2023 University of Dallas Commencement Program

Page 5

The Sixty-Fourth Annual GRADUATION

May 14 , 2023


Our History

The charter of the University of Dallas dates from 1910, when the Vincentian fathers took that name for the Holy Trinity College they had founded five years earlier. This charter became dormant in 1929 and was placed in the chancery office of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas. In 1954, the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur obtained the charter for the purpose of operating a new institution in Dallas, which would absorb their junior college, Our Lady of Victory, in Fort Worth. The sisters, together with laymen Eugene Constantin Jr. and Edward R. Maher Sr., who directed the drive for funds, induced Bishop Thomas K. Gorman to have the diocese assume sponsorship of the new institution with ownership by its board of trustees.

Gorman announced that the University of Dallas would be a four-year coeducational institution welcoming students of all faiths and races, with a graduate school to be added as soon as practicable. The new University of Dallas opened its doors to 175 students in September 1956, on a 1,000-acre tract of rolling hills located northwest of the city of Dallas. The first president, F. Kenneth Brasted, served until 1959; the second, Robert Morris, from 1960-62; and the third, Donald A. Cowan, from 1962-77. The fourth president, John Sommerfeldt, served from 1978-80; the fifth, Robert F. Sasseen, from 1981-95; and the sixth, Monsignor Milam J. Joseph, from 1996-2003. The seventh president, Francis Lazarus, served from 2004-09, and the eighth, Thomas W. Keefe, from 2010-18. John G. Plotts served as interim president through June 2019. The eighth president (and first alumnus), Thomas S. Hibbs, served from 2019-2021. Jonathan J. Sanford became the 10th president on March 8, 2021.

Members of the Order of Cistercians and the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur, together with three Franciscan fathers and a number of laymen, composed the original faculty of the university. The Franciscan fathers departed after three years. Dominican priests joined the faculty in 1958 and established the St. Albert the Great Priory. The School Sisters of Notre Dame came in 1962. The Cistercians now have a permanent abbey church and college preparatory school for boys adjacent to the main campus.

In time, the faculty has become largely lay people of many faiths, and it counts distinguished scholars among its members. Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools came in 1963 and was reaffirmed in 1973, 1984, 1994, 2004 and 2014. Significant honors have

been won by university graduates since the first class in 1960, which earned the university’s first Fulbright and Woodrow Wilson awards for graduate studies.

Bishop Thomas Tschoepe succeeded Bishop Gorman and served as grand chancellor of the university until his retirement as bishop in 1990, when Bishop Charles Grahmann assumed this position. The seventh bishop of Dallas, Bishop Kevin J. Farrell, succeeded Grahmann upon Grahmann’s retirement in 2007 and served as chancellor of the university until 2016. Bishop Edward J. Burns succeeded Farrell as bishop of Dallas and currently serves as chancellor of the university.

A gift of $7.5 million from the Blakley-Braniff Foundation established the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts in 1966 and allowed the construction of the Braniff Graduate Building, the Braniff Memorial Tower and the Mall. The Constantin Foundation similarly endowed the undergraduate college with gifts in 1967 and 1969. In 1970, the board of trustees named the undergraduate college the Constantin College of Liberal Arts.

Gorman Lecture Center and the Maher Athletic Center were completed in 1965. Holy Trinity Seminary was founded in 1965 and occupied its present facilities adjacent to the main campus by 1967. The Graduate School of Management (GSM) began in 1966, offering what was at the time the largest MBA program in the Southwest. Influential graduate programs in art and English also began in 1966. A legacy from the estate of Mrs. John B. O’Hara established the Summer Science Institute in 1973. In 1973, the Institute of Philosophic Studies, the doctoral program of the Braniff Graduate School and an outgrowth of the Kendall Politics and Literature Program, was initiated. The Institute for Religious and Pastoral Studies (IRPS) began in 1987. In 2007, the IRPS was renamed the School of Ministry and in 2016 the Ann and Joe O. Neuhoff School of Ministry. It is now the Neuhoff Institute for Ministry and Evangelization. The College of Business, incorporating GSM and undergraduate business, opened in 2003. In 2012, the College of Business earned accreditation from the highly selective Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International). In 2013, the university honored alumni Satish and Yasmin Gupta for their gift of $12 million; the Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business now proudly bears their names. In 2021, the undergraduate business program was united with Constantin College.

In 1975, the university’s student center was doubled in size and named for J.M. Haggar Sr., and an addition was made to the Haggerty Art Center. The University Apartments, a facility for upperclassmen, opened in 1980. 1985 saw the completion of the Patrick E. Haggerty Science Center and the Chapel of the Incarnation. A chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the prestigious honor society, was granted in 1988. In 1992, Anselm Hall, the first residence hall, was renovated, and the Father Thomas Cain Courtyard adjoining it was dedicated.

On June 11, 1994, the university dedicated permanent facilities for its Rome Program, begun in 1970. The 14acre Eugene Constantin Campus, affectionately known as Due Santi, near Albano, Italy, is 12.5 miles from the heart of Rome. The early 2000s saw the Haggerty Art Village,

A new student residence hall, West Hall, was dedicated on January 19, 2010, and renamed Clark Hall on May 14, 2016, in memory of deceased Class of 2016 member Zachary Clark. SB Hall was dedicated on Jan. 15, 2016, to house the Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business. Cardinal Farrell Hall, the new student services and administration building, opened in spring 2018. In 2019, thanks to generous donors, the Rome campus expanded its mensa, extended the residence hall, and bought land to allow a safe pathway for students to the Via Appia.

Today the university enrolls over 2,300 students from all over the United States and the world, divided roughly into 1,453 full-time undergraduates; 495 largely part-time graduate Gupta College of Business students; and over 380

The decorative outer circle indicates the date the university was chartered and the motto, “Veritatem, Justitiam Diligite.” The quotation, taken from Zechariah VIII, 19, “Love Ye Truth and Justice,” emphasizes the university’s purpose of advancing the search for truth and encouraging the pursuit of the good.

Enclosed within the band that bears the motto, in an octagonal field of green, are several emblems associated with the traditions of the university. The central figure of the triquetra interwoven with the triangle is a double symbol of the Holy Trinity, to whom the university is dedicated. The circle is a symbol of eternity and of the unity of the Godhead.

Sisters of St. Mary of Namur were founded in Belgium in 1819 by a Cistercian monk.

A crusader’s shield, emblematic of faith, stands within the green field on either side of the central device. The shield on the left contains a star, a traditional emblem of Mary, as well as the chosen emblem of Texas, the Lone Star State. The shield on the right presents the torch of liberty and learning. The branches of the live oak and olive trees, taken from the Seal of Texas, make further reference to the state.

The Trinity River, on which the university is located, is represented by the heraldic device of the wavy lines centered beneath the emblem of the Blessed Trinity.


The Constantin College of Liberal Arts

The undergraduate college bears the name of one of its founders and principal benefactors, the late Eugene Constantin Jr. He was chairman of the first fund drive and served the university as a trustee from its beginning. Ruth and Eugene Constantin established a significant undergraduate endowment in memory of their son and took as their principal interest the welfare of the undergraduate college, an interest that is continued through the Constantin Foundation. Fittingly, in 1970 the board of trustees named the college in their honor.

curriculum is based on the supposition that truth and virtue exist and are the proper objects of search in an education.

The specific mission of Constantin College is to provide undergraduate education through baccalaureate degree programs that include a substantial and coherent Core Curriculum common to all undergraduates, as well as major studies in the humanities and sciences proper to liberal learning. The Core emphasizes the study of the great deeds and works of Western civilization, both ancient and


The Braniff Graduate School

The history of the University of Dallas is closely linked with the names of Braniff and Blakley. These are permanently enshrined in the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library, the Braniff Graduate Building and Tower, and the Braniff Graduate School. Senator William A. Blakley, lawyer, statesman and industrialist, was a member of the first advisory board of the university. Both Senator Blakley and Tom Braniff were vitally interested in private higher education. Before their deaths in 1954, Tom and Bess Braniff had known of plans for a proposed University of Dallas and had expressed hope that it would become a reality. Efforts to found the university also captured the interest and support of Senator Blakley.

The Blakley-Braniff Foundation was dissolved in 1964. Senator Blakley and the other directors of the foundation chose the University of Dallas for the site of the Braniff Graduate School as the highest and best tribute to the memory of Tom and Bess Braniff in perpetuity.

The graduate school offered its first courses in 1966. The Braniff Graduate Building was completed in 1968, along with the Mall and the Braniff Memorial Tower. The Braniff Graduate School supports master’s degrees in select liberal and fine arts disciplines, the doctoral program of the

theological studies, pastoral ministry, pastoral ministry with a youth ministry focus, and catechetical ministry. The graduate and undergraduate portion are now merged with the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts and Constantin College. They provide a program of formation that prepares graduates to engage in the church’s life and mission in a manner that is full, conscious, active and effective. This formation is theological, pastoral and spiritual in its orientation. The Neuhoff Institute for Ministry and Evangelization sponsors a Catholic Biblical School, which teaches in parishes throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth area. The Neuhoff Institute also teaches courses that fulfill the academic requirements of deacon formation.

and formation that will specifically permit them to serve the church in a variety of capacities — as catechists, teachers, Catholic school administrators, pastoral leaders, lay ecclesial ministers and deacons.

Joe O. Neuhoff was an early member of the board of trustees. In the years shortly after the founding of the university in 1956, he and his wife, Ann, helped strengthen and sustain its Catholic mission. On May 14, 2016, the institute was named in honor of Ann and Joe O. Neuhoff’s legacy of faith and service to the University of Dallas.


Graduate and Undergraduate Honors and Awards

The Gupta Excellence Award is given to a graduating Master’s student who has demonstrated taking action and showing leadership towards making a societal impact using the knowledge and skills acquired in their Master’s degree program.

Faculty Medals, First Honors and Second Honors, are presented to the two graduating seniors who have earned the highest cumulative grade point averages in the class.

The baccalaureate degree with distinction is awarded to students who have maintained a high degree of scholastic excellence. It is of three grades: cum laude, which requires a cumulative average of 3.40 on a 4.0 point scale; magna cum laude, an average of 3.70; and summa cum laude, an average of 3.90. To be eligible for honors at graduation, students must have earned 60 credits at the University of Dallas. The average, however, is computed on the basis of the four-year program including dual and transfer credits.

Senior Awards

The Cardinal Spellman Award is named in honor of the late Cardinal Francis Spellman, who presided at the university’s first commencement in 1960. It recognizes a senior who is a model of the highest ideals of the university by awarding a stipend to assist the student in further studies.

The Helen Corbitt Awards for Excellence recognize a senior woman and man who have produced outstanding bodies of work during their time at the university. Students nominated demonstrate excellence in academic pursuits, in student activities and in service to the university. Helen Corbitt was a gifted chef and nutritionist, the recipient of national awards and the head of the Neiman-Marcus restaurants. Her commitment to excellence is continued through an endowment that supports these awards and also provides for special Rome Program activities.

The Ann Heller Maberry Award is presented annually to an outstanding senior woman. It is named in memory of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heller, longtime friends and patrons of the university.

Valedictory. The “farewell address” is given at Senior Convocation by a senior elected by his or her peers to speak for the class. Chosen from a list of candidates who have earned cumulative averages of 3.5 and above, this senior is also invited to speak at Commencement.



Braniff Graduate School

Doctor of Philosophy in Literature

Esther Elizabeth Moon

“Poverte a spectacle is”: Reading the Canterbury Tales Through the Lens of Poverty and Wealth

Master of Arts in English

Joseph Xavier Boyle

Matthew Jacob Henry

Master of Arts in Philosophy

Patrick Jonathan Gordon

Constantin College

Master of English

Therese Catherine Eby

Master of Humanities

Madeline Teresa Betz

Paul Daniel Boyer

Lauren Demianiuk Grudem

Samuel John Wesley Heisman

Amy Lynn Kratz

Jennifer N. Martin

Chase Benjamin Mendoza

Benjamin David Montedonico

Bachelor of Arts

Olga Lidia Alvarado Zarazua

Eden Elizabeth Brubaker

Owen R. Cole

Marie-Gabrielle Delahoussaye

Jeanine Faye Dorrough

Athena Monique Garnica

Paul James Hudson

Mona Caroline Ahmad Kurdi

Justin Alphonsus Manson

Joanna Judith Márquez-Espinoza

Thomas Edward Rezendes II

Suzanne Rose Robertson

Kai Devante Warner

Uniikye Truth Washington

Laura Rhealyn Womack

Bachelor of Science

Elora Sophia Zucha


Braniff Graduate School

Doctor of Philosophy in Literature

Andrew Charles Gregg

The Final Wisdom of Love in the Poetry of Edmund Spenser

Doctor of Philosophy

Jordan Richard Cruz Matteoli

Albert the Great’s “On Universals”: An Introduction and a Translation of the First Four Treatises

Doctor of Philosophy in Politics

Angela Rose Lill

Aristotle and Hobbes on the Passions

Nicolas Donald McAfee

The Political Wisdom of Shakespeare’s Late Plays

Master of Arts in Art – Painting

Michael P. Hernandez



Braniff Graduate School (continued)

Master of Arts in Art – Sculpture

Elizabeth Ann Johnson

Victoria Alexis Morales Walters

Breanne Schwarz

Joel Manuel Tineo

Master of Arts in Teaching

BreAnn Salina Brunelle

Master of Catholic School Leadership

Augumn Courtney Helland

Weston Micah Stratman

Master of Humanities

John Davis Bascom

Julie Ann Higby

Erin Anne Leahy

Master of Leadership

Haitham Nabil Al-Zoubi

Gina Marie Fenwick

Constantin College

Master of Pastoral Ministry

Jeronimo Espinosa Olarte

Master of Philosophy

John Peter Kaisersatt

Master of Psychology

Angela Simon Ponce

MaryGrace Williams

Master of Theological Studies

Monica Aguilar Devo

Jonathan Frederick Erickson

Lindee McNutt Greer

Gregory Robert Leitheiser

Annette Marie O’Driscoll

Master of Theology

Dylan Thomas McBryde

Bachelor of Arts

Beth Ann Arcement

Leila Irene Boucher

Jonathan Joseph Coxon

Sarah Marie deKay

Claire Muriel Delaplace

John Paul Dostalik

Corey Lynn Gunter

John Matthew Holloway

Samual C. Jager

Charlotte Noelle LeBlanc

Raissa Anh Ly

Nathaniel D. Metts

Sophia Fajardo Olomi

Nicholas James Opsahl

Merit Sloane Paramo

MariaJose Posada

Ashley Cristina Rivera

Madeline Marie Rodriguez

Luke Xavier Seidman

Nishant Shah

Katherine T Spencer

Shannon Burke Thompson

Benjamin Gregory Tutt

Michael Edward Wilhelm Ullrich

Francisco Javier Valenzuela

Maura Louise Van Bogaert

Yen Nhu Nguyen Vo

Brionna Semone Walker

Garrett Matthew Young

Bachelor of Science

Mariana Corona

Julia Marie Krause

Trinity Haitien Ngo

Kenneth Martin Schneider III

Emily Joselyn Vengalil

Andriella Elizabeth Wagner

Note: Names of graduate students from the Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business whose degrees were conferred in August and December 2022 were printed in the December 9, 2022, commencement ceremony program.


Braniff Graduate School Degree Candidates

Doctor of Philosophy in Literature

Adam D. Cooper

Caroline Gordon’s “The Women on the Porch” as Marriage Epic

Master of Fine Arts – Ceramics

Daniela Maria Ferreira


Entre-Tejidos: Perennial

Master of Arts in Classics

Laird Owen Cantrell

Zhikai Wang

Master of Arts in English

Ashley Elizabeth Haan

Rachel Marie Dugan Wood

Master of Arts in Humanities

Grant Christian Klembara

Tobey Natalie Linhart

Master of Arts in Philosophy

Juraj Nevjestic

Michael Maxwell Potts

Master of Arts in Teaching

Natalie Ann Lett

Arianna Leigh Rudorf

Master of Arts in Teaching

Joanna Judith Márquez-Espinoza

Master of Arts in Theology

Lucas Niño

Master of Catechetical Ministry

Elsa Hernandez

Huong Thi Thu Mai

Master of Catholic School Leadership

Amy Suzanne Vaverka-Felton

Master of Divinity

Juan Esteban Rojas Navarro

Master of English

Sarah Marie Baker

Aisha Dominique Diva Espinosa

Christopher Paul Patterson

Master of Humanities

Salwa George Gebara

Michael Boudreaux Johnson

Christine Marie McIntire

Alayna Leigh Osborn

Emily Plummer

John Randolph Snow

Adrian Michael Thompson

Victoria Anne Voyles

Master of Pastoral Ministry

Joseph Benjamin Bionat

Jessica Bosso Larson

Phung Nguyen Hien Tran

Master of Philosophy

Peter David Burleigh

Emmanuel B. Simon

Master of Politics

Cameran Emmanuel

Aaron Michael Grubbs

Marie Alma Marcalus

Isabelle Morgan Melendez-Smith

Master of Theological Studies

Sister Yolanda Martinez

James Richard Ranieri

Christopher Edward Schraeder

Julie Eliza Stark

Master of Theology

Anne Belli Perez

Note: Names listed here reflect the list of students who were expected to graduate prior to final grades for the spring 2023 semester. This list is not an official list of graduates. Names of students in absentia will not be read.


Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business Degree Candidates

Master of Business Administration

Hope Vertrice Askew

Eranya Attanayake

Cindy (Xueqing) Bai

Kalei Brown

Katrine Sophie Christensen

Garrett Ethan Cook

Zachary Gerard Evans

Ebram Farhataziz

Phillip Joseph Alexander Fisher

Dishary Khondaker Hossain

Serge M. Ilunga

Chadwick Lamar James II

Ganawa James-Juanah

Nolan Michael Kipp

Mitchell William Larson

Blake Garrett Lee

Samantha Jane Levine

Jiehui Li

Angela Faye Liberatore

John Joseph Marsh

Crystal Shanelle Mason

Danzoh Leticia Mea

Lisette Ann Medina

Shivam Ashok Naik

Quan Le Anh Nguyen

Ikechukwu Vincent Okonji

Shalonda E. Olige

Sanjita Parajuli

Veronica Lee Pena

Katrina Grace Prendergast

Chase Jason Reynolds

Ylluz De Los Angeles Santamaria

Jose Antonio Santoyo

Dionne Mycenae Schuman

Anderson Chase Sellers

Jacquelyn Sepulveda

Juan Manuel Vega

Drew Wooten

Master of Science


Christopher John Stevens

Business Analytics

Mohammad Khan

Carley Mance

Newton Zacchaeus Makeni Namenge

Francine Saurelle Nzubu

Derek Pyburn


Diplov Bhurtel

Michael Brown

Zachary Chase Caver

Rickey Lenell Fergerson

Winfred Gbedemah

Robert Holmes

Cindy Siteyian Kishoyian

Virginia Jackson Mahl

Kayle McNulty

Oluwatosin Samuel Olubode

Joel Adam Rasinski

Gaurav Sapkota

Zachary Elsworth Stahl

Alexandra Uptmore

Cybersecurity Intelligence

Lily Roberta Ashidam

Mohssine Daghghar

Allamyrat Tuyliyev


Diego Arias

LaDarius Clark

Eric Michaud

Philippe Yao

Financial Analytics

Akia T. Davis

Kaybreon D. Edwards

Guillermo Torres

Information & Technology Management

Alejandro Rodriguez Escalante

Kishori Yashawant Powar

Bhavita Thakore

Technology Management

Aimanehi Theodora Iyamu

Onyekachukwu Anthony Okoh

Master of Science, Master of Business Administration Dual Degree

Business Analytics

Ricardo Steveen Fernandez Montalvo

Technology Management

Adegboyega Tokunbo Faminu



Constantin College Degree Candidates

Bachelor of Arts

Grace Marie Allen

Bridgette Claire Alpar

Emily Alvarado

John Henry Felix Ambuul

Bianca Pamela Aridjis-Olivos

Joseph John Francis Athas

Charles Gary Atkins

Paiten H. Baesa

Cristina Maria Bahena

Emily Elizabeth Baker

Bonnie Tyler Baldwin

Sophia Bannerot

Izabelle Beyonce Barajas

Gabriel Z. Barba

Nathaniel Barnard

Rebecca E. Barry

Joseph William Bartke

Mary Edith Barvick

Nicholas Robert Beatty

Laurance Kristjan Bell

Victoria Bernard

William Everett Berry III

Anna Francesca Berumen

Liliana Bitter

John Henry Blonigen

Loretta Ann Bond

Miriam Elizabeth Boronczyk

Gabriella Andrea Borrello

John Keller Boulet

Katherine Marie Bowling

Katelyn Brady

Patrick Breen

Elisabeth Joan Christine Brehany

Joseph Thomas Bremer

Therese Faustina Burch

Gerardo Javier Canedo Cauazos

Gabriella Rose Devlin Capizzi

Vincent Philip Cavanna

Elias I. Cervera

Paula Pei-lan Chang

Anna Catherine Christianson

Caleb Manning Clayton

John-Paul Milnes Collins

Sara Angelica Conde

Maximilian Kolbe Costello

Charles Edward Crisman

Alexandria Nicole Cristan

Hannah Faith Curtis

Anne Marie Davis

Marie Therese Lisieux Depew

Gabrielle Bernadette Dixon

Samuel D. Dixon

Kelly Dougherty

Blake Joseph Dwyer

Audrie Genevieve Earle

Elizabeth Anne Elfelt

Clare Regina English

Joseph Augustine Farley

Gabriel Francis Corrigan Farrell

Elsa Sophia Feltl

Romali Catherine Fernando

Isabella Marie Flynn

Julia Maria Fojut

Vera Patricia Fontenot

Katherine Frances Frediani

Mary Eleanor Freund

Alan Manelic Galicia

Mary Catharine Geddie

Josh Chirayil George

Luke Sabastian Gerami

Elizabeth Grace Germany

Jacob Giunta

Lynley Glickler

Sarah Grace Goodykoontz

Isabella Marie Grice

Elena Marie Grutter

Arthur Kenneth Guin

Thomas Hall

Claire Hamilton

Tayloir Hampton

Anna Marguerite Harrington

Alexa Layne Hassell

Patrick Seamus Joseph Hasson

Maison Michael Hazelton

Grace Nichole Hedges

Alexander Matthew Hentze

William Francis Hebert

Antonio Ruiz Hernández

John Mason Hitt

Mary Catherine Hochberg

Nicholas Augustine Hoff

Charles Oleson Hughes

David Joseph Huner

Gilbert Thomas Irlbeck

Melanie Marion Jehu

Anthony Stephen Jones

Phoebe Briar Jones

Jillian Elaine Josefsberg

Sean Thomas Jurek

Annette Lucia Kaehler

Anna Rose Kaminski

Michael Ignatius Loyola Kaufman

Patrick Edwin Kearney

Rachel Maria Kelly

Virginia Grace Kendall

Maire Isabel Kennedy

Claire Edith Marie Keupen

John Augustine Kheriaty

Claire Rita Kirby

Elizabeth Rose Kirby

Shane Joseph Kliethermes

Matthew Gregory LaCour

Veronica Anne Lang

Maximillian Bernard Lange

Charlotte Julia Lannon

Michael John Le

Kate Marie Lester

Vincent Samuel LiMandri

Elizabeth Lively

Josef Alexander López

Jude Anthony Lugari

Isabella Luna

Sebastian Alejandro Luzondo

Henry Thomas Lynch

Bridget Taylor Macaulay

John Anthony Maldonado

Karley Kay Malone

Maria Agnes Maloney

Kyla Ranee Mangham

Kameron Marc Manning

Wendy Rose McDonald

Melanie McGonigle

Carson Andrew McNamara

Susanna Christine McNichol

Yesica Mejia

Alyssa Mencacci

Olivia Eileen Moore

Sara Sofia Mora Benitez



Constantin College Degree Candidates (continued)

Bachelor of Arts

Jonathan Morales

Richard V. Morin

Annelise Mary Mosley

Huzeifa Mustafa

Marcos Narvaez III

Michelle Rose Narvaez

Nicole Phuong Van Nguyen

Sandra Mai-Vy Nguyen

Eoin O’Grady

Sabrina Fajardo Olomi

Emma Marguerite Palmer

Wyatt Luke Parlow

Theresa Marie Paschall

Dayne Mara Patillo

Rebekah Ann Peak

Grace Elizabeth Peitsch

Bernadette Mariella Pennell

Athalia Christianne Gabriel-Peralta

Gabrielle Anne Peters

Jane Morgan Powell

Monnica Marie-Thérèse Prudlo

Morgan Alexandra Puglisi

Laura Catherine Purcell

Jessica Quiroz

Klemens Alexander Raab

Athena Isabella Ralles Martinez

Emanuel J. Rame

Jessica Faith Ramirez

Bianca Pamela Aridjis-Olivos

Joseph Edward Beam

Emmanuelle Beatrice Bergman

Elizabeth Ann Chouinard

Madeline Grace Clements

Alvaro John Directo

Andrew John Paul Ferguson

Mary Catharine Geddie

Josh Chirayil George

Isaac James Gerard Hellerman

Sara Veronica Hey

Larissa Elena Ramirez

Alexis Restrepo Agudelo

John Brady Reynolds

Joseph Bernard Rice

Kaylei Shay Richardson

Timothy Joseph Rindone

Thomas Gerard Ringel

Mary Angela Roberts

Magda Caroline Rogg

Samantha Lynn Ronge

Ashley Valentina Ruel

Ann Margaret Rushing

Noelle Mary Alicia Salgado

Benjamin Peter Sanford

Carlo Antonio Scarmardo

Megan Catherine Scott

Katherine Anne Sharafinski

Anna Frances Sidorenko

Caleb Anthony Skinner

Ross Lafayette Snider

Rocio Ixchele Soria

Charles Walker Spurgin

Ingrid Catherine Stading

Cecilia Ann Stariha

Jacob Shajin Sullivan

Jonathan Samuel James Telander

Rebecca Jean Telander

Jessica Megan Temminck-Dos Santos

Bachelor of Science

Mary Catherine Hochberg

Mariah Brooke Houser

Claire Marie Hughes

Jacob Tyler Humble

Jisoo Suzie Hwang

Chloe Grace Ilagan

Maria Elizabeth Kaiser

Amelia Jeanne Knapp

John Joseph Krewet

Thomas Maximilian Lagarde

Isabela Prezotto de Lima

Samantha Grace Tieman

Kiet G Tran

Taylor Huynh Le Tran

Mary Elizabeth Traylor

Rylee Kay Tyers Sundberg

Mary Grace Urbanczyk

John Charles Urbanski

Erin Ann Vance

Emma Louise Vaske

Harrison John Vetter

An Thien Vu

Teagan Marie Walsh

Anna Marie Walters

Jacob Oliver Warila

Seth Abraham Weinberg

Zachary Joseph Weiss

Catherine Marie Wells

Claire Katherine Weston

Michael White

Sylvan Shae Wiebe

Elise Alžbéta Matilda Williams

Graeme Allen Williams

Hannah Isabelle Wilmes

Rose Jubilee Wingert

Catherine Thérèse Winston

Mary Clare Witter

Mariana Toro Yehya

Joseph Xavier Mastandrea

Rylan Xavier Mazarello

Maria Margarita Pecha

Zachary Dietrich Reding

Jana Clara Rocha

Magda Caroline Rogg

James Warren Sanford

Karen Guadalupe Sierra

Carolina Soto

Lavang Emmanuel Vu

Asa Waterman, IV

2023 GRADUATION | 11

Richard Husseini, BS ’88 Chair


Board of Trustees

The Most Reverend Edward J. Burns Chancellor

Randall Muck Vice Chair

Bridgett Wagner, BA ’81 Secretary Jean White, BA ’86 Treasurer

Joe Armes

Charles E. Baumann, BA ’88

Win Bell

Louis Brown

Mary Devlin Capizzi, BA ’88 MBA ’90

J. Barry Clark

Hon. Tom Craddick

Emmet Flood, BA ’78

The Most Reverend Daniel Flores, BA ’83 MDiv ’87

Louis J. Grabowsky

Patrick E. Haggerty Jr., BA ’67 MBA ’68

Mary Rice Hasson

Cary Hyden, BA ’80

William Keffler

Annmarie Kelly, BA ’91

The Most Reverend Gregory Kelly, BA ’78 MDiv ’82

Charles LiMandri

Mike Magusiak

Daniel Milligan, BA ’91

Thomas M. Nealon, MBA ’87

Joseph O. Neuhoff Jr.

Hon. Nathaniel “Tan” Parker, BA ’93

Mary Ritter, BA ’85

President Jonathan J. Sanford

The Most Reverend Mark Seitz, BA ’76 MA ’80 MDiv ’82

Nicholas T. Serafy Jr.

Megan Smith, BS ’02 MBA ’18

Patrick V. Stark

Regina Uhl, BA ’00

Julie Weber, BS ’91

Hon. Albert Zapanta

Thomas Zellers, BS ’79


Jonathan J. Sanford President

Matthias Vorwerk Provost

John Norris Associate Provost

Cherie Hohertz Assistant Provost

John G. Plotts

Executive Vice President

Heather Lachenauer

Vice President for Board and Legal Services and General Counsel

Richard Dougherty

Interim Dean of the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts

Philip Harold Dean of the Constantin College of Liberal Arts

Ryan Reedy, BA ’05 MH ’10 Chief of Staff

Clare Venegas Vice President for Marketing and Communications

Ronald Scrogham

Dean of the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library

Susan Rhame

Interim Dean of the Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business

Kris Muñoz Vetter

Vice President for Development and University Relations

Robert Watling

Vice President for Finance and Administration and CFO


America the Beautiful

Oh beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain

For purple mountain majesties

Above the fruited plain. America! America!

God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood

From sea to shining sea.

Oh beautiful for pilgrim feet

Whose stern impassioned stress

A thoroughfare for freedom beat

Across the wilderness America! America!

God mend thine ev’ry flaw. Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law.

2023 GRADUATION | 13
Music by Encore Brass Flag Bearers: Charles Crisman, John Frank | Marshals: Jon Paul Heyne, Angela Knobel

Order of Ceremonies


Macebearer, Chair of the Faculty Senate Kyle Lemieux

Flag Bearers | Marshals | Students | Faculty

Members of the Board of Trustees

Executive Vice President John G. Plotts

Vice President for Board and Legal Services and General Counsel Heather Lachenauer

Chief of Staff Ryan Reedy

Vice President for Marketing and Communications Clare Venegas

Vice President for Development and University Relations Kris Muñoz Vetter

Vice President for Finance and Administration and CFO Robert Watling

Interim Dean of the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts Richard Dougherty

Dean of the Constantin College of Liberal Arts Philip Harold

Dean of the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library Ronald Scrogham

Interim Dean of the Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business Susan Rhame

Assistant Provost Cherie Hohertz

Associate Provost John Norris

Provost Matthias Vorwerk

National Alumni Board President Daniel Milligan

Trustee Emmet Flood

Chair of the Board of Trustees Richard Husseini

Commencement Speaker Paul Clement

President Jonathan J. Sanford

Chancellor, The Most Reverend Edward J. Burns, Bishop of the Diocese of Dallas


Bishop Burns


Provost Vorwerk | Daniel Milligan | Richard Husseini | President Sanford

Presentation of Honorary Degree

President Sanford

Introduction of the Commencement Speaker

Emmet Flood

Commencement Address

Paul Clement

Awarding of Undergraduate Academic Honors

Dean Harold | Interim Dean Rhame

Awarding of Gupta Graduate Honors

Interim Dean Rhame For the Class of 2023

Paula Chang

Presentation of Candidates for Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts, Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business Degrees

President Sanford | Associate Provost Norris | Michael Leshner

Conferral of Graduate Degrees

President Sanford | Bishop Burns | Interim Dean Rhame | Interim Dean Dougherty

Presentation of Candidates for Constantin College of Liberal Arts

President Sanford | Associate Provost Norris

Conferral of Undergraduate Degrees

President Sanford | Dean Harold | Interim Dean Rhame


Bishop Burns

“America the Beautiful”

The Assembly

2023 GRADUATION | 14

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