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Scholarship Awards
We ’ re delighted to announce that applications are now open for our new round of practicebased Scholarship awards.
These scholarships enable practitioners from our partner organisations to apply for funding to support specific research activities, including undertaking literature reviews, mentoring to support research design and development, and impact dissemination activities.
The round opened on Monday 15 August 2022, and the application window closes on Friday 30 September 2022.
Proposals should be no more than £2,500 in total, and fully costed. The fund provides a maximum of £25,000 of partner investment, so has the potential to fund at least 10 scholarships. These scholarships support the following research activities: 1.Undertaking a literature review to identify gaps in the evidence base to provide background for a future research proposal and application to the partnership or alternative funding stream. 2.Completion of a project for write up as a publication in a peer reviewed journal. 3.Production of a poster or conference paper for dissemination of results from a practice-based project. 4.Some mentoring to help support development of ideas into a scoped proposal for a future partnership research funding application. 5.Dissemination activities such as workshops/events to get research results shared widely with stakeholders. 6.Writing up an impact case study to show what difference a completed piece of research has made to the quality of services and care for local populations.
This might include an app or other digital innovation. Successful applicants will be provided with a mentor from one of UEA Health and Social Care Partners ’ (UEAHSCP) 16 research groups and will have the opportunity to join a small action learning group with the Research Director of UEAHSCP who will help keep the work on track and delivered on time with the right support.
How do I apply? Email ueahscp@uea.ac.uk to request an application form.
Key dates: • The round opens Monday 15 August 2022 • The application window closes on Friday 30 September 2022. • Email your application to ueahscp@uea.ac.uk by 5pm, Friday 30 September 2022. • We expect that you will be notified of the outcome of your application in late October.
Email our team at ueahscp@uea.ac.uk if you wish to discuss this opportunity further.