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Philip Huh First-year Senator

Jacqueline Doan First-year Senator

Rushil Patel First-year Senator

Dominick Suvonnasupa Transfer Senator

A.S. Council confirmed five new councilmembers — three new freshman senators and two new transfer senators — at its meeting Wednesday night meeting. The appointments came after four other senators turned in their resignations this month. SEE NEWS BUSINESS, PAGE 3 SAN DIEGO

Fecal Odor Returns to La Jolla Cove Area



rethinking management opinion, Page 4


After spending $50,000 cleaning up bird droppings, officials now blame sea lions for smell.

diy costumes and parties lifestyle, Page 6



H 81 L 54



H 74 L 53

MOBILE BOWLS The “IncrediBowls” truck doesn’t meet the needs of Revelle students. See OPINION, page 4


H 75 L 51

H 66 L 50

- Vincent Pham



INSIDE News Business ............... 3 Rhyme or Reason ........... 4 Letter to the Editor .......... 5 The Haunted Tape Deck .. 8 Sudoku ......................... 10 Sports........................... 12

BY Gabriella Fleischman

contributing writer


Revelle Residents Seek Alternative Food Options The “Incredi-Bowl” food truck is only open until 2 p.m., forcing residents to search elsewhere for evening meals.

VERBATIM It’s Halloween, go get all forms of drunk, with that person dressed as Jesus, I heard he forgives.”

Ricky Martorana Transfer Senator


BY karen to contributing writer Photo by taylor sanderson

evelle College’s Plaza Cafe dining hall has been closed for the last two months for renovations that are slated to be completed by September 2014. As a result, residents of Revelle have had to adjust their eating plans for this year, turning to the temporary “IncrediBowls” food truck and Roger’s Place, with some making the trek north to Pines and Goody’s. The food truck serves breakfast from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. before taking a one-hour break to serve lunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Generally, students are receptive to the food truck that is parked in Revelle Plaza, but the arrangements are viewed as inconvenient by some, including freshman Revelle resident Lynnay Consul. “I think the food truck is a good solution,” Consul said. “I just think that the best way to go would have been to improve the hours that it’s open. It’s really inconvenient to have to go to Pines all the time.” Revelle HDH Assistant Manager Kathy Gugino explains that it is difficult to keep the food truck open at night because of the insuf-

ficient lighting in Revelle Plaza. She continues to explain that it is not financially beneficial to keep the food truck open during the weekends, stating that even Plaza Cafe was closed for the weekends when it was still in service. Nevertheless, the food truck remains a food source for Revelle students. “We’re going to, probably next quarter, change our menu,” Gugino said. “They’re going to come up with new ideas of bowls, and, you know, nothing’s out of the question. We try to do the best we can to provide what we can.” In addition to the food truck, Revelle students have opted for alternative eateries, including Pines, Goodies and Price Center. For students living in the Keeling Apartments, cooking their own meals is another option that they’ve been exploring. Sophomore Revelle resident Elias Rodriguez is unfazed by the dining arrangements. “It doesn’t really affect me. I cook most See REVELLE, page 3

Residents of La Jolla Cove are again complaining of the stench of animal droppings, only four months after the city spent $50,000 to eradicate the smell. However, this time it is primarily sea lion feces rather than bird droppings that are causing the unpleasant odor. Last June, former San Diego mayor Bob Filner initiated the removal of the stench from La Jolla Cove by authorizing the cleanup of the bird poop. Blue Eagle Cleaning Distribution, Inc. sprayed the rocks with a natural bacteria that ate away the fecal waste over the course of two treatments. The problem was reportedly eliminated and the stench tempered. However, the cleaning was supposed to be an immediate, short-term solution. Reaching a long-term solution was interrupted due to the scandal surrounding Filner that led to his resignation. Now, the odor has resurfaced with the growing sea lion population. “These animals eat a very rich diet of bait fish such as anchovies, and they’re very large so the quantity and quality of their fecal matter introduced a new problem,” spokesperson for the City of San Diego Parks and Recreation Department Bill Harris said. “We have had accumulation of fecal matters and a low surf pattern with no rain sufficient to take the deposits away in that same time period.” A range of community representatives including business owners and representatives of La Jolla Town Council met yesterday to discuss the See ODOR, page 3



San Diego-area rock band Switchfoot discusses its new album and accompanying film, “Fading West,” documenting their surfing and travels in the Pacific.




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FLEETING THOUGHTS By Irene Chiang Laira Martin Editor in Chief Zev Hurwitz Managing Editor Allie Kiekhofer Deputy Managing Editor Mekala Neelakantan News Editor Aleksandra Konstantinovic Associate News Editor Lauren Koa Opinion Editor Kelvin Noronha Associate Opinion Editor Rachel Uda Sports Editor Stacey Chien Features Editor


Vincent Pham Lifestyle Editor Jacqueline Kim A&E Editor Brian Monroe Photo Editor Taylor Sanderson Associate Photo Editor Sara Shroyer Design Editor ZoĂŤ McCracken Associate Design Editor Jeffrey Lau Art Editor Jenny Park Associate Art Editor Rachel Huang Claire Yee Associate Copy Editors Madeline Mann Training & Development Page Layout Amber Shroyer, Dorothy Van, Joselynn Ordaz, Yolanda Fung Copy Readers Clara Chao, Rosina Garcia, Andrew Huang, Susan Shamoon


Anti-Cancer Drug Makes Cancer Cells Self-Destruct BY VINCENT PHAM SENIOR Â STAFF Â WRITER

Researchers at the UCSD School of Medicine have finally found a viable way to utilize the staurosporine compound as an anti-cancer drug after years of roadblocks by various unwanted side effects and unknown effective delivery paths. The compound — taken from the Streptomyces staurosporeus bacterium — works by inducing selfdestruction in cancer cells. “Basically, people have been working with the compound for three to four decades to make it into a viable drug, but it’s been limited because it’s very toxic and highly protein-bound,� UCSD Moores Cancer Center Director of Neuro-Oncology Santosh Kesari said. Kesari said that if too much STS is given, the cells affected will consequently undergo cell death, and if too little STS is given, the compound will naturally bind to lingering proteins and have no efficacy. Scientists in the past were aware

of the potential that STS had and tried to alter the compound to make it available for cancer patients. Modification results tended to be less toxic towards cancer cells and were clinically ineffective to humans. Researchers also attempted to use liposomes, but the delivery system was not refined. Complications led to the National Cancer Institute to abandon the research, but upon revisiting the NCI Clinical Collection, UCSD researcher Dr. Rajesh Mukthavaram noted that STS was one of the top

compounds to kill glioblastoma (highly malignant cancer found in the brain). This fact inspired Kesari and his associates to overcome the past obstacles of deliverance. After spending two years on the three-year project, Kesari solved the issue by perfecting the previously attempted liposomal technology. “It’s a hot button thing — repurposing compounds we already know,� Kesari said. “Take a lot of these drugs similar to STS and put it into a liposome to overcome the pharmacokinetic barriers.�

Liposomes, artificially created and lipid-bound vesicles, are packaged with STS and then released in the body. The liposomes selectively travel to the tumor and dump the toxic payload, all without affecting normal cells. Being able to properly administer STS maximizes its potential, which is STS’s ability to deal with solid and liquid tumors. Soon-to-be-published research also shows that STS can reach brain tumors directly, a normally difficult area for cancer treatment. “We were thrilled to be able to retool this compound that’s been around for decades in a novel way to be used for the future,� Kesari said about his findings. The team’s research has a patent on it and a company ready to license the drug. Within the next two years, Kesari is hoping to see STS used as a new anti-cancer drug for clinical trials and patients alike.

Editorial Assistants Rita Eritsland, Shelby Newallis Business Manager Emily Ku Advertising Director Noelle Batema Advertising Design Alfredo H. Vilano Jr. A.S. Graphic Studio The UCSD Guardian is published Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year by UCSD students and for the UCSD community. Reproduction of this newspaper in any form, whether in whole or in part, without permission is strictly prohibited. Š 2013, all rights reserved. The UCSD Guardian is not responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of the UCSD Guardian, the University of California or Associated Students. The UCSD Guardian is funded by advertising. VINTAGE.

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Council Appoints Freshman Senators, Revises New Budget Last night’s council meeting was programs were cut, and now — not surprisingly entertaining; unfortu- to be offensive — it’s going to be nately, my entertainment came at going to pizza for certain colleges,” the expense of a few councilmem- Social Sciences Senator Colin King bers’ feelings. But I’m getting ahead said. “$5,000 worth of pizza.” Discussion ensued, ending with of myself. To start the night off, council very wise words from AVP Diversity appointed five new senators, three Affairs Oscar Gomez: “Please talk to freshmen and two transfers. AVP me after the meeting — I really don’t Environmental and Social Justice want to waste any more time.” Following the Affairs Jillian Du approval of the then presented news business budget, Council a dazzling Prezi gabriella fleischman opened a caucus to advocate her gfleisch@ucsd.edu to discuss expecoffice and introtations. The first duce campaigns. This included revamping reusable issue to spur dissent was perhaps the dishware for HDH dining halls most vitally important of the night: (please, don’t make me feel guilty for whether to continue showing supminimizing the weight of my salad port through hand “twinkling,” or by taking it to go), maintain UCSD’s to revert to snapping. An unofficial vote showed snapping fair-trade standard, and to be the more popular work on a water bottle I would love choice. I have to agree. ban on campus. Councilmembers Another ASESJA ini- for people to were encouraged to tiative that sufficiently read bylaws in order to impressed council was a talk to each fulfill their job descripsolar charging station sur- other and be tion, leading to heated rounded by hammocks, reactions from those called Solar Chill. AVP nice and be who clearly thought Environmental and Social friends.” they were fulfillJustice Jillian Du said that the project is likely - Jordan Coburn ing their jobs and did to become actualized this Campuswide Senator not appreciate being accused otherwise. year, much to everyone’s This escalated into tension excitement — including my own. VP Finance & Resources Sean between college council representaO’Neal then made a presentation tives and A.S. Council, which was for his budget proposal, made bear- simply uncomfortable to witness able to sit through because of its (although at the same time amusZelda theme. The budget was then ing). Perhaps A.S. Council should lisreviewed and approved in 36 minutes, a surprising and impressive ten to Campuswide Senator Jordan model of efficiency. The night’s first Coburn: “I would love for people to contention came when dispersing talk to each other and be nice and money owed to the six college coun- be friends. I really think things will get better.” cils. Don’t worry, new appointees. It “I just want to express my disappointment that lots of good A.S. gets better from here.

Literature Professor Arts Dean Says He Passes Away At 52 Will Step Down BY Mekala Neelakantan

News Editor

Department of literature professor Rosemary Marangoly George passed away on Oct. 18, after 20 years of service at UCSD. As a professor, George focused on British and South Asian literature, also taking part in creating the Literatures of the World program at UCSD. “Her books offer nuanced and richly textured studies of the relationship of literature to the worlds of British India, modern South Asia and South Asian diaspora, and all are characterized by her intelligence and unique sensibility,” Dean of Arts and Humanities Seth Lerer said in a campus notice.

News Editor

Dean of Arts and Humanities Dr. Seth Lerer announced this week that he will step down from his position on June 30 and return to full-time service as a Distinguished Professor in UCSD’s literature department, according to a campus notice released by the Office of the Chancellor on Wednesday. The release said that Lerer acted as Dean for nearly six years, assisting in research and the creation of the Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination, as well as in the establishment of the Student Production Fund campaign. During that time, Lerer also authored two books and various articles.

Readers can contact

Readers can contact

Mekala Neelakantan

BY Mekala Neelakantan


Mekala Neelakantan


Options Include Relocating Animals and Applying Chemicals ▶ ODOR, from page 1

problem and possible options. “I wouldn’t say that any proposals were made, but potential options were discussed,” Harris said. “Every solution has a host of conditions that limits what we can do along the cliff face. There are layers upon layers of environmental regulations in this area.” Some of the options discussed included relocating the sea lions, put-

ting barges offshore, applying stronger chemicals to the cliffs on a more regular basis and getting an exemption from the Areas of Special Biological Significance standards in order to discharge into La Jolla Bay. However, each of these options was met with further obstacles. Relocating the sea lions would merely move the problem rather than eliminate it, offshore barges would likely attract additional animals and chemical applica-

tion is difficult with the many environmental regulations. “We cannot expect the stench to be gone any time soon. It’s a complex issue given the restraints of this particular site,” Harris said. “This is a very complicated matter, but we’re working very hard to get it figured out and we will.”

readers can contact

Gabriella Fleischman


Admin. Hopes New Plaza Cafe Will Satisfy Revelle Residents ▶ REVELLE, from page 1

of the time either way, and then I go to Price Center sometimes,” said Rodriguez. Some students find it easier to simply go off campus for their meals like junior Jon Haapala does. “I’m an RA so I have Triton Cash. I’ll go to Price Center, or I can go off campus and use some money there,”

said Haapala. The design and construction plans for Plaza Cafe have already been finalized, along with the budget and schedule for the renovation. Now, the project is entering its early stages of reconstruction. Executive Director of UCSD’s Housing and Dining Services Mark Cunningham said he hopes to provide the latest influx of students with a

brand new facility and dining options. “When completed, this facility will be a community space where residents want to eat, study and relax,” Cunningham said. “[It] will be a destination featuring a courtyard with an outdoor fireplace and sustainable landscaping,” Cunningham said.

readers can contact karen to


Transportation Services Town Hall Meeting Do you have ideas for improving the current parking system or funding campus alternative transportation programs? Share them with us at the town hall meeting, featuring panelists from Auxiliary Business Services, Transportation Services, Physical and Community Planning and undergraduate students.

Town Hall Meeting Wednesday, Nov. 6 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ERC, Great Hall



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LAUREN KOA opinion@ucsdguardian.org


Your Future Self Might Hate Your Cat Tattoo Rhyme or reason

hilary lee hhl009@ucsd.edu


Che in Chains Embattled Che Cafe Collective needs to rethink its financial strategies to preserve the establishment’s iconic history. Illustration by jenny lee


fter 33 years on campus, the Che Cafe Collective is in rather dire straits. After already having lost its nonprofit status and having narrowly escaped issues over insurance payments in 2012, the Che has been slapped with a default notice from the University Centers Advisory Board requiring a solid financial strategy within 30 days or risk shutdown. The tragedy of the situation is that even with its money troubles, the Che Cafe has been a UCSD landmark and local icon, known for its indie concerts and other entertainment events. Between hosting breakout acts, such as Green Day and Bon Iver, and its counterculture-cool ambiance, the Che has endeared itself to a wide audience of UCSD students and music fans. We don’t want to see its doors shut just because they couldn’t find a way to pay their bills. With just responsible management and a clear plan for financial self-sufficiency, it could remain a vibrant community fixture. What is clear is that some change is needed if we expect to see the Che stay.

Year after year, the establishment has gone through various financial troubles, including skyrocketing debt and eventually the loss of its nonprofit status. The latter ultimately triggered the UCAB’s decision to hold the Cafe to a default since only a nonprofit organization is permitted to occupy the space. These woes can only realistically be attributed to deficient administration; the Cafe’s management needs to realize that if they want to keep control, they will have to find a way to balance their budget, whether it be through better marketing or higher cover charges. The Che has already skipped out on its rent payments for some time and even without them can’t keep itself afloat, resulting in a loss for the University Centers. To be fair, the Che isn’t the only co-op with financial troubles, but the aimless leadership isn’t helping their situation. It has certainly been a tough year for other co-ops too; the tobacco ban dissolved a significant portion of the General Store’s revenue, and A.S. Council grilled all of them last year over their failure to pay rent and their gen-






Mekala Neelakantan NEWS EDITOR

Aleksandra Konstantinovic ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR The UCSD Guardian is published twice a week at the University of California at San Diego. Contents © 2012. Views expressed herein represent the majority vote of the editorial board and are not necessarily those of the UC Board of Regents, the ASUCSD or the members of the Guardian staff.

See CHE CAFE, page 5

Revelle’s Food Truck Is an Inadequate Dining Hall Replacement In an effort not to talk about A.S. Council for just one issue (forgive us, please), we’ve decided to focus our attention on the hot mess that is Revelle College’s dining and market system. Last year, after multiple attempts to keep Revelle’s Plaza Cafe dining hall afloat, Housing, Dining and Hospitality Services members closed the venue for a yearlong upgrade in hopes that a newly renovated hall would be able to generate much-needed revenue. On top of that, Roger’s Place was relocated to Blake Hall’s measly lounge center, unfairly leaving Revelle students with a smaller market and no dining hall to speak of. HDH began this school year with a handful of problems, and put

Revelle’s food services at the end of their to-do list. Plaza Cafe has been inadequately substituted by the “Incredi-Bowls” food truck, open in Revelle Plaza from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on weekdays, but Revelle students deserve more. Granted, the food truck is trying to offset the lack of a dining hall with an attempted variety of breakfast and lunch options, but it’s just not possible for the 3,918 Revelle students to subsist on small, bowl-only meals like the “Sesame Sensation” and “Chicken ‘n’ Tots.” In addition, the food truck does not provide dinner options — apparently due to insufficient lighting — and is closed on weekends for financial benefit. And that doesn’t even account for the incredible lines

of students who wait to grab a quick meal. The result is that Revelle students are forced to make the trek to Pines, Goody’s or Price Center (for those who feel up to the trek), causing a domino effect that creates traffic in the other college dining halls and general inconvenience for students. However, the problem with this situation is not necessarily that students have to walk so far, but the fact that the Revelle food truck clearly does not suffice as an alternative. Instead, Revelle students are behaving as they did when the expensive, unappetizing Plaza Cafe was open, defeating the purpose of “Incredi-Bowls” and putting them in limbo as they wait for a new place to eat that will hopefully be worth the tremendous hassle.

According to HDH plans, the new, renamed dining hall will feature a smoothie or sushi bar, as well as a fireplace for a cozier atmosphere — let’s just hope changing most of the Plaza Cafe menu was also on the list of renovations. Until then, we urge HDH to take a better look at “Incredi-Bowls” and find a way to increase its hours of operation because, quite frankly, it’s unfair. The bottom line is this: UCSD students have paid a hefty amount to attend this school and amid temporary double housing arrangements and transportation crises, they at least deserve a consistent, convenient way to get food on campus — even if it is temporarily from a truck whose slogan is “Bowl up and Chow down.”

s I was crooning along to “Take a Walk” at a Passion Pit show last week, I started to wonder if I would still love lead singer Michael Angelakos’ highpitched falsetto next year, or the year after that. During my sophomore year, I had gone to see Two Door Cinema Club at the House of Blues, but now, I chronically skip over their songs when they come up on iTunes shuffle. Taking class upon class of upper-division psychology has taught me to second-guess my every move, making me the concert buzzkill while even the old guy next to me is fist pumping away. I wasn’t wrong to doubt myself — as it turns out, people tend to possess an unfounded faith in the stability of their current personalities and tastes over time. A study led by social psychologists at Harvard University and the University of Virginia earlier this year reveals that this is a systematic and fundamental perceptual mistake committed by those of all ages. They appropriately dubbed this the “end of history illusion,” wherein people readily admit how much they have matured over the past 10 years, but underestimate the extent to which they will change over the next decade. “At every age, we think we’re having the last laugh, and at every age, we’re wrong,” Daniel T. Gilbert, one of the paper’s authors, said. This illusion lends itself to a number of practical consequences, such as shunting aside future concerns in order to indulge in present preferences. One of my best friends currently sports 11 tattoos and counting (possibly more, I’ve lost track over the years), and he swears he will still proudly wear them all when he’s 50. Somehow, I doubt that. Even Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine admitted that the Russian tattoo he used to think was edgy now vaguely resembles “a cauliflower with a sun in the middle of it.” When making decisions that have lasting repercussions, it’s prudent to examine the preferences, traits and values of those who are older and in the same social network as we are. This is especially applicable when figuring out which graduate school or post-graduate job to commit to, or in deciding whether moving to the Big Apple really will be the be-all, end-all. In an interview with The Boston Globe, Gilbert pointed to his 2009 study, in which he found that people made better choices when they were informed by a similar person’s experiences than when they were aware of the details of the event itself. This means, in clearer terms, that you should use other people as your guinea pigs to avoid being the screw-up of the family. And if your sister from another mister is currently unemployed and an active member of the couchsurfing community, you might want to think twice before you jet off to Africa on a wild whim to save the elephants like she did. So, before you decide to get gauges or agree to be wifed up to the first half-decent guy you date, remember that psychology says that you’re unlikely to find either holes in your earlobes or that sorry sucker attractive years down the line.




Graffiti Hall Closure Stifles Student Voices

Our Campus Should Not Lose Another Student-Run Business ▶ CHE CAFE, from page 4

eral financial insolvency. But these troubles only increase the need for leaders that can realize the pressing need to cut expenditure. We do commend the Che’s staff for making a sacrifice and operating on a volunteer-only basis — this signifies at least a concerted effort on the part of the management to break even, but they will also need to start making better business decisions if they want to right the ship and stay open. If the student management fails to keep the Che going, there remains the possibility of the Che becoming a regular for-profit business. Although this would likely make Cafe namesake Che Guevara roll over in his grave, it might be the only way for


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revenue stability. But should the current leadership depart, however, it would mean one less independent, student-run operation on campus. Price Center is already filled to the brim with big chain companies like Subway and Burger King. And with Starbucks already likely to displace the Espresso Roma Cafe, the last thing we need is another corporate conglomerate throwing its 1-percenter shadow over what could be an opportunity for students to gain meaningful experience operating a business and making decisions about how it is run. For all its money mishaps, the Che is a wonderful — and popular — place for music and food, not to mention an occasional hotbed of political activism. Given that the only compa-

rable place nearby is the rather boring Loft, the Che is worth preserving, even at a cost. Given that it has operated for decades under the banner of fierce independence and general anti-establishment fervor, selling out to corporate interests would be a sad way to go. We hope this is not the only possible course of action, but it may be if the finances don’t add up. Despite Cafe members’ complaints that the university administration has a vendetta against them, those running the Che will only have themselves to blame if they do eventually go under. They need to get their act together, get help or hand the reins over to someone with more fiscal acumen. Fewer than 30 days remain for them to decide which it will be.

Dear Editor, UCSD Vice Chancellor Gary C. Matthews’ yearly base salary is $275,000. His newly enacted policy on Graffiti Hall — which resulted in the arrest of Dean Burdeaux, a psychology major from the senior UCSD class, among other things — shows Matthews to be overpaid since no reasoning was involved beyond the “Intrusive, Safety Hazard” parameters. In part, because of the dramatic expansion in the ranks of non-faculty campus administrators, colleges have enacted stringent codes. These codes are sometimes well intended, but, outside of the ivory tower, would violate the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech. From protests and rallies to displays of graffiti, students have been severely constrained in their ability to demonstrate their ideas. I used to read classical poetry in English on a weekly KCST radio show. Back in 2012, I read the complete poems of English poet John Milton and American poet Walt Whitman. Eventually we KCST disc jockeys were informed that surveillance cameras would be installed to catch malefactors in the studio (The stated purpose was to

catch wine imbibers). So I resigned. The speech codes are at times intended to enforce civility, but they often suppress free of expression. Burdeaux’s transgression was documented by security cameras, and he was taken off to county jail on the cold evening of Sept. 27, 2013. Were he still alive, Albert Einstein’s response to the painting over of Graffiti Hall would probably have been, “Vey iz mir” — “Woe is me.” Einstein’s work in his “miracle year” (1905) eventually led to the discovery of X-ray crystallography, the photoelectric effect and transistors. On April 6, 1914, Einstein moved to Berlin, and it was there that he gave his inaugural speech to the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Less than six months later Germany declared war on Russia. The Einsteins’ street address throughout the Great War was No. 5, Haberlandstrasse, Berlin. A court in Germany has ruled that Germans today are allowed to stick their tongues out for their passport photos. The plaintiff (after being emphatically told not to do what he did) gave his reasoning: “I brought it before the court as a tribute to my hero, Albert Einstein.” Go Tritons! — Richard Thompson Alumnus ‘83

▶ The Guardian welcomes letters from its readers. All letters must be addressed,

and written, to the editor of the Guardian. Letters are limited to 500 words, and all letters must include the writer’s name, college and year (undergraduates), department (graduate students or professors) or city of residence (local residents). A maximum of three signatories per letter is permitted. The Guardian Editorial Board reserves the right to edit for length, accuracy, clarity and civility. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject letters for publication. Due to the volume of mail we receive, we do not confirm receipt or publication of a letter. email: opinion@ucsdguardian.org

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Halloweekend A&E Editor: jacqueline kim ŭ entertainment@ucsdguardian.org | Lifestyle Editor: VIncent pham



B A R E BO NE S F U N t’s officially autumn, which means pumpkinflavored everything, sweater weather and, best of all, Halloween. Your days of trick-or-treating may be over, but there are still plenty of ways to indulge your childlike desire to play dress up and overload on sugary treats.





Homemade Halloween costumes guaranteed to entertain more than a devil costume you pay $40 for online. There are so many inexpensive ways to dress up, whether by using clothes you already have or borrowing from a friend. For the guys: Luckily, the TV gods have blessed you this year with “Breaking Bad’s” Walter White, which is bound to be a smash-hit costume. Re-create Walter’s iconic look when he’s stranded out in the desert in the series premiere — all you need is a green button-down shirt, some tighty-whities, glasses and brown shoes. If you don’t have a green button-down, or don’t feel comfortable enough to strut your stuff in only your briefs, channel Jim Halpert’s costume on “The Office” as BookFace. Just write the word “book” across your face, and when people ask you who you are, tell them you’re BookFace. It might take them a few minutes to get your costume, but it’s a good way to assess their wit. Gals: Grab a few friends, and you can dress as minions from “Despicable Me.” All you need is a yellow tank top, a stretchy black headband and two clear plastic cups. Glue white paper onto the bottom of the cups, draw a black dot in the middle and attach them to the headband — now you’ve got minion goggles. If you’re in a pinch and need a last-minute costume, dress as feminist icon Rosie the Riveter. All you need is a red bandana, a blue button-down shirt, red lipstick and confidence, and you’re all set.

Fall is the perfect time of the year to take advantage of the seasonal produce and get creative in the kitchen. You can get as gourmet as pumpkin risotto or keep it simple with hot apple cider — either way, there are plenty of ways to capture the essence of fall flavors in your cooking. For an easy and festive Halloween drink, make “pumpkin” floats for guests by serving a scoop of orange sherbet in a clear plastic cup, decorated with a drawn-on Jack-oLantern face and pouring over cream soda (or any clear soda you’d like). For those of you who like to add an extra kick to your drink, pour champagne over the sherbet instead of soda. No good Halloween party is complete without some treats. A quick, easy and popular treat idea is Halloween Rice Krispie Treats. Add orange food coloring and form them into balls to make them look like mini pumpkins, or just shape them into ghosts and draw faces on the front with black decorating frosting. Put a popsicle stick or skewer in the treats so your guests can eat them without getting their hands sticky.

decor When you buy them at a party supply store, decorations can get expensive. Since most of us don’t have a Martha Stewart-sized decorations budget, making your own decor can help minimize costs. One of the easiest ways to spookify your walls is by adding bats. Trace bats onto black construction paper, cut them out and tape them to your walls so it looks like they’re flying up the wall. Complete the spook effect by making glowing ghost balloons: Take white balloons, blow them and put a glowstick inside. Then, draw ghost faces on with a black marker. Party favors are always a cute way for your guests to remember the night. Create your own ghost lollipop party favors by taking a tissue and securing it to a lollipop (Tootsie Pops work best) with a piece of black string or ribbon, so that it looks like a ghost. Finish off your ghoulish gift by drawing on a ghost face, and hand them out to guests as they leave.

DIA DE LOS MUERTOS The celebrations don’t have to end at midnight on the 31st. Get your dose of art, history and culture at Old Town San Diego’s Dia de los Muertos celebration on Nov. 1 and Nov. 2 from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Dia de los Muertos, also known as All Saints’ Day in Western Europe, is a time when the spirits of loved ones return to celebrate with family and friends. The holiday is meant to be a time of year when you offer hospitality to the spirits by celebrating with food, drinks and art. There will be traditional Mexican cuisine, sugar skull decorating and face painting and live music. Admission and parking at the event is free, and you can take the MTS Route 30 bus there and back.




s a UCSD student, you and your friends have probably tried all the Korean BBQ spots on Convoy and every notable Mexican restaurant in the city. So maybe this weekend it’s time to try something new. As one of the few African restaurants in San Diego, and the only restaurant with Kenyan food, Flavors of East Africa is sure to win over all who walk through the door. Originally a booth at San Diego farmer’s markets, Flavors of East Africa opened its University Heights doors two years ago. Owner Juen Owino uses traditional family recipes to serve Kenyan dishes that appeal to carnivores and vegetarians alike. On Sunday night, the restaurant was pretty quiet, and only a screaming baby a few tables away interrupted the rhythmic African music playing in the background. Tapestries


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Hours Monday through Sunday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Location 2322 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92104 Recommended Athola

and handcrafted art line the walls, and a small statue of a camel served as an end piece at the table. The staff was welcoming and friendly, if on the quieter side. To start, order a traditional African coffee or tea. The Kahawa (African coffee) is bitter, yet strong, and the passion fruit tea is sweet and refreshing. The chai tea can be a bit bland, so ask for it spicy to give it more flavor ($2 to $3 each). If you’re the indecisive type when it comes to ordering, order the sambusas — you’ll get six, one of each flavor, for $4.99. They’re crisp and flaky and pair well with the tamarind sauce; the spicy lentil, potato and spinach are great for vegetarians, while the spicy beef and chicken options are safe, yet still moist and flavorful. The cream cheese sambusa with coconut and pineapple is

surprisingly sweet by comparison, but it’s worth a try with the set of six or as a separate dessert. The Bhajia sliced potatoes ($4.99), deep-fried in lentil batter and served with a creamy dipping sauce, are basically glorified french fries. Skip them in favor of the sambusas, or spend an extra buck and get the Jungle Fries ($5.99), which are topped with meat, cheese and salsa — an African-San Diegan hybrid reminiscent of carne asada fries. While the main dinner courses are pricey, they’re served in hearty portions with a vegetable and a carb-filled “staple� dish, like rice or flatbread. Mbuzi Choma ($15.99), goat meat with Kachumbari (African salsa) and pilipili (chili pepper) was an interesting alternative to the beef and chicken dishes. While it was a little gamey, the meat was tender and paired well with

the salsa, which is a high-medium on the spicy scale. Athola, partially grilled beef with chili pepper, onion, garlic and tomatoes ($16.99) is a more conservative option for hesitant diners. Order the beef stew ($12.99) if you’re not ready to fully immerse yourself in Kenyan cooking. Meat dishes aside, Flavors of East Africa has a hefty set of vegetarian-vegan menu options; a veggievegan dinner ($10.99) comes with two vegetables and one “staple.� The Dengu (lentil curry in coconut milk) isn’t too creamy, and the Biringanya (chopped eggplants in tomato sauce) is cooked with complementary spices. For staples, don’t miss the Chapati, an African flatbread that’s an interesting mix between a tortilla and Indian naan. Another winner is the Matoke, mashed plantains that are at once sweet and savory. If you’re a

fan of eggplant, be sure to order the Biringanya. If you’re not too full from your entree, try the vegan-friendly Mandizi ($4.99), fried plantains or the Mandazi, African doughnuts ($1.50). Both options are perfect for a little bit of a sugar high to sustain you on your drive back to La Jolla or as a pickme-up before a night of North Park adventures. At first glance, the Flavors of East Africa menu is intimidating, but stay away from the safe choices and try something new. Traditional Kenyan food may be unfamiliar to your taste buds, but it’s high time that you break from Friday night tacos and boba and check out flavors of a different continent.

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EFukushi@ucsd.edu Â

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San Diego-based rock band founded by UCSD alumni discusses its new EP and accompanying film.

Drift Into Walker’s Blocks of Sound the Haunted tape deck

ren ebel rebel@ucsd.edu


BY kyle somers


ew Tritons seem to know that the founding members of rock band Switchfoot grew up going to concerts at Che Cafe, attending classes at UCSD and teaching surf classes with the Rec Center. That was 15 years ago, though, and since then, Switchfoot has seen a long and successful rock career. Though the band’s musical style has long been typical of 2000s alt rock, its new EP and upcoming album (both called “Fading West”) are taking a step in another direction. This evolution took place as the result of recent experiences, which were documented in a new two-hour documentary, titled “Fading West” as well. The film “Fading West” is being shown at the openings of Switchfoot’s performances, and it documents the band’s adventures in Oceania while on tour. The members of Switchfoot are lifelong surfers, and in addition to music, much of the film focuses on riding gorgeous surf breaks in less-traveled parts of the world in an “Endless Summer” sort of way. However, due to a family emergency, the film also ended up exploring the close ties between the band members. “Well, we set out to go around the world chasing waves and chasing songs, and yet, I don’t think that we anticipated how personal the movie would get,” drummer and co-founder Chad Butler said. “I think people will be surprised at how it’s more than just a surf film or a music documentary, but it’s a look inside our personal lives and our family lives and how we try to balance that with being in a rock band.” From listening to “Ba55” off of Switchfoot’s new EP, much of the densely layered rock guitar backgrounds are gone. The typical pop rock chord changes are replaced with a steady one-chord bass groove and textural percussive sound effects. This isn’t to say that the song plays like a dreamy raga though — in fact, Eastern-influenced sound paves the way for some intense lyrics (“I believe you’re the fire that can burn me clean” is just one example) and a buzzing guitar solo. The songs all sound more stripped in their production, which Butler attributes to a different writing approach in their new music. “One thing we did intentionally was to hold off on electric guitars until the very end of the recording process and then building up


staff writer the rhythm section with bass and drums and vocals,” Butler said. “I think that approach was like tying your hands behind your back and forcing you to create in a different style, and I think as an artist that’s what you’re always trying to do is to break out of your old habits and to find new ways to create.” The other two tracks on the EP are somewhat more conventional than “Ba55,” implying that the full album in January will find a happy medium between the two styles. And despite the fact that this and other albums were heavily inspired by surfing, there are no traces of what a listener would normally identify as surf music. “Well, I’ve never been a fan of surf music to be honest. For us, surfing is more in our blood and music is a parallel to that, but I wouldn’t call our music ‘surf music,’” Butler said. “It’s just that surfing and music go hand and hand with each other growing up in San Diego.” When Butler was still surfing at Blacks Beach, he was going to class at UCSD and studying biology, while Switchfoot’s early days were just a side project. “While I was at UCSD I think I was hesitant to lean all the way into music even though I loved it so much,” Butler said. “I think I felt torn between a responsibility to a more traditional career choice with my bio major, and yet I ended up a professional musician. Looking back at it, I wish I would have followed my passion for music a little bit more and taken advantage of the incredible music department there. So if I had to do it all over again, I would have been a music major.” Switchfoot is going to be playing a show on Nov. 5 at Balboa Theater, which is going to feature their film and new EP as well as some of their older songs. Though many have heard “Meant to Live” and “Dare You To Move” on the radio, the film still hasn’t been released commercially, and concertgoers will be among the first to see it since its debut a month ago. It’s hard to know what to expect from an international hit band that started off writing a song complaining how boring they found Chem 6A. Readers can contact Kyle Somers at ksomers@ucsd.edu.



tlas Genius began in Adelaide, South Australia as the project of brothers Keith, Michael and Steven Jeffery, along with their friend Darren Sell. They had modest hopes for the band, and no one was more surprised than they were when the song “Trojans” became a hit in Sept. 2011. Now the band is on its U.S. tour and living the dream of humble musicians everywhere. The band plans to tour until Christmas, making a stop at the San Diego House of Blues on Nov. 3 along the way and then return to the studio to begin work on a new album. Guardian: You built your own studio back in 2009 when you first formed the band. What was the motivation behind taking this extra step — [something] that most bands don’t bother to do? Keith Jeffery: We wanted to spend months and months on end writing and recording. When we’re working on songs […] it’s really that we’re

experimenting, and we’re writing as we’re recording the song. I find that it’s just as important that some of the right sounds are found — if we were to rent a studio, we might only get one song done if we were writing as we were [recording]. G: At the time when “Trojans” became a hit, you guys were all attending your fall semester [at the University of South Australia]. Was it hard to decide to leave school and pursue the music? KJ: It wasn’t hard to decide to postpone. What was hard, though, was timing. “Trojans” started to get a lot of attention right during exam period. We said to ourselves, “We have to focus on these exams, because it was too late to back out […] but those [college] careers were Plan B. Music has always been our passion, and it was what we were excited about. G: “Trojans” was released in May

2011, but [it] became a worldwide hit that fall. Did the sudden attention and popularity take you by surprise? KJ: Definitely. I think we had very, very humble aspirations for the band. It was like, “Let’s put some songs out. [We’ll] probably have a humble band at some point, [and] we can have our own show.” And it went from that kind of thought to our songs being played all over America. We counted 45,000 copies of [“Trojans”] before we even signed the record deal [with Warner Bros. Records]. We were very much surprised […] We spent absolutely no time marketing it [...] and that was always our goal: to not spend any time telling people why they should listen to the music. [It’s] not about getting the music into the hands of the right people; it’s about getting the right music out there. And that really sells itself. You know there’s so much music out there that you’re not

going to stand out unless you really focus on the song. So [the people liking our music] was vindication for us and for all that hard work. G: How does the band go from the inspiration of a song to the recording? KJ: The creative process is always a mysterious feeling to have. Because [with] some songs, you look back, and you don’t quite know how it goes to this point in the song … It could be something super simple, like a particular synthesizer on a particular day — that synthesizer strikes a part of your brain that really turns you, and you follow that and see what you can do with it. And you just don’t know how it’s going to happen [...] you can’t get attached. It’s about serving the song.

— Raquel Calderon

staff writer

he great artist Scott Walker hunches forward in his chair, the bill of his plain black baseball cap pulled down across his face so that it shrouds his eyes totally. The percussionist on the other side of the soundproof glass steps toward the microphone and the click track starts in on his headphones. Walker leans in a bit more, as the conductor — a pale, bearded man in an unforgiving teal turtleneck — bounces his baton in time to the hypnotic 4/4 ticking. The percussionist clenches his fists. A second “and four” and the conductor raises his bushy brows at the percussionist, signaling him. Now, a flick of the baton and the familiar sound of flesh on flesh as the percussionist throws sporadic sixteenth-note punches at what appears to be the ribs and midsection of a freshly slaughtered cow. Not a minute into the take and it’s all wrong for Walker. “Stop it,” he says mildly to the sound technician, and playback is promptly cut. Walker proceeds to explain to the percussionist, in detail, the lyrical art of the barefisted meat whack. For as many forms of art that offer lucrative avenues for terrorinduced catharsis, music seems to be a strange exception. Strange primarily due to its unmatched potential to evoke wild, hallucinatory images for listeners based almost entirely on their own subconscious and memory. Walker, however, is undoubtedly an exception to this exception. And what better time of the year than Halloween to dive head first into the most frightening lower chambers of a master artist’s nightmare-stained psyche? If Walker’s string of eponymous albums, “Scott 1–4,” are more effortlessly cool and suavely operatic than anything else released in the 1960s (and you’d best believe they are), his 2006 colossus “The Drift” is bleaker and more monolithic than what any modern death metal or doom metal pyrotechnics have to offer. Walker is a master lyricist, and on “The Drift,” his unrelenting poetry is always at the unsettling center of the mix. He croons and whispers wild descriptions of Elvis’s stillborn twin brother or the execution of Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci — their limp bodies dangling in the nighttime air. But with Walker it’s always a puzzle, and these frightening stories are always steeped heavily in abstraction. The latter account on 12-minute gothic opus “Clara” is a modest example: “This is not a cornhusk doll / Dipped in blood in the moonlight / Like what happen in America.” The instrumentation, which Walker has referred to as “blocks of sound” rather than traditional stacked arrangement, also follows a dream logic. “The Drift” falls somewhere between musique concrete haunted house and surreal book on tape, and aside from the aforementioned meat-punching, Walker employs large string and brass ensembles, Asian wind instruments and electronically manipulated sound. But rarely do his soundscapes ever match the familiar and sweeping orchestral numbers of his ‘60s masterpieces. Here, those classical conceptions of songwriting are abandoned almost entirely, and we are left with the stripped-down and blackened core of a troubled artist nearing the end of his prolific life.


The Burn of Plastic Vodka and Cheap Beer


12 years a slave The potential Oscar contender offers vivid, brutal depictions of slavery in the 1850s. Directed by Steve McQueen Starring Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Brad Pitt Rated R Release Date Nov. 1


hat the U.S. history books never told you, “12 Years a Slave” will show you. The third feature film from British director Steve McQueen (“Hunger,” “Shame”) has already been dubbed a frontrunner for Best Picture by enthusiastic critics. The screenplay, adapted by John Ridley (“U Turn,” “Three Kings”), is based on the 1853 autobiography of Solomon Northup, “Twelve Years a Slave,” which recounts his experience as a free black man living with his family in New York before he is suddenly is forced into slavery. The film is an immersive depiction of the institution of slavery, the dehumanization of human beings and the diseased social order that has plagued the American collective conscience for centuries. Northup, portrayed by British actor Chiwetel Ejiofor (“American Gangster,” “Children of Men”), whose dignified and refined manner truly anchors the film, is living in Saratoga Springs with his wife and two children in 1841. A wonderfully talented musician, he is respected by his peers, moves along gracefully in society and is a proud family man. In a Fox Searchlight interview, McQueen explained his choice of this particular characterization, stating that he “wanted [Northup] to be everyone in the audience.” One night, however, he is lured under false business pretenses, drugged and kidnapped. He wakes up in a dark dungeon, chained and beaten, and is transported from New York to the southern states. Eventually ending up in Louisiana, Northup spends the following dozen years with three different slave owners, each of them exercising their particular form of sadistic abuse. With the incredible depth of his soul and his unbreakable spirit, Northup struggles to survive his enslavement with his mind intact. Upon witnessing the deteriorating mental (and physical) states of the other slaves, he unwaveringly proclaims, “I don’t want to survive — I want to live.” Ejiofor gives a brilliant performance and will likely be a Best Actor contender. The film has garnered attention not because of the subject matter,


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but because of how the subject matter is approached. McQueen is able to maintain an unwavering, almost fearless, gaze at scenes of horrifying cruelty and heartbreaking injustice, where the human spirit is compromised to the utmost extent. As evidenced by his previous films, which include 2008’s “Hunger” about the 1981 Irish hunger strike and 2011’s “Shame” about a man tormented by his sexual addiction, there is no denying the fact that McQueen has an extraordinary eye for striking composition. Like his past works, “12 Years a Slave” features exaggeratedly long shots that bring an almost unbearable intensity. After one particularly brutal punishment, Northup is left hanging from a tree with a noose around his neck, wheezing and trying to maintain his balance with one foot just barely touching the muddy ground. In a limbo between life and death, McQueen once again demonstrates his mastery over the painfully lingering shot. Also notable are the dramatic close-ups: Whether it is the wild eyes of the malevolent alcoholic Edwin Epps (Michael Fassbender), or the constant melancholy in Northup’s expression, the cast is photographed so that their emotion becomes palpable. Cinematographer Sean Bobbitt, who worked with McQueen on both “Hunger” and “Shame,” captures the softness of the golden afternoon sun through the large willow trees surrounding the plantations. If only for a moment, the audience is able to forget the horror that takes place on those properties. Furthermore, the sound evokes the era of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” with solemn harmonies of call-andresponse work songs, the wind blowing through the Spanish moss-clad oak trees and the bone-chilling sound of a whip colliding with human flesh. It is curious to think that, although slavery in the U.S. lasted for centuries, relatively few images of it are accessible to the public. Sure, there’s the calculated Hollywood biopic “Lincoln” and the aggressive Tarantino theatricality of “Django Unchained.” However, what sets “12 Years a Slave” apart is a sober and artful portrayal


"Fortuna" by rosi golan

Release Date Oct. 15

Singer-songwriter offers a treasure trove of tracks showcasing her quaint sound and folksy roots.

Freshmen faux pas vincent pham vnp003@ucsd.edu


not usually present in films dealing with slavery. It is not just a great film but a necessary one. Our greatest challenge thus remains — to tell the truth. This is what McQueen has achieved with this film. We don’t have to justify the subject matter — we just have to


ood things really do come in small packages, and nowhere is this more apparent than in Rosi Golan’s latest studio offering “Fortuna.” The set of songs marks her first extended play, though the Israeli-born musician is no stranger to the studio, having released two full-length albums and received wide exposure in media. But for those who didn’t catch her music in a J.C. Penney ad campaign, the film “Dear John” or the many television shows that feature it, “Fortuna” makes for an excellent introduction to Golan’s delicate, whimsical music. The opening track, “Your Forgiveness,” flaunts the musician’s vocal range in new ways: Golan starts off the track with a short a cappella stanza before her belt resounds against a simple acoustic guitar riff in the chorus. The result is a bittersweet romantic ballad laced with the poetic imagery of its lyrics: “For now the tide is out, water still in the clouds, hanging so heavy it hurts.” The melancholy flavor of the EP continues with “Give Up the Ghost,” a duet with Johnny McDaid. Strongly reminiscent of

understand it. Although “12 Years a Slave” is difficult to watch, try to not look away.

— emily bender

contributing Writer her past single “Think of Me,” the quiet, gentle beauty of Golan and McDaid’s vocals complement each other alongside an acoustic background. “Oblivious clocks on the walls run, ‘cause time doesn’t owe us a thing,” they sing in unison, turning the hackneyed breakup theme into a wistful work of art — a typical mark of Golan’s work. In every track of “Fortuna,” Golan couples sonic simplicity with literate lyrics, a formula she has used again and again but that succeeds in never feeling trite or tiresome. Instead, each song feels refreshingly new, and a certain complexity in each track can be found beyond the plainness on the surface. For Golan, staying in her musical comfort zone works, contradictory to what she sings in “Give Up the Ghost” — “It’s fortune that favors the brave ones.” Her sweet and graceful charm allows Golan to stick with a tried-and-true path that never sounds stale. For that, listeners are quite fortunate.

— jacqueline kim

A&E editor

he clock had just ticked past midnight, and I was still (unsuccessfully) uncorking my sister’s only bottle of Moscato D’Asti (which, I immediately learned, I would drink over hard liquor any day). In a panic and a rush of trying to get some sort of celebration going, I broke the top of the cork off, shoved the bottom in the bottle and let the sparkling $7 wine flow. I rang in 2012 with the most glorious first hangover I could ever have had and a lot of sleep. That was my first brush with alcohol, and it wouldn’t be the last (I am indebted to the drinking gods that hangovers don’t last forever). College is, in my opinion, inexorably tied to drinking. It gives you an excuse to drink on just about any occasion, whether it’s Moonshine Monday, Turnt-Up Tuesday, Box Wine Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday, Fucked Up Friday, Schmammered Saturday or your classic Sunday brunch accompanied with bottomless Mimosas. I may have made up nearly all of these fun alliterations, but you get the idea. It’s the culture we’re surrounded with, and it should be accepted. But this doesn’t go without saying that you have to be part of it. I concede that many of the memorable experiences I mentioned in my previous column were in fact due to successful inebriation. It is definitely worth the effort to attend your fair share of parties, if that’s what you’re looking for. Take a walk through I-House, hit up The Village if you have some connections or just go to SDSU if you’re looking for something different. Do it all because I’m a firm believer in #yolo. But, partying shouldn’t be the defining trend of your freshman year or something you do just because everyone else does it. Partying shouldn’t be the only way for you to meet people and the only way you can talk to strangers because you gain “confidence” as you drink more. Alcohol is undoubtedly a social lubricant, but don’t depend on it. And going to parties definitely shouldn’t be your only version of fun on a weekend. Maybe it’s because I’m not an absolute bombshell with perfect hair and an alluring smile (I do have slightly better-than-average skin), but I didn’t go to a ridiculous amount of parties my freshman year. Several nights were spent settling Catan (you’re welcome to join me) or shooting the moon in a heated game of Hearts. Or, Friday nights were spent between the sheets (ha) of textbooks and books about Margaret Thatcher. Maybe, on a few occasions, if my friends and I could get our hands on some bootleg liquor (plastic handles, of course, because we’re poor), we’d have a kickback. Even then, we would drink very comfortably and in good company. You’ll find things to do, trust me. You’ll meet amazing people in the least likely places, and it won’t have to be at a sweaty, humid party. And with all of this, you’ll still have fun with genuine people, building real relationships. I do acknowledge all of this can happen in a party setting, and I’m sure it does. I just wanted to point out that you define fun in your own way, and it shouldn’t be imposed upon you in the forms of peer pressure or lack better things to do. But what do I know? It’s Halloween, go get all forms of drunk with that person dressed up as Jesus — I heard he forgives.



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Event Planning Internship - Yvette Hart Events, a Los Angeles up and coming event planning firm is looking for an intern to support the owner/lead event planner in all areas of design, planning and coordination of events, esp. weddings. Our mission is to create stylish, fresh and sophisticated events that express our clients ideas. This is a great opportunity to learn and receive hands-on experience within the event planning industry. This is an unpaid internship, may count for college credit, with potential to grow with the business. Listing ID: 73401670 at ucsdguardian.org/ classifieds for more information Web Design Internship - Power Brands is a leading beverage consulting firm that develops a beverage and marketing strategy for new or existing beverage brands. We are currently searching for a part time web designer to help create/revamp new and already existing landing pages. Listing ID: 72861778 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information Music Intern! - Hi music lovers! I’m Melissa, and I’m seeking an intern for a 5 week internship, for at least 10 hours a week, who wants to learn how to reach out to artists around the world. Give me a call and let’s see if it’s something that you’d love to do! Hope to hear from you! Listing ID: 72861414 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information


PETS Cyclura, Blue Rock Iguana - 379.00 - Cyclura babies for Sale, both parents Cyclura Lewisi hybrids aka Blue Rock Iguana. Babies are 1 month old, looking for permanent home for them. Rock Iguanas are Pets For Life, will live 40+ years with proper care. Both parents are super tame. I have been taming babies as well. Email me if have questions. Listing ID: 73561668 at ucsdguardian.org/ classifieds for more information Tiny Tea Cup and Toy York - 500.00 - The best TEA CUP AND TOY YORKIE PUPPIES available: Beautiful, purebred, Yorkshire Terrier puppies. Different litters, differnt colors and sizes, all of them come with the “Certificate Of Health Guarantee” and their “Health Record”. Parents always on premises. Specializing in very tiny small to medium size Yorkie puppies. Listing ID: 72171443 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information Dolly the Dalmatian - 1295.00 - Dalmatian, Come on down and check out of gorgeous chocolate Dalmatian! She is a beauty and will be your workout partner for life. She is active and will keep you motivated. She is specially priced because she is 17 weeks old and we want her to find a home!!! This Puppy will come with: Registration with Pedigree and Up to Date Vaccinations. Listing ID: 71659932 at ucsdguardian.org/ classifieds for more information Beabull - 1495.00 - This handsome Beagle/ English Bulldog mix (beabull) is ready for his furever home. He is 16 weeks old and full of fun and love. Come by and tell us


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Under the Surface - 2600.00 - Hand made carved glass cocktail table. Outer Edges of table base, water jet cut. Perimeter of the table top, pencil polished. 42”dia. x 18”ht. x 3/4”glass. 412 W. 7th Street San Pedro. borenstudio@yahoo.com. Listing ID: 73219052 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information

Tropical Jungle Theme Table Lamps - $35 - Closing out storage unit. these 2 lamps were used to decorate a model home in the tropical jungle theme. Near new. work great. call Jackie at or text to. $35/both one for $20 stand 24-inches tall from base to top. Listing ID: 73488166 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information

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you can resist him!! He is specially priced at $1495...$600.00 off of his regular price. Be his family today! This Puppy will come with: Up to Date Vaccinations, Dewormed, and Vet Checked. Listing ID: 71659927 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information

1 3

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Video editor/Videographer - Seeking a young hard working videographer/editor to accompany music crew to sessions and events. Includes editing and uploading a variety of videos to all social media outlets. Must be hard working, great attitude, a self starter, music fan, and have the ability to preform on a high consistent level. Listing ID: 73400638 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information

Contact Brianna, UCSD Airway Research Center

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Subjects aged 18-­65 with current asthma symptoms to grass pollens needed for study requiring donation of blood, allergy skin testing, pulmonary function testing, and completion of allergy questionnaires. Will be reimbursed $575 for completion of 5 clinic visit study over a 2 year period.

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Coby Tablet/3 Free Items - 350.00 - Sell Coby Tablet 2012 (looks Like New) For $350.00 And 3 Free Zoom 2000 Vhs , Dell Pc Without Hard Drive, And Digital Video Camera. If Interest To Buy It For $350.00 Cash Only And Get 3 Free Zoom 2000 Vhs (video System), Dell Pc Without Hard Drive, And Digital Video Camera (never Used New And Good Item For 14 Years). Listing ID: 73223302 at ucsdguardian.org/ classifieds for more information


Level: 1 2 3 4

Omni XLT 127 Telescope - $400 - I’m selling the Omni XLT 127 Telescope. It’s nearly brand new. I’ve only put it together and was never able to use it. The retail price is $730. I’m selling it for $400. Let me know if you have any questions or are interested. Listing ID: 72874454 at ucsdguardian.org/ classifieds for more information


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Polaroid 600 Instant Film Cameras! - $15 - I have for sale Polaroid 600 Instant Film Cameras! These cameras are in excellent condition and work great. These are some of the best models ever made and are easy to use! Images are of the actual cameras. Price is $15.00 each. Listing ID: 73405354 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information

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Must Sell Vintage Wood Hutch - $100 - VINTAGE WOOD HUTCH glass shelves,suede inserts on lower doors,silverware drawer and light in upper $100. Listing ID: 73488160 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information Hammock hanging chair - $38 – Rarely used. Buy it and enjoy it. Listing ID: 73488159 at ucsdguardian.org/classifieds for more information

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T H E U C S D G U A R D I A N | T H U R S D A Y, O C T O B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 3 | W W W . U C S D G U A R D I A N . O R G

Women’s Crew Team to Compete in Newport Rowing Festival Tritons Need Two Wins Next Weekend

▶ CREW, from page 12

cancer,” women’s crew coach Colin Truex said. Both the Triton men and women posted strong performances at last Saturday’s meet. The Triton men performed particularly well, as UCSD’s B team took first place in the Men’s Open Eight (11:19), while UCSD’s A team earned first place in the Men’s Collegiate Freshman Eight with a time of 11:41. On the women’s side, UCSD’s B team finished in fourth place (13:52) in the Women’s Open Eight event. UCSD’s A team finished only a second behind (13:53), taking fifth

place, while the C team placed seventh (14:56). After a long summer, Truex notes that this unofficial season opener indicates little for the coming year. “It was more about just shaking off some of the cobwebs and going out and rowing hard,” Truex said. Regardless, the coach felt it was a good start. “It’s early, but they’ve worked hard and they’ve rowed well.” After the races were finished, breast cancer survivors from the community handed out the medals to rowing participants. “It’s really inspiring to see people who have overcome and struggled through so much be so happy to



attend and participate,” senior captain Olivia Knizek said. While the Row for the Cure provided for an eventful season opener for the Tritons in their home port, the UCSD women’s crew squad sets its sights on its upcoming schedule. “There’s good fundamentals that we can build on, and there’s good fitness,” Truex said. “We have the right mindset to go forward.” The Tritons will continue their season on Nov. 3, as they travel to Newport Beach for the Newport Autumn Rowing Festival. The competition will begin at 6 a.m.

Broncos 2–2 just two weekends earlier. The regular season wraps up on Sunday at 2 p.m. with a matchup against Cal State Los Angeles, whom the Tritons defeated 3–1 in early September. If the Tritons can match their result against Cal State Los Angeles after Friday night’s games, the Sunday showdown at Triton Stadium between the two CCAA South Division foes becomes an elimination game for both teams. “It’s a two-game season,” Jessica Dang said. “We’re kind of playing with our lives on the line, we have to go on and that’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to win.”

readers can contact BRANDON YU


▶ WOMEN SOCCER, from page 12

before the game; we said we’ve got three games left and every one is a championship game,” McManus said. “So that’s the first championship game, then we’ve got two to go.” The Tritons head into the final weekend of the season just one point shy of a playoff berth. “We said at the beginning of the year, let’s give ourselves a chance to go to the [conference tournament]. That’s all we’re looking for, and that’s what we’ve done,” McManus said. “We’ve put ourselves into a position where it’s down to us to get into it.” UCSD travels to Cal Poly Pomona on Friday night, having tied the


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T H E U C S D G U A R D I A N | T H U R S D A Y, O C T O B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 3 | W W W . U C S D G U A R D I A N . O R G



RACHEL UDA sports@ucsdguardian.org

follow us @UCSD_sports

Great After 8

The UCSD men’s soccer team has clinched a CCAA tournmanet berth for the first time in eight seasons. Postseason play to begin Nov. 8.



lofted over senior goalkeeper Josh Cohen. Regrouping during halftime, the Tritons spent the majority of the second period on Monterey Bay’s half, outshooting the Otters 11-2. UCSD inched closer to frame throughout the half, playing through forward Alessandro Canale — marked closely by Monterey defender Saydou Kamara. Canale snaked his way around the 16-yard box, creating opportunities, which eventually paid off in the 81st minute, when the Tritons were granted a free kick collected by Canale. Canale dribbled the flank to find Bagheri, who finished the equalizer. Just over one minute later, Canale connected with Bagheri again, sending a back-pass that Bagheri buried in the back of the net. “Bagheri’s a huge piece of what we do,” UCSD head coach Jon Pascale said. “He is definitely one of the best players in the league, he has been for some time. It’s great to see him score goals.” The Tritons have two more games left in the regular season. On Friday, UCSD will face Cal Poly Pomona on the road. The following Sunday, the Tritons will return to RIMAC Field to play CCAA South Division rivals Cal State Los Angeles, where UCSD will honor its nine seniors. But with a tournament ticket in hand, Pascale said his Tritons aren’t ready to let up off the gas this coming weekend. “It’s our mentality and culture that win, lose or draw [today], we would be preparing for two wins next weekend. So it’s two more opportunities to get better and two more opportunities to establish ourselves in the conference.” Readers can contact Rachel Uda at ruda@ucsd.edu



ith the help of two come-from-behind goals by midfielder Andisheh Bagheri last Sunday, the UCSD men’s soccer team has clinched a conference tournament berth for the first time since 2005. The second-seeded Tritons join first-ranked Chico State and third-ranked Cal State Los Angeles in the California Collegiate Athletic Association Tournament to be held at Cal State Stanislaus from Nov. 8 to Nov. 9. The fourth seat will go to either Sonoma State or Cal State Monterey Bay depending on the outcome of this weekend’s games. “I’m really happy, but we expected to be going to the postseason. Obviously it’s super exciting, and it’s the first time that I’ve been,” senior captain Alec Arsht said. “But we want the first seed, too. We want to win the South, but we have a couple more games.” Bagheri — who has scored six game-winning goals so far this season — was again the hero against San Francisco State and Cal State Monterey Bay. On Friday, the Tritons dealt San Francisco State its eighth straight loss. In the 49th minute, senior midfielder Will Pleskow found senior Cory Wolfrom inside the 16-yard box, who drilled the ball into the bottom-left corner. Bagheri scored a rocket from 18 yards out in the 65th minute to seal the win despite a late Gator goal. Two days later, back on their home field, the Tritons punched their ticket to the CCAA Championships with a win against CCAA North Division leader Cal State Monterey Bay. UCSD played most of the game with a 1-0 deficit, after Monterey Bay’s Servando Perez scored his ninth goal of the season off a header


Overall GF














PTS Records Win %

sonoma state




cal state monterey bay




Records Win %






won 3





lost 1

Conference GP

PTS Records Win %

*Chico State










Last 10 Streak


Overall GF


















Records Win %

Last 10 Streak







Tied 1






won 3






Tied 1

*Chico State, UCSD and Cal State Los Angeles have all clinched CCAA Tournament berths. Sonoma State and Cal State Monterey Bay will battle for the last spot. PHOTOS BY NHAN NGUYEN/GUARDIAN FILE



Crew Opens Year at Mission Bay Tritons Still in Play for Postseason The UCSD men’s and women’s crew teams kicked off the 2013-2014 season at the Susan G. Kohman Row for the Cure. BY BRANDON YU STAFF WRITER

The UCSD fall crew season opened at Mission Bay in San Diego this past Sunday. The Tritons faced off against teams coming from Orange Coast College, University of San Diego, San Diego State and UCLA. Held in partnership with Susan G. Komen Foundation, the contest raised between $13,000 and $15,000 to be donated to breast cancer patients and research. The event, which was not limited to collegiate athletes, drew over 600 participants who all helped in making this year’s fundraising effort the biggest to date. Races extended beyond crew and featured kayaks, outriggers, stand up paddleboards and surf skis. “It’s really nice to know that our team can

With a 1-1 tie and 1-0 win last weekend, the women’s soccer team still remain in the hunt for a conference tournament spot. BY DYLAN THOMPSON

partner with other rowing teams to help support the Susan G. Komen foundation,” junior captain Kelly Petersen said. Going over a decade strong, Row for the Cure has consistently expanded in size and donations each year. The money raised will serve both at a local and national level – the majority will go towards uninsured San Diego women with breast cancer while the residual funds will contribute to breast cancer research. “[The race] does carry more meaning, particularly for some of the athletes who have known somebody who has had breast See CREW, page 11

The UCSD women’s soccer team picked up a win and a tie last week—results good enough to keep the Tritons in postseason contention. Last Friday, a 1–1 tie against a weaker San Francisco State team could have been the UCSD women’s soccer team’s undoing. The following Sunday, the Tritons remained eligible for the four-team conference tournament by the late-game heroics of freshman Jessica Dang. The freshman’s second goal of the year prolonged the season for the Tritons, who defeated Cal State Monterey Bay 1–0 in a game that was close until the final whistle. “I was just trying to get it in the goal,” Dang said. “When I hit the ball, the contact, I knew it was going in. It was a nice feeling.”


Dang scored both Triton goals over the weekend, netting the first of her career on a free kick in the first half against San Francisco State. “We’ve been working really hard for the whole season and the results haven’t really been showing it, but I think today we really stepped up and we finished our opportunities when we had them, when it really mattered,” Dang said after the win. Head coach Brian McManus was happy with the weekend’s results but understands the situation that his team faces with just two games remaining. “Its been a hard season, but we talked today See WOMEN’S SOCCER, page 11

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