University of Florida | Envision Resilience: Narragansett Challenge | Spring 2022 Barrington Refuge

University of Florida | Envision Resilience: Narragansett Challenge | Spring 2022 Barrington Refuge
Brian ValentinaRachelDanielBrianAlexZachKyleVictoriaDanielMurtaghWellhausenHardisonO’QuinnMengelRomanLachnichtRivero-GonzalezRuscignoGalbusera Nicholas AnthonyHarrisonAlexiaJinmaIbiebelemeLondonoOpuso-JaDengGomezEmardRyanEspinosa Student ProfessorContributers Jeffrey Carney Copyright © 2022 University of Florida All rights reserved.

Narragansett Challenge
Around the world, slow inundation from sea level rise and greater destruction caused by storms are forcing coastal populations to migrate inland and upland. As millions of people face this threat over the next half century, can we imagine accommodating such change through typical processes of housing and community development? Will such adaptation require a radical new approach to the architecture of human settlement? Working with a coastal site in Barrington, Rhode Island, the 7.2-acre hilltop site of a former monastery, the Barrington Refuge project will propose approaches to accommodate people locally displaced by sea level rise and storm. Studio projects don’t simply present developments to “rehouse” people, but reflect deeply on questions of permanence, memory, place, equity, robustness, and fragility. This studio aims to help the town of Barrington envision this place’s role in the coming century.

Climate change induced sea level rise is already having dramatic impact on Coastal communities. Increased damage from storms, sunny day floods, saltwater intrusion into groundwater are some of the pervasive impacts. At the same time it is predicted that coastal populations will reach 1 billion this century as urban growth pushes towards the edge (Hauer, 2020). A collision course between urban growth and rising seas seems inevitable – but who is going to pay the price? How will societies that value living along the coast economically, socially, and spiritually cope with this emerging crisis? The primary project of this semester will center students in the dynamics of change and how built environments engage the natural environment over time. This final project will also position architects in a process that we often see through the eyes of landscape architects, engineers, and city planners. What does the architect bring to this process? How does our work contribute to an essential conversation about dwelling in a time of climate change and uncertainty?
Barrington Refuge

Making For Movement
Buildings can shield us from the world around us, they can block the wind, bar the windows, separate us from risk, elevate us from conflict… but is this the limit of architecture? How do we occupy the space of change? Removal #1 Gainesville Power Station: Valentina Galbusera

Removal #2 Removal #3

12 The first project embeds students in a particular space. Your role is to understand that space through your occupation of it and through 3 sequential “removals” from it. Removal ZachGainesville#1Woods:Mengel


14 As you operate within this site, document its qualities, dynamics, elements of change and stability, your perceptions and comforts. What do you learn from being there, about yourself, your occupation, the dynamic systems around you? How does your being there (the architecture of your occupation) reflect on this place? What can you learn from the process? Removal #1 Flavett IbiebelemeField:Opusa-Jama

15 Removal #2 Removal #3

Designing futures
Barrington Refuge
Over the 11 week project, students to work as part of a team of 4 and individually to design 4 approaches to the Barrington Monastery site that are further developed through 4 specific architectural investigations. Each team developed an overall 50-100 year vision for the site. Each team will present this vision through analysis, a schematic site plan, sections, and diagrams that 1) propose a programmatic focus for the site, 2) integrates the project into the immediate context, 3) expresses a global position on climate change and migration, 4) presents a phasing strategy that demonstrates a strategic understanding of the project over time. This adaptation strategy will require the team to form a series of “agreements”. These will then be tested through individual projects. Individually, we will develop the architectural expression within the complex, responding to programmatic needs of the dwelling. Each student will also demonstrate the continuity of dwelling though three generations of occupation.
4. Share
5. Permeate
1. Re-Use
2. Re-Center
This project will also explore the cleared site but propose a far lower density development. The development should explore high efficiency building, urban farming, and nature-based solutions to accommodating growth on Barrington.
This project will also explore the cleared site but propose a far lower density development. The development should explore high efficiency building, urban farming, and nature-based solutions to accommodating growth on Barrington.
This proposal will explore critical approaches to adaptive reuse of the existing building along with the potential for additional construction on site.
This project will explore the cleared site and the development of a maximum density model. The project should explore a range of dwelling types and sizes and consider the way that density can integrate with the surrounding community.
This project will remove the building but maintain the wooded feel of the site and accommodate higher density. The project should explore the economic and resilience benefit to a single structure.
3. Densify
REUSE&ADAPT01: Team: Anthony Espinosa, Victoria Hardison, and Brian Lachnicht In response to the global challenge of emobodied energy. Barrington’s fight with sea-level rise, and the idea of missing third places, our team proposes to adaptively reuse the existing building on the site as a center piece for a new community. Our research suggest that: a) Adaptive reuse can aid in the global fight againts climate change. b)There is a growing need for a resilient senior-living community in Barrington for those that are displaced to c)Barringtonlive. needs more third places for people to spend their time. 1. Embodied Energy : According to the EPA. In 2018, the US accumulated 60 million tons of C&D debris and 90% of the debris is from demolition. 2. Sea Level Rise and Demographics: NOAA Scenarios:2060:200 ft-213people (Intermediate) 456 ft-1027people(Extreme) 2100: 620 ft-1903 people(Intermediate) 1036ft (Extreme) 3. Misisng Third Places : 1st place considered your home 2nd place would be work or school 3rd plae would be anything outside that

22 Anthony Espinosa | Passive Design Strategies Use passive systems to increse thermal comfort and reduce energy load in the buildings. My interest here is how do we adapt to reuse? In this case I took a piece of the building and started to retrofit utilizing the environmental techniques. Initial process: taxonomy study with five different types of passive systems. Where these are going to become essential for the design process. Louver System StackSkylightVentilation Trombe Wall Solar Shading

Iteration process: Relationship between the environment and people and how can be affected by these passive systems.
Iteration process: Different section studies, variations, and programmatic divisions.

The retrofit of the building will inform the new construction of the community, creating new human experiences and utilizing different passive systems.
24 Anthony Espinosa | Passive Design Strategies
Use passive systems to increse thermal comfort and reduce energy load in the buildings.

25 207520502025

26 Brian Lachnicht | Social Spines Exploring Third Place Ecologies in a Suburban Neighborhood Scaling down elements of a healthy city onto a site. Bring the social spaces into the neighborhood rather than separated by roads and parking lots. Early Adult Life Middle Adult Life Late Adult Life -Dorm Rooms -High -Low-Low-Private-SingleInteractivityFamilyHomesAmenitiesMobilityInteractivityAllowing for our homes to be connected to interative spaces between neighbors Bringing Third Places into the suburbs

Social Spine

28 Brian Lachnicht | Project Title Exploring Modularity Through Functions of Dwelling These systems together introduce a new suburban fabric into the community. The shared porch connecting the units together give back those missing third places into the suberbs.

29 Garden Space
The Plaza space, simple in design, but creates a public node for everyone in the community to gather.
Garden space creates sense of responsibility in a community. Having a task or something to upkeep helps retirees keep themselved feeling less isolated

30 Victoria Hardison | Memory Space Exploring memory and how to design for it By creating nodes of memory throughout the community, residents will be able to both create and reignite memories. Node locations on site Spinal Section


32 Victoria Hardison | Memory Space Exploring memory and how to design for it

33 55 years old 75 years old 95 years old

RE-CENTER02: Team: Rachel Ruscigno, Alexia Emard, Alexander Roman Challenge and Proposition In response to the foreseeable increased cost of living in Barrington and the integrated volatility due to climate change and flooding, we find it appropriate to design a space that promotes shelter and refuge for displaced individuals, while protecting and preserving the environment for the overall well-being of both man and nature. We propose constructing a net-zero building through focused methods on passive design strategies, water conservation and security, and energy consumption and Evidenceconservation.suggests that Barrington will require a dynamic shift in their methods of energy consumption to avoid community disruption from storm incidents. Residents Impacted by Storm-Related Energy Outages 1992-2009- | 233, 359 residents 2008-2013 | 183,755 residents Energy Consumption600 kwh/month – average Rhode Island 75householdgallons of water/day – average Rhode Island Designhousehold The concept can be simplified as a cluster of niches framed within a large screen that strategically blends the threshold between the interior and the exterior. Flooding over the next 100 years in Barrington

Challenge and Proposition In response to the foreseeable increased cost of living in Barrington and the integrated volatility due to climate change and flooding, we find it appropriate to design a space that promotes shelter and refuge for displaced individuals, while protecting and preserving the environment for the overall well-being of both man and nature. We propose constructing a net-zero building through focused methods on passive design strategies, water conservation and security, and energy consumption and conservation.
Evidence suggests that Barrington will require a dynamic shift in their methods of energy consumption to avoid community disruption from storm TheDesignincidents.conceptcan be simplified as a cluster of niches framed within a large screen that strategically blends the threshold between the interior and the exterior.

36 Flooding over the next 100 years in Barrington

Sustainable37 Strategies

38 Design –The concept can be simplified as a cluster of niches framed within a large screen that strategically blends the threshold between the interior and the exterior. South Building Section

39 South Building Elevation

Communal Conditions (Exterior Social Datum)

Birds Eye View (Exterior Social Datum)

Longitudinal Section


PumpsGeothermalPhotovoltaics Systems Diagram

25 years 50 years
Overtime... More will seek refuge at 25 Watson Ave because of its durability and sustainability, coupled with its en couragement of community growth and involvement.
Moving forward, storm-related damages will continue to increase in severity and frequency, which will directly result in more residents being displaced. This means that our proposal will serve as a refuge for the broader community as Barrington grows in age and size. Looking through time, the site will evolve from being a single, independent structure with minimal leisure activities to a broader and bigger social and environmental landmark for the communit.

This project proposes high density development on site as a response to future displacement of the surrounding residents of the Barrington region. We look to capitalize on the site’s relatively high elevation and view the site as an opportunity to explore the development of a framework for growth that allows for a natural and responsive transition into a densified and socially integrated environment.
Nesting of Communal Spaces - Provide public green infrastructure that allows for integration of communities and balances the high-density Thedevelopmentsitestrategy is driven by a main gesture labeled as the “Communal Spine.” This spine provides public green infrastructure for community events and social interaction and balances the high-density development by allocating space for the natural landscape.
Design AdaptiveAgreements:SystemofGrowth
- Flexible framework that accommodates for future expansion and responds to gradual density pressures MAGIC - Multi-generational housing as a way of creating new relationships between traditionally separated age groups and demographics.
Team: Nicholas Londoño, Zach Mengel, and Daniel Rivero-Gonzalez

52 Zach Mengel | Resilience through ‘Magic’ Exploring Modularity Through Functions of Dwelling A Series of modules that follow the principles of MAGIC design by orienting the dwellings around a common sunroom space, with the ability to expand and contract their unit based on needs of privacy and comfort on a day to day basis.

53 ‘MAGIC’ Module Perspective Site TransectPerspectivesiteplan

54 Zach Mengel | Resilience through ‘Magic’ Exploring Modularity Through Functions of Dwelling

55 Transverse Section Exploring Winter Condition Transverse Section Exploring Summer Condition

56 Daniel Rivero-Gonzalez | Flexible Growth Incremental Social Housing | Alejandro Aravena Woonerf Road and Townhouse Typology Establish Fixed Edge and Areas of Growth Develop Framework for Future Growth Allow Inhabitants to Expand as Needed Establish Fixed Edge as Main Organizational Constraint Allow for Individual Expansion Towards Internal Courtyards Dutch Hybrid Neighborhoods | Flexible Morphology

57 Communal Spine connects residents through larger public green infrastruc ture and provides three different forms of spaces for community interaction Flexible Spaces and Programmatic Disposition Human Measure and Scalar Dimension

58 Daniel Rivero-Gonzalez | Flexible Growth 205020252075

Perspective rendering of social gathering and different forms of occupation near the woonerf
59 2100

60 Nicholas Londono| High Density Exploring Modularity Through Functions of Dwelling By deconstructing the house into its functional modules, we are able to delegate an active response to sea level rise for each function.

The design address a forest within high density units. The main concern in this project was how to achieve high density units without taking away from the natural vegetation and natural environment of the site. The or ganic modular framework of the units give permeability and a systematic system of growth. Suburban Forest
Longitudinal section Elevated Corridor
61 2085 Engagement
The main attribute of this high density project is the wooden deck platform that wraps around the project. Underneath the platform parking walkways, and the road emerges, in contrast on top of the platform re sides programmatic spaces for interactions between the young and the old. The platform includes many apertures where a forest is allowed to grow organical ly.

62 Nicholas Londono| High Density Exploring Modularity Through Functions of Dwelling By deconstructing the house into its functional modules, we are able to create permeable units with flexible housing for its residents.

63 With the ever changing climate conditions of Barrington , the idea of phasing becomes more prev alent and important to the site. As the need of density increases due to climate change, and the displacement of individuals due to storm surge phasing through modularity will help adapt to the needs of the community. The axon drawing below describes the additional units that will be added in 25 years (35units) 50 years (55units), and finally 75 years (95 units). Modular Phasing Transverse section

Team: Kyle O’Quinn, Daniel Wellhausen, and Brian Murtagh
Each proposal works to offset three major concerns in Barrington, affordability, a lack of housing type variety, and an imbalance in the age distribution.
Thecomplexes.othermain solution is a focus on shared infrastructure to cut costs and encourage a more socially connected, mixed generation community. Each concept derives its own version of shared infrastructure, but all seek to allow communal spaces that enage the neighbors, inviting the public into mixing spaces near the larger retation pond.
One of two main solutions is the implementation of the “Missing Middle” housing concept. This middle density soltuion attempts to mitigate concerns about major developments on the site while filling the gap between single family housing and aprtment
With a cleared site and low density proposal, this project will attempt to blend a slightly higher density than its context into the surrounding neighborgood.


67 Region Development Intensity at Convergence of Geographic Advantages Urban MediatorNarragansettWater’sDevelopmentImport/ExportUrbanPatternsDevelopmentSprawlAlongEdgeBayas

68 City Transit Type Convergences of Past and Present Moments of Grid Embedded in Organic SuburbanCommercialEdgeSubstrateasInterfaceDensitiesSprawl

69 Site Suburban Density Gradient Site as PublicRidgeViewCoastalMediatorWindsCorridorConditionEdge

70 Share: Threshold Study


72 On-Site Photographs

Cost of Living Social Connectedness and the Resilient Community Researchers like Joy E. Losee, a Graduate Research Fellow of Psychology at the University of Florida, have preformed studies showing that those who live in a more “connected” community are much more likely to have an emergency preparedness plan. This data suggests that tight knit communities will be more capable of responding to adverse climate events. Not only will they be more prepared, they will also be able to respond more effectively, relying on eachother to rememdy damages as a result. Cost of living in Barrington is nearly twice as high as the rest of the country, pricing out lower income individuals while stretching others thin. This is in part due to a lack of variety in housing typologies, resulting in an imbalance in age distribution.
74 Supporting Data
United States Barrington Town

75 Lack of Housing Variety Cost of living in Barrington is nearly twice as high as the rest of the country, pricing out lower income individuals while stretching others thin. This is in part due to a lack of variety in housing typologies, resulting in an imbalance in age Source:distribution.Esri; 4ward Plan ning, Inc. Housing Units by Structure 2 0 2 1 Barrington 15 Minute PMA Providence MSA United States SFDetached SFAttached Duplex 3or4 5to9 10to19 20to49 50orMore MobileHomeBoat, RV,Van, Etc 100 75 50 25 0 Barrington Providence MSA 30 Minute PMA United States 2010 2021 2026 50 40 30 20 10 0 M e d i a n A g e T r e n d s Median Age Trends 2021 Age Distribution2021 >5 5 14 15 24 25 34 35 44 45 54 55 64 65 74 75+ 0 5 10 15 20 Barrington Providence
The major asset offered by this site is its beautiful view of Narragansett Bay. As such, we sought to enhance this view in our designs. The viewing axis became a driving factor for spatial organization within the site. Through visiting the site, we quickly realized the impact of the wind moving in off the water and decided to preserve robust wind mitigation towards the edges of the Finally,site.the topography determines the placement of the pond in the southeast corner of the site to detain runoff from the community garden, allowing for it to be filtered before returning to the sea.
76 Site Analysis
Team Agreements • View Corridor • Prevailing Wind Mitigation • Water Retention/Detention Location • Maximum Building Height • Garden at a Variety of Scales

Context and Relationship to the Environment
North - South Transect Site Plan Site Analysis
This site’s position on top of a coastline ridge yields some level of safety from sea level rise, denoting it as refuge for the surrounding neihgborhood. Planning for and responding to a changing environment is at the forefront of this design response. The ridge and site mediates between coastal and suburban conditions, bordered by water on both sides with Brickyard pond to the North. The moment of the sun across the sky throughout the year is carefully considered, becoming another connection between proposal and environment. Finally, one of the most important aspects of this site is its view. A corridor overlooking the ocean, framed by an opening in the trees, creates connection between residents and their surrounding, encouraging a certain conciousness about their impact.

79 Winter Solstice Summer Solstice

What is CoHousing? A semi-communal housing typology consisting of a cluster of private homes and a shared community space. What does it offer? Aside from the sense of place gained by becoming part of a larger community, CoHousing takes advantage of shared infrastructure to make affordability a real possibility, while creating a stronger, more resilient community. Why here? The cost of living in Barrington is almost double that of the US average. Additionally, there is a imbalance in age distribution. CoHousing will introduce an affordable lifestyle that blends into the surrounding neighborhoods while incentivizing a more robust age distribution through an intergenerational, village-like lifestyle.
80 Kyle O’Quinn | CoHousing Social Connectedness and Resilience
This concept studies the threshold between interalized and externalized community. It was inspired by the intense internal community of the silent nuns that lived here in the monastery, their relationship with the surrounding neighborhood, and the nature of a changing environment.

81Residential Cluster Approach Interface Diagrams; Public vs Private

Grace Kim, a founding principal of Schemata Workshop and subject expert, calls communal dining the “secret sauce” of CoHousing. This shared meal takes place in the common house, a center for shared ammenities like a kitchen, lounge, laundromat, workshop, and even guest rooms. Fresh vegetables from the community garden are sold to neighbors at the attached farmer’s market, a mixing space between the internal and external communities. The building is situated on axis with the sun at noon during the winter solistice and frames a beautiful view of the ocean (seen in the communal dining rendering on the next page), accepting much need sun while its low in the sky, defining the relationship with its environment.
Social Connectedness and Resilience
82 Kyle O’Quinn | CoHousing

The overall proposal consists of a view corridor towards the ocean, keeping the existing tree line as a natural wind barrier and thinning it for views, establishing three bioswales for on-site water retention, and providing open spaces for public programs. The traffic is directed from/onto Watson and Freemont. The multi-family housing (townhouses/duplexes) are sited 30 – 40 feet above sea level, while the single-family housing is on the 20-30 foot elevation.
BiophilicTerminology:Design: The practice of connecting people and nature within our built environments and communities. International Living Future Institute Antifragility: A property of systems in which they increase in capability to thrive as a result of stressors, shocks, volatility, noise, mistakes, faults, attacks, or failures.
Nassim Taleb - Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder (2012)
Team: Valentina Galbusera, Harrison Ryan, Ibiebeleme Opusa-Jama, and Jin Deng
Site Plan
The group focus is on biophilic design and antifragility as a response to the climactic and natural properties of the site, and to re-establish the connections between humans and nature.

Site Isometric

Biophilic Design - Investigating biophilic design and anti-fragility in architecture in order to reinforce the connection between humans and nature.
Challenge and Proposition Barrington region
Global Losing the connection to the natural envi ronment Regional Hazards within the coastal environment Local Advantages and Disadvantages of the site
Our teams focus is on biophilic design and anti-fragility as a response the climactic and natural properties of the site, and to reestablish the connections between humans and nature. Our project requirements include to create low-density affordable housing , on-site water retention solutions, open spaces for public and green spaces.
Anti-fragility - Anti-fragility is a property of systems in which they increase in capa bility to thrive as a result of stressors, shocks, volatility, noise, mistakes, faults, attacks, or failures. Plan Studies - Site condition, zoning, density. analysis

Visual Connection with Nature A view to elements of nature, living sys tems and natural processes. Non-Visual Connection with Nature Auditory, haptic, olfactory, or gustatory stimuli that engender a deliberate and positive reference to nature, living sys tems or natural processes. Non-Rhythmic Sensory Stimuli Stochastic and ephemeral connections with nature that may be analyzed statisti cally but may not be predicted precisely. Thermal & Airflow Variability
Subtle changes in air temperature, rela tive humidity, airflow across the skin, and surface temperatures that mimic natural APresenceenvironments.ofWaterconditionthatenhances the experience of a place through the seeing, hearing or touching of water. Dynamic & Diffuse Light Leveraging varying intensities of light and shadow that change over time to create conditions that occur in nature. Connection with Natural Systems Awareness of natural processes, especial ly seasonal and temporal changes char acteristic of a healthy ecosystem Biomorphic Forms & Patterns Symbolic references to contoured, pat terned, textured or numerical arrange ments that persist in nature. Material Connection with Nature Material and elements from nature that, through minimal processing, reflect the local ecology or geology to create a dis tinct sense of place. Complexity & Order Rich sensory information that adheres to a spatial hierarchy similar to those en countered in nature.
Nature in Space Nature of SpaceNatural Analogues 14 Principles of Biophilic Principles of Design:
AnProspectunimpeded view over a distance for surveillance and planning. ARefugeplace for withdrawal, from environmen tal conditions or the main flow of activity, in which the individual is protected from behind and overhead. TheMysterypromise of more information achieved through partially obscured views or other sensory devices that entice the individual to travel deeper into the envi Risk/Perilronment. An identifiable threat coupled with a reli able safeguard.
Water Wind Preliminary site analysis sketch Site Treeline View Zoning
The site is elevated and safe from a projected sea-level rise over 100 years, yet we are still prone to hurricanes, nor’easters, etc.
The site has typographical changes of up to 40 feet, which we found advantageous to create bioswales, marshlands, and green space as a method of storm-water management. In addition the relief of the site aided in the placement of housing types, with single-family housing units situated on the south part of the lot, which is sloped, and the duplexes and townhouses situated on the north side of the lot, which is relatively flat land.
88 Research | Site Studies
Using the relief, we also located several spots on our site that benefit from having a bioswale to catch water runoff, breeding local vegetation and ecosystems, and another way to connect the residents to nature. The bioswales are the main organizing factor to the location and orientation of the residences which will be or ganized around them. We also have the south view of the beach as a factor towards our site layout, and we mapped a northeast to southwest view corridor to be open for an undisturbed view of the coast.
Our approach to anti-fragility is to prepare for the most extreme case scenario than not be prepared at all. This will also be a case study of resilient design that can withstand disasters and global warming that is applicable to other parts of the world facing the same issues.

89 Requirement: Retain water on-site Solution: 3 Bioswale systems Capture and store storm-water runoff Restoration of wetland and marsh habitats Natural vegetation, soil based systems Requirement: protect homes from strong winds Solution: Natural wind barriers. Maintain tree barriers along the site periphery to protect infrastructure from nor’easters and other strong winds. Trees along the periphery also provide privacy for the occupants Requirement: Maintain coastal view Solution: Thin existing tree-line Requirement: create living zones on site, each that focus on various biophilic strategies Locate residential zones near bioswales Zone 1- duplexes/townhouses. Low risk to sea level Zonerise 2- duplexes/townhouses. Low risk to sea level Zonerise 3- duplexes. Higher risk to sea level rise, more Zonepermeable.4-Central outdoor space for community The final site analysis diagram is used as a base for the master plan WIND,WATER, and VIEW analysis dictate ideal locations for housing on the site,as well as biophilic landscaping strategies Site Analysis combined

90 Design | Site Proposal Based on our site analysis, we established the primary vehicular transportation that directs traffic from/onto Watson and Freemont. We determined that the 40 units will be comprised of multi-family housing units (townhouses) that have views to the oceanfront or bioswale ecosystems. site plan

91 contextsitevegetationhousingroad The circulation requirement was to determine the number of entrances and reduce footprint of roads and parking circulationarielviewexploded isometric

become informative
92 Harrison Ryan | Ground Conditions Exploring Modularity Through Functions of Dwelling
Studying how ground can be viewed as its own architectural element, that with the knowledge of natural systems can of how architecture can intervene it, by studying ground in two primary ways: as a Ground as UnderstandingSYSTEMthelayers
not as a solid mass but something that has layers that can be revealed when cut into Each layer has different material qualities
of the ground, and their inherent qualities such as permeability, water retention, and


94 Harrison Ryan | Ground Conditions Exploring Modularity Through Functions of Dwelling


100 Valentina Galbusera | Edge Conditions
Redefining the edge through biophilic and climactic principles
My individual study is essentially critiqu ing the “thinness” of a wall system and the way that our contemporary envelope has flattened the potential “thickness” of indoor - outdoor relationships. This critique is applied in section to the design of a standard 2 bed/2 bath hous ing unit, in order to redefine the edge through the principles of sun/view, wind/ bird habitation, and rain/water shed.
Sectional Diagram - Experiential Wind, View, and Rain Condition
In these initial diagrams, the focus was on expanding the experiential potential of the wall through a study of different biophilic and climactic principles such as wind, water, sun, temperature, and animal behavior.
They are based on the literature I explored on biophilic design by Stephen Kellert, as well as Architecture of the Edge by Emmet Truxes, where they state, “ An architecture of the edge condition fights for the principles of connection ... It is able to insinuate a new set of meanings and conjure a fresh dialect with every new set of eyes that focus upon it.”
Sectional Diagram - Experiential Sun, Wind, and View Condition

101 Biophilic Sections - Sun and View Edge Condition - Robust to Antifragile Biophilic Sections - Wind and Bird Habitation Edge Condition - Robust to Antifragile Biophilic Sections - Rain and Water Shed Edge Condition - Robust to Antifragile

102 Valentina Galbusera | Edge Conditions
This study highlights that the built environment cannot be sensory deprived, nor should it rely solely on visual connections. It needs an indirect - direct relationship and a physicalemotional connection. Especially since as we’ve evolved as a society, almost 90% of our time is spent indoors, there needs to be more of a permeable edge between the built and natural environment.
Redefining the edge through biophilic and climactic principles
These 3 types of biophilic edge conditions are further investigated through the lens of anti-fragility, where each version ranges from robust (a more protected condition) to anti-fragile (a more at risk condition).
The experiential sectional perspectives combine all the analytical orthographic elements of the various biophilic edge conditions, and compares the indoor - outdoor experiences from a standard edge to an anti-fragile one.
Experiential Sectional Perspectives - Standard Edge and Biophilic Edge Comparison - Robust to Anti-fragile Conditions

103 Biophilic Edge Conditions - Section Perspectives

104 Ibiebeleme Opuso-Jama | Permeable
Lighting: relaxing pools of light, similar to light going through foliage Colors: brown, beige, black, green, blue (sky)
Architects have four elements as build ing materials: earth, air, water, and light. These elements with their own characteristics are the building blocks of space and perception. Building ma terials are composed of these four ele ments, glass, brick, wood all have rela tionships to the four elements in how they shape a space. These materials derive from nature, but how to hone the connection to nature is the tech nique of assembling the space with the materials strategically to harmo nize with nature. It can be done visu ally, the most common, in the way that the assembly of the materials resem bles nature and natural forms. This is also known as biomimicry. This works well in achieving the biophilic connec tion, however, there are other ways to harmonize materials with nature. A more intangible method is to express the material’s connection to the four elements in a way that nature does.
Relaxation: water flowing, flexibility of water in different molds. Kinetics and movement Systems: armature system, Rhythmic, modular but organic. Breaking the matrix
“Sensuous materiality and the sense of tradition evoke benevolent experiences of natural duration and the temporal continuum” collages of nides collage material mind maps
Chosen aspects: Materials: Wood, steel, glass, foliage
Exploring Materiality in Biophilic design

annotated sections interior render
It was important to consider how biophilic design can operate in the building functionality. The cold winters mean insulation is a significant factor, wheerby incorporating natural materials like cork as an insulator can be safe, eco-friendly, and natural.

106 Ibiebeleme Opuso-Jama | Permeable Exploring Materiality in Biophilic design perspective section of duplex floor plans First floor Second floor Roof

Some ways to bring nature into the space is an indoor garden beneath a skylight so that when the cold weather restricts outdoor rescreation, resi dents are able to have that access to nature in the comfort of their home interior