Class Notes (cont. from p. 23) She described the species in partnership with the World Wildlife Federation and will have the holotype stored at the Smithsonian Institution. Bryan Barrera, BA ’09, runs the business D.C. Dog Runner in (you guessed it) D.C. Check them out at, and get Bryan’s book, The Ultimate Guide to Running With Your Dog, on Amazon. Jessica (McLeod) Hornsby, BA ’09 MBA ’17, is the program manager of data management and integrity at CHRISTUS Health.
A Tradition of Growing Grapes
Justin Barnhart, MBA ’15, developed a “one-of-a-kind multifunctional tool designed for avid golfers, outdoorsmen and everyday folks alike.” Justin is part of the management team at PACCAR, a Fortune 500 worldwide producer of mediumand heavy-duty trucks. Fall Romers participate in the annual vendemmia, or the grape harvest.
Carolyn Mackenzie, BA ’18, is a senior account manager at Stripes Agency. Gabriella Montes, BA ’18, is a registered client service associate at UBS. Sophia Andaloro, BS ’19, one of last year’s Cardinal Spellman recipients, is a 2020 NSF Graduate Fellowship recipient. She applied for the award in October of her first year in graduate school at Rice University. She also received the NNSA Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship. Clare Basil, BA ’19, was awarded a Publius Fellowship by the Claremont Institute. Clare Slattery, BA ’19, is a press assistant at the office of U.S. Senator Marco Rubio.
In Memoriam Professor of English John Alvis, BA ’66 MA ’69 PhD ’73, died at age 75 on Dec. 23, 2019, less than two weeks after the passing of his wife, Sara Kathleen, MA ’71, on Dec. 14. See pp. 18-19, as well as udallas. edu/remarkable-mind. Father Denis Farkasfalvy died at age 83 on May 20 in a nursing home in Dallas, after testing positive for COVID-19. Father Denis was born in Hungary on June 23, 1936, and entered the novitiate of the Cistercian Order in Zirc, Hungary, on March 19, 1955, persevering in monastic life for 65 years. He taught theology at Cistercian Preparatory School and
photos: Vasile Chiriac, anthony mazur, justin schwartz, kim leeson.
or millennia, beginning with the ancient city Bovillae, viticulture has been part of life on the Eugene Constantin Campus (affectionately known as Due Santi), where most University of Dallas undergraduates study for a semester with UD’s legendary Rome Program. The soil on campus is largely petrified volcanic ash, infusing the fruit with a high acid structure and the soil with minerals — perfect for growing the grapes for Due Santi Rosso and Rosato. This past year, Due Santi planted two additional acres of vines, so annual production will go from 8,000 to more than 12,000 bottles over the next four years. Because of Due Santi’s deep-rooted connection to the University of Dallas, Due Santi Wines returns a portion of the proceeds from every bottle sold to UD and, of course, the Rome Program. Purchase your Due Santi wine (or find out where to buy it locally) at