Drumchapel | Blueprint for Drumchapel 3 | Masterplanning

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Drumchapel Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places

Stage: Masterplan Group members: Patarova, Aleksandra (AAD) Thorogood, Amy (UD)

Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places

Department of Architecture University of Strathclyde Glasgow strath.ac.uk/engineering/architecture/ PgDip/MArch Advanced Architectural Design (AAD) MArch Architectural Design International (MADi) PgDip/MSc Urban Design

Blueprint Blueprint for Drumchapel for Drumchapel

CONTENTS I. Introduction


II. Character Areas & Special Places


District Node Howgate Avenue The Green Mile Quiet Residential Areas Green Valley Educational Campus

10 14 18 22 26


Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places

I: Introduction Context Drumchapel is an area of Glasgow developed as part of the overspill policy of Glasgow City Council in the 1950’s. Drumchapel was developed as a modern satellite town , revolutionary of its time, comprising modernist architecture which boasts large plots, high rises with wonderful views and large expanses of green open space as far as the eye can see. However, throughout this project the great failures of this design and form will be realised . Drumchapel, built for 30, 000 inhabitants, today is only home to around 13, 000. Its suffers heavily from high levels of deprivation and its demographic lacks diversity. Drumchapel is a poster child for the failures of urban sprawl and its blatant disconnect between residential areas, its services and amenities , Glasgow’s urban core and neighbouring settlements, was clearly designed with a huge reliance on car ownership, but in reality only 38% of Drumchapel’s inhabitants own a car, and thus, this further isolates its inhabitants. Despite its problems in the physical sense, Drumchapel does have many unique and


valuable attributes which defines its character. Having spent some time in Drumchapel whilst undertaking this project , it quickly becomes very apparent that there is a overwhelming sense of unity and community . This is quite clearly something that is not built with bricks and mortar , but the sense of pride and ownership in which the inhabitants feel towards Drumchapel is indisputable . This now presents us with a challenge. There are some integral issues with Drumchapel ‘s urban form which contribute to a variety of factors such as well-being, employment opportunities and social diversity. However, although originally intended to house 30,000, Drumchapel is still home to 13, 000 people who truly value and have long running ties to the area, often going back generations. It is therefore our task to assess the current situation, identify the key issues and propose interventions which will provide solutions to some of the major issues without hindering the already well established sense of place and community which makes Drumchapel, Drumchapel.

Blueprint for Drumchapel

THE STUDIO PROCESS Booklet 1: Preliminaries & Foundation Masterplan P h ase 1

Phase 3

Phase 2








Booklet no.3: Planning Framework


Strategy & Concept

Framework & Coding

Five areas of analysis were undertaken to provide a holistic background of Drumchapel as it is today, considering both physical and social attributes. Conclusions drawn in this phase should identifies issues to be addressed in the next phase.

This phase complies the research undertaken in the analysis phase to produce both an existing and proposed concept plan which is then built upon to develop a strategy which delivers the outlined vision for Drumchapel 2050.

This phase involves the physical application of the proposed strategy, within a more focussed masterplan area. This involves coding blocks to set a framework for the development of the detailed masterplan in the next phase.

P h ase 4

Booklet 2: Detailed Masterplan


Booklet 3: Special Places

This final phase provides specific detail regarding housing typologies, street design, character areas and special places, once again within a more focussed masterplan area.


Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places


Blueprint for Drumchapel

II: Character Areas


Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places



Blueprint for Drumchapel

District Centre

Along the Urban Main

Green Mile

Quiet Residential

Green Valley Educational Campus


Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places

DRUMCHAPEL’S NEW DISTRICT CENTRE ...buzzing with activity...

...where everything happens...

...modern buildings...facilities... jobs...


...good transport links... 10

“Ever since the council offices moved from the old complex at Kinfauns Drive to the new building overlooking the park, I go to work with a lot more zest. There is something rather invigorating about bumping into people going about their own business and the atmosphere of this area is really special, and buildings reminiscent of somewhere bigger.... I also love how for lunch I can just grab a sandwich from Linda’s food truck (the tastiest cheese toasties you’ll even ger) and if the weather is good, eat it in the park.”

Blueprint for Drumchapel

Character Profile Typologies

Building Materiality & Style To achieve the desired density and reinforce the athmostphere of a vibrant and compact district center, plots are to be occupied by multifamily housing, aggregated in a row to form a continuous building edge. Specialist buildings along Kinfauns Drive.

Expensive-looking materials, appropritate for a modern urban center. External cladding is encouraged over traditional brick and stone due to its association with modern mixed-use buildings as well as its visual netrality and adaptability to different uses. Mixture of materials and colours permitted in order to add to the variety of the area. Commercial ground floors and specialist and office buildings can also feature extensive glazing.

Use L-



As a district node the area is to be a mix of residential, commerical and buisness use. It is expected that initially residential use will be dominating; however, building design should accommodate potential conversion of flats into offices and shops/ cafes at ground floor level.

Height L= L+ M-





M+ H-




Due to mixed and potential buisness use, flat roofs are permitted and green roofs. Where flat roofs are employed it is encouraged that they have elements of either intensive (roof gardens) or extensive (moss) vegetation. Installation of solar/PV panels also permitted.

Appropriate to the density and location, all buildings to be 4 Âą1 storeys. All buildings on adjoining street edges to have the same eaves level height. Generous celing heights of min 2.7m (4.5m at ground floor level) to allow for future conversion to commercial H+ premises.

Building Line


Suggested Materials: - Metal and colour-coated cladding - Curtain wall glass facades - Terracotta tile cladding

Street Materiality Hecla Avenue will be transformed into a shared street, replacing the poorly maintained and uninspiring asphalt with slate pavers and featuring mosaic style patterned paving to define the carriage way without creating segregations, thus this should encourage activity to spill onto the street and provide an interesting street aesthetic unique to those which surround it.

Overall building line along the street frontage should not differ from that of other plots. Where H+ done with stylistic intentions, setback entrances and cantillivers on upper floors are permitted.

Setback & Boundary No setback at urban main road. For other areas setback under 2m, integrated with the street to allow potential use as a social space or as external seating area for buisnesses.

Landscaping Thin trees with relatively small coverage at equal distances along the pavement have the appearance of order. In locations, such as Hecla Avenue and Kinfauns Dr, where existing ground covering and conditions do not permit planting new trees, street planters on the widened pavements add to the greenery.


Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places

District Centre

Along the Urban Main

Green Mile

Quiet Residential

The district node features wide pavements and curb extensions whcih will encourage vendors to spill onto the streets, whilst also allows for areas with street furniture to create occasional seating areas.

Green Valley Educational Campus

• • •

Building Streets & Paths Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping Hardscaping Paving Tiles

Building Streets & Paths Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping Access Lane: Gravel Paving Tiles SUDS Turf Pavers: Larger gaps Turf Pavers: Smaller gaps Allotments

Building Streets & Paths Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping Hardscaping Access Lane: Gravel Paving Tiles SUDS Paving Tiles: Howgate Square

Building Streets & Paths Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping Hardscaping Access Lane: Gravel Paving Tiles SUDS

12 Building Streets & Paths

Hecla Avenue is adapted together the activity of t Shared space encourage spaces creating vibrant Shops and services are floor level thus creating with the public realm.

Blueprint for Drumchapel

d and improved with shared space treatments to tie the district centre and Drumchapel park. es activity to spill out onto the streets, and in these and bustling streetscapes. distributed throughout the district node at ground stimulating and inviting streetscapes which interact


Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places

ALONG HOWGATE AVENUE ...feels like being somewhere important... ...busy, but pleasant...

...a much needed connection to the north...

PERSONAL TESTIMONY “See... I live on Summerhill Road and before my commute was such a drag! I needed to take the car to get to anywhere and drive all around Drumchapel just to get to the shop. It is so much easier now - I just cycle down Howgate Avenue and I’m by the train station in 15 minutes - I’ve lost 3 stone since they built that road. Plus, it’s a very nice journey, you know, with all the trees and the fine pavement they’ve put - don’t even notice the cars when you’re passing.”


Blueprint for Drumchapel

Character Profile Typologies

Building Materiality & Style Development running along Howgate avenue should embody and reflect the more classical character affliliated with Glasgow’s Architecture. However, it is important that the character of this area is not simply a pastiche ode to Glasgow’s traditional building character, but a modern impression of this style, thus whilst more traditional materials (Historic Environment Scotland, 2018), such as sandstone and brick and slate roof tiles, will be at the forefront of design for this area, some modern modern materials such as glass , render and cladding will also be incorporated.

Building typologies along the road vary in accordance with the desired density and cover both multi-family and singlefamily housing. Irrespectful of their type, all buildings are to be aggregated in a row to maintain visual lines and fine urban grain.

Use Howgate Avenue is one of our proposed main arterial roads, building use along Howgate Avenue varies greatly along its length: from mixed-use commercial and residential at its western edge, through residential, to educational near the school campus area.


Height L=

Furthermore, the physical form of the buildings may not strictly convey that of a more conventional style and traditional elements such as pitched roofs will be contrasted with modern detailing. An undertsanding of this principal is integral to develping the character of Howgate Avenue successfully, creating a sharp juxtaposition of the traditional and contemporary styles.


To maintain visual lines along the road, all buildings are to be 3 storeys high, apart from the blocks at the intersections with Kinfauns Drive, where higher development creates a “bookmark” effect. M-


Lastly, it is important that there is a clear transition running from the west to the east of Howgate Avenue where the style of the architeture becomes more modern leading towards the School Campus which will feature contemporary achirtecture.


Building Line In order to maintain visual order building line at all individual plots should be maintained, with exceptions where the buildign line is varied by design in order to create wider space for social gathering. H-


Street Materiality Heirarchy of transport along the road (vehicular traffic, bikes, pedestrians) dicatetes different surface treatments. Shared surface at small square at the intersection with Ledmore Dr.


Setback & Boundary Setback varies along the length of Howgate Avenue in order to maintain a degree of privacy for dwellings as it is anticipated that this will become one of the principak routes through Drumchapel by both pedestrian and vehicular movement. Where there are residential uses on the ground floor larger setbacks have been allocated, and in some stances, a small change in level at ground floor will also be considered to provide a higher degree of privacy.

Landscaping It is proposed that oaks are planted along the two sides of the strees. They have large coverage and transition beautifully between the seasons, creating a canopy over the street. SUDS integrated along pavement



This intersection present a key opportunity to establish a gateway to Drumchapel, putting it on thae map, and encouring people to stop, and meander through. Howgate Avenue, spans long and straight up until this intersection, where it branches, like welcoming arms, to define “Gateway Square”. The square create intrigue in passers by by funnelling the eyeline down Howgate Avenue , framing picturesque vistas of its beautiful leafy green canopy... and leave a mystery as to what may lie beyond. •

Existing topography of the site opens up magnificent views prom the park over Drumchapel Design makes use of the existing topography and is layed out as stepped terraces Boundary between the park and the school boundary is defined through thicker vegetateion coverage More clear open space as one moves closer to the urban main Open green areas can be utilised for a variety of public uses and recreational activities Gable ends and boundary walls of residential developements along Kinfauns Drive enviogarated through street art

Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places

Small corners betwen buildings activated and transformed into social spaces throught he use of street furniture

Along the Urban Main

17 Streets & Paths


Paving Tiles: Howgate Square


Paving Tiles

Access Lane: Gravel


Soft Lanscaping

Plots/ Private Green Space

Streets & Paths



Turf Pavers: Smaller gaps

Turf Pavers: Larger gaps


Paving Tiles

Despite being an urban main road, Hardscaping Howgate Avnue functions as much Paving Tiles more than a principal artery within the new established transport network. Here, where we start to see high densities trasnsition into Building medium and then to low densities, Streets & Paths a small square is formed withcreated as an intervention Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping Street furniture and planters used to Gravel define the corners ofAccess theLane: street

Soft Lanscaping

Plots/ Private Green Space

Streets & Paths


District Centre

Blueprint for Drumchapel

Green Mile

Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places

THE GREEN MILE ...where the place where you live becomes an expression of personality...

...exciting, unique...

PERSONAL TESTIMONY ““I love living by the green: my parents let me ride my bike and hang out and play with friends out in the park because they know that its safe because there are never any cars about and there are so many other kids playing. I’ve also made so many new friends since we moved here as so many different kids hang out there after school, playing football, skateboarding and just hanging out and chatting. My mum always talks about how lucky we are to live somewhere so nice!”


...close to nature, but urban in character...

Blueprint for Drumchapel

Character Profile Typologies

Building Materiality & Style The predominant building typology for the area is single-family dwelling house, aggreggated in a row. Exceptions are specialist buildings and a scattering of multifamily housing buildings which is to add social diversity to the area.

Use Apart from designated educational builings including the new community center and workshops, buidings along the Green Mile are mainly of residential use. There is however, potential for some of the dwellings to be converted into office use provided that this does not detrimentally impact the overriding residential character of the area.

Height Heights ranges between 2 and 3 storeys. Furthermore, buildings on adjoining block edges should generally maintain an equal eaves height, but variation is permitted. L-


The Green Mile is a place which emulates variety in building style, encapsulating the diverse community of the area. Contrast in building style lies in the heart of the character area to create a visually enticing environment. A wider pallette of colours and materials is to be permitted. Architecturally the street may give the impression of harmonius chaos yet the coding will tie this together through continuity of building line and consistency in building heights and widths to ensure development sits harmoniously in its context. After it’s intersection with Howgate Avenue, buildings assume a more formal and less chaotic style when entering into a zone of medium density.

Street Materiality


Shared street principals and flush pavings to be adopted and only surface treatments to be utilised for the definition of vehicular and pedestrian movement carrigeways.

Building Line


Variations to the building line permitted only where prescribed as to free up more public space or to open up sight lines to places of higher significance.


Paving materials closer to the school campus should transition into colour to create a vibrant and playful public realm within this area.


Setback & Boundary


Varied setbacks, incorporating intermittent projections to create a visually stimulating street aesthetic and sight lines. To further emphasise the importnace of shared space within this character area, no formal boundary treatments will be H+ H= used at the front and instead public and private spaces will be defined throught the use of shrubbery and in some cases small elements of low levle fencing.

Procurement Methods

In order to achieve a unique aesthetic and diversity along the lenght of the Green Mile, it is suggested that plots of terraced housing between the school complex and Linkwood Drive are let out to self- and custom-built and restictions are put on the aqusition of more than 3 adjacent plots by the same developer.

For pathways along and across the swale, wood-plastic composite decking, requiring low maintanance, to be used.

Landscaping The predmoninant landscaping feature along the Green Mile is the swale running along it’s middle. By allowing it to get naturally flooded, risk flooding is reduced and bio-diversity imporved. Various trees, shrubs and other planting are permitted along the swale. Landscape elements assume a more formal character between Howgate Avenue and McAvoy Square.


Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places

• •

McAvoy Square

• •

Square opens up to the community centre and is utilized as extenral seating area associated with it Water feature at the middle of the complex intersection acts a roundabout Shared surface promotes slower traffic Benches facing the square • Trees, vegetetated planters and pop-up vendors define the corners of the square • Bike racks provided

• •


The Green Mile assumes a more foral character as it transitions to an area of medium density Clear divisions between greenspace and pathways Diagonal pathways guide the movement of people towards the square and reinforce sightlines. Small playground

Blueprint for Drumchapel

District Centre

• • • •

Along the Urban Main

Criss crossing pathways over swale establishe multiple routes towards the primary school and the workshops. Wide area in front to workshops can be utilized for variety of purposes: kick-about play space, outdoot workshops, More secluded sitting areas cantiliver over the swale near Howgate Building Avenue and make good space for reading. Streets & Paths for Weather resistant, wood-palstic composite decking all pathways along the swale for easier maintenance.Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping Hardscaping Paving Tiles

Building Streets & Paths Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping Access Lane: Gravel Paving Tiles SUDS Turf Pavers: Larger gaps Turf Pavers: Smaller gaps Allotments

• • •

Playscapes and seating areas scattered along the lenght of the Green Mile ensure that activity is dispersed and not concentrated in just one point Pedestian and light vehicle access alogn a bridge over the swale Wood-plastic composite decking for seating areas and pedestrian paths Plots let out for self and cutsom-build

Building Streets & Paths Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping Hardscaping Access Lane: Gravel Paving Tiles SUDS Paving Tiles: Howgate Square

Building Streets & Paths Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping Hardscaping Access Lane: Gravel Paving Tiles SUDS

Building Streets & Paths Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping

As it goes closer to Garscadden Wood the Green Mile assumes a more conventional characters with thick tree coverage and SUDS along the pavement

Access Lane: Gravel Paving Tiles SUDS Turf Pavers Paving Tiles: McAvoy Square Composite Timber Decking Coloured Paving Tiles


Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places

QUIET RESIDENTIAL AREA ... a place you wish you would settle in for life...

...strong local community...

...good for kids, good for adults, good for the elderly...

PERSONAL TESTIMONY “If you had told me 15 years ago that upon retirement I’m going to move to Drumchapel, I would have laughted straight at your face, yet here I am, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. There is a such a strong sense of community and belonging over here: I know all my neighbours, even the wee ones. A couple of years ago, we had a fundraiser for orphans - I volunteer at St Laurence Church - the whole Camus Place got filled with people. Now, it’s an yearly event!”


...quiet not boring...

Blueprint for Drumchapel

Character Profile Typologies

Building Materiality Residential houses in the area are ideally to be deisgned to a modern vernacular style. This means that developments should have a traditional appearance in terms of their massing and form and not simply replicate traditional elements of design (e.g. dormer and bay windows) but take a modern interpretation on them.

Single-family housing, aggreggated in a row, with some exceptions for semi-detached houses to create a more coarse grain at the far edges of the area.


Even though we appreciate the fact that people tend ot favour traditional building styles over modern ones, we purposefully do not want to specify “traditional” style, as often the end design is a gimmick.

Exclusively residential use, though home office premises can or community service facilities such as nurseries are permitted. Ancillary buildings such as garages and greenhouses are also permitted.

Instead, the use of traditional materials and buldigns techniques is encouraged. Timber and brick are appropriate for the residential function the buildings, and the use of natural mateirals through the area establishes an ideological connnection with Garscadden Wood and Drumcahpel’s desigred status as a “gateway to nature”.

Height Height predominantly 2 storeys. 3 storeys permitted along Halbeath Avenue. 1 storeys permitted at internal plots. LL-

L= L=

L+ L+

Sod and moss roofs are permittted and encouraged. Otherwise, natural slate is prefered over concrete tile roofing.

Building Line MM-

Variation to the buidling line is permitted, where it adds character but should not be excessive and detract fromt he M= M+ M= M+ overall character of the place.

Street Materiality The streets in the catchment area are mostly either Class 1 Local Streets or existing. Still, shared surfaces are adopted at places of specific interest and places that are likely to generate higher levels of pedestrian traffic such as the the commuinty allotments. Since the area is at high risk of surface flooding, permeable materials shoud be specified thorught: all parking should have adopt turfed paving. Turfed pavers can also becoem a special feature of places of significance such as the small square at the end of Achamore Rd.

Setback & Boundary HH-

Relatively big setbacks of up to 5m are permitted. Hard boundary treatments such high fences are to be avoided and H+ H+ H= H= sought to be replaced with live hedges or low-level fencing.

Landscaping Due to the residential nature of the area, most household within it would have a private garden. However, trees and vegetatated curbs should still be adopted as elements of the streetscape as much as possible in order to soften the apearance of the area.


Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places

District Centre

Building Streets & Paths Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping Hardscaping Paving Tiles

Building Streets & Paths Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping Access Lane: Gravel Paving Tiles SUDS Turf Pavers: Larger gaps Turf Pavers: Smaller gaps Allotments

24 Building Streets & Paths

Along the Urban Main

Green Mile

Quiet Residential

Green Valley Educational Campus

Blueprint for Drumchapel

• • • •

Communnity allotments at a strip of land along Camus Place Both eveled and raised bed allotments provided, acknowleding the different physical abilities of their potential users. Small greenhouse/tool shed provded. For security reasons it has to be locked. Shared street in forn of the allotments acknowledges thei social function

Square is located at the vista of Achamore Street and signifies the entrance to the residential area from Kinfauns Drive Turfed paving used as a key feature of the streetscape to create a blending effect between street, pavement and grass. Parking spaces located along the inner side of the square as not to detract from the visaul appearance of the square upon its appraoch. Enclosure provided by surrounding buildings allows for better supervision of the space and improves safety.


Booklet 3: Character Areas and Special Places


District Centre

Building Streets & Paths Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping Hardscaping Paving Tiles

Building Streets & Paths Plots/ Private Green Space Soft Lanscaping Access Lane: Gravel Paving Tiles SUDS Turf Pavers: Larger gaps Turf Pavers: Smaller gaps Allotments

Building Streets & Paths Plots/ Private Green Space


Soft Lanscaping Hardscaping Access Lane: Gravel

Along the Urban Main

Blueprint for Drumchapel

The School campus site covers a large block area, and ensuring this does not create result in dead and lifeless streetscape out with school hours has been a high priority. Entrances to the school are defined and emphasised by public open spaces, this will encourage residents, and visitors, not just pupils, to use the campus at all times of day. School is located on the cross point where the urban main, the main vehicle transport artery and green route, the most direct and prominent pedestrian and cycle route, intersect. This is hugely important for pupils and families, as this means that the school is widely accessible by a variety of means, but it also means that the wider community can utilise the other facilities offered within the campus. Public spaces are to have low maintenance design


Department of Architecture University of Strathclyde Glasgow strath.ac.uk/engineering/architecture/

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