The Bravest
VOL. XLIV NO. 3, 2008
am happy to announce that on Tuesday, October 14, 2008, the UFA and the City came to a tentative collective bargaining agreement for the reopener clause for the 2004-06 period and for the 20082010 contract. I want to thank our Executive Board and labor attorney Mike Axelrod for their help and assistance in negotiating this agreement. The Executive Board voted unanimously in favor of the agreement and and recommends approval. The Battalion Advisory Committee, on October 16th, voted on the pro-
4% base salary increase for all grades, retroactively effective August 1, 2008. 4% (compounded is 4.16%) base salary increase for all grades, effective August 1, 2009. $253 annual Longevity increase for 5, 10, 15, and 20-year steps, effective July 31, 2010. Longevity Escalator – Automatic Increases & Compounding of existing longevity. It will increase and compound with all future base salary increases, effective July 31, 2010. Ratification Process & Timeline
Complete copies of the Memorandum of Agreement and all attachments were mailed on October 15th to Delegates. The following meetings and actions will take posed agreement: 50 “yes” and 1 place in accordance with UFA Con“abstention.” stitution requirements: The details of the agreement October 23rd - Details of are as follows: the tentative contract will be dis2004-06 Contract Reopener: cussed with all Delegates at a SpeThe basic maximum salary has been cial Delegate Meeting at 10:00 am increased 3.48% retroactively effecat the JFK Ramada. tive to July 31, 2006 (ie. 1st grade). November 20th - A roll call Length of 2008-10 Contract vote of the Delegates will be con24 months.
ducted at a Special Delegate Meeting at 10:00 am. The General Membership Meeting will immediately follow. (NOTE: The November 13th meeting is rescheduled to November 20th.) December 1st - If approved by a majority of the Delegates at the November 20th meeting, ballots will be mailed by the American Arbitration Association. (AAA) on December 1st, to all members for a contract ratification vote. Complete copies of the Memorandum of Agreement and attachments will be mailed to all members five (5) days prior to the ballot mailing. December 11th - Ballot count by AAA and announcement of results via 65-2 fax and Web posting. * * * August 18th was the first anniversary of the tragic sevenalarm high-rise fire at the former Deutsche Bank that claimed the lives of Firefighters Robert Beddia and Joseph Graffagnino. Plaques honoring the two firefighters were dedicated at Engine Company 24/Ladder Company 5 in Manhattan. (Continued on page 2)
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President’s Message (Continued from page 1)
Leading up to first anniversary of the tragic Deutsche Bank Fire, the UFA spent much time conducting an extensive review of many of the FDNY fire fatalities in the past 15 years. A common theme has emerged: traditional FDNY aggressive interior attack coupled with water problems. In a letter dated August 12, 2008, a detailed proposal was sent to Commissioner Scoppetta and I asked him to make a simple change in communication that I believe will enhance the safety of firefighters and fire officers operating on the fire ground. I recognize that it is difficult for the incident commander to keep track of time as he attends to his responsibilities on the fire ground. Therefore, I requested that the dispatcher be required to call the incident commander every five minutes requesting a water status update until an attack on the fire has begun. Once prompted, the incident commander would then update by handie-talkie all members operating on the fire ground about the status of fire conditions, ie., “Five minutes no water,” “Five minutes no water should have it momentarily,” “____ minutes no water hydrant problems,” “No water we are having difficulty finding the fire.” This critical piece of information would alert firefighters who are operating in either dangerous or potentially dangerous areas of the water status at a particular point in time. It would also provide firefighters with a timeline of how long they have been operating on the fire ground, something they
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currently lack. Firefighters do not have a clock available to them. It is impossible for firefighters to know exactly how long they have been operating in the fire building. Notification by the incident commander of the water status to all units on the scene will allow firefighters to determine if conditions are deteriorating, if it is necessary to seek a safer location or withdraw completely and, it will also give firefighters an accurate measure of how long they have been operating on the fire ground. Again, this simple change in communication is a critical piece of information for firefighters and this proposal will cost the City nothing to implement. I believe that it will make firefighting safer for all New York City firefighters. The UFOA has reviewed our proposal and supports it with some minor adjustments. We now wait for Commissioner Scoppetta and his staff to act in a fashion that is in the best interest of all firefighters. September 11th was the 7th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. To commemorate these tragic events, firefighters throughout the city remembered our 343 fallen brothers in many personal ways. Thousands were in attendance at the Firefighters Memorial Monument in Riverside Park where members of Battalion 18 once again hosted its annual memorial service. Many firefighters, families, and friends were also drawn to Ground Zero. Firehouses that had suffered losses also conducted memorials and remembrance ceremonies. FDNY Memorial Day was observed on Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at the Firefighter’s Memo-
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rial Monument on Riverside Park. Lt. John Martinson of Engine 249, who died in the line of duty on January 3, 2008, was honored. Tribute was also paid to the following members who died in the last year: Battalion Chief James Savastano, Jr., Battalion 4; FF Timothy P. Killarney, Ladder 126; Supervising Fire Marshal Douglas Mercereau, Brooklyn Command; FF Roger Peterson, Ladder 137; Capt. Steven Jaeger, Ladder 117; FF Sean McCarthy, Engine 280; FF Martin Simmons, Ladder 111; FF Kevin Meehan, Engine 34 and FF David Clark, Ladder 77.We must never forget the memory of our fallen brothers, please remember to keep them and their families in your prayers. Updates regarding contract ratification, as well as the continuing investigations into the Deutsche Bank Fire, will be posted on our Web site at As always, stay safe!
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PHOTO CREDIT: Stephen N. Symbolik
(Above) The Firefighter’s Memorial (1913) in Riverside Park was designed by H. Van Buren Magonigle (1867-1935), and its sculptures are attributed to Attilio Piccirilli (18661945). According the the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation “this monument is said to have had its origins in the remarks of the Right Reverend Henry C. Potter at the funeral of Deputy Fire Chief Charles A. Kruger in 1908. The monument was ultimately built on the hillside facing the Hudson River at 100th Street and comprises a grand staircase (once flanked by ornamental luminaires), a balustraded plaza, a fountain basin, and the central monument that has a massive bas-relief of horses drawing an engine to a fire (the original was replaced by a bronze replica in the 1950s); to the south and north are allegorical sculpture groups representing ‘Duty’ and ‘Sacrifice.’ The monument was dedicated on September 5, 1913.” Annually, on the second Wednesday of October, thousands of uniformed firefighters gather to honor the memory of firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
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By James Dahl UFA Retiree Liaison Mon-Wed-Fri 9 am to 4 pm 212-683-4723 Ext. 6577 This article contains important information pertinent to all current and future retirees. Please save the following and use as a reference for any future problems: 1. Notification of death of a retired Firefighter Notification of a retired firefighter's death is made to the NYC Fire Department by calling 718-999-2320 or 718-999-2321. Retirees have a life insurance policy in the amount of $6,000 with the FDNY Life Insurance Fund. This is the $9 deduction on your earnings statement listed as Fire Life. Members who have retired after January 1, 1971, have a death benefit with the Security Benefit Fund (SBF) in the following
amounts: Up to the age 49 $10,000 50 to 69 $5,000 70 and over $2,500 A claim for this benefit will be sent to your beneficiary when we receive notification of death. Only the retiree is covered for this benefit insured through the AIG Life Company. Payment is made to the designated primary or contingent beneficiary of the eligible deceased retiree upon submission of a completed claim form with a certified death certificate. 2. Reimbursement for Medicare part "B" If you are receiving a City pension check and both you and your spouse are enrolled in a City health plan, you will be reimbursed for your Medicare part "B" by the City of New York. You should send the following information to Employee Health Benefits. Make a
IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Security Benefit Fund (212) 683-4723 Fax (212) 683-0693
CVS/Caremark (Pharmacare) (866) 832-0563
Welfare Fund (AMB/OXY) (718) 999-1886
Dentcare/Healthplex (800) 468-0608
Pension Payroll (718) 999-2327 Art 1 (718) 999-1207 Surgical Assistance (718) 999-1252 Pension Life Ins (718) 999-2320
Counseling Services Unit (212) 570-1693/6 FDNY Retirement Desk (718) 999-2324 City Health/Medical/ Medicare benefits (212) 513-0470* *Not managed by the UFA
copy of your Medicare card to show that you have both parts "A" and "B" and include the following information: A. Birth dates for yourself and your spouse B. Your retirement date C. Your pension number D. Name of your health plan E. Name of your union Send this information to: Office of Labor Relations Employee Health Benefits Program 40 Rector Street - 3rd Floor New York, NY 10006 Attn: Medicare Division If you are in an HMO (Example HIP, AETNA, etc) you must inform your health carrier that you are going on Medicare due to forms that need to be filled out with your health provider. 3. Make notification of any change in status The Security Benefit fund must be informed of any changes in your status. For example: A. When you get married, we need a copy of the marriage certificate. B. When you become a new parent we need a copy of the birth certificate. C. If you get divorced, we need a copy of the first and last page of the divorce decree. D. When a spouse dies we need a copy of the death certificate. E. When you move please update your address with the SBF. To change your address with the NYC Fire Department or to make changes for direct deposit please call pension and payroll at 718-999-2327.
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4. Changing Health or Dental Plans Changing Health Plans You can change health plans every other year during the even numbered years (2008, 2010, 2012, etc). The usual time to change is in November in order to take effect the following January. You may also change plans at any time if you move out of your health plan service area. A change can occur outside the normal change period "Once in a lifetime." If this option is used, you can only change during the allotted change-over period, or if you move out of your service area. Changing Dental Plans You may change dental plans each year between October 15th and December 15th. Most plan changes take effect on January 1st. To assist you, James Dahl is available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. (212) 6834723, Extension 6577. Please refer to the following as a summary of Retired Security Benefit Fund Benefits: SUMMARY of R.F.S.B.F. ELIGIBILITY: Retired Firefighters and Fire Marshals, who retired on or after January 1, 1971 (July 9, 1993 for Wipers), and their eligible dependents, including duly registered domestic partners and their dependents. UFA SELF-INSURED HEALTHPLEX: Retiree is reimbursed in accordance with the R.S.B.F. Schedule of Fees. A dental form must be filled out. $1,500 Limitation per family member per 12 month period. Orthodontic services for dependents under 19 years of age only. DENTCARE PROGRAM: A pre-paid comprehensive dental
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program - Provides the necessary dental care, including orthodontics at no cost to the member, except for elective general anesthesia, porcelain crowns, and porcelain with metal or pontic - $50.00 Orthodontic services for dependents under 19 years. Members must select a dentist from the DENTCARE panel of dentists. Cosmetic dental treatment is not covered. AMERICAN DENTAL: Effective January 1, 1995, Retirees residing in Florida may elect coverage by the American Dental Plan (ADP), a Preferred Provider Plan with most routine and preventive care provided at no charge after payment of $5.00 routine office visit fee. A defined schedule of reduced fees applies for other general dental services. Participating ADP specialists charge 25% below their usual fees. OPTICAL: One eye exam and either one pair single-vision, bifocal, or contact lenses (subject to providers' surcharges) for Retirees and eligible dependents EVERY TWO YEARS through optical provider panel effective January 1, 1999, maximum of $60.00 ($15-exam, $20Frame, $25-Lenses, $45-Contact Lenses) reimbursed to Retiree if other than provider(s) is used. HEARING AID: Effective January 1, 1999, Retiree is reimbursed up to $600 towards hearing aid(s) purchased in a fiveyear period upon referral of a physician or audiologist. Send the paid bill, a copy of the prescription, and a copy of the audiologist report, to the R.F.S.B.F. for reimbursement. PRESCRIPTION PLAN: Plan administered by CVS/Caremark (formerly Eckerd Health/ PharmaCare) effective September 1, 2 0 0 4 .
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Insulin (including oral agents) and diabetes equipment and supplies are covered by ALL City Health Plans (NON-MEDICARE). MEDICARE members are covered under CVS/Caremark. Up front annual family deductible $125. PARTICIPATING PHARMACY: Once this deductible is met you will pay 35% of the drug or a minimum $5 generic/$20 Brand-name. Retirees can obtain up to a 30-day supply at a participating phar m ac y. NON-PARTICIPATING PHARMACY: Retirees using non-participating pharmacies can obtain up to a 30day supply and may be reimbursed up to average wholesale price plus dispensing fee, minus co-pay. Upfront annual deductible of $125 must be met first before co-pays apply. Reimbursement claim forms can be obtained by calling CVS at 1-866-832-0563. ANNUAL FAMILY DRUG CAP - $5,000MAINTENANCE DRUGS MAIL ORDER: If you or an eligible family member regularly takes medication for chronic long-term conditions such as arthritis, high blood pressure, heart conditions, etc., you may receive up to a 90-day supply of maintenance medication through EHS' mail service pharmacy. NOTE: No deductible will be required for prescriptions being filled at mail service and 35% of the cost of the drug still applies to mail orders. Deductible still applies to retail prescriptions. PICA: Plan administered by NPA. If you have any questions contact Express Scripts Customer Service Department at (Continued on page 6)
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(Continued from page 5) 1-800-467-2006. Sponsor number 2020. Effective July 1, 2005, most injectable and chemotherapy medications will continue to be covered under PICA (non-Medicare) while transferring the asthma and psychotropic drugs to the UFA Retired Security Benefit Fund Prescription Drug Plan administered by CVS. I N J E C TA B L E A N D C H E M O TH E R A P Y M E D IC AT IO N S Up to a 30-day supply at Retail Pharmacy: $10 Generic $25 Preferred Brand (Formulary) $45 Non-preferred Brand (NonFormulary)* UP to a 90-day supply at the Mail Order Pharmacy: $20 Generic $50 Preferred Brand (Formulary) $90 Non-preferred (Non-Formulary)* Annual Deductible for Injectable and Chemotherapy Medications Effective January 1, 2006, there will be an annual deductible of $100 per person for Injectable and Chemotherapy Medications. This deductible is independent of any other deductible. *If you choose a non-preferred brand drug that has a generic equivalent you will pay the difference in cost between the non-preferred brand drug and the generic drug PLUS the non-preferred brand copayment. (Increase in Co-Pays: Effective July1, 2005.) MEDICARE members are covered under CVS. Up-front deductible copays and annual family cap apply. CATARACT LENSES: R.F.S.B.F. allows up to $75 towards purchase after health plan
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Medicare, etc., has paid its portion. Send the paid bill and health plan(s) Explanation of benefits (EOB) to the R.F.S.B.F. office for reimbursement. SURGICAL ASSISTANCE FUND: R.F.S.B.F. pays the yearly dues for its eligible retirees.
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capped, prior to 19 years of age. Dependent must be unmarried, living at home and dependent upon retiree for support. Upon receipt of the health carrier's confirmation that the dependent is handicapped, R.F.S.B.F. coverage will be continued while the criteria are met. VESTED RETIREES:
DEPENDENT STUDENT 19-23 YEARS OF AGE: Dependent full-time students covered to the end of the calendar year of the unmarried, dependent student's 23rd birthday, or until graduation, whichever occurs first. STUDENT VERIFICATION MUST BE ON FILE EVERY SEMESTER. Reminder from the Security Benefit Fund (SBF) In order to receive SBF benefits, parents of children attending college need to provide the SBF with the following: *A letter each semester from the registrar on school letterhead listing the student's name and acknowledging s/he is taking 12 or more credits. *A copy of a paid tuition bill from the college for each semester. Dependent Students: You are responsible for notifying your health care carrier. These items are necessary for the SBF to provide the proper benefits to the children of firefighters. All information should be mailed to: Security Benefits Fund, 204 East 23rd Street - 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10010 or FAX to (212) 6830693. HANDICAPPED DEPENDENTS: Retirees MUST notify basic health carrier when dependents become mentally or physically handi-
Vested Retirees may enroll in the R.F.S.B.F. to cover themselves and their eligible dependents for the following benefits upon payment of the City's contractual contribution: Death Benefit, Dental, Prescription, Optical, Cataract, Hearing Aid Benefits. Coverage does not include the City's Health Plans. In all cases where there is a change of family status, members must file an ERB and forward it to: For Medicare questions call or write: Employee Health Benefits Program 40 Rector Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10006 (212) 513-0470 WIDOWS' BENEFITS: The Retired Security Benefits Fund provides benefits for widows and eligible dependents of retired firefighters, who retired after January 1, 1971 (July 9, 1993, for wipers) who becomes widowed after July 1, 1987, will be entitled to the same health plan and benefits under the R.F.S.B.F. for a period of ONE YEAR ONLY. The Trustees of the Fund reserve the right to modify or discontinue the benefits of the Fund at any time. Notification of changes in the benefits or procedures will be sent to your address as listed on the Fund records.
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UFA Health and Safety NYS/DOL HAB Grant Cancer Awareness Initiative William Romaka Health & Safety Officer
By Bill Romaka and Christine Early
ith this year’s modest increase in the grant amount, the UFA Health & Safety Office plans to expand its services. We have hired Erin Fusco, a Nurse Practitioner (RN, FNPBC, ANNC) from the Weill Cornell Medical Center, Department of Hematology/Oncology. Erin will be creating a program for Firefighters on Cancer Awareness and Prevention. While this segment is just starting up, we are hoping that over the next few years we will be able to expand this service as more funding becomes available. Erin’s program will focus on the individual factors firefighters especially face. What you eat and drink, how you live, where you work, and how all of these factors can affect your risk for cancer. If we cannot prevent cancer, the next best thing we can do is protect our health by learning how to detect it early. Recognizing symptoms, getting regular checkups, performing self-exams, these are just a few ways firefighters can do this. This educational program will teach UFA members about cancer risks, prevention and symptoms of which all should be aware. The importance of wearing your personal protective gear, particularly during overhaul will also be emphasized. The need to take
time, and shower properly to remove particular matter following your work in toxic environments cannot be taken for granted. An emphasis needs to be placed on personal responsibility and a change in routine that puts greater importance on your personal health. The benefits of taking time and properly showering following an exposure cannot be overstated. The Facts about Cancer and Firefighters:
In 2004, the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health conducted a study to determine if identified cancer clusters among firefighters in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, could have been caused by carcinogenic compounds they were exposed to during training exercises. The study concluded that compared to the general public, firefighters with greater exposures to fires have higher risks of cancer. Further, a 2006 study by the University of Cincinnati found that firefighters are more likely to develop four different types of cancer than workers in other fields, according to new research from University of Cincinnati. Firefighters are twice as likely to develop testicular cancer and have significantly higher rates of nonHodgkin’s lymphoma and prostate cancer as non-firefighters. The researchers also confirmed previous findings that firefighters are at greater risk for multiple myeloma. (Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, November 2006) Firefighters are exposed to many compounds designated as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, including benzene, diesel engine
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exhaust, chloroform, soot, styrene and formaldehyde, LeMasters explains. These substances can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin and occur both at the scene of a fire and in the firehouse, where idling diesel fire trucks produce diesel exhaust. The UFA Cancer Education and Prevention program will last through the end of this grant period (July 31, 2009). If you would like more information about the program, or would like to set up Firehouse Training Sessions, please feel free to contact the Health & Safety Office via email at: or at 212-545-6965.
Stacey Guzman or
Ken Larkin at STANTON & GUZMAN, LLP 585 Stewart Avenue, Suite 410 Garden City, New York 11530 Phone: 516-222-0099 Fax: 516-222-0079
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UFA General Counsel's Column Michael A. Block UFA General Counsel ullivan Papain Block McGrath & Cannavo P.C., has been general counsel for the Uniformed Firefighters Association for more than two decades. We have often communicated with the membership through letters, advertising and 65-2's. Now we are adding this regular column in Fire Lines to give you further information about your rights. By way of introduction, we are a law firm with approximately 37 attorneys, 14 paralegals and a support staff of an additional 60 employees. We have offices in lower Manhattan, Mineola, Long Island, and Hackensack, New Jersey. Our practice focuses primarily upon representing people who have been injured in accidents or as a result of medical malpractice. A substantial portion of our work involves representation of firefighters and their families for injuries received in the line of duty. We also represent firefighters and others seeking to recover damages for injuries sustained outside of the job. I thought it appropriate, as part of this initial column, to point out the special rights which firefighters enjoy in New York to seek damages for injuries they sustain on the job. In many states, firefighters are not permitted to sue for line of
duty injuries because of a doctrine known as the "Firemen's Rule." That rule, going back to the English common law, essentially states that firefighters assume the risk connected with their profession and can only recover the limited benefits afforded by their employer. Thankfully, New York State has taken a more progressive view and has essentially eliminated the "Firemen's Rule" in all but a very few instances. The New York State General Municipal Law (Section 205-a), as well as a section of the New York State General Obligation Law (Section 11-106), combine to give firefighters greater rights than they have ever enjoyed in the past. In general, those statutes provide that firefighters can recover damages against property owners for injuries they received while responding to an emergency call if there was any condition on the property amounting to a violation of any code, rule or regulation as long as that violation had even an indirect connection with injuries sustained by the firefighter. For example, if a building owner has made illegal renovations to the structure of a building which delays the ability of firefighters to locate or extinguish the fire and, as a result, a firefighter is injured, then recovery can be had against the owner. Similarly, if a building owner fails to provide required smoke detectors and that directly or indirectly causes an injury to a firefighter, damages can be obtained from the owner. The statutes also allow firefighters to recover for injuries they sustained in rig accidents or even due to conditions in firehouses if they are injured when attempting to
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respond. I advise all firefighters that if they sustain a significant injury in the line of duty, do not assume that it is simply "part of the job." Please immediately call me so that we can evaluate the circumstances of your injury and determine whether you do have the ability to bring a lawsuit to recover damages. I also caution all firefighters that many cases involve claims against the City of New York, New York City Housing Authority, The Port Authority, or other public entities. In those cases, there are very strict time limits (often as little as 90 days from the date of the occurrence) to file a claim. Thus, it is important that you call me as soon as possible if you are hurt. I also note that for years we have provided free Wills to active members and their spouses. We continue to do so. All you need to do is call our office and we will take the necessary information and arrange an appointment for you and your spouse to come in and sign your Will. In future columns I will discuss the Fire Department disciplinary matters, the status of the World Trade Center cases and other topics that I hope will be of interest to you all. We are honored to represent the UFA and its membership. Please do not hesitate to contact us on any legal issues for which you think we may be of help. Michael N. Block, Esq. Sullivan Papain Block McGrath & Cannavo P.C. 120 Broadway - 18th Floor New York, New York 10271 (212) 732-9000 Mineola Office - (516) 742-0707 Hackensack Office (201) 342-0037
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he Honor Emergency Fund is a not-for-profit foundation serving the Fire Department since 1921. It has helped thousands of Department employees, uniformed and civilian, active and retired, with the burden of costs of medical and psychological care after insurance or other benefits have been exhausted. The Fund exists for the “welfare and relief from want or distress arising from death, illness or injury� of members of the Fire Department and their statutory dependents including spouses, children, and occasionally parents. The Fund can provide assistance in numerous areas including: Medical procedures such as surgery, physician care, anesthesia, in and out-patient services, lab tests, excessive co-payments or deductibles; home health care, child care, and respite care services if medically necessary and physician
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or nurse authorized. The Fund gives monthly stipends to qualified adults or disabled individuals to assist them in meeting a significant financial shortfall or to enhance overall quality of life due to income and savings limitations as compared to monthly expenses or unexpected needs. Retirees, their spouses or widows, as well as disabled adult children of firefighters are encouraged to apply. In certain situations, an active firefighter who is on medical leave and has a substantially reduced income may qualify for a time-limited grant. This also applies to former spouses if not legally divorced from the firefighter at the time of application. The Trustees consider the nature and extent of the problem and the applicants overall financial family and personal situations. Financial need, while a criteria for assistance is determined in terms of
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the entire case study. No person should automatically assume that they don’t qualify. Any potential applicant is strongly encouraged to contact the Fund Office regarding eligibility concerns or specific areas that the Fund might assist with. All information is held in strict confidence. In all situations where financial help is sought from the Fund, information regarding income, expenses, savings and resources, tax returns and any other pertinent related information is confidentially reviewed by the Fund Director and Members of the Board of Trustees. Who are the Trustees of the Fund? Representatives of the Uniformed Force comprise a significant portion of Board membership. These include Chief of Department, Deputy Chief, Battalion Chief, Captain, Lieutenant, Marine Engineer, and Firefighter. The Fire (Continued on Page 10) (Left) A memorial honoring Lt. Joseph Graffagnino and Firefighter Robert Beddia inside Engine Company 24/Ladder Company 5 in Manhattan. August 18, 2008 was the first anniversary of the tragic seven-alarm highrise fire at the former Deutsche Bank that claimed the lives of Firefighters Beddia and Graffagnino. Plaques honoring the two firefighters were dedicated at Engine Company 24/Ladder Company 5 in Manhattan.
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(Honor Emergency Fund - Continued from page 9) Commissioner or his representa- apply simply by contacting the tive also attends the Board meet- Fund. ings. Four civilian trustees are also mandated to participate as Board Honor Emergency Fund members, and are appointed by the New York City Fire Department Fire Commissioner and are ratified 9 MetroTech Center by the Board. Brooklyn, NY 11201-5431 By statute, the civilian Trustees must be chosen from out- E-mail: side the rank of active Fire Depart- C/O Stan Reimer - Director ment officers. These civilians have Terri Bentsen -Staff Secretary a long and abiding interest in and 718-999-2531 concern for the Department and its members. They bring to the Board There are a variety of other their expertise in business, invest- areas of assistance which can ment, Medicare, as well as sensi- include: Grants for prescription tivity to the needs of the Fund. All medication that are not covered or Trustees donate their services and where benefits have been exhausttime and do not receive any form ed; speech, physical and occupaof remuneration. tional therapy; specialized lifemaintaining and life-enhancing How do you Apply? You equipment; medically necessary
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dietary supplements; grants for psychotherapy and psychiatric services, both in and out-patient; prescribed therapeutic devices; Applied Behavioral Analysis or other treatment modalities that are recommended for special needs children, such as autism, learning disabled, cerebral palsy, and other physical/emotional difficulties; acupuncture if performed by a licensed physician or a recognized specialist; assistance to meet the special needs or situations of the handicapped or disabled; assistance in meeting the cost of medical or prescription medication insurance, in certain situations. Contact the Fund for an exhaustive list of areas covered.
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By Herb Eysser, UFA Staff Engine Co. 212 was one of the six engine companies that Fire Commissioner Scoppetta closed in May 2003. This was a major tactical error on the part of Fire Commissioner Scoppetta. There have been numerous major fires and fatal fires in the local neighborhoods once protected y these six disbanded engine companies. Engine Co. 212 was an original unit of the old
Brooklyn Fire Department which dates back to 1869. Engine Co. 212 was located at 136 Wythe Avenue near north 8th Street in the Northside area of the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. Engine Co. 212’s former first alarm district had an extremely heavy commercial area consisting of factories, lumber yards, warehouses and piers.
Engine Co. 212’s local neighborhood could best be described as a tinder box! Engine Co. 212 was closed once before in 1975 but was re-opened in 1977 after the local community fought a long hard battle against the bean counters in City Hall. However, on May 25, 2003, Engine Co. 212 was once again disbanded. Gone but not forgotten!
Uniformed Firefighters Association Of Greater New York 204 EAST 23rd STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10010-9998 Tel (212) 683-4832 • Fax (212) 683-0710
STEPHEN J. CASSIDY President ENG 236 JAMES M. SLEVIN Vice President
JOSEPH MICCIO Recording Secretary
ENG 295
ENG 45
WILLIAM ROMAKA Health & Safety Officer Sergeant-at-Arms
ENG 238
LESTER LAYNE Fire Marshal Representative
DONALD RULAND Trustee-Staten Island
ENG 157
JOHN G. KELLY, JR Trustee-Brooklyn ENG 201 Chairman, Board of Trustees STEPHEN G. HUMENESKY Trustee-Queens ENG 301 DANIEL MURPHY Trustee-Manhattan
ENG 74
EDWARD BROWN Trustee-Bronx
LAD 48