oftentimes unwittingly assign strangers are not necessarily indicative of their actual personalities, as was the case with Stank Face. I’ll actually be seeking her out next time in lecture (although admittedly with the ulterior motive of eventually finding out what causes her face to look like that).



T H E U C S D G U A R D I A N | T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L 1 0 , 2 0 1 4 | W W W . U C S D G U A R D I A N . O R G

FUNGLYBy Kyle Trujillo


TA Strike Should Have Received Better Coverage Dear Editor, When I looked at Monday’s edition of the Guardian, I was shocked to discover that its coverage of last week’s TA strike — arguably the most significant event of that week — was relegated to a single photograph. The caption of which, by the way, incorrectly labeled the location as the front of Geisel Library and mentioned the “18-quarter restriction” without even explaining what that means. Really, Guardian? You can chastise us for disrupting your classes or thank us for supporting better undergraduate education, but please at least say something substantive. Keep the dialogue running. While I understand that graduate students aren’t exactly the

Guardian’s intended audience — although the editors should know that the protests also represented undergraduate student workers — the issues underlying many of our specific demands, namely, university forces that run counter to the quality of education students receive, are borne by all of us. And I would suggest that the resolution of these issues are more important than the results of the upcoming student election, notwithstanding whatever impact it may have on what second-rate musical acts get selected for Sun God. That said, I appreciate the participation in some activities of our strike by several members and supporters of “Let’s Act!,” and, if I could vote in this election, I would vote for that slate. - Rene Patnode Ph.D. student, Sociology

Sample Ballots Enable Students to Make Informed Decisions ▶ ELECTIONS, from page 4

Division-I athletics, an internal memo that the Guardian discovered revealed that some supporters of the Division-I bill had told others to hide the fact that students would be voting on a fee increase. They hoped that by keeping publicity at a minimum, voters would be tricked into just supporting the referendum without considering the financial implications. Once word began to spread, a large “D-I Not Now” campaign sprung up to combat not only the initiative itself, but also the lack of information being distributed from the election managers themselves. To compare, the anti-Division-I movement began weeks before the election while the

“Streamline A.S.” campaign to support this year’s referendum seems to have only cropped up in the past few days. The simple solution: Provide students with a sample ballot before the election actually begins to take place. Forcing students to do research on the ballot initiative in the middle of voting essentially prevents them from making informed decisions. An impulsive vote on an issue such as the transportation referendum, for example, could have serious consequences. Voter education will ultimately lead to strong representation and empowerment of the student vote. However, there is praise due for the candidates this year in regard to inter-slate arguments. While last year’s top two slates exchanged roughly

30 grievances that delayed election results, this year has, so far, been far more peaceful. By press time on Wednesday, only four grievances had been filed and one has been resolved. We applaud both Let’s Act! and Tritons Forward for keeping this election amicable and relevant to the issues the next Council will address. The candidates for this year have made an incredible stride toward civility and the improvement of campus services and programs. Nearly all the candidates that the Guardian Editorial Board interviewed last week pledged to keep civility alive into their terms in office and to avoid slate politics. We’re all looking forward to a headache-free year on the fourth floor of Price Center.


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ATTLE OF THE BANDS UNCLE JESSE Written by Emily Bender A&E Editorial Assistant After meeting in class and bonding over their love for music (and dislike of CHEM 11), vocalist Philip Nekai, drummer Nick Geozian, bassist Kyle Binford and guitarist Alan McCaffrey formed Uncle Jesse. Defining their sound is difficult, as they draw inspiration from all musical genres. The soulful vocals echo retro R ‘n’ B, while the melodic guitar strumming and spidery bass lines evoke contemporary indie rock and acoustic pop. Despite this potpourri of styles, their sound is cohesive. Their enthusiasm for making music, as well as their ability to channel their influences, is evident. Having rehearsed at KSDT Radio, Uncle Jesse aims to energize their audience at the Battle. “Whether you like or dislike our music, our main goal is to make you remember us,” they said. Regarding the band name reference to the ‘90s sitcom “Full House,” they are unfortunately not in touch with any uncles named Jesse at this point in time.

EMAEL Written by Jacqueline Kim A&E Editor The cello doesn’t get much representation in mainstream music. However, that doesn’t deter EMÆL from using cellos to make strides in indie rock that feels classy without being strictly classical. Featuring Emmanuel Ventura-Cruess’s guitar and cello, Mikko Pablo’s cello, Daniel Cristoff ’s drums, Alyssa Belle Cantal’s background vocals and the occasional vibraphone, the group is eclecticism incarnate. “Being able to take [a song] to these different instruments really opens up the different possibilities that are within the music,” frontman Ventura-Cruess said. Eschewing comparisons to other artists, the innovative band instead seeks to take its listeners on a cinematic, explorative musical journey. “I just want to get the listeners thinking,” Ventura-Cruess said. “I want them to think about why music is so mystical. … I want them to think about themselves inwardly and what [they] are doing with their lives.” It’s an ambitious goal, but with EMÆL’s sonic inventiveness, it is well within their reach.

Madeline Mann Written by Jacqueline Kim A&E Editor The singer-songwriter genre is infamous for taking itself too seriously. But there’s only so much artsy wallowing even the most ironic hipster can take. Madeline Mann defies all preconceived notions of what indie music should be — and does so with plenty of cheek. “I have notebooks full of songs I wrote as a child about getting in trouble, Anderson Cooper’s news reporting and trips to the grocery store — it was always total ridiculousness,” Mann told the Guardian. Though Mann sonically takes from singer-songwriters like Mindy Gledhill and Taylor Swift, the vocalist, guitarist and ukuleleist stands out as a musical comic act all her own. Her signature wit even brought her a request from a geek dating site to make her tune, “Hot Guys with Four Eyes,” its theme song. “I hope my music will leave listeners feeling cheerful, giddy and hopeful — basically the emotions you go through when you hear an ice cream truck,” Mann said. USED WITH PERMISSION FROM CRAIG MARKER




On April 15, The Loft will turn into a veritable battlefield, where musical notes will reign supreme. Read on to find out about these musicians’ weapons of choice.

CRAIG MARKER Written by Ethan Fukuto Staff Writer Today’s folk rock runs the risk of rehashing the sounds pioneered by the likes of Bruce Springsteen. However, Craig Marker is not interested in repeating old ideas. “My major musical influences are members of the folk music movement,” Marker said. “I try to listen to the best songwriters. That way, I can improve my own ability to write songs.” Keeping an open ear towards a range of genres that shape his sound, Marker cites both Macklemore and Garth Brooks as favorites. Marker keeps things fairly simple, with little more than a guitar and light percussion. This barebones approach strips away unnecessary or otherwise distracting sonic barriers, helping him reach his goal of striking a chord with the listener. With a focus on engaging melodies and personal lyrics, Marker exhibits the potential, as he puts it, to allow “music to make [an] important impact on people’s lives.”



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"Lights out" by ingrid michaelson

Release Date April 15



The indie pop songstress is all grown up in her latest and most sophisticated studio offering. choly often pervading Laswell’s usual repertoire but still retains a certain poignant whimsy that is Michaelson’s own flair. Livening up the record with Mat Kearney is “One Night Town,” whose disco-esque, carefree beats offer a new, fun-loving perspective on the two artists. But the guaranteed hit among the album’s many duets is “Over You,” Michaelson’s collaboration with A Great Big World. With its balladic tone and stripped-down piano melody, this is the tune that will break more hearts than “Say Something” ever did. “Lights Out” is Michaelson’s best album, no question. It’s a deeply personal record that at times will make listeners question whether they are encroaching on her most intimate thoughts and feelings; yet it’s never cloying or exasperating like a diary — instead, the private aspect only adds to the LP’s already solid, technical accomplishments. More importantly, the songs are fluid and flexible enough for us to be whichever Ingrid we choose: confident and stable finding “home when there is nowhere else to go,” as she does in the opening track “Home,” or vulnerable and thoughtful, as she is by the album’s conclusion in “Everyone Is Gonna Love Me Now.” But no matter the listener’s decision, that personal Ingrid will be full-fledged and may make us grow up in the process, too. USED WITH PERMISSION FROM SUNSHINE SACHS


traddling the border between the dichotomies of mainstream and hipster music is no easy feat. But for long-time indie darling Ingrid Michaelson, clever and catchy tunes have won her both critical acclaim and mass recognition. With her sixth album “Lights Out,” however, Michaelson distances herself from the quaint ukulele riffs that escalated her to fame. Instead, the LP — her maturest yet — features resounding beats, refined pop melodies and Michaelson’s own stunning, vocal range. It’s not often that an album is able to cover such a range of sounds and yet achieve coherence throughout, yet every track on “Lights Out” accomplishes this with flying colors. Whether she’s exploring loss in the electronicaflavored “Stick” or celebrating strength in the uplifting “Afterlife,” Michaelson proves that she’s a musically and lyrically diverse powerhouse. Although the happygo-lucky ditties and schmaltzy ballads permeating her past albums are no longer present here, cheerful lead single “Girls Chase Boys” and the hard-hitting track “Warpath” will have addicted listeners, new and old, playing them on repeat, just as her past hits “Be OK” and “Everybody” had. Though Michaelson can easily hold her own on every track, “Lights Out” showcases her most impressive duets. “Wonderful Unknown” features her husband and fellow singer-songwriter Greg Laswell, whose slow bass vocals complement Michaelson’s introspective soprano. Sonically, the tune is similar to the melan-

— Jacqueline Kim

A&e editor

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The Power of Real Love April 25-27, 2014

Seaside Center for Spiritual Living 1613 Lake Drive, ENCINITAS, CA


• How to live the exuberant and authentically loving life you've always wanted • How to completely eliminate anger and fear from your life • How to speak the foreign language of "Telling the Truth" • The secret of finding and giving Real Love • Sunday 1:00 to 5:00 Instruction in leading groups, 5:00-9:00pm, scheduled sessions with Greg.


FRIDAY 6:30PM – 9:30PM SATURDAY 9:00AM – 5:00PM (includes lunch) SUNDAY 1:00PM – 5:00PM The Real Love™ principles principles explain how we can have more fulfilling relationships with our partners, children and coworkers, and how we can lead happier lives. During this Three Day Real Love Event, sponsored by the Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, internationally published author and speaker Greg Baer, M.D., will demonstrate the principles and power of Real Love.

GET TICKETS ONLINE at http://seasidecenter.org/RealLove



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Constructive Spring: Let This Be My Reminder


Written by Anna Stern // Photo Illustration by Zoe McCracken The Guardian visits two similarly themed restaurants, samples their best offerings and decides which will win a culinary duel for the last restaurant standing. This week’s restaurants:

Going, Going, Gone Kevin Chu kwchu@ucsd.edu




WORLD FAMOUS VS FAT FISH ADDRESS 711 Pacific Beach Dr. San Diego 92109 HOURS Mon. to Sun. 7 a.m.-11 p.m.

Taco Tuesday is somewhat of an institution in Pacific Beach. Lines usually form out the door with people waiting to score a great deal on tacos and margaritas, so I was surprised when I walked into World Famous during its renowned Taco Tuesday — we only had to wait about five minutes. We were seated directly by a window on the nice, wood-finished tables overlooking the beach, which was only five steps away. The exterior resembles a beachfront shack but is intimate, which gives the place a casual but classy vibe. Though space is tight inside the restaurant, the large windows give the restaurant more of an open feel during the day. And at night, the soft ambiance lighting creates a friendly atmosphere. The tacos offered are shrimp and cost a mere $1.25 (with purchase of an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink). World Famous doesn’t skimp on the shrimp: The tacos are large and full of crispy shrimp with melted cheese on top. World Famous adds a cream sauce that goes nicely with the shrimp’s texture, along with fresh lettuce and salsa. My only complaint is that the menu lacks variety and there are no drink specials.

ADDRESS 4474 Mission Blvd., San Diego 92109 HOURS Mon. to Sun. 11:30 a.m.-11 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m.-10 p.m.

Fat Fish is the place to go to meet up with friends from UCSD, but be prepared for long waits, unless you arrive before 7 or 8 p.m.. Though Fat Fish is less than half a mile away from World Famous, the chances of running into UCSD friends are far higher at Fat Fish. Since Fat Fish is such a hub for UCSD students, the noise levels can get pretty high, which makes the environment more chaotic than World Famous and hard for conversation. However, if you are looking for more variety, Fat Fish is worth the wait. They serve small $1 street tacos (carne asada, carnitas or chicken) and $1.50 shrimp tacos. I ordered the shrimp tacos and found them to be just as good. In fact, they were very similar to World Famous’ tacos. Fat Fish’s tacos are comparable to World Famous’, boasting a delectable combo of shrimp, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and sour cream sauce. Fat Fish also has a Happy Hour drink special for $2 margaritas from 4 to 6 p.m., but the Ultimate Baja Margarita, priced at $7.75, was worth the few extra bucks. Fat Fish does not skimp out on its tequila, yet the drink was well mixed in a way so that the taste of the tequila was not overpowering.


Both locations for Taco Tuesday are located in the lively Pacific Beach area where you are bound to have a good time. When it comes down to it though, World Famous is the winner because of the overall dining experience and atmosphere. Although Fat Fish provides more variety in tacos, World Famous comes out on top with its intimate beachfront view, quality tacos and the less chaotic Taco Tuesday atmosphere.

Until Sunday, Feb. 23, 2014, I had a daily task on my phone that simply read: “Eat fruit.” It was a reminder of self-care that I had set a year earlier, when my physical results returned with suggestions to be healthier. I knew that a complete overhaul of my diet was impractical and next to impossible because of my habit of binge-eating anything I was handed. However, thanks to years of skimming self-help think pieces, I also knew that small, incremental additions, implemented patiently over the course of the year, would lead to lifetime benefits. So I bought fruit to fill my fridge, bought cross-trainers so I could supplement my #yoked gym trips with runs and began choosing chicken over red meat. I could see and feel my health improving, and slowly, I began to gain (gasp!) self-esteem. Now it’s April and I have a bowl of slowly rotting oranges sitting in my apartment. They’re from my mom — I have not bought more than one piece of fruit at a time since October. Today marks around seven months since I last wore my cross trainers, but they still smell like I sweated in them just yesterday. The bowl and the shoes today are little more than decrepit, spacewasting reminders of the promises I couldn’t keep, even to myself. And there are more than a few reminders of past failures: The half-filled planners that I used because I wanted to be more organized. The untouched books that I bought to make myself read more. The notebook that I earnestly wrote “Write Every Single Day” on the cover this December that hasn’t had a pen pressed against its pages in weeks. It’s not even that I consciously gave up on these plans. Life just happened. It was more than a little heartwrenching to find these things, because they represented a better me that never came, a me that was never maintained, but the physical heart discomfort I felt was also probably the result of poor health habits. Even with reminders and routines in place, I had managed to fuck it up. It doesn’t help that I keep high expectations for everything that I do, leaving me always crushed when anything, especially my goals, do not work out in my favor. But I tend to forget about the self-promises kept. I still try to order chicken over red meat when I can. I perform standup comedy more often. I finished a pretty gnarly crossword puzzle last week. My accomplishments match, if not exceed, my failures; there is even proof that I continue to keep my promises. Change is hard to make, or even see the results of, especially when the evidence of what went wrong is much more prominent. But it’s important to want to keep improving, to prove to everyone, yourself included, that you do want to make yourself happy. A friend once told me that it’s important to be a little selfish, because if you aren’t, you’ll never want anything for yourself and you’ll never improve. So this spring, I’m setting a goal to set goals. They’ll be simple as usual: Apply for jobs, graduate on time, eat fruit, look for apartments in L.A., find true love, cure cancer, etc. But I’ll keep in the back of my mind that setting goals is good for me and that I shouldn’t be too hard on myself if it doesn’t work out. But I should probably throw those rotting oranges away. They are getting pretty dank.




The War on drugs Philadelphia indie rock band fills small venue with beautifully sweeping ’80s sound. Location The Casbah Performance Date April 6


ast Sunday night, the Casbah, a gritty club on the corner of Kettner and Laurel in Downtown San Diego, was brought to life by an unassuming quintet from Philadelphia. Still relatively unknown outside of the indie-rock scene, The War on Drugs recently released their third LP, “Lost in the Dream.” With sweeping New Wave-


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esque synthesizers adorning a solid Americana rock ‘n’ roll sound, the band evokes contemporary acts like Arcade Fire and Beach House, as well as the heartland rock of ‘80s, such as Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Traversing the musical landscape while drawing inspiration from various genres and eras, the latest

album has a surprisingly cohesive sound — it is rich and melodic. (The Wall of Sound movement comes to mind, particularly George Harrison’s Phil Spector-produced “All Things Must Pass.”) Opening act White Laces, from Virginia, played surf rock-tinged tunes with stuttering drums and touches of synthesizers as a crowd gathered outside the Casbah. Adam Granduciel, frontman of The War on Drugs and former Kurt Vile collaborator, casually chatted with his bandmates and fans outside, sipping IPAs beneath the clear night sky. Although a small venue, the Casbah has a nice outdoor area with concert posters on the walls and lights hanging from the trees. The War on Drugs began their

set with album opener “Under the Pressure.” While the recorded track is nine minutes long, the live version worked well despite its length. As each minute passed, more layers were added to the song — piano chords, rhythmic drums — and the cohesiveness of the band became evident. Despite the intricate arrangement of the song, each musician expertly played their part while complementing each other. The entire show, which lasted about two hours, felt like an extended jam session. (At certain parts, drummer Charlie Hall was practically dancing in his seat as he played.) It was mesmerizing to watch a group of musicians blend so well together — hence the Wall of Sound evocation. In tandem with the lush instru-

mentals were Granduciel’s echoing vocals, heavy with both reverb and melancholy, bouncing off the walls of the small, crowded venue. In an interview with Grantland, Granduciel explained that he wanted the new album to reflect the live sound he had achieved while touring for the previous album, 2011’s “Slave Ambient.” He assembled “Lost in the Dream” meticulously, combining sounds and obsessively re-arranging tracks for months, as though he were assembling a musical puzzle. “I wanted to do something that showcased what the band had become without necessarily giving up control of the recording,” he clarified. The highlight of the show was “Red Eyes,” the first single from the new album. A cathartic song, it bursts at the seams during the verses with cascading synthesizers and rapid drum beats just waiting to explode into the chorus. However, the show was not all fast-paced energy, as the band interwove some of the slower tracks from the new album, such as “Suffering” and “Disappearing” into the set list. The War on Drugs delivered a sound which at first seemed too grand for a small venue like the Casbah. The limit to the space they can sonically fill seems endless. It’s surprising they weren’t booked for Coachella or Outside Lands. Yet Granduciel and his compadres managed to create an intimacy amidst the musical whirlwind that is “Lost in the Dream.”

— Emily bender

A&E Editorial Assistant


Your Healthier Lifestyle: A Food Breakdown

Looking at what ingredients go into food, whether natural or not, is the first and simplest step to pursuing a healthier lifestyle.

BY teddi faller


editorial assiStant

ith my one year anniversary as a vegan coming up — cheers! — I’ve decided to discuss going vegan cold turkey, so to speak. I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that it’s easy making the switch to a vegan diet. In fact, I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that it won’t be frustrating at times, even when you’ve been at it for almost a year. The truth is that you’re going to miss certain foods, and some substitutes won’t fill that sushi-sized hole in your heart. However, before you cry to me, “But, Teddi, cheese? Fish? Mayonnaise?” — don’t worry about it. One thing I most enjoy learning — sidestepping the ethical

arguments — is how to appreciate food and any way of eating embodies that value. While I scan ingredients for milk, its derivatives or the everelusive honey, I also notice all the chemicals I can’t pronounce — like the additive butylated hydroxyanisole found in many popular foods, such as cereal and potato chips. It’s pretty difficult to find truly “natural” food, but the first step to a healthier lifestyle is simply making sure you are aware of what it is you put in your body. While I do enjoy the occasional Oreo (surprise, it’s vegan!) I’ve come to realize that processed food isn’t doing my body, especially my skin, any good.

Nobody can be so holy that they don’t indulge in junk food every now and then, but in making finding snack foods more difficult for myself, it helped me to snack healthier rather than easier. One silver lining to the “inconvenience” of not having anything to eat when out with friends is learning how to cook for yourself. Plus, you save money. Any college student can appreciate the abundant variety of pasta dishes that can be made for under 20 or even 10 dollars. Cooking for yourself allows you to know exactly what’s going into your meal while giving you a sense of accomplishment. It’s gotten a lot easier to ditch meat and dairy, not only by

using specific substitutes but also by simply leaving them out or switching in other ingredients that do the job just as well — such as almond milk for milk, hummus and guacamole as sandwich spreads and applesauce or mashed bananas as egg replacers in baking. Not only that, but with all the literature on what’s in our food and how it’s being “made” — think chickens being fattened up with chemicals or genetically modified grain — a vegan’s relationship with food is more honest. I started veganism with the 30 Day Vegan Challenge, and it began with a lot of looking up of ingredients and what they are. To be honest, I started the vegan challenge as a diet because I was

treating my body — health-wise — unjustly, not with the ethical epiphany which came later. Even without any qualms about the meat and dairy industries, trying a vegan, vegetarian or even a flexitarian (which focuses on eating considerably less meat) challenge is a good direction towards a healthier relationship with food. The first step to healthier living is awareness of what you’re actually putting in your body. It will thank you for paying more attention to what you put inside of it even if you’re still maintaining an omnivorous lifestyle or have adapted a vegan or vegetarian diet.

readers can contact Teddi Faller



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Softball Tops CCAA Standings, 17–3 Record in League Play Triton Women Win Novice 8, Varisty 4+ ▶ CREW, from page 12


▶ SOFTBALL, from page 12

to UCSD for a sweep of day two’s doubleheader. Edwards earned another victory as she pitched 2.2 scoreless innings. On Sunday, Edwards continued her dominant pitching as she powered UCSD to its first victory of the third day with a 1–0 defeat over Montana State-Billings. Edwards earned yet another complete game shutout, allowing only three hits and striking out six over seven innings. Despite her heroics, the sophomore Triton was quick to deflect credit for her flawless play. “I don’t think of it as me getting the win for the team. I think of it as me doing my job to the best of my abilities,” Edwards said. “I like

to go into each game with the same attitude of just doing my best. I know that my team has my back, so even defensively they did a huge part.” The Tritons lone run came in the fourth when sophomore catcher Katie Saunders’s double drove Brown in for the score. In UCSD’s final contest of the tournament, the Tritons entered a shootout against Cal State East Bay before taking the game 8–5. The Pioneers started hot, hitting a grand slam to take an early 4–0 lead in the first inning. The Tritons were still down 5–2 in the fifth inning when Brown knocked in a three-run homer to knot the game at five. UCSD later produced three runs off of three hits in the following inning to clinch the

Platinum Bracket with an 8–5 victory. Humboldt State would win the championship game of the tournament, earning the Gold Bracket over Sonoma State. Grant and Edwards were both named to the all-tournament team, with Grant finishing as the tournament’s batting champion. Grant batted a whopping .542 and scored seven runs, while Edwards went 5–0 with just a 0.46 ERA. The Tritons will now travel to play in a four-game series against CCAA opponent San Francisco State University. The series will be split into two doubleheaders starting on Friday and concluding Saturday.

readers can contact Brandon Yu


(6:48.4). Both of the men’s Varsity 8 crews also qualified for two separate Petite Finals. “They performed good against the others on Saturday,” UCSD men’s head coach Zach Johnson said. “It let them qualify for the finals on Sunday, which was impressive.” The UCSD women proved to be even more impressive on Saturday as they qualified four boats — the Varsity 8 crew, the Novice 8 crew and two Varsity 4+ crews — for the Grand Final races. The Varsity 8 boat placed second with a time of 7:21.9 behind Barry University (7:16.4). The Triton’s Novice 8 placed first in their prelim on Saturday with a time of 7:35.1, ahead of Orange Coast College by two seconds (7:36.6). The women also placed first in the Varsity 4+ prelim at 3:59.2, trailed by a distant Central Oklahoma University at 4:08.7. The second Varsity 4+ took seventh but still managed to qualify for the Grand Finals. The women crews faced off against crews from Barry, UC Santa Barbara, Central Oklahoma, Wichita State University, Orange Coast College, UC Davis and Royal Hong Kong on Sunday. Head Coach Colin Truex, when asked about the prelims on Saturday, said that he was “exceptionally pleased” with the performance of his team and was happy with how the team progressed into the finals on Sunday with confidence. On Sunday, the Triton men competed against crews from UC Davis, Orange Coast College, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine and University of San Diego. At the Novice 8 race in the Derek Guelker Memorial Cup Grand Final, the UCSD men’s crew was able to place third with a time of 6:36.75, behind first place UC Berkeley

(6:13.95) and second place Orange Coast College (6:34.81). The thirdplace finish was the highest place the Novice 8 crew had ever recorded at Crew Classic, with fourth being their previous best. Coach Johnson expressed pride in the Novice 8 crew’s performance. “It’s a very good young crew, and I was happy with how [they] performed out there,” Johnson said. “It is probably one of the best novice teams we’ve had.” The Tritons’ first Varsity 8 crew placed fourth in its Petite Final, while the second squad finished first overall (6:21.32) in the secondary Varsity 8 Petite Final. The UCSD women won first place in the Novice 8 Grand Final event with a winning time of 7:57.93, nearly five seconds ahead of Orange Coast College (8:02.54). The team also won first place in the Varsity 4+ Grand Final, with a winning time of 8:23.24, well ahead of second-place finisher University of Central Oklahoma (8:31.87). The performance was the second straight year in which the Triton women have topped the Varsity 4+ Grand Final at the Crew Classic. The Varsity 8 crew finished seventh overall, while the 2nd Varsity 8 finished fourth in the Varsity 8 Petite Final. “Their win is just a testament to their hard work, and it shows how much that hard work is now paying off,” Truex said. “The future is looking really bright.” The two UCSD squads will now split up for this coming weekend with the men traveling to compete in the George Washington Invitational on Friday and Saturday and the women taking part in the Covered Bridge Regatta held in Eugene, Oregon on Saturday.

readers can contact Gurkirat singh



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VS Cal State San Bernardino VS Pacific University AT Azusa Pacific AT Cal State Stanislaus AT San Francisco State

Conference Control T

UCSD starts strong in opening league play, going 3–0 against first Western Water Polo Association opponents of the season.

he No. 13 nationally ranked UCSD women’s water polo team began Western Water Polo Association play last weekend with a 3–0 sweep of conference opponents to put the Tritons in first place. The team improved to 22– 10 overall and currently leads the WWPA by two games, with Cal State East Bay in second. “We needed to win every game in order to seal first place,” senior utility Sarah Lizotte told the Guardian. “We knew that going into the weekend, and we dominated.” The Tritons started strong in Saturday’s games against Sonoma State and Cal State Monterey Bay, scoring 30 goals in the two matches. Junior attacker Jolene Guiliana led the offensive effort by tallying a pair of hat tricks. Lizotte and sophomore attacker Julia Kirkland followed closely with five and four goals respectively. Despite a slow first quarter by the Triton offense, the squad bested Sonoma State 16–6 for its first conf e re n c e win

of the year. In the nightcap against Monterey Bay, UCSD pulled ahead early and maintained the lead through all four quarters for a 15–6 win. UCSD dominated rival Cal State East Bay the following day, holding the Pioneers to only three goals to the Tritons’ 10. Lizotte and Guiliana both found the back of the net four times in the win while sophomore goalie Courtney Miller made 10 saves. “As far as East Bay goes, it’s well known we have a heated rivalry,” Lizotte said. “It was good to get such a decisive win.” The weekend concluded with a 13–11 win over University of the Pacific in Sunday’s nightcap. Lizotte scored another four goals in the win while Miller saved another 10, giving the offense room to work in the weekend’s closest game. The Tritons will see WWPA in action once again on Friday, April 11 at 6 p.m. in a single game against Cal State San Bernardino played on home turf at the Canyonview Pool. With only a few weeks of play left, UCSD has its sights on the WWPA tournament and nationals. “We have another conference game coming up this weekend and the Harbor Cup the next,” Lizotte said. “Wins will get us ready for the championship and we’ll go into nationals with confidence.”

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BY brandon yu

sports editor Coming off of a four-game sweep a week earlier, the No. 19 nationally ranked UCSD softball team extended its impressive play last Friday through Sunday, finishing 6–1 on the road in the Tournament of Champions to earn the Platinum Bracket. After the successful string of contests, the Tritons now stand at 28–7 overall and first overall in the California Collegiate Athletic Association with a 17–3 record in conference action. Traveling to Turlock, California, UCSD kicked off the tournament with its first matchup against Chaminade University. The Tritons struggled early on as senior righthander Jennifer Manuel allowed five runs, three earned, within the first four innings. However, at the bottom of the fourth, UCSD responded with three runs to trim the Chaminade advantage to 5–3. After three consecutive walks, a fielding error broke the Tritons’ scoreless streak to put the game at 5–1. Senior firstbaseman Caitlin Brown followed with a two-run RBI single to pull UCSD back into contention. In the fifth, the Tritons rolled with their momentum as four hits and three Silversword errors drove in five more UCSD runs. One more run in the sixth inning finalized the Triton comeback victory at 9–5. Sophomore right-hander Hannah Duarte earned the win after pitching three scoreless innings in relief of Manuel. “We knew that we wanted take that first game just to get off on the right foot for the tournament,” Brown told the UCSD Guardian. “[Once] we hit the fourth or fifth inning, we talked to the team and said, ‘It’s time to wake up.’” In their second contest, the Tritons

competed in a hard-fought loss to Dominican. UCSD was down early when Duarte walked in the opening run after the bases were loaded in the first inning. The Tritons continued to play from behind on the scoreboard, knotting the game at 2–2 in the sixth and entering the seventh and final inning down 5–2. UCSD nearly achieved another comeback with two runs in the final frame but fell short 5–4 with the tying run stranded at second. In their final game of the day, the Tritons faced No. 2 nationally ranked California Baptist University. Redshirt freshman first-baseman Emma Schneider opened the scoring with a two-run homer in the first inning to give UCSD the early edge. The Tritons scored two more runs in the sixth inning to secure a

4–1 win for sophomore left-handed pitcher Alexis Edwards, who threw a complete game for the victory. On Saturday, UCSD recorded two more victories during day two’s doubleheader. First facing off against Hawaii Pacific University, the Tritons jumped ahead to a 2–0 lead in the second inning off a single from sophomore outfielder Callie Grant. The Tritons added another run in the fourth before Edwards closed out the game with another complete game and a shutout with the 3–0 win. In the nightcap, a four-run fifth inning for the Notre Dame de Namur tied up the game at four. However, three Triton runs in the final two frames returned the advantage See SOFTBALL, page 9

Triton men record best ever Novice 8 finish, while women win two Grand Final races at Mission Bay. PHOTO BY JONATHAN HO/GUARDIAN FILE


Tritons Finish 6–1 at Tourney of Champs UCSD Posts Solid Results All-Tournament selections, Grant and Edwards, power UCSD to earn Platinum Bracket. at San Diego Crew Classic

BY gurikart singh

sports editor This past weekend, the UCSD men’s and women’s crew teams faced off against fierce competition at the 41st San Diego Crew Classic at Mission Bay, coming out with the women winning a pair of races in the Grand Final races and the men setting a team-best record. For the two-day event, the teams first faced off against rival schools in preliminary rounds on Saturday

and, after qualifying, were placed in the Grand Final races on Sunday. As well as participating in the Grand Final races, the crews also participated in the Petite Finals. The Triton men’s team qualified for the Novice 8 Grand Final race after placing second on Saturday with a time of 6:23.1, behind UC Davis (6:21.8) and ahead of the University of British Columbia (6:25.7), UCLA (6:32.4) and the University of Southern California See CREW, page 9

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