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Traffic Management Deployment

FUNDING State Year: July 1

Programmed Funding 2021: $3.5 million 2022: $3.5 million 2023: $3.5 million


CONTACT Jamie Mackey 801-514-9782 jamiemackey@utah.gov

Tyler Laing 801 887-3792 tlaing@utah.gov


2019 Highlights

Statewide master plan for ATMS: a plan that will help guide deployment of ATMS devices and systems for years to come was developed with input from each UDOT region. The plan will ensure traffic is being managed safely and effectively through technology solutions.

Automated variable speed limit (VSL) software deployment: Automation of the VSL corridor on I-80 through Parley’s Canyon has begun. Other VSL corridors are now being planned statewide. VSL improves safety and traffic flow during weather, congestion, and other issues that can be improved with enhanced speed management

Fiber optic network expansion: new connections were made to UDOT maintenance sheds, traffic signals, and ATMS devices statewide.

The Traffic Management Program uses state and federal funding to improve UDOT’s ability to collect and disseminate traffic information focused on optimizing mobility.

The program provides for expansion of UDOT’s fiber optic communication network, software, and devices, like cameras, overhead signs and traffic sensors, that allow UDOT to: • Explore, test and deploy new traffic management and operations technology and strategies, such as connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) technology. • Continually manage the traffic signal network to help traffic flow more smoothly • Provide road users with information about traffic incidents, weather, construction delay, and travel times • Monitor traffic and quickly respond to mitigate the effects of crashes and disruptions. • Help maintenance crews anticipate weather and clear snow efficiently • Manage Express Lanes to keep all lanes operating at optimal levels • Support Utah Highway Patrol efforts to clear incidents quickly • Adjust freeway ramp meters to smooth out traffic flow

The Traffic Management Division has expanded the Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) network in Utah to 134. RWIS stations measure atmospheric conditions and transmit data to UDOT’s Traffic Operations Center where meteorologists can make forecasts to support snow removal or construction efforts.

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