Udyogprerana food logistics cold chain complete 12

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:Editorial :

Dear Readers and Stake Holders, Udyogprerana is wishing you season's Greetings! Today we are launching the Special Issue Second in series Post Harvest Processing and Management sector- Cold Chain and Logistics. We are thankful for the feed back and support given by you to our Post Harvest Technology Issue. Wastage of perishable agro commodities i.e. vegetables and fruits is a big challenge for us. Cold Chain with modern logistics practices should the most effective solution. The Indian agricultural sector is witnessing a major shift from traditional farming to horticulture, meat and poultry and dairy products, all of which are perishables. The demand for fresh and processed fruits and vegetables is increasing as urban populations rise and consumption habits change. Due to this increase in demand, diversification and value addition are the key words in the Indian agriculture today. These changes along with the emergence of an organized retail food sector spurred by changes to Foreign Direct Investment laws are creating opportunities in the domestic food industry, which includes the cold chain sector. As a result of the Government of India's new focus on food preservation, the cold storage sector is undergoing a major metamorphosis. A cold chain is a temperature controlled supply chain which is used to extend and ensure the shelf life of products such as fresh agricultural produce, seafood, frozen food, chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs. The important divisions of cold chain are Storage, Transportation, distribution and traceability of the cargo. Cold Chain development in India is the top priority agenda in 12th Five year plan. The concept is designed in terms of End to end Value Chain. The investment in cold chain at this moment is very negligible in India. But due to the government initiatives like improvement in APMC act, FDI in Retail supply chain sector should attract huge investments in this sector in future. The union budget is declared only two days before is also supporting Agri and post Harvest Sector. So we wel- come the initiatives taken by our Hon. Finance Minister. Overall the union budget is supporting to SME sector. Also this is supporting to middle class which is the main customer for Processed Food Sector. The Global Agri Processing Scenario is little bit complex and observing some slow down in retail sector but for perishable agro commodity and Processed Food Sector showing promising growth. Indian agripreneurs should study the situation carefully and design the business plan. This will result good business initiatives. The new financial year will start soon. Post Harvest Processing and Management sector is showing good opportunities for investment. So don't miss the opportunities! - Atul Mardikar -



Editor March-April-May-2013



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¡ Value Added Services (Blast Freezing, Sorting, Grading, Packing, Labelling etc) We meet all safety and quality standards and cater to an entire spectrum of segments as given above.viz: Fruits& Vegetables, Dairy products, Chocolates, Ready to Eat, Meat & Poultry, Retail and Food Products (processed & raw), Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Agricultural and Industrial. Snowman Logistics Limited, being an expert in managing coldsupply chain, could provide innovative solutions especially weaved andcustomized for any industry. We at Snowman understand the highlysensitive nature of perishable supply chain and the high degree ofhygiene and safety which needs to be maintained. Our quality standards,state-of-the-art infrastructure, efficient inventory management, quick andsafe movement stood as pillars of growth and success for this industry. We could gauge the accurate requirement of the industry andstarted providing refrigerated transport. We keep upgrading our technology and keep on innovating new and efficient ways. We leap ahead and set up benchmarks for the cold chain industry. Also, we take continuous feedback from our customers to add value to our services. We take strict care of quality and abide by all food standards. However, we at Snowman Logistics Limited (SLL) have been steadfast to fight with challenges and have developed systems that lead to efficient distribution. We provide a bundle of value added services to keep the food products fresh. We provide blast freezing, packing, UDYOGPRERANA



sorting, bulk breaking, gift packing services, kitting, stuffing, de-stuffing etc. We also keep a record of the temperature with the help of data loggers. Keeping track of temperature and position of the vehicle used for transportation or distribution plays a critical role for perishables. Data loggers keep a record of the temperature and our Global Positioning System (GPS) installed in our vehicles give an accurate data about their position. These systems prepare us for any emergencies and give us an edge to control the whole chain from “Source to Stores”. Our state-of-the-art warehouses are ISO 22000 and 14001 certified, have G+4 racking system and are FSSA approved which ensure the quality of storage. Maintaining First Expiry First Out (FEFO) is crucial as a part of inventory management system for perishables. At SLL, we ensure strict FEFO and quality compliance. Last mile distribution and reach to each and every part of the country completes the perishable food chain. Our reach to more than 100 cities with 4400+ Modern Retail Stores (MTOs) makes the extensive reach possible. Our PAN India network with warehouses in 17 locations, robust fleet of GPS and data logger installed 150+ vehicles and strong distribution network helps us create benchmark in operating the perishable supply chain. Our customized solutions and grasp of the industry enables us to provide one stop solution to any Indian /foreign


player who wants to enter and establish a complete supply chain. We take up greenfield projects and work on “Built to Operate” model to serve the customer at the best level. Snowman is expanding at a huge pace and at present we have 36,000 pallet capacity and we plan to double up our capacity by end of this year. Also, we are

tapping potential in tier 2 cities like Surat and Chandigarh. We are also expanding at our existing locations in Pune, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Ballabgarh. Hence, we provide nation-wide single window solution for our customers. Our aim is always to “Keep India Healthy & Fresh”.

e u s s I g n i m Com

Value Added - Food Processing June - July - August - 2013





Apple: A Wonder Fruit of Temperate Regions Dr. Nartaj Singh and Dr. R.S. Sudan Manager- (Food & Agri.) TĂœV SĂœD South Asia, New Delhi Scientist, AICRP (Maize), SKUAST-J, Udhampur (J&K)

Introduction Apples have appeared in the legends of our past. The first trees to produce sweet, flavourful apples similar to those we enjoy today, were located many thousands of years ago near the modern city of Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. The Greeks were growing several varieties of apples by the late 300's BC, and the ancient Romans also grew and loved the fruit. Researchers have even found the charred remains of apples at a Stone Age village in Switzerland. European settlers brought apple seeds and trees with them to the New World. The leading apple growing country in the world is China, producing about 41% of the world's apples, followed by the United States (7.5 %), Turkey, France, Poland, Italy, Germany, Argentina, Japan, Chile and India. The largest exporters of this wonder fruit are China, Chile, Italy, France, New Zealand and United States where as the major importing countries are Russia, Germany, UK and Netherlands. The apples produced from India are exported to countries like Bangladesh, Bahrain, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. In India the main apple growing areas are parts of Himachal Pradesh, J&K, Uttaranchal and some regions of eastern hilly states. Apples are generally the most expensive of India's major domestically produced fruits in most regions and UDYOGPRERANA



seasons. India's share in the total world apple production is merely 2.05 per cent out of which only around 1.6% of the country's production gets exported. Indian apple production averaged nearly 1.4 million tons, making it the sixth largest apple producer in the world. Its area is estimated to be the second largest in the world, while its average yield, about 5.9 tons per hectare, is the lowest of the major world producers. Production is concentrated in a few regions of northern India where the climate suits production of temperate zone crops, such as apples. Henceforth we can say that this wonder fruit has a lot of potential in domestic as well as international market. Agro-climatic requirements for apple cultivation In India apple is the most important temperate fruit crop of the North Western Indian Himalayan region. The commercial cultivation of apple is confined to J&K, H.P. and Uttaranchal. At present, Himachal Pradesh is one of India's major apple-producing regions (4.00 lakh tonnes of apples annually), with over 90 per cent of the produce sold in the domestic markets. Shimla, Kullu, Mandi, Lahaul and Spiti, Kinnaur and Chamba districts are the major hubs of apple production. The apple cultivar 'Ambri', is considered to be indigenous to Kashmir and had been grown long before Western introductions. In more recent times improved spur types and standard color mutants with 20-50% higher yield potential are favored. Dry


temperate areas are the most suitable for apple cultivation. The fruits produced in these areas are of high quality with high sugar content and long shelf life. The apple crop can be consumed as fresh and also processed into apple products, such as apple juice, apple juice concentrate, cider, apple jam, apple sauce and canned apple slices. Soils having loam or clay loam texture are most suitable for apple cultivation. Apple trees should be grown in soils having good drainage and aeration. Slightly acidic soils with pH values of 6.0-6.5 are ideal. The apple varieties should have climatic adaptability, attractive fruit size, shape, colour, good-dessert quality, long shelf life, resistance to diseases and pests and tolerance to drought conditions. The fruits of Ambri are highly attractive with a long shelf life. The recommended apple varieties in J&K are as follows: Recommended Apple Varieties In J&k

Seasons Varieties Irish Peach, Benoni Early Queen’s Apple,Cox’s Oragne Mid Pippin*, Jonathan*, Red Gold*, American Mother, Rome Beauty, Razakwar, Scarlet Siberian Golden Delicious*, Red Late Delicious, Lal Ambri, King Pippin, Kerry Pippin, Sunhari Chamura, Ambri Baldwin, Yellow Newton*, White Dotted Red, American Apirouge * Pollinizer

These days a shift has been observed from Delicious to improved spur type and standard colour mutants. Some promising spur type and standard colour mutants are listed below:


Well Spur, Red Spur, Starkrimson, Oregon Spur-II, Red Chief, Hardi Spur, Silver Spur, Miller’s Sturdy Spur Colour Top Red, Vance Delicious, Mutants Skyline Supreme, Hardiman, Bright-n-Early Spur Type

The apple fruits continue their metabolic processes even after harvesting. The maturity of fruits does not coincide with ripening. The fruits usually do not attain fully ripe edible quality on the tree while harvesting. The fruits should be harvested at proper picking maturity to proper edible quality at ripening. On the basis of appearance and quality apple is graded into three grades viz. AAA, AA and A; A, B and C; or extra fancy, fancy class I and fancy class II. and than packed in wooden boxes. Each box usually carry about 10 kg or 20 kg fruits. The fruits are packed by lining the inside of box with newspaper, sheets and keeping margins for over hanging the flaps. The recommended storage temperature for apple is 1.1 0C to 0 0C which is about 0.80

1.8 C above the average freezing point of most apple varieties. The relative humidity of 85-90 % should be maintained in the cold storage. Most apple varieties can be stored for 4-8 months after harvesting. Apple varieties that ripen during late summer are generally of poor quality for storage. Varieties that ripen in late autumn may be stored for as long as one year, however. For long holding, temperatures only slightly above the freezing point of the fruit are generally desirable. Apples may also be stored in inert gases or in controlled atmospheres. UDYOGPRERANA



Ambri variety has the longest storage life. Nutritive, Health and Cosmetic benefits of Apples The apple is a highly nutritive food. It contains minerals (iron and potassium) and vitamins (Vitamin C, Beta-Carotene) in abundance. The food value of the apple is chiefly constituted by its contents of sugar which ranges from 9 to 51 per cent. Of this, fruit sugar constitutes 60 per cent and glucose 25 pet cent and cane sugar accounts only 15 per cent. Apples do not contain any cholesterol and are a good source of fiber, the fiber content helps reducing cholesterol levels in the body. The skin of apple should not be discarded when taking it in raw form as the skin and the flesh just below it contain more vitamin C than the inner flesh. The vitamin content decreases gradually towards the center of the fruit. The skin also contains five times more vitamin A than the flesh. Iron contained in the apple helps in formation of blood. Raw apples are good for constipation. Apples have very high mineral contents, Pectins, Malic acids which are good in normalizing the intestines. Apple is the main fruit suggested as good diet by all pathys. On the basis of their colour and special health promoting properties Apples are classified as Yellow, Green and Red Apples. I. Green Apples: Good for strong bones and teeth, aids in vision, anti cancer properties. II. Yellow Apples: Good for heart and immune system, reduce risk of some cancers. UDYOGPRERANA



III. Red Apples: Good for heart, Memory function, lower risk of some cancers and to maintain urinary tract health. Cosmetic benefits: Application of apple pulp on the face cures and improves acne. It also helps to reduces strain of the eyes. Paste made up apple leaves and used as shampoo cures dandruff, prevents hair fall and promotes hair growth. Value Addition and Apple Processing: Increasing health awareness creates lot of opportunities for apple and apple processing. As Indian apples are tropical apples hence having more aroma. Foodpreneurs can make this as USP for their products. Major Products and processing of apple involves 1. Basic Pack House activity. 2. Apple Juice Making study the growth of Himachal Pradesh Agro Processing Corporation's success story. Also study the market share and potential for appy. 3. Apple juice powder by spray drying. Growing demand as a flaovour and Nutraceutical and Cosmaceutical market. 4. Dehydrated apple cubes and chunks and granules. FMCG and RTE/RTC ingredient. 5. Canned apple. 6. Frozen apple slices. You can study the export potential from DGFT and APEDA's figures. Existing Cold Storages in J&K, Himachal And NCR are normally for Apples. Cold chain investment for apple is already in progress in India. Prajakta Technology is offering Technology for Apple Processing. Contact : info@prajaktafoodtech.com


Table 1: Relative Storage Potential Of Selected Fruits & Vegetables When Stored Under Recommended Temperature, Relative Humidity & C. A. Conditions. Vegetables / Fruits

Maximum Storage More Than 12

Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios, Cashew


Nuts, Dries Fruits & Dried Vegetables

6 To 12 Months

Apples, Europen Pears, Carrots, Garlic, Ginger, Pungent Onions, Late Crop Potatoes

3 To 6 Months

Asian Pears, Pomegranates, Kiwifruit, Cabbages & Oriental Radishes.

1 To 3 Months

Bananas, Mangoes, Grapes (no So2), Lychees, Cherries, Plums, Sweet Limes, Lemons, Coconuts, Cauliflower, Parsley, Radish, Sweet Onions, Pumpkins

Less Than 1 Month Papayas, Mandarin Oranges, Guava, Watermelon, Sapotas, Apricots, Berries, Cantaloupes & Other Melons, Peaches, Nectarines, Green Beans, Bitter Melon, Spinach, Cool Season Leafy Crops, Cucumber,




Capsicum, Chilly Peppers, Early Crop Potatoes, Mature-green Tomatoes About 1 Week

Baby Corn, Brinjal, Fresh Herbs, Hot Season Leafy Crops, Mushrooms, Okra, Green Peas, Ripe Tomatoes

Ref - NHB





Central Railside Warehouse Company Limited - A Step Ahead By Indian Railways Central Railside Warehouse Company Limited (CRWC) is registered under Company Act 1956. It is a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs Department of Food and Public Distribution

The Vision of the Company is to provide Multi Modal Logistics to the trade and support Indian Economy in reducing logistics cost. The Mission of the Company is to provide quality storage facility at transit nodes, maximize the use of Railways assets; bring economy of scales for customers, Railways and CRWC. About CRWC Central Railside Warehouse Company Limited (CRWC) is registered under Company Act 1956. It is a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Department of Food and Public Distribution and was incorporated after an agreement signed with Indian Railways. It is an ISO certified company. It has grown steadily with compounded annual growth rate of over 20% established Warehouses capacity of over 3 Lakh Metric Tonnes and handled over 8 Million Tonnes of Cargo in 2011-12. It is profit making & dividend paying Company. The authorized capital & paid up capital are Rs. 150.00 crore & Rs. 40.56 crore, respectively. It's the meticulous manner of our growth that has kept pace with Nation's growth by providing logistics support by integrating Rail-Road movement. Growth UDYOGPRERANA



Mr. Vinod Asthana Managing Director / CRWC

in value added services in a seamless supply chain system under a unified single stop solution to attain its avowed corporate objective of planning, developing & providing cost effective services and upgrade logistics skills to keep pace with the demand of the trade and its valued customers, alongwith nation 's lifeline Indian Railways. The Company develops designs, constructs and operates Railside Warehouses for handling full train load of Food Grains, Fertilizers, Sugar, Salt, Cement etc. These Warehouses have been developed alongwith related facilities for roundtheclock operation in railways goods-shed. CRWC are presently operating 18 Terminals (RWC) across the country namely i.e ยกKorrukupet (Chennai), Koodal Nagar (Madurai), Mysore, Whitefield (Bangalore), ยกSanathnagar (Hyderabad), Dehri-onSone, Alam Nagar (Lucknow), Yamuna Bridge (Agra), ยกRoza, Dankuni (Kolkatta), Kandla, Nasik Road, Hatia (Ranchi) ยกBadnera (Amrawati), Saswad Road (Pune), Shakurbasti (Delhi), Nishatpura (Bhopal), & Ghaziabad. Salient Features ยก18 operating terminals


The Vision of the Company is to provide Multi Modal Logistics to the trade and support Indian Economy in reducing logistics cost. The Mission of the Company is to provide quality storage facility at transit nodes, maximize the use of Railways assets; bring economy of scales for customers, Railways and CRWC. About CRWC Central Railside Warehouse Company Limited (CRWC) is registered under Company Act 1956. It is a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Department of Food and Public Distribution and was incorporated after an agreement signed with Indian Railways. It is an ISO certified company. It has grown steadily with compounded annual growth rate of over 20% established Warehouses capacity of over 3 Lakh Metric Tonnes and handled over 8 Million Tonnes of Cargo in 2011-12. It is profit making & dividend paying Company. The authorized capital & paid up capital are Rs. 150.00 crore & Rs. 40.56 crore, respectively. It's the meticulous manner of our growth that has kept pace with Nation's growth by providing logistics support by integrating Rail-Road movement. Growth in value added services in a seamless supply chain system under a unified single stop solution to attain its avowed corporate objective of planning, developing & providing cost effective services and upgrade logistics skills to keep pace with the demand of the trade and its valued customers, alongwith


nation 's lifeline Indian Railways. The Company develops designs, constructs and operates Railside Warehouses for handling full train load of Food Grains, Fertilizers, Sugar, Salt, Cement etc. These Warehouses have been developed alongwith related facilities for roundtheclock operation in railways goods-shed. CRWC are presently operating 18 Terminals (RWC) across the country namely i.e ¡Korrukupet (Chennai), Koodal Nagar (Madurai), Mysore, Whitefield (Bangalore), ¡Sanathnagar (Hyderabad), Dehri-onSone, Alam Nagar (Lucknow), Yamuna Bridge (Agra), ¡Roza, Dankuni (Kolkatta), Kandla, Nasik Road, Hatia (Ranchi) ¡Badnera (Amrawati), Saswad Road (Pune), Shakurbasti (Delhi), Nishatpura (Bhopal), & Ghaziabad. Salient Features ¡18 operating terminals ¡ Capacity over 3 lakh MT. ¡ Cargo handled over 10 Million MT. ¡Four new terminals coming up at Cochin, Malda, Gauhati & Gandhidham Logistics Parks/Hubs ¡ Warehouses - customized and bonded

The News Items & Information Published here in have been collected from various sources, which are considered to be reliable.

While every care has been

taken for authenticity of the material published UDYOGPRERANA accepts no responsibility or accuracy of such items. UDYOGPRERANA



Govt Approves 28 Cold Chain Projects Worth Rs. 618.88cr. The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) has approved 28 cold chain projects worth Rs. 618.88 crore, according to a statement issued by the Minister of State for food Processing Industries, Dr Charan Das Mahant. The MoFPI implements the scheme of integrated cold chain, value addition and preservation Infrastructure. It also provides financial assistance in the form of grant-in-aid at 50% of the total cost of plant and machinery and technical civil works in general areas, and at 75% of the total cost of plant and machinery and technical civil works in difficult areas including north-eastern states subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 crore for strengthening and value addition of the cold chain infrastructure. Other government organisations like National Horticulture Mission (NHM), National Horticulture Board (NHB), Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) and state governments also provide assistance for cold storages. The schemes of the ministry and other organisations are being implemented in the country. After identification of ‘Creation and Management of Cold Chain Infrastructure’ for agriculture as a thrust area by the prime minister, the Planning Commission has constituted a committee under Saumitra Chaudhuri. This committee has made a number of recommendations for augmenting the facilities of cold chain and cold storages in the country. The ministry has already initiated actions on various short-term, mid-term and longterm recommendations of the committee. In order to oversee the implementation of policies and programmes for cold chain infrastructure, an inter Ministerial Group (IMG) was constituted under the chairmanship of the secretary, Ministry of Agriculture. Source - Images Franchise

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Press Release Innovations And Ideas For The Beverage And Liquid Food Industry Countdown to drinktec 2013: The "World's Leading Trade Fair for the Beverage and Liquid Food Industry" takes place in Munich from September 16 to 20, 2013. Here, around 1,500 exhibitors from approximately 70 countries will be showcasing products and solutions across the entire spectrum of beverage and liquid food technology packaging and marketing ideas included. Around 60 percent of the exhibiting companies come from outside Germany few other events organized by Messe MĂźnchen are so international in character, in terms of both exhibitor and visitor numbers. Demand for exhibition space is correspondingly high. A good 90 percent of the available space is already booked. drinktec 2013 is expected to attract around 60,000 trade visitors from all over the globe. The Right Solution For Every Problem And Every Business "Processing + Filling + Packaging + Marketing" the new subtitle for drinktec says it all. More than just a technology showcase, this event covers everything of importance to the beverage and liquid food sector worldwide, says Exhibition Group Director, Petra Westphal: "It is just as much about raw materials as it is about filling processes, for example, and packaging and marketing also play an important part. " As well as its function as a technology and innovations platform, drinktec is also a gigantic ideas and

information forum, a meeting place for exchanging views and for communication. It is this mix which attracts trade visitors from all areas of the companies to come to this big "family gathering" in Munich. Global beverages, food and retailing groups are represented here as well as smaller, regionally focused breweries. Main Themes? Sustainability‌‌ As in all other sectors of industry, sustainability is a mega theme in the beverages world, too. Innovative process technology, such as will be on show at drinktec 2013, aims at reducing consumption of energy and water, and thereby at increasing overall costefficiency. In packaging, too, the emphasis is on efficient use of resources, specifically in terms of reducing material thicknesses. Further overarching themes at drinktec 2013, reflected at the booths of almost all the exhibitors, are the flexibility of plant and equipment, hygienic design and quality control. Focus On Soft Drinks Few segments in the beverages sector have expanded so dynamically as soft drinks. These beverages are particularly subject to consumer trends. Each year there are a vast number of innovations and product introductions in this area. What this means for the technology is that it has to be able to adapt quickly to the changing equipments. In packaging in particular, flexibility is very much in demand. At drinktec, too, technologies,

To be Continue on Page - 30









Continued Page from 28 packaging solutions and raw materials for soft drinks have been advancing for years. Around two-thirds of the exhibitors lining up for September 2013 will be showcasing specific technologies for the manufacture, filling and packaging of water, juices and soft drinks. Focus on beer With or without alcohol, beer or soft drinks the divisions are becoming less and less distinct beverage mixtures are very popular around the world, and often manufacturers of soft drinks are also engaged in beer production, and vice versa. In addition beer consumption is expanding fast in the booming markets such as Asia and Africa. And in the saturated western markets, specialty breweries are attracting much attention. For the exhibitors at drinktec, therefore, beer manufacturers are of virtually the same importance as manufacturers of soft drinks. Around two-thirds of them will be offering solutions for breweries of all sizes, and here, too, drinktec 2013 is set to fulfill all their requirements. Showcased at drinktec will be the entire repertoire of cross-segment process technology for beer and malt. Focus on liquid food Technologies for liquid food, in particular for milk and milk-based products, have grown in significance over recent years at drinktec. The reason is that in this area, too, there is an ever more diverse mix within the markets themselves. More and more beverages are being produced that are a mix of milk and fruit juices or alcohol, and 4 vice versa. The exhibitors at drinktec have reacted to these developments and now almost half


of them are offering corresponding technology for milk processing. As compared to the last drinktec, this section at the show has expanded by around ten percent. Technology meets marketing One factor which also plays an important role in the success of a product is clever sales ideas, in other words, the right marketing. Brand managers are increasingly important as decisionmakers, for in the end the aim is to sell the product. Taste, color, packaging, labeling whether all these aspects amount to a product that sells well, depends on the process technology used, the raw materials and the ingredients. drinktec is therefore a must not only for technology experts, but also for marketing professionals. Because it showcases everything that is needed to turn a product into a brand: ingredients, packaging solutions, labeling ideas and not least promotion materials. At drinktec (where else?) professionals from the technical and marketing sides come together to exchange ideas. A tour of drinktec 2013 is a great opportunity for creative minds from the marketing departments of beverage and liquid food manufacturers to gather important inspiration. In the "World of Labels" section they can find out all about the latest trends and designs in packaging, labeling and advertising. Drinktec is the unique opportunity for investors, processors, marketing companies and other stake holders to study and observe the today's global drink industry and future scope and prospectus. UDYOGPRERANA



Refrigeration Technology From The Desk of Federation of Cold Chain Sotrage Association of India Predominently Cold Storages are based on the preservation of potato. Cold storages which were installed before the year 2000 adopted old technology but during recent years all type of cold storages have started the latest technology which is very easily available in India.

1. Refrigeration Technology Preservation by low Temperature. Refrigeration Technology is at advanced storage in India. Latest technologies are available in India and are being used by various types of cold storages. Predominently Cold Storages are based on the preservation of potato. Cold storages which were installed before the year 2000 adopted old technology but during recent years all type of cold storages have started the latest technology which is very easily available in India. Various Indian Machinery Manufacturers are manufacturing machines covering the requirement of latest technology. Almost all necessary components for the construction of cold storages are available in India. During these days low temperature preservation is also getting popular. Previously it was used only for the preservation of meat and fish or in smaller number by dairies in preservation of milk. In low temperature preservation temperature of cold storage goes below minus 0 to minus 40 degrees centigrade. Very low temperature storage is used for preservation of medicines and other associated medical requirements. Preservation of cut fruites, vegetables, milk, ice cream etc. are other products for low temperature storage. UDYOGPRERANA



Mr. Mahendra Swarup

M. S. President

Low temperature storage is also used for long term storage of peas, carrots, fruit juices and pulp. Low temperature preservation if gaining ground in India and should be very popular in the coming future but the pace at which it should grow is not gaining ground. 2. Agri / Horti / Food Business and Cold Chain. Cold Chain is helping these businesses in a big way. First of all cold storages are used for the preservation of potato seed. Seed potato was not availale in India before the advent of cold storage industry which came into line of progress during Fifties. At present almost all agriproducts are stored in cold storages, including big quantity of potatoes, carrots, pulses, rice and wheat seeds etc. As far as the Horti products are concerned, fish and meat are stored in good quantities. India has become leading exporter to middleEast countries for the export of buffalo meat because of cold storages only. Eggs, all spices, fruits like oranges and apples with other citrus fruits are stored in cold storages. In food business, ice cream, khoya, jiggery, rab are other food products which are stored. During these days a new line of storage of fresh flowers is coming up. Although fresh flowers arenot stored for a longer period but do help the retailers to


keep them for 2/3 days and balance the market requirement. Growing of mushrooms in cold storages is also coming up fast. Number of cold storages are doing the job of ripening of banana. Engergy Savings in Cold Chain Electricity is the main raw material for cold storages which is getting costlier day by day. Cold storages are emphasizing on the use of latest technology for saving energy. During last 10 to 15 years there has been a big change in the use of machinery and insulating material. As fas as machinery is concerned, cold storages have started using high-speed machines. Synchronized electric motors, use of capacitors for power factor, improved version of Expansion Coils such as use of Fin/Bunker Coils or use of Units.

Atmospheric condensers are also being replaced by Shell and Tube Type or Fin Type Condensors. Control of proper humidity and Carbondioxide within the cold storage chambers is also reducing the running of machines for cooling. Insulation is the most important part for any type of cold storage which now is most cared for. Use of puf panels over thermocole is becoming quite common. Method of using the insulation within the chambers is also an important factor which is now being observed very closely by the help of experts. Refrigeration experts also guide the control of air circulation within the cold storage chamber, ammonia circulation within the machines and water circulation in the condensing units.

Manufacturer of "Swosti" Multi-purpose Low cost Post Harvest Equipments Applications Available Paddy dehushking Paddy & Mustard thresher Animal & Poultry feed Grinder Water suction pump Sugarcane Juice Extractor Electric Power Generator upto 3.0 KVA

Contact Details LUIT-VALLEY AGRO MACHINERY, KOLKOTA . Email : kalbihasanahmed@yahoo.co.in,


Mob: 9435040093.




HRS PSL showcases a range of Innovative and Energy Efficient Heat Transfer Solutions at Chemtech, 2013 Pune, January 19, 2013: HRS Process

as well,� said Mr. V Gokuldas, Managing

Systems Ltd. (HRS PSL), part of HRS Group, UK one of India's leading heat


transfer specialist participated in the largest world- class event in Indian chemical industry, Chemtech which was held in Mumbai from January 15 18, 2013. HRS PSL showcased a wide range of innovative products during this event like: HRS Hot Water Generation Systems based on ECOFLUX* Corrugated Tube Heat Exchangers (CTHE) and Plate Heat Exchangers (PHE), which have a prime application in chemical and pharma as well as HVAC, hotel, textile food and brewery industries. HRS heat transfer innovations are the preferred choice of major chemical process companies in key applications such as condensers, vent condensers, reboilers, water coolers, heaters, oil coolers, heat recovery units etc.HRS PSL has expertise in Exotic Materials; like Alloy 20, Haste alloy, Titanium and Nickel alloy based on special applications used in chemical and pharma processing. 'Chem Tech is a good platform to reach a wider segment of our target audience. This expo allowed us to share valuable information about our cost effective heat transfer solutions. HRS is an innovative technology driven company that focuses not just on heat exchanger fabrication but on application engineering UDYOGPRERANA






Limited. HRS has over a decade of experience in supplying state-of-the-art solutions for chemical and pharma industry. In addition to this, HRS PSL has supplied more than 8000 heat exchangers worth over $ 16 million to the chemical process industry in less than a decade. Editor's Note: Established in 2003, with headquarters in Pune, HRS PSL has regional marketing representatives across major metro cities of India along with the group companies in UK, Spain, USA, Peru, UAE and Malaysia. HRS PSL offers effective heat transfer solutions for an extensive range of processing applications across a spectrum of industry sectors like Chemical, Petrochemicals/Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Oil & Fats, Fertilizer, Cement, Steel, Power, Agro Chemical, OEM



Manufacturers), Paint, Paper & Pulp, Textile, Automotive, Sugar, Distillery & Breweries, Dairy, Food & Beverage among others. Pioneers in the revolutionary



technology for the process industry, HRS PSL offers innovative technology of international




processing, evaporators, systems for


food/fruit/beverage processing with modern pumping and filling technologies. HRS PSL is ISO 9001:2008 certified along with ASME 'U' (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers), NBBI (The National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors), HTRI (Heat Transfer Research, Inc.) and NSIC-CRISIL SE1A certifications. For further information, please contact: Piya D Banerjee Mind Matters Mails@mindmatterscorp.com

Table 1: Horticultural Commodities Classified according to their respiration rates Class

Range at 50C 0

(41 F)(mg CO2/kg-hr)


Respriation Respiration heatKcal/ton

heat KJ/



Very Low
















Very High




Extremely High





Dates, Dried fruits and vegetables, nuts Apple, beet, citrus fruits, cranberry, garlic, grape, kiwifurit, onion, papaya, pineapple, potato (maturea0, sweet potato, watermelon Apricot, banana, blueberry, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrot (Topped), cherry, cucumber, fig, gooseberry, lettuce (head), mango, peach, pear, plum, potato (immature), radish (topped), summer squash, tomato Carrot (With tops), cauliflower, leeks, lettuce (leaf), lima bean, radish (With tops), raspberry Artichoke, bean sprouts, broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, cut flowers, endive, green onions, okra, snap bean, Asparagus, mushroom, parsley, peas, spinach, sweet corn


Vital heat (Btu/ton/24hrs)= mg CO2/kg-hr x 220 Vital heat (kcal/1000 kg/24 hrs)=mg

CO2/kg/-hr Source - Cooling India








Earn more then Rs. 15,000/- per month by installed Machine Get fine powder 100 to 400 mash by stoneless machine of 1 to 300 H.P. ALL TYPE OF CHEMICALS , SPICES, DRY AND LIQUID GRINDING







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WAREHOUSING Warehousing Infrastructure ¡ Multi-facility, environment–friendly refrigerant. ¡ Chambers designed to accommodate products in the temperature Range of +20 to –25°C ¡ Blast freezer with a refrigerant temperature of –40°C ¡ Fully palletized, ensuring zero damage to the products ¡ State–of–the–art reach truck ¡ Adequately illuminated stores with special sub–zero light fittings ¡ 100% power back–up with multi–generator

Reefer Services TRANSPORTATION ¡ Point to point (full truck load) service ¡ Customized milk run, door pickup and delivery ¡ Dedicated run for the customer ¡ Part cargo consolidation and movement ¡ Chilled, frozen and ambient movement ¡ Facilitates last mile distribution, multi-mode for air

Shipment ¡ Updated immediate information about cargo to client

Source - SNOWMAN





Trade Shows India Warehousing Show 2013 Date


2nd -4th May, 2013.



Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

Event Profile


India’s Biggest Show on Warehousing, Transport & Logistics Industry.



Reed Maanch Exhibitions



Mr. Siddharth Narain Ph - 91-120-4334111M - 09971600355 E-mail - sales@reedmanch.com URL - www.indiawarehousingshow.com

India Bakery Expo 2013 Date


18th - 20th May, 2013.



Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai.

Event Profile







Mr. Kunal Joshi M - 78458 06933 /98409 06930 E-mail - kunal@ekara.in URL - www.indiabakeryexpo.com

The show will create opportunity for new product launches, sourcing of bakery equipments, ingredients, technology and accessories besides forecasting and identifying industry trends.

3rd Hospitality Business Fair 2013 Date


14th - 16th June, 2013.



Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai.

Event Profile


A Complete Exhibition on Hotel Supply & Equipment



Synergy Exposures & Events



Ph - 044-2278 0776 E-mail - hbf@synergyexposures.com URL - www.hbf.co.in

Attention Readers ! Subscription Please Issue The Cheques / DDs In Favour Of Prajakta Technology Pvt.Ltd. Pvt.Ltd., Solapur 154, Mandar Complex, 1st Floor, Goldfinch Peth , Near Sharespot office, Solapur- 413007 Ph - 02172728547, M - 9822532801, Email - prajaktatechnology@gmail.com UDYOGPRERANA




PackPlus South 2013 Date


5th - 8th July, 2013.



HITEX International Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad.

Event Profile


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8 March, 2013



The Capitol Hotel, Rajbhavan Road, Bangalore.

Event Profile


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The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM)



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1st - 2nd May, 2013



Le Meridien, Janpath, New Delhi, INDIA

Event Profile


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Assocom India



Mr. Dinesh Chauhan. Ph – 011-47675216 M – 09650533408/8527555011 E-mail - email@assocom-india.com URL : www.assocom-india.com





Current Affairs 1. Cold Storage at Tiruchi Airport by March A five-tonne capacity cold storage facility for storing perishables would be set up at the Air Cargo Complex at Tiruchi Airport by end of March. The cold storage is being established with the support of Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA). The facility would come up at the airport as soon as necessary clearances were issued by the Airports Authority of India, said S. Dharmaraj, Airport Director, Tiruchi. The air cargo complex is also likely to get Electronic Data Interchange (EID) for speedy processing and clearance of export/import procedure. “Efforts were underway in association with the Customs Department to get the facility, also by March end,” Mr. Dharmaraj said speaking at a function to mark the first anniversary of the air cargo complex at the airport on Friday. The opening of the air cargo complex, which became functional on December 1, 2011, has contributed to a steady increase in export of cargo through the airport. The complex has handled 2,143 tonnes of cargo over the past 12 months, accounting for a 20 per cent increase over the corresponding period the previous year. However, the annual handling capacity of the complex was around 45,000 leaving a huge gap in capacity utilization. The complex had a capacity to handle 250 tonnes of cargo and it currently handles about 200 tonnes a month on an average. K. Anantha Padmanaban, Chief Commissioner of Customs (Preventive), Tiruchi, observed that efforts to increase the capacity utilisation of the cargo complex have to come from all stakeholders. “You have to survive by providing better service and facilities,” he told the airport officials. Though the volume of transaction was less at the air cargo complex, much importance was bieng attached to Tiruchi as manifest by the shifting of the headquarters of the Chief Commissioner of Customs (Preventive) to the city from Chennai. He assured the cooperation of the Customs in increasing cargo exports and imports through the airport. Source - Agri Business & Food Industry 2. Mother Dairy To Set Up A Chain Of Ice-cream Parlours Mother Dairy, the top milk retailer in the Delhi/NCR region, is gearing up to set up a chain of ice cream parlours under its own brand. Its nearest competitor Hindustan Unilever already has its Kwality Wall Swirl’s parlours. “We are working on a model which would be different from the existing ice cream parlours. These would be small and serve as take aways, but there would also be innovation in terms of format and recipes with even some amount of automation,” said Subhashis Basu, Business Head-Dairy Products, Mother Dairy. The Company has decided to pilot its parlours at a time when it is also extending its franchise into frozen desserts, according to media reports. Source - Food Service UDYOGPRERANA




3. Rajasthan Registers 73% Growth in Agro Exports Rajasthan registered a 33% rise in exports in the financial year 2011-12 and maintained its 10th position in the country. The official figures released by the department of industry show marginal growth in almost each sector but a mushrooming rise in agro products. with Rs 23,753 crore in the year 2010-11 exports from the state reached Rs 32,749 crore in 2011-12, an increase of Rs 8,996 crore in a year. The major contributor behind the sharp increase has been the rise in exports of agro and food products, marble and stones and chemical from the state. The agro category witnessed an exemplary growth of 73%. In the year 2010-11 it was Rs 2,869 but reached Rs 10,785.38 crore in 2011-12. The escalation was largely ridden on guar gum, which was also the single biggest export from Rajasthan in the last financial year. Out of the total exports in the category its contribution was Rs 10,316 crore. “We have registered a significant rise in almost each sector. The growth looks good when you look at the prevailing situation outside where demand is sluggish. We are yet to achieve our threshold and therefore more possibilities to increase our tally. With many units setting up their plants in the state, exports will increase in subsequent years” said Rajendra Pareek, Industry minister. However, the government officials are concerned and wary of the growth “Certainly there is a rise in total exports but there are many reasons to worry about. Growth triggered because of a single item, in this case guar gum can’t be termed as positive,” said the senior official. Source - Agri Business & Food Industry 4. World’s First All-Veg Subway to Open in Punjab Sandwich major and world’s biggest restaurant chain Subway, with has 37,000 outlets across the globe, is ready to roll out its first all-vegetarian outlet in India. A private university in Jalandhar has convinced the US-based foot-long franchisor on the benefits of vegetarianism, according to a media report. Jalandhar- based Lovely Professional University (LPU), run by a Hindu Mittal family known for promoting vegetarian meals on the campus, inked the deal with Subway in November last year. The all-veg outlet at the time of filing this report was set to open on September 4, a Tuesday when most Hindus avoid eating meat. “We as a brand are always sensitive to the requirements of the markets that we are in. India as a country has a large vegetarian population and right from the beginning of the brand’s presence in India, we have had separate counters for our vegetarian and nonvegetarian sandwiches. In reviewing the requirements of the university campus and the customer base, we have created an all-veg menu for our Subway outlet at LPU,” said Chetan Arora, development agent, subway India. At present, Subway has 280 outlets in the country. Source - Food Service





5. National Dairy Development Board to Transfer Mother Dairy’s Business to MAAHI VADODARA/ANAND: The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) is switching over its business operations from Mother Dairy to ‘MAAHI’ - a Sanskrit name, which means ‘earth’. Sources suggest that NDDB has registered ‘MAAHI’ Milk Producers Company Limited, which unlike the traditional co-operative model will be governed by the Companies Act. ‘MAAHI’ is expected to become the face of milk producers’ company-a concept which NDDB’s chairman Dr Amrita Patel is trying to promote since quite some time as an alternative to the Amul model of co-operatives. NDDB is expected to introduce ‘MAAHI’ brand in Saurashtra, Kutch and Ahmedabad markets soon, while its existing ‘Mother Diary’ brand will slowly fade away in Gujarat. Presetly, Mohter Dairy, run by Mother Dairy Fruits an Vegetable Private Limited, a subsidiary of NDDB, generates business worth Rs 800 crore in Gujarat, while it processes 6.5 lakh litre per day (LLPD) at its junagadh and Madhapar dairy plants. “A membership drive for the new milk producers company has ended with 60,000 milk producers registered as members in all districts of Saurashtra and Kutch region. As the next step, business of Mother Dairy will be transferred to MAAHI Milk Producers Company Limited after which all the existing dairy products will be marketed under the new brand,” a source close to development told TOI, adding that for the initial period MAAHI brand will be promoted through co-brnding with Mother Dairy products. The process of operationalizing the new milk producers company is expected to be over within two months. “Theoretically, it will be a co-operative, but it won’t be governed by the state co-operative act. Unlike the traditional three-tier structure of co-operatives, the board of this milk producers company will be chosen by farmers and farmers themselves will be the shareholders,” said an official, adding that the shares for MAAHI will be shortly issued to farmers at Rs 600 per each registered member. It is pertinent to mention here that on the basis of recommendations of a high powered committee chaired by eminent economist Y K Alagh, the companies (second amendment) Bill 2001 was finalized and introduced during December 2002 in Parliament. Finally, the Companies (Amendment) Act 2002 came into effect on February 6, 2003, which recognized Producer Companies as a fourth variety of companies. In 2005, NDDB took over dairy plants and cattle feed factory from the erstwhile Gujarat Dairy Development Corporation Limited to promote dairy development on cooperative lines in Saurashtra and Kutch. It restarted Junagadh Dairy, which started supplying liquid milk and butter milk under Mother Dairy brand in Saurashtra and Kutch. Presently, Mother Dairy procures 6.5 LLPD from 2,400 villages of Saurashtra and Kutch region of which it sells four LLPD as milk and buttermilk in pouch format. Source- Dairy Planner UDYOGPRERANA




6. Pepsi to Launch Tropicana in Powder India will be the only market where beverage giant is getting into the powder category. Beverage and snacks maker PepsiCo is set to roll out its flagship juice brand Tropicana in powder format, pitching it directly against its global rival Kraft that sells Tang, and home-grown firm Rasna. India could be the only market where one of the world’s largest beverage makers is getting into the powder concentrate category with Tropicana. “The launch will help us drive accessibility and recruit more consumers in to the packaged juice/juice-beverages category and expand the franchise of Tropicana in India,” said Deepika Warrier, Executive Director - marketing (Beverages), PepsiCo India. While the powder concentrate market is estimated at over Rs. 600 crore, Ahmedabad-based Rasna is by far the market leader with over 80% share selling the eponymous brand since the last three decades while multinational Cadbury-Kraft’s Tang is a distant No 2. “I am glad that a multinational player (PepsiCo) is following us. This market is set to grow faster now,” said Rasna Chairman Piruz Khambatta, which sells fruit-based powder under the name of Rasna Fruit Plus since the last four year. However, Pepsi wants to play an innovation game as compared to its rivals that sells on the price plank. “Leveraging Tropicana’s global fruit expertise, we have developed a unique technology which preserves real-fruit taste and allows us to convert fruit juices into easily soluble powder without added artificial preservatives,” said SR Murali, executive director - technology, PepsiCo India. For PepsiCo, this isn’t its first foray in the powder category. It had extended its sports drink Gatorade to powder format in early 2010 - by launching Gatorade Sports Mix. “ The powdered segment is a relatively old format and hasn’t kept pace with out-ofhome beverages like carbonated soft drinks or juice drinks. Pepsi’s new offering appears to be a significant innovation and could ‘change the game’ in growing the brand as well as the category.” Shripad Nadkarni, director, MarketGate Consulting. Similar to most foods and beverage makers, PepsiCo too has been betting on health and wellness, also to reduce its dependence on aerated drinks. But this market won’t be easy to crack. Apart from Rasna, Pepsi will have to compete with its global rival Kraft that launched the world’s largest powdered beverage brand Tang in India last year. “Tang is a billion-dollor global brand, which is right on trend with what consumers opt for - affordability, taste and refreshing goodness. Tang is a key growth driver for Cadbury India and we are committed to making more and more Indian consumers see this refreshing, nutritious drink as a regular purchase item,” said Narayan Sundararaman, director, powdered beverages, Gums & Candy, Cadbury India, adding that the product has been growing in excess of 20% since its launch. Even its arch rival Coco-Cola made attempts to cash on this category by launching Sunfill powder drink in the late 1990s and orange drink Fanta Fun Taste in powder formats, but both the products didn’t turned popular on the retail shelves. Source - E. T.


















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