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THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014


Illustration by Jenny Park


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GABRIELLA FLEISCHMAN news@ucsdguardian.org

Espinoza Will Retain Position With UCAB


new business meryl press




A new chalkboard that encourages students to inscribe their ambitions on a wall was unveiled in a ribbon-cutting ceremony May 13 in the Old Student Center. The board was filled entirely with student desires within hours of the event. Photo by Alwin Szeto/Guardian. SUN GOD FESTIVAL

ERC Residential Areas Will Be Closed To Guests During Sun God Newly announced protocol for this Friday’s festival will require ERC residents to wear separate wristbands to gain entry to on-campus residential halls and apartments. BY jacky to


contributing writer

ll Eleanor Roosevelt College residents will receive a distinct wristband to wear on the day of the Sun God Festival to gain access to all residential areas of ERC. The student body was informed in a May 6 letter from the A.S. Council that International House and The Village will be the only areas to exclude non-residents, but ERC was excluded from this list. According to ERC Resident Dean Rey Guerrero, the new wristband policy has been implemented for the first time in ERC residential halls, apartments and International House to discourage the presence of residents’ guests durSee WRISTBANDS, page 6



Opponents of Che Cafe Closure Prepare for Legal Fight Supporters of the cooperative concert venue brought legal counsel to a meeting regarding a potential closure for 2014-15. BY Gabriella Fleischman

news editor Members and supporters of the Che Cafe Collective brought a lawyer on their behalf to the University Centers Advisory Board’s weekly meeting on May 13. Over 50 people came to the meeting to influence UCAB members’ votes on whether or not the Che Cafe facility will be closed next year due to safety issues. UCAB did not vote during the meeting because there was not enough time to

accommodate everyone who wished to speak during public input. Since not everyone was able to speak due to time constraints, a special meeting will be held on Monday, May 19, to continue the discussion. “When we vote depends on how long they will keep having public input,” UCAB Chair Sammy Chang said. “I expect that Monday will be all public input again.” According to Chang, there were over 50 people in attendance in

the Earl Warren College Room at Price Center, which has a capacity of 39 people. Thus, the meeting was moved to The Forum at 2:30 p.m., at which point they listened to public input for 45 minutes. Due to the fact that Che Cafe Collective brought a lawyer, UCAB will employ the UCSD legal counsel on their part. “We were kind of blindsided; in the meeting, we were supposed to meet with just students,” Chang said. “The Che Cafe has made this

into a legal issue. We can’t talk anymore — we have to talk in front of attorneys.” Chang added that if the Che Cafe files a suit against UCAB or University Centers, the University of California’s Board of Regents will become the defendant. The UCSD Guardian was unable to reach anyone from the Che Cafe for comment by press time.

readers can contact gabriella fleischman


reetings everyone! Due to the new A.S. constitutional rules, the University Centers Advisory Board representative cannot appoint a successor, forcing Jehoan Espinoza to step down from his position as the current UCAB representative. A.S. Council President Robby Boparai went head to head with Espinoza during the meeting about whether A.S. Council is breaking the rules by allowing Espinoza to keep his current position. Boparai explained that he did inform Espinoza that he would no longer be the current UCAB representative once VP Campus Affairs Amber Hawthorne was elected. He stated that Espinoza may file a grievance to the Judicial Board if he felt it necessary. Boparai clarified that the constitution (Title 3, chapter 1.2 A) clearly states that VP Campus Affairs is the current UCAB representative; however, he had no intention to motion to dismiss Espinoza. “Rules exist for a reason, [and] it’s a grey area in the bylaws,” Boparai said. “I acted as I saw fit, and if anyone has an issue, I would love for them to address it with me.” Campuswide Senator Joey Giltner voiced his opinion against setting a precedent to break the rules due to the issues that arose when the former council broke the rules. AVP Enterprise Operations Irene Chang defended Espinoza, stating that he only has three weeks left and should be able to retain his current position as UCAB representative. Boparai ended the discussion by stating that there was no malicious intent on his part. “Jeohan was not appointed as VP Campus Affairs, and that’s why I was worried that the rules were being broken,” Boparai said. “I think that as long as we are following our rules, I’m fully in favor of Jeohan serving as our UCAB rep.” The decision to keep Espinoza in his current position until the end of Spring Quarter 2014 passed unanimously. UCAB Chair Sammy Chang provided a student impact survey to affirm that the student services fee agreed with the priorities of UCSD students and to guide future Student Fee Advisory Committee deliberations. UCSD is currently in a deficit of $5 million due to the staff benefits increase, which creates inflation and leads to stricter financial regulation. AVP Concerts and Events Sarah Harley also spoke about the Sun God Festival, reiterating that during the 2012–13 festival, the number of patients admitted to Scripps hospital doubled, with 49 students hospitalized for alcohol poisoning. Harley said that due to this and other events, action had to be taken. “We couldn’t keep doing nothing and assume that this year it would get better on its own,” Harley said. “We have to make tough decisions but I think it’s worth it to continue the tradition that is such a vital part of student life here.” All tickets were reserved for the concert this year. Wristbands may be picked up from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursday, May 15 at Marshall Field. I hope to see all you party people there! Drink water, stay cool and have a good time! Happy Sun God!



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A COUPLE OF DERPS By Elyse Yang Zev Hurwitz Editor in Chief Rachel Huang Managing Editors Lauren Koa Gabriella Fleischman News Editor Yan Gao Associate News Editor Kelvin Noronha Opinion Editor Morgan Jong Associate Opinion Editor Brandon Yu Sports Editor John Story Associate Sports Editors Daniel Sung Sydney Reck Features Editor Soumya Kurnool Associate Features Editor


Vincent Pham Lifestyle Editor Jacqueline Kim A&E Editor Taylor Sanderson Photo Editor Alwin Szeto Associate Photo Editor Dorothy Van Design Editor Zoë McCracken Associate Design Editor Elyse Yang Art Editor Annie Liu Associate Art Editor Andrew Huang Copy Editor Susan Shamoon Associate Copy Editor Madeline Mann Training & Development Dorothy Van Social Media Coordinator Aleksandra Konstantinovic Multimedia Editor Page Layout Amber Shroyer, Lauren Koa Copy Readers Andrew Chao, Kriti Sarin, Micaela Stone


Union Files Suit over Employee Death at UC Berkeley The American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees Union alleged the University of California, Berkeley responsible for custodial worker Damon Frick’s death for violating the University’s health and safety policies. BY Yan Gao

associate news editor The American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees Union filed a formal complaint on May 7 to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration after the death of a worker at UC Berkeley. AFSCME 3299, the University of California’s largest union, which represents more than 22,000 employees, alleged that UC Berkeley did not comply with its health and safety policies. UC Berkeley custodial worker Damon Frick fell off of a 20-foothigh platform while cleaning window sills in Berkeley’s Chevron Auditorium. An April 10 Daily Californian article stated that Frick

passed away after the incident due to injuries sustained in the fall. According to a AFSCME press release, the foot lift was more than 30 years old and was unstable. AFSCME 3299 President and fellow UC Berkeley service worker Kathyrn Lybarger said in the press release that UC service workers generally bear the most physically demanding labor at the university. “We have been sounding alarms for years about the hazardous working conditions and skyrocketing injury rates,” Lybarger said. “This was an entirely preventable tragedy, and the UC must be held accountable.” AFSCME claimed that the university violated its own health and safety policies by instructing Frick to perform dangerous duties that are

not listed in his job description. In the formal complaint letter to OSHA, AFSCME requested a “campuswide review of dangerous and hazardous tasks” that are performed by AFSCME workers to guarantee the safety and rights of workers. According to UC Berkeley’s spokesperson Janet Gilmore, the university is currently conducting investigations on the incident. Meanwhile, the university is providing psychological counseling services for workers who were affected by the tragedy. Frick’s co-worker and UC Berkeley’s International House’s Director of Physical Operations Greg Rodolari told the Daily Californian that Frick was the sole provider for his family.

“He was a huge family man,” Rodolari said. “It was great to see somebody who loved being a family person — that was a big part of Damon that kept him working here.” In response to Frick’s death, his family is currently pressing the university to take accountability for his death and pursuing a wrongful death claim against UC Berkeley. Currently, AFSCME 3299 announced that they are organizing a fundraising campaign to help aid Frick’s family. The Daily Californian also reported that the housing custodial team at UC Berkeley is honoring Frick’s death by creating a trust fund in his memory.

readers can contact yan gao


Editorial Assistants Rosina Garcia, Shelby Newallis, Waverly Tseng, Jonah Yonker Business Manager Emily Ku Advertising Director Audrey Sechrest Advertising Design Alfredo H. Vilano, Jr. A.S. Graphic Studio The UCSD Guardian is published Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year by UCSD students and for the UCSD community. Reproduction of this newspaper in any form, whether in whole or in part, without permission is strictly prohibited. © 2014, all rights reserved. The UCSD Guardian is not responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of the UCSD Guardian, the University of California or Associated Students. The UCSD Guardian is funded by advertising. Where’s Zev?

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OPINION In the Red


KELVIN NORONHA opinion@ucsdguardian.org

99 Problems, But a Video Game Ain’t One technically speaking lauren koa lkoa@ucsd.edu

T If it is to undergo expensive renovation, the Che Cafe needs to begin taking responsibility for its safety and financial situation. ILLUSTRATION BY ROCIO PLASCENCIA




Lauren Koa



Morgan Jong


Gabriella Fleischman NEWS EDITOR

Yan Gao


Aleksandra Konstantinovic MULTIMEDIA EDITOR

The UCSD Guardian is published twice a week at the University of California at San Diego. Contents © 2014. Views expressed herein represent the majority vote of the editorial board and are not necessarily those of the UC Board of Regents, the ASUCSD or the members of the Guardian staff.


he Che Cafe has spent the last couple of years in a sort of limbo while its financial status was under review, and the student-run cooperative building may be shut down for the next year until necessary repairs to the building are made. Unfortunately, the uncertainty surrounding the venue’s future has been due to the cooperative’s reputation among university planners as a money pit consistently plagued with safety issues. Hopefully, if University Centers decides to pour nearly a million dollars of student fee money into renovations, the establishment can also get the smart fiscal management that it needs to stay open. It’s particularly sad that a building with such historical value on our campus may be forced to close its doors after so many years, but there’s no avoiding all the upgrades that are required for it to even be usable. According to the University Centers Advisory Board, the cafe was under threat of closure from the fire marshal if necessary upgrades, such as fire alarms and sprinklers, were not made. Ultimately, the safety of UCSD students and affiliates should always come first, regardless of the establishment’s rich history. Because of these potential hazards, closing down the building is not only a sensible decision but a necessary one.

The spate of safety problems, coupled with the cafe’s inability to even pay reasonable rent, makes us question the competence of the venue’s management. The first step to putting the Che Cafe back on its feet is getting enough attendance to generate revenue, but that hasn’t happened. Unfortunately for the co-op, a University Centers campus survey indicated that 77 percent of students consider the cafe a low priority venue on campus, while 83 percent stated that they never attend Che events. With this apparent lack of patronage and no visible effort on the part of the management to generate any, it’s no surprise that the Cafe can’t generate sufficient cash. Moreover, without greater student involvement, the prospect of spending so much on the Cafe’s renovation does not seem like it’s in the students’ best interest. Many students also don’t realize that the money being spent on the cafe’s renovation comes directly from student fees; in other words, we are collectively pouring almost one million dollars of our money into repairing a cooperative that the vast majority of us don’t even use. Last year, students voted down a referendum that asked for a fee increase of $11 per quarter to go toward necessary renovations for both Price Center and the Old Student Center, which many students use on a daily basis. If we refuse to even spend a

See CHE CAFE, page 5

GUEST COMMENTARY: Our Choices, Our Traditions, Our Sun god festival


n May 16, nearly 20,000 students will attend Sun God Festival 2014 on RIMAC Field. A UCSD tradition for the past 32 years, Sun God Festival is one of the best college music festivals in the country. The vast majority of Tritons conduct themselves responsibly at the Sun God Festival. Unfortunately, in recent years, we have seen a sharp rise in the number and severity of problems associated with excessive alcohol consumption. You know the facts, but they are worth repeating: Between 2011 and 2013, the number of arrests at Sun God Festival rose 78 percent from 82 to 146, the number of attendees admitted to detox rose 50 percent from 69 to 95 and the number of hospitalizations rose 140 percent, from 20 to 48. These numbers threaten the future of the festival. Last August, we decided to take action, joining a task force of students, staff and administrators committed to reducing the risks associated with the

Sun God Festival. Our focus has been health and safety, and our decisions have been collaborative. Among the highlights: When an early decision to eliminate nonaffiliate tickets threatened the budget for the lineup, interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Alan Houston agreed to cover the $165,000 in lost revenue. When staff suggested revising and extending the Responsible Action Protocol (a medical amnesty policy), students volunteered to produce a video, “Rap the RAP.” When the impact of the Sun God Festival on residential communities was recognized, we worked together to craft an appropriate campus policy. And when we put out a call for “floaties” – volunteers who will receive bystander intervention training before the festival – over 500 students responded. Please follow these tips so you and your friends can enjoy every moment of this year’s

Sun God Festival. If you choose to drink alcohol, pace yourself, drink water between alcoholic beverages and be sure to eat something first. Have a game plan for how to get to and from campus safely and for where to meet your friends if you get separated. Learn about the RAP and call 858-534-HELP (858-534-4357) immediately in case of an emergency. The Sun God Festival is an important campus tradition. The task force has done its work. Now it’s up to you. Celebrate safely. Your choices will determine the future of the Sun God Festival. Please take this into account as you celebrate so that we can preserve the Sun God Festival for future generations of Tritons. — ANDY BUSELT Former A.S. Council President ROBBY BOPARAI A.S. Council President ALAN HOUSTON Interim Vice Chancellor Student Affairs

his year’s Sun God Festival theme still strikes me as completely random for a music festival, but if there’s one way to get me distracted from studying for midterms, it’s talking about video games. The debate regarding whether video games are good or bad for kids, teenagers and just people in general is age-old, but every few months, new studies of why video games are bad for people show up everywhere on the internet. This time, researchers at Ohio State University released a study claiming video games have made college students racist. Year after year, these claims against video games continue to piggyback on one another, that they cause everything ranging from aggression, bad posture, lack of social skills, poor performance in school and even now, racism. But the fundamental issue with blaming video games for these problems is that these inanimate objects can’t force us to make decisions or even believe in specific ideologies. And they certainly aren’t solely to blame for a select number of individuals acting out violently. People make choices to purchase and play video games, and for some, those choices aren’t flat-out bad decisions. Many video games foster important skills such as problem solving, communication, coordination, creativity and goal-making. And according to a 2013 study conducted by researchers at the University of Iowa, brain teasing games can actually slow the natural decline of mental activity in the brain. Like many others, I grew up playing a variety of different computer and console games. At the age of 4, I got my first Game Boy Color and Pokemon Yellow. At 5, I was dominating at Super Smash Bros, and at 8, I was a Neopets multimillionaire. Fast forward to 16, and I was known by my peers as the “Baking Life queen” until the game was removed from Facebook (Read my other column dedicated to my love of virtual bakery games). Name a game, and I probably played (and kicked butt at) it. I never felt like my time was completely wasted because I’m sure that I’ve learned a lot from having video games as a hobby. Pokemon forced me to read and reread everything because you needed to piece together all the non-playing characters’ annoyingly long dialogues to figure out how to get to the next gym leader. Super Smash Bros taught me how to strategize and win as a team, while Neopets helped me learn how to set goals and manage my virtual money responsibly. Some games may not be as obviously beneficial, but after all, video games are meant to be fun and entertaining. It’s fair to question and be concerned about the effects of violent video games, but it’s unfair to spread the belief that all video games are inherently bad. Becoming a hard-core gamer may ruin your life if you refuse to eat, bathe or spend some time in the sun, but like everything else in life, video games require balance and good judgment.


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FUNGLY By Kyle Trujillo



GET PUBLISHED Che Cafe Must Become Fiscally Responsible to Remain Open ▶ CHE CAFE from page 4

few extra dollars per quarter to help support these popular centers and their services, it doesn’t seem reasonable for our fees to go into fixing up something so generally disused. Exacerbating the monetary problem is that the Che Cafe has been known for hosting several concerts and gigs at exorbitantly low cost to attendees. While, of course, we’re all for the idea of student-run collectives providing competitively priced goods and services, it doesn’t seem like a good strategy in the midst of such pressing financial problems — particularly when this translates into ignoring rent obligations. At the end of the day, students will end up

shouldering the burden of repairs and upgrades in order to keep the Che afloat, and if financial management does not improve, we don’t want to spend such princely sums on a place that’s likely to stay in the red indefinitely. Ultimately, drastic changes must be implemented if the cafe plans on keeping its doors open. From a fiscal standpoint, the cooperative continues to struggle and has even had to give up its non-profit status along the way. If the Che Cafe wishes to remain a successful co-op on campus and avoid potentially being replaced by another venue, the management will need to take responsibility to keep the co-op sustainable both in terms of the building’s safety and budget.

We understand just as well as anyone the difficulties associated with maintaining a profitable student-run organization, but students cannot afford to simply throw money at the cooperative to support it. If the Che Cafe building is to reopen after future renovations, the management will need to focus on covering its own expenses. We unequivocally support the Che Cafe and its efforts to provide lowcost, if not cost-free, events and services for the UCSD community. However, safety, sustainability and fiscal responsibility must remain priorities after the renovation, whether or not the Che Cafe is able to stay intact.







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Council Endorses Kosher/Halal Proposal A joint Muslim Student Association and Union of Jewish Students proposal to create a kosher and halal station in an on-campus dining hall received unanimous support. BY Yan Gao

associate news editor At their meeting on May 14, A.S. Council voted to endorse halal and kosher dining options at on-campus dining facilities in light of Muslim and Jewish students’ dietary needs. The Muslim Student Association and Union of Jewish Students collaborated on a proposal to A.S. Council to create a halal and kosher meat station in dining halls on campus. The Resolution to Improve Halal and Kosher Dining Options on Campus was unanimously passed by A.S. Council in a 29-00 decision and will be taken to Housing, Dining and Hospitality for consideration. MSA and UJS requested a new dining station in one of the current dining halls on campus to provide halal and kosher-certified meat. According to MSA Vice President of External Affairs Ramsha Shakil, this is just a starting point and MSA and UJS aim to have halal and kosher meat stations in all six dining halls on campus. In a PowerPoint presentation by United Jewish Observance President Zev Hurwitz, UCSD dining halls did not offer kosher-compliant foods during Jewish Passover even though Passover-style specials were served in the dining halls. “If HDH passed our proposal,” Hurwitz said. “We would be the first UC to do this, and it would be a big step for recruiting Jewish and Muslim students.” Annually, during Muslim Ramadan, HDH offers halal takeouts for observant students. “Students have different ranges dealing with [the lack of halal and


kosher options]” UJS President Samuel Hauss said. “From compromising what they will and won’t eat to completely refusing to live on campus.” The Council of Provosts — ­ which consists of the heads of all six colleges — endorsed the proposal on April 29. HDH currently has 1,200 kosher grocery items in the markets, including pre-packaged foods. However, Shakil said that the markets offer little to no halal-certified food items. “Hot meals are definitely more preferable than cold packaged foods” Shakil said. “Students should be able to get halal options using the dining dollars they paid for.” UJS and MSA proposed to offer kosher and halal stations side by side in Revelle College’s dining hall since the infrastructure is still undergoing construction, and it would be easy to create an additional station. If Revelle’s dining hall is not available, UJS/MSA proposed Pines in Muir College as the next alternative due to its spacious layout. United Jewish Observance

Executive Vice President Jonah Saidian said that HDH only needs to provide one additional personnel to supervise the new halal and kosher station, which has no significant impact to its budget. At the A.S. Council meeting, Hurwitz explained that in order to make the food kosher and halal, the dining hall needs to establish separate storage, preparation and serving areas. Halal certified meat often has to be slaughtered in the Zabiha or Dhabihah way and cannot be cooked together with pork. Kosher-certified meat requires a complete separation of meat and dairy products, which requires a separate preparation area. The joint proposal will still require approval from HDH. HDH did not return requests for comments by press time. *Editor’s note: Zev Hurwitz is the editor in chief of the Guardian.

readers can contact yan gao


ERC Residential Advisers Will Distribute Special Wristbands to Students for Festival ▶ WRISTBANDS, from page 2

ing and after the festival. Guerrero told the UCSD Guardian that the resident advisors will be the only official means of disseminating this information to students before the May 16 festival. ERC resident advisors began distributing wristbands on Wednesday, May 14 and will continue to on Thursday, May 15. Students will need one wristband to gain access to ERC residential halls, apartments and I-House and a separate wristband to gain access to The Village. A security staff composed of RAs and resident security officers will be patrolling the ERC section of campus to ensure that all of the inhabitants are wearing the correct wristband. They will focus on students exhibiting “deviant behavior.” ERC Residential Life will also fence off access to I-House and Scholars Drive. Interim Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Alan Houston told

former A.S. President Andy Buselt in a follow-up email to his April 9 A.S. Council meeting presentation that the no-guest policy “will only apply to the Village and I-House.” Houston did not respond for comment by press time. The May 6 email A.S. Council sent to all students stated that “the Village and I-House will be subject to a resident-only policy, and access will be limited to residents of those communities only.” There was no mention of whether the wristbands are necessary to gain access or of ERC being subject to the resident-only policy as well. According to Guerrero, all of the additional costs for the new security features will be coming out of A.S. Concerts & Events regular security budget. ASCE did not respond for comment by press time. The ERC wristband policy is not mentioned on the Sun God Festival 2014 website.

readers can contact jacky to


Corrections A May 12 article incorrectly stated that the Che Cafe facility would be closed next year with certainty. University Centers Advisory Board will actually vote on whether or not to close the facility next week. The article also incorrectly stated that a change.org petition to save the cafe from closure was launched on May 13. It was launched on May 10. The Guardian corrects all errors brought to the attention of the editor. Corrections can be sent to editor@ucsdguardian.org.






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s ’ n a i d r a u The G


Our tips and tricks to making the most of this year’s Sun God Festival.


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t Safe Rides




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54 likes ucsdguardian Sun God Festival is only 1 day away, Tritons! Like





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Safe Drinking

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know your limits

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Plan to bring a reusable water bottle to RIMAC, and utilize the hydration station to the fullest.


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You may be goaded to drink more because it’s “Sun God,” but you want to remember Sun God. It’s planned for you by your fellow students; make it worthwhile.

fest. 2014 d p Go by Young the Giant 2. “Re la ist yl

It's going to be

Hydration is a necessity — for every serving of alcohol you have (a 1-ounce shot of liquor, 5 ounces of wine or 12 ounces of beer), follow it with an 8-ounce glass of water.

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Whether or not you or your friends decide to drink, it’s good to keep a few helpful tips in mind to ensure your safety and the safety of the people around you. If you drink, drink in good company — other than this being a quote from Hitch, make sure to surround yourself with people who will take care of you if anything should happen. The last thing you want is to be left alone, unwell and uncared for on arguably one of the best days of the year.

Follow our Spotify playlist at bit.ly/sgf2014.




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Young the Giant


riginally from Orange County, indie-rock band Young the Giant returns to its old Southern California stomping grounds after a national tour in support of its second album, “Mind Over Matter,” which was released in January of this year. Young the Giant is expected to put on a fun show at this year’s Sun God Festival, featuring newer songs like “It’s About Time” and “Crystallized.” Striving to evolve as a band while staying true to

its poppy sound, the group has fine-tuned its energetic, surfrock melodies and the powerful, unwavering vocals of lead singer Sameer Gadhia which made the debut effort successful. In an interview with the UCSD Guardian, guitarist Eric Cannata explained that the new album is “more aggressive” than the previous one, while maintaining “dream-like and spacey” instrumentals. — Emily Bender Senior Staff Writer

fter realizing a military career wasn’t for him, indie pop artist Jhameel ditched ROTC at UC Berkeley for music. The multitalented musician plays 14 instruments, speaks five languages and blithely courts YouTube with drunken covers of songs like Michael Jackson’s “PYT.” While Jhameel’s vocal style garners comparisons to the King of Pop himself, his musicality is all his own — frenzied, raw and unabashedly fun. His YouTube popularity has also led to collaborations with peers like Hoodie Allen and Giraffage. On his Sun God setlist, he offered, “We’ll be playing ‘Feisty,’ ‘Shut Up’ — more upbeat stuff,” before hinting at “one secret song.” Whether that “secret song” involves a Giraffage cameo is unclear. “I asked [Giraffage],” Jhameel said. “Still waiting on an answer, but it could happen.” — Rachel Huang Senior Staff Writer


Ty Dolla $ign

t’s not hard to make the claim that 2014 will see a meteoric rise in Ty Dolla $ign’s popularity. The L.A.-based rapper finally released his “Beach House” EP through Wiz Khalifa’s label in January. The aptly named EP features absurdly clean production and synth-based West Coast beats, with Ty’s rhythmic slur and stutter flowing like a cool brew in the warm California sun, a perfect

complement for a sunny Sun God. With his debut album “Free TC” scheduled for release later this year, score some hipster street-cred at Ty’s stage before his inevitable post-Sun God deification. Besides, how could you resist seeing an artist that still proudly displays a “$” in their name? (Yes, we’re looking at you Kesha.) — Dieter Joubert Senior Staff Writer








alternative rock fans to him. In addition to achieving his goal, his mix was played at multiple festivals this year including Coachella and Ultra by Zedd and Tiesto. “I ask myself, how can I breathe new life into [a] track? How can I take it to a new place?” Audien said. “I love the ability of a good remix to blend genres and audiences.” — Salena Quach A&E Associate Editor



hen it comes to EDM, listeners thrive on sick beats, gritty synths and, above all, a DJ’s live performance Among the proliferation of DJs is Audien, a producer who aims to help dance fans discover other genres through trance and progressive house remixes. Citing Pink Floyd and Nas as his musical influences, Audien recently remixed “Pompeii” by Bastille, hoping it would introduce






Sun God Avenue



Sun God Fes

2:00p-3:00p DJ Demon 3:05p-4:35p Sauer D 4:40p-5:40p Anna Lunoe 5:45p-7:00p Giraffage 7:05p-8:25p Torro Torro 8:30p-9:50p Audien 10:05p-11:00p Juicy J 11:05p-11:55p 2TONEDISCO

Kindly provi




3:50p-4:30p Jham 8:15p-8:55p Jham





New Politics

ew Politics separates itself from other bands with its electronically influenced dance rock music style and insane breakdancing moves. Their most popular songs include, “Yeah Yeah Yeah,” “Harlem” and “Tonight You’re Perfect.” Lead singer David Boyd can’t wait for Sun God and admits, “Southern California is our guilty pleasure.” “We’re super excited and honored to be part of such an

incredible lineup,” Boyd said. “We’re good friends with Young the Giant — we’ve toured and played with them a lot because that’s our genre of music, and who doesn’t like Diplo and twerking?” New Politics is just as excited to play for us as we are excited to see them. “College crowds always seem to be wild and excited — they go nuts, and we do too,” Boyd said. — Devon Munos Staff Writer


t’s hard to know exactly what to expect from Anna Lunoe at Sun God Festival 2014. She’s a DJ, but she’s also a singer and producer, and her music ranges from more common dance music to rave and deep house. She also constantly collaborates with other artists, and apart from her legendary sets as a DJ, it’s these collaborations that have made a name for her. “I Met You,” a particularly strutting tune, features her light, breathy vocals alongside the production work of herself and Flume. But most likely, Sun God-goers will be dancing to bouncier remixes of her hits and the less-tame DJ work that made her music relevant in the first place. — Kyle Somers Staff Writer



the Colourist

ot many bands play at Coachella before even releasing an LP, but Orange County rockers The Colourist have blown up so quickly in the last few years that maybe they earned that right. Even in their first year as a band in 2009, their single “Little Games” reached number one on The Hype Machine. That achievement makes sense because The Colourist’s music is

the kind of pop-infused rock that 20-somethings have an easy time getting into. Their sound ranges from happy and bright to upbeat and fun, so if instead of dancing, you’re better at wildly jumping up and down and shouting out the lyrics, you’ll fit in with everyone else in The Colourist’s audience. — Kyle Somers Staff Writer




folk band is the unlikeliest addition to the Sun God Festival, but the six-piece family group Miner — replete with banjos, mandolins and harmonicas — will add the twang Tritons never knew they needed. Through Miner’s sophisticated debut album “Into the Morning” from February this year, the group already made a hit, “Hey Love,” that has the rootsy charm of The Lum-


ineers and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. What sets Miner apart from contemporaries, though, is its cosmopolitan beginnings: Frontman Justin Miner formed the band after being inspired by trips to Central and South America — and it shows in its cozy yet catchy (and yes, still danceable) melodies that eschew comparison. — Jacqueline Kim A&E Editor


an Francisco is a beautiful city. And Charlie Yin, best known as Giraffage, packs in the city aesthetic into his music, vocal samples and woozy synthesizers floating foggily over tight, glitchy beats. Influences from ambient music and hip-hop/R&B are readily apparent, and Yin mixes the two worlds together in a sound both corporeal and ethereal. Giraffage creates beats that can slowly lull you into a daydream with its hazy qualities or, conversely, make you move in tandem with the deep bass kicks and sputtering hi-hats. It’s in this limbo state that his sound thrives — a wonderful assortment of different sounds, voices and drums spun into sublimity. — Ethan Fukuto Staff Writer



e/Hopkins Drive


stival 2014 Set List

ided by A.S. Concerts & Events

e info can be found at sungodfestival.ucsd.edu

Rimac Arena






Cell Phone Charging Station

e Walk




t first glance, DJ and producer Diplo appears to be just another name on the growing list of EDM artists who have risen to fame recently. But Diplo sets himself apart due to the ubiquitousness of his music — his try-everything, be-everywhere attitude — as well as his tendency to incorporate world music into his work. Showcasing his affinity for lesser-known music scenes around

the globe, he breaks the mold of what a DJ is “supposed” to do. Diplo draws inspiration from American hip-hop, Jamaican dancehall and Brazilian favela funk, to name a few. He combines genres to create a uniquwe sound, often featuring mashed-up vocals and beats and has worked with everyone from M.I.A. (“Paper Planes”) to Beyonce (“Run the World (Girls)).” — Emily Bender A&E Editorial Assistant



meel meel

2:10p-2:45p EMAEL 2:55p-3:45p MINER 4:05p-5:05p The Colourist 5:20p-6:05p Ty Dolla $ign 6:25p-7:25p New Politics 7:40p-8:40p Joey Badass 9:00p-10:15p Young the Giant 10:35p-11:50p DIPLO






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elf-described nerds and “two chill dudes,” James Campbell and Omni Rutledge of 2TONEDISCO exude infectious enthusiasm that translates into their music. “We really care about making sure that people have a good time,” Campbell said. Vibrant beats and keyboard overlay make it hard not to dance. Their distinct sound has allowed the nu-disco group to rise within their scene. In homage to their favorite past time, they incorporate sounds


from classic video games, sewing nostalgia into every song. Rutledge explains that video games are what got him into music. “The sounds in old Nintendo games … like Mario and the Megaman series … are really complex,” Rutledge said. “But they are overlooked.” If you’ve ever wanted dance to the sound of Mario Brothers, Sun God Festival is your chance. — Raquel Calderon Staff Writer

Joey Bada$$


t only 19, Joey Bada$$ has made significant waves in the hip-hop community. With his quick wit and preference for old school beats, Joey’s music harkens PHOTO USED WITH PERMISSION FROM CIRCLE TALENT AGENCY back to the so-called “Golden Age of hip-hop” from the ‘80s and ‘90s. His songs are lean, with little in the way of choruses or hooks to detract from verses chock-full of memorable oneanadian duo Torro Torro — maintain chest-thumping beats Mike “Digits” Gonek and while exploring heavier rhythms of liners and details of his life as a youth Evan “Yo Ev” Norton — are global mid-tempo bass. They’re even in Brooklyn. Scrolling through the on the fast track to international rave comments of any one of his music spearheading a new dance music stardom, as their game-changing videos, you are bound to find one genre, “moombahton,” (houseremixes and original songs alike take hailing him as the “savior of hip-hop.” reggaeton fusion) with familiar the party world by storm. artists like Diplo, Skrillex and Knife And while hip-hop never really died, Heavy influences of hip hop, his no-frills aesthetic is refreshing Party. With another EP due early electronic and “tropical riddim” summer, Torro Torro will get hearts amongst a sometimes homogenous create a distinct sound that hints at genre that can substitute soul for pumping to Sun God Festival and reggae but still exists clearly in the mass appeal. beyond. space of dance music. Recognizable — Rachel Huang — Ethan Fukuto hits like their debut “Knockin’ Boots” Senior Staff Writer Staff Writer


Torro Torro



Juicy J

f Juicy J’s feature on Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” has you worried that the “Three 6 Mafia” cofounder has lost some of his punch, fear not. Since his solo career took off, Juicy J has applied the same formula of dirty Southern rap over hip-hop and trap beats without any lapse in quality, using his devilishly charismatic persona to deliver unabashedly hedonistic lines like “Blowin loud/ Juicy J be higher

than the gas price,” with a smirk across his face. Considering the young new talents that have been dominating the rap charts, it’s refreshing to see a veteran of 20 years bringing it as hard as ever, dropping bangers without restraint. For the alcohol-induced festivities of Sun God, Juicy J is the perfect accompaniment and ringleader. — Dieter Joubert Senior Staff Writer



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g F LOL win om WT


! c YES epi


What type of Sun God/Goddess Are You? Because is there anything better than the Sun God Festival?

1. What is your favorite part of Sun God Festival? 3. What do you do before you go to Sun God Festival?

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A. The music – the lineup is almost as good as Coachella

B. Blowing up people’s feeds on every form of social media.

A. Welcome the bright sun with open arms and sunscreen.

B Bathroom selfie with the crew.

C. It gets my mind off of studying

D. Consumption of liquids of various colors

C. Finish that last sentence of that lastminute assignment

D. Shot, shot, shot!

HOT On QuizFeed

2. What does “Sun God” mean to you? 4. Juicy J comes out on stage. Where are you? PHOTO BY ALWIN SZETO/GUARDIAN

What kind of concertgoer are you? A. It’s a music festival, duh.

B. It’s the time to get a lot of likes, duh.

A. Who’s that?

B. At the front of the crowd, phone in hand.


C. Only the best day of the year.

D. The worst hangover of the year.

C. Finding out Juicy J’s popular songs.


BLOOD DONOR ALLERGY RESEARCH STUDY: Do you get hay fever? Do you suffer from:

runny/stuffy nose, watery/itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing, sinus pressure? Do you experience allergies that are induced by a change in the season? We are looking for allergic individuals to donate blood to help us study how seasonal pollens such as weeds, grasses, or trees induce allergies. The focus of our research is to better understand how your immune system may cause allergies. If eligible, generally in good health, and 18-65 years of age, you will be asked to provide a blood donation (similar to what is provided at a blood bank) and compensated $100 for your time and trouble.

Contact our study coordinator at (858) 752-6979 or email (study@lji.org), and mention the Sette-Allergy study to find out more information.

D. Passed out in an unidentified location

How obsessed are you with attending music festivals?



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What are you wearing to Sun God?

What’s your “Pre-Party Anthem” song?


My pajamas ... I never made it.


“Cough Syrup” by Young the Giant


Only the cutest thing – flower headbands, crop tops and high-waisted jean shorts.


“Boy Oh Boy” by Diplo

C. Bright colors, face-paint and sparkles.


“Bandz A Make Her Dance” by Juicy J



“Or Nah” by Ty Dolla $ign

My drinking shirt.


8. What shenanigans are you most likely to be caught in before the festival?

Some drunk person just fell on you — what do you do?




Flash a peace sign.


Passing the dutch.


Tweet about that #rudebish.


Obscene Twitpic.


Say you’re sorry.


Drunk and disorderly.


Consider it karma. YOUR RESULTS ON PAGE 12




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BLOOD DONOR ALLERGY RESEARCH STUDY: Do you enjoy the smell of fresh-cut grass? Is a picnic under a newly blossoming tree enjoyable? We are looking for people that do not suffer from allergies to donate blood to help us study how seasonal pollens cause allergies. The focus of our research is to better understand how the immune system causes allergies and why non-allergic people don’t get sick. If eligible, generally in good health, and 18-65 years of age, you will be asked to provide a blood donation (similar to what is donated at a blood bank) and compensated $100 for your time and trouble.

Contact our study coordinator at (858) 752-6979 or email (study@lji.org), and mention the Sette-Allergy study to find out more information.


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HOW TO CALCULATE YOUR RESULT All a’s are worth 1 point, all b’s are worth 2 points, all c’s are worth 3 points and all d’s are worth 4 points. Add up your points and divide by 8. POINT RANGES FOR RESULTS 1 to 1.7, The “I Thought This Was Coachella” Goer 1.8 to 2.5, The “But First, Let Me Take a #selfie” Goer 2.6 to 3.3, The “Studious, But Not Sober” Goer 3.3 to 4.0, The “Too Drunk to Function” Goer How to Get Results All a’s are worth 1 point, all b’s are worth 2 points, all c’s are worth 3 points and all d’s are worth 4 points.

The “I Thought This Was Coachella” Goer By Shelby Newalis, Editorial Assistant Is your car decorated for Sun God? Did you and your friends make matching flower headbands? Have you just spend your financial aid check on Free People boho fringe boots? Yep, you definitely got Sun God confused with Coachella. We get it, Sun God is crazy fun; everyone cuts loose and enjoys music from bands that will probably be really big next year. But, remember, this is a one-day, school sponsored event. Outkast is not headlining, and there definitely won’t be any gourmet food.

A point range is designated for each result: 0-8 points: Never Made it to Sun God Festival 9-10 points: Coachella 11-17 points: But First, Let Me Take a #selfie


The “But First, Let Me Take a #selfie” Goer By Vincent Pham, Lifestyle Editor We all see you. It could be a Snapchat, an Instagram or just personal documentation to remember who you saw during the night — regardless, you took a #selfie. Your phone becomes a mirror, and you make a seemingly sensual (sometimes goofy) face. Then you stow away your phone until the next person you know passes by. People may judge, people may stare, but you’re going to #idgaf and #yolo because it’s #SGF2014. ILLUSTRATION BY ANNIE LIU

The “Studious, But Not Sober” Goer By Teddi Faller, Editorial Assistant You knew this was coming. Your 5 p.m. lecture was going to bite you back when Sun God came around. But you’ve found a way to work around that — by throwing a mixed drink in your Kleen Kanteen. Hopefully you’ve mastered the delicate balance between buzzed motivation and heightened senses to get through your upper division core class — extra points if you slayed whatever quiz your professor used to force attendance. As writer Celia Rivenbark always says, “You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.” ILLUSTRATION BY ANNIE LIU

The “Too Drunk to Function” Goer By Anna Stern, Staff Writer Maybe you pregamed a little too hard. One shot became two, three shots became four and before you know it, you are seriously turnt up. You will definitely be feeling it in the morning, but for now all your inebriated mind can think about is how great of a time you are having. Sure, you might have lost your keys, ID and friends, but hey, at least you made it past security. ILLUSTRATION BY ANNIE LIU



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Five Graduating Seniors Play in Final Collegiate Games as UCSD Will Face Sixth-Seeded Sonoma Tritons Conclude 2014 Season with 34–18 Record Overall State in First Round of Regionals Play ▶ SOFTBALL, from page 15

DSU, the Tritons came up short against Central Washington 10–1. A grand slam in the third inning gave the Wildcats the lead while six more runs in the seventh inning left little hope of a UCSD comeback. DSU and Central Washington went on to face each other in the championship game on Sunday; DSU prevailed and progressed to Super Regionals. For five graduating seniors, third baseman Emily McQuaid, center fielder and first baseman Caitlin Brown, right-hander Jennifer Manuel, shortstop Mya Romero and outfielder Kirsten WIllmon, these were the final games of their collegiate careers.

Each of the five played a major role in UCSD winning its first NCAA Softball National Championship in 2011, during which the Tritons maintained a .665 winning percentage over their career — the highest of any class. The seniors helped propel UCSD to four consecutive playoff appearances, leaving an indelible mark on the program. “[Losing] the last game was upsetting especially for the five seniors,” Edwards said. “They’ve done so much for the program. It was devastating, but I know they’ll always be there for us. They’re like our family, so I know that we won’t lose touch with them.” Brown was also recently selected as the Daktronics, Inc. All-West Honoree, along with Edwards and sophomore

outfielder Callie Grant. “It’s an honor to be selected,” Brown said. “The most important thing to me has always been to represent UCSD, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to do so.” UCSD concludes the 2014 season after making major improvements throughout regular play and making its fourth straight appearance in the NCAA postseason. “This was really a year of improvement,” Brown said. “We started rough, but worked really hard to improve throughout the year. Even though we finished short, we really fought hard to the end, and I’m very proud of that.”

readers can contact john story


▶ BASEBALL, from page 15

The high-powered Triton offense will have a tough matchup in their first game with Sonoma State’s right-hander George Asmus (6–1) most likely starting on the mound. Asmus’s impressive 1.06 ERA through 11 starts this season leads the entire conference. Though Sonoma State is an inconference opponent for UCSD, the Tritons have little experience to draw on against the Seawolves, as the only series scheduled between the two squads was cancelled earlier in the season. As for the other teams, UCSD split one series each between Chico State and Cal Poly Pomona (but beat both in the CCAAs), lost in a one-

game matchup to California Baptist and has yet to face Dixie State this season. Despite top-seeding, UCSD cannot afford to overlook any of its fellow NCAA opponents. UCSD’s first game against the Seawolves is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Thursday. If the Tritons win, they will play at 3 p.m. on Friday in the winner’s bracket, and if they lose, they will fall to the loser’s bracket and play at 11 a.m. on Friday, remaining in championship competition. In the event that they survive the first two days, they will play on Saturday and vie for a spot in the championship contest scheduled for Sunday at 2 p.m.

readers can contact Brandon yu


Junior Thrower, All-American Nash Howe Headlines Tritons’ Five-Athlete NCAAs Lineup as Number One Seed in Javelin PHOTO BY NHAN NGUYEN/GUARDIAN

▶ TRACK & FIELD, from page 15

Pimentel, a junior All-American, is also making her third nationals appearance. Pimentel, who holds the school record at 2:09.07, won the 800 at the CCAAs. She is seeded 10th and finished in ninth last year. Rounding out the lineup is junior distance Carlos Bojorquez who will make his first nationals appearance for the 1500-meter. Bojorquez

placed second in the conference finals and is seeded 18th. With a mixed bag of experience and inexperience, youth and veterans, the Tritons hope to make a name for themselves and for UCSD in Allendale, Michigan, from May 22 through the 24. Portions of the meet will be streamed live on the NCAA website. “What’s unique about us is that we face so much high-level com-

petition during the year: division-I level competition and even world class competition,” Salerno told the UCSD Guardian. “No one else in Division II sees [opponents] anywhere near that level that we do throughout the season. We feel pretty good that we can compete effectively.”

readers can contact Clay Kaufman


Have you lived in JAPAN? Did you get HAY FEVER? Do you suffer from ALLERGIES? We are looking for people that have allergies such as stuffy nose, watery eyes, sneezing, or asthma. We are also looking for healthy, non-allergic volunteers. You must have lived in Japan for at least 5 years. The focus of this research study is to learn how seasonal pollens from Japan induce allergies. We hope to better understand how the immune system causes allergies and why non-allergic people don’t get sick. If eligible, generally in good health, 18-65 years of age, and have lived in Japan for at least 5 years, you will be asked to provide a blood donation (similar to what is provided at a blood bank). You will be compensated $100 for your time and trouble.

Contact our study coordinator at (858) 752-6979 or email (study@lji.org), and mention the Sette-Allergy study to find out more information.





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For more information and ways you can help the cause, visit facebook.com/sungod4acause or sungodfestival.ucsd.edu/philanthropy


For more information visit asce.ucsd.edu

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Lev 1


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Level: Level: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Level: 4 1 2 3 4

With public funding for music programs being so scarce, we are encouraging you to donate and help support the next generation of musicians today!

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The "About the Music" Grant Program is designed to raise money for underdeveloped music programs in San Diego County Public Schools. The program helps to provide greater resources for teachers and provide their students with new and creative ways to learn about the emerging world of music.



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Adopt Frost of CA a American Eskimo Dog - *** Fostered in San Diego, CA *** Hi, I’m Frost. I’m just over one year old and considered a toy sized American Eskimo. I was born with a heart murmur but have had that fixed by a very special doctor at UC Davis. Listing ID: 84801361 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information




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Ikea Corner Shelf - Blonde with CD/DVD Holder - Really nice Ikea Corner Shelf with CD/DVD separate Tower. Will deliver to you place. Listing ID: 85093139 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information


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Furniture: Bed, Desk, Table, Chairs, Shelves, More! I’m off to grad school and I can’t take my lovely furniture with me. It’s all barely used...I can sell it all together (for a discounted price) or item by item. I’ve got the following: Twin Mattress, Box Spring and Legs, Dining room table + Four chairs, Blue cloth armchair, Desk (two drawers, long and thin--loved this thing)...I’ll throw in the swivel chair for free, Bookshelves (three shelves). Dresser (three drawers), Nightstand (with cabinet), Coffee table. Basically, it’s all in perfect condition and I’ll be selling it for 50% or less of what I paid for it. First come first serve on these items. I can only upload four pictures, but if you are interested, I can send more images of the other pieces of furniture as well. Listing ID: 85093144 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information

Guardian Classifieds are FREE for the UC San Diego community.

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Contact Dr. Broide, Department Medicine (619-335-8685).

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Classifieds Subjects with either current allergy symptoms to inhaled allergens (cat, grass, dust mite), or healthy non-allergic volunteers, needed as blood donors for research study. Will be reimbursed $20 for blood donation.

Level: 1 2 3 4


Level: 1 2 3 4



Guardian Classifieds are FREE for the UC San Diego community.


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BRANDON YU sports@ucsdguardian.org


follow us @UCSD_sports

M. Tennis Baseball M. Crew Track & Field Baseball

5/15 5/15 5/17 5/22 5/24

AT NCAA Championship AT NCAA Regionals AT Western Invitational AT NCAA Championship AT NCAA Championship


Tritons to Host NCAA Regionals No. 15 UCSD begins its NCAA postseason race this Thursday at Triton Ballpark against sixth-seeded Sonoma State.

By Brandon Yu // Sports Editor








his Thursday, May 15 through Sunday, May 18, the No. 15 UCSD baseball team will host the NCAA West Regionals at Triton Ballpark. The Tritons are the number one seed in the six-team, double-elimination tournament and will face sixth-seeded Sonoma State in the first round of play. The Tritons enter the national postseason race with serious momentum as they are coming off a perfect 3–0, title-winning performance in the California Collegiate Athletic Association championship tournament. UCSD will be led by its six All-CCAA members: sophomore right-hander Troy Cruz,

sophomore right-hander Justin Donatella, senior catcher Nick La Face and junior infielder Erik Lewis — all of whom earned a spot on the first team — along with second-team members, senior lefthander Justin Rahn and junior outfielder Michael Mann. La Face, who won the Most Valuable Player award in last weekend’s conference tournament, is fifth in batting average (.357) and second in RBI (47) in all of CCAA. Rahn trails La Face with 41 RBI, good for third in the league. UCSD will face strong competition in opponents Cal Poly Pomona (4th seed) and Sonoma State (6), as well as three nationally ranked teams: No. 9 Chico State (2), No. 16 California Baptist University (3), No. 27 Dixie State (5).

UCSD Loses in NCAA Regionals to End Season Tritons upset No. 4 Humboldt State but fall to Dixie State and Central Washington to exit postseason play. PHOTO BY ALWIN SZETO/GUARDIAN

BY john story

associate sports edit0r After a 34–18 season, the UCSD softball team ended its season last Saturday as the Tritons were eliminated in the NCAA West Regionals after a pair of losses to host No. 15 Dixie State and Central Washington University. The Tritons went 1–2 through the tournament, winning their opener against Humboldt State University before dropping the last two contests. Facing the nation’s fourth-ranked team in their first game, the Tritons snapped an 11-game losing streak to Humboldt State in a 10–6 victory. UCSD finished with a grand total of 17 hits and racked up a 6–2 advantage going into the bottom of the seventh. However, Humboldt State rallied to break sophomore left-hander Alexis Edwards and plate four runs in the final frame, sending the match into extra innings. UCSD responded quickly, adding four runs off of five hits. In the bottom of the eighth inning, Edwards shut down the Lumberjacks to secure the upset win. “When we went into extra innings, I knew our team was going to hit,” Edwards said. “Once Mya [Romero] made that last out in the last inning, everyone was just so excited. Of course my heart was pumping so fast.” Senior right-hander Jennifer Manuel started on the mound against the top-ranked DSU offense in UCSD’s first loss of the tournament.

UCSD 35–14







California BAPTIST





Mixed Results at Occidental Invite, Five Tritons Will Head to NCAAs UCSD competes at Eagle Rock, fails to qualify additional Tritons for nationals, which will be held in Allendale, Michigan from May 22 to May 25. staff writer

See SOFTBALL, page 13




BY clay kaufman

Manuel kept the Red Storm scoreless through the first four frames while Triton offense tallied three runs by the bottom of the third. Edwards replaced Manuel in the fifth inning after DSU bats brought two runners home and Manuel faced a bases-loaded situation with none away. The Red Storm capitalized on its advantage and drove in two more runners to take their first lead of the game at the end of the fifth inning. The Tritons failed to overcome the deficit in either of the final two innings, while DSU added another run in the final frame en route to a 5–3 final score. A few hours after their loss to



Thursday, 11 a.m.


Thursday, 7 p.m.





Thursday, 3 p.m.



See BASEBALL, page 13

With the NCAA Division II Championship coming up next week, the UCSD track and field squad had one last chance at last weekend’s Occidental Invitational to qualify as many athletes as possible to join javelin thrower and AllAmerican junior throws Nash Howe in Michigan’s national meet. Several UCSD athletes competed in Eagle Rock, California, but none were able to secure UCSD any additional qualifiers. However, the recent NCAA qualification announcements nevertheless brought in four more Tritons to the NCAA roster for their performances throughout the season. UCSD put up some personal bests at the invitational on both the men and women’s sides. The women’s 4x400-meter relay team, consisting of junior sprints Sabrina Pimentel,

senior hurdles Lauren Irish and freshmen sprints Jackie Chalmers and Lauren Lopez, took top honors in their event. Their time of 3 minutes 46.03 seconds improved upon their previous best of 3:47.08. On the men’s side, freshman sprints Jared Senese narrowly improved his 800-meter time. His new personal best of 1:51.58 featured a .04 second jump from his previous best. “[The Occidental Invitational] is really just a meet to fine-tune people who are going to nationals and hopefully improve qualifying marks to get [other] people in,” men’s head coach Tony Salerno said. “In some cases we had improved marks, but [they] ended up being not enough to get into nationals.” Several days following the meet, the NCAAs released the accepted entrants for the tournament, which included five Tritons. Howe, who will compete in his third consecutive national meet,

is seeded first in the javelin throw. “Nash is going ranked number one, but only one centimeter ahead of number two,” Salerno said. “Out of the 20 other [throwers], that’s not a whole lot. But we’re excited about Howe. He’s prepared for nationals — he’s going to be ready to go.” Junior throws Anthony Capitulo will join Howe in the javelin as he makes his NCAAs debut. Capitulo, who placed third in the California Collegiate Athletic Association finals, barely snuck in as the 20th seed in the 20-man competition. Also making his national’s debut is redshirt freshman decathlon Dan Golubovic who, during the CCAA finals, set the stadium record in the decathlon en route to easily winning the event. Golubovic is seeded 11th and is the youngest Triton competing this year. See TRACK & FIELD, page 13

Saturday June 7, 2014 9 a.m.

Spanos Track and Field Stadium

Fun course

Run or walk!

Free stuff

Gear bag and official Triton 5K sweat-wicking T-shirt


Live music, local food vendors and healthy living fair All proceeds support UC San Diego student scholarships USATF sanctioned race



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