UCSF Office of Medical Education Year in Review 2012-13

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medical education Y E A R I N R E V I E W 2 012 -2 013


I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science and that warmth, sympathy and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife or the chemist’s drug.

features 6 Technology-Enhanced Learning Investing in the development of information technology and management resources

14 Continuity in Clinical Learning

Creating confident and patient-centered doctors

20 Teaching as a Professional Commitment

To teach others this art ... without fee and covenant

scholarship 26 Honors and Awards

29 Grants

32 Publications

41 Presentations

25 Fundraising

the From Vice Dean

Catherine R. Lucey, MD

Vice Dean, Medical Education

From high tech to high touch I am delighted to share the UCSF School of Medicine experience with you in our Year in Review report. Like last year’s annual report, we have chosen to highlight the outcomes of the tremendously creative and thoughtful work carried out by our talented faculty, staff and trainees. This year’s report highlights innovations in teaching and learning. We start with a review of this year’s experiments in technology-enhanced learning. UCSF has been exploring the different ways that technology can be used to enrich the experience of our students and faculty as well as to share UCSF expertise with health care professionals around the world. Importantly, each technology project was grounded in educational theory, with projects designed explicitly to address a specific educational need. Faculty from across the school have partnered with students and educational technology professionals to experiment with apps, telemedicine, digital textbooks, MOOCs and classroom strategies. The lessons learned from each of these projects will help us apply technology to create more flexible learning experiences that can help students master the complex material presented throughout our curriculum.

UCSF faculty have also continued their scholarly approach to optimizing our students’ clinical experiences. During the past five years, our innovative clinical faculty and student assessment experts have worked to carefully design, implement and rigorously study the outcomes of longitudinal integrated clerkship experiences. As you will see, students and faculty alike recognize tremendous benefits when students are assigned to clinical sites in a manner that allows them to develop continuity relationships with their faculty, their patients and the staff of each site. Our next challenge is to identify ways to build continuity into all of our educational experiences. Finally, where would UCSF be without dedicated bedside teachers, educational program leaders and educational scholars? It truly takes a village to educate a new physician and we find our teachers in all departments and at all levels. But good teaching doesn’t just happen; teachers must be supported, nurtured and developed throughout their career. As you can see by the stories within this report, UCSF believes in cultivating future medical educators from the time they are students and residents. As this issue is going to press, the UCSF medical education community is busy working on the new Bridges Curriculum. This novel curriculum is designed to educate physicians capable of tackling health care’s most intractable problems, integrating the expertise and discoveries highlighted in this annual report: technology-enhanced learning, curricular innovations that prioritize continuity and authentic workplace learning experiences and expert teaching. Graduates from this new curriculum will be collaboratively expert: able to compassionately and expertly deliver care at the bedside as they work within interprofessional teams to continuously measure and improve the quality and value of health care. Stay tuned for more information as the formative work for this new curriculum unfolds in the next year. This is an exciting time to be a medical educator. The stories contained within this report are just a sample of the tremendous work done by UCSF faculty to improve the way we educate the nation’s physicians and physician scientists. We also benefit greatly from the work of our colleagues around the country and hope that you will share your insights with us.

Technology-Enhanced Learning

Alan Gelb, MD, clinical professor in emergency medicine at San Francisco General Hospital, uses an iPad to instruct students on an orthopaedic procedure with a cadaver.

Medical education is fundamentally a social endeavor. The best results come when talented learners get to interact and develop relationships with inspiring teachers. The role of technology in the medical education environment is to enhance strategies that allow learners and teachers to explore and construct knowledge in meaningful ways. For this to happen, our teachers start with the educational outcome in mind and then adopt the technology that can support that goal. Likewise, our learners test and adopt technologies to help them construct and manage knowledge. Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) and mobile apps will never replace the importance of relationships in medical education, but they can be used to enhance learning and push education beyond the classroom. — Kevin H. Souza, MS, Associate Dean for Medical Education

6 I Technology-Enhanced Learning

“We’ve had great anatomy education at UCSF for years and years and we didn’t want to lose any of its exploratory nature or lose reverence for the gift of the body itself, but we wanted to move beyond the big limitations to what we could do in the lab – and we did that by adding technology.”

— Kimberly Topp, PhD, PT Chair, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science Professor of anatomy

technology in the anatomy lab When UCSF’s anatomy teaching lab was slated to be closed due to an outdated air supply system in the fall of 2010, it could have been a disaster. The School of Medicine, however, chose to view it as an opportunity to transform the space – mostly unchanged for more than 50 years – into a new standard of 21st century learning environments for health professions education. Anatomy department leadership sought to make cadaver dissection more relevant to the clinic by enabling students to use medical equipment, primarily ultrasound and laparoscopy, in the lab. “Medical

technology has changed dramatically in the last decade, but we were still teaching anatomy more or less as it was taught 100 years ago,” says Anatomy Professor Peter Ohara, who, along with Topp, led the anatomy lab renovation. They met with Chandler Mayfield, the director of the Office of Medical Education’s Technology-Enhanced Learning unit, to discuss their ideas and how to make it happen using modern and innovative technologies. Fast forward to the fall of 2012: After many planning and design meetings and nine months of construction, the new 6,000-square-foot technologically-enhanced UCSF Anatomy Learning Center opened its doors to students. The space was doubled

from the original dissection area to include a classroom, locker rooms, a prep facility and faculty offices. One thing is noticeably absent from the space: wires. The new lab setup is equipped with high density wireless Internet and approximately 100 iPads. Flexibility is the overall theme to the dissection area. There are no desktop computers, monitors or cables tethering the mobile dissecting tables in place, which liberates the tables and the instructor stations to be arranged as desired. The iPads, available at each dissection table, support learning where it occurs, either directly next to the cadaver or accompanying students as they move to a skeleton or other models elsewhere in the room.

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The iPads and mobile cameras wirelessly connect to six 72-inch, high-definition video monitors to show radiology, histology and pathology images and to give every dissection table the opportunity to take center stage. The instructors can point out a unique feature from a cadaver without the whole class having to file by one by one. An added bonus, says Topp, is that the students themselves can teach to the entire group. “It’s the first bedside teaching they are doing to their colleagues, so it is great practice for them,” she says. The audiovisual system supports teleconferencing between the anatomy lab and the outside world, including classrooms; the Kanbar Center for Simulation, Clinical Skills and Telemedicine Education and actual operating rooms and clinics. Students can see a procedure being performed in real time and experience the equivalent on a cadaver. “This capability is getting the students used to distance learning and treatment,” says Topp. “In this way, they are being introduced to telemedicine.” One of the improvements in the new space is the ability to manage unembalmed cadavers, which retain the malleability of live human tissue and permit a realistic approximation of many medical procedures, such as injections, intubations and infusion lines. Unembalmed cadavers add the opportunity to make anatomy class more relevant to the techniques that students will use as physicians by enabling them to explore laparoscopic techniques in anatomy lab, as well as use ultrasound to visualize the interior of the body. “The anatomy begins to have much more meaning if you are using the imaging technology along side of it,” says Ohara. Any one of the innovations of the Anatomy Learning Center by itself is not necessarily revolutionary but it is the

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whole package that makes it stand out: the absence of wires, the flexible furniture, the connection to the telemedicine network, the ability to use real medical technology on unembalmed cadavers and the options that the iPads offer for mobility, ability to control the audiovisual system and displaying medical images. “What is unique is that we have brought together different things that people are doing into one amazing experience,” says Mayfield.

digital textbooks In addition to all of the technology enhancements in the new Anatomy Learning Center, the learning experience is further enhanced by new digital course materials, which create a rich and engaging experience for students as they go through their lab activities. Several other courses at UCSF have moved their course materials into the digital world as well. “This generation of learners is used to tweets and text messages, not paragraphs of material,” says Biochemistry & Biophysics Professor Katherine Hyland, PhD, who directs the genetics theme in the Essential Core preclerkship curriculum. “We are having to transition to that and evolve in the way we teach.” Digitizing course information provides instructors with the opportunity to rethink content presentation, breaking down the enormous amounts of information into more easily digested portions. Digital presentation allows for interactivity and flexibility for selfdirected learning, improved presentation of graphics, inclusion of videos and other digital content and self-assessments for students to monitor their progress. An added bonus, notes Shawn Gogia, a third-year medical student who worked on digital textbooks as part of the

“As students, it’s really nice that we have the ability to impact our curriculum in such a significant way. I wasn’t expecting what we did to really become part of the curriculum, but it became the crux of what the course is about.”   — Shawn Gogia, 3rd year medical student Curriculum Ambassador program, is the ease of keeping the material current. “A digital textbook can be improved very easily by the course directors, incrementally changing it piece by piece, which is not the case for a print syllabus,” he says. “It is like a five-minute upgrade to add a video or image or link to a new study.” The curriculum at the School of Medicine lends itself particularly well to digitizing because of its multidisciplinary interdepartmental block structure. Hyland notes that the topic of genetics, for example, makes an appearance in various thematic courses spread throughout the two preclerkship years and often separated by months. A digital resource that links material from all the courses can help students make connections among all the concepts.

Friedman and Gogia revamped the microbiology portion of the course using iBooks Author, a free application from Apple Inc., to author content for the iPad. The new digital textbook kept with the look of a traditional textbook but had all the capabilities that technology could offer, such as video, image galleries, interactive diagrams and three-dimensional objects. The I3 digital course syllabus was rolled out last fall for the I3 class to use and review, then Friedman and Gogia evaluated the responses to see how well students took to it and how well it enhanced learning. Hyland’s quest to form a digital course reader around the theme of genetics required extra interactivity and assessment capabilities that went beyond what iBooks could

provide. The Technology-Enhanced Learning unit had partnered with Odigia, an award-winning company that provides an innovative web-based online learning platform and Hyland used this platform to add all of the capabilities she desired. “One of the biggest strengths of this system is the containment, the ability to bring elements together in one place,” says Hyland. The Odigia platform includes self-assessment modules, places to ask questions of instructors or peers and links to further content, such as scientific publications or patient disease websites. Users can highlight text, make annotations and add their own content. The digital course reader piloted in spring 2013 in the Brain, Mind & Behavior (BMB) course. A team that included faculty, staff, medical students, a graduate student and a postdoc improved upon and expanded the reader to include content from genetics, molecular biology, epidemiology, pathology and anatomy. It was launched as the iROCKET-Reader in Fall of 2013 in the first-year Prologue course and the

Gogia and fellow third-year medical student Dora Friedman digitized the course syllabus and lab manual for the second-year course Infection, Immunity & Inflammation (known as I3). “This syllabus really needed more connectedness,” says Friedman, as it had consisted of a couple of textbooks, a lab manual and various online and print resources. “It was a good place to start to figure out how to use technology to link everything together.” Students Shawn Gogia and Dora Friedman (center) present their electronic poster at the 2012 Curriculum Ambassadors Showcase, with their faculty advisors (from left) Peter Chin-Hong, MD and Brian Schwartz, MD

Technology-Enhanced Learning I 9

transition between classroom and clinical learning. “Having the technology to make the learning in the first two years more visual and interactive makes that transition from didactic learning to practicing medicine in the hospital wards more smooth,” she says. “When you just read something in a textbook, there is a whole portion of our education that is lacking, that we can now include to make much of our first and second year teaching more applicable to us practicing medicine in our third year.”

learning apps “There’s an app for that,” the ubiquitous catchphrase of Apple Inc., has made it to medical school. The UCSF NeuroExam Tutor app, available from the Apple App store, gives a comprehensive overview of the neurological exam, the series of specific tests that collectively constitutes the frontline assessment of nervous system impairment.

second-year Mechanisms, Methods & Malignancies (M3) course. “I am really jazzed about the potential to use this digital learning platform across medical training,” Hyland says. “Right now it is targeted toward first- and second-year medical students, but we foresee it

being useful for third-year students to use in the clinics and even interns or medical genetics fellows.” As Friedman has entered her third year of medical school, she has observed directly how technology can enhance medical education, especially at the time when students

“Other people have made attempts to put together videos of the neuro exam but no one else has paid attention in the design to the big picture of how people learn,” says fourthyear medical student Dylan Alegria, who managed the development of the medical school’s first official app for iPad as part of his medical education technology fellowship. Alegria worked under the supervision of the neurology faculty: Assistant Professor

“You don’t learn to have great examination skills from reading a textbook, but it is hard to create a really standardized bedside experience. If an iPad can help simulate spending more time at the bedside, that would be a great addition to improving exam skills in a way that textbooks can’t.” — Susan Cornes, MD, Assistant Professor

10 I Technology-Enhanced Learning

Susannah Cornes, MD; Assistant Professor Vanja Douglas, MD; Professor Daniel Lowenstein, MD and Associate Professor Andy Josephson, MD. Cornes had obtained funding to create instructional videos for the neurological exam from the Academy of Medical Educators. She envisioned lessons applicable to first year students: teaching the most basic five-minute screening exam; to preclerkship students: demonstrating a head-to-toe exam as part of the Brain, Mind & Behavior course; to more advanced students: learning skills in core neurology rotations. The app development team, which included the Office of Medical Education’s Technology-Enhanced Learning unit, developed UCSF NeuroExam Tutor through a partnership with Bandwdth, an app

publishing house that creates custom-published applications. The team filmed and incorporated dozens of videos demonstrating different physical exam maneuvers.

In general, says Cornes, the experience creating the UCSF NeuroExam Tutor app has just begun to scratch the surface of what the iPad can offer in simulating patient interactions.

To reflect how the exam is typically used in practice, the team decided to include six symptom-targeted mini-exam vignettes. Traditionally, students are taught to do the whole neurological exam from head-to-toe in the same order for every patient so they don’t forget anything. But an expert neurologist would tailor the exam to each case. For example, if a patient presents with numb feet, the exam would focus on the nerves in the legs and in the spinal cord. “We are telling students that we don’t want them to do the same exam every time, but to do the right exam on each patient,” says Douglas.

The portability of mobile devices such as the iPad make them particularly well suited to clinical learning. “Students in their third year are truly mobile; they are running around the hospital at all times and they need access to their study materials and maybe five to seven textbooks at any given time,” says Alegria. “It’s the age-old problem: the textbook isn’t at the bedside.” Video technology can also bring the patient into the classroom. “Technology is allowing us to blur the line between the classroom and the hospital in both directions,” he says.

Technology-Enhanced Learning I 11

“I realized from this experiment that people don’t have to be in the same room and they don’t have to be the same profession, so MOOC technology can play a role in interprofessional initiatives. There is nothing about putting content online that diminishes the work we do for our students.”

— Catherine R. Lucey, MD, Vice Dean for Education

moocs Blurring the lines about what constitutes a “classroom” is what Massive Open Online Courses – MOOCs – are all about. A MOOC is a form of online content delivery with associated exercises that help people around the world learn material that previously would have been learned by attending a classroom lecture and studying a textbook. Through a MOOC, an instructor can reach tens of thousands of students anywhere in the world with an Internet connection. “The idea that good learning can only occur in a physical classroom is antiquated,” says Vice Dean for Education Catherine Lucey, MD. Lucey saw the MOOC platform as an opportunity to use pedagogical principles to redesign a course to be delivered online – not to simply record a classroom lecture and broadcast it on the Internet. She imagined leveraging the benefits of technology to help students learn more efficiently. “There are a lot of things technology can do that faculty can’t,” she says, such as be available to repeat information on demand 24 hours a day or to speak more slowly or quickly. To launch its MOOC initiative, UCSF used Coursera, an educational technology company specializing in MOOC delivery. “We knew MOOCs represented a way for educators to teach courses using many of the accepted teaching

12 I Technology-Enhanced Learning

pedagogies including on-demand learning, media-rich content and reflection,” says Christian Burke, the assistant director of the TechnologyEnhanced Learning unit.

went into some of those exercises has rivaled the critical thinking that we do here and it really made me re-think what it means to be a member of a learning community,” says Lucey.

For the pilot, the team selected courses on the topics of nutrition, contraception and Lucey’s course in Clinical Problem Solving. Burke and medical student Dylan Alegria helped Lucey redesign the course she had previously taught into a six-week course using ten- to fifteen-minute video segments followed by questions and assignments.

Burke agrees that the experience was stimulating, “Educational technology is in a renaissance right now and what is exciting about MOOCs is that many UCSF faculty see this as a way to reach a global audience and engage with their communities on an unprecedented scale,” he says. “We are looking both ways: globally and also how to use these innovations to enhance the learning for our UCSF students.”

One of the challenges in designing a MOOC is that by their very nature, these courses are “massive,” with thousands of people signing up to take them. Lucey’s course, for example, drew more than 29,000 enrollees from across the globe. One instructor could not possibly manage that many students, so one innovative solution that UCSF has adopted is for the learners to grade each other’s work following a peer-grading rubric. The courses are designed such that homework exercises require the students to use the presented information to solve problems in the form of structured short essay answers. The courses essentially require students to become each other’s teachers. “The requirement to analyze other people’s work turned out to be some of the most powerful learning experiences because students had to reflect back on their own work. The amount of critical thinking that

flipped classroom Having apps or videos embedded in digital textbooks or MOOCs for students to use before ever entering the classroom allows the teaching process to be turned on its head. The “flipped classroom” model inverts the traditional teaching process by asking students to study before they come to class, rather than after they have sat through a lecture on the material. Online media conveys the information that was traditionally delivered in a lecture, allowing students to master the basics before class. Classroom time then can be used for questions and problem-solving applications of learned material. “That means what is happening in the classroom is driven by students’ interests and questions, truly tailoring the teaching to what the

students need as opposed to a ‘one size fits all’ model,” says Associate Professor of Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology Marieke Kruidering, PhD. Kruidering has been working with Professor of Neurology Dan Lowenstein, MD, to think about how the flipped classroom model can create more active learning. “I don’t think the flipped classroom is a substitute for everything we do in medical education by any stretch,” says Lowenstein. “But it is a very interesting and effective tool.” High-quality video technology allows faculty members to deliver a lecture online as he or she would in a classroom – but with many added advantages, such as the ability to edit, to divide information into smaller parcels and to add multimedia components, such as imbedded video clips, links to other sources and online quizzes. The principle of the flipped classroom was piloted in 2013 in the first-year Brain, Mind & Behavior (BMB) course. Lowenstein and Kruidering decided to digitally present what was traditionally one of the course’s most popular segments: Epilepsy Day, which leads a classroom audience on a journey from the discomfort of witnessing a seizure to solving the mystery of what is happening in the brain. “It’s a really emotional, engaging three-hour session,” says Lowenstein, who also directs the UCSF Epilepsy Center. “But the fact is that we still were delivering information that we want students to learn in a one-directional way.” Using the Odigia platform that is being piloted by UCSF faculty, Epilepsy Day was transported into the digital world. Faculty created

short video presentations and quizzes for self-assessment, which drove some spirited competition among groups to see who could answer the most questions correctly.

“By front-loading their study time, the students had already learned the classification system used for seizures, so we didn’t have to spend time describing it and instead we discussed actual clinical cases,” says Lowenstein. The Epilepsy Day flipped classroom experiment was so successful that the instructors plan to present more sessions in this way; Kruidering is

already working with Biochemistry & Biophysics professor Tracy Fulton, PhD on segments for the Infection, Immunity & Inflammation (I3) course. “Some people fear that this is going to take away the need for educators, but they are not understanding the strengths of the technology,” says Kruidering, who notes that putting content online does not reduce the need for expert faculty to help students apply the knowledge and have the opportunity to ask for clarification of difficult concepts. “The flipped classroom only works when there is still a classroom, whether it is virtual or physical.”

Chandler Mayfield and Christian Burke Director & Assistant Director Technology-Enhanced Learning Unit

This is such an exciting time to be at the intersection of technology and education in medicine and in particular to be here at UCSF. Our faculty truly believe that technology is crucial to supporting their innovations and are willing to experiment, learn and test out cutting-edge tools and approaches. Our students are also eager to partner with us to bring technologies in to improve the student experience and they are also helping us create new career paths in digital health. It is amazing to us that so many people here, from the deans to the staff administrators, are talking about how technology can enhance their work. It is an exciting time to be here in medical education as we bring together the many great advancements being made every day that we can use to enhance teaching.

Technology-Enhanced Learning I 13

of Continuity Clinical Learning

Innovating in medical education requires the courage to challenge deeply held beliefs about how students learn medical diagnosis and management. For decades, we believed that students had to be immersed in 2-3 month block experiences in inpatient medicine, surgery, pediatrics and other disciplines in order to master the clinical skills they need to succeed in their residencies. A group of UCSF educators joined forces with clinical care delivery partners to design and implement a new, evidence-based strategy for third-year clerkships and to study the impact of the new strategy compared with the existing paradigm. The results? Students learn just as well, if not better, when their clinical learning experiences are deliberately constructed to allow them to develop longitudinal relationships with patients, faculty, peers, and other professionals. These findings are changing the way medical schools around the country are approaching clinical education for medical students. — Susan Masters, PhD, Associate Dean of Curriculum

14 I Continuity of Clinical Learning

“We didn’t create these programs because we wanted students to do better on standardized exams. We wanted to create better doctors who are more confident and patient-centered. Continuity fosters students’ ability to grow ethically and have patient-centered attitudes while they learn the key clinical skills that they are going to need as physicians.”   — Ann Poncelet, MD, Clinical Professor of Neurology

role of continuity in clinical experiences The third year of medical school is pivotal for students as they migrate from the classroom to the clinic and finally get to do what they came to medical school to do: see patients. “It is a formative year when students transition from being medical students to being student doctors,” says Clinical Professor of Neurology Ann Poncelet, MD, who oversees many aspects of clerkships as chair of the Integrated Curriculum Steering Committee and director of the UCSF Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships and Structured Clerkship Programs. To gain the clinical experience required to make that transition, the third year of medical school at UCSF was traditionally organized for students to do two- to eight-week “block” rotations through seven to nine different specialties, at up to 14 different clinical sites. That might mean Internal Medicine at San Francisco General Hospital, Surgery at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and Ob/Gyn at the Parnassus campus. Rotations could occur as far away as Santa Rosa, Salinas or Fresno. In addition to learning the details of a new specialty, students encounter each

new rotation site to be geographically different, with diverse hospital cultures, specialized electronic health record (EHR) systems and unique patient populations – all of which must be absorbed in a few weeks. Then a few weeks later, the process begins again with a new specialty. “The block system is counter to how learning occurs,” says Assistant Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine Kenny Banh, MD, the medical student clerkship director at UCSF Fresno. “In elementary school, you wouldn’t do math for one month and then move on to reading and never do math again for the rest of the year, so why would we ever construct medical education that way?” Block rotations also have no particular coordination around keeping groups of students together. “For the most part, the students are trying to do this new kind of learning in the workplace, isolated and figuring out what their roles are without the benefit of their peers,” says Poncelet. “Peer-to-peer learning turns out to be quite important.” It has long been known that social context and relationships play an important role in learning. A growing body of evidence shows that the formation of relationships – continuity

– is essential for student learning in the clinical setting. “Continuity is important in the classroom too,” says Poncelet, “but it is critical in the clinic.” “The traditional approach has created incredible fragmentation,” says Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine Margo Vener, MD, who directs the clerkship of Family and Community Medicine. “There is not a lot of continuity for students.” By 2005, there had been stirrings about the lack of continuity in medical training – specifically in the third year – and how continuity is critical to medical education. A task force to explore innovations in clinical education was assembled, led by Poncelet and Lowell Tong, MD, the endowed chair in psychiatry medical student education. They determined that the continuities that were important to develop in clerkships fell into four categories, namely continuity with: 1. Peers – teaching each other about the culture of an environment, what to expect, how to be most helpful to team 2. Faculty/preceptors – working with the same preceptor, the possibilities for student growth are much greater

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with mentoring, observation feedback and partnering for patient care 3. System – Learning, respecting and working with the health professionals in the environment, leveraging the electronic health record, understanding how the system works 4. Patients – ideally, students maintaining their own panel of patients, being involved in establishing their care and follow-up These four pillars provided the structure for the working group to revamp the third-year clerkships to emphasize continuity “as the main pedagogical tool for students to develop their identities as physicians,” says Poncelet.

implement improvements accordingly, including expanding continuity concepts to reach all medical students, not just those in longitudinal programs. Much of the research done is in the form of structured questions to determine the themes that recur. “As we study the students’ experiences during this very challenging and amazing year, we gain a better understanding of what they are going through,” says Professor of Clinical Medicine Calvin Chou, MD. “Therefore we can develop better ways of crafting third-year educational practices to maximize their learning.”

“Our faculty took the idea of furthering continuity and advanced it in so many ways,” says Director for Program Evaluation Arianne Teherani, PhD, who notes that UCSF faculty have published more than any other institution on the topic of continuity in clinical education and are among the first to describe the benefits of such programs. Essentially all the research publications cluster around the same conclusion, says Vener: “Continuity is a very important component of third-year medical education. It’s key to having students be able to

longitudinal experiences In 2005, UCSF began piloting a series of structured longitudinal clerkship programs that incorporated the four pillars of continuity. They have grown and evolved to the current offering of a variety of structured programs that offer integrated, longitudinal experiences at Parnassus, SFGH, UCSF Fresno, the VA Hospital, or Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical Center. Students still have the option of choosing the traditional block program as well, completing one individual clerkship at a time. The “full continuity” and “hybrid” (approximately half a year in continuity and the other half in traditional blocks) versions of longitudinal integrated clerkships launched at UCSF successfully address each of the four pillars of continuity. UCSF faculty continue to study the programs, see what works and what doesn’t and

16 I Continuity of Clinical Learning

Aidan Tait, (pictured at right) with her preceptor Lindsay Mazotti, MD 3rd year Medical student in the Kaiser Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (KLIC)

There’s a sense of community in a longitudinal program: we see the same faces every day, people remember us and the doctors in almost every department are open to us coming in and working with them. Within a few weeks, we feel like we speak the language and we know where we’re going; then we get to work on augmenting and perfecting our skills with preceptors who truly know who we are and understand our strengths and weaknesses. There are so many benefits to a longitudinal program – I can’t imagine doing my third year in a more rich, fulfilling and patient- and learner-centered way. In no other context would I be so equipped to follow patients and be their advocate, at the same time that I am tailoring my learning to both what I “need to know” and what I find most interesting. It is by far the most liberating and intellectually engaging way to spend one of the most fundamental years in medical training.

achieve clinical learning in addition to a sense of well being and support and mentorship.”

“We are educating a very different kind of doctor when they are taught this way. We are teaching them the meaning of the relationships,” says Teherani. Research from UCSF has shown specifically that students in longitudinal integrated clerkships improve their patient-centered skills. Due to their long-term relationships in a single clinic, students see the same patients repeatedly and take on responsibility for them. Third-year students become involved in many aspects of patient care, such as accompanying patients to tests and specialist visits. “The students in longitudinal programs play a very concrete and legitimate role in taking care of patients,” says Teherani. Patients also describe a variety of ways that students have enhanced their care and assumed a physician-like role. UCSF studies have found that patients value continuity relationships with students, which are akin to those between patients and their physicians. Having third-year students in continuity ultimately benefits the attending physicians as well. “We learned in one of our studies that while it’s hard initially to teach a student, by midyear the preceptors begin to notice that they have to do less and less as the student is doing more and more,” says Teherani. “It actually reduces the burden on the attendings.”

A side-effect of being in one of the longitudinal programs is that students are immersed in many aspects of medicine at once, which can be overwhelming at first, but then begins to feel like the right way to learn. “Students are integrating material as they go, which I think is a plus,” says Vener. “They have to be able to hold on to multiple threads of information at a time, which I think is more representative of how we practice medicine.”

longitudinal programs


model sfgh

pisces [parnassus integrated student clinical experiences]

valor [va longitudin

“Students can really become their patient’s doctor because they are in the same clinic every week for six months, which allows them to have more meaningful relationships, greater responsibility and truly become part of the team.“

“It is a little mind-blowing in the beginning, but the key is we partner the students with both preceptors and with patients.”

“Students learn the workplace in medical educatio imagined.”

- Ann Poncelet, MD - Maria Wamsley, MD

- Margo Vener, MD


San Francisco General Hospital and public health clinics

12 different medical and surgical specialty clinics, mostly on the Parnassus campus

UCSF-affiliated Veterans Affairs





number of students




program length

Six months

One year

Six months

Focus on care of urban underserved patients; students gain in-depth experience in effectively navigating the public health system; students do a Community Medicine elective and a month of Outpatient Block

Each student follows a panel of approximately 80 patients over the entire year; students spend half a day in one of 12 different medical and surgical specialty clinics

A weekly meet for students to experiences; a that is primarily population at a

unique features

18 I Continuity of Clinical Learning

nal rotations]

from their peers in n ways that traditional on probably never

life [longitudinal integrated fresno experience]

klic [kaiser longitudinal integrated clerkship]

“The dynamic shifts from the student being more focused on performance to the preceptor being more focused on the student’s learning.”

“Students get to see how a really integrated health system and a whole interprofessional team can work together around a patient with a chronic disease.”

- Kenny Banh, MD

- Calvin Chou, MD, PhD

San Francisco s Medical Center

ting led by faculty reflect about their patient population y male. Unique patient a VA hospital.

- Lindsay Mazotti, MD

UCSF Fresno

Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical Center





Six months

One year

Students are exposed to a large underserved patient population, both urban and rural, many of them Spanish-speaking, uninsured, undocumented, of low socioeconomic status and/or with very low educational levels; students work directly with an attending physician for almost every patient interaction.

Training in 13 different disciplines concurrently; the inclusion of a curriculum addressing physician leadership, health policy and systems engineering, where students help tackle a quality gap identified by Kaiser Permanente leadership and formally present their recommendation to them.

Continuity of Clinical Learning I 19

as a Teaching Professional Commitment

While new medical students may not be thinking much about Hippocrates, whose oath forms the basis of the promise they take about their practice of medicine, part of that oath inspires us every day “to teach others this art. . . without fee and covenant.” We cherish developing students, residents and fellows who want to teach others and recognize the importance of this responsibility of a physician. At UCSF we are fortunate that, as an institution, we put a high priority on the role of the educator delivering programs for students, residents and faculty to improve teaching and learning. We ensure that at UCSF we can live up to our professional obligation as teachers.

— Patricia O’Sullivan, EdD, Director of Research and Development in Medical Education

20 I Teaching as a Professional Commitment

“As physicians, I think our obligation will be to take a complicated body of information and condense it down to the most important elements, then organize it in a way that is comprehensible to someone who is not familiar with the material. That is exactly what MSP teachers do for medical students.” — Emily Watkins, 4th year medical student & MSP program coordinator

medical scholars program

amounts of information in context so that the learning process is not just a memorization ordeal.

Some medical professionals jump into the teaching process even before they graduate from medical school. Emily Watkins, a fourth-year medical student, has done just that. She previously taught in and now coordinates the Medical Scholars Program (MSP), a peer-teaching and study program in which second-year medical students lead sessions to help first-year medical students review their course material. The program, established in the ‘80s, is guided by third- and fourth-year medical student coordinators who meet with the MSP teachers regularly to discuss materials and teaching methods. Each year, 16 MSP teachers begin their teacher training near the end of their first year with a course called “Teaching to Teach,” in which they learn not only teaching skills but also the importance of mentorship and building relationships with their students.

Beyond teaching content, an added bonus to the program is the establishment of peer mentors. “The second-year students are uniquely poised to understand being a firstyear medical student,” says Watkins. “So they form these strong bonds of mentorship with the first-year students, providing assurances and guidance about which things to worry about and which things to calm down about.” Watkins herself has a couple of mentors she gained through being both a student and a teacher in the MSP program. The two women, to whom she fondly refers as her “friend-tors,” have been an invaluable source of guidance to her. “I found it so remarkable to know they came from exactly where I was, they had gone through it and were doing fabulously,” she says. “I vowed that if I was ever able to achieve that level of confidence I wanted to be able to pass that on.”

The fledgling MSP teachers hone their new skills on their own classmates during their Brain, Mind, & Behavior (BMB) class, teaching on topics they have just learned or haven’t officially been taught yet. Then throughout their second year, they teach to the first-year students, developing frameworks to put the vast

Working with the MSP has given Watkins a taste of what it is going to be like to be a practicing physician. “I think that the work of MSP really translates nicely to the work of physicianship from what I have seen thus far,” she says. “I think MSP has sharpened my ability to think on my feet – that is important in a

doctor-patient relationship – and has made me very comfortable with saying ‘I don’t know, but I will find out the answer.’” That confidence in not knowing an answer but appreciating that she can use her resources to think quickly and be flexible and creative to find the answer and then present it in a way that is comprehensible and useful to another person – that is what Watkins has gained through the MSP program and what, as a coordinator, she continues to pay forward to the subsequent classes.

self-directed teaching Self-directed learning to maintain competency in the ever-changing health care environment is becoming a necessity for heath care workers. While learners have become accustomed to studying content on their own, what about for learning skills? Surgical residents, for example, must master numerous individual skills before they become competent surgeons. At UCSF, surgical residents can hone their abilities in the Surgical Skills Training Center. The first two years of residency include dedicated time for practice in the skills center, including surgical instrument use, venous line placement, endotracheal intubation, suturing, vessel tying and wound closure.

Teaching as a Professional Commitment I 21

I absolutely think that teaching is a professional obligation. Physicians learn from reading and personal experience, but a great deal of knowledge is passed along from other physicians and it’s in everybody’s best interest to make sure that each generation of physicians is well trained! Ultimately, teaching is something that requires a conscious effort. But unlike what I thought at the beginning of my residency, it doesn’t have to consist of a perfectly crafted lecture. I’ve found that medical students seem to appreciate it when residents make an effort to include them, think about their experience and explain things as they’re happening. I think it’s so important to remember how disorienting clinical rotations can be for medical students and that a busy hospital is often not a welcoming place for novices. Residents play a key role in orienting students as they enter the world of clinical medicine and can have a major impact on their experience.

trial to ask if there was an effective way to augment the training received in the skills center. They used computer-based video training (CBVT) to provide a self-directed learning tool for the residents to use at home. While it has been shown previously that medical students can improve performance on basic surgical skills with CBVT, its effectiveness for residents, who must achieve greater proficiency, had not yet been proven.

Rita Mukhtar, MD Clinical Instructor, General Surgery Rita has worked with 3rd and 4th year medical students during her seven years as a general surgery resident

As a recent beneficiary of practice time in the skills center, Emily Huang, MD, a third-year General Surgery resident in the Department Surgery, knows all too well that the time spent there was a precious resource. Huang, who is also currently completing a Master’s degree in Education at UC Berkeley, put on her educational research hat and wondered: Is there a way that residents could use self-directed learning at home to teach themselves basic surgical skills so that they could use the skills center to perform more advanced techniques?

22 I Teaching as a Professional Commitment

Among surgical programs, Huang notes, the UCSF program is at the forefront of a trend recognizing that it is important for medical educators at graduate level not only have content knowledge, but also have thought about the best way to teach that information. “The surgical education program already in place at the Surgical Skills Training Center formed the perfect laboratory for research,” she says. Huang and some colleagues designed a randomized controlled

Huang’s team filmed videos demonstrating how to perform basic steps, but also highlighting difficulties. Half of 22 first-year surgical residents used the videos at home to learn their basic skills and the other half used the skills center in the usual way. Huang found no difference in performance between the two groups for basic surgical skills, such as knot tying and suturing, or for integrated skills, such as tissue handling. “Of course, the gold standard is not how they do in a simulation lab but how they actually transfer the skills into the operating rooms,” says Huang, a topic that she plans to investigate in the near future. The anecdotal feedback from the attending surgeons is promising. “They are impressed with how well the residents perform the basic skills when they come to the operating rooms for the first time,” she says. “And that is the goal.”

interprofessional teaching With modern health care moving toward a model of team-based delivery, members of different health care professions – including doctors, dentists, midwives, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists and social workers, plus students of each profession – will inevitably find themselves working alongside each other. Despite the common goal of providing the best possible care for patients, the differences in culture between various professions can make for some rocky interactions and misunderstandings without specific instruction in how to work effectively as a team. “There are a lot of things we can learn from other professionals,” says Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Sandrijn van Schaik, MD, PhD, who became aware of the concept of “interprofessional” education before she even knew there was a word for it. In 2006 she was approached by nursing leadership in the pediatric intensive care unit to set up small group simulations for

nurses to train them for responding to emergency situations in children. A light bulb went off for van Schaik: it made sense to train the nurses alongside the residents, fellows and faculty as well, as they would all be responding together in an actual code situation.

often there were misunderstandings during the interactions. “I also realized how much of the success of these simulated resuscitations is dependent on good communication and awareness of each other’s roles,” she says. “This clearly has implications for real life scenarios as well.”

“If you just put a nurse and a physician and a pharmacist in a room together they will probably figure out quite a bit about what each of them knows and doesn’t know, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they will figure out how to work together. Much like relying on “natural leadership tendencies” to develop leadership skills, interprofessional education requires setting goals and objectives for an educational program and mapping out a strategy for how to teach it,” says van Schaik.

Far from the adrenaline of a pediatric ICU emergency, primary care provider Maria Wamsley, MD, became involved with the concept of interprofessionalism by routinely seeing patients with chronic disease, including diabetes, hypertension, obesity and heart disease. “I see daily that one person really can’t do it all when dealing with a patient with chronic illness,” she says. “As chronic illness becomes increasingly prevalent, we are moving more and more toward a team-based model of care.” Four years ago, she was designing a curriculum to teach about chronic illness and she realized that to teach students how to take care of chronic illness patients they had to learn as a member of an interprofessional team.

As the simulations evolved into the UCSF Children’s Hospital Mock Code Program, van Schaik witnessed how

Wamsley, a professor of internal medicine, set out to integrate the

Teaching as a Professional Commitment I 23

process of working with other health care professionals into the medical school curriculum with some projects to get students more involved with interprofessional teamwork. She began at the Kanbar Center for Simulation, Clinical Skills and Telemedicine (directed by van Schaik). She worked with faculty from the schools of dentistry, nursing, physical therapy and pharmacy to develop a standardized patient exercise in which actors are trained to portray patients with chronic illnesses who present to a clinic visit. Students from various professional schools come together spending an afternoon sequentially interviewing the patient. Each student experiences how other team members operate in the context of a clinical visit and how their roles are complementary. Additionally, students have the opportunity to develop, as a team, a coordinated care plan for the patient as a team.

What began as a small pilot of a half dozen sessions was so successful that it expanded in the current academic year to 18 sessions and is now required for all students in UCSF professional programs. It will include nutrition interns from San Francisco State University and UCSF Medical Center and SF State social work students. “There are definitely ‘aha! moments’ for the students when they are working in interprofessional teams,” says Wamsley. For example, when a medical student realizes that dental students deal with smoking cessation, “They begin to recognize the different roles of other health professions and how valuable they are as part of a clinical team.” As co-chair of an interprofessional education working group (with the school of nursing’s Angel Chen, RN), Wamsley is stepping back and thinking how to integrate various elements of interprofessionalism

into the curriculum. “We’ve had pieces here and there but we haven’t really had a thread that goes across the four years,” Wamsley says. She is devising ways to connect those experiences, such as the standardized patient exercise linked with content presented in pre-clinical years, into a curriculum that all learners would go through. Such an integrated version is expected to launch in the 2014-2015 academic year. While interprofessionalism is assuredly a desired outcome, what has become obvious to Wamsley and van Schaik, through their experience and research into what works and what doesn’t, is that to achieve it requires clear learning goals and skills training. And this being UCSF, van Schaik, Wamsley and others will be studying any interventions every step of the journey and adjusting accordingly to bring interprofessionalism into practice at all levels.

A lumni

Spotlight Drs. Phillip and Laura Knight In celebration of their 45th reunion, Drs. Philip and Laura Knight, loyal supporters of the Clinical Skills program at UCSF, gave a gift of $50,000 in support of the Kanbar Center for Simulation, Clinical Skills and Telemedicine Education. They named an exam room in the Kanbar Center with their gift, which also honors their UCSF School of Medicine Class of 1968.

24 I Teaching as a Professional Commitment

Dr. and Mrs. Peter and MaryJane Packard To honor his alma mater for his 65th reunion, Peter Packard, MD ’48, wrote a note to accompany his $52,000 gift to support medical education at UCSF,

“I enjoyed 50 years of active clinical practice and teaching because of the education I received at UCSF. It is my great pleasure to give back to the institution and honor the people who gave so much to me.”

Fundraising Class of 1963 Reunion Dinner at Alumni Weekend, April 2013 Every year the UCSF School of Medicine Alumni Class returning to celebrate their 50th reunion enjoys a large turnout and often a correspondingly large class gift. This year the class of 1963 broke the attendance record for a 50th reunion with over 100 alumni and guests. In addition, their class gift was among the highest ever given for a 50th reunion. In 2009 Robert Sherins, MD ‘63 contacted the Development Office and began a 4-year dialogue in which he assisted UCSF in reconnecting with his classmates in significant ways. As a part of this effort, a tradition of a medaling ceremony was established giving the Dean the opportunity to thank and acknowledge each classmate for 50 years of professional contributions to the advancement of health and for their generous and extraordinary services benefiting their community.

Working together, Robert Sherins and his reunion committee helped raise almost $400,000 in gifts, pledges, and bequests to support a variety of programs at UCSF. The class contributed $153,000 of that amount to the Class of 1963 Endowed Scholarship Fund. Dr. Sherins also provided his class with a 368-page memory book complete with a history of UCSF.

fy2013 Fundraising

As Dr. Sherins has indicated on many occasions with the University Development and Alumni Relations office, “You won’t see a number of huge gifts right away, but if you continue to develop and grow meaningful relationships, the results will be greater than you could have imagined.”

Fundraising I 25

Honors & Awards National and International Honors and Awards

Baron, Robert. Re-elected Chair, Accreditation Review Committee, Accreditation Council for CME.

Berger, Timothy. Presidential Citation, In recognition of contributions as Chair on the Medical Student Core Curriculum Work Group, American Academy of Dermatology.

Cooke, Molly. Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.

Long, Michelle. Certificate of Excellence in Educational Scholarship, Academic Pediatric Association.

Long, Michelle. Educational Scholars Program Graduate, Academic Pediatric Association.

Miller, Carol. Faculty Service Award, Student National Medical Association, Region I (West & Southwest U.S.).

Reeves, Scott. Helen P. Batty Award for Excellence and Achievement in Faculty Development, Innovation in Program Development and Design, University of Toronto, Canada.

Robertson, Patricia. Mentor Award, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Sharpe, Bradley. National Excellence in Teaching Award, Society of Hospital Medicine.

Tong, Lowell. Chair, USMLE Test Development Committee for Psychiatry, Step 2.

Topp, Kimberly. President-Elect, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science and Anatomy, American Association of Anatomists.


Aronson, Louise. Lieberman Scholar Award, Division of Geriatrics, UCSF School of Medicine.

Banh, Kenny. Emergency Medicine Faculty Teacher of the Year, Department of Emergency Medicine, UCSF Fresno.

Berger, Timothy. Recognition of Contributions and Dedicated Service to the Foundations of Patient Care Course (FPC) for the Class of 2014, UCSF School of Medicine.

Campbell, Andre. Medical Student Teaching Award, Department of Surgery.

Chen, Lee-may. Exceptional Faculty Award in Medical Student Teaching, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences, UCSF School of Medicine.

Chen, Lee-may. Resident Mentor of the Year, UCSF Clinical & Translational Research Institute.

Chou, Calvin. Cooke Award for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, UCSF Academy of Medical Educators, UCSF School of Medicine.

Daikh, David. Kenneth H. Fye Distinguished Chair in Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine.

Elkin, David. Excellence in Teaching (PGY-1 Class), Department of Psychiatry, UCSF School of Medicine.

Fiore, Darren. UCSF Academy of Medical Educators Cooke Award for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, UCSF School of Medicine.

Fulton, Tracy. Long Award for Excellence in Teaching, Class of 2015, UCSF School of Pharmacy.

Harleman, Elizabeth. Induction into Gold Headed Cane Honor Society, Gold Headed Cane Honor Society, UCSF School of Medicine.

Hauer, Karen. Cooke Award for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, UCSF Academy of Medical Educators, UCSF School of Medicine.

Jackson, Rebecca. Outstanding Resident Teaching Award, UCSF School of Medicine.

Kuo, Anda. Academy Service Award, UCSF Academy of Medical Educators, UCSF School of Medicine.

Lowenstein, Daniel. The Last Lecture, Class of 2013, UCSF School of Medicine.

Rohde, Dana. Dean’s Recognition for Excellence in Teaching, UCSF School of Pharmacy.

Rollins, Mark. Miller Award, Graduating Resident Class, Department of Anesthesia, UCSF School of Medicine.

Tabas, Jeffrey. UCSF EM Residency 4th Quarter Bedside Teaching Award, Department of Emergency Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine.

vanSchaik, Sandrijn. Pediatric Fellows Leadership and Advocacy Group (FLAG) Leadership Award, Department of Pediatrics, UCSF School of Medicine.

26 I Honors and Awards

Winston, Lisa. Vincent G. Pons Award for Clinical Infectious Diseases Teaching Excellence, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine.

Yang, Serena. Recipient, “Pearls Day” Top 10 Teachers of the Year as voted by Residents, Pediatrics Residency Program, UCSF Fresno.

Young, John. Award for Excellence in Teaching, Department of Psychiatry Residents Association, UCSF School of Medicine.

Widera, Eric. UCSF School of Medicine Class of 2013 Excellence in Teaching Award for Clinical Faculty, UCSF School of Medicine.


Smoot, Betty. Commitment to Teaching, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science, Department of Anatomy.

Hughes, Ellen. Inspirational Teacher, Department of Medicine.

Kram, Yoseph. Outstanding Contribution to an Elective. Medical Student III.

Dhillon, Nripendra. Innovative Teacher, Department of Anatomy.

Kruidering, Marieke. Outstanding Lecture Series. Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology.

Lin, Brian. Outstanding Foundations of Patient Care Preceptor. Department of Emergency Medicine.

Aggarwal, Anuj. Excellence in Small Group Teaching. Class of 2013.

Ermakov, Simon. Excellence in Small Group Teaching. Class of 2013.

Brondfield, Sam. Excellence in Small Group Teaching, Department of Medicine

Pantilat, Steve. Outstanding Lecture, Department of Medicine.

Ramachandran, Raga. Commitment to Teaching, Department of Pathology.

Schwartz, Brian. Commitment to Teaching, Department of Medicine.

Josephson, Andrew S. Outstanding Lecture, Department of Neurology.

Lucatorto, Rachael. Inspirational Teacher, Department of Medicine.

Takao, Lloyd. Outstanding Foundations of Patient Care Preceptor, Department of Medicine.

Thurn, Ted. Excellence in Small Group Teaching, Department of Medicine.

Younger, Noah. Excellence in Small Group Teaching, Medical Student III.

Nair, Alison. Excellence in Small Group Teaching, Department of Pediatrics.


Carley, Annette. Department of Family Health Care Nursing, School of Nursing.

Dellinges, Mark. Department of Preventive and Restorative Dental Sciences, School of Dentistry.

Floren, Leslie. Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, School of Pharmacy.

Hung, Erick. Department of Psychiatry.

Kobashi, Brent. Department of Medicine-DGIM.

Lager, Jeannette. Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences.

Macdougall, Conan. Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy.

Makonnen, Jerusalem. Department of Family Health Care Nursing, School of Nursing.

Mathes, Erin. Department of Dermatology.

Sewell, Justin. Department of Medicine-GI-SFGH.

Steinauer, Jody. Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences.

Symkowick, Matthew. Department of Family and Community Medicine, Kaiser Vallejo.

Whittle, Amy. Department of Pediatrics.

Wills, Charlotte. Department of Emergency Medicine, Highland Hospital.

Honors and Awards I 27

Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators Excellence in Teaching Award Recipients 2012

Marla Ferschl, MD

Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences

Jessica McDermott, MD

Susan Yoo, MD


Anesthesia and Perioperative Care

Wito Richter, PhD

Matched Endowed Chairs: • George Sawaya, MD, Robert B. Domush, MD Chair in Obstetrics and Gynecology Education. •

Mohammad Diab, MD, Academy Chair in Orthopaedic Surgery. (2nd term).

H. Carrie Chen, MD, MSEd, Abraham Rudolph Chair in Pediatric Education, (2nd term).

Anda Kuo, MD, Academy Chair in Pediatric Education.

Marieke Kruidering-Hall, PhD, Academy Chair in Pharmacology Education.

Emergency Medicine

John Brown, MD


Stacy Sawtelle, MD

Nathan Teismann, MD


David Thompson, MD, MPH

Sara Buckelew, MD

Ralph Wang, MD

Sanjeev Datar, MD, PhD

Academy-based Chairs:

Lori Weichenthal, MD

Janet Perlman, MD

Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Yao Sun, MD

Peter Chin-Hong, MD, MAS, Academy Chair for Innovation in Teaching.

Physical Therapy and Anatomy

Tracy Fulton, PhD, Academy Chair for Excellence in Foundational Teaching.

Thomas Newman, MD

Ayman Naseri, MD


Marta Margeta, MD, PhD

Family and Community Medicine


Michelle Tinitigan, MD

Betty Smoot, PT, DPTSc



Tracy Foose, MD

Denise Connor, MD

Alissa Peterson, MD

Bradley Monash, MD

Craig Risch, MD

Carla Perissinotto, MD

Bobby Singh, MD

Banh, Kenny. Department of Emergency Medicine , UCSF Fresno Duong, David. Department of Emergency Medicine

Josette Rivera, MD

William Wolfe, MD

Haller, Ellen. Department of Psychiatry

Larissa Thomas, MD

Radiology and Biomedical Imaging

Hendey, Gregory. Department of Emergency Medicine

Jeffrey Zimmet, MD, PhD

Kinman, Renee A. Department of Pediatrics, UCSF Fresno

David Naeger, MD



Mazotti, Lindsay A. Department of Medicine

Loren Alving, MD

McNamara, Meg M. Department of Pediatrics

Susannah Cornes, MD

Nye, Heather E. Department of Medicine

Brian Scott, MD

Rosenbluth, Glenn. Department of Pediatrics

Vineeta Singh, MD

Schwartz, Brian S. Department of Medicine

Webb, Emily. Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging

Yang, Serena. Department of Pediatrics, UCSF Fresno

Cheryl Ewing, MD


Knott, Daniel. Inpatient Care Setting, Department of Otolaryngology.

Leavitt, Andrew. Classroom Setting, Department of Laboratory Medicine.

Lin, Michelle. Ambulatory Care Setting, Department of Emergency Medicine.

Ziv, Tali. Volunteer Clinical Faculty, Department of Medicine.

28 I Honors and Awards


Extramural Grants

1. Adler S, Miller BJ. Developing a Collaborative Education Program in End-of-Life Care. Mount Zion Health Fund. July 2012 June 2013. 2. Adler S. A Model Interprofessional Curriculum in Integrative Medicine. National Institutes of Health (NIH). 2010 - 2015. 3. Aronson L. Education about Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementias. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). July 2012 - June 2014. 4. Aronson L. NorCal Consortium Course - Northern California Geriatric Education Center. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). July 2010 - June 2015. 5. Aronson L. Training Teachers to Teach Reflection in Medical Education. Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. July 2010 - December 2013. 6. Autry A. Clinical Care in Low-Resource Settings: Preparing Providers and Fostering Leaders. Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics. January 2013 - June 2015. 7. Autry A. Using Communication Technology for Surgical Skills Teaching in Uganda. Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics. June 2011 - June 2013. 8. Azzam A. Utilizing School of Theater, Dance & Performing Studies Students as Standardized Patients in the UC Berkeley, UCSF Joint Medical Program. UC Berkeley Center for Teaching and Learning. 2012 - 2013. 9. Baron R (Co- PI). AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC): National Evaluation Center. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). March 2012 - February 2017. 10. Baron R (Co- PI). The UCSF Screening and Brief Interventions and Referral for Treatment (SBIRT): Collaborative Education Project. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). September 2009 - September 2014. 11. Brzezinski M (Co-PI). Enhancing Feedback on Professionalism and Interpersonal Communication in Anesthesia Residency Programs. Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research. 12. Brzezinski M (Co-PI). Teaching Faculty to Provide “Difficult” Feedback to Residents. John Hedley Whyte Research Award, Harvard Medical School. 13. Burman N, van Schaik SM. Professional Development Plans for Early Career Physicians: Importance of Metacognitive Skills. Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA). July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013. 14. Chin-Hong P, Martinez A (Co-PI). Post Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP, R25). National Institute of General Medical Sciences. 2013 - 2018. 15. Chou C. Development of Interprofessional Team-Based Observed Structured Clinical Examinations to Ensure PatientCenteredness in Primary Care Teams. Picker Institute and Gold Foundation. September 2011 – January 2014. 16. Daikh D (PI). Development of a Musculoskeletal Teaching “Mini-Residency”. Department of Veterans Affairs. October 2013 September 2013. 17. Fernandez A (PI), Aronson L (Co-PI), Martinez A (Co-PI). PROF-PATH: Promoting Research Opportunities for Fully-Prospective Academics Transforming Health. National Institutes of Health (NIH). 2012 - 2014. 18. Hauer K (PI), Boscardin C, O’Sullivan P, ten Cate O. Competence Committee Structure and Function in Graduate Medical Education. American Board of Internal Medicine. June 2011 – July 2013. 19. Kinman R, Yang S. Transforming Pediatric Residency Training to Improve Care for Underserved Children: A Team-based Approach. American Academy of Pediatrics Community Pediatrics Training Initiative. September 2011 - August 2013. 20. Landrigan CP (Co-PI), West DC (Co-PI), Rosenbluth (Site Director). Bundling Effective Resident Hand Off Practices to Improve Patient Safety. National Institutes of Health (NIH). September 2010 - August 2013. 21. Landy U, Steinauer J. Evaluation of Bi-National Program Integrating Family Planning Training into Ob-Gyn Residency Training. Anonymous. October 2005 - September 2013. 22. Lucey C (PI). Achieving High Quality Health Care by Educating the Collaborative Physician. American Medical Association (AMA). 2013 - 2018. 23. Lucey C (PI). The UCSF Professionalism Learning Community. Josiah H. Macy Foundation. 2012 - 2013.

Grants I 29

24. Lum P, Ratanawongsa N, Hettema, J, Ciccarone D, Shapiro B. SBIRT Medical Residency Program at San Francisco General Hospital. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). 2008 - 2013. 25. Martinez A. UCSF School of Medicine Post Baccalaureate Program. Kaiser Permanente Community Grants Program. October 2012 - October 2014. 26. Ohshima N, Bontje P, Oneyama H, Yoshiura T, Kitto S, Reeves S (Co-I). Interprofessional Disaster Preparedness for Japanese Health Care Students and Professions. Ministry of Health, Japan. 2013 - 2016. 27. Oza S, Boscardin C, Wamsley M, Hauer KE. Medical Students’ Use of Collaborative Communication during an Interprofessional Standardized Patient Encounter. Western Group on Educational Affairs. July 2012 - December 2013. 28. Portillo C, Mackin L, Aronson L (Faculty Development lead). Comprehensive Geriatric Education Program: Geriatric & Psychiatric Nursing Care Training for APNs and Faculty. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). July 2012 - June 2015. 29. Reeves S (PI), Kitto S, Provonost P, Gropper M, Wachter R, Zwarenstein M, Aboumatar H. Understanding the Nature of Interprofessional Teamwork in Intensive Care Units: A Multi-Institutional Ethnographic Study. Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. 2012 - 2014. 30. Reeves S (PI), Mischo-Kelling M, Tappeiner W, Lochner L, Vittadello F. Interprofessional Education and Collaboration within the Health Professions in South Tyrol, Italy: How do the Different Professions View and Evaluate the Current Status. Provincia Autonoma di Dolzano, Italy. 2013 - 2015. 31. Ritchie C (PI) Aronson L (Public education and curriculum development). Program for the Aging Century. Bechtel Foundation. September 2010 – October 2012. 32. Satterfield J (PI), Julian K, Wamsley M, O’Sullivan P. The UCSF SBIRT Collaborative Education Project. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). October 2009 - September 2014. 33. Satterfield J, Braddock C, Monash B, Rennke S, Hilton J, Buckelew S, Bereknyei S, Ramos J, Nandagopal K, Basaviah P, Blankenburg B, Schillinger E, Skeff K, Garcia R. Collaborative Advances in Clinical Health Education. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Center for Complementay and Alternative Medicine(NCCAM), Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR). April 2011 - March 2016. 34. Saxe J (PI) Aronson L (Faculty Development). Interprofessional Adult Gerontology Education for Nurse Practitioners (IAGE-NP). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). July 2013 - June 2016. 35. Shaikh U, Afsarmanesh N, Amin A, Clay BJ, Ranji S, Stucky Fisher E, Maynard GA, Romano P, Rosenbluth G. Integrating Patient Care and Health Professions Education to Improve Care Transitions: The UC Health care Quality Improvement Network UC Office of the President. September 2011 - August 2014. 36. Shaw-Battista J, Belew C, Kaplan R, Anderson D, Lynch M, Newmann S, Vargas J, Reeves S (Co-I). Interprofessional Care for Childbearing Families. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). 2012 - 2014. 37. Shore W, Stearns J, Muller J (Conduct and analyze focus groups; present findings). Identifying the Motivators and Challenges for Senior Faculty in Family Medicine. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM)Foundation Group Project Fund. 2010 - 2012. 38. Shore, WB (Co-PI). Assessing the Faculty and Transition Needs of Senior Family Medicine Faculty. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Foundation. May 2011 - 2013. 39. Steinauer J. Reproductive Health Education and Practice. Anonymous. October 2012 - September 2013. 40. Steinauer, J, Wallace R. E-learning for Pregancy Loss. Anonymous. October 2012 - September 2013. 41. Thistlethwaite J, Bogossian F, Eley D, Strong J, Lee A, Dunston R, Boud D, Forman D, Roberts C, Moran M, Bainbridge L, Drynan D, Reeves S (Collaborator). Work-Based Assessment of Teamwork in Health care: An Interprofessional Approach. Office of Learning and Teaching. 2012 - 2014. 42. van Schaik S, Adler S. Developing a Tool for Assessing Individual Interprofessional Teamwork Skills across Clinical Settings. Edward J. Stemmler, MD, Medical Research Fund of the National Board of Medical Examiners. 2011 - 2013. 43. van Schaik SM. Interprofessional Feedback: The Hidden Challenge. Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. September 2012 - August 2014. 44. West DC (Co-PI). EPA-based Assessment of Patient Handoff Skills. American Board of Pediatrics. Sub-contract from Boston Children’s Hospital. July 2013 – June 2014.

30 I Grants

45. West DC (Co-PI). EPAC: Educating Pediatrics Across the Continuum Multi-Institution Project. Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. July 2013 - June 2016. 46. Whitehead C, Kuper A, Purkis M, Razack S, Boon H, Reeves S (Collaborator), Nasmith L, Tassone M. Better Education for Better Teamwork: Understanding the Discourses to Improve the Practices of Interprofessional Education. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. 2013 - 2015. 47. Widera E (PI/PD), Harper GH (Co-PI, Fellowship Training Director), Aronson L (Director of Critical Reflection and Professional Development). Geriatric Training Program for Physicians, Dentists and Behavioral and Mental Health Professions. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). 2007 - 2013. 48. Wilkes M, Ward D, Kennedy R, Stubor M, Rea M, Brodie M, Robinson M, Reyes K, Latow P, Reeves S (Collaborator). Addressing Conflict Management in Interprofessional Education. Arthur Vining Davis Foundation. 2013 - 2015. 49. Wilson E. PRIME-US. The Metta Fund. July 2011 - June 2015.

Intramural Grants

1. Hauer K (Co-PI), Oza S (Co-PI). The Development of Trust Between Supervisor and Trainee on an Inpatient Medicine Service. UCSF Office of Research and Development in Medical Education Faculty Educational Research Grants Program. June 2013 June 2015. 2. Jain S, Wu E. Developing Advocacy and Leadership Skills. UCSF University Community Partnerships Program. April 2013 -May 2014. 3. Poncelet A . A Module for First- and Third-Year Medical Students on Congestive Heart Failure. Office of Medical Education Team-Based Learning Grant. February 2010 -February 2013. 4. Shinkai K, Liu M. Impact of the Dermatology Consultative Service on Dermatology Learning by Internal Medicine Trainees and Inpatient Consulting Teams. SOM/RAP. 2013. 5. Shinkai K, Mathes E, Dizon M. Curriculum Ambassador Project: Developing Dermatology Curriculum Throughout the Preand Clinical Medical Student Training Periods. SOM/RAP. 2013.

Educational Grants

Academy of Medical Educators innovations funding

1. Chen HC, McNamara M. Developing and Assessing Competencies through Student and Faculty Engagement in Activities of the Clinical Workplace. 2. Chung L. Online Community Engagement Curriculum Modules. 3. Connor D. Wards 101: A Clinical Immersion Experience for Medical Students. 4. Cornes S, Douglas V, Josephson SA, Lowenstein D. Restructuring Neurologic Exam Teaching from UME to GME through a Video Curriculum Emphasizing a Hypothesis-Driven Approach. 5. Gomez I. Using a Dynamic Objective Structured Teaching Exercise (DOSTE) in a Longitudinal Model for Faculty Development. 6. Lager, J Integration of the Centering Model of Care into the PISCES Students’ Curriculum. 7. Rosenbluth G, Ranji, S, Burman, N. Development and Validation of an Assessment Tool for Quality Improvement Projects. 8. Shamasunder, S. Bridging the Implementation Gap In Global Health Delivery: A Collaborative, Innovative Curriculum.

UCSF Instructional Grants

1. Chin-Hong PV (PI), Schwartz B, MacDougall C. Developing and Implementing an Interprofessional Curriculum in Antimicrobial Stewardship to Enhance Patient Safety. 2. Fiore D (PI). Key Principles of High-Quality Interprofessional Team Communication: A Web-Based Interactive Curriculum. 3. Pearson M (PI). Development and Evaluation of an Interprofessional Collaborative Case Conference Series.

Grants I 31

P ublications Peer-reviewed Publications

1. Abedin Z, Biskup E, Silet K, Garbutt JM, Kroenke K, Feldman MD, McGee R, Fleming M, Pincus HA. Deriving competencies for mentors of clinical and translational scholars. Clinical and Translational Science. 2012;5(3):273-80. 2. Anderson C, Bates I, Brock T, Brown AN, Bruno A, Futter B, Rennie T, Rouse MJ. Needs-based education in the context of globalization. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2012;76(4):56.

3. Aronson L, Kruidering M, Niehaus B, O’Sullivan P. UCSF LEaP (Learning from your Experiences as a Professional): Guidelines for Critical Reflection. MedEdPORTAL; 2012. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9073. 4. Aronson L, Niehaus B, Hill-Sakurai L, Lai C, O’Sullivan PS. A comparison of two methods of teaching reflective ability in year 3 medical students. Medical Education. 2012;46(8):807-14. 5. Aronson L. The value of medical education programmes: What are the right questions? Medical Education. 2013;47(4):333-4. 6. Ashbrook L, Mourad M, Sehgal N. Communicating discharge instructions to patients: A survey of nurse, intern, and hospitalist practices. Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2013;8(1):36-41. 7. Autry AM, Knight S, Lester F, Dubowitz G, Byamugisha J, Nsubuga Y, Muyingo M, Korn A. Teaching surgical skills using video internet communication in a resource-limited setting. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013;122(1):127-31. 8. Azzam A. As technology and generations in medical education change, what remains is the intersection between educator, learners, assessment and context. International Review of Psychiatry. 2013;25(3):347-56. 9. Beard JH, O’Sullivan P, Palmer BJ, Qiu M, Kim EH. Peer assisted learning in surgical skills laboratory training: A pilot study. Medical Teacher. 2012;34(11):957-9. 10. Beeson MS, Carter WA, Christopher TA, Heidt JW, Jones JH, Meyer LE, Promes SB, Rodgers KG, Shayne PH, Swing SR, Wagner MJ. The development of the emergency medicine milestones. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2013;20(7):724-9. 11. Bischoff K, Goel A, Hollander H, Ranji SR, Mourad M. The housestaff incentive program: Improving the timeliness and quality of discharge summaries by engaging residents in quality improvement. BMJ Quality & Safety. 2013;22(9):768-74. 12. Boet S, Sharma S, Goldman J, Reeves S. Medical education research: An overview of methods. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. 2012;59(2):159-70. 13. Boscardin C, Penuel W. Exploring benefits of audience-response systems on learning: A review of the literature. Academic Psychiatry. 2012;36(5):401-7. 14. Boscardin CK, Gonzales R. The impact of demographic characteristics on nonresponse in an ambulatory patient satisfaction survey. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety / Joint Commission Resources. 2013;39(3):123-8. 15. Bowman C, Neeman N, Sehgal NL. Enculturation of unsafe attitudes and behaviors: Student perceptions of safety culture. Academic Medicine. 2013;88(6):802. 16. Brown E, Duong D. Assessment of the Trauma Patient. MedEdPORTAL; 2012. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9261. 17. Butani L, Blankenburg R, Long M. Stimulating reflective practice among your learners. Pediatrics. 2013;131(2):204-6. 18. Calton BA, Widera E. Teaching serious illness communication through an innovative workshop. Medical Education. 2013;47(5):533. 19. Chamberlain LJ, Wu S, Lewis G, Graff N, Javier JR, Park JS, Johnson CL, Woods SD, Patel M, Wong D, Blaschke GS, Lerner M, Kuo AK. California Community Pediatrics and Legislative Advocacy Training Collaborative - A multi-institutional medical educational collaborative: Advocacy training in California pediatric residency programs. Academic Medicine. 2013;88(3):314-21. 20. Chang A, Bowen JL, Buranosky RA, Frankel RM, Ghosh N, Rosenblum MJ, Thompson S, Green ML. Transforming primary care training--patient-centered medical home entrustable professional activities for internal medicine residents. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2013;28(6):801. 21. Chen EH, O’Sullivan PS, Pfennig CL, Leone K, Kessler CS. Assessing systems-based practice. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2012;19(12):1366-71. 22. Cheung D, McKellar J, Parsons J, Lowe M, Willems J, Heus L, Reeves S. Community re-engagement and interprofessional education: The impact on health care providers and persons living with stroke. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. 2012;19(1):63-74. 23. Chittenden EH, Anderson WG, Lai CJ, O’Sullivan P. An evaluation of interactive web-based curricula for teaching code status discussions. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2013. 24. Choo EK, Tabas JA. Obstacles to teaching in the emergency department. Practical Teaching in Emergency Medicine. 2009:16-23. 25. Chou CL, Promes SB, Souza KH, Topp KS, O’Sullivan PS. Twelve tips for facilitating successful teleconferences. Medical Teacher. 2012;34(6):445. 26. Ciccarone D, Yu T, Nye H, Chang A. A technology-enhanced medical note-writing workshop. Medical Education. 2012;46(11):1121-2.

32 I Publications

27. Cipriano SD, Dybbro E, Boscardin CK, Shinkai K, Berger TG. Online learning in a dermatology clerkship: Piloting the new American Academy of Dermatology medical student core curriculum. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2013;69(2):267-72. 28. Coates WC, Lin M, Clarke S, Jordan J, Guth T, Santen SA, Yarris LM. Defining a core curriculum for education scholarship fellowships in emergency medicine. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2012;19(12):1411-8. 29. Cullen E. Health policy in medical education: What young physicians know about the affordable care act. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2012;172(20):1605-6. 30. Curtis DA, Lind SL, Boscardin CK, Dellinges M. Does student confidence on multiple-choice question assessments provide useful information? Medical Education. 2013;47(6):578-84. 31. Curtis DA, Lind SL, Dellinges M, Schroeder K. Identifying student misconceptions in biomedical course assessments in dental education. Journal of Dental Education. 2012;76(9):1183-94. 32. Deiorio NM, Fitch MT, Jung J, Promes SB, Thibodeau LG, Woolley WL, Gisondi MA, Gruppen LD. Evaluating educational interventions in emergency medicine. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2012;19(12):1442-53. 33. DeMatteo DJ, Reeves S. Introducing first year students to interprofessionalism: Exploring professional identity in the “enterprise culture”: A Foucauldian analysis. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013;27(1):27-33. 34. Dhaliwal G. Clinical excellence: Make it a habit. Academic Medicine. 2012;87(11):1473. 35. Dow A, Blue A, Konrad SC, Earnest M, Reeves S. The moving target: Outcomes of interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013;27(5):353-5. 36. Duong D, Haque N. Emergency Medicine Eye Exam Didactic. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9387. 37. Eikelboom JI, ten Cate OT, Jaarsma D, Raat JA, Schuwirth L, van Delden JJ. A framework for the ethics review of education research. Medical Education. 2012;46(8):731-3. 38. Elbert NJ, Ten Cate OT. Art Observation in the medical curriculum: a literature review. [Kunstobservatie in het medisch onderwijs – een literatuuronderzoek. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde} 2013;157(25):A6015 1-7. 39. Farnan JM, Burger A, Boonyasai RT, Leykum L, Harrison R, Machulsky J, Parekh V, Sharpe BA, Schleyer AM, Arora VM, SGIM Housestaff Oversight Subcommittee. Survey of overnight academic hospitalist supervision of trainees. Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2012;7(7):521-3. 40. Feldman MD, Kravitz RL. Peer review: Looking back, looking forward. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2012;27(12):1573-9. 41. Feldman MD, Steinauer JE, Khalili M, Huang L, Kahn JS, Lee KA, Creasman J, Brown JS. A mentor development program for clinical translational science faculty leads to sustained, improved confidence in mentoring skills. Clinical and Translational Science. 2012;5(4):362-7. 42. Feldman MD. All in a day’s work: Establishing rapport, making decisions, reducing disparities. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2012;27(10):1231-2. 43. Fisher J, Lin M, Coates WC, Kuhn GJ, Farrell SE, Maggio LA, Shayne P. Critical appraisal of emergency medicine educational research: The best publications of 2011. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2013;20(2):200-8. 44. Fournier C, Reeves S. Professional status and interprofessional collaboration: A view of massage therapy. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2012;26(1):71-2. 45. Gachoud D, Albert M, Kuper A, Stroud L, Reeves S. Meanings and perceptions of patient-centeredness in social work, nursing and medicine: A comparative study. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2012;26(6):484-90. 46. Gotlib Conn L, Reeves S, Dainty K, Kenaszchuk C, Zwarenstein M. Interprofessional communication with hospitalist and consultant physicians in general internal medicine: A qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research. 2012;12:437,6963-12-437. 47. Greenhill J, Poncelet AN. Transformative learning through longitudinal integrated clerkships. Medical Education. 2013;47(4):336-9. 48. Gusic M, Amiel J, Baldwin C, Chandran L, Fincher R, Mavis B, O’Sullivan P, Padmore J, Rose S, Simpson D, Strobel H, Timm C, Viggiano T. Using the AAMC Toolbox for Evaluating Educators: You be the Judge! MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www. mededportal.org/publication/9313. 49. Haber LA, Lau CY, Sharpe BA, Arora VM, Farnan JM, Ranji SR. Effects of increased overnight supervision on resident education, decision-making, and autonomy. Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2012;7(8):606-10. 50. Hanna E, Soren B, Telner D, Macneill H, Lowe M, Reeves S. Flying blind: The experience of online interprofessional facilitation. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013;27(4):298-304. 51. Hanson E, Rosenbluth G, McPeak K. QI Olympics: A Game-Based Educational Activity in Quality Improvement. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9421.

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52. Haramati A, Adler SR, Wiles M, Sierpina VS, Kreitzer MJ. Innovation and collaboration: The first international congress for educators in complementary and integrative medicine. Explore. 2013;9(2):118-20. 53. Hauer K, O’Brien B, Hansen L, Hirsh D, Ma I, Ogur B, Poncelet A, Alexander E, Teherani A. Student characterizations of successful teaching relationships in longitudinal integrated and block clerkships. Academic Medicine 2012; 87; 1389-96. 54. Hauer KE, Carney PA, Chang A, Satterfield J. Behavior change counseling curricula for medical trainees: A systematic review. Academic Medicine. 2012;87(7):956-68. 55. Hauer KE, Hirsh D, Ma I, Hansen L, Ogur B, Poncelet AN, Alexander EK, O’Brien BC. The role of role: Learning in longitudinal integrated and traditional block clerkships. Medical Education. 2012;46(7):698-710. 56. Hauer KE, Kohlwes J, Cornett P, Hollander H, ten Cate O, Ranji SR, Soni K, Iobst W, O’Sullivan P. Identifying entrustable professional activities in internal medicine training. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2013;5(1):54-9. 57. Hauer KE, O’Brien BC, Hansen LA, Hirsh D, Ma IH, Ogur B, Poncelet AN, Alexander EK, Teherani A. More is better: Students describe successful and unsuccessful experiences with teachers differently in brief and longitudinal relationships. Academic Medicine. 2012;87(10):1389-96. 58. Hauer KE, Soni K, Cornett P, Kohlwes J, Hollander H, Ranji SR, Ten Cate O, Widera E, Calton B, O’Sullivan PS. Developing entrustable professional activities as the basis for assessment of competence in an internal medicine residency: A feasibility study. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2013;28(8):1110-4 59. Hettema JE, Ratanawongsa N, Manuel JK, Ciccarone D, Coffa D, Jain S, Lum PJ. A SBIRT curriculum for medical residents: Development of a performance feedback tool to build learner confidence. Substance Abuse. 2012;33(3):241-50. 60. Higashi RT, Tillack A, Steinman MA, Johnston CB, Harper GM. The ‘worthy’ patient: Rethinking the ‘hidden curriculum’ in medical education. Anthropology & Medicine. 2013;20(1):13-23. 61. Higashi RT, Tillack AA, Steinman M, Harper M, Johnston CB. Elder care as “frustrating” and “boring”: Understanding the persistence of negative attitudes toward older patients among physicians-in-training. Journal of Aging Studies. 2012;26(4):476-83. 62. Hirsh D, Walters L, Poncelet AN. Better learning, better doctors, better delivery system: Possibilities from a case study of longitudinal integrated clerkships. Medical Teacher. 2012;34(7):548-54. 63. Huggett KN, Greenberg RB, Rao D, Richards B, Chauvin SW, Fulton TB, Kalishman S, Littlefield J, Perkowski L, Robins L, Simpson D. The design and utility of institutional teaching awards: A literature review. Medical Teacher. 2012;34(11):907-19. 64. Iglehart JK, Baron RB. Ensuring physicians’ competence--is maintenance of certification the answer? The New England journal of medicine. 2012;367(26):2543-9. 65. Jaarsma D, Scherpbier A, Van Der Vleuten C, ten Cate O. Stimulating medical education research in the Netherlands. Medical Teacher. 2013;35(4):277-81. 66. Jena AB, Arora VM, Hauer KE, Durning S, Borges N, Oriol N, Elnicki DM, Fagan MJ, Harrell HE, Torre D, Prochaska M, Meltzer DO, Reddy S. The prevalence and nature of postinterview communications between residency programs and applicants during the match. Academic Medicine. 2012;87(10):1434-42. 67. Josephson SA, Engstrom JW. Residency training: Developing a program of quality and safety to train resident neurologists for the future. Neurology. 2012;78(8):602-5. 68. Julian K, Appelle N, O’Sullivan P, Morrison EH, Wamsley M. The impact of an objective structured teaching evaluation on faculty teaching skills. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2012;24(1):3-7. 69. Kaaya EE, Macfarlane SB, Mkony CA, Lyamuya EF, Loeser H, Freeman P, Kirumira EK, Pallangyo K, Debas HT. Educating enough competent health professionals: Advancing educational innovation at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania. PLoS Medicine. 2012;9(8). 70. Kalanithi L, Coffey CE, Mourad M, Vidyarthi AR, Hollander H, Ranji SR. The effect of a resident-led quality improvement project on improving communication between hospital-based and outpatient physicians. American Journal of Medical Quality. 2013. 71. Keijsers CJ, van Hensbergen L, Jacobs L, Brouwers JR, de Wildt DJ, ten Cate OT, Jansen PA. Geriatric pharmacology and pharmacotherapy education for health professionals and students: A systematic review. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2012;74(5):762-73. 72. Kenaszchuk C, Conn LG, Dainty K, McCarthy C, Reeves S, Zwarenstein M. Consensus on interprofessional collaboration in hospitals: Statistical agreement of ratings from ethnographic fieldwork and measurement scales. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2012;18(1):93-9. 73. Khamarko K, Koester KA, Bie J, Baron RB, Myers JJ. Developing effective clinical trainers: Strategies to enhance knowledge translation. SAGE Open. 2012.

34 I Publications

74. Kim E, Chern H, Huang E, Palmer B. How To Teach Knot Tying: A Kinesthetic Approach. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9328. 75. Kitto S, Bell M, Peller J, Sargeant J, Etchells E, Reeves S, Silver I. Positioning continuing education: Boundaries and intersections between the domains continuing education, knowledge translation, patient safety and quality improvement. Advances in Health Sciences Education: Theory and Practice. 2013;18(1):141-56. 76. Kitto S, Nordquist J, Peller J, Grant R, Reeves S. The disconnections between space, place and learning in interprofessional education: An overview of key issues. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013;27 Suppl 2:5-8. 77. Kitto SC, Bell M, Goldman J, Peller J, Silver I, Sargeant J, Reeves S. (Mis)perceptions of continuing education: Insights from knowledge translation, quality improvement, and patient safety leaders. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2013;33(2):81-8. 78. Kitto SC, Sargeant J, Reeves S, Silver I. Towards a sociology of knowledge translation: The importance of being dis-interested in knowledge translation. Advances in Health Sciences Education: Theory and Practice. 2012;17(2):289-99. 79. Ko PY, Bernard AW, Poznanski SL, Cooney R, Khandelwal S, Lin M. Journal watch from ACE (Alliance for Clinical Education): Annual review of medical education articles in emergency medicine, 2010-2011. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2013;25(2):178-82. 80. Kusurkar R, Croiset G, ten Cate O. Implications of gender differences in motivation among medical students. Medical Teacher. 2013;35(2):173-4. 81. Kusurkar R, ten Cate O. AM last page: Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire: Self-determination theory and motivation in medical students. Academic Medicine. 2013;88(6):904. 82. Kusurkar RA, Croiset G, Galindo-Garre F, Ten Cate O. Motivational profiles of medical students: Association with study effort, academic performance and exhaustion. BMC Medical Education. 2013;13:87,6920-13-87. 83. Kusurkar RA, Ten Cate O, Vos CM, Westers P, Croiset G. How motivation affects academic performance: A structural equation modelling analysis. Advances in Health Sciences Education: Theory and Practice. 2013;18(1):57-69. 84. Kuziemsky C, Reeves S. The intersection of informatics and interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2012;26(6):437-9. 85. Lai CJ, Smith AR, Stebbins MR, Cutler TW, Lipton HL. Promoting interprofessional collaboration: Pharmacy students teaching current and future prescribers about Medicare part D. Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy. 2011;17(6):439-48. 86. Landy U, Blodgett M, Darney P. Medical education and family planning: Developing future leaders and improving global health. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. 2013;121 Suppl 1:S25-8. 87. Lee AG, Oetting TA, Blomquist PH, Bradford G, Culican SM, Kloek C, Krishnan C, Lauer AK, Levi L, Naseri A, Rubin SE, Scott IU, Tao J, Tuli S, Wright MM, Wudunn D, Zimmerman MB. A multicenter analysis of the ophthalmic knowledge assessment program and American Board of Ophthalmology written qualifying examination performance. Ophthalmology. 2012;119(10):1949-53. 88. Lerner U, Brooks K, McNiel DE, Cramer RJ, Haller E. Coping with a patient’s suicide: A curriculum for psychiatry residency training programs. Academic Psychiatry. 2012;36(1):29-33. 89. Leshabari S, Lubbock LA, Kaijage H, Kalala W, Koehler G, Massawe S, Muganyizi P, Macfarlane SB, O’Sullivan PS. First steps towards interprofessional health practice in Tanzania: An educational experiment in rural Bagamoyo district. Journal of Public Health Policy. 2012;33 Suppl 1:S138-49. 90. Leslie K, Baker L, Egan-Lee E, Esdaile M, Reeves S. Advancing faculty development in medical education: A systematic review. Academic Medicine. 2013;88(7):1038-45. 91. Li D, Hall SE, Tong LD, Rollins MD. The electroconvulsive therapy and anesthesia exercise (ECTAE): The creation of an interdisciplinary learning activity for medical students. The Journal of ECT. 2013;29(3):214-8. 92. Lieff S, Baker L, Mori B, Egan-Lee E, Chin K, Reeves S. Who am I? Key influences on the formation of academic identity within a faculty development program. Medical Teacher. 2012;34(3):e208-15. 93. Lieff S, Banack JG, Baker L, Martimianakis MA, Verma S, Whiteside C, Reeves S. Understanding the needs of department chairs in academic medicine. Academic Medicine. 2013;88(7):960-6. 94. Lin M, Santen SA, Yarris LM, Mullan P, Searle N, Rougas S, Coates WC. Development of a training needs assessment for an education scholarship fellowship in emergency medicine. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2012;19(12):1419-24. 95. Lo V, Wu RC, Morra D, Lee L, Reeves S. The use of smartphones in general and internal medicine units: A boon or a bane to the promotion of interprofessional collaboration? Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2012;26(4):276-82. 96. Loh AR, Joseph D, Keenan JD, Lietman TM, Naseri A. Predictors of matching in an ophthalmology residency program. Ophthalmology. 2013;120(4):865-70.

PublicationsI 35

97. Lupi CS, Runyan A, Schreiber N, Steinauer J, Turk JK. An educational workshop and student competency in pregnancy options counseling: A randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2012;207(5):414.e1,414.e7. 98. Maggio LA, Steinberg RM, Moorhead L, O’Brien B, Willinsky J. Access of primary and secondary literature by health personnel in an academic health center: Implications for open access. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2013;101(3):205-12. 99. Maggio LA, Tannery NH, Chen HC, ten Cate O, O’Brien B. Evidence-based medicine training in undergraduate medical education: A review and critique of the literature published 2006-2011. Academic Medicine. 2013;88(7):1022. 100. Martinez AM, Khu DT, Boo NY, Neou L, Saysanasongkham B, Partridge JC. Barriers to neonatal care in developing countries: Parents’ and providers’ perceptions. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 2012;48(9):852-8. 101. Mayfield CH, Ohara PT, O’Sullivan PS. Perceptions of a mobile technology on learning strategies in the anatomy laboratory. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2013;6(2):81-9. 102. McCance-Katz EF, Satterfield J. SBIRT: A key to integrate prevention and treatment of substance abuse in primary care. The American Journal on Addictions / American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Addictions. 2012;21(2):176-7. 103. Miceli A, Sebuyira LM, Crozier I, Cooke M, Naikoba S, Omwangangye AP, Rayko-Farrar L, Ronald A, Tumwebaze M, Willis KS, Weaver MR. Advances in clinical education: A model for infectious disease training for mid-level practitioners in Uganda. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2012;16(10):e708-13. 104. Mkony CA, O’Sullivan PS, Owibingire SS, Fyfe MV, Omer S, Freeman P, Makubi A, Mloka DA, Portillo CJ, Leyna GH, Tarimo E, Kaaya EE, Macfarlane SB. Teaching and educational scholarship in Tanzania: Faculty initiative to improve performance of health professions’ students. Journal of Public Health Policy. 2012;33 Suppl 1:S150-70. 105. Mloka DA, Omer S, Mkony CA, Kisenge RR, Macfarlane SB, O’Sullivan PS. Health professions educators as agents of change in Tanzania: Creativity to implement new curricula. Journal of Public Health Policy. 2012;33 Suppl 1:S171-85. 106. Mohaupt J, van Soeren M, Andrusyszyn MA, Macmillan K, Devlin-Cop S, Reeves S. Understanding interprofessional relationships by the use of contact theory. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2012;26(5):370-5. 107. Mookherjee S, Pheatt L, Ranji SR, Chou CL. Physical examination education in graduate medical education-a systematic review of the literature. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2013;28(8):1090-9. 108. Mylopoulos M, Lohfeld L, Norman GR, Dhaliwal G, Eva KW. Renowned physicians’ perceptions of expert diagnostic practice. Academic Medicine. 2012;87(10), 1413-1417. 109. Naeger DM, Conrad M, Nguyen J, Kohi MP, Webb EM. Students teaching students: Evaluation of a “near-peer” teaching experience. Academic Radiology. 2013;20(9):1177-82. 110. Naeger DM, Phelps A, Kohi M, Elicker B, Ordovas K, Webb EM. Reading room electives: Say goodbye to the “radi-holiday”. Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2013;10(6):442-8. 111. Naeger DM, Phelps A, Kohi M, Patel A, Elicker B, Ordovas K, Urbania T, Avrin D, Qayyum A. Cross-specialty integrated resident conferences: An educational approach to bridging the gap. Academic Radiology. 2012;19(8):1029-34. 112. Naseri A. Patient consent for resident involvement in surgical care. Archives of Ophthalmology. 2012;130(7):917-8. 113. Neeman N, Ranji SR, Sehgal NL. Perspective: Engaging trainees in performance improvement projects: The quality and safety innovation challenge. American Journal of Medical Quality. 2012;27(4):345-7. 114. Newbold E, Schneidermann M, Horton C. The bridge clinic. The American Journal of Nursing. 2012;112(7):56-9. 115. Ngassapa OD, Kaaya EE, Fyfe MV, Lyamuya EF, Kakoko DC, Kayombo EJ, Kisenge RR, Loeser H, Mwakigonja AR, Outwater AH, Martin-Holland J, Mwambete KD, Kida I, Macfarlane SB. Curricular transformation of health professions education in Tanzania: The process at Muhimbili university of health and allied sciences (2008-2011). Journal of Public Health Policy. 2012;33 Suppl 1:S64-91. 116. Nordquist J, Kitto S, Reeves S. “Living museums”: Is it time to reconsider the learning landscape for professional and interprofessional education? Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013;27 Suppl 2:2-4. 117. Nordquist J, Sundberg K, Kitto S, Ygge J, Reeves S. Future learning environments: The advent of a “spatial turn”? Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013;27 Suppl 2:77-81. 118. O’Brien BC, Niehaus B, Teherani A, Young JQ. Residents’ perspectives on the final year of medical school. International Journal of Medical Education. 2012;3:151-8. 119. O’Brien BC, Poncelet AN, Hansen L, Hirsh DA, Ogur B, Alexander EK, Krupat E, Hauer KE. Students’ workplace learning in two clerkship models: A multi-site observational study. Medical Education. 2012;46(6):613-24. 120. O’Sullivan PS. Reflections on the identity development of medical educators. Medical Science Educator. 2012;22(3):129-132.

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121. O’Sullivan P, Chauvin S, Wolf F, Richardson D, Blanco M. Authorship Issues in Publishing and Career Development Workshop. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9309. 122. Ouyang D, Yuan N, Sheu L, Lau G, Chen C, Lai CJ. Community health education at student-run clinics leads to sustained improvement in patients’ hepatitis B knowledge. Journal of Community Health. 2013;38(3):471-9. 123. Pallangyo K, Debas HT, Lyamuya E, Loeser H, Mkony CA, O’Sullivan PS, Kaaya EE, Macfarlane SB. Partnering on education for health: Muhimbili University of Health and Alied Sciences and the University of California, San Francisco. Journal of Public Health Policy. 2012;33 Suppl 1:S13-22. 124. Pangaro L, ten Cate O. Frameworks for learner assessment in medicine: AMEE guide no. 78. Medical Teacher. 2013;35(6):e1197-210. 125. Papadakis MA, Paauw DS, Hafferty FW, Shapiro J, Byyny RL. Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society Think Tank. Perspective: The education community must develop best practices informed by evidence-based research to remediate lapses of professionalism. Academic Medicine. 2012;87(12):1694-8. 126. Paradis E, Reeves S. Key trends in interprofessional research: A macrosociological analysis from 1970 to 2010. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013;27(2):113-22. 127. Patricio M, de Burbure C, Costa MJ, Schirlo C, ten Cate O. Bologna in medicine anno 2012: Experiences of European medical schools that implemented a Bologna two-cycle curriculum--an AMEE-MEDINE2 survey. Medical Teacher. 2012;34(10):821-32. 128. Plant JL, Corden M, Mourad M, O’Brien BC, van Schaik SM. Understanding self-assessment as an informed process: Residents’ use of external information for self-assessment of performance in simulated resuscitations. Advances in Health Sciences Education: Theory and Practice. 2013;18(2):181-92. 129. Poncelet AN, Wamsley M, Hauer KE, Lai C, Becker T, O’Brien B. Patient views of continuity relationships with medical students. Medical Teacher. 2013;35(6):465-71. 130. Pool I, Poell R, ten Cate O. Nurses’ and managers’ perceptions of continuing professional development for older and younger nurses: A focus group study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2013;50(1):34-43. 131. Pool IA, Poell RF, ten Cate O. Perspectives on age and continuing professional development for nurses: A literature review. Vocations and Learning. 2013:1-25. 132. Prochaska JJ, Gali K, Miller B, Hauer KE. Medical students’ attention to multiple risk behaviors: A standardized patient examination. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2012;27(6):700-7. 133. Rabow MW, Evans CN, Remen RN. Professional formation and deformation: Repression of personal values and qualities in medical education. Family Medicine. 2013;45(1):13-8. 134. Ratcliffe TA, Durning SJ, Jena AB, Grau T, Artino AR, Arora VM, Hauer KE, Borges N, Oriol N, Elnicki DM, Fagan MJ, Harrell HE, Torre DM, Prochaska M, Meltzer DO, Reddy S. Postinterview communication between military residency applicants and training programs. Military Medicine. 2012;177(9 Suppl):54-60. 135. Ratcliffe TA, Hanson JL, Hemmer PA, Hauer KE, Papp KK, Denton GD. The required written history and physical is alive, but not entirely well, in internal medicine clerkships. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2013;25(1):10-4. 136. Ravesloot C, van der Schaaf M, Haaring C, Kruitwagen C, Beek E, Ten Cate O, van Schaik J. Construct validation of progress testing to measure knowledge and visual skills in radiology. Medical Teacher. 2012;34(12):1047-55. 137. Ravitz P, Cooke RG, Mitchell S, Reeves S, Teshima J, Lokuge B, Lawson A, McNaughton N, Skinner W, Cooper C, Fefergrad M, Zaretsky A. Continuing education to go: Capacity building in psychotherapies for front-line mental health workers in underserviced communities. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 2013;58(6):335-43. 138. Reeves S, Hean S. Why we need theory to help us better understand the nature of interprofessional education, practice and care. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013;27(1):1-3. 139. Reeves S, Kenaszchuk C, Sawatzky-Girling B, Goldman J. Understanding the “impact” of the impact factor. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2012;26(1):2-3. 140. Reeves S, Kitto S, Masiello I. Crew resource management: How well does it translate to an interprofessional healthcare context? Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013;27(3):207-9. 141. Reeves S, Peller J, Goldman J, Kitto S. Ethnography in qualitative educational research: AMEE guide no. 80. Medical Teacher. 2013;35(8):e1365-79. 142. Reeves S, Perrier L, Goldman J, Freeth D, Zwarenstein M. Interprofessional education: Effects on professional practice and healthcare outcomes (update). The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2013;3:CD002213. 143. Reeves S, Tassone M, Parker K, Wagner SJ, Simmons B. Interprofessional education: An overview of key developments in the past three decades. Work. 2012;41(3):233-45. 144. Reeves S, van Schaik S. Simulation: A panacea for interprofessional learning? Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2012;26(3):167-9. Publications I 37

145. Reeves S. The rise and rise of interprofessional competence. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2012;26(4):253-5. 146. Reuland DS, Slatt LM, Aleman MA, Fernandez A, Dewalt D. Effect of spanish language immersion rotations on medical student Spanish fluency. Family Medicine. 2012;44(2):110-6. 147. Richter Lagha RA, Boscardin CK, May W, Fung CC. A comparison of two standard-setting approaches in high-stakes clinical performance assessment using generalizability theory. Academic Medicine. 2012;87(8):1077-82. 148. Robson J. Considerations for physician training in a new era of medical education. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2013;56(2):111-2. 149. Rose D. The “Clinical Neuroscience Method”: Using Learning Tools to Embed Neuroscience Concepts into a Clinical Framework. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9340. 150. Rosenbluth G, Fiore DM, Maselli JH, Vittinghoff E, Wilson SD, Auerbach AD. Association between adaptations to ACGME duty hour requirements, length of stay, and costs. Sleep. 2013;36(2):245-8. 151. Satre DD, McCance-Katz EF, Moreno-John G, Julian KA, O’Sullivan PS, Satterfield JM. Using needs assessment to develop curricula for screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) in academic and community health settings. Substance Abuse. 2012;33(3):298-302. 152. Satterfield J. Implementing Evidence-Based Practice Education in Social Work: A Trans-Disciplinary Approach. Research on Social Work Practice. 2013; 23, 426-436. 153. Satterfield JM, O’Sullivan P, Satre DD, Tsoh JY, Batki SL, Julian K, McCance-Katz EF, Wamsley M. Using standardized patients to evaluate screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) knowledge and skill acquisition for internal medicine residents. Substance Abuse. 2012;33(3):303-7. 154. Seago JA, Keane D, Chen E, Spetz J, Grumbach K. Predictors of students’ success in community college nursing programs. The Journal of Nursing Education. 2012;51(9):489-95. 155. Seider MI, Rofagha S, Lin SC, Stamper RL. Resident-performed ex-PRESS shunt implantation versus trabeculectomy. Journal of Glaucoma. 2012;21(7):469-74. 156. Sheu L, Lai CJ, Coelho AD, Lin LD, Zheng P, Hom P, Diaz V, O’Sullivan PS. Impact of student-run clinics on preclinical sociocultural and interprofessional attitudes: A prospective cohort analysis. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 2012;23(3):1058-72. 157. Sheu L, O’Brien B, O’Sullivan PS, Kwong A, Lai CJ. Systems-based practice learning opportunities in student-run clinics: A qualitative analysis of student experiences. Academic Medicine. 2013;88(6):831-6. 158. Shore WB, Muller J, Thom D, Mergendoller J, Saba GW. Analysis of clerkship student-patient interviews in underserved clinics. Family Medicine. 2012;44(7):508-13. 159. Shunk RL. Professionalism: A piercing dilemma. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2013;173(6):406. 160. Smith L, O’Sullivan P, Lo B, Chen H. An educational intervention to improve resident comfort with communication at the end of life. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2013;16(1):54-9. 161. Spears R, Leite LP, Schnell RA, Dellinges M, Brooks HE, Itaya LE. AEGD programs: Why now, why more? Journal of Dental Education. 2013;77(1):17-23. 162. Spector N, Rosenbluth G, Patel S, Destino L, O’Toole J, Everhart J, Stevenson A, Yu C, Calaman S, Allen A, Starmer A, Landrigan C, Sectish T. I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Campaign Toolkit. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9397. 163. Spector N, Starner A, Allen A, Bale J, Bismilla Z, Calaman S, Coffey M, Cole F, Destino L, Everhart J, Hepps J, Kahana M, Lopreiato J, McGregor R, O’Toole J, Patel S, Rosenbluth G, Srivastava R, Stevenson A, Tse L, Yu C, West D, Sectish T, Landrigan C. I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Core Resident Workshop. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9311. 164. Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Srivastava R, Allen AD, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, I-PASS Study Group. I-PASS: A mnemonic to standardize verbal handoffs. Pediatrics. 2012;129(2):201-4. 165. Stebbins MR, Frear ME, Cutler TW, Lightwood JM, Fingado AR, Lai CJ, Lipton HL. Pharmacy students teaching prescribers strategies to lower prescription drug costs for underserved patients. Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy. 2013;19(7):534-41. 166. Steinauer J, Dehlendorf C, Grumbach K, Landy U, Darney P. Multi-specialty family planning training: Collaborating to meet the needs of women. Contraception. 2012;86(3):188-90. 167. Steinauer J, Preskill F, Devaskar S, Landy U, Darney P. The Papaya Workshop: Using the Papaya to Teach Intrauterine Gynecologic Procedures. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9388. 168. Steinauer JE, Hawkins M, Turk JK, Darney P, Preskill F, Landy U. Opting out of abortion training: Benefits of partial participation in a dedicated family planning rotation for ob-gyn residents. Contraception. 2013;87(1):88-92.

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169. Steinauer JE, Turk JK, Fulton MC, Simonson KH, Landy U. The benefits of family planning training: A 10-year review of the Ryan residency training program. Contraception. 2013;88(2):275-80. 170. Stern RJ, Fernandez A, Jacobs EA, Neilands TB, Weech-Maldonado R, Quan J, Carle A, Seligman HK. Advances in measuring culturally competent care: A confirmatory factor analysis of CAHPS-CC in a safety-net population. Medical Care. 2012;50(9 Suppl 2):S49-55. 171. Straus SE, Johnson MO, Marquez C, Feldman MD. Characteristics of successful and failed mentoring relationships: A qualitative study across two academic health centers. Academic Medicine. 2013;88(1):82-9. 172. Sufrin C, Autry A, Harris K, Goldenson J, Steinauer J. County Jail as a Novel Site for Obstetrics and Gynecology Resident Education. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2012; 4(3): 346–350. 173. Sullivan KR, Rollins MD. Innovations in anaesthesia medical student clerkships. Best practice & research. Clinical Anaesthesiology. 2012;26(1):23-32. 174. Suter E, Goldman J, Martimianakis T, Chatalalsingh C, DeMatteo DJ, Reeves S. The use of systems and organizational theories in the interprofessional field: Findings from a scoping review. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2013;27(1):57-64. 175. Teherani A, Daroff RB. Research-based models for clinical teaching and their application to psychiatry settings. Academic Psychiatry. 2013;37(2):114-9. 176. Teherani A, Irby DM, Loeser H. Does the amount of continuity matter? Lessons learned from the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine’s clinical education continuity experiences. Academic Medicine 2013; 88; 35-43. 177. Teherani A, Irby DM, Loeser H. Outcomes of different clerkship models: Longitudinal integrated, hybrid, and block. Academic Medicine. 2013;88(1):35. 178. ten Cate O, Young JQ. The patient handover as an entrustable professional activity: Adding meaning in teaching and practice. BMJ Quality and Safety. 2012;21 Suppl 1:i9-12. 179. ten Cate O. Nuts and bolts of entrustable professional activities. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2013;5(1):157-8. 180. ten Cate OT. Why receiving feedback collides with self-determination. Advances in Health Sciences Education: Theory and Practice. Epub 2012 Nov 21 PMID:23180108 181. Tokede O, White J, Stark PC, Vaderhobli R, Walji MF, Ramoni R, Schoonheim-Klein M, Kimmes N, Tavares A, Kalenderian E. Assessing use of a standardized dental diagnostic terminology in an electronic health record. Journal of Dental Education. 2013;77(1):24-36. 182. Tsinberg M, Duh QY, Cisco RM, Gosnell JE, Scholten A, Clark OH, Shen WT. Practice patterns and job satisfaction in fellowshiptrained endocrine surgeons. Surgery. 2012;152(6):953-6. 183. Tuot DS, Sehgal NL, Neeman N, Auerbach A. Enhancing quality of trainee-written consultation notes. The American Journal of Medicine. 2012;125(7):649-52. 184. Vale R. Evaluating how we evaluate. 2012;23(17):3285-3289. 185. Vale RD, DeRisi J, Phillips R, Mullins RD, Waterman C, Mitchison TJ. Graduate education: Interdisciplinary graduate training in teaching labs. Science. 2012;338(6114):1542-3. 186. van den Broek WE, van Asperen MV, Custers E, Valk GD, Ten Cate OT. Effects of two different instructional formats on scores and reliability of a script concordance test. Perspectives on Medical Education. 2012;1(3):119-28. 187. van Schaik S, Plant J, O’Sullivan P. Promoting self-directed learning through portfolios in undergraduate medical education: The mentors’ perspective. Medical Teacher. 2013;35(2):139-44. 188. van Soeren M, Devlin-Cop S, Maude MacMillan K, Reeves S. A virtual learning community for interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2012;26(2):156-7. 189. Venkatesan A, Farsani T, O’Sullivan P, Berger T. Identifying competencies in vulvar disorder management for medical students and residents: A survey of US vulvar disorder experts. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease. 2012;16(4):398-402. 190. Wachter RM, Verghese A. The attending physician on the wards: Finding a new homeostasis. JAMA. 2012;308(10):977-8. 191. Watts SH, Promes SB, Hockberger R. The society for academic emergency medicine and association of academic chairs in emergency medicine 2009-2010 emergency medicine faculty salary and benefits survey. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2012;19(7):852-60. 192. Wayne DB, Hauer KE. Counting quality, not hours: Understanding the impact of duty hour reform on internal medicine residency education. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2012;27(11):1400-1. 193. Webb EM, Naeger DM, Fulton TB, Straus CM. Learning objectives in radiology education: Why you need them and how to write them. Academic Radiology. 2013;20(3):358-63. 194. Wijnen-Meijer M, Burdick W, Alofs L, Burgers C, ten Cate O. Stages and transitions in medical education around the world: Clarifying structures and terminology. Medical Teacher. 2013;35(4):301-7. Publications I 39

195. Wijnen-Meijer M, Kilminster S, van der Schaaf M, ten Cate O. The impact of various transitions in the medical education continuum on perceived readiness of trainees to be entrusted with professional tasks. Medical Teacher. 2012;34(11):929-35. 196. Wijnen-Meijer M, ten Cate O, van der Schaaf M, Harendza S. Graduates from vertically integrated curricula. The Clinical Teacher. 2013;10(3):155-9. 197. Wijnen-Meijer M, van der Schaaf M, Booij E, Harendza S, Boscardin C, Van Wijngaarden J, ten Cate O. An argument-based approach to the validation of UHTRUST: Can we measure how recent graduates can be trusted with unfamiliar tasks? Advances in Health Sciences Education: Theory and Practice. Epub 2013 Feb 12. PMID: 23400369 198. Wijnen-Meijer M, van der Schaaf, Nillesen K, Harendza S, ten Cate O. Essential facets of competence that enable trust in graduates: A delphi study among physician educators in the Netherlands. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2013;5(1):46-53. 199. Wu RC, Lo V, Rossos P, Kuziemsky C, O’Leary KJ, Cafazzo JA, Reeves S, Wong BM, Morra D. Improving hospital care and collaborative communications for the 21st century: Key recommendations for general internal medicine. Interactive Journal of Medical Research. 2012;1(2):e9. 200. Yang CW, Yen ZS, McGowan JE, Chen HC, Chiang WC, Mancini ME, Soar J, Lai MS, Ma MH. A systematic review of retention of adult advanced life support knowledge and skills in healthcare providers. Resuscitation. 2012;83(9):1055-60. 201. Yang G, Villalta JD, Weiss DA, Carroll PR, Breyer BN. Gender differences in academic productivity and academic career choice among urology residents. The Journal of Urology. 2012;188(4):1286-90. 202. Yarris LM, Coates WC, Lin M, Lind K, Jordan J, Clarke S, Guth TA, Santen SA, Hamstra SJ. A suggested core content for education scholarship fellowships in emergency medicine. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2012;19(12):1425. 203. Youmans S, Ngassapa O, Chambuso M. Clinical pharmacy to meet the health needs of Tanzanians: Education reform through partnership across continents (2008-2011). Journal of Public Health Policy. 2012;33 Suppl 1:S110-25. 204. Zitter I, de Bruijn E, Simons R, ten Cate O. The role of professional objects in technology-enhanced learning environments in higher education. Interactive Learning Environments. 2012;20(2):119-40.

Other Publications

1. Baron R. Teaching for quality: Integrating quality improvement and patient safety across the continuum of medical education. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/icollaborative/resource/610. 2. Fiore D, Carley A, VanOsdol S, Lynch M. Key Principles of High-Quality Interprofessional Team Communication: A Web-based Interactive Curriculum. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/icollaborative/resource/704. 3. Griffioen C, Van Rossum H, Sterman-Vleeschdraager M, Ten Cate O. Healthy Education in the Netherlands and Flanders, 40 years Netherlands Association for Medical Education. [Gezonderwijs in Nederland en Vlaanderen. 40 jaar Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medisch Onderwijs] Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum 2012. 84 p. 4. Hyland K, van Schaik S, Land K. UCSF Academy of Medical Educators Teaching Observation Program (TOP) Mentor Training Module. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/icollaborative/resource/672. 5. Mazotti L. Guiding Principles and Goals of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships, Longitudinal Integrated Clerskhips. In: Guidebook for clerkship directors. 4th edition. Morgenstern B. (Editor), Alliance for Clinical Education; 2012. 6. McNamara M, DeVries C, Ishizaki A, Muller J, Azzam A. Baby Ali Khosa: A Standardized-Patient Problem-Based Learning Case of a Newborn Intersex Child. MedEdPORTAL; 2012. Available from: www.mededportal.org/icollaborative/resource/579. 7. Papadakis M, McPhee S, Rabow M. Current medical diagnosis and treatment 2013. 52nd edition. McGraw-Hill Medical; 2012. 1840 p. 8. Reeves S. Interprofessional education and collaboration: key approaches for improving care. Ronen G, Rosenbaum P. (Eds). In: Health and Outcomes in Children and Young People with Neurological and Developmental Conditions: Theory, Concepts, Evidence and Practice. Mac Keith Press: London; 2013. 9. Robertson P. The Urban Academic Setting. In: Guidebook for clerkship directors. 4th edition. Morgenstern B. Alliance for Clinical Education; 2012. p. 206-209. 10. Sehgal N, Neeman N, Ranji S. Engaging Trainees in Performance Improvement Projects: The UCSF Department of Medicine Quality & Safety Innovation Challenge. MedEdPORTAL; 2012. Available from: www.mededportal.org/icollaborative/resource/540. 11. Wheeler J, Yang S, Young M. Go where the wild things are: An experience in becoming a wilderness fellow while a pediatric resident. In: Journal of Investigative Medicine. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: Philadelphia, PA; 2013. p. 159-60. 12. Young J, Mitsuishi F, Tong L. Training Health Professional for Advocacy: Insights from Learning Theory. In: Advocacy strategies for health and mental health professionals: From patients to policies. Lustig S. (Editor), New York, NY: Springer; 2012.

40 I Publications

Presentations Invited Presentations

1. Aronson L. Critical Reflection in Medical Education. University of Texas Southwestern, April 2013. 2. Aronson L. Public Medical Communication and Writing for Change. Oregon Health Sciences University, April 2013. 3. Banh K. Educational Strategies to Promote Clinical Reasoning. UC Davis Department of Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Sacramento, CA, March 2013. 4. Baron R. The Future of Graduate Medical Education. Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Minnesota, 2013. 5. Baron, R. Visiting Professor and Lecturer, Alpha Omega Alpha (AΩA) Honor Medical Society, University of Minnesota. 6. Cooke, M. Seymour Cohen Memorial Lecturer, LIJ-North Shore Hofstra School of Medicine. 7. Dhaliwal G. Clinical Reasoning: Going from Good to Great. Medicine Grand Rounds, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, 2013. 8. Dhaliwal G. Educational Strategies to Promote Diagnostic Reasoning. Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, 2012. 9. Harris I, O’Brien B, Perkowski L. Qualitative Research Methods and Data Collection. AAMC Medical Education Research Certificate, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 10. Irby DM. Curriculum Reform at UCSF and Beyond. Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China, September 2012. 11. Irby D. Differentiation and Student-Centered Pathways. New York University, New York, NY, December 2012 12. Irby DM. Rethinking Medical Education. University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada, October 2012. 13. Irby DM. Through the Looking Glass: The Future of Medical Education. Generalists in Medical Education Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 14. Irby D. Transforming Patient Care: Aligning Interprofessional Education with Clinical Practice Redesign. Macy Conference, Atlanta, GA, January 2013. 15. Irby D. Why is Continuity in Clinical Learning such a Big Deal? Focus on Outcomes, Design and Methods of Inquiry. University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, October 2012. 16. Kuo, A. Leonard P. Rome Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) Visiting Professor, Crozer Pediatric Residency Program, Philadelphia, PA, American Academy of Pediatrics. 17. Kuo, A. Visiting Professor, Advocacy and Leadership Curricula, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA. 18. Lucey C. Addressing the Hidden Curriculum. University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, June 2013. 19. Lucey C. Engaging Faculty in Identifying and Remediating Residents with problems. APDM National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October 2012. 20. Lucey C. FM hill lecture: Women Leaders, Wicked Problems. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, October 2012. 21. Lucey C. Fresh Thinking about Specialty Training. Stanford University, Stanford, CA, October 2012. 22. Lucey C. Lessons learned about exam security. ABMS, Chicago, IL, October 2012. 23. Lucey C. Medical Education and an Improved Health Care System. National Health Forum, Washington, DC, November 2012. 24. Lucey C. Medical Education: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution? Boston University Centennial, Boston, MA, October 2012. 25. Lucey C. Medical Education: What Got Us Here Won’t Get Us There. Institute of Medicine, Washington, DC, October 2012. 26. Maggio L. Navigating your Information Landscape. Harvard Macy, Boston, MA, May 2013. 27. Murr, A. Graduation Speaker and Visiting Professor, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, UCSD. 28. Murr, A. Graduation Speaker and Visiting Professor, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, St. Louis University. 29. O’Brien B. Educating Physicians: A Call for Reform. University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, January 2013. 30. O’Sullivan P. Collaborate! University of Minnesota Education Day, Minneapolis, MN, May 2013. 31. O’Sullivan P. Collaborate. Surprise! It is Complex. Innovations in Medical Education 2013, Los Angeles, CA, February 2013. 32. O’Sullivan P. Data Management. AAMC, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 33. O’Sullivan P. Data Management. Duke University Medical School, Durham, NC, April 2013. 34. O’Sullivan P. Data Management. Northwestern School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, May 2013. 35. O’Sullivan P. Designing Surveys. Duke University Medical School, Durham, NC, April 2013. 36. O’Sullivan P. Designing Surveys. Quinnipiac School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, April 2013. 37. O’Sullivan P. Exploring your Career. 4th Annual International Women in Surgery Career Symposium, San Francisco, CA, June 2013. Presentations I 41

38. O’Sullivan P. Keynote 2013 Visiting Professor. Stanford University Department of Anesthesia, Stanford, CA, June 2013. 39. O’Sullivan P. Program Evaluation. Northwestern School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, May 2013. 40. O’Sullivan P. Program Evaluation. Quinnipiac School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, April 2013. 41. Papadakis M. Keynote Address: Assessment of Professionalism as an Obligation for Self-Regulation. Central Group on Educational Affairs, Cincinnati, OH, March 2013. 42. Papadakis M. Due Process for Disqualification and Dismissal of Medical Students. Western Group on Student Affairs (WGSA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 43. Papadakis M. Mistreatment Woes. Western Group on Student Affairs (WGSA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 44. Papadakis MA. Assessment of Professionalism. University of Texas, San Antonio, TX, February 2013. 45. Papadakis MA. Assessment of Professionalism. University of Cincinnati Division of Hematology-Oncology, Cincinnati, OH, November 2012. 46. Papadakis MA. Assessment of Professionalism. National Conference of Bar Examiners, Boston, MA, April 2013. 47. Promes S. EM-RRC and you as an Educator. American College of Emergency Physicians Teaching Fellowship, Dallas, TX, March 2013. 48. Promes S. Resident Portfolios. American College of Emergency Physicians Teaching Fellowship, Dallas, TX, March 2013. 49. Promes S. What does an EM Physician Need to Know about Developing CME Programs. American College of Emergency Physicians Teaching Fellowship, Dallas, TX, March 2013. 50. Rabow M. Educational Research in the Healer’s Art: The Center for the Study of the Healer’s Art. Faculty Development Course, Bolinas, CA, July 2012. 51. Reeves S. Developing and Implementing Interprofessional Education Curriculum. Interprofessional Education Faculty Development Day, National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2013. 52. Reeves S. Ethnography: Principles and Practices. Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 2012. 53. Reeves S. Interprofessional Education: What is it and what’s its role for improving collaboration and patient care? Interprofessional Education Faculty Development Day, National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2013. 54. Reeves S. Interprofessional Education: The Global View. Pacific Institute of Nursing Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 2013. 55. Reeves S. Interprofessional Metrics. Pacific Institute of Nursing Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 2013. 56. Reeves S. Interprofessional Simulated Learning: Exploring its Benefits and Understanding its Challenges. Third Swiss Conference on Standardized Patients and Simulation in Health Care, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 2012. 57. Reeves S. Scholarship and interprofessional learning. Future Learning Environments: How Space Impacts on Learning, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2012. 58. Reeves S. The Role of Interprofessional Education in Complementary and Integrative Medicine: Possibilities and Tensions. International Congress for Educators in Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Washington, DC, October 2012. 59. Reeves S. Thinking about Scenario Design in Interprofessional Simulated Learning: The Use of Sociological Fidelity. Third Swiss Conference on Standardized Patients and Simulation in Health Care, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 2012. 60. Reeves S. Understanding the Science of Evaluating Interprofessional Education Activities: Approaches for Generating Robust Evidence. All Together Better Health VI, Kobe, Japan, October 2012. 61. Reeves S. Writing for Publication. Faculty Development Program, University of Virginia, September 2012. 62. Sharpe B. Giving Effective Feedback. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Summit, Denver, CO, September 2012. 63. Souza K, Burke C. Design Thinking for Educators. LSU Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, May 2013. 64. Souza K. Leadership, Strategy, Scholarship: Technology in Health Professions Education. LSU Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, May 2013. 65. Steinauer J. Building Professionalism. Ryan Residency Training Program, Chicago, IL, June 2013. 66. Steinauer J. Innovations in family planning: The Vietnam Medical School Initiative; Transforming the Role of the Medical School: Building Competence and Capacity in Family Planning. International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), Rome, Italy, October 2012. 67. Steinauer J. Teaching Professionalism to Medical Students and Residents. University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay, August 2012. 68. ten Cate O. Entrustable Professional Activities: Building a Competency-Based Postgraduate Curriculum. University of Basel, August 2012. 69. ten Cate O. Steps Toward a Methodology of Entrustment Decisions. Education in Pediatrics across the Continuum EPAC. Association of American Medical Colleges and American Board of Pediatrics. Washington, DC, October 2012. 42 I Presentations

70. ten Cate O. Transitions and Progressive Independence in Medical Education: On Theory and Practice. Symposium Transitions, their place and consequences within the medical trajectory. Amsterdam, VUmc, December 2012. 71. ten Cate O. Workshop Case-Based Clinical Reasoning. National Medical University of Kiev, Ukraine. November 2012. 72. Tong L. Creating Better Exam Items: Multiple Choice Question Format. Kuwait University School of Medicine, Kuwait City, Kuwait, May 2013. 73. Wamsley M. Participation as Panelist. MedEdPortal: Changing the Tide for Promotion and Tenure. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2012.

Other Presentations

1. Adler S, Hughes E, Coulter Y. Communicating with Patients about Complementary and Alternative Medicine: A Clinical Teaching Pearl for Third-Year Medical Students. International Congress for Educators in Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Washington, DC, 2012. 2. Adler S, Loeser H, Cooke M, Chang A, Beaudreau J, Wang J, Teherani A. Impact of Intramural Medical Education Grants on Faculty Careers and on Undergraduate and Graduate Medical Curricula at the University of California, San Francisco. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 3. Adler S, Miller BJ, Joseph D, Coulter Y. Integrative Approaches to End-of-Life Care: Developing an Interprofessional Elective. International Congress for Educators in Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Washington, DC, 2012. 4. Adler S. Benedict’s Lens: Medical Students’ Perspectives on Integrative Medicine Education. International Congress for Educators in Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Washington, DC, 2012. 5. Adler SA, Loeser H, Beaudreau J, Chang A, Cooke M, Teherani A. Impact of Intramural Medical Education Grants on Faculty Careers and on Undergraduate and Graduate Medical Curricula at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Association of American Colleges Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2012. 6. Ainsworth A, DeVries C, O’Brien B, Chou C. Developing an Interprofessional Team-Based Observed Structured Clinical Examination (ITOSCE) to Evaluate Patient-Centeredness. Western Group of Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 5, 2013. 7. Alegria D, Mayfield C, Boscardin C, Josephson A, Lowenstein D, Douglas V, Cornes S. An Interactive Mobile Curriculum for Teaching the Hypothesis-Driven Neurological Examination. Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 8. Alegria D, Nason P, Poncelet A, Mayfield C, Boscardin C, Wamsley M. Using iPads to Support Self-Directed Learning in a Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship. Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 9. Appelle N, Chin-Hong P, Mazzotti L. Teaching with the Electronic Medical Workshop. Family Practice Educators Retreat, Martinez, CA, 2013. 10. Aronowitz P, Dhaliwal G, Rencic J, Trowbridge R, Barton T. Teaching Clinical Reasoning From Classroom to Bedside. Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine National Meeting Plenary, 2012. 11. Aronson L, Kuo A, Jain S, Grubbs V, Siegel J, Chen A. Writing for Change: A Pilot Program to Train Residents In Health Policy Advocacy Through Narrative. Society for General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2013. 12. Aronson L, Reisman A, Sandars L, Siegel J, Chen A. Narrative Advocacy: Public Medical Communication to Promote Generalist Care, Research, Education, and Policy. Society for General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2013. 13. Artino A, Durning S, Charlin B, Nendaz M, ten Cate O, Custers E. Teaching Clinical Reasoning Early in the Medical Curriculum. Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Lyon, France, August 2012. 14. Azzam A. Two Years of Experience Embedding ‘Becoming the Patient’ into the ‘Foundations of Patient Care’ course at UCSF. Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 15. Bachhuber M, Patel S, O’Brien B. A Home Visit Curriculum to Foster Interprofessional Learning and Improve Care Coordination for HighRisk Patients in Trainee Primary Care Continuity Clinics. Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2013. 16. Banh K. Homegrown Doctors Value Medical Education in the Valley. Valley Public Radio FM 89.6, Fresno, CA, February 2013. 17. Banh K. Residency Interest in Affiliate Hospitals with Integrated Longitudinal Third Year Medical Student Programs. Western Group on Educational Affairs Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 18. Baron R. GME Legislative Update. Group on Resident Affairs Spring Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2012. 19. Baron R. Institutional Site Visits. Group on Resident Affairs Leadership Course, San Diego, CA, 2012. 20. Bekes L, Brock T, Hamblett K, Humphreys J, Hyde S, Kroo, L, Persily G, Topp K, Wamsley M, Reeves S. Early Findings from a Longitudinal Mixed-Methods Study of the Development and Implementation of Interprofessional Education: A Californian Perspective. Collaborating Across Borders IV, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2013. 21. Bekes L, Hamblett K, Brock T, Wamsley M, Kroon L, Topp K, Dracup K, Hyde S, Fitzsimmons A, Reeves S. Conceptualizing and Implementing a New Center for Interprofessional Education at UCSF. Collaborating Across Borders IV, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2013. Presentations I43

22. Bekes L, Paradis E, Reeves S. Key Trends in Interprofessional Research: A Macrosociological Analysis from 1970 to 2010. Collaborating Across Borders IV, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2013. 23. Bernard A, Chen E, Gorgas D, Taira T. Reflections as a Tool to Enhance Residency and Medical Student Education. Council of Residency Directors Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, March 2013. 24. Boscardin C. Evaluating the Broader Concept of Validity in the Validation of a Newly Developed Assessment Tool. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 2013. 25. Butani L, Blankenburg A, Gogo A, Sutter K, Long M. The How and Why of Fostering Reflective Practice Across the Continuum. APPD/COMSEP, Nashville, TN, April 2013. 26. Butani L, Gogo A, Sutter K, Long M. Putting the spARCS Back into Your Teaching. UC Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA, June 2013. 27. Butani L, Gogo A, Sutter K, Long M. Reflecting on Reflections: The How and Why of Stimulating Reflective Practice Among your Learners. USC Innovations in Medical Education, Pasadena, CA, February 2013. 28. Butani L, Long M, Gogo A. Stimulating Reflective Practice Among Your Learners. UC Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA, January 2013. 29. Butani L, Long M, Sutter K, Gogo A. Questioning as an Effective Teaching Tool. UC Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA, May 2013. 30. Cantino L, Chen H, Lindow J, Robertson P, Bailey M, Carella L, Daroff R, Douglas V, Lai C, Masferrer D, McGehee M, Hauer K. A Program of Longitudinal Formative Feedback and Individual Goal-Setting Across Multiple Core Clerkships. Association of American Medical Colleges, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 31. Chang A, Azzam A, Bell P, Ciccarone C, Ciccoletti C, Fitzhenry K, Fulton T, Kruidering M, Lai C, Lucatorto R, McNamara M, Muller J, Nye H, Yukawa M, Hauer K. Competency Directors and Competency Coaches at UCSF. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 32. Chang A, Bowen J, Caverzagie K, Frankel R, Eckstrom E, Chheda S, Green M, Rosenblum M. Assessing Resident Entrustable Professional Activities: The Patient Centered Medical Home as an Example. Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2013. 33. Chang A, ten Cate O, Custers E, van Leeuwen M, Peña R, Chang D. Preliminary Evaluation of the First Year of Implementation of e-Learning in Teaching-Learning Anatomy in Medical Students of UN AN-León, Nicaragua. Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Lyon, France, August 2012. 34. Chen HC, O’Sullivan P, ten Cate O, Sheu L, Teherani A. Early Medical Students Can Assume Central Roles In Patient Care. Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Lyon, France, September 2012. 35. Chen HC, O’Sullivan P, ten Cate O, Sheu L, Teherani A. Preclerkship Medical Students Can Assume Central Roles In Patient Care. Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2012. 36. Chou C, Cochran N. Shared decision making. American Academy on Communication in Healthcare Annual Forum, Providence, RI, October 2012. 37. Chou C, Cochran N. Shared decision making. Institute for Healthcare Improvement 14th Annual International Summit, Scottsdale, AZ, April 2013. 38. Ciccarone D, Yu T, Chang A, Nye H, Azzam A, Muller J. Medical Note Writing. Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 39. Cohen J, Coggshall K, Wamsley M, O’Sullivan P, Stewart C. How Identity May Inform Challenges to Medical Student Engagement with IPE. Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 40. Cohen, Sascha. To the Man With a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail: A Discussion on Education, Technology, Tool-selection, Decision-making and the Value of Knowledge. Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 41. Copeland K, Shunk R, Janson S, O’Brien B. The Huddle: Trainee Experiences in Team-Based Primary Care in an Interprofessional Education Program. Society for General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2013. 42. Corral J, Moynahan K, Mayfield C, Alegria D. Educational Technology for Health Professions Education: What’s Hot, What Works and What the Research Says. Western Group on Educational Affairs Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 43. Dhaliwal G. Should You Keep Up With the Medical Literature? Society of General Internal Medicine California-Hawaii Regional Meeting, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, 2013. 44. Duong D. Nuts and Bolts, Separating the Wheat from the Shaft: Selecting Students for Rotation and VSAS. Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, March 2013. 45. Durant E, Lau B, Teherani A, Stein J, Promes S. Use of Electronically Administered Patient Surveys to Evaluate Emergency Medicine Residents of ACGME Competencies. Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Atlanta, GA, March 2013. 44 I Presentations

46. Durant E, Lau B, Teherani A, Stein J, Promes S. Use of Electronically Administered Patient Surveys to Evaluate Emergency Medicine Residents of ACGME Competencies. Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Long Beach, CA, March 2013. 47. Durant E, Lau B, Teherani A, Stein J, Promes S. Use of Electronically-Administered Patient Surveys to Evaluate Emergency Medicine Residents on ACGME Competencies. Council of Emergency Medicine Directors Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, March 2013. 48. Fernandez A. Getting to Professor: Diversity in Academics. Society for General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2013. 49. Fiore D, Carley A, Lynch M, VanOsdol S. Key Principles of High-Quality Interprofessional Team Communication: A Web-Based Interactive Curriculum. Western Group on Educational Affairs Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 50. Foose T, Steele R, Lichtmacher J, Elitzur B, Haller E. Taming the Big Bad Wolf: Direct Supervision in Psychotherapy Training. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 2013. 51. Gachoud D, Albert M, Reeves S. Challenges to Patient-Centered Care in a General Internal Medicine Context: Findings from an Exploratory Study. Swiss Society of General Internal Medicine, Basel, Switzerland, May 2013. 52. Glass C, Acton R, Blair P, Campbell A, Deutsch E, Jones D, Liscum K, Sachdeva A, Scott D, Yang S. The American College of Surgeons/Association for Surgical Education Simulation-Based Curriculum Needs Assessment. Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, IL, October 2012. 53. Gogia S, Friedman D, Chin-Hong P, Schwartz B. Development and Assessment of a Comprehensive and Interactive Tablet Computer-Based Educational System for a Second-Year Medical Student Microbiology Course. Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 54. Goldman J, Reeves S, Wu R, Silver I, MacMillan K, Kitto S. Discharge in General Internal Medicine: A Theoretical Analysis of Interprofessional Interactions. Collaborating Across Borders IV, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2013. 55. Goldman J, Reeves S, Wu R, Silver I, MacMillan, Kitto S. An Ethnographic Study of IPC in Discharge in GIM: Work in progress. Research in Continuing Education Rounds, University of Toronto, ON, Canada, October 2012. 56. Hasser C, Nau M, Haller E, Peterson A, Carlin D. Enhancing Longitudinal Specialty Training in Residency: Developing Clinical Specialty Tracks in Your Program. Association of Academic Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, October 2012. 57. Hatem D, Keeley M, Osterberg L, Poncelet A. Student Support and Hybrid Learning Communities. Learning Communities Institute Annual Symposium, Stanford, CA, 2012. 58. Huang E. Teaching Basic Surgical Skills in the Skills Lab vs. Computer-based Video Training (CBVT): A Randomized Controlled Trial. Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013 59. Huang E, Chern H, O’Sullivan P, Cook B, McDonald E, Palmer B, Liu T, Kim E. A better way to teach knot tying: A randomized controlled trial comparing the kinesthetic and traditional methods. Northern California Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting; 2013 San Francisco, CA. June 8, 2013. 60. Hauer KE, O’Brien BC, Hirsh D, Hansen L, Alexander E, Teherani A. More is Better: Students Describe Successful and Unsuccessful Experiences with Teachers Differently in Brief and Longitudinal Relationships. Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2012. 61. Hurlock-Chorostecki C, Forchuk C, Orchard C, van Soeren M, Reeves S. A Grounded Theory of Hospital-Based NP Practice. Ontario Hospital Association’s Annual NP Conference. Toronto, ON, Canada, March, 2013. 62. Hyland K, Burke C, VanderMeer J, Gong D, Boscardin C, Mayfield C. Out with the Old, in with the New: Exploring New Online Learning Platforms as Alternatives to the Traditional Course Syllabus. Association of Professors of Human and Medical Genetics Annual Meeting, Kiawah Island, South Carolina, April 2013. 63. Hyland K, Burke C, VanderMeer J, Gong D, Boscardin C, Mayfield C. Out with the Old, in with the New: Exploring New Online Learning Platforms as Alternatives to the Traditional Course Syllabus. Association of Biochemistry Course Directors Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 2013. 64. Hyland K, Dasgupta S, Garber K, Gold J, Toriello H, Weissbecker K, Waggoner D. Tomorrow’s Physician: Creating Medical Genetics Competencies for Undergraduate Medical Education. International Association of Medical Science Educators Annual Meeting, St. Andrews, Scotland, June 2013. 65. Hyland K, Kruidering-Hall M, Chang A, Hauer K. Context Matters: Integration of Foundational Sciences into Clinical Skills Assessments. Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 66. Hyland K, van Schaik S, Land K. Teachers Mentoring Teachers: The Gift of Peer Feedback. Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 67. Irby D. Academies of the Future: Engagement, Innovation and Community. Academies Collaborative annual meeting at Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. Presentations I 45

68. Irby D, O’Sullivan P. Identity Formation of Occasional Faculty Developers in Medicine. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 2013. 69. Keeley M, Waggoner-Fountain L, Kelly T, Sox C, Dell M. Can Letters of Recommendation for Pediatric Residency be a Pleasure to Work With? How to Compose and Review Letters and Consideration of an APPD/COMSEP Standardized Letter of Recommendation. Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics (COMSEP) Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, April 2013. 70. Kitto S, Bell M, Goldman J, Peller J, Rowland P, Sargeant J, Etchells E, Reeves S, Silver I. The Perceived Intersections and Boundaries between the Domains of Continuing Education and Quality Improvement. Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2012. 71. Kitto S, Bell M, Goldman J, Peller J, Sargeant J, Etchells E, Reeves S, Silver I. The Perceived Intersections and Boundaries between the Domains of Continuing Education and Quality Improvement: Preliminary Findings. Canadian Conference on Medical Education, Quebec City, QC, Canada, April 2013. 72. Kruidering M, O’Sullivan P, and Aronson, L. Helping Faculty Help Learners: The Feedback on Feedback Approach to Teaching Critical Reflection. Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 73. Kusurkar R, Croiset G, Mann K, ten Cate O. Enhancing Intrinsic Motivation in Medical Students: Using Self-Determination Theory. Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Lyon, France, August 2012. 74. Lager JC, Chan S, Falik R, Teherani A, Poncelet, A, Robertson P. A Comparison of Longitudinal and Traditional Ob-Gyn Clerkships in Medical Student Satisfaction and Performance. CREOG and APGO annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ, March 2013. 75. Lang T, Wamsley M, Teherani A, McGrath M, Aronson L, Lucatorto R, O’Sullivan P, Burke JC, van Schaik S, Papadakis M, Lucey CR. Creating a Professionalism Learning Community to Promote Skills Development of Faculty Through Case-Based Workshops. Western Group on Educational Affairs Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 76. Laponis R, Hauer K, Dulay M, Gupta R, Soones T, Kohlwes J, Hollander H, O’Sullivan P, Julian K. Show Me the Follow-Up! Implementation of Assessment Based on an Entrustable Professional Activity for Interns in Continuity Clinic. Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2013. 77. Leslie K, Onyura B, Rosenfield J, Baker L, Kitto S, Légaré F, Silver I, Armson H, Hodges B, Reeves S. What’s the Status of Knowledge Translation in Medical Education? A Preliminary Examination of Trends and Challenges in Canadian Medical Education. Canadian Conference on Medical Education, Quebec City, Canada, April 2013. 78. Leslie K, Rosenfield J, Baker L, Onyura B, Silver I, Kitto S, Egan-Lee E, Légare F, Hodges B, Curran V, Armson H, Reeves S. A Pilot Project to Explore the Determinants of Knowledge Use in a Medical Education context. Wilson Centre Research Day, Toronto, ON, Canada, October 2012. 79. Lieff S, Banack J, Whiteside C, Martimianakis MA, Reeves S, Verma S, Baker L. Understanding the Needs of Department Chairs in Academic Medicine. Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 80. Maggio L, Steinberg R, Moorhead L, & Willinsky J. Professional Education and Practice in the Age of Burgeoning Information: The Case of Medicine. American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 2013. 81. Maggio L, Steinberg R, Moorhead L, & Willinsky J. Health Professional Information Use: Creating an Evidence Base for the NIH Open Access Policy. Medical Library Association, Boston, MA, May 2013. 82. Maggio L, Steinberg R. Health Personnel use of Research Evidence in Patient Care: Implications for Medical Education and Science Policy. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 2013. 83. McNamara M, DeVries C, Muller J, Ishizaki A, Azzam A. Baby Ali Khosa: A Standardized-Patient Problem-Based Learning case of a newborn intersex child. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 84. McNicoll L, Aronson L. Scholarly Concentrations. Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 85. Muldoon L, Bauer I, Brown M, Chan T, Hodell E, Young J, Mazotti L, Riegels N. Improving Perioperative Outcomes Through Patient Education. Kaiser Northern California Regional Perioperative Medicine Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 2013. 86. Naik V, Bould D, Sharma B, Reeves S, Boet S, Triby E, Grantcharov T. Within-Team Debriefing Versus Instructor-Debriefing for Interprofessional Simulation-Based Education: A Prospective Randomized Trial. Canadian Anesthesia Society Annual Meeting, Quebec City, QC, Canada, June 2012. 87. Nason P, Teherani A, Mayfield C. Using a Focus Group to Kick Start a School’s Mobile Learning Efforts. Western Group on Educational Affairs Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 88. O’Sullivan P, Carney P, Haight M, Kalishman S. Implementation Science: What Does it Mean to Educators? Western Group on Educational Affairs Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013.

46 I Presentations

89. Onyura B, Leslie K, Baker L, Kitto S, Rosenfield J, Silver I, Légaré F, Hodges B, Curran V, Armson H, Reeves S. Knowledge Translation in Medical Education: Revelations from a Multi-Phase Research Project. 18th Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference of the International Institute of Qualitative Methodology, Montreal, QC, Canada, October 2012. 90. Oza S, Boscardin C, Wamsley M, Sznewajs A, May W, Nevins A, Srinivasan M, Hauer K. Development and Implementation of an Interprofessional Standardized Patient Assessment. California-Hawaii Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, February 2013. 91. Oza S, Boscardin C, Wamsley M, Sznewajs A, May W, Nevins A, Srinivasan M, Homan A, Miller B, Lovett M, Hauer K. Development and Implementation of an Interprofessional Standardized Patient Assessment. Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 92. Oza S, Miao, E, Pierce R, Kuo A, van Schaik S. Development of a Clinical Team Leadership Observation and Feedback Tool (LOFT). Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 93. Pardo M. Critical Care Simulation. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October 2012. 94. Pardo M. Using Technology to Improve Anesthesia Education; Anesthesia Residency Training in the US: Trends and Perspectives. COPA-Congress of Anaesthesiology, São Paulo, Brazil, April 2013. 95. Patel S, Hung E, Kim C, O’Brien B. Mental Health Education for Medicine Trainees through a Primary Care Interprofessional Case Conference: Promoting Collaborative Learning and Addressing Challenges. Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2013. 96. Pearson M, O’Brien B, Shunk R. Development and Evaluation of an Interprofessional Collaborative Case Conference (CCC) series. Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2013. 97. Poncelet A, Douglas V, Vertino M. Workplace Learning: A Hands-On Exploration of Practice and Theory. Association of University Professors of Neurology (AUPN) Clerkship Directors Bootcamp, San Diego, CA, 2013. 98. Poncelet A, Fornari A, Hansen L, Hirsh D. The Impact of Longitudinal Relationships on Clinical Teaching and Implications for Faculty Development. Rendez Vous and International Consortium of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships, Ontario, Canada, 2012. 99. Poncelet A, Zierler B, Quiceno M, Tiryaki E. Interprofessional Education. Baker Neurology Education Colloquium: American Academy of Neurology, San Diego, CA, 2013. 100. Poncelet A. Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships; Evidence and Momentum. Kaiser Oakland LIC Faculty Appreciation Luncheon, Oakland, CA, 2012. 101. Ratcliffe T, Hanson J, Hemmer P, Hauer K, Papp K and Denton G. Written Work by Students during Internal Medicine Clerkships. Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine (CDIM) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 2012. 102. Ravesloot CJ, Van der Schaaf MF, Kruitwagen CLJJ, Haaring C, Beek FJA, Van Schaik JPJ, Ten Cate O. De weet-niet optie in juist/ onjuist items bij voortgangstoetsing: Effect op constructvaliditeit. Paper NVMO congres, Maastricht, November 2012. 103. Reeves S, Brock T, Dracup K, Fitzsimmons A, Hyde S, Kroon L, Loeser H, Topp K, Wamsley M. Conceptualizing and Implementing a New Center for Interprofessional Education at the University of California, San Francisco. An institutional case study. All Together Better Health VI, Kobe, Japan, October 2012. 104. Reeves S, Brodmann-Maeder M, Schlegel C, Gachoud D. Practical Aspects for Teaching Interprofessional Education Using Simulation. Third Swiss Conference on Standardized Patients and Simulation in Health Care, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 2012. 105. Reeves S, Goldman J, Perrier L, Fitzsimmons A, Zwarenstein M. Examining the Effectiveness of Interprofessional Education: New Findings from an Updated Cochrane Systematic Review. All Together Better Health VI, Kobe, Japan, October 2012. 106. Reeves S, Paradis E. Interprofessional Research Trends: A Socio-Historical Analysis. All Together Better Health VI, Kobe, Japan, October 2012. 107. Reeves S, Zierler B, Chen F, DeLeon P. Interprofessional Education: Opportunities and Challenges. Pacific Institute of Nursing Conference, Honolulu, HI, March 2013. 108. Riegels N, Kalanithi L, Mazotti L. PULSE: A Novel Experiential Curriculum in Policy, Leadership and Systems Engineering for ThirdYear Medical Students. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 109. Riegels N, Riegels N, Young J, and Mazotti L. A Longitudinal Quality Improvement Curriculum for Third Year Medical Students (Awarded Best Innovation). Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 110. Rivera J, Mackin L, Lee K, Hyde S, Moylan A, Abrams J, Speidell C, Aronson L. The UCSF Interprofessional Aging and Palliative Care Elective. All Together Better Health VI, Kobe, Japan, October 2012. 111. Robertson P, Cantino L, Chen H, Douglas V, Daroff R, Hauer K. A Pilot Study of Individualized Learning Goals in Selected Core Clerkships in the School of Medicine at UCSF. Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Lyon, France, August 2012.

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112. Rose D, Dunstone D. Is Neuroscience Education Relevant to Clinical Psychiatry Training? Association for Academic Psychiatry, Nashville, TN, October 2012. 113. Rosenbluth G, Stumpf E, O’Brien B, Cho C. The Zing Factors - Factors Used by Faculty to Identify the Best Pediatric Residents. Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Spring Meeting, Nashville, TN, April 2013. 114. Sandhu D, de Roos P, Spencer L, ten Cate O. Postgraduate Professional and Generic Skills: The What and the How. Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Lyon, France, August 2012. 115. Satterfield J, Braddock C, Monash B, Blankenberg R. Enhancing Behavioral and Social Science Teaching at the Bedside: Core Skills for Clinicians and Teachers. Association of American Medical Colleges Conference (AAMC), San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 116. Sectish T, Spector N, Starmer A, O’Toole J, Yu C, West D, Hepps J, Rosenbluth G, Patel S, Landrigan C. The I-PASS Hand-Off Process: Teaching and Evaluating Standardized Approaches to Transitions in Care across the Continuum. Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD) Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, April 2013. 117. Sharpe B, Monash B. Can I Give You Some Feedback? Fundamental Feedback Skills for the Chief Resident. Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine (APDIM) Spring Meeting, Orlando, FL, April 2013. 118. Shinkai K, Cordoro K, Liao W, Frieden I. Speaker Development: How to Give a Great Talk. American Academy of Dermatology Summer Meeting, Boston, MA, August 2012. 119. Shore W, Stearns J, Muller J, Everard K, Gjerde C. Looking to the Future for Senior Faculty in Family Medicine: Creating an STFM Action Plan. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference, Baltimore, MD, May 2013. 120. Sierles F, Shore W, Chao J, et al. Changes in Medical Students’ Exposure to and Attitudes about Drug Company Interactions from 2003 to 2012: A National Follow-up Survey. STFM Medical Student Education Annual conference, San Antonio, TX, January 2013. 121. Soni K, Hauer K, Kohlwes J, Cornett P, Hollander H, Ranji S, O’Sullivan P. Implementation of a New Evaluation Construct using Entrustable Professional Activities in an Internal Medicine Residency Program. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 122. Sottile E, Mai C, Sharpe B. Chief Residents Clinical Teaching Workshop. University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, February 2013. 123. Spector N, Starmer A, O’Toole J, Yu C, West DC, Hepps J, Rosenbluth G, Patel S, Landrigan C, Sectish T. The I-PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Evaluating Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care. Mini-Course at ACGME Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, February 2013. 124. Starmer A, Rosenbluth G, Calaman S, Coffey M, Cole F, Destino L, Everhart J, Hepps J, Loprieato J, O’Toole J, West D, Landrigan C, Sectish T, Spector N. The I-PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Assessing Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care. PAS Spring Meeting, Washington, DC, May 2013. 125. Stearns J, Shore W, Gjerde C, Muller J. Identifying the Motivators, Challenges and Development Needs of Senior Faculty in Medical Education. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 126. Steinauer J. Addressing Health Disparities through Family Planning Education. APGO-CREOG Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, February, 2013. 127. Steinauer J. Caring for Challenging Patients: Teaching Self-Awareness, Empathy and Professionalism. Kaiser Permanente East Bay Dept. of Ob-gyn, Oakland, CA, September 2012. 128. Steinauer J. Resident Teaching. Kaiser Permanente Department of Ob-gyn, San Francisco, CA, September 2012. 129. Stratos G, Sharpe B, Molla M, Skeff K. Improving Teaching Effectiveness across Medical Education Contexts. Stanford University, Stanford, CA, January 2013. 130. Teherani A, Poncelet A, Masters D, Vener M, Wamsely M, Chou C. Peer Cohorts as Workplace Learning Communities in the Clerkship Year. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 2013. 131. ten Cate O, Carraccio C, Englander R, Jones MD, Scheele F. Developing Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) in the Procedural and Non-Procedural Specialties: Reflections and Insights. Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Lyon, France, August 2012. 132. Tong L, State M. Accidental Chair, Intended Chair. National Association of Academic Psychiatry Administrators Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 2013. 133. Turken M, Azzam A, Heilman J, Orlowitz J. WikiProject Medicine for Medical Education. Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013.

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134. Uijtdehaage S, van Schaik S. Preparing a Successful WGEA Mini-Grant Application. Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 135. van de Ridder JM, Collast-van Dijk HEC, Stokking KM, Ten Cate O. Verbaal en nonverbaal gedrag in feedbackdialogen: Een literatuurstudie. Paper NVMO congres, Maastricht, November 2012. 136. van de Ridder JM, Collast-van Dijk HEC, Stokking KM, ten Cate O. How do Non-Verbal and Verbal Communication Affect Feedback Dialogues? Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Lyon, France, August 2012. 137. van den Broek WES, Van Asperen MV, Custers EJFM, Valk G, Ten Cate O. Effect van twee verschillende instructies op scores en betrouwbaarheid van een Script Concordance Test. Paper NVMO congres, Maastricht, November 2012. 138. van der Gijp A, Van der Schaaf MF, Van der Schaaf IC, Ravesloot CR, Van Schaik JPJ, ten Cate O. Kennis en vaardigheden voor beeldinterpretatie in de radiologie: Een conceptueel raamwerk. Paper NVMO congres, Maastricht, November 2012. 139. van Schaik S, Jasperson T, Stiers W, Boet S. Models of Faculty Development for Successful Simulation: Finding the Strategy that Works for you. International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare, Orlando, FL, January 2013. 140. van Schaik S, Oza S. A Structured Approach to Designing Teaching Sessions: Lessons from Curriculum Development. Western Group on Educational Affairs Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 141. Vener M, Poncelet A, Teherani A, Wamsely M, Masters D, Chou C. Outpatient Workplace Learning: Impact of Continuity with Peers and Patient Population in Third Year. Society for Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, January 2013. 142. Wagner S, Simmons B, Egan-Lee E, Esdaile M, Baker L, Reeves S. The Interprofessional Objective Structured Examination: Opportunities and Challenges. All Together Better Health VI, Kobe, Japan, October 2012. 143. Wagner S, Simmons B, Esdaile M, Reeves S. Designing and Implementing Case-Based Interprofessional Education Sessions: Maximizing the Potential. Collaborating Across Borders IV, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2013. 144. Wagner S, Simmons B, Esdaile M, Reeves S. Evaluation of Case-Based Interprofessional Education Sessions: Development and Implementation. All Together Better Health VI, Kobe, Japan, October 2012. 145. Wamsley M, Julian K, O’Sullivan P, Satre D, Batki S, McCance-Katz E, Satterfield, J. Team-Based Learning Exercise Efficiently Teaches Brief Intervention Skills for Substance Abuse to Medical Residents. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2012. 146. Webb E. Supporting Curriculum Development and Student Feedback. Association of University Radiologists, Annual Meeting of Alliance of Medical Student Educators in Radiology, Los Angeles, CA, April 12, 2013. 147. West D, Kelly T. “And the Survey Says…” Designing Surveys to Effectively Measure Outcomes in Educational Programs. Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD) Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, April 2013. 148. West D, Li S. Anticipating a Future of Milestones, EPAs, and a New Accreditation System: Simple, Practical Strategies to Develop Tools to Measure Important Outcomes in Pediatric Education. Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, Washington, DC, May 2013. 149. Wijnen-Meijer M, Van der Schaaf MF, Harendza S, ten Cate O. Measuring Trainee Readiness to be Trusted with Critical Tasks. Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Lyon, France, August 2012. 150. Wilson E. LGBT Community Health Center Advocacy and Policy. Gay Lesbian Medical Association, San Francisco, CA, September 2012. 151. Youm J, Hoffman M, Narayan R, Shah K, Alegria D. Beyond Notes and Textbooks: An Overview of Students’ Perspectives and StudentGenerated Initiatives in an iPad-Based Curriculum. Western Group on Educational Affairs Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 152. Yzquierdo E, Cofield T, Crispen C, Margol V, Morfin J. University of California Post Baccalaureate Consortium. Panel Discussion. Western Group on Student Affairs (WGSA) Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA, May 2013. 153. Zaritsky E, Minikel L, Goepfert A, Autry A, Learman L. Program Director’s Opinions on Hysterectomy Training Practices. Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics/Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Phoenix, AZ, March 2013.

Presentations I 49

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Mitzi Baker Catherine R. Lucey Patricia O’Sullivan Sarah Paris Vaishali Patel Victoria Ruddick Kevin H. Souza

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