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During the annual faculty and staff banquet, the Cumberlands administration recognized new retirees, award winners from prior years, and current staff and faculty who have reached milestones in their service to the university (10 years of service, 15 years, and so on). Winners of the 2023 faculty and staff awards were also announced.
This year’s retirees – who each received a new rocking chair, par for the retirement course – are Dr. Bruce Hicks of the Department of History and Dr. Connie Howard, ’74, of the Department of Health, Exercise, and Sport Science. Dr. Hicks joined the faculty in 1986, and Dr. Howard joined in 1976.
Among the staff members who reached milestones, two received standing ovations: Ms. Patsy Cross ’83 and Ms. Irma Ivey, both of whom have now served Cumberlands for 40 years. Both women work in the Office of Development on campus and are widely known for their exceptional work ethic and kindness.
2023 University of the Cumberlands faculty and sta awards:
Staff Community Service Award
Caleb Hetrick, ’13, MBA ’19
The Staff Community Service Award is given to a full-time administrative or staff member dedicated to the care and concerns of the university community. The recipient exemplifies and supports the ideals for which the university stands. By example, the recipient inspires in others the desire to serve for the good of the university community and carries out his or her assigned duties faithfully, even assuming responsibilities beyond those required.
Excellence in Teaching Award
Dr. Sheena Lawson, ’13, MAE ’17, The Excellence in Teaching Award goes to a faculty member who is vitally concerned with teaching; is concerned with students and sets high standards for them; is recognized as being competent, knowledgeable, and a scholar; is flexible and creative in classroom activities; makes connections between the subject and the lives of students; and demonstrates their support of the philosophy and purposes of the university.
William T. Miles Memorial Award for Community Service
Dr. Jennifer Knuckles, ’02, EdD ’17
The William T. Miles Memorial Award for Community Service is presented to a member of the faculty who has made a significant contribution to the community in an area consistent with the university's mission and goals.