Herald v2 issue1

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UECP General Assembly Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Seminar Consistory Prayer Meeting 2013 Christmas Sunday YWC Game Day JANUARY - M ARCH 2 0 1 4




Pay it forward, Pass it On!

Features Evangelism Is a Process All for God’s Glory Breaking the Hard Soil The Gospel is The Power of God Beautiful Feet The Man Behind Our Message Ministering to the Weak

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Evangelism: The Good News and

The Bad News

Tim & Tab Gallery: Trip to Ormoc City Gallery: Medical Mission Kasambahay Bible Study Urban Neighborhood Ministry The Gospel Presentation Gallery: 180 Degrees 180 Degrees: Make the Turn to Christ From Hoping to Overflowing

9 9 10 11 12 12 14 14 15 16

NEWS YWC Game Day UECP General Assembly Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Consistory Prayer Meeting 2013 Christmas Sunday Festival of Carols

13 13 13 13 13 13

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Cristina Dy

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Romans 10:14

I can no longer imagine my life without the Lord Jesus Christ. To be dead spiritually, lost eternally, in a state of restlessness, sinfulness, and hopelessness is something I don’t want to go back to. My life has been changed by Christ and by the love of His people. These are the people who cared enough to introduce the gospel to me and invest their time to help me grow in my faith so that I may enjoy the position and privilege of a child of God. Looking back, I recognized that it was not just one person but several people who contributed to my spiritual understanding and growth. I never fully realized then how much it costs them to do so. But with the many things and responsibilities that demand my attention and energy these days, I now know that it takes a compassionate heart and selfless giving to go, reach out and share the gospel to others. I am grateful to God for sending His messengers into my life so that I can have the gift and assurance of eternal life. And it is this gratitude that moves me to respond likewise. Paying it forward is my main reason for pointing people to Christ. Freely you have received, freely give (Matt. 10:8b) - this is the essence of paying it forward, not necessarily to the same people who helped me, but to others. How wonderful it will be if every believer who received God’s grace and forgiveness will pass this good news to others, and so on. Fear, inadequacies, selfishness, laziness, indifference - I have my share of these moments too when it comes to sharing the gospel. But God reminds me that these are not the characteristics of a child of God. What He has given me is His power, wisdom, love, and compassion. Freely you have received, freely give. Jesus said to His disciples, “Come, follow me.”(Mark 1:17).And His last words to them were “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”(Mark 16:15). The first one is an invitation; the second one is a command. It is so tempting to just accept the invitation and neglect the command, to be a spiritual couch potato and let others do the going. But by doing so, I am blocking the flow of God’s grace; I am inhibiting the expansion of His Kingdom; I am standing on the enemy’s side. Jesus said, “Come...and go..; freely you have received, freely give.” It is my prayer that as we read through the pages of this issue, God will ignite our hearts to a passion for His cause and compassion for the lost, that He will unite us as a church to respond with commitment and obedience to the Great Commission. We have heard, we have believed, we have received His gift. Let us Go, let us Give the Good News, let us pay it forward.




hen I was a young Christian, I was often exposed to evangelism trainings where I was taught a method of sharing the gospel clearly and concisely. Next came “on-the-job” training where we would share the gospel to strangers. We often got really excited with the number of positive responses that we received. Subsequently, we would be doing the same thing over and over again… sharing to strangers and challenging them to make a decision for Christ. In recent years, I’ve discovered that this is not wrong but somewhat incomplete. More often than not, I did not see or hear from this person again after sharing the gospel to him. This is true even if he decided to receive Christ and promised to meet up. I’ve attended many evangelistic meetings where majority of attendees were Christians, and the few that receive Christ will write fake phone numbers on their response cards or say they are totally disinterested to meet me for follow up. This repeated reality is not only discouraging but alarming. Joining the Sonlife Training-Everyday Commandment opened my eyes to the idea of understanding that evangelism is a process rather than an event. A person who wants to share Christ must first show care and earn trust for a period of time, then they model Christian love and principles, and finally share the gospel to their unbelieving friends. The Engel Scale depicts a person’s level of receptivity to the gospel. The general idea of this chart is to say that unless we work with the receptivity of a person to Christ, they could never really come to that decision. But to effectively influence a person so that we can alter their level of receptivity requires us to build an intentional friendship with them. This also earns us the right to journey with them to grow spiritually after they make a profession for Christ. The Everyday Commandment Workshop begins by laying down the foundation of evangelism. Loving God and loving people cannot be separated. Unless we become a channel of God’s unconditional love to people, they will not be able to experience and respond to the love of God. Then it uses the concept of Eternal CPR to explain the process of evangelism. Just as CPR is a useful skill to rescue someone physically to life, so Eternal CPR is a skill where we bring a person closer to responding to the gospel, for them to gain eternal life. The farming analogy is used to explain this process. C stands for cultivating, which is about developing Christlike friendships with the lost. This is needed to break hardened ground, and in this case hardened hearts. We relate to our lost peers and lovingly meet their valid needs, while maintaining our testimony to them as Christians. This requires us to spend time with them, to listen to them, to go where they are and to genuinely care for them. Take for example a colleague named Bill, who is a single dad, widowed with 4 kids. What would it take for me to cultivate a Christ-like friendship with Bill? I would need to meet with Bill, ask how he is doing and in the process of meeting and developing a friendship with him, get to know about his concerns and needs by taking time to listen to him. It involves exerting extra effort to help Bill in practical ways, like visiting his home, caring for his kids, and helping with his chores. It also includes supporting him emotionally by encouraging him and being there for him. This takes weeks and even months to complete.


P stands for planting, which is about sharing God’s truth with these friends. After we have developed a comfortable level of friendship with our lost peer, we begin to be more intentional in using God’s truth to influence our friend. We share our Christian views and convictions with them as opportunity arises. We offer to pray for them as the situation calls for it. We influence them to read Christian literature and listen to music relevant to their issues. We bring them to mingle with other Christians and join activities in church. How do I share God’s truth with Bill? I could give him Christian books on coping with loss or parenting. I could invite him to join a support group for single dads. I would start to share what God is teaching me in my personal walk with Him and even offer to pray for Him. I would begin to ask him important questions that will encourage him to search for truth. R stands for reaping. This is the time for harvest by challenging for a response to God’s truth. Only then do we present the gospel in a clear and concise way and ask for their commitment. I could personally share to Bill, or partner with a friend to share to him. I could also invite him to a meeting where the gospel is preached. The last session of the workshop is Follow Up and Follow Through. When our friend responds positively, our next step is follow up, where we meet them to give them guidance on how to pursue a personal relationship with God. Follow through happens when we receive a negative response. We don’t give up the friendship but continue being their friend. We repeat CPR and wait for the time when God will change their heart. If each of 500 church members cultivates a friendship with a lost peer for a period of six months to the point of already planting seeds of truth in their lives, then the evangelistic meeting at the end of six months will be packed with people ready to respond to the gospel. And the good part of it is no more fake phone number. We already know how to reach them because they are our friends. If each member of 100 small groups creates group opportunities for their members to cultivate relationships with the lost and plant seeds of truth in their lives, then evangelism will be a reality and not just a dream. Jesus himself cultivated friendships with his contemporaries, planted seeds of God’s truth in their hearts and challenged them to respond to His claims. That is why He was called a “friend of sinners.” We must count the cost and invest in the lives of others. We can make a difference for Christ. It is hard work but worthwhile to do everything for the sake of saving others.

Rev. Leo Jaime Son currently serves as Youth Pastor and CE Department Head at the United Evangelical Church of the Philippines. He is passionate about discipleship and training leaders to propagate this passion among the Chinese-Filipino community of faith. Rev. LJ and his wife Nancy have a 5-year old son named Nigel.



ALL FOR GOD’S GLORY Karen Monzon Translation by Hannah Go

“I am privileged to be a gospel singer, that I can recount instances of God’s grace and interpret life through song.”


amous Chinese singer Qiu Hai Zheng had her first gospel album in 2012, using it as a channel to share God’s love and testify to His glory. Despite Qiu Hai Zheng’s popularity as a professional singer, there was a time in her career when she could not understand this irony: while her singing brought joy and laughter to people, there was a sadness and restlessness within her heart. She felt that she was only a money-making tool and thought of quitting her profession. But after knowing Christ and gradually developing a closer relationship with Him, Sister Qiu Hai Zheng finally understood that God gave her the gift of song for the purpose of using her voice to comfort others. When she realized that many people were comforted by her testimony, it became even clearer to her that this special gift from God was for the purpose of witnessing. “Now I’ve realized that God has allowed me to remain in showbiz for all these years so I can help bring His light into the world, to comfort His people, and to glorify His name!”

She used to think that there was no big difference singing on stage professionally or as a ministry. But one time, when she was in Changsha, she realized that the audience there did not recognize who she was. So she prayed to God, asking for help on what she ought to say, what she ought to sing. That time, she saw an image in her head of a skinny black sheep. She remembered Psalm 23, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want.” She was in tears as she realized what God wanted her to say. As she went on stage, she saw a backdrop of green pastures with sheep and was moved, even more certain that it was a sign from God. She boldly said: “The Lord is our Shepherd, we will not be in want; although your living conditions may not be good, yet He will certainly take care of you.” The elderly were very moved. She only sang two songs at that time, one of which is entitled “Listen Gently.” They sang this song for ten minutes. During that time, God impressed upon her that He wanted to heal the people so she asked those who had any discomfort to put their hands on wherever they felt pain, as God was going to heal them. That was the first time Sister Qiu Hai Zheng sang and performed healing. Afterwards, she asked the audience who among them felt that they were healed, and 80% of the people raised their hands. She was very moved hence, and kept on crying, having witnessed once again that God is the true and living God. Since then, she knew that God is not only using her voice to comfort people, but also to heal others. Sister Qiu Hai Zheng is a missionary of Oneness Christ Church in Taipei. She has been to many places for missions, including Singapore, Malaysia, many cities in China, west coast of the U.S., Rome, and Philippines. Her short-term mission trips usually take two weeks, while for countries farther away, the trip usually lasts two to three weeks. She is very thankful for her husband’s support towards her ministry. Before, whenever she had a singing performance, her husband never accompanied her; only representatives of the record company went with her. But now, her husband would always accompany her in her ministry, and he also witnesses how God is unfolding His plan for his wife, shaping her to become a missionary. He realizes that his wife is no longer just his, but is, more importantly, God’s, so he gives his full support. Sister Hai Zheng sees that our strength as human beings is limited, but God’s power is boundless. Thus, she told herself: “Every day I live is to witness for God, to share the gospel.” She feels that she has known the Lord for only a short period, and she is almost 50 years old. So she is working doubly hard, serving Him joyfully wherever she goes.




Breaking the HARD SOIL Wyndale Wong

In response to God’s call, Pastor Frederick Ching left UECP last

July 2013, and moved to UEC Olongapo (UECO) to serve as their church pastor. More than six months into his new role in a new soil, Pastor Fred shares the challenges and the opportunities of bringing the gospel to the community of Olongapo. How are you adjusting as the new pastor of UECO? And how is the congregation? There are ups and downs. Personally, I had some struggles earlier on when my mom had some serious health concerns. But overall, I’m thankful for the ministry. I praise God for the 8 young people who were officially baptized last December 8, 2013. For 37 years, there was no official baptized member. Some say there had been 3 or 4 who were baptized, but it has not been recorded. And from 10 regular attendees on Sunday worship, we now have around 34 at peak, but sometimes as low as 24. How important do you see the work of evangelism for the growth of a church, especially a small church like UECO? The Gospel is not only for the non-believer, it must be constantly preached to the believer as well. The Good News reminds us that it is not about “us” but about the righteousness of God. In UECO, many feel guilty that they still sin after becoming a Christian, so they are uncertain if they are indeed saved. That is why assurance of faith is important. The truth is we cannot save ourselves. Jesus died for us because He loves us unconditionally. Unbelievers need the good news, and believers need to be reminded of the good news too from time to time to motivate us for godly living. How is the church ministering to the congregation to strengthen their faith? Our pulpit theme is Growing in God’s Righteousness, which is based on the Book of Romans. We will focus more on the holiness of God and His promise of redemption through Jesus Christ. This includes the truth about all people having sinned, all are the same, so we do not have any right to judge, and that all sins are equal in the sight of our holy God. The attitude and tendency to judge will be minimized when we understand the Gospel. In the Youth fellowship on Saturday nights, we focus on the deity of Christ, based on the Book of John. Every Friday, I lead a discipleship group of 4 members who are committed to share what they know to others.

UECO doesn’t have its own school with students and families we can tap to draw new people in. The people here, especially the Chinese, are focused on work and have little time for spiritual pursuits. What are the opportunities you see to reach out to the youth and the community to the Lord? We plan to form a small band to jumpstart the music ministry of the church. We will use the basketball court once it is fixed to start a Thursday night sports ministry. We also plan to have a youth center to create evangelistic opportunities to reach out to students, but currently the center is not yet fully equipped. We’d like to have more spiritual books since kids in the community prefer reading as a recreation. God has opened a way for us to reach out to the students of the Anglo Cultural Chinese School after their school hours through the values classes we hold inside our church area. It’s optional for the students and anyone who is permitted by their parents may join that class. We also partner with CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) and use their materials to cater to the needs of our next generation. How can we pray for you? Please pray for God to open doors to reach out to the Chinese community, especially to the young professionals. I don’t know where to start, but they have a community that do biking and jogging. Pray that I will have the opportunity to share the Gospel to them. Also, please pray for the baptized youth that are now being discipled, that they will love the church and become its future leaders. Lastly, please pray for the adults, that they will have hunger for God’s Word, grow in their relationship with God, and be involved with the kingdom agenda. Cultivating new soil, preparing it for sowing the seeds of the Gospel is indeed tough. But God is able and mighty to break the hardest soil. He only asks us to be His faithful messenger and servant. And for Pastor Fred, all the hard work and perseverance are worth it, in order to share the love of Christ to the community, to build up His Church and expand His kingdom. All for God’s glory!

What are some of the challenges the church face today? We are praying for more leaders to share the gospel, make disciples for Christ, and be salt and light in the community. Currently, we only have one trustee who takes care of the administrative concerns of the church and its financial needs. The youth, on the other hand, are more interested in fun and games, and seem to look for those things in every church activity. We pray that there will be a hunger for spiritual feeding. Ptr. Frederick Ching is an alumnus of Hope Christian High School. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from Chiang Kai Shek College Major in Information Management. He is also a graduate of Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies from BSOP. He served as UECP youth pastor and was a bible teacher at Hope Christian High School from 2010 to 2013.




The Gospel is the Power of God Rev. Stephen Kwan Translation by Marlene Go

The gospel and missions are inseparable. The gospel is the indispensable core of mission work. Without the gospel, there is no true mission. The apostle Paul wrote the book of Romans to expound on the importance of the gospel to all mankind. He also expressed his willingness to give up his life for the sake of the gospel. Let us reflect on the value of the gospel through this year’s theme: The Gospel is the Power of God. 1) Objectively, to know the gospel I believe 1 Corinthians 15:1-5 concisely and clearly defines the gospel: Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, in which also you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to... the twelve. The content of the gospel mainly records what Jesus Christ has accomplished for us: 1) His death 2) His burial 3) His resurrection. Moreover, the four Gospels detail the facts of Jesus’ resurrection. We can truly say, “Without the resurrection, there is no gospel.”

3) Fundamentally, to preach the gospel The church exists primarily to preach the gospel. All other objectives are secondary. I think man does not need to go to church for what he can acquire from outside it. When he cannot find what he is seeking in the world, man comes to church. Therefore, the church provides what man cannot gain from the world - the most valuable, most authentic, ultimately necessary, eternally unchanging gospel. 4) Confidently, to adhere to the gospel The gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. (Romans 1:16)

2) Personally, to experience the gospel

We who preach the good news should

The gospel is not a set of religious theories. It is faith experienced in life. True faith must be manifested in authentic impact.

* Have persevering faith. Man’s hardness of heart cannot repel the love of Jesus. He cannot resist the power of God. We believe the gospel because the power of God is manifested in the lives of those who believe.

Three basic conditions compose a person’s life and living: 1) Transformation in life 2) Motivation for living 3) Significance for being The gospel of Jesus Christ can fully accomplish the requisites of true faith. It can turn sinners into saints and transform gangsters into missionaries. A gospel preacher must first be transformed by the gospel to be empowered to touch others.

* Have enduring patience. A person’s moment of salvation is not within your hands. We persist because we perceive his eternal and precious soul – which God is unwilling to lose. The apostle Paul not only proclaimed the gospel as the power of God, he also declared, “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” The power of the gospel is revealed only in the life of the believer. It also needs to be preached by someone burdened and passionate for the lost. Then we can witness this life-changing, powerful miracle come alive!

Rev. Stephen Kwan is currently the Senior Pastor of The Home of Christ Church in Cupertino, California. He was Senior Pastor of UECP from 1987 to 1992 and is now our Advisory Pastor since 2005. HERALD * UNITED EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF THE PHILIPPINES PUBLICATION




Romans 10:15, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”


re your feet beautiful? Before we start comparing how our feet look, God sees our feet differently. In the eyes of God, beautiful are the feet of those who share the good news of Jesus. Cultivating a life for evangelism starts with a listening heart and obedient feet, as Jesus said in John 4:35-36, “Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.” He who reaps is already receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows, and he who reaps, may rejoice together.” Jesus calls us to open our eyes and see. He invites us to look at the fields, to see through His eyes, and to love with His heart and to share with Him the joy of winning the lost. It is vital that our eyes be opened to see people not just as faces but as people in need of a Savior. On the night of our college seniors’ retreat, our block had an opportunity to hear each other’s stories. When each person started sharing his or her life story, God opened my eyes to see that behind the smiles and laughter hides a different story. My block mates also went through challenges and trials in their lives. That night, I understood that God’s heart is broken for the lost. He instilled in my heart that they too need the hope and salvation of Jesus. As we look around us, our hearts need to listen closely to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. In close fellowship with God in prayer and in His word, we receive the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and strength. Jesus depended on prayer; he made it a must to listen to God. Jesus often withdrew to solitary places in order to realign himself with the Father’s agenda. In prayer we learn to wait with an expectant heart upon God’s activity in our lives and in the lives of the people around us. God will be the one to direct us; we only need a willing heart to follow Him.

When I met my college “barkada,” I asked the Lord for guidance as to how I can share the love of Christ to them. Many opportunities came up, and I invited my friends to some of the church’s events and activities. As time passed, they met my church family and friends. They got acquainted with my Christian friends and started to form bonds of friendship. In planting the seeds of Christ’s love, it is the work not just of one but the collective effort of the body of Christ. It is with the warmth of the church family that we demonstrate the joy and a sense of belonging to be a family member. Yes, I feared rejection. I can still remember my friends saying, ”Kaya ka pala ganyan” (That’s why you are like that). Back then, I admit that I too struggled to follow God. A lot of times I would hesitate to invite my college friends to church activities because I didn’t want to be labeled as “too holy.” But God assured me through His word that I need not worry but to trust His ways. Indeed, in His perfect time, unexpectedly, my friends joined the high school/ college summer camp “Nailed by Faith.” I praise God because He revealed to me that He is trustworthy. I am in awe as I witness how God is working in the lives of my friends. When we open our heart to the work of the Holy Spirit, God will reveal exciting and wonderful things in our lives. When we put our trust in Him, God is more than willing to use our lives to be a blessing to others. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:14-15. We need not stand behind the pulpit in order to share the good news. As Christians, we proclaim how Christ has saved us and we share the story of how Christ changed our lives. With our feet, we take the good news of Jesus Christ everywhere we go.

Wherever God has placed us, we ought to live our lives as salt and light of this world. There is no better way to reach the lost than how Christ modeled for us. Jesus went out to where the people were. In the course of Jesus’ ministry, he would go to the market places, the temple, and villages. He reached out to the isolated, outcast, and the unlikely. Jesus stretched out his hand to the sick, crippled and those in bondage. Jesus did not just talk the talk; he walked it. Jesus proclaimed the truth of the gospel with love. Caring involves time, effort and resources. It may entail us to lend a shoulder to a friend, to tutor a block mate, or to encourage a downcast friend. God may call us out of our comfort zone, but in this journey of obedience to God, we learn to trust Him more.


Sherina Lo is an Interior Design graduate of UST, a person who finds inspiration in nature, fond of food tripping and loves to seek and discover unique places. She is currently serving in College Fellowship as a small group leader.





vangelism. This is the thrust of UECP for the first half of 2014 as we heed Jesus’ call to fulfill the Great Commission. After “Growing Deeper in God” through God’s Word and prayer last year, we are now called to “Soar High” as we prepare to celebrate our church’s 85th anniversary. We are to increase our commitment as Christians by growing in our personal walk with God and pursuing the urgent task of evangelism. But what is evangelism? I’m sure many of us know this word, especially after we have attended church services long enough. The word translates from the Greek “euagelion” which simply means “good news.” Today evangelism is commonly understood in Christian circles as spreading God’s good news of salvation through public preaching or personal witnessing. However, the word has, for a time till now, become a cliché for many. Although we still clearly understand its meaning, we have somehow forgotten its message. I believe this is one of the critical reasons why evangelism is difficult for some to do. Surely, we’ve heard of the classic “I am not ready;” “I don’t know how;” “I am afraid I might do it wrong.” We also hear of, “People might reject me” and “I don’t want to fail God.” Excuses abound, based on an underlying critical misconception on the focus of evangelism. We presume evangelism to be all about the messenger - that the strength of the gospel depends on how eloquently the bearer presents it through his words and life. Conversely, some of us misconceive it to rely on the recipient, the person who hears, and hopefully, receives, the gospel. If the person is open to or ready to accept, then the gospel presentation is effective. This inaccurate perspective of evangelism cripples many Christians, preventing them from doing this important, God-ordained task. So, what is the focus of evangelism? If it is not hinged on the messenger nor the receiver, what is the critical element that makes it effective, even redemptive? We take our cue from the apostle Paul who declares, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.”(Romans 1:16) Evangelism draws its strength neither from the messenger nor the recipient, but from the MESSAGE itself (or more accurately, from God Himself). Evangelism is not about us, Christians. It is definitely not about them, unbelievers. It is not even about Paul, himself a messenger like us. It does not concern who we are, but Who I am talking about. It is all about the Message; all about Him - the Word, the Living Word, Jesus Christ - the Man, the Message. Sometimes we are tentative in sharing the gospel because we worry we might fail or be judged by others. We fear we are not

“good” or “godly” enough to tell people about Christ. But don’t you realize, that is the best thing about the gospel? It essentially points to us as failures and sinners saved by the grace of God through Jesus Christ. Paul is basically pointing us to that redeeming power of God! The gospel we share is not our own lives, nor our personal testimonies. Instead, we ought to preach Jesus Christ, our Savior. Not that our personal testimonies are non-essential in the work of evangelism because they are. Rather, the foundation and power of the gospel lie on the person and accomplished work of Jesus Christ. His identity and obedience to God saves. He is our testimony! No wonder Paul tells the church in Philippi, “If anyone else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for legalistic righteousness, faultless. But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ.” (Philippians 3:4-8) Evangelism starts and ends in the person of Jesus Christ - his identity as God-man and His redeeming work on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. That is the good news. We are only vessels and instruments by which the gospel reaches non-believers. Consequently, as we undertake the task of evangelism, we must know the Man of the Message. As we focus on evangelism, we will study the life and work of Christ in the book of Luke for the first half of 2014, because the Message of evangelism is Jesus. Brothers and sisters, I challenge you to unite in the urgent work of world evangelization. Together, let us grow deeper in God by knowing His Son Jesus Christ better, everyday. Then we can join Paul in proclaiming, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.”

Pastor Bryan Kimball Sy is a youth pastor of UECP. He ministers to high school students as head counselor of Student Fellowship and Sunday Youth Fellowship. He is an alumnus of Hope Christian High School batch 2002, and a graduate of BS Civil Engineering at De La Salle University. He finished his seminary training at Singapore Bible College.




Ministering to the Weak Christine Sim

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40


mpathy. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.” God used empathy to point UECP Elder Leonida Bendicion to start a hospital ministry at the Chinese General Hospital. The Start In 1988, Leonida underwent an operation for thyroid cancer. Sleepless on the eve of her surgery, she endured isolation and loneliness. She felt the same while recuperating. From this lifechanging event, God convicted her to minister to hospital patients. This was later affirmed by her Asian Theological Seminary professor who suggested she open a Chinese General Hospital (CGH) ministry. Leonida initially wanted to become a chaplain. She received seminary training, but chaplaincy was different. Besides, CGH already had a chaplain. To resolve this dilemma, she coined a position for herself, “patient counselor.” In 2004, she presented her credentials and passion to counsel patients in a letter to then medical director, Dr. Lim. When he didn’t reply, she returned thrice within six months to plead her case. Finally, Dr. Lim told her, “Since you are insistent, I will allow you to visit patients, but only in the charity ward.” The Charity Ward Though disappointed, Leonida didn’t let this dampen her spirit. She started going around the CGH charity ward. She discovered that charity patients were quite “rich in friends,” having unemployed friends who visit them. On the other hand, private patients usually have only one companion, often, a special nurse. Still, these people needed her compassion. Leonida recalled, in particular, a policeman who was shot, so he couldn’t talk. She learned how hospitalized servicemen were confined to the cheap charity ward. Unable to speak but grateful for Leonida’s visits, this cop cried when she shared the gospel to him. After 3 to 4 years, upon Dr. Lim’s death, Leonida wrote to Dr. Banggayan, the new medical director, for permission to continue her ministry. This time, she was not only allowed to visit any patient in the hospital, but was also given an official identification card. God had opened a way! Having counseled charity patients for several years, Leonida was equipped for more ministry challenges. While thankful for opportunities to share the gospel in the charity ward, she realized she couldn’t freely do the same in the private rooms. Her volunteer work could be jeopardized if a paying patient filed a complaint against her for any reason. She knew she must be careful with her visitations.


The Private Rooms Her years at the charity ward gained for Leonida the trust and friendship of nurse supervisors. After their weekly Bible studies, they referred her to private patients who needed her counseling. Sometimes, she sought the Holy Spirit’s leading on which floor to visit. Leonida would consult with the head nurses to inquire about the illnesses of patients on that floor to help determine her approaches. Leonida has had her share of suspicious and antagonistic staredowns on entering private rooms. To ease the awkward moments, she shows her ID and assures the patient, “Ma’am, (the supervisor) asked me to visit you.” The majority of patients allow her to pray for them at the end of her visit, whether they’re Christians or not, because they feel desperate. According to her, our prayers are effective because “they are personalized, not rote prayers.” Showing the Love of Christ Touch is important to patients. Leonida normally stays by the bedside and touches the arm or hand of female patients while conversing with and praying for them. Most patients view themselves as repulsive because of their sickness. Touching them negates this notion and comforts them. Leonida tells of an elderly Christian lady with Alzheimer’s disease whom she has been visiting for seven years now. She always greets her, “Auntie, I’m here. How are you?” The patient would only nod to acknowledge her in the first 3 years. She caresses her, talks to her, reads the Bible to her, and sings hymns for her. In the last three to four years, this ah-mah would just stare at her, but Leonida believes God speaks to this lady through her visits. When Dr. Banggayan’s term ended, Leonida wrote to the current medical director and tried to pay a courtesy call. She has since written a second letter, but he still hasn’t acted on it. The personnel head of CGH (who’s receptive of her work) assured her he would bring up her concern to the president. The Holy Spirit’s Leading Meanwhile, Leonida only goes to CGH when someone asks her to visit patients. Her weekly Bible study, having grown from three to ten participants, has been discontinued because the supervisors have been assigned to different shifts. She is waiting for God’s leading, possibly to another ministry. The hospital ministry remains close to her heart, having witnessed countless moments when the Lord worked wonders in the lives of people through her. Once when she called on a lady with a terminal illness, her son didn’t welcome Leonida, thinking she was of another religious affiliation. It turned out the man was a Hope Christian High School


F E AT U R E S alumnus who goes to Christ’s Commission Fellowship. After talking with the mother, Leonida asked if she wanted to pray to Jesus Christ, to confess her sins, and to ask Him to be her Savior and Lord. The patient agreed and prayed with Leonida. Sometime later, while visiting another family at a funeral home, Leonida learned a wake was being held for this mother in that same place. When she stopped by to pay her respects, the son recognized and thanked her for the hospital visit. Their family may be Christian, but he never heard his mom pray for Jesus to be her Savior until Leonida led her. Leonida believes the hospital ministry is effective for sharing the gospel. Even so, she remains sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading in every visit, whether to share the gospel or not. On a memorable occasion last year, she presented the gospel in full to the nurse supervisors during their Bible study. They responded by praying

aloud to confess their sins and accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Corinthians 12:9 states, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Elder Leonida Bendicion lives by this verse. Her hospital ministry began with her thyroid operation, but God has empowered her to share His perfect love to the physically and spiritually weak.

Leonida Bendicion is the wife of Gideon and mother of Livingstone and Isaiah. She is saved, humbled, transformed and upheld by the grace of our Lord Jesus to be His servant.

evangelism: the good news and the bad news Betty Sy


he theme of God’s creation is that it is good! God created man with freedom, power, wisdom, and the authority to rule. This is the central position of man in the world. However, this perfect and beautiful world was turned upside down when the devil tempted man to sin. Sin entered this world where the devil established his kingdom of darkness and seemingly rules. We are now trapped as slaves of sin in the kingdom of earth, which is now darkness. Romans 6:23 declares that the wages of sin is death, which is eternal punishment. This is the bad news. Then the verse continues: But the gift of God is eternal life, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. This is the good news. The kingdom of heaven began when Christ Himself entered human history as a man. Christ came to earth as a suffering servant to provide salvation to all who believe. As believers, we were once recipients of the great redemptive power of Christ. Today, we are told to reach out to the lost world with the good news, that what Jesus had done on the cross paved the way to redeem us from the power of darkness. By His great atonement, we are justified by our faith and declared “not guilty,” for the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. This is indeed good news! How are we as believers? What should motivate us to share the good news? Just as the knowledge and acceptance of redemption

freed us from the reality of eternal punishment, does it propel us to manifest an earnest desire to reach out to the lost? If we are aware of the consequences in rejecting the good news, shouldn’t our attitude be of utmost urgency? Why are we so complacent being “bench warmers” at church? May our gratitude as believers motivate us to share the good news of salvation by pointing the reality of the bad news to those who need the gospel. It is not a matter of option but rather our duty as a believer, for we are accountable before God should we fail to do what ought to be done. James 4:17 tells us: Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin. May this warning stir us to action for the cause of evangelism.

Betty Sy is a mentor, writer and speaker on spiritual and practical life application. She currently serves with BSF International, and is enrolled with ATS leadership course. A dentist by profession and a traditional Chinese painter, she is married to Jack Sy, mother of two children and grandmother of three.


Tim & Tab is an outreach ministry of UECP’s Children Ministry. The name “Tim & Tab” was derived from New

Testament characters Timothy and Tabitha who faithfully served in early church ministry. Its aim is to teach Bible truths and to build good character and morals through fun-filled meaningful activities to children ages 4 to 12 living in the Benavidez and Masangkay areas. Activities include singing, memorizing Bible verses, story telling, film showing, life application of Bible truths, and of course, kids’ all-time favorite: crafts and games. It is held in Isaac Room on the 5th Floor of UECP every Saturday at four o’clock in the afternoon. Teachers pick up the kids from their respective homes and bring them back to their homes after. Let your kids spend fun-filled Saturdays with the Tim & Tab! HERALD * UNITED EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF THE PHILIPPINES PUBLICATION











hree years ago, I was invited to lead a Bible study for a household’s kasambahay. I praised and thanked the Lord for this opportunity to serve Him. But I had mixed emotions of joy and apprehension because I was doubtful if I was proficient enough for this task. I kept thinking that I would be meeting people of different ages, cultures, dialects and educational backgrounds.I was nervous that I couldn’t mingle with them. In spite of my preparations, I had so many “what if’s” and negative feelings. But I was wrong! God was (and is) with me. All He needed was my obedience and commitment. As I write this article, I can’t help laughing at myself as I realize how silly I was! And I feel so grateful to the Lord for His patience with me, for His guidance and wisdom, and for equipping me as I lead this Bible study. My first year of leading this Bible study was very challenging but what kept me going was the thought that God was with me as we gathered together and studied His word. No matter what happened, at the end of the day, I have this assurance: “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11) I then understood that this was how it was for my father and some believers around me: they used to pray for me and share to me the good news of salvation, with persistence and determination, just like what I was doing for these kasambahay. My heart was filled with joy because God allowed me to experience the same thing. Throughout these years, I am constantly amazed at how the Lord works in the lives of these kasambahay. They put their trust and faith in our Lord Jesus; read and study the word of God; pray from the heart, write journals and memorize Bible verses. I appreciate how they open up and share their concerns and burdens without fear. It touches my heart when I hear them praying for their employers as well as the other members of the family living in the house. They now understand that we belong to one family – the family of God! To God be all the glory!!!



ears ago, I had this thinking that by attending Sunday Worship, prayer meeting, Bible study and Christian training, I was already doing my Christian duty to God. I was wrong! I realized that it was “I” alone who benefitted from all these. I came to my senses when I realized that if those eleven disciples whom Jesus called and trained did not obey all the things that He commanded them to do, then what would happen to us? All of us would perish and be doomed for hell. If not for the prayer, patience and the love of those who shared to us the truth that saves, we would still be “lost.” So we owe it to non-believers to share the good news with them. I asked God for forgiveness - for being inconsiderate and insensitive to others, for not sharing the good news of salvation that set me free. I asked Him to direct my life to where He wanted me go, what He wanted me to do and most of all, to give me an obedient heart. I was in a Mission Class of Pastor Nancy Cheng when she required our class to do on-the-job training at the backdoor outreach program. This began my journey with the people living behind the church. Before that happened though, I asked the Lord if He really wanted me to work in this place because I did not like the idea. I told Him if it was possible not to put me in this setting. (God had already allowed me to experience this kind of environment before so I was fearful. I begged Him not to send me to such kind of place again.)That’s why I came up with excuses such as I had asthma (I never had any attack during the time I visited and taught in that congested place.); and that my coworkers were all strangers to me, just to avoid this assignment. This flashback made me smile. I just could not imagine doing that again! After the mission class, I found myself volunteering for this program and dedicated every Saturday afternoon teaching children from nursery to intermediate grade level. Rain or shine, I made myself available and enjoyed the company of what I called “strangers. ”It has been 10 years and I am still with this group, involved in the outreach program of UECP called Urban Neighborhood Ministry (UNM). I am sharing these things to you, my dear brethren, to challenge you who are receivers of the saving grace of God; we have an obligation to share the gospel to others so that they too will know the truth and be saved. People are going to be lost forever if we will remain silent and complacent. If we do not tell them now, how can they know and obey the gospel (Romans 10:14-17)? They can only come to repentance after they hear the good news. Our Lord Jesus Christ doesn’t want anyone to be lost (2 Peter 3:9b). UNM is a living testimony of the grace of God. He placed this burden in the heart of Pastor Nancy Cheng and provided her co-workers with the same passion for the lost, especially the less fortunate. We see how our neighbors at the back of our church changed after embracing the good news of salvation. Yes, we encounter struggles and challenges as we minister to them but we have become more united in our service to God, because the joy of teaching others and seeing them transform into the likeness of Christ is indeed beyond what words can express. To God be all the glory!!! Daisy Chua is a volunteer of Urban Neighborhood Ministry and assistant leader of Lois Fellowship in UECP. A BSC-Accounting graduate, Daisy is now a full-time seminary student soon to graduate from the MDiv Counseling program at Asian Theological Seminary. She is married and blessed with three wonderful children.



NEWS 2013 CHRISTMAS SUNDAY The birth of Jesus Christ deserved an awesome celebration with praises and thanksgiving - that was how UECP responded during the joint worship service last December 22. The Christmas message was preached by Dr. Joseph Shao. The newly elected elders and deacons were installed and the 2014 Consistory was also inducted. The worship service concluded with a series of prayers for the nation, for the church, for missions, culminating in thanksgiving for the countless blessings throughout the year. FESTIVAL OF CAROLS The Christmas Eve program last December 24 delivered a touching message about putting one’s hope in Jesus, amidst the overwhelming scandal and chaos that the country has endured in 2013. This message was elaborated by an original play about a family surviving Yolanda’s wrath, accompanied by handbell ringers and Christmas carols sung by the choir. Rev. Leo Jaime Son shared the closing message. The finale was touching and meaningful - a few church leaders lighted their candles and uttered short prayers for the country, the church, the victims and families of Typhoon Yolanda, and the lost souls.

CONSISTORY PRAYER MEETING At 7:00 every Saturday morning, our church leaders (pastoral team, elders and deacons) gather together in the lower chapel to pray for our church.

UECP GENERAL ASSEMBLY As a response to the crisis brought about by typhoon Yolanda, the church postponed the Family Outing and General Assembly scheduled last November 30, 2013. The budget allocated for this event was donated to the victims of Yolanda instead. The church eventually decided to cancel the Family Outing but the General Assembly was rescheduled on January 26, 2014. The General Assembly started with praise and worship, which was followed by an exhortation from our senior pastor, Rev. Tony Cheng. Preaching from Revelations 3:14-22, he encouraged the members to heed the warning given to the Laodicea church not to be lukewarm, but instead to make themselves useful to God in His ministries.

CRITICAL INCIDENT STRESS DEBRIEFING (CISD) SEMINAR A seminar on Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) was held on November 23, 2013 at the Youth Hub. This was conducted by Pastor Cristina Arcayan Co and participants were not only UECP members but members of other churches as well. The seminar stressed the purpose of debriefing and differentiated it from counseling. The seminar was conceptualized after Hope Christian High School accepted students from Tacloban in the wake of typhoon Yolanda. The attendees learned how to conduct stress debriefing following a critical incident to help survivors accept what happened to them and encourage them to move on.

The heads of the church’s five departments (i.e. Missions, Christian Education, General Services, Care, and Spiritual Formation) reported on what transpired in their respective departments last 2013 and shared an outline of their plans for 2014. Suggestions submitted by church members were then discussed. The assembly ended on a happy note as prizes were raffled off.

Before the CISD seminar ended, a mock debriefing session was conducted with the participants so they could witness how a debriefing is facilitated. YWC GAME DAY YWC hosted a fun-filled event for the church’s youth to welcome 2014-JUMPSTART! The YWC Games Day! Youth from the Sunday Youth Fellowship, Student Fellowship, College Fellowship and Young Pro Fellowship gathered together last January 31, 2014 to meet new friends, play challenging games and solve a crime scene mystery. This event culminated with the S.O.M.A or State of the Ministry Address wherein the youth had the chance to express their thoughts on the challenges of reaching out to others and what they could do to overcome them. Be part of the action! Expect more to come this year from YWC! HERALD * UNITED EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF THE PHILIPPINES PUBLICATION




180 Degrees Gallery

Family Fellowship Movie Night

Ptr Elmer Huang doing craft with the Young Ladies’ Club

First Student Fellowship

Quotes on Evangelism “I believe that entertainment and amusements are the work of the Enemy to keep dying men from knowing they’re dying; and to keep enemies of God from remembering that they’re enemies.”

Playing board games with Ptr. Cherry Panopio

- A.W. Tozer

“Jesus himself did not try to convert the two thieves on the cross; he waited until one of them turned to him.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison

“Good works is giving to the poor and the helpless, but divine works is showing them their worth to the One who matters.” - Criss Jami



Celebration with the graduates


180 Degrees: Make the Turn to Christ By Ptr. Wilvic Elmer Huang

180 Degrees is a student center located at the corner of Sanchez Street and Mayhaligue Street, Sta. Cruz, Manila. It is an ideal location to spread the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was initially created to reach out to schools nearby with Uno High School as its primary focus. Yet through the years, God has allowed us to influence students from other schools in the vicinity. The name creates an interest among the students as to why it is called 180 Degrees and what it does. Its meaning is to change direction, and 180 degrees means to make a U-turn or to turn around. We meant it in a spiritual sense but the students will only be able to follow if they hang out with us for quite some time. The place is open from 9:30am – 6:30pm. Here, they can meet new friends of different ages and of different personalities from different schools. To attract the variety of students, the ambiance of the café-like setup is student-friendly. It is equipped with free Wi-Fi connection, cool air-conditioning, computers for school research, tables for group studies and board/card games. Some students have their lunch here and some hang around while waiting for their rides home. We want them to make this place (instead of other undesirable places outside school) their hangout when they are not at home or in school. There are different kinds of activities in the center for anyone to join. Ladies can learn to cook or do crafts. For the students, they can join the Bible study every Friday lunch and afternoon. Families can come together for a night of movie or Bible study. For those who are troubled, we offer a listening ear. For kids who like computer games, they can find and form new friends who can be their teammates in the future. Students who are having difficulties with their studies can have their own group study, while those cramming on their lessons can do their homework here.

There are kids who have some misunderstanding with each other, and with God’s guidance, we are able to reconcile them. Kids who are lost in their faith are enlightened with truths from the Bible. College students come back to visit their old friends and become ‘ahia’ or ‘achi’ to the younger kids who come to 180 degrees. Students can come and go anytime they want as long as they follow the schedules of their school. Their use of computer is consistently being monitored. They soon learn that 180 degrees is a place with values and they willingly abide by the rules set before them. Parents can also drop by to check on their kids and be assured of their safety. Because 180 degrees is not a church, non-Christian students are more inclined to come. Soon they realize that the values we are sharing to them are actually from the Bible. As they become more familiar with God’s word, they grow deeper in their faith joining a regular Bible study group, attending worship services and prayer meetings at United Evangelical Church of the Philippines (UECP). It is such a blessing to see kids come to know the Lord at a young age especially if they have dedicated themselves to the Lord by testifying to others about their faith through baptism. We ask that you include us in your prayers as we continue to spread God’s word to the students so that they would open their hearts to our Lord. To God be the glory! Ptr. Wilvic Elmer Huang has been serving in 180 Degrees since 2008. He graduated from CEU with a degree in Computer Science, and took up Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies from Biblical Seminary of the Philippines. He has previously served in Dumaguete Christian Church for five years.

My family and I have been attending 180 degrees since 2007. 180 degrees helps us grow spiritually. Twice a month, my family together with other friends will have dinner and then bible study. Through these bible studies, we came to know more about Christ. Eventually my mom and two brothers decided to be baptized. I wasn’t able to join them because I was under-aged. Last summer I was blessed to have a summer job at 180 degrees. That summer was spent differently. Instead of just staying home or studying lessons, I learned to do things I didn’t do at home. I learned how to paint walls and clean the toilet. It also helped me to get on track with my spiritual life because before we do our tasks, we will have bible study first. As I grow more in Christ, I decided to be baptized last December 1. Now that I’ve already proclaimed my faith to everyone, I have the duty to let others know more about Christ. Through 180 degrees, my friends came to know about Christ. I invited them to join The Young Ladies Club. Every other Wednesday of the month, my friends and I go to 180 degrees to have bible study and also learn how to cook. I am very thankful that I learned of 180 degrees. I wish more students will come and join the bible studies here so they will know about Christ. Hopefully each and every one of us will turn 180 degrees towards Christ because knowing Christ will make a big difference in our lives. God bless 180 degrees!

Stephanny Lim

“I come to 180 degrees socialize with friends, play games, relax, study, and to study about God. 180 degrees is the best place to hang out with friends.

Matthew Vistan, 6-A Uno High School

I go to 180 degrees because it’s a good place to learn more about God. It’s a place where my questions about religion and faith are answered without getting judged. It’s a place that has what most places don’t have - people who listen.”

Claudine Chua, CKSC 3rd year high school




From Hoping to Overflowing …Putting Our Hope on Jesus, We Overflowed With Thanksgiving Ptr. Benjamin Wang Translation by Christie Sio A Recollection of China Ministry’s “Youth Center” Outreach Program

“Through the hills and valleys, You are always by my side…Every step I take, you lead me with your grace…Your hand will guide me through the path of grace….”

–from the song “Path of Grace” by Zanmei Zi Quan Stream of Praise


ooking back at more than four years of outreach ministry—from the inauguration of China Ministry’s Youth Center on November 15, 2009 to this very day—our hearts rejoice and are overwhelmed with thanksgiving! During this time, the Youth Center has had its share of setbacks, difficulties and disappointments. Yet, as the “Path of Grace” sings, the Lord was always by our side . He was our fortress, our stronghold, our refuge…and most of all, our ever present help in times of trouble! Heeding the Call of “Macedonia” As China’s economy grew over the years, so did members of China’s Only-Child Generation, who now face the daunting challenge of getting a college degree in a country with “too-many-studentsseeking-too-few-places” in a proportionately small number of quality universities. More and more Chinese parents are prepared to do whatever it takes to send their children abroad to provide them with better academic opportunities. The Philippines has come to be the top choice for many parents due to its strategic location in Southeast Asia, its English language education, and its American system of instruction. Meanwhile, the expansion of Chinese education in the Philippines in recent years has also led to a consistent increase in demand for Chinese teachers. Consequently, in parallel with the influx of students, several delegations of volunteer teachers from the China come to the Philippines each year. When these young people started pouring into the country from the Mainland, we were surprised to find that 98% of them have had no contact with the Christian faith. Prompted by the moving of God’s Spirit, the elders and deacons of the United Evangelical Church of the Philippines (UECP) heard the beckoning call of Macedonia; the same way Paul did in Troas on the night of his vision! Soon, UECP’s China Ministry was struck with a bold idea, “Why don’t we take the Gospel to them where they are?” Heeding His call and submitting to His direction, the China Ministry began charting an entirely new course outreach—the “China Ministry Youth Center” (CMYC) Outreach Program. Search for a venue along the University Belt began in August 2009, and ended on the same month with a signed contract for a place right at the corner of Recto Avenue and Morayta Street. On November 15, 2009, at the third floor of the Orient Pearl Arcade, an inaugural ceremony was held to celebrate the grand opening of the “China Ministry Youth Center.” Putting Our Hope on Jesus While our limited outreach experience was decidedly unequal to the task, there was one thing that we could do nevertheless: put our hope on the Lord Jesus seated on the throne of heaven. I remember those days four years ago, right after we started CMYC.


How we used to spend sleepless nights planning for the work that lay ahead of us. Those years of encouraging the handful of coworkers we have, again and again, not to lose heart, not to give up hope. I recall the countless times I led everyone in prayer as we cry out to the Lord from the depths of our hearts: What should we do? How do we connect with non-believers without conforming to the world? How do we reach them without resorting to worldly devices? How do make the most of every opportunity to share the gospel? And above all, how do we please the Lord our God in all that we do? Yet, though the youth center suffered a number of setbacks in its early days, the leaders of China Ministry never gave up, and the staff of CMYC never gave in. And with grace and wisdom from above, we experienced God’s miracles every step of the way. God had led us to position CMYC in an area with a high concentration of colleges and universities. The center was in close proximity to the University of the East, Far Eastern University, the University of Santo Tomas, Centro Escolar University, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, National Teacher’s College, and other well-known institutions of higher learning; which made CMYC convenient and accessible to many foreign students, and gave them a place to just hang around, or to study, in between classes. We also realized the need to provide interesting and meaningful activities for CMYC’s visitors. Guests can play chess, Chinese chess, Go, checkers, Monopoly, pick up a game of table tennis or start a sing-a-long with friends. Tournaments were held regularly to foster a sense of participation and camaraderie among those who came. IELTS review classes as well as conversational English and nursing English classes were also offered by professional English teachers engaged by CMYC. And on festivals and holidays, CMYC brings all its past and present visitors together for special gatherings and celebrations. Holiday activities and events are organized to make sure that young people living away from home do not feel homesick and lonely on these on nostalgic occasions.


F E AT U R E S “Walking on Water” Every Saturday As the youth center outreach began to take off, the leaders of China Ministry were ready for another challenge. A feasibility study on the possibility of starting a regular fellowship at CMYC was initiated before the close of 2010, and continued for several months. After much prayer among our elders, deacons, pastors and coworkers, we decided to rely completely on God and launch CMYC’s “Saturday Night Fellowship.” On January 8, 2011, CMYC held the first of its first weekly fellowship meetings—the same day my son celebrated his second birthday! That evening, at the sight of so many new and familiar faces, months-long worth of weight and worry slid off our backs at last. Praise the Lord for His guidance! But since 99% of the foreign students and teaching volunteers we come in contact with were are non-believers, they know very little about the gospel, let alone appreciate the importance of making a commitment to come to fellowship. Even the best-laid plans in terms of activities, message, snacks, transportation, security, etc. fail to assure us of their regular attendance. For more than three years, Saturday was has been our busiest day of the week—a day I spend sending hundreds of text messages and making innumerable phone calls to invite people to come for the night’s fellowship. And yet, it seems that all I get are different versions of the all-too-familiar excuse of being tied up that evening. Time and again, I cannot help but be utterly discouraged by the constant stream of people’s polite but disappointing refusals. In such moments, the only thing I can do is to get down on my knees and pray—to draw a little strength from God, get back on my feet, and continue making those calls!

I dare not have any expectations at all of how many people would come each Saturday evening; so much so that up to the minute before the fellowship starts, I would be fasting and praying, sending messages and making calls; holding on to the last ounce of hope that one more person might walk through the door. For more than three years, I pleaded with the Lord over and over again: Would you take away the worry and anxiety that preys upon me every Saturday? But all the same, God never took the “thorn in my flesh” away. Until I began to understand what He wanted me to learn, His wonderful will for me to “walk on water” just like Peter did—to rely on Him in everything; to fix my eyes on Jesus and be more than conquerors in all these things through Him! And what was more amazing, was His response to my other request—attendance in our fellowship. Week after week, God never failed to fulfill His promises: 40 people, 50 people, 60, 70… You want more? 80 people, 90 people, a hundred; in fact on special events, we would have as many as 194 people! Over the past year, an average of more than 80 people attended CMYC’s Saturday Night Fellowship each week.

Pastor Benjamin Wang has been a member of the UECP Pastoral Team since his graduation from BSOP in 2009. He is currently the head of China Ministry’s Missions Group, and oversees the planning and development of CMYC, as well as the growth and expansion of its outreach ministry in recent years.

仰望耶穌感恩無限 王閩傳道

回顧中國團契青年中心外展事工 正如詩歌《恩典之路》的歌詞一般:“高山或低谷,都是禰在保守……一步又一步,這是恩典之路”。 難以抗拒“馬其頓”的呼聲 2009年伴隨著中國經濟的起飛,中國的“獨生子女” 一代也漸漸成長,面對中國“百萬考生過獨木橋”要擠 進國內知名學府的困擾。越來越多的中國家長們更願意 傾其所有,將孩子送出國門,以謀取更好的發展空間! 菲律濱憑藉在東南亞的特殊地理位置,以及英文教育、 美式教學觀念、成為許多家長們的首選。另一方面,伴 隨著菲律濱的“華文教育”的開展,菲律濱的眾多學校 也越來越需要華文老師,因此菲律濱每年都會迎來一批 又一批的“志原者老師”。

中國團契青年中心于2009年11月15日成立至今,回首 這四年多的福音外展工作,我們心中實在是充滿了無 限的感恩!這期間,青年中心也曾遭遇各樣的坎坷、困 難與衝擊;然而我們的主卻從未離開,祂成為我們的山 寨、高臺、避難所,更是我們隨時的幫助!

當這群來自中國的年輕人湧進菲律濱之後,我們卻驚異 地發現,他們中間竟然有98%的人未曾接觸過基督教 信仰。菲律濱中華基督教會眾多長執,同時被上帝感 動,大家都再次聽到了“馬其頓”的呼聲,就如同當 年保羅在特羅亞的夜晚所見的異象一樣!中國事工有 了一個大膽的想法:“為何我們不走出去,在他們中間 傳揚耶穌基督的好消息呢?”就在上帝的感動、呼召與



特 寫 推動之下,中國事工開始策劃全新的外展事工——青 年中心外展事工。2009年8月開始在大學區(University Belt)附近尋找場地,並於同月正式簽訂合同,11 月15日,在大學區的RECTO COR. MORAYTA大街的 ORIENT PEARL三樓,舉辦了隆重的開幕儀式,中國團 契青年中心正式宣佈成立! 存心仰望主耶穌 雖然我們沒有充足的外展福音事工的經驗,然而我們唯 一能做的就是:全然地仰望那位坐在寶座上的主耶穌! 記得四年前,青年中心開辦之初,我們曾經為了策劃開 展這項事工,度過了許多不眠之夜;我更記得那些歲 月,我無數次鼓勵身邊為數不多的同工不要灰心、不要 失望,帶領大家向上帝發自內心地大聲的禱告與呼求: 我們應當怎樣去行才能不跟隨世俗的潮流,不以利益為 誘餌,怎樣才能可以與慕道友建立穩固的關係,並且利 用各樣的機會傳揚真理與福音,更重要地乃是我們所做 的可以得蒙上帝的喜悅! 青年中心開辦之初,雖然我們曾經遇到這許多的挫折, 但是中國事工的長執們沒有放棄,青年中心的同工也沒 有氣餒,靠著上帝所賜的恩典與智慧,我們一步步經歷 上帝的神跡。 上帝給我們感動建立青年中心的地點座落在大學區域, 與遠東大學、東方大學、中央大學、聖托瑪斯大學、科 技大學、師範大學等眾多知名大學相離甚近,對於廣大 留學生來說,交通十分便利;並且也考慮到同學們常常 因為課程之間幾個小時的空閒,在學校周邊不能找到學 習、休息的地方,青年中心正好滿足他們的需要;同 時,我們也預備了各種活動設施,如國際象棋、中國 象棋、圍棋、跳棋、乒乓球、益智棋、唱歌等,供大家 使用,並且定期舉辦各類活動比賽,增加了他們的參與 感;我們還特別請來專業的英文老師,先後舉辦了許多 期的雅思英文班、口語英文班、護理英文班,;每逢各 種大大小小的節日,我們還會特別舉辦特別慶祝活動, 讓曾經來過青年中心的朋友齊聚一堂,不讓他們感到“ 每逢佳節倍思親”的孤獨感!

每週六都“行在水面上” 隨著外展事工的開展,中國事工的長執、傳道再次挑戰 自我。我們於2010年末,進行了數月之久的“週六聚 會”的可行性研究。經過長執、傳道人以及同工的禱告 之後,我們靠著上帝,決定嘗試“青年中心週六聚會” 。2011年1月8日,青年中心舉辦了第一次的“週六聚 會”,而且這天也是我兒子兩周歲的生日!當天晚上, 看到許許多多熟悉與陌生的面孔,我們數月之久的顧慮 放下了,感謝上帝的引導! 然而,我們所接觸的這些留學生與志願老師,99%都 是慕道友,他們對於福音的認識很膚淺,他們對於聚會 更談不上“委身”。雖然我們在活動、講道、策劃、餐 點、接送、安全等所有的方面都做了最穩妥的安排,但 是他們不能保證常常來聚會。到如今有三年多的週六聚 會,每個週六都是最忙碌的時間,我要發送數百條的“ 邀請短信”,撥打數不清的“邀請電話”,而我似乎聽 到最多的是那些可以爛熟於心的各種不來聚會的藉口; 我常常會因為太多人的婉言拒絕而真的“灰心失望”, 此時我只能跪下來向上帝禱告,靠著上帝得了一些力 量,再站起來繼續打電話! 每次的週六聚會,我都不敢預測到底會有多少人來參 加,甚至直到聚會正式開始之前,我有時會禁食禱告, 繼續打電話、繼續發短信,堅決不放棄最後一絲希望。 其實,這三年多的時間裡,我無數次地向耶穌祈求:能 否將這樣一次又一次週六的“不安與煩悶”挪去呢? 然而,上帝從未挪去我“身上的這根刺”;我終於明 白了,原來耶穌的“美意”乃是要我像當年的彼得一 樣——“行在水面上”,凡事只能靠主,只能仰望主 耶穌,並且去爭戰得勝有餘!奇妙地是,我另一項的關 於“聚會人數”的祈求,上帝卻一次又一次地不斷兌現 承諾,四十人、五十人、六十人、七十人……還想要更 多嗎?八十人、九十人、一百人,甚至特別節期聚會, 可以達以一百九十四人!這一年以來,青年中心的週六 聚會平均人數在八十人以上。

【王閩傳道】2009年從菲律濱聖經神學院畢業後,進入菲律濱中華基督教會服事至今。現擔任中國團契宣教組的負責人,同時負責中國 團契青年中心的籌辦、策劃、創建及近年來的外展事工的開展。

18 先 鋒 會 刊

特 寫

榮耀主名 蔡嘉玲

『我以福音歌手為榮,可以細數上帝恩典,重 新詮釋生命之歌。』知名歌手裘海正從2012年開始用 歌聲傳揚上帝的愛,見證祂的榮耀,並且出了第一張 福音專輯。 『原來神讓我在演藝圈這麼多年,就是為要 成為祂在世上的光;安慰祂的子民,並且更要榮耀祂 的名!』以前當職業歌手時,雖然很有知名度,但有 一段時間卻不知道為什麼要唱歌帶給人家歡笑,而自 己卻有一些苦悶在心裡面,覺得自己好像是一個賺錢 的工具而已,因此有一段時間不想再唱歌了。但信主 之後,慢慢地和祂親近, 裘海正姐妹終於了解上帝 賜給她歌唱的恩賜是為了用這樣的歌聲去安慰別人的 心。當她發現很多人因為她的見證得到安慰時,她更 加清楚神給她這特別的恩賜,是為了用這樣的聲音做 更多的見證。 裘海正姊妹是台北合一教會所按立的宣教士。 為了宣教,她到過很多地方如新加坡、馬來西亞、中 國許多城市、美國西岸、羅馬、義大利、菲律賓等。 每一次出去短宣不會超過兩個星期,比較遠的國家則 需要兩三個星期。 之前認為同樣在台上唱歌並沒有太大的差別。 但有一次到長沙,心想那裡的人應該不會認識裘海正 是誰。 她就向神禱告,請上帝幫她決定該說些什 麼,該唱些什麼。那時便看到一個畫面, 有一隻瘦 瘦黑黑的羊。她就想到詩篇二十三篇『耶和華是我的

牧者, 我必不致缺乏』。於是她眼淚流出來也了解 了上帝要她說什麼。她上了台, 看見教會背後有一 幅圖畫,是草地上有羊, 於是她非常感動, 更加 確定那信息是從上帝而來的。就大大膽站在台上說:『 耶和華是我們的牧者, 我們不會缺乏,雖然現在的 生活條件或許不好,可是祂一定會照顧你們。』那些 老人家就非常感動。她當時只唱了兩首歌,其中一首 『輕輕聽』一直唱唱了十分鐘。那時候就領受到神要 醫治他們,她就請身體有不舒服的人將手按在不舒服 地方,神要親自醫治他們。那是裘海正姊妹第一次同 時唱歌和醫治。完畢之後,她問請那些覺得有被醫治 的人舉手,舉手的人百分之八十。她當時非常感動, 一直流眼淚。也再次見證到上帝真是又真又活的神。 從那次開始,她也知道神不只是要用她的歌聲來安慰 人的心,更是要使用她的歌聲來醫治一些人。 裘海正姊妹非常感謝丈夫在她服事中的支持與 陪伴。過去唱歌,丈夫從來不會陪她,都只讓唱片公 司的人陪她。但是現在服事做見證,丈夫都陪伴在身 邊,也看到神在他太太身上有一個計劃,要太太成為 一位宣教士,所以他更加知道太太不是他一個人的, 更是屬於神的。於是他全力支持海正。海正姊妹看到 人的力量是有限的,而神的力量是無限的。於是她告 訴自己說:『我活著的一天就是要為上帝做見證,要傳 福音。』她覺得認識主的時間太晚了,才剛認識,都 已經快五十歲了。因此她要跑得更快,要很喜樂地到 處去服事。

三福團契 吳淑敏

























們,使他們來到三福團契時,能感受到溫暖和喜樂。 先 鋒 會 刊


特 寫

福音本是神的大能 關國瑞牧師

「福音」與「宣教」是不可以分開的,福音更加是宣教不可或缺的核心;我們可以說,沒有福音便 沒有真正的宣教。使徒保羅用整卷羅馬書來說明福音對全人類的重要,也見証他為了這福音,甚至願意 付出生命的代價。 藉著今年的主題「福音本是神的大能」,再思 想福音對我們的重要: 一、要認識「福音」— 客觀的 我相信最能簡要說明「福音的意義」的,應該 是(林前15:1–5)所記 …… 「弟兄們,我如今把先前所傳給你們的福 音,告訴你們知道,這福音你們也領受了,又靠着 站立得住。並且你們若不是徒然相信,能以持守我 所傳給你們的,就必因這福音得救。我當日所領受 又傳給你們的,第一、就是基督照聖經所說,為我 們的罪死了、而且埋葬了、又照聖經所說、第三天 復活了,並且顯給磯法看,然後顯給十 二使徒看… 」 福音的內容,主要是記載耶穌基督為我們所成 就的: 1. 衪的受死 2. 衪的被埋 3. 衪的復活 並且四本福音書均詳細記載了耶穌基督復活的 事實,可以說「沒有復活,便沒有福音。」 二、要經歷「福音」— 主觀的 福音並不是一套宗教理論,乃是可以用生命去 經歷的信仰。一個真確的信仰必定能正確的影響

我想,人如果在教會以外能得到的,他不必來教 會,就是因為他在世界找不到,他來到教會;故此 教會就是要供應人在世界得不到的 — 就是最寶貴 的、最真實的、最必須的、永恆不變的福音。 四、要確信「福音」— 堅持的 福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的人。(羅1 :16) 我們傳福音的人必須對福音 …… 1、 有堅持的信心,不管不信的人心有多剛硬, 他硬不過耶穌的愛,他扺不住神的大能。我們所以 對福音有信心,因為是神的大能,透過福音彰顯在 信的人的身上。 2、 有堅持的忍耐,人得救的時間不在你手裏, 我們所以能堅持,是因為看見他裏面那永恆又寶貴 的靈魂,是神所不願意沉淪的。 使徒保羅不但宣告福音本是神的大能,他也宣 稱:「若不傳福音,我便有禍了!」福音的大能只 有在信的人身上才被彰顯,同時,更需要有愛人靈 魂負擔的人去傳,才能看見這改變生命大能的神蹟 的活現!

人的生命和生活,它必定包括三個基本的條件: 1. 生命的改變

2. 生活的動力

3. 生存的意義

耶穌基督的「福音」可以完全實現了真信仰的 要求,可以將罪人變聖人,使強盜變傳道,而且傳 福音的人也必須先經歷過福音的改變才有感力。 三、要傳揚「福音」— 基本的 教會在地上存在的最主要的目的,就是為傳福 音,其他都是次要的。

20 先 鋒 會 刊

關國瑞牧師是加州Cupertino 灣區基督之家第五家的主任牧 師。他曾於1987年至1992年擔任菲律賓中華基督教會主任 牧師也是本會2005年至今的顧問牧師。



編輯人員 Advisers:


Rev. Leo Jaime Son


Elder Edward Ong

陳堤熒 蔡嘉玲譯



Editor-in-Chief: Marlene Go



Associate Editors:

副總編輯: (English) (英)

(Chinese) (中) Features:




Mary Karen Monzon


Cristina Dy


Merivale Chang






Hannah L. Go





Wang Min


Benson C. Go


Ernie Joventino Monzon








Wyndale Wong

王闽 Layout/Graphics: Jonathan Lim


Rosita Te







Patrick Tan



Christine Sim



林東陽 Paul Relucio 楊榮燦

Front Cover by Ernie Joventino Monzon

封面- 林東陽

Back Cover by Benson C. Go

封底 - 吳明純



門徒、奉父子聖靈的名、給他們施洗.〔或作給他們施洗歸於父子聖 靈的名〕2凡我所吩咐你們的、都教訓他們遵守我就常與你們同在、 直到世界的末了。』(馬太福音28:19-20)





數人的傳遞救恩的好消息。他們聽到聖靈的聲音,順從上帝的帶領, 委身於現在的事奉中。我們向他們學習到:在各自的事奉領域接受挑 戰。我們更深刻了解到,禱告在事奉過程中是何等重要。

Dear reader, if you have any comment or suggestion, please email us at:

親愛的讀者: 若對本刊物有任何指 教與建議, 請發電郵至 :


uecpherald@gmail.com http://issuu.com/uecpherald follow us on twitter @uecpherald




產生一個又一個不斷擴張的漣漪。朋友們,這就是 『傳福音』;就 是這麼簡單,你也一定可以!

福音的漣漪 福音本是神的大能 仰望耶穌感恩無限

第二卷 第一期


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