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From Vision to Reality: Geisel Library’s 2nd Floor Renovations
From Vision to Reality
The Geisel Library Revitalization Initiative concludes with the completion of Geisel Library’s 2nd Floor renovations
The much-anticipated renovation of Geisel Library’s 2nd (main) Floor was completed this fall and celebrated with great fanfare. The redesign of the space is the culmination of the Geisel Library Revitalization Initiative, which launched in 2015 thanks to a $3 million lead gift made by philanthropist Audrey S. Geisel. The initiative was established to transform and rejuvenate the Library’s most heavily-used interior public spaces to meet the evolving needs of users in an increasingly digital environment.
In 2016, Audrey’s Café and lounge opened, marking the completion of the initiative’s first phase. Two years later, the renovation of Geisel’s 8th (top) Floor concluded the second phase. Now in 2022, the renovations throughout the building’s most active floor have completed the third and final chapter. Like the other two phases, the changes were informed by several assessments of contemporary user needs and traffic patterns, as well as feedback from students, faculty and staff.
It is safe to say that this was the most extensive and transformative segment of the initiative. Not only did it refresh the aesthetics of the main floor, making it as inspiring on the inside as the building is on the outside, it also molded the Library’s new approach to service delivery and renewed our vision for how we as a library spark inspiration, creativity and a passion for learning.

Meet Spot
UC San Diego Library
What's New
The total footprint of the renovation is approximately 18,700 square feet, which includes the entrance, lobby and main corridor. Of that, 7,800 square feet of employee workspace was converted to public user space. More than 160 seats were added, creating additional locations for students to study and collaborate.
When entering the building, visitors are first greeted by the Meet Spot. Formerly home to the large circulation desk, the design of this space was inspired by its original use as a reading lounge when the building opened in 1970.
The Meet Spot plays host to more than just comfortable seating. Housed on the bookshelves are new titles that have recently been added to our collections. While on display, they are still immediately available to be checked out. Adjacent to our new books are materials representing scholarship from the UC San Diego community. These include publications from faculty, alumni and students.
As you walk toward Audrey’s Café in Geisel East, you cannot miss the open and spacious Service Hub — the center of our new vision for service delivery. Grounded in an innovative user-centered philosophy of service crafted by our employees, the Hub brings together our lending, technology, research and access teams who help students with everything from addressing research questions to finding a quiet place to work. This area also includes a gender-neutral restroom, a lactation room and new consultation rooms where librarians and other Library employees can meet with and assist students, faculty and researchers. The Nest and pop-up gallery are tucked inside this transformative space.
In 2023, students will be able to access course textbooks and technology items 24 hours a day, 5 days a week (24/5) using the Library’s new BorrowBot, a self-service borrowing kiosk located in the Service Hub.

Service Hub
UC San Diego Library

Pop-Up Gallery
UC San Diego Library
Across the main corridor from the Service Hub is Classroom 1. Previously an employee work area, the classroom was added to address a pressing need for library instructional space while also creating a new location for student study when classes are not in session. With 70 seats, this interactive room is equipped with smart technology to enhance group discussion and active learning.
Recognizing the value of showcasing our unique collections and the creativity of our students and faculty, a formal exhibition gallery was added to the 2nd Floor. When the building opened in 1970 this section of the Library was home to our card catalog. Over the years it has filled many roles — most recently as a print station and our information desk.

Formal Exhibition Gallery
UC San Diego Library
The opening of the renovated space nearly quadrupled the existing 24/5 study area, which now encompasses both the 1st and 2nd Floors in Geisel East — something students have requested for many years.

Classroom 1
UC San Diego Library
The Nest at Geisel Library

From left to right: Preston Duclos; Kylie, Kyle and Pat Freitas; Audrey Geisel University Librarian Erik Mitchell; and Kara, Kevin and Sebastián deFreitas
UC San Diego Library
The Nest at Geisel Library A place for patrons to relax, observe, converse, share and learn.
The Nest at Geisel is dedicated in memory of Joan B. Freitas (1929-2019) and Archie E. Freitas (1930-2017) thanks to the generosity of their children, Kathleen Freitas Nelson, Kevin deFreitas, Kimberly Freitas and Kyle Freitas.
As professional teachers, Joan and Archie encouraged young people to explore their curiosity by reading, traveling and engaging in meaningful conversations. Born during the Great Depression as children of immigrants who had only rudimentary formal education, they deeply understood the transformative power of learning and understanding. They were inquisitive and respectful of the lived experiences of everyone. Joan and Archie raised their family with a sense of one’s responsibility to help others and an enduring joy in lifelong learning.
First Look
To celebrate the completion of the 2nd Floor renovations, we held a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house for members of Library Associates and Library employees on September 15, 2022. Hosted by Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla, Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Elizabeth H. Simmons and Audrey Geisel University Librarian Erik T. Mitchell, more than 160 friends and supporters were the first to see and experience the new spaces. The energy in the building that evening was palpable as guests were excited to visit with friends and colleagues in person and have the opportunity to finally see the long-awaited redesign.

Attendees had the privilege of hearing from special guest Melissa Heredia who received her Bachelor of Science in molecular and cell biology from UC San Diego in June 2022 and has gone on to pursue a master’s in biology. For the last four years, Melissa served on the Library Student Advisory Council (LSAC) where she and her peers played a direct role in the renovations through their feedback and ideas for the spaces. The experiences she shared were a powerful reminder of the role our Library plays in the lives of students.

As guests enjoyed touring the remodel, we also celebrated and extended our heartfelt gratitude and thanks to the hundreds of Library supporters who donated to the Revitalization Initiative. Without their generosity, the transformation of our building’s most heavily-used spaces would not have been possible.

In 2017, Chancellor Khosla provided a $1 million campus match to gifts made in support of the initiative due to the significant impacts it would have on student learning and the campus overall. Many supporters took advantage of this unique opportunity to double the impact of their donations, including those who purchased tickets to Dinner in the Library between 2016 and 2019; those who sponsored Geisel Library’s 50th Anniversary; former University Librarian’s Advisory Board (ULAB) members; and 184 gifts from alumni. The match was completed in 2021 when the Dr. Seuss Foundation made a significant donation in honor of Geisel Library’s 50th Anniversary in an effort to provide the remaining funds needed to complete the changes planned for Geisel’s main floor.


Students Explore

Upon students’ return to campus for fall quarter, we hosted the Geisel Library Renovation Reveal event as a way to welcome Tritons back and celebrate the reopening of the main floor. On September 27, 2022, the Library’s senior leadership team was joined by Chancellor Khosla and EVC Simmons, as well as Graduate and Professional Student Association president Giulia Corno and Associated Students president Sky Yang, for a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Hundreds of students gathered to hear from campus leadership and their peers before venturing off to explore the newly-upgraded study spots.

One of the intentions behind the event was to help students familiarize themselves with the Library’s spaces and services. Many librarians and other Library employees lined the walls of the main corridor where they hosted information booths about the tools, resources and services they provide. This included information about tech lending, grab-and-go Chromebooks, course reserves, new collections, subject specialists, digital collections, the Library’s de-stress offerings and activities, the Digital Media Lab, the Data and GIS Lab, Special Collections & Archives, Library safety and security, research data curation, collections care and preservation, ways the Library’s sustainability committee is making an impact on lessening our carbon footprint, how to join the Library Student Advisory Council and more!
To liven things up, Tritons were treated to music by the deejays and vinylphiles student club (pictured below). There were also craft stations abound where students could decorate custom Geisel crowns and bookmarks to celebrate the occasion.