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TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014




Sun God Festival 2014 Crime Log

55 100 8

j j j3

Alcohol-Related Incidents

Students Sent to Detox


Last week, students reprised the Graffiti Hill art event that was an attempt by University Centers to create a student art space after Graffiti Hall’s closure. FeATURES, PAGE 6


silicon valley's wage-fixing opinion, Page 4



H 75 L 61

staff writer

4 2 1 Controlled Substance Cases

Narcotic Cases



Cases of Battery


r 21






by tina butoiu

15 Total Arrests

Marijuana Related Incidents

sports, Page 12

H 81 L 61


H 79 L 61


Mental issues are consigned to the back of the public consciousness because they are easy to conceal and difficult to detect under the façade of a pleasant demeanor. ”

- Kelvin Noronha THINKING CAPS


INSIDE Lights and Sirens............. 3 Quick Takes..................... 4 Engineers........................ 8 Crossword..................... 11 Sports............................ 12

Students Vote in Favor of Transit Pass Referendum

Months of speculation ended Friday when the special election results showed student support for the fee increase was at nearly 75 percent. BY zev hurwitz


CSD student fees will increase by nearly $50 per quarter for the 2014– 2015 school year following the passage of the transportation referendum on Friday, May 23. The results, revealed at Round Table Pizza on Friday afternoon, come after a week of voting and advocacy on both the supporting and opposing sides of the issue. A.S. Council released the special election results online, revealing that the student body passed the referendum with 4,867 “yes” votes and 1,780 “no” votes. The 24.58-percent voter turnout surpassed the 20-percent threshold needed to validate referendum results. Beginning in Fall Quarter 2014, every graduate and undergraduate student will receive a Regional Transit Pass, which will allow for unlimited rides on all Metropolitan Transit System buses and light rails as well as all services offered by the North County Transit System, except rural and premium routes. Fees are set to rise by $49.96 each quarter with a 1.5-percent annual increase to accommodate inflation, according to the official text of the referendum. “I feel very excited that students got the outcome they voted for,” ASUCSD MOVES

BY Gabriella Fleischman

News Editor

track & field at NCAAs

H 81 L 63


Che Repairs Taken Out of UCAB 2015 Budget

editor in chief Director Kyle Heiskala said. “I’m excited to see what the long-range effects will be. This opens up San Diego in a way it hasn’t for students before.” As a mandate of all student fee increases, 29 percent of the new fee’s revenue will be returned to financial aid. The remaining 71 percent will go toward the purchase of the Transit Passes for all graduate and undergraduate students and to operate a new Student Transportation Advisory Committee. This committee will allocate any remaining funds to additional transportation projects and influence transportation decisions. “Forming the STAC will be the biggest next step,” Heiskala said. “We need to get students involved and make an effective committee.” Heiskala also said there is other work that needs to be done to make sure the changes are implemented smoothly, such as transitioning to ID card technology instead of bus stickers. He said that he will probably remain very involved in the process. Eleanor Roosevelt College had the highest voter turnout, with 28.29 percent, and Earl Warren College had the lowest voter turnout: 25.77 percent. Additional reporting by Gabriella Fleischman.

readers can contact gabriella fleischman


University Centers Advisory Board voted to remove the cost of Che Cafe repairs from next year’s budget in a special meeting on Friday, May 23. Whether or not the Che Cafe Cooperative will be able to operate out of the facility without the fire marshal-mandated repairs — including renovating the restrooms and adding a fire alarm and sprinklers system — remains to be determined. Several safety hazards were noted in a 2010 report by the UCSD fire marshal. UCAB argued that these repairs are mandated and that the Che Cafe Cooperative can operate out of Porter’s Pub until the repairs are completed. However, members of the Che Cafe Cooperative contest that the repairs are recommended and that it is University Centers’ obligation to complete them. Ultimately, the co-operative believes that UCAB is using these repairs as an excuse to “get rid of ” the Che Cafe. During Friday’s meeting, UCAB went into executive session, prohibiting members of the public from hearing the discussion leading to their decision. Prior to executive session UCAB allowed the public, limited to UCSD students and alumni, to speak for 20 minutes. After roughly an hour of deliberation, the UCAB motion to remove Che repairs from the budget was passed by a 9 to 4 vote. Although the motion was passed, administrators will make the final decision. Additionally, a motion to create a committee to discuss all options concerning the Che Cafe’s future by June 3 was also passed with an almost unanimous vote count. Additionally, the budget itself was passed by a vote of 11 to 1, with 2 members of UCAB abstaining. According to A.S. Council proxy Jesse Qin, the relocation of the Che Cafe is temporary. “The whole plan is that the Che Cafe will temporarily be relocated until there is enough money to deal with the maintenance of it,” Qin said. Former A.S. proxy JJ Ma said the redaction of the Che Cafe is to augment the UCAB reserves. “I think the ultimate goal is to build up those reserves again,” Ma said. “I figure that the temporary relocation is just for this next fiscal year.” According to Che Cafe principal member Davide Carpano, even one year away from the venue has implications for the co-operative’s ability to do business. “Once a place where shows exist closes for a year, you lose your contacts and volunteers, and your community gets destroyed,” Carpano See CHE CAFE, page 3



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AVERAGE CAT By Christina Carlson Zev Hurwitz Editor in Chief Rachel Huang Managing Editors Lauren Koa Gabriella Fleischman News Editor Yan Gao Associate News Editor Kelvin Noronha Opinion Editor Morgan Jong Associate Opinion Editor Brandon Yu Sports Editor John Story Associate Sports Editors Daniel Sung Sydney Reck Features Editor Soumya Kurnool Associate Features Editor

MIGHTY MOUSE By Rebekah Dyer

Vincent Pham Lifestyle Editor Jacqueline Kim A&E Editor Taylor Sanderson Photo Editor Alwin Szeto Associate Photo Editor Dorothy Van Design Editor Zoë McCracken Associate Design Editor Elyse Yang Art Editor Annie Liu Associate Art Editor Andrew Huang Copy Editor Susan Shamoon Associate Copy Editor Madeline Mann Training & Development Dorothy Van Social Media Coordinator Aleksandra Konstantinovic Multimedia Editor Page Layout Lauren Koa


UCSD Mathematical Biophysicist Anouchka Mihaylova Killed in a Hit-and-Run Accident Sixty-two-year-old Mihaylova was struck by a car on Saturday, May 17 around 8:30 p.m. BY lauren koa

managing editor UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering professor Anouchka Mihaylova died in a hit-and-run car accident in the 11800 block of Rancho Bernando Road around 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 17. Mihaylova was a department of bioengineering project scientist and a member of the Cardiac Mechanics Research Group in the Jacobs School of Engineering for almost 15 years, according to the UCSD bioengineering department website. According to UCSD News Center, she was a key investigator National Biomedical Computation Research. Boian Spassov, Mihaylova’s son, told NBC 7 San Diego that the

62-year-old was killed while she was walking to her favorite restaurant with her husband. The San Diego Police Department reported that a silver vehicle struck Mihaylova after driving into the curb and drove off without stopping. Police speculate that the vehicle was a silver or pewter 2005 or 2006 Nissan Altima with a damaged front end and missing passenger side mirror. At press time, the responsible party had not turned themselves in. Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla released a statement through the UCSD News Center on Monday afternoon offering the university’s condolences to the families and friends of the deceased for Mihaylova, as well as Ricardo Ambriz, a Revelle student, who also died on Saturday.

“[Mihaylova] made seminal contributions to her field and was an admired and revered mentor to postdoctoral researchers, graduate and undergraduate students,” Khosla said. Bioengineering professor Andrew D. McCulloch and chair Geert W. Schmid-Schonbein sent an email to the department on Monday afternoon regarding the loss of their colleague, mentioning the contributions Mihaylova had made to her field. “Anouchka is survived by her husband and son, to whom we extend our heartfelt sympathies, thoughts and prayers at this time of their terribly sudden and tragic loss,” the email said.

readers can contact lauren koa


Corrections The May 15 editorial “In the Red,” mentioned that according to the University Centers Advisory Board, the Che Cafe was under risk of closure from the fire marshal over safety concerns. While we maintain the accuracy of the statement, it should be noted that according to documentation, the fire marshal made only “recommendation” to rectify several safety issues and that there is contention between UCAB and Cafe management over what this means for the venue.

The Guardian corrects all errors brought to the attention of the editor. Corrections can be sent to editor@ucsdguardian.org.

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LIGHTS & SIRENS Friday, May 16 Over 100 reported drug and alcohol intoxication incidents throughout campus. See infographic, page 1. Saturday, May 17 5:17 a.m.: Medical Aid A subject in the Village West felt jittery and sweaty and claimed to have been drugged. Transported to hospital. Sunday, May 18 1:53 a.m.: Disturbance An unwanted guest refused to leave Brennan Hall when asked to by residents. Checks OK. 10:30 a.m.: Assist Other Agency San Diego Police searched for a subject who set two small fires on UC property. Closed by adult arrest. 8:02 p.m.: Medical Aid A subject was possibly having a seizure in Geisel Library. Transported to hospital. Monday, May 19 12:30 a.m.: Suicide Attempt A subject texted suicidal threats to a friend in the Revelle Apartments. Transported to hospital for evaluation.

Lights and Sirens is compiled from the Police Crime Log at police.ucsd.edu. 1:23 a.m.: Sexual Battery A subject slapped the victim on her behind and ran off near Goody’s. Report taken. 9:25 a.m.: Citizen Contact Drug paraphernalia was found near the Hopkins Parking Structure and turned into the UCSD Police Department. Information only. 12:58 p.m.: Medical Aid A subject experienced chest pains in York Hall. Transported to Student Health. Tuesday, May 20 11:17 a.m.: Medical Aid A subject lost consciousness on a shuttle bus near the Mandeville Center stop. Transported to hospital. 12:49 p.m.: Fraud The bioengineering department was given a counterfeit check. Information only. Wednesday, May 21 1:19 p.m.: Suspicious Vehicle A vehicle has been parked for two weeks in Lot 705. Information only. – ANDREW HUANG Senior Staff Writer


Che Supporters May Take Legal Action if Barred From Cafe ▶ CHE CAFE, from page 1

said. “Even if they were to give the funding back, which I don’t think they will, you lose that.” Carpano also mentioned that the Che Cafe Cooperative was expecting this vote and that his strategy from

now on will focus on why they should remain in the Che Cafe building. “Our resources have mainly been pertaining to the budget and why we should remain in the budget,” Carpano said. “Now the resources will shift gears to focus on why the documents are showing us why we

don’t need to leave the space.” Che Cafe Cooperative’s legal counsel Andrea Carter said that the co-operative may take legal action if the university does not allow them to occupy the Che Cafe facility.

readers can contact

gabriella fleischman



Student Opens Fire Near UC Santa Barbara

A candelight vigil was held on Monday night in honor of the six students who died and the recently deceased UCSD members Ricky Ambriza and Anouchka Mihaylova. BY meryl press

staff writer Six people were killed and 13 others were injured and hospitalized in the mass murder rampage carried out by Elliot Rodger in Isla Vista, near UC Santa Barbara, on Friday, March 24 around 9:30 p.m. NBC News reported that Rodger is the son of Hollywood director Peter Rodger and a student at Santa Barbara Community College. Rodger drove through the streets of Isla Vista and opened fire into a crowd of people, targeting women specifically. Three victims murdered near the Alpha Phi Sorority house were 22-year-old Katherine Breann Cooper of Chino Hills, 19-year-old Veronika Weiss of Westlake Village

and 20-year-old Christopher Ross Michaels-Martinez of Los Osos. In a YouTube video Rodger posted the day before, Rodger said that he was a 22-year-old virgin and wanted to punish women for rejecting him his whole life. He possibly suffered from a mental disorder and family members had expressed concern over other videos he had previously posted. Prior to leaving his apartment to commit the murders in Isla Vista, Rodger stabbed and killed three of his male roommates as well. Rodger eventually crashed and was found dead later that night. University of California President Janet Napolitano made a formal statement on May 24 about the shooting.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this tragedy,” Napolitano said. “University officials have set up a room for families who are coming to campus and are making counseling services available to any students, faculty and staff who need our support.” The UCSD Women’s Center and student organizers hosted a candlelight vigil on Monday, May 26 at 8 p.m. in honor of the lives that were taken last Friday and the deaths of UCSD members Ricky Ambriz and Anouchka Mihaylova. Participants met in front of Geisel Library and walked to Revelle Plaza. Anyone was permitted to attend.

readers can contact meryl press





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KELVIN NORONHA opinion@ucsdguardian.org

You Can’t Afford to Suppress Emotion



Thinking Caps Kelvin Noronha



Recent events in the technology industry should warn future employees that Silicon Valley corporations are not as perfect as they seem. BY JOSEPH COFFEY contributing writer illustration by elyse yang


ngineering is rightly touted as among the most profitable of college majors in the long run. According to the Wall Street Journal, in 2012, the average salary for all employees in the Silicon Valley averaged over $100,000. Given the Silicon Valley’s reputation as a new land of opportunity for those willing to brave the rigors of college math and science, we are predisposed towards thinking that the tech industry breaks the stereotypes of ruthlessness set by the modern corporation. Last January saw a lifting of this veil of wishful thinking. A Department of Justice antitrust investigation discovered that over the late 2000s, the CEOs of Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe and numerous other tech firms based in the Silicon Valley were responsible for colluding with the intent of lowering wages industry-round by agreeing not to compete in each other’s employee recruitment processes. This caused employees to lose nearly $9 billion in salary. While the six-figure paychecks in the Silicon Valley are still nothing to sneeze at, the mere fact that this money was effectively stolen from employees to increase company earnings, which in the case of Google last year surpassed $50 billion, is outrageous. The driving force of entry into the tech industry is driven by two convictions: that America as a nation has a dearth of students willing to major in STEM fields and that the only way to guarantee job security post-recession is to take advantage of this

supposed need. These concerns are highly exaggerated and are propagated by these industries for the same reasons that drove their wage-fixing efforts. In actuality, the unemployment rate for workers in the Silicon Valley increased after the recession, and for every job opening for a technically skilled worker, there are currently three qualified but unemployed. On top of this, approximately 40 percent of all research and development worldwide takes place in the U.S., and a third of all qualified researchers and engineers are employed in the U.S. This is also not without precedent in the U.S. technology sector. In his book “Falling Behind?,” Alfred P. Sloan Foundation demographer Michael Teitelbaum notes that government alarm over the supposed lack of qualified scientists has occurred numerous times since World War II, from the anxiety generated by the launch of the Soviet Sputnik, to the more recent crash perpetrated by careless venture capital investment in the high-tech industry. In every case, demand was met by a glut of qualified workers, followed shortly after by an economic bust. So why does the tech industry continue to fearmonger? Perhaps unsurprisingly, it turns out to have a lot to do with maximizing profit. The idea that the nation lacks these workers pressures Congress to issue more of a specific type of work visa, known as an H-1B, which requires sponsorship from an employer and will only grant residency under employment. Already 500,000 of these workers presently reside in the U.S. Not only

See WAGES, page 5



“Pink” Cancer Movement Has Become Shamefully Commercialized

Breast Cancer Awareness Efforts Should be a Model for All Diseases

It is undoubtedly important to inform people about breast cancer. After all, according to the American Cancer Society, it is one of the most fatal cancerous diseases among women, second only to lung cancer. However, with all the publicity that breast cancer gets — there’s even an entire month dedicated to it — other equally fatal cancers deserve the same, if not more, attention and money for research. The National Cancer Institute’s statistics state that the chance of survival five years after being diagnosed with breast cancer is 89.2 percent, compared to the 6.7 percent survival rate for pancreatic cancer. These dismal statistics indicate the need for more research on cures and preventive measures for other comparatively low-profile cancers. People should be more concerned with promoting and raising money for these more lethal cancers instead of one with proven high remission rates. Many products sport a little pink ribbon with manufacturers claiming that a portion of the profit will fund breast cancer research. A report by oncologist David Chan shows that over twice as much is spent on breast cancer than any other cancer, going on to note that “we haven’t spent our money wisely.” According to a CNN Health report, studies have predicted that lung, pancreas and liver cancers will be the most deadly cancers in the near future. While it is still important to donate to a worthy cause like breast cancer awareness, it is important to make sure that the research of other deadly diseases is not deterred by a narrow focus on breast cancer.

The fight against breast cancer is a noble one, but it is one many companies are scrambling to promote for the wrong reasons. By exploiting consumers’ inclinations to buy merchandise advertised to fund cancer research, companies are commercializing breast cancer, turning the struggle of many diagnosed into a dirty means of profiteering. Many companies, such as Reebok and the NFL, sell pink-marked items, indicating that proceeds go toward cancer research; however, according to the organization Breast Cancer Action, companies can place a “cap” on their maximum donations without consumer knowledge and can choose to profit from people’s desire to do good rather than help — beyond a minimum effort — to fight the disease. Although consumers believe their money will go toward cancer research organizations, most of the money they donate through these products is lost to corporations that don’t need it, rather than given to organizations that do. According to Darren Rovell of ESPN, the NFL only donates a paltry 8 percent of the proceeds from pink NFL merchandise to cancer research; the rest goes to the manufacturers and, unsurprisingly, the NFL. Although consumers may have good intentions when opting to purchase pink-ribboned merchandise, direct donations to the medical organizations would far better benefit cancer research. The very organizations people are trying to help by buying pink products are the ones getting hurt, and the same companies that claim to support breast cancer research are the ones at fault, exploiting the disease and the people fighting it off solely for ill-gotten profit.

The use of the Susan G. Komen symbol on various products has created a fear of the monetization of the fight against cancer, labeled “pinkwashing.” Skeptics believe that the campaign has lost its original focus, relegated to nothing more than a marketing technique. But really, its ubiquity is a sign of progress. Awareness of prevention techniques and concern is growing, precisely the intention of the campaign. Much of the concern stems from manipulative advertising, as if the main incentive for consumers to purchase products is solely for donating to a cause. In reality, individuals were likely going to buy the product already. When KFC introduced pink-themed buckets in 2010, many disapproved of an establishment that contributed to obesity, one of the many causes of cancer, promoting awareness. But even leading cancer researcher Olufunmilayo Olopade saw the benefits of the partnership, acknowledging that it has prompted some of her patients to seek cancer screenings. Even though it seems hypocritical, the fact that the symbol has penetrated many facets of everyday life means that more and more women are being reminded to check on their health and ensure longevity. It is these marketing efforts that yield $55 million a year for the Komen Foundation. Products associated with pink ribbons allow customers to align their daily purchases with an ability to help. It is not supposed to serve as the sole justification for purchase. Given that cancer death rates have dropped 34 percent since the inception of the symbol, it would seem that the ribbon and its color are serving their original purpose of spreading awareness.

— ROSINA GARCIA Contributing Writer

— WAVERLY TSENG Contributing Writer

— DEREK UNG Staff Writer

Other Lethal Forms of Cancer Deserve More Attention and Publicity

s a youngster, I was always reminded never to go to sleep angry. Pent-up emotions and simmering rage, as I was told, would sink into our minds and contaminate our thoughts, whether we noticed it or not. Similar to how we sleep on new information to better absorb it, following up an episode of anger with slumber only it. And when these emotions later get the better of us, we tend to plunge into unfocused rage and lose sight of what really matters. We focus solely on ourselves and blow our trivial problems out of proportion. This is partially a function of how deeply immersed we are in our own interests. When consumed by despair, it is nearly impossible to think about anyone but ourselves. But having the composure to step back and think about how minor our issues are in the context of a world of seven billion people can almost instantly rid us of misplaced dissatisfaction. We can tackle harmful emotions at the source by considering everything we are fortunate to have and realizing that there’s no need to get all antagonized in the first place. This is not to say by any means that internal emotional trauma, should it arise, can just be bottled up — in fact, this is shockingly harmful. If contentious issues in a relationship, for example, are repressed and smothered, it could lead to uncontrollable outbursts later when a tipping point is reached. Moreover, trying to gloss over problems takes a toll on physical and mental health. A study from the Harvard School of Public Health noted that among nearly 800 subjects, those who indicated in a survey that they did not properly vent their feelings were 35 percent more likely to die prematurely due to stress-related factors. While it is important to contextualize many of our problems to understand how petty they are and avoid emotional distress altogether, part of the problem is that it is worryingly easy to dismiss mental issues as a sign of weakness and try to “get over it.” All too often, our feelings are side-lined, as they are too abstract to really elicit any kind of concern. Mental problems are consigned to the back of the public consciousness because they are easy to conceal and difficult to detect under the façade of a pleasant demeanor. It is crucial that we are able to keep a finger on our own emotional pulse and make sure that we don’t succumb to our sadness or unduly suppress it. And should we detect it, we need to be able to properly ventilate accumulated stress — not by punching stuff and snapping at our friends but by acknowledging the problems that we have difficulty coping with and solving them. If we can’t successfully avoid the emotional fallout of our issues, we need to be able to confront our feelings. Although venting them to others may not seem “classy,” verbalizing them is the only way to realize for ourselves that, at the end of the day, only we know what goes on in our heads.


T H E U C S D G U A R D I A N | T U E S D A Y, M A Y 2 7 , 2 0 1 4 | W W W . U C S D G U A R D I A N . O R G

SOLVE FOR X By Philip Jia


University Centers Favors Capitalism over Students

Companies Collude and Manipulate Employees to Reap Profits ▶ WAGES, from page 4 does this pressure foreign students to take lower salaries than they would be owed, but by extension, it also forces down the wages of domestic students who are forced to compete for wages with foreign workers taking sub-standard offers. With this influx of foreign workers competing with an already engorged domestic labor pool, unemployment rates rise in turn, hardly creating the opportunity these companies claim to foster. Much of what was normally to be paid to employees, then, is free to enrich the company executives. This only feeds into a growing income inequality in the U.S., which according to a recent Bloomberg Rankings

survey has fallen below Britain and most other “developed” Western countries according to the Gini coefficient, or distribution of incomes across population. Although this particular instance of collusion has been partially resolved in court, recent allegations toward eBay’s shady wage practices should dispel the notion that any business should be exempt from scrutiny. It also demonstrates that exploitation exists wherever there is employment, even amongst the highest wage earners in America. To turn a blind eye to this phenomenon by labeling it as an instance of the rich stealing from the rich is to admit that wage-fixing is right, or at least not unjustifi-




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able, in certain circumstances. This kind of perspective is harmful to all workers’ rights movements and discouraging to any efforts that might have been made earlier to right these wrongs. Any student of math, science or engineering should be as aware of their fields as any student of the arts, humanities and social sciences and should not be fooled by the notion that their employment prospects are completely in their control or that the companies that employ them are as meritocratic as they claim. According to some, anyway, companies are people too.

readers can contact Joseph Coffey


Dear Editor, Naomi Klein succinctly describes the way in which neoliberal capitalism has functioned through crisis in order to cement itself as the hegemonic economic ideology, “waiting for a major crisis, then selling off pieces of the state to private players while citizens were still reeling from the shock, then quickly making the ‘reforms’ permanent.” If one were to perform a deeper analysis than the one that was done in recent editorials, one would quickly see the parallels between the UCAB’s permanent budget crisis and crisis capitalism. In fiscal year 2008–09 UCAB, experiencing a budget crisis, brought in multiple corporate vendors under the guise of increasing revenue. The following two years, the UCAB provided subsidies for these corporate interests by not opening new developments with which they would have to compete. Fiscal year 2011¬–12 and fiscal year 2012–13 saw UCAB adopt a slew of “revenue increasing” measures along with simultaneous cuts to vital student services, the most contentious of which was the line item cut of the Craft Center from their budget (with the promise to reinstate funding once revenue was increased). This past year, UCAB chose not to reinstate funding for the Craft Center, “quickly making the ‘reforms’ permanent.” Finally, despite large student resistance, they violated UCSD’s fair trade policy in order to allow Starbucks to enter our campus. After all of this, one would think that UCAB had finally managed to fix their budget. But they

have not. And now they are going after the Che Cafe, paralleling what they have already done to the Craft Center. What we have before us is, as put by Professor Thorpe, “... a corporate model of top-down management, at odds with the conception of the University as a public sphere.” This is the shock doctrine. And it is fueled by lies. The struggle that the Che Cafe experiences today is a struggle common to many: from the students involved with the Craft Center, to those fighting for the integrity and enforcement of a student-built fair trade policy. This struggle is also global: from the student movement in Quebec, to that in Chile, students around the world are fighting against the privatization and corporatization of their education. I encourage each and every person to think hard about what they want their university to look like in 10 years. Rather than assuming that we at the Che are irresponsible and suck student fees, question the legitimacy of a University Centers policy that systematically disfavors the student cooperatives while catering to the needs of on-campus corporate interests. The Che takes no student fee money. All we have ever asked for is the building maintenance that we are owed under our lease agreement. While I understand that many people do not use the Che, the reality is that there are many spaces on campus that the vast majority of students do not use. This does not take away from their importance. Spaces such as they Che are necessary on our campus, functioning as a safe haven for those of us who don’t fit into UCSD’s dominant culture, and we are not few. — Davide Carpano Senior, Thurgood Marshall College



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UC Washington Center Students Statge Protest Against President Napolitano

University of California head Janet Napolitano reportedly declined to meet with students before or after a recent presentation in Washington, D.C. BY jacky to

staff Writer University of California Washington Center students participated in a protest demanding UC President Janet Napolitano to be more accountable and transparent by creating chancellor hours and having open dialogue with students. The protest took place on May 19 at a networking reception at the UC Washington Center in Washington, D.C. in response to her refusal to meet with UCDC students both before and after the event. UCSD student Jenny Park attended the protest and told the UCSD Guardian that UCDC students were unhappy that Napolitano had made the reception an alumni-only event and consequently limited her access to current students. The other students also disliked that Napolitano would only be taking screened questions at the event, which the majority of UCDC students could not attend. Students then petitioned her to speak with them for 30 minutes either before

BRIEFS ▶ Oved Nomination: UCLA junior Abraham Oved was nominated as the 41st UC student regent at a University of California Board of Regents special committee on Thursday, May 22. The Board is set to meet and vote on the recommendation in July. Oved will serve as student-regent designate if the nomination is approved and will not be able to vote on deliberations until July 2015. Until then, current student-regent designate and UC Berkeley student Sadia Saifudden would be collaborating with Oved on student–centered issues. She has voiced support for the nominee, calling him an “enthusiastic and capable leader, and an avid learner.” Oved has stated he wishes to focus on the state’s support for higher education, sexual violence on campuses and campus climate issues. “I want to work with students on the ground,” Oved said. “That should be the focus of this position: empowering students and giving them the resources they need to be heard.” Oved is finishing his third year at UCLA, majoring in economics and minoring in global studies.

or after the event, which she declined. “She flat out refused both requests, further making students feel ignored and actively avoided,” Park said. “It made a lot of students question if she really cares about student concerns.” According to Park, a student-led meeting was held before the reception to decide how the protest would be executed. The protesters complied with the building’s rules and security in order to maintain credibility and avoid being asked to leave. “They started their protest on the spiral staircase that connects the first and second floor as it was open and visible,” Park said. “When they arrived, security guards roped off the open staircase to remove the protesters from that floor.” The protesters then regrouped in the lobby, where an area was roped off for the protest. Though they were not allowed inside the reception, the television screens in the lobby broadcasted the event. After the reception ended, the protesters reconvened outside of the building. UCDC Executive Director Helen Shapiro came outside to address

the protesters and their claim about Napolitano’s lack of transparency. Shapiro said that Napolitano “is not unwilling to meet with students” but could not meet with students due to her busy schedule, including a trip the day after the protest. Napolitano went on a trip to Mexico regarding the creation of student exchange program with the National Autonomous University of Mexico. In the flier that the protesters created, students claimed that since becoming president of the UC system, Napolitano has failed to both meet and initiate dialogue with students. Protesters demanded that all future UC presidents be elected by both students and faculty. Additionally, they stipulated the individual must have an extensive and positive background in education, goals towards completely eliminating debt through full subsidization,, and roots and experience with communities in California and support for programs that serve underrepresented communities. The demands also included restructuring of the process by which


the UC system makes its decisions. Changes would include a campuswide election for all future UC regents, giving students the power to impeach both UC presidents and regents and a general democratization of the regents to include true participation by the students and faculty in the central decision-making processes. The organizers of the protest urged students to call, fax or email Napolitano’s office to demand that

she take more time to meet with concerned UC students. Their primary means of spreading word about this movement, which demands a more transparent administration and less privatization of the public UC system, has been through the Facebook event and Twitter trend, #doUCaccountability.

visual arts student Yu Chen, highlights the role our cultural background plays when communicating ideas of society, beauty and family. “We are thrilled to know that Adam’s creative spirit will live on through the Adam D. Kamil Gallery, where students can showcase their talents, share inspiration and connect with one another,” Kamil’s mother Elaine said. The gallery is located on the lower level of the Mandeville Center and can be used to showcase one’s work or organize a group exhibition.

“The SJP’s motive is clear: to manipulate the composition of the student government so it is filled with anti-Israel activists who support the SJP’s hateful agenda.” Chancellor Block’s statement was decidedly more diplomatic. “I am troubled that the pledge sought to delegitimize educational trips offered by some organizations but not others,” he said. “I am troubled that the pledge can reasonably be seen as trying to eliminate selected viewpoints from the discussion.” Napolitano has parroted Block’s concerns, adding that she does not support UCLA students “who target any student seeking to participate in student government who has a relationship with, or wants to travel to, Israel on trips sponsored by certain groups.” Four of the 13-member student council at UCLA signed the pledge on May 9, while six refused and three abstained with the promise to not take a sponsored trip.

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BY contributing writer brian iniguez

▶ Rady Funding: Local philanthropist and UCSD supporter Ernest Rady has donated a $1 million gift to the UCSD Rady School of Management. The school announced the donation on May 19, along with the information that it would be used to fund fellowships for outstanding MBA students. Rady had pledged to match 1 dollar for every 60 cents raised by the school in support of fellowships, up to $1 million. “Without these fellowships, this type of student recruitment would not be possible,” said Rady School Dean Robert S. Sullivan. “Attracting an even greater number of talented students to the Rady School enhances the learning experience and success of all of our students.” The fellowships are also believed to help students better take advantage of internship opportunities presented through the school by marginally reducing the financial burden of the program. “[Ernest Rady’s] ongoing commitment to making the Rady School one of the best business schools in the world demonstrates his passion for higher education and developing



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a new generation of leaders,” UCSD Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla said. Ernest Rady serves as exxecutive chairman for the Board of American Assets Trust and is the founder of successful companies such as Insurance Company of the West, Irvine-based Westcorp Inc. and Western Financial Bank. ▶ Kamil Gallery Renaming: The Mandeville Center Gallery Annex has been named the Adam D. Kamil Gallery as of May 22 in remembrance of the late visual arts student and filmmaker. The naming of the gallery comes in light of the Kamil family’s $150,000 gift contribution to the Adam Douglas Kamil Media Awards, which the family established in 2009 after their son’s death. The ceremony premiered over 30 UC student films and was held at the new gallery on May 8. The theme of the awards ceremony this year, “So What’s Your Story?” was inspired by Kamil’s propensity to document the lives of everyday people and their unique narratives, a recurring motif in his films. This year’s winning film, titled “Grandma” and directed by

▶ Anti-Israel Pledge: UCLA Chancellor Gene Block and UC President Janet Napolitano have come out against a pledge calling for all undergraduate student council offices to suspend any future trips to Israel sponsored by pro-Israeli lobbying groups. The pledge was initiated by several student organizations, including Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace. In response, seven groups supporting Israel issued a letter to the Board of Regents on May 22 demanding for the UC system to condemn the pledge:

readers can contact brian iniguez


Give Back, Earn Credit SECONDARY SCHOOL MENTORING + TUTORING PROGRAMS Open to ALL UCSD students | Transportation will be available To learn more about each program, visit: http://create.ucsd.edu/opportunities TMC 198: TMC/CREATE PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS PROGRAM Serve as tutors, mentors, and positive role models to first-generation college-bound youth at UCSD partnership charter schools: The Preuss School and Gompers Preparatory Academy. Contact: Brianna Nelson bnelson@ucsd.edu


Support academic achievement by providing math tutoring to students at Lincoln High School. Gain training by veteran math educators through a bi-weekly seminar. Contact: Jacqueline Guan at j1guan@ucsd.edu

EDS 198: COLLEGE ACADEMIC MENTORING PROGRAM (CAMP) Promote college access by serving as a mentor to local high school students. Gain tools and training through a weekly seminar. Contact: Indira Esparza at inesparz@ucsd.edu


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On May 19, University Centers offered the second installment of its on-campus Graffiti Hill art event in an overall effort to, eventually, give students a permanent space for graffiti art.


t was commutative respect and overwhelming student response, Esther Kim and Armando Abundis told the UCSD Guardian, that motivated University Centers to transcend its original proposal of holding a one-time event last quarter into a plan to hold Graffiti Hill on a quarterly basis. “What I noticed [about the first Graffiti hill event] that I really appreciated was that no one abused it,” Kim, a University Centers Marketing representative, said. “There was no profanity on there or anything offensive. It was just people having fun, drawing whatever they wanted to draw [...] I think it was awesome to see that people were really respectful of each other.” Last week, students were offered another shot at spray paint and sharpie conception, only this time around, it was not limited to one day only. The structures for this quarter’s event were left up for four additional days without supervision, allowing artists to maintain the thrill of anonymous artwork suddenly springing up when eyes are turned away, as figures like Banksy have ingrained into the nature of graffiti. “The nature of [graffiti] is kind of in secret at night; you get to do whatever you want—spontaneous,” Kim said. “I think it will be cool to watch [the artwork] transform as well.” In addition to opening its doors to all artists, University Centers also featured four student artists who had their own spaces to themselves during this quarter’s event. Two of the artists, who originally reached out to University Centers about this event through a link on their Facebook page last quarter, represented Marshall College and Muir College as they each created a mural illustrating the principles that their own colleges live by. Kim calls the timing of Graffiti Hill with the student movement to bring back Graffiti Hall “uncanny.” She and Abundis, senior graphic designer at University Centers, maintains that the two were not connected and that the original conception of Graffiti Hill simply arose at the same time as Graffiti Hall’s closure.

“It just so happened that the whole controversy with Graffiti Hall happened at the same time that we were coming up with this concept,” Abundis said. “Once Graffiti Hall was painted over and some of the student body was upset, there was an effort by the administration [and] our department to create that sort of space.” Many students and alumni continue to express their dissatisfaction with the university’s decision to paint over Graffiti Hall and forbid any more graffiti art on its walls. In a letter to the editor on May 23, Scott Weisman, a 1990 Muir College graduate, noted the administration’s change in attitude toward Graffiti Hall and voiced his disappointment in regard to its shutdown. “[Many interviews in the past with] administration officials and police [...] document a tolerance and even affection for the wall-writing and writers, completely at odds with the attitude displayed today,” Weisman said. “It is sad to see this harmless activity, thought of fondly by so many, tolerated by the administration for so long, so vociferously quashed.” The end goal is now a permanent graffiti exhibition similar to Graffiti Hall somewhere on campus, Kim explained. But until that can be established, University Centers is determined to provide an alternative outlet for student street artists. All in all, Abundis maintains that University Centers hopes to show students that, despite the extinction of Graffiti Hall, UCSD still respects graffiti as a valuable form of art. “We will not be editing anyone’s work [in Graffiti Hill events],” he said. “We will not be covering or censoring [the artwork]. We are University employees guided by the Principles of Community, so if there’s anything out there, any type of artwork regardless of what it is, [...] everyone’s free to do what they want.”

readers can contact Teiko Yakobson



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Engineers Without Borders at UCSD, a chapter of a national nonprofit organization dedicated to improving communities at home and abroad, talks about its attempts to bring water to Bungwe, Rwanda.


n the last year alone, the UCSD chapter of Engineers Without Borders has made an impact on the community by successfully completing two domestic projects — Smart Garden and Fly Ash — focused on creating automated gardening systems and environmentally sustainable ways to use cement. The next goal has a wider scope: to help communities get access to water in Bungwe, Rwanda. Engineers Without Borders at UCSD is committed to carrying out two year-long domestic projects and one international project every year. With regards to domestic projects, chapters may apply to start a new project or “adopt” an already open project. Specific members may also volunteer their time apart from their chapters. International projects are generally executed over a longer period of time and on a larger scale, as they are organized with the broader intent to improve the global community. The projects fall into seven categories: water supply, sanitation, civil works, structures, energy, agriculture and information systems. EWB at UCSD’s current international project has been ongoing since 2012, as it has been focusing on increasing water supply in Bungwe, a community in the northern province of Rwanda. “It all started with the leader before us, Nisha Sheph, who is a graduating senior this year,” freshman Aaron Graham, one of the selected leaders for the upcoming school year, said. “She’s a nanoengineer, and she wanted to do community-driven environmental projects that would help out communities elsewhere.” EWB’s Rwanda Water Project aims to design a tank which would store and filter rainwater for people to drink. Because Bungwe is located on top of a hill, it would normally take two hours to go down to retrieve water and climb up the hill again. Thus, EWB sees the tank as necessary in Bungwe to making water availability more convenient. “Since it rains there about half the time, we want to catch the rain and filter it out and use it for drinking and other household purposes,” Graham said. “The tank


would allow them to have more access to water.” The International Health Standards states that every individual should have access to a minimum of 40 liters of water each day. A typical U.S. citizen has access to up to about 300 liters of water every day; however, an individual in Bungwe only has daily access to about five to 10 liters of water. As such, EWB understands that those in Bungwe are in dire need of a greater water supply. In the summer of 2013, EWB went on an assessment trip which allowed four of its members to physically visit Bungwe in order to fully understand what resources individuals there had and how much help EWB could provide through the project. They are currently in the process of designing the rainwater catchment tank with a cheap and environmentally sustainable material called ferrocement, a mixture of cement, sand and steel and chicken wire. EWB started designing the tank in the winter of 2013 and hopes to implement the actual tank by September 2014, when it makes a second assessment trip. “We’re going to need several trips in the next few years to continue implementing the design and finishing it,” Graham said, “That’s the main goal of the project, but there’s so many things around it like the education, the application for grants and we’re also doing a side project of making a playground so that the children after school can have a nice place to play sports at. Right now, they don’t have much facilities over there.” EWB plans to continue working on the tank design and develop a stronger connection with the community. Graham explains that the group’s goal is not only to implement the tank in Bungwe but to help local individuals. “We want to get the community involved in order to allow them to sustain the project even after we implement it,” Graham said. “We also understand that they don’t have enough financial resources so we have to figure out how to find the lowest cost possible to implement the tank.”

readers can contact CHANELLE WANG




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Top Finishers Howe, Pimentel Finish Sixth, Eighth Respectively Six All-District Tritons Now Qualify ing in 17th with his best distance at While the Triton group was small, For All-America Team Ballot Selections ▶ 192-6 on his second attempt. Howe’s it earned national attention and TRACK & FIELD, from page 12

ish line in eighth place, her time of 2:11.02 earned her the coveted AllAmerican marker. “It was a relief [to reach AllAmerican status],” Pimentel said. “I didn’t want to repeat what had happened last year — I was so close. I had a little mental barrier last year, and this year I didn’t have as much of a mental barrier. It’s pretty satisfying to finally reach the end goal I was trying to achieve.” Juniors Nash Howe and Anthony Capitulo competed in the javelin, with Howe coming in seeded first and Capitulo seeded 20th. Capitulo bested his original seeding, finish-

first mark of 211-0 proved to be his best throw but could only earn him sixth best in the nation. While the mark was far from first, Howe nevertheless earned his second AllAmerican distinction. “Nash had a somewhat disappointing championship,” Salerno said. “In the context of going in basically tied for first, it really adds a lot of expectations. That’s part of javelin throwing — it’s got a lot of variables to it. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t Nash’s day to be up there, but he’s All-American and moved up a place from last year, so you can’t complain about that.”

proved they could compete with and match the level of established national programs. With none of the five athletes graduating this year, UCSD only hopes to elevate themselves further for next year’s NCAAs. “We took five athletes and two came back as All-American,” Salerno said. “That’s a good yield. Very few teams ever see that. For us, we see high level competition all year. [That] prepares us real well for championships — it has historically — and it certainly showed up this time.”

readers can contact clay kaufman




▶ AWARDS, from page 12

Impressively, this is Calkins’ third time winning the Capital One AllAcademic award. Dickinson, one of the youngest members of the six, is a sophomore on the fencing team who holds a 3.79 GPA in biochemistry. He led UCSD to its 10th straight Intercollegiate Fencing Conference of Southern California title this year, while individually earning fifth place in sabre at the NCAA West Regional. Dickinson also took bronze in sabre at North American Cup. Jiganti is a senior on the men’s tennis team with a 3.66 GPA in his management science studies. He was the top member for men’s tennis, playing in the No. 1 singles — for which he is ranked 38th in the nation — and No. 1 doubles slot this season. While the tennis team

fell in the first round of the NCAA Championship to Midwestern State University, Jiganti won his doubles match against his No. 11 nationally ranked opponents. Cockerill, a sophomore utility with a 3.50 GPA in political science, had a tremendous season on the men’s water polo team. He set career-highs in goals (30), assists (45), steals (52) and just about every other individual category. His 45 assists, a team-high, inked him into the Triton record books as the No. 10 most assists in a single season. The six accomplished Tritons will now move on to the Capital One All-America team ballot, where they hope to qualify for the next level of awards as the entire nation’s most academically focused athletes.

readers can contact brandon yu




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Classifieds Classifieds

Mint condition iPad 3 with Retina Display. Wifi version. I used it as a laptop my senior year. It’s in perfect condition, as it’s been in a case at all times. The logitech keyboard is sweet and very useful. I live at The Village if you want to see it before buying. Price: $325. Listing ID: 39226015 at ucsdguardian.org/ classifieds for more information





Great condition Vizio TV for sale. I can put it in the original box and it comes with a tv stand, no remote. heading out of town this weekend and would like to sell this ASAP (by Friday). Text 916-873-6856. Price: $200. Listing ID: 39466829 at ucsdguardian.org/ classifieds for more information


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XBOX 360 4GB Console. I have the slimmer, newer, black 4GB XBOX for sale. I can give you two controllers, too. It’s worked great ever since I got it a few years ago, and I’ve never had a problem with it. Just looking to get it off my hands. Willing to negotiate price. Contact me if you have any questions. Price: $120. Listing ID: 35703480 at ucsdguardian. org/classifieds for more information Beats Solo HD RED Edition On-Ear Headphones. Barely used. Lost the mic cable. Box and everything are included. Message me if interested. Price: $100. Listing ID: 37554346 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information

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ACROSS 1 A little batty 5 Fills completely 10 Skips, as ads on a taped show 14 “Garfield” dog 15 What an ump’s protector protects 16 Approximately 17 Former Italian coins 18 Main blood line 19 Loch with a legend 20 Corporate-sponsored vacation 23 Ruhr valley city 24 Largest continent 25 Sicilian volcano 28 Mediterranean island republic 33 Place to retire to? 36 Tournament matches before finals, briefly 39 Matador’s foe 40 Retirement account transaction that may incur a penalty 44 “Iliad” setting 45 Big name in tractors 46 __-mo replay 47 Challenge a verdict in a higher court 50 Money you owe 52 Follow, as a suspect 55 Love poetry Muse 59 Local airline trip 64 “A guy walks into a bar ...” may start one 65 Christener 66 Go-__: small racer 67 Gets it wrong 68 Dolly the sheep, for one 69 Fencing blade 70 Herbal brews 71 Sharpened 72 Crystal gazer

DOWN 1 “La __ Vita” 2 “Later, amigo” 3 Law corporations, e.g. 4 Conical abode 5 CAT procedure 6 Greeting at sea 7 __ cotta 8 Colorado’s __ Park 9 Unwanted radio noise 10 No-fly __ 11 Locale 12 Sibilant attention getter 13 Brillo rival 21 Unable to sit still 22 Jamie Foxx biopic about singer Charles 26 Previously unseen 27 In the thick of 29 School org. 30 Lines of seats 31 River through southern Russia 32 Unaccompanied performance 33 Alpha, __, gamma 34 Wyatt of the Old West 35 Bit of medicine for the eye or ear 37 Suffix with meteor 38 Tool house 41 Caustic potash 42 Dr. of rap 43 Insurrectionist 48 24-hr. cash dispenser 49 Cape Canaveral event 51 Tots’ rides 53 “Boot” country prefix 54 Iced tea flavor 56 Wide open 57 Crowd quota? 58 Playful river critter 59 Planetary center 60 Cajun vegetable 61 Army meal 62 Actress Russo 63 Barney’s Bedrock pal 64 “Jumbo” flier

Sublet 2bdrm in UCSD Mesa Housing. Sublet available in UCSD Mesa Housing. Must be interested in renting for the entire duration from July 1st through December 2014. It is an upstairs unit in south Mesa. It is furnished with 2 bedrooms, vaulted ceilings, ample storage space, and includes utilities (except internet). Must be UCSD affiliated in order to qualify for the sublet. Rent: $1170. Listing ID: 35704378 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information

FURNITURE Oak Frame Futon (Full size) with pullout drawers. The frame is high quality oak in a dark finish. Mattress is covered with washable navy blue cover. Has been used in a smoke free and pet free home and was originally bought for $1150. It has a small ding on the right upper arm but doesn’t compromise its function. Need to part with it because I’m moving out of state! Must be able to pick up and would need at least two people that can lift heavy. $200 firm (price set low to eliminate bargaining)-- Serious buyers only, please. Thanks for looking. Listing ID: 35703828 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information Black Desk. Roughly 4.5 x 2.5 ft. It does not come with drawers. It’s just a very simple desk that is perfect for studying. Let me know if you are interested or have any questions! :) Price: $40. Listing ID: 35704362 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information Tall black bookcase with 4 adjustable shelves. It’s nothing fancy, but if you’re looking for something to just hold all your text books (or other items) and be organized, it does the job (for just $15). Has a minor ding on the bottom shelf (shown in 3rd picture). Has been kept clean and comes from a smoke free and pet free home. Must be able to pick up. At least two people required to move it. Listing ID: 35703832 at ucsdguardian.org/ classifieds for more information


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FITstop is a 20-minute free health assessment that measures your level of health and fitness compared to others in your age group. Four categories are measured: 1. Cardiovascular Health, 2. Muscular Strength & Endurance, 3. Body Weight & Composition, and 4. Flexibility. See where you fall within these categories and learn how you can improve your overall health! Workshops are free and space is limited. FitStop is hosted by the Student Health Advocates.

Breather with us as we stretch, strengthen, move, and simply let go at the CCC. Bring your own yoga mat if you have one. Limited yoga mats provided. Free healthy snack!



Join us to hear local author Tamara Carson speak about Juneteenth and her research and writing process. 'Journey to Juneteenth: Collected Writings' is a short collection that includes short stories, poetry, and a choral reading - all inspired by Tamara Carson's rich family legacy based in East Texas. It is a book that celebrates family, faith and freedom - the 3 foundational elements of Juneteenth Day. Refreshments will be served. Copies of the book will be available for $20.

3pm RETHINKING SOVEREIGNTY AT THE PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE OF 1919 – RUIZ ROOM, HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES BUILDING, RM 5086 Sovereignty at the peace conference that sought to end the Great War of 1914-1918 has long been considered a solved historical problem. Nation-states and empires, we have long believed, simply reasserted their interests and identities much as they had in the nineteenth century, with disastrous results that led to World War II. Yet the radicalization of international political culture as a result of the Great War would not so easily be contained once peacemaking began. Whatever the intentions of the peacemakers, including President Woodrow Wilson himself, sovereignty in the international system would come to be understood and practiced in new ways. The lecture argues that it is necessary in considering sovereignty at the Paris Peace Conference to look beyond the Weberian definition of sovereignty as a monopoly of the legitimate use of violence. In unpredictable ways, “total” solutions to Europe’s first “total” war profoundly challenged the identities of the nation-states making peace, and the structures according to which they would do so. Leonard V. Smith, Frederick B. Artz Professor of History at Oberlin College, is the author of: The Embattled Self: French Soldiers' Testimony of the Great War (2007); co-author of France and the Great War, 1914-1918 (2003); and author of Between Mutiny and Obedience (1994). He has been a visiting professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Claremont McKenna College, and in the Associated Kyoto Program at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. His current monograph project, Sovereignty at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919: The Laboratory over a Vast Cemetery, is under contract to Oxford University Press



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6pm TRITON LEADERSHIP PANEL – PRICE CENTER THEATER The Civic Leadership Fund at UCSD is proud to invite all students to the Triton Leadership panel, which will be held in Price Center Theater on Tuesday, May 27th at 6:00 PM. The panel will consist of on-campus leaders at UCSD who will discuss issues pertinent to UCSD students, such as the AS budget crisis. Our goal in this discussion is for the leaders to come up with potential solutions to the problems that UCSD students will face going forward. Please use your free time to come and hear the discussion, in order to understand what our campus leaders are doing to engage their fellow students and address the most pertinent issues. Free food will be served to guests!

6:30pm END YOUR QUARTER SMOOTHIE-LY – THE ZONE, PRICE CENTER (BY JAMBA JUICE) Take a break from studying to enjoy free healthy smoothies! Make your own smoothie and take it home.

DE-STRESS W/ BIOFEEDBACK – THE ZONE, PRICE CENTER PLAZA Come de-stress with the CAPs Wellness Peers! Measure your psychological stressors and learn more about what makes you most stressed, how it affects your well-being and how to keep your stress levels down! Workshops are all free. Space is limited and is first come, first served. Hosted by the CAPS Wellness Peer Educators.

4:30pm DOLORES DORANTES AND JEN HOFER – SME PERFORMANCE SPACE, STRUCTURAL MATERIALS BUILDING DOLORES DORANTES’ most recent books include Querida fábrica (Práctica Mortal, CONACULTA, 2012) and Estilo (Mano Santa Editores, 2011). Her op-ed pieces, criticism and investigative texts have been published in numerous Mexican newspapers. sexoPUROsexoVELOZ and Septiembre, a bilingual edition of books two and three of Dolores Dorantes by Dolores Dorantes, translated by Jen Hofer, was co-published in early 2008 by Counterpath Press and Kenning Editions. Intervenir, written collaboratively with Rodrigo Flores Sánchez, is forthcoming as Intervene, translated by Jen Hofer. Dorantes lived in Ciudad Juárez for 25 years, and currently lives in Los Angeles where she teaches workshops in autobiographical writing through Cielo Portátil and co-curates (with Jen Hofer) a Spanish-language section at The Last Bookstore, called La Ultima. JEN HOFER is a Los Angeles-based poet, translator, social justice interpreter, teacher, knitter, book-maker, public letter-writer, urban cyclist, and co-founder (with John Pluecker) of the language justice and literary activism collaborative Antena. Her latest translations include the homemade chapbook En las aravillas/In Wonder (Libros Antena/Antena Books, 2012) and Ivory Black, a translation of Negro marfil by Myriam Moscona (Les Figues Press 2011). Her most recent books are the chapbooks The Missing Link (Insert Blanc Press), Front Page News (Little Red Leaves Textile Series, 2013), we do not see what we do not see (DIY edition, 2013), Shroud: A Piece of Fabric Sewn To A Piece of Paper By Way of A Map (collaboration with Jill Magi; DIY edition, 2013), When We Said This Was A Space, We Meant We Are People (collaboration with John Pluecker Libros Antena/Antena Books, 2013), and a book-length series of anti-war-manifesto poems titled one (Palm Press, 2009). She teaches poetics, translation, and bookmaking at CalArts and Otis College. Her installation titled “Uncovering: A Quilted Poem Made from Donated and Foraged Materials from Wendover, Utah” is currently on view at the Center for Land Use Interpretation in Utah. For more information and directions, visit http://literature.ucsd.edu/news-events/new-writing-series/nws-spring20 14.html or contact Jeff Baker (j9baker@ucsd.edu) or Maria Flaccavento (mflaccav@ucsd.edu). This event is FREE and open to the public!


Register at: http://iicas.ucsd.edu/lecture-series/registr ation.html. Schedule a meeting: https://doodle.com/37w7rcwwy6q3pf2k. Pollack attempts to “reverse field,” exploring what IR scholars can learn from IL scholarship. More info: http://iicas.ucsd.edu/lecture-series/pia.ht ml. The International Relations Speaker Series jointly sponsored by IICAS and ILAR with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union.

5pm VISITING ARTIST LECTURE: CASEY REAS – CENTER HALL, ROOM 119 The Department of Visual Arts is pleased to present a lecture by Casey Reas, an artist whose conceptual and minimal works explore ideas through the contemporary lens of software. Reas' software and images derive from short text instructions explaining processes that define networks. In collaboration with Ben Fry, he created the Processing program language, now used by innumerable artists and designers. Reas' software, prints, and installations have been featured in over one hundred solo and group exhibitions at museums and galleries in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Event is free and open to the public, May 29th, 5PM, Center Hall 119.

SAT5.31 8:30am


APPLY TO JOIN THE 2014-15 LIBRARY STUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Let your voice be heard at the Library. Apply to join the Library Student Advisory Council for 2014-15. The deadline to apply is May 30, 2014. http://libraries.ucsd.edu/about/lsac.html. What will the Council do? Provide a forum for ongoing dialogue between students and the Library with the goal of providing students the best possible library services, spaces, and collections to meet their academic needs. When will the LSAC meet? The Council will meet up to 5 times spread throughout the 2014-15 academic year (not during the summer). Some work will be accomplished outside of standing meetings. Meetings will always be on Tuesday evenings from 5-6:30 pm. (Food will be provided.)

10am THE FITNESS ZONE: BODYWEIGHT BOOTCAMP – THE ZONE, PC PLAZA (BY JAMBA JUICE) A quick circuit training class utilizing your best training tool your own body weight! This class is packed with weight training techniques and cardio intervals used by MMA trainers, P90X, and Insanity. Get your ultimate workout completed in 45 minutes or less! All levels welcome. Lead by FitLife instructor Tim Macauley. Free and open to all UCSD students.

12pm GENDER BUFFET FILM SCREENING: ‘EXCLUDED’ – WOMEN’S CENTER (ABOVE HI-THAI, NEAR MAIN GYM) Join the Women's Center for a screening of 'Excluded', a film about Tony and Thomas, a transnational gay couple torn from their family in California and battling to come home; they can only wait outside its borders, hoping for equal rights to be granted. Follow their 16-year journey of immigration struggle and exclusion. Followed by a Q & A with the Director and Producer Dr. Lisa Nunn!

HANDS ON SAN DIEGO – DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO Volunteer with us for our annual Hands on San Diego event! We will be working with Stand Up For Kids,a not-for-profit organization whose mission is 'to end the cycle of youth homelessness throughout the United States.' As a part of HOSD this year you can help Stand Up For Kids by aiding them in moving out of their old center and renovating their new center. As a volunteer you will be moving, painting, building, and caring! Volunteers will receive a free HOSD t-shirt, transportation, breakfast and lunch! You can also help by donating clothes to the center, just drop them off at our office on the 3rd floor of Price Center! Sign up at http://tiny.cc/e6fxfx

8pm DEAD WINTER CARPENTERS – THE LOFT, PRICE CENTER Dead Winter Carpenters are from North Lake Tahoe, CA. The band seamlessly blends Americana with roots rock and a tinge of straightforward 'tell-it-like-it-is' alt. country for hard-hitting performances that are as edgy as they are whimsical. The group consists of fiddler/vocalist Jenni Charles, upright bassist/vocalist David Lockhart, guitarists/vocalists Jesse Dunn and Bryan Daines, and drummer/vocalist Brian Huston. Doors 8:00pm / Show 8:30pm. $5.00 UCSD students / $11.00 general


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BRANDON YU sports@ucsdguardian.org

follow us @UCSD_sports

Track & Field

Strong Showing at NCAAs Five UCSD athletes competed in Allendale, Michigan this past week in the NCAA Division II Outdoor Track & Field Championships, finishing with strong results and two All-American distinctions. BY CLAY KAUFMAN STAFF WRITER PHOTO USED WITH PERMISSION FROM UCSD ATHLETICS


handful of Tritons competed in four events over the course of three days at the NCAA Division II National Championships in Allendale, Michigan, from May 22 to May 24. Thanks to an exceptional set of performances, the team returned home with two All-American Honors. Redshirt freshman Dan Golubovic kicked off nationals for the Tritons, starting his decathlon on Thursday as the 11th seed. Golubovic completed half of the decathlon on the first day with a personal best throw in the shotput (37 feet, 3 inches). However, overall, Golubovic appeared to underperform in the majority of the first day’s events. “Day one ended up being a very rough meet for me,” Golubovic told the Guardian. “It was just poor performances all across the board. I couldn’t really catch a break. It was more of a mental challenge — trying to forget about the last event and move on to regroup for the next.”

Also making his national debut on day one, sophomore Carlos Bojorquez competed in the 1,500 meter run. The San Diego native, seeded 18th out of 20, narrowly missed advancing to the finals. His time of 3 minutes 56.2 seconds put him fifth in his heat, just short of earning advancement to the final round. Bojorquez concluded his NCAAs effort with a 14th place finish. On day two, Golubovic rounded up his national debut with more impressive performances. He won the 110meter hurdle heat

with a new best time of 15.20 and took top honors in the discus, throwing a personal best distance of 144-7 on his final attempt. Golubovic finished up his events 12th out of 16 with 6,616 points, about 1,000 points behind Chico State national champion J Patrick Smith. “It was a tremendous turnaround,” Salerno said. “He was really outstanding honestly. He had PRs in several events on the second day, which was pretty remarkable. He really brought his score back up, so it’s a good prophecy for his future for sure.” Junior sprinter Sabrina Pimentel, who enters this year’s national championship in the 10th seed out of 20, ran in her preliminary heat in the 800-meter on Friday, placing eighth with a time of 2:09.31 to advance to Saturday’s final. Pimentel, who earned All-American status in the 4x400 relay her freshman year and went just shy just of taking All-American status last year in which she placed ninth, snagged the national distinction this time around. Crossing the finSee TRACK & FIELD, page 11


Six Tritons Earn Capital One All-Academic Award The UCSD athletes qualified for District 8’s First Team with their consistently strong academic standings. PHOTO BY NOLAN THOMAS /GUARDIAN FILE

BY brandon yu

sports editor Six UCSD student-athletes were recently named to the 2014 Capital One Academic All-District At-Large First Team. Andie Nishimi, Sandy Hon, Luke Calkins, Drew Dickinson, Max Jiganti and Chase Cockerill were all chosen by the College Sports Information Directors of America for the NCAA Division II District 8’s handful of academically distinguished collegiate athletes. The six Tritons comprised the majority of the 11 total individuals who were selected from District 8, which includes a host of programs from the California Collegiate Athletic Association, Great Northwest Athletic Conference and Pacific West Conference, proving that UCSD has as much brain as it does brawn. Additionally, all six athletes qualified for NCAA teams in their respective sports. Nishimi is a junior attacker on the women’s water polo squad, which finished eighth at nationals earlier this month. She maintains an amazing 3.93 grade-point average with a cognitive science major. On top of earning this award for the first time, Nishimi achieved careerhighs in goals (12), assists (nine) and steals (16) this season. Hon is an All-American senior

swimmer who has a 3.60 GPA in psychology and minors in music. She swam in the 200 medley relay at the NCAA Championships, taking a fifth place finish while breaking the school record with a time of 1 minute 42.23 seconds. Hon has earned a spot in the NCAA in each of her four years and is a two-time College

Swimming Coaches Association of America All-American. With a 3.94 GPA, senior diver and mechanical engineer Calkins excels in and out of the water. He was the Pacific Collegiate Swim and Dive Conference championship in the three-meter and one-meter, for which he also placed eighth

and 11th, respectively, at nationals. Calkins earned the PCSC Championship’s Male Diver of the Meet and was awarded the prestigious 2014 NCAA Elite 89 Award, which similarly recognizes the nation’s brightest student-athletes. See AWARDS, page 11

Paying Homage To the Amateurs full court press Brandon Yu bcyu@ucsd.edu After recently taking over for the capable Rachel Uda, I, as the somewhat newly-minted sports editor, bore anxiety from the start at the prospect of writing my first column. So as I was finally forced to approach that daunting pillar of 500 words, I took a decidedly different route from my mentor. I unglued my eyes from neatly compiled stat sheets and the player bios on the UCSD Athletics website and ventured into the lesser-known parts of the Triton sports world — where there are no athletes of the week, conference championships or NCAA tournaments. For my first column, I went all-out Anthony Bourdain and trekked a solid minute and a half from my apartment to the John Muir College public basketball courts. Here, anybody can jump into a pickup game of basketball. There are no tryouts and things are a bit less coordinated — from the athletes to the plays to entire games themselves. However, as I saw from watching a few games and flailing around in a couple others, that’s what makes it great. For the few who may have shined on high school courts and for others who just want to get in some cardio, the Muir courts serve as an outlet for playing out that one Game Seven, Jordan buzzerbeater fantasy. Amid the wild shots, the common air-balls and the questionable self-called fouls, what is great is that all of these street ballers don’t play because they are necessarily the best but because they just love playing the sport. And of course, there are the host of characters whose almost daily presence makes up the face of the outdoor courts. There’s Kurt, the white-haired, 70-something man who plays as rough as Dennis Rodman and calls plays like the Peyton Manning of street ball. There’s David, the lanky African guy who perpetually sports a Denver Nuggets jersey and constantly jacks up threes that never seem to go in. He’s supposedly a Sudanese prince, but he plays as if he’s a full king on the court. There’s also the slew of hefty, mustier-than-you’d-like ballplayers that make you pray games are not shirts and skins. And there are the ones who want to play bad enough that they are still shooting after the lights shut off at 10:15 p.m. Yet after getting to know this unique culture on campus, I noticed that perhaps the best part comes after the games are over. When players on either teams are done, whether they’ve lost all their games or come out on top in each of them, they almost always come together — strangers or not — and exchange low-fives and fist bumps in acknowledgment of a mutual bond of sweat and swishes. For many of these hoopers, the Muir Courts, in all its many faults and glories, is a sort of makeshift Madison Square Garden arena. The overhead lights don’t all properly work, some of the basketball nets are often falling off and there always seems to be sand on the court near the beach volleyball lot. But this collection of six hoops, standing atop those green-shaded concrete grounds, is home to countless games of fierce competitiveness and true love for the game. While there’s no physical hardware or national recognition for winners, the players want to win just as much as any UCSD athlete in a Triton uniform, and that’s what matters the most.

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