UDOT Consultant Services Manual of Instruction 2020

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16 Qualified Consultant Pools

UDOT develops various pools of qualified consultants and contractors. Each pool is a list of prequalified consultants or contractors in specific work disciplines. The pool pre-qualification process assists UDOT and LG PMs in selecting the most qualified consultant for their project in a streamlined manner. Consultants may submit a proposal of qualifications in any of the work disciplines matching their expertise. The specific Pool Solicitation outlines the description and qualification requirements for each work discipline and guides consultants in preparing their proposal for UDOT consideration. Consultant proposals are evaluated and scored on the criteria stated or identified in the solicitation. Scoring criteria are given a maximum number of possible points. A threshold score is established in the pool solicitation for qualifying for the pool. UDOT assembles teams with the appropriate expertise to review and score consultant proposals. UDOT posts the pool solicitation on the UDOT website and notifies consultants through the Consultant Services Department Email Notification List. The pool submission deadlines are identified in the solicitation. Consultants are notified of the results and the final list of qualified consultants is posted on the Consultant Services website. Qualification in any consultant pool does not guarantee a contract. The qualified consultant pools are in place for three to five years for use by UDOT and LG partners. Utah Code §63G-6a-507 (Approved vendor list procurement process) states that prequalified lists of consultants may not be used for a term longer than 18 months (Subsection [5][b][ii]). Pool consultants are required to submit a Requalification Certification Form (RCF) every 18 months within the pool period to stay listed as qualified for a work discipline without going through a new competitive procurement process. The submission should include changes to key personnel from the original proposal as it may affect a consultant’s qualification status. The Department reserves the right to disqualify a firm if necessary to protect the interests of UDOT and the state. UDOT encourages Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) and Women Business Enterprises (WBEs) to respond to the pool solicitations. UDOT encourages prime consultants to use DBEs and/or WBEs as subconsultants.

Pool Small Purchase Contract Process

The UDOT/LG PM considers at least three proposals from consultants listed as qualified under the work discipline most closely related to the scope of work and will select the most qualified. The consultants will then be contacted by the UDOT/LG PM to begin the negotiation phase for the contract.

Request for Pool Letter of Qualifications (RPLOQ) Contract Process

Consultants are shortlisted and invited to prepare and submit proposals by the deadline given to the UDOT/LG PM and the Consultant Services manager based on instructions outlined in the RPLOQ Format Instructions and the RPLOQ Form. Consultants may choose to decline the invitation in writing. Pursuant to Utah Code §63G-6a-1503 (Evaluation committee for design professional services), consultants may not contact or communicate with any member or potential member of a selection team regarding an RPLOQ once the RPLOQ invitation has been received by the consultant. The only

Consultant Services Manual of Instruction (MOI)

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