2 minute read
UD OLLI Online (K202–06)
Monday 12:45–2 p.m. 2/5/2024–4/29/2024
Class limit: 12
UD OLLI Online (K202–07)
Wednesday 12:45–2 p.m. 2/7/2024–5/1/2024
Class limit: 12
Instructor: Betsey Cullen
Number of class sessions: 12
Course format: Discussion
Required text: The Poet’s Companion by Kim Addonizio and Dorianne Laux, ISBN: 978-0-393-31655-4.
Calling adventurous poets! Stretch yourself. Work on honing your craft and help fellow classmates develop theirs. We write four poems, based on content: writing and knowing and the family and craft, simile and metaphor and stop making sense in Addonizio and Laux’s book, The Poet’s Companion. Sign up for either the Monday or Wednesday online session of this course.
UD OLLI Online (K204–06)
Thursday 2:30–3:45 p.m.
Instructor: Mary Ellen Winkler-Gunn
Number of class sessions: 11
Course format: Discussion
For those who enjoy writing poetry or those who would like to try, this is an opportunity to read your poems to people interested in helping you improve as a poet. Specific assignments stretch you as a poet, while reading and critiquing poems can broaden your outlook and enrich your own work. Class participation and help with facilitation are encouraged.
UD OLLI Online (K221–06)
Wednesday 9–10:15 a.m. 2/7/2024–4/24/2024
Instructor: Rae Tyson
Number of class sessions: 11 • Class limit: 18
Course format: Discussion
This new course combines two popular OLLI offerings: creative nonfiction and memoirs. Students have the opportunity to practice writing in both categories.
Trinity Faith Education Building, Lewes (K222–01)
Monday 9–10:15 a.m. 2/5/2024–4/22/2024
Instructor: Peg Fisk
Number of class sessions: 11 • Class limit: 16
Course format: Active (Hands-on)
Everyone has stories in their heads. The aim of this class is to get them out, to write them. By looking at professional writers and their short stories, we discuss their methods of writing. Then students write.
UD OLLI Online (K207–06)
Monday 10:45 a.m.–noon 2/5/2024–4/22/2024
Instructor: Rose Greer
Number of class sessions: 11 • Class limit: 30
Course format: Discussion
Beginning and experienced writers practice principles and enjoy the pleasures of memoir writing. We write at home. Then in class, we read aloud our times of laughter, sorrow, fear and joy. We express our history, leave treasures for our descendants and inspire each other to chronicle memorable moments. Come! Write your memoirs! Notice: We request confidentiality. What you see, what you hear, when you leave, leave it here.