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Asset Analysis

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Despite what we consider harsh conditions and no secure tenure people are staying in this area. We have listened to a lot of stories about being in this area to gain an understanding of why people are there. To answer these questions, we have analyzed the assets of a few households in the market. We analyzed their Natural-, Human-, Physical-, Financial-, Social- and Political assets.

Natural Capital


“The natural resource stocks from which resource flows useful to livelihoods are derived, including land, water and other environmental resources, especially common pool resources.” (Silwa, 2018)

River is their most important natural asset which gives them access to the fish to sell in the market. Selling fish makes their livelihood every day and it has been a family business for a majority of them, a business that has been passed through generation to generation.

Human Capital

“The labor resources available to households, which have both quantitative and qualitative dimensions.” (Silwa, 2018)

Their main human capital is their skills and experience. Some fish cutters have been assigned to improve the ability of cutting fish to other fish cutters. Experience is shared through social interaction in the market and through family bonds. Most people in the market has taken over the business of previous family members or collaborate with them. These bonds are changing as the next generation has a will to be educated rather than taking over the family business in the market. Most of the shopkeepers cannot read or write. There is a shared

Fig B.13 : Asset analysis 49

vision that this would be a better life for the next generation. The future of the market is going to be different as the next generation has been working in the service sector in different parts of the world meaning the inherited businesses will come to an end.

Physical capital

Physical or produced capital is the basic infrastructure (transport, shelter, water, energy, communications) and the production equipment and means which enable people to pursue their livelihoods. (Silwa, 2018)

The physical capital of these vendors is the land with a prime location in Panaji located close to the main road and just 100 meters away from the bus stop. The market serves a geographically large area in Panaji giving them a high customer group. However, the land belongs to CCP and not the vendors. The vendors have no secure tenure despite working there for decades. They have been promised a place after phase 3 is implemented and are hoping that this will improve their quality of life.

Financial capital

The financial resources available to people (including savings, credit, remittances and pensions) which provide them with different livelihood options. (Silwa, 2018)

They have invested in the education of their children and that is their financial investment or their backup plan in case their business fails. For some people working for others in the market, they have no secure financial capital except their houses back in their villages

Social and political capital

The social resources (networks, membership of groups, relationships of trust and reciprocity, access to wider institutions of society) on which people draw in pursuit of livelihoods. (Silwa, 2018)

The social bonds are strong with roots back in time as the market consists of family inherited businesses. This is their biggest social capital in the market. There is an association of 14 members that leads the market. It was formed by the vendors in the market nearly 15 years ago when there was a need for leadership and communication with the municipality and other associations present in the market area. The association is based on voluntary work and there is no assigned leader. Not being hired by CCP and being acknowledged by both vendors and CCP gives them influence in decision making in the market. In case of any issues CCP tries to communicate with them. There is an interesting Social structure existing in the market that we will explore in the next section.

When we identify the most valuable asset in the market, the physical capital is very valuable as it is the prime location and brings business to the market. It is also the most vulnerable asset as the land belongs to CCP and they can revoke the land unless there is a contract. Another important asset are the Natural and Social capitals. The natural capital or the river is a very important source of their livelihood but it is very unpredictable. A recent storm passing from Goan coast in October 2019 led to lack of fishes for over 2 weeks. Everyone knows each other in the market since decades and that builds a strong social capital. Most of the fish cutter were trained by one person to support their livelihood. There social capital helped them build their human capital that helps them survive and make their living. For these Fish cutters, their Skills or Human Capital would be the most important capital. Whereas when we talk about the women in the fish market, they’ve educated their children and they work in corporate sectors now. According to them, this is their most important capital.

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