UDMC Program Book 2011

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Ministry Conference October 28 - 29, 2011 Dallas Convention Center

Walking Together in Faith Caminando juntos en la fe | Cùng Đồng Hành trong Đức Tin

Program Book


Friday, October 28, 2011 6:00 – 8:00 AM 7:00 – 9:00 AM 8:00 – 6:00 PM 8:30 – 9:00 AM 9:00 – 9:15 AM 9:15 – 10:15 AM 10:15 – 10:45 AM 10:45 – 11:45 AM 11:45 – 1:30 PM 1:30 – 2:30 PM 2:30 – 3:00 PM 3:00 – 4:00 PM 4:00 – 4:30 PM 4:30 – 5:30 PM 5:30 – 5:45 PM 5:45 – 6:15 PM 6:30 – 10:00 PM

Location Exhibit Room set-up Registration & Name Badge Pick-up Exhibit Hall Open Morning Prayer & Welcome Break, Music, & Exhibits Session I (Keynote Address in English) Break, Music, & Exhibits Session II (Plenary in English) Lunch, Music, & Exhibits Session III Break, Music, & Exhibits Session IV Break, Music, & Exhibits Session V Break, Music, & Exhibits Evening Prayer Museum of Biblical Art Tour (optional)

Saturday, October 29, 2011 6:00 – 8:00 AM 7:00 – 10:30 AM 8:00 – 5:00 PM 8:30 – 9:30 AM 9:30 – 10:00 AM 10:00 – 10:15 AM 10:15 – 11:15 AM 11:15 – 11:45 AM 11:45 – 12:45 PM 12:45 – 2:00 PM 2:00 – 3:00 PM 3:00 – 3:30 PM 3:30 – 4:30 PM 4:30 – 5:00 PM 5:00 PM

Hall A Lobby A Hall A Arena Hall A Arena Hall A Arena Hall A Various Hall A Various Hall A Various Hall A Arena MBA

Location Exhibit Room set-up Registration & Name Badge Pick-up Exhibit Hall Open Praise and Worship & Exhibits

Hall A Lobby A Hall A Arena & Hall A Morning Prayer & Welcome Arena Break, Music, & Exhibits Hall A Session VI Various Break, Music, & Events Various Session VII (Keynote Address in Spanish) Various Lunch, Music, & Exhibits Hall A Session VIII Various Break, Music, & Exhibits Hall A Session IX Various Break, Music Hall A & Exhibit Drawing Winners Announced Closing Mass Arena

5th Annual University of Dallas Ministry Conference Sponsored by the Diocese of Dallas and the Diocese of Fort Worth October 28-29, 2011 | Dallas Convention Center

Conferencia para los Ministerios de la Universidad de Dallas Patrocinada por la Diócesis de Dallas y la Diócesis de Fort Worth 28 y 29 de Octubre | Dallas Convention Center

Đại Hội Mục Vụ tại Đại Học Dallas Được tài trợ bởi các Giáo Phận Dallas và Giáo Phận Fort Worth Ngày 28 tháng 10 và 29 | Dallas Convention Center

Table of Contents General Schedule........................................... 2 Acknowledgements....................... 6 To Our Sponsors............................ 7 Speakers Index................................ 8 Tracks............................................... 9 Resource Spotlights................... 26 Musical Performances............... 27 Liturgical Art............................... 58 Museum of Biblical Art Tour.... 61 Exhibitor Information.............. 62 Facility Maps..........................95 - BC English Schedule........................................... 2 Letters to Participants................ 4 General Information.................... 5 Friday Events & Sessions............ 10 Saturday Events & Sessions....... 12 Session Descriptions................... 14 Speaker Biographies.................... 31 Español Horario........................................... 39 Cartas a los Participantes........ 40 Información General ................ 41 Sesiones dte viernes y sábado.. 42 Eventos de viernes y sábado.... 43 Descripciones de las sesiones.. 45 Conferenciantes.......................... 51 Vietnamese Lịch trình............................................. 54 Thông tin chung............................... 55 Lá thơ gởi những Tham dự Viên... 56 Vị giảng thuyết tiếng Việt Nam và những đề tài trong ngày............... 57

Follow us while you’re at the conference: facebook.com/udministryconference


Don’t forget to share your conference experiences! #UDMC2011

Check out the UDMC mobile site: udallas.edu/udmcmobile

There you can find session information, facility maps, FAQs, and more!

Letters to Participants


General Information Art Display

We will have liturgical art displayed in Lobby A. Please see page 58 for more information. Lyle Novinski, a wellknown painter, designer, lecturer, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Dallas, is also demonstrating sacred art sculpting in the center of Hall A. We invite you to enjoy the artwork.


There is an ATM located in Lobby A, near the entrance to the Arena.

Cell Phones/Pagers

Out of respect for the speakers and other participants, please turn off your cell phones and pagers during the sessions and liturgies.

Downtown Dallas

If you would like more information about the downtown Dallas area, please visit the Convention’s Bureau booth located on Level 1 in Lobby A/B (just inside from the circle drive).


If you have an emergency, contact either a UDMC staff member, volunteer, or the closest security guard. If you are unable to find assistance, call facility dispatch at 214-9392941. Remember, in an emergency, it is important to stay calm. We do have EMTs on site for this event.

Lost and Found

Lost and found is located at the UDMC Information Booth located in Lobby A. If you find something while you are attending the conference, please turn it in at this location.

Meal Options

Food and beverage is not included in the registration fee. You will find several concession and food areas around the convention center, especially outside the Arena and inside Hall A. Food may also be available in the Food Court area and at Starbucks and Gourmet to Go (both near Hall C). There are also several restaurants within walking distance of the Convention Center.

Message Center

The Message Center, located right inside Hall A, can receive incoming messages. Feel free to leave a note on the Message Board.

Museum of Biblical Art Tour

The conference is pleased to offer a special evening tour of the Dallas Museum of Biblical Art. The bus will leave the convention center at 6:30PM, returning at 9:30PM. For only $25, the tour includes transportation to and from the museum, entrance to all exhibits, and a private guided tour of the William Schickel exhibit by Professor Lyle Novinski. Visit the Registration Booths during the conference to purchase a ticket.


Name Badges

Exhibit Hours


Thank you for filling out the various evaluations following each session you attend. We would also like your assistance with a general conference evaluation. It can be found at our website at www.udallas.edu/udmc/evaluation. Simply submit it online. Anyone who completes the evaluation before November 15, 2011, and provides us with their personal information will be eligible to win 20 two-day conference passes (equivalent to 1 group registration) to the 2012 UD Ministry Conference. Exhibits are located in Hall A. See pages 62 for a listing of exhibitors. The exhibits are open Friday, 8:00AM – 6:00PM and Saturday, 8:00AM – 5:00PM. If you participate in any exhibit drawing during the conference, the winners will be announced on the Spotlight Stage in Hall A on Saturday at 4:30PM.

Please wear your name badge at all times while at the conference. This is your ticket into all of the sessions, musical performances, and the exhibit hall. If you forget or lose your name badge, we will print a new one at the Registration Booths for a $5.00 cash replacement fee. We would appreciate it if you recycled your badge holder after the conference. Simply place your plastic holder in the designated boxes as you leave the convention center. Thank you! The Convention Center has its own parking garage that costs $12 per vehicle, with no in-and-out service. The main garage entrance is on Griffin Street between Memorial Street and Canton Street. There are also other ground level parking options available throughout the downtown Dallas area.


Please see someone at UDMC Information Booth located in Lobby A for general information or questions. You can also ask a volunteer found throughout the center in blue UDMC shirts.


All the liturgies and prayer services will be held in the Arena. We invite you to come and participate with your fellow conference participants in prayer and worship.


Acknowledgements | Reconocimientos The UDMC acknowledges with appreciation the many volunteers who served on the 2011 Planning Committee. We are very grateful for their generous time, support, and talent. La UDMC reconoce y agradece a los voluntarios que sirvieron en el Comité de Planeación 2011. Les agradecemos enormemente su generoso tiempo, apoyo y talentos.

Diocesan Committee

Special Projects

Very Rev. Stephen Berg Sr. Gloria Cain, SSND Diane Daniels Marlon De Le Torre, M.A., M.Ed. Most Rev. J. Douglas Deshotel Susan Dorfmeister Jeanne Jakubowski Sr. Theresa Khirallah, SSND Lourdes Mayer Donald Miller Rev. Carmen Mele, O.P. Franci Nussbaum-Vitanza Lucas Pollice, MTS Kevin Prevou Dcn. Charlie Stump, MS, MPM Pat Svacina Annette Gonzales Taylor Catarina Torres Dcn. Don Warner

Rick Matos Carol Norris David Novinski Lyle Novinski Bernard D. Nguyen

Volunteer Corp Leaders Cyndi Freeman, Chairperson Cindy Worth, Chairperson Beth Belcher, Hospitality Ellie Moser, Hospitality Emily Dzurisin, Speakers Mary McGill, Exhibitors Theresa Hartman, MC English Lupita Frausto, MC Spanish Juan Roberto Martinez, Set-up/Break-down

Goals | Objectivos | Mục tiêu

To To To To

Satisfacer las diversas necesidades de los ministerios de las diócesis a todos los nivelas Satisfacer las diversas necesidades de los laicos católicos de las diócesis a todos las niveles Desarrollar el respeto por las diversas formas en que respondemos con fe Profundizar y desarrollar nuestra relación con Dios

Để đáp ứng các nhu cầu đa dạng cho các chương trình mục vụ cho mọi tầng lớp trong các giáo phận Để đáp ứng các nhu cầu đa dạng của các tông đồ giáo dân trong mọi tầng lớp thuộc các giáo phận Để tăng thêm nhiều cách thức kính mến mà chúng ta đáp trả theo tinh thần Đức Tin. Để đào sâu và tăng trưởng mối tương quan giữa ta với Chúa


meet the diverse needs of all ministries in the dioceses at all levels meet the diverse needs of lay Catholics in the dioceses at all levels develop respect for the variety of ways that we respond in faith deepen and develop our relationship with God

To Our Sponsors | A Nuestros Patrocinadores UDMC would not be possible without our sponsors. We would like to extend a special thank you to all the organizations, companies, and parishes who have contributed to the success of the 2011 conference. UDMC no existiria si no fuera por nuestros patrocinadores. Queremos extender un especial agradecimiento a todas las insituciones, empresas y paroquias que contribuyeron al éxito de la Conferencia 2011.



FOUNDATION GIFT Scanlan Foundation Strake Foundation




Ave Maria Press Catholic Relief Services Diocese of Dallas Catholic Committee on Scouting Fourth Dimension Orthodontics & Craniofacial Orthopedics Liturgical Glass +++ Arts Loyola Press National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Saint Mary’s Press The Family Place William H. Sadlier, Inc.

Church of the Incarnation, UD Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church, Allen St. Ann Parish, Coppell

FRIENDS OF UDMC Addison Coffee Roasters Cynthia and David Freeman Guadalupe Radio Network iFratelli Smart Tuition Via Reál


Speakers Index | Índice de Conferenciantes Below is a list of the 2011 conference speakers with their corresponding sessions. The roman numerals I – IX designate the session, while the numbers 01-71 designate the talks in alphabetical order. English talks are numbered 01-19, Spanish talks are numbered 51-63, and Vietnamese talks are numbered 71. Abajo encontrará la lista de los Conferenciantes 2011 con sus respectivas sesiones. Los números romanos del I al IX corresponden a las sesiones, los números ordinarios del 01 al 07 corresponden a la plática en orden alfabético. Las pláticas en inglés están numeradas del 01 al 19, las pláticas en español están numeradas del 51 al 63, y las pláticas en vietnamita están numeradas con el número 71. Aguilar, Carla.........................VI-51, VIII-51 Allen, John.............................VII-01, VIII-01 Almager, David.......................VIII-52 Arias, Miguel..........................VI-52, IX-51 Bañuelas, Rev. Msgr. Arturo....I-51, III-51 Becker, Mary Lee....................III-01, V-01, VI-01, IX-01 Beckman, Jim.........................III-02, IV-01 Bolman, Dr. Lee.....................IV-02 Boyle, Dr. Michael..................III-03, IV-03 Brogee, Danny.......................IV-06 Calva, Dra. Pilar.....................III-52, VI-53, VIII-53, IX-52 Cargo, Rev. Jason...................V-02 Cherek, Linda.........................IV-04 Cimino, Sr. Carol....................IV-05, VII-02 Cobos Gómez, Rev. Abelardo II-51,IV-06,V-51,VI-54,VIII-54 Dao, Rev. Anthony..................VI-71, VII-71, VIII-71, IX-71 De La Torre, Marlon...............III-53, IV-07, VIII-55, IX-02 Eipers, Dr. Carole....................V-03, IX-03 Fernández, Santiago...............I-52, V-04, VI-55 Ford, Dr. Elinor.......................III-04, IV-08 George, Francis Cardinal........I-01 Gillett, Margaret.....................IV-09, VIII-02 Giuliano, Gene.......................IV-10, V-05, VI-02, VII-03 González, Rev. J. Eduardo.......VI-56, IX-53 Gordon, Dr. Greer...................III-05, V-06, VII-04 Guerrero, Sr. Esther................VI-57, IX-04


Gutiérrez, Magdalena.............VI-58, VIII-56 Haney, Dr. Regina..................VI-03, VII-05 Havlik, Sheree Whitters...........IV-11, V-07, VI-04, VIII-03 Heines, Rev. Timothy..............III-06 Hendey, Lisa...........................III-07, VII-06 Hilliard, Dr. Marie...................IV-12, V-08 Hubert, Angeline....................III-08, V-09, VIII-04, IX-05 Jewell, Dr. Marti......................III-09, IX-06 Koniers, Dcn. William.............V-10, IX-08 Luby, Dr. Daniel......................III-10, V-11, VI-05, VII-08 Lunine, Dr. Jonathan..............VIII-05, IX-09 Madeo, Elizabeth....................IX-10 McCarty, Dr. Robert................II-01, VII-09, IX-11 McCray, Linda........................V-12, VII-10 McGill, James.........................IV-13, VII-11 McGuire, Dr. Michael..............VII-12 Mitchell-Ibe, Debra.................IV-14 Monterrubio, Dcn. Arturo........III-54, VI-59, VIII-57 Monterrubio, Esperanza..........III-55, VI-60, IX-54 Nagel, Leland........................III-11, IV-15, VIII-06 Norris, Dr. John......................V-13, VII-13 Ogorek, Ken...........................III-12 Olenick, Dr. Richard...............III-13, VII-14, IX-09 Ordieres, Alejandro.................II-52, V-52, VIII-58, IX-55 Ortega Trillo, Rev. Alejandro....VII-51 Pollice, Lucas.........................III-14, V-14, VI-06, IX-12 Porter, Linda Khirallah............VIII-07 Raiche, Dr. Diana Dudoit........VI-07 Rendón, Juan.........................II-53, V-53, VIII-59, IX-56 Scally, Anna...........................III-15, IV-16, VII-15, VIII-08 Septién, Pía............................II-54, V-54, VI-61, IX-57 Singer-Towns, Brian.................III-16, IV-17, VII-16, VIII-09 Springer, Joyce.......................IV-18, V-15, VII-17, IX-13 Stephan, Curtis.......................IX-14 Stoeger, Rev. William..............VII-18, IX-09 Vaghi, Rev. Msgr. Peter...........IV-19, VI-08 Valenzuela, Víctor...................VI-62, VIII-60 Vaughan, Chris Daniel............IX-15 Vaverek, Rev. Gavin................VII-19 Waldon, Melissa.....................V-16, VIII-10 Wing, Claire...........................VI-63

Tracks | Temas UDMC 2011 offers sessions on a wide variety of topics. We have compiled most of the sessions into tracks, which are categorized by ministry and areas of interest below. La Conferencia para los Ministerios de la Universidad de Dallas 2012 ofrece sesiones con una gran variedad de temas. Hemos compilado la mayoría de las sesiones por temas, los cuales están categorizadas por ministerio y áreas de interés. Adult Faith Formation | Formación de la Fe para Adultos III-05, III-06, III-07, III-08, III-10, III-13, III-14, IV-10, IV-12, IV-13, IV-14, IV-17, IV-19, V-03, V-05, V-06, V-07, V-08, V-11, V-12, V-14, VI-02, VI-05, VI-06, VI-08, VII-01, VII-03, VII-04, VII-06, VII-08, VII-10, VII-11, VII-13, VII-14, VII-16, VII-18, VII-19, VIII-01, VIII-03, VIII-04, VIII-05, IX-02, IX-04, IX-06, IX-09, IX-12, IX-14 I-51, II-51, II-52, III-51, III-52, III-53, III-55, V-51, V-52, V-53, V-54, VI-51, VI-52, VI-53, VI-54, VI-56, VI-57, VI-58, VI-60, VI-61, VI-63, VIII-51, VIII-52, VIII-53, VIII-54, VIII-55, VIII-56, VIII-57, VIII-58, IX-52, IX-53, IX-54, IX-55, IX-56

Apologetics | Apologética III-05, IV-12, V-07, V-14, VI-06, VII-01, VII-04, VIII-01, VIII-03 I-51, III-51, III-52, III-53, V-52, V-54, VI-51, VI-53, VI-61, VIII-51, VIII-55, IX-55

Canon Law

Evangelization | Evangelización III-05, V-02, V-04, V-06, VII-01, VII-04, VII-06, VIII-01, IX-03 VI-58, VIII-56

Liturgy | Liturgia III-06, V-03, V-04, V-11, V-12, VI-05, VII-10, IX-14 I-52, II-53, III-53, VI-52, VI-55, VI-62, VI-63, VIII-59

Marriage & Family Life / Parenting | Vida en el matrimonio y la familia / Paternidad III-01, III-02, III-05, III-07, III-09, III-15, IV-01, IV-09, IV-11, IV-14, IV-16, IV-18, IV-19, V-01, V-02, V-06, V-15, VI-01, VI-04, VI-08, VII-02, VII-04, VII-06, VII-09, VII-12, VII-15, VII-17, VIII-02, VIII-08, VIII-10, IX-01, IX-11, IX-13, IX-15 II-52, II-54, III-52, III-54, VI-53, VI-59, VI-60, VI-62, VIII-52, VIII-57, VIII-58, VIII-60, IX-54, IX-57

Pastoral Ministry | Ministerio Pastoral III-01, III-02, III-06, III-07, III-09, III-10, III-11, III-12, IV-01, IV-02, IV-04, IV-06, IV-09, IV-14, IV-15, IV-17, V-01, V-02, V-04, V-06, V-08, V-09, V-10, V-11, V-12, VI-01, VI-05, VI-07, VI-08, VII-02, VII-08, VII-10, VII-13, VII-16, VII-19, VIII-01, VIII-02, VIII-06, VIII-07, VIII-10, IX-01, IX-05, IX-06, IX-08, IX-10 I-52, II-51, II-53, III-54, VI-52, VI-55, VI-56, VI-59, VI-62, VI-63, VIII-52, VIII-54, VIII-59, IX-51, IX-53, IX-54

Parish & Administration Leadership

IV-09, VIII-02

III-03, III-04, III-06, III-09, IV-02, IV-03, IV-05, IV-06, IV-08, V-04, V-10, V-16, VI-03, VII-05, IX-08

Catechist Formation | Formación Catequética


III-02, III-03, III-11, III-14, III-15, III-16, IV-01, IV-03, IV-07, IV-15, IV-16, IV-17, IV-18, V-01, V-03, V-12, V-14, V-15, V-16, VI-01, VI-06, VI-07, VII-02, VII-09, VII-11, VII-15, VII-16, VII-17, VIII-06, VIII-07, VIII-08, VIII-09 ,VIII-10, IX-02, IX-03, IX-07, IX-10, IX-11, IX-12, IX-13

III-12, III-12, III-14, III-16, IV-15, V-14, VI-06, VI-07, VIII-06, VIII-07, VIII-09, IX-10, IX-12 I-51, I-52, III-51, VI-55, VI-56, VI-57, VI-58, VIII-56, IX-51, IX-53

Science & Religion | Ciencia y Religión

II-51, II-53, III-53, III-55, VI-52, VI-57, VI-58, VI-60, VI-62, VIII-54, VIII-56, VIII-59, VIII-60, IX-51

III-13, IV-12, V-07, V-08, V-13, VII-14, VII-18, VIII-03, VIII-05, IX-09

Catholic School Teachers

VIII-53, IX-52

III-03, III-04, III-12, III-15, IV-02, IV-03, IV-05, IV-06, IV-07, IV-08, IV-16, IV-18, V-10, V-13, V-15, V-16, VI-03, VI-07, VII-02, VII-05, VII-09, VII-15, VII-17, VII-18, VIII-05, VIII-06, VIII-07, VIII-08, VIII-10, IX-08, IX-10, IX-11, IX-13

Scripture | La Escrituras III-08, III-10, III-14, III-16, IV-10, IV-17, IV-19, V-05, V-08, V-09, VI-02, VII-03, VII-08, VII-16, VIII-04, VIII-09, IX-04, IX-05, IX-12 II-51, II-53, II-54, III-53, V-53, VI-57, VIII-54, VIII-59, IX-56, IX-57

Christian Spirituality | Espiritualidad

Social Justice | Justicia Social

III-05, III-07, III-08, III-10, III-14, IV-02, IV-10, IV-13, IV-19, V-02, V-05, V-06, V-11, VI-02, VI-05, VI-08, VII-03, VII-04, VII-06, VII-08, VII-11, VII-18, VII-19, VIII-04, VIII-05, IX-04, IX-06, IX-12, IX-14, IX-15

III-08, III-12, IV-04, IV-11, IV-12, IV-13, V-07, V-08, V-09, V-13, V-16, VI-04, VII-11, VII-13, VIII-03, VIII-04, IX-05,

I-51, I-52, II-51, II-52, II-54, III-51, III-54, V-51, V-52, V-53, V-54, VI-51, VI-52, VI-54, VI-55, VI-56, VI-59, VI-61, VI-63, VIII-51, VIII52, VIII-54, VIII-57, VIII-58, IX-51, IX-53, IX-55, IX-56, IX-57

DRE/PCL III-03, III-06, III-09, III-11, III-12, III-16, IV-02, IV-03, IV-07, IV-15, IV-18, V-01, V-03, V-10, V-15, V-16, VI-01, VI-07, VII-17, VIII-07, VIII-09, VIII-10, IX-03, IX-08, IX-10, IX-13 I-51, III-51, III-54, III-55, VI-57, VI-58, VI-59, VI-60, VI-62, VIII-56, VIII-60, IX-51, IX-54

III-52, VI-51, VI-53, VIII-51, VIII-53, VIII-57, IX-52, IX-54

Youth, Young Adult, & Campus Ministry III-01, III-02, III-03, III-07, III-11, III-15, IV-01, IV-03, IV-07, IV-11, IV-15, IV-16, V-01, V-13, VI-01, VI-04, VII-06, VII-09, VII-12, VII-15, VIII-06, VIII-08, IX-01, IX-02, IX-11, IX-15

Youth & Young Adults III-08, IV-10, IV-13, IV-17, IV-19, V-05, V-07, V-11, V-13, V-14, VI-02, VI-05, VI-06, VI-08, VII-01, VII-03, VII-11, VII-13, VII-16, VIII-01, VIII-03, VIII-04, VIII-05, IX-04, IX-09, IX-15


Friday Events Registration/Check-in Hours 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Exhibit Hours

8:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Musical Performance Hours During Lunch & Breaks (more info. on pg. 27)

Resource Spotlight Hours During Lunch & Breaks (more info. on pg. 26)


8:30 – 9:00 AM


During Lunch & Breaks

FRIDAY SCHEDULE 7:00 AM.............................. Registration & Name Badge Pick-up begins 8:30 – 9:00 AM................... Morning Prayer & Welcome 9:15 – 10:15 AM................. Session I (Keynote Address in English) 10:45 – 11:45 AM............... Session II (Plenary in English) 11:45 – 1:30 PM.................. Lunch 1:30 – 2:30 PM.................... Session III 3:00 – 4:00 PM.................... Session IV 4:30 – 5:30 PM.................... Session V 5:45 – 6:15 PM.................... Evening Prayer 6:30 – 10:00 PM.................. Museum of Biblical Art Tour (optional) Come join us at the official conference kick-off! Hear from Bishop Farrell of Dallas, Bishop Vann of Fort Worth, and President Keefe of UD as they welcome the Catholics of North Texas to this two-day event of learning, prayer, fellowship, and “Walking Together in Faith.” Music will be led by Curtis Stephan and Santiago Fernández and Bishop Mark Seitz will lead the community in opening prayer. Several of our exhibitors have exciting resources to offer the conference participants and they want to tell you about them! Come join us at the Spotlight Stage in Hall A to hear about various software solutions, a new Catholic hymnal, fundraising options, and much more! Check out page 26 for the full schedule and more details on all of the presenters.

MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT Ballroom A Lobby Stage & Hall A Praise Stage

St. Augustine said, “When you sing, you pray twice.” Come enjoy the musical talents of well-known and up-and-coming Christian artists who are lifting their voices and instruments in praise of our Lord. Musical performances will take place during breaks and at lunch on two stages, the Ballroom A Lobby Stage near the Liturgical Art Display, and the Hall A Praise Stage. See page 28 for schedule and details on the artists.


During the Conference, the artist, Lyle Novinski, Professor Emeritus of the University of Dallas, will be carving a figure St. Francis for the Notre Dame Court, a new independent living facility adjacent to the diocesan retirement home, St. Joseph Residence. Stop by the center section of the exhibits in Hall A to admire Lyle’s artistry and to view the progress of the sculpture. More information about the project can be found on page 59.


Visit the Ballroom A Lobby, where we’ve assembled images from fine quality liturgical art being created across the country. These artists were chosen and invited to participate in the exhibition by a committee of liturgical artists. Come peruse the art and be inspired by the messages they convey. See page 58 for a list of this year’s featured artists.


Come celebrate the Feast of the Martyrs St. Simon and St. Jude while reflecting on your first day of conference experiences. Music will be led by Curtis Stephan and Santiago Fernández and Rev. Isaac Orozco will lead the community in evening prayer.

5:45 – 6:15 PM

MUSEUM OF BIBLICAL ART TOUR Visit the Museum of Biblical Art, the only museum in the United States

6:30 – 9:30 PM


dedicated to the exhibit of Biblically-themed art, for a special UDMC event! For only $25, you will be treated to a private guided tour of the William Schickel exhibit by Lyle Novinski, a well-known painter, designer & lecturer, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Dallas, who is serving as Guest Curator for the exhibit. All galleries will be available for the tour—followed by light hors d’oeuvres. The bus leaves the Convention Center at 6:30PM. Space is limited; see page 61 for details.

Friday Sessions Session descriptions, with more details on the talks, can be found on pages 14. Session I – 9:15 – 10:15 AM I-01

Developing Lay Ecclesial Ministry – George (Arena)



Leading With Soul – Bolman (Ballroom A4)


An Ounce of Prevention: Positive Behavioral Supports for Catholic Schools – Boyle (A302-303)

Session II – 10:45 – 11:45 AM II-01

Called to be Prophets and Poets – McCarty (Arena)


Session III – 1:30 – 2:30 PM III-01

The Goldilocks Years: Finding What’s “Just Right” for Young Adolescents – Becker (A135-136)

“Discipleship-Shaped” Ministry with Teens and Young Adults – Beckman (A124-127)

Cultural Competence in Bereavement Ministry and Grief Support – Cherek (A301)


Trying Technology to Discover Theology: a Tool or a Trap? – Cargo (A124-127)


Liturgy and Catechesis: Forging the Link – Eipers (Ballroom A3)


Truly Walking Together in Faith, Truly Becoming a Multicultural Parish –

Fernández (A117)


The Cross as Transformation – Gordon (A131)

Gómez & Brogee (A115)


They Said What? How Not to Teach the Catholic Faith – De La Torre

The Five Non-Negotiables – Havlik (A135-136)


The Church Responding to the Parable of the Good Samaritan: Introduction to the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services – Hilliard (Ballroom A2)


Gray Hair is the Crown of Glory: Aging and the Elderly in the Bible – Hubert (A304)


Supporting the Pastoral and Sacramental Missions of the Catholic Church in the Modern World – Developing Leadership in Financial Administration for our Dioceses, Parishes and Schools – Koniers (A115)


Why Do We Do That?: Reflections on the Role of Ritual in Catholic Life – Luby (A305)


Understanding Contemporary Art & Its Place in Worship – McCray (A133-134)


What does the Catholic Church Teach about Evolution? – Norris (A122-123)


Offer It Up! What is Redemptive Suffering and Why Do We Believe in It? – Pollice (Ballroom A1)


Tricks of the Trade – 2011 Edition – Springer (A301)


Know Your Audience – Understanding Some of the Most Common Disabilities Children and Educators are Faced with in the Classroom Setting – Waldon (A114-116)

“You Want It When?” – Cimino (A133-134)


Working Together to Help Children Shine and Grow: The Pastor/ Principal Relationship – Cobos


An Ounce of Prevention: Positive Behavioral Supports for Catholic Schools – Boyle (Ballroom A3)



Walking Together as Faith-Alive Catholic Schools – Ford (Arena)


Continuing the Faith-Alive Walk – Ford (Ballroom A3)


Dialogue or Defense: Apologetics verses Ecumenism – Gordon (A131)



Five Ways to Ensure the Liturgy is More Formational

Priest Faculties and Prenuptial Paperwork Processing in the Dallas Diocese – Gillet (A306-307)


Presents or Presence: God’s Promises and Our Expectations – Giuliano (A310)


Teens Standing Strong in a SexCrazed World – Havlik (A135-136)


Caring for Each Other Even Unto Death: What Do the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services Have to Say –



Saintly Companions for Our Spiritual Journey – Hendey (A122-123)


“Who is My Neighbor?” Biblical Perspectives on Ethnic Inclusivity – Hubert (A124-127)


Working Together: Collaboration in the Parish – Jewell (A130)


Witnesses & Martyrs: Some Feminine Models of Ministry – Luby (A114-116)



Being Faithful and Successful – Nagel (A115)

Becoming Human: The Final Frontier – McGill (A118-119)



Teaching on Tough Issues: Practical Tips for Helping God’s People Embrace His Challenging Truths – Ogorek (A308)

Connecting the Dots: The Faith Community and Domestic Violence – Mitchell-Ibe (A110)


Being Faithful and Successful – Nagel (A130)


Junior High/High School Prayer… The other Six and a Half Days of the Week – Scally (A122-123)

Hilliard (Ballroom A2)


Beyond Earth – Olenick (A301)


“Forgive me Father for I have Sinned.” Why Confession? – Pollice (Ballroom A1)


Reach Your Young People (Junior High/High School) – Guarenteed – Scally (A133-134)


Leading Parish Bible Study – Singer-Towns (A304)


Biblical Literacy Made Easy – Singer-Towns (A310)

Sacraments for Today’s Catechist and Teacher – Springer (A131)


Ten Commandments: A Catholic Guide to a Moral Life – Vaghi

Session IV – 3:00 – 4:00 PM

Parents as Partners: Working Together in Forming Faith with Youth – Becker (A130)

“Be Perfect as Your Heavenly Father is Perfect”: Is Jesus Serious? – Giuliano (A310)


“Discipleship-Shaped” Ministry with Teens and Young Adults – Beckman (Ballroom A4)





– Heines (A118-A119)

Session V – 4:30 – 5:30 PM

(Ballroom A1)


Saturday Events Registration/Check-in Hours 7:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Exhibit Hours

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Musical Performance Hours During Lunch & Breaks (more info. on pg. 27)

Resource Spotlight Hours During Lunch & Breaks (more info. on pg. 26)


8:00 – 9:30 AM MORNING PRAYER Arena

9:30 – 10:00 AM RESOURCE SPOTLIGHTS Hall A Spotlight Stage

During Lunch & Breaks

SATURDAY SCHEDULE 7:00 AM.............................. Registration & Name Badge Pick-up begins 8:30 – 9:30 AM................... Praise & Worship 9:30 – 10:00 AM................. Morning Prayer & Welcome 10:15 – 11:15 AM............... Session VI 11:45 – 12:45 PM................ Session VII (Keynote Address in Spanish) 12:45 – 2:00 PM.................. Lunch 2:00 – 3:00 PM.................... Session VIII 3:30 – 4:30 PM.................... Session IX 4:30 PM.............................. Exhibit Drawing Winners Announced 5:00 PM ............................. Closing Mass After a long day of conference events on Friday, come be enlivened Saturday morning with a powerful praise & worship experience! Tony Meléndez and Augie Leal will awaken our spirits as we “Walk Together in Faith,” embarking on the second half of our two-day conference journey. Start off the second day of the conference with opening prayer! Music will be led by Curtis Stephan and Santiago Fernández and Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel will lead the community as we begin day two of UDMC. Several of our exhibitors have exciting resources to offer the conference participants and they want to tell you about them! Come join us at the Spotlight Stage in Hall A to hear about various software solutions, a new Catholic hymnal, fundraising options, and much more! Check out page 26 for the full schedule and more details on all of the presenters.

MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT Ballroom A Lobby Stage & Hall A Praise Stage

St. Augustine said, “When you sing, you pray twice.” Come enjoy the musical talents of well-known and up-and-coming Christian artists who are lifting their voices and instruments in praise of our Lord. Musical performances will take place during breaks and at lunch on two stages, the Ballroom A Lobby Stage near the Liturgical Art Display, and the Hall A Praise Stage. See page 27 for schedule and details on the artists.


During the Conference, the artist, Lyle Novinski, Professor Emeritus of the University of Dallas, will be carving a figure of St. Francis for the Notre Dame Court, a new independent living facility adjacent to the diocesan retirement home, St. Joseph Residence. Stop by the center section of the exhibits in Hall A to admire Lyle’s artistry and to view the progress of the sculpture. More information about the project can be found on page 59.

LITURGICAL ART DISPLAY Ballroom A Lobby throughout the conference

Visit the Ballroom A Lobby, where we’ve assembled images from fine quality liturgical art being created across the country. These artists were chosen and invited to participate in the exhibition by a committee of liturgical artists. Come peruse the art and be inspired by the messages they convey. See page 58 for a list of this year’s featured artists.


Did you sign up for a drawing at an exhibitor’s booth? This is your opportunity to find out if you won! Come to the Hall A Spotlight Stage at 4:30 PM for the announcement of all of the winners of the various drawings. Prizes include 2 Kindle Book Readers, a trip for 2 to Rome & the Holy Land (sponsored by Ornit, Inc.), and much more!


What better way to close out the UD Ministry Conference than with a Thanksgiving Mass to celebrate our faith and our call to share it! Come join Bishop Farrell, Bishop Vann, and several priests from the Dioceses of Dallas and Fort Worth as they celebrate the holy sacrifice of the Mass.


Saturday Sessions Session descriptions, with more details on the talks, can be found on page 14. Session VI – 10:15 – 11:15 AM VI-01

VII-11 Becoming Human: The Final Frontier – McGill (A301)


Forming Evangelizers: The Right Stuff – Eipers (A301)

VII-12 Scouting as Youth Ministry – McGuire (A130)


Time Out! Praying with Scripture and Embodying the Word

Reflections on the Responsibilities of Lay Catholics for Treatment of Migrants and Immigrants

Parents as Partners: Working Together in Forming Faith with Youth – Becker (A133-134)


Presents or Presence: God’s Promises and Our Expectations

– Giuliano (A310) VI-03

– Norris (A131) VII-15 Reach Your Young People (Junior


Teens Standing Strong in a SexCrazed World – Havlik (A308)

VII-17 Sacraments for Today’s Catechist and Teacher – Springer (A124-127)


Why Do We Do That?: Reflections on the Role of Ritual in Catholic Life

VII-18 How Does the Big Bang and


Catechist as Witness: Embracing Jesus, the Way, Truth and the Life – Raiche (Arena)


Authentic Lay Spirituality: A Multidimensional Approach – Vaghi (A117)

Session VII – 11:45 – 12:45 PM VII-01 Five Myths about the Vatican – Allen (Ballroom A1) VII-02 Meet the Parents – Cimino (Ballroom A4) VII-03 “Be Perfect as Your Heavenly Father

is Perfect”: Is Jesus Serious? – Giuliano (A117)

VII-19 Revised Translation of the New Missal – Vaverek (Ballroom A2)

Session VIII – 2:00 – 3:00 PM VIII-01 The Pope’s PR Problem – Allen (Arena)

Paperwork Processing in the Dallas Diocese – Gillett (A302-303) VIII-03 The Five Non-Negotiables – Havlik (A114-116)

Perspectives on Ethnic Inclusivity

– Hubert (A115)

VIII-05 A Scientist’s Primer on the Universe – Lunine (A308)

VII-08 Witnesses & Martyrs: Some Feminine

Its Place in Worship


Hook, Line and Sinker...and the Worm – Madeo (A122-123)


Parents, Youth and Faith: The Great Dance! – McCarty (A310)


“Forgive me Father for I have Sinned.” Why Confession?


Tricks of the Trade – 2011 Edition


Music: Honoring a Living Tradition


To be a Young Adult “In the World, but not of the World”

– Pollice (Ballroom A4) – Springer (A114-116)

– Stephan (Ballroom A1)

– Vaughan (A118-119)

VIII-10 Completing the Puzzle – Autism 101 – Waldon (A304)

Session IX – 3:30 – 4:30 PM IX-01

The Goldilocks Years: Finding What’s “Just Right” for Young Adolescents – Becker (A124-127)

Method to the Madness VII-10 Understanding Contemporary Art &

– Panel: Lunine, Olenick & Stoeger (A135-136)

VIII-09 Biblical Literacy Made Easy – Singer-Towns (A122-123)

VII-09 Fostering Faith in Adolescents: A – McCarty (A304)

How does a Working Scientist Reconcile Profession and Faith

The other Six and a Half Days of the Week – Scally (A310)

Models of Ministry – Luby (A114-116)


VIII-06 Master Orchestrator and Co-worker: A Difficult Balance – Nagel (A130)

VIII-08 Junior High/High School Prayer…

Truth in the Digital Age

Supporting the Pastoral and Sacramental Missions of the Catholic Church in the Modern World – Developing Leadership in Financial Administration for our Dioceses, Parishes and Schools – Koniers (Ballroom A3)

VIII-04 “Who is My Neighbor?” Biblical

VII-05 PART 2 (continued from Session VI):

– Hendey (A306-307)


VIII-02 Priest Faculties and Prenuptial

VIII-07 “Who Wants to Be A Catholic Millionaire?” – Porter (A124-127)

VII-06 Evangelizing with Authenticity and

Seeking God: Lessons from the Tradition – Jewell (A130)

Evolution Fit in with Divine Creation? – Stoeger (A122-123)

VII-04 Dialogue or Defense: Apologetics verses Ecumenism – Gordon (A115)

Current Issues and Trends to Focus on to Build an Exceptional Board for a New Age – Haney (Ballroom A3)


– Scally (A310)

– Luby (A114-116)

Gray Hair is the Crown of Glory: Aging and the Elderly in the Bible – Hubert (A115)

High/High School) – Guarenteed VII-16 Leading Parish Bible Study – Singer-Towns (A308)

Offer It Up! What is Redemptive Suffering and Why Do We Believe in It? – Pollice (A131)


VII-14 Beyond Earth – Olenick (A302-303)

PART 1 (continued in Session VII): Current Issues and Trends to Focus on to Build an Exceptional Board for a New Age – Haney (Ballroom A3)


– Guerrero (A117)

VII-13 Together on the Journey of Hope:


Screwtape Letters and the Catechism of the Catholic Church – De La Torre (A133-134)

– McCray (A135-136)


Session Descriptions FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28

to prevent problem behaviors before they occur. This session will present the PBIS framework and give a specific focus on implementation in Catholic schools.

Session I – 9:15 – 10:15 AM I-01 DEVELOPING LAY ECCLESIAL MINISTRY His Eminence Francis Cardinal George, OMI Arena Cardinal George will offer theological and pastoral insights on the developing and growing reality of lay ecclesial ministry and the implications for the Church. He will reflect on the bishop’s relationship to the lay ecclesial minister and consider the future of this leadership and service, underscoring a fruitful collaboration between ordained and lay.

Also being presented in Session IV


Catholic schools are the Church’s wise investment to ensure that among its future generations are members who have received an in-depth faith education rooted in living daily in the spirit of Jesus Christ. This education is provided by the passionate witness of the school’s committed, competent and ever-caring faculty and staff. This keynote will describe both the wonder of those who truly minister in Catholic schools, and provide ways that they and those served can grow in wisdom, age and grace.

Session II – 10:45 – 11:45 AM II-01 CALLED TO BE PROPHETS AND POETS Dr. Robert McCarty, D.Min. Arena

Balancing action and contemplation, doing and being, ministry and intimacy with the Lord – these are the challenges of the prophet and the poet that is each of us. This session provides an opportunity to examine our lives and our ministry through the lenses of prophet and poet, so that we can allow Jesus to move our hearts in order to move our actions.


The term apologetics has resurfaced largely through writings, the majority of which are written by Evangelical Protestants who wish to correct Catholic errors. Sadly, many of those who use the term appear to be unfamiliar with the lengthy history of apologetics within Roman Catholic Tradition and the Church’s current posture of welcome and dialogue with other Christians. This session will address the historic tension between apologetics and ecumenism and offer insights into Evangelical Protestant understanding of apologetics and Roman Catholic understanding of intra-faith dialogue in relation to New Apologetics. This session is recommended for Evangelization personnel, and those who live, work, and/or minister with evangelical protestant communities.


Too old for this, too young for that – welcome to the world of young adolescents! How do we find what’s “just right” to reach and teach these energetic, inquisitive and often outspoken youth? Whether you live with, work with or simply wonder about 6th-9th graders, this session will help you understand why they are the way they are….and provide practical ideas for forming faith with them at church, at home and even in the car! Also being presented in Session IX



The whole aim of the Church is to evangelize and catechize, and for those who work with young people it is our central task. What is the difference between a follower of Christ and a disciple? And how do we make disciples of the young people that we work with? This session gets to the heart of discipleship ministry with young people, revealing the earmarks and tools for effective discipleship, and the key ingredients necessary to walk with young people into owned and lived faith. Also being presented in Session IV


AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION: POSITIVE BEHAVIORAL SUPPORTS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Dr. Michael J. Boyle, Ph.D. Ballroom A3 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a powerful process to create a system of supports


Also being presented in Session VII



Our celebration of Christian liturgy is an inherently formational act as it builds us up together as Christ’s body and helps each participant to grow more into the image and likeness of Christ. In this talk, Rev. Heines looks at five perspectives that liturgists and catechists might keep in mind to ensure that the naturally formational dimensions of our Christian worship can truly reap the greatest fruit in each celebration. Drawing upon the writings of contemporary liturgical theologians and pastoral practice, Rev. Heines hopes these five ways can ensure that each member of an assembly and the assembly of the whole can lay claim to the riches available in every celebration for growth in Christ.


Session Descriptions Join Lisa Hendey for a look at the saints – some popular and some less well known – who intercede for us along our path to heaven. Learn more about the lives of specific saints who serve as role models of a commitment to justice, courage and virtue. Discuss creative activities for sharing the lives of these holy men and women with your family, students, or ministry members.



Church teaching on reserving ordination to men, on fertility awareness and on homosexual behavior is difficult for some to accept. What’s behind these teachings, and how can we help God’s people understand, accept and live Catholic faith in its fullness and beauty? Pastors, religion teachers, DREs, youth ministers and principals will learn helpful, effective ways of explaining some hard teachings pastorally.


Also being presented in Session VIII

Also being presented in Session VII


One of the most pressing questions pastoral leaders have is about collaboration. How do men and women work together? Pastors, parish staff, and parishioners? How do we recognize the unique role and contribution of each? Please join us as we look at healthy models of collaboration and how they show up in parish ministry.

Also being presented in Session IX


Jesus knew exactly how to work in different cultures. Why don’t we discover these gems of wisdom in our ministry with young people? Discover the most effective ways to make the Gospel relevant to teens in honorable new ways! Capture the enthusiasm and energy of our teens as they take on leadership in ministry. Discover how the everyday music they listen to can help you connect with them on key issues in their lives. This works! Guaranteed.

Also being presented in Session VII




Participants will gain insights, participate in creative activities, and engage in unique approaches to the on-going formation of catechists on the human, spiritual and intellectual level. This is methodology for the formation of catechists as disciples who take on apprentices. Also being presented in Session IV



This breakout session will give a scriptural defense of the Sacrament of Penance and also show why the confession of serious sin to a priest is not only necessary but also how the regular practice of confession is such a great gift and grace in our ongoing conversion and growth in holiness. An ideal session for DREs, catechists, parents, those involved in sacramental preparation, and for anyone who wants to be holy!


Among Jesus’ closest disciples, three Marys provide us with inspiring – and somewhat surprising – models for ministry. Practical applications of the example of these three women of Scripture, and dialogue with other conference participants will enrich your own approach to ministry.


The search for planets around other stars (exoplanets) has yielded over five hundred alien worlds beyond imagination. With each new world, astronomers are forced to rethink how planets form, the chances for earth-like planets, and the lessons other worlds teach us. The growing number of exoplanets also raises theological questions centered on how to understand Christ in light of the immensity of the universe and the possibility of life beyond Earth. We will examine the ways in which astronomers search for worlds beyond Earth, the prospects for finding earth-like planets, and the moral and theological questions that arise from research.

In answer to the question “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan. The lawyer’s question and Jesus’ response throw light on the topic of this session. Using the parable and other scriptural texts, we will explore what the Bible has to say about openness and inclusivity within the Christian community. This exploration will enrich your faith experience, affirm your loving response to the neighbor you meet in your daily life and work, and deepen your understanding of the scriptural basis of openness to the other.


BEYOND EARTH Dr. Richard Olenick, Ph.D.

Also being presented in Session VII




Every teacher, catechist, and minister is called to foster biblical literacy in the people we minister to. But are we clear about what our goals should be for this task? This workshop will introduce the A, B, C’s of biblical literacy, an easy to follow structure to guide your efforts.


Session Descriptions Also being presented in Session VIII

share your experiences and questions related to ministry to the bereaved.

Session IV – 3:00 – 4:00 PM IV-01



The whole aim of the Church is to evangelize and catechize, and for those who work with young people it is our central task. What is the difference between a follower of Christ and a disciple? And how do we make disciples of the young people that we work with? This session gets to the heart of discipleship ministry with young people, revealing the earmarks and tools for effective discipleship, and the key ingredients necessary to walk with young people into owned and lived faith. Also being presented in Session III

IV-02 LEADING WITH SOUL Dr. Lee G. Bolman, Ph.D.

Ballroom A4

To prevail in the face of violence, homelessness, malaise, and many other spiritual challenges of modern life, we need a vision of leadership rooted in the enduring sense of human wisdom, spirit, and heart. We need a new generation of seekers. We need a revolution in how we think about and develop leaders. Most management and leadership development programs ignore or demean spirit. They desperately need an infusion of spiritual forms such as poetry, literature, music, art, theater, history, philosophy, and dance. If we do this, we can help individuals reclaim their hearts, souls, and spirits and they will be prepared to share their own gifts from the heart.


AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION: POSITIVE BEHAVIORAL SUPPORTS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Dr. Michael J. Boyle, Ph.D. A302-303 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a powerful process to create a system of supports to prevent problem behaviors before they occur. This session will present the PBIS framework and give a specific focus on implementation in Catholic schools. Also being presented in Session III


Our American culture may be unintentionally ethnocentric in understanding, describing and dealing with the reality of death and bereavement due in part to an absence of a conscious awareness of the realities of people from other cultures. Catholic rituals around death and dying are universal, however, bereavement support within the church/parish setting following death has typically not been supported across all cultural groups. This program will explore the cultural bereavement rituals of ethnic groups within our church, the role evangelization plays in bereavement, and how to develop faith-based grief support. Come prepared to


“YOU WANT IT WHEN?” Sr. Carol Cimino, SSJ, Ed.D.


This presentation covers several issues that confront the school secretary, including the prioritization of work, dealing with salespersons, some legal issues, and keeping it all together.


Rev. Abelardo Cobos is Pastor of Resurrection Catholic community, church and school and has worked together with principal Danny Brogee for four years. When they began their journey in Catholic education, Resurrection had an enrollment of about 69 students and was in danger of being closed down; however in one year, they were able to increase enrollment by 75%. According to the University of Notre Dame, one in every five Catholic schools has closed since 2000. In this session, Rev. Abelardo and Danny Brogee will share their experiences of how they took a struggling inner city Catholic school in Houston, Texas, and saved it from becoming one of these statistics.


Marlon De La Torre will reveal common errors most catechists and religion teachers make when teaching the faith and what key catechetical methods will help to effectively avoid these errors when handing on the faith to others.


This session will be a follow-up of the keynote describing in more detail how the great Catholic school personnel can motivate and energize both themselves and the students to be faith-alive in a culture that at best ignores and at worst negates the values that their ministry promotes.


The session will cover, in general, the newly issued Faculties for the Priests of the Diocese of Dallas and, in particular, those faculties relating to marriage. The presentation will concentrate on the paperwork aspect of preparing a couple in the Dallas diocese for marriage, whether the wedding will occur in the Dallas diocese or outside the Dallas diocese. Time will be provided for questions during and/or after the session. Also being presented in Session VIII


In Sacred Scripture the primary question about God is not, “Does God exist?” The primary question is, “Is God with us or not?” The biblical witness is that our God is a God of promise. But what is it that God promises? And do our expectations match what is promised? It is all about “presents” or “presence” as this session reflects on the nature of the gift God offers and on the depth of our desire to want it and to accept it. Also being presented in Session VI

understand in a fuller way what it means to be human and especially from a Christian perspective. Also being presented in Session VII


This interactive workshop will examine the dynamics of domestic violence, the affects of domestic violence on families, interventions and how to create a safety plan.


Also being presented in Session VI

IV-12 CARING FOR EACH OTHER EVEN UNTO DEATH: WHAT DO THE ETHICAL AND RELIGIOUS DIRECTIVES FOR CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE SERVICES HAVE TO SAY Dr. Marie T. Hilliard, BSN, MS, MA, JCL, PhD, RN, DM Ballroom A2 This session will provide the attendees with an overview of the Catholic Church’s moral guidance on end-oflife care, particularly what constitutes ordinary versus extraordinary means of preserving life. The session will concentrate on the framework for decision-making on the withholding/withdrawing treatment that represents a disproportionate burden to the patient. The newly approved USCCB document To Live Each Day with Dignity exposing the myth that assisted suicide is a compassionate choice, will be discussed. The session will explore the foundational Catholic moral teaching pertaining to suffering, understand Church teaching of providing nutrition and hydration to those unable to ingest them orally, and apply the bioethical concepts contained in the ERDs.



The question of what it means to be human confronts all of us throughout our lives. Some contend that humanity can be reduced to biological or chemical or political or economic categories while others see human nature as completely transcending history, culture, gender and existing in a realm of pure objectivity. In this talk we will strive to find a balance between the relativists and the absolutists. Physical, cultural and historical categories will be in dialogue with philosophical and theological ones to allow us to


Participants will gain insights, participate in creative activities, and engage in unique approaches to the on-going formation of catechists on the human, spiritual and intellectual level. This is methodology for the formation of catechists as disciples who take on apprentices.


Our students are bombarded with wrongful sexual messages. The consequences of immoral sexual conduct can be devastating and last a lifetime. We must counter these pressures. We can guide and encourage our youth to live chastely, as God wants them to and help those that are already sexually active to start over, regain their self-respect, and find peace in God’s forgiveness.


Also being presented in Session III



As a Church, we have exactly what young people are searching for; why are some of them not hearing this? It may be easier than you think. Imagine the possibilities of helping teens pray more meaningfully. Discover an approach that gets teens excited about their spiritual journey and praying. Finish this workshop with proven principles to challenge teens to lead prayer, participate actively in retreats, classroom, and ministry settings. As a bonus to you, watch your conversation with God become more alive as well! Also being presented in Session VIII



Our people are hungry for the Word of God and parish Bible studies are flourishing. Brian Singer-Towns will share his secrets for successful Bible studies with all ages learned over the last fifteen years and ask you to do the same. Together you’ll look at how to get started, different formats, and available resources. Also being presented in Session VII


Joyce Springer, author of the new book Handbook of Sacraments for Today’s Catechist, brings experience in both Catholic parishes and schools. Presenting a clear and accessible introduction to all seven sacraments, this workshop offers hands-on learning for participants, including echo-stories, parables, crafts and interviews. This workshop will give you interactive ideas that you can use immediately with the families and children in your school or religious education classes. This


Session Descriptions workshop is appropriate for anyone working with children of ages K-8. Also being presented in Session VII

V-04 TRULY WALKING TOGETHER IN FAITH, TRULY BECOMING A MULTICULTURAL PARISH Santiago Fernández A117 Have you discovered a growing Hispanic presence in your faith community? Have you been wondering how to prepare liturgies that truly honor, celebrate and embrace everyone’s giftedness? In this session, Santiago will share his experience working with multicultural communities, planning inclusive and welcoming multicultural liturgies and using bilingual music to effectively bring people together in their journey of faith.

IV-19 TEN COMMANDMENTS: A CATHOLIC GUIDE TO A MORAL LIFE Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi Ballroom A1 Rev. Msgr. Peter Vaghi will address the ten commandments using a three-pronged approach for each of the commandments. First, the focus will be on the Jewish understanding of the commandment; second, he will treat the effect of the Christ event on each commandment – how it is that Christ came to “fulfill” the commandment; and finally, he will list some practical and pastoral implications of each commandment for our time. The talk is based on his new book, The Commandments We Keep: A Catholic Guide to living a Moral Life.

Session V – 4:30 – 5:30 PM V-01 PARENTS AS PARTNERS: WORKING TOGETHER IN FORMING FAITH WITH YOUTH Mary Lee Becker A130 How might parents embrace their role as “primary catechists” with passion and pride? What will help to prepare, empower and support parents in their critical role of “domestic church?” Discover how the stages of family life, stages of adolescent development, and stages of faith formation intertwine and provide insight for understanding the intergenerational catechetical dynamics of families with youth. Learn three key activities research has shown will strengthen faith in families. Also being presented in Session VI


In the last couple of years, an explosion of new media has led to a revolution in communication. Blogging, texting, apps., google, and messaging have become part of our everyday lexicon. How does the Church view this tecne revolution and what are the implications for a society starved for spiritual meaning? We will discuss the tools and traps of using technology to speak of God, using Pope Benedict’s messages on World Communication Day as a launch pad. We will look practically at what tools are currently providing platforms for evangelization, prayer, and catechesis.


The National Directory for Catechesis reminds us that “Catechesis both precedes the Liturgy and springs from it.” We will explore the relationship between liturgy and catechesis and consider: how does our catechizing prepare people for participation in the liturgy and encourage them to reflect on and to live what we celebrate?




In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus calls his hearers to “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Can He be serious? Does the New Testament portrait of Christian discipleship present an ideal that is impossible to attain? This session takes a hard look at the reasonableness of the New Testament call to a life of “perfection.” Also being presented in Session VII



Across the cultural, economic and educational spectrum, people appear to be suffering from hopelessness. Overwhelmed, this hopelessness many have fallen into depression or depraved behaviors. As Christians, we claim to be heirs to a promise that overcomes death. We profess that, through the death and resurrection of Christ, our loss has been transformed and redeemed. This session addresses the continuing need to unfold the meaning of the cross for a suffering world and offers insights into the necessity of teaching the enigma of the cross as a sign of hope. For in the midst of the darkness and despair, there is the transforming light of the resurrected crucified Christ. This session is recommended for those engaged in the ministries of evangelization, catechesis, pastoral care, youth, young adult, and small faith communities.

V-07 THE FIVE NON-NEGOTIABLES Sheree Whitters Havlik


This presentation addresses the Church teachings on the five non-negotiables: abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, cloning, and same-sex marriage. Society and the media can make us believe what is intrinsically wrong is really right. We are blessed that our Church not only takes a stand for what is right, but also provides us with the knowledge to do what is right through the Catechism and encyclicals, guiding us through difficult situations in life. Understanding the teachings gives us confidence in our own decisions and the ability to support others through similar difficult decisions. Also being presented in Session VIII


The Catholic Church is not only the largest nongovernmental sponsor of health care in the United States, but also the oldest sponsor of organized health care in the world. A historical perspective of the Church’s ministry will be presented, with an explanation of how the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services provides the framework for the Church’s social, spiritual, and professional responsibilities in ministry to the sick. The session will show how Catholic teaching is actualized through health care, recognize the impact of secular relativism and apply the bioethical concepts contained in the ERDs.


As those 65 and older become the fastest growing segment of the U. S. population, issues of aging and the elderly are coming to the fore. Historically, wisdom has been associated with elders. How can today’s elders use their wisdom to build the community? How do we as a Catholic, Christian community respond to the elders in our midst? What insights on aging and the elderly can we find in scripture? This session will explore how the wisdom found in the Bible can offer guidance for our response to the “golden years. Also being presented in Session IX


Our 2,000 year-old Church is in critical need today of helping our pastors, school administrators and archbishops/bishops to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to their care. Deacon Koniers will outline his recent experiences and successes in providing accountability, transparency and good internal controls that are the building blocks of developing efficient faith-based organizations. Clergy, religious, parishioners, schools parents and lay employees of the Church will learn how information is the basis for which good decisions are made. Also being presented in Session IX


The ritual density of Catholic life permeates everything we do. Join in a dialogue with fellow pilgrims on the journey of faith to explore some of the ways ritual enhances our commitment to Christ and deepens our service of his people. Also being presented in Session VI

V-12 UNDERSTANDING CONTEMPORARY ART & ITS PLACE IN WORSHIP Linda McCray, MFA, ACLS A133-134 To pass our beliefs to future generations, we need to communicate to everyone, especially our youth, in our contemporary visual language. This session will help you understand and explore new ways to translate our rich symbolism, traditions and beliefs into vibrant contemporary art. Learn ways to introduce art catechesis to broaden understanding of new forms of expression, regardless of age differences and personal journeys. Let’s draw on the power of our art to create awe inspiring worship space to foster prayer. Also being presented in Session VII


This presentation will look at contemporary Catholic considerations of evolutionary theory. A primary source will be the Vatican’s International Theological Commission’s document, “Communion and Stewardship: Human Persons Created in the Image of God.” We will look at the history of evolutionary theory and the theological response and critique of Darwinism, as well as the current state of biology concerning the origins of life, particularly of humanity. We will examine challenges posed to traditional Catholic doctrines of creation and humanity while examining the nature of science and theology and their legitimate boundaries. We will attempt to see how Catholics can both preserve the doctrine of the Church while acknowledging the truth of scientific theory.


Using Scripture and Blessed Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter, On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering, this breakout session will explore redemptive suffering and give a scriptural and theological explanation of how our own suffering can be redemptive and move us to a greater love for others. An ideal session for anyone involved in adult faith formation, RCIA, apologetics, catechesis, or anyone wants to transform suffering in their lives to become an occasion for holiness. Also being presented in Session VI

V-15 TRICKS OF THE TRADE – 2011 EDITION Joyce Springer A301 Joyce has always been one of our most popular speakers because she shares fun, creative ideas for


Session Descriptions Catholic school teachers and parish catechists of grades K-8. Joyce exudes enthusiasm for sharing faith in this participative workshop that will provide you with handson activities to take home and use immediately. For this year’s workshop, Joyce has developed all new ideas, so that those of you who have heard her before can come back for the 2011 edition of great ideas! Also being presented in Session IX


KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE-UNDERSTANDING SOME OF THE MOST COMMON DISABILITIES CHILDREN AND EDUCATORS ARE FACED WITH IN THE CLASSROOM SETTING Melissa Waldon, M.S. A114-116 K-8 educators, come join us for a fun, interactive time of exploration on getting to know your students. Together we’ll reexamine the basics of some common disabilities and take a look at what is deemed fair and unfair practices in the school setting. We’ll briefly discuss our responsibilities as educators to Catholic Social Teaching. Most importantly, we’ll share ideas on specific, practical strategies that teachers can use in their classrooms.

Please Note: As a two part talk, this presentation continues into Session VII without a break.



Our students are bombarded with wrongful sexual messages. The consequences of immoral sexual conduct can be devastating and last a lifetime. We must counter these pressures. We can guide and encourage our youth to live chastely, as God wants them to and help those that are already sexually active to start over, regain their self-respect, and find peace in God’s forgiveness.

Session VI – 10:15 – 11:15 AM

Also being presented in Session IV

VI-01 PARENTS AS PARTNERS: WORKING TOGETHER IN FORMING FAITH WITH YOUTH Mary Lee Becker A133-134 How might parents embrace their role as “primary catechists” with passion and pride? What will help to prepare, empower and support parents in their critical role of “domestic church?” Discover how the stages of family life, stages of adolescent development, and stages of faith formation intertwine and provide insight for understanding the intergenerational catechetical dynamics of families with youth. Learn three key activities research has shown will strengthen faith in families. Also being presented in Session V


In Sacred Scripture the primary question about God is not, “Does God exist?” The primary question is, “Is God with us or not?” The biblical witness is that our God is a God of promise. But what is it that God promises? And do our expectations match what is promised? It is all about “presents” or “presence” as this session reflects on the nature of the gift God offers and on the depth of our desire to want it and to accept it. Also being presented in Session IV



Exceptional boards for a new age require members to give emphasize to four aspects of their role. They must be mission-driven, nurture a co-operative relationship with the head and others, plan for the board’s work as well as setting the school’s direction, and provide the necessary revenue streams and other resources to ensure the school’s vitality. This session will give practical tips and best practices from exceptional boards related to these four aspects of the members’ role. Participants will have opportunities to share their success stories as well.

VI-05 WHY DO WE DO THAT?: REFLECTIONS ON THE ROLE OF RITUAL IN CATHOLIC LIFE Dr. Daniel J. Luby, S.T.L., S.T.D. A114-116 The ritual density of Catholic life permeates everything we do. Join in a dialogue with fellow pilgrims on the journey of faith to explore some of the ways ritual enhances our commitment to Christ and deepens our service of his people. Also being presented in Session V


Using Scripture and Blessed Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter, On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering, this breakout session will explore redemptive suffering and give a scriptural and theological explanation of how our own suffering can be redemptive and move us to a greater love for others. An ideal session for anyone involved in adult faith formation, RCIA, apologetics, catechesis, or anyone wants to transform suffering in their lives to become an occasion for holiness. Also being presented in Session V

VI-07 CATECHIST AS WITNESS: EMBRACING JESUS, THE WAY, TRUTH AND THE LIFE Dr. Diana Dudoit Raiche, Ph.D. Arena God calls; we respond. That is how one starts out as a catechetical leader. Yet as leaders in the church’s catechetical ministry, we never fully arrive. We are always on our way to becoming a new and better

Session Descriptions catechetical leader, a new person in Christ. No sooner do we master one content area, skill set, or situation and we are called to a new challenge that has the potential to form or reform us. Turning to the words of Jesus: “I am the way the truth and the life” (Jn. 14-6), we find courage and strength to embrace Jesus anew each day. In that embrace we become more than we could have imagined when the journey began.




In this second presentation, Rev. Msgr. Peter Vaghi’s focus will be on conscience – properly formed, freely followed and regularly examined. In addition, he will speak on friendship with God – what it means to be a friend of God and how it informs our friendships with each other and vice versa.

apologetics and ecumenism and offer insights into Evangelical Protestant understanding of apologetics and Roman Catholic understanding of intra-faith dialogue in relation to New Apologetics. This session is recommended for Evangelization personnel, and those who live, work, and/or minister with evangelical protestant communities. Also being presented in Session III

VII-05 PART 2: CURRENT ISSUES AND TRENDS TO FOCUS ON TO BUILD AN EXCEPTIONAL BOARD FOR A NEW AGE Dr. Regina M. Haney Ballroom A3 Exceptional boards for a new age require members to give emphasize to four aspects of their role. They must be mission-driven, nurture a co-operative relationship with the head and others, plan for the board’s work as well as setting the school’s direction, and provide the necessary revenue streams and other resources to ensure the school’s vitality. This session will give practical tips and best practices from exceptional boards related to these four aspects of the members’ role. Participants will have opportunities to share their success stories as well.

Session VII – 11:45 – 12:45 PM VII-01


Occasional tensions between Rome and Main Street USA are an inevitable fact of Catholic life, but they’re often exacerbated by a whole series of stereotypes, prejudices, and misimpressions about the Vatican that cloud the popular mind. This session debunks five of the most popular myths about the Vatican, including Vatican wealth, Vatican secrecy, and the notion that there really is something called “the Vatican” in the first place.

VII-02 MEET THE PARENTS Sr. Carol Cimino, SSJ, Ed.D.

Please Note: As a two part talk, this presentation continues from Session VI without a break.


In his message for World Communications Day 2011, Pope Benedict XVI has called on each of us to “confidently and with an informed and responsible creativity, to join the network of relationships which the digital era has made possible.” Join Lisa Hendey for a conversation on the responsible and faith-filled use of technology in the new evangelization, including building authentic relationships, discerning truthful information, and employing social media in creative ways to promote the good news of the Gospel. Learn about the recent Vatican Bloggers Conference and current trends in Catholic new media.

Ballroom A4

“Meet the Parents” explores the unique characteristics of today’s parents and children and suggests how to engage parents in the faith formation of their children.



In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus calls his hearers to “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Can He be serious? Does the New Testament portrait of Christian discipleship present an ideal that is impossible to attain? This session takes a hard look at the reasonableness of the New Testament call to a life of “perfection.”


Among Jesus’ closest disciples, three Marys provide us with inspiring – and somewhat surprising – models for ministry. Practical applications of the example of these three women of Scripture, and dialogue with other conference participants will enrich your own approach to ministry.

Also being presented in Session V


The term apologetics has resurfaced largely through writings, the majority of which are written by Evangelical Protestants who wish to correct Catholic errors. Sadly, many of those who use the term appear to be unfamiliar with the lengthy history of apologetics within Roman Catholic Tradition and the Church’s current posture of welcome and dialogue with other Christians. This session will address the historic tension between

Also being presented in Session III



Perhaps the most challenging aspect of youth ministry is fostering the faith maturing process in youth. This


Session Descriptions workshop will explore various dimensions of faith development in adolescents. Included in the session will be practical approaches to enhancing faith development in adolescents, fostering their faith identity and examining the role of the adult minister in this process.

This presentation will focus on the 2003 pastoral letter from the Catholic Bishops of Mexico and the United States, “Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope.” The teaching of the Church will be examined as a foundation for advocacy of migrant workers and families. The bishops seek “A more orderly system that accommodates the reality of migration and promotes just application of civil law…We invite Catholics and persons of good will in both nations to exercise their faith and to use their resources and gifts to truly welcome the stranger among us (cf. Mt 25:35).” The specific responsibilities of the call will be explored including legislating a just system of migration flow, maintaining birthright citizenship, opposing the criminalization of undocumented workers, giving due process rights to all the undocumented, and treating all migrants with dignity and respect.

VII-10 UNDERSTANDING CONTEMPORARY ART & ITS PLACE IN WORSHIP Linda McCray, MFA, ACLS A135-136 To pass our beliefs to future generations, we need to communicate to everyone, especially our youth, in our contemporary visual language. This session will help you understand and explore new ways to translate our rich symbolism, traditions and beliefs into vibrant contemporary art. Learn ways to introduce art catechesis to broaden understanding of new forms of expression, regardless of age differences and personal journeys. Let’s draw on the power of our art to create awe inspiring worship space to foster prayer. Also being presented in Session V



The question of what it means to be human confronts all of us throughout our lives. Some contend that humanity can be reduced to biological or chemical or political or economic categories while others see human nature as completely transcending history, culture, gender and existing in a realm of pure objectivity. In this talk we will strive to find a balance between the relativists and the absolutists. Physical, cultural and historical categories will be in dialogue with philosophical and theological ones to allow us to understand in a fuller way what it means to be human and especially from a Christian perspective. Also being presented in Session IV



The National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS) promotes age-appropriate programs for scout youth members to learn about God, the church community, and their roles in church. They also offer programs to learn and pray the Holy Rosary and to learn about American saints. Dr. Michael McGuire will give an overview of the religious emblem programs that are available to members of Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, and Venture Crews. He will discuss how the religious emblem programs enrich the basic scout advancement program as well as reinforce religious instruction given elsewhere. The information provided should help parishes that sponsor scouting units to take full advantage of scouting as youth ministry.




BEYOND EARTH Dr. Richard Olenick, Ph.D.


The search for planets around other stars (exoplanets) have yielded over five hundred alien worlds beyond imagination. With each new world, astronomers are forced to rethink how planets form, the chances for earth-like planets, and the lessons other worlds teach us. The growing number of exoplanets also raises theological questions centered on how to understand Christ in light of the immensity of the universe and the possibility of life beyond Earth. We will examine the ways in which astronomers search for worlds beyond Earth, the prospects for finding earth-like planets, and the moral and theological questions that arise from research. Also being presented in Session III


Jesus knew exactly how to work in different cultures. Why don’t we discover these gems of wisdom in our ministry with young people? Discover the most effective ways to make the Gospel relevant to teens in honorable new ways! Capture the enthusiasm and energy of our teens as they take on leadership in ministry. Discover how the everyday music they listen to can help you connect with them on key issues in their lives. This works! Guaranteed. Also being presented in Session III



Our people are hungry for the Word of God and parish Bible studies are flourishing. Brian Singer-Towns will share his secrets for successful Bible studies with all ages learned over the last fifteen years and ask you to do the same. Together, you’ll look at how to get started, different formats, and available resources. Also being presented in Session IV

Session Descriptions VII-17 SACRAMENTS FOR TODAY’S CATECHIST AND TEACHER Joyce Springer A124-127

Joyce Springer, author of the new book Handbook of Sacraments for Today’s Catechist, brings experience in both Catholic parishes and schools. Presenting a clear and accessible introduction to all seven sacraments, this workshop offers hands-on learning for participants, including echo-stories, parables, crafts and interviews. This workshop will give you interactive ideas that you can use immediately with the families and children in your school or religious education classes. This workshop is appropriate for anyone working with children of ages K-8. Also being presented in Session IV


Rev. Stoeger’s talk will show how our knowledge of the universe and its history enriches our understanding of divine creation, and how a proper Catholic understanding complements what we know from astronomy, physics, and biology. He will sketch the history of our amazing universe from the Big Bang to the present, and briefly discuss cosmic and biological evolution. In doing so he will stress that these processes originate in and are enabled by God’s ongoing creative act. Rev. Stoeger will outline the Catholic understanding of divine creation and how it is not only fully compatible with all that we know from the sciences, but helps us appreciate their strengths and limitations.


At last! We finally have the long awaited English version of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal. The language of prayer powerfully expresses our faith, even as it forms us in that faith. After 35 years with the current “Sacramentary,” what significance and what explanations do we want to have as we prepare for the First Sunday of Advent? Whether you have been looking forward to this, been dreading it, or just tuning in...now is a great time to take a fresh look at our language of prayer.

Session VIII – 2:00 – 3:00 PM VIII-01 THE POPE’S PR PROBLEM John Allen, Jr.


There’s a great story to tell about Pope Benedict XVI, beginning with his deep commitment to “Affirmative Orthodoxy” – presenting classic Christian teaching in the most positive key possible. Persistent communications woes at the Vatican, however, sometimes make that story hard to get across to a general audience. This session examines several case studies drawn from recent experience, extracting larger lessons for the enterprise of Church communications at all levels.


The session will cover, in general, the newly issued Faculties for the Priests of the Diocese of Dallas and, in particular, those faculties relating to marriage. The presentation will concentrate on the paperwork aspect of preparing a couple in the Dallas diocese for marriage, whether the wedding will occur in the Dallas diocese or outside the Dallas diocese. Time will be provided for questions during and/or after the session. Also being presented in Session IV



This presentation addresses the Church teachings on the five non-negotiables: abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, cloning, and same-sex marriage. Society and the media can make us believe what is intrinsically wrong is really right. We are blessed that our Church not only takes a stand for what is right, but also provides us with the knowledge to do what is right through the Catechism and encyclicals, guiding us through difficult situations in life. Understanding the teachings gives us confidence in our own decisions and the ability to support others through similar difficult decisions. Also being presented in Session V


In answer to the question “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan. The lawyer’s question and Jesus’ response throw light on the topic of this session. Using the parable and other scriptural texts, we will explore what the Bible has to say about openness and inclusivity within the Christian community. This exploration will enrich your faith experience, affirm your loving response to the neighbor you meet in your daily life and work, and deepen your understanding of the scriptural basis of openness to the other. Also being presented in Session III


Our modern picture of the cosmos is vastly different from that in the ages when Paul, Augustine, and Aquinas wrote. How does our modern understanding of the universe influence theology? Must we as Catholics pretend that we live in a heliocentric universe? Does our new understanding of the universe diminish the purpose of humanity? Or is it irrelevant to all of these considerations? Dr. Lunine will try to address these issues from his own point of view, as a Catholic and planetary scientist, and will invite the audience to do the same.


Session Descriptions VIII-06 MASTER ORCHESTRATOR AND CO-WORKER: A DIFFICULT BALANCE Leland D. Nagel A130 Using the best of the NDC, Our Hearts Were Burning, and Co-workers, participants will discover how to create the catechetical moment where those attending encounter, engage, embrace, evangelize. You can’t just tell the good news, you have to be the good news. This is a unique approach to hone your skills as the orchestrator of faith formation while working with, by, and for those who answered the call to be a catechist.

VIII-07 “WHO WANTS TO BE A CATHOLIC MILLIONAIRE?” Linda Khirallah Porter, MTS A124-127

Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader? Wheel of Fortune? Taboo? Jeopardy? Password? Sounds like a game show! You’re right! Faith formation and managing the environment in catechetical sessions has always been a challenge. Whether we are preparing our faithful for welcoming the revised Roman Missal, unpacking the beliefs of our Creed for Christian Initiation, or forming our 7 year olds to celebrate Reconciliation for the first time, these encounters can be amazing experiences through interactive, exciting, and enjoyable ways. Adults, young and old, and children of all ages are truly catechized and converted when they are engaged in handing on their faith. Come and join us and experience how you can ignite the flame of faith within the participants in your faith formation sessions. Be ready to play!


As a Church, we have exactly what young people are searching for; why are some of them not hearing this? It may be easier than you think. Imagine the possibilities of helping teens pray more meaningfully. Discover an approach that gets teens excited about their spiritual journey and praying. Finish this workshop with proven principles to challenge teens to lead prayer, participate actively in retreats, classroom, and ministry settings. As a bonus to you, watch your conversation with God become more alive as well! Also being presented in Session IV



Every teacher, catechist, and minister is called to foster biblical literacy in the people we minister to. But are we clear about what our goals should be for this task? This workshop will introduce the A, B, C’s of biblical literacy, an easy to follow structure to guide your efforts. Also being presented in Session III

VIII-10 COMPLETING THE PUZZLE – AUTISM 101 Melissa Waldon, M.S. A304 The Pastoral Statement of U.S. Catholic Bishops on Persons with Disabilities encourages people to


reexamine their attitudes towards their brothers and sisters with disabilities. Today, we will briefly cover what this document tells us about catechesis to children with special needs. Since it is estimated that 1 in 110 in the United States have autism, we will explore more deeply the disability of autism and complete “the puzzle” for the most effective strategies to meet the needs of the learner and aide the catechist in the catechetical setting.


Too old for this, too young for that – welcome to the world of young adolescents! How do we find what’s “just right” to reach and teach these energetic, inquisitive and often outspoken youth? Whether you live with, work with or simply wonder about 6th-9th graders, this session will help you understand why they are the way they are….and provide practical ideas for forming faith with them at church, at home and even in the car! Also being presented in Session III

IX-02 SCREWTAPE LETTERS AND THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Marlon De La Torre, M.A., M.Ed. A133-134 Marlon De La Torre will draw upon two great works: C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters and the Catechism of the Catholic Church on how to effectively teach Catholic doctrine from Screwtape Letters using the Catechism.



Evangelii Nuntiandi reminds us that the Church “exists in order to evangelize.” How is our catechizing faithful to that mission? We will consider who we need to be and what we need to do to hold evangelization as the goal and measure of our catechetical efforts.

IX-04 TIME OUT! PRAYING WITH SCRIPTURE AND EMBODYING THE WORD Sr. Esther Guerrero, MCDP, MTS A117 You want a new approach to reading Scripture? Discover that prayer is not limited to one form. Learn the process of praying with Scripture. Allow God to inspire your reading and use you as an instrument to speak to the hearts of others.


As those 65 and older become the fastest growing segment of the U. S. population, issues of aging and the elderly are coming to the fore. Historically, wisdom has been associated with elders. How can today’s elders use their wisdom to build the community? How do we as a Catholic, Christian community respond to the elders in our midst? What insights on aging and the elderly can we find in scripture? This session will explore

Session Descriptions how the wisdom found in the Bible can offer guidance for our response to the “golden years. Also being presented in Session V



Best way to scare parents? Tell them they are the primary religious educators of their children! This workshop is for parents and pastoral ministers – and all those interested in the challenge of passing on the faith. We will identify critical characteristics of adolescent faith, practical approaches to enhancing faith development among young people, and strategies for enabling parents to successfully and willingly take on their desired role in fostering the faith of their teens.


Catholicism has a rich and long tradition of spirituality. Monastics, mystics, and moderns have taught us much about the journey to God. What does this journey look like in today’s world? Where can we find God? This workshop will look at what we have learned from our forefathers and mothers and how we are being called to seek God in today’s world.


Our 2,000 year-old Church is in critical need today of helping our pastors, school Administrators and archbishops/bishops to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to their care. Deacon Koniers will outline his recent experiences and successes in providing accountability, transparency and good internal controls that are the building blocks of developing efficient faith-based organizations. Clergy, religious, parishioners, schools parents and lay employees of the Church will learn how information is the basis for which good decisions are made. Also being presented in Session V

IX-09 HOW DOES A WORKING SCIENTIST RECONCILE PROFESSION AND FAITH? Dr. Jonathan Lunine, Ph.D., Dr. Richard Olenick, Ph.D., and Rev. William Stoeger, S.J. A135-136 This panel discussion will feature three distinguished and nationally-known scientists. Come ask questions about how Catholics in their profession can reconcile faith with science, even when the fields don’t always mesh easily.

IX-10 HOOK, LINE AND SINKER...AND THE WORM Elizabeth Madeo A122-123

Need some fresh ideas for your catechists or your own classroom? Learn about a simple method to prepare lessons: Hook, Line, Sinker...and the Worm. Hook them into the lesson, use line to take them deeper, anchor them in prayer and don’t forget to feed them the worm. By keeping these four things in mind, lesson plans reiterate a lesson multiple times throughout a class! While the lesson plan guides the class, creative icebreakers, prayer, activities, and even snacks are what engage children and youth and point them directly to the focus – Christ.



This breakout session will give a scriptural defense of the Sacrament of Penance and also show why the confession of serious sin to a priest is not only necessary but also how the regular practice of confession is such a great gift and grace in our ongoing conversion and growth in holiness. An ideal session for DREs, catechists, parents, those involved in sacramental preparation, and for anyone who wants to be holy! Also being presented in Session III

IX-13 TRICKS OF THE TRADE – 2011 EDITION Joyce Springer A114-116

Joyce has always been one of our most popular speakers because she shares fun, creative ideas for Catholic school teachers and parish catechists of grades K-8. Joyce exudes enthusiasm for sharing faith in this participative workshop that will provide you with handson activities to take home and use immediately. For this year’s workshop, Joyce has developed all new ideas, so that those of you who have heard her before can come back for the 2011 edition of great ideas! Also being presented in Session V


The Church is deeply rooted and continues to bear new fruit. Join us as we discuss practical ways to breathe new life into our ministry with music that engages young and old.


With roommates, co-workers, friends, significant others, and spouses who do not share our faith, how do we set out to all the nations and share Jesus Christ without looking like a “religious radical”?


Resource Spotlights SCHEDULE Friday, Oct. 28

All resource spotlights will take place in Hall A on the Spotlight Stage.

10:15 – 10:45 AM............... iCue Network 12:00 – 12:30 PM................ Pflaum Publishing Group 12:45 – 1:15 PM.................. RenWeb School Management Software

Saturday, Oct. 29

11:15 – 11:45 AM............... Tony Meléndez Ministries 12:45 – 1:15 PM.................. Technology Media Group 1:30 – 2:00 PM.................... Ligouri Publications 3:00 – 3:30 PM.................... iCue Network


Friday – 10:15 AM | Saturday – 3:00 PM THE 5 W’S OF OUR CATHOLIC FAITH | LAS 5 PREGUNTAS DE LA FE CATÓLICA Ligouri Publications

Saturday – 1:30 PM


iCue Network is helping a new generation reach academic excellence by providing teachers with an online platform where they can become “academic coaches,” using innovative technology for tutoring motivated students. See a live demonstration of how www.icuenetwork.com sets a new standard in the field of education while offering teachers an opportunity for supplemental income. The 5 W’s of our Catholic Faith is the first part of a new faith formation program that presents the highlights of our faith in a who, what, where, when, why question format, including: Who’s who in the Church? What do Catholics believe about the faith and the Church? Where do Catholics encounter God? When did the tradition of honoring the saints begin? Why the Church is this way? Las 5 preguntas de la fe católica es la primera parte de un nuevo programa de formación en la fe que presenta los puntos básicos de la fe católica en formato de preguntas, incluyendo: ¿Quiénes es quién en la Iglesia? ¿Qué es lo que los católicos creen acerca de su fe y de la iglesia? ¿Adónde se dirigen los católicos para encontrar a Dios? ¿Cuándo comenzó la tradición de honrar a los santos? ¿Por qué la Iglesia es así?

What’s the BUZZ about?...The Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Faith Formation Program, PreK-8! Come learn more about this new, complete faith formation program. Free sample copies available!


Friday – 12:45 PM


And why that number quickly continues to grow, as RenWeb School Management Software has added more than 600 new schools in the past two years alone. RenWeb has revolutionized school management with its industry-leading power, integration, ease of use and affordability. Come and see how RenWeb’s functionality continues to expand with each new release, including its newest online application service, integrated website solution, and iPhone app. Let us demonstrate for you why so many other schools have made the switch to RenWeb and unleashed the possibilities it offers their schools. Team up with TMG on your next fundraising project with their TMG FUNDraising plan! F-five favorite items, U-unlimited profits, N-no initial investment, D-delivered straight to your door!

Saturday – 12:45 PM TONY MELÉNDEZ MINISTRIES Tony Meléndez Ministries

Saturday – 11:15 AM


Through regional and global concerts, conferences, service opportunities, retreats and school presentations, Tony Melendez Ministries generates hope, and a commitment to help people see that all our brothers and sisters know justice and live with dignity.

Musical Performances Friday, October 28



8:30 – 9:00 AM

Curtis Stephan & Santiago Fernandez (at Morning Prayer) Augie Leal Rick Matos


9:00 – 9:15 AM 10:15 – 10:45 AM

Augie Leal Augie Leal Joe Languell

Hall A Praise Stage Ballroom A Lobby Stage Hall A Praise Stage Ballroom A Lobby Stage

11:45 – 12:30 PM

David Thies

Hall A Praise Stage Ballroom A Lobby Stage

12:45 – 1:30 PM

Jesus Te Ama Joe Languell

Hall A Praise Stage Ballroom A Lobby Stage

2:30 – 3:00 PM

Michael James Mette Jesus Te Ama

Hall A Praise Stage Ballroom A Lobby Stage

3:00 – 4:00 PM

David Thies Tony Meléndez (in Spanish)

Hall A Praise Stage Arena

4:00 – 4:30 PM

Communities of Prayer (Tom Grossman)

Ballroom A Lobby Stage

5:45 – 6:15 PM

In Our Midst Curtis Stephan & Santiago Fernandez (at Evening Prayer)

Hall A Praise Strage Arena

Saturday, October 29



8:30 – 9:30 AM

Tony Meléndez & Augie Leal


9:30 – 10:00 AM

Michael James Mette Curtis Stephan & Santiago Fernandez (at Morning Prayer)

Hall A Praise Stage Arena

10:00 – 10:15 AM

Communities of Prayer (Tom Grossman) Rick Matos

Hall A Praise Stage Ballroom A Lobby Stage

11:15 – 11:45 AM

Communities of Prayer (Tom Grossman) Joe Languell

Hall A Praise Stage Hall A Praise Stage

12:45 – 1:15 PM

Augie Leal

Ballroom A Lobby Stage

1:30 – 2:00 PM

Santiago Fernandez Jesus Te Ama

Hall A Praise Stage Ballroom A Lobby Stage

2:00 – 3:00 PM

Curtis Stephan Tony Meléndez (in Spanish)

Hall A Praise Stage Ballroom A3

3:00 – 3:30 PM

Communities of Prayer (Tom Grossman)

Ballroom A Lobby Stage

4:30 – 5:00 PM

Jesus Te Ama Gabe Gutierrez

Hall A Praise Stage Ballroom A Lobby Stage

Soldiers of Christ

Hall A Praise Stage 27

Musicians Augie Leal

Fri – 8:30AM (HAPS) | Fri – 10:15PM (BLS) | Sat – 8:30AM (Arena) | Sat – 12:45PM (BLS)

Born and raised in Houston, TX, Augie has been playing music for over 36 years. Having learned the guitar as a Lenten promise at the age of 12 so he could play at mass, Augie has played for countless liturgies, diocesan & national conferences, retreats, concerts, youth rallies, work camps and just about everything else in between all across the country. With his unique style of music, he has been able to connect with both teens and adults. When given the opportunity, Augie enjoys jamming with his 2 band mates Jerry Rodriguez (Bass) and Carl Napoli (Percussion). His Debut CD, “In Jesus Name I Play” was recorded in Nashville and produced by Joe Hand. Augie has shared the stage with numerous artists including Tony Meléndez, Tom Booth, Matt Maher, Jesse Manibusan, Rev. Stan Fortuna, John Michael Talbot, Israel Houghton, Steve Angrisano, Who Do You Say I Am and Joe Hand just to name a few. Augie is also the co-founder, along with his wife Dawn, of the SHINE Catholic Work Camp, a week long summer mission camp for high school and college students. When Augie is not on the road sharing his music or helping run SHINE, you can find him being Dad to his kids. This is Augie’s 2nd year to be part of the UDMC.

Communities of Prayer (Tom Grossman)

Fri – 4:00PM (BLS) | Sat – 9:30AM (HAPS) | Sat – 3:00PM (BLS)

Communities of Prayer (COP) strengthens community and encourages discipleship by establishing schools of prayer and equipping the Body of Christ so that, unified, we can contribute to the New Evangelization. Every Church is a place where Christ should reign supreme in the hearts of the faithful, where each one, being formed in discipleship and readied for the work of evangelization, is better able to live the one faith preached in the Gospel. To this end, four pillars of COP have been developed to serve the Body of Christ: community, discipleship, evangelization, and unity. Each of these was foundational to the early church and is still vital today.

Curtis Stephan

Fri – 8:30AM (Arena) | Fri – 5:45PM (Arena) | Sat – 9:30AM (Arena) | Sat – 1:30PM (HAPS)

When Curtis Stephan finished his master’s degree from UNT in jazz studies, he never realized where God’s plan would take him. Originally invited to play guitar, sing, and lead music at a youth mass at the rapidly growing parish of St. Ann in Coppell, TX, Curtis quickly learned that the path in music ministry is long and filled with adventure. As composer, that road led him to spiritandsong.com, a division of Oregon Catholic Press, who has published many of his contemporary works including a popular new mass setting for the Revised Roman Missal, the “Mass of Renewal.” As artist and worship leader, Curtis has served the church internationally in venues large and small, including National Catholic Youth Conferences, World Youth Days in Germany, Australia and Spain; he was a featured performer at the special event for 40,000 youth in Turin, Italy with Pope Benedict XVI. As a disciple and witness, you see his deep roots in the church and genuine love for helping others grow closer to Christ. The adventure is mostly lived at his home parish of St. Ann where he serves as music director, but when he’s not chasing his two young sons around and as his wife allows, Curtis often travels to places near and far offering dynamic workshops in music and spirituality.

David Thies

Fri – 11:45AM (BLS) | Fri – 2:30PM (HAPS)

David Thies is a musician and folk story teller. Thies uses the gift of music to tell stories about life, love, faith, hope, loss, healing and all other aspects of the journey. He has a bachelor’s degree in music from Loyola University New Orleans and a master’s degree in theology from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, TX. For more information visit: davidthiesmusic.com


Musicians In Our Midst

Fri – 4:00PM (HAPS)

In Our Midst is Joan Grabowski, Bob Sandford, James Baird, and friends. At the core of their group, these three musicians are long-time collaborators who enjoy a calling to use their God-given talents to glorify Him through music. Started twenty years ago with just vocals, guitar and bass, In Our Midst’s ministry focused on bringing musical excellence to Roman Catholic liturgical music. Since then they have added spirituals and contemporary Christian music and have added instrumentation like drums and piano. In their music, In Our Midst seeks to honor the voices of each instrument as equal partners in the ministry. They believe that the resulting chemistry, when coupled with the Holy Spirit, has a greater potential for opening hearts to His grace. The group is currently working on a new CD. For more information, check out their website: inourmidst.net.

Jesus Te Ama

Fri – 11:45AM (HAPS) | Fri – 2:30PM (BLS) | Sat – 1:30PM (BLS) | Sat – 3:00PM (HAPS)

One name, two meanings. Jesus Team A is an energetic bilingual praise and worship band. The group seamlessly blends Spanish and English songs and brings together faith communities from diverse backgrounds. By sharing personal faith journeys and exploring differences in cultural experience, the group is able to unite listeners as the Body of Christ. Their message challenges participants to reach beyond personal borders and offer the unconditional acceptance that Christ offers to all of us. For more information visit: facebook.com/ jesusteamaband and myspace.com/jesusteamaband.

Joe Languell

Fri – 10:15AM (HAPS) | Fri – 12:45PM (BLS) | Sat – 11:15AM (HAPS)

Joe Languell has been writing songs for 19 years. Ten of those years have been dedicated to Christian ministry. Adoration fascinates Joe and he really feels the love of the Lord drawing him close. Joe has a true heart for worship and the ministry of the Church, with a special focus on young people. He now leads worship full time and is regularly involved in retreats and silly videos to reach the hearts of teens everywhere. He has a passionate love for Christ and a committed desire to lead students on a quest to develop a personal relationship with Jesus. He also understands that all believers are in different stages of the journey towards heaven. If there was only one verse in the Bible he would share with you, it would be Jeremiah 29:11 and that God has a plan for you!

Michael James Mette

Fri – 12:45PM (HAPS) | Sat – 8:30AM (HAPS)

Michael James Mette is a fresh new face with a bold, energetic style that speaks directly to a “Guitar Hero” generation. Whether it is a small intimate group or a large crowd, MJM has an effective impact on audiences across the country. His concerts and presentations are dynamic and spirited, as he is able to draw from his rich prayer life and solid catechesis to present the Gospel message in a fresh, authentic way. MJM is able to transform a restless group from boredom, to jumping around in praise, to deep worship open to the Holy Spirit in just a short amount of time. Michael James Mette is available as a musician and/or speaker for youth liturgies, conferences, youth rallies, retreats and school presentations.

Rick Matos

Fri – 9:00AM (BLS) | Sat – 10:00AM (BLS)

Rick Matos has been a volunteer music minister at the parish level for over twenty years and has been involved in all aspects of music ministry. He currently leads 5Rox, a Christian music rock band in the Plano, TX area, and has started sharing some of his own music in the hopes of converting hearts toward a deeper relationship with Christ and of encouraging others toward serving Christ in the needy. He also helps out as a music producer for the UDMC and the North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference.


Musicians Santiago Fernández

Fri – 8:30AM (Arena) | Fri – 5:45PM (Arena) | Sat – 9:30AM (Arena) | Sat – 12:45PM (HAPS)

Santiago Fernández has been active in parish music ministry for the past 20 years. He is currently Music Minister at St. Michael Parish in Pontiac, Michigan, where he directs the English and Spanish choirs. Santiago is also a frequent speaker and workshop presenter at events and conferences around the country in the area of Hispanic liturgical music. Santiago holds a bachelor’s degree in music from Wayne State University in Detroit and is certified in both pastoral ministry and liturgical ministry, locally by the Archdiocese of Detroit and nationally by the USCCB’s Commission on Certification and Accreditation. Santiago has been a member of the National Advisory Council to the USCCB, music director for the National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry (NCCHM) and liturgy and prayer coordinator for the First National Encuentro for Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry. He has also participated at various events of the Archdiocese of Detroit as guest conductor, cantor and consultant.

Soldiers of Christ Sat – 4:30PM (HAPS)

Soldiers of Christ is made up of members from many religions. They formed to introduce music to the youth as a form of prayer. Though many songs are the same as those before, Soldiers of Christ strives to rock them up. Their members are very talented and have performed for many people with different stage venues. The band is made up of Lauren Hebel as lead female vocalist, Kevin Lovett, Jr. as lead guitarist and male vocalist, John Coomer as rhythm guitarist, and Sarah Stenger as drummer/percussionist. This band was founded in 2010.

Tony Meléndez Fri – 3:00PM in Spanish (Arena) | Sat – 8:30AM (Arena) | Sat – 2:00PM in Spanish (Ballroom A3)

A highly talented composer and musician, Tony recorded his first album in 1989, a collection of contemporary Christian songs entitled, Never Be the Same, which resulted in nominations for Best New Artist of the Year from Cashbox Magazine and the Gospel Music Association. Tony has traveled across the United States and forty foreign countries, making countless television appearances, including The Today Show, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, and The Late Show. He also performed at the World Series, where he sang the National Anthem for the fifth game in 1989, and has had the opportunity to give four performances for the Pope, twice in the Vatican, another in Pope JPII’s homeland of Poland, and in Denver, Colorado for World Youth Day 1993. Along with television and major personal appearances, newspaper and magazine articles have appeared on him throughout the world. Now an author, his best-selling autobiography, A Gift of Hope, was published in 1989 by Harper & Row. Tony Meléndez de origen nicaragüense. Cuando niño, Tony veía a su papá tocar la guitarra y sintió el gran deseo de poderla tocar también, hasta que un día su papá puso la guitarra en el suelo. “Tony,” dijo, “anda a lavarte los pies.” Tony lavó sus pies y se sentó a tocar la guitarra por primera vez. Nunca dejó que su condición física le desanimara, y con mucho esfuerzo y práctica, aprendió a tocarla magistralmente con los dedos de sus pies. Practicaba hasta 6 horas diarias “(…) hasta que la bulla comenzó a oírse como música (…)” como dice el mismo Tony. Aunque no tiene brazos, en su plática sobresale su positivismo, un férreo amor por Dios, una fe inquebrantable y los deseos de hacer hasta el final algo que para muchos pareciera imposible, tocar la guitarra con los pies. Ahora, con 42 años, casado y con dos hijos, reside en Branson, Missouri. Ha dado conciertos en cuarenta países y vendido más de 60.000 ejemplares de su autobiografía “A gift of hope” que en español se ha traducido como “Un Regalo de Esperanza.” Al compartir su historia, Tony nos presenta un mensaje positivo que nos hace entender que con todas nuestras facultades físicas y mentales, tenemos la capacidad, las habilidades y los talentos necesarios para dejar a un lado las excusas y emprender el apasionante camino hacia el éxito personal. La experiencia de conocer a Tony, verlo tocar su guitarra y escuchar su historia narrada por él mismo es algo indescriptible que cambiará su vida.


Speaker Biographies John Allen, Jr.

John L. Allen, Jr. is the prize-winning Senior Correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter and the Senior Vatican Analyst for CNN and author of six best-selling books on the Vatican and Catholic affairs. Allen writes for many international publications and is a speaker on Catholic affairs in the United States and abroad. His weekly internet column, “All Things Catholic,” is widely read as a source of insight on the global Church. John divides his time between Rome and his home in Denver, Colorado. He grew up in Western Kansas, and holds a master’s degree in religious studies from the University of Kansas.

Mary Lee Becker

Mary Lee Becker is a speaker, consultant and author. She has spoken at events in 43 states, including LA Congress and NCCL Conference, and contributed to publications for St. Mary’s Press, Harcourt Publishing, Center for Ministry Development, and NFCYM. She brings 30 years of experience, a master’s degree in pastoral ministry, humor, passion and insights to share!

Jim Beckman

Jim Beckman has been involved with youth ministry and evangelization of teens for more than 20 years. He graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 1987 and has served in various roles of leadership of national, regional and local youth ministry ever since. He is a dynamic and passionate speaker and has a great love for young people. He has built solid and thriving youth ministry programs in several parishes over the years. Jim is the Director of Youth Leadership and Evangelization for the Augustine Institute in Denver. He also directs the work of ImpactCenter and YDisciple, both of which are based at the AI. He and his wife, Meg, live in Highlands Ranch, CO, with their five children, Aaron, Claire, Daniel, Jonathan and Brian.

Dr. Lee G. Bolman, Ph.D.

Lee Bolman is an author, scholar, consultant and speaker who currently holds the Marion Bloch Missouri Chair in Leadership at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He has written numerous books on leadership and organizations. Bolman has collaborated with Terry Deal on numerous books that have been translated into more than ten languages. His publications also include numerous cases, chapters, and articles in scholarly and professional journals. Lee consults and lectures worldwide to corporations, public agencies, universities and schools. He holds a B.A. in history and a Ph.D. in organizational behavior from Yale University. Prior to assuming his current position, he taught four years at Carnegie-Mellon University and more than twenty years at Harvard. He lives in Kansas City, Missouri, with his wife, Joan Gallos, the youngest of his six children, Bradley, and an irrepressible cockapoo, Douglas McGregor.

Dr. Michael J. Boyle, Ph.D.

Michael J. Boyle is the Assistant Director of the Center for Catholic School Effectiveness in the School of Education at Loyola University Chicago. Dr. Boyle has been involved in education in a variety of settings and roles. As a school psychologist at both the high school and elementary levels, he worked with students across a broad range of areas of exceptionality. He has also been a special education administrator in several public school districts. Prior to his appointment at the Center for Catholic School Effectiveness, Dr. Boyle served as principal of a large Catholic elementary school in suburban Chicago. Dr. Boyle has provided staff development programs to a number of educational agencies across the country in the areas of differentiation, school-based problem solving teams, critical thinking skills, and issues in special education. Dr. Boyle is one of the primary authors of “Sustaining Outstanding Schools,” a regular feature in the NCEA Notes.

Rev. Jason Cargo

Sponsored by Fourth Dimension Orthodontics & Craniofacial Orthopedics Rev. Jason B. Cargo was ordained a priest August 11, 2007, was born in Chicago, but was raised in Plano, Texas. Rev. Jason is one of four brothers in the Cargo family. He originally received a B.S. in meteorology from Texas A&M University and later studied in Rome earning a bachelor’s degree in sacred theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas and a licentiate in sacred theology from the University of the Holy Cross. As a priest, Rev. Jason was a student in Rome from ‘07-‘08 and was assigned to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Plano, Texas from ‘08-‘10. He currently serves as the Parochial Vicar of St. Monica Church in Dallas, Texas.

Linda M. Cherek, RN, MSW, LICSW, FT

Linda M. Cherek, RN, MSW, LICSW, FT is a licensed therapist, a Fellow in Thanatology and has a private practice specializing in grief and loss associated with death, chronic illness, chronic pain, life transitions, life losses and women’s issues. Her practice also includes working with individuals living with depression, anxiety, recovery, trauma, and divorce. Linda is a registered nurse, holds a B.S. in business management from Cardinal Stritch College and a master’s degree in clinical social work from St. Catherine University and the University of St. Thomas. She is the Bereavement Ministry Coordinator in her parish, a grief group facilitator, author of a variety of articles on grief and a presenter for numerous local grief coalitions on varied aspects of grief, loss, ritual and healing. She holds a certificate in pastoral bereavement counseling and currently serves on the executive committee of the Board of Trustees of the National Catholic Ministry to the Bereaved (NCMB) as President.


Speaker Biographies Sr. Carol Cimino, SSJ, Ed.D.

Dr. Carole Eipers, D.Min.

Sponsored by William H. Sadlier, Inc. Sister Carol Cimino is a Sister of Saint Joseph of Rochester, New York. Currently, she is a national consultant for the William H. Sadlier, Inc., a publisher of textbooks, with offices in New York City. She has been a teacher and an administrator on all levels of Catholic education and currently is an adjunct faculty member of the Catholic School Leadership Institute at Manhattan College. She was also a development director for three high schools and continues to teach and give workshops on the marketing of Catholic schools. Sister Carol has written numerous articles for education journals and has written a series of thumbnail pamphlets, which were published by NCEA to help school boards become more effective. Her tuition manual, Life’s Other Certainty, is used by schools of several religious denominations. Sister Carol travels the country giving talks and workshops. Although she has given hundreds of these, she is proudest of the fact that she is still the only religious woman to have been a 3-day champion on “Jeopardy!”

Sponsored by William H. Sadlier, Inc. Dr. Carole Eipers is Vice President and Executive Director of Catechetics for William H. Sadlier, Inc. She served in parish ministries for over 20 years as a teacher, director of religious education, youth minister and pastoral associate. Carole was Director of the Office for Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Chicago for nine years and also served as President of the National Conference of Catechetical Leadership. Carole has been a member of the adjunct faculties of Mundelein Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Loyola New Orleans and Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. She has been published and made presentations throughout this country and internationally in the area of catechetics. Carole holds a master’s of pastoral studies degree from Loyola University Chicago and a doctorate of ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation in Indiana. Her book, Sending Out Roots: Helping Parents and Teachers to Share the Faith, was published by Veritas Publishers, Dublin, Ireland in 2010.

Rev. Abelardo Cobos Gómez & Danny Brogee

Santiago Fernández has been active in parish music ministry for the past 25 years. He is currently Music Minister at St. Michael Parish in Pontiac, Michigan, where he directs both the Spanish and English choirs. Santiago is a frequent speaker and workshop presenter at events and conferences around the country in the area of Hispanic liturgical music. His compositions are featured in many worship resources published by OCP. Santiago won Spanish Album of the year and Spanish Song of the Year at the 2010 Unity Awards. He also won three Unity Awards in 2006, for best international artist, CD and song.

Rev. Abelardo Cobos is Pastor of Resurrection Catholic community, church and school. Rev. Abelardo and his principal, Danny Brogee, have worked together for four years. When they began their journey in Catholic education, Resurrection, a struggling inner city Catholic school in Houston, Texas, had an enrollment of about 69 students and was in danger of being closed down. However, in one year, they were able to increase enrollment by 75% and currently have 150 students enrolled.

Marlon De La Torre, M.A., M.Ed.

Marlon M. De La Torre is currently the Director of Marriage and Family Life for the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth. He holds bachelor’s degrees in theology and mental health and human service from Franciscan University of Steubenville along with master’s degrees in theology with a concentration in catechetics from Franciscan University of Steubenville. He has fifteen years of catechetical experiences serving the Church as a parish and diocesan director along with experience as a principal and superintendent. Marlon is the author of several articles on catechesis and the Catholic faith, is a regular guest on EWTN radio, has appeared on EWTN live with Fr. Mitch Pacwa regarding his books and articles, and is a lead writer for several national Catholic publications including catholicexchange.com, catholiclane.com and the Sower International Catechetical Journal.


Santiago Fernández

Dr. Elinor Ford

Dr. Elinor Ford received her doctorate from Columbia University, New York and has served as Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of New York, becoming the first woman appointed to this system that at the time served approximately 200 elementary and 80 secondary schools across ten counties of New York State. Dr. Ford has also chaired the New York Archdiocesan Council for Religious Education, and established NCEA’s first national Catholic parent organization while she was a full professor in the graduate education department at Fordham University where she directed the graduate program for nonpublic school administrator. Dr. Ford then became publisher, president and chief executive officer of the William H. Sadlier Publishing Company. In 1995, she was honored by the Canadian Catholic Schools Trustees Association for her contributions to and support of Catholic education. In 1996, she was given the Monsignor John Meyer Award by the National Catholic Educational Association. In 1997, Dr. Ford was named by Today’s Catholic Teacher as one of the 25 most influential people in Catholic education in the past 25 years. And in 2003, Fordham University awarded her its Catholic Education Executive Leadership Award.

Speaker Biographies His Eminence Francis Cardinal George, OMI

His Eminence Francis Eugene Cardinal George, OMI, the eighth Archbishop of Chicago, holds a master’s degree in philosophy from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. and a doctorate in American philosophy from Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Cardinal George also earned a master’s degree in theology from the University of Ottowa and a doctorate of sacred theology in ecclesiology from the Pontifical Urban University in Rome. He was originally appointed as the Bishop of Yakima, Washington, in July 1990. Pope John Paul II made him Archbishop of Portland in April 1996, but less than a year later, Cardinal George was installed as the Archbishop of Chicago to fill the vacant seat after the death of Joseph Cardinal Bernardin in November 1996. He publishes and writes a column for The Catholic New World, Chicago Católico, and Katolik newspapers of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Francis Cardinal George has published two books, The Difference God Makes: A Catholic Vision of Faith, Communion, and Culture and God in Action: How Faith in God Can Address the Challenges of the World.

Margaret Gillett

Margaret Gillett has worked in the Dallas Tribunal since 1981 and currently is the Assessor, directing the processing of nullity cases and marriage dispensations/ permissions, managing the annual budget, and overseeing/facilitating the work of procurator-advocates, auditors, assessors, and court-appointed experts/marriage readiness assessors. Margaret Gillett is a member of the Canon Law Society of America and currently serves on the Sacramental Law Committee.

Gene Giuliano, M.A.

Gene Giuliano earned a master’s degree in sacred theology with concentrations in systematic theology and sacred scripture from St. Thomas Seminary Graduate School in Denver, Colorado. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and catechist certification from St. Thomas Seminary College. Gene is an instructor at the University of Dallas School of Ministry. Having more than 30 years experience in adult faith formation, Gene teaches scripture classes using The Catholic Biblical School Program, which he co-authored for Paulist Press. In addition, he presents adult faith formation classes and deacon formation classes for the dioceses of Dallas and Tyler, Texas. Gene is the author of the introductions to the twelve Minor Prophets in the St. Mary’s Press College Study Bible and has been a contributor to catholicsread.com. He has given numerous presentations, workshops, retreats, and missions at local parishes and has spoken at a variety of diocesan conferences.

Dr. Greer G. Gordon

Greer G. Gordon is a Roman Catholic theologian, author, and lecturer. Known for her teaching, publications, and work in the fields of evangelization and catechesis, Gordon has served as administration and philosophy faculty at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, theology faculty at Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts, and as a diocesan director in: Washington, D.C., Oakland, California, Boston, Massachusetts, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dr. Gordon was one of eight American women invited by the Vatican to respond to Pope John Paul II’s Encyclical on Women. She was the first woman baccalaureate speaker for Boston University and Regis College. She has delivered both the keynote address and the Sunday morning address at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. An alumnus of the University of Dallas, she was class recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Award.

Sr. Esther Guerrero, MCDP, MTS

Sr. Esther, MTS, has been a Missionary Catechist of Divine Providence for more than 25 years serving in different dioceses not only as a director of religious education, but also as a diocesan director of catechesis. For the last six years, she has directed a school of biblical catechesis for catechists in San Antonio.

Dr. Regina M. Haney

Regina is the Executive Director of the Department of Boards and Councils, a department of the National Catholic Educational Association. In this capacity, she shares her experience with school and diocesan boards across the country through workshops and publications. Regina has also served as Assistant Executive Director of the Department of Chief Administrators of Catholic Education (CACE), another department of NCEA, from 1997 to 2001. During the 1991-92 and 1996-97 school years, Regina served as Acting Director of CACE. Prior to joining NCEA in 1990, Regina served for nine years as the Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Raleigh, North Carolina.

Sheree Whitters Havlik

Sheree has worked at Raytheon Corporation for 29 years as an Engineering Manager. She also volunteers for the Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas (CPLC) as the Director of the Speakers Bureau. Sheree has authored a book entitled Because We Love Them: Fostering a Christian Sexuality in Our Children, published by Ave Maria Press. She has represented the Catholic Church’s pro-life/ pro-family views at international conferences at the United Nations in New York, and is also a participant in other world conferences. She has been invited to speak both nationally and internationally. Sheree has been active in the pro-life movement for more than 15 years speaking to youth and adult groups on pro-life topics, and has


Speaker Biographies developed respect life programs, including chastity/abstinence, that are presented in the Catholic schools by herself and other speakers.

Rev. Timothy Heines

Ordained in 1994 for the Diocese of Dallas, Rev. Timothy Heines has served in a number of capacities in the diocese. A former pastor of St. Francis in Frisco and Holy Spirit in Duncanville, he has served as Vicar Forane for the southern deanery, as member of the Diocesan Stewardship Community, on the academic faculty of the Diaconate Formation Program, as the first chaplain of the Young Serra Club, and as a faculty member of the Christ the Servant Institute as well as other diocesan groups and committees. He consulted with RCL Benzinger for a video project they initiated, and under his leadership, Holy Spirit parish was awarded the Mustard Seed Award from the NCEA. Rev. Heines is currently a Ph.D. candidate in spirituality from the Catholic University of America and serves at St. Joseph’s parish while he completes his dissertation. An expert in medieval and early modern spirituality, Rev. Heines is working to use liturgical theology as a means of interpreting spiritual texts.

Lisa Hendey

Sponsored by Ave Maria Press Lisa M. Hendey is the founder and editor of catholicmom.com and the author of The Handbook for Catholic Moms and A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms. As an active speaker, freelance writer, and Catholic podcaster, Lisa resides in the Diocese of Fresno with her husband and two sons.

Dr. Marie T. Hilliard, BSN, MS, MA, JCL, PhD, RN, DM

Dr. Hilliard holds graduate degrees in maternal-child health nursing, religious studies, canon law and professional higher education administration, and has an extensive professional background in medical ethics and public policy and advocacy. She is a registered nurse, a canon lawyer, and serves as a resource for the United States Bishops on the implementation of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services as well as Church/State relations. She has served as a registered nurse in the United States Army Reserve and is responsible for all Army Reserve medical training in the north eastern United States. Dr. Hilliard has published extensively and was awarded 2nd place by the Catholic Press Association for “best essay” in a scholarly magazine (2008). She has also served as an advisor to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on their Task Force on Catholic Bishops and Catholic Politicians.


Angeline Hubert

Angeline Hubert earned her master’s degree in theology from St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. Professor Hubert taught history and theology in Catholic secondary schools in the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis before joining the faculty of the Denver Catholic Biblical School where she taught for 20 years and served as the associate director for six years. Following her years in Denver, she taught at the University of Dallas’ School of Ministry Catholic Biblical School for five years. She is currently offering classes, lectures, workshops, and days of reflection on scripture, spirituality, and other related topics. She is one of the co-authors of The Catholic Biblical School Program, which is published by Paulist Press.

Dr. Marti Jewell, D.Min.

Dr. Marti R. Jewell is Assistant Professor of Theology in the School of Ministry at the University of Dallas. Previously, she was the Director of the Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership Project, a national research project studying excellence in parish leadership. Co-author of The Changing Face of Church and The Next Generation of Pastoral Leaders, which detail the findings of the Project, she also served as an Agency Director in the Archdiocese of Louisville from 1990 to 2003. Marti holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of Dayton, a master’s degree in theological studies from St. Francis Seminary School of Pastoral Ministry, Milwaukee, and a doctorate of ministry from the Catholic University of America.

Dcn. William A. Koniers

Deacon Bill Koniers is a permanent deacon in the Diocese of Bridgeport, CT, and now President of CathoNet, Inc., with more than 32 years of leadership experience in the corporate world and 4 more years in a diocesan financial position. CathoNet serves the Catholic Church by providing parishes, schools, and other Catholic entities with “cloud-based” web-hosted application technology. A native of Philadelphia and a graduate of Philadelphia University with a B.S. in finance, Deacon Koniers was ordained in 2004 and recently served as the Director of Parish Finance Services for the Diocese of Bridgeport. He pioneered a major administrative process re-engineering effort that provided needed internal controls, accountability, transparency and best practices and, the latest cloud technology across 87 parishes and 39 schools. His career experiences include financial operations and services, strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions, business process re-engineering, and commercial financing.

Speaker Biographies Dr. Daniel J. Luby, S.T.L., S.T.D.

Dr. Daniel Luby earned a doctorate in spiritual theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, where he also earned the licentiate in sacred theology. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame, and a master’s degree in theology from the University of Dallas. Dr. Luby was the long-time Director of the Office of Adult Formation, and most recently the Director of the Division of Christian Formation for the Diocese of Fort Worth. Luby served as Tschoepe Chair of Homiletics at the School of Ministry from 2007 - 2010. He is currently Assistant Professor and Director of Enrollment and Student Affairs at the School of Ministry.

Dr. Jonathan Lunine, Ph.D.

Jonathan I. Lunine is Professor of Physics at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata, on leave from the University of Arizona. He is also Distinguished Visiting Scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Lunine is an interdisciplinary scientist on the Cassini mission to Saturn and on the James Webb Space Telescope. He is a co-investigator on the Juno mission under development for a launch to Jupiter next year. Dr. Lunine is the author of the books Earth: Evolution of a Habitable World (Cambridge University Press, 1999) and Astrobiology: A Multidisciplinary Approach. He is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Lunine earned a bachelor’s degree in physics and astronomy from the University of Rochester in 1980, followed by master’s degree (1983) and doctorate (1985) in planetary science from the California Institute of Technology.

Elizabeth Madeo

Elizabeth graduated from Saint Mary College in Leavenworth, KS, with a bachelor’s degree in pastoral ministry and has been the Director of Children and Youth Ministries at her parish in Kearney, MO ever since. She received a certificate in youth ministry from the Center for Ministry Development, completed her master’s degree in theology from the University of Notre Dame, and is also an adjunct professor at the University of Saint Mary in Leavenworth, KS. She provides workshops and retreats to youth groups, catechists, parishioners and lay ministers.

Dr. Robert McCarty, D. Min.

Sponsored by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry Bob McCarty is the Executive Director for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, which provides networking, resources, and leadership for the development of youth ministry within the Catholic Church. He has been in professional youth ministry since 1973, serving in diocesan, parish, school, and community programs. Bob offers

workshops and training programs in ministry skills and issues internationally. His recent books are Thriving in Youth Ministry, The Vision of Catholic Youth Ministry: Fundamentals, Theory and Practice, and Be A Champion for Youth: Standing With, By and For Young People, co-authored with his wife, Maggie. His newest book is Raising Happy, Healthy and Holy Teenagers: A Primer for Parents. Bob has a bachelor’s degree in sociology/theology from St. Joseph’s University, a master’s degree in religious education from LaSalle University, and a doctorate of ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation in Indiana.

Linda McCray, MFA, ACLS

Linda K. McCray is a creator of abstract spiritual original paintings, art-andenvironment designer, art consultant for sacred space, retreat facilitator, teacher and advocate for contemporary art in worship. Her passion in painting is translating the gospel and sacred realities into contemporary abstract art that ignites the spiritual imagination of believers today. She publishes The Liturgical Artists Directory and Liturgical Art Today. Several of her articles have been published by Georgetown Center for Liturgy on their online resource envisionchurch.org and the magazine Ministry and Liturgy. Adjunct Professor McCray teaches Art Appreciation: Sacred and Secular Perspectives online for the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota, and a number of art courses for the University of Montana– Helena. She facilitates art-and-faith retreats and liturgical art workshops. McCray is a member of the Association of Consultants for Liturgical Space and Christians in the Visual Arts and graduated from the University of Montana with a master’s of fine arts degree in painting and drawing, and cum laude from Washington State University with a bachelor’s degree in fine arts.

James McGill

James McGill earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and a master’s degree in theology from St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, California. Professor McGill had been an instructor of theology and sacred scripture for the Greco Institute in Shreveport, Louisiana, for 18 years. He currently is an instructor in the Catholic Biblical School of the School of Ministry at the University of Dallas.

Dr. Michael J. McGuire

Sponsored by Diocese of Dallas Catholic Committee on Scouting Dr. McGuire is a lung cancer researcher at UT Southwestern Medical School and adjunct biology instructor at Cistercian Preparatory School. He and his wife, Marta, have raised one daughter and three sons, all Eagle Scouts. Scouting has been a family activity for over 20 years. Dr. McGuire is presently an assistant scoutmaster with Troop 770 at St. Luke’s parish and also serves as chairman of the Diocese of Dallas Catholic Committee on Scouting.


Speaker Biographies Debra Mitchell-Ibe

Sponsored by The Family Place Debra Mitchell-Ibe, Director of Community Outreach for The Family Place, has provided counseling and supportive services to victims of family violence for over twenty years. Debra joined The Family Place in 1986 and has worked for the agency as a Women’s Counselor, Hotline Manager, Shelter Director and Director of Community Outreach. She has presented on family violence at numerous state and local conferences, training professionals and community members. Debra holds a master’s degree in social work from the University of Texas in Arlington.

Leland D. Nagel

Leland Nagel has held a variety of positions on both the diocesan and university level. Currently he is the Executive Director of the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership (NCCL). His messages are motivational and inspirational. A faith-filled storyteller, Lee Nagel is an educator by profession and a catechist by vocation, a teacher by trade and an evangelist by baptism.

Dr. John Norris

John Norris is Associate Professor of Theology at the University of Dallas where he has taught for twenty years. He received a Ph.D. in historical theology from Marquette University. His special field of study is St. Augustine and patristic exegesis. For three years he taught in Rome, where he also served as Director of the Rome Program, a study abroad for UD undergraduates. He has also served as Chair of the Theology Department and as Chair of the Faculty Senate. He is currently involved in the establishment of a concentration in the history and philosophy of science where he is responsible for the core course in faith and science.

Ken Ogorek

Ken Ogorek, author, speaker and Director of Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, has given numerous presentations to a variety of Catholic conferences and workshops throughout the country. For over 20 years, Ken has been involved with religious education in nearly all its facets. Having earned a master’s degree from the Pontifical Center for Catechetical Studies, he serves as an archdiocesan staff person while authoring religious education resources for a broad range of age groups. Ken has written many publications including his most recent book, The Gospel Truth: A Lectionary-Based Catechism for Adults. Other publications include Let’s Talk, a catechetical resource for teens, from Emmaus Road Publishing. Raised in South Bend, Indiana, Ken recently moved to Indianapolis from the Diocese of Pittsburgh, with his wife Melissa of 18 years and their three children.


Dr. Richard Olenick, Ph.D.

Dr. Olenick received his doctorate in physics from Purdue University and currently is Professor of Physics at the University of Dallas. He began the development of physics materials for classroom use in l982, when he was the Associate Director of the Annenberg/ CPB Project. He is the primary author of the accompanying texts, entitled The Mechanical Universe and Beyond the Mechanical Universe, and was Project Director for four National Science Foundation grants to adapt the college version for use in high school classrooms. In 1995 the Carnegie Foundation named him Texas Professor of the Year for the Advancement of Teaching, in 1997 the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation named him a Piper Professor, and in 2010 he was name a Haggerty Teaching Fellow at UD. He has maintained active involvement of undergraduates in research through computational modeling and cataclysmic variable star studies.

Lucas Pollice, MTS

Lucas Pollice is the Director of Catechesis for the Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas. He holds a bachelor’s degree in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville and a master’s of theological studies degree from the Institute of Pastoral Theology at Ave Maria University. Lucas has been involved in full time parish and diocesan catechetical ministry since 1999. He has taught RCIA for over 12 years and is the author of Open Wide the Doors to Christ: Discovering Catholicism, a complete curriculum for RCIA published by Emmaus Road Publications. Lucas is also a regular columnist in the North Texas Catholic diocesan newspaper. Lucas and his wife, Mary, have five children and live in Grand Prairie, Texas.

Linda Khirallah Porter, MTS

Linda is currently serving as Director of the Office of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Tyler. She serves as a member of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, a board member for the Society for Catholic Liturgy, and a member of the Advisory Council for the University of Dallas School of Ministry. Linda earned a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Dallas and a master’s of theology studies degree from the University of Dallas Institute for Religious and Pastoral Studies (now School of Ministry). She was presented the first Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Dallas Institute for Religious and Pastoral Studies in 2004 and was a recipient of the Benemerenti Medal from Pope John Paul II in 2004. She also received the Woman of Excellence Award in 2006 from the Church of God in Christ, Inc.

Dr. Diana Dudoit Raiche, Ph.D.

Diana Dudoit Raiche has served since 2003 as a consultant to the Bishops’ Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis, on the planning team for the Diocesan Educational

Speaker Biographies Catechetical Leadership Institute with USCCB and NCCL, and as a founding member of the Partnership on Adolescent Catechesis, which is responsible for the National Initiative on Adolescent Catechesis with NFCYM and NCCL and USCCB. She is a former chairperson of a diocesan education commission and consultant to numerous dioceses regarding sacramental catechesis and the baptismal catechumenate. Responsible for NCEA’s religious education assessments, Information for Growth (IFG) for adults and Assessment of Catechesis/Religious Education (NCEA ACRE) for students since 1997, she guided the revision of the NCEA ACRE in 2001, the translation of a Spanish edition of NCEA ACRE in 2004, and the revision of the IFG together with its Spanish edition in 2006. She is currently Visiting Assistant Professor of Theology at the University of Dallas School of Ministry.

Anna Scally

Anna Scally is President of Cornerstone Media Inc. Anna has been effective and creative in relaying the message of good decision making and being a true friend. She is the columnist for Cornerstone Media’s Top Music Countdown, an on-line resource and host of the radio show, Burning Issues, which deals with relevant youth topics. She just received the National Youth Ministry Performer/Artist/Author of the Year Award from the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry. Her book, Keys to Happiness, published by Saint Mary’s Press, is inspiring people all over North America. She has been the master of ceremonies at World Youth Day in Denver, Toronto, and Germany.

Brian Singer-Towns, MThS

Sponsored by Saint Mary’s Press Brian Singer-Towns, MThS, joined the editorial staff of Saint Mary’s Press after more than fifteen years in volunteer and professional youth ministry. Brian’s extensive background in theology, youth ministry, and religious education is reflected in his contributions to the Total Faith™ and Living in Christ™ programs and in his work as general editor for The Catholic Youth Bible®, The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth and Breakthrough! The Bible for Young Catholics. Brian leads workshops for leaders around the country on biblical literacy, youth ministry, and catechetical topics. He resides in Winona, MN, and serves as senior editor, author, and workshop presenter for Saint Mary’s Press.

Joyce Springer

Joyce Springer is first and foremost a catechist and teacher. Joyce taught in Catholic schools for 14 years, as well as working part-time as a DRE. Joyce worked for educational publishing companies for over 25 years, and is currently an Academic Relations Executive with Hands On Labs, Inc. Joyce is sought after as an international and national speaker, where she is known for exciting interactive workshops. Joyce has a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and a master’s degree in theology/scripture from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, TX. She and her husband, Bob, live in McKinney, TX.

Curtis Stephan

Curtis Stephen received a bachelor’s degree in music and master’s degree in jazz studies from the University of Northern Texas and eventually became a Youth Music Minister at St. Ann’s Church in Coppell, Texas. At St. Ann’s, Curtis found his mission: to spread the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ to a world that is starving for it. The growth in popularity of Christian music had a profound effect on Curtis’ ministry and songwriting. Stephen has released his debut cd “Through the Storm” which is an accumulation of his personal experiences, exposing everyday emotions and problems with a positive light. It’s the quintessential rock album — the gospel meets rock’n’roll. There’s nothing more upbeat than the positive light of God, and Curtis Stephan captures that light.

Rev. William Stoeger, S.J.

William Stoeger is a staff scientist for the Vatican Observatory Research Group at the University of Arizona, Tucson, specializing in theoretical cosmology, gravitational physics and indisciplinary studies bridging the natural sciences, philosophy and theology. He is a Jesuit priest with an S.T.M. in theology from the Jesuit School of Theology (Berkeley, California)v. After completing his Ph.D. at Cambridge University (U. K.) and doing postdoctoral research at the U. of Maryland, Stoeger joined the Vatican Observatory staff in 1979. Besides his contributions to black-hole astrophysics and cosmology, he has been very active in organizing and participating in research initiatives exploring the interface between science and theology, and science and philosophy, contributing many articles to volumes and journals dedicated to those subjects, most notably the Vatican Observatory/CTNS workshops and series “Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action.” He has also lectured and taught classes in these areas. Along with these endeavors, he continues doing some pastoral work in local parishes, as well as a spiritual direction ministry.

Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi

Sponsored by Ave Maria Press Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi is Pastor of the Church of the Little Flower in Bethesda, Maryland, and a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington. He received seminary and theological training at the Pontifical North American College and Gregorian University, both in Rome. Also a graduate of the University of Virginia Law School, Vaghi practiced law for many years and remains a member of the Virginia State Bar and the District of Columbia Bar. Vaghi serves as chaplain of the John Carroll Society, a group of professional men and women in service of the Archbishop of Washington. He is the author of the Pillars of Faith series, which currently includes The Faith We Profess, The Sacraments We Celebrate, and The Commandments We Keep. He has written a number of articles for America, Priest, and Our Sunday Visitor. He has also contributed to two collections of writings on priestly spirituality: Behold Your Mother and Born of the Eucharist.


Speaker Biographies Chris Daniel Vaughan

Chris is the Director of Marriage and Family Life for the Diocese of Fort Worth. Chris holds a bachelor’s degree in theology with a concentration in religious education from the Franciscan University of Steubenville. He has been in full-time ministry for 11 years serving the needs of youth and young adults including RCIA, elementary, and adult faith formation, with Hispanic ministry experience as well. Chris resides in Irving, Texas with his wife, Angie of 11 years and their five children.

Rev. Gavin N. Vaverek, JCL

Rev. Vaverek was born in October 1958 during the interregnum of Pope Pius XII and Blessed John XXIII. In 1985 he left engineering to enter seminary. Graduating with an M.Div. and M.A. from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, he was ordained for the Diocese of Tyler in June 1990. He was appointed the first Chancellor for the Diocese of Tyler in 1992; since 1994 he has been involved as a founding member of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission. In 1995 he received a J.C.L. from Catholic University of America. Since 1996 he has served as Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church and school in Longview, Texas. Since 2002 he has also served as Promoter of Justice, leading the response the protection of all God’s people. Throughout his priestly service, he has been involved extensively with clergy and lay formation. He currently serves on the Advisory Board for the University of Dallas School of Ministry.









Melissa Waldon, M.S., is currently serving as the Coordinator of Catechetical Services to Persons with Disabilities for the Catholic Diocese of Dallas. She has taught children with special needs at the elementary and secondary levels and has been a school counselor at the pre-K level. Her experience as a catechist includes multiple grade levels. Melissa is married with 4 children and has her own child with special needs. She has 13 ½ years of combined experience as a parent and educator of being an advocate for children with special needs.


Melissa Waldon, M.S.

EXPERIENCE ONE OF THE TOP 50 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS IN THE NATION The Highlands School is a Catholic college preparatory school offering single-gender classes on a co-ed campus. Co-ed Pre-K - 3rd grade . Single-gender 4th -12th grade



Horario Viernes 28 de octubre 6:00 – 8:00 AM 7:00 – 9:00 AM 8:00 –6:00 PM 8:30 – 9:00 AM 9:00 – 9:15 AM 9:15 – 10:15 AM 10:15 – 10:45 AM 10:45 – 11:45 AM 11:45 – 1:30 PM 1:30 – 2:30 PM 2:30 – 3:00 PM 3:00 – 4:00 PM 4:00 – 4:30 PM 4:30 – 5:30 PM 5:30 – 5:45 PM 5:45 – 6:15 PM 6:30 – 10:00 PM

Ubicación Montaje en el área de exhibición Registro y entrega de gafetes Exposición Oración matutina y bienvenida Descanso, música y exposición Sesión I (Conferencia Magistral en inglés) Descanso, música y exposición Sesión II (Plenaria en inglés) Comida, música y exposición Sesión III Descanso, música y exposición Sesión IV (Música con Tony Meléndez) Descanso, música y exposición Sesión V Descanso, música y exposición Oración vespertina Tour del Museo de Arte Bíblico (en inglés)

Sábado 29 de octubre


6:00 – 8:00 AM 7:00 – 10:30 AM 8:00 – 5:00 PM 8:30 – 9:30 AM

Montaje en el área de exhibición Registro y entrega de gafetes Exposición Alabanza y Exposiciones

9:30 – 10:00 AM 10:00 – 10:15 AM 10:15 – 11:15 AM 11:15 – 11:45 AM 11:45 – 12:45 PM

Oración matutina y bienvenida Descanso, música y exposición Sesión VI Descanso, música y exposición Sesión VII (Conferencia Magistral en español) Comida, música y exposición Sesión VIII Descanso, música y exposición Sesión IX Descanso y anuncio de los ganadores de las rifas Misa

12:45 – 2:00 PM 2:00 – 3:00 PM 3:00 – 3:30 PM 3:30 – 4:30 PM 4:30 – 5:00 PM 5:00 PM

Sala A Vestíbulo A Sala A Arena Sala A Varios Sala A Varios Sala A Varios Sala A Varios Sala A Varios Sala A Arena MBA Sala A Vestíbulo A Sala A Arena y Sala A Arena Sala A Varios Sala A Arena Sala A Varios Sala A Varios Sala A Arena 39

Cartas a los participantes


Información General Exhibición de arte Tendremos una exhibición de arte litúrgico en el Lobby A. Consulte la página 58 para obtener mayor información. Lyle Novinski, un reconocido pintor, diseñador y conferencista, que imparte la materia de Historia del Arte Sagrado y Arquitectura en la Universidad de Dallas, también estará dando una demostración sobre escultura litúrgica en el centro del salón de exposiciones. Lo invitamos a disfrutar de las obras de arte.

o si tiene alguna pregunta. También puede preguntar a los voluntarios, ellos vestirán camisas azules de UDMC.

Liturgias Todas las liturgias y servicios de alabanza y oración se llevarán al cabo en la Arena. Lo invitamos a que venga y participe en la oración con el resto de los participantes de la conferencia.

Objetos perdidos

El cajero automático está localizado en el Lobby A, cerca de la entrada a la Arena.

El área de objetos perdidos se encuentra en el módulo de información de UDMC localizado en el Vestíbulo (Lobby) A. Si usted encuentra algo durante la conferencia, por favor entréguelo en el modulo de información.


Opciones para comer

Cajero automático

Por respeto a los conferencistas y a otros participantes, por favor apague su teléfono celular o localizador durante las sesiones y liturgias. Si desea obtener más información acerca del área centro de Dallas, visite el stand de la Oficina de Convenciones que se encuentra en el nivel 1 del Lobby A/B (justo dentro de la glorieta).

Los alimentos y bebidas no están incluidos en la cuota de inscripción. Usted podrá encontrar diferentes puestas de comida dentro del Centro de Convenciones, principalmente afuera de la Arena y adentro de la Sala A. También podrá encontrar alimentos en el área de comida (food court) y en “Starbucks” y “Gourmet to Go” (ambos cerca de la Sala C). También hay varios restaurantes cerca del Centro de Convenciones, a los que puede llegar caminando.


Centro de Mensajes

El Centro de Dallas

Si usted tiene una emergencia, acuda a un miembro del personal o voluntario de UDMC o al guardia de seguridad más cercano. Si no encuentra a alguien que lo pueda auxiliar, llame al 214-939-2941. Recuerde, en caso de emergencia, es muy importante conservar la calma. No contamos con servicios de emergencia o paramédicos durante el evento.

Evaluaciones Le agradecemos llenar las formas de evaluación después de cada sesión a la que asistió. También nos gustaría pedír su colaboración para que llenen una evaluación general de la conferencia. Usted la puede encontrar en nuestra página de Internet: www.udallas.edu/udmc/espanol/evaluacion. Simplemente complétela en línea. Toda persona que complete la evaluación antes del 15 de noviembre de 2011, y nos proporcione su información personal, podrá participar para ganar 20 pases de dos días (1 paquete de boletos de grupo) para la Conferencia para los Ministerios de la Universidad de Dallas 2012.

Horario de la Exhibición El área de Exhibición se encuentra en la Sala A. Consulte las páginas 62 para obtener una lista de los expositores. La exposicion estará abierta el viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. y el sábado de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Si usted participó en cualquiera de los sorteos de la exposición durante la Conferencia, se anunciarán los ganadores en el escenario de Resource Spotlight Session (Escaparate de Exhibición) en la Sala A, el sábado a las 4:30 p.m.

Información Por favor acerquese al mostrador de información ubicado en el Vestíbulo (Lobby) A para obtener información general

El Centro de Mensajes, ubicado dentro de la Sala A, puede recibir mensajes. Usted puede dejar con toda confianza una nota en el pizarrón de mensajes.

Recorrido del Museo de Arte Bíblico La Conferencia se complace también en ofrecer un recorrido nocturno especial del Museo de Arte Bíblico de Dallas. El autobús saldrá del Centro de Convenciones a las 6:30 p.m. y regresará a las 9:30 p.m. Por tan sólo $25 dólares, el recorrido incluye el transporte hacia y desde el Museo, la entrada a todas las salas de exhibición y un recorrido privado de la exposición William Schickel guiado por el profesor Lyle Novinski. Visite el módulo de registro/inscripción durante la conferencia para adquirir sus boletos.

Gafetes Por favor porte el gafete con su nombre en todo momento durante la Conferencia. Éste es su boleto de entrada para todas las sesiones, presentaciones musicales y el salón de exposiciones. Si usted olvida o extravía su gafete, con gusto le imprimiremos uno nuevo en el módulo de registro/inscripción, con un cargo de $5.00 en efectivo. Agradecemos que una vez concluida la conferencia recicle su portagafete. Sólo tiene que colocarlo dentro de las cajas señaladas antes de salir del Centro de Convenciones. ¡Gracias!

Estacionamiento El Centro de Convenciones cuenta con su propio estacionamiento, que cuesta $12 por vehículo cada vez que entra. La entrada principal al estacionamiento se encuentra sobre la calle Griffin, entre las calles Memorial y Canton. También hay otras opciones de estacionamiento a nivel de la acera disponibles por todo el centro de Dallas.


Sesiones de viernes y sábado La descripción de las sesiones empieza en la página 46. VIERNES 28 DE OCTUBRE


Nuestros hermanos separados: ¿qué es en lo que creen?, ¿no todos creen lo mismo?, ¿qué tenemos en común con ellos? – Septién (A302-303)


Sesión I – 9:15 – 10:15 AM I-51

Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe y la Identidad Catolica Ministerios Litúrgicos - Caminando Juntos en la Fe, Sirviendo a la Comunidad Parroquial – Fernández (Ballroom A2)

Sesión II – 10:45 – 11:45 AM II-51

Sólo Dios Basta


El matrimonio como camino de santidad – Ordieres (A302-303)

II-53 II-54

– Cobos Gómez (Ballroom A2)


– Septién (A115)

Sesión III – 1:30 – 2:30 PM III-51

Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe y la Identidad Catolica – Bañuelas (Ballroom A2)


El Magisterio de la Iglesia y sus enseñanzas sobre el matrimonio, la sexualidad y la vida

Caminando juntos en Solidaridad: Orar, Aprender, Actuar, Dar – Aguilar (A301)




De la Eucaristía a la vida: vinculando la fe con la práctica El Magisterio de la Iglesia y sus enseñanzas sobre el matrimonio, la sexualidad y la vida – Calva (A305) Persona y Acción – Cobos Gómez (Ballroom A1)


Ministerios Litúrgicos - Caminando Juntos en la Fe, Sirviendo a la Comunidad Parroquial

– Fernández (A115) VI-56

Pedagogía de la Presencia – González (Ballroom A4)

VI-57 VI-58

Dos hermanitas: La Escritura y la Catequesis – Guerrero (A304) El Encuentro con Cristo – semilla de la Nueva Evangelización – Gutiérrez (A122-123)


– Calva (A306-307)

Amenazas de esta sociedad materialista y como resistirlas para bien de mi familia – Monterrubio, A. (A130)


Las Raíces Bíblicas de la Misa


¿Cambian mis valores familiares con el tiempo?


La Catequesis Comienza en el Hogar, Aprendiendo a caminar en la Fe – Monterrubio, E. (A124-127)


Nuestra Misión… siempre inseparable de la Persona de Jesús


Nuestros hermanos separados: ¿qué es en lo que creen?, ¿no todos creen lo mismo?, ¿qué tenemos en común con ellos? – Septién (A302-303)

– De La Torre (A117)

– Monterrubio, A. (A302-303)

– Monterrubio, E. (A304)

Sesión IV – 3:00 – 4:00 PM

¡Únase a nosotros en una presentación musical especial con Tony Meléndez durante la Sesión IV! Tony nos guiará con sus talentos en oración y alabanza. Esta sesión se celebrará en la Arena.

Sesión V – 4:30 – 5:30 PM V-51 V-52 V-53


Persona y Acción

– Cobos Gómez (Ballroom A4)

El sacramento de la reconciliación

– Ordieres (A306-307)

Espiritualidad bíblica

– Rendón (A118-119)

VIII-52 Comprendiendo Las Creencias de un Hombre Abusivo – Almager (A117) VIII-53 Al final de la vida: indicaciones para

mi familia de qué hacer cuando esté grave, inconsciente o sin posibilidad de tomar decisiones – Calva (A305) VIII-54 Sólo Dios Basta – Cobos Gómez (A118-119) VIII-55 Siete fundaciones para la

apologética efectiva

– Arias (Ballroom A2)

Animación bíblica de toda la pastoral – Rendón (A130) Mujeres del Nuevo Testamento

Orar, Aprender, Actuar, Dar – Aguilar (A301)

Sesión VI – 10:15 – 11:15 AM

– Bañuelas (Ballroom A1) I-52

VIII-51 Caminando juntos en Solidaridad:


Alimentación para el camino: La Santa Misa – Valenzuela (A135-136)

VI-63 El Arte Litúrgico como Ministerio de la Iglesia: dando a conocer las grandes historias de nuestra fe – Wing (A306-307)

Sesión VII – 11:45 – 12:45 PM VII-51 Vicios y virtudes – Ortega Trillo (Arena)

Sesión VIII – 2:00 – 3:00 PM

– De La Torre (A133-134) VIII-56 El Encuentro con Cristo – semilla de

la Nueva Evangelización – Gutiérrez (A131) VIII-57 ¿Cual es el futuro de la familia

Hispana en los Estados Unidos? – Monterrubio, A. (A135-136) VIII-58 El matrimonio como camino de santidad – Ordieres (Ballroom A2) VIII-59 Animación bíblica de toda la pastoral – Rendón (A306-307) VIII-60 Entrenando Discípulos: para que los

niños sean como Jesus

– Valenzuela (Ballroom A4) También presentando esta sesión …. Una presentación musical especial con Tony Meléndez en el Salón A3.

Sesión IX – 3:30 – 4:30 PM IX-51

Historia y proceso del RICA – Arias (Ballroom A2)


Al final de la vida: indicaciones para mi familia de qué hacer cuando esté grave, inconsciente o sin posibilidad de tomar decisiones – Calva (A305)


Pedagogía de la Presencia


Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo

– González (Arena) – Monterrubio, E. (A308) IX-55

El sacramento de la reconciliación – Ordieres (A304)


Espiritualidad bíblica – Rendón (A306-307)


Mujeres del Nuevo Testamento – Septién (A302-303)

Eventos de viernes Horario de inscripciones/registro 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Horario de la exposición 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Horario de presentaciones musicales Durante los descansos y horas de comida (más información en la pág. 27)

Horario de Resource Spotlight Durante los descansos y horas de comida (más información en la pág. 26)


8:30 – 9:00 AM RESOURCE SPOTLIGHTS Sala A Escenario “Spotlight”

Durante los descansos y horas de comida

HORIA DE VIERNES 7:00 AM.............................. Registro y entrega de gafetes 8:30 – 9:00 AM................... Oración matutina y bienvenida 9:15 – 10:15 AM................. Sesión I (Conferencia Magistral en inglés) 10:45 – 11:45 AM............... Sesión II (Plenaria en inglés) 11:45 – 1:30 PM.................. Comida 1:30 – 2:30 PM.................... Sesión III 3:00 – 4:00 PM.................... Sesión IV (Música con Tony Meléndez) 4:30 – 5:30 PM.................... Sesión V 5:45 – 6:15 PM.................... Oración vespertina 6:30 – 10:00 PM.................. Recorrido del Museo de Arte Bíblico (en inglés) ¡Únase a nosotros para el inicio oficial de la conferencia! El Obispo Farrell de Dallas, el Obispo Vann de Fort Worth, y el presidente Keefe de UD darán la bienvenida a los católicos del norte de Texas a la Conferencia “Caminando juntos en la fe,” evento de formación, oración, convivencia, que durará dos días. La música estará dirigida por Curtis Stephan y Santiago Fernández, y el Obispo Mark Seitz dirigirá a la comunidad en la oración de apertura. Varios de nuestros expositores tienen interesantes recursos para ofrecer a los participantes de la Conferencia, ¡y quieren hablarle a usted sobre ellos! Lo invitamos al Escaparate de Exhibición en la Sala A para escuchar acerca de soluciones de software, servicios postales directos y de impresión, ¡y mucho más! Las presentaciones serán en inglés. Consulte la pág. 26 para obtener el horario completo y más detalles acerca de todos los presentadores.

ENTRETENIMIENTO MUSICAL Vestíbulo de “Ballroom A” y Escenario “Praise” de la Sala A

San Agustín dijo, “El que canta, ora dos veces”. Venga a disfrutar del talento musical de artistas cristianos reconocidos y cuya trayectoria musical esta en ascenso, que levantan sus voces e instrumentos en alabanza a Nuestro Señor. Las presentaciones musicales se llevarán a cabo durante el almuerzo y los descansos en dos escenarios, el Vestíbulo de “Ballroom A” cerca de la exposición de Arte Litúrgico, y el Praise de la Sala A. Aunque la mayoría de las presentaciones serán en inglés, también las habrá bilingües o en español. Consulte la pág. 27 para obtener el horario y los detalles sobre los artistas.


Comparta con Tony Meléndez, un compositor y músico muy talentoso que ha tocado para el Papa en cuatro ocasiones y ha sido invitado a programas de televisión como The Today Show, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, y The Late Show, una presentación musical especial. Él estará tocando durante la Sesión IV en la Arena.

3:00 – 4:00 PM DEMOSTRACIÓN DE ESCULTURA Sala A (Centro de exposiciones)

Durante la conferencia, el artista Lyle Novinski, profesor emérito de la Universidad de Dallas, estará esculpiendo una figura de San Francisco para Notre Dame Court, un nuevo plantel de vida independiente que se encuentra a un costado de la casa Residencia San José de retiro diocesana. Venga e la sección del centro de las exposiciones en la Sala A para admirar la maestría del profesor Lyle y para observar el progreso de la escultura. Usted puede encontrar más información acerca de este proyecto en la pág. 59

EXHIBICIÓN DE ARTE LITÚRGICO Visite el vestíbulo de “Ballroom A”, donde hemos colocado finas imágenes de arte litúrgico que han sido elaboradas en todo el país. Estos artistas fueron escogidos e Vestíbulo de “Ballroom A” invitados a participar en la exposición por un comité de artistas litúrgicos. Venga a

estudiar el arte y reciba inspiración de los mensajes que transmite. Consulte la pág. 58 para obtener una lista de los artistas que participan este año.


5:45 – 6:15 PM

Venga a celebrar la fiesta de los mártires San Simón y San Judas, mientras reflexiona acerca de las experiencias de su primer día en la Conferencia. La música estará dirigida por Curtis Stephan y Santiago Fernández, y el P. Isaac Orozco dirigirá a la comunidad en la oración vespertina.


Eventos de sábado Horario de inscripciones/registro 7:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Horario de la exposición 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Horario de presentaciones musicales Durante los descansos y horas de comida (más información en la pág. 27)

Horario de Resource Spotlight Durante los descansos y horas de comida (más información en la pág. 26)



9:30 – 10:00 AM RESOURCE SPOTLIGHTS Sala A Escenario “Spotlight” Durante los descansos y horas de comida

HORIA DE SÁBADO 7:00 AM.............................. Registro y entrega de gafetes 8:30 – 9:30 AM................... Alabanza y Adoración 9:30 – 10:00 AM................. Oración matutina y bienvenido 10:15 – 11:15 AM............... Sesión VI 11:45 – 12:45 PM................ Sesión VII (Conferencia Magistral en español) 12:45 – 2:00 PM.................. Comida 2:00 – 3:00 PM.................... Sesión VIII 3:30 – 4:30 PM.................... Sesión IX 4:30.................................... Anuncio de los ganadores de las rifas 5:00 PM ............................. Misa Después de un largo día de eventos en la Conferencia del viernes, ¡venga a llenarse de alegría la mañana del sábado con una profunda experiencia de alabanza y adoración! Tony Meléndez y Augie Leal van a animar nuestro espíritu “Caminando juntos en la fe”, al dar comienzo a la segunda parte de nuestra Conferencia. ¡Comience el segundo día de la conferencia con la oración inicial! La música estará dirigida por Curtis Stephan y Santiago Fernández, y el Obispo J. Douglas Deshotel dirigirá a la comunidad al dar comienzo al segundo día de UDMC.

Varios de nuestros expositores tienen interesantes recursos para ofrecer a los participantes de la Conferencia, ¡y quieren hablarle a usted sobre ellos! Lo invitamos al Escaparate de Exhibición en la Sala A para escuchar acerca de soluciones de software, servicios postales directos y de impresión, ¡y mucho más! Las presentaciones serán en inglés. Consulte la pág. 26 para obtener el horario completo y más detalles acerca de todos los presentadores.

ENTRETENIMIENTO MUSICAL Vestíbulo de “Ballroom A” y Escenario “Praise” de la Sala A

San Agustín dijo, “El que canta, ora dos veces”. Venga a disfrutar del talento musical de artistas cristianos reconocidos y cuya trayectoria musical esta en ascenso, que levantan sus voces e instrumentos en alabanza a Nuestro Señor. Las presentaciones musicales se llevarán a cabo durante el almuerzo y los descansos en dos escenarios, el Vestíbulo de “Ballroom A” cerca de la exposición de Arte Litúrgico, y el Praise de la Sala A. Aunque la mayoría de las presentaciones serán en inglés, también las habrá bilingües o en español. Consulte la pág. 27 para obtener el horario y los detalles sobre los artistas.

DEMOSTRACIÓN DE ESCULTURA Sala A (Centro de exposiciones)

Durante la conferencia, el artista Lyle Novinski, profesor emérito de la Universidad de Dallas, estará esculpiendo una figura de San Francisco para Notre Dame Court, un nuevo plantel de vida independiente que se encuentra a un costado de la casa Residencia San José de retiro diocesana. Venga e la sección del centro de las exposiciones en la Sala A para admirar la maestría del profesor Lyle y para observar el progreso de la escultura. Usted puede encontrar más información acerca de este proyecto en la pág. 59

EXHIBICIÓN DE ARTE LITÚRGICO Visite el vestíbulo de “Ballroom A”, donde hemos colocado finas imágenes de arte litúrgico que han sido elaboradas en todo el país. Estos artistas fueron escogidos e Vestíbulo de “Ballroom A” invitados a participar en la exposición por un comité de artistas litúrgicos. Venga a

estudiar el arte y reciba inspiración de los mensajes que transmite. Consulte la pág. 58 para obtener una lista de los artistas que participan este año.


4:30 PM MISA DE CLAUSURA Arena 5:00 PM 44

¿Se registró para el sorteo en alguno de los stands de nuestros expositores? ¡Esta es la oportunidad de descubrir si usted es uno de los ganadores! Acompáñenos en el escenario Spotlight de la Sala A a las 4:30 p.m. para anunciar el nombre de los ganadores de los diferentes sorteos. Los premios incluyen 2 lectores de libros Kindle, un viaje para dos a Roma y Tierra Santa (patrocinado por Ornit, Inc.), ¡y mucho más! ¡Qué mejor manera de cerrar la Conferencia de Ministerios de UD que con una misa de acción de gracias para celebrar nuestra fe y nuestro llamado a compartirla! Acompañe al Obispo Farrell, al Obispo Vann y a varios sacerdotes de las diócesis de Dallas y Fort Worth a celebrar el Santo Sacrificio de la misa.

Descripciones de las sesiones VIERNES 28 DE OCTUBRE

herramientas para alcanzar la felicidad en esta tierra y en la vida futura. El matrimonio no es simplemente un contrato sino todo un proyecto de realización personal y en pareja; es el lugar sagrado donde Dios se dirige al hombre común y corriente en su deseo de conocerlo.

Sesión I – 9:15 – 10:15 AM I-51 NUESTRA SENORA DE GUADALUPE Y LA IDENTIDAD CATOLICA Rev. Msgr. Arturo Bañuelas Ballroom A1 Como Guadalupe informa y forma nuestra identidad Católica. Esta presentación le ayudara a catequistas, agentes pastorales, y toda persona que sirve la comunidad Hispana para poder mejor entender y promover una evangelización desde adentro de la realidad Hispana Católica. También se presentará en la Sesión III

I-52 MINISTERIOS LITÚRGICOS - CAMINANDO JUNTOS EN LA FE, SIRVIENDO A LA COMUNIDAD PARROQUIAL Santiago Fernández Ballroom A2 En esta sesión se expondrá este interesante tema analizando la realidad de los ministerios litúrgicos en nuestras parroquias. Se estudiarán los diferentes desafíos culturales, linguísticos y ministeriales que existen en las parroquias hispanas de los Estados Unidos, ofreciendo sugerencias prácticas y dando a conocer algunos “pasos a seguir” para el eficaz desempeño de estos ministerios de servicio. ¡Vengan a celebrar, a cantar y a descubrir nuevas maneras de caminar juntos en la fe! También se presentará en la Sesión VI

Sesión II – 10:45 – 11:45 AM II-51 SÓLO DIOS BASTA Rev. Abelardo Cobos Gómez

Ballroom A2

Nada te turbe, nada te espante, todo se pasa, Dios no se muda. La paciencia todo lo alcanza, quien a Dios tiene nada le falta. “SÓLO DIOS BASTA”. Son las palabras con las que terminan una de las poesias de Santa Teresa de Ávila. “Sólo Dios Basta” son las palabras que tenemos que repetirnos constantemente cuando tenemos que tomar decisiones, cuando nos sentimos tristes o abatidos por la vida, cuando convertimos todo en un problema, “Sólo Dios Basta” son las palabras que nos tienen que acompañar en nuestra jornada diaria. En esta Conferencia en una forma dinámica y animada analizaremos todas estas palabras que poniéndolas en concordancia con el Evangelio llegaremos a la conclusión de que Dios es el único que le da sentido a nuestro ministerio, a nuestro trabajo, a nuestra comunidad, a nuestra familia, a nuestra vida. También se presentará en la Sesión VIII


El amor es la definición de Dios y el matrimonio una vocación. Vocación que es llamado divino a la santidad. Como hombres y mujeres casados poseemos todas las

También se presentará en la Sesión VIII



Este taller presenta puntos clave para llevar a cabo una verdadera animación bíblica de la pastoral. El taller se basa en la reciente exhortación apostólica postsinodal Verbum Domini (73) sobre la Palabra de Dios en la vida y misión de la Iglesia. El objetivo del taller es que el participante tenga una visión y comprensión clara de la importancia de la animación bíblica de toda la pastoral y las maneras como se puede empezar a llevar a cabo. También se presentará en la Sesión VIII



El propósito de esta plática es presentar a algunas de las mujeres sobre las cuales leemos en el Nuevo Testamento. Mujeres que vivieron en la época de Jesús, que quizá lo conocieron personalmente y platicaron con él, o quizás fueron parte de la primera comunidad cristiana. Conversaremos sobre lo que vieron en él que las llevó a seguirlo y a tener una relación de amistad con él como Martha y Maria. Y también conversaremos sobre lo que Jesús vio en ellas: almas que necesitaban del amor de Dios, tal como se lo hizo saber a la mujer Samaritana a quien le dijo: “Si conocieras el don de Dios”. Esta charla busca precisamente conocer el don de Dios, traído por Cristo a esas mujeres del Nuevo Testamento, y en ellas a todos nosotros, hombres y mujeres del siglo XXI. También se presentará en la Sesión IX

Sesión III – 1:30 – 2:30 PM III-51 NUESTRA SENORA DE GUADALUPE Y LA IDENTIDAD CATOLICA Rev. Msgr. Arturo Bañuelas Ballroom A2 Como Guadalupe informa y forma nuestra identidad Católica. Esta presentación le ayudara a catequistas, agentes pastorales, y toda persona que sirve la comunidad Hispana para poder mejor entender y promover una evangelización desde adentro de la realidad Hispana Católica. También se presentará en la Sesión I


Son un tesoro las enseñanzas de Juan Pablo II en el tema de la familia, el matrimonio, la mujer y la teología del cuerpo. Hoy se ven amenazadas por la agenda de género presente en los programas de educación sexual


Descripciones de las sesiones y la salud reproductiva. Falta educar ampliamente a los formadores y profesores, y a todos los católicos para responder a este nuevo desafío que se juega en las políticas familiares. Se constata que los profesores, estudiantes y los miembros del clero en su conjunto, adoptan y utilizan a menudo el lenguaje inherente a la ideología de género sin saberlo. Es el aspecto más pernicioso de esta teoría: difundir los términos en el lenguaje cotidiano como mejor forma de hacer aceptar las ideas. También se presentará en la Sesión VI



Marlon De La Torre presentara la exposición bíblico de la Misa, la gloria presentado en el antiguo testamento y revelado en el nuevo utilizando la sagrada escritura y el catecismo de la iglesia católica.



Como nos han afectado los cambios en la sociedad a dudar en ocasiones de lo que realmente vale la pena en la educación de nuestros hijos. Que valores debo mantener y que puedo negociar con mis hijos para tener una mejor familia y conservarla unida.


En esta sesión exploraremos las cualidades, habilidades y espiritualidad en un líder catequético.

Sesión IV – 3:00 – 4:00 PM ¡Únase a nosotros en una presentación musical especial con Tony Meléndez durante la Sesión IV! Tony nos guiará con sus talentos en oración y alabanza. Esta sesión se celebrará en la Arena.

Sesión V – 4:30 – 5:30 PM V-51 PERSONA Y ACCIÓN Rev. Abelardo Cobos Gómez

Ballroom A4

Celebrando la Beatificación de S.s. Juan Pablo II. Tomaremos uno de los libros que lo denotan como un gran filósofo y que pocas veces se habla... También se presentará en la Sesión VI


El hombre es un extranjero cuya patria definitiva es el cielo. La guía está trazada pero el camino no siempre es suave y fácil de andar. El sacramento de la reconciliación no sólo nos lleva a encontrar la senda perdida por el pecado sino que nos fortalece y anima en nuestra trayectoria. Como sacramento, no sólo proporciona el perdón solicitado al Creador sino que llena el alma de las gracias necesarias para perseverar en nuestros objetivos. Como Santa Teresa decía: “Yo me hago responsable de la salvación del hombre que recurre frecuentemente al perdón divino”.


También se presentará en la Sesión IX



En este taller exploraremos los fundamentos para una espiritualidad bíblica. Haremos un recorrido de pasajes selectos en las Sagradas Escrituras y veremos las maneras como Dios se manifiesta a diferentes personajes. El objetivo del taller es que el participante pueda ver que una espiritualidad sana debe estar arraigada en la Palabra escrita de Dios. Este taller le dará al participante algunas herramientas básicas para empezar a orar con las Escrituras. También se presentará en la Sesión IX


De acuerdo con el Documento Conclusivo de la V Conferencia General de los Obispos de Latinoamérica y del Caribe que se llevó a cabo en Aparecida, Brasil: “En las ultimas décadas, vemos con preocupación…que un número significativo de católicos están abandonando la Iglesia para pasarse a otros grupos religiosos…no existe homogeneidad en cuanto a sus dimensiones y diversidad” §100 f). Este fenómeno lo vivimos a diario, nuestros familiares y vecinos, nuestros amigos y compañeros de trabajo están abrazando las creencias de diversos grupos. Esta conferencia busca contestar de manera general las preguntas: ¿qué es en lo que creen?, ¿no todos creen lo mismo?, ¿qué tenemos en común con ellos? También se presentará en la Sesión VI


¡La solidaridad transformará el mundo! La vida como cristianos en el mundo de hoy nos requiere a buscar dentro la fuente de nuestra tradición de fe para reforzar una espiritualidad de la solidaridad que transformará el mundo. Los invitamos a una reflexión sobre algunos ingredientes esenciales para vivir y actuar nuestra fe en el siglo XXI. También se presentará en la Sesión VIII


El memorial de la Eucaristía no es un mero recuerdo del pasado, sino una renovación de la alianza que Dios establece libremente con nosotros. Por ello es que la Eucaristía es el centro de la vida cristiana, pues de ella fluye y hacia ella nos conduce. Es hacerse pan para que todos coman, es compartir la mesa para

Descripciones de las sesiones experimentar la comunidad y celebrar la presencia de Jesús. Es celebrar la renovación del amor que implica el discipulado cristiano, en el ritual y en la vida diaria, que también es ritual y sagrada.


Son un tesoro las enseñanzas de Juan Pablo II en el tema de la familia, el matrimonio, la mujer y la teología del cuerpo. Hoy se ven amenazadas por la agenda de género presente en los programas de educación sexual y la salud reproductiva. Falta educar ampliamente a los formadores y profesores, y a todos los católicos para responder a este nuevo desafío que se juega en las políticas familiares. Se constata que los profesores, estudiantes y los miembros del clero en su conjunto, adoptan y utilizan a menudo el lenguaje inherente a la ideología de género sin saberlo. Es el aspecto más pernicioso de esta teoría: difundir los términos en el lenguaje cotidiano como mejor forma de hacer aceptar las ideas.

eucaristía y que nos devuelve la originalidad de nuestra identidad. Presupuesto indudable para un mundo totalmente distinto. También se presentará en la Sesión IX


Juntos reflexionáremos como la catequesis y laescritura van mano a mano. Este taller les ayudará ver como la Palabra es pertinente a nuestra vida diaria Además, aprenderán hacer una catequesis tomando en cuenta la cultura Hispana.

VI-58 EL ENCUENTRO CON CRISTO – SEMILLA DE LA NUEVA EVANGELIZACIÓN Magdalena Gutiérrez A122-123 El mensaje de Jesucristo Hijo de Dios es la Buena Nueva de salvación que amorosamente la Iglesia continua comunicando y sigue transformando los pueblos a través de los tiempos. El taller pondrá de relieve como el proceso de la Nueva Evangelización se esta llevando a cabo bajo la inspiración del Espíritu Santo en los diferentes ambientes de la sociedad y como llega a su cumbre con la recepción de los sacramentos de iniciación en las parroquias. También exploraremos 4 elementos que el proceso de la Iniciación Cristina de Adultos (RICA) ha venido utilizando para la facilitar la formación de discípulos comprometidos a ser los nuevos mensajeros de la buena nueva.

También se presentará en la Sesión III

VI-54 PERSONA Y ACCIÓN Rev. Abelardo Cobos Gómez

Ballroom A1

Celebrando la Beatificación de S.s. Juan Pablo II. Tomaremos uno de los libros que lo denotan como un gran filósofo y que pocas veces se habla. También se presentará en la Sesión V

VI-55 MINISTERIOS LITÚRGICOS - CAMINANDO JUNTOS EN LA FE, SIRVIENDO A LA COMUNIDAD PARROQUIAL Santiago Fernández A115 En esta sesión se expondrá este interesante tema analizando la realidad de los ministerios litúrgicos en nuestras parroquias. Se estudiarán los diferentes desafíos culturales, linguísticos y ministeriales que existen en las parroquias hispanas de los Estados Unidos, ofreciendo sugerencias prácticas y dando a conocer algunos “pasos a seguir” para el eficaz desempeño de estos ministerios de servicio. ¡Vengan a celebrar, a cantar y a descubrir nuevas maneras de caminar juntos en la fe! También se presentará en la Sesión I

VI-56 PEDAGOGÍA DE LA PRESENCIA Rev. J. Eduardo González

Ballroom A4

Las necesidades educativas han cambiado substancialmente en los últimos 50 años. Hay una disociación entre la educación formal y las necesidades humanas en la vida diaria. Paradójicamente, nace una propuesta existencial, visionaria, evangélica, a mediados del S. XIX basada en la pedagogía de la presencia. Don Bosco, un santo italiano que transforma vidas con la calidad de la presencia hecha razón, religión y amor. Conexión profunda con el misterio de la encarnación de un Dios que se hace presencia,

También se presentará en la Sesión VIII


AMENAZAS DE ESTA SOCIEDAD MATERIALISTA Y COMO RESISTIRLAS PARA BIEN DE MI FAMILIA Dcn. Arturo Monterrubio A130 A veces nos sentimos abrumados por la influencia del medio ambiente, tecnología, y sus efectos en nuestros hijos. Como distinguir estos efectos y responder para mantener mi familia cerca de Dios.


En esta presentación se darán ideas concretas para aprovechar todas las oportunidades de catequesis que tenemos en nuestra vida diaria, especialmente en el hogar. Compartiremos distintas formas de ver que “el hogar cristiano es el lugar en que los hijos reciben el primer anuncio de la fe.” (#1666 CIC)


De acuerdo con el Documento Conclusivo de la V Conferencia General de los Obispos de Latinoamérica y del Caribe que se llevó a cabo en Aparecida, Brasil: “En las ultimas décadas, vemos con preocupación…que un


Descripciones de las sesiones número significativo de católicos están abandonando la Iglesia para pasarse a otros grupos religiosos…no existe homogeneidad en cuanto a sus dimensiones y diversidad” §100 f). Este fenómeno lo vivimos a diario, nuestros familiares y vecinos, nuestros amigos y compañeros de trabajo están abrazando las creencias de diversos grupos. Esta conferencia busca contestar de manera general las preguntas: ¿qué es en lo que creen?, ¿no todos creen lo mismo?, ¿qué tenemos en común con ellos? También se presentará en la Sesión V



El Señor nos ha llamado a ser discípulos misioneros. El camino es largo y arduo. Pero tenemos la Santa Misa para darnos la alimentación que necesitamos. En este taller veremos cómo podemos dar una catequesis sobre uno de los sacramentos más importantes—La Santa Misa. Veremos como todo discípulo de Cristo tiene que estar centrado en la Eucaristía para hacer una pastoral autentica. Hablaremos sobre como entusiasmar a los niños sobre la misa y cómo podemos involucrar a los padres de familia en este rito central. En fin, se discutirán varias ideas prácticas para implementar en nuestras clases de religión.


El Papa Juan Pablo II, en su Carta a los artistas, trató sobre el importante papel que juega el Arte Sacro como un ministerio, y alentó a los artistas visuales de todas las culturas a usar sus dones para crear obras de arte que expresan los grandes misterios de nuestra fe. En esta estimulante sesión incluirá una presentación en PowerPoint de imágenes y música sagrada, y explorará el Arte Litúrgico como un ministerio de la Iglesia a través de la catequesis visual, y la necesidad de formar y alentar a la próxima generación de artistas en este ministerio litúrgico.

Sesión VII – 11:45 – 12:45 PM VII-51 VICIOS Y VIRTUDES Rev. Alejandro Ortega Trillo, LC ¡Conócete, Acéptate, Supérate!


También se presentará en la Sesión VI


La violencia doméstica es un problema social y un crimen y tiene serias consecuencias para muchas mujeres y sus niños. Aunque ambos géneros pueden participar en la violencia doméstica, los hombres son mucho más probables que mujeres a ser la causa de heridas grave contra su pareja. Para hacer un cambio positivo, el abusador debe ser responsable por su conducta abusiva y debe aprender a vivir sin violencia, siendo dolorosamente honesto con sí mismos. Con la ayuda de la comunidad, todos pueden tomar parte en ayudando el abusador llegar a ser un major marido y padre.

VIII-53 AL FINAL DE LA VIDA: INDICACIONES PARA MI FAMILIA DE QUÉ HACER CUANDO ESTÉ GRAVE, INCONSCIENTE O SIN POSIBILIDAD DE TOMAR DECISIONES Dra. Pilar Calva A305 La Declaración Católica sobre la Vida y la Muerte ofrece orientación a los que les corresponde tomar decisiones con respecto al cuidado y al tratamiento al final de la vida, es un testamento vital católico. También se presentará en la Sesión IX

VIII-54 SÓLO DIOS BASTA Rev. Abelardo Cobos Gómez


Nada te turbe, nada te espante, todo se pasa, Dios no se muda. La paciencia todo lo alcanza, quien a Dios tiene nada le falta. “SÓLO DIOS BASTA”. Son las palabras con las que terminan una de las poesias de Santa Teresa de Ávila. “Sólo Dios Basta” son las palabras que tenemos que repetirnos constantemente cuando tenemos que tomar decisiones, cuando nos sentimos tristes o abatidos por la vida, cuando convertimos todo en un problema, “Sólo Dios Basta” son las palabras que nos tienen que acompañar en nuestra jornada diaria. En esta Conferencia en una forma dinámica y animada analizaremos todas estas palabras que poniéndolas en concordancia con el Evangelio llegaremos a la conclusión de que Dios es el único que le da sentido a nuestro ministerio, a nuestro trabajo, a nuestra comunidad, a nuestra familia, a nuestra vida. También se presentará en la Sesión II


¡La solidaridad transformará el mundo! La vida como cristianos en el mundo de hoy nos requiere a buscar dentro la fuente de nuestra tradición de fe para reforzar una espiritualidad de la solidaridad que transformará el mundo. Los invitamos a una reflexión sobre algunos ingredientes esenciales para vivir y actuar nuestra fe en el siglo XXI.



Marlon De La Torre presentara siete fundaciones para presentar y defender la fe en el método apologética de la iglesia utilizando las sagradas escrituras y el catecismo de la iglesia católica.


Descripciones de las sesiones El mensaje de Jesucristo Hijo de Dios es la Buena Nueva de salvación que amorosamente la Iglesia continua comunicando y sigue transformando los pueblos a través de los tiempos. El taller pondrá de relieve como el proceso de la Nueva Evangelización se esta llevando a cabo bajo la inspiración del Espíritu Santo en los diferentes ambientes de la sociedad y como llega a su cumbre con la recepción de los sacramentos de iniciación en las parroquias. También exploraremos 4 elementos que el proceso de la Iniciación Cristina de Adultos (RICA) ha venido utilizando para la facilitar la formación de discípulos comprometidos a ser los nuevos mensajeros de la buena nueva. También se presentará en la Sesión VI

enfocaremos en este discipulado y cómo podemos logarlo en nuestras clases de religión. Las “seis tareas de la catequesis” igual que el involucrar a los padres de familia formaran parte de esta plática. En fin veremos ideas prácticas y efectivas listas para implementar en nuestras clases de religión.

También presentando esta sesión …. Una presentación musical especial con Tony Meléndez en Ballroom A3.

Sesión IX – 3:30 – 4:30 PM IX-51 HISTORIA Y PROCESO DEL RICA Miguel Arias Ballroom A2 El RICA es un proceso de conversión. Los cristianos se hacen, no nacen, no hay nada automático o instantáneo en la iniciación de adultos. Aunque la instrucción doctrinal es una parte del proceso, la iniciación de adultos busca cambiar el corazón y transformar el espíritu. La iniciación de adultos es de la comunidad cristiana que inicia sus rangos a nuevos miembros, y por lo tanto debe efectuarse en comunidad.


Me veo como parte importante de la influencia que necesita este país para acercarse a Dios? ¿Serán mis hijos parte de este cambio? ¿Debo yo también ser parte de este cambio para el bien de mi comunidad? Como Católico, ¿que deber tengo en participar en los deberes de la sociedad para el orden y bien común? Revisaremos también el futuro de la familia hispana en Estados Unidos.


El amor es la definición de Dios y el matrimonio una vocación. Vocación que es llamado divino a la santidad. Como hombres y mujeres casados poseemos todas las herramientas para alcanzar la felicidad en esta tierra y en la vida futura. El matrimonio no es simplemente un contrato sino todo un proyecto de realización personal y en pareja; es el lugar sagrado donde Dios se dirige al hombre común y corriente en su deseo de conocerlo. También se presentará en la Sesión II


Este taller presenta puntos clave para llevar a cabo una verdadera animación bíblica de la pastoral. El taller se basa en la reciente exhortación apostólica postsinodal Verbum Domini (73) sobre la Palabra de Dios en la vida y misión de la Iglesia. El objetivo del taller es que el participante tenga una visión y comprensión clara de la importancia de la animación bíblica de toda la pastoral y las maneras como se puede empezar a llevar a cabo. También se presentará en la Sesión II


El discipulado es la meta de la catequesis. El Directorio Nacional de la Catequesis (DNC), nos dice: “ La tarea fundamental de la catequesis es lograr este mismo objetivo: la formación de discípulos de Jesucristo.”(DNC, p. 59). En esta plática nos


AL FINAL DE LA VIDA: INDICACIONES PARA MI FAMILIA DE QUÉ HACER CUANDO ESTÉ GRAVE, INCONSCIENTE O SIN POSIBILIDAD DE TOMAR DECISIONES Dra. Pilar Calva A305 La Declaración Católica sobre la Vida y la Muerte ofrece orientación a los que les corresponde tomar decisiones con respecto al cuidado y al tratamiento al final de la vida, es un testamento vital católico. También se presentará en la Sesión VIII

IX-53 PEDAGOGÍA DE LA PRESENCIA Rev. J. Eduardo González


Las necesidades educativas han cambiado substancialmente en los últimos 50 años. Hay una disociación entre la educación formal y las necesidades humanas en la vida diaria. Paradójicamente, nace una propuesta existencial, visionaria, evangélica, a mediados del S. XIX basada en la pedagogía de la presencia. Don Bosco, un santo italiano que transforma vidas con la calidad de la presencia hecha razón, religión y amor. Conexión profunda con el misterio de la encarnación de un Dios que se hace presencia, eucaristía y que nos devuelve la originalidad de nuestra identidad. Presupuesto indudable para un mundo totalmente distinto. También se presentará en la Sesión VI

IX-54 SOMOS EL CUERPO DE CRISTO Esperanza Monterrubio


Diferentes dones, diferentes culturas, diferentes ministerios pero un Solo Cuerpo de Cristo. Compartiremos experiencias sobre lo que debemos evitar y fomentar para celebrar la unidad en la diversidad.



Descripciones de las sesiones Alejandro Ordieres


El hombre es un extranjero cuya patria definitiva es el cielo. La guía está trazada pero el camino no siempre es suave y fácil de andar. El sacramento de la reconciliación no sólo nos lleva a encontrar la senda perdida por el pecado sino que nos fortalece y anima en nuestra trayectoria. Como sacramento, no sólo proporciona el perdón solicitado al Creador sino que llena el alma de las gracias necesarias para perseverar en nuestros objetivos. Como Santa Teresa decía: “Yo me hago responsable de la salvación del hombre que recurre frecuentemente al perdón divino”. También se presentará en la Sesión III



En este taller exploraremos los fundamentos para una espiritualidad bíblica. Haremos un recorrido de pasajes selectos en las Sagradas Escrituras y veremos las maneras como Dios se manifiesta a diferentes personajes. El objetivo del taller es que el participante pueda ver que una espiritualidad sana debe estar arraigada en la Palabra escrita de Dios. Este taller le dará al participante algunas herramientas básicas para empezar a orar con las Escrituras. También se presentará en la Sesión V


El propósito de esta plática es presentar a algunas de las mujeres sobre las cuales leemos en el Nuevo Testamento. Mujeres que vivieron en la época de Jesús, que quizá lo conocieron personalmente y platicaron con él, o quizás fueron parte de la primera comunidad cristiana. Conversaremos sobre lo que vieron en él que las llevó a seguirlo y a tener una relación de amistad con él como Martha y Maria. Y también conversaremos sobre lo que Jesús vio en ellas: almas que necesitaban del amor de Dios, tal como se lo hizo saber a la mujer Samaritana a quien le dijo: “Si conocieras el don de Dios”. Esta charla busca precisamente conocer el don de Dios, traído por Cristo a esas mujeres del Nuevo Testamento, y en ellas a todos nosotros, hombres y mujeres del siglo XXI. También se presentará en la Sesión II


Conferenciantes Carla E. Aguilar

Patrocinado por Catholic Relief Services Carla E. Aguila obtuvo un Bachillerato en Artes en Inglés/Comunicaciones de la Universidad de St.Mary, en donde está actualmente estudiando una maestría en Relaciones Internacionales con énfasis en el desarrollo humano sostenible. Antes de comenzar a trabajar para CRS Suroeste, (por sus siglas en Ingles que significa “Agencia de Ayuda Humanitaria Internacional”) en enero de 2010, Ms. Aguilar trabajó en el campo de la planeación de eventos especiales de recaudación de fondos. Carla también ha servido como Directora de Comunicaciones y Desarrollo en Merced Housing Texas, y ha trabajado como reportera para varios medios de publicación en español. Como Coordinadora del Programa de Incidencia para CRS Suroeste, ella es responsable del acercamiento a las diócesis, organizaciones religiosas y cívicas, coaliciones, e instituciones en la región para educar e informar a católicos y a otros en asuntos globales y proveer oportunidades para involucrarse en asuntos legislativos y políticos.

David Almager

Patrocinado por The Family Place David Almager, director del Programa de Intervención y Prevención (BIPP) con la agencia The Family Place en Dallas, tiene más de diez años de experiencia trabajando con casos de abuso y violencia doméstica. Tambien ha servido como director de servicios familiares en un programa de violencia doméstica en Amarillo, como trabajador social en una prisión del estado, y como un consejero de BIPP en Plano. Obtuvo su Maestria en West Texas A&M University.

Miguel Arias

Patrocinado por Loyola Press Miguel Arias es Consultor para el Ministerio Hispano en Loyola Press. Tiene una Maestría en Teología Litúrgica y una Licenciatura en Filosofía y Letras. Autor de Santos Americanos (Loyola Press), Manual para proclamadores de la palabra 2011 (LTP) y Palabra, vida y fe (OCP). Es conocido como catequista de adultos, escritor y traductor.

Rev. Msgr. Arturo Bañuelas

Msgr. Arturo J. Bañuelas, STD obtuvo su doctorado en la Gregorian University de Roma, fue director fundador del Instituto Tepeyac por 20 años, en los cuales más de 20,000 personas fueron entrenadas e instaladas para el ministero de la Diócesis de El Paso. También fue co-fundador de la Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States. Msgr. Bañuelas participa en retiros, talleres, y presentaciones atravez del pais y abarca los temas de ministerio en el contexto hispano, de inmigración, de teología del ministerio, de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, entre otros más. Es actualmente pastor de la Parroquia de St. Pius X.

Dra. Pilar Calva

Pilar Calva es médico cirujano con especialidad en Genética Humana y una subespecialidad en Citogenética en Paris, Francia, donde laboró en el servicio del Profesor Jerôme Lejeune. Tiene una Maestría en Bioética. Actualmente es profesora de la Facultad de Bioética y de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad Anáhuac, del Instituto en Ciencias del Matrimonio y la Familia- Juan Pablo II. Es coordinadora y consultora de la sección de bioética del portal http://es.catholic.net/ sexualidadybioetica. Instructora certificada del Método de la Ovulación Billings, ha impartido cursos desde 1984 en diversos países. Ha impartido conferencias y ponencias en congresos a nivel internacional. Tiene publicaciones en revistas nacionales y extranjeras, y en tres libros. Miembro de la Academia Pontificia para la Vida, del Consejo de Bioética del Episcopado Mexicano y del CELAM, de la Asociación Panamericana de Bioética, Academia Mexicana de Bioética y del Observatorio Regional para la Mujer de América Latina. Es casada y tiene cuatro hijos.

Rev. Abelardo Cobos Gómez

Nació en la Ciudad de Puebla de lo Ángeles, México. En 1985 ingresó a la Orden Hospital de SanJuan de Dios, prestando sus servicios en hospitales psiquiátricos de la misma Orden en las ciudades de Guadalajara, Puebla, y Ciudad de México. Realizó sus estudios de filosofía en el Instituto de Formación Sacerdotal de la Arquidiócesis de México en donde obtuvo el bachillerato Pontificio en Filosofía. Obtuvo su Maestría en Divinidad en la Universidad de Santo Tomas en Houston. En Mayo del 2003, mismo año en el que fue ordenado sacerdote diocesano al servicio de la Arquidiócesis de Galveston- Houston, fue vicario parroquial en la parroquia de Príncipe de Paz y actualmente es el Párroco de la Iglesia Resurrección. Su trabajo pastoral no se limita solo a la renovación de su parroquia y al colegio parroquial que tiene sino también se enfoca en la catequesis y la evangelización en los medios de comunicación. El Padre Cobos es colaborador de la estación de radio “Radio María Hispana” en esta arquidiócesis, e instructor en varios programas deformación para el ministerio cristiano, impartiendo la materia de Moral de la Iglesia y doctrina.

Marlon De La Torre, M.A. M.Ed.

Marlon M. De La Torre es el Director de Vida Familiar y de Matrimonio para la Diócesis de Fort Worth. Obtuvo su bachillerato de Arte especializándose en Teología y Salud Mental así como en Servicio Humano. Obtuvo su Maestría en Teología con especialidad en Catequesis en la Universidad Franciscana de Steubenville, Ohio. y una Maestria de Educación Administrativa y Curricular en la Universidad de Saint Mary en Leavenworth, KS. Él cuenta con quince años de experiencia como catequista al servicio de la Iglesia, ha fungido como Director de Educación Religiosa para la Diócesis de Yougstown; Director de Educación Religiosa y Apologética para la Diócesis Católica de Memphis; presidente de la Catequesis y director de la escuela secundaria Católica para la Diócesis de Memphis; Superintendente


Conferenciantes de las escuelas católicas para la Diócesis de Kansas City-St. Joseph. Marlon es el autor de diversos artículos basados en Catequesis y en la fe Católica y recientemente ha publicado su último libro titulado: Screwtape Teaches the Faith; St. Benedict Press. Él también es un invitado regular al show de Sunrise Morning con Brian Patrick de la estación de radio EWTN. Él ha asistido al show en vivo de EWTN con Fr. Mitch Pacwa para hablar sobre sus libros y artículos; él también es el escritor principal del Publicaciones Nacionales Católicas que incluye Catholicexchange.com, catholiclane.com y el Sower International Catechetical Journal. Marlon ha estado casado por casi quince años y tiene tres hijos.

Santiago Fernández

Santiago Fernández se ha desempeñado como músico pastoralista por los últimos 25 años en varias parroquias y ministerios. El es actualmente director de ministerios musicales en la parroquia de San Miguel en Pontiac, Michigan, en donde dirige los coros en español y en inglés. Santiago es conferencista y presentador de talleres en eventos y conferencias a nivel nacional en el área de música litúrgica hispana. Sus composiciones aparecen en varios recursos y cancioneros de OCP. Santiago fue galardonado con un “Unity Award” como Álbum del Año (Español) y Canto del Año en 2010. También recibió 3 “Unity Awards” como mejor artista, disco y canción internacional en 2006.

Rev. J. Eduardo González

Padre Eduardo González es actualmente rector de la Catedral Santuario de Guadalupe en la ciudad de Dallas TX. Originario del estado de Puebla en México, fue ordenado sacerdote el 28 de marzo de 1981 en la Basílica de Ntra. Señora de Guadalupe en la Ciudad de México. Cursó la Licenciatura en Educación por la F.E.P. en la Ciudad de México, tiene una Maestría en Orientación y Desarrollo (consejería) por la Universidad Iberoamericana de la Cd. de México y una especialización en Terapia “Gestalt” por el Instituto de Terapia Gestalt de la Cd. de México. Ha dedicado su vida a los ministerios educativo-pastorales como director de escuelas católicas en México. Colaboró en la formación permanente (actualización educativo-pastoral) de los sacerdotes y religiosos de las dos provincias de la congregación salesiana en México. Por 8 años fue el presentador de los programas de radio,: “Sintonía”, “El oficio de vivir”, y “Aprendiendo a vivir”, en las estaciones KRVA, KESS, KINF de AM en la el área de Dallas-Fort Worth. Actualmente conductor del Programa “El Arte de Vivir” en Univisión Radio 1270 La Voz del Pueblo.

Sr. Esther Guerrero, MCDP, MTS

Hermana Esther M. Guerrero es miembro religiosa de las Misioneras Catequistas de la Divina Providencia en San Antonio, Texas. Ha desarrollado un extenso trabajo pastoral en el área de Evangelización y Catequesis, tanto en México como en Estados Unidos. En México trabajó de manera primordial en la Formación de Adultos. Ha servido com


Directora de Educación Religiosa tanto a nivel parroquial como diocesano en Dallas, Texas. Actualmente, trabaja en el Consejo General de su congregación desde 2006. También es Directora del Programa Biblíco Catequético, un programa patrocinado por su congregación.

Magdalena Gutiérrez

Magdalena Gutiérrez es la coordinadora de Evangelización e Iniciación Cristiana de la Arquidiócesis de Washington. Nació y creció en Monterrey, México, estudió Música, Administración de Empresas y Psicología antes de venir a los Estados Unidos donde estuvo de misionera tres años en una comunidad religiosa. Más adelante obtuvo su certificado de catequista de la Universidad Franciscana de Steubenville, OH. Ha participado en una variedad de ministerios en los últimos 20 años, incluyendo liturgia, entrenamiento de RICA y pastoral Familiar con la Arquidiócesis de Washington. Viajo al oeste de África el verano pasado con Catholic Relief Services como miembro de la primera delegación nacional de lideres Hispanos. Contribuye periódicamente con un blog de evangelización para Paulist Evangelization Ministries. Y con un espacio semanal para el Programa Radial Abriendo Puertas de la archidiócesis de Washington.

Dcn. Arturo Monterrubio

El diácono Monterrubio es Ingeniero Químico de profesión con 23 años de experiencia en esa área. Posee un Bachillerato y una Maestría en Estudios Teológicos de la Universidad de Santo Tomás en Houston; fue ordenado diácono en el año 2003 y sirvió como Asociado Pastoral en la Parroquia de San Jerónimo por cinco años. El diácono Monterrubio es Director de la Oficina del Ministerio de Vida Familiar en la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston desde 2008. Arturo y su esposa son padres de seis hijos.

Esperanza Monterrubio

Patrocinado por Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Ha sido Directora Asociada de la Oficina de Educación Cristiana Continua en la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston por 7 años. Trabajó por 10 años como Directora de Educación Religiosa. Esperanza ha dado presentaciones a nivel parroquial, diocesano y nacional. En la ciudad de México se graduó como Dentista, tiene un Bachillerato en Teología Pastoral y también una Maestría en Estudios Teológicos de la Universidad de Sto. Thomas en Houston. Esperanza y su esposo Arturo son papás de 6 hijos.

Alejandro Ordieres

Alejandro Ordieres estudió la Licenciatura en Filosofía en la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana, en Roma realizando también una maestría en Santo Tomás de Aquino en la Pontificia Universidad de Santo Tomás. Continuó sus estudios cursando

Conferenciantes la licenciatura de Teología con especialidad en Teología Moral. Al regresar a México, decidió orientar sus intereses cambiando al ámbito administrativo con la idea de especializarse en ética empresarial y estudió la Maestría en Administración obteniendo además, una especialidad en Finanzas en el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Fue Director de la Licenciatura de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales del Tecnológico de Monterrey estudiando al mismo tiempo el Doctorado en Filosofía. Ha colaborado los últimos cuatro años con la Universidad Católica de Dallas impartiendo diversas materias de Teología en el Deacon Formation Program. Actualmente esprofesor de tiempo completo en el Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México de las asignaturas de Ideas e Instituciones Políticas. Alejandro ha conjugado sus actividades profesionales con el acompañamiento de grupos juveniles en varias partes del mundo fungiendo como consejero espiritual y colaborando en la predicación de retiros e impartiendo conferencias de diferentes temas espirituales. Es también autor de los libros Fundamentos para una ética ciudadana y Pensamiento crítico.

Rev. Alejandro Ortega Trillo, LC

Patrocinado por Liguori Publications Padre Alejandro Ortega, L.C. nació en Tijuana, B.C. Cursó estudios de medicina en el Tecnológico de Monterrey. Ingresó a la Legión de Cristo en 1985. Fue ordenado sacerdote el 1 de enero de 2000. Es licenciado en filosofía por el Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum en Roma. Obtuvo una Maestría en Espiritualidad y Humanidades Clásicas en Salamanca, España. Hizo estudios de especialización en teología moral y bioética. Fue prefecto de estudios del Instituto Cumbres y director general académico de la Universidad Anáhuac en la Ciudad de México. Ha sido director de varios centros de consultoría personal, matrimonial y familiar. Ha impartido cursos y conferencias sobre espiritualidad, antropología filosófica, psicopedagogía y bioética. Es autor del libro Vicios y virtudes, claves para un programa de vida y de varios artículos publicados en los principales periódicos del país.

Juan Rendón

Juan Rendón obtuvo dos maestrías de la University of St. Thomas, una en teología y otra en pastoral. Actualmente es instructor en la Escuela Bíblica Católica de la University of Dallas School of Ministry. También trabaja como Director de Pastoral Parroquial en el seminario Holy Trinity de la Diócesis de Dallas.

También ha dado clases en línea de Introducción al Antiguo Testamento para la Universidad de Dayton, Ohio. Frecuentemente acude a diversas parroquias del Metroplex de Dallas-Fort Worth donde imparte clases sobre diversos temas teológicos. Es co-autora de una serie de libros de texto de educación religiosa para los grados 7 al 9. Nació y creció en la Ciudad de México, esta casada y es madre de cinco hijos. Actualmente es Directora de Estudios Continuos de la Escuela para los Ministerios de la Universidad de Dallas.

Víctor Valenzuela

Patrocinado por William H. Sadlier, Inc. Víctor es consultor bilingüe a nivel nacional de William H. Sadlier Inc. Por más de 20 años ha estado trabajando en el ministerio hispano. Ha sido maestro de secundaria y ha colaborado en diversos ministerios parroquiales incluyendo pastoral juvenil y educación religiosa, donde tiene una gran experiencia preparando materiales. Terminó sus estudios superiores en el seminario St. Joseph en Mountain View, California y tiene dos años de teología cursados en el seminario St. Patricks. También tiene su maestría en educación religiosa de la Universidad de San Francisco. Nació en Arizona de padres mexicanos, ha vivido la mayor parte de su vida en el área de la bahía. Actualmente vive en Alameda, CA.

Claire Wing

Patrocinado por Liturgical Glass +++ Arts Claire M. Wing es una artista y diseñadora profesional en el área de arte litúrgico. Su trabajo artístico la ha llevado alrededor de la nación con sus creaciones en vidrio emplomado, esculturas de vidrio talladas con arena, diseño de espacios designados para la recogimiento y mobiliarios y enseres destinados a la liturgia. Ms. Wing obtuvo la licenciatura de Bellas Artes de St. Mary’s College, realizo cursos a traves University of Notre Dame en los EE.UU. y en Francia en l’Universite Catolique de l’Ouest, y l’Ecole Regionale des Beaux Arts, ambas en Angers. Continuando sus estudios en L’Ecole Nacionale Superieure des Beaux Art en Paris, Francia. Más tarde asistió al Institute for Liturgical Consultants at the Catholic Theological Union en Chicago.

Pía Septién

Pía Septién obtuvo su licenciatura en Administración de Empresas por la Universidad Anáhuac en la Ciudad de México, maestría en Estudios Teológicos y Certificación en Administración Pastoral por la Universidad de Dallas. Ha dado clases desde el año 2006 hasta el presente en la Escuela para los Ministerios de la Universidad de Dallas en el programa de la Escuela Bíblica Católica, en la formación diaconal de la Diócesis de Dallas y de Tyler y en el Programa del Certificado en Teología Pastoral.


Lịch trình Thứ sáu, tháng 28 tháng 10, 2011 6:00 - 8:00 (sáng) 7:00 - 9:00 8:00 - 6:00 (chiều) 8:30 - 9:00 (sáng) 9:15 - 10:15 10:15 - 10:45 10:45 - 11:45 11:45 - 1:30 (trưa) 1:30 - 2:30 (chiều) 2:30 - 3:00 3:00 - 4:00 4:00 - 4:30 4:30 - 5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45 - 6:15 6:30 - 10:00 Thứ bảy, 29 tháng 10, 2011 6:00 - 8:00 (sáng) 7:00 - 10:30 8:00 - 5:00 8:00 - 9:30 9:30 - 10:00 10:00 -10:15 10:15 - 11:15 11:15 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:45 (trưa) 12:45 - 2:00 (chiều) 2:00 - 3:00 3:00 - 3:30 3:30 - 4:30 4:30 - 5:00 5:00


Trưng bày phòng triển lãm Đăng ký & nhận bảng tên Phòng triển lãm mở cửa Cầu nguyện & Chào mừng Phần I (thuyết giảng chính bằng tiếng Anh) Giải lao, âm nhạc, và triển lãm Phần II (toàn thể tham dự-bằng tiếng Anh) Ăn trưa, âm nhạc, triển lãm Phần III Nghỉ giải lao, âm nhạc, triển lãm Phần IV Nghỉ giải lao, âm nhạc, triển lãm Phần V Nghỉ giải lao, âm nhạc, và triển lãm Giờ cầu nguyện ban chiều Thăm Bảo tàng Nghệ thuật Kinh Thánh (tùy chọn) Trưng bày phòng triển lãm Đăng ký & nhận bảng tên Phòng triển lãm mở cửa Giờ thờ phượng Cầu nguyện & Chào mừng Giải lao, âm nhạc, triển lãm Phần VI Giải lao, âm nhạc, và triển lãm Phần VII (giảng bằng tiếng Tây Ban Nha) Ăn trưa, Âm nhạc, triển lãm Phần VIII Nghỉ giải lao, âm nhạc, triển lãm Phần IX Giải lao, âm nhạc & Tuyên bố trúng giải hội hoạ Thánh Lễ bế mạc

Địa điểm Hội trường A Lobby A Hội trường A Arena Arena Hội trường A Arena Hội trường A Khác nhau Hội trường A Khác nhau Hội trường A Khác nhau Hội trường A Arena Địa điểm Hội trường A Lobby Hội trường A Arena Arena Hội trường A Khác nhau Hội trường A Khác nhau Hội trường A Khác nhau Hội trường A Khác nhau Hội trường A Arena

Thông tin chung Trưng bày hình ảnh nghệ thuật Chúng tôi sẽ có hình ảnh nghệ thuật phụng vụ trưng bày nơi Lobby A. Xin xem trang 58 để biết thêm thông tin. Lyle Novinski, một họa sĩ nổi tiếng, thiết kế gia và giảng viên, dạy Lịch sử Nghệ thuật Thánh và Kiến trúc tại Đại học Dallas, cũng biểu diễn điêu khắc phụng vụ tại trung tâm của phòng triển lãm. Chúng tôi mời quí vị thưởng lãm các tác phẩm nghệ thuật. ATM Có máy ATM đặt tại sảnh A, gần lối vào Arena. Điện thoại di động / Máy nhắn tin Vì tôn trọng các diễn giả và những người tham dự khác, xin vui lòng tắt điện thoại di động và máy nhắn tin (pager) của quí vị trong các phiên họp và các giờ phụng vụ. Trung tâm thành phố Dallas Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm thông tin về khu vực trung tâm thành phố Dallas, xin vui lòng ghé thăm gian hàng của Văn phòng của Convention Bureau, nằm nơi tầng 1 trong Lobby A / B (bên trong lối xe đi vòng tròn). Trường hợp khẩn cấp Nếu quí vị có một trường hợp khẩn cấp, xin liên lạc với một trong hai, nhân viên UDMC hoặc tình nguyện viên, hoặc nhân viên bảo vệ an ninh gần nhất. Nếu quí vị không thể tìm thấy sự giúp đỡ, hãy gọi ngay số 214-939-2941. Xin nhớ, trong trường hợp khẩn cấp, quan trọng là phải giữ bình tĩnh. Chúng tôi có EMTs tại đại hội. Đánh giá Cảm ơn quí vị đã điền vào các tờ đánh giá khác nhau sau mỗi phiên quí vị tham dự. Chúng tôi cũng muốn quí vị cho một đánh giá chung về đại hội. Có thể tìm thấy nơi trang web của chúng tôi, www.udallas.edu/udmc/evaluation. Đơn giản, chỉ cần điền trực tuyến. Bất cứ ai đánh giá trước ngày 15 tháng 11, 2011, và cung cấp cho chúng tôi những thông tin cá nhân, sẽ có đủ điều kiện để thắng 20 vé cho 2 ngày đại hội (1 Nhóm Đăng ký) Đại Hội Mục Vụ 2012.

Phụng vụ Tất cả các nghi thức phụng vụ và cầu nguyện sẽ được tổ chức tại Arena. Chúng tôi mời quí vị đến và tham gia cùng với những tham dự viên đại hội qua lời cầu nguyện và thờ phượng. Bị mất và tìm được Quày [Lost and found] được đặt tại gian hàng Thông Tin UDMC nằm trong Lobby A. Nếu quí vị tìm thấy một cái gì đó trong khi tham dự đại hội, xin vui lòng mang đến quày này. Bữa ăn Tùy chọn Thực phẩm và nước giải khát không bao gồm trong lệ phí đăng ký. Quí vị sẽ tìm thấy một số quày và các khu vực thực phẩm xung quanh trung tâm đại hội, đặc biệt là bên ngoài Arena và bên trong Hội trường A. Thực phẩm cũng có thể có sẵn trong khu vực thực phẩm (Food Court) và Starbucks và Gormet (cả hai trường gần Hall C). Ngoài ra còn có một số nhà hàng trong khoảng cách đi bộ của Trung tâm Hội nghị (Convention Center.) Trung tâm Nhắn tin Trung tâm nhắn tin, nằm ngay bên trong Hội trường A, có thể nhận tin nhắn đến. Hãy để lại lời nhắn trên Message Board. Chuyến thăm Bảo tàng của Nghệ thuật Kinh Thánh Đại hội nghị vui mừng cung cấp một chuyến thăm đặc biệt vào buổi tối tại Bảo tàng Nghệ thuật Kinh Thánh Dallas (Dallas Museum of Biblical Art.) Xe buýt sẽ rời khỏi các trung tâm hội nghị lúc 6:30 chiều, và trở về lúc 9:30. Lệ phí chỉ có $25, chuyến thăm quan bao gồm xe đưa đi và về, vé vào cửa bảo tàng để tất cả các cuộc triển lãm, và một chuyến thăm riêng về triển lãm của William Schickel bởi Giáo sư Lyle Novinski. Xin ghé gian hàng check-in/registration trong đại hội để mua vé.

Triển lãm giờ Triển lãm được đặt tại Hội trường A. Xem trang 61 để được danh sách các nhà triển lãm. Triển lãm sẽ được mở từ thứ Sáu, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM và thứ Bảy, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Nếu quí vị tham gia xổ số trong bất kỳ tranh ảnh trưng bày trong kỳ đại hội, vé trúng sẽ được công bố tại sân khấu Resource Spotlight ở Hội trường A, vào ngày thứ Bảy, lúc 4:30 chiều.

Bảng Tên Xin vui lòng mang bảng tên của quí vị trong mọi thời điểm tại đại hội. Đây là vé của quí vị vào tất cả các phiên họp, biểu diễn âm nhạc (trừ hoà nhạc đêm thứ Sáu( Concert Friday Night,) chi phí thêm $10 cho mỗi người tham gia hội nghị), và hội trường triển lãm. Nếu quí vị quên hoặc mất bảng tên của quí vị, chúng tôi sẽ in mới tại bàn check-in/registration, cho một khoản phí $5 tiền mặt. Chúng tôi cám ơn nếu quí vị cho bảng tên của quí vị bạn khi đại hội bế mạc để được sử dụng lại. Đơn giản, chỉ cần cho bao nhựa của bảng tên vào các th ùng được chỉ định khi quí vị rời khỏi trung tâm hội nghị. Cảm ơn quí vị!

Thông tin Xin vui lòng gặp bất cứ một ai tại bàn thông tin ở Lobby A về những thông tin tổng quát hoặc những quan tâm khác. Quí vị cũng có thể hỏi bất cứ một tình nguyện viên nào mà quí vị gặp trong khắp các trung tâm, mặc áo sơ mi UDMC màu xanh biển.

Đậu xe Trung tâm hội nghị (Convention Center) có bãi đậu xe riêng, chi phí $12 cho mỗi xe, không có chạy vào ra được (no in-anout). Các lối vào bãi đậu xe chính là đường Griffin, giữa hai đường Memorial và Canton. Ngoài ra còn có nhiều bãi đậu xe có sẵn trong cả khu vực trung tâm thành phố Dallas.


Lá thơ gởi những Tham dự Viên

Tháng 10 năm 2011 Quí vị, các bạn tham dự

đại hội thân mến,

Thay mặt Hội đồng Quản trị, ban điều hành, ban giáo học Dallas, xin chào mừn sư, nhân viên, và sinh viên g quí vị đã đến với Đại của trường đại hội Mục vụ thường niên Dallas. Trường đại học lần thứ 5 của đại học Dallas là trường Công Giáo duy nhất trong miền chúng tôi hãnh diện được Bắc Texas, vì thế, phục vụ đồng bào của khu vực này qua những chươ và bằng cấp phong phú trong ng trình giáo dục khi vẫn duy trì và mừng kính căn tính Công Giáo của chúng ta. Chúng tôi cũng tự hào phục vụ giáo dân Công giáo Bắc Dallas và Giáo Phận Fort Texas bằng cách hợp tác Worth để tổ chức Đại Hội với Giáo phận Mục Vụ hàng năm, và rồi trở thành sự kiện lớn nhất đã nhanh chóng trường đại học tổ chức mỗi năm. Sự kiện trọng chúng tôi một cơ hội để đại này dành để cho cam kết lại việc lưu truyề n sự phong phú tuyệt vời thống và đức tin công giáo của những truyền chúng ta. Chúng tôi hy vọng rằng, qua "Cuộc Đồng hành trong Đức Tin", quí vị và các tin chan hoà hồng ân, và bạn sẽ có một đức kinh nghiệm vững chắc khi quí vị và các bạn tham cầu nguyện trong các nghi dự các buổi hội thảo, thức phụng vụ, thăm viếng trợ, các tác phẩm nghệ thuật những trưng bày của nhữn g tổ chức bảo phụng vụ, và nghe các chươ ng trình biểu diễn âm nhạc . Cảm ơn sự hiện diện và tham gia nhiệt tình của quí vị và các bạn, việc sẵn lòng quảng đại những gì quí vị chia s ẻ một cách và các bạn học hỏi được nơi đây với các cộng đoàn đức tin của quí vị. Mong quí vị và các bạn có một cuộc đại hội đầy hồng ân! Trân trọng,

Thomas Keefe, J.D. Viện trưởng Quí tham

dự viên củ

a đại hội

thân mến ,

Chào mừn g anh chị em đã tham Địa phận dự Đại Hộ Fort Wor th. Tôi vu i Mục Vụ thể cung i mừng th của Đại họ ứng một đạ ấy hai địa c Dallas, i hội với ch trong Đứ phận của bảo trợ bở ất lượng ca c Tin" nh chúng ta, i Địa phận ắc nhở ch o như vậy. với sự hợ Tin mừng Dallas ún p tác của g ta cuộc Chủ để củ của Luca Đại học Da và hà a đại hội m nh , nơi đó, ha trình của họ món qu llas, có ỗi i môn đệ nă đứ m à của chín c , "Cùng Đồ tin, cùng cùng đi vớ h Ngài nơ vớ ng i Tr Hành i Chúa, kh ên đường i mầu nhiệm i Ngài kh đi Emmau Đại hội M Thánh thể ai trí họ về s trong ục vụ của Lời Chúa Đại học Da tục trở nê , và ban ch llas cho tất n môn đệ o của Ngài cả chúng Đức Kitô để rồi trá ta cơ hội và giáo hộ i tim chún chung nầ i Ngài. Qu những thuy y: g ta Đồ bừng cháy ng hành vớ a hai ngày ết trình vi tro i , Đứ ng an ên nổi tiế h chị em c Kitô và lòng với m vụ một cá ng trong sẽ có cơ hộ tiếp ch hữu hi ột tình yê nước, từ nh i đón nhận ệu những u Francis Ge ững mục ai mà Ch những thôn tái tạo cho orge, Tổng vụ khác nh úa trao gử g tin chín giám mục Kỳ, thuyết au i ch , h để o yế an rồ u h i, anh chị Chicago, từ chị em. Ch trình chín và nguyên em có thể h cho năm úng ta rất phục là chủ tịc nay may mắn h của Hội Cám ơn an có đức Hồ Đồng Giám h chị em ng y đã tham gi M khác, tiếp ục Cô ng giáo Ho a cùng hà tục sự lớn ng ngàn an a mạnh của hồng ân và h chị em chúng ta muôn ơn khác trong trong Đứ lành cho toàn miền c Kitô. Tô mọi ngườ Bắc Texa i cầu xin i. s và các nơ cho Đại hộ i i là thời đi ểm lớn củ a Chân thàn h trong đứ c Kitô,

Giám Mục Kevin W . Vann, J.C Giám Mục .D., D.D. Fort Wor th


Vị giảng thuyết tiếng Việt Nam và những đề tài trong ngày

Rev. Anthony Dao Linh mục Anthony Đào quang Chính thường xuyên giảng thuyết bằng song ngữ tại các đại hội giáo lý, tĩnh tâm và huấn luyện toàn quốc. Ngài nổi bật về các đề tài liên quan đến gia đình di dân và nhất là tương giao văn hóa. Làm việc trực tiếp với nhiều gốc dân thiểu số, ngài có cơ hội dậy và hiểu niềm tin tôn giáo và văn hóa của họ. Với bằng tiến sĩ giáo dục từ trường Đại học Houston, Texas và các văn bằng cao học từ trường DSPT, Berkeley cũng như kinh nghiệm mục vụ khi làm việc tại văn phòng Mục Vụ cho người di dân và tỵ nạn của Hội Đồng Giám mục Hoa kỳ và nơi giáo xứ, các bài viết và bài giảng của ngài phản ảnh nhiều nét tương giao liên văn hóa trong giáo xứ và cộng đoàn. Ngài cũng viết nhiều bài bằng cả hai thứ tiếng Anh và Việt trên các báo. Fr. Anthony Dao frequently gives lectures in bilingual at different conventions and congresses. He is well recognized on pastoral care for migrant family and especially on inter-cultures. Working directly with many ethnic groups, he has opportunities to teach and to understand their religious beliefs and culture. With a doctoral degree in education from the University of Houston, Texas, Masters degrees in theology from the DSPT, Berkeley, California and pastoral experiences during his service at the Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees office of the United States Catholic Bishops’ Conference and parishes, his writings and lectures reflect much the inter-cultural relations in the parishes and communities. He has written several articles in both English and Vietnamese.

Phần VI - 10g15 – 11g15 VI-71 Lịch sử bí tích Thánh thể theo Thánh Kinh Rev. Anthony Dao A309 History of the Holy Eucharist in the Bible

Phần VII - 11g45 – 12g45 VII-71 Sự phát triển của bí tích Thánh thể trong Giáo hội Rev. Anthony Dao A309 The Development of the Holy Eucharist in the Catholic Church

Phần VIII - 2g00 – 3g00 VIII-71 Bí tích Thánh thể: Đối thoại của Thánh Kinh Rev. Anthony Dao A309 Holy Eucharist: a Biblical Dialogue

Phần IX - 3g30 – 4g30 IX-71 Nét đẹp của Bí tích Thánh thể trong đời sống hằng ngày của chúng ta Rev. Anthony Dao A309 Beauty of the Holy Eucharist in Our Daily Life


Liturgical Art Visit the Ballroom A Lobby, where we’ve assembled images from fine quality liturgical art being created across the country. These artists were chosen and invited to participate in the exhibition by a committee of liturgical artists. Whether the medium is stained glass, bronze, mosaic or other traditional media, these works were created with a specific site and purpose in mind. Successful liturgical art requires collaboration between the artist, the commissioning parish and the architect. The artists whose work is reflected here have the talents to transform scripture into tangible, inspiring forms.

On behalf of the entire conference committee, we extend our gratitude to the many artists whose works were selected to enrich our conference experience. Ruth Ballard, Icons............................................................www.sacredcreations.biz Lynne Chinn, LC Mosaics...................................................www.lcmosaics.com John Collier, Hillstream LLC...............................................www.hillstream.com Gregory Davis, AIA............................................................www.ba-architects.com Andrew DeCaen, Andrew DeCaen Artworks.......................www.andrewdecaen.com Judy Dioszegi....................................................................www.jdioszegi.com R.C. Focseneanu, Reversed Glass Icons..............................www.iconsbyrc.com David Gappa, Glass Sculpture............................................www.vetroartglass.com Eliseo Garcia, Sculptor.......................................................www.sculptoreliseo.com John Giuliani, Hillstream LLC.............................................www.hillstream.com Bruce Herman, Paintings...................................................www.bruceherman.com George Hoelzeman, Sculptor.............................................www.grhstudios.com Shelley Kolman Smith, Sculptor..........................................www.shelleykolmansmith.com Jane Ladik, Windows to the Eternal....................................www.windowseternal.com Mark Landers, Wood Church Furnishings............................www.landersstudio.com Alice Manzi, Sculptor.........................................................www.alicemanzi.com Linda McCray, Abstract Spiritual Paintings..........................www.montanadesignsunlimited.com Janet McKenzie, Paintings..................................................www.janetmckenzie.com Lyle Novinski, Artist and Designer, Sacred Spaces...............www.novinskistudio.com Sue Obata, Stained Glass..................................................www.obatastudios.com Nancy Rebal, Foster Stained Glass.....................................www.fosterstainedglass.com Julie Richey, Julie Richey Mosaics.......................................www.juliericheymosaics.com Karen Schmidt, Sculptor....................................................www.karenschmidtsculpture.com Filip Stuflesser, Stuflesser Ars Sacra 1875...........................www.stuflesser.com Alexander Tylevich, Hillstream, LLC....................................www.hillstream.com Michele Vanden Heuvel, BenĂŠ Bronze................................www.benebronze.com Claire Wing, Liturgical Glass Arts.......................................www.clairewing.com


History of the 2011 UDMC Cross The hand-carved crucifix used at the University of Dallas Ministry Conference is the work of the late long-time UD Professor of Art, Heri Bert Bartscht. It was created in the late 50’s, when Heri emigrated from Germany after the War. Heri was a young German Catholic artist drafted into the military under Hitler’s regime and served at Stalingrad. He survived that horrendous battle and slaughter because he suffered from frostbite on his feet and was evacuated to Germany. Many of the artists of the modern period in Europe after WWII made crucifixes that recall the holocaust and horror of the war experience, offering versions of a suffering Christ on the Cross. Heri’s work is not different in that respect. However it contains a further dimension--the horror of the tragic war as witnessed by Christ on the Cross. On Christ’s face Heri expressed an insight that is often forgotten in the crucifixes made by artists over the centuries, the horror of man’s inhumanity to man. In doing so the crucifix explores the nature of Christ as omniscient, seeing all, knowing all, grieving over the evil of the Calvary that is and the horrors of the future. We are asked in our faith to utilize the offerings of individual artists and their theological insights to further the life of the faithful. The University of Dallas is proud to loan this piece, property of the Church of the Incarnation, to the Conference.

The Figure of St. Francis During the Conference, the artist, Lyle Novinski, Professor Emeritus of the University of Dallas will be carving a figure of St. Francis for the Notre Dame Court, a new independent living facility adjacent to the diocesan retirement home, St. Joseph Residence. Construction of the new Notre Dame Court and the expansion of St. Joseph Residence recognize a burgeoning need for elder care in our aging population. On the proposed site for Notre Dame Court grew a magnificent multi-trunk Bois D’Arc Tree, a favorite of St. Joseph Residence Administrator, Sr. Adelaide Bocanegra, BETHL. Sister has served as Administrator since 1965, and in that time, watched the tree grow from a sapling. It was impossible to build around the great tree. But in the great Catholic tradition of death and renewal, the tree has new life. Developer Joe Dingman called on Lyle Novinski to help honor Sister’s service by carving a St. Francis statue for the new Notre Dame Court while Board Chairman Dan Flaherty found use for its timber in a cross over the expansion of St. Joseph Residence. Unlike typical smooth and polished statues of saints, St. Francis is depicted emerging from the Bois D’Arc log. Novinski’s rough transition between figure and tree is indicative of the inseparable connection of man and nature. The carving, while expressive, retains robust evidence of the hand of man in its chisel marks.


Catholic Charities Banner Display Jesus invites each one of us, “Come, follow me” (Mt 4:19). As His Church, we walk together in faith and support each other through community prayer and service. Catholic Charities of Dallas invites the Dallas Catholic community to walk with us in following Jesus by “providing help and creating hope, regardless of faith.” As you walk through the convention center throughout this UD Ministry Conference, you may notice nine extraordinary 6 foot banners. These banners were the creative fruit of a collaborative project between the Senior DECATS students and Catholic Charities of Dallas. An introductory banner, 7 artistic reflections on each of the seven Catholic Social Teachings, and a ‘Call to Action’ banner demonstrate the beauty of integrating faith education and service. These are but one example of how Catholic Charities of Dallas is prioritizing our faith call to walk together in faith integrating our social teaching and service opportunities for students and adults alike. The University of Dallas is not new company on this journey; we continue to celebrate a shared ministerial vision of education and service. We welcome students at the undergraduate and graduate levels to join us through Service Learning opportunities and we look forward to sharing our mission with undergraduates at their Charity week and a possible future internship opportunity. We follow Jesus, walking together in faith, through our Elderly and Family Assistance Services, Children and Adoption Services and Community Outreach, Immigration and Legal Services and Refugee Empowerment Services. We invite you: students, volunteers, ministers and parishioners to walk with us on this journey of faith in “providing help, creating hope…regardless of faith” because of our faith.

Southwest Liturgical Conference 50th Anniversary Study Week

January 24–27, 2012 Sheraton Dallas Hotel

Historic Event for All Parish Ministers

You Won’t Want to Miss This One!

His Eminence Donald Cardinal Wuerl Archbishop of Washington, DC

Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory Sr. Kathleen Hughes, rscj Bishop Ricardo Ramirez Rev. Richard Hilgartner, usccb Rev. Edward Foley, capuchin Dr. Arturo Chavez ... and many other outstanding speakers

Register by December 15 and Save www.swlc.org


Museum of Biblical Art Tour Friday, October 28, 2011 | 6:30 - 10:00PM Cost: $25/person Bus will depart from the Convention Center at 6:30PM. Bus will depart the Museum of Biblical Art at 9:30PM.


Tour participants will be treated to a private guided tour of the William Schickel exhibit by Professor Lyle Novinski, a well-known painter, designer, lecturer, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Dallas. He has served as liturgical consultant and designer on over 50 churches in Texas. Novinski is also serving as Guest Curator for the exhibit and moderator of two symposia on “Art, Architecture and Worship.” He was deeply influenced in his career by Schickel and considers him to be “the most influential liturgical artist and architect of the 20th Century!” The bus will depart from the Dallas Convention Center at 6:30PM. All galleries will be available for the tour—followed by light hors d’oeuvres. At 9:30PM., the bus will return participants to downtown, making stops at both the Adolphus Hotel and the Dallas Convention Center. Anyone wishing to take advantage of the many restaurants or shopping at NorthPark Mall, across the street from the museum, may do so, but if participants miss the bus they will need to find alternative transportation back to the Convention Center or to their hotel.

About the Museum of Biblical Art

The Museum of Biblical Art is the only museum in the United States dedicated to the exhibit of Biblically-themed art and features 11 galleries of fine painting, sculpture, works on paper and artifacts. Highlights include the Pieta in bronze by Michelangelo, a Botticelli altarpiece, Judaica gallery with Jewish ceremonial art and Israeli artists, bronze sculpture Atrium with works by Singleton, Hart and Michelangelo, as well as “The Resurrection,” a 40’ x 12’ mural painted in oil and the American Gallery with oil and watercolors by LaFarge, Sargent and Ryder. Find out more by visiting their website: biblicalarts.org.


Exhibitor Information Abstract Spiritual Original Paintings, By Linda McCray, MFA

Booth #702 214-631-2402 director@birthchoicedallas.org www.birthchoicedallas.org

Booth #303 406 439-2073 www.montanadesignsunlimited.com

Birth Choice of Dallas operates two crisis pregnancy counseling centers serving women in unplanned pregnancies regardless of beliefs, race, national origin or economic circumstances.

Translating your mission into abstract spiritual original paintings that reflect your faith community’s journey to the sacred. Providing paintings, stations of the cross, murals, art-and-faith retreats, art-andenvironment design, and art consulting.

Anchor Greetings Booth #405 913-744-6938 jmbowring@anchorgreetings.com www.anchorgreetings.com

Providing Christmas cards, greeting cards, prints, and paper goods with Christian themes.

Angelluz Religious Jewerly Booth #201/218 954-695-0848 angelluz@angelluzstore.com www.angelluzstore.com

We are importers/wholesalers of fine jewelry. Get to know our beautiful religious jewelry line in 18 kt. gold over sterling silver; you will love our exclusive designs, excellent quality, and great prices.

Arma Dei Booth #301 905-640-4881 armadei@armadei.com www.armadei.com

Arma Dei creates Catholic training tools and gifts in the form of Catechism, Prayer and Sacrament based books, paper craft kits and quizzing cards.

Ave Maria Press Booth #120 800-282-1865 avemariapress.1@nd.edu www.avemariapress.com

Ave Maria Press is recognized as a leader in publishing Catholic high school religion textbooks, parish resources, and books on prayer and spirituality.

Birth Choice of Dallas 62

Bridegroom Press Booth #211 972-758-9209 skellemeyer@bridegroompress.com www.bridegroompress.com

Providing Catholic wall charts, posters, books, and CDs.

Calvary Hill Cemetary and Funeral Home Booth #511 214-357-5754 gerard.eckholdt@sci-us.com

Calvary Hill is the only Catholic cemetary and funeral home in Dallas. We are part of the Dignity Network of Cemeteries and Funeral Homes that offers compassionate care and services when it matters the most.

Catapult Learning Booth #216 817-821-2926 www.catapultlearning.com

Catapult Learning is the leading provider of small-group intervention, extended day, and summer learning programs. In addition, Catapult provides professional development services to help build teacher and leadership capacity. Today, Catapult’s network of 3,800 teachers and educational service providers deliver instructional and educational support programs in 1,500 public, non-public, and charter schools throughout the country.

Catholic Charities of Dallas, Inc. Booth #121 214-520-6590 www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org

Catholic Charities of Dallas’ mission is to be a family of human services working together to strengthen families by

providing help and creating hope, regardless of faith. Our human services divisions provide familystrengthening services to all individuals from conception to a natural dignified death regardless of race, age, gender, disability, national origin or religion.

Catholic Communities of Prayer Booth #803 972-352-7632 ccopdfw@gmail.com www.communitiesofprayer.com

Communities of Prayer (COP) strengthens community and encourages discipleship by establishing schools of prayer and equipping the Body of Christ so that, unified, we can contribute to the New Evangelization. Four pillars of COP have been developed to serve the Body of Christ: Community, Discipleship, Evangelization, and Unity. Each of these was foundational to the early church and is still vital today.

Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America Maryknoll Booth #710 214-821-4501 www.maryknoll.org

Maryknoll, the U.S.-based Catholic missionary movement, includes priests, brothers, sisters and laypeople. Maryknollers have been representing U.S. Catholics in overseas mission for 100 years, currently serving in 29 countries worldwide.

Catholic Relief Services Booth #205 210-366-3884 caguilar@crs.org www.crs.org

Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the U.S. Catholic community. We alleviate suffering and provide assistance to people in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality.

Exhibitor Information CCC of America & Newman Connection Booth #506 CCC: 214-206-3130 Newman: 214-239-2906 www.cccofamerica.com www.newmanconnection.com

CCC of America has been a trusted leader in family entertainment for more than 25 years. Newman Connection is a non-profit organization dedicated to uniting Newman Centers in prayer across the country, while strengthening the Catholic faith.

Compass Catholic Ministries Booth #212 407-977-1991 jon@compasscatholic.org www.compasscatholic.org

Compass Catholic Ministries is a ministry to help Catholics learn, apply and teach Biblical financial principles. Compass Catholic Ministries is dedicated to promoting these principles in the Catholic Church and to proclaiming the good news through Biblical learning experiences.

Cornerstone Media, Inc. Booth #310 707-431-8336 cormedia@aol.com www.cornerstonemedia.org

Cornerstone Media creates ready-to-go audio resources incorporating popular music with powerful methods, which you can use to connect effectively with young people. Cornerstone Media also provides the unique online resource, Top Music Countdown.

Curtis Stephan Booth #804 music@stannparish.org

Dallas ACE Advocates Booth #707 dallasadvocates@gmail.com www.aceadvocates.nd.edu

As an extension of the national organization of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE), the Dallas ACE Advocates consists of individuals who work to sustain and strengthen

Catholic education in the Greater Dallas/Ft. Worth area. We support Catholic educators through professional development opportunities as well as provide social and spiritual gatherings and events. The Dallas ACE Advocates also work with local schools on service projects and fundraisers.

Dallas Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Booth #705 214-794-5621 marlajane2@att.net

The Dallas Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, in association with the National Council of Catholic Women, acts through its affiliated organizations to support, empower and educate all Catholic Women in spirituality, leadership and service.

Dallas Holocaust Museum / Center for Education and Tolerance Booth #714 info@dallasholocaustmuseum.org www.dallasholocaustmuseum.org

The Dallas Holocaust Museum / Center for Education and Tolerance is dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust and to teaching the moral and ethical response to prejudice, hatred and indifference, for the benefit of all humanity.

David Thies Booth #807 832-264-8854 david.thies@gmail.com www.davidthiesmusic.com

David Thies is a musician and folk story teller. Thies uses the gift of music to tell stories about life, love, faith, hope, loss, healing and all other aspects of the Journey.

Diocese of Dallas, Addiction Ministries and Jail Ministrires Booth #207 Jail: 214-379-2884 Addictions: 972-960-2166 Jail: jailministry@cathdal.org

Addictions: ppaschke@cathdal.org www.cathdal.org

The Diocese of Dallas Jail Ministries provide in-jail communion services and worship materials to inmates in state prisons, county jails, city jails and juvenile detention centers in the diocese The Diocese of Dallas Addictions Ministries minister to anyone who suffers from the devastating effects of alcoholism and other addictions.

Diocese of Dallas, Catholic Committee on Scouting Booth #204 www.scouting.org

The purpose of the Diocese of Dallas Catholic Committee on Scouting is to give guidance, vitality, and leadership in the spiritual phase of Scouting to all Catholic scouts and scouters of the diocese. The committee endeavors to make the entire Scouting program available to increasing numbers of youths in parish units and in units operated by Catholic organizations.

Diocese of Dallas, Catholic Pro-life Committee of North Texas Booth #210 972-267-5433 cplc@prolifedallas.org www.prolifedallas.org

Through its nine life-saving ministries, the Catholic Pro-Life Committee seeks to educate, unite, and mobilize Catholics and all people of good will in the Diocese of Dallas to end abortion and restore respect and legal protection for every human life.

Diocese of Dallas, Department of Catechetical Services Booth #708 214-379-2851 lmayer@cathdal.org www.cathdal.org/pages/ Catechetical_Services

The purpose of the Continuing Catechetical Foundation Office is to provide systematic, consistent


Exhibitor Information and continual formation for Parish Catechetical Leaders (PCLs), to assist parishes in the formation of competent, knowledgeable and skilled catechists so that they may instruct others in the Catholic faith, and to serve as a resource for parish communities in the faith formation of their members, including families, adults, youth and children.

Diocese of Dallas, Marriage Ministries Booth #709 214-379-2881 ddaniels@cathdal.org www.cathdal.org

The Diocesan Marriage Ministry Office promotes and raises awareness of the sanctity of marriage through preparation, enrichment, formation and service.

Diocese of Dallas, Youth & Young Adult Ministries Booth #713 214-379-2845 csalas@cathdal.org www.catholicyouthministryofdallas. org

The Youth Ministry Office of the Diocese of Dallas develops and strengthens comprehensive youth ministry for junior and senior highschool age youth and challenges parishes and college campuses to welcome, support and include young adults in the life of the Church.

Diocese of Dallas, Youth For Life and Speakers Bureau Ministries of the CPLC Booth #706 972-267-5433 cplc@prolifedallas.org www.prolifedallas.org

The CPLC Youth For Life seeks to foster in teens a respect for life and empower them through education and pro-life activities. The CPLC Speakers Bureau educates youth, as well as adults, through presentations on chastity, abortion and other life issues at schools and parishes.


Divinity Icons Booth #307 972-989-1528 joan@divinityicons.com www.divinityicons.com

Divinity Icons provides handpainted icons on wood with acrylic and 23 carat gold leaf; smaller plaques of the icons also available.

Dappled Things Literary Magazine Booth #711 dappledthings.aparicio@gmail.com www.dappledthings.org

Dappled Things is a quarterly journal that publishes art and literature inspired by the Catholic tradition in order to inform and enrich contemporary culture.

EduFaith Booth #404 404-933-5777 info@edufaith.com www.edufaith.com

EduFaith provides resources for schools, parishes, and families, which promote good attitudes, virtues, and values. Material también disponible en español.

eWebLife, LLC Booth #217 214-642-8027 info@eweblife.com www.eweblife.com

eWebLife enables church staff, lay leadership, parishioners, volunteers and donors through a suite of PRM (People Relationship Management) tools. These tools enable stewardship of time, talent and treasure through web based donations, RSVPs and volunteering. As a secure web portal, these tools can increase the accuracy of your parishioner records while providing flexible email and productivity tools, activity and time tracking, people availability and talents, and much more.

FACTS Management Co. Booth #114 866-412-4637 crigatuso@factsmgt.com www.factsmgt.com

FACTS Management provides actively managed tuition plans and fee payment processing, assessment of need for tuition assistance, and online giving and donor management services.

Fidelium Group Booth #413 214-476-0676 frank@fideliumgroup.com www.fideliumgroup.com

The Fidelium Group works with parishes and dioceses to design strategies for successful stewardship and parishioner engagement. We have a proven track record in parish leadership development, stewardship, fundraising, communications and social media.

Got Mary? Sun-Pro of California, Inc. Booth #318 800-238-3954 anne@thesunpro.com www.gotmary.com

Got Mary is a website (www. GotMary.com) devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as a place to get products with “Got Mary” trademarked items including t-shirts, heavenly lip balm and saint pencils along with other Marian related products.

G.R. Hoelzeman Studios Booth #604 501-416-0514 george@grhstudios.com www.grhstudios.com

Creating liturgical works of unique beauty and enduring quality since 1989, G.R. Hoelzeman Studios provides creative, design, consulting and catechetical services tailored to your community and budget.

Guadalupe Radio Network Booth #311 972-757-2990 davepalmer@grnonline.com www.grnonline.com

Guadalupe Radio Network, which reaches a population of 8,000,000 potential listeners, is the only Catholic radio organization establishing Catholic radio stations in both English

Exhibitor Information and Spanish in the same market. We operate solely through the generosity of our listeners.

Herald Entertainment, Inc. Booth #115 972-984-1848 contact@heraldentertainment.com www.heraldentertainment.com

We produce high-quality Catholic and Christian animation for children as well as documentaries. Our series “Brother Francis” has been an instant success with Catholic children ages 2-10. Other dynamic series include “Catholic Heroes of the Faith”, “Cherub Wings” and “Carlos Caterpillar”.

iCue Network Booth #406/407 972-888-6074 info@icuenetwork.com www.icuenetwork.com

iCue Network is an online educational platform that provides state-certified or otherwise degreed public, private and parochial school teachers with the opportunity to become “academic coaches” and create an online tutoring business with incentive programs and recruiting bonuses while helping motivated students achieve their academic potential.

In Our Midst Booth #802 972-977-4549 music@inourmidst.net www.inourmidst.net

In Our Midst is Joan Grabowski, Bob Sandford, James Baird, and friends. At the core of our group, the three of us are long-time collaborators who enjoy a calling to use our God-given talents to glorify Him through music.

Instant Assessment Learning Booth # 510 214-551-3620 gellerfrisco@gmail.com

Instantly increase scores and classroom engagement through technology! Instant

Assessment Learning offers premier products that teachers can use to immediately assess classroom comprehension as well as technology to instantly grade assessments, saving teachers time while providing critical data to drive student achievement. Come by our booth for a free demonstration!

Interlinc Booth #104 800-745-5408 thargrave@interlinc-online.com www.interlinc-online.com

joelanguell@yahoo.com www.joelanguell.com

Joe Languell has been writing songs for 24 years. Fourteen of those years have been dedicated to Christian Ministry. Joe underwent a conversion of heart after serving on a retreat called Youth 2000 in 1992. The experience changed his perspective on worship and brought him to the very feet of Jesus. Adoration fascinated Joe and he really felt the love of the Lord drawing him close.

For over 20 years, interlinc has been providing music & media resources to parish Youth Ministry Leaders, and “Tween” Children’s Leaders. Their popular “Youth Leaders Only” membership provides parish leaders with the latest Christian music CDs, Christian music videos on DVD, Praise & Worship music (with lead sheets & chord charts), Bible studies, artist posters, and more!

King Richards Liturgical Design and Contracting

J.C. Enterprises

Liguori Publications

Booth #513 info@jcenterprise.biz www.jcenterprise.biz

J.C. Enterprise is a company that features a variety of religious books, religious learning materials and religious items such as rosaries, statues, images, and gifts.

Jesus Te Ama Booth #805 www.facebook.com/jesusteamaband

One name, two meanings. Jesus Team A is an energetic bilingual praise and worship band. The group seamlessly blends Spanish and English songs and brings together faith communities from diverse backgrounds. By sharing personal faith journeys and exploring differences in cultural experience, the group is able to unite listeners as the body of Christ.

Joe Languell Booth #806 214-415-8811

Booth #412 678-393-6500 info@kingrichards.com www.kingrichards.com

King Richards offers unprecedented integration of services and products by combining technology with old world artistry, design, construction and project management. Booth #214/215 800-325-9521 liguori@liguori.org www.liguori.org

Liguori Publications spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ through print and electronic media with educational and inspirational materials for Catholics today. Resources are available in both English and Spanish on a variety of topics including prayer, seasonal spirituality, faith formation and development.

Liturgical Glass +++ Arts Booth #304 214-948-6296 www.clairewing.com

Through a collaborative design process, marked by great attention to detail and attentive listening, Ms. Wing works closely with her clients to achieve a work of meaning and beauty that reflects the Gospel message and mission, and engages the spirituality of the faith community for generations to come.


Exhibitor Information Liturgical Press Booth #312/313 800-858-5450 sales@litpress.org www.litpress.org

Liturgical Press is a religious book publisher.

Loyola Press Booth #402 exhibits@loyolapress.com www.loyolapress.com

Loyola Press is a Jesuit ministry serving the Catholic community in faith formation and spiritual growth. We publish resources that help people deepen their relationship with God.

MAGNIFICAT Booth #305 914-502-1846 paul@magnificat.com www.magnificat.com

MAGNIFICAT is a monthly Catholic prayer booklet and liturgical guide presented in a day-by-day format. MagnifiKid! Is a Sunday mass and prayer guide for children.

Maranatha Booth #606 469-328-7413 perezpadrony@yahoo.com

Maranthana es una librería y proveedor de artículos religiosos.

MJM Ministries, LLC Booth #800 314-852-0003 michael@micaheljamesmette.com www.michaeljamesmette.com

Michael James Mette is a fresh new face with a bold, energetic style that speaks directly to a “Guitar Hero” generation. Whether it is a small intimate group, or a large crowd, MJM has an effective impact on audiences across the country. Michael is available as a musician and speaker for Confirmation retreats, youth rallies, and school presentations.

Nancy Larson Publishers Booth #106 860-434-0800 kathey.harrison@


nancylarsonpublishers.com www.nancylarsonscience.com

Nancy Larson® Science is an innovative new interactive science program for elementary students that incorporates reading and writing strategies into exciting and challenging science content. The lessons are enhanced by handson experiments and explorations, making it a very complete program that is easy to teach.

National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry Booth #206 202-636-3825 matthewr@nfcym.org www.nfcym.org

The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM), a professional organization of affiliated dioceses and collaborating members, strives to serve those who serve the young Catholic Church. The NFCYM participates in the mission of the Catholic Church by advocating for and supporting Catholic youth ministry on the national, diocesan, and local level.

New City Press / Focolare Booth #502 845-229-0235 julie.james@newcitypress.com www.newcitypress.com

New City Press publishes accessible, attractive, authoritative books and media that explore theological foundations for faith and spirituality, ecumenical and interreligious initiatives, and connections between religion and human identity, relationships, and culture. NCP is one of 26 publishing houses sponsored by the Focolare, a movement founded by Chiara Lubich to bring about the realization of Jesus’ last prayer, “May they all be one” (Jn 17:21).

New Holland Church Furniture Booth #316 800-955-7025 james@thebethanygroup.com www.newhollandwood.com

The Bethany Group represents New Holland Church Furniture. We specialize in church seating and custom designed sanctuary appointments and furniture.

Ornit, Inc. Booth #213 972-819-2104 josp@ornit.net www.ornit.net

Ornit, Inc. provides tailormade spiritual vacations and pilgrammage itineraries, guided by the Holy See, to places all around the world.

Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Booth #501/514 800-348-2440 lhinton@osv.com www.osvcurriculum.com

Our Sunday Visitor is a curriculum company specializing in lifelong catechesis, catechetical materials for all ages and preparation materials for all sacraments.

Parish Data System Booth #315 800-892-5202 johnny.stoupenos@parishdata.com www.parishdata.com

Since 1978 PDS has proven its commitment to serve Catholic organizations. The majority of U.S. parishes rely on PDS products and services to help their staff manage information more efficiently. Not only is this a testimony of their satisfaction with our products and services, it is a reflection of the growing partnerships we have developed with their ministries, their finances and their relationships.

Parker School Uniforms Booth #105 800-736-1511 www.parkersu.com

Parker School Uniforms provides quality uniforms for schools.

Paulist Press Booth #107 201-825-7300 x231 bbyrns@paulistpress.com www.paulistpress.com

Exhibitor Information Since 1865 as a mission of the Paulist Fathers, Paulist Press has published the best of Catholic thought at the intersection of faith and culture, using all contemporary media to communicate religious truths and to support people in their search for meaning.

Perpetual Motion Ministries Booth #410 214-395-9521 scott@perpetualministry.com www.perpetualministry.com

Perpetual Motion Ministries is a lay ministry based out of Dallas, TX that is dedicated to building up parish communities and ministries by providing short term contract labor that informs, supports, and empowers the gifts that are already present in the community.

Pflaum Publishing Group Booth #308 937-293-1415 mlekan@pflaum.com www.pflaum.com

Pflaum Publishing Group provides the “Gospel Weeklies” faith formation program, sacramental preparation programs, student planners, seasonal books, and teacher/catechist resources.

Piazza Construction, Ltd Booth #411 903-463-2384 chip@piazza-construction.com www.piazza-construction.com

One of the premier general contractors in North Texas and Southern Oklahoma having successfully performed on projects in the financial, educational, government, and religious sectors over the last 15 years.

Quality High-Tech Services, Inc. Booth #401/414 972-231-6696 info@qht.com www.qht.com

QHT is a computer solutions company providing onsite, remote

and print managed services, wireless access, sales and repair of computers, printers, plotters and projectors. We are your complete IT team.

seamlessly integrated with the language arts. Happily Ever After is the Foundation’s motivating, literature based reading readiness program.

R.C. Focseneanu Reversed Glass Icons

Sacred Silver Catholic Art

Booth #605 405-751-7268 iconsbyrc@yahoo.com www.iconsbyrc.com

R.C. Focseneanu produces icons written in the tradition of Romanian glass iconography, hand-painted with egg-tempera and gold leaf, mounted in handmade frames.

RCL Benziger Booth #113 877-275-4725 jgilbert@rclbenziger.com www.rclbenziger.com

RCL Benziger is a team of resourceful and creative people dedicated to providing the Catholic community with the highest quality products, programs and services. We are customer focused and committed to enriching the lives of individuals, families, and communities worldwide.

RenWeb School Management Software Booth #112 866-800-6593 sales@renweb.com www.renweb.com

RenWeb is the leading internetbased school management software, offering unmatched power, integration, ease-of-use, and affordability to more than 2,000 schools.

Rowland Reading Foundation Booth #103 214-498-8700 debbie.gilstrap@rowlandreading.org www.superkidsreading.org

Rowland Reading Foundation publishes the Superkids Reading Program, a core reading program designed just for kindergarden through second grade, that teaches all aspects of reading

Booth #403 817-939-8594 www.sacredsilver.net

Sterling Silver Catholic Jewelry and Gifts is dedicated to building the culture of life. A portion of sales goes directly to promoting pro-life causes.

Saint Mary’s Press Booth #202 800-533-8095 smpress@smp.org www.smp.org

Saint Mary’s Press is a leading Catholic Bible and curriculum publisher. We create innovative, relevant, and effective religious education resources for schools, parishes, and families.

Sandalstrap Booth #208/209 800-515-0047 theresa@sandalstrap.com www.sandalstrap.com

Sandalstrap offers quality gifts that are affordable: inspirational/ award ribbons, small wooden crosses, meditation mementos, cards, posters, and much more.

Sanfer Music, LLC Booth #801 www.santiagomusica.com

Providing areas of expertise & applied ministry in Hispanic Liturgical Music, Multicultural Liturgy & Ministry and Bilingual Music.

School Sisters of Notre Dame Booth #715 214-330-9152 www.ssnd.org

The School Sisters of Notre are women of hope who bring Jesus’ message of love and unity to our world. As educators, we believe that our international presence gives us a unique global responsibility of addressing the urgent needs of our time,


Exhibitor Information particularly those of women, youth, and the poor.

Shelley Kolman Smith Sculpture Studio Booth #306 214-734-9133 poetryart@aol.com www.shelleykolmansmith.com

Flying Paint Ranch Sculpture Studio provides portraits and liturgical art with the mediums of bronze, terra cotta, oil, watercolor and graphite.

Shine Catholic Workcamp Booth #505 www.facebook.com/augieleal www.shinecatholicworkcamp.com

SHINE Catholic Work Camp is a week long summer mission camp for high school and college students.

Shurley Instructional Materials, Inc. Booth #512 800-566-2966 x206 texrep1@shurley.com www.shurley.com

For over two decades, Shurley Instructional Materials has specialized in developing English curriculums for grades K-8. Our aim is to provide high-quality printed and digital materials that promote comprehension, application, retention, and critical-thinking skills. Our company’s leadership in innovative teaching methods has helped teachers and students succeed in their quest for excellence in education.

smallsmallacts.com Booth #102 888-707-6255 www.smallsmallacts.com

Smallsmallacts.com features original photography in hand crafted cards, prints, journals, various bookmarks, and other small items to support connections in communities of faith and the ministry of spiritual direction.

Smart Tuition Booth #309 800-762-7808


info@smarttuition.com www.smarttuition.com

Smart Tuition is the largest privately-owned provider of comprehensive tuition management focused exclusively on K-12 schools.

Southwest Liturgical Conference Booth #712 214-379-2872 www.swlc.org

The Southwest Liturgical Conference Study Week is the oldest continuous regional liturgical conference in the United States. The 2012 Conference is scheduled for January 24-27 in Dallas, TX.

St. Anthony Messenger Press Booth #111 800-488-0488 samadmin@americancatholic.org www.americancatholic.org

St. Anthony Messenger Press is a multi-media publisher that seeks to evangelize, inspire and inform those who search for God and seek a richer Catholic, Christian, human life. Some of our bestknown products include Catholic Update, Come & See, Every Day Catholic, St. Anthony Messenger magazine and Servant Books.

St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Booth #109/110 214-373-7837 info@svdpthrift.org www.svdpthrift.org

St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store is a Catholic lay organization that provides a family-friendly shopping experience offering quality merchandise at a great price! We offer programs that promote self-sufficiency and dignity to those in need. Store proceeds fund the society of St. Vincent de Paul mission.

Summa Enterprises, Inc. Booth #602/603 405-340-7771 summaenterprises@sbcglobal.net www.summaenterprises.com

Summa Enterprises provides books and CDs about the rosary and quotes of the Saints; we also provide antique and custommade crucifixes, medals and rosaries.

TCC Credit Union Booth #119 800-256-0779 rlawler@txcathcu.com www.tcccu.org

TCCCU has financial services available to all Catholics, Catholic organizations, and Catholic institutions in the Dallas and Fort Worth Dioceses. Full service in east Dallas and south Ft. Worth, as well as online.

Technology Media Group (TMG) Booth #507/508 214-267-0535 www.tmguniverse.com

TMG specializes in offset and digital printing, direct mail, promotional items and graphic design. We have been in full operations for 25 years and continue serving our 9,000 active customer nationwide.

Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty Booth #601 512-441-1808 info@tcadp.org www.tcadp.org

The Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (TCADP) is a statewide, grassroots membership organization working to end the death penalty in Texas. TCADP engages in outreach, education, and advocacy aimed at raising awareness of issues related to the death penalty and mobilizing the citizens of Texas and elected officials to support abolition.

The Family Place Booth #203 214-941-1991 kadegraffenreid@familyplace.org www.familyplace.com

The Family Place is the largest family violence service provider in the Dallas area reaching out to thousands of victims of family

Exhibitor Information violence each year with awardwinning programs that keep women and children safe. For 33 years, The Family Place’s mission to end the epidemic of family violence has remained constant.

The H2O Project Booth #703 281-686-0616 info@theh2oproject.org www.theh2oproject.org

Give it up to give it away. Make water your only beverage for 2 weeks. Use the money you save to help provide clean drinking water to those in need. You choose the water organization to support. You send 100% of your contribution to them.

The Pines Catholic Camp Booth #701 214-522-6533 registrar@thepines.org www.thepines.org

The Pines is a premiere Catholic camp located on 130 acres in Big Sandy, TX. We serve youth ages 7-17 during our 9 week summer camp program. Year round, our camp is open to groups and schools for retreats, rentals, and environmental education.

Tobet, Inc. Booth #302 682-478-9310 www.tobet.org

TOBET, Inc. is a Catholic nonprofit organization that catechizes and evangelizes youth and adults on the teachings of the Catholic faith through the lens of Blessed Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.

Tony Meléndez Ministries, Inc. Booth #503/504 417-339-2282 tjsound@aol.com www.tonyMeléndez.com

Through regional and global concerts, conferences, service opportunities, retreats and school presentations, Tony Meléndez Ministries generates hope, and a commitment to help people see that all our brothers and sisters know justice and live with dignity.

Trinity Publications Booth #314 800-633-1122 jhardwick@trinitypublications.com www.trinitypublications.com

Trinity Publications provides you with a complete suite of tools, sevices and support to help with all the communication needs of your church. Offering publishing, office software, and internet services.

Twenty-Third Publications Booth #116 800-321-0411 ttpubs@aol.com www.twentythirdpublications.com

Twenty-Third Publications offers a complete line of parish-based publications including books, DVDs, sacramental preparation, catechist training, adult faith formation materials, spirituality titles, and magazines.

University of Dallas Booth #101 972-721-5000 www.udallas.edu

The University of Dallas is a private, Cathoic, co-educational liberal arts university located in Irving, TX. The University offers undergraduate degrees through the Constantin College of Liberal Arts, undergraduate and graduate degrees in business from the College of Business, graduate degrees in humanities through the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts, and undergraduate and graduate degrees as well as continuing education in theology and ministry through the School of Ministry.

Viva has been in business in San Antonio since 1972 serving primarily the liturgical church market. We consider ourselves to be representative of the time when theology and philosophy were joined and carry an extensive inventory of academic titles. Viva is the textbook supplier for Oblate School of Theology.

William H Sadlier, Inc. Booth #117/118 972-690-0734 www.sadlier.com

William H. Sadlier, Inc. has been a family-owned and familymanaged publisher of Catholic catechetical materials since 1832. Sadlier is committed to serving Catholic educators and parish communities, children and families, with high-quality print and online materials that are faithful to Church teachings, fitted to current needs, and vividly engaging.

YDisciple Booth #704 303-468-2934 noel@augustineinstitute.org www.ydiscipleleader.org

YDisciple is a new kind of youth ministry for the new evangelization. YDisciple aims to form youth ministers and adults who can effectively “disciple” teens. By providing the proper resources and tools for formation, we will aid in the intellectual, moral and spiritual formation of the youth. Our ministry offers valuable resources to help guide parishes and young adult leaders to lead small discipleship groups.



Booth #122 312-404-3274 info@usamadrid.com www.usamadrid.com

Booth #317 800-421-3018 johnnie.mosser@zaner-bloser.com www.zaner-bloser.com

USAMADRID BOOKS ofrece libros y DVDs católicos en español.

Zaner-Bloser, a subsidiary of Highlights for Children, is one of the premier publishers of research-based reading, writing, spelling, handwriting, and vocabulary programs.

VIVA Bookstore Booth #108 210-826-1143 www.vivabooks.com




An easy-to-use, 10-part study for a deeper level of knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith.

Who: Whether you want to refresh your

Catholic identity or you are beginning a search for new faith roots, this book has much to offer.

What: Composed of simple, brief

overviews, The 5 W’s looks at the basic tenets of the Catholic faith while highlighting key points in each of the following areas: The Church, your faith journey, scripture, Jesus Christ, the sacraments, Christian living, and prayer.

Where: Each session in this easy-to-use,

and How we Live it And available Spring 2012, the next stage

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Will The 5 W’s enhance my faith life? Whoever you are and in whatever way you use this book to take a deeper journey into the Catholic faith, you take with you the wisdom of many fellow travelers with years of experience and insight.

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Booth #406 & 407













Dallas Convention Center Facility Maps Key A101-132

Information Booth

Ballrooms A1-4

Liturgical Art


Parking Garage







Level 3 | Mezzanine

Level 2 | Exhibit

Level 1 | Ground

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