Start where you are
Events to follow along your journey
Once you have registered, you have until the end of the first week of lectures to change your options (as long as you meet requirements).
Join societies and sports clubs that interest you, but prioritise your academics.
Doubting your degree choice or uncertain where it can lead? Contact us!
Discover: choose these events when you’re uncertain about your future career or need more information before making decisions. Focus: choose these events when you have some idea about what your future career path may look like .
Action: choose these events when you need to take action to further your career plans.
Orientation & registration FIRST YEAR
Complete all faculty orientation activities –they are all important.
Discover career options with your degree
Discover the Careers service
Are you an aspiring entrepreneur? Visit our website for information about the UCT entrepreneurship community and find helpful resources. https://careers. careers-services-supportstudent-entrepreneurs
Attend faculty career events. Choose what’s right for your future: Explore different prospects your degree can prepare you for, by attending options with your degree events.
Attend the Own Your Future career expo: Discover who are offering bursaries and scholarship opportunities
Thinking of changing majors or degree? Speak to your Student/ Curriculum Advisor TERM
Start building your personal brand
Make a start on your CV
Rock Your LinkedIn profile
@ LinkedIn Learning, formerly
https://www.linkedin. com/learning/rock-yourlinkedin-profile
Dec vac
Do voluntary or vacation work. Any work experience will help you develop transferable skills.
Attend your faculty specific Career Panel.
Explore options with your degree: visit our website ( ) and attend Faculty events.
Be aware of the deadline to change courses by Semester 2.
If your focus is on enterprenuership, visit:
Uncertain about where your degree leads?
Book an appointment with a Career Development Consultant via MyCareer
Attend the Career Expo to focus and apply for internships, bursaries, scholarships and vac-work.
4-5 May
Attend the job skills and vac work webinars to find work during vac time.
Attend Industry Uncovered events to gain industry insights aligned to your career interests.
June/July vac
Do voluntary or vac work to expand your skills. Log on to MyCareer to view various opportunities.
Attend the Epic Job Expo and identify employers you are interested in.
Choose prospective employer presentations to learn more about the companies where you want to work.
Complete your UCT Plus Leadership Award reflection if you were in an eligible leadership/ volunteer role during the year.
Attend your Faculty CV Review Pop-Ups.
Update and improve your Linkedin profile and add relevant contacts.
Dec/Jan vac
Find vac work opportunities and prepare your application.
Take up vacation work –preferably a job that will give you exposure to a career you are interested in or skills you’d like to develop.
Gain insights from Industry leaders –attend the Industry Uncovered events.
Make the most of your time to acquire skills from your internship and vac-work to strengthen your CV.
Use your Careers Service Guide as a resource to help you with your job search.
Attend the Career and Law Expos
June/July vac
Need help with your job search? Find opportunities in the Employer Directory section of the Career Guide or look on MyCareer
Practice your interview skills – sign up for the Mock Interview Programme (MIP).
Attend your faculty career events.
https:// mycareer. students/ events
Uncertain about where your degree leads? Book an appointment with a Career Development Consultant via MyCareer.
Compile your application for postgrad studies.
Attend the Epic Job Expo and engage with potential employers to apply for opportunities. Use our “How to navigate an expo” article to prepare. Attend potential employer events to learn about graduate opportunities.
Book a CV Review with one of our consultants.
Applications for most graduate opportunities close by September
Access the Finding Work Series to help with job searches, prepare for applications and interviews.
You can log into MyCareer for up to 3 years after graduation.
Find a job
Network. Start with the Careers Service and reach out to people you know working in industries you are seeking to work in.
Talk to a career development consultant to get assistance with your job search .
Start working
Keep your LinkedIn Profile up to date and align your social media presence with that of a professional .
Continue learning .
Find a mentor or use continuous professional development opportunities through your employer.
Consider options outside your field . Any work experience is valuable and will develop transferable skills .
Proceed with postgrad
Update your CV and create a Researchgate profile to kickstart your academic career.
Where will you go next ?
Look out for teaching or tutoring opportunities in your department.
Log into the Postgrad Hub for valuable information and resources to support your postgrad journey
Log into MyCareer to update your preferences
Build your own business
Complete your work induction , register with SARS and get settled in your job. Get to know and learn from your colleagues .
Access our resources that support student entrepreneurs
If your business can’t yet sustain you financially , look for a job that will allow you to also work on your business. Build a network that can support you when the going gets tough. Reach out and keep in touch with peers, mentors, and fellow entrepreneurs.
Connect with us to find out more about UCT’s Entrepreneurship