1 minute read
19.Type of house a.Polythene built house b.Iron sheets c.Wood/timber d.Mad and wattle e.Brick f.Cemented fl oor g.Grass thatched
c.Wood/timber d.Mad and wattle e.Brick f.Cemented fl oor g.Grass thatched
B. SERVICES 20.Where do you get water for your house hold? a.From the tap b.Spring c.Open well 21.How many Jerricans of water do you use per day?
22.If you pay, how much do you pay 20 litre Jerri can? a.Ush50-75 b.Ush100 c.Ush150-200
18. Do you boil your house holds’ drinking water? a.Yes b.No
19. Does this house has its own toilet/ latrine a.Yes b.No
20. If communal, how much do you pay visit?
21. Type of toilet a.Latrine b.Flash toilet c.Flying toilet d.Others specify a.Private clinic in this community b.Government hospital c.Herbal doctor d.Witch doctor e.Church/NGO based hospital/clinic
26. What sicknesses do your household members suffer most? a.Cholera b.Dysenty c.Malaria d.HIV/AIDS
27. Are there eviction threats in this community? a.Yes b.No
28. Are there any NGO/CBO working in this community? a.Yes b.No
29. If yes, name them and what they do
C. ENERGY 30. Does you house has electricity? a.Yes b.No
31. How do you pay for electricity? a.Direct to the company b.To the land lord c.I don’t pay
32. How much do you pay for electricity per month? Ush
33. What kind of fuel do you use? a.Paraffi n b.Charcoal c.Fire Wood d.Electricity
34. How much do you spend on fuel per month?
a.Paraffi n b.Charcoal c.Fire Wood