HonorsLINK Issue 13.2

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News and notes from the University of Dayton Honors Program

Inside this issue UHP News, Pages 2-3 Oh, the Places They’ll Go!, Pages 6-9 Student News, Pages 10-12 Annea Hapciu ’12 at the Kosovo monument “Newborn” See Alumni Profiles, Pages 4-5


The inaugural

Dayton2DC Spring Breakout trip in February 2013 connected 24 University of Dayton participants with alumni currently working and living in the Washington, D.C. area. Students were exposed to a wide variety of career fields available in Washington and were able to engage in personal conversations with many UD alumni. Eleven of the students who made the trip were Honors students: Grace Blumberg, Morgan Draves, Britney Hines, Andy Kurzhals, Sarah Moir, Lauren Mooney, Dylan Moore, Meredith Pacenta, Katy Schwaeble, Alexandra Van Loon and Alisa Vidulich. While in Washington, students selected sessions based on their career interests and aspirations and talked with UD alumni currently working on Capitol Hill. Students

link Staff Student Staff Lauren Banfield, Production and Photography Kristina Demichele, Lead Reporter CC Hutten, Reporter, Editor Ann-Marie Lee, Reporter, Editor Sarah Reynolds, Reporter Amy Timmerman, Reporter, Editor and Content Coordinator

met with legislative assistants and deputy chiefs of staff, receiving advice about how to turn internships on the Hill into full-time, paid positions. Other UD alumni from organizations such as USAID, Meridian International Group, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and The Washington Center were generous with their time and insights. Business cards and resumes were exchanged throughout the trip, and some students have already secured internships for the upcoming summer. The highlight of the trip for many was meeting House Speaker John Boehner on the eve of sequestration. UD alumnus Dave Schnittger, the current Deputy chief of staff for communication operations Speaker Boehner, scheduled the meeting. Students spoke with Speaker Boehner for almost 30 minutes, and then Schnittger provided insight into his own political career that led from Ohio to Washington, D.C. Students received excellent insights from UD alumni about how to balance work and life while living in DC and tips on budgeting in this expensive area. Students also toured

the White House and explored some of the national monuments and museums on the Mall. Students expressed sincere appreciation for the experience and a hope for the trip to be repeated for future students. All were amazed by how many UD alumni are in the D.C. area and willing to help current UD students achieve their dreams. Even 500 miles away. the UD community and its mission to “learn, lead and serve” thrives. Dr. Jason Pierce, chair of the political science department, spearheaded the organization and funding of the trip with support from the University Honors Program and the College of Arts and Science. The UD Office of Development was instrumental in providing alumni contacts in the DC area.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, talks with University of Dayton students (above); students at Capitol (left) photos by Laura Cotten

Dr. Pierce, Dr. Grant Neeley, Dr. Natalie Hudson, former Governor Bob Taft, Professor John Jones and UHP Associate Director Laura Cotten accompanied the group.

Dear Alumni and Friends of the Honors Program, This program continues to be blessed with students willing to take risks — willing to accept the challenge of an Honors education with all of its demands rather than settling for an easier path. Besides a willingness to be challenged, another of the great things about working with these students is the extent to which the diversity of their talents and abilities surprises me. Ours is a program where the winner of “Best of Show” at the Honors Art Exhibition is a pre-med student. Ours is a program where a Chaminade Scholar committed to the academic exploration of vocation can also be committed to an intensive summer of research as part of the Berry Summer Thesis Institute. Ours is a program where students from all majors have applied in this past year for a host of national scholarships and fellowships connected to their passions, their callings, their sense of how they might contribute to the common good. I hope that the stories in these pages — those of current students, recent graduates and yours — testify to the continued strength of the program and provide the same spark of inspiration and University Honors Program pride for you that they do for me. Wishing you all the best,

Administrative Staff

Jeanne Palermo, Editing Manager Ramona Speranza, Managing Editor, Layout and Production Manager

David W. Darrow, Ph.D. Director


News and notes from the University of Dayton Honors Program

Dr. Christy O’Dea, a UD alumna specializing in international medical assistance and poverty medicine, will lead a discussion of David Hilfiker’s Not All of Us are Saints. Dr. Miguel Díaz, University Professor of Faith and Culture, will dialogue with students about Plato’s Republic. former Governor Bob Taft will facilitate a conversation about the novel The Submission, by Amy Waldman.

First initiated in the summer of 2012, the institute introduces students with a proven record of academic success and interest in research to intensive research, scholarship opportunities, academic Honors credits and professional development workshops. Students selected for the program were nominated by faculty mentors and competitively selected for participation by the University Honors Program rReview committee. Each student will pursue a summer thesis research project under the guidance of a UD faculty mentor. In coordination with the Center for Social Concern, campus ministry and the Fitz Center for Leadership in Community, the students will also learn about civic engagement and servant leadership by volunteering with local community partners.

Thanks to a recent gift from the Berry Family Foundation and the Berry family, the UHP again offered eleven rising juniors the opportunity to participate in the Berry Summer Thesis Institute. Congratulations to Jessica Beebe, Timothy Cutler, Madison Irwin, Taylor Kingston, Danielle Kloke, Ryan Krisby, Hailey Kwon, Kathryn Oehlman, Peter Ogonek, Kathryn Schwaeble and Mary Willard.

The Office of Fellowship Advising is proud to announce the 2012-13 prestigious fellowship winners at the University of Dayton. Four UD students will go abroad as a result of their successful applications. Two 2013 UD graduates have won a Fulbright grant: Honors graduate Milena Pisani, civil engineering, will travel to Honduras on a Fulbright Full Grant; Andy Roberts, adolescent to young adult education, will live in Thailand for 10 months on a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship. Honors senior Alyssa Bovell, international studies and political science, won the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship and is studying and performing research in Malawi with the political science department. Graduate student Luke Bowman, English, will teach in Austria though the Austrian Ministry of Education English Teaching Assistantship.

Carissa Krane Associate Director

presenters at the HONORS STUDENTS SYMPOSIUM 2013

discussed topics from Young Love: Healthy Romantic Relationships Among University Students (Grace Blumberg, sociology) to Shortcut Design Method for Complex Distillation of Ternary Mixtures (Joseph Terrano, chemical engineering). This year’s 61 presenters not only shared their research with more than 700 interested guests at the Symposium on March 22, but also did poster presentations at the Joseph W. Stander Symposium in April. In addition, several thesis writers traveled to conferences to discuss their topics (see Student News on page 12). Frances Albanese at the Stander Symposium photo by Ramona Speranza

Two Honors graduates will attend graduate school through their fellowships: Allison Eder ’13, chemistry, won a Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship; Julia Faeth ’11, chemical engineering, won a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship award.


The summer read

for the newest Berry Summer Thesis Institute cohort members includes three distinguished visitors. New for the 2013 institute, the cohort will have the opportunity to interact with these three invited guests to discuss a book chosen by each.

Congratulations to all of this year’s fellowship awardees!

Laura Cotten

Timothy Henry at the Honors Students Symposium (above); Carol Harper and an attentive audience (right) photos by Lauren Banfield

Associate Director



Annea Hapciu ’12

A year and a half ago, Annea Hapciu was busy enjoying her final few weeks at UD. Now, she is back home in Pristina, the capital of Kosovo. The Republic of Kosovo is a state established in 2008 lying in southeast Europe in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula. Following her graduation from UD, Hapciu worked for a company called Index Kosova, the only private market research company in Kosovo. Hapciu was an entrepreneurship major with a marketing minor at UD. Like many of us, Hapciu did not have a set path in mind upon graduation. Her main focus was to get her thesis published. She fell into her job at Index Kosovo after presenting her thesis to the company in hopes of possible publication. While her thesis did not fit with the company, they referred her to other companies that could publish it. But Index Kosovo did offer her a job, which she began May 2012. Hapciu reflects, “This was not the path I had imagined that I would take after graduation. But it has been a wonderful journey, and I have had the chance to learn much about my country and spend some excellent time with the awesome people that work there.” Hapciu was a Berry Scholar at UD. This greatly enhanced her experience and her accomplishments, as the program required her to complete an Honors thesis that eventually ended up being published by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, a renowned non-profit German political foundation with the goal of advancing public policy issues based on the values of social democracy through education, research and international cooperation. Hapciu feels that completing her thesis, The Internal Effect of the Kosovo: The Young Europeans Nation Branding Campaign on the Kosovar Population, is one of her greatest accomplishments.

Annea Hapciu at the Kosovo monument "Newborn"


Looking toward the future, Hapciu hopes to move into the arts, which she would like to use as a way to improve the image of Kosovo internationally while also helping the people contribute to the betterment of the country. She recently left Index Kosova to take a job as marketing coordinator for KosovaLive Media Group, the only independent news agency in Kosovo. Hapciu remarks that the unexpected opportunity in Kosovo “has not changed my goals for the future at all, just made them more clear and has enabled me to pursue them in the meantime.” Hapciu encourages current UD students to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the Honors Program and "do a thesis in something you feel passionate about and love." At the same time, she reminds students to enjoy their time at UD -- "every second of it!" — Sarah Reynolds ’14

Annea Hapciu at the Kosovo Monument to Independence Photo and narrative below courtesy of Annea Hapciu

This is in the center of the capital of Kosova, Prishtina. It is the independence day monument "Newborn." This picture was taken for the fifth anniversary of the independence of Kosovo, February 17, 2013. What is interesting about the monument is that five years ago, the original color of the monument was yellow. This year, for the fifth independence anniversary, the creator requested from the government to maintain the monument and repaint it with all the flags of the countries that have recognized Kosovo up to now. However, the government ignored his request. Instead they hired a company that simply re-painted it in yellow. But the creator was not satisfied. Thus, he organized a public initiative for all those who are interested in helping him paint the flags themselves on the monument. From what I understand, hundreds of civil society volunteers worked from dawn till dawn to make this happen — and it was ready for the independence day!

photo courtesy of Annea Hapciu

Natalie Berra ’12 Berra Berra is currently enrolled in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at Washington University in St. Louis. Health care was not in the picture when first entering UD. As a first year student in August 2008, she was a declared education major. However, when her interest in human anatomy manifested itself, others began asking why she didn't change her major. The question sparked a million thoughts and, after long talks with advisers, professionals in the field, her parents and friends, she formally changed her major to pre-physical therapy, never looking back. Since she changed her major, Berra knew that she planned to go to graduate school. What she did not expect was how much she would love it and how it would be the perfect fit. She says, “Being a student in Wash[ington] U[niversity]’s Physical Therapy Program has been challenging, insane, eye-opening, busy and a blessing.” It may intrigue some UD students to hear that Berra feels she has found a community at Washington University’s graduate school similar to the one she was fortunate to have at UD. “I describe my graduate school experience as the ultimate camp where I get to study what I love, practice what I love and be surrounded by people who are eager and excited to do the same,” she said. At the same time, it pushes her harder academically than she could have ever imagined: “I honestly say I am better because of it; not only in the academic sense, but also in all aspects of my life.” She is constantly balancing a full plate but maintains that it will all work out no matter how hard the task may seem. Berra was given an opportunity her sophomore year at UD to be a student worker in the University Honors Program office. Every time she worked, she was inspired by the Honors students — their theses, the trips and grants for which they were applying, the multiple majors and their involvement in Dayton. She remarks, “Although many of them may not realize it, it was their enthusiasm and drive I encountered every day that really pushed me to figure out what I was being called to do.” To reflect these sentiments, her advice to current Honors students is to really be involved in the UHP and the many opportunities it offers. Most importantly, she advises students to soak up the intelligence and motivation of fellow classmates because, in fact, “they teach you things about yourself you never knew, and

maybe even bring you to the future you were called to pursue!” As for Berra, she looks forward to continuing and finishing her degree at Washington University. She even considers the possibilities beyond, stating, “The more awesome professors I meet who have specialties in all areas of health care have really inspired me to continue my education, even after graduating from this program.”

threaten the lives of 950,000 Americans. This cause is near and dear to my heart, as these diseases have affected my immediate family. In 1976, my Uncle Joey passed away after a four-year battle with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In 2011, my maternal grandmother passed away from the effects of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Overall, I am grateful for the opportunity to support those who battle blood cancer today. My greatest accomplishment was completing the swimming portion of the race. At the start

— Sarah Reynolds ’14

Reflections Joe Capka ’12 Since August 2012, I have been working as a financial analyst at BlackRock, the world’s largest investment manager, with $3.9 trillion in assets under management. I specifically work within their Latin America division, researching and launching new investment funds for clients in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Chile. Living and working in downtown San Francisco, I have been adjusting to a lifestyle very different from that of a student at UD. Every day continues to be an adventure as I learn new things and try new experiences; however, the most exciting has definitely been training for and competing in an Olympic-distance triathlon in Waikoloa, Hawaii! I am very grateful to have landed a job which utilizes both of my majors — finance and Spanish. Fortunately, upon graduating, I had already received and accepted the

job offer, so I had a number of months to plan ahead for the move to San Francisco. As for the triathlon, it was definitely an unexpected experience that I signed up for on a whim. When I learned that my company was sponsoring a group of employees to participate, I figured it would be a good way to meet new people. In addition to signing up for a 0.9-mile swim, 26-mile bike ride, and 6.2-mile run, I pledged to raise $4,900 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, a charity which researches treatments for blood cancers that currently

News and notes from the University of Dayton Honors Program

of training I was reminded of how terrible a swimmer I was. I could tread water, but to be honest I had never swum more than one consecutive lap in a pool — swimming 0.9 miles is about 33 laps! At the beginning, I confess, it was a true challenge and I struggled at our team swim practices. Fortunately, my apartment complex has a lap pool in which I practiced regularly. After a few months I definitely saw some progress! Incidentally, my first long distance run took place my first year of college with two fellow University Honors Program members, Mary Untener and Erik Vasilauskas. We ran five miles from campus to the Untener family residence in Kettering. I struggled and constantly trailed Mary and Erik, both accomplished runners in high school, but in the end I survived and was rewarded with a home-cooked spaghetti and meatball meal at Mary’s house. Little did they know, but Mr. and Mrs. Untener were feeding an aspiring triathlete! If I could go back and relive my four years at UD, I wouldn’t change much, but I would certainly take more advantage of the fitness activities on or surrounding campus. It took me until senior year to take long jogs in the beautiful Oakwood neighborhoods or go biking along the Great Miami River. Although many wouldn’t expect it, Dayton is a great city in which to be active — take advantage of it!

On-line issues of


can be found at: issuu.com/ udhonorsnews


Classnotes are featured in every January issue so send us your news!


Oh, the Places They’ll Go! The 2013 Honors Graduates

Work, service or school — this year’s graduates are coast-to-coast and beyond. The map indicates some of the locations in the U.S. where graduates are heading. The listings include places of employment, branches of service, fellowship destinations and graduate schools.

The West Los Angeles, California San Diego, California University of California, San Diego

Parker, Colorado Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Denver, Colorado University of Denver

Austin, Texas 3M Company University of Texas at Austin

Locations Undetermined Overseas Dublin, Ireland University College

Guatemala Honduras Prishtina, Kosovo Index Kosovo KosavaLive

Thailand CIEE Teach Abroad


BP America Brooksource Catholic Social Services Credit Suisse Deloitte & Touche LLP Fabric Care GE Appliances Grant Thornton LLP Hazen and Sawyer Makino Engineering Services PricewaterhouseCoopers LLC St. Paul Catholic School U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

The East The Middle States

Boston, Massachusetts

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Providence, Rhode Island

Marquette University

Chicago, Illinois Argosy University Geneva Trading Massage Envy Spa University of Illinois at Chicago

South Bend, Indiana University of Notre Dame

Emerson College Brown University

Warwick, Rhode Island Bishop Hendricken High School

Wilmington, Delaware Richardson Park Learning Center

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh

Bloomington, Indiana Indiana University

Ann Arbor, Michigan University of Michigan

Lansing, Michigan Michigan State University

Nashville, Tennessee Vanderbilt University

Ohio Toledo, Ohio The University of Toledo

Cleveland, Ohio Case Western Reserve University Nexus Engineering Group LLC

Akron, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Battelle for Kids Ohio Dominican University The Ohio House of Representatives The Ohio State University

Dayton, Ohio Caterpillar Logistics Chemineer Inc. Compost Dayton Dayton Public Schools NCR Country Club University of Dayton Wright State University

The Southeast Washington, D.C. The George Washington University Georgetown University

Norfolk, Virginia Old Dominion University

Chapel Hill, North Carolina The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Durham, North Carolina Duke University

Columbia, South Carolina University of South Carolina

Atlanta, Georgia Georgia Institute of Technology

Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Ernst & Young Ethicon Endo-Surgery University of Cincinnati

News and notes from the University of Dayton Honors Program


Reflections Kristina DeMichele ’13 English and Spanish My mind flashes back to April 2010. I was just finishing up my first year at the University of Dayton, and, hungry for a challenge, I emailed the Honors Program to see if I could become a member. Lucky for me, they accepted my membership without a problem, and the Honors Program blessed me beyond belief from there. In my sophomore year I joined the honorslink staff as a reporter, meeting Honors alumni and learning how the Honors Program positively affected their lives. Through the mentorship of Ramona Speranza and Gina Lloyd, I learned what it means to be a good, thorough reporter on a dedicated staff of editors and writers. Completing an Honors thesis has changed my life. The support of the Honors Program throughout this year-anda-half-long process of research has been phenomenal. The UHP helped fund my trip to Spain to conduct primary research, and the opportunity for me and my fellow thesis writers to present our research at the Honors Students Symposium was enriching. I am profoundly grateful to the Honors Program for forming me into the educated, well-rounded person I am today. Even when I am an alumna many decades into the future, I know that the program will always be there to both support and champion my success. The beauty of the Honors Program at the University of Dayton is that it has the ability to touch thousands of lives on campus. Here are testimonials from some of my fellow seniors...

Chris Buck ’13 Mechanical Engineering “I met many of my closest friends in Honors courses, and we experienced many of the same academic challenges together. We also experienced some of life’s greatest


challenges together with the passing of one of our closest friends and fellow Honors student, Danny Arnold. Throughout Danny’s final days and the grieving process, Dr. David Darrow was by our side, ready to help us in any way he could. My friends and I came out of those painful days closer than we ever had been before, and I will be forever thankful to Dr. Darrow and the rest of the Honors Program for the support they provided.”

Susan Gogniat ’13 English, Economics and Communication “As a member of the UD Honors Program I had the opportunity to challenge myself in the classroom, as well as spend time with a select community of motivated students. Honors courses not only created an environment that allowed for a deeper conversation about relevant topics to everyday life, but the discussions evoked thought outside of the classroom. This allowed me to learn and grow as a student, and this way of thinking will allow me to excel in future courses in graduate school. “Furthermore, the Honors Program built a community for me among academically motivated students. My participation in Honors Orientation gave me a glimpse into what life would be like as an Honors student, and my work as an Orientation Leader allowed me to share my experiences with future Honors Flyers. Also, my four years in Honors housing reinforced the positive impact of spending time with those that share my goal to excel academically. Overall, the Honors Program enhanced my development as an academic leader at UD, and I can take what I have learned into my future profession.”

Carol Harper ’13 Intervention Specialist (Special Education) “I lived in an Honors learning-living community freshman year, and I loved the Honors Welcome. I helped plan orientation for first-year students all three years after that, and it was really cool to see them come in each year. “Completing an Honors Thesis was hands down the absolute best academic experience for me. I was able to present at the Stander Symposium last year, present at the Ohio Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages conference at The Ohio State University and have my thesis published in The Ohio Journal of Teacher Education. “I would not be the same person I am today without the Honors Program. I have grown academically as a scholar, and the Program has been there for me above and beyond on a personal level, showing the unique UD aspect of community. It’s a big deal! The Honors Program supported my family [in a difficult time] and helped organize Danny Arnold’s 5K run. They are such wonderful people, and I love them so much.”

On behalf of all graduating seniors, we thank the Honors Program for their dedicated support and guidance throughout our time at the University of Dayton. — Kristina DeMichele ’13 Editor's Note: Kristina DeMichele is from the first honorslink student staff begun in 2011 and has reported for this publication every semester since. Her contributions will be missed, but we look forward to seeing her name in print in the future as she continues her academic and writing pursuits. — R. Speranza

News and notes from the University of Dayton Honors Program

Emma DallaGrana ’13 Emma DallaGrana came to the University of Dayton as a problem-solver looking for her niche in the business school. As it turns out, she found three. “I will be graduating UD with a triple major in operations and supply management, international business and Spanish,” DallaGrana said. “I am very proud of this accomplishment.” She credits her triple degree to her two study abroad experiences. Her first was to Costa Rica, the second to Spain. In addition to her travels, DallaGrana said she had the opportunity to intern with Walgreens at a distribution center near her hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. DallaGrana said her analytical problemsolving nature and passion to travel and learn about other cultures has made her successful in the job-searching process. She will be working as a supply rotation analyst for 3M Company at the global headquarters in Austin, Texas. “I know this job will open up doors in the future and I am excited to pursue whatever comes my way next.” DallaGrana said that her time at UD is the reason for her success. Through Delta Sigma Pi, a professional business fraternity, and events such as Sweats to Suits (now titled Campus to Career), she learned more about the business world and how to transition from campus life to the working world. “UD hosting this kind of event is something that really makes this place special,” she said. Additionally, she has been able to pursue her love for traveling through study abroad programs with funding from the Hull Fellowship through the Honors Program. DallaGrana advises students to never give up and take advantage of the resources that UD and the Honors Program have to offer. “Motivation and dedication to succeed in all aspects — academic, social, personal — has gotten me to where I am today.” — CC Hutten ’15

Megan Klebba’s hard work for her English degree and three minors in business administration, psychology and Spanish, combined with her leadership positions in Sigma Tau Delta and the Write Place, has earned her a valuable spot in Vanderbilt University’s higher education and administration program. Always knowing that she wanted to work in the field of education, Klebba said that she started out in college with the goal of becoming a teacher. “I came to realize the personal fulfillment that working with a student one-on-one granted me,” she said about her work as a consultant at the Write Place. “The administrative aspect began to appeal more and more to me.” Klebba said she knows she made the right decision to transfer to UD her sophomore year. She noticed a tremendous improvement in her writing and analytical thinking during her time at UD in the Honors Program. Her classes helped expand her ways of thinking about the world in ways that she could not have anticipated. “Most importantly, the relationships with friends and professors alike will be the most precious things I will take with me after graduation,” Klebba said. She encourages Honors students to take advantage of all that the University of Dayton has to offer. The Honors Program taught her that she could go “beyond the norm” and that graduate work was something she could handle. “Whether it is studying abroad, going on a retreat, doing a semester of service, participating in a club, working on campus, researching with a professor or talking with someone in career services… you never know what doors could be opened for you.” — CC Hutten ’15

Robert Strong ’13 Chemical engineering major Strong Strong certainly has a bright and exciting future awaiting him after graduating from UD this May, for which he credits God and the University Honors Program. “My time at UD has shaped the career that I am pursuing today and helped me become a better all-around person,” he says. Strong will stay rooted locally to work for Chemineer, a company in the Dayton area


Megan Klebba ’13

News and notes from the University of Dayton Honors Program

that manufactures customized industrial mixers. “I will be part of their four-man research team with my focus being on static mixers. This is exciting for me and the company because they are being acquired by a large oil company and the static-mixing research is directly applicable to the new market in oil,” he says.

Strong credits the Honors Program for giving him a head start in his engineering career. He got his first job doing research at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where he worked for two-and-a-half years. Strong has published a paper and has another in the editing process. He says that the Honors Program showed that he had the work ethic needed to work in research and be successful. “Without my time at WPAFB, I would not have been prepared for my job at Chemineer,” he said.

Religion is an integral part of Strong’s life as well. “God deserves all of the credit for going down the path that I currently am [taking],” he says. Strong said he has a lot to be excited about in his personal life. He and his wife, Jessica, whom he married in July 2012, are expecting their first child. They are house hunting in Dayton, convenient to both Chemineer and UD, where he is completing his master’s degree in material science and engineering. Jessica’s family also lives close by and the couple place high importance in family togetherness.

Strong has many treasured memories of UD, including being a member of the football team and meeting his best friend, Brad, when they got around to talking during a lunch for Campus Crusade for Christ. “[Brad] didn’t even like me during the first few weeks of our freshman year [because] he thought I was a dumb jock,” he says. “I would not be where I am today without the help and support of the coaching staff as well as the professors at UD.”

For current UD students in the Honors Program, and especially those in STEM majors, Strong encourages students not to give up. “Even though the classes may seem hard at times, it is definitely worth every second of it.” Strong recommends students in the Honors Program to consider doing a thesis. “It really prepares you for work after college and shows future employers that you can take initiative and have interest and passion for something and are willing to work towards it.” — Ann-Marie Lee ’14


The 2012-13 Graduates Zachary N. Agricola, B.S., Biology; Sarah A. Ahler, B.S., Premedicine; Frances D. Albanese, B.S., Biology and Psychology; Cassandra J. Anderson, B.S., Biology; Andrew M. Bandsuh, B.S., Premedicine; Danielle E. Bare, B.M.E., Mechanical Engineering; Steven A. Bare, B.S., Psychology; Madeline Bell, B.A., Criminal Justice Studies; Brian L. Berger, B.C.E., Chemical Engineering; Catherine N. Bigoness, B.S.B.A. / B.A. / M.B.A., Accounting and Spanish; Grace F. Blumberg, B.A., Sociology; Adeline M. Bodart, B.S.B.A., Accounting and Finance; Elizabeth A. Bradley, B.A., English and Spanish; Anna K. Brod, B.A., International Studies; Christopher A. Buck, B.M.E., Mechanical Engineering; Stacey A. Buckman, B.S.E., Middle Childhood Education; Kylee E. Byrd, B.A., Public Relations and Spanish; Grace M. Callahan, B.S.E., Adolescent to Young Adult Education; Alexis B. Capeci, B.S., Predentistry; Kar Yen Chai, B.S., Psychology; Jennifer M. Clark, B.S.E., Early

Childhood Education ; Ellen L. Comes, B.S., Environmental Biology; Kristen G. Crum, B.M.E., Mechanical Engineering; Emma R. DallaGrana, B.S.B.A. / B.A., Operations Management, International Business and Spanish; Kristina L. DeMichele, B.A., English and Spanish; Christopher A. Denzinger, B.M.E., Mechanical Engineering; Kara J. Dickey, B.S., Biology; Nathan C. Dombrowski, B.S., Predentistry; Katherine C. Dowrey, B.A., Public Relations; Madeline R. Durand, B.S., Biochemistry and Biology; Allison C. Eder, B.S., Chemistry; Matthew J. Elbert, B.S., Premedicine; Madalyn C. Esch, B.V.E., Civil and Environmental Engineering; Jacob J. Farber, B.S., Biology and Psychology; Olivia K. Farrell, B.A., Psychology; Colleen Federici, B.S.E., Early Childhood Education; Adam J. Ferguson, B.M.E., Mechanical Engineering; Kirsten M. Fitz, B.S., Premedicine; Coral V. Flamand Mendez, B.A., English and Human Rights Studies; Ben E. Foster, B.S.B.A., Accounting and Finance; Brittany A. Fritsch, B.S.B.A., Accounting and Finance; Erin E. Gallagher, B.S., Biochemistry; Emily A. Gardner, B.S.B.A., Marketing; Taylor E. Geisman, B.S., Biochemistry and Biology; Nicole L. Goettemoeller, B.S., Biology; Susan L. Gogniat, B.A., English, Economics and Communication; Margaret L. Gurney, B.A., PsychologyZachary S. Hadaway, B.S., Applied Mathematics; Monica J. Haley, B.A., Communication Management; Meredith A. Hamilton, B.S., Premedicine and Psychology; Annea Hapciu, B.S.B.A., Entrepreneurship; Carol A. Harper, B.S.E., Intervention Specialist Ed. and Spanish; Meghan C. Henry, B.S.E., Middle Childhood Education; Timothy P. Henry, B.C.E., Chemical Engineering; Meredith D. Hirt, B.S.B.A., Entrepreneurship and Marketing; Tyler P. Huelsman, B.C.E., Chemical Engineering; Laura A. Janosko, B.S., Psychology; Justin J. Jennewine, B.S.B.A., Business Economics and Finance; Emily C. Jirles, B.A., International Studies; Emily E. Kaylor, B.A., Political Science; Kara M. Kindel, B.A., Religious Studies; Lydia R. Kindelin, B.S., Mathematics; Megan M. Klebba., B.A., English; Erica M. Kleinman, B.S.B.A., Finance and Entreprenuership; Matthew J. Knutson, B.A., Economics; Madison M. Kramer, B.A., Political Science; Katherine C. LaTour, B.A., English and Spanish; Katherine J. Lauterbach, B.S.B.A., Accounting; Christopher J. Leibold, B.S., Premedicine; Mark G. Lenz, B.S.E. / B.A., Adolescent


to Young Adult Education and English; Alyssa C. Lesko, B.S., Biochemistry and Mathematics; Chester E. Lian, B.S., Computer Science and Mathematics; Patrick M. Lillis, B.S., Computer Science; Kelsey L. Loughman, B.A., Political Science; Yin (Max) Ma, B.M.E., Mechanical Engineering; Stephen L. Mackell, B.A., Economics and Philosophy; Kaitlyn E. Malson, B.A., Journalism and Spanish; Amberly J. Maston, B.A., International Studies and Spanish; Kelsey P. Mayrand, B.S., Biochemistry and Premedicine; Daniel P. McCorry, B.S., Biology; Mitchell A. McCrady, B.M., Music Performance; Lauren A. McKay, B.C.E., Chemical Engineering' Kara E. McNamara, B.A., English and Psychology; Connor W. McNamee, B.S. / B.A., Premedicine and German; Allison N. Meena, B.A., History and International Studies; Patrick; A. Mellis, B.C.E., Chemical Engineering; Michael J. Miller, B.A., International Studies; Peter N. Mills, B.A., English; Elizabeth A. Mitchell, B.A., Human Rights Studies; Ruth A. Monnier, B.S.E. / B.A., Adolescent to Young Adult Education and History;

Julianne C. Morgan, B.A., Philosophy; George H. Neubauer, B.S., Biology; Meghan E. O'Connor, B.S.E., Adolescent to Young Adult Education; Hayley R. O'Reilly, B.S.E., Middle Childhood Education; Zi (Iris) Ouyang, B.S., Physics and Mathematics; Milena L. Pisani, B.V.E., Civil and Environmental Engineering; Sara E. Polhamus, B.S., Biology; Lauren E. Ranly, B.S.B.A. / M.B.A., Accounting; Sophia D. Raptis, B.S., Biology; Kyle P. Rismiller, B.S., Biochemistry; Parker B. Ritchie, B.A., Spanish; Erin J. Roark, B.S., Biochemistry; Joseph R. Salomone, B.S., Biology; Chris P. Sammons, B.S.B.A., Business Economics; Deanna M. Sanders, B.A., Psychology; Caroline M. Sawicki, B.S., Premedicine; Chris A. Schneble, B.S., Premedicine; Amanda R. Schwarztrauber, B.S., Premedicine; Jacqueline L. Severt, B.S., Biology; Gretchen M. Sherman, B.C.E., Chemical Engineering; Kimberly A. Sherman, B.S., Exercise Physiology; Molly E. Skubak, B.A., Psychology; Nicholette T. Smith, B.S., Psychology; Leslie A. Sollmann, B.M.E., Mechanical Engineering; Westin D. Stahl, B.S.B.A., Business Economics and Finance; Jared R. Steinmetz, B.S.B.A., Accounting and Operations Management; Ashley E. Stoetzel, B.S.E., Early Childhood Education; Kelsey E. Stroble, B.S.B.A., Accounting; Brandon C. Strohminger, B.C.E., Chemical Engineering; Robert J. Strong, B.C.E., Chemical Engineering; Amy M. Sullivan, B.S.E., Middle Childhood Education; Madie K. Szaller, B.S.E. / B.A., Adolescent to Young Adult Education and English; Adam C. Tardio, B.A., Psychology and Religious Studies; Joseph A. Terrano, B.C.E., Chemical EngineeringMichelle L. Terwilleger, B.S.B.A. / B.A., Finance, Marketing and Spanish; Caroline M. Thomas, B.A., Visual Arts and English; Lauren E. Thorn, B.A., Public Relations; Rebekah L. Tyler, B.M.E., Mechanical Engineering; Alexander J. Ulintz, B.S. / B.A., Premedicine and German; Alisa M. Vidulich, B.A., International Studies and French; Mary H. Viertel, B.S.B.A., Accounting and Finance; Kathryn M. Walacavage, B.S., Premedicine; Anne E. Weidner, B.S.E., Adolescent to Young Adult Education; Elizabeth C. Wetzel, B.S., Biology; Kristin E. Whalen, B.S.B.A. / B.A., Accounting and Spanish; Emily M. Wilhelm, B.A., Psychology; Victoria L. Wilson, B.C.E., Chemical Engineering; Eric R. Yager-Schweller, B.C.E., Chemical Engineering In Memorium: Daniel P. Arnold, Premedicine

Graduate Blessing

May 2013 Honors Graduation Brunch "I would first like to welcome everyone, especially my fellow graduating classmates, who have survived the Honors Program for the past four years. You know, it wasn’t that long ago that we were awkwardly sitting around these same tables during our first Honors move-in weekend (which affectionately became known as “nerd camp”). But since that time, although the awkwardness has faded, the nerdiness has undoubtedly remained and we’ve formed many lifelong friendships and have been fortunate enough to have been on this same journey together. We have been pushed, left our comfort zones, tried new things, explored new places, traveled the world, made new friends, fallen down at times, but have always emerged stronger. We have tutored, we’ve conducted research, we’ve served our campus and community, we’ve been leaders and we’ve taken on greater challenges than we ever thought possible. For example, who else thought they could crank out an honors thesis manuscript in one week? I sure didn’t! By the way, I think we’re finally allowed to admit that, now that our theses are printed. "But I digress. If you take a look at your programs, I’m not supposed to be up here recounting what we’ve done with our time here, but I’m supposed to say the blessing. You know, I have to be honest, I find this hard to do. I find it hard to look back at everything we’ve done, everyone we’ve met along the way, everything we’ve given and everything we’ve received and I find it hard to ask to be blessed. I find this hard because, to me, it’s so blatantly obvious that we have already been blessed. I find it hard to ask for more blessings when we’ve been given four years at a fantastic university and, more importantly, four years with what will undoubtedly be the most memorable group of students I’ve ever had the pleasure and good fortune of knowing since day one of nerd camp. "So, keeping in mind those things that we have already been so graciously blessed with, I ask that the Lord continue to bless and protect us all as we begin this new chapter in our lives. I pray that we be blessed through our new adventures, new trials, all of our successes and failures, all of the good times and bad times, especially as we branch out into an unfamiliar future. I pray you are filled with a sense of peace and excitement as we move forward, out of our comfort zones once again. I ask that the Lord bless every person in this room, especially those graduating tomorrow, so that they may continue to learn, lead, serve and thrive in everything they do. But most of all, I pray that we never cease to question, never cease to explore, never cease to imagine, never cease to give anything but our absolute best and, most of all, never cease to remember where we came from and what it means to be part of this Honors community and UD community (would you look at that...I made it three paragraphs without saying the word “community”...that has to be a UD record!). I would like to leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Frederick Buechner and it goes like this: You can kiss your family and friends goodbye, and put miles between you, but at the same time, you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world, but a world lives in you. If I can ask each of you for one thing, I pray that you not just remember your time here, but that you carry your time here — that you carry these memories within you, never taking your eyes off the exciting horizons ahead, but never letting go of where you’ve been. — Alex Ulintz ’13

2013 Honors Graduation Brunch (above right) May 2013 Graduates (above left) Photos by Adam Alonzo

News and notes from the University of Dayton Honors Program


The 2013 Dayton Civic Scholars graduates were: Kelsey Loughman, Nicholette Smith and Amy Sullivan.

The News The annual Honors Art Exhibition for 2013 was another successful juried show featuring 27 pieces from 19 different Honors students. From sculpture to duct-tape tapestry, this year’s submissions were sometimes surprising but always creative and came from students frin a wide variety of majors. Congratulations to all the winners: Tess Bender, Cassandra Brakers, Karyen Chai, Lori Claricoates, Stephen Crum, Lea Dolimier, Emma Froelich, Carol Harper, Robin Ker, Stephen Mackell, Kelli Marquardt, Taylor Martz, Kaitlin Meme, Ann Michalica, Mary Mykytka, William Sember, Caroline Thomas, Joe Williams and Ann Zerfas. Ann Zerfas The 2013 River with best-of- show art Stewards Graduates Photo by Ramona Speranza were: Ellen Comes, Kristen Crum, Nicole Goettemoeller, Milena Pisani and Elizabeth Wetzel.

The following students completed a semester of service: Grace Callahan, Olivia Farrell, Laura Janosko, Stephen Mackell, Kara McNamara, Elizabeth Mitchell and Emily Wilhelm.

The Awards Graduates Frances Albanese: Joly Award of Excellence (BIO);

Roesch Outstanding Student Award (PSY) Stacey Buckman: Pflaum Outstanding Student in Middle Childhood Education Award Kylee Byrd: Vasey Oustanding Senior in Speech Arts Ellen Comes: Outstanding Senior Award (EVB) Kristen Crum: Weber Outstanding Service and Achievement (MEE) Emma DallaGrana: Outstanding Senior Award (INB) Christopher Denzinger: Heft Award of Excellence (Engineering and Humanities); Kiefaber Outstanding Achievement (MEE); O’Rourke Marianist Charism Award (Rector) Katherine Dowrey: Pater Outstanding Senior in Public Relations Award (CMM) Madeline Durand: Michaelis Scholarship (CHM) Patrick Dyer: Macbeth Award to the Outstanding Football Scholar-Athlete (Athletics) Allison Eder: Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship Madalyn Esch: Finke Outstanding Senior Award (CEE) Coral Flamand Mendez: Outstanding Senior (HRS) Justin Foley: Outstanding Graduate Student (CPS) Elizabeth George: Perkins Women’s and Family History Susan Gogniat: Faculty Award for Academic Excellence (CMM); O’Leary Outstanding Senior in Economics Monica Haley: Wolff Achievement Award (CMM) Carol Harper: Perz Outstanding Senior in Modern Languages; Leary Outstanding Research (Teacher Education); National Council on Teacher Quality Fellowship Emily Hascher: Wottle Award for Service (Campus Ministry) Andrew Heitmann: Hollenkamp Outstanding Senior Award (MEE) Meghan Henry: Renneker Outstanding Achievement Award (Teacher Education)

Welcome to the newest Chaminade Scholars, class of 2016: Krista Bondi, Samuel Brickweg, Elizabeth Brumleve, Rachel Cain, Erica Clohessy, Veronica Colborn, Morgan Draves, Emma Froelich,

The Marianist Leadership Scholars from this year’s graduating class were: Zachary Agricola and Zachary Hadaway. (Vatican Radio May 2013) The Chaminade Scholars Program, offered by the University of Dayton, Ohio, is an opportunity for a group of select Honors students to explore the call to leadership and service through the lens of their Christian faith. Thirteen of these students [class of 2014] visited Vatican Radio as part of their exploration of the theme “Vocation and the Arts” — a program run by the Department for Religious Initiatives, headed by Sr. Angela Ann Zukowski. Four of the students (Flower Ortega, Ellie Klug, Cory Baker and Michael Ryan) spoke to Seàn-Patrick Lovett about what they see as their own vocations, and about how to apply this year’s theme for World Communications Day — which deals with social networking.

Elizabeth Miller, Dominic Sanfilippo, Cristina Santiago, William Sember, Meredith Taylor, James Vogel, Riley Weber and Kathleen Willard. Congratulations to the graduating Chaminade Scholars class of 2013: Joseph DeBrosse, Christopher Denzinger, Nick Fahrig, Colleen Federici, Emily Hascher, Amanda Jones, Lydia Kindelin, Emily Motz, Cassandra Schemmel and Victoria Wilson.

From the Vatican Radio website at en.radiovaticana.va/news/2013/05/13/dayton_ university_chaminade_students_visit_ vatican_radio/en1-691593

Laura Janosko: Kuntz Outstanding Service Award (PSY) Emily Jirles: Karns International Studies Award Emily Kaylor: Shay Award for Academic and Extracurricular Excellence

Lydia Kindelin: Senior Academic Excellence (MTH) Megan Klebba: Labadie Composition Award (ENG) Katherine LaTour: Ferrigno Outstanding Senior (SPN) Christopher Leibold: Montgomery County Medical Society Outstanding Senior (MED)

Alyssa Lesko: Senior Award for Mathematics Chester Lian: GKM Systems International Award for

Innovative Programming (CPS); Senior Academic Excellence (MTH) Patrick Lillis: Pearson Excellence in Computer Science Kelsey Loughman: Rose Outstanding Senior (POL) Yin Ma: Kiefaber Outstanding Achievement (MEE) Stephen Mackell: O’Leary Outstanding Senior (ECO); Polichek Outstanding Senior (PHL); Presidential Outstanding Scholar-Athlete Award Kaitlyn Malson: Rogge Morse Award (CMM) Amberly Maston: Peer Mentorship Award (INS) Daniel McCorry: Polichek Outstanding Senior (PHL) Mitchell McCrady: Senior Award for Contributions to Concert Bands; Riddler Outstanding Service (MUS); Mervar Outstanding Music Major; Phi Mu Alpha Musicianship Award; Phi Mu Alpha Scholastic Award Kara McNamara: Bramlage Award (Campus Ministry) Connor McNamee: Hatch Outstanding Senior in German Allison Meena: Flook Outstanding Senior (HST); Ruppel Historical Research Award Ruth Monnier: Sudzina Excellence in Case Study Analysis (Teacher Education) George Neubauer: Comer Biomedical Research (BIO) Milena Pisani: Fulbright Full Grant; Heft Award of Excellence (Engineering and Humanities) Kyle Rismiller: Geisler Outstanding Senior (CHM) Erin Roark: ACS Organic Chemistry Award Joseph Salomone: Dlugos Outstanding Senior (BIO); Scherger Leadership in Public Health Medicine (MED)

Jacqueline Severt: Miami Valley Academy of Family Physicians Family Medicine Award (MED)

Nicholette Smith: Kimble Research Award (PSY) Ashley Stoetzel: Leary Research Award (Teacher Education)

Madie Szaller: Price Outstanding Senior (ENG);

Hand Award of Excellence (Teacher Education); Fellowship for Undergraduate Research Training Workshop Joseph Terrano: Emanuel Outstanding Senior (CME) Alex Ulintz: Donatelli Outstanding Humanities Student; Hatch Outstanding Senior in German (LNG) Gregory Versteeg: ACS Patterson College Chemistry Award; Michaelis Upperclass Scholarship (CHM) Mary Hannah Viertel: Flaute Award for Service (SBA); Outstanding Senior (FIN) Elizabeth Wetzel: Bajpai Research Award (BIO)

news Underclass Students Andrew Aronow: Castro Sophomore Award (PHY) Julie Benedetto: McFarland Outstanding Junior (REL) Ashley Berding: DuPont Summer Research Fellowship Award (CHM)

Logan Bonifas: Keiter Outstanding Junior or Senior Scholarship Award (CJS)

Alyssa Bovell: Gilman Scholarship Lauren Clark: Internship in the United States Em-

bassy in Spain Allison Ecker: Fitz Outstanding Sophomore (CME) Sara Hardman: Barrett Outstanding Junior (CEE) Michaela Herrick: Herbenick CORE Program Award (PHL); Bloemer Outstanding Junior (PHL) Laura Huber: Stenger Outstanding Junior (POL) Cyrena (CC) Hutten: Ruhlman Literary Achievement Award (Library) Ashley Niemeier: Bloemer Outstanding Junior (PHL) Laila Sabagh: Outstanding Junior Award (HRS) Jordan Seitz: Beauregard Outstanding Junior (HST) Connor Ratycz: 2013 American Physiological Society Undergraduate Summer Fellowship


University Honors Program


300 College Park Dayton, OH 45469-0311

contact us

email: honorsinfo@udayton.edu ~ website: udayton.edu/honors ~ facebook key words: University-of-Dayton-Honors-Program Jacob Rinehart: Superior Sophomore Cadet Award Ella Wildemann: Kuntz Outstanding Junior (MEE) Molly Winslow: Huth Outstanding Senior (ANT) Jarrod Wurm: Organic Chemistry Award (CHM) Erin Yacovoni: NASA Ohio Space Grant Consortium

Education Scholar

Elizabeth Wetzel: Ohio Physiological Society Annual


Alex Ulintz: American Medical Student Association National Conference Research Publications Mark Pleasants: Co-author of Global Land Ice

Joint Awards

Measurements from Space

CRC PRESS Freshman Chemistry Achievement Award: Sophia Gillum, Thaddeus Masthay,

Christopher Morrow, Jonathon Sens and Meredith Taylor

Katchman/Michaelis First-Year Chemistry Scholarship: Carolyn Capka, Katie Korneffel and

The Military Kara Dickey: Commissioned in the United States Air


Christopher Morrow

and Luke McCrate

Gleason, Nathaniel Lundy, Stephen Mackell, Joshua Malyon, Haley Murrell and Andrew Steffensmeier

The Research Congratulations to the following students who presented or published research this year! Presentations Kaitlyn Francis, Samantha Stringer and Jordan Vellky: Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Zachary Hadaway, Hailey Kwon, Alyssa Lesko and Andrew Steffensmeier: National Conference on Undergraduate Research

Haily Kwon, Alyssa Lesko and Greg Mancini: Ohio Conference on Undergraduate Research

Nicholette Smith, Alex Ulintz and Elizabeth Wetzel:

Harvard National Collegiate Research Conference

Joseph Salomone: Society for Developmental Biology Leslie Sollmann: Joint Army Navy NASA Air Force (JANNAF) Interagency Propulsion Conference

Madie Szaller: Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice


2013 Issue 2

16 Honors Students Welcome 21 Classes Begin 31 Danny Arnold 5k Run/Walk TBD Hull Application Process Meeting


Sophomore Award for Mathematics: Rachel Lawless All-Academic Team: Erin Filbrandt, Elizabeth


Do you want to make a difference

in the lives of current and future Honors students? Donate by: Mailing a check to University of Dayton 300 College Park Dayton, Ohio 45469-2961 or visiting udayton.edu/give and designating your gift to the Patrick F. Palermo Founders Fund, Chaminade Scholars Program or Daniel P. Arnold Memorial Fund

15 Spring/Summer Hull Reports Due TBD Senior Thesis Writers: Thesis Workshop Sessions

October TBD Juniors: Honors Diploma Workshop TBD Fall Information Workshop for Firstand Second-Year Honors Students

November 15 December Graduate Theses Due TBD Junior Thesis Writers: Thesis Workshop Sessions TBD Hull Application Process Meeting


2 Honors Art Exhibit Entries Due

10 Juniors: Thesis Intent Documents Due 13 Honors Graduation Lunch 14 Fall Graduation Commencement

News and notes from the University of Dayton Honors Program

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