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Strategic Intervention
So, therefore, quantitative and qualitative analysis provided, to idealize the realm the problem statement to come up with a possible strategic intervention. This study in strategic intervention part is rather microscopic valuing the localhood. One more thing came in light though survey tools that 53% people don’t like to use the public transport during pandemic while 38% neutral response come up who are middle income family. While 7.7% preferred to use the public transport. One thing becomes clear getting response from the road users and localhood is that, they wanted immidiate traffic police recruiment on this site so that stringent action should be taken care of. The road also needs to be well maintained and the derbis and dumped building materials should have to be removed. So that, it will provide some extra spaces for users. Apart from this, road might be considered with one way and frienght cars should not move all the time, requrires some certain boundary.
In depth interview session helped to detail more qualitative analysis. In this part, interviewed a social background’s student- replied, no rules and regulation been ever followed, so immediate traffic police appointing is mandatory. And, due to COVID-19 pandemic nearby police station nor the municipal authority not even eyeing on it. New sign boards are required to installed- “Safe Drive, Safe Live” and “Drive Slowly’’, that will be in notice to every road users. In alternative, necessary crosswalk and signalling system has to be considered.
• Interview with a road user, opened more clarification in the cluster of traffic movement control. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, it has been shown that excessive private vehicles moving around including toto and auto etc. In order to control the
traffic congestion especially during COVID-19 outbreak, it should be imperative to sanitized the public vehicles likely public bus in daily basis. Many families are from middle income family who might not be able to afford to buy the private cars. For instance, in public bus, there is 22 seater space- means 44 persons can sit in but in order to control the contraction of COVID-19 and traffic congestion, it should be available for not more than 20 person. For example, “UBER” cab is offering less fare price during COVID-19, but in the long run, UBER company requires to analyze the fare pattern both for passengers and users. So, more people will then do prefer the taxis. In the reflection of UBER cab, they are following guidelines of COVID-19 strictly to less contraction of COVID-19 strain.
Local community organizer should manage youths, who can be engaged with to control the traffic in voluntary basis from which they would gain more specific knowledge and social inclusion. Under municipality’s consent, community organizer should raise awareness programme to drive slowly and carefully.
So, in nutshell, based on the summative proposal, traffic police or Civic Volunteer should require to appoint in this road junction who can balance the flow of traffic and less traffic jam; by which road would be less crowded and make user safer to cross the road through crosswalk. Apart from, local governance power can influence the public to safely cross the road, alluding better skill facilities and providing some basic knowledge. Most importantly, speed meter device for vehicles should be considered. Last but not the least; spatial pattern can be managed by regulating COVID-19 rules and regulations provided by the National Governments, Barasat Municipality and Local governance.