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Dear Readers,
It is with great pleasure that we present to you the inaugural edition of Probe, our very own dental magazine
As interstate students, we understand the significance of social media in building a sense of community and connection within a university club. The UDSS Instagram and Facebook pages were our first impressions of UWA Dental School, and we aim to continue that tradition by capturing and showcasing all the wonderful things that happen this year. As your 2023 Media Representatives, we seek to strengthen the UDSS brand to inspire enthusiasm across the Doctor of Dental Medicine and Doctor of Clinical Dentistry cohorts. Please know that we are always open to feedback from and collaboration with our fellow committee members as well as all students.
If you have any ideas or want to be involved in UDSS social media or Probe, we would appreciate hearing your thoughts We would like to extend our thanks to everyone who has allowed us to be a part of the UDSS 2023 committee We hope you enjoy reading Probe as much as we have enjoyed creating it Now, be so kind as to turn to the next page
Jewel Ajimon and Kavindi Nawarathne Harischandrage UDSS Media Reps
Hello readers and welcome to the first issue of the Probe magazine for 2023! First and foremost, I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation for the achievements made by the previous UDSS 2022 committee as they navigated successfully through some tough academic and logistical challenges throughout the year Secondly, I would also like to thank every one of my current committee members who have selflessly stepped up to volunteer their time on top of their current study/life commitments to ensure that this year can go one better to provide you all a memorable experience during your Doctor of Dental Medicine studies! With Covid-19 in the rear view mirror, it is a refreshing feeling to start the academic year with a more relaxing atmosphere in the clinics with protocols and procedures starting to return to “normal”.
Furthermore, the delivery of the new CSSL (aka OpTech for many of us) and its role to enrich and “future-proof” our learning experiences couldn’t have arrived at a better time as we transition from the tense 2022 academic year into 2023. In saying that, it is important from time-to time that we continue to look beyond the field of view from our loupes and hogies to ensure that our mates; your future colleagues, are managing the challenges of our studies in a positive manner. Dental school isn’t always seamless run for us all and at some stage, some of us will face some form of challenge(s); either dentistry related or beyond the walls of OHCWA. To aid with this, your hard working year reps: Monisha and Kavin (DMD1), Jovan and Shreyash (DMD2), Carly and Liam (DMD3) and Joshua and Christopher (DMD4) are here if you ever have any questions or concerns relating to the course. Please get in touch with them if and when you need them. Amy and Benny, our Education Reps, facilitated the first event for the year- the annual ‘Intro to Dentistry’ The series of mini lectures on the different specialties within Dentistry were presented by current students for the incoming DMD1 and current DMD2 students.
Throughout the year, there will be many more opportunitiessuchastheJournalClubsandIcontinueto encourageyoualltomakethemostoftheselearningand networking opportunities throughout your studies We also recently had our Intro to the Healthy Mouths Brighter Smiles (HMBS) volunteering program organised by Erin (DMD3). It was pleasing to see the sell-out crowd attendance and I urge you and your friends to reach out to Erin to get involved where you can for a worthy cause. Furthermore, lets get around Jade, our WA ADSA Rep, to also give back to our communitiesbydonatingbloodforthosewhodependon it If you ’ re interested to get involved, please reach out tohertoo!
Our first official Social event- Prime and bond, didn’t quite go to plan with unforeseen arrangement changes made at short notice However, it seemed our DMD1s, DMD2sandsomeDMD3sdidn’tletthesecircumstances distract them from having a great night- which was evident with the streak of student sick leave submitted over the following weeks with covid making its return However, Becca and Shivangi, our Junior Social Reps, have some new and exciting plans for the next social eventwhichpromisestobeanightyouwon’tforget.
Looking forward, your Sports Reps Reeta and Ashton have combined with Podiatry to continue the Dent vs. PodBadmintonComponthe26thApril.Letthemknow ifyou’rekeentoplayorotherwiseletsgetaroundthem andsupportourteamtogetthewin!Ifthere’sanything you would like to know more about or would like some helpful footy tips, don’t hesitate to ask. My committee and I are here for you to make this year the best it can be!
JimRae UDSSPresident2023
DMD 1 Rep
Kavin Maharaj
DMD 2 Rep
Jovan Loh
DMD 3 Rep
Carly Pintaudi
DMD 4 Rep
Joshua Ding
DMD 1 Rep
Monisha Arora
DMD 2 Rep
Shreyash Nigam
DMD 3 Rep
Liam Meinema
DMD 4 Rep
Christopher Lee
M e e t t h e 2 0 2 3 C o m m i t t e e
Media Rep
Education Rep
Benny Sheriff
Sports Rep
Reeta Joe
Junior Social Rep
Shivangi Sharma
Senior Social Rep
Belinda Luu
Media Rep
Jewel Ajimon
Education Rep
Amy Zhang
Sports Rep
Ashton Foo
Junior Social Rep
Becca Ngyuen
Not Pictured: Ben Lundberg (Senior Social Rep) a rling otel. With the abundance of finger food ovided, DMDs (primarily first and second ars) were able to get to know one another mongst the engaging atmosphere. e’d like to give a big thanks to the DJ, Amitabh, well as our event photographer, Bhargav, who ake the event come together smoothly it all the more memorable. Due to unication issues which caused the event ly, we apologise for any inconveniences t hope all attendees had a great time and to make some new friends! d for our next cocktail event, GV Black, be held next semester. Looking forward ou there!
& Shivangi Sharma