Novel and Dr. Adriana Marais
Dr. Adriana Marais is an award-winning theoretical physicist, Mars One astronaut candidate and founder of Proudly Human. She is an internationally renowned speaker on exploration-driven innovation, director at the Foundation for Space Development, faculty member at Singularity University and Duke Corporate Education and a member of the South African government advisory task team on the 4th Industrial Revolution.
adaptive thinking During and beyond the 4IR, space will play an increasingly important role in the global economy, and development of the necessary technology and human skills capacity will determine the extent to which public and private players are able to participate competitively. To enable a society rich in novel and adaptive thinking, we will need:
Twitter: @adrianamarais Website: www.adrianamarais. org/ LinkedIn: Adriana Marais
Complex and Creative Problem Solving Problem solving is at the very core of our evolution. And in a world that is so rapidly changing, the ability to solve problems the world has never faced is becoming increasingly important. The complex problems that both life on Earth – as well as on other planets – pose, all link to the fundamentals of human survival: food, water, power and communication. Complex problem solving would enable new emerging technologies to be manufactured in such a way as to provide cheap, efficient and robust systems that could work together with rapidly developing progress in robotics, nanotechnology, automation, artificial intelligence and computing to revolutionise our capabilities on Earth, and beyond.