Udyogprerana spices & spices processing

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:Editorial :

Dear Friends, This is the release of our Issue on Spices and Spices Processing. We are happy to launch this issue for SME sector. There is no love sincerer than the love of food. And Spices are the main ingredient for taste and aroma. India continues to be the largest producer, exporter and consumer of spices. Contributing about 50 % of the world's requirement of spices, we export only 10-12 % of our total production. The estimated world trade in spices is 1.1 million tones and valued at USD 3475 million, out of which India has a significant share of 48% in quantity and 43% in value. With leadership of Spices Board of India Indian spice sector is making assured and aggressive move in the global market. The main issues for global market are food safety, traceability and sustainability. The board has set the export target of USD 3 billion by 2017. The main focus shall be on ten spices which are pepper, cardamom, red chilly, paprika chilly, AFT turmeric, Cochin ginger, Mint, Cumin, garlic and Nutmeg. To achieve this target the main steps are establishing the Spice Producer Companies, Establishing Spice Parks and providing end to end solutions as per the global food safety standards. With these initiatives and efforts, we expect good and assured prospectus of Indian Spice Sector. As per the 12 plan and focus on PPP model there is a huge potential and scope for investment in Spice cultivation, storage and processing facilities. Also there must be more investment in Value Added spices processing sector. Nowadays health and wellness sector is growing rapidly all over the globe including India. The medicinal properties of spices are known for a long time. The traditional knowledge with modern style can create more space in the global market. Nutraceutical applications of spices will be the new sector in coming decade.There is a huge scope for designing the medium scale spices processing machinery. New and cost effective technology for spice storage. On the other hand we expect good and timely rains / mansoon. This will assure good crop conditions in coming years. The financial situation and the share market is negative, European fiscal crisis may affect Indian economy also. But Indian population and the domestic market is India's major strength. If we focus our efforts on this strength and work sincerely for productivity we can face these fiscal crisis successfully. Let's hope for better tomorrow…………… Atul Mardikar Editor






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¡ The Indian Spices Industry Overview------------------------------ 6 ¡ Spices And Spices Processing Technology And Opportunities - Spice Oleoresins------------------- 10 - Specialized High Efficiency Size Reduction Equipments-------13 - Spice Oils, Extracts By - Super Critical Extraction --------17 - Steam Sterilization ---------------- 20 ¡Spice Drying ------------------------ 25 ¡Spices Park ------------------------- 28 ¡Flash… SIAL China Innovation 2012. ----------------- 35 Please Note

¡World Spice Organization

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Two Year



Five Year



Kochi ------------- 38 ¡Trade Show ------------------------- 43 ¡Current Affairs --------------------- 46 ¡Product Gallery ------------------- 51 ¡Press Release ----------------------- 58

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Dear Readers Please Note Our Updated Subscription Rates & Issue Prices, With Effect From Sept- Oct- Nov 2011 Issue- Annual 6th 2011

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 Machinery Display  PPP in FP Sector Food Processing Industry - Future Post Harvest Handling Of Agro Produce  Government Of India Initiatives.  Global Trade. Trade Shows and much  Product Gallery Processing Technologies. more…………………. UDYOGPRERANA












The Indian Spice Industry - Overview Mr. Atul Mardikar Editor India is the largest producer of spices (Annual Production - 5.26 Million MT, Area under cultivation 2.93 Million Hectare). After consuming more than 70% of the spices produced, we still manage to be the largest exporter of spices in all its forms raw, ground, and processed, and as active ingredient isolates

India is the largest producer of spices (Annual Production - 5.26 Million MT, Area under cultivation 2.93 Million Hectare). After consuming more than 70% of the spices produced, we still manage to be the largest exporter of spices in all its forms raw, ground and processed and as

active ingredient isolates. We make up 48% of the total world trade quantity and 43% of the value. The industry has shown stunning progress, over the last 5 years - there has been a 120% increase in revenues.

2005-2006 2009-2010 2010-2011 2017 (Industry Vision) Revenue (USD) 0.5 Billion 1.1 Billion 1.5 Billion

3 Billion

Quantity (MT) 0.3 Million 0.5 Million 0.5 Million Figure: Revenue (USD) and Quantity (MT) of spice exporters from India India exports all over the globe, spreading the goodness of spices the world over. The summary shown below that East Asia is a major market, followed by the Americas and the European Union. REGION


VALUE [Rs.Crs)



275,498 [52.4%]


Chili, Mint products, spice oil & olearesins, cumin




Mint products, pepper,spice oils & oleoresins, chili, seed spices, curry powder




Mint Products, Spice oils & oleoresins , pepper, seed spices,curry powder




Chili, seed spices,turmeric,curry powder




Mint Products, cumin,spice oils & oleoresins, chili




Chili, cumin, turmeric, spices Oils & oleoresins

Figure: Comparison of Indian Spice Exports to different geographies across the world





The demand for and awareness about spices is at its peak. Spices are finding newer applications in food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Research that shout out the potential of spices in healing /preventing diseases and promoting good health further strengthen the cause of spices the skin recuperation properties of turmeric, Mental fatigue tackling properties of Black Pepper, and more. Amid the stunning progress and ambitious vision, are challenges that threaten to wipe out the industry: 1.Sustainability of Spice Production: Population growth, urbanization, loss of arable land at the rate of 0.5% every year due to salt and alkali leaches are major threats to Food Security. Meeting the rising global demand for spices is becoming increasingly challenging. Land holdings in the growing countries are small, (e.g. in India, 70% of the holdings are below a hectare) making penetration of modern technology and agricultural practices difficult. There is a need to support productivity improvements and to also bring more area into spice cultivation. Our inability to do so would create a situation where, we will not have sufficient quantity of spices for exports. 2. Slow progress in the farm: It is not always spring in our farms. The farmer works under difficult conditions. The farm is at the heart of long term sustainability. Declining productivity, reduction of area under spice cultivation and increasing contamination issues, plague the industry. 3.Farm grade quality issues : UDYOGPRERANA



Indian exports are facing rejection at importer ports due to a number of contaminants, that can be traced back to farm practices - illegal dyes (Rhodamine B, Sudan Red), Pesticides (BHC, Ethion), Aflatoxins, Salmonella, etc. 4.Striking the right balance on regulations: When food safety standards are set, the producers are not involved in the legislation formulation process. The practical issues that arise with their implementation are not looked into. Food safety concerns have to be addressed at the grass root level: together with the producer. Tests and methods for food safety standards vary from country to country, adding to complications in compliance. Tests validated by the exporting country governments are not accepted at the ports of importing countries, without further tests. This leads to delays, blocked cash flows and spoilage during storage and mishandling. Sometimes, different exporting countries are meted out different standards, which in-turn proves to be unfair trade barriers. 5. Blocked communication channels: The flow of information among the different stakeholders in the industry (This spans through many countries) is often not smooth. For example, when the regulations passed by an importing country legislator, reach the producers/manufacturers in India it's already too late to action a plan that takes care of all the stakeholders. 6.Low Productivity In Agriculture has led to the lack of exportable surplus. This has caused the increase in


prices, making India uncompetitive in comparison to other countries such as Vietnam and China. The Indian Spice Industry and Food Safety Food safety is an area of major concern for the industry from the point of view of providing food safe, wholesome spices to all consumers and also meeting the stringent food regulations of the

Agri Input Supply

§ Safe of banned or restricted presticides § Seed borne and animal borne diseases §Improrer waste water Management §Industrial pollution (heavy metals §Colours through Pesticides


countries India exports to. Cutting edge high precision analytical capabilities today can trace contaminants to previously undetectable levels (sometimes practically unachievable), setting very high standards for the industry to achieve. Food safety hazards lurk at different points on the supply chain, right from the supply of agricultural inputs to consumption.

Assembly Processing storage Value Logistics addition

§ contaminated §Importer storage, water & soils drying and Improper § pest control Pesticides applications application Poor waste Importer § § animal health management practices §Industrial (disease control Pollution (heavy & drug administration) metals) §Unhygienic handling and transport § use of prohibited chemicals as preservatives

§ Contaminated water Use of banned § substances / food additives § Poor sanitation § Cross contamination due to unhygienic Processing Environment §Improper storage and packaging Inadequate § pollution control and waste management

Whole salling Export/ Import Retailling


§ Contaminated § Importer Water storage Poor sanitation Unhygienic § § transport §Cross contamination § Improper due to handling unhygienic and cooking packaging environment

Figure: Potential sources of food safety hazards

Attention Readers ! Subscription Please Issue The Cheques / DDs In Favour Of Prajakta Technology Pvt.Ltd., Solapur 154, Mandar Complex, 1st Floor, Goldfinch Peth , Near Sharespot office, Solapur- 413007 Ph - 02172728547, M - 9822532801, Email - prajaktatechnology@gmail.com





To create a final product that is acceptable as 'food safe', one needs to be able to control all the elements on the supply chain, and with the support of all the stakeholders. The challenges that the industry faces include: .1. Creating safe 'spices' by working out improvements in agriculture and the supply chain. 2. Meeting global expectations 3.Making the formulators realize, through discussions the importance of a consultative approach setting realistic standards suitable to a particular growing area. 4. Harmonization of testing methods and food safety standards Types of Food Safety Risks: Listed below are the major categories of food safety risks that plague the Indian spice industry today: 1.Microbial Pathogens - Bacteria, Parasites, Fungi 2.Toxins flatoxins, Ochratoxins, environmental toxins like Lead, Mercury and Arsenic. 3. Pesticide residues Ethion, Endosulfan, etc 4.Illegal Dyes - Sudan, para red, rhodamine, malachite green.. 5.Other contaminants/adulterants White oil, saw dust. The Indian Spice Industry and Sustainability Businesses that have their base in agriculture look into the future with concern. The spice industry is no different. Where will our raw material come from? What about Quality? Will it be




pesticide/Aflatoxin free? How long can be sustain our supplies? How do we reduce the ecological and social impact of our actions, thereby insuring the future? The spice industry has time and again tried to answer these questions. The industry realized that this is not a task that can be achieved single handedly. It requires passion and dedicated efforts. Deliberations between industry experts and the support of the government in the form of the Spices Board helped form the World Spice Organisation (WSO). The WSO took shape as a result of a desire to bring out big changes. It has its headquarters in India (in the premises of the Spices Board, India) and where it has been actively involved from its inception. The industry scenario which prompted the formation of the WSO presents a bleak picture: overwhelming regulations, rising demand v/s raw material storage, reducing productivity, rising prices/market instability, reducing quality and active ingredient content, increasing incidence of contaminants (Aflatoxin, Pesticides, Illegal Dyes and more.) The World Spice Organisation has recognized as its objective Global Food Safety and Sustainability in herbs and spices. The realization that the solution to industry challenges lie in the 'farm' has WSO, focusing its activities in spice growing areas. This also helps fulfill the industry's CSR towards the farmer, the communities that it operates in and the environment. Prepared By: All India Spice Exporters Forum, Kochi


Spices And Spices Processing Technologies And Opportunities 1. Spice Oleoresins

Mr.Syed Nisar Ahamed M/s.Able Manufacturers,

Spice oleoresin Extracts are prepared particularly from Chilli, botanical name Capsicum annum L and Capsicum Frutescence L and Turmeric botanical name Curcuma Longa.L. Also from Black Pepper, Cassia, Celery, Cinnamon, Coriander, Cumin, Ginger, Mace, Ajowan, etc., Spice Oleoresins generally are the natural extracts from spices using a group of polar and non polar solvents. Brief Description Spices in their powder form or pellet form are extracted using solvents to recover all the essential components of spices which are responsible for the Flavor, Aroma and Taste of the spices. After the extraction the material left over contains only fiber and cellulose material which will have fuel and manure applications. Chilli contains Capsaicin responsible for the heat/pungency and Capsanthin and relative Xanthophylls responsible for Natural red color. As for as Turmeric is concerned the essential component is oil and Curcumin is the yellow natural color. Solvent extraction removes these essentials completely leaving behind fiber material only after extraction. It may be noted that the concentration of these essentials is in the range of 5-8% of the spice only.

Advantages of Spice Oleoresins There are many advantages in using spice oleoresins instead of original spices. Spices naturally occur with wide variations due to source of raw material, soil where it is grown, season etc. The important quality parameters for which they are valued vary due to the above variations. However, Oleoresins are of universally accepted consistent quality. The shelf life of raw spices is relatively smaller. The essential components of the spice gradually degrade during storage due to temperature, humidity and exposure to light. The spice oleoresins generally have shelf life more than 1 year and the essentials



II June-July-August-2012

remain constant.

egg yolk.

The cost of spices is not directly

Turmeric oleoresin has Curcumin

proportional to the important quality

95% which is not only used as food

parameters for which they are sold and

coloring but also has nutraceutical and

thus it becomes costlier to use spices in

pharmaceutical applications as anti

place of oleoresins. It is economical to use


Spice oleoresins than spices. In general

Curcumin is used for curing various

average 1 kg of Capsicum oleoresin

cancer diseases. Both Curcumin and

replaces approximately 40 kgs of an

Capsanthin have provitamin- A activity.

averaged quality Chilli.

Even the waste material after extraction



Transportation Costs: It is very

containing fiber and cellulose material

economical to transport spice oleoresins

from spice are use full as fuel due to their

when compared with spices or spice

high calorific value. Briquetted spice

powders as it saves 90% with respect to

wastes are used as biofuels in thermal,

the transportation costs.

cement industries.



Hot Chilli Capsicum oleoresin 10%, 20%





and 40% and natural Capsaicin 95%.

tremendous export potential and are

Capsicum oleoresin 0.5 MSHU, 1 MHU

exported. Globally 2000-2400 tons of

and 2 MSHU are used to impart heat to

oleoresin paprika of various ASTA colors

food products. Capsicum oleoresin 10%

is used for different purposes and 1200-

and above are used in the manufacture of

1500 tons of Capsicum oleoresins of


various pungency levels are marketed




pharmaceutically for preparing pain


balms, arthritis pain releasers etc. Also

demand both in domestic and export










pungency is used in preparing natural

Process details

pesticide based and anti-termite paints for



palletized/flaked and subjected to solvent Natural Capsaicin has been found






to be very effective medicine for colon

Hexane +Acetone mixture is used for the


extraction of Chilli and Acetone/Ethyl

Paprika oleoresin on the other hand

acetate is used to extract Turmeric. The

is the natural red color from Chilli devoid

extract thus obtained is called miscella.

of heat and has main use as food color as

This miscella is subjected to solvent

the artificial colors have carcinogenic

evaporation and recovery and the de-

effects when used in food and pharmacy

solventised product is called semi finished

components. Also Paprika oleoresin is

product. This is further subjected to

used in animal feed to get yellow color of

liquid-liquid extraction using Methanol in


II June-July-August-2012


case of Chilli and Isopropanol in the case of

which are further packed in open top

turmeric. Methanol extraction results to

barrels with lids.

separate color from pungency and color or Paprika oleoresin is produced. By treating with




precipitated. The finished products are subjected to vacuum distillation or drying to get


products with residual solvent levels below

Undertake turnkey Projects oleoresin








Centrifugation method is used wherever

Mr.Syed Nisar Ahamed (Proprietor)

necessary, to remove sediment/sludge in

H.No.12-2-799/2, G-2,

oleoresin. Different batches of the products

Jandhar Nagar, Mehdipatnam,

are blended to meet desired specifications



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pails, cans and barrels etc. Curcumin is


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II June-July-August-2012

2. Specialised High Efficiency Size Reduction Equipments Mahesh Patil., Rieco Industries Ltd.,

RIECO is an established name and has been a pioneer in engineering and manufacturing of Size Reduction Equipments (SREs) for a variety of applications, over the past 30 years. For fine grinding of a wide range of materials such as Spices, Food products, Sugar, Pesticides, Chemicals, Dyes & Pigments, Bulk Drug, Power paint and Food items (Sugar, Spices, Wheat and many other materials), RIECO offers ยก Mikro-Pulveriser ยก Air Classifying Mills ยก Universal Mills and ยก Micron Separator for separation of super fine powders. RIECO has a proven database and can design, engineer, manufacture and commission




Spices Grinding such as Red Chilly, Coriander, Turmeric as well as Mixed spices. To ensure the production capacity and deliverable micron size (fineness) of the system a comprehensive and in-depth study of the various spices and their behavior at different temperatures has been undertaken at our laboratory that is certified by the DST. Various trials and experiments have been conducted and the results compiled and analyzed. All this scientific data has then been put to use while designing the equipment depending on the application and the Client's requirement. Many a times, our existing UDYOGPRERANA

II June-July-August-2012

clients have partnered with us in this developmental activity and have reaped the benefits of new advancements. For instance, we have now developed a sophisticated system that can grind spices in controlled atmosphere. This new development is finding many takers already.

ยง Process Description A typical project will envisage setting up of a Spices grinding unit (for Cumin, Turmeric, Chilly etc). This is a new concept in Spice processing, which results into higher production with better quality of the end product not just in terms of aroma but also the much desired color, than any conventional Spice grinding unit. RIECO technology uses chilled air at 15-17 degrees to control the grinding chamber, the result of which is reduction in loss of volatile or essential oils in the spices and higher production rate. This type of grinding improves the aroma by minimizing the loss of essential oils (approximate 3-10% loss) which can be as high as approximate 15-43% in


conventional processing. This type of technology is particularly important for Cumin processing. Spices are ground to a uniform fineness of 500 microns, as compared to a size range of anywhere between 600 to 1000 microns using conventional grinding processes.

§ Advantages With RIECO Technology The technology has been developed with many hours of analysis and engineering, as well as taking into consideration aspects to produce the best possible produce from the equipment. At the same time due consideration has been given to minimizing industrial hazards while designing the equipment. RIECO Offers The Following Distinct Advantages

§Spices processed using cool-grinding retain natural colour to a far greater exent, as compared to those ground with conventional process. This is especially critical with products like Chilly and Turmeric powder.

§Finer particle size with uniformity can be achieved.

§Losses of natural aroma are greatly reduced.

§Overall grinding capacity can be increased by 1.5 times, as process equipments will not have thermal fatigue due to heating up.

§Fire risks too are eliminated as temperature controlled.




Why choose RIECO RIECO has a firm backbone of experienced technologists and team of engineers who can be your Partner from the concept to the commissioning of the project. We understand your requirements and come back to you with the best possible proposal based on our database and experience over 30 years. With the benefit of unique infrastructure of a well equipped R&D Centre, only one of it's kind in Asia and recognized by the Government of India, we can arrive at details for designing the appropriate pneumatic conveying system and precise selection of the most suitable size reduction equipment for our Client's application and requirement. Apart from Indian companies of repute in various industrial sectors mentioned above, various other established multinational companies have experienced value, in opting for our technology and equipments, and have come back to us with repeat business. For instance, an installation more than 10 years old at an esteemed Client for such a similar system has been operating smoothly and delivering outputs to the complete satisfaction of our Client. This has been our biggest motivation to innovate, upgraded and always offer the very best to our growing Clientele. For more details please RIECO Industries Limited

§This method of grinding enhances unlocking of the natural flavors, aiding easy dispersion of the same and controlling the flavor strength.


1162,Shivajinagar, Behind Observatory,Pune,411005[M.S.] India Ph - 020-25535384 UDYOGPRERANA

II June-July-August-2012

3. Spice Oils, Extracts By Supercritical Extraction : Supercritical fluid extraction technology is an alternative method for new or improved applications in food processing. This is the eco friendly Green process. This is the effective separation technique. A supercritical fluid (SCF) is made from a gas or liquid. When a gas or liquid is compressed under pressure and heated up to it's critical point, it enters a phase called as a supercritical fluid (SCF). The critical temperature (Tc) and Pressure (Pc) at which this happens are unique to pure. substance. In the supercritical state , the fluid takes on many of the properties of both gas and liquid. Phase diagram of Co2

¡ Supercritical extraction is ideal process for  Extraction of essential oils from flowers, herbs and spices.  Extraction of food flavors from herbs and spices.  Medicinal extracts for health food and pharmaceutical industries.  Removal of natural pesticides (pyrethrins).  Extraction of Natural food coloring, Antioxidants, and vitamins.

¡ Some Common Solvents used in SCF State are : Carbon Dioxide, Ethane, Ethylene, Propane, Propylene, Benzene, Toluene, Chlorotrifluoromethane, Tricholoromethane, Nitrous oxide, Ammonia and water. With this technology we can extract Oleoresins and spice oils . Equipment Providers in India : 1.Chemtron Science Laboratories, Navi Mumbai El- 47 Electronics Zone, T. T. C. Industrial Area, Mahape, Navi Mumbai - 400709, Maharashtra, (India). Phone : +(91)-(22)67847300/67847306/67847308 E-Mail : ripe@chemtron.net.in Info@chemtron.net.in Http://www.chemtronscience.com





3. Pioneer Enterprise 101,Raudat Tahera Street, Mumbai 400003. INDIA. Tel: +9122 2347 2534 Fax: +9122 2347 0325 Email: pionlace@vsnl.com / pioneerherbal@yahoo.com Website: www.pioneerherbal.com

2.Sanjivani Phytopharma (P) Ltd 305, Third Floor, Prabhat Center(Annex) Sector 1A, C.B.D. Belapur,Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra State, India. Pin: 400 614 E-mail: sanjivaniherbals@gmail.com, sanjivani_herbals@yahoo.co.in

Spice Wise Area & Production (Area in Hec, Production in Tonnes) 2009-2010















































































































































Ref- Spice Board & AISEF







ND PULV A R B A ESTD.1963 ER D N ISE A H S K Earn more then Rs. 15,000/- per month by installed Machine Get fine powder 100 to 400 mash by stoneless machine of 1 to 300 H.P. ALL TYPE OF CHEMICALS , SPICES, DRY AND LIQUID GRINDING





PUNJAB ENGG.WORKS, D-71, Ph - 5,Industrial Area, Mohali (Chandigarh) Ph - 0172-2264523,2226211,4013706(R)2264522,2225558 Tel-Fax:0172-2264523,2264522 Mobile:09855583289 Email: pewd71@gmail.com UDYOGPRERANA




4. Steam Sterilization T. Srinivasan Managing Partner In India RevTech is represented by Jeevika Food Machinery Co., Chennai.

Steam Sterilization : Steam sterilization has become an unavoidable issue with Spices and food products and it forces industry to revisit their entire production lines, in order to comply with the ever-increasing requirements of Food Safety Standards. Consumers turn increasingly to food products with a guaranteed or "organic" origin. Recent sterilization processes such as ethylene oxide or ionisation are incompatible with these demands, encouraging the development of innovative processes based on traditional methods such as steam. The REVTECH technology uses steam for its efficiency in the elimination of bacteria and clean electric energy in order to heat the product. Overall steam consumption is therefore significantly less than competing technology, resulting in improved product quality, especially in the domain of aromatically rich herbs, spices and medicinal plants. Less steam will be injected into the system, lower will be the leaching effect of the steam on the surface of the product. Even the most fragile products such as oregano or parsley see their color maintained after treatment. Last year, some famous spice company all around the world successfully trusted in innovative Revtech technology such as the russian leader and the leader in Thailand Product flow :





Investment costs and operating costs are particularly low with REVTECH technology. The quality of products treated with the REVTECH process is significantly improved when compared to products treated in traditional systems such as steam-heated autoclaves. As heat is provided by contact with the tube and steam is used only for its steam sterilization properties, wetting of the product is minimal flavour loss is kept well within the allowed standards. For drying and cooling, TPC is associated with vibrations to obtain high coefficients of thermal transfer between the material and the heated tube. The amount of air used is reduced to levels necessary only for the removal of humidity released by the material itself. A water/ethylene glycol mix is used in the




cooling system to remove heat and to obtain a constant temperature of the material as it leaves the system. Other companies also use this technology for steam sterilization. For example, the pharmaceutical industry uses the REVTECH process for the steam sterilization of natural gums, notoriously difficult to treat because of


In India RevTech is represented by Jeevika Food Machinery Co., Chennai. For Further details contact T. Srinivasan Managing Partner JEEVIKA FOOD MACHIERY CO., 6/10, 1st Floor, Senthil Andavar St, Dhanalaxmi Colony, Vadapalani, Chennai-600026, India Tel: +91 44 2362 2750, E-mail: info@jfm.co.in Www.revtech.fr/siteeng/food_decont.htm

their excessive stickiness and their sensitivity to heat. Two complete systems have also been installed for the treatment of medicinal plants. Typical results obtained by steam Sterilization TPC Enterobacteriaceae Yeast Mould Coli forms Salmonella

< < < < < <

10000 cfu/gm 100 cfu/gm 100 cfu/gm 100 cfu/gm 100 cfu/gm 100 cfu/gm

Capsaicin & Colour Contents Of Paprika From Different Region & Variety: No. Region /Variety

Capsaicin %

ASTA Colour Value






Bird Eye




Guntur Sannam S4 Type












Madras Pari




Scotch Bonnet




Tomato (Warangal Chappattya)








Tadappally-Big Long


80.30 Ref: Spices Board





Spice Drying

Bry-Air[Asia] Pvt.Ltd. , Delhi

In this article we will focus on “drying” as it is by far the most important stage in the process to ensure good quality spices. It is important that the crop is thoroughly and properly cleaned before processing. The first stage is to remove dust and dirt before it is processed.

The processing and trade of spices has always been an important industry from the time memorial . The spice trade still has a significant impact on the economy of many countries. In India, it has moved from being a small scale industry to big brands business with high export potential. In this article we will focus on “drying” as it is by far the most important stage in the process to ensure good quality spices. It is important that the crop is thoroughly and properly cleaned before processing. The first stage is to remove dust and dirt before it is processed. Inadequately dried procedure leads to mould growth. The sale value can be reduced by almost 50% if the spices are mouldy . In addition the growth of food poisoning bacteria on some spices is a real danger if proper washing and drying is not carried out. Spices have been dried throughout history as the spices are hygroscopic by nature. They absorb moisture from the air, so drying is done to extract the unwanted moisture or dry the water particles.




Drying of spices helps in retaining their aroma and flavour, it also helps in storage. To retain the flavour, aroma colour, freshness and to reduce product spoilage, spice have to be dried at low temperature. Once dried and powdered, being highly hygroscopic, spices absorb moisture from the surrounding air during packaging and storage.

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Methods of Drying In the earlier days and even now in some areas , the produce is typically dried in the sun . However, this is not practical and effective anymore, as huge batches need to processed to highest quality standard. During sun drying, dust and dirt are blown onto the crop and unexpected rainstorms can re-wet the crop. A solar dryer avoids these problems and is sometimes promoted as an alternative to Sun drying . The solar dryers are typically are small cabinets constructed out of locally available materials (eg bamboo, coir fibre or nylon weave). This method again is not effective and commercially viable as during the wet season or times of high humidity, which often coincides with the harvest of the spices, a solar dryer or sun drying cannot be used effectively. Thus, one needs a dryer which can dry the spices continuously without being effected by the weather or humidity at low temperatures . The spice crop cannot be overheated (eg the maximum air temperature for frying pepper and cardamon is 50ยบC) . Neither should it be over dried as it effects the final quality of the spice . The final moisture content for various spices are shown in Table below


Maximum Final Moisture Content % (Wet Basis)



Nutmeg, Cloves


Turmeric, Coriander




Pepper, Chillies Ginger




The News Items and information published herein been collected from various sources, which are considered to be reliable. While every care has been taken for authenticity of the material published UDYOGPRERANA accepts no reposiblity or accuracy of such items. 26




Cardmom Dry Garlic Dry Onion Cinnamon Chillies Spices

30-35% 65-70% 50-55% 40.00% 18-20% R H %

28oC 0 oC 10-20oC 15oC 45-50oC Tempreature

The simplest and most cost effective method of drying spices at low temperature irrespective of ambient conditions outside is with a Dryer using desiccant dehumidification . Drying by Dehumidification : Dehumidifying dryers work on the principle of maximizing evaporative potential at the desired low temperatures by physically removing moisture from the air. In a typical arrangement, a dehumidifier along with a cooaling apparatus, if required, is connected to a suitable drying chamber. Process air from the dehumidifier is circulated through the chamber and usually brought back to form a closed loop. The system is sized for optimum moisture removal rate having regards to product characteristics and energy required for drying. Moisture is removed by direct physical adsorption and works independent of dewpoint of the air being dried. Such dehumidifiers can maintain relative humidity of 1% or lower at any temperatures for which the system is needed. Though drying is most important process in spice processing, it is not the only process which needs


humidity control . Dried and powdered spices being highly hygroscopic absorb moisture from the surrounding air when humidity is high UDYOGPRERANA



And becomes sticky. This inhabits their free flow through the packaging machine. The damp powder also sticks to the wrapping paper slowing the process and creating hygiene problems. This not only creates operational problems but also reduces shelf life of product. So humidity should be controlled not only during drying but during packaging and storage also to get final quality .Thus, it is equally important to surround the spices with dry air to retain the colour, aroma and increase its shelf life. To retain the flavour, aroma, colour, freshness and to reduce product spoilage ,spices have not only to be dried at low temperature but once dried and powdered, need to protected against absorbing moisture from the surrounding air during packaging and storage . Dehumidification of the air surrounding the packaging and storage keeps the area dry letting production and packaging equipment run effectively. Desiccant




effectively used to dry the following products : ยก Spices,Asafoetida,Dry fruits ยก Almond,Pista,Cashew ยก Chillies,Cardamom,Onion ยก Garlic,Ginger,Grapes Contact DetailsBry-Air (Asia) Pvt. Ltd. 20 Rajpur Road, Delhi - 110054 Phone : 91-11-23906666 Fax : 91-11-23906600 Email-bryairmarketing@pahwa.com Www.bryair.com


Spices Park : Concept Spices Board Of India Email :spicesboard@vsnl.com

Spices Board of India is the statutory commodity Board under Ministry of Commerce & Industry and responsible for the export promotion activities of Spices and Spice product. India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices in the world.

ยก The Concept Plan & Background Spices Board of India is the statutory commodity Board under Ministry of Commerce & Industry and responsible for the export promotion activities of Spices and Spice product. India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices in the world. India produces more than 65 spices in different varieties out of the 109 Spices listed by ISO. The estimated world trade in spices is 1.10 million tones valued at 3750 Mln US $, out of which India has a significant share of 48% in quantity and 43% in value. In the quality front, the major consuming countries like Europe and USA are demanding more and more quality compliance by the producing countries. It is pertinent to note that India was able to cope up with the new stringent quality stipulations setup by these consuming countries and sustain and increase our export share in these markets with various quality improvement programmes initiated by the Board. But the recent trends among these countries in quality stipulations will


definitely go further and only those suppliers who can meet the aspirations of the consumers could be able to survive in future. To meet this challenge we have to equip ourselves to produce and market the spices, which will have internationally accepted food safety standards.

ยก What is Spices Park ? A Spices Park can be defined as an industrial park for processing and value addition of Spices and Spice products which offers the processing facilities at par with the international standards. The Regional crop specific Spices Park is a wellconceived approach to have an integrated operation for cultivation, post harvesting, processing for value addition, packaging, storage and exports of spices and spice products by meeting the quality specifications of the consuming countries.

ยก Facilities at Spices Parks : The basic objective of the concept is to provide common infrastructure facilities for both post harvest and processing operations of spices and spice products, which also aims at backward integration by providing rural employment. All the Spices Park will have processing facilities UDYOGPRERANA



at par with international standards in which the produces could undergo cleaning, grading, sorting, grinding, packing, warehousing etc. Apart from the above facilities, the Board will develop the common infrastructure facilities like Roads, Water supply system, Power stations, Fire fighting & Control systems, Weighing bridges, effluent Treatment Plants, Quality Lab for checking basic parameters, Bank & Post office counters, Restaurant, Business centers, Guest house etc. Spices Park will also render educative services to the farming/trading community. It provides training programmes on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), post harvest operations, advanced processing practices and global food safety and quality standards and issues etc. Establishment of Spices Park in the country is a major initiative of the Government as part of its commitment that any growth in the country should be more of agriculture-specific and pro-farmers. The Spice Park will ensure a better pricing for the produce by shortening the channels in the supply chain system currently followed locally. The facilities available in the Spice Park can be utilized by the farming community for primary processing for improving the quality of their product and thereby they can directly sell to the exporters.

ยก Public Private Participation : Under the concept of the Spices Park, the Board will allot the land available in the Park to prospective private entrepreneurs for developing their own




processing units for value addition and higher end processing. The land will be allotted for a period of 30 years initially and it can be extended on mutually agreed conditions. The Private entrepreneurs will develop their processing plants by availing the common facilities in the Spices Park. The grower community can make use of these facilities for selling their produce directly to the exporters so that they can avail the premium price for their produces. On the other side the exporters can develop a link with reliable farming community for an uninterrupted supply of farm fresh raw material for their business. Currently, the Board had released an advertisement for allotting the land in the Park. The response from the trading community is encouraging and as on date we had received Expression of Interest (EOI) from more than 31 companies for taking land in the park. The address list of the companies submitted the EOI is attached in Annex-I Under the concept of the Spices Park, the Board will allot the land available in the Park to prospective private


entrepreneurs for developing their own processing units for value addition and higher end processing. The land will be allotted for a period of 30 years initially and it can be extended on mutually agreed conditions. The Private entrepreneurs will develop their processing plants by availing the common facilities in the Spices Park. The grower community can make use of these facilities for selling their produce directly to the exporters so that they can avail the premium price for their produces. On the other side the exporters can develop a link with reliable farming community for an uninterrupted supply of farm fresh raw material for their business. Currently, the

Sl No 1

Board had released an advertisement for allotting the land in the Park. The response from the trading community is encouraging and as on date we had received Expression of Interest (EOI) from more than 31 companies for taking land in the park. Locations of establishment of Spices parks in the country : The Board is in the process of establishing Spices Parks across the major producing/market centres. The mission is to establish at least one Spice park in each State of the Country by the end of the XII plan period. The location of the Parks and Spices currently established/in process are as follows,


Spices Covered


Garlic & Chilly

Started functioning


Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh Puttady, Kerala

Started functioning


Jodhpur, Rajasthan


Guntur, Andhra Pardesh Sivaganga, Tamilnadu

Pepper &Cardamom Cumin, Coriander & Fenugreek Chilli

5 6

7 8 9 10

Turmeric, Chilli & Coriander Guna, Madhya Pradesh Coriander, Fenugreek & Garlic Kota, Rajasthan Coriander, Cumin Mehsana, Gujarat Cumin, Fennel & Coriander Hamirpur, Himachal Ginger & Pradesh Turmeric Raebareli, Uttar Mint Pradesh

Completed Operational by Jul-Aug, 2012 Operational by Jul-Aug, 2012 Operational by Nov-Dec, 2012 Operational by Jan-Feb, 2013 Waiting for land clearance Waiting for land Waiting for land

For Further Details Contact: Spices Board Of India Email :spicesboard@vsnl.com





Flash . . . .

SIAL CHINA Innovation 2012 SIAL Innovation competition, showcase of the latest food and beverage exhibited in SIAL th

China has revealed for its 8 edition: 35 selected innovative products from 21 companies from 8 worldwide countries and regions: The awarding ceremony has been held in the SIAL Innovation area on 10 awarding prize has been given by - Mr. Xavier TERLET, Director XTC World Innovation President of the Jury - Mrs. Aude CHABANIER, Commercial Director of SIAL Group Product Name




2) Organic Walnut Oil




4) La Smooth Tiramisu Pudding 5) Yili Jindian Milk

6) Yili Milk Tablets Grow up Formula 7) Yili QQ

8) Yili Shuhua Milk CPP

9) Qiao Man Fei

10) Yili Weikezi Milk Shake 11) Super-fruits-show Popsicle





May. 1


1) Olive oil from millenium olive trees in a sophisticated bottle 2) Organic walnut oil made according to a patent process 3) Mineral water with no overwrapping

1) Spain

4) Tiramisu milk pudding

4) China

5) Non polluting milk rich in protein

5) China

6) Milk tablets enriched with nutrients for children

6) China

7) probiotic yogurt with fruit juice for children on WINNIE THE POOH theme 8) Milk enriched with casein phosphopeptide and vitamin D

7) China

9) Very indulgent ice cream bar

9) China

10) Creamy milk-shake in room temperature

10) China

11) Funny shaped colored popsicle made with fresh fruit juices.

11) China


2) China 3) Italy

8) China


12) INNER MONGOLIA YILI INDUSTRIAL GROUP CO 13) Yili Pureday High-End 13) INNER MONGOLIA YILI INDUSTRIAL Set-Yogurt GROUP CO 14) NATURE’S BLEND 14) OMEGAMITE-Yeast Spread 15) MURRAY RIVER 15) Sunsalt SALT 16) ULKER GIDA SAN. 16) DIDO-Chocolate VE TIC A. S Covered Milky Wafer 17) MIRA Y LLORENS 17) el artesano 100GR SA Nougat Bar 18) KA KA FOOD 18) KAKA COMAPNY 19) SE-FA NAS DAG. 19) Kilikya Fermented VE PAZ. LTD. STI. Carrot Juice Benefit 20) SE-FA NAS DAG. 20) Kilikya Pomegranate VE PAZ. LTD. STI. Sauce Benefits 21) ROBIN FOOD LTD. 21) NINO Infant Milk Powde 22) SAMAI Chocoquinoa 22) THE EXOTIC BLENDS CO. 23) SAMAI Pacific Sea 23) THE EXOTIC Salt Plantain Chips BLENDS CO. 24) Yejinseng Ginseng 24) AMORE PACIFIC Berry 25) Rakanka Loquat 25) LIUHDER FOODS Throat Drops 26) Wissun Sound of 26) WISSUN SHIDAI Nature Baby Infant TRADE CO., LTD Formula Milk Powder 27) Fusilli alla Parmigiana 27) ANTAAR & S S.P.A. 12) YI PIN


28) SHIJIAZHUANG JUNLEBAO DAIRY CO., LTD. 29) Arla Mengniu Jiazhi 29) INNER MONGOLIA Organic Infant MENGNIU DAIRY Formula Milk Powde INDUSTRY (GROUP) CO, LTD 30) Mengniu Immunity 30) INNER MONGOLIA Milk Drink MENGNIU DAIRY INDUSTRY (GROUP) CO, LTD 31) Weilaixing Milk For 31) INNER MONGOLIA Little Enfant Grow MENGNIU DAIRY (GROUP) CO, LTD 32) yoyiC 32) INNER MONGOLIA MENGNIU DAIRY INDUSTRY (GROUP) CO, LTD 33) Pouring Device for Cal 33) CAL SABOI Saboi Extra Virgin Olive Oil


12) Indulgent ice cream with swirls of fruit sauce and inclusions.

12) China

13) European style yogurt source of protein

13) China

14) Gluten free yeast spread rich in Omega 3 for children. 15) Natural pink salt flakes rich in minerals. 16) Chocolate covered wafer with rule shape of 21 cm long. 17) Nougat bar with nuts in a sophisticated packaging to go 18) Lobster flavored puffed crisps.

14) Australia

19) Organic and functional fermented carrot juice. 20) Pomegranate syrup for salad in a sophisticated bottle. 21) Enriched infant milk made from Dutch cow’s milk. 22) Functional quinoa and cocoa blend

15) Australia 16) Turkey 17) Spain 18) Taiwan Region 19) Turkey 20) Turkey 21) China 22) China

23) 100% natural plantain chips.

23) China

24) Ginseng berry extract with cosmetic and functional properties. 25) Cough drops that keep dry in high temperature. 26) Functional infant milk powder.

24)South Korea 25) Taiwan Region 26) China

27) Dried pasta meal according to Italian recipe 28) Dairy drink with fruit juice, enriched with LB I lactobacillus

27) China

29) Organic infant milk enriched with nutrients.

29) China

30) Dairy drink for immune system in a bottle to go

30) China

31) Milk enriched with 4 nutrients for growing children

31) China

32) Milk drink with lactobacillus casei for intestinal flora

32) China

33) Extra virgin olive oil in a practical packaging

33) Spain



28) China


34) Innovative Packs for 34) HEARTFIELD FOOD Szechuan Pepper Peanuts 35) FINA ENTREPRISES 35) Fina Dried Fruits-Natural

34) Peanuts in a tray to clip on to the neck of a bottle.

34) China

35) Californian fruits naturally sundried

35) USA

The Awarding Prize was given by the jury to highlight the best of the best innovative products exhibited in SIAL China 2012: -Shijiazhuang Junlebao Dairy from China for its La Smooth Tiramisu Pudding

Awarding Ceremony Media Attraction


World Food Trends & Innovation Data download PDF on www.sialchina.com



S. No.

B1 1 2

3 4 5

Piper spp. (Pepper - fruit thereof, including white and black Capsicum spp. (dried fruits thereof, whole or ground, including chillies, chilli powder, cayenne and paprika) Zingiber officinale (ginger) Curcuma Longa (turmeric) Myristica fragrans (nutmeg and mace)



5 ppb

Aflatoxin Limit Sum of B1+B2+G1+G2

10 ppb

Source - Spice Board June-July-August-2012


World Spice Organisation Kochi With the global importance of food safety laws increasing, the demand for processed spices is only going to grow. However, there are certain roadblocks which could hamper further growth.

Background: The Spice Industry has seen progress at a rapid pace in the past few decades. Today, it is a $3.2 billion, 1 million tons industry. The increasing awareness among worldwide consumers on the wholesome goodness of spices, development of new products, processes and applications have helped the industry scale new heights. With the global importance of food safety laws increasing, the demand for processed spices is only going to grow. However, there are certain roadblocks which could hamper further growth. They are: 1]Disproportionately lower production visà-vis increase in population leading to shortage in supply 2] Exploitation of soil and environment inordinate usage of hazardous chemicals 3] Poor sanitation & hygiene conditions at farm level 4] Rigorous and exacting food safety laws It is in this backdrop that World Spice Organisation (WSO) comes into existence in Kochi, the spice capital of India. WSO is a not-for-profit organisation registered under the Travancore Cochin Literacy Cultural Societies Act, 1955 with the primary objective of facilitating the Spice Industry in dealing with issues of “Food Safety & Sustainability”. WSO seeks


World Spice Organisation

to achieve its objectives by involving all its stakeholdersthe general public, the industry, the academia and the end-users. We also seek to strengthen the 'Corporate Social Responsibility' initiatives of the industry. WSO recognises that efforts for food safety and sustainability should begin at the farm level. This is because all major issues that threaten the industry todayfrom lower productivity to the occurrence of harmful agrochemicalshave their roots there. WSO recognises the contributions of spice associations and regulatory bodies, in the development of the industry. WSO therefore will operate through, and together with, all the stakeholders of the industry and national spice associations to address the various issues in the industry, for a spice renaissance . . . For further details contact WSO office or URL. World Spice Organisation Sugandha Bhavan (Spices Board), Palarivattom P.O., Pin 682 025. Kerala, India Ph: 0484-2333610, Fax: 0484-2331429, Mob: 9446573610, Mail : info@wsospice.org, URL: www. wsospice. Org UDYOGPRERANA



Guntur Chilli Market Yard Registers Highest Income Staff Reporter Earnings are expected to go up further with rapid increase in transactions GUNTUR: With the highest income from market fee of Rs 40.64 crore collected in 2010-11, Asia's biggest chilli market yard here is poised to achieve a higher growth in the coming years. Income in 2009-10 was Rs 28.55 crore, Rs 22.53 crore in 2008-09, Rs 23.33 crore in 2007-08, and Rs 16.76 crore in 2006-07. The earnings are expected to climb up further due to a rapid increase in the scale of transactions done by farmers from Guntur, Prakasam, Krishna, Kurnool, Warangal and Khammam districts and Karnataka. On an average, 1,25,000 bags of chilli are traded every day during the season by not less than 1500 farmers. The income has thus gone up significantly over the years, according to in-charge Collector and market yard person-in-charge A. Sarath.

Arihant Engineering Works Manufacturers Of All Types of Chemical, Spicer, Dry & Liquid Grinding, Besan Pulveriser, Stone Grinding, Jaw Crusher, Disintegrater, Ribbon Blender, Spices, Herbs, Salt-soda, Poultryfeed Grinder, Pulveriser, Ball Mill, V & Drum Type Poultry Feed Mixers, Dalia Making, Decarticator, Chhalna, Supari Bolder & Chips Cutting, Peethi Wet, Potato Peeling, Chips Making, Bhujiya, Namkeen, Hydro Dryer, Malli Mixer Machine etc

• Pulverisers • Poultry Machinery • Wet Grinders • Potato Wafer Machinery • Papad Making Machines • Chip Cutting Machines • Domestic Flour Mills • Papad Rolling Machines 124, G.N.T. Market, ( Opp. Devkrishnabag ), Dhar Road, Indore - 452002. ( Madhyapradesh, India ) Ph.No. : (0) +91 - 731 - 2380535, 2380537. Fax. No. : +91 - 731 - 2380537, M : +91 94250 62437,9425082586 Email : response@arihantengineering.com, ankit452001@gmail.com,






There is no wonder then that Guntur market yard currently occupies the number one slot in fee income. While the collective effort of farmers, traders and workers took the market yard to a new height, due priority has been given to improve the facilities for their welfare and for increasing the volume of trade. Facilities started to be provided on a war-footing in the wake of the major fire of 2008 that caused a staggering loss of nearly Rs. 100 crore. The yard is spread around 60 Acres. & 500 trades are working in the yard. Initiative A Farmers' Knowledge-cum-Trade Promotion Centre is being built at the old market yard at a cost of Rs 4 crore. Dissemination of price data through SMSes is another initiative helping the farmers and traders to keep pace with the trends. A sprinkler system for controlling fire is being put in place. Electronic weigh bridges at the gates, electronic display boards, cement roads, sheds for commission agents, round-the-clock water supply, a rest house for farmers, high mast lighting, installation of closed circuit TV cameras for which tenders were invited and a permanent health subcentre are some of the proposed development works. Ref: The Hindu

Cryo - Grinding Technology : As indicated previously-Spices Cryo-grinding technology is new to India, which necessitates import of technology from developed countries like Japan and Germany. Cryogenic grinding reduces the material to particle sizes, which is difficult to attain with ambient temperature grinding in conventional grinding plants. The dry, cold, inert atmosphere, usually generatedby a Liquid nitrogen vapor blanket or circulation in the grinder chamber, minimizes thermal reaction with the material and reduces the loss of volatile components from spices during processing. The advantages offered by Spices Cryo-grinding technology as against conventional spices grinding technology are as under: 1] Cryogenic grinding improves the aroma by minimizing the loss of essential oils (approx.3-10% loss) which is approx 15-43% in conventional processing. This is important for Cumin processing. Spices are ground to a thickness of 50 microns, as compared to a size range of 500 1000 using conventional grinding processes. 2] Spices processed using Cryo-grinding has better natural color, as compared to conventional process, this is very much important for Chilly and Turmeric. 3] Finer particle size can be achieved without aroma loss and natural color change. 4] Overall grinding capacity can be increased by 2 to 3 times, as process equipments will not have thermal fatigue due to heating up. Fire risks too, are eliminated as temperature during processing is controlled. 5] This method of grinding enhances unlocking of natural flavors, aid easy dispersion of the same and control flavor strength.

Ref: Global AgriSystem Pvt. Ltd.





Trade Show Food & Hospitality World  Date


21-23 June 2012

 Venue


Tripura vasini , Palace Ground , Bangalore

 Event Profile


Food & Hospitality World (FHW), India’s largest professional B2B annual trade show for the food, drink and hospitality market.

 Contact


The Indian Express Group Express Hospitality Indian Express Newspapers(Mumbai) Ltd., 1st floor, Express Towers, Nariman Point. Mr.. Pankaj Shende M - 091-09821502287 Email - pankaj.shende@fhwexpo.in URL - www.fhwexpo.in

Packplus South 2012    



6-9 July 2012



HITEX International Exhibition Centre Hyderabad

Event Profile


The Packaging Processing & Supply Chain Event



Print -Packaging .com (P) Ltd. F - 101, Tower No. 7, First Floor, International Infotech Park, Vashi Railway Station, vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400705 Ph - 022-27812093 Email - info@packplus.in URL - www.packplussouth,in

MSME Exhibition & Seminar  Date  Venue  Event Profile


 Contact



06-Jul-2012 to 08-Jul-2012 Indira Gandhi Pratishthan, Lucknow "Prcessed food products, packaging materials & Technologies exhibition."

Bizpro Events & Tradefairs H-189, Sector-41, NOIDA-201303, U.P, India Contact No : +91 98688 02266; 9760404007 E-mail id:info@bizproevents.com Website:www.bizproevents.com





2nd Green Revolution Agriculture to Agribusiness Date


11 July 2012



New Delhi

Event Profile


Agriculture Retail, Farm economics & Management, Agricul-ture Diversification, Agriculture & Food Security Global Challenges to Agribusiness.



Assocham India Mr. Nakul Lakhe M - + 91-9958735866

Email -nakul.prakash@assocham.com

URL - www.assocham

Food & Technology Expo  Date




27 - 29 JULY 2012 Pragati MaidanNew Delhi, India

 Event Profie


Rice / Pulses / Wheat Cleaning, Grading, Sorting, Milling Machines & Equipments, Food Processing & Packaging Machines & Equipments. Processed Foods, Beverages, Bakery, Dairy Products & AgriCommodities.



Mr. Vinod Jain Mob: +91-9873167586 Nns Events & Exhibitions Private Limited Meri Delhi House, 25/ 10, East Punjabi Bagh New Delhi, India Tel: +(91)-(11)-46867500

Email- nnsevents@nnsevents.com


Aahar The International Food Fair Chennai Date Venue  Event Profile  Contact


23-25 August, 2011


Tamilnadu Trade Promotion Organisation, CTC Complex, Nandambakkam, Chennai


Aahar The International Food Fair Chennai is a high profile exhibition that is dedicated to the food sector of India.


Mr. Kanchana Manavalan

Tamilnadu Trade Promotion Organisation, CTC Complex,





 Nandambakkam, Chennai 600 089. Ph-: +91-44-28415416 044-22316033, 044-22315551, Email -Mailto: tntpo1@yahoo.com ,


 URL - www.indiatradefair.com

FoodEx 2012 & Dairytech India 2012  Date  Venue  Event Profile


25-26August 2012


Palace ground, Banglore


Iinternational Exhibition in Food & Beverge Products Processing & Packging Machinery & Allied Industries.& Dairy Products , Livestocks & Related Technologies

 Contact


Media Today Pvt. Ltd.



Media Today Pvt. Ltd. Exhibtion Div. T-30 1st Floor, Khikarki Extn., Malviya Nagar, New Delhi - 110017 Ph - 091-11-65656553

Email - dti@adirytechindia.com ,


URL - www.dairytechindia.in,


Area And Production of Total Spices In India Year

Area (Ha)




















2010-11 (Advt.Est)


5346029 Source- Spices India





Current Affairs 1

Jodhpur Spices Park Commissioned

With an investment of more than Rs. 167 crore, the parks will come up in Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh & Tamil Nadu State -of -the- art spice park commissioned in Jodhpur is the first seed spices park in the country State -of -the- art spice park commissioned in Jodhpur is the first seed spices park in the country with private and public partnership, seventeen companies to invest in this project with their own plans for value addition. Exclusive plans by private companies for extraction , leafy spices and dehydration. More unit value realisation for exporters and ultimate benefit for farmers through better value realisation. New set of young organisers entering the spectrum of export business of spices with innovative ideas for value addition . New segment of business getting developed from just spices in whole and powder to dehydrated leafy spices like kasooppri methi, dehydrated mint besides whole lot of vegetables. Platform to showcase the seed spices especially the cumin of Rajasthan, more so because the spices Park in Jodhpur will indirectly vouch for the spices of Rajasthan. The park in Jodhpur was inaugurated by Mr. Anand Sharma, Union Minister of Commerce & Industry and Mr. Ashok Gehlot, Chief Minister of Rajasthan.


Source - -Spices Board

Clusters To Be Set Up In Three Regioms In Ap

Viewing that AIBR could be developed on the lines of the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial corridor, the Minister felt the need to rope in countries such as Israel, Netherlands and the US to partner and bring in investment and technologies. He said a delegation would be sent soon to these agriculturally superior nationa to forge alliances. S Balaji, managing director of Lepakshi Knowledge Hub, which is proposing an agri logistics food park near Anantapur over 10000 acres said the ABIR projects involves setting up of 270 integrated agro food parks,livestock parks , agro logistic parks , rural transformation centres and community development parks through a cluster approach.





The project, which is expected to attract sizeable funding from global development agencies , will have three clusters in the three geopolitical regions of the state - Telangana , coastal Andhra and Rayalseema promising employment to 50000 directly and 4.5 Lakh Indirectly. The proposed project will have integrated infrastructure pertaining to R&D, production, services, trade and social infrastructure to address various issues across the value chain that include deficits in market, knowledge, infrastructure and credit, said PSR Raju, director of Ace Corporate Agri Ventures. Raju , a former vice president with YES BANK for food and agri business, said the agro food parks would act as key hubs linked to rural transformation centers and further to the community development centres at the village level. The Project will include 10 integrated agro food parks each costing Rs. 1000 crore, 10 agro logistic parks each costing Rs. 200 crore , 50 rural transformation centers each costing Rs 500 crore and 200 community development parks each costing Rs 150. Crore , said Raju. Govt Receives 35 corporate farm Ing proposals Meanwhile, the Union government has received 35 proposals from corporate houses to invest in corporate farming projects through PPP mode involving agri producers’ companies with nearly 12 lakh farmers spread across 17 states. Source - ET


Andhra Plans Rs. 67000- cr Agribiz zone

After emerging as one of the pioneers in the investment regions of petroleum products and information technology, Andhra Pradesh is now weighing the benifits of promoting an Agribusiness Investment Region (ABIR) Involving major agri cluster in three of its geopolitical regions. The proposed ABIR project in AndhraPradsh, to be taken up in a Public Private partnership (PPP) model. Innolves setting up an integrated infrastructure for rural business and entrepreneurial development attracting total investment of around Rs. 67000 crore After a Favourable response from the Union agriculture ministry for the proposal, a team of corporate houses under the leadership of federation of Indian Chambers of commerce and industry on Commerce and Industry on Wednesday made a detailed presentation to the Andhra Pradesh government. Agriculture Minister Kanna Laxminarayana responsed favourably to the proposed ABIR project but said a final decision would be taken after eliciting the views of all the stakeholders. Source - ET UDYOGPRERANA




5 4

Farmers Ride Organic Food Boom for Big Returns

Anand Singh Bisht, a farmer in Uttarakhand, grows paddy organically, devoid of any chemicals. Last year, his organically grown Basmati rice fetched him a 50% premium from Kohinoor Foods. Like Bisht, 350 other families in Mankandpur village of National district have adopted organic farming, making Mankandpur an 'organic village'. Riding the organic food wave in the metros, which saw demand rise20% in calendar 2011, farmers in several states are taking to organic farming as their produce fetches them a premium price in the market. Uttarakhand, Rajastan and Andra Pradesh are leading the 'organic village' drive, while other states like West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa are poised to join the bandwagon. Bihar Chief minister Nitish Kumar has already announced a Rs 250-crore programme to promote or organic farming in his state under which one village in each of the 38 districts will be identified as an organic village. For a crop to be organic the land must be chemical free for three years prior to harvest. Unless this criterion is met, a conventional farmer cannot receive the organic label for the transitional years. “I have 80 bigha of land. Initially, I did not use chemicals on 29 bigha for three years. I used to grow crops on the rest of the land. Gradually, over a period of 7 years I have gone completely organic and use vermicompost for giving nutritional to the crops. I grow wheate, chana, mustard, methi. Though the produce is less but the quality is good and I fetch better prices in the market. My products are certified by Onecert Asia. At present many in my village have opted for organic farming and we aim to turn our village completely organic by 2015�, said Nemichand Balariya of Balariya village in Rajasthan's Jhunjhunu district. The cultivated land under certified organic products in India is around 4.43 million hectare, according to Agricultural & Processed Food Product Export Development Authority (APEDA) data. India produced around 3.88 million tonne of certified organic products in 2010-11, which include basmati rice, pulses, honey, tea, spices, coffee, oil seeds, fruits, processed food, cereals, herbal medicines and other value-added products. Production is not limited to food products, and even cotton fibre is grown organically. India exported 86 items last year (2010-11) totaling 69,837 tonne. The export realization was around $157.22 million, a 33% growth over the previous year. In Uttarakhand, three villages Srikot, Dhanpau, mankandpur have become fully organic. Sanjiv Srivastava, a manager at Uttarakhand Organic Board, said that 63,000 farmers in Uttarakhand now produce 100% certified organic products. “We are using social media like Facebook and Twitter to market organic products produced in our state. We have identified 22 agencies for certifying our produce. Uttarakhand State organic Certification Agency also certifies the produce. We regularly organise buyer-seller meets and display our produce at foreign fairs and exhibitions Bargaining powers of farmers have

Continued Page No - 57





Product Gallery


SIVTEK® Vibro Separator For Spice Industry

Leaders in Sieving Technology

GALAXY SIVTEK® is well reckoned engineering company from India for providing standard and customized sieving solutions to various Process ®

Industries. 'SIVTEK ' brand of GALAXY SIVTEK® is considered to be reliable and respected brand for Vibro Separators. Over 20 years of expertise of solving Screening/Sieving problems provides assurance that the SIVTEK® Separators will deliver the highest standards of operating performance and reliability. SIVTEK Vibro Separators are the High Performance Vibro Separators entrusted by our reputed customers with over 40% of repeat business. ®

Galaxy SIVTEK presents range of new age SIVTEK Vibro Separators. SIVTEK vibro separators or sifters are the most comprehensive solution for efficient product separation for dry and wet products. SIVTEK® separator handles the Dry product Separation like De-dusting, Scalping, Classifying and Wet product separation like De-Watering Filtering, with equal ease and efficiency. Why separator is used in Spice application? Vibro Separator is widely used in various Food & Beverages applications to provide hygienic and contamination free screening operation. SIVTEK separator is designed using cGMP norms and is




available with Stainless Steel and M S construction material in standard models ranging from 24” to 84” Dia. SIVTEK® Separator provides accurate grading, dust free atmosphere, very high throughput rates at low running and maintenance cost. Galaxy SIVTEK also offers one stop solution of Genuine After Sales Parts of highest quality for optimum performance. Established Spices Application: Manufacturer and user of various Spices require a process to remove oversize/ foreign matter/ lumps/ impurities/ insects before packing or reuse. SIVTEK Separator adds value to final product by ensuring uniform particle size for Prepacking screening. SIVTEK Vibro Separator is the trusted name and assures you to produce quality Spices with required micron particles used to maintain quality grade/


Grading of Seeds/ Sugar Crystals/ Corn/ Rice/ Tea; Sorting & Grading of Broken Cashew; Classification of Onion Powder /Spices / Flour; Dewatering of Fruits & Vegetable; Filtering of Fruit Juice & Pulp/ Sauce/Ketchup/ Syrups/ Edible Oil; Pre-packing screening; Powder & Ingredient Screening; Sugar Melt & Sugar Crystal Screening; Sugar Mixed Juice, Clear Juice & Milk of Lime Screening; Recovery of Rice from Husk; To clean Catalyst Pellets & Dust; Separation of Protein Particles from Yeast Slurry; To remove Gelatin from Wheat Starch, Coffee Beans from Chaff; To remove Oversize/ foreign matter/ lumps/ impurities/ insects; Salt, Chocolate, Flavorings, Meat & Poultry and many more… Besides the standard Vibro Separators, §

particles used to maintain quality grade/ micron size as per Spice Board/ Government rules. Unwanted iron particle from upstream processes such as milling can contaminate your final product. The SIVTEK Magnetic Separator attachment can be fitted to all SIVTEK Separators for safeguarding your product quality. Spice manufacturer face problem of mesh chocking during screening of moisture/ oil mixed/ particles close to the size of mesh/ sticky Spice powder. SIVTEK Mesh De-blinding kit is used to solve mesh chocking problem. It dislodges the trapped particles maintaining optimum screening efficiency. If your mesh fails when a mechanical de-blinding system is installed, the Ball Preventer eliminates the risk of loose balls or sliders (discs) entering your final product through the screen outlet. Also, it is safeguarding your packing product quality and packaging process line machine. SIVTEK Separator available with optional attachments like Quick mesh change system, Feeding Hopper arrangement to control the feed rate & obtains uniform product flow resulting in maximum screening efficiency, pneumatically operated lid /cover for dust and contamination free operation & healthy working environment, customized loading and unloading systems, castor wheels provided for ease in-plant movement, etc. are offered looking to the customer site requirements and operation ease. Established Food & Beverages ¡
















GALAXY SIVTEK also offers customized Separators to cater to the special needs of our customers. Product Range: SIVTEK ®

Galaxy TM

Separator, ®

Super TM

SIVTEK , Inline SIVTEK , Tetra SIVTEK Visit us at www.galaxysivtek.com for more information. 227-A Wing, Hall Mark, Vasant Oscar, Mulund (W), Mumbai 400080 Land: +91 22 25691208; Fax: +91 22 25691210 Mobile: 0922 744 1209 Email: sales@galaxysivtek.com Web Site: www.galaxysivtek.com







HRS ParaDice Innovative Processing Solution For Diced Products! Food processing sector, encompassing a whole range of products including fruit and beverages, is witnessing changes as never before. Changing Consumer preference with globalised economy is creating a pressure pot where value added products are need of the day to survive and grow in this competitive world. India is the second largest producer of fruit and vegetables and with a growing population of demanding consumers, has a huge potential for processed food products. Traditional processing of fruits has been predominantly for beverages and fruit preparations whereby the fruits are processed into pulp / concentrates in convenient packs for use during the year. The demand for processing has grown over the past decades and so have the processing techniques, beginning from batch to continuous pasteurisation to concentrated and aseptic processing. Health conscious consumers, rising income levels, changing lifestyles and rapid urbanization has led to a shift in consumer preferences for processed foods. They are on the lookout for convenience, easy to use UDYOGPRERANA



food that is natural and maintains original flavor. Various food processing companies now understand this major shift and are offering solutions to meet consumer requirements. The fruit processing industry is passing through the phase of growth where the demand for traditional or standard products is stabilizing and with global availability there is pressure on profitability. Increasing cost of packaging material and decreasing fruit pulp prices in the international market is building pressure on the fruit processors, who are on the lookout for value added food processing technology to enhance their profitability. We at HRS have been evaluating these changes and working on value added processing solutions and are pleased to launch HRS ParaDice Innovative processing solution for diced products! HRS ParaDice is capable of processing fruit dices / vegetable dices without any damage. The fruit dices can be pasteurised or aseptically processed and packed. HRS ParaDice pasteuriser can be used for blanching of vegetables and other processing.


This innovative processing technology opens up a huge potential of applications for fruits and vegetables, which will bring in better remuneration to both the processors and the farmers. Another Win-Win solution from HRS! HRS will be launching their HRS ParaDice at the Food & Bevtech 2012 Exhibition to be held at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai from 25


to 27 April 2012. HRS Contact Us HRS Process Systems Private Limited (Asia Division) Corporate Office: 201 / 202, Karan Selene 851, Bhandarkar Institute Road Pune 411 004, India Phn. +91 20 2566 3581 / 6604 7894 & 95 Fax. +91 20 2566 3583


Spices at NCDEX INDIA - Crop size and Open Interest Commodity Exchange

Crop size(MT)


OI/Crop size

























11% Ref: NCDEX 2010-11

Export of Total Spices Year

Quantity Tons

Unit value (Rs./Kg) (US$/Kg)

Value Rs. Crs (US$Miln)

2004-05 348524





2005-06 350,363





2006-07 373,750





2007-08 444,450





2008-09 470,520





2009-10 502,750





2010-11 525,750





Source- Spices India





Metal Separators Inspecting Flavourings And Spices S+S Metal Separators Play An Important Part In Product Quality Assurance

S+S inspection systems removes metals consistently and reliably. To take a closer look at its range of "Hygienic Design” metal separators which are specifically designed for handling bulk materials in the food industry, following case study is elaborated. Almi, an Austrian company with its headquarters located near Linz, is one of the leading manufacturers of quality flavourings and additives for sausage, meat, ham and fish products. S+S “Hygienic Design” metal separators are utilized throughout the entire Almi




production process. The company's continued expansion both at home and abroad culminated in 2006 inthe building of brand new production premises. This state of the art production facility is set over18,000 square metres and incorporates all the latest equipment to enhance product quality and increase customer satisfaction. The new factory meets all IFS, ISO 9001 and HACCP standards. Numerous certificates testify to Almi's consistently high product quality. The new plant utilizes the latest in bulk material handling technology which was designed, supplied and installed by engineering company Johann Daxner GmbH. Daxner specialises in providing integrated solutions for machinery and plant in numerous industries which process bulk materials. S+S Separation and Sorting Technology, as partners of Daxner, supplied IFS and HACCP compliant metal detectors and separators for inspecting products on the milling, mixing, filling, bagging and small component lines. Metal separators from the RAPID 5000 range were installed at the big bag filling station. IFS Conformity For Almi it was particularly important to choose metal detection systems that fulfilled all the requirements of HACCP


and IFS. RAPID 5000 metal separators detect and remove magnetic and nonmagnetic metal contaminants and even metal inclusions from free-falling bulk materials. The contaminants are removed by means of a fast-reacting reject flap (“Quick Flap System”) with minimal loss of good material. The modular design concept means that the machines can be easily adapted for different drop heights by removing or adding intermediary pieces. One of the main reasons for installing S+S machines was their “Hygienic Design”; they are specially designed and constructed to meet the exacting hygiene standards of the food industry. The circular design of the reject mechanism eliminates sharp edges and crevices, preventing product build-up and blockages, even with non free-flowing flavourings, and thereby avoiding longer term product deposits and the resulting mould formation. The "Easy Clean“ construction of the reject device means it is straightforward to access for cleaning and maintenance. The RAPID 5000 metal detection systems are certified for ATEX Zone 20 because flammable dust is created during the filling/bagging process. Enterprise Resource Planning and Metal Separators A particular challenge of this application was the intrinsic conductivity (product effect) of individual flavourings which varies greatly. To consistently obtain optimal scanning sensitivity machine parameters must be adapted to the different product mixes. The higher


level Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system signals the machine parameters for each batch to the metal separator via an Ethernet interface. Another feature that distinguishes the S+S machines is their high level of detection accuracy. The GENIUS controller and operating unit utilizes digital signal processing technology and ensures that the detector head is finely tuned to operate at optimum efficiency. Even particularly difficult, highly conductive spices and flavorings can be tuned out and optimum scanning sensitivities achieved. The time and data of every event can be retraced via the control system's integral logbook function. All data for viewing, recording and traceability can be transmitted from the controller and operating unit to the ERP system. Analysis of the rejected material provides important information on the source of contamination (supplier, machine wear and tear etc). For this reason Almi chose to set up an additional station specifically to examine rejected material. Robert Leeb, Production Manager at Almi is delighted with the results, “S+S' RAPID 5000 metal separators meet all our exacting standards and play a vital part in our complex quality management system.” At Almi IFS compliant metal detection is carried out immediately prior to filling in big bags. S+S an overview S+S Separation and Sorting Technology GmbH of Schönberg, Bavaria manufactures machines and systems for the detection





and sorting of contaminants to suit a wide range of applications and industries. Product sales are primarily in the plastics, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, wood, textile and recycling industries. S+S is one of the world's leading suppliers with subsidiaries in England, France and Singapore, as well as partner companies and distributors in over 40 countries worldwide. The main factory is in Schönberg, Germany.

Mr. Makarand Mandke S+S Separation and Sorting Technology GmbH C/O M+V Marketing & Sales Pvt. Ltd. R K Plaza ,Survey No.206/3 ,Plot No.17 Near Rosary School,Viman Nagar, Pune-411014, India Telephone : 0091 20 26741012 09371112394 Www.sesotec.com

Continued Page On-48 and display our produce at foreign fairs and exhibitions Bargaining powers of farmers have increased. They organize into groups of 10-12 each and together ask for a a certain price. For instance, last year, farmers from organic villages got 20% premium for mentha,” he said. The buyers seem to be happy with the product quality too. “We buy organic basmati rice from Uttarakhand. We pay a premium of 50%-100%. There is a growing market for organic foods in India. We send our quality control team to these villages who check if the produce adheres to standards and so far we have not found much discrepancy,” said Gumnam Arora, joint managing director of Kohinoor Foods. In Andra Pradesh, industry body Assocham has identified four villages to promote as 'organic villages'. Dr Ombheer S Tyagi, head of agriculture desk at Assocham, said: “Seerpi Kottaala and Balapuram villages in Anantpur district and Boyalagudem and Kuchoor villages in Mahabubnagar district are already fully organic. We have decided to get their produce of paddy and tobacco to be certified TUV India. We have also started talks with retail chains like Reliance Fresh and Big Bazaar to sell the produce.


Composition of Fenugreak leaves(per 100 grams of edible portion) Moisture Fat Protein Fiber Minerals Carbohydrates Magnesium Phosphorus Sodium Chlorine



86.1 grams 0.9 grams 4.4 grams 1.1 grams 1.5 grams 6.0 grams 67 mg 51mg 76.1mg 165 mg

Thiamine Calcium Oxalic acid Iron Potassium Sulphur Vitamin A Nicotinic Acid Vitamin C


0.05 mg 360 mg’ 13 mg 17.2 mg 51 mg 167 mg 6450.I.U 0.7 mg 54 mg Source - Aykord(1963)


Press Release Post Event

SIAL CHINA 2012 A Sweet After Taste On 9th May 2012, Asia's largest food & beverage show broke its own record at Shanghai New International Expo Centre! The 3-days show reached the finishing line with a huge unprecedented success and left its exhibitors & visitors sweet after taste. The 13th edition SIAL CHINA 2012 attracted over 40,722 professional visitors over its 73,200 sqm exhibition space. There is no better way to break the good news by laying down the show figures and its y-o-y growth rate: - 1,750 exhibitors (+15% vs 2011) from 68 countries and regions - 73,200 sqm exhibition space (+25% vs 2011) - 37 international pavilions: Brazil (Guest Country of Honor) France USA Spain Korea Poland Japan India Greece Canada Holland Germany Turkey Ireland South Africa Morocco Belgium Italy Australia Argentina Switzerland Denmark Portugal Tunisia Thailand‌ - 22 Chinese provinces and cities - 40,722 Visitors (+22% vs 2011) - 13 Products Zones: Wine & Gourmet, Dairy, Sweets & Snacks, Organic, Tea & Coffee, Halal Food, Frozen Food, Seafood, Fruit & Vegetable, Meat, Chocolate World, Packaging, Canned & Preserved food. Opening Ceremony Supports from Officials On May 9th, a large delegation of Ministers, Ambassadors, Consuls and Trade officers participated to the Opening

Ceremony of SIAL CHINA 2012. The guest country of Honor - Brazil, was represented by Secretary of Production and Agroenergy of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply. Without forget UAE, Poland, Tunisia, Ireland, Germany, Portugal, Greece, Hungary, Chile, South Africa, Turkey, Italy, Czech, Morocco, Philippines, Netherlands, India, Spain, Singapore, Argentina, Japan, Korea, and many more‌ La Cuisine by SIAL The meeting place for the Asia HoReCa industry th

In partnership with ESCOFFIER for its 5 edition, more than 40 International Chefs disclosed their culinary secrets during La Cuisine by SIAL. SIAL Innovation Where customers find out the latest trends and innovations of the food industry SIAL Innovation competition, showcase of the latest food and beverage exhibited in SIAL CHINA has revealed for its 8th edition 35 selected innovative products from more than 8 worldwide countries and regions. Hospitality & Retail Forum The place to meet the under-the-radar buyers of HoReCa and Retail SIAL CHINA's very first hospitality & retail forum, where visitors meet HoReCa and retail professionals. It offered a highly b-2b platform for industry information presenting, exchange, trading and negotiation, a special zone combined with forum and One-to-One meeting.

Continue Page on - 62





Delhi CM inaugurates India's Largest Horti Expo 2012 along with South Asian Horti Congress The gala Horti Expo 2012 along with “South Asian Horti Congress” was inaugurated at NSIC Exhibition Complex on 3rd March by Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit and Ambassador of The Netherlands Bob Hiensch amid the presence of several distinguished delegates including Sanjeev Chopra, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Sachid Madan, Co-Chairman, FICCI, V. Namgyel, Ambassador of Bhutan and S. Saeid S. Moalemi, Minister Counselor, Iran. The inaugural lamp was lit by Holland Ambassador and Sheila Dikshit. She thanked all the present guests and participants and expressed happiness over her 'aesthetic walk' around the expo. She said she loved walking around the exhibition pavilions more than delivering speech. “Today floriculture has made a good progress in the country which was not the case a decade ago,” she added. She also said now many states are growing Horti products in the country but it is a matter of great concern that we see a lot of wastage of vegetables. She expressed the need of conservation. “Around 40 per cent of the vegetables go waste due to lack of refrigeration and proper storage system. If this is mended all parties including growers and consumers and the entire nation will be benefited”. She, however, praised the expo organizer Media Today in glowing words as she was very impressed with its efforts in bringing so many important people UDYOGPRERANA



f r o m several countries and Indian states at one platform. The South Asian Horti Congress was held concurrently with 4th Horti Expo, 6th International Landscape and Gardening Expo, 7th Flora Expo and 1st Potato Expo. Various pavilions were set attracting visitors and delegates from many countries. Flowers, plants, potatoes, agrimachineries were displayed at the show. Best quality flowers of several varieties added aesthetic value to the expo. While The Netherlands was a Partner Country, Sri Lanka, Germany and Israel were focus countries. Due to developments ushered by National Horticulture Mission, MOA in past few years, India has become center for horticulture growth, but, as for the technology is concerned, we are lagging behind. This will be particularly relevant in changing scenario of crop diversification applicable not only on Indian farmers but also South Asian nations where farmers face same problems in enhancing production and productivity because of inadequate exposure to high technology and inputs as also to advanced production practices, logistics and marketing. Considering India's leading position in horticulture sector in SAARC region, in order to introduce latest


mechanization & technological innovations, Media Today Group jointly with the Principal Sponsorship of Ministry of Agriculture, National Horticulture Mission, National Mission for Micro Irrigation, Technology Mission for North-east and Himalayan States, National Horticulture Board organized st

the 1 South Asian Horti Congress on 3

one of the fastest emerging segments in all nations.


and 4th March 2012 coinciding with 4th th

International Horti Expo 2012 and 7 International Flora Expo 2012. The 2 days Horti Congress had result oriented discussions and fruitful exchange of information among growers, policy makers, up-coming corporate farming groups, embassies and others. Delegates deliberated upon key issues related to holistic development of horticulture and its commercialization in globalized world. This programme aimed to promote the farm power of India and bring focus on the horticulture and floriculture in the country. Over 100 delegates from various countries such as Sri Lanka, UAE, Denmark, Nepal, Holland, Germany, U.K., USA, Canada, Nigeria, Bangladesh, attended this mega event to increase their business. This expo series became the largest of its kind in India as flower growers from 25 states participated. Over 15 thousand visitors visited the stalls and communicated with the experts about various aspects of the contents of the Expo. The two day conference witnessed the quality discussions by experts on issues concerning horticulture and floriculture sectors in South Asia which is





Food Processing Can Do To Rural India What IT Has Done To Urban India: FOOD & BEV Tech 2012 concurrent with Food & Bev 2012

The 4th edition of Food & Bev Tech 2012 was held concurrent with Food & Bev 2012, an International Exhibition and Summit on Food and Beverage sector between 25 to 27 April 2012 at Mumbai. The event was inaugurated by Mr. Rakesh Kacker, Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing, Government of India in the presence of Dr Sudhir Kumar Goel, IAS, Principal Secretary - Agriculture & Marketing, (Additional Charge) Marketing Cooperation, Government of Maharashtra, Mr. Piruz Khambatta, Chairman, Food & Bev 2012, Rasna India and Mr. Pradeep Banarjee, Cochairmanship, Hindustan Unilever. It was supported by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India, Government of Maharashtra as Host State and Government of Gujarat as Partner State. State participation from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Kerala and Punjab also showcased their strength in the food sector. True to CII's commitment for the




year to support SC/ST entrepreneurs throughout the year, Food & Bev has a special showcasing of them in the area of Food & Bev under the aegis of DICCI Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Major highlights of the show included Retail, Wine & DICCI Pavilions. The event hosted an International participation from Foodtech Holland showcasing their latest technology and trends to the Indian market. Over 150 companies showcased their latest technologies and Food products spread across 8000 sqm of exhibition space. The new initiative at 4th Food & Bev Tech 2012 was launch of “The Food Show Food & Bev 2012� which provided platform for companies to market and promote their products and services to food and beverage industry professionals, distributors and importers, supermarket chains, hotels, restaurants, airlines, railways, food service providers and also interact with buyers and delegates on the innovations that could benefit all. The Retail Pavilion of the exhibition was a platform for the retail chains and institutional buyers to have a face to face interaction exclusively with the exhibitors at Food & Bev 2012. The buyers part of the Retail B2B meeting were Aditya Birla Retail Ltd., Future Group, Godrej Nature's Basket, DMart, Reliance Fresh and The Oberoi Group.


Checkweigher with capacity ranging from 600 gms to 6 kgs Checkweigher, Bizerba India.  Fully Automatic Modular Cip Systems, Automation Valve Cluster, E Doodh Solutions.  Paper Bags with foil lining inside, Swiss Pack.  S.S Powder Blender & S.S Centrifugal pumps & Pump Stand, Zeutech Engineering.  EZ-Fluo™ Rapid Detection System. A Fast,non-destructive, fluorescent staining-based system for microbial detection, Merck Millipore.  Servo Auger, Powder Packing Machine, Interpack Machines  Tum E Yummies Kids Drink Launched

buyers part of the Retail B2B meeting were Aditya Birla Retail Ltd., Future Group, Godrej Nature's Basket, DMart, Reliance Fresh and The Oberoi Group. New Product launches during Food & Bev Tech 2012  Innovative processing solution for diced products, HRS Process Systems Spray Dynamics range of coating and seasoning applicator, Heat and Control Refrigerated transportation solution, Ingersoll Rand Sanitary Centrifugal Pumps by Pharmalab India in technical Collaboration with KPA Pumps, Germany  The vertical Body maker, Schuler India One tonner capacity refrigerated truck, Sanden Vikas

Continued -58 Wine Innovation Forum Main Event of Wine & Gourmet World Shanghai by SIAL CHINA nd

Wine & Gourmet World Shanghai, for its 2 edition attracted more than 350 exhibitors coming from the Old and the New World. While everyone enjoying the after taste of success from SIAL CHINA 2012, SIAL CHINA would like to present you the “appetizer” of 2013. SIAL CHINA guarantees you coming back for more! Next Edition: SIAL CHINA 2013, May 7-9 Shanghai New International Expo Center Table 1. Chemical Quality of Cinnamon & Cassia Parameters Bark oil yield (per cent) Bark oleoresin (per cent ) Leaf Oil Yield (per cent) Cinnamaldehyde in bark oil (per cent) Cinnamoaldehyde in leaf oil (per cent) Coumarin content (per cent) Eugenol in leaf oil (per cent)


C. Verum 0.5-2.8 7-11 0.5-3.5 45-70 1-2 0.004 65-90

C. cassia 1.2-4.9 6-10.5 0.4-1.6 60-90 40-70 5-7 0.6-3.5 Source - Spices Board




Pre-Event MSME Exhibition & Seminar 2012 during July 6-8, 2012 at IGP, Lucknow. The Focus Of The Event Is Food Processing Industries.

The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is a sector which contributes towards 8% of the country's GDP. 45% of the manufactured output and 40% of India's exports comes from this sector only. The MSMEs provide employment to about 6 crores of persons through around 260 lakhs of enterprises and produces over six thousand products. The processed food and agribusiness sector has a vast potential to accounts for a major share of the MSMEs in India which is a farm based economy. Greater consumer demand, technological advances and more conducive government policies have resulted in an extremely dynamic food and agribusiness sector. With exponential population growth, the food demands are always increasing, and, at much faster pace than earlier. It offers vast opportunities for industries and economic growth of India. But, competitions from large domestic and international industries require and necessitates them to be innately competitive whether in terms of design, manufacturing competence, UDYOGPRERANA



global quality standards, marketing & market access. The Government has to play its role and the sector also has to continuously update itself for all information requirements for preparing itself for cutting edge competition. Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, U.P. (IED UP), Lucknow - a premier institute of Small Scale Industry and Export Promotion, Govt of Uttar Pradesh, in the field of entrepreneurship development and was established by the Government of U.P in collaboration with IDBI, IFCI, ICICI, SBI and PNB in 1986 - is involved in the promotion of entrepreneurship and industrial development through variety of activities. IED UP is serving the country since last 25 years with its professional approach. It is located in its own a seven acres campus at A - 1 & 2, Industrial Area, Sarojini Nagar, Kanpur Road, Lucknow -226008. The Institute is working hard with innovative approach for increasing the supply of new entrepreneurs to accelerate the process of industrialisation, elimination of unemployment & poverty, balanced regional development, utilisation of local resources, large scale employment, and development of MSMEs in the state in particular and India in general under the dynamic leadership of Shri Bhagwat Sharan Gangwar, Hon'ble Minister of State (Independent Charge),

63 63

Small Scale Industry and Export Promotion, Govt of Uttar Pradesh In this direction, for information supply and to meet the information needs of the sector, a strong platform is being created all the stakeholders of MSMEs in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, in the name of MSME Exhibition & Seminar 2012 during July 6-8, 2012. The focus of the event is Food Processing Industries. Govt Depts, R&D and academic institutions, Private & public enterprises in Food Processing Industry including processed food products, packing material & technology, cold chain, process machines, materials & technology, additives/Ingredients and auxiliary agents, conveying, transport and storing technology, coding and marking tech, etc and farm sector, horticulture, Food safety & standards, quality management will exhibits their products and services. The objective of the event is to provide Industries, Ministries, Govt departments, R&D Institutions and people necessary to your business so that you can get in touch with them at a single platform to discuss pertinent issues vis-avis current scenario, identify the GAPs, exchange ideas, learn lessons from each other and promote your business by actionable strategies to meet the challenges. Shri Bhagwat Sharan Gangwar, Hon'ble Minister of State (Independent Charge), Small Scale Industry and Export Promotion, Govt of Uttar Pradesh will th

kindly inaugurate the event on July 6 , 2012. You all are cordially invited to be


sponsorer/exhibitor/advertiser/delegate in the event. We hope to work sincerely with a wide selection of ministries, Depts & institutions, Industry, creating the type of environment that will inspire enthuse and support the customers to do business together, we look forward to meet you in the event at Lucknow. Venue: Indira Gandhi Pratishthan (IGP), Vibhuti Khand, Gomati Nagar, (Near Ram Manohar Lohiya Hospital), Lucknow- 227106 Date: Exhibition: 6, 7 & 8 July, 2012; Seminar : 6 & 7 July, 2012 For sponsorship & stall bookings, pl log on to: http://www.bizproevents.com and Contact: Mr. Rana - 0 98688 02266; Mr. Pramod 9760404007 for registering as delegate pl contact: Mr. Rathore - 9889561292 You may also write to: The Director Institute of Entrepreneurship Development U.P., (IED UP) Lucknow (Small Scale Industry and Export Promotion, Govt of UP) A ‐ 1 & 2, Industrial Area, Sarojini Nagar, Kanpur Road, Lucknow ‐226 008 Phone: 0522‐2476033; Tele fax: 0522‐2476055; Email: director.iedup@gmail.com And Bizpro Events & Tradefairs, H-189, Sector-41, NOIDA-201303, Uttar Pradesh, India E-mail:msmes12@gmail.com; Or log on to: www.bizproevents.com




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