11.21.11 | UCSD Guardian

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3,000 turn out for HULLABALOO


DAVIS POLICE PEPPER SPRAY STUDENT PROTESTERS UC President Mark G. Yudof vows to convene chancellors to discuss problems with oncampus law enforcement. By LAIRA MARTIN Associate News Editor

ER ic N ye /G uardian

By Sarah Kang Staff Writer

pointed by a financially restricted FallFest. Unlike FallFest, which centered around music performers, Hullabaloo focused on creating a carnival atmosphere with rides and food trucks. “Regardless of the budget cut, we would have had to reinvent FallFest anyways,” Zhang said. “Going through this experience and dealing with such a drastic budget cut for what’s usually our second largest event of the year … has prepared our staff — especially the festivals team — to create an even better Sun God in the future.” Elizabeth, a junior who wished to remain anonymous, said that she found the event more enjoyable than FallFest, but was still



Play It By Ear The Cataracs performed in the Price Center Ballrooms A & B on Nov. 16 (top). Grammy nominee Miguel Zenon played at the Loft during his Nov. 17 concert (bottom).

ver 3,000 students attended the first annual Hullabaloo festival on Friday, Nov. 18. This number is based on the number of wristbands distributed since there is no official count, said Associate Vice President of A.S. Concerts and Events Oliver Zhang. In comparison, over 5,600 students turned out last year for FallFest, UCSD’s traditional Fall Quarter event that Hullabaloo has since replaced. Due to budget cuts, A.S. Council cut the FallFest budget from $135,000 to $62,500. ASCE then decided to rename and rebrand the event so students would not be disap-

See HULLABALOO, page 3

housing and dining

Group Petitions for More Vegan Dining Options By JAVIER ARMSTRONG Staff Writer People for the Elimination of Animal Cruelty Through Education, a student organization founded in December 2009, is petitioning for more vegan dining options at UCSD dining facilities. According to PEACE founder Alisha Utter, the organization gathered over 2,000 signatures on a spring 2010 petition, and has since gathered an additional 2,000 signatures on its fall 2011 petition. After compiling both petitions, PEACE met with university dietician Becky McDivitt and Dining Facilities Executive Chef Vaughn Vargus to discuss the feasibility of adding more vegan dining options. “We compiled countless vegan recipes that were feasible for large-scale production and


mailed them to [McDivitt],” Utter said. McDivitt and Vargus were eager to address the group’s concerns after the spring 2010 meeting, Utter said, but no changes have been made since the group met with them again this fall. As a result, PEACE is still waiting on Housing, Dining and Hospitality to move forward. UCSD spokesperson Christine Clark declined to comment on the delay, but stated that UCSD was recognized as one of the most vegan-friendly colleges in the country by PETA this month. Utter said that this ranking is misleading. “This ranking is a result of misinformation being distributed by UCSD dining services,” Utter said. “A majority of the items on the Internet list entitled ‘Eating a Vegan Diet at UCSD’ [which PETA used for its ranking] do not even exist or are not vegan. I have since gotten See VEGAN, page 3 p HOTO COURTESY OF KATIE LAIRD


Every hour we spent working out paid off today.” John Butler

UCSD Men’s Water Polo Junior Utility PAGE 12

Monday H 61 L 46

Wednesday H 63 L 52

Tuesday H 65 L 47

Thursday H 59 L 50




Wednesday Thursday

Less than two weeks after police brutality at a UC Berkeley protest made national headlines, footage of UC Davis police pepper spraying students on Nov. 18 has gone viral. Police used military-grade pepper spray pointblank on several students OPINION who were peacefully proPolice violence testing in solidarity with the is distracting “Occupy Cal” movement. from the Both incidents of UC police movement itself. brutality were provoked PAGE 4. when students disobeyed the “no encampment” rule. “I am appalled by images of University of California students being doused with pepper spray and jabbed with police batons on our campuses,” UC President Mark G. Yudof said in a statement released on Nov. 20. “I intend to do everything in my power as president of this university to protect the rights of our students, faculty and staff to engage in nonviolent protest.” According to UC Davis junior Lien Do, students in the quad had their arms linked peacefully when police began to pepper spray several students in the face, including Do. “The police pushed me to the side and when the police started pepper spraying I tried to jump in to cover [students] with my jacket and I got pepper sprayed,” Do said. “I did not get as badly pepper sprayed as [other protesters] but my lips and arm were burning the whole next day.” According to an article in the Los Angeles Times, two of the UC Davis police officers who was involved in the incident, including Lt. John Pike, have since been placed on paid administrative leave. UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi has launched an investigation concerning last Friday’s events. Despite pressure from the UC community to resign, Katehi has publicly stated that she will not do so. “I do not think that I have violated the policies of the institution,” she wrote in a statement. In the statement released yesterday, Yudof stated that he will take immediate action in response to the campus protests. “As I have said before, free speech is part of the DNA of this university, and non-violent protest has long been central to our history,” he said. “I implore students who wish to demonstrate to do so in a peaceful and lawful fashion. I expect campus authorities to honor that right.” Readers can contact Laira Martin at lairamartin@ucsd.edu.


SURF REPORT monday Height: 3-5 ft. Wind: 1-10 mph Water Temp: 62 F

Tuesday Height: 4-5 ft. Wind: 4-6 mph Water Temp: 62 F

Wednesday Height: 2-4 ft. Wind: 2-6 mph Water Temp: 62 F

Thursday Height: 2-6 ft. Wind: 2-11 mph Water Temp: 62 F



Beach Side Station, Imperial Beach 681 CA-75 & Palm Ave. & 7th St. HIGH


Valero, Coronado 400 Orange Ave & 4th St.

INSIDE Birdland..................................2 Lights and Sirens....................3 At Wit’s End............................4 Letter to the Editor.................5 Best of San Diego..................6 Sudoku...................................9 Sports...................................12


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

birdland By Rebekah Dyer Angela Chen

Editor in Chief

Arielle Sallai Margaret Yau

Managing Editors

Angela Chen

News Editor

Nicole Chan Rebecca Horwitz Laira Martin Margaret Yau Madeline Mann Rachel Uda Nicholas Howe

villain and monkey By Nicole Oliver

Associate News Editors

Opinion Editor Associate Opinion Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor

Mina Nilchian

Focus Editor

Arielle Sallai

Leisure Editor

Ren Ebel

Hiatus Editor

Monica Haider Emily Pham

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Hayley Bisceglia-Martin Melody Chern


COMPILED BY Rebecca Horwitz | associate news editor

Development Editor Design Program Director

Business Manager Emily Ku Marketing & Advertising Director Brandon Katzer

UCSD ▶Two graduate students from the Jacobs School of Engineering have started the Jacobs Undergraduate Mentoring Program. The program, which brings together 10 graduate students and 60 undergraduate students, is a partnership between the IDEA Student Center and the Jacobs Graduate Student Council.

▶Researcher at the UCSD Autism Center of

Excellence found that brain overgrowth in boys with autism is associated with an abnormal, excess amount of neurons in areas related to social communication and cognitive development. The results of the study, which was led by Professor of Neurosciences Eric Corchesne, were published Nov. 9 by the Journal of the American Medical Society.

▶Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs

Suresh Subramani announced Nov. 18 that UCSD is planning to hire 125 to 130 faculty within the next three years. The proposal is part of the university’s strategic plan to focus in key research areas of biology, design and energy over the next 10 to 15 years.



Webmaster Bryan Smith

▶Four football players from Castle Park High School in Chula Vista have been accused of sexually assaulting another teammate as part of an initiation after practice. The victim was sexually assaulted with a foreign object.

▶ A transgender woman prostitute was fatally shot

▶Umoya, a 21-year-old elephant at the San Diego Zoo, died on Nov. 17. She was found the morning of Nov. 16 with severe injuries and unable to stand. The zoo staff believe Umoya had an aggressive interaction with another elephant. Animal rights organization ‘In Defense of Animals’ has asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture to investigate the circumstances of the death and why none of the staff were aware of Umoya’s injuries until the morning of Nov. 16.

▶ In December, Riverside County is planning to

▶A dead 50-foot fin whale washed ashore near the Point Loma Waste Treatment Plant in an isolated area of the beach. It has not yet decomposed, so authorities have estimated that it has not been dead for a long period of time. Fin whales are on the U.S. Endangered Species List and are the second largest living animal. Nine animals have washed ashore in San Diego over the last 15 years.

▶ A man was arrested for carrying a loaded gun

the night of Nov. 17 in Hollywood. The suspect is believed to be the same man who attempted an armed robbery on a transgender woman in West Hollywood less than an hour later.

charge inmates at local jails up to $142 per day to reimburse the county. County Supervisor Jeff Stone said that although most inmates would not be able to pay, the revenue from the 25 percent he believes can do so could bring in $6 million a year. Under state law, a judge must first determine if a defendant has the ability to pay the county. A convicted criminal who spends six months in jail could have to pay more than $25,000 for his stay. in his bag at Sacramento International Airport Nov. 19. Transportation Security Administration officials saw the .40 caliber Glock G23 when the man’s carry-on baggage went through X-rays at a security checkpoint. According to TSA spokesperson Ann Davis, the man said he forgot the gun was in his bag.

Advertising & Marketing Assistants Christine Alabastro Christine Doo Shilpa Sharma Advertising Design & Layout Alfredo H. Vilano Jr. A.S. Graphic Studio The UCSD Guardian is published Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year by UCSD students and for the UCSD community. Reproduction of this newspaper in any form, whether in whole or in part, without permission is strictly prohibited. © 2011, all rights reserved. The UCSD Guardian is not responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of the UCSD Guardian, the University of California or Associated Students. The UCSD Guardian is funded by advertising. If you can’t work in the Guardian, work IN the Guardian.





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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Festival at Town Square Featured Food Trucks, Carnival Rides, Musicians

LIGHTS & SIRENS Thursday, Nov. 10 1:18 p.m.: Medical aid The subject at Biomedical Sciences Building was having an “allergic reaction to a rat bite” and had trouble breathing. Transported to hospital. 9:47 p.m.: Welfare check Someone at RIMAC was making “suicidal threats.” Transported to hospital. Friday, Nov. 11 12:58 a.m.: Drunk in public The police issued five adult citations for underage drinking to one male and four females at Lot 504. Five adult citations issued. 10:11 a.m.: Disturbance Roommates were having a “verbal argument” at Regents Road. Field interview administered. 11:26 a.m.: Hazard situation The caller at Regents Road heard a “hissing sound” and smelled gas after moving a barbeque grill. Caller turned off gas. Saturday, Nov. 12 12:20 a.m.: Suspicious person An unemployed man was drunk and collecting recyclables without authorization at Plaza Café. Closed by adult arrest/’stay away’ order issued. 1:55 a.m.: Information Someone at Stein Clinical Research “splashed [an] eyeball with hazardous cells.” Referred to other agency. 2:37 a.m.: Disturbance A group was “climbing all over shuttles” at Lot 705. Information only. 10:35 p.m.: Drunk in public A male was in the street by the Gilman Information Booth mooning drivers. Gone on arrival. Sunday, Nov. 13 2:14 a.m.: Disturbance

A drunk male was being a vandal and not cooperating with an officer at The Village Building 4. Closed by adult arrest. Monday, Nov. 14 1:47 a.m.: Noise disturbance People were running at Argo Hall. Quiet on arrival. 10:40 a.m.: Information A large group “carrying flags” was gathering at the intersection of Gilman Drive and Myers Drive. Checks OK. Affiliated with International Week. 8:00 a.m.- 3:45 p.m.: Grand theft A bicycle worth $1,200 was stolen at Engineering Building I in Warren College. Online report submitted. Tuesday, Nov. 15 12:24 a.m.: Disturbance An adult male refused to leave Porter’s Pub and threw rocks at the pub. Closed by adult arrest. 4:54 a.m.: Welfare check An intoxicated adult male was found by the Blacks Beach gate. Transported to detox. 8:46 a.m.: Welfare check An elderly adult male was “wandering around campus.” Unable to locate. 2:07 p.m.: Possible remains found The police found an “old jacket and linens only” at North Mesa Apartments. Information only. 9:57 p.m.: Preserve the peace An estranged husband and wife were “exchanging property” at 1 Miramar Building 4. Information only.

▶ HULLABALOO, from page 1

disappointed by the rides. “I kind of arrived there pretty late because I was trying to avoid the crowds,” she said. “When I got there, I got signed in and got my wristband, and I was trying to get on the zipper ride, but the cut-off point was 10:30. I was really disappointed because the event was supposed to end at midnight.” Musicians and DJs such as Felix Cartal, Jokers of the Scene and DJ Philly performed at the concert at Town Square. Food trucks such as Corner Cupcakes, Flippin Pizza, Tabe BBQ and Super Q were open throughout the night. “I felt like I wasn’t able to experience the whole experience of Hullabaloo,” Elizabeth said. “I didn’t enjoy the music, not that I don’t like that kind of music … it was just that the DJ was a bad DJ. The [food] was pretty expensive … I liked it more than FallFest just because it offered the carnival ride experience, but the cut-off was

too early.” Eleanor Roosevelt College freshman Krystal Tse, who arrived at Hullabaloo at around 6 p.m., said the festival compared favorably to her experience at Marshallpalooza — an annual event hosted by Thurgood Marshall Student Council which took place the day before, on Nov. 17. “Compared to [Marshallpalooza], there weren’t that many rides, but the music was better than yesterday’s,” Tse said. The festival staff did not run into any safety problems, and Zhang said administrators have been supportive of the event. “That really cements the fact that there’s going to be a lot of support for the event next year,” Zhang said. “And I think there’s a lot of room to expand out, so I’m really excited that the next year’s staff can carry it on and improve upon the festival.” Readers can contact Sarah Kang at sak019@ucsd.edu.

Group Waiting on Response from Housing and Dining Dept. ▶ VEGAN, from page 1

in touch with PETA to update them on the reality of the lack of vegan options at UCSD.” Utter said she is also concerned about the labeling process used for menus. “When proper labeling is not incorporated, the staff is informed of ingredients by the chefs, who are informed of ingredients by the executive chef,” Utter said. “I don’t want to base my diet on a game of telephone.” PEACE hopes that this initial request for proper labeling will be a first step toward expanding and improving plant-based foods available on campus, Utter said. A Housing, Dining and Hospitality representative could not be reached for comment as of press time.

We compiled countless vegan recipes that were feasible for large-scale production and mailed them to [university dietician Beth McDivitt].” ALISHA UTTER

Readers can contact Javier Armstrong at jarmstr@ucsd. edu.

Wednesday, Nov. 16 2:45 p.m.: Collision with injury A bicyclist crashed into a tree by the Supercomputer Center. Transported to hospital.


Join The Guardian

— Compiled by Sarah Kang Staff Writer





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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Yau CONTACT THE EDITOR Margaret opinion@ucsdguardian.org

OPINION Four Reasons Why We Should Give Thanks This Week


t’s a hard time to be thankful as a UC student. Fees are up, campus shuttles are going down and no matter how hard I shut my eyes/chant religiously to WebReg, it looks like I won’t be able to work the

At Wit’s End

trevor cox trevorcox@ucsd.edu

P hoto C ourtesy of J asna H odzic /C alifornia A ggie

Shifting Focus

Police violence at UC Berkeley and Davis campuses may be drawing attention to the Occupy Colleges movement, but it is distracting from the real reason why students are protesting. By Chelsey Davis • STAFF WRITER


he Occupy movement has been the center of the media’s attention since its New York-based inception in September. More recently, it has inspired colleges to start their own branch of the movement, protesting continual increases in tuition and the relentless cutbacks of state funding. The protests have been a major focus of media outlets, not for the radical changes they hope to realize, but for the violent conflict between police officers and students. On Nov. 9, protesters at Occupy Cal were brutally attacked by police officers. What started as peaceful protesting at UC Berkeley’s Sproul Plaza quickly escalated into violence as students attempted to set up tents for the night. Widely circulated YouTube videos, with view counts of almost 800,000, depicted officers from both the UC police and the Alameda County sheriff ’s department attacking protesters with batons, jabbing them in their stomachs and dragging demonstrators by the hair as they tried to prevent the officers from tearing down their camp. Originally condoned by the UC Berkeley administration after the videos went viral, UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert J. Birgeneau sent a campuswide email condemning the actions the officers took and deemed them “disturbing.”


This past Friday, similarly violent YouTube videos were uploaded, depicting protesters at Occupy UC Davis being doused with military-grade pepper spray by officers as they sat quietly around their campsite with linked arms. Protesters were warned that they needed to dismantle their tents and though some did, a few stayed to protest the removal of the site. The footage of the aftermath has fueled the media frenzy surrounding the violence on campuses. Many are calling for the resignaton of UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi, who instructed police officers to break up the protesters. Another sobering and viral video shows Katehi walking to a meeting surrounded by a block-long gauntlet of silent students, now described as “Chancellor Kathehi’s Walk of Shame.” Though these dramatic turn of events have put the spotlight on the Occupy Colleges protests in the media, unfortunately the majority of the attention has been focused on the controversy of police involvement. Granted, media attention is significant for any movement — it gives credence to the protest and motivates people to pay attention to what’s going on, but this shouldn’t be what the Occupy See violence, page 5

The U.S. House of representatives introduced the stop online piracy act last month. If enacted, this bill will expand the government’s ability to enforce copyright laws on the internet.

Regulation of Pirating Puts Money in the Right Place

SOPA Has Good Intentions, But at Much Too High a Price



ouse lawmakers’ proposal of the Stop Online Piracy Act is an effort to reduce the rampant of exploitation of intellectual property and to put the money in the pockets of those who deserve it. The act allows federal law enforcement to shut down foreign websites that use counterfeit or pirated content created in the United States. Illegal file sharing of music and film is virtually unregulated in the states, despite legislation such as the Intellectual Property Protection and Courts Amendments Act of 2004, making this bill an extremely important step in reducing copyright infringement. Web firms such as Google, Twitter and Facebook are in a tizzy because they fear that the act will give the government too much power to shut down websites, and that lawsuits over content are projected to increase. Yet, these firms fail to acknowledge that the sources who create much of this material, including studios, record labels and publishing houses, lose $135 billion in revenues each year from piracy and counterfeiting, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It has become increasingly more difficult for writers to make it in the industry due to illegal copies of their work circulating the Internet — even the International Association of Firefighters has spoken out about losing money in tax dollars for emergency services when materials are pirated. In addition, the executive vice president for government affairs at the Motion Picture Association of America, Michael O’Leary, cited that over 2 million Americans earn a living in jobs connected to the making of motion pictures and television shows who will benefit from this legislation. Therefore, while Silicon Valley’s biggest industries draw insult from the bill, the act is simultaneously helping families who are dependent on the funds from creative industries.


Associate Opinion Editor

upporters of the Stop Online Piracy Act, a new bill designed to fight copyright infringement, claim the measure would protect entertainment industry jobs and save billions of dollars — but for anyone vested in Internet freedom, the price is much too high. If passed, SOPA would allow the government to use the software currently employed by countries such as China and Iran to shut down any site that posts pirated content. The idea is to create a “blacklist” of blocked sites and hope that by limiting access to, for example, free movies, users will be encouraged to see them in theatres, thus returning the money to the pockets of the material’s creators. Too bad it’s virtually impossible to maintain this blacklist. According to Matt Peckham of TIME, users who know a site’s IP address will be able to sidestep the blacklist entirely, rendering the well-intentioned part of the legislation useless and preserving the measures that would kill Internet innovation. If SOPA had been around in 2005, YouTube would have been shut down before it reached its first birthday. If SOPA is enacted now, the government would have the power to shut down the entire site, which hosts millions of megabytes of content, because of a single person who posted a five-minute copyrighted clip. Next up, Flickr and Twitter, and the measure would trickle down to small businesses that could potentially be closed because one supplier sells counterfeit items. In essence, the bill shifts the burden of responsibility and makes websites responsible for the actions of all the users. With the threat of government intervention hanging over web content, creators will try to sidestep legal trouble by toning down the content, ultimately leading to self-censorship on one of the world’s last free forums.

— Angela ChEn

Editor in Chief

LTWL class on Woody Allen into my schedule next quarter. Trying times. But even so, it’s important to be optimistic this week! The holiday season is all about gratitude and elastic waistbands, and as far as I’m concerned there are at least a couple elements of student life that haven’t gone to total shit just yet. Being the glass-half-full kind of guy that I am, I’d like to kindly remind you to count our shared blessings this holiday season. (Also, you might hold off on looking at your Winter Quarter bill. Nothing like a sobering antidote to spiked eggnog!) 1. The strange house on top of the Jacobs School of Engineering: a real conversation piece! This week, local news outlets and people in my Latin Dance class were all over the latest addition to the Stuart Art Collection: a slanted house that’s supposed to look like it’s landed atop the Jacobs School as if by hurricane. No word yet on whether the kitchen is fully stocked, but still: Let’s rejoice in the fact that this week, the conversation surrounding the university isn’t all police brutality and rising fees. We’ve got weird modern art to either bitch or brag about, and it’s here to stay. 2. “The Real World: San Diego” makes us look less boring. I know this one’s a little dated by now, but hear me out: Not since a handful of SDSU frat boys got busted for a zillion-dollar drug ring have we unwittingly benefitted from such trashy publicity. Untold thousands of pimply tweens (and whoever else watches “The Real World”) must think “La Jolla” is synonymous with nightlife, hot tubs and terrifying displays of drunken rage. (Hey, let’s take what we can get.) 3. We have Hullabaloo. This in itself isn’t a huge consolation, since apparently the food trucks recruited to campus for the event had no free food. Plus, whoever told me that it would coincide with a Beer Garden is a liar. But there were rides, which I think people who aren’t terrified of heights probably enjoyed. There were also performances from at least four bands I have never heard of, and that can’t be worse than one from a rising hip/hop act who’s too cool to stay on key. (Lupe Fiasco wasn’t in this year’s budget.) 4. The Cataracs came to campus. But without Dev, which makes me a little less thankful. As such, I personally made no effort to make it out to Price Center West on Nov. 18, though at least two of my Facebook friends were pedaling tickets for dirt cheap, or demanding a refund from the box office, or something. Either way, student life isn’t dead, everyone! Enjoy the eggnog and therapy fluffies, and remember: It could probably be worse.


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Quite Frankly By Lior Schenk


“Fallen Star” Acts as University Commentary

Students Need to Focus On Educational Demands ▶violence, from page 4

Colleges movement is about. But in light of these current events, the Occupy Colleges movement is quickly becoming about the abuse of campus authority, not the educational reform at the heart of the movement. The attention Occupy Cal and UC Davis have now is important, but what’s more important is making actual change. As students fight for change in the California education system, focus should be placed on the education system, not what is going on with the police. A major criticism of the Occupy movement is its lack of cohesiveness and priorities, but to enforce the desired changes, a specific set of mandates is crucial. Occupy Cal recently came out with a list of demands, but many of them center on the excessive police force and arrests they’ve experienced lately. They call for charging the officers responsible for the violence and the immediate resignation of the UC Berkeley chancellor in order to be replaced by someone democratically chosen by students, faculty, and

staff. Some of Occupy Cal’s demands do concentrate on issues faced by students everywhere, such as the reversal of fee hikes, cuts and layoffs to their 2009 levels and the privatization of public education. These are the original changes of the movement before videos went viral and the media narrowed in on the police-protester conflicts. These are the changes that are going to matter in the long run, but with the majority of the emphasis of Cal’s list placed on their own fight against the police, the list simply feeds the media’s fixation with the protest violence and arrests. The police brutality experienced at Cal and UC Davis should and needs to be addressed, but by putting this bulk of the movement’s efforts on the problems encountered at the protests, the point of the movement — to change the mounting fee increases and bring higher education back to a level everyone can afford — is lost. Readers can contact Chelsey Davis at crdavis@ucsd.edu

Your books are overdue...

And so is your DEATH.


Dear Editor, The excitement surrounding the installation of the “Fallen Star” on Jacobs Hall is tempered for many of us who would place the art piece in a larger context. Campus administrators promote it as an amazing synthesis of structural engineering and trendy art. Walter Mencken in the San Diego Reader was more on-point when he referred to it as “the latest addition to the University’s prestigious and silly Stuart Collection of Artistic Oddities.” But let’s play out Stuart Collection director Mary Beebe’s claim that the “Fallen Star” will be “a memorable experience for everyone to think about.” How might that work for different groups of campus dwellers? For those students and staff whose extended families have been hit hard by the home foreclosure crisis, the idealized New England cottage hanging in mid-air represents the precarious economic situation for working people who toil far from La Jolla. Zoom in and it reminds us of campus maintenance workers, mostly Latinas, who are among the worst paid and most overworked in the UC system. Zoom out and the piece becomes a fitting image for the slow destruction of the dream of an everexpanding middle class, the result of economic policies of the last 30 years, not the least important of which is the privatization of public education. The “Hanging House,” as some have begun to call it, hovers over a campus undergoing a radical transformation of not only its funding streams but also its institutional priorities and its values as a California public university. Several years ago, the number of administrators

surpassed the number of teaching personnel managing the bureaucracy trumps education. Today, staff workers are threatened with “consolidation,” another word for downsizing and the eventual loss of jobs. Plans are being made to increase the number of non-resident students, not because those students contribute to some diffuse notion of diversity but because they contribute to cashstarved university coffers. At the level of undergraduate life, the drive to find “external revenue” has transformed the campus into one continuous UCSDpalooza — large helpings of bread and circus for the masses. Step up and buy your Hullabaloo merchandise right here! — Because you’re not paying enough as it is. Could this frenzy of concerts and festivals, including the fabrication of vacuous celebrations — think Founder’s Day — be designed to distract students from rising costs and reduced services? Or could it be designed to avert our gaze from the images of UC police pepper spraying and clubbing students and faculty at Davis and Berkeley who dare to demand change? The “Fallen Star” is just another shiny object designed to hypnotize us as we are led away from the wreckage of Clark Kerr’s vision of a first-rate, affordable college education for all. —Jorge Mariscal Professor of Literature ▶ The Guardian welcomes letters from its readers.

All letters must be addressed, and written, to the editor of the Guardian. Letters are limited to 500 words, and all letters must include the writer’s name, college and year (undergraduates), department (graduate students or professors) or city of residence (local residents). A maximum of three signatories per letter is permitted. The Guardian Editorial Board reserves the right to edit for length, accuracy, clarity and civility. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject letters for publication. Due to the volume of mail we receive, we do not confirm receipt or publication of a letter. email: opinion@ucsdguardian.org


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Sign On UCSD

New websites targetted to UCSD students plan on making life a little easier.

UCSD physicians set up effective way of gathering medical news.

New online tool helps plan like a virtual scheduler.

Regina Ip • Senior Staff Writer


CSD’s viable population of premedical students has new website to look forward to: Docphin. The platform, which launched it’s beta website last Monday, Nov. 14 allowed its initial slew of medical students, residents, fellows and physicians at UCSD to test out the user-friendly news aggregator, which collects articles from medical journals and news sites. Derek Juang, a UCSD clinical medicine associate professor and physician at the Department of Veteran Affairs in the San Diego Healthcare System, is part of the trio of founders who have combined backgrounds in medicine, business and technology. The inspiration for the site came to him during Juang’s own frustrations back in medical school “Everyone’s always expecting us to stay on top of the latest medical research,” Juang said. “For medical students, there’s so many journals out there and so many different sources. We don’t know which ones are good. They either mail it to you or they email it to you or you just got to go to their website.” The developers tackled the tricky problem of filtering irrelevant articles by personalizing interests and specialties. Users can customize article sources that interest them, ranging from public health to pediatrics to plastic surgery. Docphin’s dashboard even lets users add and personalize a Twitter feed on the sidebar. Like classic engines, the site sorts by categories like most viewed, recent or commented. There’s also an option to make an article a favorite and share it on social networking sites. Currently, users can only view the first few paragraphs of a medical or news article, which is linked to its original source. Only those who have journal subscriptions or work at a hospital or university

with purchased subscriptions can view full articles. But news media sites, like CNN, are free. “This is a fabulous source for medical news and new discoveries,” UCSD second-year medical student Zana Ahmad said in an email. “Above all, it will help me organize my articles and prioritize my searches according to my interests.”

The site is currently visually lacking in photos and graphics, but the developers plan to eventually re-format Docphin into an interactive, magazine-like platform to include pictures, videos and surveys, as well as add new user experience features next year, including optimizing keywords and creating a mobile platform for the iPhone, iPad and Android. The creators are also planning to host advertisements on the website and eventually generate some revenue. Docphin’s one-letter difference from dolphin, the marine mammal, is no mistake. “We were drowning in all this information,” Juang said, explaining the clever metaphor. “So, we wanted something that represented us getting out of a situation where we were drowning and something that represented something intelligent and smart, so a dolphin came to mind.” Readers can contact Regina Ip at rwip@ucsd. edu.

Stacey Chien • Contributing Writer


or the typical college student, balancing a hectic schedule full of classes, social events and club meetings can be challenging and often unappealing. SquaredOut Inc. has a solution. Based in San Diego and Orange County, SquaredOut is an event-driven social calendaring service that allows people and groups of all kinds — students, sororities and frats, businesses and organizations — to broadcast their upcoming events and activities through a calendar interface. The platform is scheduled to launch in December. The program was created by Vice President of Business Development at SquaredOut Inc. Grayson Lafrenz, in collaboration with his team of fellow entrepreneurs AJ Mitchell, John Correa, Robert Rodrigues and Shane Snyder. “Our product is very diverse in which our target market spans from the high school student to the elderly to the business executive to the stay-at-home mom,” Lafrenz said. “However, at the end of the day, we feel a great target market is the college student because they’re entering that realm of responsibility. We want to give them a product that’s not only going to be fun and social but rewarding in the fact that it’s going to help them better manage their time.” While merging the various calendars of your life — class, work and personal schedules — you can find events through a location-based search engine, which

you can then “calendarize” and share with your friends and networks by posting your calendar on Facebook or linking it to your Twitter account. Or, if you’re not one for broadcasting your life to all your friends, the more private side of SquaredOut allows users to create their own personal schedule, giving you the option of sharing it with a select few. But the public side is where the innovation comes in; it allows you to create and “follow” public calendars — those of your favorite celebs, sports teams or other groups of interest — in order to stay up-to-date on relevant promotions and functions. SquaredOut is giving students an opportunity to be among the first to test the site out before its public launch and welcomes interested students to enter their info into the field on the SquaredOut homepage for a VIP invite. Lafrenz also spoke of some opportunities to join the SquaredOut team. “We are interested in talking to any of the students who are eager and energetic and want to get into the entrepreneurial game,” Lafrenz said. Only a year since the development began in Dec. 2010, the founders of SquaredOut have transformed the ordinary calendar into an integration of “squares” where you can “create,” “invite,” “join” and “follow.” “We have a big vision for the future and a lot of projects that will be coming, and different features that we’ll be adding onto our calendar to make it even more user-friendly for the end user,” Chief Operating Officer AJ Mitchell said. Readers can contact Stacey Chien at stchien@


T H E U C S D G UA R D I A N | M O N DAY, N O V E M B E R 21, 2011 | W W W.U C S D G UA R D I A N.O R G

CAMPUS 11.21-27


TUE 11.22




Get into The Zone for FREE YOGA!! Increase flexibility and stamina while toning muscles. Yoga is a great way to balance body, mind, and spirit. Mats are provided, and all levels of experience are welcome. Contact: Gina Tang, gtang@ucsd.edu, 858-610-2479. http://zone.ucsd.edu




Benjamin Kay from UC San Diego will present The Effects of Home Ownership on Consumption in the Great Recession. Contact Gordon Dahl: (858) 822-0644, gdahl@ucsd.edu

8pm ROMA NIGHTS: MIRANDA DAINARD ESPRESSO ROMA Come hang out with us and enjoy some great local artists while sipping on something hot. Roma Nights occurs every Monday night at 8:00pm at Expresso Roma. Be there!



This year's headliners are The Dares, one of Southern California's hottest rock acts of the last several years. With their own spin on SoCal's trademark pop-punk sound, The Dares will bring their high-energy live act to UCSD (facebook.com/thedares). Supporting the headliners will be TKE's very own The Lifted (facebook.com/thelifted) plus some surprise guests. Last concert was a huge success and we hope to make this year's an even bigger one! All profits will go to Invisible Children's Protection Plan, which aims to protect communities and end Africa's longest running armed conflict. Don't miss out on what is sure to be a rockin' evening! Tickets are $8 at the UCSD Box Office and $10 at the door. Sponsored by the Invisible Children organization, and Tau Kappa Epsilon and Schools 4 Schools, registered UCSD student organizations. schools4schools@gmail.com. http://invisiblechildren.com

WED11.23 12pm

ANNUAL TURKEY CALLING SHOW- GEISEL LIBRARY Hosted by sound effects wizard Scott Paulson (outreach coordinator of the UCSD Arts Library) this annual turkey calling show is presented in the style of an old-school radio show. Contact Scott Paulson: (858) 822-5758, spaulson@ucsd.edu

THU11.24 8am HUGE UCSD BOOKSTORE HOLIDAY SALE- UCSD BOOKSTORE Up to 75% off. Visit us first for best deals and selection. Gift ideas to fit all budgets. Contact Meredyth Potter: (858) 534-6444, mpotter@ucsd.edu

Dr. Dupas from Stanford University will present her current research. Contact Thomas Baranga: (858) 822-2877, tbaranga@ucsd.edu

3:30pm PURE SPIN CURRENTS: DISCHARGING SPINTRONICS- CENTER FOR MAGNETIC RECORDING RESEARCH As semiconducting electronic devices are miniaturized to ever-smaller dimensions, power dissipation becomes an ever-increasing problem due to leakage charge currents. Spintronics may help addressing some of these issues. Contact Lauren Coleman: (858) 534-6198, cmrr-lcoleman@ucsd.edu


Come kick it at the last open mic night of 2011 with your G-Store pals at the General Store Co-Op, in the original Student Center! It's a Christmahanukkwanzolstice extravaganza!! Sing some carols, perform a spoken word, or just bask in all the holiday warmth with your friends. PLUS: ugly holiday sweater party, so flaunt your ugliest reindeer, star of david, or kinara sweaters in style! And if you don't have an ugly holiday sweater, there will be a free sweater-embellishing workshop at 6:00, with a limited number of FREE sweaters to decorate (or you can bring your own for guaranteed sweater-making fun!) Sweater-making at 6:00, open mic starts at 7:00.


5pm MUSICAL JOURNEYS: SHTETL, GHETTO, ISRAEL- GEISEL LIBRARY Event will feature San Diego singer, educator, & daughter of a holocaust survivor Elisheva Edelson. She will teach & perform songs in Yiddish, Ladino, & Hebrew and talk about how music functioned as a type of resistance under oppression. Contact Susanne Hillman: (858) 534-7661, hlhw@ucsd.edu

6pm ICRA'S THANKSGIVING DINNER! STUDENT SERVICES CENTER, MULTIPURPOSE ROOM Come to ICRA's Thanksgiving dinner on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 from 6-8pm! Donate a can to get a free meal! It will be a great opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving with your friends and other UCSD students. All UCSD students are welcome! Sponsored by the UC San Diego Inter-College Residents' Association (ICRA).

FRI11.25 2pm BIRCH AQUARIUM AT SCRIPPSTIDEPOOLING ADVENTURES- BIRCH AQUARIUM Visit a local tide pool to learn how these amazing habitats and their inhabitants truly survive. Contact Education Department: (858) 534-7336, aquariuminfo@ucsd.edu

SAT11.26 8pm THE STORM- SHEILA AND HUGHES POTIKER THEATRE A young couple, domineering mother, an eccentric scientist, a powerful businessman, and a new-comer all harbor secrets. The intertwining of nature, science, and faith flood the stage in this classic play by one of Russia’s treasured dramatists. Contact Box Office (858) 534-4574, tdpromo@ucsd.edu

UC San Diego, we know you've been working on your talent just in time for this year's first You At The Loft! Whether you're singing, dancing, poetry slam, or making music, all are welcome for this open mic night. Sign up at http://asce.usd.edu by November 19th for a guaranteed spot or show up at the door for a late night slot. http://asce.ucsd.edu


listed... every MONDAY in The Guardian Calendar SUBMIT your EVENT for FREE!

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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 21, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

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P I C K U P A C O P Y O N N E W S S T A N D S E V E R Y M O N D AY & T H U R S D AY !

1 Like some short-term committees 6 How a lot of music is recorded 10 Narrow-necked pear 14 Museum with many Spanish masterpieces 15 Eight, in Spain 16 Figure skating jump 17 Consumed 18 Postal delivery 19 Knish seller 20 Henna, for one 21 Tokyo monetary unit 24 Hawaii’s coffee capital 25 Reader’s __: magazine 26 1983 Lionel Richie #1 song 31 French city where Joan of Arc died 32 Wooden nickel, e.g. 33 Milk units: Abbr. 36 Old Italian money 37 Parcel of land 39 New Age-y emanation 40 Single 41 Wine vintage 42 Thread holder 43 Desolate title tree in a 1936 Fonda/ MacMurray Western 46 It’s north of the border 49 Cle. hoopsters 50 TUMS target 53 Long sandwich 56 Vaulter’s need 57 “Today, __ man”: stereotypical bar mitzvah announcement 58 Hospital staffer 60 __ even keel 61 Shoemaker McAn 62 Spud 63 Camping shelter 64 Talks and talks 65 Hanker, and a synonym for the ends of 21-, 26-, 43- and 50-Across


1 Copied 2 Open-sided cart 3 Loathe 4 “__ on a Grecian Urn” 5 Unite

6 Tuba sound 7 March Madness org. 8 Facial feature with a cleft, perhaps 9 Distributed sparingly 10 No-goodnik 11 Daisy variety 12 Tennis great Monica 13 Eastwood of Dirty Harry films 22 Namibia neighbor: Abbr. 23 Perform with the choir 24 Common scrape site for a kid 26 Woody’s son 27 Butcher’s cut 28 Entice 29 Ivan the Terrible et al. 30 Partners’ legal entity: Abbr. 33 Je ne sais __ 34 Cyclo- ending

35 Shopper’s delight 37 Persistence 38 “Norma __” 39 iPhone downloads 41 Wizened “Star Wars” guru 42 Interstate speed limit, often 43 Bemoan 44 __ razor: logical simplicity rule 45 __-jongg 46 Hundred bucks 47 Make amends (for) 48 Texas Rangers president Ryan 51 Often sarcastic joke response 52 In a frenzy 53 Mlle., in Madrid 54 Exploitative type 55 Swiss capital 59 Abu Dhabi’s fed.


T H E U C S D G UA R D I A N | M O N DAY, N O V E M B E R 21, 2011 | w w w.U csdguardian.org

Water Polo Club Soccer Claims First National Title Advances to NCAA’s ▶ MEN’S CLUB SOCCER, from page 12

▶ men’s water polo, from page 12 Brian Donohoe. “We knew we had to give it everything we had, and that if we didn’t come out strong, we weren’t going to have a good chance of winning.” The Tritons went up 3-1 in the first quarter behind back-to-back goals from Saber. UCSD held the advantage until the Aggies tied the game up at seven with just over three minutes left to play. With the clock winding down in the fourth quarter, the Aggies managed to outscore the Tritons 3-0 to tie the game at seven. Then, sophomore driver Josh Stiling won the ball in front of Davis’ net and hammered home the game winner. “I’ve got to hand it to [Steve] with the uniqueness of that second group that he had, but we certainly had enough to finish it,” Harper said of Davis’ reserves after the match. The Tritons had three All-Conference first team selections: junior utility John Butler, Saber and Morton — tournament MVP. Junior utility was selected for the All-Conference second team. Winning his 15th conference title, Harper was awarded the conference coach of the year award. As the winner of the conference tournament, the Tritons receive the automatic bid to the NCAA national tournament to be played on Dec. 3-4 at UC Berkeley. “I’m happy for these guys because it has been a while since we’ve had any student athletes experience what we call going to the ‘Big Show,’” Harper said. “And for them to experience what they’re about to experience is pretty goshdarn good.” Readers can contact Rachel Uda at ruda@ ucsd.edu

The two wins were enough to propel UCSD into the quarterfinal round where they faced familiar foe, San Diego State. The Tritons played the Aztecs to a 2-2 draw in regulation. But UCSD broke the draw in penalty kicks, taking a 4-3 win. Advancing to the semifinal round, the Tritons took on USC on Saturday, Nov. 18. Again, UCSD forced a draw, ending the regulation time period with a 0-0 tie. Junior goalkeeper Alejandro Escobar gave UCSD the edge, lifting the Tritons to a 5-4 win. In the conference championship on Sunday, Nov. 19, the Tritons went into a rematch against the University of Texas at Austin. Having gone the distance with a new set of starters, the Tritons adjusted to their new roster and picked apart the Longhorns, beating the University of Texas at Austin 5-0. “The easiest way to describe the final was that we systematically destroyed them,” said team captain Stephen Lyon. “We came out to win even though no one expected us to do well.” For their inspired performance in the national tournament, four Tritons were named to the All-tournament team: junior Josh Tatsuno, sophomore Connor Grant, Lyon and Escobar. Senior Jamie Somerville was named the tournament MVP. This was the first time the Tritons have made an appearance at the national tournament, and Lyon said that head coach Matt Burston has been a large part of their success

brian yip /GU ardian

The UCSD men’s club soccer team won the open division of the national tournament on Nov. 19. this year. “Having a coach has brought the team together,” Lyon said. “We’re a lot more structured than we have been in past years. Having a coach really took us to the next level.” UCSD is now looking to move out of the

second division and move up to the premier league. Their next game is slated for Dec. 3 against Cal State Northridge. Readers can contact Rachel Uda at ruda@ucsd.edu

Tritons End Playoff Run Against Sonoma ▶ women’s volleyball, from page 12 which the Tritons would trail for the remainder of the game. The Seawolves kept pushing, never letting up, until they had killed their way to game set match victory 25-20, 3-1. Looking back on a great season, the entire women’s volleyball team played an integral role. Freshmen stepped up, seniors led and

everyone in between made the team one of the best in recent program history. Looking forward, the team will lose its big guns in Daktroniks All-American Hillary Williamson and CCAA First Team selection Roxanne Brunsting, along with senior standouts Condon and Freidenberg. But freshmen Lauren Demos and Kinney

look like they may be able to fill in the gaps. Freshman Amber Hawthorne, already an integral part of the team, looks like she could be stepping into the libero position left vacant by graduating senior Janessa Werhane. Readers can contact Nick Howe at nshowe@ ucsd.edu

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T H E U C S D G UA R D I A N | M O N DAY, N O V E M B E R 21, 2011 | w w w.U csdguardian.org

RACHEL UDA CONTACT THE EDITOR sports @ucsdguardian.org


Overheard at the game MEN’S WATER POLO




Tritons Win Three Straight, Capture Conference Title By rachel uda Sports Editor The UCSD Men’s Water Polo team took its first conference title in the past five years with a 8-7 win over UC Davis last Sunday, Nov. 20. Fourth-seeded UC Davis fought its way past first-seed Loyola Marymount — the defending conference champions — to reach the title match. On the other side of the bracket, second-seed UCSD topped Claremont-Mudd Scripps 12-8 in the quarterfinals and Santa Clara 10-2 in the semifinals. Receiving a first-round bye, the Tritons entered the quarterfinals on Friday, Nov. 18 against seventh-seed Claremont. UCSD jumped out to take the lead in the opening quarter, putting the score at 4-1. The Tritons pushed the lead out to 6-2 in the second quarter, but Claremont rallied in the third to pull within two points. UCSD was able to hold the advantage behind senior goalkeeper David Morton’s eight saves and two big goals from senior driver Graham Saber in the fourth quarter. With the 12-8 win, the Tritons advanced to the semifinal bout against Santa Clara. Scoring in its first possession of the game, UCSD never trailed as

the team cruised to a 10-2 win over the Broncos (18-17 overall). Saber recorded another four goals against Santa Clara, while Morton recorded an outstanding 14 saves. “We were very confident going into this thing,” said head coach Denny Harper after the match. “It was a complete game for us and I’m really stoked about how our bench play came through for us.”

We knew it was going to be a fight to the death.” brian donohoe men’s water polo junior Utility

Riding the momentum off of their win against Santa Clara, the Tritons came out hot against UC Davis. “We knew it was going to be a fight to the death,” said junior












uc San Diego vs. SANTA CLARA 3










W WPA Championship game NOV 20 UCSD UC DAVIS

See men’s water polo, page 11

By NIcholas Howe Sports Editor

uc San Diego vs. UC DAVIS 3










Men’s Club Soccer Wins National Title

a 20-6 lead. Sonoma State was relentless in the second game, going 25-15 behind senior Keala Peterson, who finished the game with an amazing 22 kills. The Tritons woke up in the third set and took advantage of a lull in the Seawolf attack, surging to a 17-11 lead behind good blocks from Freidenberg. The Tritons moved on to take the game 25-16 following defensive contributions from seniors Sara McCutchan, Rachelle Kinney and Williamson. The fourth game was tight on both sides of the net for the first few possessions until UCSD tied the game at 14 points apiece, after

By RACHEL UDA Sports Editor MEN’S CLUB SOCCER — The UCSD Men’s Club Soccer team — unassociated with the NCAA men’s soccer program — won the national championships for the first time in program history last weekend at Arizona State University. Competing in the West Coast Soccer Association, the Tritons face off against other Southern California collegiate club soccer teams in their regular season. UCSD advanced to the regional tournament after finishing with a 12-3-1 conference record. The Tritons took a second place finish in the regional tournament, getting two wins and a tie before falling 0-2 to UC Berkeley in the regional final. But without the regional title, UCSD missed out on the automatic bid to the 24-team national tournament. Instead, the Tritons registered in the 16-team open division. In their first match on Thursday, Nov. 17, UCSD faced University of Texas at Austin. Plagued with recent roster changes, the Tritons fell 2-1 in their tournament opener. On the same day, UCSD was able to regroup to beat UCLA 1-0. On Friday, Nov. 18, the Tritons rounded out their preliminary play with a 2-1 win against the Colorado School of Mines.

See women’s volleyball, page 11

See men’s club SOccer, page 11

brian yip /GU ardian file

their first meeting, the Tritons lost 3-1 near the start of their season at Sonoma, while winning in their second match-up again, with a score of 3-1. Despite ending the regular season on a high note, the Triton’s CCAA record placed them behind the Seawolves, although they were still ranked higher nationally. Friday’s game was a highly anticipated match-up between conference rivals, and the Seawolves were simply on their game. Coming into the match with a chip on their shoulder from the recent loss against the Tritons, the Seawolves took the first games with ease, blowing past the Tritons to



UCSD Volleyball Drops Out of NCAA’s WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL —This week, the Triton Women’s Volleyball team had a good showing in the West Regionals of the NCAA tournament. In the first round, the Tritons swept Grand Canyon in three sets, playing well to move on. But in the second round, the No. 15 Tritons had a disappointing showing against No. 23 Sonoma State, dropping to the Seawolves in four sets. Advancing to the third round, Sonoma State went on to lose to Cal State San Bernardino, who remains undefeated (29-0) going in to NCAA nationals. The Tritons ended their season with a record of 22-6. Going against Grand Canyon on Thursday, Nov. 17, the Tritons were in good form. In the first game, the Tritons fell behind the Antelopes, who took the 9-8 lead. Senior Hillary Williamson hit a couple of kills to tie the game back up. The Tritons rallied from there to win the set 25-20. The second game brought more of the same as UCSD stayed close in the first part of the game to pull away for a 25-19 win. In the third set, Grand Canyon got out to a good lead, forcing the Tritons to come from behind. But strong play from veterans Williamson and Katie Condon, who recorded 18 kills collectively, as well as senior middle blocker Julia Freidenberg, gave the Tritons the lead. UCSD held the advantage to take the 25-21 victory. Over the course of the 2011 regular season, UCSD has played Sonoma State twice. In

uc San Diego vs. CLAREMONT

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